#sequel i guess
tamelee · 6 months
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Sasuke returned to look at the statue for a long time-
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hoofpeet · 2 months
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Everybody should claim their favorite characters as their own at least once 👍 here's Michigan girl Falin part 2
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grymmeoir · 4 months
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Wholesome IPC Reunion
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wolfofcelestia · 2 months
S: Isn’t she beautiful?
Z: What is she talking about? You didn’t bring her into one of your schemes, did you?
S: Even the way she screams my name is beautiful.
Z: Ah. I recognize that tone.
Z: Glad I’ve been relieved of spider duty.
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I actually love glass onion being set deep in covid times but where's the post that was like . Glass Onion should have ended with benoit blanc getting home and testing positive for covid . I really think that would've tied the whole thing together
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popsicle-stick · 3 months
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pov the corpse you are doing an ill advised post mortem on just gets up and looks at you like this wyd
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ph-cutie · 2 months
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people's magazine sexiest man alive (3d model study)
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chuckwon · 9 months
I simply don’t like when people act like what happened to Jack is what should have happened (as if the show didn’t deliberately spell out it would be Bad beforehand!), or like we can hand-wave GodJack as being fine and good in a continuation as long as other ~more important topics~ like destiel are eventually addressed.
Jack’s fate is the crux of the tragedy of the finale. Supernatural is a show about parents and children, and that cycle of violence remains unbroken. Jack was forced to become like his grandfather (the cosmic Father of the universe) because that’s who his fathers needed/wanted him to be. Jack shouldn’t be seen as an afterthought or a side note. He’s the thematic center that ties everything together, including the queer family structure of destiel.
So here’s my hot take: whether or not they go fully explicit with any kind of Chuck won concept (and they don’t necessarily have to)… any continuation must address that what happened to Jack isn’t a good thing — for him, for their family, or for the universe since the show stated God shouldn’t have personhood — in order to truly be fulfilling.
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interoteme · 4 months
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better this way
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clonerightsagenda · 21 days
I don't care what kind of hotshot future surgeons they have, I can't believe that they replaced all the specials' bones with synthetics, for multiple reasons (some would be difficult and dangerous to remove without damaging important tissue, you need your pelvis/sternum/spine for marrow production, 16 year olds aren't done growing although idk if Dr. Cable cares about that) but now I am imagining 35 year old Tally alone in the wild with the world gone to shit yet again because of and despite of her best efforts staring at her own cast-off 16-year-old skull.
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sibylsleaves · 6 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @iinryer & @daffi-990
more from the next chapter of some things fall when they're meant to fall:
“So, there’s a Dodgers game this evening,” Eddie says, jiggling his car keys nervously while he waits for Buck to finish changing after their shift. He rests his gaze somewhere to the left of Buck's bare chest. “I was thinking about inviting Tommy over to watch. And I know you’re helping Chim and Maddie with wedding stuff tonight—” “Eddie,” Buck tugs his shirt over his head and looks at Eddie quizzically. “We’ve already been over this. I was never actually mad that you were hanging out with Tommy without me. I mean yeah, I guess I felt slightly excluded, but it was more about—” “Yeah, yeah I know, the giant crush you had on the guy,” Eddie says with a fond eye-roll. There. That’s something two-weeks-ago Eddie would’ve said, right? “Anyway, it’s fine,” Buck says. “You guys should be friends. I mean, you are friends. Just because we’ve been on a couple dates—well. It’s fine, is what I mean.” Eddie stands there in the locker room and feels a sudden awkwardness he doesn’t know what to do with. The thing is, he hadn’t been worried about Buck feeling excluded again. He just…he feels like he needs his permission, or something, to keep hanging out with Tommy? It doesn’t make any sense, but. This is uncharted territory for them. Not that Buck’s dating a man. That he’s dating a friend—one of Eddie’s friends. Someone Eddie actually likes. And he does like Tommy. That hasn’t changed just because he happens to be dating the love of Eddie’s life. He and Tommy had had the beginnings of a pretty solid friendship going. They’d connected on a lot of different levels, and it seems like a shame to let that go to waste just because Eddie had a life-changing realization at a supremely inconvenient time. Buck cracks a smile. There’s a small, small part of Eddie that maybe even likes Tommy a little bit more just for helping to put that glowing smile on Buck’s face. Almost as much as he hates him for it.
tagging @colonoscopys @transboybuckley @messyhairdiaz @the-likesofus @trippedandfell @bucktommys @homerforsure @glorious-spoon @eddiebabygirldiaz @devirnis @clusterbuck @buckactuallys @gayhoediaz @bibibuck @spaceprincessem @housewifebuck
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ganondoodle · 10 months
totk made me feel like i got scammed so badly i dont think i want to get any new zelda on release and instead wait until i know its worth it
im afraid zelda will turn into half baked games with flashy imagery to distract you from its shitty writing and superficial references to older games to catch your nostalgia, that the name alone will sell anyway so why try
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hazmatmaid · 3 months
Hi! So what ARE your Spamton headcanons? How do you like to portray him?
Mighty kind of you to ask! Apart from much of these being made with the help of @val-of-the-north, I've been intending to draw his known eras in life, and this is the perfect opportunity to detail each:
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Addi Spamton:
He's just some guy. A young adult with some semblance of direction in life, but neither the know-how nor the skill to get there. Despite this, he still talks himself up with confidence you wouldn't otherwise expect from him.
If I ever have any "cutesy blushy uwu" interactions, I dump them all here, where I think he's young and inexperienced enough for it to make the most sense.
He once tried to sell home insurance to a hotel guest.
All of his buddies mostly pity him for his abysmal luck (or whatever else might be holding him back), rather than simply looking down on him, even if they are embarrassed to be seen with him.
Just as prone to bullshitting (and getting pissed off when he's called out on it) as his future selves.
I don't consistently include his hairline in this stage, I mostly just draw it for my own convenience.
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Big Shot Spamton:
A Spamton who knows success to not only afford basic cost of living, but to have his name and face on every sign, screen, and soda in Cyber World (and possibly beyond). Naturally, because of his aforementioned ambition, and unlike his former peers, he doesn't question if he deserves any of it, having an obnoxious, arrogant "I told you so" attitude.
His idea of gifts to his old Addison buddies is his own merchandise (once couldn't attend one of their birthdays, and instead sent them a giant cungadero-shaped cake decorated with neon signs, sparklers, and a picture of him leaning out the window).
Ain't no way he's not spending bank on hookers and cocaine.
If he has a softer side at this point in his life, rarely anyone would see it.
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Present Spamton:
A 40-something Spamton who has long since abandoned much of his morals and inhibitions, even somewhat before his downfall.
Down with murder: this doesn't necessarily mean that I just see him as a mindless killer. Far from it, in fact. His role in Snowgrave is to take advantage of it in a calculated manner once he sees what's going on.
He is capable of kindness (or as close as he can possibly get to it), but it's more him reciprocating someone else's kindness. Even if he does do this unprompted, he probably has to relate to them, or see himself in them on some level.
This version of him is where I am most prone to claiming other absurd, wacky things of him (not that his BShot self is exempt from this).
While I tend to see him at this point as mostly self-serving, conniving, and planning all manner of revenge/murder, I don't think he's entirely beyond redemption and saving, but it would probably take another whole route of character development for him to get anywhere close.
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the-woman-upstairs · 2 months
Glen Powell is not working his ass off to bring romantic tension and visible yearning back to movies only for his kissing scenes to be left on the cutting room floor!
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briankang · 2 years
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STRAY KIDS: CASE 143 - Pre-order now on Steam and itch.io! Play the first game here !
There’s a serious rise in crime in Seoul right now...of stolen hearts !  But your boyfriend just can’t seem to crack it...can he find his way into yours? Pick from goofy, caring BANG CHAN, teasing tsundere LEE KNOW, reliable, strong CHANGBIN, artsy, romantic HYUNJIN, silly jokester HAN, sweet, funny FELIX, smart, passionate SEUNGMIN, or cute, quick-witted JEONGIN, and find out who you want to send your code to: 143 !
Happy 5th Anniversary Stray Kids !
I can’t believe it’s been another year ! What an amazing, exciting ride ! I can’t wait to see them in a couple of days finally ! Thank you to the boys for always being a source of comfort and love and excitement, my life has never been more exciting. Here’s to forever more !
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furbygoblinxiv · 3 months
I've never seen a single ultraman thing in my LIFE but my daddy issues are so severe that Ultraman Rising just rewired my brain chemistry I think
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