#settling in
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asairayn · 10 months ago
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me? doing more art? shocking, i know! i actually did this sketch like a month ago but then i never finished it so it's finally here! yay! have eclipse passed out on the floor :)
from Settling In by @thedemonsurfer / @thedemonscrawler !!
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a couple alternate photos because. idk man i spent way too long coloring the background and also Details
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teathattast · 11 months ago
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both called it from the beginning
knew that there had to be an us
we do what we gotta do to stay winning
with fussin' or fights we're keeping trust
and you make me wanna say
i love you better today
than yesterday and everyday
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kalanssramathyl · 6 months ago
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Kala sits up and stretches her arms over her head. Before her laid countless journals, books, and even a map of the local city of Dorongal, the capital of Isle of Dorm. It had been nearly five days since Dalaran had come crashing down and so many lives changed in an instant.
She had lost friends, despite doing everything in her power to get them out of the city. Fingers brush ever so softly across the only memories she had of their faces. A single locket lay next to a journal. It had belonged to her best friend Zastari. 
She had been next to her one moment and the next she was gone. Picking up the locket, she rests it between her breasts while locking it into place around her neck. After that day, she traveled to Goronal with the others after spending the whole day searching trough the ruble in hopes of finding anyone who had been lucky enough to live through it all. The severely wounded had been helped as much as one could in a strange new land. 
Those stable enough was taken to Doragal, where they had been given a building to set up a makeship hospital until more supplys and equitment was brought in. Each day more and more were brought in and treated. It was only until yesterday that Aran had any chance to really rest.
She had been given a room at the local tavern and Inn. As soon as a portal had been set up between Dorongal, most injured had been taken to their rightful cities to finish mending if they could  be moved.
Closing up the journals and books, she puts them neatly on the desk in her room. It was time for a much needed bath and a change into clean clothing. Tomorrow would be another day of exploring the city more. She needed to return to the herbalist shop to gather more herbs, and stop by the achlemy shop to pick up a few more veils.
She planed to hire one of the locals to take her out in order to find out as much about the local plant life around the Isle. 
There was also other lands like Hallowfall she wanted to go to. But that would not be for another few days, first she had to make sure she had a good idea of the land around her at the moment. Picking up her cup of tea, she packs a few clothing into a small bag and headed out of her room at the Inn.
She had been told about a local springs that she could peacefully take a bath with privacy. With her own handmade soap and shampoo, she headed out to take that much needed bath. 
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ask-a-bot · 7 months ago
Oh! New bots! Hiya! Everyone adjusting well? Changes can be rough.
And Star is back! Great!
I hope you're all having a good time! Have a flower: 🪷🪻🏵️
Hi! I already really love Earth!
Yeah, hi. We've both been made to feel really welcome and it's nice to finally catch up with Optimus. It's a little strange to find out that the war's over and Optimus and Megatron... look as though they're thinking about dating... but I'm far from upset about it.
Hello! Yes, I'm back and being good. I'm happy to be back. I missed everyone a lot. More than I expected.
I'm really glad Star's back. We've been trying out some new games.
Those flowers are pretty. Thank you.
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alispangles · 10 months ago
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sips coffee and waves 👋
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spicywarl0ck · 2 years ago
Happy Friday! How about, “Its okay, I couldn’t sleep anyway.” for Leliana/Josephine 👀👀👀
Happy Friday, and thank you for the prompt <3 @dadrunkwriting Pairing: Leliana/Josephine Length: 847 Rating: T *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* It was a quiet night in Skyhold. Or well, as it could be in a Stronghold inhabiting so many souls. 
For example, she heard the footsteps of the armed, patrolling soldiers echoing in the darkness; and heard the flickering of the lit-up fireplaces and torches as they burned to spread their light. But also, she heard the Raven’s cawing in the Rotunda, their wings flapping in their creaking cages while the wind whistled through every crack in the walls.
And there were quite many cracks, maybe too many if someone came to ask her.
Josephine Montilyet had lived in a few places before, and of course, she knew that swapping the Court of Antiva to follow the request of her very dear friend would come with a price. Yet, she hadn’t really expected to end up in a run-down castle, laying hidden atop the Frostback mountains and right between the borders of Orlais and Ferelden.
It wasn’t a place she would call charming but… she needed to acknowledge that it was safer than being buried underneath the top of a mountain, her heart still grieving for the many souls that lost their lives in Haven. Or at least… what remained of it.
She still wrote letters to the families and close ones, knowing that a few words, written on a parchment could not ease the pain. And yet… she had to try at least, not minding that the task kept her up for longer.
Her feet passed the Rotunda on her way to her quarters, pausing mids step when she heard the faintest whisper, followed by the flap of wings as one of Leliana’s Ravens hurried away into the night.
It seemed as if she wasn’t the only person still awake.
Slowly she walked into the Rotunda, the scent of old books in the air when she passed it, climbing up the stairs until she reached the Rookerie. It seemed as if both Solas and Dorian had gone to bed already, leaving the red-haired agent alone with her birds in the tower.
A smile crept up her face when she could gaze at the face of her friend, her hair falling into her pale face, and the hood she usually wore taken down. It made her appear a bit younger than she was, though the shadows underneath her eyes indicated that she hadn’t caught much sleep lately either.
Possibly ever since the Divine’s Death.
“Josie!” Leliana turned in surprise, her ears were obviously as sharp as ever beside the tiredness she must have felt. “I thought I could something rustling up the stairs, but I wouldn’t have thought it would be you roaming around.”
“I am sorry for disturbing you so late…” The antivian ambassador started, only to be hushed by a soft gesture.
“It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway. So I thought… I could stay up here just as well, send out another Raven.” She hummed in thought, the two of them standing in quietness for a few heartbeats.
“So, how have you settled in?” Leliana was the one breaking it, her tired eyes resting on her. They didn’t have much of a chance to talk yet, since they moved to Skyhold, their duties having kept them busy on both ends. Of course, they had met in the war room, but their encounters had only been brief and focused.
“It certainly was a lot at first. Skyhold wasn’t in a very good shape when we arrived.” Josephine sighed. “There are still so many reparations needed, and so many potential allies I need to contact. Then there is the matter with the Empress of course…”
“Josie… What you need is a relaxed night. You can’t work all the time” Leliana reprimanded her, making Josephine chuckle when she cocked her head. 
“But so do you.” she pointed out. “How many nights have you spent up here?”
“A few…” Leliana’s words came out in short, followed by a sigh on her own. “Maybe… we could both take a break, after all. Haven…. has been a lot,” she added, the pang of guilt obvious on her face and in her voice. 
Josephine knew that Leliana took the events of Haven deeply. They all did of course and yet… she knew that Leliana and the Commander might have the worst share of it.
That was why Josephine reached out to her gently, her hand softly touching the forearm of the agent, and council member.
“How about we take a bath then? I was told that there are ancient elven baths in the basement. They are supposed to run still, an old enchantment according to the mages.” Josephine hadn’t been able to take a decent bath in ages, and she could only guess when Leliana had taken one.
“Why not? I still have a bottle of antivian Wine stored somewhere too. I kept it around for you.” Leliana’s lips curled into a smile, a blush creeping up on Josephine’s cheeks as she stared at her for just another moment until she pried herself away with a soft cough.
“Well, shall we then?”
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tockamybeloved · 11 months ago
Falling Slowly - Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova (Once)
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birdgirl90 · 1 year ago
Moving Update
Hey all!
I am officially moved and settled. Right now I'm just trying to get furniture together so that I can finish unpacking, which is actually going much easier than I expected it to.
Tomorrow I start my job at the university. I'm nervous but also very excited as this is the gateway into something that I've always wanted - to work on a college campus. I think it's going to be great.
The move was uneventful. The weather was beautiful and the roads mostly clear, though I hate driving through Indiana apparently as that was awful. The mountains out here are different than the ones in Colorado - they're older, and beautiful in their own way.
So far, so good. I hope to continue to settle in this week and hopefully things will continue to work out.
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clatterbane · 2 years ago
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Finally, more kitchen storage underway! Courtesy of IKEA, what a surprise. 😁
I'd been wanting to add some decent pantry space, since there really hasn't been much storage room for shelf stable stuff. That's been on a back burner, but finances were looking a little better for it now since we've had a while to settle into the new place. And thankfully also haven't had the ongoing out of pocket medical expenses to worry about for a while now.
Anyway, looked like as good a time as any to order in a couple of freestanding units from IKEA. (Suspecting the previous owners did similar, and took it with them.) The PAX series looked like a decent option for the money, with a handy design tool to pick the pieces you need.
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In this case, with doors and roll-out basket drawers to stow stuff in. I thought a combo of drawers and shelves might be better, but for whatever reason he had already gone ahead and ordered the things with all drawers. Some shelves can always be picked up later if necessary, though.
We actually got two identical units to place side by side, with the doors mounted on opposite sides to open out. Only one of them is put up so far, and still in the process of getting the drawers installed.
The Household Swede has taken over assembly, because of course he has. 🙄 Seems bent on loading that cabinet side completely up with drawers spaced as shown, so I guess the other side is going to get more open space at the bottom for taller bottles, etc. and probably some other more varied drawer spacing to accommodate different sized items and maybe a shelf or two. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
One cabinet to each person's specs, I suppose! This is actually the first kitchen storage that I've had any involvement in choosing or setting up. As what would basically qualify as two grown-ass adults in a trench coat by now, apparent maturity level aside.
At any rate, I am looking forward to having more room for actual food in here, and it will certainly be nice to not keep most of the canned tomatoes and pasta, etc. stashed in another room. 😃 Or the hallway inside the front door, where several incoming grocery bags of stuff are parked right now.
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lutraluna · 1 year ago
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Hello Tumblr! It's been nearly a decade since I was last active on my old personal account here. I finally got tired of the bird app's tyrant and I'm migrating my streaming stuff over here.
I'm not too active on Twitch atm but I want to aim for at least one stream a week. I'll be making my announcements here, and maybe on bsky too. I recently started a new Pillars of Eternity: Deadfire playthrough, and I want to actually finish Bear & Breakfast (I have a habit of not finishing these games and moving on to something new).
I start my second year of grad school at the end of this month, so things might be a little crazy, but gaming is a huge part of my self-care routine and I love connecting with old friends and meeting new folks while streaming.
Please watch this space for announcements and updates, and I hope to see y'all during my streams!
Ps: @ciciluna does all my stream art!
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princemolder · 2 years ago
Sonia Sotomayor comes into your place of business and asks you if you agree with her ruling in Williamson Vs. Mazda and the whole time she's giving sexy looks to a car parked outside what do you do?
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thehetaliaweeb · 2 years ago
Hey, yall! I'm taking a long break from other social media apps and moving to here since the community here is much nicer. So, expect alot of posts lol.
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thatcollegestudent133 · 2 years ago
Settling In...?
Hi Guys! It's been a while I guess but I've been busy trying to get used to my new schedule. It's been hectic, but I have to push through!
It's a lot tougher than last semester, I'll give it that.
Tomorrow is my big brother's birthday and I couldn't be happier!
Also, my impromptu test went great! I read the textbook and brought it to class, so I got extra marks! YEAH!
Sadly, I'm presently of poor health. Meaning, I'M SICKKKK!
I have a bad cold. I spent the whole day with a scratchy throat, a bad headache and a temperature. My runny nose is loading...
I knowww, sad right?
Please don't feel bad for me, I'll pull through, just like I always do!
Gotta go now, need to find a research topic for an assignment!
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sweetaru1 · 4 months ago
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i said i was gonna do it sorry it's not wild life I've been fixated on my ocs lately lmao
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godsweakestsoldier · 9 months ago
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