#septic brothers au
greydoesthearts · 4 months
Super random extra post and last one of my night--some of my au egos pride and disabilities stuff? 👀
Swap AU
Jackie: trans man, autistic and has a service dog to help!
Anti: trans man, rendered nonspeaking via a laryngectomy.
Chase: blind in one eye, deaf in one ear. He uses a prosthetic eye!
Jamie: PTSD.
Blind Marvin AU
As the au is called--he's blind in both eyes due to a shadow attack from Anti 😔 in some unwritten plans he gains back a bit of light perception but not much at all
Kiddo Chase: ADHD.
Kiddo Jameson: nonspeaking. Saying why would be a spoiler :]
Septic Brothers AU
These guys range from 10 to 17, and c!Jack is included. All of them are some combination of autistic and/or ADHD, as well as...
Jameson and Anti: premature twins resulting in their own sets of disabilities. Jameson's larynx wasn't fully developed so he's nonspeaking and has breathing problems. Anti was able to gain some control of his voice but still struggles, and they both have bad asthma as well as impulse issues.
Henrik and Marvin: also twins but they were more developed while still being preemies. Henrik's got vision problems and Marvin also struggles badly with impulse control.
Jackie is trans and a bit higher support needs autistic. He probably also gets a support dog later on :)
Royalty AU
Jameson: rendered nonspeaking via a castle attack late at night.
Marvin: PTSD from that attack.
Henrik: vision problems, magic-centred chronic pain.
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mylifeiscomics · 9 months
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Part 48 - College AU Outting myself as a Canadian because I thought a perfect first date would be SKATING. lol! To my horror, my brother-in-law from Ireland told me they don't get snow there- but he's from the most southern coast of Ireland so I quickly was like "Uh does England? like London area? Does it not get cold enough? Is there ever outdoor skating?? No specific reason..." he was like "Ah, not in the time I was there, not really." Sooo sorry if this next bit seems far-fetched because I didn't realize skating might not be as much of a thing there as it is in Canada lol. If it is a thing please tell me! I will feel much less embarrassed hahaha
Read the first 4 chapters here
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@deardiary17 @mizzingyou @i-belong-in-a-retirement-home @kittenwhodidntwanttogiveup @septic-dr-schneep @queenlovett @theoncomingdoo-dah @thethickofitt @jicklet @ginshoujo @samsrosary If anyone else wants to be tagged because I update pretty irregularly let me know.
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rokhal · 5 months
GR/RE7 AU fanfic: Weird Fungus
Referencing this piece of meta explaining @wazzappp's amazing All-New Ghost Rider/Resident Evil fusion AU, here is a little fic about Robbie and Gabe settling in to their little off-grid house where the BSAA stashed them after they survived Dulvey, Louisiana, and developed a cleaning compulsion (Robbie) and a sudden desire to wander away where no one can find him physically, audibly, or psychically (Gabe).
To set the scene, imagine some well-meaning BSAA agent sends Robbie this thing in their regular food delivery.
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“I appreciate the gesture,” Robbie said, keeping his voice level and his eyes facing the camera of his BSAA-issued laptop, “but please don’t send us any more legs.”
The agent on the other end frizzled out into pixels and cocked her head on a two-second delay. “Legs? Oh, the, uh.” She tapped on her screen. “Jam-on serano? It’s supposed to be really good with wine.”
“Jamón, ham, the leg. With the foot, and the bones and, uh.” Robbie swallowed as he recalled opening the weekly food delivery and finding the top half of the box occupied by a skinned, cured-and-dried, but still massive animal limb, the thin flesh just below the toes still printed with rope marks. He could see the seams between every muscle. He could see its kneecap. At the opposite end, he could see the severed end of its thigh bone. “M-my brother has sensory issues. He doesn’t eat meat anymore. I won’t eat it in front of him.”
The BSAA agent made a note. “We can accommodate special dietary needs if you let us know. Is there anything specific you would prefer?”
Robbie fought the urge to tear at his hair. “Um. Tomato soup? Like, regular tomato soup, not gazpacho? Macaroni noodles. Some kind of cheese that doesn’t get all stringy as soon as it cools down. Frijoles, you know, normal refried beans? He likes those but not the ones that come swimming in the weird broth. Um, fish is okay—as long as it doesn’t have heads or bones in it. Potatoes are good. Eggs are good.”
“There’s some stores near the military base that cater to Americans,” the agent offered, and Robbie died a little inside. “I’ll see if we can order through there. How about vegetables?”
“His garden is growing really good. We’re good for vegetables.”
“Wow.” Robbie wondered if he’d said something wrong as the agent made another note. “Very nice, I’m glad you two are settling in.”
Not much of an option, being on house-arrest, Robbie thought. “Thanks.”
“Are you excited to start classes?”
Robbie knew this script, a back-and-forth he’d muddled through with a half-dozen social workers back in LA. “Very much. I value my education and I will complete my assignments independently and on time.”
She chuckled. Robbie wondered if he’d said something wrong. “You know, this is the real world, not high school. You can ask for help if you need it. Have you picked a major yet?”
The BSAA hadn’t asked before enrolling Robbie in the University of Barcelona’s undergraduate correspondence program, anymore than they’d asked Gabe before signing him up for remote learning with the local equivalent to middle school. “Pick?” he asked hesitantly.
“I think you’ve still got a few weeks to think about it, and you can always change majors, but, yeah, you might want to contact their guidance department if you’re not sure what courses to sign up for.” Now it was Robbie’s turn to make a note. “Chris will be over today, you can try asking him.”
“Oh.” Mr. Redfield’s visits were always on short notice, but Robbie usually had more than a matter of hours to mentally prepare himself. “Uh. We also need more bleach, please.”
“You just got two liters last month,” the agent said. “You know it’s bad for the septic system?”
Robbie kept his face blank, open. “It’s for cleaning. I’m not pouring it in the drains.”
“You know you’re supposed to dilute it?” the agent pressed him.
“One to ten,” Robbie recited, realizing as he said it that he’d managed to use about five gallons of disinfectant in a single month. He may have a problem. “I’m keeping the kitchen clean. The counters and the refrigerator. And both bathrooms. The grout. Under the lid for the cistern. Door handles.”
“Okay, okay.” Robbie winced; two okays was never okay. “I’ll send you more bleach. And some gloves.”
“You sleeping alright?”
Loaded question. Robbie’s eyes flicked involuntarily to the BSAA-issued Alexa perched on a high shelf in the kitchen. “I’m sleeping.”
“Bad dreams?” The agent’s image pixelated again before stabilizing, and Robbie took advantage of the brief signal disruption to press his face hard into both palms. He could control himself during the day but of course their bugs heard it when he woke up screaming.
“You want to talk about it?”
Robbie doubted she would take no for an answer and doubted his own ability to prevaricate. He shrugged. “Louisiana. Dinner table with Momm—Mrs. Baker, and her husband and Eveline.” That was an odd feature of his recurring nightmares: he identified Mr. and Mrs. Baker in his thoughts as Mommy and Daddy, and his fear of them was twisted together with familiarity, even gratitude. “They had my body chopped up in pots.”
The agent made a sympathetic noise. “They tried to eat you?”
“Could be worse,” Robbie said, shrugging again. At least the people they ate didn’t turn into fanged piles of black sludge and stagger around their decaying home for eternity. “I think I’m just…” He glanced around the study: empty, except for the big table and the bookshelf full of Spanish novels that had proved embarrassingly challenging. “I’m, like—in my dreams I’m looking down at myself in the pot and Mm-Mrs. Baker tells me to eat up. I mean. They didn’t have any real food.” He crossed his arms and dug his nails into his own elbows, fighting vertigo. “It was all rotten. No cans left. The animals were all dead.”
“You’re worried about what your brother went through,” the agent said, and Robbie straightened.
“No.” He held his breath, grasping for some plausible argument. They killed dogs that ate people, didn’t they? The BSAA’s hold on their lives now was absolute. “They only had him a few months. I, I mean. It’s my dreams. Making things up.”
“Any problems with your medication? You have the list of side effects to watch for?”
“No.” It was a daily BSAA-issued pill. The first day on his antifungal, Robbie threw up black mold into the toilet until he passed out and slept for ten hours. Better out than in, he’d figured. The next day, and every day since, had been fine. “I mean, no side effects. We’re okay.” A bird warbled and piped from outside, loud and close. Robbie hadn’t left any windows open overnight. He straightened and turned, just as he heard the side door click shut. “Gabe?”
“Should we cut this short?” the agent asked, helpful for once, and Robbie nodded.
“I appreciate it. It’s probably nothing.” He ended the call and checked the dining room, where Gabe often read or watched laggy videos on his own BSAA-issued laptop, and Gabe’s room, where a cornucopia of superhero collectibles spilled from the bed to the floor and a faint (illusory, had to be) scent of mildew lingered despite Robbie’s vigorous daily whole-house cleaning schedule. “Gabe?” He must be outside. Robbie tried to calm himself. Just because Gabe had left the house, didn’t mean he was going to wander over the hills and disappear for two days. Again.
He stepped over the threshold, out from the hundred-year-old walls of his new home and into the alien wilderness: hot sun and rocky hills, no sound but the wind in his ears and birds chattering in the spicy-sweet desert shrubs. He squinted downhill, to the south: shrubs, cliffs, the Mediterranean sea glittering up at him. He peered west: shrubs, hills, the distant remains of a shattered stone fort and the faintly visible danger signs surrounding a radioactive ghost town. He checked north: shrubs, gravel driveway that carved switchbacks over the hills until it disappeared over the horizon, still no Gabe. Assuming that it had been Gabe shutting the door behind him and not the wind, he’d only left the house a few minutes ago; he couldn’t have run out of Robbie’s sight that fast. He might be crouched down to examine some plant or insect, or he might be hiding. (It was still so strange to see Gabe doing these things: running, climbing, hiding. The goddamn study had never even suggested their treatment would do anything for Gabe’s physical limitations, just save his life. When he’d first found Gabe in the Baker house, strong and agile and trying his best to stab him to death, he’d thought Gabe was literally possessed by a demon. The little girl’s mental influence was gone; the abilities she’d given Gabe remained.) He circled around to the east side of the house, reassuring himself that he could always run back inside and climb out onto the roof to get a bird’s eye view (Gabe could just crouch down below some fragrant desert bush and almost disappear), and then all the air rushed out of his lungs with a strange little wheeze when he saw Gabe hunched over and kicking something in the garden.
“Hey, Bud.” Gabe hated being snuck up on after Louisiana, and honestly, so did Robbie. (Gabe could sneak up on him now.) Robbie picked his way through the sprawling jungle of the vegetable garden: beans twining up gnarled bushes and driftwood stakes, tomato vines heavy with fruit stretched out over the sandy ground between lush bunches of lettuce, mellow paprika peppers blazing like Christmas lights from leafy stems. Most of Gabe’s plants, he’d started by planting left-over stems and seeds from their weekly meal prep shipment directly into the dirt with a handful of rotting food-scraps, and they never failed to sprout with a few days of watering. Robbie found himself happy to eat these home-grown vegetables; watching Gabe mulch and water them as they unfurled their leaves and their flowers set into fruit made them more trustworthy, somehow, than the bitter green things sold chopped up in bags at the grocery store. If he’d known growing his own food was this easy, he’d have dug up a roadside strip back in Los Angeles years ago.
Normally there were bees buzzing around the pepper and tomato blossoms, but Gabe’s kicking had scared them off. Robbie approached slowly as Gabe grabbed his digging stick. He hated the tingle of fear down his spine. He had to concentrate to keep from grabbing the scar on his left forearm, reminding himself as he so often did that Gabe was a physically normal kid now. Normal kids could be violent. It didn’t mean anything was wrong. It didn’t mean this wasn’t Gabe.
Gabe side-stepped to hide what he’d been kicking from Robbie, shoving dirt over it with his well-worn stick. Robbie still saw a flash of something red, fleshy. He swallowed. “What is that?”
Gabe dropped his stick and rubbed his face in the crook of his elbow, breath hitching. Robbie stepped closer and saw that the red meaty object was not, to his profound relief, an animal. He wasn’t sure what it was: narrow, spongy, bruised and moist from Gabe’s shoe, with dark gray parts and a tapering red stripe on each of its wedge-shaped segments, looking like a dog’s mouth or one of those bizarre tropical flowers that only blooms every hundred years. “Weird fungus,” Gabe managed.
Robbie knelt down to look at it. He’d never seen a wild mushroom before; he didn’t expect them to be so big, or to be shaped like an open mouth. The colors were a bit like the red and white mushrooms in cartoons, though. “Is it poisonous?”
Gabe shook his head. “It helps the vegetables,” he choked out. “But, I. I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry, I’m sorry you got nightmares. I didn’t mean to.”
Robbie covered his mouth. This was his fault; he hadn’t checked that Gabe was in his room before his call with the BSAA agent. He had to get it through his head that Gabe could move quickly and quietly now, that this was their normal. “I’m so sorry you heard that,” he said. That wouldn’t undo that Gabe had heard that. “Buddy. Gabe.” He reached up for a hug, and Gabe hesitated, staring at his left arm. “That’s just a dream. That’s just my brain trying to make sense of things that make me unhappy, and I’m unhappy about what the Bakers and, and Eveline did to you. Not anything you did. Okay?” Gabe sniffled and rubbed his face again, and Robbie kept his arms open, waiting. “I’m so proud of you for making it out of there. For surviving. I’ll never blame you for anything you had to do to survive.”
Gabe stared down at the stomped remains of the mushroom. “I’m not creepy?”
“No, never. You’re my little bro,” Robbie assured him, and Gabe sat down and flung himself against Robbie’s side. “Why’d you kill the mushroom?”
“Cause it gave you my nightmares,” Gave mumbled. He must mean, nightmares about me, an accurate deduction that would make Dr. DaCosta back home intensely proud of his social reasoning skills, except that Robbie had never seen this mushroom before. Robbie figured that before Gabe smashed it, it must have been nightmarish to look at, in a Hot Topic sort of way. “It’s creepy.”
“I think it looks cool,” Robbie remarked. Spain was full of cool things, now that he had the time and safety to sit back and contemplate them: bugs. Seaweed and weird critters that washed up on the beach. Flowers. Birds that sang—he’d thought their reputation for “singing” was an exaggeration, but it turned out that birds actually do sing. An infinite carpet of stars stretching out overhead, pinks and blues and yellows and so many tiny white lights that the black night might as well have been splashed with foam. And now, huge mushrooms that looked like toothy mouths. “You said it helps the garden, right? I’m not scared of mushrooms that aren’t poisonous.”
“Sure you’re not,” Gabe muttered.
“I’m not scared of mushrooms outside the house,” Robbie qualified. “Will the vegetables be okay?”
Gabe looked up and bit his lip. “Maybe. If I water more. They can’t use the seawater.”
“I’ll calculate how much we can spare from the cistern without running low,” Robbie offered. “We can take shorter showers.”
“I’ll just grow another one.” Gabe poked at the fragments of mushroom with his shoe.
“You can do that?” Robbie had heard that mushrooms were easy to grow with a kit, but he’d never seen it done. He felt a swell of pride at the gardening knowledge Gabe had absorbed from his tablet so quickly.
“It’s really easy,” Gabe said. “But. You gotta tell me if you get my dreams again. Okay?”
“Okay.” Robbie hugged him tighter. “I won’t take your dreams.”
“I don’t think you can do that.” A bee circled overhead and landed on a bean flower. They watched as it nudged its whole head inside the petals, wings and legs fluttering industriously.
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damnthelust · 2 months
NOT NSFW just explaining more of my favorite AU and just give a bit of lore to it too bc sadly I have no time to make a full fledged story 😭
Okay so about the corporate!AU
Just gonna spill my guts about this and clear up some social statuses the egos share for said corporation!AU.
Okay, so to begin just gonna explain the levels of bosses/management:
• Top Level Manager/Corporate Head: Dark
- CEO’s: Mare, Chase, and Wilford
• Human Resource (HR): Henrik and Edward
• Supervisors/Team Management: Bim, Google, Illinois, and Phantom
(Those are off the top of my head 😅)
Now onto the assistants:
Anti is Dark’s
Mad is Mare’s
Marvin is Chase’s
JJ is both Bim and Wilford’s
Bing is Google’s
Yancy is Illinois
Jackie is Phantom’s
Sounds like a lot, yes, but I like to imagine that the company is a really large company especially after the merge of Iplier and the Septiceyes mainly (A little before the battle brothers and Mad was introduced). Making Septic-Iplier Co. The corporation is to be the largest in the competition.
Company drama; let’s talk about it!
Dark and Anti are 9 times out of 10 gone. As I said before when it comes to hypocrisy of work scandals, Dark is the biggest hypocrite, but for him it’s easy to sweep it under the rug and mask it as a business trip.
Wilford and Bim are always at each other’s throats. Though Wilford likes to use his status within the company to make sure Bim hates his job and would like to keep JJ for himself. HR has been notified many times of Wilford’s behavior, but nothing was to be done due to the situation being such a gray area.
A lot of PDA-
That is all I can think of atm but I’ll add more when I get the sudden memory of the Corporate lore 😂
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incarnateirony · 2 years
lol like anything with tw is going to center around sam. its crazy how these people can just magically forget about the very public j2 divorce.
God. For as much as they call people delusional, watching them build a short term psychic bubble around themselves to dream of it is like. [opens dictionary] Oh wow, it's the picture of their entire conversation under the definition of "delusional." Just right there.
They've segregated the shows clearly. They love hearing the "the old show was about the brothers as the bond" part, and then they have selective hearing loss when it follows up with, "and that kind of bond people enjoy watching is important, but this one is about romance, not bromance. You still need characters people want to see every week, but it's not about bromance, this is a romance." [staples it on the poster and in the ads and on the socials complete with Their Bond IS Supernatural, A Supernatural Love Story]
They're gonna keep trying and trying and trying to force this expired idea in this new show that was literally not remotely made for it or them. Sure, Sam's gonna be in it, but it's HIS turn to be the Family Mascot. In Supernatural, that was Cas. Like. If you picked 1 person for Found Family, it's Cas. That's your family mascot.
Now it's a romance, not a bromance. And while the front half leads with John/Mary, it's all appropriate to Dean's journey. And finding his Queen. Because it's a Romance. And that's the show structure. So yeah Sam's important to base canon, just like Cas was important. So now, Sam gets to be the Family Mascot(TM). See how that works?
They just. Refuse. They refuse to listen. To the show, to Robbie, to like, common sense or basic media literacy. To anything but the ao3 visualizations inside their own head. They'll ignore a show being about The Truth About My Parents and go "HM IS THIS AN AU?" yeah because that fuckin makes sense. No, we're not following AU Dean or the Richesters or whatever dumb fuck idea bubbles up from the septic tanks of their mind. Like some people already know what it is and that's just... it's a very... pubescent... assumption. Very... "my understanding of media ends at when I started writing fanfics at 13" level story analysis level of thinking. Wild shit. Wild, lazy, funny shit.
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damsellete-koko · 1 year
Here are some different Aus i made of the egos
1: Generations AU
This one is made from my old wattpad book named "Generation of Alters"
The book has a good idea about it but it is rushed and i didn't think it through and i kept changing the story as i went at the time.
But now the latest explanation i can give is, each of the septics represent generations. Starting from the dark age to the far future. They lived in their own timeline until one anomaly decided to disobey the laws of time.
Starting by Marvin, from the dark age.  He was a learning wizard at the time.
Then Jameson in the early 1900s. No surprise there.
Then Chase lives in 2019. Also no surprise there and he is stuck in IRIS there at the time.
Then i made Henrik and Jackie brothers in the same future year in the book but i kinda didn't like that and that was just lazy of me to do so updated version here.
Henrik lived in the year 2099 where high technology and machines had overrun the earth and he is a genius that helps make them.
Then Jackie was the farthest living in the year 2945 where humans became more advanced. They evolved to have powers when they're born now. Giving him the power he had growing up.
While Anti, he started in 2016. He started tormenting and abusing his powers to go through time. He's basically the same Anti but a time travel freak here.
2 Soldier x Doctor Schneeplebro AU
This one of the really old Aus that i made but one of my very favourite.
I loved the Idea of Soldier Chase and Doctor Henrik working in the military. There is a book about that but it's really old but the ideas is still good.
Where Dark is their chief leader, head soldier was Jackie and Chase worked as a soldier too with his Best Friend Bing and his Doctor boyfriend, Henrik. They were after their rebel enemy Actor.
3 Spider-Verse AU
This is the newest AU i did and if you don't know there is a new book i released on wattpad about it and i am updating on it since i did forgot to announce it outaide of wattlad and didn't bothered too because it took me way too long to realize but hey check it out if you want!
Where Dark and Anti share the same power but how they got it was very different.
In dark's case, Celine and Damien were bitten by poisonous spiders as a way to kill them. But they came back as Dark and now he inherited the spider like abilities.
Then for Anti, he was an experimented subject for IRIS. He is under their care, abuse and control for all of his life. Until one faithful day, a radioactive spider got lose theb got lost into Anti's room. Leading him to be bitten by it hence giving him the same abilities as the spider that gave him the opportunity to escape.
4 The last of us Au
This one is an old one too. I unpublished a book i had for this but i named it "The glitch's cure" At the time.
The same concept as The last of us part 1 game but for this Au. Chase's life goes the same way as Joel's.
A zombie apocalypse came through, Chase and his two kids, along with his brother Henrik went to flee and escape the outbreak but as soon as they left the house hell came running down from them.
Chase's kids were killed not by zombies, but by someone who mistook them for zombies.
Years passed, Chase and Henrik grew apart, friends he made were either killed or left him and Chase was in need of someone because he was feeling lonely in the post-apocalyptic world.
He then met Anti, Chase held Anti at gun point at first discovering Anti having a bleeding bite from a zombie on his neck.
He then found out Anti was immune from the disease, then you know what happens next if you know the game.
Chase helps Anti go to a place where they can use Anti for a vaccine. They went half of the country togwther and they have started to develop a deep brotherly bond.
Anti's enthusiam and stubborn child like nature reminded Chase of his own children. And Anti just lost his bestfriend at the time so he was in need of a friend when he met Chase.
The two grew close than they expected.
Once they got there. They found out in order to make a vaccine..
It has to sacrifice Anti.
Chase was not about to lose another one again. Never again. He killed the last living doctor that could develop a vaccine then got Anti out of there.
But he never told Anti the truth about what he did as they continued to live as friends of because of Chase's lie.
5 Ghostmates AU Bingaverage
This is ship is both old and underrated  and i made this Au like years ago. But i still like the concept.
It started with Chase getting hurt by Anti. He was dying, his soul already left his body while his brothers was still calling out and saving him.
He thought he was too far gone already so he left as a ghost. He roamed around the city for a bit he then ended up in the park where he used to have fun.
He then met Bing. Also a ghost, he said he died in a car crash days ago. Bing stayed with Chase and got to know each other since they are the only ghost here then they found out they have a lot in common.
Then suddenly Chase started disappearing, his ghostly form was fading quickly. He didn't had time to say goodbye before he opened his eyes.
He was suddenly in the hospital...
He was saved but at what cost.
A few months later the septics were invited to the Iplier manor to share an idea they made.
And there he was. They presented a new member of their family, a new robot.
His story was he was human but he died in a car crash. But they revived him by turning him into a robot.
That story sounded familiar to Chase. That's when he realized..
That WAS his friend. They were reunited.
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homemoviess · 2 years
so when does sans get his crush on papyrus?
Good question. I’d say that, just like in Lugubriousity, Sans will have a thing for his brother starting in adolescence. I don’t know if he should abuse him (like he apparently did in the previous story, but it’s hard to tell if Papyrus was a reliable narrator when he was ranting about what Sans did to him in this chapter). Depending on the AU, their relationship might be a little rocky or completely septic.
Perhaps Sans gets high to numb his guilt.
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arthyritis · 6 years
I've got a couple ideas for new drawings for the septic brothers au! Can't wait to see how they turn out
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the candy fang (bandit tribe infromation)
the candy fang is a group of faunus ran by wilford warfstache started up at the start of rwby volume 6 
what is the candy fang? a new sister group of the white fang lead by warfstache he may be insane but he believes still in faunus rights and he wishes to help live on the memory of his dead lover 
the members of this group are comprised of old white fang members that still belived in equeal rights and a few members broken out of prison by wilford himself 
marvin the magnificent and the jim brothers have joined wilford in his personal badnit group
what dose this group do? they run protests they try and remain peaceful but most of the time they end up a blood bath because of wilford’s easily prone nature to fight people who dare say a thing bad about a single faunus  they also steal from the wealthy humans to help support homeless faunus.
this group just wants equal rights but some times thats hard to achieve so they will fight till the very end if nesscery 
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devilwearsgreen · 2 years
DP x DC Fic Idea
Not me spending an hour figuring out an age chart for a fic I will never write. And then another 5 writing down the whole concept…. Well for those who actually see it, enjoy this behemoth. More posts to follow under #Jay Gale’s brothers
[Age Chart]  [Extra Notes]
Stuff happens and Danny runs to Gotham to escape from the GIW. Standard Batfam crossover. The fact that it hides his presence means the hunters can't find him. It also means he can't leave. At least not yet. His original plan is to recoup (Maybe he's very injured) and eventually find a way to the ghost zone himself. (Wulf and Cujo also can't find him?) So he keeps his head down and gets by. Using his powers at the barest minimum. 
A month or so into his stay, the fuckery that revives Jason happens. Danny can tell before it happens that something is about to go down, and with a little effort, can kind of tell the areas it affected. The first person he makes it to is Jason, and using intangibility, is able to pull him out of his grave in time.
Notice I said First person. I don't think that Jason was the only person resurrected at that time. He was just the only one with enough training to remain calm enough in horrible situations; and be able to take stock and dig himself out before he died again. 
Danny can still feel the other areas, and knows he has to get to them fast, but he doesn't want to leave this panicking and injured kid by himself. (Jason looks younger than he is due to malnutrition from the streets) (Resurrection only heals death injuries enough for them to not die again right away, the worse the death…) 
So as carefully and as quickly as he can, Danny carries Jay with him to the other cemetery. He manages to get to a pair of young twins just in time but… Angst Potential: Because he spent the time to calm down Jason and the twins, he wasn't able to get to the last resurrected before they died a second time. But he keeps this to himself so the others don't feel guilty about needing comfort. Maybe this eats him alive for years, the second chance that could have, but never happened. (The OC’s Here are optional, but they have grown on me, and the bonding Jay and Danny could have from raising 4year old twins is marvellous) (Though as a replacement for them, maybe it could be a de-aged Dani instead?)
He takes them back to the place he’d been staying at, and starts doing his best to take care of them. But I think it is cannon (?) that the Reso leaves them very disoriented and injured, especially Jason. He can't go to the hospital and he can't go to Frostbite yet, he does what he can but he's at a loss of what to do. Eventually he notices that the small amount of ectoplasm he emits seems to be helping, but is not near enough. So he goes to get more.
In this AU lets say that Gotham also has a Lazarus pit under the city. But it is not accessible by normal human means. 
In Cannon Jason gets kidnapped by the League of Assassins, and tossed in their personal Lazarus Pit. And going by the headcannon: “Leagues pit is so extremely contaminated from humans taking dips in it it's Absolutely Septic and that's the reason Pit Rage happens”
Danny, who knows how to Not contaminate samples, and knows that submerging a fleshy human wholesale in it is Not A Good Idea Ever. Does Not Do That. But rather he slowly introduced them to enough of it for them to start healing, and while that does prevent pit rage and the worst consequences of becoming liminal; It does mean that it is slow going.
Now Danny is now the sole caretaker of these newly Not Deads who are essentially very sick and need lots of care, when he was barely supporting himself, maybe even before he's fully healed. Angst.
This also means that he can't in good conscience just leave them to go to the Zone, but who knows what would happen if he took them with him. So now he's stuck in Gotham for two reasons. (He becomes one of the sole reasons that the coffee shop on the corner is still in business)
When Jason heals enough for most of the brain fog to leave, he helps out Danny where he can, mostly watching the twins when Danny is out and making food. Anyways, blah blah bonding and raising kids and learning how to Live again ensue (Could be taken as shipping i guess, but i prefer brotherhood here) (No secret relation, as much as i love those, i just want these nerds to find comfort in each other for no other reason than being themselves)
I'm also going to say that Danny is 16 during these events, but thanks to his fathers genetics, he can easily pass as 18 or even 20, so he does. 
Resurrection screws with memories, the only thing they can remember, at first, with any detail is their deaths. We could have Jason slowly piece who he was together one memory at a time, OR my favourite; Have him regain everything at once the first time he sees the brand new Robin. Cue angst at being replaced “so easily” (This is how Danny finds out) and refusing to tell Bruce he's back.
Danny’s totally down because of his mistrust of billionaires and also the now engrained “Holy Shit Is That The Bat If He Finds Out I Have Powers He’ll Kick Me Out, I Can't Leave The Safety Of Gotham!”
(Jason: Safety??? In Gotham?! What the hell are you on?!?) (This is how Jason finds out)
Despite being a lot less murdery in this AU, Jason still becomes the Red Hood. Mostly to protect and help his new family, but also because his hero instincts are not muddled by the pit rage. Maybe he sends severed hands to the police instead of heads?
The full mask and modulator mean the Batfam can't recognize him, and he's in no hurry to correct that. However, he also doesn't antagonise them. He has new brothers to protect, and he doesn't want to give the Batfam Incentive to find out about them.
But despite Jason's indifference (He doesn't care. He Doesn’t. He has Danny and the twins and an honestly shitty apartment that still feels like home. And who even cares if there's a New Robin? It's not like it matters to him! He doesn't care he swears) he still becomes sort of friends with the others.
There's a camaraderie between all Gotham vigilantes that's just a hazard of the job. (That purple girl also just won't leave him alone, but she's fun so it's okay.)
Although he does keep a distance from Dick and his replacement. He has a better big brother now, after all. But even Jason admits that having Nightwing as an ally is pretty useful. (Jason missed him so much).  And he doesn't need to get closer to the replacement to know why he's such a better Robin, so why bother.
Time passes and they never do figure out who Jason is, though there are some close calls. (Tim has his suspicions but no proof) (He keeps it to himself for now) Most of them consider the Red Hood as an ally by now, except for Bruce, who's still a bit peeved he cant find anything on this guy. Surely they should have found at least one of his safe houses by now. (Danny cackles maniacally in the background)
And then Bruce gets pulled into the time stream, and is presumed dead. 
I want to disclaim here that I know practically nothing about this DC plot line. Just that it took about a year for him to get out, and Tim was the only one that didn't believe he was dead. And that this Hush guy played the part of Bruce a few times (Although why convince Gotham that Brucie Wayne was still alive if you thought he was dead? Comic logic I guess.)
But for the purpose of this AU let's say it was caused by something similar to what caused The Resurrection. (which i also know nothing about. Something about superman?) 
Danny, Being Danny, goes to check it out like he did last time. But instead of finding Re-Alived people, he also gets pulled into the time stream as well.
Maybe he meets up with Bruce, maybe he doesn't. But he's gone from Gotham now and isn't likely to return for a while. Or maybe he finds his own way out, but because he's no longer in Gotham, the GIW are able to find and capture him. Angst.
With Danny suddenly gone and no way to find him, and Bruce dead with no way to reconcile with him, Jason enters panic mode. “If Danny’s no longer in Gotham then can the hunters find him?? What if they already have him?!?” 
The remaining Batfam members learn who Jason is, either because he lets too much slip, or he eventually flat out goes to them for help. There is a re-reunion that no one can really appreciate due to… Well. Everything. 
Unfortunately Dick cant help him out much. With his new responsibilities both as Batman and as the new single parent Guardian of Damian. Tim spends his time looking for Bruce, Cass is off doing her own things, and Steph does offer to help, but there's not much they can do with little to no information.
Jason now has to decide if he wants to stay with the twins and hope Danny finds his own way back, or leave them with someone while he starts searching. He could leave them with Dick and Damian, or he could leave them with Roy. 
This is about the point where my ideas get a lot less concrete and writable… but ~*Eventually*~ Everyone is reunited and can bond and grow as the Giant and Ridiculous family they were always destined to be :} Just as slightly more functioning people. (or at least Jason is)
I have many more ideas for this, but not a lot of them would fit in this concept post. So expect a separate post for those later.
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greydoesthearts · 1 year
Kind of want to do something with my old septic brothers au again ahhhh
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23 Oct. Suptober: Undone
"I'm an angel," Cas insisted. "Rhinosinusitis is a purely human affliction that I should be immune to."
au: deancas
"I'm an angel," Cas insisted. "Rhinosinusitis is a purely human affliction that I should be immune to."
Dean hummed absently, sorting pills on top of the chest of drawers in Cas's bedroom. 
He settled on a medicinal concoction he would allow, and gave the pills to Cas, who swallowed them with obedience if indifference via a small glass of water.  
"Bless you," Dean said.
Cas had meant to say whatever he was going to say -- something about how Dean didn't need to keep making sure he was fine because he was fine, Dean -- with the whole immensity of his galactic form behind the statement. Instead, he'd ended the sentence with a sneeze that seemed to burst through his face from another dimension.
The substance now on the palms of his hands was gooey, faintly green, gelatinous and sticky stringy: disgusting. For what righteous purpose would human bodies generate such a thing? Why would any just god design human bodies to do this? The indignity. The sheer vulgarity.
Dean turned around from putting away clean laundry and saw Cas staring down at his hands with contempt. "Oh. Ugh." He grimaced like Cas's hands contained rotted rat tails or live khan worms. "Hang tight," he said and fled the room. 
Cas tried not to be anxious about it. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he closed his eyes so the walls, floor, and ceiling wouldn't keep swaying around. 
He opened his eyes at the first touch of the warm wet washcloth Dean was wiping his hands with. The sensation was pleasing and he did not want it to end. Then Dean squirted a cold, nasty substance equally slimy to the stuff he'd just wiped away into Cas's palms.
"Rub your hands together," Dean said. "It's hand sanitizer. You just sneezed a zillion germs onto yourself."
"There would also be many hundreds of millions of virus particles hanging in the air, if I were human. Which I am not." Cas hardly felt angelic either, though. 
Dean cocked his head. "Sam once had a stomach thing, total catastrophe, when he was six or seven. He didn't keep any food or water down for almost twenty four hours, and we were staying in an Airstream trailer with a freakin' leaky septic tank hookup and two rolls of toilet paper and the closest neighbor was a guy the other campers had nicknamed Oily Balls and our father was in Alabama shanking Mandragoras and I somehow managed to keep Sam from drying of dehydration, so listen, man, you do not scare me."
"Nor should I. You're my best friend, making me disinclined to harm you. Also, I'm not contagious," Cas said.
"That isn't the point," Dean said, rubbing his hand down his face.
"Your brother is lucky to have had you, especially in light of your father's multiple forms of neglect." Cas frowned at the sound of his own voice, the way it seemed frayed. 
He was so tired; why did he continue to be so tired when he'd done nothing for two solid days? The room was tipping over for the ninetieth time. 
"Cas, lie down again already." 
The infection was doing wonky things to Cas's ears, because Dean sounded strange too. 
"All right," Cas mumbled, crashing into a pillow and burrowing into the soft old quilt he'd bought at a charity shop some months ago. 
Dean unfolded another blanket over him, tucking it around him as if to weigh Cas down in warmth. The seriousness with which Dean was set to the task made Cas feel honored and a little ashamed at his own behavior, which for two days could at best have been described as whiny. 
"I'm sorry for being a bad patient," Cas said.
Dean wouldn't look at him. "Nothing to apologize for," he said in a gruff voice.
"There is." Cas circled Dean's nearest wrist with his fingers. "You should just leave me alone. I'm sure whatever this is will pass in another day." He let go of Dean and let his hand lay on the mattress.
Dean sat by Cas's hip. Through half-lidded eyes Cas watched him stare at the wall like he was…
Cas couldn't tell what. Like Dean was upset. Like he was bereaved, but that was surely too strong a word for the expression Cas saw Dean make. Wasn't it?
Dean must have sensed he was being studied. He looked at Cas and something softened in his face.
"It ever occur to you, Cas," Dean said, "that I like taking care of you?" 
He said it in a quiet voice, with his fingers smoothing over an errant tuft of hair at Cas's temple. It was such a small thing to say, by some measures. He brushed away a wetness on Cas's cheek, where the fever still burned. 
Cas, undone, clutched at Dean's knee. 
Dean stayed.
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mylifeiscomics · 7 months
Tumblr media
Part 74 - College AU I was craving blood pudding when I wrote this honestly, lol. It's actually SO good with maple syrup, but my Irish brother-in-law told me that was some Canadian nonsense and I'd be harshly judged for doing it or admitting that to anyone.
Read the first 5 chapters here
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@deardiary17 @mizzingyou @i-belong-in-a-retirement-home @kittenwhodidntwanttogiveup @septic-dr-schneep @queenlovett @theoncomingdoo-dah @thethickofitt @jicklet @ginshoujo @samsrosary @confusedwhovian23 @icouldntthinkofanythingclever If anyone else wants to be tagged let me know
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baka-monarch · 3 years
I'm back, how are you? Have you drank water today also any new headcannons you like?
I am good- and yes I have drank water.... As for headcannons- I might as well post this one au I've had in mind for awhile
Puffy (aunt), Dream (brother), Quackity (brother), and Tubbo(brother) are humans with the youngest being Tommy- extended family Sneeg and Scott (uncles/cousins)
Phil (dad), Techno (brother), Wilbur (brother), and Niki (cousin) are fae with the youngest being Ranboo- extended family being Sapnap (cousin) (who's dating a fairy named Karl)
Now for the actual au-
When Ranboo was a baby- before he was even a year old- a fae came and kidnapped him, and left him abandoned in the woods
At the same time those same trickster fae kidnapped little baby fairy Tommy and used enchantments to make him look like a human baby, and replaced him in the nursery where they had taken Ranboo- without the humans even knowing this happened, so they were tricked into raising a fairy like a human (changeling-)
The fairy family that Tommy was taken from, did notice their youngest being kidnapped- but they were too late. They went out into the woods to try and find him, but instead all they could find was baby Ranboo left alone in the woods- so Philza (the oldest in the family) decided to shrink the baby down to fae size, and they would raise it as their own
So basically- Ranboo is raised with the sbi as a fae, and Tommy is with Dream and Tubbo (this made up family dynamic that I came up with-) as a human- Tommy is not a human, and Ranboo is not a fairy
While Phil raises Ranboo, every morning he redoes the spell to make sure Ranboo doesn't grow back to human size (and when Ranboo is old enough to ask- he's just told he has a sickness and this spell is a daily medicine for it- and Phil boops his nose and casts it, and avoids telling Ranboo the truth for another day-) and Phil has a mask and pair of glasses for Ranboo to wear when they're around other fae so nobody will realize that Ranboo doesn't look like a fairy-
When Tommy is around the age of 16 (that age range-) he goes into the woods- and meets a fae- or at least they both think they're a fae(?)
Tommy meets Ranboo- someone who he thinks is a shrunken human at first but Ranboo explains he's just a fairy
Ranboo and Tommy become friends and Ranboo becomes curious about humans- and Tommy is curious about fae
Because of this, Tommy introduces Ranboo to his family- and Ranboo keeps the secret of him sneaking off to see humans, secret from his family
After awhile, Ranboo hears some stories about changelings from he humans- mainly just some myths and legends but...m he realizes this explains alot- ("wait..... I'm the only person in my family that doesn't look like a fairy- hold on a second!")
Ranboo asks about changelings- and finally he gets his answer- he learns a bit about the baby that was taken from Phil as well, who was originally named Theseus, but probably has a different name now because of whatever humans they ended up with
Then Ranboo goes to visit Tubbo and Tommy again- but now the entire human family is freaking out as Tommy is in immense pain and transforming into something- and Ranboo realizes, he should probably get his fae family's help
Turns out- Tommy is a changeling, and the spell the fae who kidnapped him used to make him look like a human, has worn off- so now Tommy is growing fangs, wings, pointed ears, his eyes are changing color, and other things- such as shrinking
Phil is able to help Tommy to not feel as much pain during the transformation- but he can't stop it
So then while the kids are in the other room making sure Tommy is okay- everyone else gets to talking and they figure out that Ranboo and Tommy are the fae and human babies that were switched
I did it! I finally made this au!!!!!!
Mcyt g/t list:
@nomynameisanon @trashpumped @lorie-the-little-ghost @encaos @i-am-a-weeb @wyforyu-gaming @shy-septic-dragon @5unfl0writ3r @colorfulsiren @moonmwah @iwasgoingtohellanyways @echoslime @wilbur-simp @trouble-off-grid @the-misfits-system @lilsyxx
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leobashi · 2 years
so- i made the au and its just- dark: * says some really cruel stuff to actor while he's trying to apologize* The Jse egos: Our brother now-chanting anon
Dark may never accept or even believe Actor’s apology and I’d completely understand. It’ll be cool to see Actor still try to be a better person despite that and the septic egos help him in that endeavor
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madhare0512 · 3 years
a proper introduction to my blog. hi! I'm MadHare, call me Mad. I run this blog and I'm happy to be here!
my asks are open and so are my requests!
Read my Fandom List:
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YouTube Egos
Mafia AU/Soulmates AU (YouTube Egos)
(pairings: MadMare, Dapperstache, Danti, Bingleaverage, Schneepiplier, Phank)
summery: a series of stories told by mafia men and those they love.
[link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2155848]
Gem of a Story AU (EtN/Steven Universe Fusion)
(pairings: MadMare)
summery: tales of Sav, the son of rebellion leader the Enchantress (a rose quartz gem), Ves (a pearl), Jet (an amethyst), and Tiv (a garnet)
[link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2505928]
Escape the Night
Hunters AU (YouTube Egos)
(pairings: MadMare, Dapperstache, Danti, Bingleaverage, Schneepiplier, Phank)
summery: Welcome to the Library, an all knowing and well stocked place for all your Hunting needs! It's kept by the Septics, Mad Theoria-Patrick, and Blank Crank-Nestor and protected by the Ipliers, Anti Septic, and the Battle Brothers. Be careful in the Library, they say the only thing more famous than the information inside is the people that protect its walls.
[link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29485611]
FNaF AU (FNaF the Musical)
(pairings: none)
[link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24084682]
Imp AU (YouTube Egos)
pairings: dapperstache, danti, madmare, phank
summery: Imps aren't exactly well known to the public, they hide away in their forests and trees to avoid humans who would use them for personal gain. However, life debts are rare and must be honored.
The Chaos Crew AU
[link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2118135]
The Dream SMP
pairings: Phil Watson/Kristin Rosales Watson, friendships
summery: Tommy is a ghost who died during the Great Depression. For years, he's been protecting his lands and property, until one day he can't run someone out of them. Meet the Watsons, a small family of clairvoyants who have been dealing with ghosts and spirits their wholes lives. What happens when their worlds collide?
[link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35181733/chapters/87659785]
Five Nights at Freddy's
Detroit: Become Human
Important Tags:
even mafia men can love - anything to do with the mafia universe
mad rambles - all of my ramblings about various things
mad theories - theories about various topics, including Sanders Sides, DSMP/OSMP, etc
passages I may expand on - bits and pieces from fics I may or may not write or post
mad writes - things I write
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