#seriously trivial
serendipititties · 1 month
So many of you think that your 2 cents on whether the Karma mv/ song is racist or offensive is necessary and valid when you steadfastly refuse to even say the fucking word correctly come back when you're ready to respect minorities dipshits
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Me: Hmm, how would Vale situation develop taking into account what had happened at the end of V3. Do they have access to food? What about land routes to Vacuo if the sea is dangerous? I wonder if Glynda will have responsibility thrust on her shoulders now? How would she feel about everything that happened and Ozpin's fate? Oh I can't wait to see how the world crumbles into chaos now that international communications are down and Vale is a mess and nobody knows who they can trust anymore. Show: What if we uhhh... ignored the place for six volumes and then just magically messed it all up OFFSCREEN LMAO who cares - we should focus on this totally engrossing volume about talking animals in candyland. Me: ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ
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fromtheseventhhell · 10 months
It's genuinely disturbing that people feel comfortable calling others "nazis" because they like characters in a way they don't find personally acceptable. Especially when they think that people calling them out are wrong because a post being "tagged properly" is apparently a free pass to say whatever (their post not even being tagged correctly is a perfect summation of their idiocy). The level of brain rot is unbelievable. People are acting like this over fictional characters because they're that desperate to "win" arguments in fandom. It is truly the mark of people who aren't intelligent enough to make an actual point. I suppose that's how they landed on the logic that blocking everyone who disagrees with them and preserving their echo chamber makes them correct.
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smile-files · 4 months
black hole in this episode..... oh my god....... he has such a capacity for death and he's afraid he'd kill everyone if given the chance. i don't know how else to describe it but it's like he's a gun with intrusive thoughts and he's going crazy because he's literally a weapon. it's awesome
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anghraine · 1 year
I have a lot of gripes with the Jackson films, obviously, but "turning Denethor into a one-note irrational laughingstock and his downfall into a vaguely comedic event, ensuring twenty years of snide jokes about suicide" is near the top.
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mytardisisparked · 1 year
People who send other people anon hate about fictional characters should be laughed and pointed at. You dummy, you blurred the line between fantasy and reality again, didn't you? You forgot who was a real person and who was a fictional character again, didn't you?
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bandana-fox · 10 months
As someone who does not care for envy or Nuzi, let me tell you: this whole thing is getting beyond ridiculous on both sides at this point. I usually do not engage in petty stuff like that but you know what, just this once.
Keep in mind, that will be the only post I will be making regarding that issue. I have no interest in getting further involved in that nonsense. Should this post become somehow out of hand, should this post somehow blow up, you will only find yourself blocked or I will turn the reblog function off.
If shipping is all that matters to you, congratulations! You entirely missed the point of that show. Go watch some romance related things instead.
“They killed V just to make Nuzi canon!!!”
I assure you, they did not because neither Liam nor Glitch is involved with your trivial ship wars. They have better things to do.
As for those who claim that Nuzi is now canon or will do anything to rub it towards envy shippers, no matter what Uzi or N does?
No, it’s not. Nothing is confirmed. Hand holding or blushing does not immediately mean romantic feelings. Platonic relationships are a thing but unfortunately, that is often overlooked because “they need to be something more than friends, they need a deeper relationship” as if friendship is somehow less important.
Blushing doesn’t just mean having romantic feelings for others. There are so many reasons as to why a person blushes. It’s not just for one thing.
Both Uzi and N are socially awkward in their own ways. They are both, in a way still practicing their social skills. N was constantly killing folks and Uzi was an outcast - both are new to this.
Quite frankly? With how the fandom behaves I sincerely hope that neither envy or nuzi becomes canon and that they leave it up to interpretation because that would be the best thing to do with how this clown show is getting out of hand. Honestly? It is way too early for any romance to happen between them to begin with. Right now, they have other worries.
I promise you, it is not the end of the world if Nuzi becomes canon or not. It is not the end of the world if envy becomes canon or not. You find other shows that you can obsess your ships over, because it’s obvious you don’t care about the show, the characters, the plot or the mysteries.
Regardless what becomes canon or not, you can still draw fanart or fanfic of your ships (of course if you ship incest or minor x adult get lost because I have seen you nasty folks around as well)
Don’t forget that platonic relationships can be just as beautiful. I am tired of people viewing friendship as less important.
In the end, that isn’t your show. It’s not your decision to make. Stop throwing a temper tantrum towards the creators just because you don’t get what you want. Liam and Glitch have better things to do than to partake in something so frivolous.
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radladrobin · 4 months
New dating strategy:
Judge your date based on how they play Disco Elysium
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taiwantalk · 8 months
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moonshinemagpie · 4 months
Just saw a post saying that the best queer spaces are ones with a "cishet dude or two" hanging around.
Honestly it's okay if you don't feel this way. I've had multiple, sometimes very, very hurtful experiences of "straight allies" joining in drag shows, pride parades, etc., only to later "come out" as acephobes, transphobes, and misogynists. My former friend, a straight man who performed at drag shows, told me he didn't see why him drunkenly catcalling women after the shows was a problem. This came out of left field. One of my former best friends, a straight woman, went full rabid TERF after reading Rowling's essay in 2020 and harassed me for refusing to exclude my trans friends from queer spaces. The list goes on.
Yes, queer people can also do these things, but anecdotally (in my experience!), it's been straight "allies" who decide to take on the responsibility of defining what they deem to be "acceptable queerness" and then using their privilege to hijack queer spaces. Straight people still have privilege in queer spaces. It is okay to make spaces that don't include them.
Even if allies are not using their privilege to be awful, there can still be a really uncomfortable feeling when everyone plays what I call "pet the straight," which is when the straight person in the room receives significant praise just for being there ("you're a certified ally!" "we love that you wanted to join us!").
I have experienced what's going on below multiple times, from people I've known for years and trusted:
(hiding it under a read more, but it's a picture showing former Economist editor Helen Joyce, a straight woman, holding up a pride flag that has had half its colors cut out, mostly because she hates trans people:)
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paradoxius · 1 month
There needs to be a term for the kind of strawman-adjacent argument where, sure, there actually is a guy who believes that but I think he's a dumbass.
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vermillioncrown · 1 year
Fuck you and your writing. What the hell. How tbe fuck did you make a tasteful brothel scene, how the hell did you manage to do all this shit. This chapter was fuckin heart wrenching. I wanted to see WWX get fucked up and then he did and it wasn't satisfying, but it was good writing and i liked it regardless. God. How the hell did you do this shit. What the fuck.
:^) thank you, i hit my target :^) :^)
because i really, really cared about getting the exact flavor of this chapter right, so much so that it took over a year.
the brothel scene is so important in what it means in the fic, which is more than showing that zyx fucked. or that zyx fucked a girl for real. or to do some questioning of sexuality.
(which i think i had to go through the five stages of grief when someone excitedly talked about it like having sex means someone is no longer aspec like... every day i am confronted by the fact we all coexist with vastly different perspectives on reality, and these realities are all true to some extent, sigh)
it's also not about being edgy and buying hookers, getting drunk, and all that.
so without using prostitution, nightlife, and sex as a prop and just being real with it, i hope that it doesn't come off goofy, edgy, or objectifying. the perils of trying to convey complicated feelings without therapy speak in-fic, and being really honest in someone's motivations and reactions (bc, unavoidably, it IS an SI).
the brothel scene and its whole fallout was so important, in fact, that i rewrote the entire order of the chapter. originally, the scenes were supposed to be in chronological order. logical, but it just felt like a boring recounting of events. sure, the events are fresh and we wanna see what zyx-mess happens next, but it's just a bunch of 'and then, and then, and then'. works for interlude chapters (ch8, ch15), but this really isn't one.
seguing, i learned a lot from how i wrote bil. dbd will never be as lean as bil, but it reminded me that when i drafted the fic, i focused on certain developments and ideas for a reason. also, since it's a chapter that doesn't involve too many canon characters, which let's be real that's usually the reason we stick around these kinds of fics, it needed to have purpose and be clear about what feeling it's trying to convey
even at the cost of simplicity in order of events
it would have been so difficult to keep the type of upset that zyx is feeling through a chapter that spans months, develops two interpersonal relationships, has a big oopsie, in chronological order without a too-angsty tone. too many periodic reminders would feel jarring and obtrusive, and exaggerate it. and that's also just not how zyx (i) deal with upsets, thank you adhd
and like, doing that for 10k+. (eternally i thank my readers for their patience and willingness to read so much bc people don't read fanfic for deep analysis and extra hw...) that's too much.
the second most important scene is the wwx duel, you got it. (i'd lump the lxc duel there, too bc those two are kinda related)
(sometimes i worry i made wwx too annoying. but then i talk myself back--it's always perspective. wwx isn't doing more than he already did in canon. we just have someone who can articulate how they feel about what he does, and he's not the main narrator of dbd.)
we get to a very clear demonstration of zyx as a character--it's more or less "i have no mouth and i must scream". here's your chance to be violent. you know you want it. do it. act out, make yourself heard.
zyx doesn't do it.
and you know what? i will be honest, truly honest here: i am sorry if you can instantly clock why zyx is the way they are, because for real 'recognition of the self in the other'.
lack of satisfaction--when you know what you wanted all along was for something to have never have happened at all, would punishment (displaced punishment) satisfy you? would it fix you? sometimes it helps, just for a moment. but i've answered this question enough times that i know i'd rather have never had to ask that question in the first place.
tldr: it's because it's a chapter about emotional honesty, and i as the author was really fucking honest and tried my fucking best to convey that.
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poorlittlevampire · 6 months
AND ON ANOTHER NOTE. okay one i deal with being perceived as a woman even tho im nonbinary so maybe that just exacerbates the problem. but i feel like the moment bi feminine people express attraction to men theyre seen as faking being bi. idk i have encountered this quite a bit and its very fucking annoying
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the amount of times I've drafted a carefully constructed, informative amazon review only for the browser to refresh truly makes me want to kill someone, possibly myself
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callingcxrd · 2 years
Maybe it's just me but like "DNIs don't work" well they sure do for me because if I read your DNI and I see you're fucking annoying I will in fact Not Interact
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fayevalcntine · 9 months
Some people put way too much stock in iwtv writers handling everything pristinely well and idk, I think that's gonna blow up in their face sooner or later when season 1 alone proved that they are not trying to tiptoe around certain matters and would sooner be fine with causing a problem and then dismissively refer to it in an interview than even worry about it in the first place
#iwtv#like......aside from the fact that the majority of the writers' room is white#it also doesn't help that some writers/producers like Rolin and Hannah simply don't care for trivial matters#like being 'cancelled on twitter'#Hannah referred to the DV scene in ep5 as a 'fight' and Rolin dismissively waved his hand at the terrible Claudia rape storyline#these writers are already established in their own circles and field; they don't care for online validation from people#who can't write an essay to save their life#like I see so many fans laugh at the thought of 'oh they're gonna make Lestat look not so bad'#they don't even consider the optics of how the writers may make Louis look like if he knows about#Armand being responsible for Claudia's murder#and still living with him for decades? allowing him to butcher her diaries?#therefore again; letting Armand tear apart Claudia in a figurative way#like some of you guys may be all *sickos* yes yes about it#but idk if the general audience; who already doesn't take some of Louis' deliberate misdirections seriously#will just accept and move on#especially when Louis himself apparently tries to make him and Claudia look like sympathetic people in his story#how exactly is that gonna come off to Daniel/the audience if he's not only knowingly lived with his daughter's actual#murderer for decades#but has also allowed him to tear apart the only last remaining evidence of her for the sake of not dealing with his own mistakes#and take it from someone who saw fans go INSANE after a certain tv characters' death#to the point where it made headline news#networks don't care for outrage in some moral manner#that show ended up getting 4 more seasons; so
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