#seong-jin cho
globins · 9 months
La Valse — Maurice Ravel (arranged by the composer for piano solo)
La Valse is French impressionist composer Maurice Ravel’s 1920 tribute to the Viennese waltz, a dance style of classical music which was falling out of fashion at the time. Originally conceived as a ballet, La Valse blends Romantic idioms with Ravel’s characteristically unusual harmonic style. The piece is often analyzed as representing the evolution and destruction of the waltz style after the recent World War I, although Ravel disputed this interpretation.
Anyway time for my ramble, so La Valse is most frequently performed in its full orchestra version (important note that Ravel is often regarded as one of the greatest orchestrators in history). The version for solo piano is rarely performed because it’s really hard and honestly loses a lot of its sonic character being reduced from a full orchestra down to a single piano. (There’s a 2-piano arrangement that’s more common).
I find the solo piano arrangement of La Valse fascinating because it’s honestly. not amazing. (at least in comparison to a lot of Ravel’s work). I still love it and I wouldn’t say it’s bad by any means, but as much as I love Ravel, the reduction is awkward. it loses a lot of the orchestral version’s character, like a black-and-white photograph of a vividly colorful painting. you’re forced to focus on different details because so much is lost (or maybe I should say changed, even though the notes stay the same) from the original.
If you follow along with the sheet music you’ll see several times where there’s a smaller staff above the main one—these are ossias, instrumental parts from the original put in the music as an optional alternative to the main written part. A lot of these are glissandi (slides, basically), originally scored for string instruments, that get weirdly roughened by the translation to piano. A single pianist doesn’t have enough hands to capture everything that was going on in the original.
But basically, what I’m saying is this—I don’t know why Ravel wrote this arrangement at all. Not in a “it’s bad and has no value” way, but in a “this is not the La Valse I saw the symphony perform” way. It’s almost a different piece at this point, and I kind of wonder if that’s why he wrote it: look how this radically reduced version of my art completely transforms the soul of the original- it’s the same work, but it’s not the same music! even like this it’s so Ravel it can stand on its own as something else! !! !!!!!!!
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sunset-supergirl · 4 months
Happy birthday Seong-Jin Cho
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onenakedfarmer · 2 years
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Currently Playing
IM ABENDROT Songs of Richard Strauss, Richard Wagner, Hans Pfitzner
Matthias Goerne Seong-Jin CHo
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Jang Han-na!, Harvard Business School Notice "You Quiz on the Block"
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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somanykdramas · 3 months
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GENRES: Horror, Drama
SUMMARY: A man who has no reason to love God finds himself filled to the brim with the power to defeat Seoul’s demons.
THIS MOVIE HAS EVERYTHING: MMA perfect scores, fast cars, crows, priest fanboys, stigmata, serpent demons, Brutalist nightclubs, possessed kids, fangs, immortality, demons, vampires (maybe?), and thankful nuns.
HOT TAKE: Personally I find K-SciFi to be a bit lacking in the CG department, but this movie does a great job balancing practical effects with the weird and over the top supernatural creations. I was suitably creeped out and awed and none of the effects took me out of those moments.
Very nearly everyone you've ever seen in a Kdrama in the past 10 years had a role in this movie. It would have been an excellent reunion without all of that pesky demonic possession!
Also, come on. Park Seo Jun AND Woo Do Hwan fighting like the world depends on it? A+ casting choices, A+ fight choreography.
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passionforfiction · 9 months
Arthdal Chronicles
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The first season of this fantasy story hits close to home. It depicts the cruelty and greed of villages that have the resources, food and technology to take advantage of others. The story doesn't waist time, the first episode starts with the Arthdal leaders asking the Neanthals to become part of their power. The Arthdal are afraid of the peaceful but strong Neanthals and pretend to negotiate, knowing they are not interested. And what do they do? The Arthdal leaders trick their own people and kill the Neanthals in order to take their lands. Asa Hon learns this when she is in the middle of the attack, and in order to safe Neanthal children, she leaves with a child and Ragaz, with whom she later has children with.
Arthdal continues to annihilate weaker villages, taking them as slaves for hard labor. It is Tagon, an Itgu in hiding, that makes all this possible for Arthdal. And even though he is loved by the village as a hero, his father and other leaders are trying to find ways of killing him, including making Mihol's daughter, Teaelha, into a spy. Even though Tagon is cruel, there is an innocence to his longing to be loved and accepted by the people. His relationship with Teaelha is of a love stronger than their ties to their families and interests. And even though we don't like what he does, some times we do wish him success in his endeavors and fight against the Arthdal leaders for power.
But it is the story of the Wahan Tribe that reminds us that Tagon and all Arthdal are cruel and greedy people that have no respect for others. This is a peaceful tribe in a far away land. They are more like Neanthals in their believes but they are also prejudice against Itgus like Eunseom, whose mother leaves him there before she dies. Eunseom's only true friend is Tanya, the daughter of the priestess and scientist of the village.
It is almost impossible to reach the place but Tagon and the Arthdal leaders find the way to reach the land, it takes them 10 years to reach it and less time to destroy it and take its people as prisoners and slaves. Here we see the struggle of these people who get separated, sold into slavery and fight with each other and their enslavers in order to survive. But it also shows the Wahan people mesmerized by the innovations and way of life in this civilized village.
Tanya ties Eunseom to her by naming him her dream and he will do anything to save her, but destiny takes them into two different paths. These two characters are also very naive, their innocence and sense of justice is what makes others follow them. They both want to forge a world where everyone is equal, no prejudice against people that are different, everyone on equal standing.
Tanya's relationship with Saya is a sad one at best. She is using Saya while Saya genuinely likes her. And even though, at some point she sees him as a friend and cares about him, she still uses his affection towards her. But she is not the only one using Saya, so is Tagon who separated him from his mother when he was a child and Teaelha who became his caregiver for Tagon. Still, Saya is not stupid and he knows how to play the game.
This first half ends with the downfall of the rule of the Arthdal leaders: Daekan, White Mountain, and Hae tribes; giving way to Tagon's rule under the name of Aramun; which damages the relationship he had with Teaelha. Tanya is now the high priest while Eunseom becomes a god for the Ago tribe and starts unifying weak tribes to end fights among them and focus on fighting against their common oppressor.
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The second season starts 8 years after the final events of the first one. And the fighting is no longer centered on colonialism, but on taking down a threatening force that is not letting them continue with their expansion of territories. I have heard of people wondering why the change of actors for critical characters. I wouldn't have minded seeing the same actors since they are excellent ones and we got used to them. But I didn't mind the changes, I think that these new actors, brought some darkness to the characters that had been innocent and naive in the first season. They have learned to play the game and they are using what they have learned for their gain.
Tagon and Teaelha are no longer the close couple they had been, but they still love each other and have a son that unites them. Theirs is a tragic and powerful love story, tainted by the struggle for power.
In this half, we see Tagon's fall, and the rise of the ideology that drove Tanya and Eunseom into battle. But we are left with an open ending that promises more blood and restlessness. Saya wants Arthdal for his own since he can't have Tanya's love; and Teaelha wants to take Arthdal back as she promised Tagon; while Eunseom struggles to make Arthdal the land he and Tanya had envisioned.
It is the bloody story of a civilization in this fantasy world that reflects the truth about the history of our world so full of tyranny, blood and inequality.
It is not a story with clear lines and we will switch sides as their goals become twisted, but so is the story of rulers in the past and the present. This is a fantasy story, but it also criticizes what makes a country a country - it's bloody history of greedy men.
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namjhyun · 2 years
Our Blooming Youth Review | Episode 01 and 02
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The drama throws us in the middle of a political war already underway and the script is smart to give us enough information to catch up. You can feel the stakes are high and how betrayal, murder, conspiracy are all breathing down at the Crown Prince's neck.
Lady Min (Jeon So Nee) is smart and resourceful. I am already looking forward to see her solve her family's murder and how it's connected to whoever is threatening Crown Prince Hwan (Park HyungSik).
As we learn about the Crown Prince’s true face and insecurities, Lady Min proves to be an outstanding and wise adviser. Now that it has been stablished their enemies are probably the same, I think they will be a force to be reckoned with.
I'm keeping my eye on Sergeant Han Sung-on (Yun Jong Seok) and Lord Kim Myung-jin (Lee Tae Sun). I don't think they are directly involved in the murder of Lady Min's family or the threats to the Crown Prince but perhaps their families are since their respective fathers are Ministers.
I think Lee Hwan wants to trust Sergeant Han but since becoming the Crown Prince it has become difficult to do so, even if he is a childhood friend, because of whom his father is. I admit Minister Han (Cho Seong-ha) is cryptic AF. He looks like ally but is he?
If Minister Han is working against Crown Prince Hwan, it would make sense that he would send someone to kill Governor Min to keep the letter secret and since his son was engaged to their daughter, it would give him opportunity. But, what would be his reason to depose Hwan?
Minister Jo (Jung Woong in) seems like the obvious choice. He’s not trying to hide his dislike for Crown Prince Hwan and wants to depose him to put his own nephew in his place and take control. I think he might be some kind of red herring to distracts from the real person moving all the pieces.
I also don’t trust the Queen (Hong Soo-hyun). I think she might be playing the long game to get her way through her uncle’s machiavellian ways.
Meanwhile I can’t read Minister Kim (Son Byung Ho) at all. I am pretty sure he will become a bigger player later in the story but I’m still not sure for which side. I hope the drama shows a little more of him at court and his relationship with his son.
Crown Prince's bodyguard Tae Gang (Heo Won So) and Lady in waiting Jang Garam (Pyo Yejin) both seem pure and loyal. I am already praying nothing happens to them through the course of this drama because my spidey senses tell me main character is dying in Our Blooming Youth.
Technically speaking, the cinematography is beautiful to look at, the costume design really well done, the directing and performances fun to watch but also set the seriousness of the problems our main characters must overcome. The best part it's the script, which I found to be very smart and well paced.
Overall, I think this drama has the potential to be a great sageuk!
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mokkung · 2 years
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『最後まで行く』(2014年、韓国、原題:끝까지 간다、英題:A Hard Day)
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korelist · 2 years
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7,7 Benim puanım: 5
Drama: The Innocent Man  / The Nice Guy/ Never Seen Anywhere In The World
Hangul: 세상 어디에도 없는 착한남자
Director: Kim Jin-Won
Writer: Lee Kyoung-Hee
Episodes: 20
Date: 2012
Genre: Melodrama
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Song Joong-Ki, Moon Chae-Won, Park Si-Yeon, Cho Seong-Ha, Jin Kyung
2012 KBS Drama Awards - December 31, 2012
Best Actor (Song Joong-Ki)
Best Actress (Moon Chae-Won)
Netizen Award (Song Joong-Ki) & (Moon Chae-Won)
Best Couple Award (Song Joong-Ki) & (Moon Chae-Won)
İzlediğim en eski kore dizisi olan bu muhteşem kötü diziyi sadece ve sadece Descendants of the sun izledikten sonra Song Joong-Ki merakımdan izledim. İzlemeyin, kimseye de bu kötülüğü yapıp izletmeyin derim. Bir de uzun uzun yazmış çekmişler, 20 bölüm. Çıktığı yıl düşünüldüğünde, belki o dönemin beğenilen dizilerinden biri olabilir. Ödül bile almış olduğunu düşünürsek, birileri beğenmiş belli ki. Ben zaman aşımından sonra izlediğimden olacak ki, güzide Türk dizilerimizi asla aratmadı. Keza bizde bu diziyi çalış Türk versiyonunu çekmişiz.
Ufaktan konusunu anlatayım, adet yerini bulsun. Kang Maru (Song Joong-Ki) dizide geçen “nice guy”’dır. Evladım tıp okumuş asistan doktorluk yapıyor. Mezun olmasına 1-2 senesi kalmış. Gerçekten dizideki tek “nice” şey bu karakterdi. Onu da o kadar “nice” yapmışlar ki, artık iyi olmaktan çıkmış, saf olmuş, aptal olmuş, fantezi olmuş. Neyse Kang Maru’nun lanet olasıca bir çocukluk arkadaşı var. Küçüklüğünden beri gözünü para hırsı bürümüş fakir bir köylü kurnazı, Jee Hee (Park Si-Yeon). Bu hanımefendi, yaşına başına bakmadan bir haltlar karıştırıyor. Gecenin bir yarısı Kang Maru’yu arıyor. Gel diyor beni kurtar. Bizim saf da, hastalıktan yerde kıvranan kardeşini orada bırakıp koşa koşa Jee Hee ye gidiyor. Şeytanın vücut bulmuş hali Jee Hee, bir otel odasında süsten püsten suratı görünmez halde, yerde de kendinden yaşça büyük bir adam ölü yatıyor. Ne oldu ne bitti derken bizim muhteşem iyi yürekli doktor adayımız “sen şimdi kaç ben yaptım derim” demesin mi!!!
Yemin ediyorum anlatırken gerildim. Kız kaçıyor, adam hapse giriyor. “Nice guy”’ımız hapisteyken bu sevimsiz kız bir kere bile ziyarete gelmemesinin yanı sıra, babası yaşında zengin bir adamla evleniyor. Evlendiği adamın bizim şeytanın yaşlarında bir kızı var. Üzerinden iyilik akan başrolümüz, iyi halden hapisten çıkıp evine dönmek için uçağa bindiğinde, uçakta kriz geçiren bir kızcağıza denk geliyor. Uçakta doktora en yakın kişi kendisi olduğu için yardım etmeye karar veriyor. Kızı tedavi edeceği sırada fark ediyoruz ki, hasta olan yolcu Jee Hee’nin evlendiği adamın kızı Eun Gi (Moon Chae-Won).
Dizinin konusu bile konu gibi olmadığından anlat anlat bitiremedim. İşte bu iki karakter uçakta karşılaşmalarından sonrasında, Kang Maru intikam almak istiyor. Dizi bu aşamada intikam konusunu temel alarak, üstüne koya koya entrika ağları ile ilerliyor. Mantık yok, heyecan yok. Aşk desen asla izleyici inandıran bir sevgi bile yok. Kang Maru’nun kardeşine olan sevgisi bile inandırıcı değil, öyle söyleyeyim. Sonuna kadar o kadar zor izledim ki, kelimelerim de tükendi bende tükendim.
Song Joong-Ki oyunculuk anlamında elinden geleni yapmış, hakkını yemeyeyim. Böyle bir senaryoya fazlaydı. Moon Chae-Won ise sanırım çirkin şansından joong-ki ile oynama şerefine nail olmuş. Şeytan kadın ise bundan sonra başka dizide rol alamamış olabilir. Emin değilim. Dizi boyunca sürekli kötülük, entrika izliyoruz. Yeşilçam filmlerini aratmayan hafıza kayıpları izliyoruz. Kötünün neden kötü olduğunu anlamadan, açıklamadan izliyoruz. Adamın intikam hırsını izlerken bir anda “ben sana aşığım, gel benimle ol” buhranını izliyoruz. Sonra “ben diğerine aşık oldum” kararsızlığını izliyoruz. İzliyoruz da izliyoruz…
Vallahi zamanında izlemiş olanları zamanında bırakalım. Şuan izlemeyi düşünen varsa izlemesin. 
Raven Melus
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shintaru · 3 months
characters I’ll write for + tags ~ prompt list
Who wants to be tagged for which characters when I post the finished project?
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Juwan Jang 🦈 TJ
Kazuma Takeda
Sung kwon Monster @jesusownsme @cozyunderworld
Mahon Jo
Humming bird
Jo Jay @ankita607
Junsu Lee / June Lee
Minu yoon
Shelly Scott Dom kang @cozyunderworld @samuelseowife
Hyuk Kwon @inosukehana Wooin yoo @cozyunderworld Vinny hong @ankita607Joker (Hajun) @cozyunderworld @inosukehana
Light Calvary
Owen knight @catsrkool @rossesnd Camilla Nelson
Harry shepherd
Chris D’ Char ~ @rossesnd @cozyunderworld @inosukehana
Noah Austin
League of street
Sangho Choi @cozyunderworld @koiiiiijiii Hwangyeon Choi @koiiiiijiii
Juwon ryu
Kenji ikusaba
Kaneshiro Takeda Ryohei Hachijō Hyōma Nagase
Daniel Park @koiiiiijiii Vasco @koiiiiijiii Jay Hong @koiiiiijiii Zack Lee @koiiiiijiii Jace Park @koiiiiijiii Jiho Park @koiiiiijiii Mary Kim Vin Jin @koiiiiijiii Jaegyeon Na @koiiiiijiii Samuel Seo @vynnyll @samuelseowife @koiiiiijiii @dessmq Eli Jang @koiiiiijiii Johan Seong Jong Gun @vynnyll @koiiiiijiii Joon Goo @koiiiiijiii Jake Kim @vynnyll @koiiiiijiii DG @eugueen @koiiiiijiii Eugene @koiiiiijiii Ryūhei/Nōmen @koiiiiijiii Magami kenta @koiiiiijiii Seonji Yukcho @koiiiiijiii Cho Yisu @koiiiiijiii Cheon taejin @koiiiiijiii gongseob ji @koiiiiijiii gapryong Kim @koiiiiijiii jinyeong park @koiiiiijiii
Jaekyung Kim dan Heesung Yoon gu Baek Junmin
Kuroko’s basketball:
Tetsuya Kuroko Taiga Kagami @cozyunderworld Junpei Hyūga Teppei Kiyoshi Ryōta Kise Yukio Kasamatsu Shintarō Midorima Kazunari Takao Daiki Aomine @cozyunderworld Shōichi Imayoshi Atsushi Murasakibara @cozyunderworld Tatsuya Himuro Seijūrō Akashi Reo Mibuchi Makoto Hanamiya Kotarō Hayama Katsunori Harasawa  Chihiro Mayuzumj  momoi satsuki Alex Garcia 
Gaara @aishabbbb kankuro Sasuke @aishabbbb itachi @aishabbbb Kakashi hatake jiraiya Sai Pain sasori orachimaru
blue lock:
Michael Kaiser  shidou Ryusei Meguru Bachira  Rensuke Kunigami Yoichi Isagi  Ryosuke Kira Zantetsu Tsurugi  Reo Mikage  Seishiro Nagi Rin itoshi Sae itoshi Jinpachi Ego pablo cavazos ikki Niko Akira Endoji Jin Kiyora Jingo Raichi Oliver Aiku
one piece:
Luffy @ydkm00 Sanji @hi3431 Zoro Law @nah-idwin Eustass Kid Boa Hancock  Nami  Nico Robin Shanks  Portgas D’Ace  Vivi Nefertari  Crocodile  Smoker Donquixote Doflamingo  Paulie Dracule Mihawk Koby  Pell Hina  Sabo  Katekuri Koala Perona corazon
Osamu Dazai Chuya Nakahara Saigiku Jouno Atsushi Nakajima Doppo Kunikida Ranpo Edogawa Poe Bram Stoker Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
Hell’s paradise:
Gabimaru Aza chobe Aza Toma Yamada Asaemon Shugen Yamada Asaemon Sagiri Yamada Asaemon, Tenza Yamada Asaemon, Shion Yuzuriha
Miya atsumu @cozyunderworld Miya osamu Aran ojiro Semi Eita Suna Ushijima wakatoshi Tendou Oikawa toru Tanaka Mad dog kyotani Kentarou Kunimi Akira Bokuto Koutarou Akaashi Keiji daishou suguru Nishinoya Kuroo tetsuro Kenma Kageyama tobio Hinata shoyo Tsukkishima kei Terushima yuji Kita Hoshiumi Yamakoto Lev haiba Haiba Hiroo
Gojo Choso Toji Yuta Sukuna Naoya that one hot guy with the mask Nanami
Aether Childe ZHONGLI scaramouche Kaveh alhaithum
Windbreaker anime:
Burning kabaddi:
@duaajpeg Tatsuya Yoigoshi Kei lura Masato ojo Shinji date Ren takaya Manabu Sakura Yu eikura Yuuki hitomi
Grimmjow Ichigo Renji
Black clover:
Langris vaude Leopald Julius Vangeance Yuno Nozel Asta Luck Magna Klaus Jack Zora
Outer banks:
Rafe JJ Pope
Bruce Wayne (bale) Dr. crane (cillian)
Harry Potter:
Draco Voldemort Fred George Harry
Suicide Squad:
Joker (Leto) Harley (Margot)
Jojo’s bizarre adventure:
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tennypress · 1 year
master list °:. *₊ ° . ° .•
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┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊
WIP = Red and Italics
SMUT = 🏁
ANGST = 🏍️
Fics that surrounds you, the reader
Waking up in another body? Female part 🛞 Male Part 🛞
When your mom was a first gen baddie 🛞
Tattoo Artist Y/N 🛞
Caught in the act 🛞🏍️🏁
Sending Nudes: I 🏁 II 🏁
Being younger than them (not too young) 🏁
Asexual Reader and confessing to them 🏁 who wouldn’t date you 🏁
On hold: a goo x reader x gun fanfic 🏁
Meeting you where you can fix my car and my heart 🛞🏍️
Zack Lee
Legs and Hips. 🏁
Sammuel Seo
Drunk on Love. 🏁
You come back to me like a dog with its tails between your legs 🏁
It’s only human, you know that it’s real 🏍️
Jake Kim
Analayzing 🏁
Power 🏁
Two walls between balance 🏁
Jichang Kwak
Until I found you 🏁
Jihan Kwak
You and me tonight 🏁
Jace Park
Study session 🏁
Gun Park
Karaoke Night under moon light 🏁
Wanna drink till we drop to the floor ? 🏁
Only you, my girl, only you babe… 🏁
Her masters punishment🏁 Part Two 🏁🏍️
Fate brought us back together 🏁
Goo Kim
Boundaries 🏁
Eyes 🏁
Hangyeol Baek:
I need a doctor! 🏁
Jake kim
My final analysis 🏁
Power 🏁
Between chaos and balance 🏁
DG(James Lee)
Paparazzi and rumors 🏁
Daniel Park
The rabbit and the fox 🏁
Till death my love 🏍️
Dancing under the moonlight 🏁
Na Jaegyeon
End of the road 🏍️
Vasco Tabasco (Euntae Lee)
Jay Hong
Leon Lee
Vin jin
Eli Jang
Cho ma
Warren chae
Hudson anh
Taesoo Ma
Jinyoung park
Johan Seong
Sinu Han
Olly wang
Kuroda Ryohei
Taejin Cheon
How To Fight
Manager Kim
Hobin Yu
Seongjun Baek
Taehoon seong
Munseong kim
Jinho Lee
Wangkuk han
Yeonwoo ji
Percy Jackson and the olympians
Luke Castellan
Need a hand? 🏁
Cool for the summer 🏁
Other fandoms
Ramen shop 🍜
Kakashi PTJVERSE ❔🤍
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justaboutsnapped · 10 months
top 5 favourite fics?
top 5 bands/artists you'd like to see live? top 5 photos of nico rosberg? x
Top 5 fics - Not sure if these are my Top Five of All Time™ (after all I've been reading fic since 13 💀) but I tried picking 5 different fics I've really loved from different fandoms
F1 - Second Star to the Right by @\gufettogrigio - Surely one of the most beautiful brocedes/princess cake fics ever. This is kind of weird to say but it Not to expose myself but I specifically loved it because of how raw and accurate the depiction of mental illness is. There are specific quotes in this that I think about all the fucking time and I've reread it at least half a dozen times over the past three months. That says a lot about me tbh.
Merlin - Pianos are made for falling by fishwrites - Devastating. Haunting. One cannot simply move on from this. Lowkey scared to reread it because it would wreck me.
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. - A steel hand inside a velvet glove/丝绒铁腕 by Huoshao - It's a shame not everyone can read chinese because it's the best post-canon Napollya longfic hands down. It's super famous amongst Chinese fans of western media–I've come across people who watched the movie because they wanted to read the fic.
Enhypen - Bestie Vibes Only by @\drivestraight. Fun fact: this is how I discovered Val, her F1 fics were very much a pleasant surprise for me. Genius writing that managed to pull off the cliche college au by having the most insanely messy intra-group dynamics. Beautifully insightful descriptions of love, especially at the end.
Inception - Autonomic by radishface (+ the sequel How to use a lifejacket) - As an Inception rarepair truther (cobb/arthur... don't judge I have my reasons) I owe my life to the more open-minded livejournal authors tbh. A lot of good shit out there but I'm particularly fond of radishface. One of the first fics I downloaded to my hard drive for archival.
(additional shoutout to the garden of eden by relationshipcrimes. I haven't consumed the source material (persona 5) so I can't judge the characterisation but this genuinely is one of the most horrific + devastating things I've ever read. pandi why would you rec this to me)
Top 5 artists I'd like to see live (excluding mcr & fob–they're my top priority but I've already seen them):
草东没有派对/No Party for Cao Dong - One of my favourite bands, their latest album is insane in terms of musicality, even if you don't understan Chinese it's still really good!! It's my dream to see them live.
Seong-Jin Cho - My favourite classical pianist <333 I'd sell a lung to see him play Chopin
The Killers - Idk singing along to their hits would cure me
Mãneskin - They would be so fun to see live oh my godddddd
Enhypen - I NEED to see nishimura riki's dance live I need toooooo
Top 5 nico pics - impossible fucking challenge considering the sheer number I've saved... I really can't choose but here are 5 I'm currently enjoying. Shoutout to all the really cunty pre-f1/early williams era long-hair nico pics <333 couldn't choose between them so none of those made the cut
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Do's and Don'ts
Hello everyone! I'm not really that new to Tumblr, so I do know how this whole thing works. I just kinda deleted my old acc, and made this one for a fresh start so yeah:)
You can find my Masterlist here!
Girl x girl
Gender nuetral reader/non binary reader
Platonic age gaps
PLATONIC family pieces (like, brother x sister, sister x sister, platonic stuff yk)
Huge age gaps (from four years apart and up)
Character x animal/furry kinda thing
Kidnapping (unless it is part of a story and the kidnapper is platonic e.g. the grabber x platonic!reader etc)
A scenario in which the reader dies
Spirit x Reader (like a ghost kind of spirit, because that's js weird)
Specific AU's (e.g. Mafia!Seungcheol x reader. I'm general I js think it's a no)
anything anal (just no)
People who I write for:
All members
Alice In Borderland
Shuntaro Chishiya
Yuzuha Usagi
Ryohei Arisu
Suguru Niragi
Ginji Kyuma
Daikichi Karube
Akane Heiya
Kotoko Shiga
Sunato Banda
Kōdai Tatta
Oki Yaba
All Of Us Are Dead
Lee Su-hyeok
Choi Nam-ra
Lee Cheong-san
Nam On-jo
Yoon Gwi-nam
Park Mi-jin
Jang Ha-ri
Jang Woo-jin
Min Eun-ji
Han Gyeong-su
Yang Dae-su
Stray Kids
All members
All members
All members
Any Kpop groups
Squid Game
Kang Sae-byeok
Seong Gi-hun
Hwang Jun ho
Abdul Ali
Front Man
Cho Sang woo
Twisted Series
Alex Volkov
Rhys Larsen
Josh Chen
Christian Harper
Ava Chen
Bridget Von Aschenberg
Jules Ambrose
Stella Alonso
King of Sin Series
Dante Russo
Kai Young
Dominic Davenport
Xavier Castillo
Vivian Lau
Isabella Valencia
Alessandra Davenport
Sloane Kensington
There might be more added to this, but I will try to make a Masterlist sometime soon. So cya, and have a lovely day. Don't forget to drink water and eat something, love you all!
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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Lee Do-hyun (You Quiz on the Block)
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1-800-c3dr1c · 1 year
requests : open! (will slowly but surely get to them, i have lots of unfinished ones at the moment.)
emoji anons always open! taken ones: none so far <3
if in bold i much prefer to write for these characters more.
if in italics i will only write sfw content of them.
let me know if you’d like to be in any of these character’s tag lists to be tagged whenever i post anything related to them, whether it be in a post with them, under this post, or my inbox asks! <3
also, please ask questions (if you have any) about what i will write below! i will answer them all to the best of my abilities, but currently, i’m obsessed with writing yandere characters. (I DO NOT CONDONE YANDERE ACTIVITIES/TENDENCIES OR ANYTHING ELSE IRL.)
theresa “tessa” gray. james carstairs. william herondale. magnus bane. cecily herondale. gabriel lightwood. charlotte branwell. henry branwell. jessamine lovelace. gideon lightwood. sophie collins. james herondale. thomas lightwood. cordelia carstairs. lucie herondale. anna lightwood. christopher lightwood. jesse blackthorn. grace blackthorn. matthew fairchild. alastair carstairs. ariadne bridgestock. charles fairchild.
kaz brekker. inej ghafa. nina zenik. matthias helvar. jesper fahey. wylan van eck.
adrik zhabin. alina starkov. david kostyk. genya safin. malyen oretsev. nikolai lantsov. tamar kir-bataar. the darkling. tolya yul-bataar. soya nazyalensky.
aether. albedo. alhaitham. amber. arataki itto. baizhu. barbara. beidou. bennett. candace. collei. cyno. dehya. diluc. diona. dori. eula. faruzan. fischl. freminet. ganyu. gorou. hu tao. jean. kaedehara kazuha. kaeya. kamisato ayaka. kamisato ayato. kaveh. keqing. kirara. klee. kujou sara. kuki shinobu. layla. lisa. lumine. lynette. lyney. mona. nahida. neuvilette. nilou. ningguang. noelle. qiqi. raiden shogun. razor. rosaria. sangonomiya kokomi. sayu. shenhe. shikanoin heizou. sucrose. tartaglia. thoma. tighnari. venti. wanderer. wriothesley. xiangling. xiao. xinqiu. xinyan. yae miko. yanfei. yaoyao. yelan. yoimiya. yun jin. zhongli.
percy jackson. luke castellan. annabeth chase. nico di angelo. grover underwood. clarisse la rue. will solace.
arlan. asta. bailu. bronya. clara. dan heng. gepard. herta. himeko. hook. jing yuan. luocha. march 7th. natasha. pela. sampo. seele. serval. stelle. caelus. welt.
9S. 2B. A2.
america singer. maxon schreave. aspen leger. marlee tames. celeste newsome.
newt. gally. minho. teresa agnes. alby. chuck. thomas. aris jones. brenda. frypan. sonya. zart. winston. harriet. clint. jeff. ben.
lavender brown. cho chang. fleur delacour. cedric diggory. seamus finnigan. hermione granger. neville longbottom. luna lovegood. draco malfoy. harry potter. dean thomas. bill weasley. charlie weasley. fred weasley. george weasley. ginny weasley. percy weasley. ron weasley. oliver wood.
eleven. mike wheeler. will byers. lucas sinclair. erica sinclair. max mayfield. dustin henderson. steve harrington. nancy wheeler. jonathan byers.
regina george. karen smith. gretchen wieners. cady heron. aaron samuels. janis ian. damian.
akane heiya. chota segawa. daikichi karube. hikari kuina. kodai tatta. mira kano. morizono aguni. rizuna an. ryohei arisu. shuntaro chishiya. suguru niragi. yuzuha usagi.
beatrice prior. tobias eaton. caleb prior. peter. uriah pedrad. eric coulter. christina. tori wu.
katniss everdeen. peeta mellark. rue. cato hadley. clove kentwell. gale hawthorne. primrose everdeen. finnick odair. johanna mason. young! coriolanus snow. sejanus plinth. clemensia dovecote.
seong gi-hun. kang sae-byeok. hwang jun-ho. ali abdul.
lee cheong-san. yoon gwi-nam. nam on-jo. lee su-hyeok. lee na-yeon. choi nam-ra.
daryl dixon. rick grimes. carl grimes. michonne. maggie rhee. shane walsh. glenn rhee.
shota aizawa. hizashi yamada. nemuri kayama. yuga aoyoma. mina ashido. tsuyu asui. tenya ida. ochako uraraka. mashirao ojiro. denki kaminari. eijiro kirishima. koji koda. rikido sato. mezo shoji. kyoka jiro. hanta sero. fumikage tokoyami. shoto todoroki. toru hagakure. katsuki bakugo. izuku midoriya. momo yaoyorozu. yosetsu awase. sen kaibara. togaru kamakiri. shihai kuroiro. itsuka kendo. yui kodai. kinoko komori. ibara shiozaki. jurota shishida. nirengeki shoda. pony tsunotori. kosei tsuburaba. tetsutetsu tetsutetsu. setsuna tokage. manga fukidashi. juzo honenuki. kojiro bondo. neito monoma. reiko yanagi. hiryu rin. mirio togata. nejire hado. tamaki amajiki. hitoshi shinso. mei hatsume. emi fukukado. camie utsushimi. keigo takami. rumi usagiyama. yu takeyama. tomura shigaraki. dabi. himiko toga. rody soul.
kenma kozume. yu nishinoya. toru oikawa. tobio kageyama. tetsurō kuroo. kei tsukishima. shoyo hinata. kiyoko shimizu. kōtarō bokuto. asahi azumane. koshi sugawara. hitoka yachi. tadashi yamaguchi. ryūnosuke tanaka. hajime iwaizumi. daichi sawamura.
giyu tomioka. mitsuri kanroji. obanai iguro. sanemi shinazugawa. gyomei himejima. muichiro tokito. shinobu kocho. kyojuro rengoku. kanae kocho. tengen uzui. kanao tsuyuri. tanjiro kamado. zenitsu agatsuma. inosuke hashibira. genya shinazugawa. aoi kanzaki. nezuko kamado. muzan kibutsuji. tamayo. yushiro yamamoto. susumaru. sabito. makomo. senjuro rengoku. hinatsuru uzui. makio uzui. suma uzui. kokushibo. doma. akaza. nakime. hantengu. gyokko. kaigaku. gyutaro. daki. enmu. rui.
emma. ray. norman. isabella. krone. don. gilda.
lucifer. mammon. leviathan. satan. asmodeus. beelzebub. belphegor. diavolo. barbatos. luke. simeon. soloman.
ayano aishi. ayato aishi. osana najimi. osano najimi. amai odayaka. amao odayaka. kizana sunobu. kizano sunobu. oka ruto. asu rito. aso rito. muja kina. mujo kina. mida rana. mido rana. osoro shidesu. osorō shidesu. hanako yamada. hanakō yamada. megami saikou. megamo saikou. umeji kizuguchi.
pete “maverick” mitchell. bradley “rooster” bradshaw. jake “hangman” seresin. natasha “phoenix” trace. robert “bob” floyd. reuben “payback” fitch. mickey “fanboy” garcia.
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Seong-Jin Cho plays Chopin Etude op.10 no.2 in A minor
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