#seokjin asks
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jung-koook · 4 months ago
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jin wants to be called a princess ok ( ᵕᴗᵕ )
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rjshope · 3 months ago
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what a gremlin😈
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kimtaegis · 9 months ago
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JIN HUGS JIN HUGS! for @jinstronaut ♡
cr. namuspromised, dwellingsouls, 0613data
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hvseoks · 9 months ago
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Jin returns; T-10 days 🩷
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jinstronaut · 10 months ago
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a jin a day while he is away ♥
day 504 (cr. 0613data)
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piedinthepiper · 1 year ago
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Liked ★
Yandere!Seokjin x fem!reader
Summary: You liked him, liked as in past tense. Liked as in you didn’t like him anymore. He didn’t believe it for a second, and he’ll do anything to make you like him again.
Warnings: Cursing, stalking, Jin is kinda narcissistic?, he’s also mean and delusional, possessiveness, jealousy, voyeurism, smut, drugging, implied kidnapping
Wc: 5.9k
A/n: based on this req! Love the idea, hope you like it!
Disclaimer: This is 100% fiction. I am in no way saying that this is how any member of bts would act. Nor do I condone the actions detailed in the story. This is purely for entertainment purposes only. If any of the warnings trigger you, or you’re under 18 ¡do not read! I’m not your mother, and I don’t take any accountability for what you decide to read online!
He met you through Jimin. You were one of Jimin’s best friends, it seemed like he had known you for a long time.
So who were he to ruin Jimin’s image of you, and tell him that you were just so annoying. You were pretty yes, but it was something about your laugh. Something about the way you talked. It just rubbed Jin the wrong way. There are some people you just don’t click with, he thought to himself. As he looked at you from across the table. Some people are just not meant to be friends, and that’s ok. The only problem is that Jimin brought you with him no matter what. It was always “can y/n come?”. He asked Jimin once why he brought you around all the time.
“She just broke up with her boyfriend. Cut her some slack man.”
He had answered. But it had been eight months. Which, in his opinion, was more than enough time to heal from a breakup. But you still showed up. Every. Single. Time.
“What are you going to order, Jin?”
You asked him, looking back at him from across the table. You were slightly blushing for some reason. Everyone’s eyes turned to him, waiting for his response. In all honesty, he had been too busy thinking about you, to even read the menu.
“I don’t know yet.”
He answered in a stern voice.
“I really like the lobster here, it’s really good.”
Jin almost rolled his eyes at your comment.
“Really? Well I guess I’ll order that!”
He said with an overly excited tone. Not being able to control the sarcasm in his voice. Thankfully the waiter came before you could answer him. Everyone started saying their order, before it was his turn.
“I’ll have the salmon.”
He said and looked briefly over at you. To see if you’d have a reaction. You looked puzzled down at the menu for a second.
“I’ll have the salmon as well.”
“Wait! Jin, wait for me!”
You yelled after him, trying to run in your high heels. He had finally been able to leave. And thankfully he was able to mostly converse with Namjoon during the dinner. He had almost made it into the taxi, but you caught him. He couldn’t just shut the door in your face. He’s not directly mean to you, at least he tries not to be directly mean to you. But god, you were so annoying! Why couldn’t you just take a hint and leave him alone?
You were a little out of breath, and needed a moment to catch your breath before talking.
“I was just- I live on the way to your place. Maybe we could, you know, share a taxi?”
He mentally cursed himself for not shutting the door in your face. Cause now he had to actually be alone with you for at least 10 minutes.
“Oh come on, I’ll pay for myself don’t worry.”
You said when you saw him hesitating.
He simply answered and jumped in the backseat. Not caring to find an excuse.
“So, did you have fun tonight?”
You asked him once the taxi started moving. He sighed. Now he had to small talk with you as well.
“Yeah it was alright.”
He shrugged. He could see in his peripheral view that you were looking at him.
“The salmon was so good! You were so right about that one.”
You tried again, once he didn’t take the conversation further.
“I didn’t say anything to you about it. You just copied me.”
You laughed, thinking that he was just joking.
“You’re so funny!”
You said in between laughs, and even went as far as leaning over him in a fit of laughter. He sat completely still. Not engaging with you what so ever. Once you realised, you sat back up.
“We should go out for dinner more together. I think it would-“
“Please y/n! Just shut the fuck up!”
He suddenly bursted out. He didn’t mean to. It just came out.
“You don’t have to talk all the time. You’re so annoying!”
He looked at you, your smile was no where to be seen. And for some reason he missed it already.
“I’m sorry.”
He quickly mumbled, hoping that your lips would turn at least a little bit upwards. But they didn’t. You looked away from him, turning your face completely towards the window. Your entire body was trying the get the furtherest away from him as possible, and it hurt him for some reason. He sighed. Your place was coming up, he would probably feel better once you left the car. Out of sight, out of mind.
“I talk so much because I like you, Jin.”
You said, barley above a whisper. He looked back at you. The taxi stopped, signalising for you to get out.
“I really liked you.”
You gave him a last devastating look before opening the door and stepping out. You shut the door in his face before he could answer. It didn’t matter, he was left speechless. And he did in fact not feel any better now that you left the car. He felt even worse.
“Liked” you said you ��liked him”. As in past tense. As in you didn’t like him anymore. He was laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling. He couldn’t sleep, and when he can’t sleep he starts thinking. It had been a week since the incident in the taxi. The incident where you said you “liked” him. Whatever that meant.
He would give you an apology next weekend. Pull you aside before you sit down at the table. Explain that he was just tired, that he didn’t mean it. In the moment he meant it, but he didn’t mean to say it out loud. He was amazed by the fact that he actually felt sorry for you. He didn’t like you, so why was he so obsessed with getting you to like him? Maybe he liked you more than he thought? Nah. He told himself before rolling over and closing his eyes. Trying to think of something or anything else.
Friday came around eventually, and he was ready to meet the boys (and you) at a restaurant. He walked in, a little earlier than usual. He had to pull you aside before you sat down, just so it didn’t get awkward.
“You’re early today, what’s up bro?”
Jimin lit up once he saw Jin approaching the table. He sat down beside Jimin, briefly looking at the empty seat next to him.
“Where’s y/n?”
He asked once he realised it was only the two of them. You always arrived with Jimin. He always picked you up, even if it was a longer route. Jin felt weird just thinking about it. What if Jimin had feelings for you? Why would he go to such lengths if he didn’t? The feeling in his chest couldn’t be described as anything but jealousy.
“She’s not feeling well.”
He simply commented.
He asked with a smug face, slightly poking him in the side with his elbow. Jin rolled his eyes, leaning away from him.
“She’s always with you, it’s not weird that I’m asking.”
He scolded his younger friend. Jimin stopped, but giggled slightly at his defensiveness.
“Whatever you say man.”
Jimin said, before changing the topic. Jin wondered if you truly was sick, or if you just didn’t want to face him. You didn’t strike him as a cowardly person. You would probably show up if you could. So the only explanation to why you wouldn’t show up to hear his apology, must be that you were sick of course.
But two weeks after that, you didn’t show. Two months passed and still no sign of you. Jin wanted to ask Jimin, but he didn’t want Jimin to think he actually cared. But he did care. He wanted to apologise for being a dick, that’s all. His conscience needed to be cleared for him to move on. At least that’s what he told himself. The first weekend after the two month mark, (not that he kept track of the time or anything), the boys went to watch a football game. It was weird that you didn’t show, considering that you loved football. You wouldn’t miss out. So Jin decided to ask again.
“Is y/n still sick? Did she fucking break her leg or something?”
He asked Jimin once they had found their places.
“I don’t know man. I asked her if she wanted to come, she said she was going with someone else.”
He said and shrugged. Someone else? Why was he hurt that you would rather go with someone else?
“Ok, I’ll go get a beer. Anyone want one?”
Namjoon was the only one who raised a hand, small excuses of work in the morning was heard from the others. He squeezed out of the row of seats. He needed to clear his head, he had to stop this obsession he had with you. After the game he would call you, and if you didn’t pick up he would go to your house. Enough was enough, he had to see you.
Your voice made him turn around. There you were, two beers in hand and the familiar blue shirt of your favourite team. Your hair was in a ponytail, so he could clearly see your entire face. And you were smiling. Smiling at him like what happened two months and a week ago was ancient history.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?”
He mentally face palmed himself for asking something so obvious. You looked down at your shirt and back up at him.
“The same reason you are, I suppose.”
He laughed awkwardly, before you both went quiet.
“Look, y/n. I just wanted to ap-“
“Hey, babe. I’ll hold these for you.”
A man’s voice interrupted him. He looked at the man who approached you take your beers. You looked at him as well before looking back to Jin.
“I’m sorry, this is my boyfriend Hoseok.”
Jin was left speechless at your choose of words to describe the man. You had a boyfriend now?! The feeling of jealousy started to spread through his chest again.
“This is Jin, Jimin’s friend.”
You told this Hoseok, when he didn’t answer. Jimin’s friend? That was it? He was offended by the fact that you didn’t view him as more. You had a crush on him for gods sake!
“I’d shake your hand man, but you know.”
He raised the beers in his hand awkwardly. Jin still kept quiet. Not wanting to utter a simple word to the man you dared calling your boyfriend.
“I’ll catch up with you, just go back to the seats, ok?”
You told your boyfriend, and he happily complied walking away from the uncomfortable situation.
“Why are you acting so strange?”
He shook his head.
“I don’t know. I just- I thought you had a crush on me. But now you have a boyfriend, so.”
You smiled at him.
“I liked you, yeah. But after you rejected me in that taxi, I moved on. It’s not that deep, some people just don’t click.”
His stomach turned into knots, he hated the way you sounded like him. He hated the way you spoke about him. That it wasn’t that deep? Well, it was really deep to him. Extremely deep actually.
“I’m sorry, y/n. I really am. I should’ve never said those things to you.”
He managed to apologise, regardless of the burning anger he felt inside. How dared you reject him? He rejected you first.
“Jin, it’s ok. Seriously. It’s all in the past.”
You patted his shoulder before taking a step away from him.
“Tell the boys I said hi.”
You said before walking away. This was not how this was going to end. He had spent two months and a week thinking about exactly how you would respond, and what would happen after. You were not supposed to be so nonchalant and run away to your new boyfriend. You were supposed to accept his apology and run into his arms. Maybe even give him a kiss and a blowjob for his effort to be so empathetic. He was going to make things right.
He couldn’t sleep again. How could he after you basically dumped him? So he started thinking. Why would you do such a thing? Why would you hurt him? He knows that he hurt you, but he apologised. So you should stop whatever prank you got going on and come back to the group. Come back to him. He really didn’t know why he felt this need for you. Before all this he literally couldn’t stand you. But now it’s like he yearned for you. And it was baffling to him that you didn’t feel the same.
Maybe you were just using that Hoseok guy to make him jealous. Yeah, that’s it. This was your payback. He laughed at the thought and sat up in his bed. Turning on the lamp on his nightstand. Might as well pay you a visit.
He payed the taxi driver before closing the door carefully. It was the middle of the night, not a soul to see in your neighbourhood. He looked up at your apartment building, he knew you lived on the seconds floor. The light in your living room was on. He quickly looked down at his phone. 02:38 am. You should’ve been asleep already.
He walked over to the other side of the road to get a better view of your living room. Trying to get a glimpse of you in your natural habitat. And to his surprise you were there. Completely naked. He felt a familiar feeling in his groin once he saw what was going on behind those walls. You were on the sofa on top of your new boyfriends dick. Your back was turned towards the window, giving Jin a perfect view of your ass bouncing up and down. Jin ripped his eyes away from you to check if anyone else was seeing this. But no lights were on, and no bystanders. What a freak you were, having sex right in front of a window where anyone could see.
Or maybe you were doing it for him? The curtains were slightly open, just enough open for him to see you. Maybe you didn’t shut them completely, for him? Maybe you hoped he would show up after the two of you met the same day? It was working for him. Mesmerised by the way your body moved in pleasure, he slid his hand into his pyjama bottoms. He couldn’t help himself. You looked so good, and you were so perfectly placed that he could see the dick going in and out of you. His only wish was hearing you. He wanted to hear you moan so bad. Suddenly you slowed down. Jin’s hand moved faster, trying to reach release before the show was over. Just one last bounce before you sank down beside him. Now facing the window. He continued, now seeing your heaving naked chest sprawled out on the sofa. He was close, very close. And once he saw you get up and walk towards the window completely naked, body glistening, tits slightly bouncing, he couldn’t help but feel a euphoric release.
Reality hit him immediately after. In the time it took for him to ride out his orgasm, you had made it to the window. Now staring directly at him. He quickly pulled his hand out of his trousers, turning around to face the wall immediately. The sticky wet spot that made the fabric of his pyjamas stick to his skin, was a shameful reminder. He didn’t know if you had seen him. He didn’t know if you were calling the police, or still looking at him. But he stood completely still, awaiting his destiny. After a few minutes he pulled his phone up from his pocket, calling for a taxi back to his place.
It wasn’t until he heard the taxi pull up he dared turning around. His eyes flickered up to the window. No sight of you, no sight of nothing. The curtains were shut completely this time.
It was Saturday, Jimin had invited the boys to his house for a few drinks and some food. Jin hadn’t gotten drunk in some time and quite frankly needed it to forget whatever madness happened the weekend before. So he gladly accept once Jimin proposed the idea in the group chat. Something he would regret.
“Can you get the door? I can’t let this burn man.”
Jimin asked and pointed to whatever he was making on the stove. Jin, being the first to show up that night was more than happy to welcome one of his mates, and walked over to the door.
“Jin! It’s so nice to see you again.”
You said and gave him a small hug as you stepped into Jimin’s apartment. He was left speechless. By you, but also by the man that followed you inside. You brought your boyfriend?
“Hey man!”
Hoseok said and stretched out his hand for him to shake. Jin just stood there looking at his hand. He couldn’t move. Too terrified that this was your way of revenge. You were going to expose him as the creep that jerked off outside your house to all his friends. And on top of that you brought your boyfriend to rub it even more in his face.
“You know what, I’m a hugger anyways.”
Hoseok laughed and pulled him in to a tight hug once he didn’t shake his hand. Once he pulled away from the hug, Jin smiled at him. He couldn’t risk getting on the bad side of Hoseok either. Maybe you told him?
“Sorry, Hoseok right?”
He asked and took his hand in his. Your boyfriend chuckled and nodded. What a ray of fucking sunshine of a boyfriend you got. Not completely different to himself, he thought.
“Oh please, just call me Hobi!”
He smiled before walking past Jin and following you inside. Jin continued to stand by the door for a second as he heard both you and your boyfriend greet Jimin in the kitchen. He had to talk to you. He had to pull you aside before you got the chance to reveal his big dirty secret. The boys would think he was disgusting, a creep, a weirdo. What the hell was he doing here? He had to run away. Run far far away and never come back.
“Are you ok?”
He got ripped out of his thoughts and realised the tall figure standing in front of him.
“Ah, Namjoon. You scared me.”
He tried to play off. As if he wasn’t standing in front of the open entrance door just staring out into the hallway.
“I’m ok yeah, but what about you? What have you been up to?”
He said and threw his arm around Namjoon’s shoulders, leading him into the apartment.
“Woah, ok. It’s only been a week since we last saw each other.”
An hour had passed. You still hadn’t said anything. Not even mentioned that night. He had taken a few shots out of agony and suspense. He couldn’t get drunk. No, not while you were a ticking bomb ready to ruin his image forever. He had to stay sober so he could defend himself whenever the situation arose. Or if he was lucky enough to get you alone so he could convince you, hell maybe even beg for you not to say anything. He would do anything for you. For you not to say anything, of course.
“I have to go to the bathroom.”
You announced, slightly intoxicated. You were so cute, your face a little red and your words a little slow.
“I have to go to the bathroom too!”
Jin quickly said, getting up quickly. The room got quiet. He realised he had said that a little loud and with a little too much excitement.
You shrugged, walking away from the table. Everyone started talking again, meaning he was in the clear. He stumbled after you.
“After you, princess.”
You said as you proudly held the bathroom door open for him. He would’ve smiled at your joke if this wasn’t a serious situation.
“I’m sorry, but I have to go first.”
You mumbled and started unbuttoning your trousers. He nodded. He didn’t even have to pee.
“Y/n, I’m so sorry. I didn’t-“
“I’m not drunk enough to pee while you’re watching me.”
He panicked at your words and didn’t know what to do with himself.
“Oh- uh. Do you want me to leave?”
You laughed.
“No silly. Just turn around.”
He did as instructed.
“I’m sorry, ok? I should’ve never done that! Please, just don’t tell the others y/n. I won’t recover from it.”
He started pleading, still facing the door. You went quiet for a few seconds. He gulped, anxious of what you would answer.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
You said and flushed the toilet. He turned around knowing you were finished. You were struggling with the button of your jeans, but looking at him with a confused look.
“Are you playing with me? Please if you are, don’t, I can’t handle that right now.”
You started washing your hands.
“No, Jin. I have no idea what you’re talking about. Is this about that time in the taxi again? Cause I told you it’s ok.”
“No. I mean- uh. Yes?”
He didn’t know what to say. Did you really mean it? Had you not seen him that night? A wave of relief washed over him. If you were telling the truth he was the luckiest man alive.
“It’s about last weekend.”
He tested, seeing if you would remember.
You asked puzzled. He let out a breath of relief. You were completely clueless.
“I didn’t mean to be so awkward with your- ehhh, Hobi.”
He managed to get out, not wanting to call him your boyfriend out loud. Now that he wasn’t caught and labelled a total pervert, he still had a chance to win you back.
“My Hobi, huh? You’re cute Jin.”
You said as you unlocked the door.
“You’re forgiven by the way.”
You closed the door behind you, and he quickly locked it. He had never felt more relieved in his entire life. Maybe you weren’t looking at him, maybe you were just looking around to see if anyone saw? And maybe he was fortunate enough to be well enough hidden that night to not get caught. Well, he knew he would be more careful the next time. He shook his head, baffled by his own words. The next time? He thought as he flushed the toilet. He didn’t understand what he felt towards you, but he wanted there to be a next time. He wanted the next time to be him underneath you, not your stupid boyfriend. He unlocked the door and started walking down the hallway. He didn’t want to admit it to himself before, but maybe he actually liked you. Like, liked liked you. He sat back down at the table. Taking another shot now that he could actually get drunk.
“Ooo, where are you going?”
Jimin asked you. Jin hadn’t heard the first part of the conversation, but pretended he had been here the entire time.
“This very fancy spa hotel. He said it was an early birthday present.”
You said and looked lovingly at your boyfriend.
“Wow, you’re lucky! You must really love her, Hobi!”
“You’re leaving?”
Jin asked you, ignoring Jimin’s hilarious comment, and quite honestly he didn’t want to hear Hobi’s answer to that. You nodded.
“Yeah, next Friday.”
He took another shot, drowning the jealousy that was starting to bubble inside him.
“I just don’t know what to do with the cats. I’ve asked a bunch of people, but everyone’s busy.”
“I’ll watch them!”
Jin blurted out, almost too excited.
“Are you sure? I’ll pay you if you want to-“
“No, no need to pay me. Don’t have anything happening next weekend anyways.”
“Weren’t you going out of town to see your parents next weekend?”
Namjoon asked with confused brows. Jin mentally cursed him for almost ruining his plan.
“No, that’s the weekend after. I’m completely free next weekend, ready to watch some cats.”
You smiled at him, he had missed that smile so much. To ever think that he didn’t like your smile was insane. What was even more insane was the fact that he blindly said yes to watch your cats, just to be in your house. But he’ll happily feed those little fuckers if it meant that he had full access to your home.
“Again, thank you so much. You’re a life saver!”
You yelled out the window of your car as you and your boyfriend drove away. He waved goodbye as he watched the car slowly disappear in the horizon. Once you were gone he hurried into your apartment, ready to snoop around. He only did it to get to know you more of course. He wanted to know every single little thing about you that only your home could reveal. He sat down on the sofa on the exact spot where he saw you have sex. He felt the soft fabric between his fingers, thinking of that night. He slowly laid down face first, wanting to be close to the spot where you sat completely naked. He rubbed his cheek on it, slightly smelling hints of your perfume. He could stay like that forever. Just frolicking in your scent.
But one of your cats jumped up beside his face, ruining the moment. He got up, annoyed at the grey fluffy animal. He silently pushed the cat off, but when it once again jumped up beside him he decided to look around somewhere else.
He found the bathroom, opening up the cupboard next to the mirror. Some makeup, some skin care, tweezers, tampons. Nothing exciting. He opened the door to your shower, nothing but numerous soaps. He looked over at the bin for a second and wondered if he was willing to go that low. Once he saw your dirty laundry he decided against it. He opened the lid and started digging, a mixture of your perfume and your natural scent hit him. He had never been happier. He suddenly stopped and pulled out a singular thong. It was baby pink with lace. He imagined how good you would look in it. He stuffed it in his hoodie, deciding to venture off to your bedroom.
He immediately opened the nightstand, hoping for something good. And you delivered. Toys of all kinds in different flashy colours. He smiled as he picked up the hot pink dildo. He wondered if you ever thought of him while using it. The thought alone making his pants feel tighter. He walked back to the sofa, he knew what he wanted to do now.
Jin was watching tv in your house once he heard the door open. He knew you would be arriving that day, so he managed to be on his best behaviour and not jerk off in every room of your apartment that day. Small things to make you happy. He quickly got up to welcome you.
“You got home quite late, I was starting to worry.”
No he wasn’t, he knew exactly at what time you would be home. He found a copy of your reservation at the hotel and calculated the time it took for you to get here. But he wanted you to know that he cared.
“No need, I’m home.”
You gave him a forced smile. Something was wrong. A feeling of excitement rushed through him. You came home alone, did this mean that-? Did you really break up with Hobi? He held back a smile.
“Here let me help you.”
He said and reached for your suitcase. Your grip tightened.
“No it’s fine.”
You simply said and rolled it into your apartment. He headed you sigh. He wanted to wait a little longer to see if you would break. Hoping that you would tell him the good news and not let the suspense kill him.
“Can we talk?”
You asked and looked back at him, removing your coat. He nodded understandingly as he took your coat before you could protest and hung it up. You walked over to the kitchen table and sat down. Putting your head in your hands.
“Do you want something to drink? I can make you-“
“No, Jin. Please just sit down.”
You were visibly upset, so he followed up on your request. Sitting down opposite of you. You took a few seconds before you started talking.
“Do you care to explain why you did what you did while I was gone?”
You asked and looked up at him. He froze. This was not the good news he was expecting. This wasn’t happening. How could you know?
“What are you talking about?”
He said and tried to laugh it off. You shook your head.
“So you’re telling me you have no idea what I’m talking about?”
You asked strictly. He gulped.
“No, y/n. I’ve just been watching your cats. Did I do something wrong?”
You let out another sigh before you pulled up your phone. You touched the screen a few times before your turned it around, showing him exactly what you were talking about. He watched in horror as he saw himself in your bed with his hand around his dick. The other hand was holding your underwear under his nose.
“There are many more of these videos.”
You said as you retracted your phone.
“I don’t need to see them.”
He quickly answered as you put your phone back in your pocket.
“Fine, but I want to know why, Jin.”
His mind was racing. How the fuck was he supposed to dig himself out of this one? You had physical proof now. He couldn’t deny it anymore.
“I didn’t know I was being filmed.”
He muttered as a poor excuse.
“Me neither. I set those cameras up when I didn’t think I would find someone to watch the cats. Unfortunately for you I forgot to take them down.”
He went silent again, slipping his hands into his deep pockets. Feeling around, trying to come up with a solution.
“Please tell me you have a logical explanation for all this. Why did you masturbate every single day with my stuff while I was gone?”
You seemed more upset that you couldn’t make any sense out of it, compared to what he actually did. Maybe if he just confessed you would forgive him.
“I like you, y/n. No, I actually think I love you. I’m in love with you.”
He blurted out. You were taken aback at his sudden honesty.
“I don’t understand why, I used to hate you. I never liked you. But ever since the incident in the taxi I haven’t been able to take my mind off you.”
He reached for your hand over the table, but you quickly pulled away.
“I love you, y/n!”
“So why didn’t you tell me? Why did you do this instead? You realise how fucking crazy you sound right now, right?”
You snapped back at him. Coughing slightly afterwards at your sudden outburst.
“Let me make you a cup of tea, it’ll help with that cough.”
He said calmly. You shook your head.
“I don’t want tea, I want you to leave my house right now!”
“Please, can we just talk about this like adults? I don’t want to fight with you.”
You stopped, wanting to hear what he had to say.
“Let me put the kettle on, and I’ll tell you everything. Just please, I care about you.”
You touched your throat as you slowly nodded. He quickly got up and started the kettle.
“I did it because I didn’t want to ruin your relationship. I saw how happy you were with Hobi. I thought this was my only way to be close to you.”
He tried his best to get you to feel sorry for him. He knew you would be much better off with him than that excuse of a boyfriend you had. He just wanted to pull on your heartstrings. Even if it was completely a lie.
“I just- sorry. I’m sorry. But I’m crazy about you, y/n. I’ve never felt like this before. I didn’t know what to do.”
You looked down at the table as he prepared your tea.
“Do you want sugar and milk?”
He asked carefully.
“Just sugar.”
You answered after a few beats of silence. You were clearly fighting some sort of mental battle. But it was alright, he was going to make that decision for you.
“I really care about you. I’ve been nothing but a dick to you, I know. But I want to make it up to you.”
He placed the tea on the table before you. You stirred it a couple of times as you waited for the tea to get ready.
“It’s just really uncomfortable, Jin. Yes I used to have a crush on you but that doesn’t give you the right to do such things.”
You scolded him as you brought the cup to your mouth slightly blowing at the hot beverage.
“Again, I’m sorry.”
He said and bowed his head in fake defeat. This wasn’t his loss. Sooner than later you would be his.
“I don’t know if I can forgive you. I need time to think about all this. It’s all too much for me right now.”
You took a sip, feeling the sweet warm drink soothe your sore throat. You immediately took another big sip to get the feeling back.
“I get it. I’ll give you all the time you need when we get to your new home.”
He said bluntly. You crossed your eyebrows at his comment.
“My new home?”
He nodded.
“You’ll love it there. Just you and me. We can spend as much time as you’d want to heal all the shitty things I’ve done to you.”
You shook your head.
“What? What are you talking about?”
You felt your sight getting blurry, your body suddenly felt really heavy.
“What- what have you done to me?”
You slurred as you fell back in your chair. Tears forming in the corners of your eyes as you felt yourself loosing control of your body.
“It’s ok, baby.”
Jin got up from his chair and walked over to you. In your last efforts you slung yourself off the chair and onto the floor, trying to crawl away from him.
“I’m sorry, but I had to do this. I’m sure you’ll forgive me once you realise what an amazing life we’ll have together.”
He bowed down and grabbed you. Making you look at him. Finally you would be his and his only.
“Fuck you.”
You managed to say before the drugs made you close your eyes and fall limp in his arms. You looked beautiful, he thought. Like sleeping beauty just waiting for him to save you. It would probably take some time for you to forgive him, but like he said, he would give you all the time you needed. And eventually you would realise that you were made for each other. He would make sure of that.
Thank you for reading! Do you want to read more?
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cordiallyfuturedwight · 1 year ago
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banana!jin for @jjwannie (cr. dwellingsouls)
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kpop-person · 5 months ago
Poderia fazer uma personalização do Jin do Bts pra mim pfv 🫶🏻
Tela inicial 𑁍 Bloqueio
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Personalização: jin ꒰ Bts ꒱
Bios: aqui
Lockscreens: aqui
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lepetitcaporal · 4 months ago
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Doodles of the BTS boys :)
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seokjinsonlyone · 11 months ago
How do you think each of the members are like as a best friend? I'm curious as to your take. You always somehow get them spot on.
a/n: first of all,,, thank you!!! second idk if this is what you was looking for but it turned out to be a luh calm mini headcanon,,, lemme know what u think 🫢
wants to hang out 24/7; always tries to make you be friends with his other friends so he can have one huge super group of friends to hang out with all the time
lowkey your biggest opp; like you’ll be having a heart to heart ranting about your life and what’s going on and “why is it always me? 😩” and then he’ll read you for filth detailing exactly why whatever’s happening is happening and what you need to do to fix it; and you sitting there like 🤥 because you was just tryna complain
perpetually busy but will literally drop whatever he’s doing the second you say you need him
people wonder if y���all are even friends because all you do is bicker because neither of you can fight the urge to play devil’s advocate on every single subject
the type to be the brother you never wanted; always tryna scare your boo things away; loves either going to your family home or having you at his; randomly puts you in headlocks to assert dominance; posts awful 0.5 pics of you on his close friends story
he may play with you but he don’t play about you; he can be mean to you because he loves you but it’s a no for everyone else; 100% not afraid to check someone who say something slick about you
likes to buy you random gifts in lieu of actually expressing affection
takes pride in being your bestie; if anyone else claims to be your best friend he’s gonna look at them funny and give them some push back; goes to you later on to confirm that He is in fact your best friend as if you’re not allowed to have more than one
regardless of whether it’s his cup of tea or not when you want to do something with him he always goes along with it
sends or tags you in every single video he finds even slightly amusing and expects you to react to them all; (bonus) you’d definitely make one of those muni long made for me videos
the one you call when you’re bored at work and y’all stay on the phone yapping for the rest of your shift
your shopping buddy!; sometimes you’ll both order a stuff online or maybe you’ll go thrifting or to target or something and then go back to his place and do a lil fashion show with all the stuff you bought
would have the type of relationship with you that makes prospective partners suspicious because y’all are too close; it’s not your fault that people don’t understand y’all soul ties!!
the devil on your shoulder at all times; he’s the one you go to when you want validation to do something you know you shouldn’t do
whatever someone tells jimin they sign up to telling you too; you’re a package deal <3; there’s an actual tea party that takes place once a month that’s dedicated to spilling tea
the type to stick beside you no matter what; doesn’t matter how wrong you are no one gon ever catch him on anyone else’s side
has an uncanny ability to talk you into his harebrained schemes so you’re always getting into escapades and shenanigans
follows you on spotify to monitor and critique what you’re listening to; you’ll get random screenshots of what you’re listening to and what he thinks you should be listening to; never admits when you put him on to an artist or song
a fellow dnd warrior; may not have your back immediately but he will always have it eventually
you speak in terms of tiktok audios and obscure references of things that happen in your day to day life that were unreal
y’all will agree to go on a diet together and then proceed to watch mukbang/cooking videos for 3 hours and end up breaking the diet within a day of starting it
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nucleo-bang-tan · 10 months ago
wife's bsf au where reader is wife and she sees her bsf coming into their bedroom at night and fucking her husband right beside her while reader is crying but she stills observe everything
You didn't specify which member you wanted me to write. I was assuming it was Taehyung? But I'm sorry I had to do Jk.
Grayscale Pt.1 | JJK
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Pairing/s: Jungkook X Reader
Genre: Cheating AU, highschool sweethearts, first love
Rating/s: No detailed explicit content, but wouldn't recommend it for minors.
Warning/s: Major heartbreak (duh), sweet love story, Jungkook is literally a liar and a dirty, dirty cheat (not irl, he's an angel), mentions of sex with another woman, not really a satisfying end? and I guess the ask says the rest, lmk if I'm forgetting anything.
A/N: Please leave comments, I would love to hear from you guys. Critique my writing and tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, really appreciate it.
I'm also extremely sleepy while writing this, let me know if I made some mistakes or if my writing isn't as good as you expected (anon, you can send another ask if you would like me to write it once more)
Series Masterlist
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
The memory of the precise moment you fell for Jungkook remains vivid in every corner of your mind. How could you not, honestly?
He was a year older than you in high school. Typically exuding a reserved and shy demeanor, the sophmore was exceptionally good at basketball and other sports. Not that you were far behind; you could effortlessly win against majority of the students in any given sport. Everyone but Jungkook it seemed. 
The pretty boy had throngs of admirers. You honestly understood them but you could feel yourself groan with annoyance everytime he beat you at a sport you practiced for days. Yes, he annoyed you, a sentiment he was well too aware of.
The boy didn't attend school as often, he had his future laid out in front of him, his father being a huge businessman in Busan.
You couldn't say that you hadn't heard of his father's reputation but you certainly could tell that Jungkook was pretty intimidated by him.
"Maybe she just likes you!" His friend answered much too loudly when Jungkook asked about why you disliked him.
He just laughed, "I wish. But I have a rough feeling that it has something to do with the fact that I demolish her at every game."
They were sitting together in the gymnasium during their lunch break, stealing glances at your direction, Jungkook wasn't the only one with admirers, you had your fair share of them.
Jungkook couldn't admit it openly but he had a crush on you. His feelings were shared only to the ones closest to him.
"You should really tell her, you know." His friend suggested.
"And risk your father knowing? Man, just try it. You can brush it off as a rumor if it gets out."
Jungkook sighed, his desire for you practically consumed him.
He looked at you yet again. He knew it was a huge risk, but fuck. The way you laughed with your friends, the way your eyes glistened with purity, everything made him want to hug you and whisper the cheesiest of words into your ear. You were pretty, so pretty.
He couldn't risk it, right? But maybe he could give it a shot.
Jungkook's friend invited you to a local park that same evening since Jungkook couldn't muster up enough courage to do it himself. He picked one where the public consisted mostly the elderly to reduce the chances of him being noticed.
"Namjoon-hyung, you sure this jacket looks good?" Jungkook panicked. "I have to be there in 15 minutes."
His older friend sighed, "You could just tell us you're going on a date; it's obvious. We won't be that mad you know."
"It's not a date, I'm just meeting a....friend."
"Sure you are, that's why you got the biggest bouquet."
As Jungkook hurriedly made his way to the park, his mind raced with anticipation and nerves. The weight of the bouquet in his hands served as a constant reminder of the leap of faith he was about to take.
Despite his attempts to brush off Namjoon's teasing, the truth was undeniable: he was about to meet you for what felt like the most important moment of his life.
There you were, squatting down near the pup of an elderly couple. Your hair catching the golden sunlight and framing your face ever so beautifully.
This was the first time he saw you outside of school and without the uniform or gym clothes. You were wearing a simple skirt and a jacket to protect from the chilly weather, the soft hues blending perfectly with your complexion. He made a mental note of how good your sense of clothing was.
But that moment sparked a certain sense of determination in the teenage boy's head. He had to have you. It was that exact moment when he decided that he'll marry you and only you one day, keep you close to him forever.
Maybe you'd decline his proposal to take you out on a date, maybe you'd slap him for being delusional, but he simply didn't care then.
He approached you, and squatted beside you softly petting the dog.
"Jungkook?" You furrowed your eyebrows, attention shifting from the puppy to him.
"You're late, you know?" You huffed, feigning annoyance. Getting up, you started walking around the serene lake, Jungkook walking beside you.
"I know, I'm sorry." He cleared his throat, it being way too dry for his liking. You looked at the flowers in his hands and figured they were for you.
"So, why did you invite me here? Oh well, technically your friend did."
Jungkook needed water and was hoping he could dive into the lake. But the way you looked at him made him question if that would be enough to hydrate him.
"I- uh- was thinking..."
"You're awfully confident while playing, you know. You should really bring that over into your actual personality."
He remembered what his hyung, Namjoon taught him, 'Question, joke and complement.'
"Uh- do you come here often?" That was dumb, Jungkook realised as soon as it came out of his mouth.
"No, not really. I wish I did, my parents don't really allow me to go out that often."
"Oh, why is that?"
"What if someone, like you, kidnaps me?" You laughed, "Wouldn't be be a pretty situation, right?"
Jungkook relaxed a bit, your attitude didn't seem inapproachable at all. He had talked to you multiple times, but all after you lost a game against him. To be fair, he'd be annoyed too.
It was the complement stage, and Jungkook meant it when he said, "Your hair, it's really pretty- like you."
You blushed uncontrollably. This was the first time someone had called you pretty. Now it was your turn to shy away from him.
Jungkook thought it was so unbearable, that he couldn't hold it in anymore. He had to ask you. He had to get your answer. Seeing you blush made him even more infatuated with you.
"I uh- invited you here today to ask you something." He started.
You looked up at him with those bewitching eyes that had him at a loss for words. But he still managed to say, "Go out with me?"
A week after you rejected Jungkook, you were very unfortunately invited to watch the boys' basketball game. Ofcourse, Jungkook was going to be there, the thought made you want to crawl into your bed and hibernate till it was all over.
Jungkook was a great person, handsome, smart, and at times more shy than he should be. He was the typical high school crush and so much more.
Jungkook asking you out, despite the fact you had a slight distaste towards him, felt like a dream. But dreams are called dreams because they are too good to be true, right?
Jungkook was not the problem, never was. It was your strict parents. Telling them that you had a boyfriend was a suicide mission in itself.
After your refusal to date him, Jungkook had a huge mental breakdown and decided it'd be best if followed the path made for him by his father.
"You know, you're staring." Gaeul nudged your arm. Her remark made you quickly come out of your daze.
"At Jungkook? No way, I was just looking at the uh-"
"I think he knows you're staring."
"Fuck, should we leave?" You asked.
You didn't leave but stayed longer than anyone. The court was empty at this point except for the janitors who exchanged looks that probably translated, 'When's this one leaving?'
You felt a presence sit a foot next to you on the bleachers.
"Hey." He said. Jungkook was all showered and fresh. Hair still damp from it and skin smelling like soap.
"I should leave, shouldn't I?" You chuckled.
"Y/n, can I ask you something?"
You nodded.
"Why do you care what your parents think?"
"What?" You looked at him surprised.
"Are you sure you rejected me because you don't like me?"
"Jungkook, I-"
"Your friend, Gaeul told me how your parents will practically skin you alive if you date someone."
"I'm sorry but I can't go against them."
"Do you like me?" He shifted closer to you on the bench.
"I can't, Jungkook. Why don't you understand?"
"Do you like me?" He simply asked.
"I do, a lot."
With that he put an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to his body. The heat he radiated was overwhelming. You had never been this close to a boy before. Your stomach did a flip seeing how close his face was.
"That day, when I saw you, I realised, that I can't imagine taking a single step without you. I have no idea what happened to me, but I'm glad it did."
"Jungkook, I can't." You whispered.
"You don't seem like you mean it, say what you want."
You knew neither of your parents would approve of this but fuck, the pretty boy's eyes did something to your heart. It made you want to cry, something about him pulled you, and it was significant.
This was the exact moment you fell for him.
"I want to be your girlfriend."
Pulling you closer than humanly possible, he kissed you.
There goes your first kiss.
You felt so soft, your cocoa butter lip balm smelling ever so sweet, he wondered if it would taste like cocoa butter too, spoiler: it did.
Jungkook held you so delicately, kissing you like you were a fragile sculpture bound to crumble.
"Hey, get your asses out of here!" one of the janitors yelled.
"Y/n! What is the meaning of this?" Your father yells at you.
"Dad, this is..." You tried to explain who the boy with his arm around your waist was.
You were in the final year of high school and Jungkook was already in college. This was the first time you brought Jungkook home to introduce him to your parents.
"Young woman, get yourself upstairs to your bedroom, I'll get rid of this... guy" His voice still holding lots of anger and disappointment.
You sigh, "Dad, this is Jungkook. He's... my boyfriend."
Your dad was speechless, and the disappointment was through the roof.
"We've been together for 3 years now." I gulp.
"That's enough!" He yells. "This is not what we expected from you. 3 years? You've been hiding this for 3 years now?"
Jungkook decided to speak up, "Sir, I love your daughter and she loves me. I promise you, she's the girl I'll marry. I hope you'll understand that" His grip on my waist tightens reassuringly.
You look at Jungkook, he had said these words a million times but now, in front of your father? This was something entirely different.
You take a deep breath, "Dad, I don't care if you give your blessings to our relationship or not, I just wanted you to know that I have him, I have Jungkook."
You had somehow managed to get into the same prestigious university as your boyfriend and decided that you'll finally live together.
Your father couldn't say no to your relationship even if he wanted to. He cared more for your happiness and though he wasn't sure about Jungkook, he decided it would be the best to let you be your own person.
"Jungkook?" You look over your shoulder, hearing the sound of the door opening.
"You stayed up? I told you not to." Jungkook, sits beside you on the couch. He leans in and kisses your forehead.
"I couldn't sleep without you. You know how much I love your warmth." You rest your head on his chest.
Looking back, you should've placed the familiar scent that didn't smell like Jungkook which lingered on his shirt.
He pulled you closer to him, "I'm sorry."
"For what?" You look up at his face, he was on the verge of tearing up.
"Jungkook, hey." You cup his face and place a small peck on his lips. "You can tell me anything." You place your forehead against his.
"I don't know, I'm sorry for everything." He sobbed.
"What do you mean?" You peck his forehead, his nose, his cheek, everything you can you show him how much you loved him.
"I promise you, I love you."
"I know, Jungkook. I love you too. I promise. More than anything."
Jungkook cried in your arms, muttering around a hundred sorry's. He never said why he was apologising.
"Just close your eyes." Your best friend, Gaeul urged you. You were highly suspicious of what was going to happen.
You were 22, fresh out of college and currently on a vacation with your closest friends and ofcourse, the love of your life, Jungkook.
"Gaeul, can you atleast tell me where we are going?" You feel the cold sand under your feet. A mix of chilly and windy was perfect to describe the evening.
"And now, open them." She quickly lets go of you and giggles as she leaves you in the middle of the beach.
But it wasn't dark like you had anticipated it to be, instead the perimeter was decorated with fairy lights and candles, which surprisingly didn't go out.
But something that shined brighter than any light on that beach was Jungkook.
He walked towards you and got down on one knee. His heart pounded with a mixture of nerves and excitement. He took your hand in his, feeling the warmth of your touch against his skin, grounding him in this moment of pure love and vulnerability.
You immediately knew what this was, "J-Jungkook..."
The air is filled with the scent of saltwater and the sound of seagulls in the distance, creating a serene backdrop for what is about to unfold.
"My dearest Y/N," he began, his voice quivering with emotion, "From the very first moment I laid eyes on you, I knew that my life would never be the same. You've been my guiding light, my source of strength, my reason to smile even on the darkest of days."
You smiled, the love was evident in every action of his.
"Do you remember our first kiss? Or hell, our first date at the old people park? Looking at you that day, I realised, you were the only one I've ever wanted in my life. The love that you gave me, I have only strived to return it to you."
He pulls out a small purple velvet box from his pocket.
"So, you let me be your first kiss, but would you let me be your last? Will you... Kim Y/n, marry me?"
"I'll be late again, don't stay up." Jungkook said through the phone.
"I know, but I was hoping to help you relieve some stress today." You bite your lip.
He chuckled, "I'll be fine, I promise. Now be a good girl and go to sleep, yeah?"
"Alright, just be safe. Love you."
Jungkook had been coming awfully late for the past few months. Something about his dad's company being passed down to him. But when he did come home at 4 in the morning, he held a particular scent which seemed really familiar to you.
You weren't a fool afterall, it was a perfume, a ladies' perfume. But you knew, Jungkook had a sensitive nose, he preferred women's perfumes more than men's strong colognes.
And you knew, Jungkook did not have a single female in his life except his mother and his cousins.
So you didn't think much or pay much attention to your husband sneaking inside the covers at 2 in the morning, holding that familiar scent again. You were half asleep, your back to him, when he came anyways.
But you did pay attention to the bedroom door opening and realising that Jungkook was still in bed with you, but you hoped you were dreaming.
You could hear the smirk in Jungkook's voice when he whispered, "Such a whore, followed me home, did you?"
"Couldn't get enough of you." Someone else whispered back.
Alright now you were on high alert. There was someone in your bedroom who was a woman.
You could feel the bed dip more when you assumed the woman climbed onto the bed.
"You didn't fuck me enough." The voice, which sounded so, so familiar, whispered. It was so familiar that you didn't want to recognise it.
"Come on now, Gaeul." Jungkook's words made your breath and heartbeat all stop at once. "Coming to my home like this?"
"Please?" Gaeul whispered.
"What if Y/n wakes up? You need to get out, you know." Jungkook sounded way too calm for your liking.
"What about it?" Gaeul whispered back.
You couldn't even process anything. The shuffling, the wet sounds, the whimpers. All seemed like a dream. But why would it hurt so much if it was a dream?
Amidst all the whispers and sighs, you only heard, or well, could fathom one thing.
"Why are you with this bitch anyways?" Gaeul panted, whispering long out the window.
The sounds, the smell, the lies, everything was too much for you. You felt as if you were under a bus. The metaphorical bus being 11 years of lies worth.
The realisation that Gaeul was the one who helped you with Jungkook in the first place. Jungkook never showed a single sign that they might be involved with each other more than how they were supposed to be.
The tears you shed during this entire ordeal were enough to drench the entirety of your pillow, your hair and the sheets under you.
The disbelief overtook your sadness and disappointment. You wanted to scream but you couldn't.
You could still hear the pants and the skin slapping when Jungkook said, "Don't know, she's a really good fuck."
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namchyoon · 2 years ago
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yoongi loves them so much 😭
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rjshope · 2 months ago
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Life Goes On (video call ver.) | hyung line
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beautifulpersonpeach · 3 months ago
BPP, I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and we were going through the strengths and weaknesses (I am loosely using the word weakness but it’s more items they need to work or improve on) of each member and how because of this, BTS works and if any one member were to leave, it wouldn’t work anymore. In your view (and you may have already talked about this before but indulge me please), what are the strengths and weaknesses of each member?
Hi @zeeswords 💜
We'd be here all day if we listed out their weaknesses and vices cause lord knows they've got bucketloads.
Most people who spend hours watching the guys (aka the fandom), already know the many weaknesses and strengths of each member given how open the tannies are about showing it/talking about it. What makes your ask (and this topic) interesting IMO, is that what I might see as a weakness another person could see as a strength.
Take for example, Jin and his famed dancing ability.
That man is no dancer, but it's beyond obvious that he works hard to match pace. Jimin who is the best dancer in BTS, has mentioned several times that Jin puts in the work in the practice room. Jimin has said he feels the description of "working the hardest" actually fits more with Jin than with himself. Yoongi and RM commended Jin for being the most consistent and that seeing the effort Jin puts in inspires them to work just as hard. (source timestamp: 36:00 - 37:55).
Also, choreographies of groups where every member is an S-tier dancer often struggle with clumping. Clumping in choreography is a way to center or concentrate energy to a focal point as a way to build anticipation and heighten the enjoyment of the audience. But for it to work you need a clear concentration of energy in the formation and that can't work if everyone is at the same skill level. In this way, 3J (and more recently Tae) works symbiotically with the Hyung line to give BTS choreographies that added oomph. So really, Jin's dancing ability is a weakness on paper, but in reality it's a strength for the team.
In general, BTS is a bit unique among k-pop groups because it is precisely their weaknesses, more than their strengths, that makes the group work. At least in my opinion.
God I'm already rambling so I'll just rattle off a few more.
In fanchant order:
Weakness: ego, dancing ability, morally grey
Strength: ego, language ability, appreciation of beauty & excellence, rap skill, capacity for rage
Weakness: dancing ability, stubborn
Strength: consistency, singing ability, prudence
Weakness: greed, pride, cruelty
Strength: ego, tongue length & flexibility, eyes of such deep molten beautiful chocolate you can't help but sink into them, capacity for love, rap skill, big dick, pretty pink knees, probably smells like citrus
Weakness: rigid
Strength: self-regulation, dancing ability, rap skill, stamina
Weakness: singing ability, quixotic
Strength: singing ability, kindness, social intelligence, bravery, dancing ability, stamina, theatrical flair
Weakness: tactless
Strength: singing ability, perspective, perseverance
Jung Kook
Weakness: hedonistic, possessive
Strength: curiosity, language ability, singing & dancing ability, honesty, stamina
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busanpng · 14 days ago
inna faz uma taejin na vibe da sua heartless só pra eu ver um ngc🫢
upwards — doação.
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faz tempo que fiz a capa de heartless que por cinco segundos fiquei me perguntando como você ainda lembrava dela, porque eu não sabia nem que eu tinha uma com esse nome :D porém, fuxiquei, achei, e tentei fazer isso daí. deve estar na mesma vibe, não sei? mas espero que sim maluzinha kkkk
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jinstronaut · 11 months ago
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a jin a day while he is away ♥
day 480 (cr. namuspromised)
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