#seventeen agere
mystarsohee · 2 days
HI KAEBAE !!!! I'M GETTING TO UR REQS I PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE . was just wondering if i could request some cg!seungcheol headcanons? he's literally loml <3 thank you! - @swee7dream
seungcheol as your cg !
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genre: fluff, comfort
!!! non-sexual agere, only cg name used is cheolie
cg!seungcheol, fem!reader
- im just gonna say what we're all thinking
- seungcheol as your cg is just a giant personal teddy bear
- big strong and cuddly
- thats it
- whenever your pouting at him he'll just pick you up
- or if ur mad for whatever silly reason
- "cheolieeee put me downn ಠ_ಠ"
- "oh? but my baby is mad at me.. you know i'm sorry."
- "so (kiss) so (kiss) sorry (kiss)
- will pout right back at you
- then you just giggle but it makes him pout even more
- literally your biggest supporter ever
- like actually your #1 fan
- hypes you up whenever you do karaoke together
- actually just hypes you up every day
- always has the proudest smile on his face whenever you try something new, or just because hes proud all the time
- seungcheol loves to take candid photos of you
- sometimes you'll see a pic your not quite fond of
- "delete that please cheolie.. im not very pretty in that one."
- "whaatt?? thats impossible."
- proceeds to exaggeratedly clean his glasses/rub his eyes to do a double take
- his baby is ALWAYS pretty 🫶
- he'll delete it though if your adamant on him not keeping it
- speaking of taking photos
- you somehow learned how to take 0.5x photos of people..
- (cough cough, hanging out with his members too much)
- his phone is just full if 0.5x photos of him. and you. and the both of you. and his members.
- oh, and all your stuffies too lol.
- on the topic of stuffies
- he treats all of them very kindly
- "ah! cheolie, you're sitting on mrs. bunny!!!"
- immediately panics
- "huh? oh!"
- picks up the stuffie and makes sure its alright
- "m'sorry mrs. bunny, are you okay?"
- gives it a hug, then places it back down with a pat on its head.
- on the rare occasion you misbehave, you usually just get a light scolding
- the second you start to tear up, he feels sooo bad
- tries so hard to stay the slightest bit mad at you
- when hes done talking to you he'll give you the biggest hug ever
- he could never put you in timeout or anything, he gets sad and feels lost when you're not there with him lol
- i think he'd also love to nap with you
- caregivers deserve naps too lets be honest!
- he loves you so much TRUST
- if he can't fall asleep while you're napping
- he'll just admire your face
authors note: AHHH i'm so excited to get this one out! i wrote this for my sweet sweet vix!!!! i loved writing this one omggg!!!!
my first time writing for a group that isn't my ults, so i wasn't as familiar with seungcheol compared to like, riize or xdiz ya know? so i did plenty of research (watched clips of him on tiktok) LOL !!!! i really hope you guys enjoy this one !!
writing headcanons is something i'm not used to yet, but i'm having fun doing them! they definitely get my creative juices flowing since i don't have any prompt or anything to go off of, just an idol and my brain :3
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little-svt · 9 months
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FEMME-READER | FLUFF | “Niū niū”/little girl used
Wc: 765
Taglist: @pastel-princess-please @kiki-woo @fishsquishh
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Strawberry Moon
“Up, Baby girl!” Jun patted his lap, a gentle smile resting on his lips as he finally sat down for the evening.
When he first got home from work, he was quickly redirected to the bathroom to shower. There was no way your babysitter (s/n) would let his sweat covered self anywhere near you. With a pout he waved at his amused little one as he was pushed down the hall until he walked forward on his own. But after he was clean and dry, he came back to the living room where your sitter was saying goodnight, coat on and ready to leave. Thankfully you were already bathed and in your jammies. One less thing for his tired, achy body to worry about.
“Thank you again, s/n.”
Jun really was thankful. His work was busy work and would be for some time to come. You knew that. Though he loved his work, he wished things were different. Just a little more time with you, he’d never complain about. You both greeted the sitter goodbye before he called you to him, waiting patiently in his chair.
Abandoning your toys and crayons, you grabbed your plushie and crawled into his lap, giggling and squirming around until you were comfortable.
“Comfy, Niū niū?” He sighed happily, not minding whatever kiddie movie played on the television as he patted your bottom softly.
“Nhm!” You nodded snuggling closer, your whole body relaxing just feeling his physical presence and his soothing scent.
“Wait-“ he gasped, sitting you up straight to look you in the eyes “- where’s your paci??”
Forgetful, you couldn’t remember when you’d last had it so you only blinked at him. But your eyes began to shift as you worried, suddenly missing it now that you remembered its existence.
“Hmm.” He pressed his lips together, stroking your head, deep in thought.
“Wah?? What’s this??” His hand drew back from your hair.
As if your pacifier had been hiding there the whole time, he swung it around his finger, prideful after finding it in the bedroom while he was getting dressed.
“Daddy, you found it!! How did you do that??” You took his hand in yours and studied the pacifier around his finger but there was no trick that you could see nor that your little, regressed mind could comprehend.
“Okok. Look at that. Perfect. Have I ever told you that you’re cute?” Jun smiled as he popped it in your mouth, squishing your cheeks with one hand. Only receiving a nose scrunch and a huff of air in response to his silly comments, he grinned and pulled you back to rest on his chest.
Taking a nice deep breath, the upbeat voices, silly sounds and cheerful music coming from the television began to fade into the background. The muscles in his face relaxed as he laid his head against his comfy chair. He could fall asleep right there with you in his arms, his hand patting a gentle rhythm on your back.
“Mmnhh(Daddy)??” You pouted, taking offense at his sleepy demeanor.
“Oh, that’s right. Okay. ‘I love you’ song first.”, He remembered, chuckling breathily as he stood, hoisting you up to carry you in his arms. He kissed your nose before your head rested back on his shoulder and shut the lights off as he walked down the hall towards your bedroom.
“You are my dream~” he nuzzled your cheek, eliciting precious giggles from his baby as he walked you to bed, “~you are my love.”
Shutting the door behind him with his foot, he continued singing, sitting on the edge bed and rocking you gently for a moment before rolling over and pulling you under the covers with him. Once your giggles had settled again and you were comfortable on his chest, he sang again sweetly.
“I love you~”
Reaching to shut off the bedside lamp. He could feel your weight getting heavier against him, a sure sign he wouldn’t be singing much longer.
“wo ai ni … hmmmhmmn…” he began rubbing your back again, his nose in the crook of your neck as you began to drift off completely.
How needed, how complete he felt singing a few lines of a song he’d only sang for some drama, never knowing it would come to hold so much meaning, he hoped you’d never outgrow it. Out of habit he sang a little longer than he needed to, his voice just a mumble now as his lips moved slowly, his eyes falling shut. The sooner he fell asleep the sooner he could see you in his dreams and wake up to your pretty face tomorrow.
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🧸Endnote: Jun again (sorry not sorry) Wahhh I know this song is becoming overused and I totally would have used it for the title if I hadn’t already but its Junniieeee and really is my comfort song haha. I still don’t think I’ll be returning to writing regularly for the next few months but I wrote this one for myself and it was pretty complete so I figured I’d post. alsooo I will always miss his dark hair but wah the red looks so good on him and these hoodie pics are my new fav because he looks so comfy and soft ㅠ ㅠ ~ 🐶🐰🍓
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ramsywasalittlelamb · 7 months
reminders from hoshi <3
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I need kpop x reader fics where the reader is insecure about being too skinny😭 like I always try to wear hoodies and jogging pants bc I’m too small and I don’t like it
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kpop-bbg · 9 months
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woozis-boy · 6 months
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made a hoshi star cookie :) bc his name is hoshi n that means star in Japanese but he loves tigers so its tiger star hoshi :)
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xxhyunlixxx · 9 months
Hi! (SFW BLOG!!)
My name is Conan! I'm 25, my pronouns are they/them, I have 2 partners, and I'm a system with 28 alters! I am in college, my major is music and I have a minor in communication disorders! I love to sing! I am a SFW little! I am an Army, an Atiny, a Carat, an Engene, a MOA, a P1ece, and a Stay!
My ATEEZ bias is Wooyoung, my bias wreckers are Hongjoong and Seonghwa
Favorite ATEEZ song:
My BTS bias is Jungkook, my bias wreckers are Jimin and Yoongi (Suga)
Favorite BTS song:
My ENHYPEN bias is Ni-Ki, my bias wreckers are Jungwon and Sunoo
Favorite ENHYPEN song:
My P1Harmony bias is Theo, my bias wreckers are Intak and Soul
My favorite P1Harmony song:
My SEVENTEEN bias is Minghai (The8), my bias wreckers are Hoshi and Seungcheol (S. Coups)
Favorite SEVENTEEN song:
My Stray Kids bias is Felix, my bias wreckers are Hyunjin and Minho (Lee Know)
Favorite Stray Kids song:
My TXT bias is Yeonjun, my bias wreckers are Beomgyu and Heuningkai
My favorite TXT song:
My little age is normally 4
I have 8 pacis and I'm trying to save up to get more little stuff. I have 3 SKZOO plushies (Wolfchan, Bbokari, and Jiniret)
If there is any other information you would like to know, please don't be afraid to message me!
Attached will be
1. A pic of me
3. My cashapp for if want to help out 😁
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lollipopshu · 1 year
⏤͟͟͞͞ ❀ 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲'𝐬 𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧 ! 𓂅
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helloo !! my name is lolly (´◡`) i'm a minor who enjoys writing seventeen agere !! my works are mostly little!joshua / joshua centric because i'm a joshushushu heehee ! i enjoy talking about stars and galaxies, and my favourite animal, bunnies (^o^)/ i will also scream about seventeen.
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coming from a country that don't speak english, i can't guarantee my works have good grammars/spellings, so if i make any mistakes, lmk please! you can find my writings here ! reminder that i'm a beginner writer so please don't expect me with 10k + words..
My requests/askbox is always open so if you have any questions or requests ask me right away!
ꕤ७ please refrain from typing out offensive words in my askbox
ꕤ७ i won't write caregiver!shua (not good at it huhuhu..)
ꕤ७ no heavy angsts
ꕤ७ other than that, i'm okay with everything !
> my works are all fiction / RPF.
> my works can be reposted / translated with credits
> my works are all SFW age regression , no NSFW works will be written by me (works might contain light swear words! )
> all of my fics are joshua-centric
> im okay with writing ships and reader!
> works mostly contain caregiver! jeonghan / mingyu
> i project to joshua so in my works, he's just a girly princess baby <33
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that's all! i hope you enjoy your stay here <3
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little-svt · 6 months
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Wc: 365
Taglist: @pastel-princess-please @kiki-woo @fishsquishh
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Shaking off his coat as quietly as possible, Joshua sighed to himself seeing you'd waited up for him again. Or tried to anyways. There was his girl; curled up around your stuffed bunny for warmth on the sofa in his biggest oversized t-shirt... without a blankie. That wouldn't do at all.
He could never find it in his heart to be upset when you stayed up, waiting for him to come home because, really, he understood painfully and completely. Comeback season seemed to be year round or at least that’s how it felt these days, imagining you eating dinner alone or how often he’d find you asleep without him before he could make it home. He missed you too. Finding whatever strength left in his achey, tired limbs he lifted you in his arms and carried you to bed.
No matter how tired he was Joshua couldn’t find it in himself to fall asleep or even turn out the lights, too lost in your beauty, wanting to ingrain your image in his mind. His hand smoothed over your hair gently, more out of habit, again, then once more without thinking. But eventually, unable to find yourself in a deep sleep without your daddy, your eyes fluttered open. How could they not?
“Dada..? Home??” You couldn’t really remember when or where you’d fallen asleep as you took in your surroundings, rubbing your eyes and leaning into the comforting warmth of his hand atop your head.
“I’m sorry, bunny. I didn’t mean to wake you..” the corner of his lips curled softly, part of him happy that he woke you, even missing out on sleep, he’d get to be with you, to see your pretty eyes sparkling up at him.
“Is okay. Sleep now?” Your eyes had already closed again, your lips barely moving as he smiled so tender, his sleepy eyed baby unable to stay awake.
“Yeah. Sleep now.”
His soothing movements didn’t stop for some time – not wanting to disrupt your sleep, or look away as he watched over you adoringly – not until he’d fallen asleep himself. And the next morning, the two of you would find the lamp still on, Joshua still in his work clothes.
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🧸Endnote: thinking about his cover of 7pm 🤧 Aaaa we are getting Joshua fic for Shua day before our late Woozi fic ㅠ ㅠ but it’s almost done I swear!! 😭💖 I have also gotten some messages in our ask inbox and I promise I’m not ignoring you guys I just haven’t had an opportunity to properly respond 💔 I really miss writing as an escape but I’ve been so busy lately. I still appreciate all the love we get when we don’t post <3 ~ 🐶🐰🍓
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ramsywasalittlelamb · 2 years
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Seventeen agere moodboard!
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I really want to write agere and littlespace fanfics but I feel like I’m a terrible writer lol
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kpop-bbg · 9 months
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woozis-boy · 5 months
throws this and runs
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milosbabbles · 5 months
25 days of agere moodboards. day seventeen:
inspired by your blog title. my blog title is "milosbabbles" so i put together an babyre moodboard with a quote (babble).
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sleepy-star-10 · 2 months
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25 Days of Agere Moodboards :3
Day Seventeen - Inspired By Your Blog Title (or URL) 
Idk what to say- ✨enjoy✨
ᯓ★ SFW Interaction only please!
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cozy-cg · 3 months
Looking for agere moots! ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
✰ I just made this account and would love to make some friends and moots!
✰ I’m seventeen, and am a flip with a strong caregiving lean!
✰ I want to start posting advice, comfort, moodboards and any other ideas suggested!
✰DMs and asks are open for whoever wants to chat! \(^ヮ^)/
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