#sera DAI
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classicteacup · 5 months ago
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night in the skyhold
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witsserviceablesubstitute · 7 months ago
Finishing with a quest line in the Trespasser DLC. I played as an elf and went to talk with a Sera that loves the Inquisitor. The first thing she does is ask if they're okay with the revelations. Then I pick up her journal and it's a reminder to, "Ask if he's okay— important— elfy things matter to him. Says he is okay but keep watch anyway." (To paraphrase). I love Sera.
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romanhyacinths · 1 year ago
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DA Sera but make her modern... and punk? 👀
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abyssal-ilk · 5 months ago
funniest thing to me is that if you're romancing sera and you ask solas what gift to give her for her romance quest, he gets disapproval. like why are you being such a little hater rn
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rh-ood · 9 months ago
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sera dragon age redesign!! Click for better quality 😋👍
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pisscrossiant · 5 months ago
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Merrill brings it, Sera brings snacks, Leliana brings various bongs/pipes (she has a collection) and Iron Bull is just Iron Bull.
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lemonsprite · 1 month ago
Sera, running around Skyhold with the inquisitor, pranking their advisors:
Sera: “I don’t know if we should mess with Cullen’s desk… I have no clue how sturdy it is….”
Inquisitor, who had Cullen on top of them eight hours ago, doing the horizontal tango on top of said desk: “oh it’s sturdy alright………”
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goldenbloodytears · 5 months ago
So due to a conversation I've just had with a friend while he's been replaying DAI in preparation for Veilguard...
Due to poll limitations, I've had to condense like and love into the same category. This will bias the results somewhat.
I would be greatly interested in hearing people's thoughts in the replies/reblogs if you want to give more detail, etc.
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tethrarisms · 5 months ago
Unpopular (maybe?) opinion but I wouldn't mind spending days on end just talking and doing small missions for my Dragon Age companions. They're so meaningful to me, I enjoy their banters and relationships even further than any combat and/or map exploring.
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diamondcitydarlin · 9 months ago
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Nap time :3
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kassarts · 7 months ago
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“Looking for ruins [...]. Why do I keep coming back for trips like this? You know, besides watching you from behind. Obvious reason is obvious.”
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dilapidatedanchor · 8 months ago
Sera was never quite an agreeable girl
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Her tongue tells tales of rebellion
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broodwoof · 1 year ago
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forever thinking abt solas and sera as extraordinary foils of each other
elven history v. elven modernity is a big thing but just as major imo:
solas is the dread wolf, the trickster god of rebellion and deception. we know now that it's more nuanced than all that, but he did lead a rebellion - and with good cause!
sera is a modern rebel, and what does solas do? he tries to share his experience with her. he talks about the tactics of rebellion, the choices to be made, the difficult things that lay ahead. sera listens and then rejects it and he's so confused. she's a rebel, she obviously cares about people, why won't she take it all the way?
but her reasoning is about avoiding his consequence and he doesn't even see it. she doesn't want to kill or ruin all nobles bc to do so would plunge everyone into chaos and she recognizes that. solas plunged all of arlathan into a chaos so profound it destroyed it
in a lot of ways, sera is wiser than solas, wiser about people, about reaction, about cause and effect. he went to extremes in order to free slaves and to punish the evanuris. she knows that nobles are awful and that servants and workers and all the people who provide for them are abused and misused, but she doesn't think wholesale destruction is the answer and she isn't wrong
and what's the difference? imo, community and experience. solas is such an academic, distanced from those he seeks to protect, and can be very paternalistic. sera has lived these things. she talks about how some of the red jennies make enough coin to retire and how the ones who do good are fine but others end up being the target of the jennies. she knows how people can change
also: the red jennies scare the nobles. there's power in that. it's far from perfect, but that doesn't mitigate the very real power in it. what if instead of destroying everything, solas had led a rebellion that put fear in the hearts of the evanuris? what if he forced them to confront that they, too, could face the consequences of their actions? it wouldn't have been easy but it would have prevented the absolute destruction that followed
and he! doesn't! fucking! see it! he doesn't see that sera's reasoning is about avoiding his mistake! he doesn't see that sera's wisdom grounded in experience counters his naivete grounded in an academic pursuit of justice!
which imo is all the more reason to believe he's a spirit. he had, and perhaps still has, a very simplistic view of things like this. if there is an injustice you fix it. you don't live with it and change it by degrees, you don't try to alter it at the root, you just Fix It, whatever form that takes. the evanuris are bad? imprison them. simplistic punitive justice. to sera, the nobles are bad? make them, THESE nobles, fear reprisal. give power and anonymity to the people being hurt. but don't get rid of all the nobles only to have to start the process over again
and we don't know the full form of solas' rebellion, granted. he may have tried many things for a long time. and arlathan appears to have been much worse than thedas is now - even tevinter doesn't seem as bad as arlathan is vaguely implied to have been. but he still destroyed... everything. he killed so many innocents. and yes, again, his situation was different - he talks about the evanuris destroying the world if he didn't stop them. perhaps he's right. it's not a 1:1 comparison, I get that. but they are still very profound foils of each other, and I find his insistence that sera should follow his path to be a fascinating bit of insight into his character, continuing to opt for extreme measures
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officiallyjewls · 24 days ago
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Kisses for the Red Jenny (Sera)
...is now available on Nexus Mods!
The road to Valentine's Day is paved with kisses! February 6th is a day for Seramancers!
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abyssal-ilk · 5 months ago
it doesnt feel like a coincidence that the two characters whom the writers dislike the most / expect you to dislike the most are the black woman and the lesbian
oh it's absolutely not. it can't be. the way the game essentially sets you up to being extremely suspicious of vivienne for quite literally zero reason (she does nothing wrong! nothing to warrent that treatment, even with low approval!) and allows you to fuck her over for seemingly no damn reason + the way so many of the dialogue options are so weirdly antagonistic with sera when she imo so easy to get along with and understand is. hm. well. i'm sure it doesn't mean anything at all (sarcastic)
and the entire damn thing becomes glaringly obvious when you don't view either of those characters negatively. vivienne is my favorite dragon age character overall and sera is SUCH an interesting, complex character. their treatment in dai in comparison to the other companions genuinely infuriates me to no fucking end.
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surreallyy · 9 months ago
Thinking about how Varric and Solas represent the two sides of Cole...and how that is much that same as Solas and Sera for a Dalish elf inquisitior. Solas representing your elven heritage, your connection to the fade. Sera representing your humanity, your connection to the people around you, the people you need to save. They both see you as being like them in some way but have completely opposite expectations of what that means, and if you lean into your Dalishness you end up disappointing both. Too elfy and never elfy enough.
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