#sentient!atlantis theory
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here we go, saying it louder.
sentient!Atlantis is just the sci-fi version of Casita from Encanto
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creature-wizard · 1 year
How do you connect a belief in science but also a belief in witchcraft? I’m practicing but sometimes a can “see” myself and I feel silly. To me witchcraft helps me spiritually and emotionally but I also believe science and most science says that witchcraft isn’t real.
For me personally, something can have a 100% scientific explanation and still be "witchcraft" because I decide to call it witchcraft.
And instead of thinking in terms of "it's either magic or science," I tend to think in terms of "it can be science and magic."
Because "magic" is whatever you choose to define it as.
Also, it's important to note that science does not actually say that "witchcraft isn't real." Rather, scientific evidence strongly suggests that certain models of metaphysics are wrong, and that the supernatural explanations often ascribed to certain observed phenomena and common experiences are not actually the real causes of these things. Science does not say "ghosts do not exist." Scientific evidence strongly suggests that sentient clouds of electromagnetism are probably not slamming your doors shut and knocking over your dishes. Scientific evidence does not support the continuation of consciousness after physical death. And so on.
I'm personally a big fan of the psychological model for a lot of things. A lot of people pooh-pooh it, but let's be real, we're way better off if we take a "psychological explanation until proven otherwise" with stuff like past life memories (because loads of people "remember" past lives in fictional or pseudoscientific locations like Atlantis and Lemuria, and treating them as factually true ends up bolstering harmful conspiracy theories).
For a lot of other things, I simply place more importance on results rather than explanations. If it makes me feel better and generally benefits my life, why fuss over what the cause is or get bothered because it might not be supernatural? Just because a painting makes me feel better because I have a neurological reaction to the colors and shapes rather than the painting emanating some kind of magical energy doesn't change the fact that the painting makes me feel better, ya know?
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The problem with inhuman characters is that they are always expendable.
This is even more true for artificial constructs. As beings made to serve humans their lives will always matter less than those born with free will.
In the book Dragon Rider the Homunculus character Twigleg discovers that his kind can live indefinitely so long as they do not love a human "master". Homunculus, being alchemically created life forms, will die almost immediately if the human they've given their heart to perishes. This isn't like the half Elves of Middle-earth choosing to live mortal lives with their spouses. Homunculus have no choice in the matter. Being friends with the human protagonist will literally kill Twigleg eventually.
The droids of Star Wars are basically sentient slaves in a galaxy where it's common practice to have their personalities erased when switching owners. C-3PO himself undergoes a mind wipe between Episode III and Episode IV despite being one of the two most prominent robot characters in the franchise. L3-37, the only droid character, indeed the only character period, to actively promote the emancipation of droids is treated as a joke and unceremoniously killed.
Clone troopers from the same franchise were specifically bred as cannon fodder. Genetically programmed to obey orders and artificially aged to maturity. Essentially cutting their lifespans in half. While some of the Jedi generals viewed the soldiers under their command as individual people, worthy of respect. That didn't stop them from using sentient beings who weren't given a choice about fighting in a galaxy wide war.
Stargate has the conciousness of the main teams in SG1 and Atlantis copied into android doubles and clones respectively. Despite some limited exploration of the implications, including the theory that their divergent experiences will eventually result in differing personalities - and the obvious sentience of the copies- they were ultimately treated as just spares. Four sentient beings dying barely into their lives. The Atlantis team specifically being used as bait so their originals could escape.
Even the anime Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song, which explores difficult moral quandaries about the nature of AI, treats the lives of what is essentially a human terrorist group as more important than the brainwashed robots whose choice has been taken away. Specifically because that is how robots are programmed to function. Even as the rights of androids expand to the point where they can marry humans, their programming still makes hurting their own kind more preferable than hurting humans. The main character eventually sacrificing her memories in order to save humanity. Something that has been established as equivalent to death for an android.
Ben Reilly, Spider-Man's clone, took on a different name from Peter Parker despite believing himself to be the original. Despite taking steps to distance himself from Spider-Man and establishing his own identity as the superhero Scarlet Spider. Ultimately sacrificing himself for his "clone" even after a test supposedly confirms Ben is the original.
Xion from Kingdom Hearts is an artificially created embodiment of Sora's memories. In order to prevent herself from being used against him Xion gives up her own existence to return Sora's memories. Essentially erasing herself from the memories of everyone else.
Now, sentimonsters, beings made from the emotions of whoever the Peacock Miraculous' amok anchors itself to, have no free will. Not so long as their amok is in someone else's hands. And even then the Peacock can end their existence with a snap of their fingers.
Every sentimonster seen so far has been expendable to the plot even if the characters would argue otherwise. Even Sentibug was killed in the same episode she was created in.
Adrien Agreste has sacrificed himself for Ladybug many times. Chat Noir's self sacrifice and suicidal tendencies a core aspect of his character. Both as a heroic virtue and a dangerous mental illness.
However, if Adrien is a sentimonster then he is expendable. Replaceable. If not to the characters then to the story itself. The fandom is already exploring storylines where Adrien is replaced once he dies.
This plotline diminishes the importance of Adrien Agreste as a character. Diminishes the narrative itself. From one of retaking agency and dealing with ones mental health to a simple trope. Where the artificial construct sacrifices himself for the human because the plot will never hold his life in equal value to hers.
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thr-333 · 4 years
Mismatch- Part 9
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2020
“yeah sure thing pal”- my friend when I asked for something to put here
First< Previous > Next
“Ok, we’ll be arriving at the museum soon,” Marinette tells Marion, who is focusing on his phone.
“Great, by the way how do you feel about a meet and greet before the concert?” Marion confirms the dates with their manager for said meet and greet.
“Hm, It’ll be tough to fit it in, maybe in our free week?” Marion nods knowing it was already set up in their free week, “I don't know Ri,”
“It’ll be fun,” Because a large event in Gotham is always fun and goes off without a hitch, “Besides it’d be kind of rude to do meet and greets in every other city we’re visiting but Gotham,”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Marinette smiles, looking out the window of the bus, “Oh no Kate's going to kill us for deciding last minute,”
“Don’t worry she already agreed,” Marion ignores her confusion, “It’s a week from now, so it’ll be in our free week,”
“What! You already set it up and didn’t ask me!” Marinette raises the volume of their whispered conversation.
“I did you agreed,” Marion reminds her, "Remember we were in the airport, you were staring at Adrien, and I asked quietly,"
“... and you don't see anything wrong with that?" Marinette deadpans, "Or even considered that maybe I couldn't hear you or wasn't listening.
“Huh, didn't consider that,” Marion looks away with a smile not needing to see Marinette's glare
“You are unbelievable,” She lectures raising her volume, "You know I'm not coherent when he's around!"
“When who’s around?” Adrien pops up behind them from his seat next to Nino.
“No one!” Marinette yells, drawing all eyes on the bus towards her blushing.
“Marinette you please keep your voice down, it's aggravating my tinnitus,” Lila says as sweetly as poison.
Marinette rolls her eyes and they both ignore Rose and Sabrina fussing over her.
“Alright class,” Madame Bustier addresses them after they exit the bus, “You’re parents are all quite concerned over yesterday's events, so we all must stick together today, this isn’t like Akuma attacks where you’re expected to go home, I have to know where you are,”
A chorus of ‘yes Madame Bustier’ is heard as they follow their teacher into the museum. They meet their tour guide for the day falling into a similar pattern of Lila’s posse talking throughout the tour. This tour guide seems to be more accustomed to school kids ignoring him, although he does seem pleased that the twins keep asking questions. The class had been given time to look around the Atlantean exhibit. The twins deciding to look over a mural that seemed to depict a past miraculous holder.
“Hey,” They both turn towards a young man with his phone up like he was recording, “You’re the Wayne twins right?”
“Excuse me?” Marion exchanges glances with Marinette, equally confused.
“Bruce Wayne's new kids right?” The guy pushes, taking a step forward.
“We have no idea what you’re talking about,” Marinette tries to explain, taking a step back.
“Alright I get it, want to keep it on the down low, don’t worry I won’t tell anyone,” He assures, Marion looks doubtfully at his phone he makes no effort to put away.
“You’re recording,” Marion states the obvious, which seems to irritate him.
“No I’m not, just tell me!” He demands, Marinette pushes Marion back slightly to try and get away.
“We don’t know what you’re talking about and you’re being very rude,” Marinette scolds, as the camera is pushed nearer her face.
“Why won’t you just admit it!”
“They owe you no explanation,” Kagami appears, grabbing the man's arm and forcefully pointing the camera away from the twins.
“And you don’t have permission to film or take pictures of them,” Chloe plucks the phone out of the startled man's grasp.
“I just-”
“You just nothing- now shoo,” Chloe chucks his phone onto a nearby bench, presumably with the footage deleted, and guides the twins to an empty hallway, “What was that about?”
“No idea, he approached us out of nowhere,” Marion tells the two seething girls.
“He was calling us the Wayne twins,” Marinette supplies more helpfully, “We should probably call Aunt Selina, she might know something,”
She usually did. Kagami and Chloe nod leaving them to the call, but Marion spots them waiting just outside the hallway.
“Hello?” Their Aunt says through speaker phone.
“Hey, Auntie something weird just happened,” Marion can think of no better way to describe it.
“What happened, you weren't attacked again were you?” Her tone is joking but with a hint of doubt, knowing that it was absolutely a possibility with them.
“No this guy came up to us filming, asking if we were the 'Wayne twins'?” Marinette sums up, wording it far more politely than the actual interaction.
“Wayne twins? Just a minute” She hangs up with a beep, leaving them in the empty hallway.
“... So that exhibit huh?” Marion tries to fill the silence, “You think we should investigate it?”
“I wonder if the Atlantean's part of out order of guardians or if they have their own,” Marinette keeps her voice hushed, she opens up her purse slightly "Do you know Tikki?"
“I’m not sure, we Kwami’s were rarely aware of the whereabouts of Kwamis from different miracle boxes," Tikki tells them from the purse.
“Maybe a branch off the order, I mean the miraculous can be powered up to go underwater so working together wouldn’t have been improbable,” Marinette theorises.
“Then any miraculous they held would have likely been in circulation when the temple was destroyed,” Kaalki adds.
"If thats the case then the order probably can't locate them," Marion frowns, glancing at Marinette's backpack that held their miracle box.
"And those that hold them might not know what they are," Marinette adds, after all Alix's family had passed a miraculous down for generations.
“We could-”
“We’re not going to Atlantis,” Marinette cuts Marion off.
“I thought it was cats that were meant to be scared of water,” He pouts, getting ignored by Marinette.
“To be fair the last time I was in Atlantis things didn’t go so well,” Plagg says, "Plus it was above ground,"
"Then I'll take Kaalki,"
"We aren't going to Atlantis," Marinette scolds, as the phone starts ringing.
“Here's the thing,” Aunt Selina says as soon as she's put on speaker phone, “Apparently some people took pictures of you the past few days with the Wayne family and figured you must be Waynes too,”
“That's ridiculous!” Marion has apparently been spending too much time with Chloe.
“.... yeah people come up with some crazy theories,” Selina sounds strained, “Look don’t worry about a thing, just enjoy your trip we’ll handle everything,”
“Ok,” They both agree hesitantly.
“Alright call me if you have any other problems, anything at all,” They agree, saying goodbye before the call is disconnected.
“Just a heads up, the whole class saw what happened,” Chloe warns them as soon as they reenter the exhibit, “We looked up the whole ‘Wayne twins’ thing-”
“A ridiculous rumour,” Kagami has apparently also been spending too much time around Chloe.
“Long story short, Lie-la’s trying to convince the whole class you two made it up for attention,” Chloe finishes glaring over at the group gathered around Lila. Minus Max and Alix the latter of which looking at the mural the twins had been earlier.
“And succeeding,” Adrien adds pityingly, as some of their classmates glare at the twins.
“By the way,” Chloe elbows Marion playfully, “You didn’t tell me you were child billionaires,”
“Of course we didn’t,” Marion grins slyly back at her, “Wouldn’t want to make you jealous of our diamond toilet, we know how insecure you get with only a gold toilet,”
“Honestly Chloe, how do you get by?” Marinette sighs over dramatically.
“Does this officially make us the rich kid club?” Adrien chimes in, as they walk out of sight of the rest of the class.
“I suppose it does,” Kagami agrees, with her usual stoic tone, but clearly in on the joke.
“We would make a great reality tv show,” Chloe declares.
“Well we have enough money to buy a camera crew apparently,”
“I like your thinking Dupain-Cheng,” Chloe teases, getting a mock curtsy in response.
They continue with the tour doing quite well at ignoring the slides from Lila against them. That doesn't mean they aren’t glad to go back to the Hotel away from her.
“I think we should just order room service,” Marinette cuts through the arguing.
“It’ll probably be safer,” Kagami hands the menu to Nino, who had been trying to convince them to get pizza.
“How unglamorous,” Chloe sneers, like she had with every other option presented, especially Nino's pizza. He had made it his personal mission to get Chloe to eat pizza. Marion was all for it, but not tonight they had to meet up with Batman later.
“We can paint our nails,” Kagami offers, tired of them arguing for the past half hour.
“Yeah if I still had my nail polish,” Chloe pouts.
“I brought some,” Kagami says, much to the other girls surprise.
“I have some back in my room,” Marion adds.
“And I have face masks!” Chloe exclaims running to her room to get them.
“I’ll invite Max and Markov,” Marion offers shooting them a text, “I’ll tell them to pick it up,”
“They don’t have a key,” Adrien leans over Nino’s shoulder to read the menu.
“Max built a sentient robot when we were, like 13, do you really think he needs a key?” Marion finishes typing, getting an instant confirmation.
“Why don’t you shout us billionaires?” Chloe picks through her food. Sitting at the table with Kagami, both refusing to balance dinner on their knees.
“What? I thought we were the rich kids club, can’t you pay for your own meals?” Marion cringes at the feeling of chewing while wearing a face mask.
“Atlas the rest of us are lowly millionaires,” Chloe slumps back dramatically, fork in hand.
“I’m not a million are or billionaire,” Nino sounds annoyed but it's probably more at his painted nails that Marinette promised they would remove later.
“Neither but I plan to be,” Max had managed to avoid his nails getting painted, but got a face mask to match Markov.
“Oh-ho confident words from the nerd, alright you get early admission, Nino you have to leave,” Marion teases, pointing Nino towards the door.
“What?! I’ll be making millions with my music in no time,” Nino crosses his arms, startling a second later at the nail polish now smeared on his shirt.
“Yeah right,” Chloe scoffs, watching as Marinette fumbles to remove the stain before it sets. Adrien trying, and failing, to help with his still wet nails.
“Thanks, Anyway dudes it was probably a bad idea to spread that rumour on purpose,” Nino says with genuine concern, after Marinette had gotten the stain out.
“What? Nino we didn’t do it on purpose,” Marinette cleans up the tissues and nail polish remover that had ended up ruining her own nails.
“I know,” Nino has a look that screams he definitely didn’t know, “but you probably could have been more careful instead of parading around,”
“We didn’t know we had to be careful,” Marion starts collecting everyone's empty plates.
“Is this what Lila’s been telling you?” Kagami demands, standing to help Marion who immediately sits her back down. Kagami has many skills, house work is not one of them.
“Calm down dude, she just doesn't know the whole story,” Nino picks his plate back up, being the only one still eating,“She’d probably ask but you dudes aren't exactly close,”
“Lila shouldn’t be talking about them behind their backs at all,” Chloe criticises, coming to sit down on the couch now.
“She isn’t-”
“She is,” Chloe challenges Nino, helped by a death glare.
“... Anyway Nino, do you have any dates planned with Alya while we’re here,” Adrien breaks the silence, not at all searching for ideas on where to take Marinette.
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black-wolf066 · 5 years
Never a Dull Moment [6/7]
Rating: pg-13 to be on the safe side
Summary: In which the land of untold stories should have been a warning that it wasn’t just fairytales that were real. (Killian whump and BAMF Henry)
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] and [FF.Net link]
((((((A/N: I am sooooo sorry for this taking me almost 2 years to get back too, i do not deserve forgiveness. I had terrible writers block and i was almost tempted to post the rest of the story ideas for this piece so you guys would at least get closure. To see what exactly i had in mind when it came to ending this story. I'm glad i didn't.
I might no longer be active in this fandom anymore (Marvel/Avengers/ Agents of Shield have their claws in me now), but i didn't want to leave you all hanging.
I would also like to give credit to @theonceoverthinker  for helping me figure things out and allowing me to talk out the middle bits and exactly how to get them home. She deserves all the love honestly cause chapter 5 and this chapter wouldn't have been possible without her.
There will be one more chapter after this, so thankfully the end is nearing. Again thank you for sticking with me all this time, and for those new to the story, i hope you enjoy!
P.S. this is not beta’d, so any mistakes i may have missed i apologize in advance.))))))))))
Chapter 6: The Ancient Slabs Part 2
"I know how to get you home."
The words echoed like music to Henry and Killian's ears, but before either of them could speak up—the questions multiplying by the second—Milo beat them too it.
"How?" he pressed. "What did it show you?"
Hakan squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head back and forth a few times, almost as if trying to rattle the thoughts back into place as his parents helped him to sit at the desk chair.
"I don't even know where to start…" he stated; his voice strained and feeling exhausted and overwhelmed as his eyes bounced around at them all. "But… our world… it—" he shook his head again.
"What? What about our world?" Kida inquired gently, her fingers slipping into his hair to rub soothingly at his scalp.
"This wasn't always our home." he continued before his parents could interrupt. "Our ancestors were from another world. The slabs," he gestured wildly to the massive stones as the words tumbled from his mouth. "It tells of their story and how they managed to journey across other realms."
"Slow down, son, and start from the beginning." Milo urged; the scholar in him heavily intrigued as he shared a glance with Kida.
So Hakan did.
The world depicted in the stones was nothing like the one they lived in now. It had been lush and vibrant and surreal—a true utopian civilization that went well beyond what their imaginations could dream up. What awed him the most though, was the fact that the crystals hadn't always been crystalline. They had once been living, breathing, sentient beings that walked among them; beings that were a part of their origin.
"They came from the stars," Hakan murmured in awe; his gaze settled on the ground as his hand reached up to touch and fist the now dormant stone around his neck. "They were the first true Atlantian's and we descended from them." His awed gaze moved up to his parents, his jaw slack and his head shaking slightly back and forth in disbelief. "We're a part of the stars."
"So there were aliens involved." Henry breathed out in his own astonishment. As all attention went toward him at his outburst, Henry grinned sheepishly and explained. "In the realm we—well I—hail from, there were multiple myths and theories of how Atlantis came to be and how it disappeared. Alien involvement was one of them."
"Well, if aliens are from the stars, then I guess so." Hakan answered; grinning slightly at Henry's enthusiastic smile.
"What are stars?" Catori piped up curiously from beside Kida. "Are they the constellations you draw and talk about papa?"
"Stars are what make up the constellations sweetie," Milo answered. "We'll take you up to the surface to see them one day, I promise."
"So what happened?" Henry cut in. "What made your ancestors settle here?"
"Their world's sun was dying."
And their world itself had been dying along with it. It had no longer been lush and rich with life but dried and barren—a husk of its former glory. Crops wouldn't grow anymore, water had become all but non-existent, and the magic—that some of their ancestors had once been able to wield—was waning. To preserve the life of their children, the elders—the originals—had sacrificed themselves to ensure a future would be had; thus the crystals were born.
"Those that remained intact built and infused devices with the crystals power, allowing them to… hop realms, as you say. It's what eventually led them to this world, for it was the closest to what they needed to survive." He held up the stone around his neck, the light of the candles catching and making it gleam. "So long as there is a sun, the power that protects our people and keeps us alive will remain."
"How is any of this going to get us home though?" Killian inquired with equal parts awe at the story and confusion.
"Our history isn't the only thing documented within the slabs." Hakan grinned first at Killian then at Henry. "There are blueprints on how to make the device our people used to get here." His grin widened along with Henry's. "And I know just how to do it."
"I don't understand why it's not working." Hakan shook his head in dejection; briefly meeting his father's and Henry's eyes before staring back at the useless compass and slabs "We did everything it told us to do, so why isn't it working?"
"Maybe we're missing something." Henry considered.
Hakan shook his head. "No, it's all here."
"But what if it isn't, son?" Milo inquired gently. "What if we're missing a piece to the puzzle? Henry, you told me that portals only operate a certain way in your world, correct?"
"Yes, mostly by wands or beans."
"All of which run on magic," Killian added.
"Yes! That!" Milo snapped his fingers at Killian with a smile. "Maybe magic is what we're missing!"
"But I thought that was what the crystals were for?" Henry stated, his face scrunching slightly in his confusion. "Didn't you say they were the essence left behind by the original Atlantian's who could wield magic?"
"Yes, that's why I'm confused as to why this didn't work." Hakan sighed out in frustration.
"For a long time, our people thought it a power source, Hakan." Kida began. "We built around it, but we didn't know how to completely wield it. We become hosts for them to use when our world is in peril, not the other way around."
"So… what do we do now then?" Henry asked. "None of us are magic users, so—"
"Wait, that's not true," Killian interrupted; his eyes wide in realization as he sharply turned his attention toward Hakan. "I think you do."
Hakan and his family startled at that.
"I don't..." Hakan trailed off in confusion.
"You think our son has magic?" Kida voiced when her son couldn't finish.
"It's possible." He answered as he explained. "I've been exposed to magic and magic wielders for quite a long time. That day I met your son, I thought it nothing more than a fluke, but now I'm not so sure."
"What do you mean?" Henry urged when the others were too floored to voice it themselves.
"Do you remember everything that happened the day I met you?" Killian addressed Hakan.
"Vaguely." he answered, his head tilting slightly as he tried to recall the day. "It was a long time ago; I just remember being surrounded and feeling afraid. Then you saved me."
"That's the thing lad, I might have saved you from the other men, but the more I think about it, the more I'm almost certain you saved yourself first." At the growing befuddlement he stated. "I don't believe their leader stumbling and falling down the crevice was an accident, Hakan."
"You think I did it with magic?" He asked dubiously.
"Maybe you did and you didn't realize it," Henry piped up; side eyeing Killian in curiosity. "I mean, my mom went most of her life not knowing magic existed or that she could use it."
"Do you remember any strange occurrences through the years?" Killian probed; his eyes bouncing from Hakan to his parents.
Milo shook his head about to answer in the negative but froze when Kida suddenly gripped his forearm.
"Hun? What's wrong?"
"When you say strange occurrences," Kida ignored Milo's worry; her eyes shifting between Killian and Henry as she pushed on slowly and tentatively. "Do you mean, for example: things turning up out of place? Or a sudden shift in the air?"
"Like my tools going missing." Milo caught on.
"And toys from the market appearing in our home." Kida added.
"Yeah, things like that." Henry answered and shot Hakan a sympathetic gaze at how pale he suddenly looked with the conversation.
Kida was at a loss for words as she moved to hug her son.
"I always assumed it was a sign of our exhaustion." Milo voiced instead. "We had help from nannies of course, but we were still new, inexperienced parents trying to manage a kingdom on top of it. The occasional misplaced object was the farthest thing from our minds." He shook his head. "And when the occurrences stopped, we didn't think anything of it."
"Stopped?" Henry asked curiously. "When?"
"I don't know exactly when, but Hakan was still just a child."
Killian and Henry shared a look.
"Was it before or after I met you all the first time?" Killian inquired.
"After," Kida stated with such surety. "Our cooks used to complain about sweets going missing; no matter how high on the shelves they'd place them." She shot her son a side eyed look at that. "We knew it was Hakan; we just couldn't figure out how he'd get a hold of them. Then after the incident it all just… stopped. I never heard them complain about it again."
"I am right here, you know," Hakan grumbled; his complexion still pale as he regarded them all. "Stop talking like I'm not in the room."
"Sorry son," Milo apologized as he gently placed his large hand over Hakan's shoulder.
"So you all think I have magic?" he shook his head, the doubt still clear in his expression. "How can that be, when shamans in our tribe have been gone for so long? Why me, and why would it suddenly stop?"
"I'm not sure, lad." Killian shrugged. "None of us back in our realm are entirely sure of it ourselves, but it's believed that the product of a true love pairing will sometimes have magical abilities."
"My mother being one of them." Henry added.
"True love?" Milo questioned.
"Yeah," Henry nodded. "The story I told you, the one I said came closest to how you and Kida met?"
"Your world considers us true love?" Kida breathed out more than asked as she shot Milo a small smile—who flushed as red as his beard at the news.
"Even if you weren't," Killian cut in. "Taking your recently discovered ancestry into consideration; you may have other magic wielders here that aren't even aware of it."
"But why would it suddenly stop?" Hakan asked again.
"Magic is built around emotion." Henry answered. "And you went through a traumatic experience as a kid, so it's likely your subconscious blocked it out."
"Just like a person who loses or partially loses their memory during trauma." Milo added.
Henry nodded. "It's not always the case, but I'm willing to bet that's what's going on here."
"Wait, wait, wait." Hakan interrupted, his eyes scrunched close and his fingers pressed to the sides of his temple. "If a product of true love can wield magic, then why aren't you doing this Henry?"
Kida tilted her head at that as she regarded Killian and Henry thoughtfully. "Are you not a product of your parent's true love?"
Henry gave Kida a half smile. "I was going to say: it must have skipped me. My uncle isn't magical either." His eyes strayed to Catori. "As I'm sure it also skipped your daughter."
"I can't do this." Hakan voiced with a shake of his head. "I don't know how to un-block it." Agitated, he began pacing the length of the room. "Who's to say my magic would be strong enough to complete this, or that I would be capable of wielding it? Or that I'd want-" he cut himself off, his breathing picking up slightly.
He didn't finish, but Henry didn't need him to complete it to understand what he was going to say. He also had a general idea of just what it was that was creating the block to Hakan's magic from that half sentence alone.
As Hakan paced closer, Henry stepped into his path, forcing him to stop, and moved his hands on top of his shoulders. His grandfather always did it when he was trying to have a one on one with Henry—his large palms calming and grounding in their strength—Henry just hoped his would do the same for Hakan in this moment.
"What happened wasn't your fault, Hakan." His voice was purposefully low, trying to give Hakan a semblance of privacy despite everyone in the room.
"I know…" he murmured back just as quiet.
"Then why hold on to that guilt?"
"I didn't want to hurt anyone else." Hakan answered honestly, loud enough for the room to hear. "I think I remember what my parents were saying, how things would just suddenly appear in my hands when I really wanted something. I just didn't know what I was doing was magic at the time. And when... well, I just thought something was wrong with me, that I was cursed for disobeying my parents. I didn't want to accidently hurt anyone else."
"Magic can be dangerous." Henry stated honestly. "But it can also be amazing. It just depends on what you do with it."
"You really think I can do it?"
"I do." he nodded. "You aren't a bad person Hakan, and I don't believe you could intentionally hurt anyone unless given reason. Don't let that fear rule you."
"I don't know if I can bring it back."
"It never went away, it's just hidden." Spotting the soft glow from around Hakan's neck, Henry grinned. "I think your ancestors can help, if you let them."
The crystal grew brighter as Hakan glanced down at it; his hand moving up to softly grasp it. After a moment, he nodded and met Henry's eyes.
"Okay, I'll try, but I can't guarantee it'll work."
"Something tells me it will."
They shared a small grin at that, before Henry was backing up to stand beside Killian once again.
"You can do this," Kida stepped up to take his place, gentle hands cupping Hakan's face as Milo stepped up to the side of them, his open palm landing to rest on his back.
"Even if it doesn't work, no one will blame you for it son. There's no harm in trying."
Kida nodded down at the necklace. "Just breathe and let them help you."
As the family helped Hakan relax, Killian leaned down slightly, his voice low for Henry to hear "I think all those heart to hearts are rubbing off on you, lad."
Henry rolled his eyes fondly with a smirk. "Shut up,"
Whatever retort Killian had, died on his lips as all the crystals in the room began to glow. The light coming from Hakan's began to spread; up his neck and down his arms until his entire body was incased in blue and through it all, Kida and Milo stood firmly beside him, acting as pillars of support as disembodied voices began to drift around the air.
Then all at once it stopped, leaving nothing behind but an out of breath Hakan.
"I can," he struggled to say, leaning against his mother for support as he tried to calm down. "I can feel it, the magic; they're channeling it for me."
"Channeling it?" Milo questioned.
"I don't know exactly what to do with it, it's all new to me, but they do." He glanced over at Henry and Killian. "Through me, they will be able to enchant the compass that will send you both home; but you need to give me until tomorrow. Whatever they did, it zapped my energy."
"And you're sure, lad? That they can do what you say?" The crystals around the room sparked to life, almost as if in retaliation to Killian's doubt, before they went dormant again.
"Yes, they can." Hakan answered earnestly.
Henry let out a whoop before he could truly contain it, the joy at the news spreading like wildfire.
After three months, they were finally going home.
Now hopefully there was still a home to get back too.
1 note · View note
indra-s-mann-blog · 5 years
Since I've talked about being a lama, having long life, and looking young.  I thought the next topic I'll write on is religion.  There are a variety of misunderstandings regarding religion.  After a multi-faith council and a declassification(and censorship) meeting.  It was decided that the groups would find their own way of making things clear.  But faced the fact if they didn't dispel myths and clarify things the future would see a less positive change for them.
Some churches carry secure archives.  They have historical artifacts and documentation preserved there and kept safe from people that might abuse it.  The churches sometimes are seen as irrational and not compatible with science and rational thought.  This happened after disputes saw many frauds enter the system using the community power to get people into certain habits or practices.  The churches for several faiths always had a faith and belief in technology and evidence based systems.  Some of the churches had a belief in a creator that didn't clash with science and some were atheist that saw things as a non thinking non-feeling process(un-sentient).
The word "Theist" means to have a theory.  Which is the same thing the people in churches had at the time so they often agreed to disagree.   Though some saw radical or polarized beliefs in a church environment might cause trouble.  However that doesn't mean the same process can't happen with atheist.  For churches the news would carry a consistent organization and for the atheists it would just mention individuals.  So we remember the church controversies easier from repetition.  Religious organizations often removed these groups from their list of approved or condoned groups.
Years ago we found some people setting up fake churches in ruins or remote areas.  Occasionally they moved into an old abandoned building.   These people often weren't monks or priests.  They were gangs hiding their haul from theft, their people from prosecution, or running a drug operation.  They would dress like monks or priests, keep some religious looking books around(sometimes stolen from other places or copied in part).  Then they would take donations from people, occasionally pretend to council people.
The fakes would make claims to police and military that they couldn't enter as it was a church.  Usually people would look it up unless they had been in the area a long time.  Even then we would look it up most of the time.  Often we would find that yes a church once was in the area but was either in ruins or there was a priest or monk in the area at one time.  But that the priest or monk didn't settle there and make a building.  Sometimes they have tried to falsify records at main buildings to make them look legitimate.  Part of why the Vatican openly has a police group and guard everywhere.
When people first started saying they heard voices from heaven or the sky.  It was a misunderstanding caused by some natural phenomenon such as echos carrying or people that weren't aware when radios or satellites were made.  There is a cave that has a natural crystal radio.  As a child I was in it and we wondered where the voices we heard came from.
We knew it wasn't some ghost or monster and investigated the cave more and the stones it was made of.  We found another cave that was similar and ran our own tests saying things back and forth.  The minerals are probably rare in their combination in most places but not in that area where we found more and marked them for distance communication.
Later technology saw us remove the rocks in mining operations to re-purpose them.  Look up how a crystal radio is made you will see how simple it can be; especially with certain precious metal veins or crystal veins running underground or in a mountain range.  As a fact its part of the reason we knew to run lines to carry signals.
Crystal radio(Wikipedia)
Crystal detector
Galena with Fluorite
Metamorphic rock
Hydrothermal Minerals
How to Make Electricity With Quartz or Diamonds
Electric Minerals and Natural Electricity
Cave of the Mounds
(This is a site like the cave radio system I mentioned.)
Antenna types(Wikipedia)
Directional Audio
Reflection Of Sound
Sound Echoes
Sound levels – decibels, intensity and distance
How Satellites Work
Small satellite
Military radio antenna kites
Army’s inflatable antennas make light work of satcom in the field
The military and army had piezoelectric crystal radios much longer than those articles admit.  Radio has existed for longer than the articles also mention and was known before the 1800s though not widely known or discussed.  Some of them broke while in use.  Some were in private collections and not put in public museums.
People also were testing speakers(with kite string wires or off of balloons) and directional antennas that bounced sound to the ground.   Some people in village that didn't know what was going on thought they heard the voice of god.  It wasn't that but it was a military communication system or inventors test of devices.  I used one of these while out in a rural area when I needed to send a message without more modern technology.  In the known cases with villages people tried to explain to them but they didn't understand the technology and were more comfortable thinking it was the voice of a god.
Some old languages are also not dead and have been misinterpreted by some archaeologists and anthropologist causing poor translations.   Somethings require local life knowledge to grasp their slang or word applications.  Also some people didn't consider a different language.   Some of the Tamil had lived in South America and this included some of my family.  Pachacuti was my grandpa and the Manu name is found as Manco Cápac or Manco Inca.  Siri comes from Sayri and none of the birth/death dates are quite accurate(it was seen as a security thing at the time). The Hanan dynasty is the found as the Han dynasty in China and the Xin was active in Africa(Congo/Mauritania/Nigeria).  
South America is actually the continent of Mu which once was known as the dragon (dinosaur) but suffered some continental damage in some events they had in history and then connected to North America which once was known as the Elephant(Yaṉai, Gadjah, Ane/Ana, or Haathee/Hathawa - "Hope" the Water Elephant) or some called it Ganesha. Others called the one continent Mu because it was a sound a cow makes and they thought it looked like a cow head.  A map showing it looks more like a dinosaur.  Though now the damage was enough to several areas of the world the original continent shapes aren't the same.
Lantia or Atlantis was actually China and was to look like a big ray fish.  The city attributed to that name is in Africa(Eye of the Sahara - damaged by a Tsunami during an impact offshore) but there was another "eye" city in India.  Antarctica was known as the Bird (Manuk - from the Manu/Manco/Mang) or the Bird of Paradise(Manuk Saka Swarga) but after it was covered by snow it was called white rabbit.  India and Sri Lanka was Vantu(Beetle), Europe had a horse shape(Hevonen, Hester, or Arklys - people of the Ark), and Africa as the Heart(Cuore, Xin, or Okan).
Even looking at a current map of the world if you rotate it you can see some of the original shapes.  So there aren't really any lost continents they are just shifted in maps or have other names in the modern map.   For the dynasties and overlaps the world came to use a diverse calendar system.  Some use solar some use lunar but there are a lot of calendars and rarely were people using the same one.
Many of our languages use a different glyphic system, often phonetics.   Languages became creoled meaning they have loan words and are mixed.   Some phrases are localized slang and only in more connected circumstances or shared circumstances things overlap.  But if your paying attention realize the loan words(despite language speed or accent).
In old records my family kept and others kept in secure places these facts were documented.  However others came, caused trouble, there were disasters and everyone to keep the peace just didn't talk about things anymore.  In the books that are in museums or mentioned publicly often real peoples faces are hidden by masks drawn over them using the semaphore symbol for Manaz(security).  The odd item is probably though in someones private collection as well.  If you look at a map of the earth you can still make out some of the original shapes.
Manco Inca Yupanqui
Sayri Túpac
Wang Mang(Xin Dynasty)
List of lost lands
Mu (lost continent)
History of calendars
Everything About Calendars
The Incan translations are off these words are english phonetics of chinese words turned into a phrase or single word.  Pachacuti wasn't the name of the man.  It literally translated as 啪嚓粗体 which in turn doesn't easily or properly translate unless each symbol or grouping is taken into account.  The meaning was actually a status report if others in the military came across the planets remains.  
啪 Pow - combat or land
嚓 Cracking  or snapping
粗 coarse, rough, vulgar, rude, crude, thick, heavy, bulky, drifter, homeless
体 prison, pallbearer, body, inferior, health, form, field, appearance
This translated into:  The land has cracked, it's adrift, using a containment field(to keep atmosphere).  Combat happened, it was rough, and the world(land) is dead.  Combat was heavy and we are homeless.  You can see now how the calendar they had speaks of destruction and seems to stop.
It was a compressed text cipher that is encapsulated meaning more than one word meaning is used to save space and keep things short for quicker communications.  At one point because of how it sounded in another language it got nicknamed "Papa Roach" as in "Father bug" and also "Old Man"(Old cout and Cout also means Scout).  The music was a complex cipher(Audio/Video, etc) and took a very long time to be released to the public and by then they didn't realize or necisarily care what it was. They couldn't read the messages in the cipher and took the music and lyrics at face value.
Many declassified audio/video ciphers have that sort of response.  The other names also translate into something.  As you can see the items used are two characters(one uses 3) each vs a single glyph.  But the two characters make a new third glyph when combined.  This is also a type of encapsulation.  Some of the single words in their combinations the meaning has been lost in modern times but think of them like cave drawings.
One glyph says they were looking out the window(or going through a hatch) and had taken samples(storage), one said engineering and life sciences, another said ships antenna, another also said saw(or went through hatch) damage(weapon or device).  The B like symbol was used for hatch or window and the one symbol was same meanings as the christian cross(science wise).  A similar symbol to the cross shape was used to indicate ship.  One symbol meant antenna or wind power generation(green power).
Some of the other glyphs also had secondary meaning as icons for things much like you use today.  Imagine how someone will view your emoticons and such in the future if they were an archaeologist.
These glyphs the archaeology was carefully handled in some spots and the information classified or censored at the time.  But just enough things were out that the ancient chinese and indian cultures do imply or speak of space travel.  Also as I've said the continents had mostly animal shapes.  They were planed and made those ways.  Meaning moving or creating land wasn't new.  This was a diplomatic area before damage was caused.  The damage links to issues on a much larger planet(Earth was one of its moons).
If archaeologists and anthropologists had handled things better there would be less confusion and less myths or legends for some of it.  Some did not deliberately mislead and honestly lacked some life experience or education.  A few however were simply seeking fame and got involved in antiquities fraud(for money); partly as a way to money launder stolen gold, etc.
A mistake one made once was to mix up a marker for a face mask on a sarcophagus.  Typically a wooden or ceramic mask would of been inside on the mummy.  The "gold" or stone cases sometimes depicted a mask with handle(sort of like Mardi Gras masks have them or bases of hand mirrors).
At the time people also used to use a tie on condom made of woven plant leaves.  Someone put it on his face as a joke when dealing with foreigners asking questions.  They then thought it was to be a fake beard and then proceeded to make fools of themselves.  But others were tired of them claiming to "discover" things that others already knew or taking their historical items.
In Indonesia area there are two islands with creatures outsiders think are extinct.  Others aren't welcome there and it is managed and watched over by special park rangers.  One bird is very dangerous and related to a pterodactyl and the other is a vegetarian reptile that is nocturnal and blends in with plants.  People tried to get at them once to hunt or take as a trophy.  Fearing they would kill the few that were left they attacked the foreigners and everyone got protective of the area.
Time went on and more people ended up on the islands; larger cities formed.  So unless your local to the two areas, even if your Indonesian, etc you may not know they exist and even locals will attack people who are Indonesian seeking them to protect the animals.  They will not talk of it with outsiders.  It isn't Jurassic Park but someone once tried to set up a small private island with attempts to clone some.  One dinosaur skeleton was found once that tests proved it had plastic or resin in it along with horse and alligator DNA.
7 Historical Hoaxes
Faking the Past: when archaeologists commit fraud
Art Theft News:  News and press releases related to the FBI's Art Theft Program.
Archaeological forgery
Why Is Radiocarbon Dating Important To Archaeology?
There are ways to fake age an item so that it can pass radio carbon dating.  So there is a newer method to also spot fakes vs real items.   Though it is not disclosed to the public as a result of the people that have tried to beat carbon dating and also DNA tests.  Synthetic DNA and 3d printing technologies allow people to fake bones and even soft tissues in a way that can make them seem to be from a real thing from the past.  However people good at lab work or with enough experience and knowledge can spot these frauds.
I tried to look them up online but wasn't able to find it.  Perhaps it was my search terms but it could be that it is blocked from public to reduce the problem.  Some people have made art frauds with computers and also 3d scanning or using photo realistic face masks.  I will admit in past for movies sometimes we did use skeletons with reconstructed faces as our characters.  Later we found out some resembled people that were currently alive.(possible decedents or DNA re-occurance for appearance factors.)
Somethings from history are obvious.  In an Egyptian pyramid you can clearly see some symbols still in use today.  Amut used to be a emblem used by the coroners office and a single snake on a stylus for medical.(after a fallout with Apophis and Serapis)  Some items were defaced and changed.  Aset or Set symbol animal was not originally an anteater it was a giraffe(named Qlin).  Qlin or Set is on Scandinavian boats and some mistook it for a goat head.
Somethings people assume in history were fake or "ancient aliens" but they aren't fake.  Some are from people of the time using space suits/atmosphere suits or hazmat type health safety suits and more rural people not knowing what they were.  Other things were real vehicles people were making and testing.
While most were from that time period one or two weren't and were a result of an incident involving the military.  They had to unfortunately leave something in a old building after officers were attacked and walled up in a fake pyramid(it wasn't one of the original).  It did though make people tourist money later for people that believed it really was built by ancients.
One of the religious stories of past is related to my own cousin.  His father known as a Islamic leader(family of Mohammad).  When the boy was small they realized he had hemophilia like some others in the family.   The baby got hurt as he fell down and bruised his leg and got a cut.  He died as a result.  His family mourned him greatly as he was only a toddler and they had waited until late in life to have children.  The boys mother sat at his side mourning and preparing the body.  She didn't want to leave it nor did his father.  Others convinced them to take a break and said they would sit with the body.  Later they returned and with others around the boy resuscitated scaring everyone.
They weren't sure what to think, tested the child to make sure it was the same person that left.  Weird stories were going around about hatian type zombies.  But they never used that stuff and wouldn't on their baby.  The baby(named Krishna) was fine but they needed to move because of the stir it caused.  He literally was their little miracle.  Later he had two children and passed at an older age.
His father unfortunately was grabbed by some radicals wanting to take over Islam and they tortured and murdered him.  Which is what we equate to part of Christs death.  In the word "Jesus" we find the term "Je suis" which mean's "I am"(french) and for science and engineering it links to the physicians oath, and similar oaths.
Years ago some foreigners got near some of the old books while visiting.  They were allowed to look at them as scholars.  But they became mad at a local farmer.  They enjoyed the fruits and vegetables so much they wanted to grow them at home.  The person took some and tried with no farming experience.  They didn't understand simple soil ph or soil chemistry and plant requirements.  They spoke to a farmer asking how to make the plants grow but the farmer didn't like foreigners or their remarks about historical items.  He told them to put cow manure on things.
The man's plants suffered from problems over soil ph, etc and the manure made it worse.  The man swore he'd get revenge so changed somethings in a translation.  Then said "We'll see who buys the bull this time."  The "bull" in bible is supposed to mean bibliography but church elders at the Vatican, etc could tell you they have several copies of the bible in several languages.  Some really are a load of something and others have varying accuracy of translation but nothing deliberately to mislead.
The "Testament" was a project to record the stories of elders or survivors of certain events in history.  There is more than the old and new.  There were at least 3 books that I remember and perhaps one or two others that followed.  Some are far more modern accounts of things.
The explanation of the Earth's situation at that time some people rejected it and rather than have further problems they adapted(to peoples denial and stress.  In destruction they lost much.)  This made some translations "fuzzy" not just people poorly understanding languages.
The scientific explanation isn't fully true nor is it a lie.  Long ago the first planet formed from what you might call a ball of energy in space or spark.  It materialized layers around it like a 3d printer.   Eventually the cooler outer layers developed life in a subterranean system where minerals generated light as did molten flows.
People developed moved around, mined, etc and eventually got out to the surface which had no atmosphere at the time.  Until things were put near an area to grow out of an entrance to the surface.  You can find molluscs and other creatures in subterranean areas, as well as lichens and other plant type materials.
The planet destabilized with time from all the mining and other things. Earthquakes, volcanic problems, and other things went on.  Forcing people to find an alternative.  As already curious if they were alone in space they started making ships to explore and then moved to making livable space habitats for the survival of people.  They learned how to make space ships with earth like areas inside them and figured out how to build a planet using microorganisms and advanced physics methods.
A few people stayed on the planet refusing to leave when it blew up.   After the explosion two stars emerged.  People recycled part of the destroyed planets.  One of the new suns in a sky that originally was dark with no sun; started making a new planet.
So it was learned how the original planet was made.  The one sun didn't make anything new for a long time.  When it did it didn't do it again.   The sun that started constructing a planet had similar life development on it.  Watched by its neighbours on artificially made worlds and in ships.  The world developed but they didn't make contact for awhile trying to figure out how well things would be handled for they wanted peace not war.
Also the new planets people that developed had no idea what we had witnessed to grasp their origins.  Some were in denial over how they came about until a long time passed and they also saw it.  Before that though they had seen others make worlds and were angry and combative in some cases.
One of the artificial worlds was built over a Dyson Shell with remains of the original world preserved in a field.  Which likely lead to the flat earth stories and the stories of a firmament.  Though the latter also could be remnants of being subterranean.  People at one point forgot who they were after disasters and wars.
Their new family from the one young new star that made a planet weren't so ready for contact and when they found the reconstructed world thinking it a normal planet started trying to invade and control.  They didn't want further problems so threatened others and basically held people hostage when they realized others were far more advanced in technology.  On the planet they were hassling people were mostly pacifists that didn't want war.
After people were attacked the others didn't want them to know anything of their history destroying books, technologies, etc.  Some technologies they took back to their own planet or sold.  An uprising happened and people were freed.  Returning to their technology and other people.  The others fled and became known as criminals which some in mythology might of equated to demons or pirates.
The rules described in the commandments were an attempt by leaders to stop some problems people were having socially.  Eventually it lead to a legal system to enforce rules of behaviour and protect society.
Priests used to be warriors, teachers, doctors, veterinarians, agriculturalists, architects, and scientists.  They counsel led people, lead festivals or celebrations.  They often advised or lead.  The word priest is from another word which translated into "fish" but the fish in Christianity was a symbol of DNA(life sciences).
The temples or churches used to be schools, store houses, hospitals, meeting rooms, or leaders homes where they kept a safe area for others to retreat to.  Monks(or sisters) used to maintain a treasury and would mint coins and track market exchange.  Some of them did some of the same jobs as priests.
Priests (and nuns) often weren't celibate and had partners(orientation wasn't necessarily an issue).  Sometimes people stayed single because of the job or they just didn't seem to find the right person.
When I say job related I mean they often had to come in contact with people or animals with illness and tend to them, they might have to travel a lot locally or abroad(long distance relationships or term marriages), sometimes in defence of others they had to fight causing PTSD or people reacting to the fact they were capable of killing in battle or in defence of  someone(police).
Also for married or partnered people(couples) there is trying to tend to things alone including finances, family business, household, and children or elderly.  Life is hard enough sometimes without the extra responsibilities being a certain type of leader or career calls for.
Some people equated as gods in history weren't gods they were simply leaders in some regard or people involved in events that stood out.   They were written down and talked about.  Some are claimed to be marriages of close blood relatives.
This was not true.  Often places had a co-rule system requiring a female leader and male leader; each handling their own set of duties.  Their spouses weren't always mentioned.  Sometimes they were listed by more than one name as a secondary title or as a security thing to mislead problem people.  Things were also defaced and changed more than once.
There are some christian similar african and asian religions.  None really are Egyptian related.  But people always claim they are related. Usually citing single god worship of Atun.
Christianity is called a monotheism but depending on the branch it's a Henotheism or Polytheism.  That is including saints or the concept of a triple god(father, son, holy ghost, or matron, maiden, and crone.)   Catholics fall under polytheism or Henotheism.  Monotheism wouldn't need to point out 3 forms(equated to states of life).  Humans and gods can die(according to some myths) and have stages of life(also in myths).
A singular non human entity wouldn't fit those definitions which we have humanized or made similar to us.  When Atun's beliefs are commonly described he's either Henotheistic or Monotheistic as he believes in or follows a single(not a triple).  Christians also have a mother goddess mentioned which is Mary and another the Magdalena.  Which equates to mother and mothers helper or possibly surrogate mother based on the stories.
In Christianity and several other religions a "flame" is mentioned.   Some equate this with the sun or planetary core.  Others relate it to a scientific artifact not on display to the public.  A device developed to provide assistance in an emergency by augmenting someone with a knowledge base of a person with experience that might of passed on.(Similar to what you see on the show "The 100," "Johnny Mnemonic", and one other show demonstrated similar units.)
While many devices were external people had tried medical implants some of which were socket able to clip something into for an instant intuitive update.  Since they would feel physically familiar and more confident than someone simply passing them sets of instructions from a wristband, ear piece, or augmented reality device.
Such devices if found during conflict might get confiscated and become useful to a combatant.  So one system being locked to certain things would then become useless, especially if they didn't grasped how it was made.
Catholic's once had a working device and so did the Zoroastrian's and one other religion.  Also through artificial processes people could be carriers of memory to return to recall what they knew of their own past life from that time forward.
Other people could naturally do this.  It tends to be called reincarnation.  In my family it isn't needed for those that have reincarnation it is natural and has to do with a natural genetic combination that affects memory, longevity, and ability to resuscitate.
One of the first times I died was saving a child from a bunch of criminals that were abusing her when I was a kid.  I was hurt as was the child, and took the kid somewhere safe and got medical help.  Then they found us and killed us both(the doctor and I) and took the child.   Another time I lived a ripe old age and passed with my family around me.  I've also died in battle and from sickness.
Triple deity
A List of All Religions and Belief Systems
There are things in the Islamic belief system which has been proven to be facts.  All belief systems that are considered valid choices have some proven facts.  In Islam my family proved the beliefs on people and their blood types.  With AO and BO chimeras naturally occurring they can produce children of singular blood types or mixed from chimerism.
It came to pass that some people were living in a cave city communally each doing their part and also sometimes doing trade.  They were in the cave due to other events in the world but had technologies higher than the people that came to attack them.  They didn't like war and didn't want death around.  But the group came during the season of births and celebration.
The Sheppard took the sheep out to pasture outside the caves.  The man was threatened and then they killed all the sheep and released him to bring people out.  They then called them the lambs of god and took some of the men and put a muzzle on them like one puts on a dog.
It became a tradition of their people to attack the others and do this then write up their own laws and claim that the Islam religion is theirs and that people should obey them.  This was a community under attack and the labels are a result of their attackers as are many misconceptions over what Islamic or Muslim people believe.
People didn't have to pray 5 times a day.  The clothing they wore was for different reasons as several were in medical sciences and agriculture.  The breaks were taken for health reasons.  Some of them were meals or just rest like having breaks at your job for coffee or lunch.
If prayer or meditation happened it was at sunrise or sun set.  The reason for that I won't explain here but it is very old.  Prayer or meditation was a time for reflection on the day or issues of concern or joy.  We gave thanks to life and it is symbolic in the energy of the sun.  Sometimes we sang or did yoga at those times.  Which somehow translated into prayer mats and long drawn out group prayers.
You can be alone or in a group and don't have to segregate by gender.   That only came about because someone was not well and to keep away diseases.  It came into the mythology of not looking at the bride before a wedding because the groom once got sick in travel and unknowingly made his bride ill along with the other men who spread it to their female family.  In the weddings the woman would work together so that looked like segregation when it wasn't to outsiders.
My Islam side of the family tree knows all about it and how outsiders hassled people and then tried to proclaim themselves leaders.  As leaders they demanded people donate to their church and them giving them the best food, etc or god might punish them.  These problem people didn't care if people starved to death, lived in rags, died of illness, or lost their children.  They treated them like cattle or worse at the height of their awful behaviour.  The legitimate people shared with others and others donated to the shared food reserves, etc and helped in the running, upkeep, and events.
While modern times have seen certain costs for priests that didn't once exist.  Most priests of any religion tend to work a second job and work with others on provision of pastoral care, education, counselling, and other services.  The religious communities have businesses to help fund them which some parishioners are part of but other ones systems don't allow that.  Some strictly refuse donations or demand participation.
Religious Symbolism isn't always what we think it means.  Many have seem to lost touch with the original meanings of many of them.  Some are part of a semaphoric system to communicate between communities in need of aid from war, health issues, or criminal attack.  Occasionally to commemorate something.
Religious symbolism and iconography
Religious symbol
Flag semaphore
International Code of Signals
Semaphore telegraph
Adinkra Symbols of Ashanti Kingdom
Adinkra Symbols and their meaning (English and Twi)
Some churches symbols were completely changed from their original meanings and stories linked to them that had nothing to do with that symbol.  The icon of Christ is one such symbol.  The priests were scientists and warriors.
The ring of thorns is a throwing weapon in the vine/rope category.  The mark or cut in the side is from an appendectomy as a sign of medical knowledge and surgery.  The scrawniness reminding us of how people struggled for food until we learned agricultural sciences.
The loin cloth a sign of industry and crafts in cloth manufacturing which was one of the oldest industries(outside of cooking and hunting). The spikes on the cross showing the pains miners took in learning to find precious resources and refining them; in caves sometimes you find stalactites which look like thorns and were called cave thorns.  
The cross symbolized electricity and communications as did him facing the sky to talk to his father in heaven.  Which was a sign to flight, wireless communications, and satellites(rockets and radios go way back).  The paleness symbolized pigment loss from vitiligo or albinism sometimes caused by chemistry, electronics, a possible virus, or genetics.
It also covered blood transfusions of which our first one is in conception and birth through the umbilical chord.  The book or sign on the cross a symbol of writing and putting things down to be remembered. A flower sometimes used as a memory that the world does have beauty in it and that sometimes that beauty is medicinal; though sometimes symbolizing a satellite dish.
Other symbols is the baptismal cross is a Buddhist wheel, Jerusalem cross is a Taoist continuous knot/Celtic knot and links to the alternative to mandalas, Ichthus is the same as the Taoist goldfish, the lamb connects them to Islam, the dove connects them to me, the rings link to physics(and Dyson Rings/Shells), the Star of David is linked to Astra(not astral) planes, bread and wine connects to food production and fuel production(the chalice a replacement for the linga or rocket drum), Pelican links to supply ships, the palm is similar to the seed or conch(palm plants also are used in a variety of products).
Christian symbolism
Jewish symbolism
Symbols of Islam
Buddhist and catholic prayer beads have two different meanings or historical uses.  At one time it was easy to put seeds on a string for planting a garden.  You could space the beads for easy planting like how we now use seed tape.  Also you could wear a bracelet of stones for a weapon if something might attack.  Later both seeds and stones were replaces by other ems for decorative wear.
At first wearing seeds was either a sign of wealth or that the person found a new crop of edible wild plants to grow at home and tame for medicine or food.  They would always carry a needle or have plant needles nearby and take a thread if they tore their clothes or found a edible plant.  The early days were hard and people sometimes had to go without eating to let a plant seed so they could have much more food the following year.
People learned to say rhymes, songs, or prayers, to remember how many seeds were needed to prosper for an average family.  People also learned to collect plants for other properties that weren't edible such as clothing, dyes, animal feeds, fuel, chemistry, etc.  They also would take and trade seeds with others and carrying them in bracelets or necklaces was easier.
In Hinduism the Yatra and Mendala's are linked to physics and waveform technologies.  Why some translate it to mean machine.  The Linga has to do with a space engine and is related to a drum that was later made from one.
My DNA shape oddly in it's super-coil resembled the Darmachakara.  The "Om" is for the word "Poem" as in the universe and it's consort(mirror/sibling) are believed to be from song or poetry of sound; cymatically produced.
The shape was believed to be a seed(
Loasa Chilensis
) or flower shape(
Lamourouxia viscosa
).  Another type of universe uses a seashell type, with it's equivelant of a linga, etc and two goldfish for DNA(chimera or male/female).
In Taoist we see the use of a different system from cymatic mandalas that used a type of string theory and are useful even other dimensional settings.  They also have a tree of life similar to
of the Scandinavians.
In the Taoist revered people I was the only woman.  Some people had tried to imitate some of the others but one links to my brother and chimerism causing him an obvious intersex state.  In my case physically(and reproductive organ wise) I look like a completely normal female.  As a chimera I had some health issues (double optic nerve, double urethra from bladder, menorrhagia, etc) and it was found that I had a male brain among other things(but no penis).  The one imposter for some reason was mimicking Waria(of Indonesia).
It was common to cross dress for safety.  Men would dress as women to avoid men looking for another man.  Women would dress as a man to be treated as an equal in some situations.  Some cultures had neutral dress.  Changes in society made this unnecessarily.  Though people still disguise themselves sometimes to avoid capture.
So I was female but considered gender neutral.  My family member was intersex and considered undecided on what he was.(gender fluid)
In Mayan symbols the marker on a linga say either 1925 or 2125.  I think it might be from 1925(a date of when the rockets were first used or when the satellite had to be destroyed).
History and Use of Prayer Beads Throughout the World
Hindu iconography
Hindu Symbolism
Pejeng drum
Dong Son drum
Sonoluminescence: Sound Into Light
Cymatics: The Science of Dance:  The Study of the Effects Sound Has on Matter
Cymatics Research - The Physics of Sound
The Harmonic Latice
Superstring theory
DNA is a fractal antenna in electromagnetic fields.
New Science: DNA Begins As a Quantum Wave
Om mani padme hum
Buddhist symbolism
Taoism > Symbols
8 Important Taoist Visual Symbols
Mayan Symbols
The Sikh use a metal bracelet, chakram, and swords or dagger as their symbols.  The bracelet with a scarf or  piece of fabric can be used as a grapple for climbing or in self defense with hojo jutsu.  They were taught to defend and protect their families and community.
Their founder was a police officer who had trained as a child with a very old policing group (in Nawa District) and in a sense they are considered a police community.  Most associate them to farmers or the textile industry.  There used to be a joke about halos, Frisbee's, and chakram.  Frisbee and discus comes from chakrams as a more peaceful use.
Some once wore chakrams on their heads over their head scarf as they were dull on the inside and only had an exterior edge blade.  Turbans were dew rags which could also double as a bowl for drinking water when out, a helmet, extra clothing, bandages, or holding medicine/plants, or patches for clothing, and in rope method marshal arts it has many other uses.  The small dagger refers to their general medical knowledge for first aid if someone becomes ill and needs appendectomy or other treatment, it also is useful if your alone in nature.
Medicinal Botany
Sikh Khalsa Army
Hojojutsu: The Warrior’s Art of the Rope
The Nihang's nickname "The Immortals" was from life extension therapies; 3 methods were used.  I also helped equip them at one point. I remember the incident with the Nihang and Muslims at the temple in Amritsar, as I was present.
Other's in Islam that were legitimate wouldn't of deliberately shown such disrespect. But not all Mosques listened to my family even knowing our relation to Mohammad.  They did not disrespect me while there only the others.  I was able to calm down both but not until the Nihang made their point as the others thought Sikh's weak.
One of them did start to disrespect me but his elder(leader) stopped him and told him to quit it.  He asked why and he told him it was none of his business.  This is because he knew my family was linked to both Islam and Hindu's and he didn't want to discuss church politics with him.  I also had to break up the Nihang and their battle but had waited long enough to let them make their point and then said they needed to stop.
One of them wanted a special water gourd I had and something else.   Something others do not mention nor why the leader though not totally happy about things hesitated in causing me harm or insult.  Few knew the full event details.  But some did know and recorded it and that record isn't public.  Only other things relevant to them was made public.
Hindu symbology goes to things you wouldn't consider anymore and think less possible.  Ganesha as a face mask for diving or travelling high up.  Skulls on Kali's necklace pearls of war which later reminded us of re-purposing them for peace.  Pearls were a type of ship based off of us being closer to water than space.
The Vajra also a ship as were the Bramastra which you now simply know as the Astra ship since it was declassified in the non weaponized early test version.  There are other things called Astra and were reenactments of declassified projects(like NASA has done).  The Vaj Ra had a sister ship(Dor Je) but the Vajra also had an earlier incarnation as its design also mimicked a bolo weapon.  Later made as a brass children's toy.
Brahmashirsha astra
Astra (missile)
ASTRA (reactor)
Astra (satellite)
Ad Astra film(Fictionalized version about a Jumbo Space Plane/cruise Ship and what happens on it.  Based off of a true story.)
TR-3B Anti-Gravity Spacecrafts
(I'm one of the pilots in the old footage they are showing.  I moved to the Space capable version
for awhile and it's larger Jumbo Space Plane.)
Symbols of Angels can also be explained by flight and also police, military, and doctors, that all rapidly deploy.  Earlier symbols showed birds by a person or another object.  Later symbols combined them into a single thing.  Alot of mythelogical creatures are created by the same process and were linked to military or police units and their tales a fictional one or real ones altered by time and circumstances.
When people met in groups during war and didn't want to hear the shouting and death, they sang songs, put on plays, and told stories, or worked together on crafts that might be noisy.  These later became church hymns or songs.  Years ago groups made up their own for their own "church" or "temple" but after people compiled popular ones into books which all the groups started to share and use as they had cultural exchanges.
Some songs are specific and used as special messages(cipher text, color and music cipher) and others more personal.  Though people may of forgot some of the authors the people of the times agreed to allow others to sing their song and learn it too.
Some songs authors are remembered but current modern books do not disclose their names and there is a reason for it and in some cases its to protect descendants.  Some songs are of struggle and others about joy and love, they are the tales of many families that shared with their community or others.
We used to use prayer with an alert system that warned us if there was a serious issue that police or military needed to check or if medical had to go help.  We don't really use that system anymore though it does track large groups focus to warn of wars or disasters.  This lead to myths about angels appearing to help people.
Generally angels don't demand your belongings, etc its just common sense.  If one is hurt it might ask for help but usually officers have what they need and wont go bothering you for money, your first born, etc.  That is some twisted person whose a criminal and misusing technology.
No they aren't using the system to spy on you but they do pay attention to some criminals who probably don't like it very much.  Most of the time the surface area police handle their stuff, the space group theirs and the core group their issues but there are a few courts that deal with all regions and any weird stuff.
There also has been research into if souls exist, life after death, etc.  The devil comes from the word development, demon from demonstrate, and evil from electronic city.  Satan comes from the words "satellite N" or Sat "N" which ended up shot down after someone took too much weird interest in it to prevent a space incident.  It has a replica in a museum and is seen a a cultural heritage piece and called the Pejeng Lunar Drum or maybe it's the other drum they had as there are two different ones and one is from a space capsule.
The people hearing broadcasts off of it started going on and on about "Satan" because they heard its call-sign and it was recorded before the decision to blow up the satellite which was also recorded.  Years later a "pearl"(Dyson Shell) was named Sat N and it is what you now call Neptune(though not the original it is a copy of Neptune 3).  People had a similar weird response to the kite and balloon communication systems.   Once triggering a war by those that didn't understand the technology.
I see religion more as spirituality.  A few of them know quite well where the universe came from, how they came into existence, etc.  Most are science aware and savvy, but a few hate and shun it.  As such many don't do life extension, anti-aging, and often perish in some disaster. They equate technology to causing more trouble and don't think much about what learning and development has done for us.
There are the ones that would like to be a literal god in the sense of non science based things.  They want people to not believe their abilities are science related.  There are somethings species specific like how an electric eel can produce energy and some sea creatures are luminescent.  But in humans most types of technology that can do "magic tricks" is science based and either an implant, suit, or gadget.
However, these others literally want to be worshipped and obeyed.  They want to kill for sport and take for gain.  Some of them are obsessed with absolute perfection and frankly seem narcissistic, antisocial, and sadistic.  We unfortunately had to deal with a bunch of these people bothering churches and trying to attack things just because they had technology and felt like being bullies.  Even using materials phase and biojacking(using electronic harassment) to make people think they were possessed or ill with specific conditions.
Some of these people believe the concept of Satan as an evil cruel thing is really cool and want to be known as Satan, or a Demon, or they want to play superhero or mythological angel.  See my video explaining "Angels" and you'll see some example of the problem people vs reasonable people just working in their day job(but trying to keep anonymity for safety).
Some of these same problem people have been trying to radicalize churches, encouraging people to suicide bomb, commit indecent acts, and use things like invisibility cloaks to steal/spy/or assault people(along with electronic harassment).  Current police vehicles now carry Faraday cages to deal with electronic devices and wear more discreet things on their uniform including specialized eye wear and monitoring devices.   Watch my video on history of policing to see some of the equipment used.
The real historical people sometimes took their job relucantly.  Some really didn't want to lead.  They wanted to have their own lives, privacy, and regular relationships.  But they had knowledge or skills, and sometimes life experience.  As a result they ended up doing a job.   Sometimes people got weird and they would tell them to stop.  Other times they just went with the flow rather than argue with people.
While etiquette required they acted a certain way and handled guests (especially diplomatic ones) a particular way.  Often when that wasn't happening they tried to have what regular life they could with their own businesses, family, and friends; outside of administration or leadership.  I often dressed in regular clothes and went out to make friends, or do things.
Sometimes I was told that wasn't how a royal should dress or occasionally how they should behave but I wasn't badly behaved.  I did have a sense of ethics, morals, and responsibility.  I did want to understand other cultures and I wasn't a bigot.  I found some peoples attitudes a challenge to deal with(this included my brother).
I do believe in a something.  I don't care to fully explain it and I do also believe in science which is spelled out enough that most people can demystify by educating themselves.  However that is a double edged sword as while some people will remain decent moral, caring, ethical people, others are dangerous people that will abuse things.  Medicine and the legal system can treat them by they try to avoid both or mess with/play the system.
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playchoices · 6 years
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Inside Choices | Endless Summer Finale
Now that choices have been made, tears have been shed, and the dust has settled, it's time for a look back at the end of the Endless Summer trilogy. Read on for the final writer interview...
It's been almost a week since the finale, and I've cried out all my feelings. How do YOU feel now that it's over?
Taage: To be honest, it hasn't completely sunk in yet. Having lived and breathed Endless Summer for almost a year now, I'm starting to feel just as marooned on La Huerta as the characters! There's certainly a deep sense of relief. Endings can be nerve-wracking to write, especially on a tight deadline, so I'm very happy that it's done and players are enjoying the conclusion of our journey together through time, space, and the self.
Jen: This was the first Choices book I got to write on and I immediately fell in love with the characters from books 1 and 2. It feels bittersweet to not be writing them anymore, but I'm proud of the send-off we gave them.
Luke: This was always a story about letting go and moving on, so it’s time to do just that. These characters meant a lot to us, and we’ll always carry them with us.
There were three choices in the final chapter. Which would you have chosen?
Taage: I love all three endings for very different reasons... but I'm closest to the option that involves Vaanu.
Andrew: This is a weird answer, but I actually think the Rourke ending. On the surface, it seems bad (and it was a lot of fun writing the Darkest Timeline) but on playing it, I think there's actually a weird hopeful undercurrent, the promise of a new adventure. I really love those 'the battered heroes reunite against impossible odds, fighting together even if it means death' endings, and I think the Rourke ending actually kind of promises that.
Let's rewind. Brainstorms for Endless Summer kicked off during the summer of 2016. I remember the story changed a lot in the process. Diego was called Ben, the title was different, and the trees were sentient... Can you talk about how Endless Summer took shape?
Luke: Whew, this series had a crazier backstory than its characters did. The premise went through a ton of iterations, we almost pulled the plug on it early in the process, and the wedding bride was originally going to be Book 1’s big bad. But after dozens of hours of me and Andrew whiteboarding in a tiny conference room, we came up with the Book 1 we have now.
Andrew: Yeah, Endless Summer went through a LOT of interesting iterations before we hit on the version that worked. There was a version where everyone on the island was your ex, and one where the island was actually the top of the sunken continent of Atlantis. Even the first full outline was pretty different, a lot darker: the island was full of plant-zombies, there was a professor who got eaten, and Aleister ended up being a serial killer! Luckily, we figured out that we wanted something lighter, more heartfelt and adventurous, and I think we were all thrilled with the result.
What was your favorite part of making Endless Summer a reality? What was the most challenging?
Andrew: From the start, Endless was conceived as an experimental series where we got to try new things, and the most fun I had was getting to go wild with new ideas. The relationship system, the collectibles, the cutscenes, that one chapter in book 1 where I got to design an escape room... it was a total blast, and a huge thanks to QA for testing all our super-complicated new stuff!
The hardest was definitely the overall plot, and finding a way to connect all our ideas and pieces into a frame that both made sense and was emotionally satisfying. I'm honestly kind of amazed we pulled it off: we had a long list of 'mysteries to solve' and we got through almost every single one of them.
Taage: Writing the handfasting chapter may have been my most challenging and transformative experience. It was essentially five weddings in one, which was quite an undertaking. By the end, I'd gone from being a low-key cynic who didn't care for flashy weddings to a full blown romantic with dreams of my own big day. I'm also proud to have worked on some of the puzzles, and Varyyn and Diego's evolving relationship, among other things.
Jen: I got to write a lot of deeply emotional scenes for book three, which I loved doing. What I'm proudest of was getting to write Quinn's Ember scene. As someone who also has an auto-immune disease, it meant the world to me to imbue a character like Quinn with all of the words I needed to hear at the beginning of my diagnosis. Seeing fans with chronic illnesses react to that scene is the current highlight of my writing career.
Some story threads took multiple books to pay off, like who the missing wedding party ended up being. Were there any Easter eggs, details, or callbacks that you think readers may have missed?
Taage: Choices readers have sleuthed out many of the mysteries, and it's been a privilege to write for such an engaged audience. One clue I haven't seen mentioned occurs in Book 2 when Iris sings part of a traditional lullaby about giving her love "a baby with no crying."
Luke: Players may have caught this already, but the three endings were meant to represent reliving the past, holding on to the present, and moving forward into the future. Also, for any old-school Cause of Death fans, Raj got his name from an idea we considered to have him travel back in time and become Raj Mansingh, Natara’s dad. This is absolutely non-canon!
Andrew: Honestly, our fans are so sharp I think they caught almost everything. At heart, Endless Summer is a story about growing up -- about the summer where you graduate college and become an adult, and about the deep yearning to stay in the safety of sustained adolescence versus taking the plunge into the scary world of adulthood. We didn't intend it initially, but Endless Summer wound up with the underlying theme of "Every summer has to end."
What will you be working on post-Endless Summer?
Luke: That's under wraps right now.
Taage: I'm also sworn to secrecy, but look for an announcement later this year...
Jen: I'm working on a really fun new project that I think Endless Summer fans will really enjoy!
Andrew: I'm very busy on Bloodbound (and loving it!), and I'll be doing some work soon on Veil of Secrets. I've also got a couple new projects being outlined that I think players are going to like a lot...
Any final messages for Endless Summer readers before we wrap this up?
Jen: Thank you so much for playing. This story wouldn't exist without the fans who adored it. Thank you for your conspiracy theories and your fanart and your heartwarming messages about how much this story and these characters mean to you. I can't wait to show you all the new projects we're working on!
Luke: Endless Summer was able to reach this point because of dedicated fans tuning in every week. Thanks to each of you for supporting this crazy adventure from day one.
Taage: Here's to adventure! Jake is 5'9'' in boots, pass it on.
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Team Endless Summer! As with all Choices books, it takes a village to raise a series. That means writers, QA testers, artists, and everyone in between.
*Wipes away a tear* Endless Summer has ended, but we hope that your stay at La Huerta has been memorable. Keep an eye out for updates on what these writers and the rest of the Choices team has planned next!
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tagaloa-blog · 7 years
It is fascinating that as Bruce dubiously but seriously asks if Arthur actually talks to fish, Arthur dryly admits that it’s the ocean that he senses. It could be loosely referring to Aquaman Volume 8, Issue #20 and #22, where Arthur discovers an underwater gateway to Tethys, a planet that is entirely oceanic. Through Arthur’s telepathy, the water itself was able to communicate with him------ not with words, but instinctual feeling and empathy. The essential properties of Tethys’ waters are different, and both Arthur and Mera confirm that it is sentient and alive. According to the animated film, Flashpoint, Aquaman is canonically able to control marine microbes, tiny organisms that live in marine environments and can only be seen under a microscope; they include cellular life forms, such as bacteria, fungi, algae and plankton, along with the viruses that freeload along with them. Microbes comprise 98% of the biomass of the world's oceans, supply more than half the world’s oxygen and are the major processors of the world’s greenhouse gases, which means they have the potential to mitigate the effects of climate change. Let that sink in: Arthur can effect the ecosystem and bring great harm to the Earth itself with his telepathy. Instead, he uses marine microbes to dissolve the wiring of bombs, kill other invasive parasites harming marine life, and senses the state of the ocean. 
By way of the theory of evolution, everything, at some point, began from the sea, and therefore every living, organic creature is of the sea. Arthur’s ability to telepathically communicate with fish is explained through an oversimplified implication that he is able to telepathically reach into their midbrains, and metencephalon, persuading them to follow his commands. Humans, and other land-based creatures, have evolved versions of this midbrain. With that in mind, he can potentially expand his telepathy to control people, and land-based animals. An example of this may be Arthur’s ability to form telepathic connections with other telepaths (Ya’wara, who also shares a low-level telepathy with jungle animals). And, as demonstrated with Tethys, his psionic abilities are not limited to Earth lifeforms. This implies that Arthur and his royal lineage/bloodline who carry the “telepathic” gene is capable of telepathic persuasion of all living beings. 
Arthur’s mother, Queen Atlanna, was capable of controlling prehistoric land-based creatures (dinosaurs) with her telepathy (Aquaman Vol. 7, Issue #29). Atlanna herself is full-blooded Atlanean royal, possessing all of Arthur’s super-atlantean strengths and abilities, but it clearly appears that she has mastered her telepathy so that it may not be limited to strictly marine life. His telepathy also seems to protect him from psionic attacks, as seen in Aquaman Vol. 8, Issue #18.
Previous incarnations of his character before the 2011 reboot have implied and proven that Aquaman’s telepathy was capable of instilling fear in Superman, paralyzing him, and rendering him defenseless. He was also able to give a seizure to the White Martian, Zum. This further feeds into my personal belief that Arthur’s telepathy is predominately empathetic, and relies on empathy and manipulating emotion. 
I believe that Arthur’s telepathy is not fully understood, and its power is unfathomable----- to him, and even to Atlantis. He has the potential to manipulate emotion, cause seizures, and control/persuade the minds of creatures well beyond the species exclusively considered marine life. Currently, he possesses a deep connection with marine life, and his telepathic reach is vast, spanning over miles and miles of ocean, from the shallows of coastlines to the darkest depths of oceanic trenches. He senses the animals' distress, and the changes in the waters they inhabit, especially if there is danger. 
However, Arthur is not aware of its sheer power and influence beyond communicating with marine lifeforms, and he has never felt especially inclined to learn, or even expand its capabilities. Arthur is capable of powering his telepathy to expand its reach, but he does not pursue power. It isn’t even a conscious decision, it simply does not occur to him. Arthur never seeks to subjugate and dominate, but rather lead through cooperation, respect, and subservience to his responsibilities and goal towards coexistence. Once he accepts his role as king, Arthur Curry is deeply humane. For this reason, Arthur’s telepathy isn’t especially powerful, or else not as powerful as it could be, and straining this ability can and will cause him to feel pain, and even go into a coma, as confirmed in Aquaman Vol. 7, Issue #23: Arthur struggled greatly to control the Kraken Topo, and although he succeeded, he ended up comatose for six months.
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mst3kproject · 8 years
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212: Godzilla vs Megalon
The Godzilla franchise has been around a long time, and has produced some classic films.  The original Godzilla: King of the Monsters was a metaphorical meditation on the monstrous acts of World War II, and the recent Godzilla Resurgence is a critique of government impotence in the face of disaster.  The average MSTie, however, is much more interested in the ridiculous than the sublime, and Godzilla has given us plenty of that, too.  There's Godzilla vs Biollante, in which the monster's main foe is a mutant, sentient rose bush (seriously).  There's Godzilla vs the Smog Monster, in which Godzilla learned to fly using his atomic breath as a rocket (again, seriously).  There's Godzilla: Final Wars, which features fish aliens and the Japanese X-Men.  And we cannot possibly forget Godzilla vs Megalon.
It's impossible to describe the plot of one of these movies briefly, not without leaving out a lot of what makes them so bizarre and entertaining, so this will take several paragraphs.  An unnamed country (you can't call out the USA when they're the main foreign market for your movies) has set off one too many nuclear bomb tests, and pissed off the Seatopians.  Like Atlantis, the continent of Seatopia sank into the ocean long ago, and the cling-wrapped inhabitants have lived peacefully on the bottom ever since.  Now, however, they've decided they can no longer allow the surface people to threaten them with our atomic nonsense.  They're sending Megalon, a giant cockroach with drills for arms, to lay waste to the Earth!
You probably think that sounds absurd.  Well, hold on to your tightie-whities, I'm not half done.
Being a roach, Megalon is very tough but also extremely stupid, and the Seatopians don't trust him to find the world's major cities on his own.  He needs a seeing-eye robot to show him the way. The people of Seatopia (there seem to be about nine of them) can't be bothered to build such a robot themselves, so they steal one from a couple of Japanese guys whose names I never caught. These appear to be a gay couple raising their adopted son in a self-consciously futuristic house, and their robot Jet Jaguar looks kind of like a mechanical Christmas elf designed by a six-year-old Power Rangers fan.  Jet Jaguar can fly, however, and apparently has GPS, so it'll do the job just fine.
After a few shenaningans and one of the worst car chases ever committed to screen (the Rex Dart: Eskimo Spy! montage is actually better-edited and has more suspenseful music), our funkadelic heroes manage to steal their robot back.  The Japanese military has sent their best footage from previous Godzilla movies against Megalon, but it doesn't do any more good than it did in the films they borrowed it from.  Since everybody knows that the only way to destroy a giant rubber monster is with another giant rubber monster, the main characters send Jet Jaguar to Monster Island to get Godzilla.
Meanwhile, the now leaderless Megalon has begun just stomping on random things – Godzilla will never arrive in time to prevent more people from dying!  Fortunately, in the midst of all these goings-on, Jet Jaguar has developed sentience.  With Godzilla on the way, the robot reprograms itself to grow to gigantic size, thus making it a match for the monster.  The Seatopians counter with a bonus monster of their own, borrowing Gigan from another previous installment in the series, and no less than four giants are now duking it out in the Japanese countryside while the humans look on in amazement!
Godzilla vs Megalon is kind of the Gamera vs Guiron of the Godzilla movies.  It's terrible, and nothing in it makes the slightest bit of sense, and yet you can't help being entertained by it.  Everything that happens is colourful and fun, even when cities are being destroyed, and some of the miniatures are actually reasonably convincing.  The scene in which Megalon breaks a dam and threatens a truck where two of the heroes are being held prisoner actually looks pretty good.  Like Gamera vs Guiron, the whole thing feels like a game being played by enthusiastic children trying to one-up one another, very much as Crow and Tom Servo do in their 'invent a monster' competition.
In the eyes of a six-year-old boy, living with your uncle who builds robots and his best friend the racecar driver would sound way cooler than having your Mom around telling you to pick up your toys (and a child of that age in 1973 would probably have no idea what the relationship between the two men actually is).  Jet Jaguar, and his inventor's 'futuristic' home, look like things children would come up with, and the whole Easter Island aside (which never really comes to anything) could have been thrown in by a kid who is vaguely aware that the place figures in a lot of ancient aliens theories but doesn't know anything about the people who actually live there.
The monster fights also seem very childish, at times even cartoony: Jet Jaguar spins in place until he drills himself into the ground, for example, and a moment later Godzilla takes a running start and flies through the air to deliver a kick to Megalon's belly.  Different Godzilla movies have different takes on how much personality the creatures have – Godzilla vs Megalon makes them quite anthropomorphic.  None of the monsters actually talk, but it almost wouldn't feel out of place if they did.  Their body language and interactions suggest very human thoughts and motivations.  Megalon and Gigan gang up on Jet Jaguar like bullies picking on a smaller child in the schoolyard, and Godzilla comes to the robot's rescue like a best friend.  Gigan threatens to rip Jet Jaguar's head off if Godzilla comes any closer, so Godzilla must figure out how to beat the other monster from a distance.  These are not the actions of animals, but they are actions children might attribute to their imaginary creations.
Is the feeling of a child's game an intentional part of the movie, as I believe it was in Gamera vs Guiron?  Probably – there's at least one thing in Godzilla vs Megalon that was very definitely designed by a child, and that's the robot, Jet Jaguar.  Toho had held a contest for kids to come up with a new kaiju character, and Jet Jaguar was the winning entry.  Originally, Godzilla wasn't even supposed to be in the film, but the studio chickened out and put him and Gigan in the mix when they got worried that nobody would go see Jet Jaguar vs Megalon.  Godzilla vs Megalon would have been a child's adventure story with or without Godzilla, and so it makes sense that the rest of it should fit the childish aesthetic of Jet Jaguar.
Godzilla films are never very subtle about their messages, and this one is no exception: its intentional theme is the idea that nuclear weapons are dangerous and will ultimately destroy us if not handled properly – an idea it seems almost everybody can agree on and yet not one that makes for very good movies (remember Superman IV: the Quest for Peace?).  Here, the anti-nuke message is muddled by several storytelling decisions, most notably the very inclusion of Godzilla himself.
In any incarnation, Godzilla always at least starts out as an embodiement of nuclear destruction.  In Godzilla: King of the Monsters he was a metaphor for the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  In the stupid 1998 Americanization he was a nuclear test that got out of its makers' control.  In Godzilla Resurgence he is implied to have arisen from the fallout of Fukushima.  The idea of casting him in the role of guardian rather than destroyer thus becomes very strange when you think about it for a while, especially considering that he is a product of the imagination of only country ever actually nuked.  I'm sure this is never what the writers had in mind, but it always seems as if movies in which Godzilla saves the Earth are telling us that bombing the fuck out of them will be an effective defense against alien invasions.
This gets even weirder when Godzilla's own innate symbolism is juxtaposed with the Seatopians.  Seatopia is a country not unlike pre-Meiji Japan, in that it has placed itself in self-imposed isolation.  These undersea people have been contentedly ignoring their neighbours for the past three million years until we started making an unavoidable nuisance of ourselves.  They have a legitimate grievance and one that would find a great deal of sympathy among surface-dwellers, including our main characters – and yet they are never anything but the explicit villains of the film.  What's more, their own superweapon, Megalon, is defeated by Godzilla, the living atom bomb!  This is entirely at odds with the stated message of the film: it seems to say that actually, nuclear weapons are awesome, and will be used against anybody who tries to protest them!  I don't think the writers thought that one through.
The Seatopians' own actions don't make a whole lot of sense, either. Japan does not build or test nuclear weapons – instead, the Japanese have embraced peaceful uses of nuclear power like almost no other nation on Earth.  Why, then, should the Seatopians send Megalon to Japan?  Were they aiming for the Soviet Union but got lost? Do they simply believe all the surface humans must go regardless of who has actually been setting off the fireworks?  By all rights, this movie should have ended with the anti-nuclear surface-dwellers coming to an agreement with the Seatopians and working towards disarmament, but instead the idea of talking to these people and finding out what they want never occurs to anybody.
Needless to say, this is not a film that stands up to much analysis. It is much better enjoyed at a purely surface level, as eighty-one minutes of colourful, ridiculous fun for children – and on that level, I enjoy it very much.
20 notes · View notes
"fifth race" this, "second evolution" that. I think the Tau'ri specifically are the foretold returned Ancients.
with very few exceptions, Earth is the only place that has people with the ATA gene
Earth is where the Ancients evacuated to after they lost the war with the wraith
the earth stargate programme is the one that has explored, rediscovered, and activated the most Ancient devices and bases (Antarctica, Atlantis, that ship in SGU, the Ancient libraries, all of Merlins stuff, all of Oma Desala's stuff, all of Morgan Le Fays stuff, the list goes on)
Earth has made contact with the Asguard, the Nox, the Tollans, the Wraith and some other allies
Earth has made contact with actual Ancients and even had at least one Ascend and come back (Daniel)
98 notes · View notes
List of possible hoaxes known:
Ballistic missiles
Ball earth
Space station
Cruise missiles
Nuclear power plants
Jet engines
Power storage
Ancient rome
Ancient Greece
Ancient Egypt
Ancient history
Nuclear weapons
Nuclear bombs
Atomic bombs
Nuclear power plant failures/catastrophes
Speed of light
Ball earth
Population numbers
Number data of countries and the world
Richest people
Resource hoax
Conservation of mass
Conservation of energy
Free energy true or not
Moon landings
Black holes
Religion believed or not
God believed or not
False relitgions believed or not
Muhammad believed or not
Records of history
Mongol empire
Ancient india
Ancient china
Aliens demons
Jesus believed or not
Demons believed or not
Angels believed or not
Camera lens
Fisheye lens
Earth flat or round
Earth flat or ball
Ufos believed or demons or not
Aliens believed or demons or not
Big bang
History of india
Ottoman empire
Arab history
Turkish history
Us history
Black moors
Black Egyptians
Moorish world empire
Pre-Columbian contact between continents
Quantum physics
String theory
Quantum mechanics
Hypersonic reenertry
Space probes
Other solar systems
Solar system
Extrasolar planets
Ocean garbage patches
Shape of earth
Ball earth
Spherical earth
Native American history and identity
Mound builders
Ancient india temples
Ancient india
Technological level
Stone age to bronze age to iron age idea
Cold war
Nuclear missiles
North  Korea
Aircraft carriers
Supercomputer defense systems
Intercenptor missiles
Thor system missil defese
Ballistic missiles
Terror attacks
Boston bombing
7/7/7 London
Resource limits
Derren Brown
Laws of physics
Conservation of momentum
Resource limits
Nuclear bombs
Atomic bombs
Nuclear tests
Nuclear power plants
Khmer Empire
Chola kingdom
Srivijayan empire
Majapahit empire
Spanish empire
British empire
Us history
Us colonial history
Us pre-Columbian history
100 years war
Turkish history
European history
Greek history
Irish history
English history
French history
Spanish history
Moroccan history
Moorish history
Moabite history
Jewish history
Saudi  Arabia history
Chinese history
Japanese history
Egyptian history
Island count
Island shape
Island count
Arctic islands
Oil origin
Oil amount
Chemistry of oil
Ancient sites
Archeological sites
Ancient history
How much of the earth is green rather than desert
Fake deserts
Planted sand
Fake sand in Egypt
Fake sahara desert
Sahara desert sand
Gobi desert
Sonoran desrt
Atacama desert
Bonneville salt flats
Great plains
mysterious lines and circles
land amount
land limits
amount of continents
amount of regions
other continents
Shangri la
How earth works
Time travel
Unable to multiply
Unability to create
Ancients were stupid idea
Idea that people lived for hundreds of thousands of years without advancing or accomplishing anything
Native American lack of civilization idea
Australian lack of civilization idea
African lack of civilization idea
Age of buildings
Age of sites
Modern history
Korean war
Vietnam war
Iraq war
Interceptor missiles
Iron dome
Syrian missile attacks
Al Qaeda
Al Nusra
Boko Haram
End of the world
Leaders are cisgendered or trans idea
Leaders are all in the same side together or are independent idea
Leaders are actors/actresses or real idea
All the world’s a stage or the world is real idea
What is seen
Camera lens
Flat earth or ball idea
Flat earth which theory is true idea
Pearl harbor
The blitz
Plane crashes
Helicopter crashes
Train crashes
Boat crashes
Animal swarms
Things falling from the sky real or not
Saints real or not
Miracles real or not
Weather warfare or not
Cryptocurrency reality and purpose
CERN real or not or true purpose
Weather control or not
Petroglyph reality or not and interpretations
Natural disasters
Supervolcanoes or not
Volcanic eruptions or not
Lava destroying towns or not
Tsunamis real or not
South America nomes
India sites real or not and interpretations
China sites real or not and interpretations
Japan sites interpretations and real or not
Native American sites how many are real and interpretation of sites
Americas sites real or not and interpretations
Ancient world in the Americas
South America sites real or not
Asia sites
Oceania sites real or not and interpretations
Polar sites real or not and interpretation
Africa sites real or not and interpretations
Australia sites real or not and interpretations
Antarctica sites real or not and interpretations
Polynesia sites real or not and interpretations
Pacific sites real or not and interpretations
Underwate sites sites real or not and interpretations
Spac sites sites real or not and interpretations
Indonesia pyramid
Ancient Greece are the megaliths part of Ancient Greece or not
Ancient Rome are the
The Americas megaliths are they native American, Spanish, modern or something else and what else ideas including aliens and atlantis and Lemuria and pre-Columbian contact ideas
Irish in the Americas
Polynesians in the Americas
Australian aborigines in the Americas
Pacific contact between cultures before Columbus and Magellan
Atlantic contact between cultures before Columbus
Irish in new  Zealand
Irish in china
Trade routes
Age of sail/discovery/exploration possible or not
Did the people in history exist or not
Were people who they say they were
Are people who they say they were
Are people real or holograms
Advanced technology real or too advanced
Tesla technology
Longitudinal waves
Free energy real or not and which machines are real and does it occur in nature/world idea
Technology what is real and does it match the bible
Self driving cars
Ai robots true purpose
Sentient World simulations
Speeches like Geordie rose demon takeover or just talk
Demon takeover possible or not
Chemtrails real or not
Chemtrails whats in them and purpose and links to population control, bluebeam, create disease in population, alien, ufo, demon, and other ideas
Weather getting colder idea and link to population control and demon ideas
AI dolls and AI sex dolls real purpose and demonic possession idea
Electricity what is it idea
Electricity demon takeover and sigils idea
History of technology when were things invented and improved
Levitation real or not
Levitation videos
Magicians real or not are they demons or demon assisted idea
Voyages in the Age of sail/discovery/exploration are they possible with the details suggested such as cargo crew distance navigation ocean waves/currents ship size.
Slave trade real or fake
Slavery possible or not
Slave rebellions real or not
Africa history how much is fake or all of it fake
Empires possible or not
Large wooden ships are they possible or not
Age of sail and discovery
Colonization possible or not or not enough technology
Colonial America history
Ghosts real or not and what are they ideas
Ghosts demons or not
UFOs/Aliens are they demons or not
City sites
Nubian pyramids
Mysterious places real or fake
Caves with aliens or technology inside
Dulce base and the alien idea
Area 51 and the alien or advanced technology or flying UFOs idea
Walmart tunnels
Underground tunnels
Egypt under tunnels
Tunnels under the ocean
Evolution missing link skeletons
Black or white or olive-skinned Moors
Black or white or olive-skinned or mix Ancient Egyptians
Megaliths sites
Antarctica pyramid
Crop circles
Ufo abductions
Demons are aliens or not idea
England white horse petr
Ireland glyphs
Irish pyramids real or fake
Mauritius pyramid
Canary pyramid
Italy pyramid
India temples purpose age supernatural whats inside are they real how many are real interpretation of use and interpretation of carvings
Ancient mali
Ancient Ghana
Songhai empire
Benin empire
Great Zimbabwe
Ibo sculptures
Benin bronzes
Africa artifact is the detail possible or not
Spanish cathedrals and statues
Spanish cathedrals and statues details possible or not or too advanced
Automatons and early modern technology which wer real
History of industrial revolution who invented which machines, how many were around, who improved the machines, which machines were real, what counts as industrial revolution
Artifact detail possible or not
Artifacts real or not or not what they say
Ancient Egypt real or not and what was it idea
Ancient technology or supertechnology real or not and which were real idea
African empires which were real, how advanced were they, and other ideas
Ufo encounters real or fake
Rendlesham air force base UFO real or not
Progect Serpo real or not
Does the US Gov really study aliens
Ecuador pyramid
Ecuador cave and links to giants
Father Crespi arfitacts real or fake Ica stones real or not
Ancient Americas artifacts real, fake, modified, or made-up stories idea and which are real and interpretation
Vidos of mysterious creatures real, cgi, man in suit, prop, or real, and the if it is real what is it idea linking to demons/aliens/cryptids
Cryptids real or not and are they illusions/animals/demons idea
Cryptid footage and stories/pictures real or made up or faked or animal or what is it idea
Bigfoot/yeti/yowie/alma/skunkape real or not, is it a man in costume or mistaken animal idea, is it there, is it elaves/trees/pareidolia, and ghost/interdimensional/demon ideas
Jersey devil real or not and what is it and demon idea
Moon base
Mars base
Mars base is it real, walmart/mall, cgi, human or alien idea
Space sites
Nazca lines
Australia figures
Nazca figures
North America Stonehenges
North America mounds real or fake, who built them, how were they built, when were they built, are they natural, when were they built, and the moors/Atlantis/megaliths/Mormon/giants/demons idea
South America structures/buildings/pyramids/mounds/earthworks which are sites, which are real or fake, when were they built, are they natural, how were they built, and who made them and giants/irish/Celts/Malians/Polynesians/Altantis/Lemuria idea
Britain/Ireland Stone circles
Carving technology
Origin of technology aliens, God, demons, human and how was it possible
Britain/Ireland mounds how were they built
Ancient Egypt sites which are Ancient Egyptian and are they real or fake and how modified are they.
Irish glyphs are they real and whit are they
Irish sites
Irish mythology which groups are real and what are they if any of them and which stories are real, were artifiacts real, who are the supposed gods and mythical creatures link to aliens demons and other ideas, and interpretation
Russian mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
English mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
French mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Celtic mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
German mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Australian mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Papuan mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Native American mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Native South American mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Pacific mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Oceanian mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
New Zealand mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Polynesian mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation and links to demons/aliens
Siberian mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Mongolian mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Tatar mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Turkish mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Brazilian mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
South American mythology after Columbus real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
American mythology after Columbus real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Egyptian mythology mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Middle eastern mythology mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Asian mythology mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Korean mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Chinese mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Japanese mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Islam real or not
Muhammad real or not
Skyships/airships real or not
Magonia imagined or links to ufos/aliens/demons
Black death real or fake, and if real what is the cause, and the did aliens/demons cause it idea
Frenc Polynesia or marquesas carvings are they people or demons or aliens and what are the tools and interpretation
Egyptian and ancient image interpretation are they letters or technology or representations or symbols
SAGE system
Radar systems
US radar
Satellite imagery cgi or combined airplane imagery
Wealth amounts
Richest people
Poorest countries
Richest countries
Money numbers
Country numbers
Number of islands a country has
Technology which are fake which are real
Tesla technology
Free energy which claims are real which are fake or scam
Canada missile defense system
Serial killers
People are they trans or not
Sugar what are the real details
Chemicals are they safe or not, and is the gov covering up unsafe chemicals
Chemicals in food
Chemicals in plastic
Petroglyphs do they show portals, giants, wizards and demons
Carvings do they show portals, giants, wizards and demons
Ancient petroglyphs, images, and carvings, do they show advanced technology
Ancient images do they show portals, giants, wizards, and demons
Jet aircraft
Sight distances
Turbines is it air powered
Turbines are they free energy
Oil fuel does it come from the ground or where does it come from
Engines cand they work are they possible
Jet engines can they work
Computers are they possible
Electricity what is it and why is it everywhere
Electricity does it cause harm
School shootings
Boston bombing
Nuclear icebreakers are they
North pole is it real
South pole is it real
Russia islands many with unpronounceable names are they real or not how many are there
Arctic islands
Antarctic islands
Falkland islands
South Georgia
South Sandwich islands
Bouvet islands
French Antarctic territory islands
Flat earth geography and real shape
6 day war
Middle east wars
Gaza war
Antarctica on flat earth how fare does it extend
Flat earth is there land beyond Antarctica
Dimension travel is it real or not
Time t
Taured is it real or not
Laxaria in Sakria does it exist or not
Lizbia does it exist or not, and is it Lisbon, Lesbos, or
Continent definition are there 7 or not or is it regions
Continents are there more tha
Northwest passage
Northeast passage
Ship crashes
Space junk
Falling space stations
Space stations
Chinese space
Russian space
3 mile island
Human body
The mind
Human mind
The human mind
Continental drift
Explorer voyage details
Explorer journeys
Nuclear test
Vietnam war
Korean war
Iraq war
Gaza war
6 day war
Missile attacks
Syria missile attacks
Yemen missile attacks
Gaza missile attacks
Volcanic eruptions
Climate history
Climate change
Global warming
Continental drift
Continental drift Cuba Haiti Panama impossible motion and Australia move fast
Tesla roadster
Fake countries
Special relativity
Spacetime warp
4 fundamental forces
Subatomic particles
Particle colliders
Fake politics
Fake elections candidates selected and prechosen winner is placed
Continent shapes
Island shapes
Islands in the oceans
Islands near continents
Islands near other land
Islands near other islands
Antarctic geography
Antarctic climate
The arctic
Antarctic bases
Antarctic research bases
Atlantic islands
Arctic islands
Pacific islands
Indian ociean islands
Antarctic islands
Polynesian islands
Polynesian history
Polynesian history were they the first and was it continuous or several
Indonesian islands
Islands in seas
Islands in lakes
Antarctic stations
Geography modified or cgi land
Cgi stations or
Lighting effects on google earth land/buildings
Images cgi or studio set somewhere else
Fake or modified or real islands
Fake or modified or real land
Fake or modified or real continents
Island and land locations
Island and land shapes
Glaciers and ice and snow
Climate hoax
Tornado hoax
Hurricane hoax
Lights hoax
Ufo hoax
Drought hoax
Starvation hoax
Africa hoax
Africa poverty hoax
India poverty hoax
Nepal poverty hoax
First world poverty not recognized
Poverty hoax
Money hoax
Country hoax
Country hoax not real
Micronation hoax not real
Asgardia hoax
Document hoax
Supplies hoax
Cargo plane hoax
Cargo drop hoax
Supply drop hoax
Weapons hoax
Military vehicles hoax plastic and cardboard
Military planes hoax pla
Military hoax parades
North  korea hoax
North  korea parades
North  korea events
Middle East events lots most common place of origin outside of asia
Asia Events hoax second most common
Other regions events hoax
Antarctica events hoax
Plane crash hoax
Train crash hoax
Weather how much is fake, real or modified
Chemtrails how much is chemtrail or contrail if any chemtrails
Events hoax
Stockpile hoax
Fort Knox hoax
Gold hoax
Metal hoax
Mining hoax everything involved with hoax material
Elements hoax
Chemical hoax
Chemical origins hoax where are they really from or are they synthesized
Oil hoax
Politics hoax
National anthem
National legends nonsense and heavily modified stories like thanksgiving
National stories just for show
News hoax
Drought hoax
Somaliland drauthg hoax
Africa child starvation hoax
Child starvation hoax
Africa villages how many are fake, real, modified, supported, or film sets
Africa only poor areas filmed
Advancement hoax how advanced
Technology how advanced is technology at a given time, and what is hidden, also connect with made up nonworking technologies
Other countries in space
Land how much land on the earth whether flat or ball or whatever shape
Russia space
Private space
Israel space
other country space
space organizations
nonprofit organizations how many are real
Vatican what is in the library, Jesuit involvement, what
Budgets what is real or changed or hoax
Debt what is real or changed or hoax
Money origin is it really money or made up to serve as money
Supernatural how much influence
God how much influence
Jesus how much influence
Paganism distraction from Jesus and God or not
Mythology how many are real events, how much is promoted as distraction from Jesus and God
Gods are they believed as a tgoo
Magic how much works
Spells how much works
Voodoo how much works
Santeria how much works
Witchcraft how much works
Wicca how much works
Ascended masters
Akashic records
Homeopathy is it real how much does it work
Dowsing how well does it work if at all
Quantum is it real, how much is real, is it a distraction from ether, is it a distraction from Jesus and God
Law of attraction real, not real, how powerful is it, is it satanic or not, is it a distraction from Jesus and God
Popular figures are they actors/actresses, paid, or not
New age is it created or promoted by Satan, how much does it work, or does it work at all
Evolution was it created by Satan, how real is it, how much of it is real
Planets hoax
Planet names why after pagan gods/goddesses
UFOs are they demonic, reversed technology, real at all, how many are real and what are the real ones
Antarctic island real or not how much how many
Arctic islands are they real, and how many are real, modified, or hoax
Antarctic stations
Antarctic stations
Global warming climate change
Antarctic stories
World stories
October island
Russia Arctic islands
Arctic islands
Peter island
Belleny islands
South orkney
French southern and Antarctic lands
South Georgia real or not
Falklands probably real
Falkland war
Vanuatu probably real
Continents are they connected in different places or at all
Continents were they connected in the past like amexum, atlantis, lemuria, hyperborea, mu
Fake stations on islands
Ile st paul
Ile Amsterdam
Kerguelen base
Kerguelen island/s
Hawaii faked images or more land than said or real
Casey station
Commondante ferante station
O’higgins station real or ake
Chilean station antarctica
Ukraine station antarctica
Bharati station
King Sejong station
Bellingshausen station
Mc Murdo station
Czech station
Amundsen-Scott station
Tahiti how big how many or real
Shape of Tahiti and land
Tahiti several islands labeled Tahiti, all islands in French Polynesia sometimes called Tahiti, mostly bora bora labeled Tahiti
More land on earth labeled under same name or not
Easter Island
Lusitania ship hoax or real probably hoax
Mesoamerica civilizations
Sioux real or not
Navaho real or not
Inuit/Eskimo real or not
Native Americans are they the first
Native Americans real or not
Pacific islands are they real now many how real how much land fake pictures or not
Vehicles power source and engine
Cars power source and engine
Trucks power source and engine
Buses power source and engine
Pacific islands
Diego Garcia probably real
Ocean islands
Bora bora several or
Multiple of each islands or
Multiple continents or same
Rodrigues island real or not, probably real
Reunion real or not
Mauritius real or not and link to dodos
Adegey island
Extinct animals
Dodo birds
Skunk ape
Jersey devil real or demon or not real
French plane crash in Atlantic
Atlantic ocean crash
Plane crashes links with fake videos of them
Ocean floor
Ocean creatures real fake, modified, or some real, how many are real
Fairies real or fake, are they wasps, are they al cardboard and cgi if not wasps
Marshall Islands
Diego Garcia
Diego Garc
Giant squid
Ghost real or not, are they demons, how many are real, are all demons or some ghosts
Airports and link to fake airport video and population hoax
Population numbers
Richest people in the world
Chinese countryside far more green than shown on satellite/aerial images
Turkish countryside far mor green than shown on satellite.
Country countrysides far more green than shown on satellite/aerial images
saudi  arabia countryside
iraq countryside
Azerbaijani/Azeri countryside
Country countrysides how green are they really
Arable land how much is there really
Deserts how empty are they really
Deserts how dry are they really
Deserts how large are they really
Ice events
Noreaster real how sever
Rain real or not severe
Floods real or fake
October islands
Arctic islands
Russia islands
Nepal earthquake
Nov 23
London bridge attacks
Manchester bombings
Ariana Grande bombings
Sonoran desert fairly gren
Mojabe desert
Gobi desert has plants and sand placed
Sahara desert has plants and sand placed
Namib desert has plants and sand placed
Kalahari desert
Australia desert
Vehicle/bus hits bridge
Animal swarms bees, bugs, etc.
Gaza war relocation and destruction and construction
WW2 relocation and destruction and construction
Millions of years
Billions of years
Sea level
Sinking islands
Sinking Venice
Areas rising or falling in elevation over time
Comandante Ferraz Antarctic Station
Numbers connection with physics is the model the same and checks needed before saying it is
Serial killers
Connection between math and physics
Interpretation of physics
Interpretation of the world
Serial killers
Criminal detection techniques how many are real and which are made up or modified
Jack the Ripper real or fiction, what actually happened
Satanic rituals did they occur or not
Levitating people how many actually levitated
Levitation videos are they real or fake, usually with strings, poles, cranes, and CGI
Pizzagate fake but relevance to other events/hoaxes
Walmart children real or not
Child abduction and sacrifice by elites stories
Crime rings
CERN true purpose or fake
Dwave true purpose or fake
Sandy Hook
School shootings
Shootings and bombings which are fake which are real
Turkey coup Erdogan
Physics actually supernatural
Famous and well known people
Celebrities trans and actors and Masonic/elite
Politicians trans and actors and Masonic/elite
Pretty much everything
Weight volume and chemistry
Water what is it and where does it really come from Jesus/God, already there, chemical reactions, and/or what
Oil what is it and where does it really come from, ground, synthesized, found, and is it infinite abiogenetic, alchemy
Alchemy is it real or not, how much of it is real, does it work
Synthesis one element to another
Transmutation one element to another, alchemy and plants
Plant transmutation
Elements which ones are real, are the other ones createable, how many are fake, are there stable useable ones beyond 118? Can they be used in propultion
Are elements elements or just normal materials presented as other or elements.
Elements is it really supernatural, demonic, and idea pieces and Godly rather than material
UFO propulsion real, hoax, or demonic, and links to elements
Reversed engineered ufo real, hoax or demonic
Population. Really 1 billion instead of 7 or 8 or 9 billion
Gasoline why does it float
Ice does it float for the reason they say
Miniature forces
Wandervalls force
Hydrogen bonding
Hydrophobic hydrophilic
Oil products what are they really
Plastics what are they really
Food is
Biology is it consistent
Plants how do they grow and hybrids reproduce, but animals hybrids can’t reproduce
Physical chemistry
Water mysteries
Types of water
How body works
How works
How animals work
How mind works
The mind
The brain is the soul hidden
The soul dismissed as fake but is real
Christianity dismissed as fake but is real
Miracles dismissed but many cases of miracles are real
Continents how many are there, also shape, geography, climate terrain, size, etc.
Regions how many are there, also shape geography climate, terrain, size, etc.
Islands how many are there, also shape, geography, climate terrain, size, etc.
Oceans how many are there, also shape, geography, climate terrain, size, etc.
Seas how many are there, also shape, geography, climate terrain, size, etc.
Sakria Laxaria, Taured, etc, are they real or not
Mauritius real or fake probably real, has geography that matches the images and maps and fake geography that doesn’t, links to dodo bird
Reunion could be real or fake, many different areas supposedly on the same island
Reunion images some match some don’t but google shows different island shape entirely
Islands not the islands shown on map
Land not what is shown on map
Oceans not what is shown on map
Continents not what is shown on map
Seas not what is shown on map
Mandela effect real or not
Do petroglyphs really show portals giants beings/demons/aliens and wizards/sorcerers and who are the gods/goddesses sen
Gods/Godesses who are they aliens demons, real people with magic powers, normal smart people, or made up
Tour/travel guides are they showing the real islands and lands/waters
Dodo bird
Passenger pigeon
Rodrigues Island different on the map than the images
Colonies in Americas were the people already there from a collapsed or higher civilization?
Races are the blacks and whites native to the Americas
Costa  Rica links to land or island Mandela effect and dodo bird supposed sightingUSA
How advanced were aboriginal peoples of the world
Megaliths are they real or fake
Asuncion Island
Mayotte fake or real different islands shown as Mayotte and does not match the map
Sabertooth tiger
Primitive men
Evolution humans
Evolution fossils
Geneology /ancestry how much is real
DNA is it real
Google imagery made to look like ball earth
Car crashes
Miracles are they real or faked and cause of them
Cities and their events
Locations and their events
Singapore, Michigan
Raising of Chicago real or not
Mudflood is it possible and did it happen or not
Extreme weather events
Ice crashing against the shore
Ile st. Paul(several of them)
Heard and mcdonald islands
Kerguelen islands (several or different)
Orcadas Base
Vanuatu (several of them)
O’Higgins Station
Halley VI Station
Bharati Station
War imagery
Americdan revolution
Liberty bell
American revolution trinkets
Museum artifacts
Historical artifacts
George Washington George 3 or not
Tsunamis how many are real how much damage
Plate tectonics
Lakes how formed
Mountains how formed
History of technology
Direction of human advancement have humans just regaining what was possible before been are humans even going backwards rather than evolving in technology
Nonhuman intervention in earth
Demon involvement
Alien involvement
Mary dyer
Anne Hutchinson
Founding of America different or even Moors involved
Colonal America
White privilege
Leaders actually puppets
Continental divide
Northwest passage location and how many
How mountains formed
Origin of humans
Origin of life
Stories purporting to be real how much is real
Battle of quebec was it real or even possible
Battle of Montreal was it even imagined
American revolution real or not French fleet seems useful after having
Trafalgar fake too many versions, general was shot, French had just won the American revolution, also number code
Battle of fallen timbers and war cannons and horses mysteriously appear and natives not have
Tecumseh war they would have already won the Pontiac war and Tecumseh would have another
Battle of Thermopylae problems everywhere, the Greeks would lose in minutes
Battle of marathon someone else would replace the fallen general, and the Persians would not leave, also the Persians supposedly have a million soldiers
Pontiac war smallpox blankets or not and they already took all the forts
Northwest Indian war
Wild West
Wild West outlaws
Spanish American war
Mexican American war
War of 1812
Transcontinental railroads
Transcontinental railroad
Trans Siberian railway
Construction feats longer than mentioned
Buildings how build by who and when
Fomenko how real is it
History how much is real and what details are real
Continental divides
Mountain formation
River borders
Northwest passage is it real and how many
Rivers being separate idea, actually connect
Who built the railroads
Famous figures were they real
Who built the buildings and how
Black build railroads really Irish, Germans, and Chinese
Blacks build things really Irish, Germans, and Chinese
Blacks built buildings how many actually
Blacks did things how much and how many were actually working on such
Black inventions most not really invented by them
Inventions by race
Puddling furnace
Open hearth furnace
Airplane engine
Train engine
Car engine
Bus engine
Truck engine
Tractor engine
Powertools when invented and which designed worked or didn’t work
Motorboat when invented and does it work as said
Appliances when invented and does it work as said
Machine engine
Leonardo which worked which didn’t how many did he really design and what oned did he really design
Inventors which machines worked and which were flights of fancy
Quotes how many were actually said by the person claimed if said at all
Ancestry geneology genetics dna has been faked before, how much is real if much at all
Roads how made, what made of, how long last etc.
Concrete how made, what made of, how long last, etc.
Skyscrapers who built was it really the Irish, and concrete how does it stay up, and when built, and how work, how long to build, how many people, how are they built, which pictures are of real work if any and many other issues
Construction projects how long does it take and how many are real or are as hard as claimed
China construction projects are they really better and faster than the “West” ones.
Tunnels how long to dig
Construction project labor before mid 20th century, who is working on such if people supposedly die on it every other day, safety, how long to build, how built, etc.
Power plants
OTEC power plants
Wave power plants
Tidal power plants
Ocean power plants
Sun power plants
Hydroelectric power plants not powerful enough possibly, free energy or other used possible
Coal power plants
Oil power plants
Nuclear power plants
Car how works probably real
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so I've started watching farscape
1. so many puppets!!! all the puppets!!!!
3. I can see how Vala is a culture shock for farscape fans but I love aeryn and Vala equally
4. I. want. to. hug. a. space roomba.
5. I have mixed feelings about zhaan. like she's pretty and she's nice and she is a gentle soul that can and will kick ass, but she's naked a little too often for my comfort
5. I like criton better than cam (I feel like I'm missing a few letters there please feel free to correct me)
6. I'm only on e7 so I think that's all my opinions rn
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