#serum synth
- met this guy COG who’s sharing an office space with ASTER, he seems like a pretty chill dude.
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- i’m definitely more inclined to agree with his take on things than DIMA’s.
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- pictured: me at work.
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- i have been wondering what the ACADIANS do with their time. the island seems great for the purposes of seclusion and protection, but even going for a walk outside is a hazard, between the LEGFISH and the FOG.
    - for that matter, what do my SETTLERS back on the mainland do for fun? i’d like to think they occupy themselves with like personal hobbies and stuff rather than just farming all the time. i guess that’s the difference here, though: i’m not sure anybody’s had much or any experience with the concept of a “leisure activity”, except maybe ASTER, whose special interest is close enough to being a job that it might not occur to anyone that there’s a difference.
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- met MIRANDA, who seems to be having the exact same problem - she wants to return to the COMMONWEALTH once things cool down there. i hope DIMA lets her go.
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- met JULE, who seems to be having a rough time of it :( wtf AMARI.
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- met NAVEEN, who seems to be trying to keep his spirits up. hang in there, buddy.
- this place is no kind of paradise. this is a building full of traumatised people with nothing to do, nowhere else to go, and very little idea of how to start healing. actually, between ASTER’s botany hyperfocus, JULE’s socially avoidant behaviour, and NAVEEN’s depression, this feels almost like a place where neuroatypicality is the rule rather than the exception, which should fucking thrill me, but... idk. there’s something missing here, something that this place needs to make it a functional community, and i can’t quite put my finger on it.
- i really wish i could connect this place to my SETTLEMENTS, get some proper resources flowing, i don’t give a damn what DIMA says. maybe i could even find a therapist somewhere in the COMMONWEALTH, send them this way, although i recognise that one’s a tall order since the only psychologist i’ve met is fucking JACK CABOT >_<
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medicalisland · 3 months
5 Best Matrixyl Serum Reviews of 2024
Today, we are excited to bring you the latest and greatest in skincare technology – Matrixyl serums. With their innovative formulas and powerful anti-aging properties, Matrixyl serums have been gaining popularity in the beauty industry. Whether you’re looking to fight wrinkles, improve skin tone, or enhance your overall complexion, these serums are sure to deliver impressive results. In this…
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ariyan24 · 1 year
Native Instruments – Massive X + Expansion Bundle 2023 Download
The Native Instruments Massive X + Expansion Bundle 2023 is a cutting-edge software synthesizer package that offers musicians, producers, and sound designers a world of sonic possibilities. This downloadable bundle combines Native Instruments' flagship synthesizer, Massive X, with a collection of meticulously crafted expansion packs, providing an extensive palette of sounds to elevate your music production.
Massive X is renowned for its unparalleled sound design capabilities, offering an intuitive interface and a versatile array of wavetable oscillators, filters, and modulation options. It empowers users to create everything from rich, evolving textures to earth-shaking basses and intricate leads.
The Expansion Bundle 2023 adds a wealth of new sonic dimensions, featuring genre-specific sound packs, artist-inspired presets, and a diverse range of soundscapes, giving you endless creative inspiration across various musical genres.
Whether you're producing electronic dance music, cinematic scores, or experimental soundscapes, the Native Instruments Massive X + Expansion Bundle 2023 is your passport to sonic exploration and musical innovation, all within a convenient digital download. Elevate your music to new heights with this comprehensive and cutting-edge software package.
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obstinator · 1 year
Obstinator | Micronites | FULL ALBUM | 2020 |
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pukicho · 2 years
So puki you make music, whats your setup like? Audio interface, software, etc etc. Askin cuz I wanna get into the scene
Well I wanna preface this with a few things!! I have spent 90% of my money on music stuff! I love it and have spent like 13 years acquiring this shit, but here is my studio from like 6 months ago
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A FEW THINGS HAVE CHANGED SINCE THIS! I no longer have the Pro 3 and swapped it for… nothing! I just sold it, also I cleaned up those cables.
To keep it simple, I have an Apollo x8 audio interface, its the best sounding interface I’ve ever owned, all my synths go into the Apollo, I don’t have a mixer but I 100% need one, I have so many little synths not in use as a result of my lack of inputs!! I have an 8 channel midi host hidden behind some shit, and that really fucking helps. For the love of god don’t use USB midi for big synth setups like mine, it sucks. It pays to learn MIDI shit.
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My current synth tower includes the Moog Matriarch, Udo Super 6 and the prophet 6 - under the desk is my OB6! I also own a few doodads like the elektron octatrak mk2, the eowave quadrantid swarm and the 0-coast - I use Adam A77x speakers and some nice headphones!
This is all stupid overkill and not necessary to make good music, I am just a whore, and I have lofty plans and projects! All u need is a focusrite (or a UA volt preferably, sounds better) a good vst like serum or vital (free serum but less presets and worse effects) and some samples u can get from splice or some shit - and maybe a nice MIDI controller - as for daws I suggest FL since its great for learning, or ableton if you plan on going ham with beat making, logic is also a beast for apple users. Most importantly, have fun and don’t be a dick. Also if u think ur music is good 2 years in, it probably isn’t, always something to learn. Byebye
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thumpypuppy · 11 days
for the isat soundtrack, did you use pre-existing soundfonts, make your own, or didn't use soundfonts? i don't know much about music production so bear with me. also, if the first option, which ones did you use?
Fantastic question!
So there was exactly one song that used sound fonts (the SNES strings), otherwise it's entirely softsynths, multisamplers, and some recorded guitar and bass for a few songs.
If you're just getting started in making music there are a lot of free synths available from Native Instruments, and the Spitfire Audio LABS series has loads of cool free stuff as well. (You can also find bunches of free VSTs online!)
I have a lot of stuff in the studio, but I'll list out some of my current favs:
Xfer Records Serum - It's an absolutely incredible modular synth that has two channel AM/FM/RM modulation, wavetable synthesis, a bunch of really cool built-in effects, and there's so much automation you can do to create really amazing sounds.
Toontrack Superior Drummer - I have v2 + Metal Foundry, but they have a v3 now and loads of libraries available. Super customizable, absolutely the next best thing to just mic'ing up a kit yourself.
SubMission Audio Eurobass III - Honestly such a precise bass multisampler that has really detailed velocity and articulation control. Features heavily in our last album, DOOMTROID.
So to answer your question, a lot of things are either custom-designed in the studio or are built off of multisampling engines and then further modified and EQ'd to have a very particular sound.
I would just like to say that composition is FAR more important than having fancy plugins and experience with sound design and mixing, so go find yourself a bunch of free VSTs and focus on your composition first and learn the engineering part second.
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2mello · 2 years
Or any classic anime/kung fu sound effect in a DAW. Achieving the central spice of it anyway.
Preemptive warning: WATCH YOUR EARS. We are gonna be applying really high levels of resonance + some drive to this basic sound and it can hurt while fiddling, so do all this at a lower volume than usual.
Get ANY synth that can output white noise or even just a white noise sample you ripped from somewhere. Above I have Ableton's Analog synth with OSC 1 on only, set to noise, and the Amp envelope a straight block with all sustain, no release. The Amp level is set to 18 because you want a good ratio of noise to filter resonance, which you'll see what I mean by in a minute.
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Then put on any low-pass filter with a lot of resonance and if possible a drive option. For this, I chose Ableton's default filter, with the PRD circuit emulation to allow me to apply drive. You can totally just copy my settings here, but the Envelope amount should be set to taste as it can vary how chunky or fresh the sound is. Remember what I said about the ratio of noise to filter resonance too, because if the noise sample is too loud, the SQUELCH of the resonance will be muddied. So if you feel like the sound is too "sandy" or flat white noise still, try reducing the source noise volume and upping the resonance.
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Finally, for extra color, I've added an Overdrive plugin with low drive and wet% and a delay plugin with a fast delay rate. This could literally be anything you want to color up the sound--reverb, phaser, delay, heavier drive, whatever!
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Now, have fun tweaking the frequency knob on the filter and watch this sound come to life. You can get anything from radios to laser blasts to hard crunchy punch sounds to exaggerated mech movement.
I absolutely love this sound element and use it in a lot of my sound design, you can make it the central focus or pare it back until it's just a layer. I spent years not knowing I had this right under my nose and was bowled over when I found out the key element of a lot of classic sound design was readily available. I prefer using Serum with all its modern possibilities to do this, but wanted to prove it could be done on the most basic tools too. Here's a video of me playing with the frequency knob and adjusting the envelope.
NOTE: in my vid, the resonance squelch lasts a little long after the sound for my taste. To reduce that, also automate the resonance knob and turn it down after the Anime Moment has been achieved
If you liked this buy my albums or something?
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fallout4-reacts · 1 year
Anonymous asked: Can I request fallout 4 companions (and Maxson if possible) reacting to sole getting infected with FEV but they’re not a super mutant yet. Like, there’s that spot if time after infection where sole is still relatively human but symptoms start happening (the paranoia, hardening skin, pain etc)
Thanks for your patience... the Hancock one was a piece of work... then take notice that this one will be more like a short, but I couldn't help but feel it's come all alone
You know how Hancock has his own way of doing things...
Part 3 (1 - 2 - 4)
Elder Maxson / Hancock / Gage
It's time to celebrate the triumph; the Institute has been blasted to the ground, and everyone is overjoyed. Then a voice emerges over the fray, a voice that Sole is all too familiar with. Justin Ayo's voice.
"Sole! You annihilated what I had spent my entire life defending! You ruined my home, family, and dreams. And you think you're going to get away with it?"
Sole's companion reacted quickly, raising their weapon at the former director of the Synth Retention Bureau, but even if they killed him instantly, it wasn't until he shot a syringe gun at Sole.
The companion turns to Sole, horrified to realise that the syringe contained... the FEV
Elder Maxson (romanced) : He instantly barks his instructions, closing down the perimeter and ordering—no, requiring—that any enemy be turned to ashes as soon as possible. Anything that resembles an enemy, anything that can move, breathe, or simply exist, and was NOT a Brotherhood. His deeds continue to astound his closest officiors. They've never seen the Elder, despite his youth, lose control so readily. He now attempts to collect his breath, approaching a hefty step from where this Justin Ayo's body rests, dissatisfied with having ended his life too quickly. He has a strong desire for vengeance and wishes to vent it. But he is unable to effectively vent it. He can't vent anything.
He must not say anything. He realises now how far he has come out of his behavior, and he put a titanesque effort to regain control.
Then he shifts around to glance at Sole, who is still staring at the FEV vial in their hands, horrified. Furthermore, when Sole's eyes rise and meet Maxson's, it adds to their horror.
"NO ELDER! Please! Allow me... a second! Please!"
"In my quarters, immediately."
Sole is unable to react, remaining paralysed on the place.
"Do I have to repeat my orders, Paladin?"
The tone is firm, and Sole eventually musters the nerve to move their feet. They lack the courage to oppose or save themselves. In any case, surrounded by fellow soldiers in heavily equipped armor, they know they will not take two steps away. They board the vertibird, which transports them to the Prydwen.
Maxson continues to observe the men around him and takes a few breaths before talking.
"Let this serve as a lesson to all of you.  It might have been anyone. No one is safe as long as enemies walk the cursed land's ground. A Brotherhood must never loosen its guard. Dismiss."
He proceeds slowly towards the boarding platform, and in the eyes of all, his moment of rage is over and he is back in complete control of his emotions. He is always the Elder, strong and with his head firmly on his shoulders, and they would never question him. The soldiers are relieved, and everyone resumes their duties.
Maxson follows Sole inside his quarters. When he walks in, his subordinate is as stiff as a bar, and they don't appear to breathe for a moment as he turns and closes the door behind him. Maxson then takes a stride towards them, stares them in the eyes for a moment, and hugs them so tightly that Sole fears they will breaks in two. They stay in each other's arms for a long time, without saying a word or making a gesture, as if Maxson's hug might stop time and delay the inevitable.
"Knight-Captain Cade will come up with a solution. I'm convinced he'll discover a serum, a way to undo what's happened."
Sole is deafeningly silent. Of all the things they had thought would happen after discovering they had been infected with FEV, they weren't expecting that Maxson would let them live. However, it appears to be an illusion. Sole knows far too much about the virus, having met Virgil and strolled into the Institute's now-destroyed laboratory.
"Impossible.  In three days—
"Silence. "Quit talking!"
Sole notices Maxson trembling against them. It pains them to see their young commander in such a state. They wished things had been different.
"Arthur, you have to listen to me."
"No! I want, and I order! Nothing will be overlooked—resources, materials, or people! They will all be required to participate in research! We'll find a solution before it's too late!"
The Elder abruptly pushes them away, taking a step back and sighing painfully through his clenched teeth.
"No. I know. I know! You don't have to tell me. I'm not interested in hearing it. Not right now. Simply give us a night. Only one more night, please. That's all I've ever asked from the world I've been trying to serve since I was a little kid. All I ask is..."
Sole rushes on him again, this time embracing him tightly in their arms. Even a guy as strong as Maxson has limits, and losing one of his closest friends by discovering it was a synth, plus losing his beloved in such a perverted way, is far too much for a single man to handle. Maxson is imploding.
Sole walks him to his bed. One last night. That's all Maxson asks for, and that's all they'll get. Sole will later convey their emotions. They'll freak out afterwards. For the time being, the only person who matters is Maxson.
The next morning, when the Elder wakes up, he discovers a holotape on the pillow next him. It's not necessary to play it to grasp what's within. Nonetheless, he plays it. Then he hears the voice of the one whose heart has failed them. He hears their words of love, bravery, and encouragement. Sole's voice occasionally vibrates with passion, but they remain focused on their message. So Maxson squeezes the holotape against his chest for a few moments before walking over to his desk, opening a drawer, and depositing the holotape. After that, he does his ablutions, put on his uniform, and ascends to the command deck. Sole is gone, and Maxson knows he wouldn't go looking for them. All he will find is a poor person's partially altered body, contaminated with FEV. Maxson would rather keep the same vision of Sole in his arms that he tasted last night. It's a memory he'll treasure for the rest of his life. Meanwhile, he has an organisation to run, and no one should see his despair.
Hancock (romanced) :
He lowers his shotgun and instantly reaches into his pocket, where he pulls out a Jet inhaler. He notices his hand shaking as he carries the inhaler to his mouth. He shakes his head, but, on the second try, he regains his normalcy, and the drug's comfort goes through his brain.
As time continues to stretch around him, he notices Sole's hand releasing the vial that has just infected them, followed by their heads rising and a horrified expression on their face. Hancock acknowledges each passing second of this moment and nearly regrets his reaction to take a whiff of Jet, because he now knows that this scene will be permanently carved in his mind, no matter how hard he tries to chase her away behind more drugs. The Jet's effect fades, and Sole drops on their knees in tears. Hancock comes over to them and lovingly wraps his arms around them.
"Slow down. Maintain your cool. We'll figure it out. We'll pay as many people as we need to and shake as many cages as we should. We'll figure it out."
Hancock occupies them completely on the first day and evening to divert Sole from their anguish. He stuffs them with all the best chemicals he knows, tapping into his most hidden stockpiles, and he insists that Whitechapel provide his most refined alcohols. It's a memorable night to forget everything. Goodneighbor is as smooth as if there were a spectacular occasion to commemorate.
Hancock then spends the night checking out his sweetheart fall asleep in their bed. Sole couldn't even remember their own name; therefore Hancock considered it a success. But he knows that reality will return the next morning. He only bought them one last night of peace and quiet. Reality will return.
The ghoul gets up from his chair and clomps towards the door, knocking his hat on the way. Sole will remain in inertia for a few hours, and Hancock intends to make every effort to profit during that time.
His first act was to summon Fahrenheit, who appeared with a war footing despite the late hour.
"You're going to send our guys to pick up all the little asses that are close to or far away from something chemical. Anything that wears a scientist's savate. Everything. Bring all of these lovely people to the Memory Den as soon as possible. I'm going to see Amari first, and then I'm going to visit Carrington. I'll be back before Sole gets up. If they ever wake up before I return... knock them out."
The bodyguard cracks her knuckles and smiles thinly before leaving the room to execute her father's directives.
Hancock went to the former vaudeville venue first to alert Amari of his intentions. She smirked but nodded. She will set everything up and request Sole from Fahrenheit when everything is ready.
Hancock then moved on directly east and arrived at HQ fast, knowing all the routes to travel (or avoid) to reach the Railroad's headquarters.
Carrington frowns and objectifies. Desdemona intervenes. Deacon even gets involved. Finally, Carrington consented to participate in the project's initial phase. Hancock, the doctor, and Deacon returned to Goodneighbor.
When he returns to the Memory Den, which has since been closed to the public, he finds a gory band in full swing. He does not allow the importance of these people to impose on him and climbs the internship to gain their attention.
"Gentlemen, ladies," he began with a smile, "I have gathered you here for the most important project of your life. No, no protest. Nobody, and I say nobody, in the entire Commonwealth is ignoring anything Sole has done for us, for the people. However, a member of the damn boogeymen managed to reach Sole in a final act of treachery. He contaminated them... with FEV."
He gives the audience time to digest what he has just disclosed before raising his hands to hush the murmurs.
"I pray your merry band to divide in two. Two shock labour teams worked on two distinct phases of the Saving Sole project. The first team must be smart and technologically savvy. You'll be working with Dr. Amari here." He turns to face her and says, "my dear." Then he returns his gaze to the audience, requesting, "and the second team will have to be able to make me a serum capable of reversing the effects of FEV as soon as possible. If the second team fails..." To restore calm, he lifts his hands once more. "Don't worry, I know I'm asking for heaven, and I've already planned what I'll do if the second team fails. This does not imply that you must fail. However, if the second team fails, the first team will be our only hope. You do this to me; you work hard to discover a solution for me, and the great champion or champions will win access to everything Goodneighbor has of best to offer on your modest mayor's dime."
He appears to think as he prepares to end, then smiles longingly at the chemists, scientists, and other pseudo-doctors gathered under his command. "For the people, by the people," he declared forcefully at the end.
And no one in the room was ignoring what they owed to Sole. The majority of those in the room come from Goodneighbor or seek sanctuary in Goodneighbor when things go difficult. Everyone in the room has needed Goodneighbor at some point. They are all feeling something in their hearts. Hancock's message has reached them, and they respond with one voice: "For the people, by the people! Hancock! Hancock!"
Hancock, on the other hand, doesn't waste time. He follows Amari to the basement door, where Fahrenheit has taken Sole, who has been carefully kept comatose by her care.
“At least you didn't injure them too much,” he ask his henchman, neither fish nor fowl.
He leans in towards his sweetheart, who is resting on an occultation table, and softly places his lips on theirs.
"Up and at 'em. It's time to wake up, my sleeping beauty."
Sole is initially perplexed, looking around to find their position while sitting.
"Hancock? "What exactly is going on?"
"You remember being infected with this big, bad FEV virus, right?"
"Yes, I…" Their voice cracks, and they choke on a sob, everything returning to them at that instant.
"Hey, Sunshine. Take it easy. Don't shed any tears. Don't worry, the zombie king didn't say his last word."
He climbs onto the table next to Sole and wraps his arm across their shoulders, motioning to the few people present.
"You see these beautiful people; they, along with many others, are there to get you out of this wasp. We will never fail you. I will not fail you. So, in my opinion, you don't have a thousand years, and you don't have a thousand options. According to my knowledge, you'll be big, green, and ugly in a matter of days. It doesn't bother me, but I have a feeling you wouldn't like it. So I had a tiny thought in my head. Well, the greatest thing would be to fry you with gammas so you could join me in endless life, but that would be a bit of a toss-up, and you see, gambling isn't really a thing for me."
Sole embraces him, succumbs to the allure of his assured demeanour, and entrusts their entire existence to this ghoul who knows how to make their heart sing. For the first time since Sole awoke from cryogenics, someone else is in charge, and the person in charge has their complete trust.
"So, I spent the night considering other options. As I have said before, there are no chances of getting lost. Either we find a serum, or we maintain this small piece of yours the old-fashioned way. The first option appeals to me. It's the alternative for heaven. The reversion to zero. The standard point. But, as you can see, it's hazardous. I've assembled a group of macaques that are already curious about how the small monster works, but I'm not sure; I feel like I shouldn't put all my eggs in one basket, you dig?"
Sole simply nods their head.
"What's the old fashion?"
"It was Nick, or rather his story, if you follow me, who inspired me. Amari, you see, is still a tiny cerebral genius. And, like Curie, our Railroad buddies made a few moves here and there. So there you have it. "Why not?" I thought to myself. Why not build a tiny homemade backup so that if things ever get quite toasted and you can't get the bread out of the toaster, you can make yourself a whole new sandwich properly preserved?"
Sole expands their gaze, finally catching a glimpse of where Hancock is going, and their nerves give way. They grip their hands and grit their teeth, going white with rage.
"What? Do you want to build me into a synth? Do you want me to be like Nick?"
Hancock maintains his cool and places his hands on Sole's, as much to signal his presence as it's to keep them from doing something dumb.
"Nah! Unlike Nick. I mean, a little, but we know the trick. We're not going to put you in a cane."
"Thank you!"
Sole turns their head to the source of the voice, surprised to discover the detective in the room as well.
"Good morning, sweetie. Hancock forced me to inquire in case a brief conversation between you and me must arose."
Hancock brushes his palm across the topic, focusing solely on Sole and grabbing their chin in his hand to turn them back to him.
"We'll get into the specifics later. For the time being, we're talking about you. So I was saying that I hadn't even considered placing you in a machine that wasn't even worth considering."
Nick is being reserved this time. He realises there's a lot at stake, and Hancock's efforts appear to be keeping Sole calm, so he shouldn't ruin it by getting irritated.
"I didn't bring the best minds in here for nothing. We're going to use everything we know and everything we must to recreate your gorgeous little ass in order to place your pretty little brain back in a noggin that appears to be normal at first glance. If there is a catch, it's that you will never age again. That's all there is to it. So, as you can see, your lovely lil darling Hancock thought of everything. All we ask now is that you allow yourself to be pampered and loved until we reach one of two conclusions. Capitch?"
One thing is certain: Hancock has absolutely grasped everything from the start. He led the boat into an ocean that could have swallowed them all, but Sole has complete faith in his competent hands and won't dare to consider or argue; they merely nod soberly. After hammering his legs with clapped fists, Hancock stands up.
"All right then! In the first phase, Amari will conduct a scan of your brain to prevent you from forgetting anything bad about your beloved mayor. Do you require anything before we begin?"
The sole shook. No, they will not think. They are terrified to lose control if they begin to think. Meanwhile, they can delude themselves into believing that everything will be OK, and as Carrington and Amari put up the memory scanner, Nick and Hancock remain near to their friend, morally supporting and holding their hand. It wasn't a bad idea for Hancock to request Nick's presence yet again. Hancock would never be foolish enough to be jealous of Sole's first and best friend. He's relieved to have another person to reassure Sole throughout the process. And, as he expected, the scan was the easiest part.
Because after... after, things grow worse. The symptoms begin to manifest as the hours pass, and even if Hancock continues to pretend to be fine, the horror grasp him and Nick as the gradual transition into Sole became beyond description. He even takes over one of the warehouses he had given to his citizens in order to jail Sole. Their rage is becoming increasingly heinous, and at times they have delusions that can murder the two persons dearest to their hearts.
However, neither Hancock nor Nick fail. The synthetic's strength and proper mayor's brain do all possible to prevent Sole from escaping and killing anyone.
On the third day, the research teams conceded defeat. The serum would take too long to make. In that aspect, there is nothing to be hopeful about. Sole will have ravaged half of Goodneighbor before they comprehend only how the virus corrupts DNA, thus finding a solution may take years.
Hancock invites Nick to arm himself when Sole collapses on their knees, the skin spasms as their muscles become paralysed and bulge. The detective sighs despondently. He understands that once Sole is shot, everything will be dependent on the transfer to a synthetic body, which is still a high-risk process. But, like everyone else, he places his faith in Hancock's plan.
Hancock, in turn, kneels carefully at Sole's side, tenderly wrapping his arms around their shoulders and drawing the tremendous mass they've become in his arms.
"Shut down, slow down. Slow down, Sunshine. We're going to sleep, you understand this? A good nap. Everything will be alright when you wake up. You won't even remember nearly slamming that noggin with the leg you pulled from Nick. You'll see; everything will be alright."
While cradling his beloved in tears, he makes a sign to Nick, and the detective fires. He completed his heinous task with one bullet, one.
Sole's body falls inertly into Hancock's arms, and he lets himself cry for a moment, a little worried that Plan B won't succeed. But there's not much to be sad about. He carefully covers his lover's corrupt body in a bed he had installed there, then wipes his tears and claps his hands in an enthusiastic gesture.
"All right, it's time to go to Amari and begin the proceedings. I hope this idiot Sun has finished operating on the synthetic Deacon brought us back."
Nick nods his head, casting one last glimpse at the body, which is now motionless. Then he goes after Hancock.
The procedure was finally implemented the next day. Most scientists and others were awarded prestigiously, and Memory Den is now home to only a few people. Of course, neither Nick nor Fahrenheit or Deacon left Hancock for a second. So, there's a tiny welcoming committee gathered around the memorial pod, as Amari stares anxiously at her screen.
"The procedure is almost finished... just a few more seconds. Voila!"
Hancock grabs Nick's proper hand and squeezes it so tightly that the detective is relieved to have a metal structure. The memory pod finally opens, releasing the unconscious body inside. Then a person that looks exactly like Sole, who is bluffing, blinks many times, wanders around, and appears to be seeking something.
Hancock runs over to Sole 2.0 and carefully takes their hand in hers.
"Hey, baby, how are you feeling?"
"Hancock? Amari finished the scan?" says the same voice to which the companions had grown accustomed.
Again, tears tackle Hancock's eyes, but he shakes swiftly, gazing around and responding calmly.
"Sunshine, yes. The scan is complete. And the good news is that you no longer must be concerned about the bad virus. It's all over now."
Deacon and Nick immediately want to protest, but Hancock's glance stops them. Nick sighs and shakes his head. He is unsure if this is a good thing. But, well, sooner or later, the truth will be revealed. And Hancock will undoubtedly spare it at that point.
Gage : "Fuck!"
Gage isn't a library rat, but he's also not a dummy. He is quite aware of what has just occurred. He is well aware that this wretched vial is worse than death. He takes a step back, anxious, not daring to look Sole in the eyes.
"Fuck! "The son of a bitch!"
In a wholly pointless gesture, he begins repeatedly kicking Ayo's head until nothing, but a goo of brains, bones, and blood remains. So, he approaches his Overboss.
"Do you believe... Do you think there's anything we can do, boss?"
Sole sighs and shakes his head.
The raiders don't have a single resource to help them out of their predicament, and by joining the gangs, they turned their back on anyone who may have helped them. Despite the first shock, Porter devises a plan.
"The fuck you turn into a super-mutant. That's all. You'll be a super-powerful boss."
And the first day goes off without a hitch. Maybe just a little irritation and despair, but Porter refuses to let his Overboss sink and keeps them busy enough that they don't think about the issue too much. He even got them to sleep and finally gave himself some peace of mind.
Everything will be OK. It'll be alright...it'll be alright, right?
The next morning, impatience becomes fury, fear becomes terror, and concern becomes paranoia.
Porter is once again unimpressed. He is a raider among raiders. He is unsurprised by the different mental seizures. He's seen others. He's seen a lot of them.
The moment comes, however, when Sole, calmly making the tour of the merchants, suddenly thinks that something is wrong, that they are getting ready to attack them, and that the most loyal of their associates are shanks ready to slit their throat (Okay, that's partly true, but still).
And they think one of them is Porter.
Sole seizes control of the Fizztop Grille and refuses to leave. They block all access and fire on sight.
They don't even have green skin yet, and they're already too much to handle.
Porter, then, catches. Porter realises that having a super-mutant like Overboss will not be advantageous.
We fetch him a rifle after he bows his head sadly and asks for one.
His deed ended the reign of Nuka-World's second Overboss.
And Porter realises something else. He has no choice if he wants to live his dream. He cannot just pull the strings of someone who can swing either way at the first gale.
Porter then rises atop Sole's still-warm body and tells the crowd what he should have done a long time ago.
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glass--beach · 8 months
hey im pretty sure i remember u used live theremin for neon glow but i wanted to ask if you know any really good theremin-sounding synths/vsts ??? ive been asking so many musicians and i cant get an answer
you could probably get a theremin-like sound from just about any synth tbh, basically what you need is
- one simple oscillator, probably a sine wave or a saw with the high end rolled off (aka cutoff knob turned down to your liking)
- portamento / glide, basically you want it to slide between notes instead of separating them, you probably need it in monophonic mode too for that to work properly
- an LFO controlling the oscillator pitch, this’ll give it that eerie vibrato. not strictly necessary but a pretty common sound with theremin - it was originally meant to sound like violin or an opera singer
the attack and release and all that can be set however sounds right for the part, theremin usually has a slow attack but doesn’t necessarily have to
hope that helps at all, for the record while i did use real theremin on neon glow it was layered with a Massive preset that had all of the above traits, though it’s been so long since i’ve used massive (serum is my main synth vst now) that i do not remember the preset name
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elixir · 2 months
hey!! So someone told me you were a sound-design wizard, and I was wondering if you could help me recreate the “Lately Bass” patch from the yamaha txz18 synth in Serum? Thanks in advance sm ✨🌟
Hey there, sure!
Osc A: Basic Shapes > Saw wave, OCT: -1, FIN: -3, FM from B: 30-45 ca(or taste), OSC B: Basic Shapes > Sine Wave, OCT: -2, FIN: 2, LEVEL: 0 ENV 1: A: 1.0ms, D: 22s, R: 60ms ENV 2: Sharp pluck envelope(A: 2.0ms, D: 300-400ms, R: 140ms ie) Turn on MG LOW 24 filter > Cut-Off: 40hz ca, 30% Resonance ca, 35-40% Drive, Fat to 55-65% ca. Assign ENV 2 > Fil-Cut-off 50-70% ca. Turn on the compressor, set it to multi-band > THRESH: -15/20db or so, RATIO: 2:1, ATTACK: 1.5ms, RELEASE: 100ms ca, GAIN: 8.5-10db ca, Raise LOW band up to 120% ca, HIGH band down to 80% or so, set mix between 60-75%.
It's going to be around 85% there or so with these settings. ☺️
Here’s the patch .fxp💕
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asrielmerrymoon · 6 months
1. Can I ask why they don't have a gallbladder? The organ that stores and concentrates the bile that the liver produces?
2. Can Synths get viral sicknesses? Like with the cold, or a fever, or the flu. Or anything equivalent to that?
3. Can Synths get bacterial infections or stuff that isn't viral sicknesses. Like. Appendicitis is the only thing coming to mind. Or anything equivalent to that?
4. If a synth were to get sick/the equivalent of sickness what would be the procedure for treatment?
5. What does general matienence of a biosynth entail?
I forgor
Yes. They’re incredibly susceptible to those due to the controlled environment they’re grown in.
They would be taken out of the playroom to a “time out” room, and routinely; bathed, administered medicine and or antibiotics, and checked up on. Though they aren’t given any entertainment, only physical care.
Their visor is removed and all easily accessible systems are checked on to see how they are functioning. They’ll have their temperature and weight checked, possibly a blood sample taken. If it’s for a problem tho, they will go all out on checking their health. Scans and all. UNroutine maintenance includes “upgrades” wherein a synth is given a makeover by augmenting their features, possibly switching their visor out, and administering a Serum™️ that changes fur colors. (In universe explanation for redesigns)
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gencbeauty · 7 months
Take care of your skin with these top 7 Timeless Skincare Products that will refresh and hydrate, leaving it wrinkle-free, smooth, and moisturized.��Gen C Beauty offers Timeless Skincare Products such as Timeless 10% Vitamin C + E Ferulic Acid Serum, Timeless Skin Care Hyaluronic Acid Spray with Matrixyl 3000 and Rose Extract, Timeless Skin Care Hydrating Eye Cream, Timeless Matrixyl Synthe'6 Serum, Vitamin B5 Hydration Unisex Serum, Timeless 20% Vitamin C + E Ferulic Acid Serum, Timeless Coenzyme Q10 Serum, and Timeless Matrixyl 3000 Serum at affordable price. Visit now!
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dj-dondondonki · 1 year
I was getting very stuck the other day with a house track I'm working on and decided to try to get some inspiration/learning in by following a YouTube tutorial.
So I watched this one by OVERSAMPLED about making "vibey Lofi house (VERY CHILL)" and tried to follow his steps to make my own, very similar house track.
I like doing exercises like these because it takes all the hard thinking out of composing -- what sound should I add next, how should I structure the song, etc. -- and you can learn little tricks by imitating someone else. Some things I learned from this exercise:
-delaying the off-beat hihats in house music by just a fraction to produce that swing feel
-using chopped up bits of snare samples to produce little subtle rimshot sounds in the percussion
-first time using SERUM the ableton plugin as a synth instrument, I like how you can customize the sound waves and it comes with a kit of sounds ready-made for dance music
-placing a continuous, low-volume riser sample in the background during energetic parts to add a white-noise, hi-frequency texture to the song. subtle, but it adds some texture and energy. I sidechained it to the kick so it would have a kind of upbeat swing to it.
Some things I'm still struggling to figure out:
-how to get a really good grand piano sound for house music. that "lo-fi" quality to the piano that so many house tracks have -- I'm currently using a combo of Chorus, EQing, Compressor, Reverb and tweaking settings on the Ableton default grand sound. but it still doesn't sound the way I want. but I'm hesitating to shell out money for the plugin that he uses in this video (SAUCE for ableton) so I might have to spend more time making an effects rack for this.
-really getting into the synthesizer and customizing the synth waves and sounds to be exactly what I want. still a bit intimidated by the huge SERUM dashboard and relying on the presets they give me. I'd like to be able to customize the synths to be very particular (and add automation) since synths are so crucial in dance music.
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pukicho · 2 years
Puki if you don't give me advice on how to start getting into making music I'm gonna die from idiot disorder my life is literally in your hands please don't fail me puki
What do u wanna learn? Download a DAW first, I think FL, Ableton and Logic pro are some of the best. FL is the cheap, Reaper is cheaper but if ur a mac owner Logic Pro is the go-to, unless u wanna splurge for Ableton, which is the best >:) (Logic pro is like a pro version of garage band) - - Get a nice virtual synth, Ableton includes loads, different versions of FL give u access to their vsts - harmor is a great synth, btw all synths will work in all DAW's (except Logic which uses AAX but most virtual synths come with that too.) - my favorite VST's are Serum, Sylenth1, Zebra2, Diva, Dune3, omnisphere, and I use loads of Kontakt libraries and other things - this isn't a comprehensive list but I'd suggest shooting for Zebra2 or Serum for your first purchased synth since they have massive comprehensive presets, both user-made and built-in. Then go to splice or loopmasters or find all the free samples ur heart desires on reddit and then ur good to start learning. Get going.
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schizofujoshi · 1 year
patricia taxxon is right you should just synth your own drum hits. i spent 20 minutes looking for a good 808-like clap and got frustrated and just whipped it up in serum and its so much easier to control
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nicky999doors · 1 year
Some ppl really want me to pay 79.99 for a synth plugin that’s basically just a serum reskin like be serious
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