#seventeen agere
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sweetlittlenamjoon · 2 months ago
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ʚ♡ɞ sleepy baby reg!reader + cg!jeonghan ʚ♡ɞ
for anon
♡ tags: lowercase, masc reader, baby/toddler regression, helping with your bedtime routine, you're just too dang small and sleepy, just the two of you in a nondescript apartment situation, baby gear mention (paci), pet names (sweetheart, baby, little one) ♡ warnings: non-speaking spell, medication (its part of my night time routine and thought i'd include it bc i know its part of a lot of ours), if someone brushing your teeth for you grosses you out skip from "he holds the handle out to you but your body just feels so heavy." to "that should do it." he nods and stands. " ♡ word count: 971
you sway softly from side to side, just enjoying listening to the various noises of your apartment. the hum of the heater, the gentle splashes and clinking of jeonghan doing the after dinner dishes, the way he softly sings under his breath to himself to help him through a task. you've picked up the same habit over time, humming or singing as you pick up your things or write emails.
it's getting late. honestly you're not sure why jeonghan is even still here, doing your dishes for you and letting you sit in the living room all bundled up and cozy. you'd almost feel guilty if he hadn't insisted so much, pushing you into your room to get into your pajamas by force. the blanket smells good too, freshly cleaned. you're not sure when you last did laundry, or even if this is your blanket. everything's so fuzzy and warm it's a little hard to think. it doesn't matter, really. as long as you get to stay all warm and bundled up.
your head had just began to drift off to sleep on your living room floor when you hear soft, padding footsteps. "sweetheart?"
you make a vague whine in response.
"hi baby." the warmth in jeonghan's voice seeps into your skin, sending tingles up the back of your skull. "does someone need to go to bed?"
you grumble and pull your blanket tighter around yourself, squishing your eyes even more firmly.
"no, none of that, baby." jeonghan's hands find your shoulders and start to rub slow circles. "if you fall asleep on the floor you'll get all sore, little one. you'll wake up and think about how mean i was to leave you out here, all alone on the cold hard floor! i can't have you turning into a shrimp, now can i?" you giggle, slowly blinking yours eyes as open as they'll go.
"there you are!" jeonghan smiles fondly, eyes crinkling up at the corners. "my big boy, so responsible!" you think about thanking him, but your brain's too tired to make words at the moment. instead, you wriggle a hand out of your nest and touch his cheek. soft.
"hi baby." he repeats. "what do you say we get those teeth brushed?"
you whine.
he shushes gently. "i know, i know. but after that we can get our paci and get all snuggly in bed, doesn't that sound nice?"
you pout, looking up at jeonghan with your roundest puppy-dog eyes, but ultimately being all cozy under the covers with an actual mattress to lay on instead of the hard floor does sound nice. maybe you could even convince him to read you a story.
so, you nod once and wiggle your other hand out of the blanket, reaching up at him.
when he pulls you up and out of your nest you're suddenly hit with just how cold it is. you whine and cling to jeonghan's side for a few steps while he drags you behind him. he sighs lightly and turns back to you.
"you want up?" he holds him arms open. you try to protest, but without access to words it's a little difficult so you just look frantically between the floor and the door to your bathroom that's only about 20 steps away. "hey, hey. it's alright if you don't want to, but i really don't mind. i like taking care of you, little one." he smiles, warm again and you feel all the worry melt out of your body.
you nod a little shyly, letting him hoist you into his arms like nothing. it's almost silly how fast you reach the bathroom, and how soon he's setting back down, sat on the closed toilet lid. he walks back out to the living room and returns with your blanket, wrapping you back up. you watch with heavy eyelids as he picks up your toothbrush, attentively wetting the bristles and squeezing toothpaste on to them.
"here you are, sweetheart." he holds the handle out to you but your body just feels so heavy. you blink up at him slowly, wondering what to do next. a little noise leaves the back of your throat.
"do you need help, baby? i can do that." he coos and kneels down next to you. "say ah!" he presses lightly on the hinge of your jaw with his free hand and you open your mouth. it's a strange sensation, but not unpleasant. he brushes gently in little circles, getting between every tooth. he tells you when to put your teeth together and when to stick out your tongue so he can brush it too.
"that should do it." he nods and stands. your brush is rinsed and you're handed a cup of water before your brain registers anything. you rinse and lean to spit in the sink. he hands you your night-time meds without needing to double check, you've asked him to get them for you while you're busy enough times that he knows them by name. you take them with the rest of the water while jeonghan combs his fingers through your hair. "i'd offer to brush your hair too, but i think that might have to wait until morning." he chuckles softly as your head bobs again.
you feel yourself getting picked back up, fuzzily recalling standing first. after a few steps your placed into bed, cool sheets under you and soft blanket being draped over you. jeonghan runs his hands through your hair. you could swear he's talking but you can't register any meaning from his words. it's just so warm, and nice, and cozy. you feel a kiss be placed on your temple.
you wish you could thank him, for being so kind, for taking such good care of you, but it'll have to wait until the morning.
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thank you for reading ✧.*
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ncity-agere · 29 days ago
could you please write with a little reader who picks their skin for comfort + when they're nervous? preferably with hao, woozi, or dk ( ◠‿◠ ) thank you!!
Yes! As someone who also nervous picks, I like this ask a lot! I chose Hao for the prompt, I hope you like it!!
slight warning: unintentional self-harm. no icky things, just skin picking. if that makes you uncomfortable even a little bit, i advise that you find another drabble of mine to read, little ones! <3
“Babe.” Caregiver!Minghao’s voice was stern and testing, making you look up at him in surprise.
“Hm, Hao? What’s wrong?” You asked unknowingly from the other side of the table.
Minghao leaned over to grab your wrist softly and pull it away from your face. You weren’t even aware that you were picking at the skin there.
“You’re picking again.” He lightly chided, letting go of your hand. Your cheeks blushed faintly and you put your hands both in your lap.
“Sorry, Hao.” You huffed, frowning. To be honest, your mind was wandering and not in a good way.
“Are you feeling little, baby? We can go home if you need to.” Minghao whispered so that nobody could hear. He eyed you with worry but you shrugged it off.
“I’m fine.” You started, fidgeting with your hands on your lap. Admittedly, you were feeling small tonight and the loud sounds and chattering of people in the restaurant were stressing you out, but Minghao didn’t need to know that. You were on a lovely dinner out and could ignore it for his sake until you got home.
You started to look at the people around you nervously, eyeing the most formidable patrons. A both of women with judgmental eyes peered at the two of you and you could have sworn they were talking about you. And you couldn’t prove it -really, there was no logical reason to think so- but you couldn’t shake the feeling that you were being watched.
“You’re doing it again, honey.” Minghao all but hissed.
Your hands were picking at the peeling skin on your arm now, leaving Minghao to frown at you.
“Goodness. Why are you so nervous, darling?” He asks, holding both of your hands and resting them on the table. He knew better than anyone how you got around crowds and new people.
“I… I dunno. I just got tummy butterflies again.” You admitted, slinking down lower in your seat. “There’s lots of people here an’ I don’t like it.” You started to feel littler and littler the longer you sat here around all of these people. And you wouldn’t admit it to Minghao right then, but you were somehow convinced that they’re all meanies who hate you.
“Hm.” Minghao thought for a moment, letting your hands go. “Then we can leave. Let’s get dessert and go home and then we can cuddle in a less stressful place. How does that sound?” He asked and you did a little happy wiggle -an adorable thing to see as you were still in your big, formal clothes and coat.
And so, Minghao bought you the bestest, fanciest dessert that you could possibly have! It was your favorite, of course.
The two of you left the restaurant soon after dessert and Minghao was happy to see a little more pep in your step as the two of you found your way onto the desolate, snowy street.
“Hold my hand, love?” He asked. You didn’t argue, holding his hand and smiling when you felt the warmth. You hadn’t realized, but he wanted to hold your hand right to make sure that you didn’t fidget with your jacket and sneak a hand into the sleeve to pick at the skin on your shoulder again.
It was cold outside and the winter wind hit your face as the two of you walked back home. You thought of all of those people in the restaurant and how none of them had to deal with such a bad habit. You thought about their unscarred arms and face and hid your face in one of your hands, suddenly feeling ashamed of yourself. Minghao looked over in surprised, stopping where his feet tracked in the snow and turning to face you.
He crouched down to speak to you, letting go of your other hand to cup your face. “Baby… what’s wrong?”
You sniffled, nose becoming red and bright. “Baba won’ like me ‘cause I got all these stupid, ugly dumb scars on my face.” You pointed at the dots and blemishes left from picking on your cheeks. “An’ my arms an’ my legs too!”
Minghao cooed, cocking his head to the side. “Love, Baba will always like you. Scars are very cool, they mean that you’re brave. Did you know that?” He asked, voice soft and low. You shook your head, not wanting him to see you right now.
He stood up and nuzzled his forehead into yours. “You’re a very brave little one, y/n.”
“Thank you Baba.” You giggled as he leaned down and kissed your fading scars. His long hair tucked your face and neck and after a while, you playfully pushed him away. “Baba! Stop, we gotta get home!” You gasped through giggles.
The corners of Minghao’s mouth quirked up in a smirk. “Alright, alright. I think it’s time to go home, love.”
He took your hands again and you didn’t hide your face as much, the two of you walking back home in the snowy, snowy street.
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4mymuse0 · 29 days ago
New Little - Seventeen<3
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A/N: I want to specify before you read that in this little world (or whatever you call it) this fics are placed in, you present as an Alpha, Beta, or Omega at 18, then at like 21 you go to a certain doctor for tests and stuff that will classify you as a little or caregiver! Maybe I'll make a fic about it!
Warnings!: Omega!Jihoon, Beta!Seungkwan, Alpha!Soonyoung, Alpha!Wonwoo, Alpha!Mingyu, Alpha,Seungcheol, Omega!Jeonghan, Omega!Joshua
Littles: Jihoon (3-4), Seungkwan (4), Wonwoo (1), Soonyoung (4)
Caregivers: Mingyu, Joshua, Jeonghan (Eomma), Seungcheol (Appa)
Read and enjoy little stars…
Ever since Jihoon was classified as a little when he was 20, he never slipped around his pack and never asked a caregiver to look after him when he was little. It was odd to say the least, a lot of littles craved their pack's care and attention, especially the littles in the Seventeen pack, but his mates respected it and never crossed the boundary Jihoon clearly placed from day one.
So, everytime Jihoon slipped, he slipped alone, in his room, or in the studio if he ever had the time and took care of himself. It worked perfectly fine, and he’s learnt to take care of little Jihoon quite well. The pack always made sure the Omega knew he could ask for help or for someone to watch him, but Jihoon always refused, insistent he was capable of doing it himself.
It’s been years since his classification and his pack has only seen him little once, and only for a few minutes before Jihoon ran off and hid away in his room. No one ever really understood why the little didn’t want to be looked after, they can’t wrap their heads around it. And whenever they asked Jihoon about it, he’d just shrug and change the topic.
The truth is… Jihoon’s embarrassed. He hates his regression. Well, hated, he’s grown very fond of his little space and adores giving cute notes to his little space to help the little guy take care of himself. Another truth is Jihoon’s ready to try regressing around the pack and letting them take care of little Jihoon, he just doesn’t know how to ask them. It’s been years already, what if he’s run out of time to ask?
The last few times he’s been little, it’s been non-stop tantrums and anxiety attacks. He needs someone to be there for him. Like, right now, the Omega’s sitting up in his room, silent tears dripping down his cheeks and onto his sea creature colouring book. He’s been listening to the other littles laughter as they had play time down in the living room while the caregivers played along and chimed in when necessary. Sometimes Soonyoung got a little too rough.
Jihoon really wanted to go play with the littles, show the caregivers his pink and yellow starfish, and his green shark! They were some of his best works. Little Jihoon sat alone for a while, contemplating whether he should go down and join everyone or not. Next thing he knew, he was wiping his tears away, grabbing his colouring book and crayons, and opening his bedroom door quietly. Slowly and nervously, the Omega walked down the stairs to the living room, the sounds of joy getting closer and closer.
The little walked into the beautifully chaotic room unnoticed, eyes sparkling and heart bursting as he soaked in the atmosphere. He looked over to the couch and walked over to the nearest caregiver, Mingyu, who had a little Wonwoo on his lap, and tapped his arm.
Startled, Mingyu looked up and met eyes with the blonde, “well, hello darling.” Mingyu said softly, so he didn’t scare the little one off. “What d’ya need?”
Jihoon blushed, noticing the many eyes on him, the pack looking at him with surprise. “Green shark.” He blurted out, too flustered and small to think straight right now.
Wonwoo giggled lightly, clapping his sticky hands together.
Mingyu chuckled and rubbed Wonwoo’s tummy. “What’s that, love?” He asked, giving the little a chance to rethink his words.
“Wanna colour water aminals here… please?” Jihoon asked timidly, ducking his head away from the gazes.
“Of course you can, love.” Mingyu smiled fondly.
Jihoon nodded before waddling over to where Seungkwan was colouring too.
“Hoonie!” Little Seungkwan screeched and clapped.
“Inside voice, Kwannie.” Joshua gently reminded the little from where he sat on the couch.
Seungkwan gave the caregiver a little nod before patting the space on the floor next to him. Jihoon shyly sat down and placed his stuff on the floor, his white crayon rolling across the carpet.
“So…” Seungkwan exhaled. “I has markers and crayons. And I has dis di-dino… dinosnore book. I using the pi-princess book right now. ‘S all yours too! I share.” Seungkwan explained with a bright smile, his excitement causing him to stumble over his words.
“O-okay… tank you, Ka-Kwannie.” Jihoon stuttered softly, still a little shy. “Can I jus’ use my water aminal one?” He whispered, not wanting to upset the Beta.
Seungkwan nodded, still smiling widely. “Course! Do what you want!”
Jihoon flipped to a new page in his colouring, a leaping dolphin printed on the page. He coloured quietly as Seungkwan chatted and giggled along, having a nonsense conversation with Soonyoung.
Seungcheol walked into the living room out of the kitchen, thinking he had heard the name “Hoonie” a few times. He apparently heard correctly as his eyes landed on a timid Jihoon and his heart burst, excitement and pride brightening his face. He was finally comfortable enough to join everyone! “Hey, Hoonie…” Seungcheol kneeled next to the Omega as he scribbled orange somewhat into the lines of the dolphin. “You’re just in time for a snack.” He told the little. It’s true, Seungchol was over in the kitchen getting a little snack ready for their babies.
“Wha’s the ‘nack?” Jihoon asked the eldest caregiver softly.
Oh, Seungcheol might melt. Seungcheol smiled fondly, “it’s apple slices and caramel sauce. Would you like some, Honey?”
Jihoon nodded. “Jus’ the apples pease.”
“Comin’ right up.” Seungcheol ruffled the Omega’s hair before standing up and heading back to the kitchen.
The little watched as the caregiver walked away, cheeks going pink at the immediate affection he got from him.
“Dats Appa.” Little Soonyoung said to Jihoon. The little didn’t notice Soonyoung had crawled over to him.
Jihoon tilted his head. “Appa?”
Soonyoung nodded, “Appa.”
“Huh…” Jihoon hummed softly, watching the little crawl back to Joshua and his tiger plush. The little sat quietly, taking a break from colouring for now, rocking back and forth, tapping his thumb against his bottom lip before slipping it into his mouth.
“Oh, love, no.” Jeonghan came out of nowhere, gently removing the littles thumb from his mouth. “That’s germy, we don’t do that.” He told Jihoon.
The little frowned, “Oh… sorry.”
Jeonghan smiled and shook his head, “that’s alright, love. Do you have a pacifier you can use?”
“In room.” Jihoon nodded.
“Okay, come with Eomma, we’ll go find it for ya.” Jeonghan smiled. “Can I pick you up?”
The younger Omega nodded, lifting his arms so Jeonghan could grab him. The pair went back upstairs to Jihoon’s bedroom, in search of the littles pacifier that had little stars printed across the shield. Big Jihoon had left it on the nightstand, Rinsed and ready for you♥︎ was written on a neon green sticky note under the pacifier. A small smile spread on Jeonghan's face, feeling proud and guilty at the thought of Jihoon having to take care of himself so much and doing it so well. But it was what he wanted, so the caregiver didn’t dwell on it too much. He was just happy Jihoon was finally coming out of his shell.
Once the caregiver and little went back down to the living room, the pacifier tucked comfortingly in Jihoon’s mouth, Seungcheol was sitting next to the spot Jihoon was sitting in before with a little yellow bowl of apple chunks. Jeonghan smiled at the fellow caregiver and placed Jihoon next to him before going back to sit with the caregivers on the couch.
“Hi Appa.” Jihoon whispered, crossing his legs to sit comfortably.
Seungcheol beamed, never thinking he’d hear little Jihoon call him that, “hi, sweetie. I brought you your apples.” He said, handing the Omega the bowl.
Jihoon took the bowl and shoved an apple cube in his mouth to munch on. “Uh… thank you fo’ watchin’ me. Maybe do it mo’e?”
“We’d all love to watch you again. Always.”
A/N: Ahhhh, I hope you enjoyed it! Any reposts, hearts, comments mean the world to me! This is my favorite one I’ve written so far! If you have any ideas or requests I’d love to hear them and create them for you!
Bye for now! Mwah!
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little-svt · 1 year ago
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FEMME-READER | FLUFF | “Niū niū”/little girl used
Wc: 765
Taglist: @pastel-princess-please @kiki-woo @fishsquishh
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Strawberry Moon
“Up, Baby girl!” Jun patted his lap, a gentle smile resting on his lips as he finally sat down for the evening.
When he first got home from work, he was quickly redirected to the bathroom to shower. There was no way your babysitter (s/n) would let his sweat covered self anywhere near you. With a pout he waved at his amused little one as he was pushed down the hall until he walked forward on his own. But after he was clean and dry, he came back to the living room where your sitter was saying goodnight, coat on and ready to leave. Thankfully you were already bathed and in your jammies. One less thing for his tired, achy body to worry about.
“Thank you again, s/n.”
Jun really was thankful. His work was busy work and would be for some time to come. You knew that. Though he loved his work, he wished things were different. Just a little more time with you, he’d never complain about. You both greeted the sitter goodbye before he called you to him, waiting patiently in his chair.
Abandoning your toys and crayons, you grabbed your plushie and crawled into his lap, giggling and squirming around until you were comfortable.
“Comfy, Niū niū?” He sighed happily, not minding whatever kiddie movie played on the television as he patted your bottom softly.
“Nhm!” You nodded snuggling closer, your whole body relaxing just feeling his physical presence and his soothing scent.
“Wait-“ he gasped, sitting you up straight to look you in the eyes “- where’s your paci??”
Forgetful, you couldn’t remember when you’d last had it so you only blinked at him. But your eyes began to shift as you worried, suddenly missing it now that you remembered its existence.
“Hmm.” He pressed his lips together, stroking your head, deep in thought.
“Wah?? What’s this??” His hand drew back from your hair.
As if your pacifier had been hiding there the whole time, he swung it around his finger, prideful after finding it in the bedroom while he was getting dressed.
“Daddy, you found it!! How did you do that??” You took his hand in yours and studied the pacifier around his finger but there was no trick that you could see nor that your little, regressed mind could comprehend.
“Okok. Look at that. Perfect. Have I ever told you that you’re cute?” Jun smiled as he popped it in your mouth, squishing your cheeks with one hand. Only receiving a nose scrunch and a huff of air in response to his silly comments, he grinned and pulled you back to rest on his chest.
Taking a nice deep breath, the upbeat voices, silly sounds and cheerful music coming from the television began to fade into the background. The muscles in his face relaxed as he laid his head against his comfy chair. He could fall asleep right there with you in his arms, his hand patting a gentle rhythm on your back.
“Mmnhh(Daddy)??” You pouted, taking offense at his sleepy demeanor.
“Oh, that’s right. Okay. ‘I love you’ song first.”, He remembered, chuckling breathily as he stood, hoisting you up to carry you in his arms. He kissed your nose before your head rested back on his shoulder and shut the lights off as he walked down the hall towards your bedroom.
“You are my dream~” he nuzzled your cheek, eliciting precious giggles from his baby as he walked you to bed, “~you are my love.”
Shutting the door behind him with his foot, he continued singing, sitting on the edge bed and rocking you gently for a moment before rolling over and pulling you under the covers with him. Once your giggles had settled again and you were comfortable on his chest, he sang again sweetly.
“I love you~”
Reaching to shut off the bedside lamp. He could feel your weight getting heavier against him, a sure sign he wouldn’t be singing much longer.
“wo ai ni … hmmmhmmn…” he began rubbing your back again, his nose in the crook of your neck as you began to drift off completely.
How needed, how complete he felt singing a few lines of a song he’d only sang for some drama, never knowing it would come to hold so much meaning, he hoped you’d never outgrow it. Out of habit he sang a little longer than he needed to, his voice just a mumble now as his lips moved slowly, his eyes falling shut. The sooner he fell asleep the sooner he could see you in his dreams and wake up to your pretty face tomorrow.
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🧸Endnote: Jun again (sorry not sorry) Wahhh I know this song is becoming overused and I totally would have used it for the title if I hadn’t already but its Junniieeee and really is my comfort song haha. I still don’t think I’ll be returning to writing regularly for the next few months but I wrote this one for myself and it was pretty complete so I figured I’d post. alsooo I will always miss his dark hair but wah the red looks so good on him and these hoodie pics are my new fav because he looks so comfy and soft ㅠ ㅠ ~ 🐶🐰🍓
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verycheollie · 5 days ago
hello >o< my name is cherry (may change! idk! my online presence isn’t decided yet), and this is my first post to get myself out into the seventeen agere side of tumblr!!
i enjoy writing, so seventeen agere (and non agere!) fics will come up on my page at some point!!
my bias is jeonghan, with scoups and jun right beside him — but i love every member the same <3
im learning korean right now as well (of which i plan on practicing on posts here to get used to writing and reading it)!!
ive been an age regressor for 3 years, and a carat for 11!!
i can’t wait to meet more people and make some carat friends after not knowing any for so long :3c (this is a side blog, my follows and likes show from my main)
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cocacolacoast · 6 months ago
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middle school
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rickyshen-luvr · 2 months ago
I got bored and edited a paci into this cute pic of DK :3
I'm pretty happy w it ngl
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woozis-boy · 1 year ago
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made a hoshi star cookie :) bc his name is hoshi n that means star in Japanese but he loves tigers so its tiger star hoshi :)
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kpop-bbg · 1 year ago
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sweetlittlenamjoon · 2 months ago
uhmm what about Vernon an’ Wonwoo as caregivers? can we get your thoughts on that pls?
yesyesyes instant ideas for these ones no thinking required >:) take take
vernon 🐢🐻‍❄️
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i feel like vernon would do really well with a sleepy little
like you can both just go lay down and cuddle
you can just waddle up to him with a stuffie in your arms and he'll nod seriously and take your hand and you'll go nap
or he can read to you with his nice voice
schnooze the day away
also very good parallel play
especially good if you actually need to get something done while little
he'll explain the steps as many times as needed
of course he's also the biggest weirdo and can rip you out of a funk in an instant by just being goofy
imagine with me
matching tracksuits
the swag is incredible and everyone is jealous
wonwoo 🐈‍⬛👓
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tell me this man wouldn't buy you books on the same topic so you can sit beside each other and read your matching books
and share fun facts
like he gets you a book on animals and himself a book about biology
"did you know mr cow says moo?" "interesting, did you know tardigrades can survive temperatures up to 150 degrees celsius"
and then you both nod wisely
but fr he gets you so many matching things
and then pretends like matching with you isn't his favourite thing ever
"yeah they had a sale so i got you one too"
bro forces you to drink so much water
like he'll just hand you glasses of water throughout the day and stand there until you drink at least half out it
he's trying his best T^T
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ncity-agere · 17 days ago
EEE valentine’s day hcs with parents cg!cheol and cg!jeonghan!!!!! (svt)
So, I started writing this as headcannons but it became a whole imagine… don’t know if that’s better or not! Oh well! Happy Valentine’s Day, my baby bunnie!!
Caregiver!Seungcheol and Caregiver!Jeonghan sat at the kitchen island together, watching as you waddled close with a colorful paper in your hands and marker scribbles on your arms and face. They shot each other a knowing my look and turned back to you, wide smiles playing on their faces.
Your real parents weren’t exactly there for you the way you needed them to be during your childhood. You’d started age regressing a while back to feel a sense of security that you should have had growing up, but always felt lonely in your little headspace.
When you met Jeonghan and Seungcheol, everything changed. You feared that because they had to look after 11 rowdy idols, they wouldn’t like you and certainly wouldn’t be able to watch over you in little space, much less be full-time caregivers. But you were wrong, shocked when the pair asked if they could be your caregivers despite their busy schedule.
No, they were more than caregivers. Practically stand-in parents. It was a little funny how much Seventeen teased the pair about their parental roles, but they didn’t care. You were just the apple of their eye and they were more than willing to care for you in such a vulnerable state.
It was a day off for them and one for you too, since you called in sick for work. Of course, you weren’t really sick but it was Valentine’s Day and you were regressed really, really small. What else were you supposed to do?
“Oh, what’s this?” Jeonghan blinks, taking the card from your hands gently. You giggled and squirmed excitedly, watching as both of them read the very sparkly card in front of them.
Then you felt yourself be picked up easily by Seungcheol and held on his waist. “Our sweet little baby is so, so sweet! Yes, you are! This is such a pretty card, my little Valentine.” He chuckles, placing sweet kisses on your cheeks.
“Daddy!!” You whined, pushing his face away playfully.
“Yah! They’re our little Valentine, Cheol-ah.” Jeonghan gently put the card down on the counter so that it didn’t get folded or crushed. “Put them down! They’re probably so tired.”
It was true. You spent all day at the park together, running around and laughing until your chests all hurt. And when you came back home, you’d gone straight to arts and crafts, making your card. You hadn’t even had proper naptime yet.
“I not sleepy, Appa.” You wiggled out of Seungcheol’s grasp, little feet padding down the hall and to your room. You grabbed your favorite blankie and the Valentine’s bear that Mingyu had brought you that day (Seungcheol and Jeonghan made you say thank you as sweetly as you could) and chucked them onto the living room couch.
“If you’re not sleepy, then why did you grab your sleepy time items, love?” Jeonghan asks quietly, watching as you hopped onto the couch energetically to look for the TV remote.
“Cuz I wan’ watch a movie. Can we watch movie ‘bout love?” You ask politely. Jeonghan nods and walks towards the couch, finding the TV remote between the couch cushions.
“A romcom? Alright, but we’ll have to find one that’s safe for kids, okay?” He asked softly, sitting on the couch and scrolling through movies before turning on Disney’s Enchanted.
You run off just as he starts the movie, already forgetting about the film, your Appa, and your blankie. Seungcheol pokes his head out from the kitchen again just as you run past him and hop onto the tall kitchen island stools, careful not to ruin your beautiful Valentine’s card.
Seungcheol smiles at you and opens a cabinet. “Sweetie-pie! Daddy’s making a treat, would you like something sweet?”
“A tweat?” You lisp, turning to face your Daddy again, accidentally elbowing Jeonghan in the tummy.
“A treat! Special hot chocolate with strawberry marshmallows! All for you, baby.” Seungcheol held up a large back of puffy pink marshmallows in heart shapes. “Why don’t you cozy up with Appa while I get the cocoa ready, okay?” He asked softly, watching as you giggled and turned on your heel to find Jeonghan.
Jeonghan held his arms out for you and you practically jumped in them, cuddling close to him. “Hi, Appa!” You squealed, kicking your feet out as you got comfortable in his lap. “Daddy’s makin’ hot cocoa!!”
“How yummy!” He ruffled your hair, glancing outside at the still-light sky. He turned the movie on and you watched adamantly, squealing when Seungcheol came in balancing three streaming cocoa mugs precariously in his arms.
The three of you sat and watched the movie, watching the sky get darker and darker as the evening approached. After you’d mostly finished your cocoa, a sleepy wave hit you out of nowhere. You yawned and cuddle into Jeonghan’s side, eyes droopy. “Daddy? Appa? I’m sleepy…” You yawned again uncontrollably, wiping your tired little eyes with your pajama sleeve. “Not night-night sleepy… I wan’ nap.”
Jeonghan pulled a blanket over your shoulders and held you close. “Oh? Is our little one tuckered out already?” He asked teasingly, running a soothing hand through your hair. You nod, feeling more and more lightweight by the second, bringing your thumb towards your mouth.
Seungcheol replaced your thumb and looked around for your pacifier, which had been tangled up in your blankie from earlier. He popped the pacifier into your mouth and you cuddled closer to Jeonghan. He kissed your hair as your eyelids lowered slowly but surely. “We’ll be here when you wake up, cherry-pie. We love you.”
“To the moon and to the stars, angel.” Jeonghan whispered, pulling the blanket up to your chin so that you’d be as warm as possible.
You couldn’t have asked for a more perfect Valentine’s Day with more perfect parents.
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little-svt · 2 years ago
He’s so special to me 🥹 yes I’m guilty of rereading these (at 4:39 am) until I’m absolutely tired of them as well ㅠ ㅠ ~ 🐶🐰🍓
Calling Jeonghan “Appa” for the first time
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Wc: 1.9k+
Taglist: @sweetiehyuka @pastel-princess-please @kiki-woo @fishsquishh
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Come to Me
From the moment you met, a friend of a friend, you were imminently pulled into his orbit. You almost couldn’t feel it, the magnetism that happened so fast, so naturally. Gravity really felt different around Yoon Jeonghan, it left you floating and somehow anchored on your knees at his feet. The entire world was looking at him; his enticing aura, alluring, beautiful, ethereal. But to your surprise, he was looking at you. It didn’t take long for the two of you to become that inseparable, matching pair everyone knew, always together like glue, never one without the other.
You learned quickly that he was hardly at all the way he looked; he was playful and maybe more than a little mischievous, every moment with him full of life. But still, the gentleness was always there, reserved for you, his angel; he felt the nickname much more suited you than himself.
With the cool air of autumn, your friend groups had come together, finally convincing the two of you it was time to stop bugging them and time to move in together. Usually, Jeonghan wasn’t so shy, but pushing you before you were ready was something he was NOT going to do. There was something holding you back, he could feel it and he never wanted you to feel unsafe or uncomfortable with him when he would hold you above everyone, including himself.
To everyone else you appeared to match him; his clingy, playful, giggly cuddle bug. Sickeningly cute and sweet. But as much as you made his heart flutter there was something; a little hesitance, a little fear. The happy, the fun, the giddy craziness and how he was very much a bad influence on you (sometimes) when you were together; he wanted it to last forever. But as much as he loved being with you, every second he was physically able, he could feel that part of you wasn’t with him. So he waited.
Though it was a little pesky and troublesome, the two of you continued commuting between each of your apartments and finding time in your busy schedules to see one another. That was, until that dreaded fear that he found, you’d thought barely distinguishable, gnawed and gnawed, pushing you until you broke.
That day had been particularly hard on you, that week, that month. All you wanted to do was feel safe with your safe person but you were terrified of what that meant, what it could mean. That he might not love you anymore. It wasn’t going to come as naturally as the rest of your relationship had. Another commute and you’d found your way into his arms, desperately clinging as if he’d be taken from you at any moment.
Deep breaths were failing you and he was growing concerned at the way you quaked like a lost, little puppy, fearing abandonment, in his hold. Panicking more with each moment, each shaky exhale that passed your lips, your brain was running out of excuses for your behavior. Despite your desperate attempts to calm, to disregard that little part of you even further, locking it away deep in the darkest pits of your mind, your mind betrayed you; something snapped.
Maybe it had been the way he pulled back from you in confusion, having never seen you behave this way, but only out of worry and love. The slipping of his arms, the tiny gap that momentarily found its way between your bodies. Your next words left your lips with no warning as you failed to hold control.
“Don’t weave me! Don’t don’t don’t.”, you whimpered so softly and in a moment, his heart cracked, loudly, deep to the center. The way you clawed your way deeper into his arms as sobs echoed around you, he was baffled, wholly confused as each pound of the sledgehammer slammed excruciatingly, like nothing he’d felt before, on his chest with each waver of your cries.
“Hey, what’s wrong, y/n?? What’s going on??”, he asked, the apprehension in his voice building on itself as he fumbled through a million questions in his head. Though he tried, wanting to look you in the eyes, he couldn't pry you from his chest, your little fingers latched tightly on the fabric of his shirt. The way you held to him tightly, as if he’d be ripped from you at any moment, he couldn’t fathom anything that might make you this hysterical.
“Baby, please. Talk to me.”, he was begging, having given up on pushing you away, he squeezed you, firmly embracing you to weigh down your nerves. It was all he could do to assure you.
“‘m scawed…. scawed.”
Jeonghan had never heard you speak like that. If you could even call the broken wails, muffled against his chest ‘speaking’. With each bit, each word, each phrase, he was starting to think it wasn’t just your crying molding your words to sound that way. The ‘scawed’s and ‘luhb-you’s don’t stop and neither does his fretting, praying that holding you closer, clutching you tighter might soothe you, might stop it all. He’d never seen someone break, right in front of him, right in his arms and he had never expected to break you. In the ten minutes that had passed, it felt like hours. Questioning himself, everything that he had done, what could ever make you so terrified to lose him. After a while of doing his best to comfort you, the anguished sobs seemed to slow and you relaxed more in his arms. It was quiet at first, your little voice so hoarse and shaky as you spoke.
“I- I tryin’ to be big.”, you sniffled, trembling as you forced out each hiccup of your words, “b-but ish so hard an’ I just wanna be small. B-but you won’ luhb me no more..”
And though he was speechless, baffled as he tried to comprehend what you were saying, how you were saying it. It seemed to resonate with him, his angel was suffering.
“It must be so hard to be big and do grown-up things, huh?”, he breathed slowly, holding your head to his chest so you might match his breaths. It quietted, your chest tightening, afraid to let your heart be swayed by the unknown, the unsure. You needed to be sure.
“You don’t have to be big with me, Angel. You can be small all you want.”, he assured you confidently, as if he wasn’t in shock, still processing the past fifteen minutes in awe. Lying the two of you back on the sofa, he continued comforting you, whispering sweet promises and wishes until your breathing was as deep as your sleep on his chest. Listening to your soft snores, he stroked your hair for a while, eyes glued to the void on the ceiling filled with endless uncertainties.
When you woke, Jeonghan was half expecting you to still be regressed but instead of clinging to him, you pushed yourself up from his chest, needing time to process yourself. Tempted to pull you back to him, he wanted badly to reassure you, sensing you had some negative emotions brewing up in that overthinking head of yours. But he sat up, giving you your space and propping his head up on the back of the couch from his elbow. There was good here, hell, he had no idea if you’d be stuck like that when you woke up or for sure what was really happening. A serious conversation was past due.
“It’s okay. I don’t have the words to explain what happened but I’m telling you that it could never make me love you any less.”
And so you tell him, you have a real conversation about it; age regression. The time you spent wracking your brain, letting your thoughts tear you to pieces felt like such a waste seeing the way he accepted all of you entirely. He’s honest. He knew not a single thing about age regression but it surely didn't feel illegal to wanna escape from being an adult sometimes, who didn’t? But he could tell it was a whole lot more serious for you.
Little by little, regressing became comfortable with him. Just having him around, even with no expectations, it was nice letting yourself slip instead of holding everything in. And, you found he made an excellent comfy chair. It was the perfect place to nap especially when you were small.
Regressing with him seemed easier than getting used to each other’s schedules now that you had finally moved in together, his being particularly hectic. Jeonghan-comfy-chair was the perfect place for you to nap while he ate his breakfast, tapping on his phone with you asleep in his lap, your knees hanging on either side of the chair and your head draped over his left shoulder and your arms close to your chest.
When you’d waddled sleepily from your room, hearing the front door when he came home from an early morning schedule, he offered to put you back to sleep. But both of you knew that wasn’t gonna happen. Following him like a drowsy pup while he made a simple breakfast, cooking definitely not one of his many skills, you shook your head when he’d offered to feed you, lifting his arms as you opted to crawl into his lap and doze off again instead. Simply adjusting himself comfortably beneath you, he continued on his phone, eating his meal peacefully. Unfortunately, it wasn’t as peaceful for you, the buzzing of his phone every time it was set on the table woke you each time you managed to fall asleep. Noticing your stirring, he rubbed his free hand smoothly over your back.
“Hungry, Angel?”, noticing your stirring, he gently tapped your back with the end of his chopsticks, tilting his head to try to see your face but t was tucked away in his neck, your soft breaths puffing warmly on his skin.
“Nng. Sleeby, Appa”, you mumbled, not caring if he recognized it as a complaint, wishing the annoying buzzing to quiet as you bathed in his comforting scent. Taking a deep breath, he was sure he heard you right, mumble or not. That was your first ‘Appa’ and he almost chuckled to himself, knowing you hadn't even realized it yourself. That breath. A breath had never felt so good, so natural. But that extra bit of oxygen was not the cause of this sudden serotonin release.
“Oh, I know, Angel.”, he cooed, running his hand over the top of your head, “You want Appa to come lie with you for a while??”
Then, you did realize in some way, your heart thudding just a little harder against your chest. Curling up against him, trying to get impossibly closer, you almost take the two of you out in that poor kitchen chair that probably wasn’t suited to support the weight of both of you.
“Alright. Up!”, grinning jovially, he hoisted you up in his arms and set you back on the chair so he could put away what was left of his food. Even leaving his phone on the table, he crashed backwards onto the sofa and patted his chest with his signature angelic smile, calling you to lay on him. Obeying gladly, you waddled to him, and crawled into your place in his arms. It was your favorite place to lay and it wouldn’t be long before you’d fall asleep again, his hands never ceasing their loving touches and strokes over your back and through your hair.
“Appa loves you, Angel.” he whispered later, listening for any tiny response to see if you were still awake before he let himself fall into a nap with his special napping buddy as he often did with a dumb, lopsided smile plastered on his face.
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🧸End note: okay this one is another favorite already. Y’all caught me weak. I’m seriously so soft for Caregiver Jeonghan. He’s my comfort CG right now…Jeonghan in general. Aaa I love him🥺😭 He wants that top bias spot so bad 😭 Angel Jeonghan calling you angel?! Please 😭😭💗💗 ~ 🐶🐰🍓
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xxhyunlixxx · 1 year ago
Hi! (SFW BLOG!!)
My name is Conan! I'm 25, my pronouns are they/them, I have 2 partners, and I'm a system with 28 alters! I am in college, my major is music and I have a minor in communication disorders! I love to sing! I am a SFW little! I am an Army, an Atiny, a Carat, an Engene, a MOA, a P1ece, and a Stay!
My ATEEZ bias is Wooyoung, my bias wreckers are Hongjoong and Seonghwa
Favorite ATEEZ song:
My BTS bias is Jungkook, my bias wreckers are Jimin and Yoongi (Suga)
Favorite BTS song:
My ENHYPEN bias is Ni-Ki, my bias wreckers are Jungwon and Sunoo
Favorite ENHYPEN song:
My P1Harmony bias is Theo, my bias wreckers are Intak and Soul
My favorite P1Harmony song:
My SEVENTEEN bias is Minghai (The8), my bias wreckers are Hoshi and Seungcheol (S. Coups)
Favorite SEVENTEEN song:
My Stray Kids bias is Felix, my bias wreckers are Hyunjin and Minho (Lee Know)
Favorite Stray Kids song:
My TXT bias is Yeonjun, my bias wreckers are Beomgyu and Heuningkai
My favorite TXT song:
My little age is normally 4
I have 8 pacis and I'm trying to save up to get more little stuff. I have 3 SKZOO plushies (Wolfchan, Bbokari, and Jiniret)
If there is any other information you would like to know, please don't be afraid to message me!
Attached will be
1. A pic of me
3. My cashapp for if want to help out 😁
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lollipopshu · 2 years ago
⏤͟͟͞͞ ❀ 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲'𝐬 𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧 ! 𓂅
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helloo !! my name is lolly (´◡`) i'm a minor who enjoys writing seventeen agere !! my works are mostly little!joshua / joshua centric because i'm a joshushushu heehee ! i enjoy talking about stars and galaxies, and my favourite animal, bunnies (^o^)/ i will also scream about seventeen.
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coming from a country that don't speak english, i can't guarantee my works have good grammars/spellings, so if i make any mistakes, lmk please! you can find my writings here ! reminder that i'm a beginner writer so please don't expect me with 10k + words..
My requests/askbox is always open so if you have any questions or requests ask me right away!
ꕤ७ please refrain from typing out offensive words in my askbox
ꕤ७ i won't write caregiver!shua (not good at it huhuhu..)
ꕤ७ no heavy angsts
ꕤ७ other than that, i'm okay with everything !
> my works are all fiction / RPF.
> my works can be reposted / translated with credits
> my works are all SFW age regression , no NSFW works will be written by me (works might contain light swear words! )
> all of my fics are joshua-centric
> im okay with writing ships and reader!
> works mostly contain caregiver! jeonghan / mingyu
> i project to joshua so in my works, he's just a girly princess baby <33
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that's all! i hope you enjoy your stay here <3
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I really want to write agere and littlespace fanfics but I feel like I’m a terrible writer lol
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woozis-boy · 1 year ago
throws this and runs
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