spiral-depths · 5 years
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Essentially the government officials for the Crag layer. This photo was taken some years ago and a good number of them have left or died by this point, but this was the most famous group. Each of them represent a different branch of magical study and are responsible for different mechanisms of the state based on their abilities. Bios for each individual below:
>Quo (she/her), Seraphim, biological affinity Grew up in the militaristic wastes of the Abyss and became a Sentinel, one of the most feared forces in all of the Crevasse. However in traveling around she came to realize that the way of life she'd acclimated to was not the one she wanted for herself and she defected and joined the Crag society to train her magic. Over the years her dedication and all consuming affection for those a part of her new existence proved to be enough to land her a seat on the council itself as chief medical officer. >Maryam (she/her), Dryad, ethereal affinity Maryam had had a somewhat boring and uneventful childhood as many of her kind did in their home village on Precipice. She took up the role of the town matron solving domestic disputes and providing care for the children. She was often looked upon as a wise figure and in many cases even their leader. When the Craggians invaded Precipice, her town was one of the first they attempted to occupy. Were it not for her guidance, stern gaze, and leadership her town would have perhaps suffered a much worse fate than the one they did. But many of the higher ups took offense to her protest and took her as prisoner back to Crag. She did not fight nor even disagree with their choices, and Crag decided to make use of her complicity and moral judgement. She now serves as the head judge on the council. >Ned (he/him), Pixie, environmental affinity Growing up in the slums of crag he knew little but almost constant hardship and strife as every day brought a new calamity for his family. To make things worse his family had been sucked into one of the slums many cults that promised them a better life only to just make what little they had that much more difficult. Ned came away with loads of trauma, anxiety, and frequent panic attacks but he is one of the most talented self taught enviro-mages alive in his time period and a master at disaster preparation which landed him his own seat on the council as head domestic development designer. >Cain (he/him), Nekomata, communication affinity Cain did not grow up with much, but neither did he grow up wanting. His family was well enough off the not have to worry about their basic needs but not much else. Cain was expected to take up the family business but he always dreamed of a better world far away. After unlocking his affinity he began to entertain himself listening to the various goings on in the world, and eventually his abilities reached the lecture halls of Crag. He taught himself more and more listening to everything within reach and eventually he was able to take advantage of shipping negligence to sneak a ride to the place he loved the most, the university. His talents impressed all there and he was allowed to be an honorary student. Eventually he graduated and became a professor at the very same school. His knowledge and understanding landed himself a seat on the council as dean of the university. >Hashab (they/them), Orothri, transportation affinity Not much is publically known of their background other than they came from Ravine. Most of their actions remain unknown and untrackable due to the nature of their abilities (discrete movement via teleportation?) and no one is quite sure what to make of their lack of a shadow. But one thing is certain and its that they are exceptionally good at resourcing and connections. There seemingly isnt any task that they couldnt complete given enough time and money. These talents landed them a seat on the council as chief trade commissioner. >Narancia (he/him), Pixie, elemental affinity Narancia comes from a place of wealth, never having to have ever worried about their well being or prosperity. In his school life he was always lauded as being the most enjoyable person to be around, and little else. That is until he discovered he had a talent at a certain kind of magic that up until that point had only been theoretical: non-contact continued activation. Magic in the Crevasse usually requires the individual to maintain a connection with some object or have previously made contact with it, however Narancia can seemingly fire off a projectile from his finger and have it continue to be active even while floating freely just in the air. This ability landed him a strong media presence which he took advantage of landing him a spot on the council as president of domestic relations. >Kensha (they/them), Smogtail, projection affinity Kensha grew up well enough off for their family to constantly immerse them in art and culture. They began creating their own works at a fairly young age and began to grow in popularity enough that by the time they were 16 they already had contracts with major entertainment businesses. As their portfolio grew more and more so did their popularity, eventually landing them a seat on the council as head of cultural development. Which really just translates to "they make things, display them, and have parties", so essentially nothing different than what they normally do. >Kati (they/them), Dryad, gravitational affinity Originally from a Precipice town, Kati's family were traders who'd take the town's produce and other crafts and transport it down to Ravine, but they'd have to go through Crag to do so every time. Kati grew to love the sights and sounds of the city and began to spend most of their time there. They were exceptionally skilled at networking and before they knew it they were acclimated enough to essentially be just another Craggian. They took classes and trained their magic, and were an active fighter for the betterment of the other citizens when their lives needed improvement. Given their extensive list of influential connections and their position as a voice for the people its no wonder they landed a spot on the council as the head of the equity commission, a title created just for them. >Obolique (she/her), Asteri, dejure affinity Having grown up in one of the tribes on Precipice, Obolique had been immersed in strong senses of morality and dedication. She learned to hunt with her fellow Asteri in service to her Polari and life was simple enough that way. When some of the other tribes began hoarding their water supplies from the other groups within the Crevasse to inflate its value, she stood against the decision. She believed that their actions, while laborious, were a service to the rest of the known world just as her services to her Polari had been. This lead to her outcast and the stripping of her tribe title. She quickly joined forces with the invading Craggians and now serves on their council as chief strategist and head of the civil servants that patrol the cities.
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