#seriously henrik wtaf?
sevdawn · 2 years
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1 yr ago this week Piere's, FT Wayne IN If you're new to my Tumbr, hi. Not a pro, just a fan with a smartphone. Started snapping concert pics with Avatar's first headline show here in Louisville KY May 2015 cause I got tired of so called "pro" photogs taking a gajillion pics of the vocalist and barely taking pics of the rest of the band. Sometimes when I get bored I'll go back a revisit a pic, see if I can fiddle around with it and get a better edit. Photo editor of choice has always been GIMP. Free, works on everything, and has more than what I need just in the base program (plus there's a ton of plugins out there as well) My main go to for smartphones has been LG, currently own a V40ThinQ. Sadly. LG stopped making smartphones this year. Bummer, cause their phones take RIDICULOUSLY good photos.
Side note: Sis seems to think Henrik the bassist is staring through me here. I can't tell but if so, wouldn't shock me. Brat has a tendency to do that roughly once a show (if you dig enough through my tumblr, you'll see my compilation posts on that. Last count I think we were up to 10?)
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Please just tell me they just haven't posted the full cast list or he's in a coma or something hence no mention in the spoilers 😭. I'm seriously in denial about this! It would be such a damn waste. Even if GH wanted out before March, to kill him off this way is just lazy writing. He DESERVES happiness! We could have Henrik and Carole or they could have given him a boyfriend but instead they choose misery! His last two storylines being the CSA one then getting crushed to death. WTAF😡
The Digiguide cast lists aren't the full ones, no, so his non-presence in episode 26 isn't a definite thing yet.
However, I've just checked and we now have the full cast list for next week's episode (ep 25) from Radio Times. https://www.radiotimes.com/tv-programme/nhj5bm/holby-city-season-23/
Ange is in it (as we already knew). Lucky is definitely in it (Digiguide listed her, but they're not always 100% accurate, RT is). There's no Henrik. So yes, chances are he's dead; it's really best none of us get our hopes up.
I seriously doubt this is the result of Guy wanting out before March. The result of Guy wanting out, perhaps (and who can blame him, with the material he's been given?). Before March, no. Even if we assume this was a last-minute rewrite (which it may have been, it's been long enough now since the cancellation announcement that they may have rushed some episodes into production), he would definitely have made the decision to leave before he (or anyone) knew the show was cancelled.
I agree - Henrik deserves so much better. There was so much more left to do with his character. He should have had the chance to form a proper relationship, the chance to come out, and he DESPERATELY needed an autism diagnosis storyline. But here we are. Instead, they gave him one of the most offensive sexual abuse storylines in television history (and completely removed all his agency in the process - when said agency was the thing that made him such an incredibly important character), brought back his forgotten love interest only to give her dementia, and now they're fucking killing him. (And I really do bet you anything they'll give him - give Henrik "I took my Jewish mother's name when I was 16 in the hope that nobody would ever know who my father was" Hanssen - a fucking Christian funeral, to add insult to injury.)
It's disgusting. It's homophobic, it's really, undeniably homophobic (seriously, am I the only one who's noticed who gross it is to kill off a bi man in "exchange" for resurrecting a lesbian?). And personally I might even go so far as to say there are ableist undertones to it as well (again, see my point about how Henrik's final months on the show have consisted of the show stripping him of all his agency). I am so fucking angry at Holby for this.
It'll be nice if some miracle happens and I end up looking really stupid for posting this. But let's face it, that's not fucking likely.
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sevdawn · 2 years
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Humble beginnings. My 'not a pro, just a fan with a smartphone' journey also started 7 yrs ago today.
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sevdawn · 5 years
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Sauget IL May 2018 Exposure/saturation/levels edit Clicked that last edit and nearly choked on my coffee. Is it Sept yet?
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sevdawn · 4 years
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Jan 26 2016 (God that feels like a goddamned LIFETIME ago) I snapped this pic of Henrik in Birmingham AL. (fucking brat, I’ve got like 10 pics of him staring through my smartphone lens) This was the first night we heard ‘My Shining Star’ live (it was 10 yr anniversary of that album’s release) Can’t wait to hear it again this weekend during the Avatar Ages live stream!
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