#seto kei
juriyuna · 1 month
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Made a magical girl AU design for Yuu's friend Kei! She's done so much as a ghost already; I'm sure she's built up enough karmic potential to make a contract if she wants.
Since Yuu has a circus (giraffe? horse? clown?) theme, I though it'd be fun if Kei was a ringmaster to match! Her soul gem is a glass eye, based on the rumor in Beachside Bonds that the ghost's eyes had been eaten by sea creatures. Even if it's an exaggeration, she still would've been a bit worse for the wear after she fell from the cliff...
Miscellaneous notes:
Since this would have to be in an AU where Shii hadn't killed Yuu yet, my headcanon is that her wish was "I want to see her so badly. Bring me back to life... Give me a body again."
Her wish resurrected her fully and completely, as if she'd never died to begin with. She's completely indistinguishable from a normal human.
However, it didn't erase her suicide attempt, nor anyone's memories of her death. She's unsure if she should try going home or not-- even if her family misses her, how would she explain a miracle like this? Would they think it was some kind of sick joke, and doubt that she's really their daughter?
Besides, her priority is finding Yuu so they can complete their pact... even if it has to be a murder-suicide this time. (her plans may change once she actually finds yuu.)
Because she essentially wished her long-dead corpse back to life, her personal magic is dead matter manipulation: She can puppet once-living organic material, such as rotten wood, carcasses, and insect husks. It's incredibly powerful in natural environments, but mostly useless in heavily urbanized areas.
She's a bit self-conscious about the massive scar on her face. Like, she considered herself kinda subpar in terms of looks anyway, but this is so... grisly. In hindsight, she thinks she probably should've specified that she wanted to be revived looking like she did before she and Yuu tried to kill themselves.
Kei normally wears her hair down, but it's in a messy bun/almost beehive updo in her magical girl form because she's got that huge neck ruff.
Her feelings towards Shii are no less negative than they were when she was a ghost. Likewise, Shii hates Kei from the second they meet. But they can't actually do anything to each other without upsetting Yuu, and neither of them wants to complicate the situation just yet, so they settle for being just passive-aggressive enough to piss each other off instead.
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obscuriites · 4 months
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nightingaletrash · 4 months
I am once again thinking about just how fucked up Kaiba is.
He talks a lot about how he dismantled Kaiba Corp as part of the military industrial complex and turned it into a game company, and that everything he's done has been to spite his step-father's memory, and yet...
He's still after power. A sense of security. His favourite game isn't about having fun anymore, it's about power. Even in a low stakes duel with Joey, he can't surrender that need for security. Out of context, it seems kind of silly, to view card games as this ultimate expression of power, but it actually makes a lot of sense.
The cards that Mokuba sneaks to Kaiba when they're young, particularly the handmade Blue Eyes card, played a big part in solidifying his determination to succeed at all costs. Those cards became a lifeline to him, and they became a way to visualise power when plotting his coup. They come to represent power, and his path to it.
And when Kaiba Corp became a game company, that card game actually did become a huge source of financial power and influence. As a child with a lot of issues regarding security (among other things) due to his being an orphan and Gozaburo's abuse, that power became his security. It's a source of stability and control, things he's not had since his parents died, it gives him an autonomy he's never had, and he's unwilling to part with any of it.
Being the best duelist is both a mark of pride and a symbol of his ultimate control. It proves that his sense of strategy and cunning and intelligence can't be beaten, that he can't be strong armed into defeat. Every game is a battle for power, and he can't stand to lose even a little of it, because if he does, it threatens him with losing control. And he can't abide by that. He won't be left helpless at the hands of others ever again.
It's why he can't stand the fact that he lost in his own tournament; it's the loss of control. He was going to secure his place and ensure that no one could ever beat him again, providing him with the only security blanket that matters, only to lose it again. Add in Yami and Yugi going on about fate and destiny - things that strip away control and autonomy - and of course he's going to react negatively. He doesn't want to feel helpless. He doesn't want his life to be in the hands of anyone but himself. He needs control, or he'll suffer again.
But the problem isn't that Kaiba is a fucked up child looking for security in his favourite card game. It's that he's a fucked up child with a multi-million dollar company that has very real influence over the lives of countless people, and we see multiple times that he's not willing to expend anything that doesn't benefit him personally. When Bakura ends up in a coma, he won't pause the finals to let him be taken to a hospital. When Joey is literally on the brink of death, Mokuba has to go behind his back to call for a rescue helicopter and explicitly tells the gang not to tell him. Multiple people are being hospitalised because of this one guy and Kaiba refuses to remove him from the tournament because if he does, he misses out on the chance to take his Egyptian God Card, aka a new layer to his security blanket.
He has very real tangible power, and he only extends it to his own benefit. He thinks that defanging Kaiba Corp was enough to make him different from Gozaburo, but it wasn't. He's just as ruthless, just as power-hungry, and just as indifferent to other people's suffering when it suits him. He has to be argued with, or choices have to be made without his knowledge.
And it's just... fucking sad. He has so little self-awareness about what he's become and what Gozaburo has made of him. He's become the very monster he despised, and his only saving grace is that he has people who give enough of a shit to argue back instead of deferring to him as yes men.
If Yugi hadn't confronted him in episode 1, and if Yami hadn't crushed the evil in his heart, then he would never have changed from his absolute worst self. And while Mokuba doesn't often stand up to him, when he does, Kaiba tends to listen. It might shock him - that's a different can of worms - but his decision will be swayed by Mokuba, which is no small feat.
The fact that there are people who will tell him no and stand up to him is the fine line between him and Gozaburo. The question is... does it make enough of a difference to really matter in the end?
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kurumipilled · 10 months
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D4DJ 4koma no.93 translated!
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Can i get a F in the chat for Rika? (Esora in the bg tho)
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hotarufutaba · 11 months
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hey dj!!
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charismaofobedience · 9 months
Ok so. Quick analysis and shit I noticed from the d4dj new anni3 cards previews!
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All of them seem to be on a vehicle or sorts??? Rinku is in a flying hoverboard, Miyu in a balloon, Kyoko in some train/bus/car or sorts, Saki in a spaceship (?), Rika in those flying chair things, Tsubaki on a ship.
All of them got some cute headphones that match their unit aesthetics! Rinkus has some confetti on the inside, Saki has simple but pretty golden sparkles, Rika has golden accents, Tsubaki has the usual rondo stained glass aesthetic, we can't see Kyoko and Miyus yet
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The units who will be collabing have quite a lot of matching stuff! Happyri4 got some matching colorful ribbons flying around, peakymaiden got some sort of translucent ribbons and rondom4id got golden chains!
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They all also seemingly have matching accessories! Happyara and ri4 got some orbiting hip accessory with a very clear difference in size (lmfao), photon and peaky got matching sparkles on their chest area and m4 and rondo got also some matching sparkles
Also, they seem to have somewhat similar elements on their designs? With happyri4 being the sort of cravats, peakymaiden having both shoulderless outfits with a puffy arm warmer sleeve and rondom4id both having laced up boob corsets, but I might be reaching a lot with that one
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All of them have their unit symbol somewhere... <3 Happyri4 got them as a brooch of sorts on their chest, peakymaiden got them on their belt and rondom4id incorporated it on their skirt slash shorts
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While Neo, Elsie and Weronika got the KQJ of the deck, Sophia got the ace which brings the implications she can either be the lowest valued card on it *or* the most powerful card on the deck which is such a neat detail to me
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gallusrostromegalus · 2 years
Is it possible to draw a graph of the Kaibacorp and/or Industrial Illusions without veering into non-euclidian geometry? I bet there are weird bullshits in there, like two business units that literally own each others or something of that ilk.
..I'm gonna have to Illustrate the goddamn chocolate scene, aren't I?
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kisaraslover · 1 year
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Seto comes down on the floor with rest of the mortals and finds god (poetic way to say he is into how small Kisara is)
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bloodredfeathers · 1 year
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I'm sorry I'm not going to make this easy they're so different-
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This is 9 out of...what? 95 (?) Something like that
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riddlerlesbian · 2 years
my favorite kaiba panel, btw. if you care
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juriyuna · 2 months
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Yuu's forearm alone is the length of Kei's entire arm from wrist to halfway up her bicep. If we assume that Kei is within an average height range (5'0"-5'4"ish), Yuu must be gigantic-- my rough calculations put her between 6'6"-6'10". Intimidating...
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gaysetokaibas · 1 year
thinking about a more realistic ygo-verse in which duel monsters is not the only game Ever. kaiba would hate videos games in my mind because he kinda sucks at most things and doesn't have the time or patience to try and improve but mokuba spends all his time in front of their tv at home playing random ass crap. mokuba loves arcarde & rpg games Especially and i think that he invites joey over all the time because they have the same taste and it drives kaiba CRAZY. he doesn't even hate him like that anymore its just like.
Wakes up at 6am for his morning coffee before work.
joey and mokuba are passed the fuck out on the floor after staying up all night.
why are you in my house.
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...went a little crazy. ib: @sweetrainbowdragon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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kurumipilled · 9 months
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Poster for 3rd anni has been released! You can get a look at the upcoming outfits too!
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funniest d4dj unbloomed cg!
inspired by @enstarsfunniest ! lets show the girls some love too!
should go without saying because there's only 3 cards for everyone at the 1/2* rank, but only 3/4* cards please! submissions will close on May 8th!
submit them here!
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