#sentinel-class landing craft
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swtechspecs · 2 months ago
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Sienar Fleet Systems/Cygnus Spaceworks Sentinel-Class Landing Craft
Source: The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels (Del Rey, 1999)
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monstersdownthepath · 2 years ago
Demigod Dossier: Oni Daimyo, part 1
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(Pictured: Inma, Empress of the World, the greatest of the Daimyo)
Lawful, Neutral, and Chaotic Evil Incarnations of Debauchery and Depravity The Complete Book of the Damned, pg. 126~127
The Oni are an interesting bunch, to me. Each Oni begins its existence as a Kami, a spirit of the land directly created by the gods to preserve the world, as well as the relationship between nature and those with the power to change it (i.e. mankind). Any kami that fails to uphold the Laws of Golden Perfection, an esoteric series of laws no mortal being could hope to understand, becomes an outcast and is relieved of their duties once their replacement is crafted. Many kami simply fade into nonexistence, while some devolve into mindless nature spirits... but the majority of these disgraced stewards instead evolve into Oni, malicious spirit creatures that can form a physical body once they enter an area of mass death and tragedy.
Upon incarnating, all oni get to experience sensations for the first time. According to oni, their pathetic kami forms don’t feel, see, smell, or taste like their new flesh body does; everything is so much brighter, louder, tastier, more impactful once they have a physical form. So, naturally, oni completely devolve into pleasure-seeking hedonists hellbent on maximizing their exposure to every form of sensation they can get ahold of with the power they possess. Like the Rakshasa that some of them share an alignment with, the oni are intentionally a ‘less severe’ class of fiend a DM can sprinkle into their sessions with lower stakes; oni aren’t conquering worlds or destroying countries. Each one seeks their own satisfaction above anything else, so their villainous actions can be... varied. One may kidnap musicians because they wish to hear a song they wrote played by a professional, one may steal maidens of a specific holy order because their blood tastes the best, and one may level a city block because the buildings were blocking the sunlight shining through their favorite stained glass window. Destructive and scary, but not world-shaking.
The Oni Daimyo we’ll be looking at today are the end result of a very specific process that oni can go through: Oni view mortals as taking the wonders of the world for granted and enjoy punishing those who don’t go out of their way to enjoy what they can have and destroy what they cannot (i.e. anyone who isn’t an evil hedonist). They believe that the greatest pleasures only become so when they’re taken from another... and thus a Daimyo emerges from the horde when it realizes that “another” includes other oni. Browbeating their lesser kin into obedience, all Oni Daimyo acquire the power of a demigod by brute force, tyrannizing lesser oni into providing the ascending fiend with excess and experience until it ignites a divine spark within them. The three we’ll be looking at today are the ones that caught my eye among their small number...
Oni Daimyo work freely and happily with mortals, seeing them as toys, tools, or perhaps even partners and consorts. Whatever role they serve in a Daimyo’s court, those who devote themselves fully to the Daimyo’s ideals can access a cache of divine magic they can exploit. Worshipers receive Boons that are are relatively simple: a trio of spell-like abilities, each of which may be used 2/day. Boons are normally gained slowly, at levels 12, 16, and 20, however entering the Evangelist, Exalted, or Sentinel Prestige Classes can see the Boons gained as early as levels 10, 13, and 16.
Oni Daimyo come across the entire spectrum of Evil alignments, but they’re not demons, devils, or daemons, and thus the Demoniac, Diabolist, and Souldrinker classes are barred to them without DM fiat.
Inma, the Empress of the World Lawful Evil Daimyo of Lavish Wealth, Origami, and Servitude Domains: Community, Evil, Law, Nobility Subdomains: Family, Home, Leadership, Tyranny
Obedience: Craft delicate origami representing those you seek to rule over. Benefit: Gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.
Aw, how nice :) Inma is the most powerful of the Daimyo, so it’s ironic to me that she has one of the most peaceful Obedience rituals. Quite a few of the Daimyo, in fact, have rituals that can easily be hidden or passed off as a form of meditation, making it easy to hide your faith in the hedonistic fiends even under close observation. Who in their right mind is going to wonder if you’re evil for folding paper? I do appreciate that Inma doesn’t make you dramatically crush or burn or otherwise dispose of the folded figures, because it means you can unfold the origami and re-use the same sheets for your next Obedience. It’s a small thing, but I like when recycling your ritual materials is an option.
Unlike many Obedience rituals that can be quashed by being robbed or imprisoned, you can perform origami with just about any flat, flexible material of the appropriate size. In a pinch, you can tear cloth into strips and fold them as well. Again, it’s small, but I appreciate the flexibility and ritual resilience.
And the benefit? Incredible. Blanket +4 to saves against the biggest class of Save-or-Suck spells and effects in existence, making you that much harder to charm, Dominate, mislead, distress, and emotionally manipulate. A +4 to saves against ALL mind-affecting effects rather than a subset like compulsions is incredibly rare and should be appreciated for how many times it’ll probably save your life (and your party’s life) over the course of your adventuring career!
Boon 1: Create Treasure Map Boon 2: Charm Monster Boon 3: Extended Dominate Person
Create Treasure Map is a somewhat niche spell, but one I’m happy to have as a spell-like (especially since it ignores the 100gp component cost) rather than needing to use a precious spell slot or waste spells known to have available. It’s a little gruesome, requiring a portion of a slain creature to use--typically a stretch of skin or piece of its hide--but it creates a map between where you’re standing and up to 3 (+1 per 3 levels) caches of whatever that creature considers valuable, along with whatever features and dangers the creature remembers being on the way there. Don’t bother using this on animals and unintelligent beasts as all you’ll get is food stores or perhaps its nest (which, hey, if that’s your objective...), but on various bandits and baddies, you’ll be pointed right to their treasure caches (alongside whatever else they saw as worth remembering). The map even works on any scale, so whether the target’s treasure is 30 feet or 300 miles away, you’ll get your quest objective... just know that the wider a net you cast, the less reliable the map becomes. It notes hazards the creature remembers, but some may be too small to actually show up if the map covers enough territory.
The next two can be lumped together fairly easily, as both are excellent tools at 1/day, let alone the 2/day that your Daimyo grants! Charm Monster is an off-switch for a potentially painful encounter, making a temporary friend out of any monster you may meet on your journeys, which has as many applications as you can possibly imagine. With a duration of a day per level, you can more or less keep a creature (or even several creatures) permanently on your side, perhaps even long enough to convert them into a friend WITHOUT magic, as morally questionable as such a thing may be (but you are Evil, so...). Dominate Person isn’t as flexible when handling encounters as Charm Monster, as it only works on Humanoids and Monstrous Humanoids, but there’s a lot of Humanoids in the world, and two free castings of “gain an ally that will fight for you” that lasts for weeks on end and have no components so even people carefully watching you won’t know you’ve just turned their guards against them. Having the spell be Extended feels like overkill considering it also lasts for a day per level, but if you need to send your new thrall on an extended errand, it can be useful to have them in your pocket for four weeks instead of two. Between these two spells, castable twice each, you can amass an entourage in a shockingly short time... in fact, to preserve the DMs sanity, you may want to limit the Domination to just two creatures at a time!
Gyuku, the Sea Devil Chaotic Evil Daimyo of Piracy, Tea, and Tsunamis Domains: Chaos, Evil, Strength, Water Subdomains: Entropy, Fear, Ferocity, Oceans
Obedience: Perform a tea ceremony on the shore of an ocean or while blindfolded. Benefit: Gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against water-based effects.
Another cute one! Despite Gyuku being one of the most violent of the Daimyo, her daily ritual is a meditation and centering ritual. There’s something ironic about a Chaotic Evil hedonist demanding her followers calmly make tea every day, but I suppose when you’re an Oni, you get really serious about how your food is prepared. I appreciate that in contrast to other oceanic demigods, she DOESN’T lock you to the shorelines like the others do, allowing you to practice your tea ceremony blindfolded if you can’t, for whatever reason, access the sea. Regardless of the alignment of your allies, few will see anything off about you performing such a small ritual every day, allowing you to masquerade as Good, or at least hide your faith from investigators and guards...
It’s an Obedience with no listed cost, but you’re still not likely to perform it if your belongings get pilfered, but you don’t even need a particularly expensive set. Even just a cup of hot water and a single bag of tea will allow you to do something to please your Daimyo enough to get your power for the day... especially if granting you your power would let you wreak havoc on the people who stole from you in the first place.
The benefit is, in stark contrast to the first of the Daimyo, underwhelming. Water-based attacks and spells are few and far between, and most of them are more of an than an inconvenience than something you really need to worry about. In many cases, this just reads “+4 to saves versus being knocked prone,” but there’s nevertheless a decent few Adventure Paths (yes, Reign of Winter; many Cold spells also have the Water descriptor!) where this ability would come in handy... outside of those, though, this benefit is sub-par.
Boon 1: Slipstream Boon 2: Control Water Boon 3: Heroes’ Feast
Alright, cute. Slipstream isn’t an especially useful spell, sitting in the pile of “spells I would never prepare but find inoffensive to have for niche scenarios.” It lasts well over an hour when you first get it and goes up by 10 minutes/level from there, but all it functionally does is add +10ft to the target’s walking speed. Nothing special, but I’m sure the Heavy Armor Enjoyers in the party will appreciate being able to walk at normal human speed for a few hours a day, with the amusing option of getting an extra +10 on top of that if they so happen to be traveling downhill. The real usefulness of the spell is the +20ft to the target’s swim speed, letting them travel with decent swiftness underwater; if they don’t already have a swim speed, they gain one! Unfortunately they don’t get any ability to breathe underwater, but since even weedy little nerd Wizards can hold their breath for over a minute at a time (provided they didn’t dump Con (don’t do this)), it’s not much of an impediment if you just need to dive down and then back up. Think of it like a ‘swim underwater’ spell that has an added bonus once you’re no longer IN the water! That at least makes it less disappointing.
Unlike the next spell, which has a myriad uses. Control Water allows you to create whirlpools, stop floods, create floods, shape water pillars, and generally screw with the depth and shape of enormous patches of water for hours at a time, making you the bane of ships, which is perfect for a follower of a goddess of piracy! Whether it’s trapping victims to make them easy pickings, raising pillars behind you to block off enemies, flooding dockside towns, or slamming Water Elementals and the like with a nigh-permanent Slow, your crew will no doubt appreciate your control over water (though everyone else will likely be a little unenthused),  In other scenarios I’m afraid it’s not as useful, but I’m sure there’s plenty of moments when draining enormous amounts of water from a room or causing even more water to flood out of a specific receptacle would solve a puzzle that’s otherwise halting your party. I do appreciate that Control Water also specifies it can be used “on similar liquid,” though what is similar to water and thus what can be affected by the spell is left up to the DM to decide.
Control Water offers utility to a scurvy dog and the mangy crew, but Heroes’ Feast offers to cure that scurvy and provide the most important resource a captain must be aware of: Morale and loyalty. There’s little that can keep a pirate crew happy like being allowed to eat a Heroes’ Feast every single day, once at breakfast and once again at dinner, and you’re able to whip up a meal for up to 16 people per casting when you first get this ability, which covers yourself, the ships’ officers, and some extra crewmates you’ve grown to like or who you believe deserve the honor. As one of my favorite spells I’ll sing the praises of the Feast every chance I get, and while it may be underwhelming in terms of spells that make you a better pirate, having it available twice a day will, if nothing else, assure sickness, poison, and starvation are no longer a concern on the seas, AND make you beloved by everyone who regularly partakes... and should they get too used to your food, to the point of relying on its availability and not stocking up on their own rations... well, it’d be awful unfortunate if your ‘allies’ didn’t pay for the privilege to continue feasting.
Nataka, the Red King Neutral Evil Daimyo of Drought, Perfume, and Forest Fires Domains: Destruction, Evil, Fire, Weather Subdomains: Arson, Catastrophe, Seasons, Smoke
Obedience: Meditate within a ring of fire while periodically casting incense into the flames. Benefit: Gain a +4 profane bonus on saves against fire effects.
All three of the Daimyo that caught my attention have a similar theme to their Obedience ritual: It’s simple, easily disguised as a Neutral or Good act, and has no listed cost requirements. Even in this case, the ritual is easily waved off as a ritual to Sarenrae or any other number of benevolent sun gods. After all, like with Inma’s peaceful origami and Gyuku’s lovely tea party, who’s going to suspect you’re serving an evil spirit just because you want to smell nice? The only real problems I can envision are if you’re in an environment where creating a ring of fire is dangerous to the surrounds (in a dry, flammable area) or for you (such as in an enclosed space), though if you’re recklessly Evil you may not care about the former.
There’s not much more to say about it except that you’ll need to stock up with a lot of incense each time you’re in civilization (or learn to craft it yourself!), because you’ll quickly burn (badum-tiss) through your supply even if you’re being conservative with it. The +4 to saves versus fire effects is a very common benefit for Obedience rituals, but it’s always welcome because fire effects themselves are common at every level. From dodging Fireball to ducking beneath a dragon’s breath weapon, it’s boring but it’s likely to be useful for your entire adventuring career.
Boon 1: Flame Blade Boon 2: Extended Cup of Dust Boon 3: Maximized Fireball
Flame Blade isn’t a spell we’ve seen as a Boon before, so here’s the rundown: For 1 min/level, you conjure a scimitar of fire that you can attack with like a normal weapon. It deals 1d8 Fire damage, +1 per 2 HD you have (max +10). Importantly, it resolves as a melee touch attack and, since the Sentinel is an option to gaining the Boons early, it’s your absolute best bet for following Nataka for two reasons: 1) maximum BAB, allowing for iterative attacks with your flaming weapon, and 2) Scimitars are your Daimyo’s sacred weapon, allowing the Sentinel’s Symbolic Weapon ability (+1 to attack and damage rolls per 3 Sentinel levels) to work with the spell! Even if you don’t go into Sentinel, it also benefits from the Warpriest’s Sacred Weapon ability... though it won’t surpass the spell’s base damage until level 10, so that’s more of a later-game thing. Though the list of creatures with Fire Resistance or immunity is long, the creatures without either is just as lengthy, as is the list of creatures who take extra damage or debuffs from Fire. The duration of 1 min/level means it may even last multiple combats, giving you 2 or 3 (or more!) fights where you’re hitting a target’s touch AC, though be warned that the blade is made of pure fire and its damage is thus unaffected by your ability score modifiers. It’s a small but important tradeoff if you rely on high modifiers for their base damage.
Compared to Flame Blade, Extended Cup of Dust feels a little silly. The spell already lasts an eternity, so doubling its duration feels unneeded, as does being able to use it twice a day. If you want someone dead, just hit them four times a round with your sword. This is for making someone suffer, and suffer for a long time. I can see casting it on a fleeing adversary to make their life in the coming days as miserable as possible, but otherwise its only real use is tormenting NPCs or extorting creatures with low saves. Using it on a creature whose power is fueled by their ability to drink something is especially hysterical, but such opportunities will be few and far between. 
Which brings us to... Maximized Fireball. There’s not much to say here that hasn’t already been said about the spell that’s a permanent part of the spell list of every Sorcerer and Wizard from level 5 onward. All Maximized does is assure you’re always getting 60 Fire damage in a 20ft radius explosion. 60 flat damage (30 if the enemy succeeds their save). twice a day. There’s better Boons out there, but against anything not immune to Fire, especially clusters of enemies, you’ll be hard pressed to find them.
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whiterock-research · 3 months ago
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Field study synopsis page
Title: A Field Study on Sentinel Ships
This study examines the enigmatic Sentinel ships that patrol the stars. As an explorer and researcher, I have observed these vessels in various systems, documenting their behavior, technology, and potential origins. Whiterock aims to provide insight into their purpose and how their presence influences the galactic ecosystem.
The Sentinels are an omnipresent force in the galaxy, serving as both protectors and enforcers of some mysterious universal order. Among their many manifestations, Sentinel ships represent a specialized fleet that enforces their strict protocols in space. While planetary Sentinels regulate activities on land, Sentinel ships respond aggressively to spacefaring violations, including unauthorized mining, piracy, or direct aggression. Understanding these entities is critical for survival and the development of diplomatic strategies.
Methods of Observation
Data for this study was collected through firsthand encounters with Sentinel ships. Observations were conducted from the cockpit of a heavily modified explorer class starship equipped with advanced scanners. Encounters ranged from non-hostile patrols to direct combat engagements in various star systems. I also analyzed debris from downed Sentinel ships to gain insights into their technology.
1. Appearance and Design
Sentinel ships are sleek and angular, often resembling predatory creatures. Their designs suggest a focus on both intimidation and aerodynamic efficiency. Each ship is equipped with glowing energy cores, which appear to serve as both power sources and weak points during combat.
2. Behavior and Tactics
Sentinel ships are not inherently hostile but become aggressive when they detect violations of their protocols. They often arrive in escalating waves, beginning with small interceptor craft and escalating to heavily armed frigates if resistance continues. Their tactics are highly coordinated, suggesting either centralized control or advanced AI algorithms governing their actions.
3. Technology and Composition
The debris of Sentinel ships reveals a blend of organic and mechanical components. Their technology seems to rely on a unique material known as Pugneum, which exhibits self-repairing properties. Advanced weapon systems, including pulse lasers and plasma cannons, make them formidable adversaries. Their materials suggest a level of technological sophistication far beyond most known species in the galaxy.
4. Purpose and Origins
The exact purpose of the Sentinel fleet remains speculative. Theories range from their role as enforcers of an ancient ecological balance to tools of a hidden creator species. Their presence in every system and their reaction to resource exploitation suggest a primary directive of maintaining order and preventing excessive disruption to galactic ecosystems.
The Sentinels' spaceborne manifestations highlight a complex and potentially ancient system of governance within the galaxy. Their advanced technology and unyielding vigilance suggest they are not merely reactive but part of a broader, more purposeful network. Whether their goals align with the preservation of life or the suppression of unchecked expansion remains unclear.
Survival in their presence requires careful planning, from evasion strategies to targeted combat tactics. However, the possibility of deeper communication or diplomacy with the Sentinels could unlock secrets about the galaxy's true history and its hidden power structures.
The Sentinel ships are an enduring mystery, embodying the duality of order and destruction. While they are a source of peril for explorers, they also offer an opportunity for a deeper understanding of the universe's interconnected systems. Future research should focus on deciphering the origins of the Sentinels and uncovering their ultimate purpose in the galaxy.
Notes on Further Research
Continued studies on planetary Sentinels and Sentinel archives may provide additional context for their behaviors and objectives. Moreover, engaging with other explorers to compare encounters and findings could illuminate patterns in their deployment and actions across different regions of space.
*Researcher: [Name Redacted for Security Reasons]*
*Location: [Classified Star System]*
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cleopatra222 · 3 months ago
Sailing Through Majesty: A Luxurious Nile River Cruise in Egypt
A luxury Nile River cruise in Egypt offers an unparalleled journey through history, culture, and opulence. This iconic waterway, once the lifeblood of ancient Egyptian civilization, now serves as a route to immerse travelers in a world of timeless elegance and majestic landscapes. To sail the Nile is to step into a realm where the past and present intertwine, where every bend in the river reveals stories etched into its banks over millennia.
Imagine embarking on this unforgettable adventure aboard a vessel that rivals the grandeur of Egypt’s ancient queens. The experience begins the moment you step onto the deck of a luxury cruiser, greeted by an ambiance that exudes sophistication and comfort. The gentle sway of the river beneath you, the warm Egyptian sun overhead, and the panoramic views of verdant landscapes and golden deserts combine to create an atmosphere of serene bliss. Every detail, from the plush interiors to the world-class service, has been meticulously designed to ensure an experience worthy of royalty.
As the cruise meanders along the Luxury Nile Cruise in Egypt, it unveils a tapestry of breathtaking vistas and ancient landmarks. From the bustling city of Luxor, often referred to as the world's greatest open-air museum, to the tranquil beauty of Aswan, each stop along the way offers a deeper connection to Egypt’s rich heritage. The temples and monuments scattered along the riverbanks stand as awe-inspiring testaments to the ingenuity and grandeur of ancient Egyptian civilization. Among these are the magnificent Karnak Temple complex, the ethereal beauty of the Temple of Philae, and the imposing statues of Abu Simbel, which seem to emerge from the desert like timeless sentinels.
Onboard, the journey is equally captivating. Luxury cruises along the Nile provide an array of amenities designed to delight the senses and nurture the soul. Exquisite dining experiences feature a fusion of local flavors and international cuisines, each meal crafted to perfection. Sumptuous cabins and suites, adorned with fine furnishings and modern conveniences, become sanctuaries of comfort, offering private retreats after days filled with exploration and discovery.
But a Nile River cruise is more than just a journey; it’s an immersion into the culture and rhythms of life along the water. From the observation decks, one can witness scenes unchanged for centuries: farmers tending their fields, children playing along the shore, and fishermen casting their nets in the golden light of the setting sun. These glimpses of daily life, framed by the backdrop of ancient ruins and natural beauty, evoke a sense of timelessness unique to the Nile.
Evenings aboard the cruise bring their own enchantments. As the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of amber and crimson, the ship transforms into a floating palace of entertainment and relaxation. Guests are treated to traditional performances that celebrate Egypt’s vibrant culture, from mesmerizing belly dancing to the hypnotic movements of whirling dervishes. Lounging under the stars on the open deck, one can sip on fine wines or aromatic teas while reflecting on the day’s adventures.
One of the most remarkable aspects of a Luxury Nile River Cruise in Egypt is the sense of exclusivity it offers. Unlike the hurried pace of land tours, cruising allows for a more leisurely exploration of Egypt’s treasures. With carefully curated itineraries, guests can delve into the stories and mysteries of each site, guided by expert Egyptologists who bring history to life with their narratives. This unhurried pace, combined with the luxurious setting, ensures that every moment is savored.
As the journey comes to an end, the magic of the Nile lingers. The memories of sunlit days spent exploring ancient wonders, evenings filled with laughter and music, and the unmatched luxury of the cruise itself become cherished moments. For those seeking a travel experience that combines the majesty of ancient history with the comforts of modern luxury, a Nile River cruise offers an unparalleled adventure. It is a voyage through time, a celebration of life’s finer pleasures, and a journey that leaves an indelible mark on the soul.
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langurecotravels · 4 months ago
Bhutan: Unveiling the "Shangri-La" for Adventurous American Souls with Langur Eco Travels
birding, animal watching, nature walk, Eco travels , extinct species
Bhutan, the enigmatic "Land of the Thunder Dragon," beckons adventurous spirits from across the globe, and US travelers are no exception. This Himalayan paradise offers a unique blend of breathtaking landscapes, ancient traditions steeped in Buddhist philosophy, and a culture that prioritizes happiness above all else. Langur Eco Travels, your trusted companion on this extraordinary journey, curates exceptional Bhutan tour packages designed specifically for American travelers. Whether you're a seasoned explorer seeking adventure, a history buff yearning for cultural immersion, or a nature lover captivated by diverse wildlife, we'll craft an experience that resonates deeply with your spirit and leaves you with lasting memories.
Embrace the Spirit of Adventure:
Bhutan offers a kaleidoscope of experiences that will ignite your wanderlust:
Hike Through Untamed Beauty: Lace up your hiking boots and embark on invigorating treks through pristine forests teeming with rhododendrons and conifers. Challenge yourself on the iconic Jomolhari Trek, offering awe-inspiring views of the world's highest peaks, or choose the shorter, yet scenic Tiger's Nest Monastery hike, a cultural and physical odyssey.
Explore Mystical Dzongs and Monasteries: Delve into Bhutan's rich history by exploring majestic dzongs, imposing fortresses that stand sentinel over valleys. Witness the architectural grandeur of Punakha Dzong, the winter residence of the Je Khenpo (spiritual leader), or wander through Rinpung Dzong, a historic fortress overlooking the Paro valley. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of serene monasteries like Taktsang Monastery (Tiger's Nest), perched precariously on a cliffside, and marvel at the intricate artwork adorning the walls.
Encounter Diverse Wildlife: Bhutan boasts a rich biodiversity, waiting to be explored by nature enthusiasts. Witness the majestic Takin, Bhutan's national animal, with its resemblance to a mix between a goat and a bull. Spot the elusive Red Panda, a furry ambassador for conservation efforts. In Phobjikha Valley, witness the graceful dance of black-necked cranes, migratory birds that return to Bhutan each winter.
Tailored for the Discerning American Traveler:
We understand that American travelers seek unique experiences that go beyond the typical tourist path. Langur Eco Travels offers a variety of options to enhance your Bhutan adventure:
Go Beyond the Mainstream: Venture off the beaten track and explore hidden gems – from picturesque villages nestled in valleys to untouched natural landscapes. Experience the warmth of Bhutanese hospitality in remote communities and connect with locals who will share their stories and traditions. Immerse yourself in a homestay experience, living alongside a Bhutanese family and gaining insights into their daily lives.
Thrill-Seeking Activities: For the adventurous American spirit, Langur Eco Travels offers exciting white-water rafting experiences on the Mo Chhu river. Paddle your way through thrilling rapids amidst breathtaking scenery. Challenge yourself on a mountain bike excursion through breathtaking mountains or experience the tranquility of kayaking on pristine lakes.
Culinary Delights: Indulge your taste buds with a private cooking class led by a local chef. Learn the secrets of preparing traditional Bhutanese dishes like Ema Datshi (chilies and cheese) and Momos (steamed dumplings). Savor the unique flavors and spices that define Bhutanese cuisine, and enjoy a heartwarming meal with your guide and fellow travelers.
Dedicated to Sustainable Tourism:
Langur Eco Travels prioritizes a responsible approach to tourism, minimizing environmental impact and supporting local communities:
Supporting Local Businesses: We partner with eco-friendly lodges and hotels that respect the environment and provide fair wages to their employees.
Giving Back to Bhutan: A portion of your tour fee contributes to local development projects focused on education, healthcare, and environmental preservation. We believe in empowering local communities and ensuring a sustainable future for Bhutan.
Minimizing Carbon Footprint: We advocate for responsible travel practices such as minimizing waste and promoting carbon-neutral transportation options when available. We believe in minimizing our impact on this pristine environment.
Crafting Your Dream Bhutan Experience:
No two American travelers are the same – that's why Langur Eco Travels offers customized itineraries based on your:
Interests: Are you passionate about history and culture? Do you yearn for an adventurous trek through breathtaking landscapes? We'll design a tour that caters to your specific desires, whether you're a birdwatching enthusiast (explore our specialized birding tours at BhutanBirdingTours.com) or a photography aficionado seeking the perfect shot.
Travel Style: Do you prefer luxurious accommodations or a more immersive camping experience? We offer a range of options to suit your preferences, ensuring comfort and convenience throughout your journey.
Travel Dates: Bhutan offers distinct experiences throughout the year. Whether you prefer the lush greenery of the monsoon or the crisp air
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Eco travels , bird photography, Trashigang festival, cultural heritage, Thrumshingla national park
cultural holiday, Eco travels , bird watching, mammals, flowers
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esoutherngolf · 2 years ago
Tetherow Resort - A Memorable Experience
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Tetherow Resort is a premier destination just a few minutes from the vibrant downtown and Old Mill District of Bend, Oregon. Carved into the heart of the captivating Central Oregon landscape, built in the area of the 1990 Awbrey Hall Fire site, this exceptional resort offers a unique blend of world-class amenities, exquisite accommodations, and an unrivaled golf experience. Boasting a stunning 18-hole championship golf course designed by David McLay Kidd. David McLay Kidd, known for having a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the game, has crafted some of the most visually stunning and challenging courses across the globe. His passion for creating unique and strategic layouts has earned him a reputation as a visionary in the field. From the iconic Bandon Dunes in Oregon to the picturesque Gamble Sands in Washington, Kidd's designs showcase his commitment to preserving the natural landscape while offering golfers an unforgettable experience. When it first opened in 2008, Tetherow was recognized as the top Best New Course You Can Play in the country by Golf Magazine and since has received recognition from almost every major golf publication. Kidd's ability to seamlessly integrate the natural features of a site into his designs, coupled with his expertise in crafting memorable holes, has kept Tetherow rated as a Top 100 course by Golf Digest year after year. The stunning Cascade peaks, including Three Sisters and Broken Top, and the rugged high desert terrain are expertly showcased throughout the course, providing unparalleled panoramic views. For any golfer seeking a formidable test, a round at Tetherow is an absolute must. Locals call it Death Row, and it is easy to understand why; Tetherow is HARD. You will either love it or hate it, but it will be one of the most exciting rounds of golf you will ever play. The rollercoaster ride begins after the relatively simple 381-yard par-4 (Tan Tees) first hole with the 2nd, a 514-yard par-5 that requires plenty of creativity to avoid the trouble lurking all the way to the massive rolling green complex. As you make your way across the stunning bridge towards the third hole, you'll be treated to a breathtaking view of the majestic Mt. Bachelor and its snow-capped summit in the distance. This is the perfect backdrop for playing Kidd's Corner, a four-hole loop that plays around a pond. The third hole is a challenging par-3, requiring a long forced carry-over water to reach a sizable green positioned behind a foreboding pot bunker. The green's raised back portion is guarded by sharp and steep ridges, posing a challenge for any putt. The first hole of a four-hole stretch known as Kidd's Corner, the par-3 third, is one of the most beautiful and challenging shots at Tetherow, with water all along the left side and bunkers in front and back of the green. The last hole of Kidd's Corner is the par-4 6th with a split fairway, creating two distinct sides. The landing area on the right side is elevated and interspersed with rocky outcrops and areas of desert sage wasteland. It will result in a challenging blind approach to an elevated green. The riskier tee shot is to play to the fairway's lower left side and hug the pond's edge. This is rewarded with a clearer look at the green and more room for error in the approach. As you move to the back nine, an exciting drivable par 4 awaits you. The tee shot slopes downhill, and a precise drive through a narrow opening is necessary for success. A vast bunker on the front left can capture any shots hit offline. On the right, a small but tricky pot bunker tends to collect shots that fall short of the green. The par-4 11th is a tremendously well-designed challenge; the dogleg right plays into a bowled fairway framed with high sand and sagebrush sides. A sentinel tree at the right corner must be avoided, so shaping your drive around it is paramount to a successful tee shot. Completing a round at Tetherow may leave you feeling beat down, whether you loved it or hated it. But either way, you WILL want to play it again. If you loved it, you will be pumped and ready to give it another go. If you hated it, you will be eager to get back out there for a do-over and not let the course get the best of you. Tetherow Dining Tetherow Resort boasts an impressive selection of dining options that cater to every palate and craving. From the elegant and contemporary cuisine of Solomon's to the relaxed and vibrant atmosphere of The Row, guests are treated to a delightful culinary experience. Solomon's offers a fusion of local and seasonal ingredients, expertly prepared by skilled chefs, resulting in flavorful dishes that please both the taste buds and the eyes. Meanwhile, at The Row, you can enjoy a laid-back and welcoming atmosphere while indulging in delectable American and Scottish-inspired dishes. With a dynamic selection of 12 beer taps and an impressive collection of over 30 bottled/canned options, this pub-style restaurant is the perfect destination for a relaxed and family-friendly dining experience. Farm to Table fine dining at Tetherow Resort With a range of delectable dishes, accommodating staff, and picturesque views, Tetherow Resort's dining options ensure that guests can indulge in unforgettable meals throughout their stay. Tetherow Accommodations Tetherow Resort offers a wide range of accommodations designed to cater to its guests' diverse needs and preferences. From elegantly appointed rooms and suites to spacious vacation rentals, the resort provides a luxurious and comfortable setting for a memorable stay. Each accommodation is thoughtfully furnished with modern amenities and stylish decor, ensuring a relaxing and inviting atmosphere. At Tetherow Resort, guests can expect nothing less than exceptional comfort and sophistication, whether they are seeking a cozy room for a romantic getaway or a spacious vacation rental for a family retreat. Last Thoughts About Tetherow Resort Tetherow Resort presents an idyllic haven where guests can immerse themselves in the natural splendor of the Pacific Northwest while enjoying unparalleled hospitality and sophistication. Rest assured that the golf course crafted by David McLay Kidd at Tetherow is guaranteed to leave an indelible and unforgettable mark on your memory. For more information, visit tetherow.com Photos Courtesy of Visit Central Oregon and Tetherow Resort Read the full article
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oh-no-eu-didnt · 2 years ago
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IF-120 landing craft were a type of transport utilized by the Empire. Based on the design of Lambda and Sentinel-class shuttles, IF-120s were larger and bulkier than their cousins. The landing craft, after being unloaded, could be converted into a mobile command center. Often, IF-120s were intended to stand alone with advance troops as the Empire established a foothold on a planet.
Source: Star Wars 84 (Art: David Mazzucchelli; 1984)
Read more on Wookieepedia.
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theduskthrone · 5 years ago
Character Info: Kjalvor Hlin
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…the Empire advanced into Nagxia. Although the realm was divided amongst several clans that were unable to muster a united resistance, imperial forces were at a disadvantage, as the local resistance took advantage of the dense jungle climes to frustrate the invaders’ movements and stage ambushes. It took nearly three whole years for Garlemald to subjugate the whole of Nagxia, ultimately by relying upon small, highly trained mobile units scouring the jungles until the last belligerents were brought to heel…
         – Encyclopedia Eorzea II
A faithful Rava of Golmore, Kjalvor was a huntress and tanner in her birth village of Hlin, deep within the jungle. She, like the others in her village, was a strict adherent of the Green Word. Though at the time viera were apostatizing from other, larger villages at alarming rates, those in Hlin still obeyed the Word with total vigilance– none entered the wood, and none left it. Though her profession dictated that she live on the furthest outskirts of the village, Kjalvor flourished there, whole with her people’s ancestral connection to the jungle.
Then the Garleans came. They had seen the airships in the distance, above the boughs, and they prepared to defend the wood as they always had– but the mens battalions that guarded the borders of the jungle came back with horrible casualties and tales of metal soldiers, and before long entire villages had accepted the call to arms to defend their homes, Kjalvor and the women of Hlin among them. The Garleans, though, had a seemingly endless supply of soldiers and machines, and after nearly three grueling years of conflict, the viera line was overcome and the forest was lost.
Though the Garleans had penetrated the sacred boundaries of the jungle, they seemed uninterested in its contents, preferring to move quickly through the jungle. Kjalvor and the beleaguered Rava forces followed them as far as the eastern border, but no further; they watched as the army they had fought for the last years faded away into some other conflict the Nagxian horizon. But, as they kept their vigil in defense against an army, the haggard Rava failed to notice the small, elite Garlean units returning to the jungle until it was too late. In retaliation for the Rava’s fierce resistance, the Garleans returned with a mission of genocide– eliminate every viera that dared try to defend her home, which by the holy Word was all of them.
Hlin, the tiny village deep within the wood that had never had trespassers reach their lands, fell easily, and by the time Kjalvor was released from the border and returned to her home, there was nothing– and no one– left.
The invasion was thirty years ago, now, and the long-lived Rava have been slow to recover from their incredible casualties. Hlin is but one of the villages devastated by the Garlean retaliation, and though strikes are now much less frequent than they had been, Garlean strike units still enter the forest to cull the Rava and prevent resistance.
Alone in what was once her village’s territory, Kjalvor has endured with the weight of her losses on her shoulders. She is the only one left to remember her village, her mother, her wife. In her solitude, she has come to rely even more heavily upon the Green Word and the connection to the wood it imparts– she has become keenly aware of the flow of energy through the jungle, the constant life and death and growth and decay, all creatures reflections of the single ancient soul that is the Wood– and she finds fulfillment, though not peace, in being that part of the wood that roots out disease and destroys the invader.
Name: Kjalvor Hlin Age: 163 Nameday: 8th sun of the 2nd Umbral Species: Rava Viera Gender: Female, she/her/hers Orientation: Lesbian Profession: Ecologist-historian-soldier-witch
P H Y S I C A L   A S P E C T S
Hair: Dark brown, worn short and loose Eyes: Deep rose Skin: Dark brown, with the underside of her nose and her eyelids slightly pink Tattoos/scars: A gunblade scar from both the blade and the bullet at her waist, a bed of scar tissue where her shield meets her arm, various lesser scars
Sefa - mother, deceased
Egill - father, deceased
Ginnlaug - wife, deceased
Kjalvor spent most of her life as a hunter and tanner, bringing down prey, preparing its hide, and cooperating with her village to use the rest of the animal. Not only does she have crafting knowledge, she has a superior understanding of animal anatomy and physiology.
A devoted keeper of the Green Word, Kjalvor is very much in tune with the faithful Rava’s connection to the wood, bordering on clairvoyance. She knows when someone enters her territory, and she knows if they’re part of the wood or an invader.
Kjalvor’s combat prowess is significant. She hunts primarily with the bow or with magic, but she is also formidable with a martial sword and shield.
A solitary jungle-dweller, Kjalvor has impeccable survival skills, with particular expertise in tracking and in natural remedies.
Having chosen to remain in her home territory rather than rejoin her people in one of the surviving villages, Kjalvor’s people skills have atrophied.
Most of Kjalvor’s time is spent as a solitary ward of the jungle, and her most common pastime is nature-watching. She’s spent time watching most all of the species within their territory, learning the intricate ways in which they interact with each other and her environment. She has become extremely knowledgeable in jungle ecology. She is also fully responsible for providing her own food, clothing, and shelter.
Kjalvor’s calling, however, is as the last sentinel of her territory. She will remorselessly cut down any who enter without the wood’s blessing– Garlean or exile viera alike. She has honed her combat skills to allow her to ambush the Garlean’s typical small-group patrols, and has some limited expertise in destroying magitech; she doesn’t try to understand or examine the machines, only to know how to eliminate their threat.
Though hostile to any without connection to the wood, she is friendly and cooperative with native-born Rava who haven’t abandoned the wood. She isn’t often sought out, as she has little to offer the villages, but she is more than willing to provide what assistance she can to her kin, be it with medical, ecological, or combat issues.
As the last of her village, Kjalvor is responsible for seeing it be reclaimed by the wood. Though Rava villages are made with as little disruption to the wood as possible, the creation of a village or den unavoidably affects its immediate environment. Just as the Word directs the living to offer their dead back to the circle of life, Kjalvor is letting the plants and animals reclaim what were once viera’s homes and dens in the center of the village, and has dramatically reduced the size of her own home and tannery.
Most Positive Trait: Unwavering faith Worst Negative: Survivor’s guilt, shoot first ask questions never
Colors: White like mourning, yellow like eggshells, brown like soil Smells: Tannins, wet soil, sweat, rot, rich earth, rain Textures: Tree bark, rawhide and leather, rough stone, feathers
Smokes: Little to none Drinks: As necessary Drugs: Medicinal
O O C   I N F O
Data Center: Crystal Server: Mateus Main Class: PLD Character Type: Alt
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spiral-depths · 5 years ago
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Essentially the government officials for the Crag layer. This photo was taken some years ago and a good number of them have left or died by this point, but this was the most famous group. Each of them represent a different branch of magical study and are responsible for different mechanisms of the state based on their abilities. Bios for each individual below:
>Quo (she/her), Seraphim, biological affinity Grew up in the militaristic wastes of the Abyss and became a Sentinel, one of the most feared forces in all of the Crevasse. However in traveling around she came to realize that the way of life she'd acclimated to was not the one she wanted for herself and she defected and joined the Crag society to train her magic. Over the years her dedication and all consuming affection for those a part of her new existence proved to be enough to land her a seat on the council itself as chief medical officer. >Maryam (she/her), Dryad, ethereal affinity Maryam had had a somewhat boring and uneventful childhood as many of her kind did in their home village on Precipice. She took up the role of the town matron solving domestic disputes and providing care for the children. She was often looked upon as a wise figure and in many cases even their leader. When the Craggians invaded Precipice, her town was one of the first they attempted to occupy. Were it not for her guidance, stern gaze, and leadership her town would have perhaps suffered a much worse fate than the one they did. But many of the higher ups took offense to her protest and took her as prisoner back to Crag. She did not fight nor even disagree with their choices, and Crag decided to make use of her complicity and moral judgement. She now serves as the head judge on the council. >Ned (he/him), Pixie, environmental affinity Growing up in the slums of crag he knew little but almost constant hardship and strife as every day brought a new calamity for his family. To make things worse his family had been sucked into one of the slums many cults that promised them a better life only to just make what little they had that much more difficult. Ned came away with loads of trauma, anxiety, and frequent panic attacks but he is one of the most talented self taught enviro-mages alive in his time period and a master at disaster preparation which landed him his own seat on the council as head domestic development designer. >Cain (he/him), Nekomata, communication affinity Cain did not grow up with much, but neither did he grow up wanting. His family was well enough off the not have to worry about their basic needs but not much else. Cain was expected to take up the family business but he always dreamed of a better world far away. After unlocking his affinity he began to entertain himself listening to the various goings on in the world, and eventually his abilities reached the lecture halls of Crag. He taught himself more and more listening to everything within reach and eventually he was able to take advantage of shipping negligence to sneak a ride to the place he loved the most, the university. His talents impressed all there and he was allowed to be an honorary student. Eventually he graduated and became a professor at the very same school. His knowledge and understanding landed himself a seat on the council as dean of the university. >Hashab (they/them), Orothri, transportation affinity Not much is publically known of their background other than they came from Ravine. Most of their actions remain unknown and untrackable due to the nature of their abilities (discrete movement via teleportation?) and no one is quite sure what to make of their lack of a shadow. But one thing is certain and its that they are exceptionally good at resourcing and connections. There seemingly isnt any task that they couldnt complete given enough time and money. These talents landed them a seat on the council as chief trade commissioner. >Narancia (he/him), Pixie, elemental affinity Narancia comes from a place of wealth, never having to have ever worried about their well being or prosperity. In his school life he was always lauded as being the most enjoyable person to be around, and little else. That is until he discovered he had a talent at a certain kind of magic that up until that point had only been theoretical: non-contact continued activation. Magic in the Crevasse usually requires the individual to maintain a connection with some object or have previously made contact with it, however Narancia can seemingly fire off a projectile from his finger and have it continue to be active even while floating freely just in the air. This ability landed him a strong media presence which he took advantage of landing him a spot on the council as president of domestic relations. >Kensha (they/them), Smogtail, projection affinity Kensha grew up well enough off for their family to constantly immerse them in art and culture. They began creating their own works at a fairly young age and began to grow in popularity enough that by the time they were 16 they already had contracts with major entertainment businesses. As their portfolio grew more and more so did their popularity, eventually landing them a seat on the council as head of cultural development. Which really just translates to "they make things, display them, and have parties", so essentially nothing different than what they normally do. >Kati (they/them), Dryad, gravitational affinity Originally from a Precipice town, Kati's family were traders who'd take the town's produce and other crafts and transport it down to Ravine, but they'd have to go through Crag to do so every time. Kati grew to love the sights and sounds of the city and began to spend most of their time there. They were exceptionally skilled at networking and before they knew it they were acclimated enough to essentially be just another Craggian. They took classes and trained their magic, and were an active fighter for the betterment of the other citizens when their lives needed improvement. Given their extensive list of influential connections and their position as a voice for the people its no wonder they landed a spot on the council as the head of the equity commission, a title created just for them. >Obolique (she/her), Asteri, dejure affinity Having grown up in one of the tribes on Precipice, Obolique had been immersed in strong senses of morality and dedication. She learned to hunt with her fellow Asteri in service to her Polari and life was simple enough that way. When some of the other tribes began hoarding their water supplies from the other groups within the Crevasse to inflate its value, she stood against the decision. She believed that their actions, while laborious, were a service to the rest of the known world just as her services to her Polari had been. This lead to her outcast and the stripping of her tribe title. She quickly joined forces with the invading Craggians and now serves on their council as chief strategist and head of the civil servants that patrol the cities.
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inkasarmored · 2 years ago
How Buying An Armored Ford Vehicle Is Worth It?
There are a variety of reasons why you might want to buy an armored Ford vehicle. The first reason is to protect you and your family from a violent attack. The second reason is that you may need to protect a valuable vehicle from theft or robbery. Whatever your reason, there are a lot of different models of armored vehicles you can choose from or visit Inkas armored for Armored ford for sale.
Audi A8 L Security
Audi's armored sedan, the Audi A8 L Security, is a unique vehicle that offers top-of-the-line protection. The vehicle has been designed to withstand attack by military-grade small arms, machine-gun bombardment, and mines. It also has fire extinguishing capabilities.
Audi's A8 L Security has been marketed as the "most secure Audi ever." It can withstand NATO 7.62x51 mm round, hardened steel bullets from assault rifles, and chemical attacks. In addition, the cabin has been tested for explosive resistance.
The armored A8L is a larger, heavier vehicle than the standard S8. It weighs around 3.9 tonnes. However, it offers high performance despite its weight. It is also powered by a W12 FSI mill, producing 435 hp.
The interior of the Audi A8 L Security includes a reinforced safety cell and aramide fabric. Its glass portions are resistant to class 10 standards. It also features self-healing fuel tanks.
The Audi A8 L Security is also designed to withstand squad-based heavy artillery. It can take a blast of 15 kilograms of TNT from two meters. It has an internal oxygen supply and a fire suppression system. It also has a patented emergency exit system.
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Bentley Bentayga
If you want the ultimate in luxury and protection, the Bentley Bentayga is the vehicle for you. It offers a plethora of unique features, ranging from chemical weapons protections to night vision.
This SUV offers a luxurious interior, with hand-crafted trim, and a 6.0-liter W-12 engine. It can hit 0-62mph in four seconds. It also has a powerful four-level air-suspension. This armored Bentley can withstand a barrage of 7.62mm assault rifle bullets, as well as a simultaneous detonation of two DM51 hand grenades.
The powertrain includes an eight-speed automatic transmission with manual shift control. It also features a Terrain Response System, as well as lane keep assist, blind spot detection, and automatic emergency braking. It is also equipped with an automatic access height, which helps you climb in and out of the car with ease.
The vehicle also offers a number of upscale amenities, including a signature surround sound system, and climate executive class seats. Its interior is also covered with bulletproof windows. In addition, the interior is fitted with a siren and emergency lights.
Land Rover Range Rover Sentinel
Land Rover has unveiled a new range of armored Range Rover Sentinel SUVs. These vehicles have been developed in-house by the company's Special Vehicle Operations division. Compared to the previous Sentinel model, this one has more power and speed.
With its 5.0-litre supercharged V-8 engine, the Sentinel can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in only 9.8 seconds. The SUV is also equipped with an auxiliary back-up battery and a self-sealing fuel tank.
The Sentinel features an array of security systems to ensure that the driver and passengers can escape from an attack. These include an Emergency Escape System, emergency service lights, a public address system, and a configurable siren.
The cabin is furnished with luxurious leathers and rich veneers. There is a concealed intercom system that allows the driver to communicate with other vehicles and personnel. The car also has a command driving position that provides a clear view of the surroundings.
In the United States, there are only a few companies that offer vehicle bulletproofing services. These companies are Armormax, International Armoring Corporation, and Rezvani. They are popular with celebrities, sheiks, and under-the-radar-business owners. They provide protection for vehicles on crime-ridden roads.
The International Armoring Corporation has been a leading company in the field of vehicle bulletproofing for decades. It provides Armormax lightweight protection for vehicles. The company is known for its lightweight materials and its ability to protect passengers without affecting the performance of the vehicle. It's also been involved in the development of the tanklike armored SUV of Rezvani.
While most vehicle armoring processes add thousands of pounds to a car, Armormax uses composite ballistic materials that are much lighter than steel armour. This allows them to build vehicles that are completely bombproof. It also does not require the use of upgraded brakes and suspension components. This way, the vehicle retains its original driving dynamics.
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brickopaths · 5 years ago
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Check out @bk.bricks Mini fig scale Sentinel Class landing craft! Remember to follow them and @brickopaths for regular Lego MOC posts! #lego #legostarwars #legomocs #starwars #landingcraft #sentinel #brickopaths #afol #tfol https://www.instagram.com/p/CCyPPdGpm19/?igshid=1ufb21jub173r
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the-royal-courier · 8 years ago
Events This Week
Monday, June 19
Decommission Ceremony Location: Silverwing Grove & Moonwell of Cleansing, Ashenvale Time: 6 Bells
<Silverwing Sentinels> invites all friends and allies to the in-character decommissioning ceremony of their unit. Silverwing Sentinels and allied sentinels are requested to attend in uniform.
Manic Monday Sale at Ludlow Winery Shoppe Time: 4 bells to 8 bells (server) Where:  Ludlow Winery Shoppe (Gallina Winery, Canal side Trade District)
Buy one bottle of wine and get the second bottle of equal or lesser value for half-price!
Buy two bottles of wine and get your third bottle of wine of equal or lesser value for free!
Buy six bottles of wine and get six more bottles of wine of equal or lesser value for half-price!
 Tuesday, June 20
 Airfield Ambush Time: 6 Bells Location: Airfield above Ironforge
This is the start of the Steelgrasp guild campaign. Roll up a one-off character profile you don't mind losing! You probaly will! ;) Anything that makes sense to find up on the Ironforge Airfield! Contact Bathilidis,
OOC: Mists of Pandaria Timewalking Dungeon Event [June 20- June 26] While this event is active, players level 91 or higher may access a special Timewalking Dungeon Finder queue, which scales players and their items down to revisit past dungeons from the Mists of Pandaria expansion. While Timewalking bosses will yield loot appropriate for a player’s regular level.
OOC: Tomb of Sargeras Raid Opens [Opens June 20] The long journey to reach the tomb is nearly at an end. With the Pillars of Creation at hand, the Class Orders have paved the way to The Tomb of Sargeras where they will seal the Burning Legion’s portal into Azeroth.
OOC: Battleground Bonus Event [June 20 - 26] While this event is active, random Battlegrounds will award Honor at an increased rate. Glory awaits in the fields of battle!
 Wednesday, June 21
Wine & Poetry Night Hosted by Ludlow Vineyards Where:  Bridgeton Home (OOC: Ledgerman Lounge in Old Dalaran) When:  Wednesday’s at 6 Bells (server)
Join the employees of Ludlow Vineyards for an evening full of laughter, wine, food and good friends. Build a poem one line at a time from a theme chosen by the group.  @ludlowvineyards  @elizebella @lumenwolf
OOC: Midsummer Fire Festival [June 21 - July 4]
A time of merriment and celebration, dedicated to the hottest season of the year.
Thursday, June 22
 Blasted Lands Nature Expedition Time: 5 Bells
The Nature Expedition continues as we venture into the forsaken Blasted Lands! Come join us as we learn the history and nature of one of the most iconic locations of all Azeroth! The home of the DARK PORTAL!  (Contact Firebát in game for more information)
Friday, June 23
Storm the Shore Time: 6 Bells Location: Stormheim
Gathering at the Brotherhood of Valor's base to begin pushing for attack against the Legion.  (Contact Ogrimskar in game for more information)
The Rat Bastard Tavern Time:  8 Bells (server) Where: The Rat Bastard Tavern (Ship in Stormwind Docks, middle pier)
Tired of the same old watering hole? Have you counted the cracks on the ceiling of every local pub? The Rat Bastard Tavern offers a switch of scenery, floating serenely in the Stormwind Harbor for one night only every other week. If the change of scenery is not enough, why not come for the live music, the diverse patrons, and the fun and friendly staff? Sporting a wide drink menu of local and imported spirits and food menu to come, The Rat Bastard will leave you with some good memories and maybe a fun staggering walk home. Don’t dress up, we prefer things casual!
(Contact Masnira for more information @enigmatic-elegance)
 The Cask n Anvil: When - Fridays @ 6 pm server Where - Ironforge Who - Modarin Theme - Social
 Mr. Smites Improv Time:   7 Bells Where: Gazebo behind Cathedral, Stormwind City
Come watch the Xanoic Brotherhood as they perform their weekly “Mr. Smite’s Improv” a unique show with laughter, groans, and prizes galore.
(Contact Dreyfusxano in game for more information)
 Saturday, June 24
The Bloodsport Brawl Time:   8 Bells (server) Where:  Stormwind Docks (The stone bunkers at the Stormwind harbor, the ones with the parapets, closest to the dry docks.)
Honor, jousting, nobility and chivalry. Most people know there is only one deciding factor in a real fight, and that is who lives and who dies.
The Bloodsport Brawl is a tournament drawing from that spirit. Leave weapons and armor aside and face off with another scrapper where only one rule decides the victor: Draw blood, any way you can. The first to bleed their foe moves on up the ladder, determining them to be the dirty, the bloody, the best.
Cash rewards to be given to the first and runner up.
(OOC:  Base d20 roll fight with a first to 3 contact victory. Contact Masnira @enigmatic-elegance  for more information!)
June Dwarven Moot When: Saturday, June 24th @ 6 bells Where: Aerie Peak
Join in this months Dwarven Moot for drinking, games, and more! Contact Thorlond for more information!
Mr. Smites Improv Time:   7 Bells Where: Gazebo behind Cathedral, Stormwind City
Come watch the Xanoic Brotherhood as they perform their weekly “Mr. Smite’s Improv” a unique show with laughter, groans, and prizes galore.
(Contact Dreyfusxano in game for more information)
Sunday, June 25
Burning Hearts Date Auction Time - 6:30 Server time Where - Behind the Stormwind Cathedral
Come out and bid for a date for the Burning Hearts Ball on Saturday, July 1st! (Contact @madame-miersae for more information!)
The Sparrow’s Nest When: Sunday’s Noon - 2 Bells (Server) Where: The Sparrow’s Nest (Essential Components in the Mage Quarter)
Come have a relax cup of tea in a quiet relaxed environment. All teas crafted by Miss Sparrow herself! Contact @lakryss-sparrow
The Steel Pub When: Sunday @ 6 pm server Where: in Anvilmar, Dun Morogh Who: Bath Ironstout
Contact @bath-ironstout @ironstoutbrews
 (In addition to these specific events, some shops are open daily or upon request. Check the List of Alliance Shops here to find your RP.)
 Upcoming Events
War of the Burning Sands Tuesday, June 27th @ 5pm Server Contact  Xanlamir in game for more information.
Meet and Greet at Ironforge, Forlorn Cavern
Thursday June 29th at 7:20 PM.
The Lancers and their allies, Brotherhood of Valour and Windclaw League are meeting up to make new friends and chat about current events! Anyone is welcome to stroll on in and make some new friends. We'll have booze and fun! It ends whenever the people are tired and want to head home.
Contact Vallorv in game for more information.
 Summer Ball When: Friday, June 30 @ 6 Bells Where: The Coliseum of Light, Draenor.
 Dueling & Tmog Contest. Contact Ellwynbrooke for details.
Midsummer Stargazing Festival
When: Friday, June 30 @ 6 Bells Where: Uninstance Highmaul Contact:  Shadowbrand Acquisitions and Harboson Company for more info
Burning Hearts Ball! When: Saturday, July 1st Time: 7 pm Where: Kun-Lai Summit (Contact @madame-miersae )
MidSummer Dream Cruise When: July 1st & 2nd Time:  5 Bells (Server-3 server Sunday the 2nd) Where: Stormwind City (ending in Tanaris)
Contact  @ludlowvineyards or send an in-game message to Elizebella   Altheyr   Lumên
Midsummer Mayhem: Davion Derby When: Sunday, July 2nd @ 7 Bells Where: Goldshire Contact @knightdavion
Sunrise Market When: Friday, July 7 @ 5 bells Where: Tradesman Terrace, Darnassus
Contact Zuna for more info
 The Azeroth Hero Festival
When: July 15th Inquire at @moriayamina,
The Alliance Brewer’s Guild Summerfest: When: Saturday, July 29th! From 6-9PM (Server). Where: Lakeshire, Redridge Mountains Contact Darkdraft in game via any method or post here if you would like to have a booth!
(Have an event you would like advertised? Send a message to @risrielthron or contact Risri in game)
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langurecotravels · 4 months ago
Unveil the Land of the Thunder Dragon: A Bhutan Adventure for US Travelers with Langur Eco Travels
Bhutan, the enigmatic "Land of the Thunder Dragon," beckons adventurous spirits from across the globe, and US explorers are no exception. Nestled in the Himalayas, Bhutan offers a breathtaking tapestry of experiences. From ancient dzongs (fortresses) perched on mountaintops to serene monasteries adorned with vibrant murals, Bhutan promises a cultural immersion unlike any other. Langur Eco Travels, your trusted companion on this extraordinary journey, curates exceptional Bhutan tour packages designed specifically for US travelers. Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or a first-time visitor with a thirst for exploration, we'll craft an experience that resonates with your interests and leaves lasting memories.
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Embrace the Spirit of Adventure:
Bhutan offers a kaleidoscope of experiences that will ignite your wanderlust:
Hike Through Untamed Beauty: Lace up your hiking boots and embark on invigorating treks through pristine forests. Witness snow-capped peaks pierce the azure sky and find serenity amidst rolling meadows bursting with wildflowers. Breathe in the crisp mountain air and experience the raw beauty of the Himalayas. Options range from the iconic Jomolhari Trek, challenging yet rewarding, to the shorter, yet scenic Tiger's Nest Monastery hike.
Immerse Yourself in History and Culture: Immerse yourself in Bhutan's rich history and vibrant culture. Explore majestic dzongs – architectural marvels that stand sentinel over valleys – and wander through serene monasteries adorned with intricate murals. Witness vibrant festivals where masked dances and colorful costumes bring Bhutanese folklore to life. The Paro Tsechu festival, with its colorful pageantry, is a particularly popular choice.
Encounter Diverse Wildlife: From the majestic Takin, Bhutan's national animal, to the elusive Red Panda, Bhutan boasts a rich biodiversity. Witness the graceful dance of black-necked cranes in Phobjikha Valley or embark on a specialized birding tour to discover Bhutan's incredible avian life (explore our specialized birding tours at BhutanBirdingTours.com).
Tailored for the Discerning US Traveler:
Langur Eco Travels understands that US travelers seek unique experiences beyond the typical tourist path. We offer a variety of options to enhance your Bhutan adventure:
Go Beyond the Mainstream: Venture off the beaten track and explore hidden gems – from picturesque villages and lesser-known valleys to untouched natural landscapes. Experience the warmth of Bhutanese hospitality in remote communities and connect with locals who will share their stories and traditions.
Thrill-Seeking Activities: For the adventurous US traveler, we offer exciting white-water rafting experiences on the Mo Chhu river. Challenge yourself on a mountain bike excursion through breathtaking scenery or experience the thrill of kayaking on pristine lakes.
Culinary Delights: Savor the unique flavors of Bhutan with a private cooking class. Learn the secrets of preparing traditional dishes like Ema Datshi (chilies and cheese) and Momos (steamed dumplings) and enjoy a heartwarming meal with a local family.
Dedicated to Sustainable Tourism:
Langur Eco Travels prioritizes a responsible approach to tourism, ensuring minimal environmental impact and supporting local communities:
Supporting Local Businesses: We partner with eco-friendly lodges and hotels that respect the environment and provide fair wages to their
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bird watching, eco travels, eco -friendly tourism, nature tourism places, birding tour
cultural  tours, eco travels, thunder dragon, adventurous, spiritual
birds of Bhutan, eco travels, bird photography, wildlife tours, Buddhism tour
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archiveofolives · 8 years ago
Ring of Keys and Other Stories V
A/N/SUMMARY confessions is set in the younger days of baze malbus and chirrut imwe when high school crushes were all the rage. also i got lazy and totally just used real world foodstuff in this fic. i should also thank adam and eve from only lovers left alive for telling me about einstein’s spooky action at a distance
AO3 here
Being a Guardian of the Whills, one must always look to the Force as an example to model oneself on. It was perfect, graceful, subtle even in its power.
And being the most devoted Guardian of them all, in training though he still was, this was a lesson Baze Malbus understood only too well. Although the beauty of the Force was not something he could realize completely, at least not in his lifetime, he was still determined to take anything that the Force would be generous enough to share to him. Grace was easy—with proper discipline and diet, their bodies could be honed to dance to the music of the Force. But subtlety, that was a different trial altogether.
Especially if one required it to confess one’s feelings towards another. More so if that person was none other than his best friend, Chirrut Imwe, who was probably one of, if not the most observant person he had ever met.
He was the reason why Baze had had to go all out of his way just to set his plan in motion. There was a cherry tree growing out on an abandoned lot towards the eastern face of NiJedha, just a stone’s throw away from the lip of the natural mesa. He and Chirrut had discovered it once during a field trip, when they’d broken off from their friends in search of entertainment. At that time, it had been young and skinny but years of being left to its own devices had fattened it up and laden its lush canopy with bright, red fruits. Baze had been worried that the fast growing industrialization of the Holy City would have required its sacrifice but he also knew that it wouldn’t be long until it would be forced to make way.
What a sad day that would be when it came, Baze thought, as he looked upon the shaggy sentinel which was more foliage than trunk. He had to send out a prayer of thanks to the Force that he wasn’t yet too late when he flicked open a small knife he’d nicked from crafts class (he would return it before the teacher caught him, he swore) and set to work, driving the tip of his blade in scratch by scratch. After that, he ran back to the direction of the Temple of the Kyber.
It was an hour later when he returned with company chasing after him. “Come on!” he cried back to him.
Baze raced him to the side of the cherry tree, just under its full roof and turned to see Chirrut picking his way up the slight slope that would soon be leveled once a building claimed its place. The younger man fell forward with a graceful stumble, scrabbling at the earth in a sort of half-crawl for balance. “Old man! Tired already?” he teased.
“I was doing chores before you found me!” Chirrut hurried towards him, tripping a little on the way. He reached out, aiming for Baze’s shoulders and arms.
Baze gripped him by his elbows instinctively to steady him. He was laughing. “Old man!” he jested again.
Chirrut glared at him. They tousled briefly, each hand and kick landing in the air or in a block, no one quite managing to grapple the other to fling them to the ground. They stopped, breathless and laughing.
“So what?” the younger man gasped, all smiles now. “What did you want me here for?”
Just you, Baze realized with a slight and delightful surprise. It made his heart flutter, in a way that only Chirrut could whenever the popular boy chose his company over anything. He was up here alone with the one who held his affections. He felt so important. He could think of so many things they could do, things they could talk about, so many games they could play.
“Look at the bark! I wrote something there.”
“What?” Chirrut turned towards the dark trunk. “Where?”
“Just there!”
“Where is it?”
“Look closer!”
Chirrut shuffled towards the tree, leaning, eyes squinted. There were several times that Baze’s heart stopped beating when he thought his friend would spot his work but Chirrut kept looking. He would often raise his hand as if to feel the wood but at the last minute, he would always put it back to his side.
“Look down,” Baze advised.
Chirrut did. He peered a little closer, then broke out in a grin. “Chirrut and Baze were here,” he read. Actually, it was only supposed to be Chirrut & Baze but panic attached a small were here just under the second name. Okay, so maybe it was too subtle.
Chirrut appreciated it happily all the same. “You’ve left our marks!”
Baze prepared to lie. He had put together some speech about NiJedha’s growth and how he wanted to tell the world they’d been there before the chance was taken away.
“But why is your name under mine?”
Well, he certainly didn’t expect that criticism. And he doubted he could explain that when he began, he’d wanted to enclose their names in a heart. His thoughts stammering, Baze only shrugged, unseen though he was, and said, “No reason.” Damn observant Chirrut!
“We must always be together,” Chirrut decided with scholarly authority, nodding in agreement to his conclusion as he straightened up, hands behind him. “Our names must always be next to each other, in the same line. We are sworn brothers. We stand as equals.”
Baze remembered the time he and Chirrut had playfully picked up a pair of willow branches and pledged fealty to each other to the same tree. They were much younger then, still children, but though the years had passed, no one was yet backing out on an oath that wasn’t meant to be so serious and permanent.
With half a shrug, Baze acquiesced to Chirrut’s observation. “So I’ll find another tree and carve it in the correct way.” That would give him another excuse to write Chirrut’s name—and his name beside it.
Chirrut looked back to him and smiled brightly, clearly equally pleased by the prospect. Baze could feel his heart swelling and his ears burning. It was difficult not to smile back in the same way. “I’d love to see that,” he said. He looked upwards towards the bountiful canopy. “It’s too bad there aren’t any fruits, though…”
“Fruits?” Baze blinked, then craned his head up to point at the blushing bunches overhead. “There’s lots of them right here.”
Chirrut hurried beside him to look up the same way. “Oh…oh, oh! You’re right, of course.” He laughed. “Shall we eat them together?”
“What?” Baze sputtered, snapping to the shorter man who stared back at him in the same heartbeat, eyes as big as the cherries themselves. He’d almost repeated the question back to Chirrut but just the thought of mentioning it to his crush was enough to set him on fire. But even still, he had to say something because Chirrut looked like he was expecting him to thaw the ice.
As a natural defense, both broke out in a boyish laughter.
Eating cherries together.
Weeks have passed since. Now it was nothing more than an old joke, the newest of many, shared between two dear friends, unspoken—never spoken of—but one look is all it takes to set them both cackling and snorting.
Even the comfort and protection of Baze’s solitude were not enough to stop its intrusion. In his quiet hours, when he was supposed to be memorizing his verses or preparing his mind for his prayers, he would suddenly chuckle and grin like a fool. In fact, these days, just the thought of his friend alone could do that. A little mental discipline was all it usually took to ask Chirrut to sit at the back of his mind while he finished the task at hand.
And then it rained one day, one of those big, gigantic ones that only happened rarely. Baze was ecstatic and went off to find his best friend to share his excitement.
He spotted him in one of the outer, higher gardens of the Temple, soaked to the bones but he wanted to finish his forms. The other disciples had given up, hurrying out of the rain in squeals, passing him with barely a nod of respect. At any other time, he might have had a mind to speak to them about this behavior, no matter if he wasn’t all that much older than them.
But he was too entranced to care about politics just then. They say that people often loved someone who reminded them of another loved one—perhaps a mother or a father. But the one Chirrut reminded Baze of was the Force—beautiful, everflowing. He knew that if the Force ever became a person, Chirrut was how it would look like. The way he curled his fingers, twirled his hand and spread it out like a flower in spring. The way he reached for the rain and spun to its beat. The way he arched his body.
Chirrut ran to him after his final salutation, laughing while Baze chided him for his stubbornness and foolishness and ordered an urgent visit to the bath. He embraced him tightly, frantically rubbing warmth onto his back and into his arms while he dragged him inside. Ever since then, he could dream of nothing but Chirrut’s laughter, and the shape of him in his arms.
Now he carried a basket full of cherries under a white cloth while Chirrut rambled on about his duans on their way to one of the training rooms; there was something he wanted to try, he’d said. The last time Baze tried to confess, he’d been too subtle and worried that the message would not be acceptable. Now, he wondered if he was being too forward, even though the official story was that he enjoyed the joke too much.
“…so once I reach my next duan,” Chirrut turned to face him as they stepped through the threshold, “we’ll be together more often.”
Together more often. That sounded like a dream.
“So is that what this is all about?” Baze asked, setting the basket next to a rack of fighting sticks. Across the half-open double doors was a set of windows looking over the sprawl of NiJedha where walls would have stood. The afternoon sun set the polished, patterned floor gleaming like a mirror.
As he collected a pair of staves, Chirrut took his place in the middle and wrapped a length of fabric across his eyes, his silhouette surrounded by an aura of the sun. Baze wondered if there was anything this man did that was not impressive, and if he really wasn’t handpicked by the Force for all his inherent elegance.
“This is something else,” Chirrut said, turning slowly to the direction of Baze’s voice. He stretched out a hand. “Staff.”
Baze pressed one to his calloused palm. Doubts anchored his lips to a suspicious frown. “Are you sure you wouldn’t much rather get an Elder to walk you through this? Someone with more experience.”
“You trust the Force with your actions but not yourself?” Chirrut laughed, backing away. “How can you be a true Guardian if you cannot trust your own vessel?”
“You speak like a book of verses.”
“I trust the Force.” Spreading his feet, Chirrut aimed the top end of his staff to his friend, who imitated his form at the opposite end. “That’s why I covered my eyes. I want to see if I can do it.” He grinned at the pun he made. “Talk me through the forms. Like you do with the younger classes you assist.”
“I thought you trusted the Force?” When Chirrut refused to honor the jab with another, he had no choice but to begin.
They went through the forms in order, moving around each other at such a careful pace that would have made it seem like they were practicing a difficult dance—which Chirrut may as well be. His brows met, tight with concentration, under his plain blindfold and he had such a frown on his face that it seemed as if every step he made was a violation against his very reason for living.
This was quite unlike the man in his dreams—who even under the mercy of the weather moved as if the rain had been summoned by him and no other. Baze knew it was the blindfold that threw him off. Sightlessness could do terrible things to one’s balance. Even Chirrut’s breathing was graceless, mindful where it should have been natural. It improved a little towards the end of the session, when he could predict when their poles would meet and turn his closest ear to the sound in time, but it was still ragged.
Was Baze worried? He couldn’t say he wasn’t but he couldn’t say he had reason to be either. There was logic behind Chirrut’s mission that anyone in the Temple was sure to understand. But Baze could not shake off the impression that Chirrut walked on thin ice. That the price of Chirrut’s failure was much higher than he could see.
By the time they had finished, the light beyond the windows had burned to a golden glow. Soon a rosy, purple dusk would be among them. Baze remembered the basket of cherries he’d brought along as he returned the staves to their stand. He cheered up a little. It would be good to make Chirrut laugh, again.
“Hey, Chirrut. You hungry?” He spun to look at his friend. Chirrut stood frozen, off-center in the room. His blindfold was off, and there was an alarming look on his eyes that Baze could not have predicted but felt so easily across the distance.
Chirrut stared at where Baze once stood,  looking so much like a boy faced with a nightmare. If one didn’t know Chirrut all too well, one might have thought that there was a bug that disturbed him, but Chirrut was devoted to preserve the lives even of pests—for they, too, were a part of the Force. That the object of his horror was invisible only served to alarm the man who loved him, even more than he already was. “Chirrut?” he called to him, hurrying to his aide.
He was within Chirrut’s reach when the younger man looked up in shock. There was something about his eyes that had changed that Baze couldn’t quite put his finger on—but then he smiled. And everything but Chirrut’s smile faded from his memory. Fingers reached for each other and entwined themselves. Baze gripped him tightly.
“I’m here,” he reassured him, savoring Chirrut’s relief. “I’m here.”
“But that’s what I don’t understand,” Chirrut spoke suddenly. “If permanence is a myth, then what proves the law of entanglement?”
They’d come a long way from the war Baze had waged that morning when Chirrut woke him up with a roach dangling helplessly by its antenna. He’d insisted then that he wouldn’t forgive and forget but there they were, walking side by side down a corridor, him juggling a pair of peaches the size of his hands, that would lead one to the prayer room and another to the Elders’ quarters. Dusk had fallen and the automated light panels on the walls, upon detecting their movement and the time of day, came on slowly with a soft honeyed glow. This was the usual scenery that greeted them beyond the training room after what Baze had come to call as their Blind Sessions. Progress was kind to Chirrut; several meetings after the first had honed the man to be sharper and faster in spite of his challenge.
But Baze still worried. This was no initiative that came from the Elders, cascaded through their networks and their comms. Chirrut refused Baze’s offer to invite their teachers to see his growth, insisting that he only wanted to do this with him, and him alone. Honor was quick to fill Baze—until he noticed that it was not so much that he was Chirrut’s undeniable favorite, but that Chirrut had become cagey about his motive.
Even to him, his own best friend. Chirrut kept a secret from him, even as he let him, and only him, in one.
He hoped the Elders could help him. He was at a loss; guilt curdled his bile just at the thought of him confessing his unease, breaking his promise to Chirrut but nothing killed him more than seeing the same haunted face on the man he loved the first time he’d taken off the blindfold.
These days, Baze was always trying his best to cheer him up. He did the same now. And it would be good to be distracted from the sin he was about to commit not long now. He raised a brow, and asked, “Why do you ask that?”
“Well—” Don’t mind if I do, Chirrut may as well have said. He always loved to speak of the Force and all that it affected. Raising two fingers that touched at the tips, he drew swooping brush strokes in the air until each had parted, one to each side. He explained, “—it is true and proven that two entwined particles, when separated even at opposite ends of the galaxy, will continue to be altered and affected in the same way as the other. As if they were never parted. That being the case,” his fingers swam in the air once more to be reunited with each other, “how could permanence be a myth when we have two elements that will always be as one?”
Baze had to remind himself that he was not in a conversation with the most perfect pair of hands he had ever laid eyes on, and that Chirrut was not speaking about the two of them. “Well, I think,” he stopped juggling (he’d actually long stopped juggling for the opportunity to watch Chirrut move) and cleared his throat, buying time to collect his wits, “I think…that there must be a law or a theorem that we’re leaving out here.”
Chirrut twirled his hands again to make fists, then moved both to the small of his back. Matched by a pensive pace, he turned to face his elder brother.
Baze burned instantly at the attention, a heady mix of its source being Chirrut and the pressure he was laying on him. “Y, you must be mistaking me for a text book!”
“It’s hard to see the difference in the dark.”
Baze swung a fistful of peach at Chirrut in retaliation who bent back in the same heartbeat, leaving a wide gap between himself and the offending hand. At the next, those nimble fingers which he’d just earlier admired enclosed upon his sleeve in a death grip that broke open his fist. The peach rolled off and landed smoothly in Chirrut’s free hand while he ducked and spun to the direction of a corridor branching out sideways. Man and fruit bounced in happy meeting, although the man put on a shit-eating grin for good measure.
“I’ll see you at dinner, Baze!” Chirrut waved and started backwards to the prayer room at the end of the path.
Baze was too busy flexing his stunned fingers and waving his hand, trying to regain some sensation in it, to return Chirrut’s goodbye…but mostly, he was also too busy pretending he was upset and not actually fighting off his own grin and failing miserably. Perhaps it was true that even if Chirrut beat him to an inch of his life, Baze would still be too drunk with adoration to avenge his pride. He loved watching him move as much as he loved watching him, period. That slender form, that long arm, those broadening shoulders of his.
But he did come up with a plan for revenge when he remembered that he still had one peach left—and by revenge he meant an excuse to engage Chirrut’s attention again. Because clearly, he couldn’t wait for dinner.
“Oi, Chirrut!” He didn’t wait for the man to turn before he pitched the round fruit with a force to attack. Chirrut had tensed to receive it, and for a second, Baze wondered what sort of acrobatic splendor the man was going to grace him with again.
So imagine his surprise when Chirrut’s acrobatic splendor sent him crumpling to the floor after the projectile landed with a clear smack on his face.
He might have ripped his throat to pieces when he roared his name, or beaten the speed of light when he dashed to his moaning friend. “Chirrut!!” Panic echoed on the quiet walls. No doubt one too many droids would have heard it and reported it to an Elder. A grand mixture of worry, horror, shame and hysteria gave Baze confusing signals; he wanted to cradle the bleeding man for there was suddenly so much blood but he didn’t want to joggle him in case they were dealing with a concussion. He couldn’t see it so well, Chirrut was hiding half his face in his hands. “Chirrut…!” he wheezed, tears coming on. In a spark of inspiration, Baze grasped his shoulders to steady him before he did himself more damage. “Chirrut, I’m sorry!”
“It’s okay,” Chirrut groaned, his voice stuffy and his own eyes leaking. “It’s okay. Just call the medi-droid, please. My nose is broken.”
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!” Baze was wheezing while he fumbled for his comm piece to send out an alert.
“Baze, please, call the medi-droid.”
“I just did. One should be on its way. You’re going to be fine, Chirrut. I’m here.”
“No, I’m fine! You don’t have to stay here.”
“Chirrut, I can’t just leave you!”
“Baze, please!” Chirrut was crying, voice high and thin with fright. “Just go!”
It stung—more than Baze could ever imagine, could ever be prepared for even when he knew he deserved more than that. His body was frozen. He could sit still and pretend that he wasn’t there but he couldn’t just leave!
Fortunately for the both of them, the coveted droids had arrived to sort out the mess before Baze could make the wrong decision. Chirrut was carried onto a repulsor lift and escorted to the med lab with haste.
Baze remained where he sat on the floor, next to two peaches the size of his hand.
He couldn’t come up to an Elder to spill Chirrut’s secret after what he did. The guilt was bad enough—but now he couldn’t imagine betraying his best friend after what he’d done.
He didn’t see Chirrut at dinner, couldn’t find him no matter who he asked. He skipped his own prayer, reading and meditating hours because he couldn’t focus on anything other than his dear friend and was practically stuck in the dinner hall like a ghost lingering between life and the Force.
It was late in the evening when one of their Elders told him that Chirrut was having his dinner in the kitchen. Baze ran.
By the time he had reached the massive room, a wide circle doused in bright, golden lights that was filled with panels, machines, fresh produce and polished surfaces, the kitchen droid was already collecting Chirrut’s dishes and he was refusing seconds.
Baze had not yet formulated his apology when he crept next to Chirrut drinking his tea and sat down near him on the looping bench. He opened his mouth to speak.
“Baze?” Chirrut asked the room, and everything went still. The question repeated itself to him in weak echoes. Guilty, Baze couldn’t give an answer.
So Chirrut’s hand darted next to his knee and found Baze’s fingers. They gripped each other, like tethers in a storm. That was the only time Chirrut turned to face his friend. Baze had to stifle a wince when he saw what laid across his best friend’s face, a silver band of sorts with its own quiet lights, meant to prevent infections and further damage to the already wounded nose.
But Chirrut smiled, and all was well. The gesture was slight but it spoke volumes to Baze’s heart, enough to melt away his guilt.
“You don’t look so bad,” Baze said suddenly, even though his face looked swollen and the bruise was creeping up to his eyes. The kitchen droid wheeled back in and placed fresh cups of tea and a steaming kettle for the two friends. “I was really worried about you…there was so much blood.”
“They say my nose will heal in three weeks,” Chirrut reassured him, looking embarrassed but still cheerful. His voice had a nasal quality to it, mixed with the effects of his medical band, like it had gone through several channels before it cracked out of a comm system. “There’s nothing to worry about.”
“Does it still hurt?” Baze whispered, a hint of dread in his voice as he crept closer.
Chirrut tested his cheek. “A little if you touched it.”
Baze sighed, drawing back. He appeared discouraged even though they both knew how these injuries worked. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…I didn’t know why I did that.”
“It’s not your fault. It was an accident,” Chirrut responded quietly. “I know what you were expecting me to do. I tried but…” he shrugged, “I might have had one too many peaches.”
“That ought to teach you to stop stealing peaches from your elders.”
“Yes, Mother.”
Baze growled and Chirrut laughed. Too bad it was short-lived, cut out by a wince and Chirrut touching his cheek again. Baze frowned, drawing his eyebrows low between his eyes.
“It hurts to laugh,” Chirrut explained with a voice that asked to be excused for being such a killjoy. “So you better not make me laugh until it’s all healed up.”
“That’s going to be difficult.”
Even Baze surprised himself with how much he meant what he said, how much of his heart bled out to those quiet words. The kitchen seemed to still itself, anticipating the silence that could only come from so much honesty. Chirrut’s face remained impassive, but he kept his eyes averted from his friend. If he blushed, the lights hid it well.
The Force strike him but Baze wanted to kiss him so badly! He didn’t realize how full those lips were until the absence of words—for Chirrut loved to talk—stopped them from moving.
Maybe he would do it. He inched closer. He just had to put an arm around Chirrut’s back, move in slowly so Chirrut would know what he wanted to do and could speak up if he so wished. Just the slightest touch just enough to feel those lips on his…
“Don’t make me smile, too,” Chirrut ordered him. His voice popped Baze’s balloon and sent him falling back to reality, where he hadn’t noticed that Chirrut had been fighting off a grin. “It also hurts to smile.”
Well then, it would probably hurt him to kiss his lips, too.
Baze couldn’t say he wasn’t disappointed…but at least they were still friends. Eloquence left him, it was the price he had to pay for dreaming about Chirrut’s lips in front of the man himself. The Force probably thought that was very rude of him and saw fit to punish him this way.
He tried to recover with a shrug. “For what it’s worth, I still think you’re—” —handsome. That would make Chirrut smile. Baze bit his lip hard.
Chirrut turned to look at him in some sort of expectation. But when Baze refused to continue, he understood why and turned away from him again, facing forward. With a decisive nod, Chirrut said, “Say it to me when I’ve healed.”
Three weeks sounded like a long time, but maybe then, he’d have sorted out his feelings properly in a way that would allow Chirrut to receive them easily. With a nod of his own, Baze agreed.
A week later, the swelling had gone down—so Baze was alarmed to find out that his best friend had gone to see a doctor.
“Did he say where? Or who?” he’d asked one of their common friends who’d told him the news when he came to call on Chirrut that morning. He’d filched some freshly steamed maple cakes from the kitchen, a shared favorite of his and the younger man. That Chirrut appeared to have left in a hurry—for he had not even thought to leave a message in his comlink—worried Baze who thought this must be some sort of an emergency. He wanted to follow and make sure he was okay, that he had a friend when he needed one the most.
He received no suitable answer to his question, however, and was left with no choice but to wait for Chirrut’s return.
Baze dropped by to check on Chirrut again mid-afternoon. This time, he’d just caught the man as he was leaving his room. He raised the bag of maple cakes that was supposed to have been their breakfast as his greeting. Nothing in the world would have prevented that smile from splitting Chirrut’s face ear to ear.
“So what did the doctor say?” Baze asked, chewing down a mouthful of cake. They sat by one of the Temple’s outer ledges, feet dangling in the air, overlooking sprawling NiJedha. It was exactly the kind of place that would earn them a night in the detention room if they’d been caught.
Chirrut coughed and cleared his throat with some sweet tea. “Doctor? Said who?” he popped another cake in.
“Wany.” Baze frowned. “I’d gone to look for you this morning.”
“Must have mistaken me,” was Chirrut’s easy conclusion, shrugging. “I was in one of the quiet rooms, meditating. I had a dream and I wanted to reflect on it.”
“Ohhh?” Shifting closer until they were elbow to elbow, Baze nudged his friend and whispered conspiratorially, “What did you dream about?”
Chirrut only looked at him, smiled, and stuffed a maple cake in Baze’s mouth.
A week later, Baze chanced upon Chirrut hanging kneeling pads in one of the outer gardens of the Temple, just one level up from where he had been chiding a pair of younger girls for causing mischief on one of their older teachers. Giddy with excitement, he might have called this meeting fated.
He put his hands side to side of his mouth and whistled. Chirrut looked down, and he waved.
He wondered if maybe his eyes were fooling him, but Chirrut hadn’t raised his own hand in response before he returned to the task at hand. Baze tried again but was met with the same cold response.
“What?” He couldn’t even put his confusion to proper words. Chirrut could hear him but how could he not see him? He’d been tempted to try again, this time with his name, reproach from the Elders be dammed, but Chirrut had picked that opportunity to leave.
“What in Jedha’s…!” Frustration bubbled up from within Baze’s chest. How could Chirrut not have seen him! It made no sense at all. It wasn’t like Baze stood against the light, in fact he stood in a position where he would have been more easily noticed from above! It was almost as if Chirrut was…
Realization dawned slowly on Baze, but still too fast for his liking. He didn’t believe it at first, and knew that the chances he could be right would be staggeringly low with so little evidence. But how could he have thought of that…if he had no reason to?
A week later, Baze could no longer keep his silence.
There could be no subtlety this time, and there can be no guilt. He wondered if he should have at least tried to hesitate when they hailed a speeder that would take them to the edge of NiJedha but it was hard to consider it when every distance that separated them from the Temple of the Kyber, from safety and comfort, was something he rejoiced. Because it meant that finally, there was no going back. He would have no choice but to do this.
After their lectures, just before the sun was about to set, they’d taken a detour to the market to buy half a watermelon to share between themselves. They raced each other to the most number of seeds spat over the edge of the mesa, a contest Chirrut won unanimously, and sat back in blissful satisfaction, trading stories and rumors and gossips. They were comfortable.
Baze seized his chance when he started to get scared of ruining the moment. He jumped to his feet gaping at the skies, then jabbed a finger up at them with all the strength he could muster. “Chirrut, look at the size of that thing!!” he cried.
“Where!” Chirrut got up after him, searching the horizon. “Where?”
“There, over there! It’s so huge,” Baze gasped, shaking with excitement. He ran past Chirrut in an effort to follow it with his outstretched hand. He stood back when Chirrut took chase. “You see it? Look at it go!”
Chirrut stood gaping, and then finally: “Yes, I see it! You’re right, it’s so big.”
The sound of Baze’s heart breaking, under the weight of so many sudden revelations. Now he didn’t know what to do. He’d exposed Chirrut but what for? What then? Should he even have tried?
“What do you think is it, Baze?” Chirrut asked, eyes still on the empty skies. Was that a hint of desperation on his voice?
Baze wanted to embrace him. Baze thought about pretending that the lie was not a lie. “I don’t know…a ship?” He tried anyway, for what it was worth. He threw his voice but he could no longer put his entire being in it. This was all a mistake. “It looks like a freighter.”
“That’s what I thought, too,” Chirrut said. Baze flinched. “I wonder why it’s so quiet, though…”
Finally, the truth. Baze breathed a sigh of relief, even though he knew that the worst had only come, perhaps to ruin them once and for all. The growing silence seemed only to draw a raging river between them.
Slowly, Chirrut turned back to look at him past his shoulder. “There was no ship…was there?” he asked, voice quieter than the wind.
Baze shuddered at its frostiness, like a brisk wind had passed. He shook his head, then added conscientiously, “No.”
Chirrut frowned. “That was a very cruel trick, Baze.”
Baze wanted to crumble like the rocks of Jedha, right where he stood. But he nodded, and said, “Yes.” Not even a day into the relationship he so wanted, and he was already experiencing the pain of hurting the one that he loved.
Chirrut’s steps made scratchy echoes as he turned around to face Baze finally. He looked pale, all of a sudden. Baze had never seen him look so…unhappy. “How long have you known?” he asked.
“Since you’ve been lying to me,” Baze said. He wished he hadn’t. Chirrut looked stung but they could no longer allow themselves to be complicit to falsehood. “About the blindfold and the time your nose broke. About seeing the doctor…” Now that he spoke of them out loud, he couldn’t believe he’d missed all the clues when they were just there, waiting to be seen. Baze had to wonder if things would have been much better had he realized the signs sooner but he thought it was impossible to say. Maybe things wouldn’t change, or maybe things could have gotten worse, much, much worse than his imagination could prepare him for. Like what was happening right now. “How bad is it?” he asked.
Chirrut refused to answer, casting his gaze down to his feet.
Baze couldn’t take it anymore. He marched up to his silent friend and reached for an arm. “Chirrut, how bad is it—!”
“Nearly!” Chirrut snapped, snatching his wrist from Baze’s grasp, stumbling back with his momentum. Pain was the artist that etched his features, his face a canvas for his frustrations and his fear but the tears would not come. He gritted his teeth in a bid to be the master of himself. He glared at the dirt between himself and his friend. He could not look at him. “I’m nearly blind,” he snarled. The final admission.
Was this what Baze was expecting? Maybe. It should have felt good to be right, to finally know the truth, to have reached the bottom of the well.
Baze wanted nothing more than to disappear, though. To be gone from that moment, to be back in the market when he and Chirrut were out-haggling another humanoid who wanted their half of the watermelon. At least Chirrut had been happy, then. Mischievous and playful.
“I can,” Chirrut choked, raising a hand to an invisible wall, “I can barely see past my arm anymore. And even then,” he sniffled, “even then it’s coming closer.”
Baze tried to imagine it. To have this wall of blackness close into you, day by day and there was nothing you could do about it. No power. No help. No friend. He tried to see himself in that position, standing at the top of a cliff, a heavy nightfall devouring all that he loved. No matter how much he shouted, how much he prayed, it would keep coming. How could you defeat something you couldn’t touch?
He came close to Chirrut, his feet shuffling loudly in the empty afternoon. NiJedha was somewhere behind him but he’d forgotten all about its existence. A hand rose to press itself against Chirrut’s outstretched palm. Their fingers parted and curled around each other.
“I’m here,” Baze said to Chirrut’s sad countenance, hoping to comfort him. “I won’t be far. I won’t let go.” Chirrut nodded, simply so he could make some sort of reply. “What did the doctors say?”
“That it’s hopeless,” Chirrut said. “That I’ll go blind in months…weeks.”
“What did our Elders say?”
“Trust in the will of the Force.” Finally, Chirrut looked up to him and that was when he saw it. Some parts of his eyes…had gone milky white. That was what he’d seen back in the training room, when they’d first tried the blindfold. “It’s not that I don’t believe them anymore, or that I no longer believe in the Force…but I wish that it was not all that they say. I’m scared, I don’t know what to do! I’m alone in this fight.”
“Is that why you never told me?”
Chirrut smiled a little, sad and small. “I thought that if one less person in my life, the most important person in my life, didn’t know about my eyes, I could still pretend that it was not happening. If I’d told you, I’d just as well admitted to myself that I was going blind.” He shrugged. “I should have realized that the most devoted Guardian of them all would find out soon enough.” That was a joke. Baze knew Chirrut was just trying to lighten things up.
If anything, it just made him want to kiss him more, this noble fool whose struggling spirit would not lose its mettle. He restrained himself with the back of Chirrut’s hand, pressing his lips to his knuckles. It was the first test, maybe, of Chirrut’s acceptance of his affections but Baze wasn’t even thinking about his own heart now. Chirrut’s comfort preceded all of his. “I was…coming up with all these ways…to show you how much I’ve come to love you. Writing our names on the cherry tree, picking the fruits because we enjoyed that joke too much,” they both chuckled, “stealing maple cakes…but I kept sending the wrong messages because you couldn’t see.”
“I wish I’d seen them all,” Chirrut said, making Baze’s heart beat a little faster. “I would have enjoyed tormenting you, playing dumb.” For once, a grin broke free from his sadness when Baze snorted and frowned. “I would have driven you mad. That would have been a sight to see.”
“That plan wouldn’t have worked,” Baze grumbled.
“No,” Chirrut agreed quietly, his thumb stroking Baze’s finger where they touched. “No, it wouldn’t have. The most devoted Guardian would have seen through my ruse.”
So that was that, then.
In Baze’s obsession with making the right moves, doing all things at the right time, he never did imagine how Chirrut might respond. That it might have been possible that they were both nursing the same kind of love for each other. He might have been disappointed to find out that there was no breath of relief, no burst of a song or mad whooping. But this quiet admission was how it happened. And Baze was fine with that. Now, he was just glad that the last secret had been spoken, and there was no need to hide anything from each other, anymore.
They drew closer. Baze pressed his lips upon each of Chirrut’s fading eyes, then kissed him on his forehead, like a pledge of his devotion. His arms wove around Chirrut’s sturdy form just as Chirrut had sealed him in his own embrace. Far beyond them, a bruised dusk began to swallow the golden sun.
“What do you think should I do?” Chirrut asked suddenly, voice small and quiet. He tightened his arms around Baze.
Baze did not answer immediately, even though he knew all along what he wanted to say. “Trust in the will of the Force,” he said, “when you’re ready.”
“I like the sound of that better,” Chirrut said after a thoughtful pause.
“I know the Elders always taught us how bad fear is, but we’re only mortals. We can’t always be immune to fear, which clouds our minds and our hearts and our judgment.” It was fear that led them to where they stood—the fear of the truth, a truth mishandled. Baze could see it all now, and he was gladder for that. “Give yourself some time, Chirrut.” He kissed his forehead again. “And I’ll be here.”
“It’s sad,” Chirrut said. “The days where I can still see you and look at you with my own eyes are numbered. Soon I might forget how you look.” A bleak face of the future.
Nevertheless, Baze could find the will to assure him, “We’ll figure it out when we get there.”
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oh-no-eu-didnt · 2 years ago
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Sentinel-class landing craft were a type of transport shuttle used by the Empire. Inspired by the Lambda-class, Sentinels were beefed up for military usage. With armor plating and increased carrying capacity, the landing craft were reliable transports for troops and other supplemental forces.
Source: The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels (Art: Ian Fullwood; 2003)
First Appearance: Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire game (1996)
Read more on Wookieepedia.
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johnathanhardwell · 8 years ago
Vehicles of the Terran Inter-Dimensional Empire
Type-X Ultra class carrier Executor class SSD White Comet Empire Super-dreadnought CSO class carrier Peacekeeper Command Carrier Wraith Hive ship Zentheran Super Carrier Harvester City Destroyer
Capital ships: Zoelguut class Super-dreadnought Gaiderohl class AB Infinity class Battleship Imperial class SD Venator class SD D’deridex class Warbird CAS class Assault Carrier Andromeda class AB Ori Warship Jem'hadar Battlecruiser Jem’hadar Battleship Balvarin cruiser Warlock class Subjugator class D’tai class Bird of Prey Victory class Providence class Zentheran ships Galactica class Battlestar Columbia class Battlestar Mercury class Battlestar Nova class Battlestar Vor’cha class battlecruiser Negh’var class battlecruiser Galor class Keldon class Haizerad class Medalusa class Calaklum class Omega Class
Destroyers: G’Quan class heavy cruiser Primus class battlecruiser Vorchan class medium warship Sharlin class cruiser Ha’Tak Corvan cruiser Nova class cruiser Victory 1 class star destroyer Interdictor class star destroyer Munificent class Recursant class Sovereign class Galaxy class Akira Nebula Excelsior Destroia class Kelcapia class Meltoria class Reverence class Cruiser Lexington class Galmania class Galmus class Paris class Marathon class SDV class K’tinga class Borodino class CCS class CPV class ORS class Zentheran ships Vindicator class Acclamator class Daedalus class Valkyrie class Battlestar Lascaux class Kukulkan class Gostok class
Patrol ships: Clipitera class Murasame class Space Assault Destroyer Miranda class Defiant class B’rel class Bird of Pray D-12 class Bird of Pray EA Whitestar CR90 corvette SDV class Gozanti class Charger c70 Defender class Support Vessel Ranger class Support Vessel Arquitens class light cruiser
Carriers: Lucrehulk class control ship Poseidon carrier Pormelia class AAC Guipellion class MDAC Gelvades class Zentheran Carriers Nazca class Battle carrier
Assault ships/Invasion ships: Lucrehulk command varient Harvester City Destroyer Apophis’ Mothership CSO class Supercarrier Type-X Ultra Carrier CAS class Assault carrier Acclamator class
Starfighters: TIE fighter “Eye Ball” TIE Advanced “Snake Eye” TIE Interceptor “Angle Eye” TIE Defender “Demon Eye” X-wing “Rapier” A-wing “Dagger” B-wing “Cutlass” Star Fury “Star Eye” Thunderbolt “Tiger” Type-99 Fighter “Hornet” Type-0 Model 52 Fighter “Wasp” Cosmo Tiger “ DDG110 Zeedolah 2 “ DWG262 Czvarke “Marlin” DWG109 Debake “Barracuda” Viper Mk2 “Dart” F-302 “Falcon” ARC-170 “Fat Man” V-19 Torent “Trident Dagger” Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark 1 “Starling” Droid Tri-fighter “Tri-Wing” Banshee “Shooting Star”
Bombers: TIE Bomber “Fire Eye” TIE Interdictor “Four Eye Devil” Y-wing “Twin Tail” Hyena bomber “Hyena” DM-B87 Snuka “Peregrine" DWG229 Melanca “Flying Wing” DBG88 Garlent “Seagull” FWG97 Drucilla “Grouper” Longsword “Heavy Flying Wing” Al’kesh “Turtle”
Transports: D77-C Pelican dropship “Bear” Lambda class “Grizzly” Danube class Runabout “Mongoose” Sentinel class “Horse” Type 52 Phantom dropship “ UH-144 “Death Adder” Nu class “Donkey” LAAT/i gunship “Cobra” C-9979 landing craft “Dragon Fly” UD-4L Cheyenne “Bass” Delameya class “Wasp” Type 25 Spirit dropship “ LAAT/c “King Cobra” Imperial Heavy Cargo Shuttle “Mule” Maxillipede class Shuttle “Tiger Shark” Sheathipede class Transport Shuttle “Basking Shark” Class-B Escort Shuttle “Whale Shark” Aurore class
Diplomatic Vessels: Consular Class Cruiser Ticonderoga CR90 class Corvette CR70 class Corvette CSS-1 class Star Shuttle J-type Diplomatic Barge J-type 327 Sydney class Lambda class Nu Class Sheathipede class shuttle
Aircraft: D77-C Pelican dropship Type 52 Phantom dropship UH-144 LAAT/i gunship UD-4L Cheyenne Type 25 Spirit Dropship Mi-8 Mi-25 Mi-26 UH-1 CH-47 CH-54 AH-1G UH-60 AH-64 V-22 CH-53 AS532 F-4S (updated to 21st century tech) A-10 F-18 F-15 F-16 F-22 AC-130 B-1B B-2 B-52 Tu-95 C-130 C-5 C-17 An-124 An-225 Il-76 E-3 KC-10 KC-135 Bullhead airship
Land vehicles: M808b Scorpion tank “Scorpion” AAT “Whip Tail” Type 26 Wraith “Rhino” Type 32 Rapid Assault Vehicle Ghost “T-speeder” MTT “Hippo” AT-TE “Beetle” AT-ST “Mantis” AT-AT “Scarab” AT-DP “ AT-RT “ AT-AP “ Type 47 Ultra Heavy Assault Platform “Goliath” M510 Mammoth “Elephant” M12 Light Resonance Vehicle/G1/2R/TT “Warthog” NR-N99 persuader “Crawler’ IG-227 Hailfire droid “Roller” Octuptarra “Octopus” OG-9 “Spider” J-1 proton cannon “Snail” Blister-back “Bug” Hrunting/Yggdrasil Mk 9 Armor Defense System “Suit” Type S-6 Salvar “Aligator” Type M-3 APC Melvar “Crocodile” M577 APC “Tortoise” UT-AT “Salimander” ITT “Box” HAVx A6 Juggernaut “Fortress’ BARC speeder “Speeder” 74-Z speeder “Banshee” M9 Anti-Aircraft Tank “Fire Cracker” Type-52 Anti-Aircraft Artillery “Fire Caster” M850 MBT “Sentinel” M-145D Mobile Artillery Assault Platform BM-21 Grad M1A2 M113 M1126 M1128 M1130 M1133 M1134 AAVP7A1 M1 ABV M6 AVLB M88 M104 RG-31 RG-33 Cougar H Buffalo H M1097A2 M109A6 M142 HIMARS M270 MLRS M1097 Avenger MIM-104 THAAD M35 M939 FMTV HEMTT PLS 2S1 2S3 2S4 2S5 2S7 2S19 2S35 ZSU-23-4 BMP-1 BMP-2 BMP-3 Leopard 2A6 PzH2000 G6 M1 ABV
Anti-tank and Assault guns: 88mm ion cannon (looks like german 88 but uses ions shots) 128mm ion cannon (same deal) 75mm Pak 97/38 ion cannon 75mm Pak 40 ion cannon 100mm BS-3 ion cannon Jagdpanther/ic Jagdtiger/ic Stug 3/ic ISU-152/ic M101A1 105mm ion cannon D1 152mm ion cannon M198 155mm ion cannon KV-2/ic
Space Stations: Death Star Death Star 2 Starfleet Space Dock Orbital Docking Station (DS9) Various dry-docks Babylon 5 Subspace Dimensional Super Prison Containment cell 0000
All combustion engines except for jet engines are replaced with impossible drives (it just creates energy, no reason, no fuel). Some vehicles which use projectile weapons have variants that use energy weapons like on AT-TEs or ATTs or like blasters. Vehicles with /D after it have dust powered engines for use on Remnant. All antitank and assault vehicles have ion cannons instead of projectile weapons, this is shown with a /ic after it.
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