#sepulchre be
harpysagas · 2 years
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My new blorbos Sepulchre the Reaper from @blightsending and Harpykit the Timberclanner from @forgotten-elegy
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i-am-aprl · 6 months
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Photos from the late 1800s - early 1900s
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Palestinian women grinding coffee beans 1905.⁣
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Bedouin woman in Jerusalem circa 1898-1914.⁣
Palestinian family of Ramallah, circa 1900-1910.⁣
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Shepherds in Palestine 1912.⁣
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Church of the Holy Sepulchre festival, Palestine, 1890.
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Coffee house in Palestine, circa 1900.⁣
Friday prayer, al-Aqsa, Jerusalem, 1920.
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strehlenau · 2 months
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thephotoregistry · 9 months
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Edouard Sepulchre
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coolnonsenseworld · 1 year
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(to know more about the story and the calendar on pre-order check out previous posts! LESS THAN 2 WEEKS LEFT)
In September they don't feel like going anywhere or doing any bucket lists - no getting out of the comfort zone this time around. All they need is a little comfort of one another - they take breaks for a movie night when they wouldn't, buy extra cakes they haven't tried previously, go on date-walks and take bubble baths with new scents.
Enjoying simple things in life and appreciating your own presence here feels like it should be a basic part of any bucket list.
How is your September going? Do you have any plans or achievements this month?
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lucjan · 2 months
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sepulchral life
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blueiscoool · 2 months
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Lost Crusader Altar Discovered in The Church of the Holy Sepulchre
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, also known as the Church of the Resurrection, is the holiest site in the Christian world, located in the Christian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem.
According to tradition, the 4th century church was built on the site where Jesus was crucified, and is also the location of Jesus’ empty tomb, where he was buried and resurrected.
Archaeologists conducting a study of the church interior have made a sensational discovery within one of the rear corridors connecting to the middle chamber.
Leaning against a wall for decades was a neglected stone slab that tourists have been writing graffiti on. When the stone was turned, it was revealed to be a long-lost crusader altar from the medieval period, consecrated in 1149.
“We know of pilgrimage reports from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries about a magnificent marble altar in Jerusalem,” says Ilya Berkovich, historian at the Institute for Research on the Habsburg Monarchy and the Balkans at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW).
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In 1808, a large fire destroyed much of the Romanesque part of the church, with the crusader altar thought to be lost in the destruction.
How the slab could remain hidden for so long is a mystery, but the discovery provides new information about a previously unknown connection between Rome and the Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem.
The altar is decorated with a unique technique known as “Cosmatesque” for producing marble decorations, mastered exclusively by guild masters in papal Rome.
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According to a press statement by ÖAW “The technique was characterised by the fact that its masters could decorate large areas with small amounts of the precious marble, which in medieval Rome was mainly scraped from ancient buildings – by assembling small marble splinters with the greatest precision and attaching them to stone supports to create geometric patterns and dazzling ornaments.”
Archaeologists suggest that the altar must have been created with the Pope’s permission, who likely commissioned one of the Cosmatesque masters to honour the holiest church in Christendom.
By Mark Milligan.
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mayasaura · 1 year
There's a stanza from Annabel Lee that's been tickling my brainstem for a while, and it feels even more relevant now that we know how John and Alecto are bound together, and that their love was and still is mutual:
But our love it was stronger by far than the love    Of those who were older than we—    Of many far wiser than we— And neither the angels in Heaven above    Nor the demons down under the sea Can ever dissever my soul from the soul    Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
That's the heart of it, isn't it? The source of all of John's power, the reason he's God, it's because his soul is connected to his Annabel Lee's. To end all of this, they'll need to be dissevered.
I'd say that the angels have already tried and failed, and the demons look like they're winding up to take a shot. Odds are that'll go about as well for them as it did for Augustine and Mercy. But there's someone the poem doesn't ask. It doesn't account for Annabel.
I think that may be why it matters so much that that Alecto still loves John, and where the true horror of love comes in. If Alecto's soul is going to be seperated from John's, Alecto has to want it. No one else can do it for her. Annabel Lee has to become the subject, and not the object.
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velvettedd · 1 month
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(old) clam & sepulcher gijinkas. sorry for posting so little content, i am kind of artblocked, tired n applying for college, also having a rly major trip VERY far away from home so i won't be able to draw anything in digital, perhaps would post some scribbles from sketchbooks. love you all guys, whoever likes, reblogs or just sees my content <3
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cor-ardens-archive · 2 years
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Emily Dickinson
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eviefyres · 2 months
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She could feel a sharp blush rising to her cheeks as Elspeth’s breath curled against her ear, her own breathing coming more quickly as she tried to steady her herself, heart racing in her chest. Her mind was filled with a hazy fog of feelings, every inch of her body on edge as the other girl seemed to draw closer, closer, closer. “But… isn’t my love silly and naïve?” she asked quietly, her voice trembling slightly. “My head is too filled with books and stories, nothing practical or real.” “Men can write books but the second a woman cares about them, it becomes silly and naïve,” she countered. Her father had written pieces considered great works of literature, the men who studied those works were men of great intelligence and wisdom— and Abigail was a silly girl. Her fingers shift slightly, readjusting so they splay softly across Abigail’s upper arm. “You are no less great or intelligent than the men who wrote the books and stories you love.”
i was so so lucky to be able to commissions the lovely @nasnyys to be able to get my silly little lesbians drawn. their matching colour palettes are honestly just the icing on the cake, i am absolutely obsessed with them. i couldn't have gotten anything more perfect, they're so so wonderful<3
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qlqniel · 1 year
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Cubes, cupolas, corners and curvatures
Jerusalem, October 2019
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vesperalia · 11 months
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"The Ways Of The Tombs" [Digital Collage; 2023] --- {Prints Available}
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strehlenau · 3 months
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thephotoregistry · 7 months
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Edouard Sepulchre
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mothmanwarble · 1 year
In the Kaos’ Kastle level in Skylanders: Giants, there’s a hidden area called the Forgotten Sepulchre, and it can only be reached by falling through the floor in the Pushblock Challenge room as a Giant.
In the Forgotten Sepulchre is this hat:
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…A princess hat.
A princess hat surrounded by—or rather, buried with—piles of bones in a long forgotten sepulchre beneath the castle that cannot be reached by regular means. It’s suggested that not even Kaos knows it’s there.
I often think about how one of the entries in Book of Kaos mentions Kaos allegedly having brothers. Perhaps he has other siblings.
Perhaps he had other siblings.
I often think about Kaossandra’s diary entires in the same book, in which she writes about the many times she’d cruelly lock up her young son in the castle’s dungeon for days on end, all because she considered him to be irritatingly inept at magic. I think about the Kaos Clan’s unfathomably long legacy of evil and the immense pride they have in their reputation as powerful wielders of dark magic. Anyone they deem weak is swiftly punished. Perhaps much worse.
Kaos ultimately proved himself to be both powerful and ridiculously resilient. But what about the previous children, of which I am sure there were several? The children that…weren’t as resilient. The children deemed weak and useless.
I often think about this royal family of Dark Portal Masters and their twisted dedication to ensuring that their family remains powerful by any means necessary.
I often think about the Forgotten Sepulchre and all those bones. I often think about the little green princess hat that no doubt belonged to someone.
I often think about this princess that Kaos never got to meet. The sister he never knew he had.
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