#ser integral
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bocadosdefilosofia · 1 year ago
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«Los seres humanos funcionan dentro de una estructura de la que no puede separarse la dinámica del universo socio-cultural. Esto es tan cierto de los fetos como de los filósofos. La diferencia es sólo de grado. Cuando se trata del hombre como conjunto funcional, nunca es posible realmente disociar lo socio-cultural de lo orgánico y biológico. Si alguna vez, por exigencias del análisis, se hace así, el procedimiento es arbitrario. Puede justificarse, e incluso ser aconsejable, con fines metodológicos. Pero debe recordarse siempre que este procedimiento es arbitrario. Y que el hombre, ser social en todo caso, es una amalgama, o mejor, una integral de lo biológico y socio-cultural. La integración de las variables, biológicas, sociales y culturales, da la persona en funcionamiento.»
Ashley Montagu: La dirección del desarrollo humano. Editorial Tecnos, pág. 13. Madrid, 1961.
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edsonjnovaes · 4 months ago
What’s Wrong with the World
Não destrua o que você não entende! BBC – p7 jan 2024 O escritor e filósofo inglês Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874–1936), um dos maiores pensadores e escritores do século XX, é conhecido por sua habilidade em misturar humor, ironia e profundidade filosófica em suas obras. Em O que há de errado com o mundo (What’s Wrong with the World), Chesterton aborda questões sociais e políticas de sua época,…
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heydeoliveira19 · 5 months ago
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shxtori · 5 months ago
a vida é isso? ir trabalhar, se preocupar com faculdade e ficar ansiosa pensando no que você vai ter que fazer no dia seguinte?
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bbyac0kcal · 1 month ago
como eu recebo muitas perguntas das meninas/meninos daqui de como foi meu processo com a ana/mia (mais mia que ana), resolvi colocar aqui os principais pontos que eu me lembro, pq eu sou meio doida e tenho alguns lapsos de memória
A vida toda fui gorda. Criança gorda, adolescente gorda e adulta gorda no começo dos meus 20. Desde criança meu maior sonho era ser magra, já tinha pensamentos transtornados (aos 9 anos eu já pensava em arrancar a gordura da barriga na tesoura) mas nunca tinha conseguido colocar em prática, sempre desisti no começo. Depois de um término miserável, onde eu também era humilhada pelo meu corpo dentro do relacionamento, alguma chave virou e eu de fato consegui perder alguma coisa. Então aqui vão algumas dicas pra vocês:
Todo mundo sabe que a base do emagrecimento é o déficit calórico, e quanto mais pesada você está, mais fácil é perder peso através dele. Quando eu estava no meu maior peso eu comecei entre trancos e barrancos a restringir do meu jeito, por quase um ano eu comia uma fatia de pão integral e um ovo sem nenhum tipo de gordura, as vezes mingau de aveia com 30g de aveia e 200l de leite desnatado, e a sopa de tomate de 27kcal, foram os alimentos que me salvaram no começo. Óbvio que tive inúmeros deslizes e descontroles!! Você está reprogramando seu corpo, não se martirize mas sempre recomece.
É seu melhor aliado, sempre! Se não estiver acostumada com NF’s longos, tente parar de comer as 19h e volte a comer pelas 14h, sempre quebrando os jejuns com alguma proteína. Meu máximo de NF foram 12 dias, mas isso aconteceu só uma vez, eu geralmente não passo de 5 dias.
É necessário, amores. Eu não fiz muito exercício durante o processo e acabei ficando muito flácida. Se tiverem condição, invistam em academia!! Depois de um tempo e até hoje eu tento dar pelo menos 12k de passos no dia. Os exercícios da Cloe Ting também são ótimos e caso não goste de academia, tentem fazer pilates
Não preciso nem falar nada. Beba água o dia inteiro. Beba café sem açúcar. Chás. Energético e refrigerante 0 também são seus amigos.
Na segunda etapa do meu processo, durante meses fiz apenas uma refeição ao dia, eu fazia às 17h pq sinto mais fome pela noite. Máximo de 500kcal na refeição, sempre
Chiclete sem açúcar:
As vezes você só quer mastigar algo. Uma unidade de chiclete pra mim dura quase o dia todo, não tem necessidade de comer um pacote no dia.
Lembre-se de tudo que você passou até hoje, da dor que é morar num corpo nojento. A vida é melhor e mais bonita pra quem é magra, ninguém merece ser escravo da comida.
A bulimia chegou com muito esforço na minha vida. Nunca consegui vomitar no começo do processo (e até antes quando eu tentava) mas depois que aprendi, consigo tirar a culpa quando acontece algum descontrole. Algumas dicas: se tiver unha grande, opte pelo formato amendoado, machuca menos. Beba café bem forte antes, ajuda na ânsia. Conheça sua garganta, saiba os pontos mais sensíveis dela. Não espere mais que 20 min pra miar, eu particularmente acho mais fácil pôr pra fora quando a comida ainda tá uma “massa”. Se souber que vai miar, não coma pão, massa ou chocolate, dica de amiga. Sorvete é a comida mais fácil de miar. Beba MUITA água depois.
Infelizmente é normal, principalmente no começo do processo, mas eu sei como abala a autoestima. Invista em vitaminas não só pro cabelo e pele, mas vitaminas em geral, não são seu salvador mas vão te ajudar.
Muito comum e pode ser seu aliado (principalmente se você não mia), além de ser uma ótima solução pra inchaço. Uma opção mais barata e que funciona muito bem é o chá de sene.
Literalmente o que me salva. Aqui vai do seu gosto!! Quando estiver com fome, coloque vídeos de pessoas enormes comendo igual porcos. Procure vídeos de wieiad de pessoas gordas. Quando for fazer sua refeição, coloque um vídeo desses de fundo pra assistir. Vai por mim!
Num geral é isso, meus amores. Tá tudo bem resumidinho e eu não me considero exemplo de nada mas compartilhei um pouquinho do que fiz e faço. Se eu consegui, qualquer um consegue. A MF sempre vai estar um dia mais perto se você tiver disciplina.
Fiquem firmes e bem 💖💖💖💖💋
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yourteght · 2 months ago
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» PROBLEMAS DE CASAL MANHOSO (16/01) — collab com @sakurh (capa doada) » categoria: Jujutsu kaisen » personagens: Sukuna & Satoru Gojo » recursos: psds por navh (deviantart) and coloursource ; fanarts belíssimas por @to00fu (tysm)
meimei's note: acho que perdi a vergonha de chegar na pessoa e perguntar: collab? 🥺 pq olha, eu tô impossível esses dias! Kkkkkkk amo editar capa mas confesso que as rosas são as minhas favoritas e quando o marc me disse que tinha feito um fundo rosa, eu pensei: é hoje que sai nossa #collab2025 e foi dito e certo! 🩷 queria agradecer a cada pessoa que surtei no Discord, amo vocês pq sem os surtos, essa capa não sairia do lugar
marc's note: OIOI BEBE! eita que finalmente veio collab com meu mano igor que e o reizinho das capas 2d, meu sensei em tempo integral e tmb parceiro ❤️ primeiro de tudo fico mega feliz de ter feito essa capinha cm ele, AINDA MAIS POR SER ROSINHA! e ele simplesmente macetou com sua finalização P-E-R-F-E-I-T-A! sério apreciem esse divo pq ele super merece!
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creads · 10 months ago
⭐️ a noite toda. fem!reader x esteban kukuriczka
🪐 minha masterlist
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» cw: smut! por favor só interaja se for +18! ; kuku!dilf pai de menina; leitora!milf; oral male e fem recieving; face fucking; sexo desprotegido; p in v; shower sex; dirty talk/praise; nipple play; face sitting; hair pulling; multiple orgasms; kuku!sex deprived [gemidos].
» wn: fiz esse one shot baseado em um ask que eu mandei pra diva @idollete uma vez, também me inspirei na diva @geniousbh na forma de escrever/formatação! mais um kuku dilf nesse perfil né meninas mas o que fazer quando sou apenas uma garota? 🎀 essa foto dele sem camisa me deixa absolutely feral OREM POR MIM estoy loca e precise dele agora 🪦🪦💀🕊🕊🕊
kuku!dilf que você viu pela primeira vez na praia, no dia que tinha decidido levar sua filha de manhã para que ela pudesse brincar na areia e no mar enquanto o sol não estivesse tão forte. sua menina tomava uma água de coco sentadinha na canga na sua frente, ela percebeu a língua familiar que a menininha na barraca perto falava com o pai. “mamãe, eles estão falando espanhol”, a observação dela te fez olhar para ele pela primeira vez, apesar de ser muito bonito, não era isso que estava focada agora. “por que você não chama ela pra brincar então, chiquita?”.
kuku!dilf que observava sua filha chamar a dele para montar castelinhos de areia juntos, já que elas falavam a língua em comum. o pai da sua filha era colombiano, e, apesar de não manterem uma relação tão boa, você fez questão de ensinar a língua para a garotinha.
kuku!dilf que se aproximou de você com um sorriso educado no rosto, estendeu a mão para se apresentar, e te contou como ficou feliz da sua filhinha ter convidado a dele para brincar, já que ele era tímida que nem ele quando criança. depois, te falou que eram argentinos e tinham chegado há alguns dias no Brasil, e que ele já estava encantado pelo país.
kuku!dilf que se divorciou quando a filha ainda era bebê e tinha a guarda integral dela, e que ela é o mundo inteiro dele, e dava pra ver: a bolsa organizadinha e preparada para qualquer situação, a roupinha rosa e o cabelinho arrumado. ele também te contou que já tinha gastado muito dinheiro na praia porque não conseguia negar qualquer coisa que ela pedisse e também que pensou em vestir um short rosa para combinar com a filha, mas desistiu porque talvez seria demais. riu quando você explicou que “pra gringo é mais caro” e corou quando você disse que o short rosa seria fofo.
kuku!dilf que se encarregou de levar as meninas para o mar, e que fez você sentir coisas fortíssimas ao ver ele, não só fazendo elas rirem tanto, como também ao carregar as duas em só um braço com muita facilidade.
kuku!dilf que riu quando você disse que ele tinha que passar um bom exemplo para as meninas e passar filtro solar, porque já estava vermelho. ele que, surpreendentemente, ficou mais vermelho ainda quando você passou filtro no rosto dele, e fechou os olhos estrategicamente para não ficar te encarando. também, teve que cruzar as mãos no colo depois de você ter passado o protetor nas costas dele, ainda mais depois que você elogiou as costas cheias de sardinhas.
kuku!dilf que te chamou para almoçar com as meninas quando o sol começou a ficar muito forte. e no caminho do restaurante, carregou as bolsas dele e suas, enquanto andava de mãos dadas com a menininha loira. também precisou da sua ajuda para pedir no restaurante, te fez rir o almoço inteiro e, no final, não deixou você pagar sua parte da conta. e quando você agradeceu novamente antes de irem para caminhos distintos e propôs uma festa do pijama para as meninas no seu apartamento, ele aceitou com um sorriso enorme no rosto.
kuku!dilf que chegou no seu apartamento com a mochilinha da filha arrumada e um vinho tinto, te cumprimentou com um beijinho no rosto e sua filha com um abraço educado. também sugeriu que o filme da noite fosse “rio”.
kuku!dilf que carregou as meninas até o quarto depois que elas caíram num sono pesado no sofá com menos de 20 minutos de filme. e sorriu ao ver você na cozinha e as duas taças de vinho já servidas, brindou e repetiu “tim tim” logo após de você, apesar de não saber muito bem o que significa.
kuku!dilf que quando estavam sentados no sofá bebendo, fazia carinho na sua coxa, com o rosto deitadinho no sofá enquanto te admira. e, por mais que queria muito te beijar ali mesmo, quem tomou a iniciativa foi você: chegou mais pertinho dele e falou que a boca tava sujinha de vinho, passando o polegar nos lábios roxinhos entreabertos e manteve a mão ali no rosto, só aproximando sua boca da dele, finalmente selando um beijo depois de querer fazer isso o dia inteiro.
kuku!dilf que não perde tempo em te colocar no colo dele, segurando seu rosto enquanto te beija e bagunçando seu cabelo de levinho, as mãos grandes descendo lentamente para sua cintura e te apertando ali quando você move o quadril pra frente, gemendo baixinho dentro da sua boca.
kuku!dilf que diz “não faço isso há muito tempo”, e sorri quando você responde que ele tem a noite inteira pra matar a vontade, enquanto fica de joelhos na frente dele. quando sente sua mão o masturbar por cima da calça, joga a cabeça para trás e xinga baixinho, levanta os quadris para te ajudar a retirar a calça e a cueca e não consegue tirar os olhos de você desde o momento que você lambeu toda a extensão dele antes de enfiar ele todo na boca.
kuku!dilf que, a princípio, segura teu cabelo em forma de um rabo de cavalo para que seus fios não te atrapalhem, mas com o jeito que você chupa ele tão bem e ainda usa as mãos para envolver a parte do membro que não cabe na sua boca, segura seus cabelos com mais força e começa a fuder sua boca. e ele não se entrega aos próprios olhos quase se fechando de tanto prazer, fixado na sua boca e seus olhinhos lacrimejados, te observando com o olhar caído enquanto morde a gola da camisa, a fim de abafar os gemidos e xingamentos que saem da boca dele.
kuku!dilf que fala que vai gozar e puxa seu cabelo te afastando, se masturbando enquanto esfrega a cabecinha na sua língua de fora, para que possa ver ela ficar toda sujinha de porra.
kuku!dilf que afaga sua bochecha enquanto se recupera do orgasmo, e te acompanha com o olhar quando você se levanta, chega pertinho da boca dele só para sussurrar “vem me pegar no quarto”, e balança a cabeça com um sorrisinho sacana nos lábios enquanto te vê andar até o quarto, safada. cultiva uma marra enquanto levanta as calças e anda a alguns passos atrás de você até o cômodo, entra no quarto e se depara com você sentada na cama, morde o lábio ao fechar a porta, não deixa de te encarar.
kuku!dilf que se deitou em cima de você lentamente enquanto te beijava, as mãos grandes passeavam pelo seu corpo: seguravam seu rosto, enforcavam levemente seu pescoço, apertavam seus peitos e sua bunda por cima da roupa. as mãos logo se encarregaram de te despir, te deixando só de calcinha. beliscava seus mamilos enquanto apertava seus seios, soltando um arzinho pelo nariz enquanto te encoxava. passando as mãos pelos seus braços, pegou suas mãos e juntou elas sobre a sua cabeça, te imobilizando enquanto chupava seus peitos e descia com a mão livre até sua calcinha, fazendo círculos sobre o tecido molhado.
kuku!dilf que só parou de chupar seus peitos porque você levantou os quadris para que pudesse se esfregar conta a ereção dele, desesperada para que ele te fudesse logo. sorriu sacana antes finalmente de se ajoelhar entre suas pernas e retirar as roupas que vestia, deitando novamente em cima de você para te beijar, conseguia sentir ereção quente e a glande melada de pré-gozo sujar a parte interna da sua coxa. você gemeu quando sentiu ele esfregar a cabecinha na sua buceta molhada, e pediu “por favor, esteban… me fode logo” com os lábios encostados no dele.
kuku!dilf que enfiou a cabecinha enquanto analisava sua expressão, mas, covardemente, se retirou de dentro de você. rápido, te virou de bruços com muita facilidade e puxou seu quadril para cima, te deixando de quatro. “calma, bebita… a gente tem a noite toda…” disse, e logo se enfiou todo dentro de ti.
kuku!dilf que colou suas costas no peitoral dele enquanto te fodia, envolvendo a mão no seu pescoço para que seu ouvido ficasse perto da boca dele, permitindo com que ele gemesse no seu ouvido e falasse “desde que eu te vi de biquíni mais cedo, tava sonhando em te comer desse jeito… só não imaginava que sua bucetinha seria tão gostosa assim…” enquanto move a mão que estava apertando sua bunda para o seu clitóris, fazendo círculos para te fazer gozar juntinho com ele.
kuku!dilf que, depois de vocês gozarem juntinhos na cama, te chama para tomar um banho já que estão todos suados e sua bunda ficou toda suja de porra. no banho, ele te pergunta se você gostou, como se não tivesse sido claro pelo jeito que ele teve que tampar sua boca diversas vezes porque você gemia alto demais, e também o jeito que pulsava ao redor dele e revirava os olhos enquanto gozava. você acha até bonitinho a preocupação dele, dá um selinho nele e diz “gostei, muito”.
kuku!dilf que pediu para que você se virasse para que ele pudesse lavar suas costas, esfregando a esponja de banho e o sabonete cheiroso nos seus braços, ombros e lombar. depois apertava seu ombro tensionado com o polegar, fazendo massagem. descendo o carinho para sua lombar, passando as mãos na sua cintura, percebendo que você gemia baixinho ao sentir as mãos grandes no seu corpo. abaixou o corpo para que pudesse apertar suas coxas, subindo cada vez mais perto da sua buceta, ainda sensível mas que ficou molhada com o toque, e ele fez questão de pontuar isso. “já tá molhadinha de novo, bebita? que linda…” enquanto te dedava lentinho.
kuku!dilf que empurrou seu corpo molhado contra a parede gelada para que pudesse resolver o problema entre suas pernas, e agora, entre as dele também. se empurrou lentamente para dentro de você, sugando o ar pelos dentes cerrados e sorrindo junto com você ao te preencher, mais uma vez. dessa vez, te fodia devagarinho enquanto apertava seus peitos com apenas uma mão, e a outra envolvia sua cintura, segurando seu corpo molinho de tão bem que tinha sido fudida há uns minutos atrás, do mesmo jeito que estava sendo fudida agora, o barulho das peles se chocando preenchia o banheiro. ele segurava seu cabelo com condicionador enquanto gemia no seu ouvido.
kuku!dilf que, dessa vez, gozou na parte interna da sua coxa, e se ajoelhou depois para limpar a sua pele com sabão, enquanto fazia massagem nas suas coxas. terminou o banho antes, se secou e esperou sentado na cama por você. e que quando te viu sair de toalha e com os cabelos molhados, exalou um ar que não sabia que estava guardado dentro de seus pulmões, não cansava de te ver, ainda mais com a nova vista: você pós banho em pé entre as pernas dele enquanto fazia carinho no cabelo levemente grisalho e molhado, e ele esfregando o rosto nos seus peitos cobertos pela toalha.
kuku!dilf que pediu para você sentar na cara dele enquanto desfazia o nózinho da sua toalha, e fez uma cara de cachorrinho abandonado depois que você disse que estava muito sensível dos últimos dois orgasmos. “por favor, nena… não vou conseguir dormir direito se não chupar sua bucetinha… deixa, vai… prometo que vou chupar gostosinho, devagarinho…” enquanto beijava sua barriga e apertava suas coxas.
kuku!dilf que não tirou os olhos de você em nenhum momento enquanto te chupava, lambuzando sua buceta toda de saliva, não se importando de molhar a barba e o bigodinho. te dava um beijo molhado ali, alternando entre lambidas extensas e chupadas nos seus lábios e clitóris. agarrava sua bunda e te incentivava a roçar contra a boca dele, empurrando seus quadris para frente e para trás, o que te deixou louca: além do jeito que ele te devorava, sentia a barba áspera contra sua pele sensível e o nariz grande bater no seu clítoris toda vez que mexia para frente.
kuku!dilf que depois de te fazer gozar mais uma vez, dormiu agarradinho com você debaixo das cobertas, depois de trancar a porta e estender as toalhas molhadas no banheiro. e de manhã, não estava ao seu lado na cama quando você acordou, só o viu novamente quando colocou uma roupa e foi ao caminho da cozinha, se deparando com as duas menininhas sentadas comendo café da manhã e ele cortando frutas. “bom dia, hermosa. dormiu bem?”, ele perguntou e te deu um beijinho na bochecha, com um sorriso no rosto de quem já sabia a resposta.
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Consequences of Driftmark for Alicent and Rhaenyra
*In F&B, the events at Driftmark take place during Laenor's funeral, not Laena's, and Harwin is still alive, and Lyonel Strong is still Hand.
In bold are the consequences that are depicted in House of the Dragon - the rest are cut.
Consequences of Driftmark for Alicent in F&B:
Aemond (10) accidentally loses an eye, scarring him for life
Viserys publicly forbids any questioning of Rhaenyra's sons' parentage
Consequences of Driftmark for Rhaenyra in F&B:
Jace (6) is 'savagely pummelled' by Aemond and Luke (5) has his nose broken
Viserys orders Rhaenyra to move to Dragonstone to put an end to the fighting, therefore distancing her from court
Viserys orders her lover Ser Harwin Strong away to Harrenhall to dispel the rumours (resulting in his and Lyonel's deaths by fire)
Viserys considers but passes over Rhaenyra as his new Hand and reinstates Otto instead.
Meanwhile in House of the Dragon:
Harwin is already dead after being sent away for beating up Ser Criston Cole defending the honor of the Crown Princess against the Kingsguard knight who is apparently allowed to publicly shit-talk her?
Rhaenyra has already chosen to exile herself to Dragonstone because something something wise sailor steers to avoid the storm??
Rhaenyra is never even considered in the running to serve as her own father's Hand despite being the Crown Princess. Viserys even mentions that his own father Baelon had served as Hand for his father King Jaehaerys... but nope he just gives that pin straight back to Otto.
And then there's Rhaenyra immediately marrying Daemon after faking Laenor's death...
Again, Laenor is already dead at this point in the book. It is his funeral, and that is why we're having the first public confrontation over the boys parentage now, when Laenor is no longer around to refute it. Yes, Laenor is an unfortunate example of an LGBT character getting killed off, but the attempts by the show to avoid burying their gays creates a new host of problems. Laenor is now ok with murdering an innocent bystander, and then traumatising his parents and children with a body burnt beyond recognition. Rhaenyra is now also ok with this. This is now a part of their characterisation, but not one the show actually addresses or acknowledges - because it was only ever a temporary characterisation for the purposes of finding a way to get rid of Laenor without repeating a harmful trope. Similar to how it is now apparently a part of Rhaenys' characterisation that she will slaughter hundreds of smallfolk (and keeps a nifty change of armour in her purse for emergencies). This was purely for the Doylist purpose of having a big shocking Game of Thrones Episode 9 Moment, as evidenced by the weak Watsonian reason for why Rhaenys didn't end the war there and then ("she wouldn't do that to another mother" "it wasn't my war to start"). Not to mention that by episode 10 both Rhaenyra and Rhaenys seem to espouse the ideals of the Geneva Convention.
The change makes Laenor a suddenly very shitty person - particularly considering he left his kids with a burnt corpse so soon after their biological father actually died in a fire (it's not as though the show even makes the most of this trauma to actually develop Jace as a character). If Laenor is to exit the show anyway, at least have him exit with integrity. Then instead of spending his final episodes setting up Laenor faking his own death we could have explored his relationship with his children. What if instead of Harwin defending the boys in the training yard we had Laenor facing off against Criston Cole? The man who murdered his lover and now bullies his children? This would also establish Laenor as a father figure whose presence would actually be missed - as it is he is treated as a political nuisance to be bumped off so Rhaenyra can finally marry Daemon.
Which is also a consequence of changing the order of deaths around - Harwin is still alive during Laenor's funeral in the book. If Harwin were still alive in the show, Rhaenyra would not be looking to marry Daemon - as GRRM said in an interview, he could write at least a novella about Rhaenyra's romance with Harwin. Rhaenyra certainly would not have been plotting to get rid of Laenor. Again, it is as soon as Laenor dies that there is a public confrontation over about their sons' parentage; losing Laenor only hurts Rhaenyra.
On that note, while Daemon is rumoured to have paid Qarl Correy to get rid of Laenor, he is not the only one who stood to benefit from Laenor's death. It is much easier for the Greens or for Vaemond to challenge the legitimacy of Rhaenyra's children with Laenor no longer alive to claim them as his own. Especially if you kill him off before the now-betrothed Luke and Rhaena can grow old enough to marry and seal the alliance (in the book, it is Laena who arranges to betroth the children - perhaps she knew her cousin Vaemond would have no qualms usurping her daughters). And especially if Harwin is still alive and looking very suspicious as Rhaenyra's sworn shield. Imagine Harwin at Laenor's funeral, unable to comfort his grieving children without raising suspicion now that Laenor's absence leaves them exposed.
Providing an alternative suspect for Laenor's death would allow Daemon to be a more mysterious and grey character. I think one of the best moments of the show was when it cut away from Daemon's 'Heir for a day' toast to Otto reporting it to Viserys. Matt Smith apparently delivered the line with more sincerity than Otto makes out - a creative choice which is very in keeping with the spirit of F&B, filled as it is with biased narrators. I think it's a shame the show dropped this approach - imagine if the audience only ever heard rumours of Daemon murdering Rhea Royce, or murdering Laenor? Imagine if we had to balance for ourselves the light and dark in the character, analysing for ourselves how much truth was in the rumours. Imagine if Rhaenyra knew as much as we did, and had to decide what story she believed (what story could she live with?). This is the approach Game of Thrones should have taken with Ned Stark and Littlefinger - instead of Littlefinger monologing his evil plans like a pantomime villain it could have placed the audience in Ned's point of view (like in the book), forced to make decisions on who to trust based on limited information.
It would also make it more believable for Rhaenys to back Rhaenyra. True, Show Rhaenys doesn't leap to ally with Rhaenyra because she suspects she had a hand in her son's supposed death. But she also gets over that a little too easily. There is the Watsonian explanation that Rhaenys decides she can live with backing her son's potential murderer out of political pragmatism. But since by the finale she is fiercely defending Rhaenyra and singing her praises I'm going to assume that she's just in tune with the Doylist explanation that Laenor isn't actually dead. They could have at least have Rhaenys only suspect Daemon, and have the source of the rift be that Rhaenyra does not share her suspicions. That way Rhaenys can reconcile backing Rhaenyra without insulting her son's memory.
In addition to insulting Laenor, these changes remove sympathy and context for Rhaenyra's character.
Now Rhaenyra does marry Daemon within half a year of Laenor and Laena's death, and this is considered scandalous in the book. But the show makes it out to be immediately after his death, and it removes everything that happens within those 6 months. And a lot happens. Again, Rhaenyra is exiled away from court to Dragonstone.
To prevent further conflict, and put an end to these “vile rumors and base calumnies,” King Viserys further decreed that Queen Alicent and her sons would return with him to court, whilst Princess Rhaenyra confined herself to Dragonstone with her sons.
Yes, Rhaenyra 'took possession of Dragonstone' as her seat when she was 16, and she spent a lot of time there. We know she visited Laena at Driftmark from Dragonstone, and we know she gave birth to Joffrey on Dragonstone. But Dragonstone is close enough that Rhaenyra at 14 was racing Syrax between Dragonstone and King's Landing daily. And we know that until the events at Driftmark her sons were being raised and educated alongside Alicent's:
Though all six boys attended the same feasts, balls, and revels, and sometimes trained together in the yard under the same master-at-arms and studied under the same maesters, this enforced closeness only served to feed their mutual mislike, rather than binding them together as brothers.
Aemond losing his eye at Driftmark was what caused the final split of the royal family - not Rhaenyra getting embarrassed by her breastmilk leaking during a council meeting. Rhaenyra did not willingly leave King's Landing, because that would be a bad move, and the show knows it's a bad move, which is why they had to come up with that dumb line about the wise sailor steering to avoid the storm.
Next, Harwin is sent away, resulting in his and Lyonel's deaths.
Henceforth Ser Erryk Cargyll of the Kingsguard would serve as her sworn shield, whilst Breakbones returned to Harrenhal.
Lyonel Strong, Lord of Harrenhal and Hand of the King, accompanied his son and heir Ser Harwin on his return to the great, half-ruined castle on the lakeshore. Shortly after their arrival, a fire broke out in the tower where they were sleeping, and both father and son were killed, along with three of their retainers and a dozen servants.
So after being effectively exiled by her father and being forcibly separated from her lover, Rhaenyra suffers another huge personal loss. And so soon after losing her best friend Laena, and her husband and friend Laenor. Most importantly, by placing the fire at Harrenhal before Driftmark, rather than in the aftermath of Driftmark, the show erases another huge blow to Rhaenyra:
Rhaenyra is passed over as Hand.
Lord Strong had been the King’s Hand, and Viserys had come to rely upon his strength and counsel. His Grace had reached the age of three-and-forty, and had grown quite stout. He no longer had a young man’s vigor, and was afflicted by gout, aching joints, back pain, and a tightness in the chest that came and went and oft left him red-faced and short of breath. The governance of the realm was a daunting task; the king needed a strong, capable Hand to shoulder some of his burdens. Briefly he considered sending for Princess Rhaenyra. Who better to rule with him than the daughter he meant to succeed him on the Iron Throne? But that would have meant bringing the princess and her sons back to King’s Landing, where more conflict with the queen and her own brood would have been inevitable.
Viserys needed a new Hand after Lyonel's death, and he almost called Rhaenyra home. Her exile to Dragonstone was almost temporary, and serving as her father's Hand would have done wonders to smooth her transition to power. But Viserys prioritised avoiding conflict between Rhaenyra and Alicent and clearly decided 'happy wife, happy life' - and gave Otto the pin instead. Which positioned Otto perfectly to arrange a coup.
For all TG complain that Rhaenyra faced zero consequences for Aemond's eye - she sure got royally fucked over in the aftermath of Driftmark. For all TG complain that Viserys played favourites and let Rhaenyra get away with everything, his desire to avoid conflict and placate his wife seriously sabotaged Rhaenyra. He may have backed the legitimacy of her sons, but overall Driftmark was a political win for the Greens... and for Daemon.
These rulings pleased no one, Septon Eustace writes. Mushroom demurs: one man at least was thrilled by the decrees, for Dragonstone and Driftmark lay quite close to one another, and this proximity would allow Daemon Targaryen ample opportunity to comfort his niece, Princess Rhaenyra, unbeknownst to the king.
However you feel about Daemon, the timing and context of Rhaenyra's marriage to him is important.
Yet hardly had Ser Otto arrived at the Red Keep to take up the Handship than word reached court that Princess Rhaenyra had remarried, taking to husband her uncle, Daemon Targaryen. The princess was twenty-three, Prince Daemon thirty-nine.
Otto arrives in King's Landing to take the position that is rightfully Rhaenyra's, and Rhaenyra marries Daemon (upstaging Otto in the process). That's the context of their marriage. Daemon (however you interpret him and his motives) comforts Rhaenyra at a time in her life when she is losing everything, one after the other - her best friend, her husband, her lover, her influence at court, her position, the security of her succession. Rhaenyra marries Daemon to feel stronger again, at a time where much of her strength is being stripped away. Daemon was there at an extremely vulnerable time for her - he may even have related to her how he was also exiled by Viserys, how he was also passed over as Hand.
Based on the timing, Rhaenyra was also probably already pregnant.
Septon Eustace claims that Rhaenyra knew her father would never approve of the match, so she wed in haste to make certain he could not prevent the marriage. Mushroom puts forward a different reason: the princess was once again with child and did not wish to birth a bastard. And thus that dreadful year 120 AC ended as it begun, with a woman laboring in childbirth. Princess Rhaenyra’s pregnancy had a happier outcome than Lady Laena’s had. As the year waned, she brought forth a small but robust son, a pale princeling with dark purple eyes and pale silvery hair. She named him Aegon.
Even accounting for the possibility that Aegon was born early - which is likely since he is noted as being small - it is possible Rhaenyra conceived him before her marriage to Daemon. The year after all began with Laena's death and ended with Aegon's birth, and as I've detailed Rhaenyra goes through a lot between Driftmark and her wedding to Daemon. So while he is comforting Rhaenyra for her many losses, Daemon gets her pregnant.
The show does at least keep the context of a grieving Rhaenyra having recently lost Harwin when she finally sleeps with Daemon. But by changing the order of events they remove much of the context that made this such a low and vulnerable time in Rhaenyra's life. She doesn't lose a best friend. Her children don't lose a protector in Laenor. She leaves King's Landing voluntarily. She was never in the running to be Hand. Her exile is erased from the show.
In the show, it's "hee hee we'll get rid of Laenor and then we'll be an unstoppable power couple and RULE THE WORLD - from Dragonstone though, 100% voluntarily, because something something wise sailor avoids the storm..." And this is apparently the more interesting and complex improvement on F&B?
At this point the show had already changed Rhaenyra's childhood so she is no longer bullied by her stepmother and groomed by her sworn shield. These instances of adversity in Rhaenyra's life are exchanged for a version of Alicent and Criston that are more sympathetic and that many find more interesting. I may personally disagree, but I can understand it, and I can understand why some fans like these changes. However I do not understand why it was necessary to keep taking away even more instances of adversity faced by Rhaenyra - why erase her exile, why erase her being passed over as Hand? it does not make the story more interesting, and it makes Rhaenyra's story less compelling.
How much more heart-breaking would it have been to see Rhaenyra begging her dying father to wake up and defend her, if the show had stuck closer to the book version of events? After forcing his daughter into an unwanted marriage with a homosexual man, after exiling her while she was grieving, after passing over her as Hand, after hurting her transition to power, after failing to to bring her home... how much more emotionally satisfying would it then have been to finally see Viserys drag his corpse out of bed to defend Rhaenyra and her sons?
The book version of events would also open up a more interesting relationship dynamic between Rhaenyra and Daemon than "lets fake my husband's death so we can be an unstoppable power couple and rule the world!" If I were adapting it, I would have kept Daemon's possible involvement in Laenor's death ambiguous - uncertain to both the audience and to Rhaenyra. Again, suggest the possibility that it could have been the Greens. Have Rhaenyra, at her lowest and most vulnerable moment, convince herself that she can live with the doubt. Because at this point, with Laena dead, Laenor dead, Harwin dead, and with her father exiling her, Daemon is one of the few allies she has left. A Rhaenyra who chooses to kill an innocent bystander to fake her husband's death is cartoonishly evil. A Rhaenyra who chooses to live with the possibility that her new husband murdered her old husband is interesting.
Meanwhile Alicent goes from victor to victim at Driftmark...
Yes, of course in both book and show her child is the most seriously injured and, again, scarred for life (though in the book it is the result of violently bullying little kids half his age so 🤷‍♀️). But politically, Alicent comes out on top after Driftmark.
See Book Viserys doesn't give Rhaenyra an honour without also giving Alicent one, and vice versa.
King Viserys loved both his wife and daughter, and hated conflict and contention. He strove all his days to keep the peace between his women, and to please both with gifts and gold and honors.
And because Alicent champions the patriarchal status quo (and in the book is an adult battling a child) this 'neutrality' is to Rhaenyra's detriment. So yes, Driftmark sees Viserys publicly forbid anyone from discussing Rhaenyra's sons' parentage - that is a loss for Alicent and a win for Rhaenyra. But Alicent's victories at Driftmark are much more significant - Rhaenys is effectively exiled from court, her rival's influence at court is severely diminished, Otto is brought back as Hand and gets to stack the council with Green supporters. Viserys' weak efforts to stop the fighting and placate everyone ends up favouring Alicent significantly.
In the show, its all 'poor Alicent can't even get her mean husband to cut a 6-year-old's eye out for her and its making her big beautiful brown eyes sad'. The show removes all the consequences Rhaenyra faces at Driftmark, and replaces it with Alicent snapping because 'that spoilt Rhaenyra gets away with everything'. All of Alicent's victories from Driftmark have already happened before Driftmark, and they don't even count because Alicent's big beautiful brown eyes are sad. Rhaenyra has already committed political suicide by voluntarily leaving King's Landing, and Otto is already Hand because Rhaenyra was never in the running.
This is worsened by the fact that the show feels very inconsistent in how it depicts Alicent's position as queen consort. In the book, as stated, Viserys strives to please his wife with gifts and gold and honors, and Alicent is surrounded by a 'Queen's party' of 'lickspittles, fawning over Queen Alicent and her children'. Alicent's worth is apparent in the fact that Viserys throws a huge tourney to celebrate their 5-year-anniversary - Alicent is the centre of attention and celebration. Because this is the 'benevolent' form of misogyny Westeros takes in the books - one that celebrates and reveres wives and mothers like Alicent (while of course not permitting them bodily autonomy) and demonises non-conforming women like Rhaenyra.
In the absence of Alicent's special tourney in the show, we don't get Rhaenyra's iconic dress entrance - instead it is given to Alicent during Rhaenyra's wedding to Laenor. Because this is such an iconic moment for Rhaenyra, the show tries to compensate in episode 3 by having a bloodied Rhaenyra upstage Aegon during his birthday celebrations. Since this is no longer the culmination of years of being bullied by her stepmother, the moment loses quite a bit of its impact (at least the soundtrack is gorgeous). This version also replaces Alicent's special day with Aegon's special day - which depicts a very different world of misogyny. The more complicated benevolent misogyny of the book is replaced with a more basic misogyny in which Alicent is simply ignored and unappreciated.
Which feels like overkill. I don't think this change was necessary to understand Show Alicent as a victim. Personally, if I was pimped out to my friend's dad and suffered through marital rape and unwanted pregnancies with zero bodily autonomy, I wouldn't consider a tourney to be adequate compensation. Alicent can be appreciated and celebrated and still suffer. If anything it could further feed into her self-identification as a martyr.
So the show depicts an underappreciated victim Alicent with her big beautiful sad brown eyes. But episode 6 depicts Alicent as having accumulated a significant amount of power as Queen. The episode establishes that Alicent is powerful enough that she can demand that the Crown Princesses' newborn be taken away from his mother and brought straight to her (in a world of high newborn mortality rates) - and the Crown Princess has to comply. It's implied that this kind of behaviour isn't new, and either Viserys isn't intervening or Rhaenyra is just not telling him for some reason. Meanwhile Alicent can shut down a proposal by the Crown Princess that the King is in favour of, overturn the Crown Princess at council meetings, and seems to be the final voice at the council meeting. Not to mention she has made Criston Cole so untouchable that he can murder vassals of House Velaryon, publicly bully Prince Jacaerys, and openly speculate on the sex life of the Crown Princess (and it is Harwin who gets punished???).
But one episode later and Alicent is snapping in despair because Viserys won't cut out a 6-year-old's eye for her. And the subtext of the scene is that it isn't really about the eye, it's about a marriage where she has gone underappreciated and unrecognised, and Viserys always chooses Rhaenyra over her and his other children, and big brown eyes are sad... All ignoring of course everything that she gets away with in the previous episode. Really, it feels like Driftmark is a last straw for Viserys - he's been essentially letting her run things so far but he draws the line at cutting his grandson's eye out.
And I would be willing to accept this inconsistency as purposeful - people are inconsistent and hypocritical, and Alicent self-righteously views herself as a martyr. And there is a tendency for critics to mistake in-character inconsistency for inconsistent characterisation and bad writing, and I do see this tendency a fair bit in discussions of Alicent (some instances being more valid than others). However I get the impression that this is not a purposeful in-character inconsistency, or at the very least there were competing visions behind the scenes. And this is because of the victimised way Alicent and her big beautiful sad brown eyes are framed - and because of the way the events at Driftmark are also shifted around.
Firstly the dynamics are changed between the children to make Aemond more sympathetic. The age gap between him and Jace is narrowed and Baela and Rhaena are added to the fight - making it a fight of 1 against 4 kids who are close in age. Meanwhile in the book, Aemond is 10 and starts the fight by hitting a 3-year-old Joffrey for making noise. A 6 and 5-year-old Jace and Luke then come running to defend their little brother against a much older and bigger bully - who easily beats them up.
Joffrey had run to get his brothers when Aemond took to the sky, and both Jace and Luke had come to his call. The Velaryon princelings were younger than Aemond—Jace was six, Luke five, Joff only three—but there were three of them, and they had armed themselves with wooden swords from the training yard. Now they fell on him with a fury. Aemond fought back, breaking Luke’s nose with a punch, then wrenching the sword from Joff’s hands and cracking it across the back of Jace’s head, driving him to his knees. As the younger boys scrambled back away from him, bloody and bruised, the prince began to mock them, laughing and calling them “the Strongs.” Jace at least was old enough to grasp the insult. He flew at Aemond once again, but the older boy began pummeling him savagely…until Luke, coming to the rescue of his brother, drew his dagger and slashed Aemond across the face, taking out his right eye.
Jace's injuries are much much worse in the book, and he is much much younger and braver. I mean, it takes balls for a 6-year-old to go up against a 10-year-old - and a 10-year-old with a giant fucking dragon at that.
And then there is 'questioned sharply':
Afterward, King Viserys tried to make a peace, requiring each of the boys to tender an apology to his rivals on the other side, but these courtesies did not appease their vengeful mothers. Queen Alicent demanded that one of Lucerys Velaryon’s eyes should be put out, for the eye he had cost Aemond. Princess Rhaenyra would have none of that, but insisted that Prince Aemond should be questioned “sharply” until he revealed where he had heard her sons called “Strongs.” To so name them was tantamount to saying they were bastards, with no rights of succession…and that she herself was guilty of high treason. When pressed by the king, Prince Aemond said it was his brother Aegon who had told him they were Strongs, and Prince Aegon said only, “Everyone knows. Just look at them.”
The order is reversed. In the book Alicent is the first to demand violence against a child - in the show it is Rhaenyra. Now I argue that Rhaenyra's demand was more toothless - in both book and show it was more about backing Alicent into a corner to get her to admit to plotting a coup. But In the book, both mothers at least had an understandable context behind their shitty demands - Alicent's son had just lost an eye, and Rhaenyra was responding to a violent threat to her son (plus, Aemond had just savagely pummelled Jace). Since Alicent is publicly demanding violence against a 5-year-old, now is a good time for Rhaenyra to ask 'hey, I wonder who taught Aemond my sons are bastards, hmm Alicent?'
But in the show, Rhaenyra is the one made into the aggressor, and Alicent is now the victim reacting defensively. Rhaenyra just opens with wanting to question Aemond sharply, right while Aemond is in the middle of getting his eye stitched up. In the book, the argument between the mothers comes after the boys have been made to apologise to each other, which implies that at this point Aemond has at least already received medical attention. But in the show, Viserys immediately goes along with Rhaenyra making her sons' parentage the more pressing priority - all so the scene can escalate towards Alicent losing it and demanding Luke's eye. The scene is more dramatic and nonsensical as a result - it is bewildering that this is the order of priority and this primes the audience to sympathise with Alicent here. Viserys is shouting at his injured son and Alicent's big brown eyes are sad. And Rhaenyra is temporarily characterised as the sort of person to demand her brother be tortured - as the aggressor rather than in a reaction to a threat - for the Doylist purpose of a more dramatic escalation towards Alicent picking up the knife.
Now Viserys making the question of his grandson's legitimacy a priority could make sense in the show's version of events - if there is a potential coup it does have to be shut down immediately. The consequences for his children and grandchildren are after all life-threatening. And to be fair to him, his first impulse (while Aemond is receiving medical attention) is to ask the children how the fight started, which is reasonable enough, and the episode has already established that he's not in complete control of his mental faculties.
But emotionally, we the viewer are watching an injured kid get yelled at by his dad while Alicent's big beautiful brown eyes are sad. And not only are the events around Driftmark changed to remove the adversity Rhaenyra faces, but the events at Driftmark are changed to add to Alicent's victimhood. She is no longer the aggressor, she is depicted as undervalued, and her victories at Driftmark are erased.
And by episode 9 it seems Alicent is so powerless as Queen Consort that she has to let Larys masturbate over her feet. And episode 8 makes out that she's been acting as nurse maid to Viserys, instead of Viserys having servants to look after him (though we did see Alicent voluntarily sending these servants away back in episode 3 - did she send them away permanently? Were there spending cutbacks on staff to make way for the redecorating?)
But in episode 8 Alicent also appears to be running the kingdom, and has the power to decide on the succession of Driftmark. Alicent even tells Rhaenyra that she will be the one sitting in judgement while Viserys is ill - not Otto, the King's Hand, but Alicent. How is this consistent with Alicent being undervalued and underappreciated, if she is given this power and responsibility? How is she so powerless that Larys gets to masturbate over her feet?
From these inconsistencies, TG draws the following picture: underappreciated Alicent is busy running the kingdom, while spoiled Rhaenyra is off 'playing house' with Daemon and avoiding her responsibilities. Poor Alicent is depicted as doing all the work while Rhaenyra is off having fun, instead of Rhaenyra being effectively exiled against her wishes to placate Alicent. It's almost as insulting as the change to Rhaenyra and Criston - instead of Criston (who is exactly the same age as Rhaenyra's mother, by the way) grooming Rhaenyra from the age of 7, he is the one presented as Rhaenyra's victim by TG (like poor friendzoned Jorah).
Alicent's victories are presented as unappreciated sacrifices and burdens, and Rhaenyra's losses and adversities are presented as her idiotically skiving to live in domestic bliss.
And the problem to me isn't simply that there were changes made, or that I wish Alicent was a more one-note antagonist etc. Though I would have preferred a more book-accurate adaption, I was initially cautiously on board for the changes in the first half of the season. They at least seemed interesting, and I was intrigued to see where this high-budget fanfiction would go. But the show goes too far in taking sympathy and depth away from Rhaenyra to shower it on Alicent - the accumulation of changes tips it over the edge. There had to be a better balance than what the show gave us, one where we could root for Rhaenyra as she struggles in the face of adversity (making the eventual dark path she goes down all the more tragic). The sympathetic version of Alicent that the show gives us simply does not demand taking so much away from Rhaenyra.
The one scene in the second half of the show where we get to see how adult Rhaenyra deals with adversity is her introductory scene. She responds to Alicent's demands by walking bleeding up a flight of stairs rather than let go of her newborn. And this is where my frustration lies with the show, because it has so much potential and yet it is so inconsistent. On the one hand, it's ridiculous that Rhaenyra doesn't just ignore Alicent. But on the other, it's a decent way to compensate for the change to Rhaenyra's childhood. Since we no longer have young Rhaenyra getting bullied by her stepmother, we needed this big moment of cruelty. And it shows just how much Rhaenyra will fight for her children.
And yet the same episode will have her voluntarily abandon King's Landing (and far far too early - there is a point in F&B where a considerably more broken Rhaenyra faces a similar choice, and we are nowhere near that point yet). Rhaenyra ditches because she's been, in her words, humiliated. This would be salvageable if this was simply a case of Rhaenyra deciding not to put up with Alicent's shit and establishing herself from a seat of strength at Dragonstone. But staying away? Being absent from court for years? Episode 8 even establishes that Dragonstone is so close that they don't even need to stay the night when they visit King's Landing! This woman walked bleeding up a flight of stairs rather than let go of her newborn baby, and now she's just relinquishing all influence at court to the greens? This isn't consistent or accurate characterisation.
Rhaenyra already has plenty of canon flaws, without adding that she voluntarily leaves and stays away from King's Landing and her dying father. Even when ordered to move her family to Dragonstone, Rhaenyra in the book always tried to come home. She brought Maester Gerardys to save her father's life. She at least tried to influence the council by nominating her choice of Archmaester. She doesn't just roll over and let the Greens tilt the council in their favour without a fight.
Though Grand Maester Mellos washed the cut out with boiled wine and bound up the hand with strips of linen soaked in healing ointments, fever soon followed, and many feared the king might die. Only the arrival of Princess Rhaenyra from Dragonstone turned the tide, for with her came her own healer, Maester Gerardys, who acted swiftly to remove two fingers from His Grace’s hand to save his life.
Princess Rhaenyra wanted Maester Gerardys, who had long served her on Dragonstone, elevated to replace Mellos; it was only his healing skills that had saved the king’s life when Viserys cut his hand on the throne, she claimed. Queen Alicent, however, insisted that the princess and her maester had mutilated His Grace unnecessarily. Had they not “meddled,” she claimed, Grand Maester Mellos would surely have saved the king’s fingers as well as his life. She urged the appointment of one Maester Alfador, presently in service at the Hightower. Viserys, beset from both sides, chose neither, reminding both the princess and the queen that the choice was not his to make. The Citadel of Oldtown* chose the Grand Maester, not the Crown. In due time, the Conclave bestowed the chain of office upon Archmaester Orwyle, one of their own.
*the seat of the Hightowers - great attempt at neutrality there Vizzy
With King's Landing so close to Dragonstone, there is no way Rhaenyra didn't do what she could to mitigate the damage of her absence. The fact that she is noted as being in the confinement stages of her pregnancy during the coup, and that this is considered serendipitous, suggests to me that Rhaenyra otherwise would have tried to attend court as much as possible:
With the princess in confinement on Dragonstone, about to give birth, Queen Alicent’s greens enjoyed an advantage; the longer Rhaenyra remained ignorant of the king’s death, the slower she would be to move. “Mayhaps the whore will die in childbirth,” Queen Alicent is reported to have said (according to Mushroom).
If the draft script leak is true, the show initially had Rhaenyra explicitly say that she abandoned King's Landing to strengthen her claim, which is both nonsensical and adds to my belief that the show didn't fully understand that they were taking the fight out of Rhaenyra by having her voluntarily leave and stay away. Or maybe they did understand it, seeing as they replaced this statement with the more vague 'wise sailor' line, with Rhaenyra's theme music playing triumphantly to trick us into thinking they weren't assassinating her character.
I've seen essays by fans of the show that have tried to argue that Rhaenyra leaving and staying away is actually a compelling character flaw, spinning it as either the inadvertent self-sabotaging actions of an overprotective mother, or an entitled antagonist who wants the throne without working for it. The latter is character assassination and inconsistent with the rest of her characterisation. The former is also inconsistent, and for it to work it would necessitate that the show spend more time actually fleshing out her children and her relationships with them. These inconsistencies, and the half-hearted way the show tries to rationalise her decision, leads me to the unfortunate conclusion that the show is simply less clever and more inconsistent in quality than it had the potential to be. Which is all the more infuriating in a show that has potential - it can be very capable of writing compelling characters when it wants to, it just rarely does when it comes to Rhaenyra and her children.
Ultimately, a character who fights as much as they can is always going to be more compelling than one who rolls over. Is anyone honestly looking at, say, Sansa in the early seasons of Game of Thrones and thinking "hmm yes I'm glad they got rid of Sansa sneaking out to the Godswood to plot her escape, tricking Tyrion into thinking she was just praying, refusing to kneel during her forced marriage and learning valuable lessons from being used as a political pawn by the Tyrells. It's so much more compelling watching Sansa spend her time getting petted by Shae, Margaery and Tyrion, not knowing what sheep shit is, and getting passively whisked off by Dontos in a surprise rescue".
Rhaenyra has had to fight ever since she was named heir aged 8, ever since her stepmother started bullying her as a child. That fight is an indispensable part of her character - whatever other changes you may make, taking away her fight is not on the table. And above all, taking away the adversity she faces removes opportunities for her to be interesting.
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poisonlove · 1 year ago
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Prompt: Amidst the glitz and glamour of the entertainment world, Y/N finds herself entangled in a web of emotions. Navigating the captivating landscape of her newfound celebrity life, her heart becomes a battleground between two captivating co-stars, Emma and Jenna. The boundaries between fiction and reality blur, leading Y/N into a maze of confusion. With Emma's vibrant charm and Jenna's enigmatic aura, Y/N grapples with a choice that could redefine not only her on-screen performances but also the very fabric of her personal bonds. Blinding lights cast shadows on her feelings, leaving Y/N torn between two captivating forces in a world where fiction collides with reality.
Wordcount: 1.9 k
Pairing: Jenna ortega x reader
Author: sorry for this shit
It's amazing how a simple pastime can turn into an extraordinary opportunity.
My world, where I enjoyed imitating movie characters in online videos, was shaken by the surprising news from Tim Burton. The master of dark cinema personally chose me for a role in the second season of Wednesday Addams. The transition from a simple pastime to a set with a professional cast, a renowned director, and a real dressing room is something I could never have imagined.
I was nervous as I watched the cast of the first season, observing me with enthusiasm and joy, new faces to see and integrate into the plot. I felt like a deer caught in the headlights, taken aback by all this unexpected attention.
"Welcome!" Hunter, a guy with puffy brown hair and a perpetual smile, extends his hand to greet me. With a small smile on my lips, I accept the greeting and chuckle with embarrassment. "Thanks," I reply with flushed cheeks, not sure why I should thank him.
"Finally! I was tired of always working with the same faces," Joy intervenes with a smile on her lips. The girl had a drink in hand and raises it to her mouth, drinking its contents. "You're always friendly, Joy," George, a guy with curly hair and sweet coffee-colored eyes, smiles at his friend with amusement. "Welcome," he adds, smiling broadly.
"Hi!" My eyes turn to the sound of the voice, and I see a girl with short brown hair and piercing blue eyes. I smile nervously, recognizing Emma Mayers: the actress was notably more beautiful in person. "You must be my new love interest," she adds, widening her lips in a beautiful smile, blue eyes looking at me attentively. "Yes..." I chuckle weakly, nervous.
I can't deny that the fact that I'm her new love interest embarrasses me: I'm not entirely sure I can pretend to flirt or kiss someone for pretend. I shudder at the mere thought. "Well, because George was a terrible experience," she says, smiling mischievously, trying to downplay the situation.
"I love you too, Em," the guy called George intervenes, rolling his eyes at her comment. The blonde laughs, and the sound of her laughter makes me shiver slightly, increasing my nervousness and causing the blood flow to stop on my cheeks. "I know," Emma sticks her tongue out at George, and he imitates the gesture.
My attention is captured by a couple talking to each other, conspiring who knows what. The guy laughs softly and puts his arm around the shoulders of the shorter girl who looks at him with a small smile on her lips. I recognize the couple as Jenna Ortega and Percy White. I had heard rumors of a possible romance between them, but I thought it was nothing more than a rumor: I knew the media always wanted to meddle in the lives of the famous, spreading gossip and causing a stir on the web with sensational news. But the way they look at each other and touch makes me feel a lump in my throat.
Percy directs his gaze at me and smiles broadly.
"Hi!" The brunette takes his arm off Jenna's shoulders and walks towards me. "Welcome, we're glad to have a new addition to the cast," he says, smiling with genuine happiness and kindness.
Jenna's eyes are fixed on me, and my body is suddenly invaded by shivers and excitement, my heart beating wildly. The series' protagonist approaches with an enormous smile on her lips, and my knees wobble at the beauty she radiates: Brown eyes, dazzling smile, dimples on her cheeks, and freckles surrounding her face.
"Welcome," Jenna smiles genuinely and wraps her arms around my neck, hugging me tenderly. I reciprocate the hug with surprise, sighing audibly at the moment I feel her perfume invade my nostrils. The scent of what seemed like vanilla made me smile timidly.
Jenna breaks the hug and smiles genuinely at me.
"Want to take a tour of the place?" Emma intervenes quickly, approaching us. Jenna looks at her co-star with curiosity and simply takes a step back, getting close to Percy, always glued to this guy. I sigh audibly and smile at the blue-eyed girl with enthusiasm, nodding. Emma smiles triumphantly and takes my wrist. "Can I join?" Hunter says eagerly, and George looks at us attentively.
"Me too," George says pouting, and Emma nods enthusiastically.
Three weeks have passed since my arrival, and despite having a great relationship with the entire cast, Jenna, Emma, and I were practically inseparable. My feelings are a whirlwind of chaos and insecurity, not knowing exactly which girl to choose. Emma, a beautiful and friendly girl who is always ready to help me when needed, or Jenna, the stunning brunette, kind, and affectionate, but suspected to be linked with Percy.
I tried talking to George and Hunter, and both advised me to make a decision before ruining the friendship between Jenna and Emma. I didn't even know if they felt the same, and the idea of choosing one of them scared me. The most selfish part of me suggested keeping both, but my heart didn't want to suffer and, above all, feel guilty.
"Hey," I divert my attention from my thoughts and unconsciously smile when I see Jenna standing near me. "Can I sit?" She asks curiously, chewing her lip nervously.
My eyes carefully watch her gesture.
"Sure," I say, taking off my sweatshirt and placing it behind my chair. Jenna adjusts herself and crosses her legs, her thigh pressing against mine. "Are you going over the scene?" She asks curiously, her eyes watching the script in my hands. Shivers run down my spine feeling the contact of her leg with mine, the warmth emanating from her body.
"Yes..." I clear my throat, and Jenna nods, smiling shyly. I immediately notice Jenna shivering from the cold, and I worry about her. "Do you want my sweatshirt?" I ask with genuine concern, and Jenna denies, pushing a strand of hair away from her face. "Sure? Are you cold" I raise an eyebrow in confusion, and Jenna sighs loudly, shivering once again. The brunette nods slowly, and smiling, I take off my sweatshirt and hand it to her. Jenna puts it on, looking incredibly adorable as it hangs loosely on her.
"Thanks." Jenna smiles genuinely and comes closer, resting her head on my shoulder. Emotion grows inside me, and I nervously smile. I look down, and I see Jenna's hand brushing against mine. Gathering courage, I grab it, intertwining our fingers. I feel Jenna's pulse racing under my touch, her arm relaxing.
"So..." Jenna says in a low voice, breaking the silence around us. "Do you have a boyfriend? Girlfriend?" She asks with curiosity, looking at my script resting on my legs. Jenna's thumb absentmindedly caresses the back of my hand, making me shiver slightly. In reality, I'm confused because I don't know if I feel something for Emma, but in simple terms, I'm not in a relationship. "No... what about you? Are you with Percy, right?" I ask with my heart in my throat, nervousness running through my body. Jenna raises her chin and looks at me with confusion.
I was afraid to hear her answer. Jenna breaks the contact between our hands.
"Percy? No... we're just friends." She says, smiling broadly, and I suddenly feel stupid and relieved at the same time. "Oh... I thought so," I say with flushed cheeks from embarrassment, and Jenna smiles, shaking her head. "I know... the internet spreads rumors," Jenna murmurs, puffing irritably, "but... Percy and I have nothing," her eyes sparkle as she looks at me. I couldn't help but get lost in her gaze, two coffee-colored puddles analyzing me carefully.
"Mmmh..." Jenna clears her throat and looks away at her hands, "have you set your eyes on someone?" She innocently asks, playing with her fingers. Someone? Actually, two, but obviously, I couldn't say that. "Maybe..." I say hesitantly, and Jenna looks at me from the corner of her eye, an involuntary smile spreading across her lips.
"You?" I ask with embarrassment, and Jenna nods, making a face. The blood boils in my veins at the thought of Jenna being in love with someone else. "Oh... who?" I ask almost in a whisper.
Jenna looks up, observing something in the distance. George, Emma, and Joy walking side by side, laughing, and saying some nonsense. I follow her gaze, and disappointment fills my body seeing that she was looking at George. The curly-haired guy laughs softly while playfully pushing Joy. Emma, on the other hand, looks at me with interest, smiling broadly, her beautiful smile printed on her lips. Involuntarily, I smile too, and Emma keeps looking at me, bright and lively eyes.
"Do you and Emma go out together?" Jenna asks quickly, her gaze suddenly becoming serious "No," I say with confusion, and Jenna continues to look at me attentively. Occasionally, I could sense the brunette putting up a barrier with the outside world, but I really wished she would show herself as she was. I wanted to get to know her and make an impression. A part of me wanted to do the same with Emma but the latter was already quite extroverted, and it was easy to read her emotions. Jenna, on the other hand, was unreadable.
"Oh..." Jenna looks at me with embarrassment, and I smile at how adorable she is. "I know who you like," I intervene, and Jenna's eyes widen, her body stiffening at my words.
"You have to tell him... you know?" I say with a bitter smile. Jenna softens her gaze and continues to look at me, her thoughts and feelings unreadable.
Him? She says spontaneously.
"I'm sure George will feel the same," I say, smiling broadly, hiding my pain, and Jenna snorts with frustration. "It's not George," she says with irritation, making me blink in surprise at her reaction.
Emma walks towards us and stops in front of me. I look up, and Jenna looks away towards the floor. "Y/n, shall we walk a bit? We need to rehearse," Emma says, smiling broadly, her eyes curiously looking at Jenna. The brunette was silent, her hand gripping the chair arm tightly noting Emma's interest. "Um... sure," I say, smiling slightly, following Emma.
Let's start walking without a specific destination, simply enjoying each other's company.
"So... I noticed there's something between you and Jenna," Emma says, smiling weakly, walking alongside me. The girl with blue eyes puts her arms behind her back, walking absentmindedly.
"What? We're just friends," I say nervously, my heart pounding wildly against my chest. "But you like her, right?" She asks with a faded smile, her blue eyes looking at me attentively. "Yes," I say, not being able to lie to her. Emma lowers her gaze and looks at the tips of her shoes. "But I also like you... I'm really confused," I continue suddenly revealing a truth I wanted to keep hidden.
"I like you too... but Jenna is my friend," she says, smiling broadly, her eyes bright at the mention of her friendship with Jenna. "Jen is really introverted and hard to understand... I don't want to lose her friendship," she confesses, continuing to walk alongside me.
"Why should you lose her friendship?" I ask in confusion, and Emma rolls her eyes at my comment. "It doesn't matter," she says, laughing and elbowing me in the side. "So..." I say, and she quickly interrupts me, "I'm sure you like Jenna more, I think the on-set kisses confused you," she says with sadness, her blue eyes losing their liveliness.
"Emma..." I say sadly, feeling a void in my chest. "I told you she and Percy are not together, right?" She asks, and I nod, "but despite that, you still weren't sure," she says bitterly, looking at the floor. I feel a pang of pain in my chest and nod quickly, unconsciously knowing that Emma was right.
"Don't worry about me, I'll manage," Emma smiles genuinely and chuckles, but her eyes are dull.
"Okay," I say uncertainly, "so let's remain friends," I say almost bitterly, and Emma nods her head, "friends," she repeats weakly. "Sorry, but I have to go," Emma adds quickly, her steps increasing considerably.
I watch Emma walk away from me with sadness.
That same night, I found myself at a small party with the cast, Emma, and Georgie, dancing animatedly together. A part of me was sad, but at the same time, Emma had given me the green light with Jenna, and I had to move forward. I was slightly jealous of Georgie, I admit.
My eyes were on Jenna, who was leaving the party, and I unconsciously followed her.
As I open the door, the cold cuts my cheeks, and darkness surrounds us, a pleasant silence accompanying us.
"Do you need some fresh air too?" Jenna asks while lighting a cigarette; she was so damn sexy. "Yes, I love Hunter, but his trailer is too small," I laugh, and Jenna just stares at me.
"So... do you like Hunter? But I'm sorry because you know that he..." I start, but Jenna quickly interrupts me, smoke escaping from her lips. "Why do you assume it's a he?" she asks almost angrily, and a shiver runs down my spine at the intensity of her gaze. "Alright... so Joy?" I say, smiling slightly, sad but ready to support her. I had already lost Emma, and the chances of losing Jenna were skyrocketing.
"No!" Jenna throws the stub on the ground, looking at me with shining eyes. Her cold and exasperated response surprised me. Jenna sighs in frustration, crossing her arms to seek warmth. I hated not being able to read what she felt and thought; it was so damn difficult.
"Why do you care?" she asks defensively, and I sigh at her comment. "I want you to be happy," I confess, and Jenna stares at me without batting an eyelash. Her eyes soften, and she takes steps toward me. "It's you," she whispers.
I blink incredulously, and Jenna smiles genuinely. "Me?" I say with a smile on my lips, curious.
"Yes, damn it!" Jenna says, frustrated. "But I was afraid you liked Emma, and I care about her friendship," she confesses later.
"I like her... but I like you more," I admit, and she looks at me seriously, something incomprehensible swimming in her eyes.
"Am I not the second choice?" she timidly asks, the barriers she had finally broken ready to rise again to defend her emotions.
I shake my head; honestly, I liked Jenna from the moment I saw her.
Sensing the tension in the air, Jenna delicately bites her lips, then sticks out her tongue to moisten them. My eyes follow her with admiration, caught by the gesture exuding sensuality.
Red, full lips, so kissable.
Without warning, Jenna leans in, her presence intensifying the atmosphere charged with desire. With confidence, her lips meet mine in a long-awaited kiss. Jenna's strength and energy transmit through the contact, while the moment becomes charged with palpable passion. Jenna's hands firmly grip my shirt, and mine find her hips almost immediately, pulling her closer. During scenes, Emma used to kiss me tenderly, slowly, without invading my space too much, which was completely the opposite of what Jenna was doing.
Oxygen soon runs out, and we break the kiss, my nose brushing against hers, my eyes able to see the freckles around her face. "Wow," Jenna says, smiling widely, her breath slightly infused with alcohol. I smile too. Jenna wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me gently. "I'm glad you didn't do anything with Emma," Jenna says, smiling against my neck. I smile bitterly and let myself be carried away by the hug and her intoxicating scent. "Yeah," I say weakly, and Jenna tightens the embrace.
I had chosen Jenna, and there was no turning back.
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sefaradweb · 7 months ago
🇪🇸 La inscripción de piedra de 1489, conocida como "Registro de la Reconstrucción del Templo Puro y Verdadero" (重建清真寺记), se erigió en julio de 1489 en Kaifeng, China. Es una de las primeras inscripciones de la comunidad judía de Kaifeng y conmemora la reconstrucción de la sinagoga después de ser destruida por una inundación del Río Amarillo en 1461. Esta inscripción fue escrita por Jin Zhong, un judío de Kaifeng, y mide 60 x 30 x 5 pulgadas, hecha de piedra caliza gris oscuro. La inscripción describe tres temas principales: el origen e historia del judaísmo, las prácticas de oración y arrepentimiento, y la trayectoria del judaísmo en China y su relación con el confucianismo. Destaca cómo los judíos de Kaifeng se adaptaron a las costumbres chinas y cómo las similitudes culturales con la comunidad musulmana Hui a menudo llevaron a confusiones entre las dos. La inscripción también menciona figuras históricas clave, como el rabino Levy y los hermanos Jin, y detalla la integración de conceptos chinos y judíos, fusionando figuras como Pangu y Adán. La estela aún existe y fue trasladada a la Catedral de la Trinidad por la Misión Anglicana Canadiense en 1912.
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🇺🇸 The 1489 stone inscription, known as the "Record of the Rebuilding of the Pure and Truth Temple" (重建清真寺记), was erected in July 1489 in Kaifeng, China. It is one of the earliest inscriptions from the Kaifeng Jewish community and commemorates the reconstruction of the synagogue after its destruction by a Yellow River flood in 1461. This inscription was written by Jin Zhong, a Kaifeng Jew, and measures 60 x 30 x 5 inches, made of dark gray limestone. The inscription covers three main themes: the origin and history of Judaism, practices of prayer and repentance, and the trajectory of Judaism in China and its relationship with Confucianism. It highlights how Kaifeng Jews adapted to Chinese customs and how cultural similarities with the Hui Muslim community often led to confusion between the two. The inscription also mentions key historical figures, such as Rabbi Levy and the Jin brothers, and details the integration of Chinese and Jewish concepts, merging figures like Pangu and Adam. The stele still exists and was moved to Trinity Cathedral by the Canadian Anglican Mission in 1912.
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cherriecove · 6 months ago
Fine Line Between Duty and Oaths (Part 6)
Gwayne Hightower x Targ!Reader
Summary: The second born daughter of King Viserys I Targaryen and Queen Aemma is just as brave, beautiful and stubborn as her older sister but cannot deny her growing love for a certain red haired knight who just so happens to be a dear friend's brother. Cherrie's Note: Hi everyone sorry for my short break writers block is the worst! Masterlist | Previous Part | Next Part
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The room erupted in congratulations and expressions of delight at the news of your mother’s pregnancy, but you were momentarily lost in your own world, still processing the joyous news of your engagement alongside the worry for your mother. Gwayne, standing beside his father, beamed at you with a mixture of relief and happiness. The dream you had scarcely dared to hope for was now becoming a reality.
You glanced over at Gwayne, his gaze fixed on you with genuine warmth and affection. He stepped forward and took your hand in his, his touch sending a comforting tingle through you. “Princess,” he said softly, “I’m truly honored. I promise to do everything in my power to make you happy.”
You squeezed his hand, feeling a sense of calm settle over you. “And I am equally honored to be betrothed to you, Ser Gwayne.”
Your father’s voice drew your attention back to him. “Yes, it is indeed a fortunate match. I trust you both will handle the responsibilities with grace.” He looked around the room, his gaze settling on Gwayne’s father, Otto Hightower, who gave a nod of approval. “We have much to prepare for, but for now, let us celebrate this joyous occasion.”
The rest of the meeting was a blur of well-wishes and excited chatter. Your thoughts kept drifting back to Gwayne and the future you would share. It felt like a dream, and yet the warmth of Gwayne’s hand in yours made it all the more real.
As the small council room began to clear out, you found yourself alone with Gwayne once more. He gave you a shy, yet hopeful smile. “I suppose congratulations are in order for both of us,” he said softly.
You laughed gently, the sound light and carefree. “Indeed. Though I suspect there will be a lot of work to do.”
Gwayne nodded, his eyes reflecting the same determination you felt. “Yes, but I have every confidence that we can face it together.”
You shared a moment of silent understanding, the connection between you deepened by the shared promise of a future together. As the evening approached and the Red Keep’s halls began to quiet down, you and Gwayne took a stroll through the gardens. The weight of the day’s events settled comfortably between you. The air was cool and the stars began to emerge, twinkling like distant promises of what lay ahead.
Gwayne stopped beside a fountain, the water’s gentle murmur providing a soothing backdrop. He turned to you, a serious expression on his face. “I know that our betrothal may have come sooner than either of us expected, but I want you to know that I am committed to making this work. I want to be more than just a husband; I want to be your partner and friend.”
You smiled, feeling a rush of affection for the knight who had so quickly become an integral part of your life. “And I want the same, Gwayne. I am eager to face whatever comes our way with you by my side.”
Gwayne reached out, taking your hand in his once more. “Then let us make the most of this time we have together, learning and growing in each other’s company.”
With a soft laugh, you nodded in agreement. “Yes, let’s do that.”
As the night deepened and the Red Keep settled into peaceful slumber, you and Gwayne walked side by side, the promise of your shared future lighting the way forward.
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In the weeks following your betrothal, the reality of Gwayne’s impending departure to Oldtown settled in. The excitement of your engagement and the whirlwind of wedding preparations provided a welcome distraction, but the necessity of his return to his duties as acting lord was a constant undercurrent in your thoughts. When he left, Gwayne’s letters became a cherished part of your daily routine. Each letter was a blend of affection and updates about his work in Oldtown. He spoke of the challenges he faced and the responsibilities he managed, but his words were always filled with love and reassurance.
You reciprocated with equally heartfelt letters, sharing news of the preparations and your daily life at the Red Keep. The Queen’s pregnancy progressed, and though her growing discomfort was evident, everything appeared to be moving along smoothly. The announcement of a grand tourney to celebrate the expected birth added a new layer of excitement to the Red Keep. The tourney was to be a splendid affair, and you immersed yourself in the preparations with renewed vigor, driven by both the anticipation of the event and the hope of Gwayne’s return.
As the day of the tourney approached, the Red Keep transformed into a bustling hive of activity. The grounds were adorned with vibrant banners, the lists were meticulously set, and the royal box was prepared to host the day's festivities. The air was charged with excitement, and every corner of the castle seemed to be abuzz with the promise of the upcoming celebration.
Despite the flurry of preparations, your thoughts often drifted to Gwayne. You found yourself daydreaming about his return, imagining the joy and relief of seeing him once more amidst the spectacle of the tourney. The thought of him being present, competing and celebrating, added a personal excitement to the already festive occasion. The prospect of reuniting with him after his time in Oldtown filled you with a blend of anticipation and eagerness.
The day of the tourney arrived, and the atmosphere at the Red Keep was electric. Knights from across the realm gathered to compete, their colorful banners fluttering in the breeze as the crowd’s cheers filled the air. You took your place in the royal box, flanked by Rhaenyra and Alicent, who were equally caught up in the excitement.
As you waited for the tournament to begin, you couldn’t help but scan the arena for a glimpse of Gwayne. The anticipation of his arrival added an extra layer of thrill to the already vibrant scene. When the familiar colors of House Hightower finally appeared, your heart leapt with joy. Gwayne had returned for the occasion, and the sight of him in the lists, prepared to compete, was a moment of pure delight. Your father announced that your mother was currently on the birthing bed and then commenced the tourney.
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mmogurl · 5 months ago
In The Shadow of Dragons Chapter 7: Forbidden Tryst
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18+ | 6.9k | Daemon Targaryen X Female OC | possessive, protective, objectifying, simping, raunchy Daemon | Uncle / niece incest, Targcest, Courtship, Mega smut, Don't read the rest of these tags if you don't want spoilers: Dubious consent, sleep groping, first time blow job, rough oral sex, forceful, dirty talk, deep throat. Probably missed some tags, but you get the idea, it's some filth.
Daemon comes up with a sneaky solution to bypass their constant supervision. The Rogue Prince goes a bit feral in this chapter as a small warning to those who have become used to him being more mellow in this fic. He is still Daemon after all and he is so pent up! Starts from Ryna's POV and shifts to Daemon's POV.
CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5 | CH 6 | CH 7 | CH 8 | CH 9 Also on AO3
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By all accounts, Ryna’s outing with Daemon by the Blackwater Bay went very well. They had not been alone long enough for Ser Erryk, and by extension the king, to suspect any indecent behavior between them and the time spent was enjoyable. And while she understood the necessity to provide such supervision, she couldn’t help feeling that the level of attention provided by both her newly assigned guard and the staff attending the modest luncheon had been somewhat excessive.
The entire purpose of going on such an excursion was to distance themselves from the constant flurry of activity at the Red Keep for a time, to get away from handmaids and servants darting about in ceaseless motion. Ryna hadn’t anticipated being accompanied by a full security detail while venturing out into the wilderness beside the Kingswood, but so it had happened nevertheless.
She had tried her best to ignore their presence and to be content with the company of her uncle, but it was quite a difficult task given she could not stop regarding his lips. Could not stop remembering every feel of his hand against her skin and the sultry, low tone his voice took when he became amorously seductive. When in the presence of Daemon, Ryna felt no better than a stray feline in heat, taken aback by how intensely carnal she had become just from experiencing a mere sampling of his talents.
The princess would have to endure it though, just as she always had as the lesser daughter of House Targaryen, neglected and ignored by her kin. At least now her objective was in sight, even if her childish longing had evolved into a full blown appetite that was difficult to contain.
Worst of all had been finding a way to cope with the aching deprivation of Daemon’s physical absence. Although Ryna had encountered him on numerous occasions since their trip, there had always been a chaperone present to monitor their interactions. That meant that the closest she could get to her uncle was to link arms with him as they walked, the brush of his clothing and the warmth of his body. It was maddening.
Since she was denied to opportunity to touch him, she resorted to pleasuring herself nightly and whenever she could find solitude, taking care not to get caught in the act. Her body was in a constant state of turmoil, her hormones raging and body preparing to fulfill its duty without any means to initiate.
Even during the late hour of ghosts, she found herself lying awake when most were fast asleep, but on this night in particular, she had a good reason to remain alert. Earlier that day, Daemon had dared to whisper in her ear as they strolled through the castle corridors, now a sennight since their ride on dragonback. He said only, ‘I will come for you tonight.’
Why had he kept her waiting for so long when he had the means of to alleviate her suffering sooner? The last time they had kissed by the salt crisp air of the ocean, the prince had revealed a way they might visit with each other in seclusion. He’d cautioned they should postpone such a meeting to a later time when there was less scrutiny about the integrity of their courtship. We must allow for them to drop their guard he’d said with a clever tone of strategy. So they pay less attention to what we might do in the shadows.
But, Ryna was fretful with impatience, utterly sick of waiting. She yearned for her father to abandon the pretense of arranging a traditional courtship and simply permit her to wed him once and for all. After all, it was her responsibility to provide her husband with an heir and she was very much eager to be a dedicated wife to Daemon.
Finally, Daemon had put an end to her torment and all she had to do was bide her time for just a few more moments. Ryna knew not what her uncle had planned for this secret rendezvous, but she knew she would be most willing to engage any requests he made of her. At the very least, she would finally be free to once again press her lips against his and feel the heat of his body as he held her close. She was not opposed to yielding to his every desire and found herself almost hoping he would turn out to be the licentious character she’d heard so many tales about, even if it meant surrendering her maidenhead before they exchanged vows in the Sept.
She breathed a sigh of resignation, climbing out of her large canopy bed and retrieving a candle from her bedside table. Ryna walked over to the intricate panel carved into the far wall, adorned with a faded painting of a dragon, lit partially by a roaring brazier in the corner. Holding the candle up to the relief, she double-checked that the hidden door was still ajar, and indeed it was.
There’s a secret panel in your chambers Daemon’s words echoed in her memory. Just as he had said, the passageway was indeed located precisely where he had indicated, but could only be opened from her side. This meant that she would need to unfasten the latch in order to grant him access when he arrived.
Oh, but when will he arrive?
Ryna felt a chill as she stood there in the silence of the night. Her breasts prickled in the cool air and looking down, she suddenly became very aware of the revealing quality of her shift. She hadn’t ever considered how skimpy the nightgown was given that she was dressed in one just like it every single night by her handmaid. Typically, she didn’t even sleep in her smallclothes, unless it was exceptionally wintry weather or when her blood came and she needed a means to secure absorbent padding.
Running a hand down her stomach and pulling the fabric taut until it was practically see-through, she frowned at how little the shift left to the imagination. Even in the dim candlelight, Daemon would see everything. It was a strange sentiment to be so wanton while also being incredibly shy from a lack of experience.
With a weary exhale, she flung herself onto her bed and rolled onto her back. Her eyelids felt heavy, her body exhausted from the culmination of nights spent with little sleep and wracked with anxiety and anticipation. As she lay there, her gaze fixated on the shifting shadows cast upon the ceiling and before she even realized it she found herself inexplicably falling into a deep slumber.
The panel to Ryna’s chambers was cracked open already as he’d instructed her and as he pushed it further open, it gave way with only a soft creek of complaint. Daemon stepped out from the darkness of the passage and into the moderate light of the princess’ bedroom. His heart was hammering in his chest, blood roaring with excitement after a long and painful week of being in such close proximity to his niece, yet being unable to touch her the way he desired.
Daemon was in a dangerous mood, and the sight that greeted him as he advanced deeper into the room only served to fan the flames of lust and need, which were already burning white-hot in his gut.
There she lay, a platinum-haired goddess sound asleep in her bed. Her delicate features reminiscent of a pretty, little doll in every way, a picture of tender innocence and vulnerability.
A lamb to the slaughter. He grinned wickedly as he began to unlace his black leather jerkin.
The prince was acutely aware of the tension coiled tightly within his body as he removed his boots and breeches, one by one. His cock swelled excruciatingly against the fabric of his braies* while his eyes raked over every curve of her body. Legs pale and smooth like ivory were accentuated by the off-white hue of her shift, ascending into the shadowed darkness that concealed her waiting cunny.
Like a hungry wolf preparing to savor the taste of fresh meat, he couldn’t help but moisten his lips with his tongue, his anticipation mounting with each passing moment. With a swift tug, Daemon unfastened the ties of his smallclothes and stepped out of them, knowing that there was no point in keeping himself covered given the activities he had in mind. While he was fully aware that he should not lay claim to her virtue yet, he reasoned that there were still many other pleasurable acts they could engage in.
Daemon’s length sprang free from confinement, a thick, pulsing shaft that stood proud and rigid. He approached the bed, his shadow towering over her as his violet eyes, almost black in the gloaming, drank in the sight of her.
With a steady movement, he eased himself onto the bed, taking great care not to jostle her awake as he lay down next to her, immediately relishing the sensation of her warm flesh against his own. Ryna was asleep, her lips parted slightly and her head turned towards him. His eyes traced a path down her neck, following the contour of her body until he reached the hem of her shift. Long had he yearned to see his sweet little niece like this, practically unclothed and unabashed, no longer limited to imagining her in his mind, but actually beholding her naked form.
His fingers tugged at the edge of the flimsy fabric, slipping his hand underneath and slowly hiking up her nightgown. The material bulked around his wrist as he glided his palm up her thigh, until finally he revealed her mound.
My sweet, precious little girl.
The words purred in his mind as he grazed upwards, running over the indent of her pelvis and up her stomach, pulling the loose nightgown along as he went. Ryna’s skin was so soft and warm, so pliable to his touch. It was taking everything he had to keep his mouth off of her body, to stay gentle and not wake her, but first he wanted to see her laid bare before him.
Daemon sat up, smoothly positioning his arm beneath her upper back to support her as he lifted her up just enough to slide the gown off entirely. He swallowed hard at the sight of her exposed bosom, her pale nipples now hardening with the cool air. He could no longer resist the all-consuming hunger that had taken hold of him, his need for her overwhelming as he beheld her in this state of undress.
His fingers slid gently over her collarbone, dropping down until his hand clasped her right breast. He squeezed it gently, feeling the swell of her flesh give beneath his palm. His thumb brushed over her taut nipple, rubbing in circles around the areola, before tweaking lightly.
A growl rose in his chest as he got to his hands and knees and crawled over her. Grasping her breast once more he lowered his head, taking the swollen peak into his mouth. Daemon sucked at it greedily, flicking his tongue over the nub while his hand continued to knead her other tit. He didn’t care if he woke her by now, his cock was starving for her, his tip already leaking against her thigh with need.
Daemon became intensely aware of the reaction his efforts were having on Ryna’s body. Her pulse had quickened and her breaths were heavier now and she was already beginning to stir from his attentions.
He leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear, whispering, "Sleep, sweetling. Let your uncle take care of you."
The princess’ eyelids fluttered, but she did not open them, instead turning her head to the other side and adjusting her arms.
His mouth descended onto her neck, teeth grazing her tender skin as his hand dipped down between her legs, his fingers tracing over her slit. Daemon couldn’t believe how wet she was, her dampness coating his fingers with ample lubrication to tease her pearl. He circled her bud, his eyes darting back to her face as a soft moan escaped her lips and she rustled again.
Her eyes moved restlessly beneath her closed lids, as if she were engrossed in a dream, oblivious to the prince’s presence and the touch of his hands on her sensitive apex.
Good, d ōna riña. Dream of me. -Sweet girl
Daemon’s cock was throbbing, aching for release as he felt the pulse of her desire against his fingertips. He wanted to fuck her so badly, but he would force himself to wait, compel himself to be satisfied with this for now.
His lips continued to explore her neck, kissing softly at her jaw and licking around the edge of her earlobe. Seeking entrance to her core, his fingers dipped lower, dancing in the creamy fluids that had soaked her folds. He slipped his finger through, testing the petals of her flower for entry. Somehow, his little niece was still in tact after years of riding her dragon, her hymen stretching slightly, but resisting ingress.
The feel of it was enough to make him groan, knowing that she was completely his to take. That nobody else had even known the intimacy of her heat nor ever would, save for him. His fingers continued to tease her, plunging in and out of her wetness while thumbing her tender bud. Daemon pulled his hand away, his digits coated with her essence and bringing them to his mouth he tasted her, savoring the sweet and slightly tangy flavor.
Soon, sweetling. Soon I will have you.
He was torturing himself, but it was an exquisite torture. The taste of her on his lips, the feel of her body beneath him and the soft moans and sighs Ryna made even while sleeping. Daemon knew he couldn’t take it much longer, he had to relieve himself of this agony and he wanted her awake for it.
Daemon rose up slightly, dragging his rigid length along her thigh until it seated nicely between her legs. Gods, it was maddening to be so close and not be able to take her. He bent down again, pressing his lips against hers as though starving. Daemon’s kiss was demanding, insistent, pushing his tongue into her mouth, a claim as much as a demand.
His hips rocked forward instinctively, rubbing the head of his cock against her swollen folds. The satiny wet heat was driving him mad, and the need to bury himself inside her mounted. The prince’s hands both ascended to cup her face, whispering in between kisses as he rolled against her.
“Wake up, sweetling,” he murmured softly, his voice was low as he continued to caress her jaw. He wasn’t sure if Ser Erryk was stationed outside of her room at this hour, but Daemon didn’t want to take a chance getting caught.
He leaned in close again, nose tracing the line from her cheek down to her neck, lips coasting gently over her skin. “Wake up for me.” His hips continued to grind against her with desperate urgency, his member never daring entry, but sliding through the slickness of her heat.
Ryna’s lids flitted, eyes rolling beneath before finally blinking open. She looked at him blankly for a moment, an expression of confusion crossing her face before recognition finally set in. Her eyes slid shut again for a moment, but just as Daemon rocked against her once more, they shot back open with alarm.
He had to cover her mouth to make sure she didn’t cry out, quietly shushing her so she didn’t alert anyone to his presence.
“Hush, sweet girl. I would hate to be forced to gag you,” his voice was still soft and tender, yet there was an undercurrent of ferocity beneath the surface. Indeed, it was not far from the truth because he had every intention of placing something in her mouth.
She looked at him with wide eyes, shaking her head as her features relaxed. Daemon risked uncovering her mouth with a hint of regret, lamenting how good she had looked silenced by his control.
“I thought I was dreaming…” she spoke very softly and slowly she scanned downward, blushing brightly once she realized they were both nude, becoming markedly aware of his hardness squelching through her folds. “What are you doing, Uncle?”
“I trust you know what a man’s prick is, dear niece…” Daemon said with a playful jape, rearing up slightly so he could get a better look at her. “What it’s used for.”
“Yes, but…” she trailed off demurely. He’d seen that look in her eyes several times now. It was the look of arousal and embarrassment that always led to her meek submission. “We’re not supposed to… Not yet.”
The sweet thing. Trying so hard to stand up to the Rogue Prince.
“No, we won’t do that just yet, sweetling,” he reassured her with a sly smirk, his voice low and sultry. “But there are other ways you can satisfy me. Would you like that, little girl? To please your uncle?”
The princess slowly nodded her head, dragging her teeth against her lower lip with anticipation. “How?” she asked, clearly unsure of what he desired from her.
Gods, she was so innocent. So eager, yet so unsure. He could make her do anything he wanted with the slightest bit of coaxing. He grinned, feeling wicked for what he was about to do, but the truth of it was that he’d have to teach her sooner or later. It would also be a sinfully delightful way to satisfy his lust for her, while prolonging the craving to bed her.
Daemon’s fingers slid tenderly along the line of her jaw, then tilted her head back just enough for him to look into her eyes. “I want you to take me into your mouth.” He waited, giving her a moment to process his request, to mill over the implications of what would be happening. “Do you think you can do that, sweet girl?”
Ryna looked anxious at his request, but did not appear repulsed as he’d worried she might. “I-I can try,” she replied in a shaky whisper, her voice a mere rustling in the quiet of the keep.
He could not control the leer of satisfaction that took over his countenance, his smile toothy like a predator closing in on its kill. “That’s my good girl,” he purred with smooth rapture. Pushing off of her, he crawled up the bed to the headboard, settling comfortably against the pillows with his long legs sprawled on either side of him. “Come a little closer, sweetling.”
With an impish grin that would not relent, Daemon watched her turn to her side and tentatively get to her knees. He could sense Ryna’s discomfort, how naked and vulnerable she must feel, but the princess was handling his late night visit quite well despite the rude awakening. Her eyes appeared dark and round like the deepest well in the flicker of the flames, focused intently on his engorged cock, throbbing and dripping for relief.
“Have you seen one before?” he asked, trying to engage her more lest she back down in fright. Her brow raised slightly as his length twitched then bobbed, the head glistening with clear seed.
The princess scooted closer, gulping as she observed his manhood with mild concern. Daemon knew for a fact that he was much larger in size than most men. He’d spent enough time in the brothels, seen enough cocks waggling about in search of cunts to fill, and had enough whores beg him for more without even asking for coin in return.
“In a scroll once. The septa showed it to me as part of my marital education. It did not look anything like that, Uncle,” her tone was almost inquisitive, a mix of intimidation and curiosity.
“Ah, yes. I remember those scrolls,” he chuckled under his breath. The image of his sweet little niece sitting among the dusky tomes in the library, looking at crude drawings of naked men made him smirk with barely repressed pride. “It’s nothing to be frightened of,” he assured her, reaching out to gently stroke the side of her face. “Go ahead and touch it.”
Ryna’s hand rested on his thigh for a moment as if steeling herself to complete the task. Then a look of determination crossed her countenance and she went for it, featherlight fingers grasping his shaft with careful precision as if she might hurt him to squeeze more firmly.
Daemon’s eyes slipped shut in response, the sensation of her touch like a caress of gentle fire. He could not help but to bite down on his lower lip, trying to keep his moan at bay.
“How does it feel?” he cooed, his words like syrup as his touch glided along her shoulder.
“So very soft,” the princess said with an enamored awe that he did not expect. “Like a newborn babe’s skin or perhaps the most lavish of silk. But still hard at the same time. It’s quite puzzling.”
He laughed quietly, his eyes opening up to look at her with lusty amusement. It was not entirely surprising to him that she was so fascinated by his member. Her innocence, coupled with curiosity and a desire to explore, made her naturally intrigued by this new aspect of intimacy. And he’d be a fool to deny himself the chance to nurture that.
“Is it?” Daemon purred seductively. “And what about the head? What do you think of that?” He gently urged her to continue, watching her with hungry eyes as she began to move her hand up to the tip of his shaft.
“It looks angry,” she commented, simple and direct. “The… top is so red. It’s almost purple.”
Her earnest reaction was quite endearing, and it was clear she had some mixed feelings about the appearance of his cock. A wolfish smile played over his lips as her eyes remained transfixed to his jutting member.
“I assure you it’s not angry with you, sweet girl,” Daemon chuckled, shaking his head slightly. “It’s like that because I want you. Badly. That’s how it shows.” His eyes roamed over her face, taking in the sight of her studying his manhood, touching him as though he were a rare treasure.
“Does it hurt?” her eyes flicked up to him as she inched a little closer, her knees spreading out to the side more as she sunk down.
“Your touch feels very good, Niece,” he whispered softly. “But, it can cause discomfort if release is prolonged.” Daemon smiled covetously, needing to feel those pretty lips around his cock. “You can help prevent that by providing relief.”
“How?” she asked curtly. Ryna’s lips were parted, breathless and waiting, begging to be used. He could see the excitement in her eyes, the lust taking over despite her lack of experience.
“Take me into your mouth, sweetling.” he urged her. “Show me how eager you are to learn. To please your uncle.” His voice was firm, but not demanding. He wanted her to satisfy him, but also wanted her to feel that she was within some measure of control.
“I do not know what to do,” she peered up at him with worried eyes, scared of judgment and reproach.
Daemon’s features softened at seeing that apprehension, as though he would reject her for not performing well. “I will not be disappointed in you for not knowing how to do something you have never done before.” His thumb gently caressed the underside of her chin as his eyes searched her face for that fiery spirit he knew she possessed.
“I will guide you. I will instruct you. Just follow my lead,” he cajoled her, his voice soft and gentle to soothe her. “Start by tasting it. Feeling it with your lips. Your tongue.”
Ryna nodded deferentially, appearing uncertain of herself, but willing to attempt this feat of immorality for him. It was no surprise that she approached his cock with shy pursed lips as though she were a baby bird, her pink tongue flirting with the velvet flesh of his head.
Her light, tentative touch had the prince letting out a sharp intake of air, reaching out with one hand to thread his fingers through her soft platinum curls.
“Good girl,” he managed to croon out, his voice now guttural with desire. “Just like that.”
Daemon’s tight jawed response instilled some boldness in the girl. She opened her lips wider, running the flat of her tongue up the length of his cock before lavishing it with wet, open mouthed kisses.
Gods, she was a fast learner, picking up on his queues with ease. “Yes, just like that,” he encouraged her, trying to keep his voice quiet. His fingers dug a little harder into her scalp, wanting so badly to take control and bury himself to the hilt, to feel her throat snug against his cock. But, he had to hold back, had to let her get her bearings.
“I knew you would learn quickly,” he groaned with satisfaction as she ventured to take the tip into her mouth. “You’re being such a good girl for me. So good.”
The way her lips wrapped around him, the feel of her tongue teasing the underside of his length, was driving him mad. His head lolled against the headboard, eyes rolling back as she slid further down his cock.
Fucking hells. She feels good.
He couldn’t tell if she was a natural at giving head or if he had just desired her for too long, worked himself up so much that It resulted in the best fucking blow job he’d ever had. She’d barely gotten a third of it in her mouth by now too, which meant it could only get better.
“You’re doing so well, sweet girl,” he praised her, his voice a ragged whisper. “Keep going. Take me deeper.” His hips began to buck up, urging her to take more of him. “Show me how much you want your uncle’s seed.”
There was a slight twinge of uncertainty in Ryna’s expression as she heard that, but he wouldn’t let her get discouraged by the thought of a little spend. Daemon gripped her hair once more, reminding her of his control over her as he guided her down his cock.
“Now try a little more,” he whispered, his voice becoming menacing as the beast inside took over. He could not stop from rocking his hips into her welcoming mouth, the head of his cock bumping the back of her throat and making her gag.
“Fuck,” he wanted to shout, but must keep it down lest they be discovered. “You’re taking it all so well. So very eager to please your uncle, aren’t you?”
She peered up at him with bleary tears forming from the strain. His eyes locked onto hers, begging her to take more, to continue to service him like this. Ryna was overwhelmed, he could tell, but Daemon needed her to finish him off. He needed to spoil her mouth with his seed and see the look on her face after he’d finished fucking that beautiful little face of hers. Some aspects of love making could not be taught in a gentle way. They must simply be experienced.
“Just a little more, sweetling,” he growled, feeling feral with a pent up lust that had lasted years. “You can do it. You can take my fucking cock all the way in that tight little throat of yours. Show me how much you want it, little girl.”
Ryna’s head bobbed with the prodding of his hand still wrapped in her silvery tresses. Her sweet eyes watered as she tried to take him deeper, wanting so badly to please her uncle. Her throat seized on the head of his cock and he groaned as she choked and flew off his member gasping for air and rasping.
“Try again, Princess,” he smirked deviously. He’d been patient enough with her, been as gentle as he could be, but now he was going to take what he wanted. Perhaps it would even be good for the princess to see this side of him. “I promise to give you a reward if you can milk my cock like a good little slut.”
Ryna’s face flushed scarlet at his words, humiliation and arousal warring inside of her. She hesitated, but he could see the desire to satisfy him still burning in her eyes.
“I will try for you, Uncle,” she whispered, letting him guide her swollen lips back onto his throbbing length.
Daemon could feel the snug fit of her throat molding around him as she pushed past her gag reflex, relaxing to accept the girth of his cock. She began to struggle once more, but he held her down knowing full well she was capable of holding her breath for longer.
“Fuck, yes,” he hissed, his hips slamming into her face, as he fully seated himself in her throat. “Keep going. I want you to keep taking it.” He could feel the heat building up in his balls, the impending release looming. He wanted to fuck her mouth until he came, to drown her in his seed.
His hands fisted in her hair, shoving her head on his cock, his hips rocking up and down, claiming her mouth insistently as he chased his end. He could feel the pressure building up, the familiar tingle at the base of his spine.
“You’re going to be such a good whore,” he panted as he neared the edge of oblivion. “Such a good whore for your uncle. Nuha sȳz riñītsos… Ahh, fuck!” - My good little girl.
His cock pulsed, spurting hot spend into her mouth, the first gush making her choke and sputter, but Daemon’s hold on her golden locks didn’t wane. The princess gagged on his cock, her eyes watering with big tears streaming down her cheeks, until finally he’d emptied it all into her, rewarding her with the relief of extricating his manhood from her mouth.
“Swallow it all,” he growled, his voice hoarse from the intense pleasure. “Show your uncle what an obedient little wife you’ll be.”
Ryna grimaced slightly and then consumed his release, her cheeks flushing deeply as she complied. She coughed a little, her eyes shining with tears that she quickly wiped away. His niece was utterly spent, having taken the brunt of his depravity like a proper tart. Daemon’s chest heaved, his breaths coming in ragged pants as he released her hair, letting it cascade over her shoulders.
The prince knew it had not been easy for her, but he owed her a glimpse at who he truly was, of the depravity that consumed him. If Ryna were to wed him, she would have to accept not a man, but a ferocious dragon to warm her bed.
Still, now that his desires had been temporarily sated, he could not help but feel a pang of remorse. He reached out then, his hand coming to rest tenderly on her back, urging her closer.
“Come here, riñītsos,” he commanded gently, his strong arms pulling Ryna up and tugging her into his lap. “Come sit with me.” She went along obligingly enough, throwing herself desperately into his embrace as she shed new tears against his shoulder. Daemon held her firmly against his chest, trying to soothe her. “Hush, sweetling,” he whispered softly, his lips pressing against the crown of her head as his warm hands cradled her shaking frame. “It’s alright.” He’d not meant to lose control, but under the weight of his intense desire and pleasure, he’d not been able to maintain his composure any longer.
“Why did you say those things?” her voice cracked with emotion as she rubbed the wetness away from her eyes with her hand.
“Because I could not help myself,” he admitted honestly, holding her a bit closer.
He grasped her shoulders, pushing her back a little so he could cup her face between his hands and force her to look at him. “And you should know who you’re dealing with before you become my wife. I am not a gentle man. My appetites can be craven and when I am lost in that darkness, I cannot hold back. I give myself over to the urges, the lust, the beast that rages inside of me.”
Daemon paused for a moment, letting his grip on her go slack to brush an errant tear from beneath her eye. “Are you frightened of me now, riñitsos?”
“N-no,” she began to stutter, her lip trembling as he stroked her flushed cheeks. “I’ve just… You’ve never talked to me like that before.”
“I warned you… Did I not?” he reminded her thinking back to the talk they had in the garden. He’d offered to ease her into the depths of his wickedness, but had not been able to quench his thirst once faced with the sight of her body and the heat of her mouth. “I am a vulgar and corrupt man.”
Ryna did not answer immediately, a trepidation in her eyes as she gazed at him, still sodden with the remnants of tears. He skimmed softly along her jaw before dropping down the column of her neck and letting his hand rest upon the point where it met her collarbone.
Daemon watched her closely. She was still in the process of coming to terms with what had just happened, how he’d spoken to her. He did not blame her for being uneasy, especially given it was her first time performing such an act, but he was not sure he could let her pull away from him now. It was true that he wanted her to choose to be with him, to reciprocate his feelings and perhaps even a level of his passions.
But, deep down, the Rogue Prince knew that he would take her to wife regardless of her preference on the matter.
The issue of his feelings regarding his niece was a complicated matter. He cared for her without measure, wishing to protect her from all harm, yet none would keep her safe from his own machinations. He coveted her with an urgency that delved heavily into obsession and celebrated her purity, all while lusting over how he might taint it.
It matters not. She is mine now. No other will have her.
“You have seen me now, sweetling,” he finally uttered in a deep, sultry tone, devoid of shame nor guilt. “Was there no pleasure in it for you? Did any part of you enjoy it?”
Ryna startled him with the hasty shift of her demeanor, going from anxiety to explanation as she shifted closer to him, letting her knees sink down as her thighs cradled his hips.
“It’s not that I did not enjoy it,” she tried to clarify her reaction. “It’s true it was difficult to breathe at times, but I did indulge in being able to bring you such… Well…” she paused again trying to find the right word. “Such gratification, but…” She looked down for a moment, seeming unsure of how to proceed.
Daemon listened to her keenly, his expression growing more intrigued as his lips curled into a sly smirk. The thought of her relishing in pleasing him in such a debauched way setting off something primal within him, but the threat of her distaste still lingered.
“But…?” he asked, encouraging her to continue as his smile faded. His hands had traveled down her torso, grazing against the side of her breasts, her hips, before coming to rest on each of her thighs.
Her cheeks flushed slightly as she looked back at him, “But, what bothered me most was…” She made a twisted sound of distress, combining a sigh with a scoff. The poor girl was clearly not used to expressing such thoughts. “I couldn’t stand to hear you berate me. Saying such things as though I meant nothing to you.. As though you did not care.”
So, she does not mind the act, only how I spoke to her?
“What makes you think I did not care?” he asked her with disbelief, raising an eyebrow. She seemed surprised by the question. “You think I meant what I said?” Daemon added, running his hands up to her hips and gripping the flesh firmly. “Is that how you think I genuinely regard you?” He pulled her towards him, pressing her bare stomach against his.
Ryna flustered slightly, her inexperience with such situations showing prominently once more. “Do you still care for me, Uncle?” she asked with a timid whisper.
Daemon was overwhelmed with the desire to laugh, a great guffaw of dramatic irony, but he caged it inside for the sake of his dear niece.
“You silly girl,” he quipped, shaking his head as his fingers flexed on her waist. “Of course I care for you.” He spoke with a hint of incredulity, still unable to believe her biggest fear had been the thought of him viewing her poorly. He adored her. Had been watching her for years like a hawk, desiring her.
His thumb brushed along her hip bone as he thought of how best to explain his compulsions towards filthy language to her. “You see… I speak that way because it spurs me on. It feeds my hunger. Makes it better.”
The princess nodded along with his words, seeming somewhat understanding of his reasoning, even if she was not quite at ease with it yet.
“But that does not mean that I hold you with contempt,” he continued with a softer tone, expressing his genuine affection. “I care more than you may realize, my sweet riñitsos.” One hand slid up her side, climbing until he could cup her jaw, then slowly he ran his fingers up into her hair.
“I did not mean to lose control with you, but I do feel it best that you witnessed this side of me. It will not change, sweetling. It is who I am. You will come to accept it.”
She gazed at him with a newfound warmth in her eyes, leaning into his touch. “If it is simply for your pleasure… If you don’t mean it… Then I shall adjust.”
Daemon chuckled at her earnestness, his eyes lingering on her mouth as he brought his thumb down her cheek to skim against her bottom lip. She offered him much in her willingness, to accept his vulgarity as he claimed her.
“You are a true Valyrian, sweetling,” he whispered as he leaned forward, his breath hot against her skin. “So hungry for passion that you’ll forgive your lecherous uncle’s desire to pillage your innocence.” He pressed a wet kiss against her neck, feeling the need ache in his gut once more.
“I’m only hungry for you, Uncle…” she admitted with a soft moan as he continued to worship her with his lips.
She is more than I deserve. It almost feels like theft.
He growled against her neck, his teeth scraping her flesh before sucking at the sensitive place beneath her ear. Daemon would take her again and again, a wanton beast unable to live a moment longer without indulging in the carnal delights of his favorite temptation.
“You’ve no idea how ravenous I am for you,” he voiced raggedly, hands now wrapping around her back as he lowered Ryna down to the bed. “My little girl, your body is a voluptuous banquet all for me.”
As Daemon positioned himself over her, his lips found the pale curve of her breast, kissing and nipping at her hardened nipple. His knee forced her legs apart and he slid his hand down to her core as he settled between her thighs.
“Now, I believe I still owe you a reward, sweetling, for completing such an arduous task,” he grinned against the swell of her bosom before lifting up to look her directly in the eyes.
“And what sort of reward will I be given, Uncle?” Ryna asked, her mouth curving into a coy smile.
He did so love her enthusiasm, how much of a little tease she could be for one so innocent. “Since you were so good for me…” he trailed off, trailing kisses down her abdomen and sliding down the bed until he was right at her tight little cunt. “I will take my fill of you again, sweet girl.” He spread her legs wide, wrapping his arms under her thighs and firmly around her hips.
“And this time, I intend to savor my meal fully without the worry of interruption.” Daemon smirked deviously at her before dropping his face towards her wet heat, his tongue extending to taunt her swollen bud as he returned the favor.
Read Chapter 8
71 notes · View notes
sun-marie · 9 days ago
pivoting a little off of that Neve post to say real quick that if you haven't played the Templar route of DAI i highly recommend it. Some highlights:
Calpernia vs Leliana > Samson vs Cullen. Samson, as an antagonist, honestly feels pulled out of thin air, and having an extremely weird rivalry between him and Cullen shines a spotlight on the very strange role Cullen plays in DAI and makes the player wonder why they aren't switched. Calpernia, on the other hand, is a nuanced and complex character with somewhat sympathetic motivations, and watching Leliana get to put her spymaster skills to use to find out more about her is a lot more satisfying imo. Additionally, Samson's maguffin of his Red Lyrium armor being weakened for the unavoidable fight pales in comparison to convincing Calpernia to stand down by telling her the truth about how Corypheus is using her.
DAI's infamous issue with Corypheus's lack of presence in the story? Somewhat alleviated in this route. It's still not great, but we actively see him manipulate Calpernia, multiple times iirc, and at one point we hear his thoughts throughout one of the dungeons. I sincerely believe the reasons Corypheus gained such a reputation for being absent in the story are because most players have only played the mage route
Everything involving Therinfal Redoubt. The Envy demon, the mind prison, Cole's introduction (a far improvement over his intro in the mage route), the slow and natural revelation of the Venatori's ultimate goals (as a opposed to "i accidentally got chucked into the future but some time goo and here's everything i was able to learn for the whole Hour I was there"), Ser Barris my beloved <3
Depending on how you play it obviously, but there's an argument to be made that dissolving the Templars may do more good and result in more lasting change than freeing the Circles, seeing as the idea of the circles, as an academic space for mages to learn to control their powers, was never really the issue and oppression and abuse of the Templars is the true root of the problem. YMMV here though
As mentioned in a previous point, no time magic! this streamlines a lot of the storytelling imo, and makes for an INCREDIBLY CRUNCHY introduction to Dorian, who shows up at Haven and, since he's allowed to talk like a normal person and not a Spirit of Compassion, brings a very intense energy to the scene. Imo this works best if this is your very first time meeting him, as in you never went to Redcliffe and never had to deal with the Headache that is Alexius, the character assassination of Fiona, and the illogic inherent to Time Magic
The Templar route is just better integrated into the rest of the story. Cassandra's personal quest where they mention the Lord Seeker's been replaced by a demon? That no longer feels like it came out of left field, we literally saw that and so this quest feels like payoff. Leliana gets more time to shine doing Spymaster Things so her personal quest about being More Than A Tool feels more impactful. The Inquisition being an organization that scares the Chantry makes more sense because we stole the Chantry's army. The Red Templars no longer feel like a "bad thing made worse for some reason" and instead feel like sad endings for good (or well, i should say "good") people, who could've found a better way with the Inquisition and instead chose to be This. Emprise Du Lion and the Emerald Graves are now completely skippable areas, aside from whatever sidequests you'd like to do there.
Unfortunately, the greatest barrier to entry is justifying the In-Character reasons for your Inquisitor to get help from the Fucking Templars, which is. not ideal. BUT if you can do that, I really truly believe it's the superior route
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girlthingsed · 1 month ago
Essa semana quero postar bastante por aqui, já que semana que vem tenho aula.
Mal vou ter tempo para postar aqui, estudo integral e esse ano quero ser ainda mais focada, já que tenho meu primeiro ENEM 💔
Vou tentar postar o que eu como em um dia, essa semana vou tentar variar entre 200-100kcal e bastante NF.
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doll-0kcaal · 6 days ago
Eu queria fazer exercícios, mas não tenho força.
Eu vou ficar a maior parte do dia dessa semana em NF porque preciso perder mais peso. Perder peso é primordial porque eu preciso chegar no 50 kg (IMC 20) o quanto antes, e então as calorias serão menores, além do NF. Eu trabalho em tempo integral e chego em casa já de algumas horas de NF sem disposição pq trabalhar cansa também.
Eu sei que é horrível não fazer exercícios por causa da flacidez. Mas pretendo fazer exercícios quando não tiver no dia da NF, eu odeio flacidez, odeio fat skinny, odeio BF alta.
Eu só tô no momento desesperada pra chegar no 50 kg. Quando eu chegar no 50 espero ficar minimamente feliz e começar a treinar musculação em casa com meus halteres (até pq quanto MENOS massa muscular magra vc tiver, sua taxa metabólica basal vai ser menor e vc terá ainda MAIS dificuldade de manter peso perdido).
Então musculação não é só questão de estética e BF e sim vc conseguir se manter magra pra sempre com facilidade (metabolismo mais acelerado).
Plus: cardio não faz ganhar massa muscular, apenas perder peso e gastar calorias, nao tura flacidez. Se quer BF menor e metabolismo mais acelerado a LONGO prazo, musculação é essencial pra manutenção da magreza e do peso perdido.
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syrma-sensei · 2 years ago
→ A Lioness's Home.
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pairing: daemon targaryen x lannister!reader.
rating: domestic fluff.
word count: 1.3k.
a/n: this is a sequel to my "a true victory" and "a dragon's glory". however, you need not to read the prequels, but it's preferable, though. the events of this fic take place during the ten-years time jump, but the plot doesn't necessarily follow the canon agendas.
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WITH WEALTH, DRAGONS, AND VALYRIAN BLOOD, you and your family found a fine living in Lys. And perhaps more than just fine living. Daemon and you are called the prince and princess of Lys; an honorary title given by the Lyseni people after the triumphant war led by your husband against Myr and Tyrosh over the Disputed Lands.
While Daemon was claiming yet another glory winning a war, you were claiming your own by preserving the free city's economy in maintaining the integrity of the trading path between Lys and Lannisport.
Lord Jason Lannister was more than thrilled and willing to help his sweet sister, and Ser Tyland couldn't be happier that their sister did not forget about her two lion brothers who love her immensely. Furthermore, Lord Tyland saw that in helping you, thus your husband, to ascend to power in foreign lands, it would push the dangers of the newly-reformed Triarchy away. The pirates of the Triarchy, as it seemed, did not wish to yield yet even after their gruesome loss in Stepstones at the hands of your husband and House Velaryon several years ago. Securing power in Lys would prevent the pirates to rise again, as your small family already owns three dragons, and the Lyseni people's favour.
When you were in your sixth month of pregnancy, with a very large bump in your belly, Daemon took you to the dragonpit to choose a dragon egg for your child together. You chose that special moment to tell Daemon, sheepishly, that he needed to pick two eggs and not only one. Your husband arched an eyebrow, letting the new information sink, then a wide and satisfied grin adorned his handsome face.
You suspected it during your fifth month, and the maester confirmed your qualms when he visited you for your monthly check-ups. You asked him not to speak to your husband of the matter, for you wanted to share the happy news with him in private and on distinctive occasion.
Taelon was the first to be born, his birth was easy, coming out without much fuss. Daenesya, however, was the one hard to deliver; your battle in labour continued for several hours before you finally heard her screams for air. Daemon never left your side during the whole process, encouraging you while you cried and screamed through insufferable pain. He dried your sweat and whipped your tears away from your face, reminding you that you're his fierce lioness and you could do it, while the Septas around you told you to hold your breath and push.
“Well done, my brave girl,” Daemon said proudly while holding both babies in his strong arms. “Well done.”
Daemon was true to his words and when your children's first name day came, the four of you took residence in Lys, where you were welcomed and treated with great hospitality.
Taelon and Daenesya are the epitome of exact opposites. Upon the first look, one would immediately say that your twin children are the mirror of one another; silver-gold long hair, and their eyes are amethyst flecked with emerald. However, one is quiet, calm, and leisure, and the other is unruly, chaotic, and headstrong. But both are of dragons and lions in spirit.
Your son's egg hatched after two years of his birth and gave him his precious Darkfyre. A beautiful dragon, with navy blue scales tinted by light cyan frames. His burning flames are of blue colour. Daenesya, on the other hand, her egg hatched after a year of her birth, and she was gifted her best friend Aeksyas. She's larger and wilder than Darkfyre. She has silver scales and golden eyes, and her flames are dark red. Daemon explained to you that dragons take after their riders, and you see it with your own eyes.
Red and blue fire weave together, and from the purple flames Daemon emerges from while mounting Caraxes. A cheered applause acclaims from around you as your husband and children give them a dragon show. Among the spectators, you're the loudest and rowdiest; a proud wife and mother, watching her family proudly showing off the discrete dragonblood they have.
It's true that the people of Lys have the reminiscent of Valyrian blood, but the Targaryens are the only ones who are capable of taming dragons to their will in the Known World.
Nevertheless, your eyes are a tad more focused on your husband more the children. Daemon never ceases to mesmerize you with his riding skills, and the correspondence he has with Caraxes. The two share something really special, and you're never tired of watching over and over again. There were some times when you, eagerly, mounted Caraxes with Daemon for a ride. It was such a thrilling experience you don't mind to try it again. But in such occasions, you let the Targaryens do their thing while you stand their with charmed audience.
After a while of strutting their talent in the sky, the trio, led by Daemon, take their land on the ground. Everyone clapps for them, including you, before the three usher their mounts to the caves they've turned it into their own Dragonpit.
“Daemon, darling,” You say when the latter emerges from the cave pit, “You were marvelous up there,”
Daemon encircles an arm around your waist, pecking you lips. He smells of dragon and fire.
“Did you see Darkfyre's flames, mother!” Taelon gushes from behind, his face is slightly smudged by dirt and soot.
“Oh, I did, and they were magical, my cub!” You crouch a bit to whip his face with your handkerchief.
“Mother, did you see how pretty Aeksyas's wings are?!” Daenesya shrieks as she takes her father's side, clinging to his arm.
You chuckle amusedly, “She's the most beautiful dragon I've ever seen, my sweet.”
The four of you head to the carriage that's waiting for you to go home.
After the three of them washed the dragon stench off of them, the four of you had supper. Then came Valyrian class for Taelon and Daenesya. The twins reluctantly escorted the maester to the library. And the two of you are left alone.
“Caraxes would be always my favourite dragon.” You whisper your secret to your husband as you reach the roof of your palace. It's where you and your husband spend some quality time together away from everyone's eyes. You sit on the padded floor, with your husband's head in your lap.
Daemon guffaws, “That would break Dani's heart; she thinks Aeksyas is your favourite, and she brags about it before Taelon.”
“Oh, really?” You arch a brow, “Wonder where did she get that idea from?”
Your husband smiles privately and leaves you with no answer, but you know him better. Daenesya is his favourite, and you can see why, she's practically the little version of himself.
You stroke his face gently, “I was thinking, husband,”
“What is it, my love?” He drawls as he relaxes into your touch.
“What do you think of visiting Westeros?”
His violet eyes snap open, and he gazes up at you, puzzled, “You want to go back there?”
“I do, but only for a visit,” You continue, “I'd like the children to see their homeland and be introduced properly to their kin. Also, I want to show my family off in court.” You smirk, flicking your hair behind your back.
“You little minx, you want a revenge, do you not?” Daemon returns your smirk with a sly one of his own.
Your grin grows wider, “Great minds think alike, my dragon. Yes, it's exactly what I want. I want to crush everyone who's belittled me in the past. If it pleases you, of course, my prince.”
There's a satisfied grin on the dragon's mouth, a proud one, even, “I do not mind at all, my fierce lioness. And let the small folk write songs about our love and how it conquered all...”
You chuckle giddily at him before pecking his lips, “Thank you, husband,” You grab his hand and kiss it, putting it against your cheek, “But know that it's neither Westeros nor Essos is my home...”
Daemon raises an eyebrow, “Where might it be then, my love?”
“You,” you answer with a pacing heart, “You're my one and only home...”
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