#servamp oc
nunezs-stuff · 1 year
Nunez definitely see her wearing something like
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She doesn't have an ego but people seem to think she does because of her cold and reserved personality and how she always has a stoic face and She tends to follow the beat of Her Own Drum she is herself and no one can control that she was a puppet then she's not a puppet now
And she is an asexual and bisexual
She feels no sexual attraction to people unless she's in a deep relationship with them and she can trust them
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Since she is a God she tends to dress in Gothic Victorian style
She doesn't see how it's not socially acceptable if it was acceptable in the Victorian era
But she doesn't care for society
Her sisters are the valkyrie sisters even if she's not related to them by Blood
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It was a tough to decision for her to either fight the gods or fight Humanity since she wanted her sisters to stay alive and her father to be alive
So it hurt knowing her father was going to kill Humanity but she buried it like she always does
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She is the 9th servamp
And she's the second sister her
She knows little about her family since they're unaware of her existence and she thinks that it's better that way
Seeing how they killed their creator
And she doesn't see a point trying to be a sibling to them if she knows they might want her dead
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Her eyelashes are a bright red
And her eyes are dark black with red pupils
Her sharp teeth are relatively small
But she does carry blood vials with her when she needs to drink blood
And her hair is brown and red but mostly red because of poison she ingested as a child
When she was turned into a servamp
And a noticeable thing about her is that she can't be manipulated and she can see right through people
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I recently redrew my subclass ocs! Every. Single. One.
So here's all of em
oh also some of the Svs have outfit changes or little things added on or like bits of redesign
also warning:there's gonna be mentions of death and ways people die so just a fair warning
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here's Nyx, Kuro's subclass! They died in the Trojan war as a bystander (why was Kuro in Greece?... I don't know man...) so now they kinda go and do their own thing but they go to bother Kuro every once in a while. They often travel during the day by wearing tons of white (for less sun absorption) and covering all of their skin. They also have a bad habit of talking without thinking.
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next is Amira who's Hugh's subclass! She died in a car "accident" shortly after her kid passed away. She's quite motherly towards the people around her and her bag contains anything you could possibly imagine.
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Then it's CeeCee! (Fun fact I've drawn her 4 years in a row) she died because she was in a witch trial [she rejected a girl {this was prior to CeeCees transition} and the girl accused her of witchcraft] and she's very attached to JeJe and is all over him half of the time. [Mikuni is jealous... Little does he know JeJe has no interest in women {hc} and CeeCee has a gf]
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Then there's Irene who's Freya's subclass! She died in a war because she crossed dressed to get in and died on the battle field [forgot to give her an animal motif...] due to her injuries she has to wear hearing aids and she freaks out about loud noises and paints to cope
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Next is Jonathan! He died because he got drunk one night and might've accidentally outed himself... So... He was murdered... He also likes to cook a lot and he owns an immortal puppy (don't ask I can't handle him losing a dog.) named Diablo! He's also a massive hopeless romantic.
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Now there's Anita (pink) and Catherine (red) ! They're Ildio's subclasses! Anita died because she was a lady of the night and a client made her uncomfortable w his requests so she refused and he killed her. Now she's kind of hostile to really anyone new around her. She's also a massive chain smoker-
Catherine was arranged to be married to a mentally and physically abusive man who killed the actual love of her life. So on her wedding day she shot herself and now enjoys praying on people for blood so- but she's a lot nicer than Anita.
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This is Lilian she's Lily's subclass and honestly looks like a ghost Victorian child. My friend suggested making a character albino but I might have made her too white.... But I thought it was interesting and made her stand out more so I kept it. She died due to starvation and neglect form her parents. Her older sister who was only about a year or two older was doing her best to keep her alive but there was only so much she could do. Now the two live in the mansion and her sister works there and is still alive.
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Lastly we have Wisteria who's Tsubaki's subclass! They died by oding shortly after their family was brutally murdered. Now they kinda people watch for fun and flirt with Tsubaki for shits and giggles and is purely here now for the ride.
And ways this concludes my redesigns on my ocs and redesigns on some of the Svs (let's be real it's like almost all of them)
this was actually really fun to do! Maybe I'll get around to drawing the eves... One day...
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liviavanrouge · 2 years
Servamp Oc
Name: Sapphire
Gender: Female
Birthday: June 23rd
Age: 15(First appearance), 16(Currently)
Race: Half Human Half Vampire
Height: 152cm(5'0)
Blood type: O
Status: Alive
Mother: ???(Deceased)
Father: Unnamed man(Deceased)
Older sister: Ruby
Servamp: Tsubaki/Kyro
Boyfriend: Sleepy Ash/Kuro
Occupation: High school student
Appearance: Sapphire has dark blue hair that reaches just past her shoulders. Her eyes are a bright sky blue, that are said by Tsubaki to shine like a jewel when the sun hits them from a certain angle. She is normally seen wearing a white off shoulder sundress, with white ankle boots. When our and about her hair is either draped over her left shoulder or in a ponytail. After Tsubaki became her servamp, she gave him her star shaped sapphire necklace her father gave her when she was younger, so mark herself as his eve.
Personality: Sapphire is a genuinely sweet person and cares for others no matter who they are. She's willing to put herself in harms way to protect Tsubaki, as shown when she threw herself in front of her servamp, shielding him from Snowlily's scythe and the other servamps weapons. Despite Tsubaki being a complete stranger to her she immediately offered him her blood so he could officially become her servamp. When Tsubaki accidentally acts like his former self and tries to manipulate her she puts her foot down immediately.
She cares greatly for Tsubaki/Kyro and is always ready to be there for him. When he reverted back to his old self, wanting to start a vampire/human war, he lost all memory of her, but remembered who Sapphire was when she hugged him and pressed a kiss to his nose like she did when they had first met. Tsubaki is actually shown to be majorly protective of her no matter how small it is, she just tends to go with the flow at times, ready to stop him if needed. When she finds out about her odd connection with Sleepy Ash, and is told that the two were destined to be together she refused to be with him, not wanting her path to he chosen for her.
She is very capable of holding a grudge as shown when Sleepy Ash genuinely wanted to get to know her, but she snapped at him saying she wanted nothing to do with him and telling him to go bother Mahiru. Even after that, she does home genuine care for Kuro, because she can't stay mad.
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yarrayora · 3 months
The Mother of Wrath only takes soldiers who fell in the battlefield. Japan has been at peace for quite some time with no war touching its soil. And yet, the amount of Wrath subclasses does not stop increasing.
C3 is aware of the cops, of the yakuza, of teenagers who died in street wars because they were stupidly eager to prove how strong they were. The Mother of Wrath takes no account of their morality when she makes someone her kin. She doesn't care of who they were, she cares of what they can become.
C3 isn't aware of that part.
Another thing C3 isn't aware of is that there are wars happening all across Japan, wars where neither vampires or mages have any stakes in. C3 finds out recently that The Mother of Wrath takes journalists in too. Those who died trying to expose corruption, be it for justice or personal glory.
"Good morning, everybody!" A woman with scars all over her face greets cheerfully in front of the camera. Nobody can tell who she is, not from how she looks. But her voice is familiar to everyone who grew up in the early 2000s. "My name is Shio Ayumu, but you might know me better by my stage name Mizuhara Ayumu. 11 years ago I was murdered alongside the politician Ogawa Takafumi. It wasn't because I was involved in anything shady! I just happened to be convenient because of my rising popularity!"
"They were planning to frame it as a murder-suicide by a jealous mistress, unfortunately whoever was in charge of killing me got a liiiiittle too excited by how I looked." She gestures empathetically to the scars littering her face. "As you can see, this kind of marks screams 'victim'. A woman who got involved in a man's infidelity deserved to die alongside him, but a beautiful woman who died because of a psycho would just get the nation demand for justice."
"So they got rid of my body and said I went missing after committing the deed." She shrugs animatedly. "But I'm here now to clear my name and to grind Takaguchi Shido's name under my heels!"
She smiles, showing all her fangs and the red eyes that indicate she is a vampire.
"You won't get away with it this time, motherfucker."
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lordlevian · 9 months
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To make it fair for you, @mahi-does-some-art I will post my doodles too lol
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hydralunatic · 2 months
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Drawing for 100 days! Week one!
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xinranran · 9 months
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This gorgeous masterpiece is commissioned to bl4nc on X/twt
I like the atmosphere between them in this art, it's giving me somewhat bittersweet vibes yet intimate. The contrast between the darkness and the little light surround them somehow depict the serenity between them. The way they gaze on each other as if they're the only person they set eyes on 🥺🥺💜🖤
Also I really love Gear in this art, he really looks so cool and handsome 🥲🖤
I really recommend for commissioning to bl4nc, their art never disappoints 😭👌🏻
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amirayray · 6 months
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A little bit of eroticism hehe :> I don't think there's anything wrong with that
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weatherholds · 1 year
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I apologize that it might actually take longer for me to continue the chibi servamps because my school schedule is driving me crazy T^T
So please don't expect something to be uploaded in a short period since i can't promise anything...
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razoarmachi · 5 months
Answering Questions [Yume Edition #1]! Part Two
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1. Who makes the other blush all the time and who finds it adorable?
[Both barely blush.]
2. Who sings in the shower?
3. What would their song to each other be?
[*the author doesn't know about the meaning behind love songs*]
4. Who embarrasses the other in public with kisses and pet names?
5. Who curses, and who reprimands the other for it?
[Even if both curses, nobody reprimands.]
6. What small quirks do they love about each other?
[🪽: Her being a grim reaper/necromancer is secretly one of the greatest thing that ever existed in his life.
🐦‍⬛: She likes his childish behavior where he claims himself as an angel.]
7. Who makes the other laugh more?
[They don't laugh that often, but 🐦‍⬛ would sometimes laugh when 🪽 gets a little bit silly or when 🪽 fights with Lawless over small things.]
8. Who gets jealous easier?
[Both, but 🐦‍⬛ is silent about it.]
9. How did they know they were right for each other?
[An angel and a grim reaper, what do you think? 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜]
10. Who brings up the subject of kids first?
[*the author is flabbergasted by this question*]
11. Who's adorable when they're sleepy, and who gets grumpy and irritable?
[🪽 can gets adorable and grumpy when he's sleepy.]
12. Who's more protective?
13. How do they express their feelings (Words, visual art, a song, etc.)?
[🪽: Shows his best musical creation. Mostly piano.
🐦‍⬛: Buys him something he likes and makes it like an angel is the one who sends him those gifts.]
14. Where would they go on a 3am adventure?
[Midnight opera/classical music performance.]
15. Who has a hobby only the other knows about?
[Uhh, none, I guess.]
16. How do they hype each other up?
[Both fights side by side ᕙ⁠(⁠@⁠°⁠▽⁠°⁠@⁠)⁠ᕗ]
17. Who picks flowers for the other?
[🐦‍⬛ mostly.]
18. Which one wears the "I'm with stupid" t-shirt?
[Both ( ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)]
19. Who's the better dancer?
[I think they're good at something classic.]
20. Who infodumps and who listens with heart eyes?
[None, they listen to each other's nonsense.]
1. Who makes the other blush all the time and who finds it adorable?
[They barely blush sir.]
2. Who sings in the shower?
[None. In funny way, could be ♠️.]
3. What would their song to each other be?
[*the author doesn't know about the meaning behind love songs*]
4. Who embarrasses the other in public with kisses and pet names?
[None sir, they're professional 👌]
5. Who curses, and who reprimands the other for it?
[Who doesn't curse in Call of Duty (͡⁠°⁠‿⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)]
6. What small quirks do they love about each other?
[♠️: ♟️'s quietness behavior.
♟️: ♠️'s lil scar on his right cheek.]
7. Who makes the other laugh more?
[♠️ makes ♟️ laughs secretly.]
8. Who gets jealous easier?
9. How did they know they were right for each other?
[♟️'s loyalty to Shadow Company doesn't need to be questioned, but in fact, she's more loyal to ♠️, unconsciously. She's his most trusted person, and executes every of his plan that is ordered to her. They have become closer since they're often sent to missions together.]
10. Who brings up the subject of kids first?
[*the author is flabbergasted by this question*]
11. Who's adorable when they're sleepy, and who gets grumpy and irritable?
[Both are calm.]
12. Who's more protective?
13. How do they express their feelings (Words, visual art, a song, etc.)?
[♠️: Order her to be on the same mission with him (in short, he asks her on a so-called mission which he considers it as a little date), brings random convo.
♟️: Act of service, following him everywhere, making him sure that she's always on his side.]
14. Where would they go on a 3am adventure?
[Walking around the base while pretending that they talk about an important mission.]
15. Who has a hobby only the other knows about?
[♠️ knows that ♟️ likes to read books and collects her late teammates dog tags or any other equipments.]
16. How do they hype each other up?
[♠️: Friendly shoulder tap, giving her detailed infos about the enemies or missions.
♟️: Executes plans quickly when he's under stressful situation so he can think better.]
17. Who picks flowers for the other?
18. Which one wears the "I'm with stupid" t-shirt?
19. Who's the better dancer?
[Eh, none. Maybe.]
20. Who infodumps and who listens with heart eyes?
[♠️ infodumps ♟️ about military things or his daily life things and she'd listen with big void eyes that has little stars on it.]
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magicaldonniella · 6 months
Karulyne in a Servamp AU
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So...basically, I made a wattpad story about Karuki having a pet husky and it turns out, she's a vampire...
Link to my story:
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nunezs-stuff · 1 year
Kianna's nightgowns
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These are actually all the nightgowns she owns she keeps them folded in her dresser and washes them when they get dirty
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Part 2 of my art dump :3
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Ildio for my alt eve au (that I really need to make a post about) he's pretty silly...
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I don't entirely like this one but I drew Sakuya and Tsubaki cuz ik bro misses Tsubaki
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Jjk au because I'm silly
Tsubaki is Gojo because they're both unseriousness
Ildio is Yuji cuz they munch
Shuuhei is Megumi. No I won't elaborate.
Cappuccino is Norbara because I'm silly
Tetsu is Panda bc I had no ideas tbh
Nicco is Maki just cuz
Freya is Inumaki bc I like them :3
And Sakuya is Geto bc Tsubasaku feels very Satosugu to me...
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My little time skip au for what would be after the events of sv if the ending isn't tragic
Mahiru and Kuro are married and parents because I said so
Kuro grows out his hair and Mahiru had stuble. Let me be happy.
I only got to draw 3 of the 8 kids I gave them (I don't know what I was on when I did that but whatever.)
I changed ages and names too cuz I can
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Freya and a wrath subclass bsf made his name is Lee and Freya is basically his mom because he has tragic family trauma
I have more drawings still 😭😭
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justicek-9bunny · 2 months
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He a necromancer but he likes to be call a witch he son of Count Saint Germain after Kuro kill CSG he swore that one day if he come across Kuro he would revenge him
He was captured by C3 in his late 30’s
His childhood wasn’t a happy one he was abuse by his stepfather till his mother died at when he was 10
After the hole C3 situation he goes by YouAce
His name is Tanto
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boundlss · 1 year
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" world end ... "
redeulogy: a mixed-media multimuse for a wide spread of characters. feat. muses from servamp, haikyuu!!, the witcher, lord of the rings, and more. currently featuring niccolo carpediem of servamp.
" enjoy yourself! it's too early to think about the end of the world. "
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deesfanfictionkin · 1 year
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This blog will be dedicated to world building, character building, and writing related to a multi-fandom crossover in a magical alternate universe called The Ever Young. The Ever Young is a land cursed, where time has permanently stopped, and life and death have no hold. Though once a peaceful land, it’s now separated into different regions. Each region has civil unrest, battles fought within their own boundaries, but those take the backseat to the large war that has been building and building…looming over everything as each region blames the others for the magic on the land and believes that, by winning control and eradicating or subjugating the others, they will be able to force time to restart.
There will be original characters used alongside the canon characters, both as secondary and main characters, as warning for those who do not enjoy that type of content. The fandoms currently represented are: Katekyo Hitman Reborn, K Project, Nanbaka, Servamp, Saiyuki, Mystic Messenger, Ikemen Revolution, Bungou Stray Dogs, Eyeshield 21, The Outsiders, Ronin Warriors, GetBackers, Class of the Titans, and Blush Blush.
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