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New boss in the house now, she is in training for the rest of year probably. Lol I am sure she will be watching me work soon enough but she is big enough to get on my table. . . . . . . #boss #bosses #bossman #bosslady #bosskitty #kitty #kittymommy #sewingshop #watchingmework #intraining #sewingdolls #sewingstuffedanimals #lovestuffedanimals #sewingtoomuch #sewist #dollmaker #dollmakerartist #artwork #artist #sewingart #handmadedoll #handmadeshop #mermaiddoll #kittydoll #unicorndoll #ooakdoll #fabricdolls #softdoll #stuffedcat #stuffedanimal https://www.instagram.com/p/BmEnl2OnUmL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m372ikqhjbvr
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I was having a thread problem, I keep loosing the circle thing that holds the thread down and the thread was getting stuck while I was sewing. Problem solved, its not pretty but works great for my needs. . . . . . #sewist #sewingtime #sewingproject #sewingproblems #problemsolving #usewhatyouhave #usemybrain #theresnothingducktapecantfix #ducktape #sewingtoomuch #mademyjobeasy #mademyjobeasier #nothingtapecantfix #tapeitdown #sewingmachine #brothers #brothermachine #thread #threadproblems #yepthathappened #problemsolved #tape #creatingdolls #creativelifehappylife #creativebiz #creativemind #creativewoman #creative #creativelive https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp5iolJFbIq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m9oor9w0nk8
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Here is Cappuccino all designed and ready to get sewn together. Cant wait to see him done, he is a change from my glittery and bright colors. . . . . . . #cappuccino #kittycat #kittydoll #kittyboy #kittynames #dollmakerartist #sewist #lovesewing #lovemyjob #makingdoll #sewingshop #sewingdolls #sewingstuffedanimals #lovestuffedanimals #sewingtoomuch #dollmaker #lovewhatyoudo #workingathome #specialneedsmom #pretendplay #prettykitty #tankitty #handmade #handmadeisbetter #handmadebusiness #handmadeshop #creativebiz #creatinghappiness #madewithlove
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Caption this photo! . . . . . . #captionthis #whatisthatpose #cat #kitty #kittycat #kittylife #sewingroom #fleecesewing #fleecescraps #scraps #funnyphoto #photo #fundaymonday #tryingsohard #sewingtoomuch #sewingtable #notsurewhatshappening #lethavefun #bestcomment #sewist #artistspace #artist #creativewoman #handmade #handmadebusiness #handmadeshop #sewingfun #sewingismytherapy #sewingshop
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Got these doll tales done for the craft fair. Down to the final week and still need to organize and print stuff. . . . . . #dolltales #dollmermaidtail #blankets #fleecesewing #sewing #sewingroom #sewingtoomuch #sewingtable #sewingdolls #mermaidgoals #handmadeshop #sewingshop #craftfair #handmade #shopsmall #supportsmallbusiness #18inchdoll #pretendplay #playingwithdolls #fleecemermaidblanket #18inchdolls #sewingforkids #toys #dollclothes #handmadeisbetter #readytoship #mermaidtales
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All cleaned up for now, lol I know I will have a pull it all down again soon. I still have a few piece to put away but those bins are on the bottom. Now I have to finish one project and about 20 kitties (that may have to wait until after my craft fairs next month). I am not sure if i will need to make more bows because i sold a bunch last time. . . . . #fabriccollection #fabric #fabricaddiction #fabricaddict #stash #fabricstash #cleanedup #allthecolors #allputaway #organization #organized #softdolls #sewingdolls #creatingdolls #creativelifehappylife #sewingtime #stuffedcat #stuffedanimal #sewingshop #sewistsofinstagram #sewist #sewingtoomuch #sewingroomorganization #sewingroom #prettyfabric #sewingtable #sewingspace #artspace #artist https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm1UhYrH4GG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19dbutc8fcwkt
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Wow look what happened after stuffing 10 mermaid/kitty/unicorn dolls. I have never gone through stuffing so fast. . . . . . #polyfil #stuffing #dollmaker #dollmakerartist #wow #usedalot #sewingproblems #makingtoomuch #makingdolls #stuffingdolls #sewingtime #sewingdolls #sewingstuffedanimals #lovestuffedanimals #sewingtoomuch #sewist #sewistsofinstagram #creating #handmade #handmadeisbetter #handmadebusiness #handmadeshop #sewingshop #dolllove #dollshop #ooakdoll #sewingshop #softdolls #fabricdoll
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I am sure I am not the first to think of this but I thought I would share. So when I am sewing I hate looking for the notch for the thread, so I decided to mark them all with permanent marker. This will save me so much time not looking for them. . . . . . #sewist #sewingtime #sewer #sewingtoomuch #sewingdolls #sewingroom #sewingtricks #sewingtips #savingmetime #beingmoreproductive #easytofind #makermovement #marksthespot #thread #sewingthread #sewingshop #sewingstuffedanimals #worksmarter #workingsmarternotharder #savingtime #softdolls #sewersgonnasew #sewinglife #sewinglove #sewingroom #tipsandtricks #sewingtips #softdoll #softtoy
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