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jamfromwkym · 3 years ago
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“ꜱᴀʏᴏᴜɴᴀʀᴀ” #sayounara #rikyushichisoku #sennorikyu #carharttwip #supreme #daidomoriyama #commedesgarcons #photography #kaws #futura2000 #fragmentdesign #hiroshifujiwara #virgilabloh #nigo #colette #nike #junyawatanabe #032c #louisvuitton #commedesgarcons #iphonephotography #popeyemagazine #hypebeast #highsnobiety #isetansalonemens #isetan #marunouchi #unprecedent #sidelinetokyo #jamfromwkym ᴀʀɪɢᴀᴛᴏ @isetansalone_mens (イセタンサローネ メンズ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfA4pl0hvaO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oza-kyoto · 3 years ago
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🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵 ・ Today, Japanese tea🍵 ・ Japanese tea (nihoncha) is a term used in everyday conversation, meaning "tea from Japan" or "tea made in Japan" or "a type of tea commonly drunk in Japan. Green tea is a generic term for non-fermented tea made from the tea plant without fermentation, so Japanese tea does not mean green tea. It is not a botanical classification of tea. ・ Japanese green tea can be broadly classified into two categories: matcha (ground tea), which was established in the tea ceremony by the Middle Ages, and sencha (green tea in a broader sense), which is made without grinding tea leaves. Sencha, in the narrow sense of the term, is a mid-grade green tea that is positioned between gyokuro (high-grade) and bancha (low-grade). ・ ・ Check out the post for details. ・ ・ #olympics2021 #tokyoolympics #Nippon #japan #tokyo #kyoto #japantrip #japanhistory #japantools #japanculture #Japanproducts #teaceremony #tea #japantea #sennorikyu (Kyoto) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRScBWcsnWL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kikkyan · 6 years ago
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千利休の金毛閣。豊臣秀吉の怒りを買うことに。#kinmoukaku #sennorikyu #daitokuji #kyoto https://www.instagram.com/p/BxbWfDrpOdk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sy60e61zagsp
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art-kyoto-jp · 8 years ago
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No.588 at Konnichian, Kyoto, Japan
Konnichian is a home of Ura Senke, a school of Chanoyu, the way of tea ceremony. Today, 28 March, is a day of death anniversary of Sen No Rikyu, who is one of founders of the tea ceremony and especially has the most most profound influence on Wabicha. A month ago, 28 February, he killed himself, Seppuku.
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yuko-ishizaka · 6 years ago
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朝茶事の茶懐石料理のお勉強会。 朝5時から5時30分に始まる茶事で、基本的には一汁三菜が基本の茶事ですが、朝茶事は一汁二菜になります。 朝なので負担にならないよう食べやすく身体に出来るだけ優しい献立。 健康まで気遣って、これぞ究極のおもてなし。 茶懐石で良く使われる鱧、ホタテ、海老などは朝茶事では使わないのですが、 今回は特別に祇園祭=鱧祭りということで鱧の骨切りをさせてもらえることに😊 利休さんの頃は茶事の6割が朝茶事だったんだって。 5時開始ということは最低でも2〜3時から仕込みをしていたということ。。 いくら当日にあまり仕込みをしないメニューと言えども、昔の人は早起きだなぁー! 昔は冷蔵庫もないし、この時期は食材が傷んだりもするから工夫がいっぱい。 今回もとても勉強になりました。 ちなみに私は裏千家ですが、お勉強のためご飯の盛り付けは表千家流〜。 復習しなきゃー。覚えることいっぱいだー。 #茶道 #裏千家 #禅 #朝茶事 #茶事 #茶懐石 #健康 #千利休 #茶道会館 #おもてなし料理 #一汁三菜 #一汁二菜 #身体に優しいごはん #美容栄養アドバイザー #食育研究家 #teaceremony #urasenke #sennorikyu #healthyfood #japanesefood #healthyeating #healthylifestyle
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takaishitaiki · 7 years ago
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媚びへつらい上等。仲良くしましょう。抹茶。 #抹茶 #缶 #matcha #can #千利休 #sennorikyu #rikyu
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gary-luscombe · 8 years ago
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This small courtyard is the location of the residence of Sen-no-Rikyu, master of the Way of Tea who developed Japanese Tea Ceremony into the zen art form that it is today. It might surprise some to learn that the modern zen experience of Japanese Tea Ceremony was not developed in Kyoto, but was instead born in the bustling and noisy port of Sakai, Osaka Prefecture. His birth name was Tanaka Yoshiro and he belonged to a wealthy merchant family who specialized in selling dry fish. In his late teens, he started to study Tea Ceremony under a some famous teachers and began to learn zen at Daitoku-ji temple in Kyoto. Later in his life, he became tea master for famous Sengoku-jidai warlords Oda Nobunaga and then Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Around this time, he began to really incorporate zen into his Tea Ceremony practice favoring small tea houses and natural objects. Despite being a close adviser and friend to Hideyoshi, the warlord ordered Rikyu to commit seppuku after some unknown disagreement. Rikyu carried this out on April 21st 1591 after holding a final ceremony, giving away the utensils and smashing the bowl. The wooden frame covering the well on the right originally formed part of the main gate at Kyoto's Daitoku-ji temple. Rikyu donated money for the top half of the gate to be built and during a period of repair, some was removed to be used at this site of his birth. Just across the street from this former residence is an excellent museum that covers the life of Rikyu and the history of tea ceremony. It also has an exhibit for Akiko Yosano, a famous tanka poet from the late 19th and early 20th century who was also born in Sakai. #japan #japanesehistory #japantravel #traveljapan #sakai #instagramjapan #sennorikyu #日本 #堺市 #堺 #千利休 #侘び茶 (at Sakai-shi, Osaka, Japan)
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scuolajaku · 8 years ago
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The beauty of a single seasonal flower to Sen No Rikyu. #narciso #fiore #fiori #flower #chabana #Sennorikyu #tokonoma #Giappone #giapponese #Japan #Japanese #cerimoniadelte #cerimonia #teaceremony #ceremony #teezerimonie #zerimonie #chanoyu #chado #omotesenke #cha #tea #te #tè #té #the #thè #tee (presso Piazzale Pieve A Elici)
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cocoa1050 · 8 years ago
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出張中のイタリア人🇮🇹と#HigashiyaGinza でランチ\(^o^)/ 千利休体験は(説明大変だったけど)大成功でした😊 #千利休 #Higashiya銀座 #sennorikyu #懐石料理 #teacelemony (ヒガシヤギンザ 和菓子・茶房)
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oza-kyoto · 3 years ago
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🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵 ・ Today, Japanese tea🍵 ・ Japanese tea (nihoncha) is a term used in everyday conversation, meaning "tea from Japan" or "tea made in Japan" or "a type of tea commonly drunk in Japan. Green tea is a generic term for non-fermented tea made from the tea plant without fermentation, so Japanese tea does not mean green tea. It is not a botanical classification of tea. ・ Japanese green tea can be broadly classified into two categories: matcha (ground tea), which was established in the tea ceremony by the Middle Ages, and sencha (green tea in a broader sense), which is made without grinding tea leaves. Sencha, in the narrow sense of the term, is a mid-grade green tea that is positioned between gyokuro (high-grade) and bancha (low-grade). ・ ・ Check out the post for details. ・ ・ #olympics2021 #tokyoolympics #Nippon #japan #tokyo #kyoto #japantrip #japanhistory #japantools #japanculture #Japanproducts #teaceremony #tea #japantea #sennorikyu (Kyoto) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRSb7ixM17z/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ukiyograph · 5 years ago
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#Drawing of two #Japanese #delicacies, #sakura #mochi and #dango. Both are made of sticky rice flour, rolled into a ball and moistened. A Japanese #teapot is behind this, to recall the spirit of #SennoRikyu and the Japanese #teaceremony. During the #Edo era, #samurai took the time to enjoy #macha tea with dango or other Japanese #sweets while admiring a #Zen garden from the tea house. The dango shown is not chocolate. It is a dango with anko, a delicious sweet red #Azuki bean paste (Japanese variety). Its taste close to chestnut cream is highly appreciated by the inhabitants of #Japan. The mochi, on the other hand, is composed of a little azuki paste in the centre and has a strong taste from the cherry leaf that surrounds it. The cherry tree or cherry blossom is called Sakura in Japanese. That's why we call this dumpling Sakura mochi. #ukiyoe #art #paint #painting https://ift.tt/2FPIzOu https://ift.tt/2BJZr7f
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oniwastagram · 5 years ago
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\おにわさん更新情報📸/ ‪[ 福島県会津若松市 ] 鶴ヶ城茶室“麟閣” Tsurugajo Castle Tea ceremony room "Rinkaku", Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima の写真・記事を更新しました。 ーー桃山時代に千利休の子/千宗旦の父 #千少庵 が蒲生氏郷に応え作った茶室。福島県指定重要文化財。 ・・・・・・・・ 昨年GWに見た福島県の庭園、ラスト…! 茶室「麟閣」は“鶴ヶ城”🏯こと会津若松城の本丸に残る茶室。千利休の子・千少庵が建てたとされる茶室で #福島県指定重要文化財 となっています。 鶴ヶ城はこれまで何度か訪れていたけど麟閣をそういえば見たことがなく、この時初めて鑑賞。 . 鶴ヶ城の話も少しだけ。安土桃山時代の1590年に42万石(後に92万石)の大大名として会津城主となった #蒲生氏郷 により会津若松城と城下町🏘が整備。 幕末〜明治維新にかけての戊辰戦争で会津藩は敗れ当時の天守閣は取り壊しされたため、現在建つ天守は1965年に鉄筋コンクリート造で再建されたもの(「鶴ヶ城天守閣郷土博物館」として公開)。その一帯は「若松城跡」として #国指定史跡 になっています。 . 蒲生氏郷は主君だった織田信長や豊臣秀吉と同じく #千利休 に茶の湯を師事し、古田織部や細川三斎らとともに #利休七哲 などと呼ばれていたそう。利休セブン。千利休が豊臣秀吉に切腹😢を命じられた際、蒲生氏郷は会津にその息子・少庵をかくまいました。 . そんな千少庵が会津滞在中に鶴ヶ城本丸に作った茶室が“麟閣”。 そののち少庵は許され京に戻り千家��再興、その息子 #千宗旦 と孫により現代まで表千家・裏千家・武者小路千家の三千家として伝わりますが、この麟閣も鶴ヶ城内で使われていたそう。 . そして明治初期の鶴ヶ城取り壊しの際、消失を惜しんだ会津の石州流の茶人・森川善兵衛(指月庵宗久)によって自邸に移築され保存。それから120年後の1990年(平成2年)に腰掛待合とともに鶴ヶ城内の元の場所に戻されました。 なので現在の露地庭はその際に作庭されたもの…かと思います。また裏千家第15代・千玄室大宗匠など平成以降の三千家による扁額も。 . この貴重なお茶室は現在も茶会🍵で利用されていて、千少庵の月命日の7日には月釜が開催。 また普通の日でも入場料とは別料金で、庭園を眺めながらお茶を楽しむことができます。鶴ヶ城に訪れた際はこちらも。 なお先に紹介した『会津武家屋敷』には麟閣の“復元”があります。一年前の有力観光スポットの写真を見直すと、今となっては信じられないぐらい人がいる。 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 ‪🔗おにわさん記事URL:‬ https://oniwa.garden/tsurugajo-rinkaku-%e9%b6%b4%e3%83%b6%e5%9f%8e-%e9%ba%9f%e9%96%a3/ ーーーーーーーー #japanesegarden #japanesegardens #jardinjaponais #japanischergarten #jardinjapones #jardimjapones #zengarden #японскийсад #landscapedesign #japanesearchitecture #japanarchitecture ‪#庭園 #日本庭園 #会津 #会津若松 #aizuwakamatsu #福島 #fukushima #茶室 #teaceremonyroom #sennorikyu #おにわさん #oniwasan (茶室麟閣) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBUNY4lJ1qW/?igshid=g7llo0knfb4g
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1michaelken · 5 years ago
One Perfect Flower
One Perfect Flower: The story of the tea master and the warlord. #sennorikyu #toyotomi #samurai #oneflower
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ fullwidth=”on” _builder_version=”3.25.2″][et_pb_fullwidth_post_title comments=”off” _builder_version=”3.25.2″][/et_pb_fullwidth_post_title][/et_pb_section][et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.25.2″][et_pb_row column_structure=”1_3,1_3,1_3″ custom_padding=”36px||0px|||” custom_margin=”|auto|-140px|auto||” _builder_version=”3.25.2″…
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musicbanzai-blog · 6 years ago
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<茶の湯> Back To School Monthly Plan Special! *This promotional price ends on Aug. 31, 2018. 1. 1 private lesson a week. 4 times a month. 2. Prep for SAT Japanese & JLPT. 3. 24/7 for 365 days. 4. A couple can take a lesson TOGETHER at no additional charge! 5. $99.99/month + tax (First 5 people will get NO-TAX Early Birds Special!). **Question? Sign up? Text me @ 5057105821 with the line, “Back To School Monthly Special.” You will receive my response within 6 hours! #japan #japanese #japaneseculture #japanesecooking #japanesedish #japaneselanguage #teaceremony #matcha #greentea #japanesetest #jlpt #jlpt1 #jlpt2 #jlpt3 #jlpt4 #jlpt5 #sat #ap #satjapanese #apjapanese #triptojapan #travellingjapan #livinginjapan #workinginjapan #jobsinjapan #japanesejobs #japanesecareer #japanesegarden #japanesecollege #japanesetutor #japaneseschool #japaneseart #japanesearchitecture #teachjapanese #japaneseteacher #anime #animewriter #buddhism #buddha #buddhist #shinto #shintoshrines #shintogods #chanoyu #tea #teaceremony #matcha #sennorikyu #senrikyu #urasenke #omotesenke (at Rio Rancho, New Mexico)
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tatami-antiques-blog · 9 years ago
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t a t a m i  EXPO 新商品入荷しました。 東急プラザ銀座7Fにて、”HANDS EXPO (ハンズエキスポ)” の空間に特化した期間限定ライン ”t a t a m i  EXPO (タタミエキスポ)” として出展しています。各メンバーがセレクトした “『新しい』古いモノ” をお楽しみください。 For this time only from Mar 31, we specially set up the new line, “t a t a m i EXPO”, tuning in to such broad (pop) style and the surrounding view here in HANDS EXPO, Tokyu Plaza Ginza 7F. Through this line, we would be glad if you could tap the source of “high and raw” inspirations of such Japanese art. For more variety of items, please visit our website and feel free to inquire us. Enjoy. t a t a m i http://tatami-antiques.com/ @tatami_antiques #tatami #japan #antique #tatamiantiques #art #japan #古物 #骨董 #古道具 #style #mingei #unique #abstract #inspiration #impression #expression #beautiful #traditional #folkart #contemporaryart #duchamp #beuys #sennorikyu #rad #wabisabi #selfie #primitive #zen #東急ハンズ #handsexpo #ginza
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scuolajaku · 8 years ago
New English post on my blog about Rikyuki: the Sen No Rikyu commemoration. Please follow me!
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