#septiceye fandom
graphic-hawk · 1 day
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Haven’t drawn Anti in a while :) decided to do two different versions. Which one do you like best?
Reblogs welcome
Don’t steal or repost please
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summerthatartist · 1 year
Septictober Day 6
No TW! Just silly fun!
Someone told me that I should change my "tw blood" tag because it was censored, and I had no idea that one of the tags I could use was an uncensored version (I was just clicking what came up), so thank you! :D
Day 6: Impalement/Taser/Sam dressed as the egos
AU: I have no idea, it's just silly lol
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( Septictober created by @jselorekeeper / @pagansheep )
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vivimaltgern · 2 years
"One Little Sip"
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jesikapliskova · 2 years
Happy birthday to you @therealjacksepticeye . I wish you a lot of health joy and happiness. 😊
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glitchyfrills · 2 years
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Samantha Flynn🖊️
Someone grew up.
This isn’t a “spoiler” cuz it’s just known fact at this point that Samantha makes it out of JDS alive(?).
I’m even more excited to tell the rest of her story. She’s become so important to me. I didn’t realize this until so long after the fact but she really has helped me grieve the losses that I’ve been through. Samantha is such a huge part of my life now and I’m so glad that I created her. She even brought me a really great friend.
Working on Valentine’s Day and finishing Last Days.
Her story will be told!
Light and Love,
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jselorekeeper · 4 months
Ok so- I've been thinking about this for quite some time now, and I really needed to let it out of my system. This is just my guess, my theory, and not sure if anyone has thought of this. But;
What if the "echo" that Chase heard was... Septiceye Sam?
I maaaaaay be far off but like, it can, but it also cannot. I don't know I just felt like sharing this with you and the rest of JSE fandom. Also I just, miss the lil guy
I have seen people suggest it before!
I personally don’t think so as in getting that to be in a video would be a lot of work but who knows!
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lotusconstellation · 1 year
Greetings and salutations everyone! My name is Lotus, my pronouns are They/He.
I am a multi-fandom writer, I haven’t posted anything but I do write a lot in my spare time and I would be happy if you guys sent in suggestions or request on what I should write.
For now, the fandom’s I will write for is
-Lego Monkie Kid (LMK)
-The Stanley Parable
-The Monkey King: Reborn
-New Gods: Ne Zha Reborn
-Markiplier egos
-Septiceye egos
-Stardew Valley
(Will add more in future)
I do have to warn you: !!Updates will be slow!!
I struggle with motivation a lot, and I also overthink a lot when I write so please, be patient with me.
I have a few important things to say before I move onto what I will and will not write:
This is a gender-neutral blog. All readers will be classified as gender-neutral or if you are transgender. If you want something specific, then you will have to DM me.
I also write for myself, writing my comfort characters x my persona and will probably post some of my work on here. I am not entirely comfortable with writing others personas or OC’s just yet but I am not opposed to doing so, if you would like me to write any OC’s, self inserts, or persona’s, please DM me and we’ll discuss it!!
This applies to my do's and don'ts, but this is very important for everyone to hear. Do not request anything that goes against the creators wishes, especially if you know that your request is going to be against their boundaries. If you do so, I'm going to say no. We need to respect everyone's boundaries, including the creators! They have every right to have a set of boundaries and should be respected.
What I will write:
-Implied Suggestive content (depending on the fandom I am writing for)
-Yandere Content
-X reader
What I will NOT write:
-Character x Character
-Any serious topics such as sexual harassment, r@pe, self harm (this one might have an exception), etc
That’s all, have a good Day/Afternoon/Night! Hope to write for you soon! 💜💜💛💛
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nightfox67 · 23 days
OT!Verse lore part 2 section 1 WOOOO! Roles:
So I'm having to break this part up as well to explain some things. In my multi-verse there are some things like Gods and magic. So it is a bit mythical but this section is mainly dedicated to the really important peices of the multi-verse. As always any fandoms that are mentioned here DO NOT belong to me. Only the persona's and their story.
Gods: So here the gods and we'll do each of them in this main post as well. Ebony, Virus, Phantom, Stardust (even though I don't exactly count him as a god), Narrator, Cipher and Reboot.
Ebony: God of creation and Chaos. He still uses creatio magic with paint and ink but the chaos comes from the moon magic/energy in the apple that he ate in Passive!Phantom's timeline. He's tasked with the stability of the aus and making sure everything doesn't go to shit. That also means spreading moon energy into other Aus in the multi-verse if they have to. Unlike what most people think he's more understanding of the fact that there needs to be balance of BOTH Sun and moon energy in the multi-verse.
Stardust: Now Stardust isn't nessacarily a god but they ARE very important to the multi-verse. Born from a combination of Sun and moon energy by the multi-verse itself; Stardust was made to help with the instability of the already unstable and broken multi-verse. Stardust helps to combat the overwhelming amount of moon energy in the Aus and the lack of sun energy. Now they also understand the importance of both energies in the multi-verse but sometimes struggle to remember that which doesn't really bother Ebony since they know Stardust is just a new being. They don't understand much of the concepts that the others do but they're working on it. They have arrows of pure energy that's colored like a pale yellow and lavender purple. Stardust doesn't really have a gender since they were born from the multi-verse itself. So they can appear either feminine or masculine or both.
Virus: Ah yes... God of destruction. He's tasked with destroying timelines that are far too unstable to exist in the multi-verse. He's semi-allied with Ebony and Stardust but mainly does his own thing. Trust isn't something easy to come by for the glitchy god but, he's working on it. He does know of Reboot but doesn't know how to approach him yet.
Cipher: Dream demon. Possesed by Bill in this AU he basically want to "Rewrite" the entirety of the multi-verse itself to create his own version of what it should look like to him. Obviously things don't go as planned because nobody NOT EVEN REBOOT agrees with him and Reboot is kind of an outcast (not exiled he just does his own thing like Virus but is more so anti-social hence why nobody really knows him). Anyways Cipher is the only one who's fully like "destroy the whole multi-verse and redo it."
Phantom: God of Moon energy and negativity. He wants to keep spreading the amount of moon energy throughout the multi-verse. Enemies of Virus, Stardust and Ebony. He doesn't fully grasp the concept of balance. How could he? He kinda lost that after he ate a Moon Apple. L lmao. Anyways, He is incredibly strong and can access multiple Aus if he has to but chooses not to use his full strength for reasons that go unkown... For now :).
Narrator: Not a God but like Stardust in a way, is an entity tasked with the stability of the multi-verse. Ebony trusts him with that and that only. Mainly because he has unorthodox ways of "helping" by rewriting timelines that don't exactly follow the story. He's not a villain by any means but he's more like morally grey. He sees it as an nessacary evil to keep everything stable which WORKS much to Ebony's dismay.
Reboot: .... Glitch entity. He's an Au that follow the timeline of Anti-septiceye except he's more of a "RESET" then anything. After the events that happened with his glitching and his throat cut. He found himself in the glitch sphere and with the "RESET" button. Unaware of what it may do and wanting to redo his past he hits it. While it DOES work it fucks up his code even more. Here Reboot isn't nessacarily as chaotic as he once was. He wants to start over but is massively unstable and doesn't want to cause anymore damage so he isolates himself. He helps with Virus and the others but that's about it.
Now I'm going cry over the next few hours TnT
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hanahaki-ghost · 1 year
RP rules
Current fixation go rps: TPoH, transformers, TMC
Hello! I like to roleplay and will RP most things as long as I’m comfortable/confident in the character I’m playing.
I’m willing to RP with anyone with any style I am semi lit but roleplay in the style you’re comfortable with
Be aware sometimes when I’m unable to think about a way to drive the story forward my responses may be short but I’ll try to write more.
This is a list of characters I prefer to play
~stephen(Dreams of an insomniac)
~Harper(Dreams of an insomniac)
~Vixen(hollow knight)
~Avi(Hollow Knight)
-fandom characters-
~Johnny Ghost(taleblr)
~Jimmy Casket(taleblr)
~Soundwave(Transformers(TFP, gen1, Earthspark, animated))
~Jameson Jackson(jacksepticeye)
~jackieboyman (jacksepticeye)
~Ghostface (DBD)
~Hoodie/Brian(marble hornets)
~Jay(marble hornets)
~scully(marble hornets)
More(just ask or TBA)
/characters for you/
If you would like to use ocs I’m perfectly fine with it and if a character I prefer is one you want to play feel free to ask me and we’ll figure something out
Though for Transformers I’m looking for someone who may be willing to do shockwave or blaster and jazz(or just one of the two)
The fandom I’m willing to RP
~Jack and Mark egos(not the creators)
~Marble Hornets
~the property of hate
~dead by daylight
~Hollow knight
1. be respectful
2. Be aware I do have stuff going on outside of roleplays and at times may be slow to respond
3. Send a hello message before we start
4. Let me know any triggers you may have before we start
5. Let me know what you’re comfortable with
6. No forcing of a character unless it’s a small nudge in the direction of a plot line
7. No incest
8. If possible let me know if you’ll be absent for a while and I’ll do the same
9. If you are wishing to end the RP and go separate ways let me know
10. If you wish the end the current one and start a new plot or fandom RP just let me know(I don’t bite)
11. If you have headcannons you wish to use let me know
Ghost x Toast(PIE/Taleblr)
Jimmy x Gavin(PIE/Taleblr)
Soundwave x Shockwave(Transformers)
Jazz x Soundwave x Blaster (Transformers)
Danny x Micheal(DBD)
Septiceye x iplier(not the content creators only the characters)
Sinclair x Delta(Bioshock)
049 x 035(SCP)
Brian x Tim(marble hornets)
More(TBA or ask)
When it comes to asking about ships, characters, fandoms etc. if it’s something weird feel free to ask if I don’t personally enjoy it then I’ll just tell you so, and if you don’t want to RP a ship I have or something that’s fine just tell me and we won’t RO that ship.
Feel free to DM or comment asking about RPs
TPoH- happy ending au:Hero goes home and eventually meet her old friends from the world of make believe again
Bioshock-sinclair and Delta working to get Sinclair unconverted from a big daddy
DBD-Dannys new and Micheal shows him around
Egos x PIE crossover-the characters of taleblr are brought in to the world the egos are in
-family au:Dark and Anti are Jimmys parents who loose him to the housekeeper and when they see him in the future are surprised
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😈, 🎢, 🙋‍♀️, 🌞, 💖, 👀
oh no
😈 - Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
i faked them for a first-kiss crush confession like twice lmao i dont regret it in the slightest. i also faked them for smut in the same chapter AND made them think i was gonna kill off a kid character. all in one fic. i love torturing my readers sometimes ykwim ykwim
🎢 - Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
either... Please Say You Love Me because Angst™, Compromise Has The Word Promise In It (natm fic) because of the research I did, or that one anon 20k smut fic because LORD it took me 2 months and LOTS of visualization and google searches and i had to use a mf smut guide to change up words. i also had to look up sex positions at one point i think idk tbh i remember like 1/3 of the process
🙋‍♀️ - Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
only my two friends on discord (one I've met irl), thankfully, my irl friend only knows i write smut (they dont know i write anything but) and the other one was a short time beta reader for said-smut-fics.
🌞 - Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
not in the slightest. motivation hits when it hits. 3am? fine. 8am and i just woke up and i am IN cte class at the same time? fine. that works.
💖 - What made you start writing?
... it started as ocs, it fucking sucked, and i gradually kept writing because i found it fun. but then i found wattpad Michael Jackson fanfiction (i never simped for him idk why i read it) and then iplier/septiceye fandom wattpad fic and it went from there. so ig i just.... wanted to????
👀 - Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
hhhhg okay there's two different jedtavius fics, one i might go short for, the other i plan to make long. the long one is a fun runaway angst/comfort fic and it WILL be happy in the end. dw. the short one is priest jedediah and ghost octavius YES i watched haunted mansion.
and then this chapter for my linken fic (they finally go on a date its like 75k words already and they haven't went on a proper date) but I've been unmotivated BUT its halfway done!! (chapter size is usually 5k words but last chapter was 19k)
thjrnbgj thank u for the questions
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blue-shaded · 2 years
So Sean once again is doing his stupid "Thankmas" *Charity* event on Dec 10th. His stannies are losing their minds and licking his boots so much because "He care's about helping people and he is so generous all the time!"
Y'all... Are you? Are you serious?!?!?! This man doesn't give two shits about ANY charity he uses (It's the same with every rich person YouTuber or Not. Including Markiplier and MatPat!) They don't do these Charity Livestreams to help anyone but themselves! Haven't you noticed they wait until the last moment at the end of the year to suddenly give two shits about raising money?
IT'S FOR TAX PURPOSES! These events are planned by their lawyers and accountants to make sure they owe nothing to the government and can write it off as a tax break.
Y'all ever even stop to think WHY they use Tiltify instead of having the donations go directly to the Charity's website?!?!?! It's because that money they guilt out of their fans that is collected by Tiltify is donated IN THEIR NAME ALONE! (Yes, you can claim any money you give on your own taxes) but the kicker here is all that money raised is then donated in the person's name who ran the campaign! Sean literally is using his fan base to pay his taxes for him! He got a tax credit for 5.3 MILLION DOLLARS as a write off because he was the one who gave it to the actual charity!!
I'm losing my god damned mind over how stupid and gullible fandoms are! It's not about doing the most good. It's about pressuring and guilt tripping people with less money then they have to donate as much as they can so the person who runs the campaign won't have to pay taxes. It's DISGUSTING!!!
Remember that Cloak "Donates".. Oh wait. Omfg. Okay I just looked at Cloak's website and they removed the mention of them Donating 10% of sales to the Trevor project. They now claim they are working with "Feeding America" and that "A portion (not disclosed) of proceeds from *Select* purchases will *Work towards* donating 1 Million meals to the charity. (1 dollar is 10 meals). This is absolutely bonkers!
So they have the unspecified amount of money from their Merch/Brand sales also working to give them that sweet tax write off.
Sorry about the rant. I just needed to get that out of my head. 🖤
WHY DOES LITERALLY NO SINGLE FAN UNDERSTAND THIS. We sound like broken record each and every year simply because these stans are the literal definition of 'dumbass bitches' and not in a good way.
do NOT donate ANY money to thankmas. if you want to help, Go volunteer at a shelter, Donate your money to actual people that ACTUALLY need it and not jack motherfuckin septiceye. Donate to trans people. Donate to ukraine, Donate to people living in poverty and people that will have the hardest winter ever. Give THEM your support. Not to some rich ass dumb millionaire that wants your clout. Be SMART this holiday season. Don't be an asshole. Actually help other people instead of your own need of ego inflation. Anyone who doesn’t signalboost the everloving fuck out of this PSA is in my opinion a giant fucking asshole.
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graphic-hawk · 8 months
One, Two. . . He's Coming for You
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If you know, you know. If you don't . . . read my book on wattpad :) Don't repost/steal/plagiarize Reblogs always appreciated. Comments, shares, likes, follows. Love you guys!
(And yeah, I'm having a little kick lately for the monochromatic color palette. Save for the green, that is! 😅)
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dumbbitch88 · 6 months
Send requests for oneshots
-Marble Hornets
-Fnaf (only if requested)
-Iplier egos
-Septiceye egos
-Hazbin Hotel
-Helluva Boss
~more to be added later~
Will Do
-Dub Con
-Somnophilia (within reason)
-Cheating (also within reason)
-x Reader
~More to be added~
Won't Do
-Tentacle monsters
~More to be added~
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vivimaltgern · 2 years
"Keep on Watching"
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krabmeat · 2 years
"guys i think antis going a little silly goofy"
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AAAAHH!!! ANTI FANART ANTI FANART! i havent made official anti fanart since like 2019 and this door thing was so cool so i HAD to draw my boy :]
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musingsofmessa · 3 years
Here he is! Best boi. ❤
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