#seriously fuck her
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fourteentrout · 3 months ago
Looking back at mist and fury for research and seeing that Ianthe is the one who pushed Tamlin to enact the Tithe before the new year even though he didn't want to....Ricky when I catch you Ricky.....
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sxnshxnxxnddxxsxxs · 11 months ago
i really feel like we don’t discuss enough just how deep jkr’s white supremacy goes
like it’s way more than just:
cho chang’s name
almost every black character being tall and sporty
kingley’s name
the goblins
the house elves
the only south asian thing about the patil twins being their names
there’s way more but those are the talking points that are usually discussed in the white supremacy context of jkr’s bigotry.
but there’s something else that i find to be particularly insidious which i don’t see that many conversations about.
so for context when i did my a level i had had to research late 19th century pseudoscience because i was studying gothic literature. and i came across things like phrenology and the criminal mind and honestly it feels like jkr discovered these theories and just ran with them.
as a quick explanation phrenology is the theory that by studying the shape of someone’s skull you can see if they’re predisposed to criminality and lombroso’s criminal mind is the theory that criminality is hereditary and you can tell by observing someone’s physical features. it’s also the general consensus in both these theories that someone with physical ‘defects’ or deformities’ will be predisposed to criminality which also makes them incredibly ableist.
both are incredibly eugenicist and white supremacist theories because they’re essentially saying that you can tell if someone is inherently good or bad and thereby whether they deserve to be alive/within society/treated as equals by looking at their physical features.
they are both complete bullshit pseudoscience with no real basis in fact.
now where this comes into hp and jkr is that the antagonists and the villains of the series are disproportionately described as having these very negative physical characteristics.
like the very obvious one is voldemort with no nose and being snakelike.
but also the way peter pettigrew is described.
“His thin, colourless hair was unkempt and there was a large bald patch on top. He had the shrunken appearance of a plump man who had lost a lot of weight in a short time. His skin looked grubby, almost like Scabbers’s fur, and something of the rat lingered around his pointed nose, his very small, watery eyes.” (poa ch 19)
like the man is literally being compared to an animal (yes i know it’s implied in the lore that the longer one stays in their animagus form the more traits they take on but the point still stands).
then there’s marcus flint who as far as i remember is literally just a minor antagonist.
“Marcus Flint was even larger than Wood. He had a look of trollish cunning on his face as he replied” (cos ch 7)
like she really has a thing for comparing people to animals which is a very common tool in white supremacy for dehumanising people.
and then there’s greyback
“a big, rangy man with matted grey hair and whiskers, whose black Death Eater’s robes looked uncomfortably tight. He had a voice like none that Harry had ever heard: a rasping bark of a voice. Harry could smell a powerful mixture of dirt, sweat and, unmistakeably, of blood coming from him. His filthy hands had long yellowish nails.” (hbp ch 27)
now admittedly it’s slightly different with greyback since jkr is very openly saying in the narrative that he’s less than human and too dangerous for society because jkr only believes in equality for muggleborns and no one else.
but as is stands there are so many examples some big some small of the physical descriptions of villains and antagonists having negative connotations. the reason that it’s so insidious is because this is a children’s book series. and children soak up information like sponges including the implication that the further you are from the beauty standards the worse of a person you are (something that is reinforced by society). then when you place that in the context of the west where hp is most popular then it becomes the further away you are from whiteness (the western beauty standard) the worse of a person you are.
it seems like a really small thing which is why i don’t think it gets discussed nearly as much as the more overt things but even the small pebbles can have large ripple effects. besides i think think it’s incredibly important to discuss every aspect of jkr’s bigotry.
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garrandia · 4 months ago
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helpless--romantics · 2 months ago
This narcissist bitch I used to be friends with, who had tens of thousands of followers on Tiktok, is getting cancelled today! I'm so fucking here for it!
/r/lexity if you want in on the drama xD
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yoyo-yura · 10 months ago
holy SHIT i just finished episode 7 and. fuck rebecca. that’s all i can say.
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heretherebedork · 1 year ago
I am gonna be honest, I hate the way this part of My Universe is treating the abusive relationship that Phat was in. Because telling him to talk to his ex and encouraging him to instantly move on is just... deeply uncomfortable. This boy deserves and needs space and support to heal rather than constant encouragement to get back into a romantic relationship and two people who seem to prefer his smiling mask to his actual pain.
I love Phat, though, and he deserves a brighter future full of love and people who will protect him and help him heal.
I jut want Phat to get a big hug from someone who will protect him.
Also, fuck this girl and he constant support if his abuser. Seriously. I hate her as much I hate shipping fangirls only moreso because here she is questioning why he's not getting back together with his abusive ex just because the guy claimed to quit drinking?!
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willowlark369 · 2 years ago
What is your Hogwarts house?
Amazingly, it still hasn't changed from the last time you sent me this ask, Anon.
However, this is a wonderful opportunity for me to remind everyone that JKR is a bigot who is actively trying to take away the rights of trans people (especially trans autistics) to exist. Any time you buy a licensed product (including licensed games), watch a licensed show, or visit a licensed theme park, you are giving money to this cause.
Regardless of what you tell yourself, that means you are supporting the same cause. You are being bigoted.
Support *fandom*, not JKR.
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livingthewritelife-things · 2 years ago
Lorie Smith is shocked and hurt that people are being mean to her over a hypothetical case that went all the way to the supreme court that ruled to take gay poeple's rights away!
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actually-alice-orchid · 2 months ago
me after falling in the shower: i hot my jaw on the tap and landed on the bath plug and part of it snapped
my mother: so u broke the bathplug
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daddario · 3 months ago
my sister is such a fucking nightmare and she’s turning my nephew into monsters and I want to boot her through a fucking wall. I can’t even stand to be around her anymore.
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sxnshxnxxnddxxsxxs · 9 months ago
Sipho Black
She was born is Aswan, Egypt (she’s black).
She was raised by her grandparents in Somerset but spends a lot of her free time hanging out in west London.
Family is everything to Sipho, she is the heir to a long legacy and she has every plan to uphold it. But for Sipho family is more than just blood.
She was raised in a multilingual community and she and her friends were all fluent in seven languages by the time they were eleven.
She has the superiority complex of a fifteen year old gifted kid who is also genuinely popular mixed with white man audacity with money to burn. Cocky does not even begin to describe her.
Reblog this post with 5 facts about your current OC muse!
I’m trying to learn more about y’alls OCs, but stream-lining it into one place.
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lonelyhumanoid · 1 year ago
I’ve just gotta come out and say it.
I probably shouldn’t be making assumptions like this, but I’m convinced that Chaya Raichik is deeply closeted. Nobody has the kind of hate in their hearts like she does without having some sort of deep rooted self hatred first.
Also most of the biggest homophobes end up in gay sex scandals so I won’t be shocked at all if/when an ex partner comes forward.
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demigods-posts · 8 months ago
i'm one hundred percent certain that after percy and annabeth made out underwater. and he wanted to make their relationship official. the question was not "will you be my girlfriend?" but "can i be your boyfriend?" i don't care what the canon says. percy gave annabeth the space to take the lead in the relationship. because after a lifetime of being abandoned by everyone she dared to care for. and then watching her on the brink of a panic attack at the thought of losing him the last four years. he wanted to honor a new beginning between them by follow her lead and moving at her pace.
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thecryptidzenith · 10 months ago
When Schrodinger was talking about the cat in box that's both alive and dead, he was talking about Kalina. She's a goddess's familiar, she's a plague, she worked for Fantasy MI6, she died, she came back, she got rage stared, she snapped her own neck, she came back as the companion for a god borne from a Fantasy Mormon child's misplaced belief. She's alive and dead, good and evil. She worked tirelessly for 800 years towards one goal and then fucking abandoned it (maybe.) Her goddess thinks she can fix her. Her goddess's wife always hated her. She is everyone's problem at all times and holy shit is she a Problem. What a fucking legend.
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nine-aetharia · 10 months ago
i need swifties to shut the fuck up about 'oh so kendrick's disses can be analyzed for hidden meanings but we can't do the same for taylor songs' yeah bc that's not isolated to kendrick. subliminals and entendres abound in rap. taylor swift songs are as deep as a puddle while youre wearing flip flops and your feet still arent wet
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acriticalfoal · 9 months ago
I don't get how critters aren't constantly on their hands and knees praying and giving tribute to Creative Director Marisha Ray daily, in fact I don't get how all of the constant hate she gets doesn't get immediately ratioed; the live shows the sets the production has jumped and improved to a level that is theatre stage quality and elevated the entirety of the show with it and while I understand there are a lot of talented artists are behind it, its marisha's vision that is constantly keeping shit in line and you can SEE it. wherever there is fun, magic, mystery and whimsy I always see her hand behind it. she deserves the world
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