#seondeok trc
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iespoke · 2 months ago
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(semi) annual henry cheng - seondeok thing
ps. edited out the orig because [things] bothered me. but you can find it here: bluesky
old art/process
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robobee · 2 months ago
declan lynch with his suspiciously aurora lynch shaped girlfriends & marie o corra with her suspiciously ronan lynch-shaped dreamt boyfriend & niall lynch with his suspiciously marie lynch shaped marie mor
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jordeclans · 2 years ago
i need an entire novel about this i'm sorry but one paragraph doesn't cut it for me
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woodtoc · 4 months ago
Obsessed with Seondeok and her year of being insane and eventually becoming a shaman.... unfortunatly not much s written about her...
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ahomeganeyatsu · 7 months ago
I still feel robbed that we didn't get any Seondeok and Declan interactions in TDT.
And sure we only got seonsaengnim from that brief chaper back in TRC, but fuuuuuuccccckkk does the idea of Declan speaking in Korean do things to me.
Also, knowing Declan and Henry's mom are connected, the potential chaos of Henry and Declan interactions is sending me.
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attack-on-tbr · 2 years ago
Sometimes I want to pull a Seondeok: quit my life, go insane for a year and start doing magical crime
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romantichopelessly · 11 months ago
Maggie Stiefvater has said that she originally planned for The Raven Cycle universe to be expansive and ongoing with multiple series.
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escapistcatontheinternet · 6 months ago
trc second family rapid fire. declan number one secret second family haver, obviously, neither of the families know each other, house paid off type. adam would have a secret second family but more than that he would be a part of the second family and have a complex abt it. jordan would have an affair but would not second family. i dont think gansey would secret second family he would just have an affair baby and take a divorce on the chin ohhh he would wear divorce so well. acc he owuld break up a marriage. ronan would not secret second family he would try to combine the families into one beautiful lynch family on his beautiful lynch farm. blue would not second family she would prob separate b4 she goes to affair third base. henry is interesting bc i could see him doing a send them money and never visit to try to exercise control over his life (seondeok uses it to blackmail him) but as an affair baby himself i wonder if he'd just have an outloud second family and if he is divorced by his og family or not is whatever. hennessy would have a spouse somewhere not on purpose that she's straight up forgotten abt and a child somewhere that she would only grow closer to later in life. type of girl to accidentally do polygamy bc of unbroken impulse marriages. noah would be the other man.
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theanimalsarecalling · 2 years ago
For the hell if it and because I was curious, I tallied up how many TRC & TDT characters have killed someone. 
Gansey - no. In fact, he actively sacrificed his life for others.
Blue - yes, but.  Gansey asked her to kiss him. It wasn't murder.
Adam - yes, passively, to further his ambitions. It's so much more efficient to let the forest do it for you.  He would I expect he would do it again if his plans were challenged.
Ronan - he killed in his dreams.  It also can be inferred that he killed during his ecoterrorism phase through reckless disregard (see the burning of the paper mill.  Factories have nights shifts, which he knew because Adam worked at one) He'd also be absolutely merciless if someone came after Adam.
Noah - no, more's the pity. Maybe he could have fought Whelk. But then we wouldn't have the story
Declan - yes.  He has the highest body count of all, outside the Moderators.  He also saved a bunch of people. Not sure if those things cancel out.
Matthew - no, bless his heart.
Bryde - yes, he was right there with Ronan
Hennessy - yes by admission in canon and can be inferred through taking out ley line.  Also that incident with the orb and the game
Jordan - can be inferred through proximity to Hennessy 
Carmen - yes
Lilliana - yes, and I think hers are the most chilling, how she lead Hennessy into shutting down the ley line with no real plans to get it back.  All while being so sweet and domestic.
Niall - implied in canon, though possibly to help Mór
Mór - implied in canon  plus Boudicca associations.   Plus she shot her son.  Though depending on how that had turned out, it was probably intended either to save his life or as a mercy killing.
Kavinsky - implied he killed his father, possibly a rumor, however reckless disregard for others including his dreamt friends.  Maybe he didn't know if he committed suicide, Prokopenko would fall asleep
Maura - no
Calla - no
Persephone - no, but do you ever wonder what happened to that missing husband of hers
Ashley - no
Mr. Gray - yes, it's his job plus he killed his brother
Piper - yes
Greenmantle - yes, by proxy 
Barry Whelk - yes
Neeve - she was planning to, so we'll call that a yes
Henry - no
Seondeok - no, but I can imagine her hiring Mr. Gray
The Moderators - yes
So that's 13 out of 25.  My, my Maggie.  Your characters are a murderous bunch.
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wylanvanhendriks · 3 years ago
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SEONDEOK, from the raven cycle by maggie stiefvater.
❝She didn’t regret it. She couldn’t make herself regret it, even when it threatened her children. This was a fated path, and she felt right on it, even when it was hard.
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womantryingtoexist · 6 years ago
Making Day, Making Way
Henry Cheng is... special. 
He always knew that in the same way he knew that grandmas meals would taste better than his mothers. He knew it, when words didn`t feel right. He knew it, when his dad looked disappointed in him.
He knew it when he didn`t utter a word until he was five. And when that first word was in Korean even though everyone always spoke English. 
His parents had a fight about it, his dad yelling at his mom, asking her if she thought this was funny, if she taught Henry Korean behind his back.
His mother left. And Seondeok came back.
He liked her, she talked to him in Korean (even though Henry knew English by then) and she did not make him feel dumb for thinking without speaking. 
She gave him Robobee. And they took him.
They were the reason he learned to scream. They were the reason Henry became afraid of the dark. They were the reason he learned to fear his mother. 
They were the reason why he stopped keeping silent. They were the reason why he started to talk.
Because he knew that talking would hide the fear, the anger, the senseless thought. Because he knew it would be better to live happy and afraid, if he can`t live unafraid.
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robobee · 2 years ago
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he sucked in a very uneven breath.... Henry haters you will never ever get it
rereading the raven king scene where Henry demands they bring gansey back... God. God. it's so good
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thematicparallel · 2 years ago
btw i'm still a bit bummed out how henry or seondeok weren't even in the least bit involved in the fairy market boudicca magic mob underworld like there was so much potential with exploring declan's mommy issues & that call he made one time to seondeok & obviously henry being in aglionby same time as him they definitely have each other's numbers (not literally) it would've been soooo sexy to see henry fuck declan up a bit with the help of robobee or something. i get that maggie didn't really write henry too well in trc for various reasons but also i think his character would've thrived in tdt it's so much wasted potential
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fromchaos · 2 years ago
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grxywaren · 7 years ago
Soo I've been rereading TRK again and I googled the name Henrys mother uses for her business. <i>Seondeok</i>.
Seondeok has apparently been the very first queen Korea has ever had. Her title was <i>Queen Seondeok of Silla</i>. She reigned for 15 consecutive years, from 632 - 647.
Henry is 'Seondeoks' son. Which makes him a prince and also a king.
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kerahs · 8 years ago
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· trc minor characters challenge 
vi. an au: The Raven Girls. 
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