pingunaa · 3 days
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katishwoom · 2 years
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ignore how yeeyee the background is okay i'm not good at them :(
our girl jiang yanli. ms. lotus root and pork rib seoop. such a shame shes dea-
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priceprime · 2 years
Man vs The World
What is my fascination
With shambling scarecrows?
I think I wish I was inhuman like them.
Wish I was notable like a shambling scarecrow is.
And hardened to the elements like they are.
Too skinny, too alone, too unlucky.
Cursed to struggle with shadows and devils.
Where instead I am simply weak
in the face of my pittance of battles.
A scare crow deserves
But never takes such an indulgence.
As the vain monuments I build to sympathy.
drunk on unearned self pity.
No a shambling scarecrow stumbles through
every unjust blow, simply trying to help others.
Shambling scarecrows
Need to be picked up and looked after,
And saved from themselves and the world.
I wish I was too small, and too alone, and hated by the fates.
Because then I think I would finally have
a good reason to be as worn as I am.
Then I would look as haggard
as my soul already is.
But my woe is cheap bought
And I am not small, or orphaned, or doomed.
And I'm willing to bet my devils are self imposed.
I am my only arch enemy.
I'll never deserve the rescue
That a shambling scarecrow does.
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backstabbedwraith · 3 years
Man vs The World
What is my fascination
With shambling scarecrows?
I think I wish I was inhuman like them.
Wish I was notable like a shambling scarecrow is.
And hardened to the elements like they are.
Too skinny, too alone, too unlucky.
Cursed to struggle with shadows and devils.
Where instead I am simply weak
in the face of my pittance of battles.
A scare crow deserves
But never takes such an indulgence.
As the vain monuments I build to sympathy.
drunk on unearned self pity.
No a shambling scarecrow stumbles through
every unjust blow, simply trying to help others.
Shambling scarecrows
Need to be picked up and looked after,
And saved from themselves and the world.
I wish I was too small, and too alone, and hated by the fates.
Because then I think I would finally have
a good reason to be as worn as I am.
Then I would look as haggard
as my soul already is.
But my woe is cheap bought
And I am not small, or orphaned, or doomed.
And I'm willing to bet my devils are self imposed.
I am my only arch enemy.
I'll never deserve the rescue
That a shambling scarecrow does.
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keifer1-blog · 6 years
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#rostedduck #seoop #duckinawindow (at Cheung Hing Chinese Restaurant)
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wonnhao · 7 years
someone is making jeonghan uncomfortable at a bar and seungcheol seoops in and saves him ;)
“Seungcheol, are you even listening to me?” Jihoon clicks his fingers in front of his best friend’s face, and Seungcheol brushes the hand away.
“Isn’t that Jeonghan?” Seungcheol nods at a table not too far away from where they’re seated. 
“Um,” Jihoon leans forward to look. “I guess.” 
Seungcheol can literally hear the eye roll Jihoon gives him.
“I think that guy is bothering him,” Seungcheol frowns. 
“It’s not like you’re going to get the courage to talk to him anyways,” Jihoon mutters under his breath. 
“It’s more like I haven’t had the chance, okay? This is my chance,” Seungcheol says indignantly, and gets off the stool he’s sitting on.
Walking over to Jeonghan’s table, he seriously hopes his guess about Jeonghan being uncomfortable from his body language is right. Otherwise, he’s only going to embarrass himself in front of his long-time crush. 
“Hey, Jeonghan?” Seungcheol says as he reaches the table. 
The look of uneasinesses on Jeonghan’s face seems to vanish, and there’s a hint of relief in his voice when he calls Seungcheol’s name. 
HE KNOWS MY NAME, Seungcheol tries his best to send a telepathic message to his best friend. 
“I thought that was you, what are you doing here alone?” 
“Dinner, just wanted something to drink,” Jeonghan shrugs.
“And he is…?” Seungcheol looks at the stranger with gelled up hair that looks as greasy as his personality probably was.
“Leaving,” Jeonghan says abruptly, “I’m going to join you.” He stands up and places a hand over Seungcheol’s shoulder, as if they were good friends. 
“This is okay, right?” Jeonghan murmurs just low enough for Seungcheol to hear, as he leads them away from his previous table. 
“Yeah, course. I went over because I thought he was disturbing you,” Seungcheol answers. 
“My saviour,” Jeonghan jokes as they reach the table where Jihoon is. 
“So did I miss the part where he told you he’s had the longest crush on you or did I just spoil it for him?” Jihoon asks Jeonghan. 
Seungcheol wants to die. Right now. 
He really needs to talk to Jihoon about filtering his thoughts before they’re translated into actual audible words. 
Jeonghan lets out a laugh. 
“Has he now?” 
Seungcheol is still hyperaware of Jeonghan’s arm around his shoulder. 
“You should tell him to ask me out sometime,” Jeonghan says to Jihoon. 
“I’ll let him know,” Jihoon’s actually smirking. Seungcheol wants to kick him. Or hide in a ditch far away from here. He needs better friends. 
Jeonghan removes his arm around Seungcheol. “Thanks for rescuing me tonight, that guy was creepy as hell. But I think I’ll leave now, so I guess I’ll be waiting for your call?” 
He’s smiling at Seungcheol, and Seungcheol blinks a few times, his brain not fully comprehending what just happened. 
It’s when Jihoon nudges him with his foot that Seungcheol snaps out of his daze.
“Thank you. Wait no. I mean you’re welcome,” Seungcheol can see Jihoon laughing silently from the corner of his eye. He really needs better friends.
“And yeah,” he continues breathlessly, “I’ll call you soon.” 
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gingykrispers · 5 years
I think
We might be going to be putting down my dog today in the morning
Im trying to stay strong but im hurting
I dont know what else to do because its a matter of waiting to see if she'll improve or not.
To Sally:
You were the one person i could turn to when i was hurt or depressed. Always knew how to cheer me up. Your antics keep ne laughing years agter they happen, to the time you snuck out of the car and got into a mcdonalds, to the the time you seooped me off my feet and dragged me accross our snowy street.
Your dorky smile that brightened my day warms my heart even during rain and shine. Despite how bad it got in elementary school you filled my childhood with snow forts and adventures. You brought out the best in me when i didnt think there was any of that left. Even when i hid away you were by my side, encouraging me forward.
I love you so much that the very thought of loosing you seemed so unrealistic that i refused to beleive something like that could ever happen.
I want you to come home tomorrow. I want to get to the vet and say there was a full recovery, and that your ready to go home as soon as possible. And even if the chances are slim im hoping on my knees that by some miracle itll happen.
But if not
It's okay. If you need to leave, if your too tired, its okay to go. I want you to stay but, if its your time.
It's your time.
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katishwoom · 2 years
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pov,, , you killed his sister. no more lotus root and pork rib seoop. woops
yes i just uploaded yesterday i have literally nothing else to do other than draw help it's chronic
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