#seriously though I think it would be adorable for everyone to make their own fankid and they all look hella different
dismas-n-dismay · 4 months
Now if I said we should all make Farcille fankids
And then make them all siblings
And THEN draw the ensuing chaos, who would stop me? Who would stop us? Rise.
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multishipper-baby · 5 months
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@chocottang FINALLY finished working on stuff for the Goldami fankids! Here are their designs... I'm not sold on their clothes but whatever I'll change those later, I'm tired of fiddling with the sketch and coloring.
Anyway! Quick introduction to each of them and the plotlines I had in mind while making them.
The oldest of the two by three years. She's a very extroverted girl, always looking to meet new people and get along with anyone she gets her hands on. Wherever she goes, she tries her best to be the life of the party and the center of attention, which can make her a little too much to be around at times. Because of her want to be regarded positively by others, she often lies or exaggerates her views and opinions in an attempt to fit in better- even if this sometimes backfires on her. It's not done with any malicious intention, but rather because of an almost pathological desire of wanting to be liked by everyone around her. Due to all this, she takes it very poorly whenever her attempts at endearing herself to someone fail.
Her need for attention, accompanied by her social chameleon tendencies, means she ends up having a talent for acting. She prefers acting on stage rather than acting for a screen, but she adores both options. Since her parents taught her how to sing and play violin, she's especially good for musicals. Cami wanted to teach her how to use magic so her performances would be more enchanting, but Golden insisted on letting her grow her talent naturally to avoid possible magical shenanigans. Her animal is a southern carpet chameleon.
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I have some extra sketches from when I was trying to figure out her hair.
The youngest of the two. He's the type of guy who takes himself very seriously- perhaps too seriously, at times. Competitive and ambitious, he's always looking for a challenge to overcome and becomes fixated on any problems he can't solve on his own until he manages to do something about them (or until his parents finally convince him to let it go). He's been fiercely independent from a young age, wanting to prove himself to the world and thinking he's more mature than he really is, which often causes conflict with his parents when they treat him like the kid that he is.
Unlike the rest of the family, he's less inclined towards art and more towards law, wanting to grow up to become a lawyer. Despite this, he still learnt how to play the violin, merely because he liked the time he spent with his mom teaching him (although he wouldn't admit it). He's not quite as adept at singing, though, mostly due to him getting too flustered when singing. His animal is a yellow-footed green pigeon.
Golden Family Drama
While these two could perfectly work with goldami in any scenario, I specifically made them with the idea of them working in the chance that Golden doesn't end up leaving his grandpa's house and instead drags all the rest of the family into the mess.
With his grandpa becoming older and more fragile each year (I'd imagine he'd be in his late 70s, early 80s) the company is now on Golden's dad's hands, which means that Golden now more than ever needs to step up, work even more, and prepare for extra responsibilities as his father starts instructing him on how the whole company works, since he's now next in line to become the leader. It's all very overwhelming for him, and it ends up putting pressure on his kids too, despite him trying to shield them from that.
Because of sexism, Layra is seen as the lesser of the siblings by older members of the family, and the expectation is for Guillermo to be the heir while she's just the "backup". Despite Golden and Cami's best attempts at dealing with those prejudices, she still grows up feeling rejected by her grandpa and great grandpa, which makes her people pleasing worse. She tries even more to become an actress, in the hopes that fame and fortune will be enough to show the family her worth, even if she sometimes clashes with Golden on that (who doesn't want her to push herself so hard to appease a bunch of adults, the way he did as a kid). In this path, Cami does eventually teach her how to use magic in an effort to make her rise to fame faster, hoping it'll make her feel better. Spoilers: it does not.
Guillermo meanwhile now has a mountain of expectations on his shoulders, many of whom he doesn't fully understand, as the future heir of the company. This makes his perfectionism even worse, as he desperately worries about every minute detail of what he does being up to par, not wanting to embarrass the business he already feels obligated to represent. Golden desperately wants him to just enjoy his childhood, but has trouble alleviating his son's worries when he's so busy with work. The only thing that manages to get him to slow down and relax for a while is playing the violin with Cami or his older sister, occasionally.
With both Golden and Cami (at least according to my headcanons) growing up in less than ideal households, neither of them fully realize the extent at which things are falling apart, since this is just "normal" for them. So hopefully they'll soon figure it out and look for a way to improve things... Or they can keep getting worse. That's also an option, I guess.
Palette cleanser
Wow a lot of that was really angsty and sad. Have some fluffy headcanons to make it better.
Because of how much both his kids crave validation, Golden always makes sure to give them at least one compliment or affirmation per day.
Guillermo knows he was named after a bird, and gets embarrassed over it when it's mentioned. The rest of the family occasionally uses it to tease him.
On that topic- they have bird pets! The whole family adores them.
Cami is the one who tells the kids bedtime stories when they were little. She liked making up her own and improvising rather than reading them from books, and they loved her stories.
They both like fancy clothes! Rich people things.
Guillermo doesn't believe in magic, but Layra definitely does. They have had their number of squabbles about that over the years.
Golden has like a million photos of them in his office, for when he's feeling miserable. His kids always bring a smile to his face <3
The animatronics try to be there for the kids and act like a better extended family for them than Golden's shitty ass family. Ditto for Eak and Towntrap.
Also Joy loves them! She's the fun aunt. She's especially close to Layra, and often helps her with her acting when possible.
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