#sequin homecoming dresses
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pgmdress · 8 months ago
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How to Pick the Perfect Homecoming Dress? #Pgmdress #Homecoming
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lunss-couture · 10 months ago
Sparkly Grape Sequin High-neck Cute Short Prom Dress 
Make a cute statement in this sparkly grape purple sequin short prom dress, it features a high neckline and keyhole bodice, low back, and mini puffy skirt with hard tulle underneath. It is also a good choice for your homecoming or cocktail party.
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whocaresstillthelouvre · 11 months ago
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See The Road You're On
Elks Chapter 1 Version 2.0
Pairing: Jackson Joel Miller x Female Reader Chapter Rating: T. (Nothing explicit for the first few chapters.) Chapter Summary: The man you've had a crush on since he showed up to Jackson just so happens to be your favorite student's caretaker.. and he just saw you do a brutal face plant in front of his home. Chapter Warnings: soft jackson joel, outbreak and quarantine zone memories, ellie has a smart mouth, anxious reader, mentions of blood and an injury from falling, everyone lives happily ever after, joel and ellie don’t leave jackson, early 2000’s indie rock Words: 5,500 Header courtesy of @saradika-graphics
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Masterlist Playlist “Caring Is Creepy” - The Shins
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The world ended the day after you bought your homecoming dress. You begged your mom for it–a beautiful deep forest green sequined sweetheart a-line gown–the neckline perfectly showed off your prized gold daisy pendant. You felt like a princess, life couldn’t have been better. Your alarm buzzed on the morning of September 26, 2003, the only worry floating around your teenage head was the grade you’d receive on your essay about René Magritte for AP English. While walking home after a typical boring high school day with your guitar slung across your back and headphones on, little did you know you were hearing the final lyrics before everything changed:
“Hold your glass up, hold it in Never betray the way you’ve always known it is One day, I’ll be wondering how I got so old, just wondering how”
Twenty years later, hardened by life in the Denver Quarantine Zone and gently softened by your now comfortable life in Jackson, you’re still waiting for your first dance.
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Art and music have always been at the forefront of your life; you’ve never allowed anything to take away your creativity. Continuing to create no matter how much pain the reality of losing everyone you’ve loved to the plague roaming the earth brought you. You create for yourself using art as a way to soothe your thoughts and anxieties, you create for the Settlement of Jackson to give back to the town that has given you a good life for the past five years, and most importantly you create for your students at the school you’ve taught at since your arrival. 
The fifteen years spent in the Denver QZ tried to steal your colors and mute your songs, joy became more difficult to find as each year behind the giant iron gates passed. The only sources of happiness were supplied by your small group of friends and your students in the desolate school you taught at. You never graduated high school, there was no pomp and circumstance, just a teaching job assigned to you because you were young and still remembered most of your high school education. That’s how your career was decided, funny how an apocalypse job search happens.
You tried to carve out as much of a life as you could under the overbearing and always watchful eyes of FEDRA soldiers, but it never felt whole. When the opportunity to leave Denver arrived thanks to your kind neighbor’s sister, you grabbed the few items you could and ran away from the only state you ever called home. Now, five years after your escape through the wasteland of the world to a better existence in Jackson, your life is now filled with art, music and purpose. Art supplied by the jars of paints you learned to make and what the patrollers bring you back. Music from the CD player in your house and the guitar you strum. Purpose from the weekdays spent teaching your impressionable students with actual well-rounded futures no longer doomed to become FEDRA fodder, along with the Saturdays spent working at the library you run out of your classroom. It's a good and comfortable life here, even if the nights are lonely and the only company you have in your small cottage are your cats Ripley and Penny. Some extra lonely nights, when the moon sits high atop the mountains, you can’t silence the thoughts that there’s nobody in your life who creates beautiful things for you. Too many nights you find yourself thinking about the man that lives down the street from you… Joel Miller. 
He’s so intimidating, handsome and caged off, akin to an art piece you’d pay admission to be able to stand near. Your own little museum piece you keep to yourself now that museums are obsolete. You’ve never seen anybody more gorgeous… not even in the faded celebrity magazines you cut up to make collages and art out of. Soft and full lips always hidden under a frowning mustache that rests below a large hooked nose. His dark brown eyes often focused forward, always looking in thought underneath furrowed brows. Wavy hair that matches his eye hue with soft silver streaks painted throughout. His body is strong and broad, often hidden underneath a tan flannel lined jacket. He’s tall and big–so big–somebody who has always been a protector. His hands are also large to match the rest of his features with thick fingers that sit capable and dexterous… you can tell they’re efficient for any task you ask of them. His skin is golden, born that way and bronzed by years spent outdoors. The precious pages of your notebook quickly deplete when you try to sketch and master the lines of his face. Maybe you could get the minute details if only you could stop being so afraid of the feelings he stirs inside of you.  
You’ve been enamored with him since he first showed up to Jackson– your life, and all of those feelings you’ve tried to avoid for years– upended by his presence. 
It was a normal day, like any other, when you walked into the Tipsy Bison to drop off some extra shoelaces and push pins for the community swap basket. Your eyes paused at the long communal table where your friends Maria and Tommy were seated with two strangers. A small teenage girl with a tight pony tail and a tattered sweatshirt was talking animatedly with her mouth full. You know kids well after all your years of teaching, you could already spot her tenacity across the room. Sitting next to her bent over a plate of food untamely clutching a fork was a man with a mess of graying hair and a permanent scowl plastered on his handsome face. You noted his strong jaw as he chewed his food, his eyes stared straight forward void of kindness, you wondered when the last time somebody created something beautiful for him. He was the most handsome man you’d ever seen– so intimidatingly sized even in his seated and hunched stature. You quickly flitted over to the corner where the communal basket sat and deposited your items before turning around to head back to your home when you noticed the handsome stranger looking right at you. His eyes darted away right as your eyes widened at his focus before you made your hasty retreat out of the tense room. That night you wrote a song about a once warm and inviting cabin sitting in the woods now cold and desolate with tattered floor boards and a cracked window.
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The girl you saw at the Bison with the handsome stranger showed up in your class the next week. Ellie quickly became your favorite student thanks to her love of art and her smart mouth. She’s always so eager to learn in the mornings before heading out with the other older kids for patrol and community training. She doesn’t shut up about your handsome stranger, he’s Joel, Texas born and raised, he’s grumpy, and he loves coffee. He’s not her father, but he’s her protector, everything she tells you makes you think about him more. 
Sometimes you’ll see him walking down the road headed right towards you, a quick tuck of your head down or dash around the nearest corner helps alleviate the panic of being near him. One night you see him with Tommy at the Tipsy Bison in the corner drinking whiskey, your eyes stared unblinking before you realized how anyone could look over and see the way you’re ogling, you quickly created a reason to your friends why you needed to head home, to overwhelmed by his presence just a couple of rows down. Seeing him stirs up so many foreign emotions inside of you, but you like the rush. You like having your little crush, as long as you can keep your distance from him.
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“Jeez, what were they thinking when they named these bands? The Shins? The Strokes? The Yeah Yeah Yeahs? Did every band just pick a random word and put The in front of it?” Ellie questions as she peruses your CD collection while you grade papers. With training for the older students canceled due to the winter snow outside, Ellie decided that you needed company in your classroom after school.
“Seems like it, doesn’t it?” you answer. “I’ll have to play them for you one day, those were some of my favorite bands when I was your age.”
“Really? Wicked! I’d love that!” she looks up from your CD book with an enthusiastic smile. You return her smile, happy for the bond the two of you share. “Joel loves music too, wonder if he’d like any of these.” Your pen pauses and your heart rate increases at the mention of his name, you feel foolish for the crush you have on your student’s “father.” 
“I’m sure there’s something in there for everyone,” you say, stacking your papers and capping your pen. “I think we should get going, before the sun sets, El. I’ll lock up.” 
“Aw man, there’s nothing to do at home,” she sighs. 
“Sorry kid,” you shrug. “I’m helping Helen at the Bison tonight and I need to eat dinner beforehand.” 
“Fiiiiiine, thanks for letting me hang with you, this was really fun,” she says as she grabs her backpack and jacket. “Bye Teach!”
Watching her leave, the thought plants in your head that she’s only a couple years younger than the age you were when the outbreak happened. 
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The world thaws when winter turns to spring, the sun stays up longer allowing patrollers a better chance to scavenge and bring their finds back. The wish list posted above the communal basket in the Tipsy Bison is filled with requests. Residents ask for a broom, a TV input cable, a glue gun, crayons, and other utilitarian items to help make life easier. You think about writing down the one thing you wish for the most, a new CD player. Your prized possession finally spun its last song a couple days ago making your home fall silent without your constant companion of music. The irony isn’t lost on you that your just as ancient guitar now lays silent against the wall, the crack on the neck finally broke from overuse. You don’t write down your main wish, instead choosing to note that the school needs chalk and you need a new oven mitt. 
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“Thought I told you not to touch my stereo kid,” the deep timbre of a Texas accented voice shocks you. Your heart begins to thud against your chest while goosebumps spread along your body; you’re frozen on the floor while you attempt to hide your internal panic. Joel is home. Of course he’s home, this is HIS home and you’re in it breaking HIS rules listening to your favorite mixed CD on HIS stereo system that’s much grander than your pitiful broken CD player. Why did you think letting YOUR STUDENT who’s half your age convince you this was a good idea?
“I know, relax! I’m being active in the community like you asked me to,” Ellie’s response drips with her unshakeable sarcasm. 
Your head turns to find his deep brown eyes boring right into you, he gives you a half smile as you stare back at him, mouth slightly agape. Joel Miller is in Joel Miller’s house with you. 
“This is the teacher I told you about, her stereo broke and I know how important music is to her–kinda like how it is to you. I invited her over so she could play me some of her stuff,” Ellie reasons. The kid is never not convincing. 
You quickly stuff your CD case into your backpack and stand, trying to escape the anxiety of being here in the cozy Miller household with the not-so-cozy-looking Mr. Miller. 
“Mm,” Joel grunts out before turning to you and reaching his hand out. “I‘m Joel.” His big hand envelops yours when you softly grab it to say hello. 
You nervously give him your name, trying to calm your panicked heart. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to overstep any boundaries... I-I really appreciate her offering to help me. My stereo broke a couple days ago and she knew it upset me.” You nervously stammer feeling like a thirteen year old in trouble again as you begin to fiddle with the gold daisy chain around your neck.
“Don’t worry about it,” he urges before looking at Ellie, “I can look past this if it means means you’re getting out of that damn garage.” 
Ellie rolls her eyes, you wonder if every conversation they have is Joel putting a rule down and Ellie breaking it. “She has way better music taste than you have old man. None of that twangy sad music you try to get me to listen to.”
You start to feel antsy as Joel crowds the small space around you. 
“I-I have to head out, I promised Helen I’d help her at the Tipsy Bison.” You’re not due for another hour but you can’t fathom the idea of being unwelcome in Joel’s house.
“Oh, okay. Well, you’re welcome back whenever you want… right Joel?” Ellie looks at him, angling her eyebrow, knowing she’s going to get the answer she wants from him. 
“Uh— of course. S’pose any friend of Ellie’s is welcome here,” Joel hesitates with a smile, his deep brown eyes crinkle in the corners. He’s ridiculously handsome this close, it’s staggering. 
“Thank you again Ellie, I’ll see you tomorrow, make sure you bring your notebook,” you say, turning to walk out the door. 
You rush home, hoping the distinct woodsy smell of Joel’s house on your clothes will linger for a while. You almost trip when you realize you’ve left your favorite mixed CD in Joel’s stereo.
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Weeks pass, and the weather gets warmer. Spring is in the air, the trees are covered in bright green leaves, flowers bloom along the vast gardens of fruits and vegetables, everyone’s days turn longer with more tasks to accomplish. There’s always a hopeful breeze in the air for everyone, no longer bunkered down and locked away by the snowy weather. 
Your mixed CD is now a victim of your inability to be anywhere near Joel. Either Ellie decided to keep it for herself, or Joel's decided for you that you don't want it back, especially since you obviously crossed a line. In an odd way, it’s actually a nice feeling, kind of like old times when you'd forget a CD in your friend's car or in your locker over winter break.  It's not like you have anything to play it on, your house is still silent, save for the purring of your cats or whatever song you can remember to hum to yourself. 
It's a warmer day than usual, the sun shines bright and hot in the clear blue sky; all you can think about is getting home and taking a long bath after helping out at the community garden. Your hurried footsteps pitter patter against the warm asphalt in front of Joel’s house. Your heart always begins to race as it comes into view, once in a while you'll get to steal a glance of him leaving for patrol at the same time you're heading to school– those are good mornings. This sweltering afternoon you’ve certainly lucked out, he’s in his yard working on repairing a broken fence post. Your steps begin to slow as you see him set the hammer down, wipe the back of his hand across his sweaty brow, and stretch his back. Panic sets in at the realization he could look right over and see you in the state you’re currently in. You’ve been up to your knees in soil since school ended, watering and deadheading plants while letting the dirt on your skin bake in the warm sun. Your anxious steps pick up pace, failing to hop over the divot in the road you always remember to avoid. A trip and a fall ends with you landing hard on your stomach knocking the wind out of you. You can just make out the fall of heavy boot steps on the ground over the sound of your lungs gasping for air as you turn over.
“Whoa whoa whoa, you okay darlin’?” Joel asks. His broad body eclipses the bright sun when he bends over your body splayed out on the pavement. “S’alright, s’alright, breathe.” 
You lose even more breath at the sight of him. The sheen of sweat against his skin makes it glow bright. This is the first time you’ve seen him without a jacket or flannel, there’s a constellation of freckles on his neck you’ve never noticed. His biceps strain the fabric of his short sleeves when he reaches to put a comforting hand on your shoulder. You can’t tell if you’re still panicking from your fall or the stress of Joel seeing you as pathetic as you think you look. He called you darling and you feel like a fool. 
“I’m okay–I-I’m sorry…. I’m okay,” gasps out between breaths. You whimper from pain as you attempt to stand but it hurts far too much. 
“Hold on, hold on, there’s no need to rush, you took a mighty fall. Ya’ got a big cut on your knee, let me help you,” Joel’s eyes roam you under brows wrinkled with concern. 
“No, no, I’m okay really, I-I’m really okay,” you try to calmly assert, losing terribly against your rising embarrassment. 
“S’alright now, I have some peroxide and bandages in my house, Ellie’d kill me if she knew I left you injured,” he implores reaching his hand out. "I want to help you, come here."
“I– okay,” you grab his hand, his strong fingers wrap around yours, oh god he’s so warm, “I-I don’t want to bother you.”
“Now, I’ll have none ‘a that, come on,” he helps you stand steadying you with an arm around your waist, the adrenaline of being this close to him makes a bit of the pain fade, though the humiliation remains. 
He slowly leads you up his walkway, his hand lays splayed against your hip holding you tight. Your head rests against him close enough to feel the dampness of his sweaty shirt against your cheek.
He leads you into his house, the realization isn’t lost on you that this is now the second time you’ve been inside his home. Both times you’ve felt like an idiot. What is your luck?
You slowly sit down on his couch, Joel gently helps you settle against the cushions before placing a pillow behind your back for support. "You alright?” he asks, his voice drags heavily with concern. You nod, keeping your eyes focused on your bare legs, marred by dirt and gravel mixed with blood. “Just relax for a second, I’ll go grab everything." He retreats, his loud boot steps get fainter allowing you to take a deep breath and attempt to center yourself. 
The last time you were in Joel’s home you were far too anxious to focus on anything besides Ellie and the music coming out of the stereo. Solitude now allows a chance to look closely at Joel’s living room; for somebody with so many stories swirling around town about his gruffness and irritability, his home sure is warm and inviting. Wood carvings sit on shelves, a couple of tattered sports magazines lay on the coffee table, a chipped owl mug sits atop a book on the side table next to a chair. All of it presents quite domestic and comfortable for a single man and an adopted daughter in the apocalypse. Your eyes roam along the beige walls and pause when you spot a familiar painting hung near the front window. An elk stands alone, amongst a field of flowers, large antlers reach into the light blue sky. You painted it just a few months ago, using your favorite water colors. You gave it to Tommy for Christmas, as a thank you for always making sure you have first dibs of paints that patrollers bring in. Why does Joel have it?
“Don’t have any large bandages but I got a gauze roll,” Joel startles as he takes a seat atop the coffee table across from you. 
“That’s my painting? I painted that… for Tommy,” your inner thoughts escape your mouth, surprising you.
He turns and follows your eyes to the small piece of paper pinned on his wall. “You painted that? S’good. Saw it on my brother’s wall and asked him if I could have it, he was kinda reluctant but I told him how it reminds me of the painting I used to have over my bed before… everything.” The last word comes out as a huff, like he still doesn't know what word to use for these last twenty years.
“I love elks, they remind me of where I’m from… I’ve always liked painting the wildlife I grew up around the most,” your eyes remain focused on your painting. “Herds of elk used to live near my Dad’s home in the mountains, I used to hear their calls during the mating season.” 
“S’nice to remember those small moments, I guess your painting helps me,” he gently muses. 
“I’m glad,” you whisper.
Joel delicately lifts your leg up and places it on his lap, resting it against the soft strength of his thighs. Your heart feels like it’s going to burst out of your chest when you look down at this intimate moment with your dream man. Your breaths escape your mouth in rapid succession, your only hope is Joel blames your panic on the threat of the peroxide and not his close proximity. 
“S’gonna sting,” he warns before pouring the clear liquid onto your knee. Your breath catches in your throat when it hits your sensitive skin and burns. You suppress a whimper and feel slightly dizzy at the sight of him bending forward and delicately blowing on your wound. His breath cools the heat of your burning skin but lights a fire inside of your body you haven’t felt in years.  He glances up, his dark brown eyes stay focused on your face. “Doin’ alright?” 
You nervously chew on your bottom lip and nod. “Y-yes, yeah,” you mumble, “I-I’m okay it just hurts a lot to move.” Heaven forbid you tell him the truth, that you’re acting this way because he’s the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen, and now his hands are on you.
"I know, that gravel is a sucker," he gently reassures, picking up your other leg and placing it on top of his lap. “S’bouta sting again,” he warns. 
You try to focus on the burn of the peroxide and not on Joel’s fingertips resting against the back of your knee. He blows on the peroxide as it bubbles again, your heart skips a beat when his deep brown eyes meet yours again. You get the sense that he knows exactly why you’re responding the way you are. 
He lifts a faded gray wash cloth up and wipes both of your knees with the utmost tenderness. He picks up the fabric bandage, and lifts your knee higher to rest your foot against his broad chest. 
“Place a finger here so I can wrap you,” Joel directs just as gently as his touch, “let me know if it’s too stiff for you.” His hand tightens around your knee as he slowly unravels the gauze around your leg and bandages your wound. “How’s that?” 
You bend your leg back and forth and place it on the floor. “Feels good, thanks.”
“Course,” he says, lifting your other leg higher to start. He smirks when you place your finger on top of the bandage without him asking, and begins to wrap the gauze around your other leg. 
“I’d try to take it easy the next few days, give you a chance to heal,” Joel utters, tucking the bandage in and smoothing it down. 
“I will. Thanks for all your help… you really didn’t have to,” your voice cracks in embarrassment. 
“You don’t have to thank me, Ellie’d kill me if she found out I left you hurt in front of my home,” he cracks a smile at the mention of her name. “She talks about you a lot, I should be thanking you for giving her a reason to love goin’ to school.”
“She’s one of the best parts of my day,” your smile matches his when you think about her smart mouth, “I love having her around, she’s always so eager to learn and give her opinion."
“She's always showing me some new art way she learned from you or talking about a band she wants to hear that you told her about. You mean a lot to her.”
“She’s a special kid.”
“She is,” he says, his deep brown eyes look into yours. You’ve never noticed just how much his dark eyes glisten. Like the perfect color of black coffee. 
The sweet shared moment turns more awkward as you both maintain eye contact and nod over your shared adoration of Ellie. It feels like he’s looking at you under a microscope.
You cut the tension and softly clear your throat before slowly rising from the couch. “Well, I should get going, I’ve already taken up enough of your time. I really appreciate everything.”
“S’no problem at all,” he quickly stands and places a steadying hand on your back before leading you to the door and down his walkway.
You spy his tools laying abandoned and strewn across the lawn. “I hope I didn’t keep you from finishing your fence,” you apologize.
“I’ll manage… take care of yourself,” his hand retreats from your back when he opens the gate for you. 
“Thanks Joel, you too.” You really shouldn’t have looked back at him to get one last glimpse, he’s beautiful, especially now lit by the slowly setting sun. 
Walking away from him as confidently as you can, you feel his eyes follow you the whole way. You’ve never been so thankful to see your little cottage, escaping behind the protection of your front door before you grin and grab your paints and brushes. That night you paint another photo of an elk, this time with golden toned fur and deep brown eyes. 
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Saturday mornings are always busy, running your library never allows you the luxury to eat pancakes at the hall like everyone else on the weekends. You’re always turning to the left rushing towards the schoolhouse while everyone takes a right heading to eggs, pancakes, and coffee. This particular Saturday you’re moving slower thanks to your injured knees and the large box of books patrol brought you from their runs. 
“Mornin’," Joel shouts, quickly striding towards you from the hall exit. “Lemme take those for you.” 
“Oh, hi,” you pause in your tracks when he stops in front of you and grabs the box out of your hands. “You really don’t have to take–"
“None ‘a that,” he shushes, effortlessly lifting the box of books higher. "Where are we going with these?"
"Just over to the school house for the library," you nod your head towards the little brick building.
“How are the knees doing?” he asks, slowing his gait to match your slower pace.
“A lot better, thanks.”
“Glad to hear.” 
You fish the key out of your pocket, unlock the door, and let Joel follow you down the hallway to your classroom. You flick the lights on, fluorescent bulbs buzz illuminating your second home. 
You sit in your chair to rest your already aching knees, you’d still be halfway to the schoolhouse if it wasn’t for Joel’s kind assistance. 
“You can put the box on my desk,” you direct, rubbing your sore knee. 
He places the box on your desk before his eyes focus on the bright mural on the wall behind your desk. “Wow, I haven’t seen something like this in a long time. S’beautiful,” he breathes out incredulously. 
A grin lifts your tired face before you swivel in your chair to look at the mural. “Goodness, thank you. I just finished it a couple of weeks ago. I really wanted to make sure the kids had something fun and colorful to focus on while in class. It was hard for me to work in this plain, white room for so long. It took a long time to save up enough paint.” 
He slowly walks over and places his hand on the cold cinder block wall. “Bluebells. The flower of Texas,” he faintly whispers.
His large fingers trace the outlines of your painted indigo petals, you feel like you shouldn’t be allowed to see this type of gentle tenderness coming out of such hard and strong hands. He delicately touched you like this when he bandaged your knees. There was once softness surrounding all of Joel, the permanent grimace and rough reputation for him brought on by the harshness of existing in this world. 
He turns to you, keeping his hand on your mural. “Where you from?” he asks, curiously gazing into your eyes.
“I was in the Denver QZ.”
“No, where were you from before everything?”
“Oh, sorry. Still Colorado, just more in the mountains,” you say, concentrating on the columbine flower next to the bluebell. “Florissant to be exact. It’s a little town famous for dinosaurs. My students, especially Ellie, love to hear all about dinosaurs. I was very lucky to be where I was when everything–happened–just far enough to escape.”
“Nice state, I went skiing there once as a teen, had plans to go again before… everything,” he turns to look back at the bluebells again.
“Big of a Texan to compliment Colorado,” you jest, standing up and grabbing the library supplies from your desk.
He chuckles with a shake of his head. “Good one. Did y’know you forgot your CD at my house?” 
“I did, sorry about that. I figured Ellie just decided to keep it for herself. I don't mind, not like I have anything to play it on right now,” your voice drops thinking about how long it’s been since you’ve heard your favorite songs.
You begin to place down your hand painted placards on the tables. 
He walks over and picks one of the cards up and admires it. “Can I help you?”
“If you want, just pick up a pile of books and put them on their respective tables. Children’s, Mystery, Romance, Non-Fiction, Sci-Fi, Miscellaneous.” 
He dutifully picks up a stack of books. “You do this by yourself?”
“Usually, I sometimes have help but I think everyone here works so hard during the week they like their slow Saturdays, I can’t ask them to give up sleeping in.” 
“Sleeping in, must be nice. Can’t do such a thing. Ellie would sleep all day if I allowed her.”
“You’re right,” you say, squeezing by him to grab a pile of books. “Must be nice.”
He holds up a thick paperback with yellow pages and a burgundy cover, a muscled, orange toned man with long blonde hair holds a wispy brunette damsel. “I take it with a title like ‘Burning Tenderness’ it goes in romance?” Joel winks. You’d never imagine you would ever see someone like him joke.  
“Well, I’d fire you on the spot if you placed it in non-fiction.”
His bellowing laugh echoes across your classroom. You like hearing him laugh. 
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The library is set up a half hour before opening thanks to yours and Joel’s expeditious work.
You take a seat on the edge of your desk to rest your knees.  “I’ve never gotten done this early before. Between your help earlier this week and today I feel like I owe you something. Is there any way I could repay you for your kindness?” 
He sighs, glancing back at your mural. “Those bluebells you painted,” he inhales a large breath, “do you think you could paint some of those for me in my house?” 
“Oh my, I’d love to,” your face lights with a smile. You can’t believe he’s asking this of you. “I can start it anytime.”
“D’you want to come over Monday after you’re done at the school? I told Ellie I’d spend the day with her tomorrow.” 
“That sounds great,” you reply, not believing your luck that Joel Miller is inviting you over to his house.
“Great. Should probably head out and start my day. Taking this as payment for my work today,” he says holding up a book.
“‘As I Lay Dying?’ Didn’t pin you as a Faulkner fan,” you muse, opening your logbook to note the title down.
“Liked the horse on the cover.” 
“You’re so Texas. It’s a good book, enjoy it Joel.”
“See you Monday. Good luck today.” 
“Yes, Monday,” you respond, trying not to smile too hard. “Thanks again for all your help.”
“Course,” he nods before walking out the door. 
Today’s going to be a great day, it already started out better than you ever could have hoped.
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Back home after a busy day you sit in your favorite chair with your cats on your lap and sketch bluebells until you fall asleep with your pencil in hand.
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See The Road You're On (Joel's Version)
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daisda · 7 months ago
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Daisda Glamorous Red Sequins Spaghetti Strap Sleeveless Short Homecoming Dress with Beadings
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kairiscorner · 1 year ago
okok hear me out on this request i know you do highschool miguel but imagine 2000s highschool au with punk!miguel where he’s dates reader who’s basically the girl next door typa gal/she’s basically super sweet compared to migs and they both go to homecoming together, take pictures dance bla bla bla before they ditch it and hangout somewhere secluded
˗ˏˋ ✮ kairi's AUtober !
day 8: homecoming with bad boy miguel o'hara.
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homecoming of batch 2000 – the theme being a mix of a starry night and wonderland; it was... an experience–because he was with you. he came over to your door, donning a white dress shirt with a dark blue blazer draped over his broad, tanned shoulders; his dark brown, tousled hair curtaining his chocolate colored irises. he made sure to remove his nose and lip piercings, he remembers what kind of impression he made towards your family when he came looking as he was–but that never deterred you from loving him as your boyfriend, ever.
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he may have been a "bad boy", a "punk"–but he was most importantly, the one you loved, and the one who loved you the most. he smirked to himself slightly at the images of you in all kinds of dresses; his face heated up at the thought of you looking all adorable in a dress, but seeing you in a whimsical, bright attire, adorned with hearts, spades, clovers, and diamonds... you stole his heart again and squeezed it with how beautiful you looked.
"wow, you're... wonderful." "like i'm really from wonderland?" you asked him with a shy voice, looking up at him. he chuckled and took your hands in his and grinned. "like you're the ruler of wonderland, like absolute royalty." he added, complimented you, a hint of a fluster on his face as he grinned wider and led you out of the crowd. "want me to show you a real starry night?" he asked you in a hushed voice as you chuckled. "hmm, sounds like that beats all the sequins and glitters..." "believe me, cariño, it does; because you'll be here with me, under the light... of countless stars."
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @araneol @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
he sounded so soft with his voice, so gentle–his touch didn't feel tight, it felt... clingy, just a little bit; it felt so tender and warm, that nothing else could match the purity of this moment in time. it sure might be a highschool dance, a get-together full of pubescent teenagers that might sneak in a few drinks and kiss the night away in their cars in the parking lot, but tonight was magical. tonight, the stars are in full view, bright and aligned–creating the vision of a starry paradise for the two of you under the sky as you both stepped out of the school gym and took your places under a tree you planted with him in your very first year of junior high.
"wonderland seems like a lovely place... but honestly, wonderland is more of an... experience." "what do you mean, miggy?" you asked him in wonder as he placed two fingers under your chin and directed your face to look at him. he smiles sweetly and his eyes shone with so much love, and he leaned in and pecked a kiss on your forehead. when he pulled away, he ran his hands through your hair and snuggled up closer with you. "wonderland is an experience, because... it's like i'm having the time of my life when i'm with you. time stops, everything's where it should be–and i... i'm falling more and more with you, everyday." "then... i'm glad that was half of our theme." "was weird at first, but i think the universe was just trying to help me tell you just how i really feel about you, mi vida."
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mamaestapa · 2 years ago
Wait yes dad Joe with teenagers!!! I loved that dynamic. What if there’s one with like you helping your kids get ready to go to a school dance or like the kids high school football game?
All Grown Up|| Joe Burrow x reader
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•summary: You and Joe help your teenage daughters get ready for some of their first school events
•warnings: sisters arguing lol and fluff
"Which dress?" You asked, skimming through your 12 year old daughter Ivy's closet. "The pink one," she replied, growing annoyed. "I can't find it. I was going to wear it to the dance tonight." She frowned as she too looked through her closet.
"I'm not seeing it," you mumbled, eyebrows furrowing in confusion as to why you couldn't find the dress. Then it hit you. "Wait..."
You pulled your hands out of the hung up clothes, crossing your arms over your chest and giving your 12 year old a pointed look. "Are you talking about Josie's Homecoming dress from last year?"
"Absolutely not," you said, shaking your head. Ivy groaned, "Come on mom, it's so cute!"
"Yeah, for a high school Homecoming. Not your first middle school dance, Ivy."
"But mom-."
"No buts," you said cutting her off, an amused chuckle leaving your lips as you spoke, "You are not wearing a tight, lace, hot pink and sequin dress to your sixth grade dance." The young girl just rolled her eyes, clearly unhappy with your response.
"Plus," you continued, "you know your dad wouldn't let you leave the house in that."
It's true. Joe would have a fit if he saw his 12 year old daughter wearing the dress his 16 year old daughter wore for her Sophomore Homecoming dance. You and Joe always make sure to let your kids express their styles in any way that they want. You both think it's important for them to express themselves and be confident in who they are, and how they dress. However, sometimes you do interfere, but only with instances like this one.
"Fine," Ivy sighed, "I'll wear the red one instead."
"Good choice." you said, smiling warmly at your daughter. You pulled the red dress out of her closet handing it to her. Her eyes scanned over the dress, a small smile pulling at the corners of her mouth as she looked away from the dress and up at you. "I guess this one is better. Thanks mama."
You nodded and pulled her into a hug, squeezing her gently. You pulled away from her and rubbed her back as you spoke, "I gotta check on your sisters. Go get ready, sweetie."
You left your daughters room, eyes widening as you could hear arguing coming from downstairs.
“You had them last!”
“I did not!”
“Yes you did!”
“Hey, hey!” your husband said, trying to stop the girls arguing, “Josie, they’re probably just in the wash. I’m sure Hazel didn’t touch your shorts.”
“They’re not shorts, dad.”
You chuckled softly in amusement as you walked into the room. Joe’s shoulders shrugged with a sigh, “Shorts, spandex, same thing.” he said, talking with his hands. You walked further into the room to see what the big deal was.
“What is going on in here.”
“Hazel has my cheer spandex-.” “Josie is accusing me of stealing-.” the two teenagers said at the same time before you cut them off. “Okay before you accuse your sister,” you said, looking at your oldest, “did you check the washing machine?”
“That’s what I said…” Joe mumbled under his breath to you, making a small smile pull at your lips. Josie sighed and said, “Not yet.”
“Then why are you accusing me?” your fifteen year old daughter asked, rolling her eyes at her older sister. The two started bickering back and forth, making both you and Joe sigh as you left the room. Their bickering stopped when you came back into the room holding Josie’s black cheer spanks.
“Hanging up in the laundry room.” You said, holding them out for her to grab. Josie smiled softly and walked up to you, grabbing the black spandex from your hands. “Thanks mom.” You nodded, smiling softly at your daughter, your smile only widening when Josie apologized to Hazel.
“Now, both of you finish getting ready. We’re leaving in twenty minutes to drop your sister off at her dance.” Joe said, coming up to stand next to you. The girls left the room and went upstairs to finish getting ready, leaving you and Joe in the living room by yourselves.
Joe stood behind you and snaked his arms around your middle, pulling you into his chest. You hummed and leaned into his touch. “Can you believe Josie is cheering at her first Varsity game tonight, and Hazel is going to her first high school football game?”
Joe shook his head, squeezing you gently, “No, I can’t. And Ivy going to her first middle school dance…”
You frowned slightly at the thought of all your kids growing up. It feels like just yesterday you brought Josie home from the hospital, but that was almost 17 years ago.
“Our babies are growing up Joe.” You said, voice somber as you situated yourself in Joe’s arms so that you could look up at him. He nodded, frowning slightly, “They are. At least we still have Jace.”
“But he’s growing up so fast, too. He’s already in fifth grade.” Joe nodded, “I know, but at least we’ve still got a year of elementary left with him.” You sighed softly at your husbands words, “I guess you’re right.”
Your four kids entered the living room at the same time, Jace following behind his older sisters as he ran into the living room and jumping into yours and Joe’s embrace. You laughed at your sons actions, pulling him in front of you and wrapping your arms around him. “Hi mama.” He said as he leaned into your arms.
“Hi baby,” you said softly. A wide grin was on your face as you looked at your daughters standing in front of you.
Josie was in her cheer uniform, Hazel was wearing her boyfriends practice jersey, and Ivy was dolled up for her school dance. Each of your girls dressed beautifully for different occasions.
“You three look so beautiful.” You said with a smile. Joe nodding beside you in agreement, “My girls.” He said proudly, smiling at his daughters, “You ready to go?”
The girls nodded, and with that the six of you piled into your SUV, and headed off to take your kids to their first school dance and first high school Varsity football game. Your babies were all grown up, but you and Joe couldn’t be more proud of them.
hi loves!
happy friday and happy game dey!🧡🖤
first blurb of many for dad joe blurb night!!
you guys have sent such great ideas, and i had so much fun writing them. i’ve got about 7 blurbs written already, and i’m hoping to finish a couple more later tonight.
i hope you enjoyed this one! dad joe with teenagers is an interesting concept, and it’s super fun to write lol.
more coming soon!🤍
tags: @erinmartin1987 @klips118 @burrowstyles5 @caroline1019
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inspotlight · 6 months ago
idk why i just had this thought, BUT- what would nini’s prom dress(es) look like for junior/senior year in the cases she and ricky got to go to prom together like they’re supposed to <3 could also just do one or the other but !!!
oooh! this is a fantastic question. i never actually thought about what she would wear to prom, even though we've planned out so many proms for them.
so, nini isn't big on being flashy. she likes her skirts and sweaters. she's a penny loafer girlie. she wants to be comfortable. prom is the one (well, two) night where she forgets that and goes all out. junior year, she chooses a pretty, floral purple dress. she wears silver heels and curls her hair and ends the night in ricky's hoodie when they all go get a super late dinner after prom is over. she looks every bit the princess she is in over verses.
senior year, she decides that the soft, sweet dress she wore the previous year, while beautiful, is not the vibe she wants to go for for their last prom. she wants to wear something crazy. at least, crazy for her. she chooses this strapless, form-fitting, black sequined dress. usually she would prefer something a little roomier and not so dark. she doesn't accessorize with colorful jewelry or makeup. she curls her hair again this year, and while she thinks she looks really nice in the photos, she definitely felt out of her element. of course, for her, it felt like acting. it felt like stepping into a role. it felt like prepping herself all the more for the future ahead, where she would hopefully go on to play many more roles on stage.
as a little extra, here are a few dresses i saw that she would wear for other events: homecoming, 18th birthday, graduation, wedding rehearsal dinner, wedding.
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mtridactyla · 1 year ago
today a girl brought in her homecoming dress which was a neon orange covered in sequins eyesore and asked if we could match a tie to it so i had to take her to the tie table and hold each of our orange ties up to this awful dress and watch her hem and haw until she decided to get her boyfriend a plain black tie
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swordwieldingenby · 1 year ago
why the fuck is it so important to people that I wear a fucking dress? I hate it so much. I look at myself in the mirror and I feel like someone else is looking back. someone people could love more. someone more normal. someone my mom could show to her friends. someone more palatable. someone else.
the sequins feel like forks stabbing me everywhere. I’m done. it doesn’t even fit the fucking carnival theme of the homecoming dance. my caretaker thinks I look nice. she says so. I look and feel wrong. maybe I could be a clown.
I want to rip it off, along with my skin at this point. I imagine showing up to school where everyone calls me Avi. where everyone I know sees me as a boy. or something close to that anyway. they see me as me. I’d get misgendered for the rest of the fucking year. I can’t leave this hell. I’m stuck with my mom for the foreseeable future.
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hyrsamx · 1 year ago
@senatusstarters location: Hakan's Chrimmus Bash notes: Play That Funky Mayor
It began with a speech, jovial and welcoming as Dimetor honoured the many people that had given up everything for their great city. He then explained that yes, he was but a simple mortal man but the senate had told him everything and he was resolved to make this city a safe place once again - for everyone. He thanked Hakan for opening his home to Rome and declared the party to be an official annual celebration in the Roman calendar, Saturnalia would end on the 23rd and Hakanalia (patent pending) would be held on the 25th. 
Naturally, Dimetor then kicked off into a musical number. 
"Hey do it now Yeah hey,"
Mayor Dimetor stepped out onto the stage as the music flooded the soundstage, the backup dancers were all meticulously dressed, sequins, tassels, and colour blocking that accented the Mayor’s attire: iridescent body glitter that refracted the neon lights and a pair of horns that everyone would assume were really convincing fakes. While the microphone wasn’t his ideal, Dimetor slid into place as he kicked off the Christmas Bash to end all Christmas Bashes.
"Hey once I was a boogie singer Playin' in a rock and roll band I never had no problems yeah Burnin' down one night stands And everything around me, yeah Got to stop to feelin' so low And I decided quickly, yes I did To disco down and check out the show Yeah they was,"
In the corner of the room Hyrsam saw Boranehn with their arms folded, so naturally he tossed the wyvern a wink as he sang. A synchronous clop trotted with the thunderous bass as the seemingly mortal man and his accompaniment of stringent professionals moved through a clearly well-coordinated routine. Hyrsam had done four tours with Britney, Beyonce was still upset that he’d turned down the Homecoming tour but Honey Balenciaga was a good alternative.
"Dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin' And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted Play that funky music white boy Play that funky music right Play that funky music white boy Lay down that boogie and play that funky music 'til you die 'Til you die, yeah, oh 'til you die."
Ariadne looked like she needed to loosen up, his treasured friend, Bacchus smiled at her and the various archdruids he saw strewn about the party. To them it was probably a small matter for a God to conceal his presence; now came the shimmy, Bacchus shifted as he waltzed across the stage, Elmas was wearing her signature human hair unit as she expertly played the keyboard. There wasn’t much his assistant couldn’t do, she was highly skilled. 
"Gonna play that electrified funky music, yeah" "Hey wait a minute Now first it wasn't easy Changin' rock and roll and minds And things were getting shaky I thought I'd have to leave it behind But now it's so much better (it's so much better) I'm funking out in every way But I'll never lose that feelin' (no I won't) Of how I learned my lesson that day"
Those from the garden were some of his favourites, had they tried the chicken at the party tonight? It was to die for. Because Dionysus was Dionysus he’d put a few drops of blood into each of the wine kegs… And the water as well, he’d also put a lot into the pool. Were people trying not to drink? With all of Dionysus that was wafting through the air, that wasn’t going to be possible. Have fun, go wild, get crazy. Dionysus stuck his tongue out as he backed it up across the stage. 
"When they were Dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin' And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted Play that funky music white boy Play that funky music right Play that funky music white boy Lay down that boogie and play that funky music 'til you die 'Til you die, yeah, oh 'til you die."
The big finish, Soterius got down and started whacking before he and the ace team of satyr dancers vogued into a set of synchronised death drops. The hero of every story, the idea behind every invention, the saviour of everyone: what couldn’t Soterius do? With these hooves? Nothing. 
Mayor Dimetor dismounted the stage after riding it hard and hanging it up wet, "Enjoy the show?"
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lunss-couture · 11 months ago
Royal Blue Sequin High Neck Short Cocktail Party Dress
This lovely royal blue short dress is festooned with sparkly geometric sequin lace and tulle. Designed with a high neckline, sleeveless, and full back. The puff skirt flutters to a short hemline. This creation is perfect for homecoming or cocktail party.
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timetravelingcourtney · 2 years ago
Courtney's Collection: What I Would Add
I was going to call this Courtney's Collection: What I Would Have Done Differently but her collection is...I'm gonna say it, totally rad. Instead, as a child of the 80's almost exactly Courtney's age, here's what I would add...
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To her sportswear collection, I would add so much more Esprit inspired pieces.
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The highlight of my back to school shopping was going to the Esprit outlet in San Francisco and going nuts with discounted Esprit pieces. They were the foundation of my entire wardrobe for the school year.
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I copied the styling from the accessories, to the hair to the pre teen attitude. Interestingly, my obsession with Esprit also brought me into a love of pop art a la Lichtenstein and Oldenburg.
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And I loved the models so very much. A mom of one of my former students was an Esprit model as a child. Her mom worked for the company and I gotta say, my inner child was so jealous.
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I was also obsessed with Benetton but that was so far out of the price range. I just literally lingered outside of the store staring at the signage. Then I went to the affordable Benetton - the Gap. Love love love the focus on multi cultural representation which was really ahead of the curve.
But little women cannot live by sportswear alone, sometimes we go fancy places and do fancy things.
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This appears to be the exact dress I wore for 6th Grade graduation from Gunne Sax by Jessica McClintock. For all fancy events, I basically only wore Gunne Sax for years.
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As Gunne Sax moved from 70's peasant dresses to 80's dresses, they became pretty much Edwardian.
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I had this top too with the "pie crust collar" and wore it on repeat with a matching skirt.
The summer after 8th Grade, my mom took me to the Gunne Sax outlet in San Francisco to pick out TWO homecoming dresses as she was certain I would be asked to more than one homecoming. I was not so certain, but she was right (a Maryellen boomer that one). I chose one strapless black one with sequins on the bodice and a strapless white one with lace on the bodice. My favorite part about it is not my dates or the dresses, but that the very first incarnation of Cirque de Soleil was in town and the young girls from the show were at the outlet shopping and trying on dresses while I was there. They had their hair in curlers for the show that night. I was in awe.
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This is the closet I could find to what Courtney wears to the news station interview and it's most likely Laura Ashley. Me and my friends didn't wear a lot of Laura Ashley but we had a lot of Laura Ashely in our house including my bedding.
I think a lot of what you wore in the 80's was about proximity. I had proximity to SF so I could shop the outlets and wear stuff that would have been otherwise unattainable. I can imagine if you were in a place where your go to mall staple was JC Penny that your wardrobe would look quite different. However, Courtney seems to have access to a very well stocked mall so I'd love to see her collection reflect some of this.
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cleverhottubmiracle · 9 days ago
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This week’s best celebrity fashion moments delivered an undeniable dose of classy street style, proving that glamour doesn’t always require a red carpet. From denim done to perfection to bold, statement-making gowns, the stars effortlessly owned their looks. Whether it was Beyoncé channeling her Cowboy Carter aesthetic or Scarlett Johansson redefining minimalistic elegance, we’ve rounded up the most stunning ensembles and also show you how to recreate them.  Looking to elevate your wardrobe with a touch of sophistication? You’re in the right place. We’ll break down these standout outfits, suggest the perfect occasions to wear them, and offer tips on achieving the same refined flair—without a Hollywood budget. Check out 10 classy celebrity styles you can copy this weekend… #1. Beyoncé: Denim Royalty Photo: @levis/Instagram The Queen herself, Beyoncé, elevated Western glam to new heights with Levi’s latest collection, perfectly embodying her Cowboy Carter era. She wowed in a fitted button-down monkey jacket, coordinating denim trousers, and a long, intricately designed coat that exuded Wild West chic. To recreate this classy style, opt for a structured denim jacket, high-waisted jeans, and a longline coat with subtle embellishments. It’s the perfect ensemble for casual Fridays, outdoor concerts, or an effortlessly cool brunch look. Shop editor’s finds   #2. Scarlett Johansson: Timeless Prada Elegance Photo: Getty Images Scarlett Johansson turned heads at the Saturday Night Live 50th Anniversary special in a stunning black Prada dress featuring jeweled straps and studded bralette details. She kept it classy with strappy black heels and minimal accessories, letting the dress take center stage. To achieve this chic vibe, opt for a sleek black dress with delicate embellishments and keep accessories understated yet refined. This timeless look is perfect for formal dinners, evening galas, or an elegant date night. #3. Lupita Nyong’o: Chanel Chic Photo: Getty Images Lupita Nyong’o delivered a major fashion moment at the Charles Finch x Chanel pre-BAFTA party, stunning in a classic black Chanel ensemble accented with white button detailing and ruffled feather embellishments at the neck and sleeves. She completed the look with white platform heels featuring black details, creating a striking contrast. To channel this classy style, opt for a structured black-and-white dress paired with bold platform heels. This sophisticated outfit is perfect for art gallery openings. #4. Nicole Scherzinger: Show-Stopping in Michael Kors Photo: Getty Images Nicole Scherzinger dazzled at the Michael Kors show in a navy blue Spring 2025 dress adorned with black sequined floral embellishments. The plunging neckline and cinched waist, accentuated by a chic black belt, created a striking silhouette. She completed the look with classic black pumps and a Michael Kors barrel handbag. To replicate this ensemble, opt for a deep-hued dress with a touch of sparkle and define your waist with a belt. It’s the perfect look for a formal party, a Broadway night, or a high-end dinner event. Shop similar barrel handbags   #5. Jenna Ortega: Golden Hour in Versace Photo: Getty Images Jenna Ortega shined at Saturday Night Live 50: The Homecoming Concert in a shimmering gold Versace corset. She paired it with a brown suede skirt and coat, creating a striking contrast. Gold strappy heels and minimal accessories completed the look. To achieve this classy style, mix metallic pieces with earthy tones. Finish with understated jewelry. This ensemble is perfect for a special night out. #6. H.E.R: Street Style Sophistication Photo: @hermusicofficial/Instagram H.E.R. took denim to new heights in a chic streetwear look. She wore an intricately detailed denim jacket and trousers over a sheer top. Nude gray pointed-toe heels and red-rimmed sunglasses completed the ensemble. To replicate the look, pair a detailed denim set with a sheer bodysuit and bold sunglasses. This effortlessly cool, classy style is perfect for fashion-forward casual events or daytime outings. #7. Golda Rosheuvel: Regal Refinement Photo: @goldarosheuvel/Instagram Golda Rosheuvel made a bold statement at the Bridgerton: Season of Love global fan event. She wore a Huishan Zhang Vincent black jacket with silk taffeta details, tailored pants, black boots, and statement pearl earrings. To recreate the look, pair a structured blazer with high-waisted pants and elegant pearl accessories. This royal-inspired ensemble is perfect for upscale luncheons or fashion-forward business meetings. #8. Sarah Jakes-Roberts: Maxi Sophistication Photo: @stylistjbolin/Instagram Sarah Jakes-Roberts turned heads in an Erica Moore Couture gown, featuring bell sleeves and a thigh-high slit. Styled with black heels and minimal accessories, the look exuded sophistication. To recreate this classy style, opt for a suede gown with dramatic sleeves for an effortlessly regal presence. It’s perfect for evening galas or red carpet events. #9. Kandi Burruss: Bold and Beautiful Photo: @sonejr/Instagram Kandi Burruss brought color to The Sherri Show in a body-hugging light blue Alaïa mesh dress, layered under a fiery red Retrofête Constance coat with structured shoulders. She completed the look with red Alaïa shark pumps, proving that bold colors and classy style can coexist. To emulate this look, experiment with color-blocking and structured outerwear. This outfit is perfect for a high-profile city event. Shop editor’s curation   #10. La La Anthony: Silver Stunner Photo: @lala/Instagram La La Anthony lit up the Larry Miller and Jump Awards in an off-shoulder Defaience dress, featuring silver jewel details along the hip cutouts. She paired it with silver heels and minimal accessories, creating an alluring yet sophisticated look. To recreate this style, opt for a sleek bodycon dress with subtle embellishments and elegant silver accessories. This outfit is perfect for a cocktail party or an upscale social gathering. These celebrity looks prove that classy style is all about confidence, impeccable tailoring, and striking the perfect balance between statement pieces and simplicity. Whether you’re heading to a formal event, a chic daytime gathering, or simply want to elevate your streetwear, there’s inspiration here for every occasion. So, which look will you recreate first? For the latest in fashion, lifestyle, and culture, follow us on Instagram @StyleRave —Read also Ranti Ishola An enchanting wordsmith and style virtuoso. My collection of vintage scarves reflects my love for stories, beauty and style. Each scarf whispers its tale of inspiration. At Style Rave, we aim to inspire our readers by providing engaging content to not just entertain but to inform and empower you as you ASPIRE to become more stylish, live smarter and be healthier. Follow us on Instagram @StyleRave_ ♥ !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', ' fbq('init', '496558104568102'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script',' !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script',' fbq('init', '1453079628754066'); fbq('track', "PageView"); Source link
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norajworld · 9 days ago
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This week’s best celebrity fashion moments delivered an undeniable dose of classy street style, proving that glamour doesn’t always require a red carpet. From denim done to perfection to bold, statement-making gowns, the stars effortlessly owned their looks. Whether it was Beyoncé channeling her Cowboy Carter aesthetic or Scarlett Johansson redefining minimalistic elegance, we’ve rounded up the most stunning ensembles and also show you how to recreate them.  Looking to elevate your wardrobe with a touch of sophistication? You’re in the right place. We’ll break down these standout outfits, suggest the perfect occasions to wear them, and offer tips on achieving the same refined flair—without a Hollywood budget. Check out 10 classy celebrity styles you can copy this weekend… #1. Beyoncé: Denim Royalty Photo: @levis/Instagram The Queen herself, Beyoncé, elevated Western glam to new heights with Levi’s latest collection, perfectly embodying her Cowboy Carter era. She wowed in a fitted button-down monkey jacket, coordinating denim trousers, and a long, intricately designed coat that exuded Wild West chic. To recreate this classy style, opt for a structured denim jacket, high-waisted jeans, and a longline coat with subtle embellishments. It’s the perfect ensemble for casual Fridays, outdoor concerts, or an effortlessly cool brunch look. Shop editor’s finds   #2. Scarlett Johansson: Timeless Prada Elegance Photo: Getty Images Scarlett Johansson turned heads at the Saturday Night Live 50th Anniversary special in a stunning black Prada dress featuring jeweled straps and studded bralette details. She kept it classy with strappy black heels and minimal accessories, letting the dress take center stage. To achieve this chic vibe, opt for a sleek black dress with delicate embellishments and keep accessories understated yet refined. This timeless look is perfect for formal dinners, evening galas, or an elegant date night. #3. Lupita Nyong’o: Chanel Chic Photo: Getty Images Lupita Nyong’o delivered a major fashion moment at the Charles Finch x Chanel pre-BAFTA party, stunning in a classic black Chanel ensemble accented with white button detailing and ruffled feather embellishments at the neck and sleeves. She completed the look with white platform heels featuring black details, creating a striking contrast. To channel this classy style, opt for a structured black-and-white dress paired with bold platform heels. This sophisticated outfit is perfect for art gallery openings. #4. Nicole Scherzinger: Show-Stopping in Michael Kors Photo: Getty Images Nicole Scherzinger dazzled at the Michael Kors show in a navy blue Spring 2025 dress adorned with black sequined floral embellishments. The plunging neckline and cinched waist, accentuated by a chic black belt, created a striking silhouette. She completed the look with classic black pumps and a Michael Kors barrel handbag. To replicate this ensemble, opt for a deep-hued dress with a touch of sparkle and define your waist with a belt. It’s the perfect look for a formal party, a Broadway night, or a high-end dinner event. Shop similar barrel handbags   #5. Jenna Ortega: Golden Hour in Versace Photo: Getty Images Jenna Ortega shined at Saturday Night Live 50: The Homecoming Concert in a shimmering gold Versace corset. She paired it with a brown suede skirt and coat, creating a striking contrast. Gold strappy heels and minimal accessories completed the look. To achieve this classy style, mix metallic pieces with earthy tones. Finish with understated jewelry. This ensemble is perfect for a special night out. #6. H.E.R: Street Style Sophistication Photo: @hermusicofficial/Instagram H.E.R. took denim to new heights in a chic streetwear look. She wore an intricately detailed denim jacket and trousers over a sheer top. Nude gray pointed-toe heels and red-rimmed sunglasses completed the ensemble. To replicate the look, pair a detailed denim set with a sheer bodysuit and bold sunglasses. This effortlessly cool, classy style is perfect for fashion-forward casual events or daytime outings. #7. Golda Rosheuvel: Regal Refinement Photo: @goldarosheuvel/Instagram Golda Rosheuvel made a bold statement at the Bridgerton: Season of Love global fan event. She wore a Huishan Zhang Vincent black jacket with silk taffeta details, tailored pants, black boots, and statement pearl earrings. To recreate the look, pair a structured blazer with high-waisted pants and elegant pearl accessories. This royal-inspired ensemble is perfect for upscale luncheons or fashion-forward business meetings. #8. Sarah Jakes-Roberts: Maxi Sophistication Photo: @stylistjbolin/Instagram Sarah Jakes-Roberts turned heads in an Erica Moore Couture gown, featuring bell sleeves and a thigh-high slit. Styled with black heels and minimal accessories, the look exuded sophistication. To recreate this classy style, opt for a suede gown with dramatic sleeves for an effortlessly regal presence. It’s perfect for evening galas or red carpet events. #9. Kandi Burruss: Bold and Beautiful Photo: @sonejr/Instagram Kandi Burruss brought color to The Sherri Show in a body-hugging light blue Alaïa mesh dress, layered under a fiery red Retrofête Constance coat with structured shoulders. She completed the look with red Alaïa shark pumps, proving that bold colors and classy style can coexist. To emulate this look, experiment with color-blocking and structured outerwear. This outfit is perfect for a high-profile city event. Shop editor’s curation   #10. La La Anthony: Silver Stunner Photo: @lala/Instagram La La Anthony lit up the Larry Miller and Jump Awards in an off-shoulder Defaience dress, featuring silver jewel details along the hip cutouts. She paired it with silver heels and minimal accessories, creating an alluring yet sophisticated look. To recreate this style, opt for a sleek bodycon dress with subtle embellishments and elegant silver accessories. This outfit is perfect for a cocktail party or an upscale social gathering. These celebrity looks prove that classy style is all about confidence, impeccable tailoring, and striking the perfect balance between statement pieces and simplicity. Whether you’re heading to a formal event, a chic daytime gathering, or simply want to elevate your streetwear, there’s inspiration here for every occasion. So, which look will you recreate first? For the latest in fashion, lifestyle, and culture, follow us on Instagram @StyleRave —Read also Ranti Ishola An enchanting wordsmith and style virtuoso. My collection of vintage scarves reflects my love for stories, beauty and style. Each scarf whispers its tale of inspiration. At Style Rave, we aim to inspire our readers by providing engaging content to not just entertain but to inform and empower you as you ASPIRE to become more stylish, live smarter and be healthier. Follow us on Instagram @StyleRave_ ♥ !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', ' fbq('init', '496558104568102'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script',' !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script',' fbq('init', '1453079628754066'); fbq('track', "PageView"); Source link
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ellajme0 · 9 days ago
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This week’s best celebrity fashion moments delivered an undeniable dose of classy street style, proving that glamour doesn’t always require a red carpet. From denim done to perfection to bold, statement-making gowns, the stars effortlessly owned their looks. Whether it was Beyoncé channeling her Cowboy Carter aesthetic or Scarlett Johansson redefining minimalistic elegance, we’ve rounded up the most stunning ensembles and also show you how to recreate them.  Looking to elevate your wardrobe with a touch of sophistication? You’re in the right place. We’ll break down these standout outfits, suggest the perfect occasions to wear them, and offer tips on achieving the same refined flair—without a Hollywood budget. Check out 10 classy celebrity styles you can copy this weekend… #1. Beyoncé: Denim Royalty Photo: @levis/Instagram The Queen herself, Beyoncé, elevated Western glam to new heights with Levi’s latest collection, perfectly embodying her Cowboy Carter era. She wowed in a fitted button-down monkey jacket, coordinating denim trousers, and a long, intricately designed coat that exuded Wild West chic. To recreate this classy style, opt for a structured denim jacket, high-waisted jeans, and a longline coat with subtle embellishments. It’s the perfect ensemble for casual Fridays, outdoor concerts, or an effortlessly cool brunch look. Shop editor’s finds   #2. Scarlett Johansson: Timeless Prada Elegance Photo: Getty Images Scarlett Johansson turned heads at the Saturday Night Live 50th Anniversary special in a stunning black Prada dress featuring jeweled straps and studded bralette details. She kept it classy with strappy black heels and minimal accessories, letting the dress take center stage. To achieve this chic vibe, opt for a sleek black dress with delicate embellishments and keep accessories understated yet refined. This timeless look is perfect for formal dinners, evening galas, or an elegant date night. #3. Lupita Nyong’o: Chanel Chic Photo: Getty Images Lupita Nyong’o delivered a major fashion moment at the Charles Finch x Chanel pre-BAFTA party, stunning in a classic black Chanel ensemble accented with white button detailing and ruffled feather embellishments at the neck and sleeves. She completed the look with white platform heels featuring black details, creating a striking contrast. To channel this classy style, opt for a structured black-and-white dress paired with bold platform heels. This sophisticated outfit is perfect for art gallery openings. #4. Nicole Scherzinger: Show-Stopping in Michael Kors Photo: Getty Images Nicole Scherzinger dazzled at the Michael Kors show in a navy blue Spring 2025 dress adorned with black sequined floral embellishments. The plunging neckline and cinched waist, accentuated by a chic black belt, created a striking silhouette. She completed the look with classic black pumps and a Michael Kors barrel handbag. To replicate this ensemble, opt for a deep-hued dress with a touch of sparkle and define your waist with a belt. It’s the perfect look for a formal party, a Broadway night, or a high-end dinner event. Shop similar barrel handbags   #5. Jenna Ortega: Golden Hour in Versace Photo: Getty Images Jenna Ortega shined at Saturday Night Live 50: The Homecoming Concert in a shimmering gold Versace corset. She paired it with a brown suede skirt and coat, creating a striking contrast. Gold strappy heels and minimal accessories completed the look. To achieve this classy style, mix metallic pieces with earthy tones. Finish with understated jewelry. This ensemble is perfect for a special night out. #6. H.E.R: Street Style Sophistication Photo: @hermusicofficial/Instagram H.E.R. took denim to new heights in a chic streetwear look. She wore an intricately detailed denim jacket and trousers over a sheer top. Nude gray pointed-toe heels and red-rimmed sunglasses completed the ensemble. To replicate the look, pair a detailed denim set with a sheer bodysuit and bold sunglasses. This effortlessly cool, classy style is perfect for fashion-forward casual events or daytime outings. #7. Golda Rosheuvel: Regal Refinement Photo: @goldarosheuvel/Instagram Golda Rosheuvel made a bold statement at the Bridgerton: Season of Love global fan event. She wore a Huishan Zhang Vincent black jacket with silk taffeta details, tailored pants, black boots, and statement pearl earrings. To recreate the look, pair a structured blazer with high-waisted pants and elegant pearl accessories. This royal-inspired ensemble is perfect for upscale luncheons or fashion-forward business meetings. #8. Sarah Jakes-Roberts: Maxi Sophistication Photo: @stylistjbolin/Instagram Sarah Jakes-Roberts turned heads in an Erica Moore Couture gown, featuring bell sleeves and a thigh-high slit. Styled with black heels and minimal accessories, the look exuded sophistication. To recreate this classy style, opt for a suede gown with dramatic sleeves for an effortlessly regal presence. It’s perfect for evening galas or red carpet events. #9. Kandi Burruss: Bold and Beautiful Photo: @sonejr/Instagram Kandi Burruss brought color to The Sherri Show in a body-hugging light blue Alaïa mesh dress, layered under a fiery red Retrofête Constance coat with structured shoulders. She completed the look with red Alaïa shark pumps, proving that bold colors and classy style can coexist. To emulate this look, experiment with color-blocking and structured outerwear. This outfit is perfect for a high-profile city event. Shop editor’s curation   #10. La La Anthony: Silver Stunner Photo: @lala/Instagram La La Anthony lit up the Larry Miller and Jump Awards in an off-shoulder Defaience dress, featuring silver jewel details along the hip cutouts. She paired it with silver heels and minimal accessories, creating an alluring yet sophisticated look. To recreate this style, opt for a sleek bodycon dress with subtle embellishments and elegant silver accessories. This outfit is perfect for a cocktail party or an upscale social gathering. These celebrity looks prove that classy style is all about confidence, impeccable tailoring, and striking the perfect balance between statement pieces and simplicity. Whether you’re heading to a formal event, a chic daytime gathering, or simply want to elevate your streetwear, there’s inspiration here for every occasion. So, which look will you recreate first? For the latest in fashion, lifestyle, and culture, follow us on Instagram @StyleRave —Read also Ranti Ishola An enchanting wordsmith and style virtuoso. My collection of vintage scarves reflects my love for stories, beauty and style. Each scarf whispers its tale of inspiration. At Style Rave, we aim to inspire our readers by providing engaging content to not just entertain but to inform and empower you as you ASPIRE to become more stylish, live smarter and be healthier. Follow us on Instagram @StyleRave_ ♥ !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', ' fbq('init', '496558104568102'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script',' !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script',' fbq('init', '1453079628754066'); fbq('track', "PageView"); Source link
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chilimili212 · 9 days ago
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This week’s best celebrity fashion moments delivered an undeniable dose of classy street style, proving that glamour doesn’t always require a red carpet. From denim done to perfection to bold, statement-making gowns, the stars effortlessly owned their looks. Whether it was Beyoncé channeling her Cowboy Carter aesthetic or Scarlett Johansson redefining minimalistic elegance, we’ve rounded up the most stunning ensembles and also show you how to recreate them.  Looking to elevate your wardrobe with a touch of sophistication? You’re in the right place. We’ll break down these standout outfits, suggest the perfect occasions to wear them, and offer tips on achieving the same refined flair—without a Hollywood budget. Check out 10 classy celebrity styles you can copy this weekend… #1. Beyoncé: Denim Royalty Photo: @levis/Instagram The Queen herself, Beyoncé, elevated Western glam to new heights with Levi’s latest collection, perfectly embodying her Cowboy Carter era. She wowed in a fitted button-down monkey jacket, coordinating denim trousers, and a long, intricately designed coat that exuded Wild West chic. To recreate this classy style, opt for a structured denim jacket, high-waisted jeans, and a longline coat with subtle embellishments. It’s the perfect ensemble for casual Fridays, outdoor concerts, or an effortlessly cool brunch look. Shop editor’s finds   #2. Scarlett Johansson: Timeless Prada Elegance Photo: Getty Images Scarlett Johansson turned heads at the Saturday Night Live 50th Anniversary special in a stunning black Prada dress featuring jeweled straps and studded bralette details. She kept it classy with strappy black heels and minimal accessories, letting the dress take center stage. To achieve this chic vibe, opt for a sleek black dress with delicate embellishments and keep accessories understated yet refined. This timeless look is perfect for formal dinners, evening galas, or an elegant date night. #3. Lupita Nyong’o: Chanel Chic Photo: Getty Images Lupita Nyong’o delivered a major fashion moment at the Charles Finch x Chanel pre-BAFTA party, stunning in a classic black Chanel ensemble accented with white button detailing and ruffled feather embellishments at the neck and sleeves. She completed the look with white platform heels featuring black details, creating a striking contrast. To channel this classy style, opt for a structured black-and-white dress paired with bold platform heels. This sophisticated outfit is perfect for art gallery openings. #4. Nicole Scherzinger: Show-Stopping in Michael Kors Photo: Getty Images Nicole Scherzinger dazzled at the Michael Kors show in a navy blue Spring 2025 dress adorned with black sequined floral embellishments. The plunging neckline and cinched waist, accentuated by a chic black belt, created a striking silhouette. She completed the look with classic black pumps and a Michael Kors barrel handbag. To replicate this ensemble, opt for a deep-hued dress with a touch of sparkle and define your waist with a belt. It’s the perfect look for a formal party, a Broadway night, or a high-end dinner event. Shop similar barrel handbags   #5. Jenna Ortega: Golden Hour in Versace Photo: Getty Images Jenna Ortega shined at Saturday Night Live 50: The Homecoming Concert in a shimmering gold Versace corset. She paired it with a brown suede skirt and coat, creating a striking contrast. Gold strappy heels and minimal accessories completed the look. To achieve this classy style, mix metallic pieces with earthy tones. Finish with understated jewelry. This ensemble is perfect for a special night out. #6. H.E.R: Street Style Sophistication Photo: @hermusicofficial/Instagram H.E.R. took denim to new heights in a chic streetwear look. She wore an intricately detailed denim jacket and trousers over a sheer top. Nude gray pointed-toe heels and red-rimmed sunglasses completed the ensemble. To replicate the look, pair a detailed denim set with a sheer bodysuit and bold sunglasses. This effortlessly cool, classy style is perfect for fashion-forward casual events or daytime outings. #7. Golda Rosheuvel: Regal Refinement Photo: @goldarosheuvel/Instagram Golda Rosheuvel made a bold statement at the Bridgerton: Season of Love global fan event. She wore a Huishan Zhang Vincent black jacket with silk taffeta details, tailored pants, black boots, and statement pearl earrings. To recreate the look, pair a structured blazer with high-waisted pants and elegant pearl accessories. This royal-inspired ensemble is perfect for upscale luncheons or fashion-forward business meetings. #8. Sarah Jakes-Roberts: Maxi Sophistication Photo: @stylistjbolin/Instagram Sarah Jakes-Roberts turned heads in an Erica Moore Couture gown, featuring bell sleeves and a thigh-high slit. Styled with black heels and minimal accessories, the look exuded sophistication. To recreate this classy style, opt for a suede gown with dramatic sleeves for an effortlessly regal presence. It’s perfect for evening galas or red carpet events. #9. Kandi Burruss: Bold and Beautiful Photo: @sonejr/Instagram Kandi Burruss brought color to The Sherri Show in a body-hugging light blue Alaïa mesh dress, layered under a fiery red Retrofête Constance coat with structured shoulders. She completed the look with red Alaïa shark pumps, proving that bold colors and classy style can coexist. To emulate this look, experiment with color-blocking and structured outerwear. This outfit is perfect for a high-profile city event. Shop editor’s curation   #10. La La Anthony: Silver Stunner Photo: @lala/Instagram La La Anthony lit up the Larry Miller and Jump Awards in an off-shoulder Defaience dress, featuring silver jewel details along the hip cutouts. She paired it with silver heels and minimal accessories, creating an alluring yet sophisticated look. To recreate this style, opt for a sleek bodycon dress with subtle embellishments and elegant silver accessories. This outfit is perfect for a cocktail party or an upscale social gathering. These celebrity looks prove that classy style is all about confidence, impeccable tailoring, and striking the perfect balance between statement pieces and simplicity. Whether you’re heading to a formal event, a chic daytime gathering, or simply want to elevate your streetwear, there’s inspiration here for every occasion. So, which look will you recreate first? For the latest in fashion, lifestyle, and culture, follow us on Instagram @StyleRave —Read also Ranti Ishola An enchanting wordsmith and style virtuoso. My collection of vintage scarves reflects my love for stories, beauty and style. Each scarf whispers its tale of inspiration. At Style Rave, we aim to inspire our readers by providing engaging content to not just entertain but to inform and empower you as you ASPIRE to become more stylish, live smarter and be healthier. Follow us on Instagram @StyleRave_ ♥ !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', ' fbq('init', '496558104568102'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script',' !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script',' fbq('init', '1453079628754066'); fbq('track', "PageView"); Source link
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