slightly too attached to fictional characters
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asair || she/they || lesbian || physically disabled + neurodivergent || jumping between hyperfixations TOO DAMN FAST
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asairayn · 13 hours ago
"For mature audiences" not as in "legally allowed to see a boob" but "can see a fictional character do a bad thing and not immediately go on a crusade against the author"
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asairayn · 13 hours ago
No asked for this soapbox but I’m going to give it anyway~! (This is about Dick Grayson, but also important to understand in general.)
So the thing about ACAB is that a lot of people don’t actually understand the mechanics of why that’s the case! Why is it that All Cops Are Bastards? It’s not that only bastards sign up to be cops, or that doing a cop’s job is innately bastardly. It’s that being a Good Cop makes your work environment extremely hostile, and the overwhelming majority of people fold under the resulting pressure.
Because the thing is, a lot of people do go into the police force with the sincere intent to fix the system from the inside! And you know what happens to those people?
They’re ostracized by their colleagues.
They’re harassed and coerced, or outright fired.
They disappear, or die on the job.
Dick Grayson is exempt from all of these problems. He cannot be discretely fired (son of a billionaire) and cannot be framed or disappeared (is literally Nightwing.) He also cannot be out-stubborned. I’d also note that facing all of these pressures would be extremely in line with how Gotham and Blüdhaven are discussed in general and how these plotlines are set up.
This is my mini-essay on why Dick Grayson is a Good Cop in the same way that Bruce is a Good Billionaire - something that does not exist in reality but is perfectly plausible in fiction.
However, he’s probably fucking miserable about it. <3
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asairayn · 13 hours ago
Pros of re-reading your own fic
a good time;
Has exactly the tropes you like and the characterization you want to read;
Gratification: yes you did finish a thing and yes you did do good;
just a very fun time all around.
Cons of re-reading your own fic:
Is that another TYpO
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asairayn · 13 hours ago
Pros of re-reading your own fic
a good time;
Has exactly the tropes you like and the characterization you want to read;
Gratification: yes you did finish a thing and yes you did do good;
just a very fun time all around.
Cons of re-reading your own fic:
Is that another TYpO
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asairayn · 13 hours ago
Yo, I'm not being able to wring a solid answer out of Google, so I'm throwing this at Tumblr in case it gets me a clearer one: is it 'his parents were Romani' or 'his parents were Roma'?
I'm getting that Romani is an adjective (and language) and Roma is a noun, but do they say 'Romani people' or Roma exclusively? I'm leaning toward Romani (adjective) just because that's the original intent of the sentence, but if 'Romani people' is impolite/incorrect it's easy enough to change.
(Google is just giving me the same 'Romani is the culture and Roma is the people' answer over and over again, which... thanks. My question is actually more specific than that.)
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asairayn · 13 hours ago
i do not care if someone learned compassion from a cartoon or a comic or an anime im just glad they're here with us now a better person fighting the good fight. should it have taken something so trivial? maybe not- but it's in the past! and this is the now! and if they're objectively better for it who cares
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asairayn · 13 hours ago
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Ma’am. Ma’am why are you using a different definition of ‘spoiled’ from everyone else
Ma’am. ‘Spoiled’ is not a generic term for all misbehavior what the FUCK are you talking about-
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asairayn · 13 hours ago
Clark Kent is firmly in his civilian persona. This is a problem, given that the airplane he's on with Lois is about to collide with another plane on the runway.
He can see the other plane about to t-bone them, and is fully prepared to...somehow fumble his way through an explanation as to why he disappeared and superman took his place, but the meta kid sitting next to him has a different idea.
The meta kid let's out a strangled shriek, grips the armrests of the seat, and the entire plane goes intangible.
The other plane delicately just...glides through their plane, and everyone on their plane and everyone on the other plane just stare at each other as they pass by in horrified silence.
The people seated where the other planes engines are passing through harmlessly initially let out a few terrified screams, but they taper off when they realize that nothing is happening.
Then it's over.
The kid, hyperventilating, lets go of the armrests once the other plane has completely cleared them, and immediately goes for one of those little baggies to empty the contents of his stomach.
His nose is bleeding, his ears are bleeding, and he looks dazed. He clearly overdid it.
Clark is running a hand up and down his back, trying to get him comfortable, while the other passengers and crew stare at the kid in awe.
After all, there's only one person acting like this after something as insane as making every single person intangible. It has to be the kid. The kid has to be a meta, and that meta just saved all of them.
But the kid peeks up at Clark, eyes full of fear, and says something that makes his heart drop into his stomach.
"Please don't tell my parents."
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asairayn · 13 hours ago
more people need to give themselves permission to write and draw pornography
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asairayn · 1 day ago
Journalist Clark Kent was assigned covering the Ghost and Ectobeing Science Confrence. With the Anti-Ecto Acts having been repealed and the GIW disbanded late last year, the science deviated from weaponry and was now far more ectobiology and ecto-sociology centric. He was tasked with reporting the new scientific advancements and discoveries for the average layman.
The conference, hosted at Metropolis Convention Center, lasts an entire week. The unusually long conference length is explained on its webpage, claiming it’s; “precaution for potential delays or setbacks from; ghost attacks, enraged ex-government GIW employees, or extreme ecto-tech malfunction.”
Just from that notice alone, Clark knows he’s going to have quite the eventful week ahead of him.
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asairayn · 1 day ago
Okay okay I've got one I think will be fun!!
Spin this wheel of like 160ish fandoms of varying levels of popularity.
Extra points for telling me all about your thoughts in the tags :D
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asairayn · 1 day ago
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PSA for fanfic writers
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asairayn · 1 day ago
I used to be very nervous about leaving kudos on really out there fics but then I was like. fuck it. if someone I know gets to the bottom of the page and bothers to look at the kudos or comments and sees my username. what were YOU doing at the devil's sacrament-
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asairayn · 1 day ago
The thing is- the thing is, I understand the appeal of the Joker being liminal. I totally see why it’s fun and interesting for there to be an explanation for his behavior, and his nigh-immortality, and his gimmicks. And liminality is a good one! Objectively, it makes sense for there to be a twist of ghost to him. It makes sense for him to be not a man, but a monster.
But I just can’t roll with it, because personally? I think it’s important, thematically speaking, for the Joker to just be a guy, like it’s important for Joe Chill to just be a guy.
Above all else, the Batman franchise isn’t about aliens and metahumans and gods and demons. The Batman franchise is about people that are good, and people that are bad, and how they can be either one, if they choose.
The Joker is a man that chose to be bad. Maybe there’s something genuinely wrong with him, maybe there’s not. But everything he does is accomplishable by a human man. All he really needs is his patience, his intelligence, and his unspeakable cruelty. Whatever he wants, he gets through terror - by being a very bad man.
I think it takes away a lot of his narrative power if he’s liminal, because then he is no longer Just A Very Bad Man. It takes away his agency in his own cruelty. No. The Joker chose to be the way that he is, and that is what makes him terrifying.
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asairayn · 1 day ago
There are two types of writers:
1. 'It's fiction, it doesn't need to make sense!'
2. 'I didn't account for the rotation of the planet and how that affects the constalations while my characters stargazed at different times of year, I have failed as a writer, and this entire thing is trash'
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asairayn · 1 day ago
I really think that we need to be at peace with the idea of people posting online for attention. Literally every free piece of media from shitposts to art is being made for the very human need for attention and that's healthy and okay. It's not harmful behaviour to make funnyman shitposts for attention. I love my useless internet clout points actually
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asairayn · 1 day ago
Inspired by this great prompt and goes the other way.
Of which Danny goes to Reddit as Phantom.
Now, I dunno much about Reddit due to my country's default system is to ban the site (except if you use VPN or Apple products apparently?), but anyways.
One reckon that r/evilmonologue exists.
Danny-as-Phantom is certainly asking that if he's a bad villain (Am I a Bad Villain aka AIBV) since his "Heroes" (Red Huntress, Fenton couple, and GIW) doesn't allow him to do Evil Monologues at all, when even the weakest "Villain" would even has his "Beware Box" gimmick (tho he certainly wouldn't do anything so cringe).
Ofc it comes from: Yes, GhostNebula is a bad villain to: this kid is handed out such a bad life that he really mistakes "heroes" and "villains" of all things. You sure that the guys in white and ghost hunters are good guys?? to: Flash, get your villain. I think he'll be safer with you since he also got no body count, so surely he was a Flash rogue?
And ofc the heroes of JL (or others) will investigate for some reason or another.
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