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flamesignite · 2 months ago
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Today was the day, nerves were really setting in. He had the time already planned out, and he was going to do his best to make sure Atem enjoyed their night together considering what they were going to do be doing dinner wise.
Roy had taken a shower and wore something nice, but not too fancy. He wore his usually white button up and tan vest with his usual tie and putting his black coat over it and his dress pants. He was at his own apartment preparing all that he needed to take with him today.
When everything was prepared and he had finished getting ready he made sure to put the stuff he needed in his pockets, he took his phone out and texted Atem.
[Text to: Atem] Will be over there in ten.
Alright now it's time to call the cab that he would ride in to Atem's apartment. This was going to be to be a wonderful night he kept telling himself. He could tell Atem had been really nervous and on edge all week. Even though he kept insisting he was fine, Roy knew better. He could see it in his eyes. He just needed to enjoy tonight with Roy and that would help calm him.
When the cab arrives after a few minutes of waiting he heads out seeing the cab and getting in the back, making sure to give the driver Atem's address as they began to ride off towards his Apartment.
Tonight was going to be really special for the both of them.
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After a few minutes of riding Roy finally reached his destination and making it up the stairs to the door. He knocked softly, even though he could have easily just walked in, this made it much more special in a way, like when they first started seeing each other and had just become a couple.
He couldn't wait to spend the entire day and night with Atem. He could only hope that Atem would enjoy the dinner he had reserved for them tonight.
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fullmxtal-elrich · 1 month ago
A Valentine's Surprise {Closed Rp~}
{A plotted starter for @flamesignite & @sennenpharaoh }
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"Alright, let's do this! I can't wait to see the look on his face."
Ed smiled warmly up at Roy as he spoke, adjusting his black leather jacket and taking a slight breath. He'd also taken the liberty of getting a fresh flower bouquet put together, handing it to his adopted father with a smile. They were currently standing outside the door of Atem's work to surprise him, and Ed had met Roy there a couple minutes earlier.
"Here, I heard that people like receiving flowers on these types of occasions, so I figured he might like it, too. Hopefully everything goes smoothly tonight, but I don't think it'll be a problem." He chirped, for once he was actually dressed for the occasion this time around. Instead of being in his usual red jacket and leather pants, Ed wore a nice, simple button-down shirt, a black leather jacket, and carefully ironed blue jeans with black sneakers. His hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail and he wasn't wearing his usual gloves, either.
"You ready to make this holiday a great one?"
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flamesignitea · 5 months ago
@sennenpharaoh replied from here x
Roy hears Atem's voice as he had been napping with covers over himself when he hears him ask where he is. "I'm right here, Sweetheart." He yawns softly, but his words are a soft whisper. He was finally awake and that helps a lot.
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"Good afternoon, how did you sleep?" He asked softly, as he got up and stood beside his bed and took his hand. He was just glad to see that he was awake now. They could probably head home here pretty soon. They'd just have to get a ride from someone first.
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divinityunleashed · 9 days ago
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My Dark Magician Girl kinda has a bit of PTSD from the Orichalchos arc. From being discarded so easily when Yami was under it's grasp, to nearly discarded in rage at Weevil/Haga.
She still hasn't recovered. And only after outright stating that to the one person who she had a fondness for, she's now just looking on sadly.
Mention: @sennenpharaoh
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game-weaver · 4 months ago
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Yugi stood there in the open doorway. The dingy, dim light filtered out into the dark, stretching his shadow along the floor. He was still panting, tears and sweat still dripping down his face, blood still falling to the floor in a soft tap, tap, tap. He did it. He tore down the wall he had built to keep his sorrow and grief to himself, to swallow down his pain where no one would feel it aside from himself.
He remembered when he boarded it up. How many times he had come to his room after the duel, as if hoping or waiting, even if he knew Atem would never come back. Until one day he just couldn't take it anymore and lashed out, threw things, manifested boards and chains and locked the door. He thought he would remain like that for forever after that and yet…
Atem came back.
Their bond remained there, even if diluted.
Letting out a shaky breath, he turned and stepped back into his room, back to the door, and turned his gaze up to the ceiling. For better or worse, he did it. He tore it all down, emotions that he bottled away were loose. Tears fell harder as his legs gave out and he collapsed to the floor. The force of the emotions made him want to be sick, it was like a dizzying hurricane, making the room spin.
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electricea · 2 months ago
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Anonymous sent - ♡♡♡ ( Hearts for Compliments - Accepting! )
Positivity roulette time!
@tenebriism - They've got such an amazing roster of muses all of whom they write so so well - like with so much detail and care! Plus, overall I just think they're really kind and chill.
@flamesignite - I love their passion for Roy so much! Plus their ship with @sennenpharaoh is adorable to see on the dash!
@tvstarkuma - Love their portrayal of Teddie and happy to see them having so much fun with him! Their Teddie is wholesome and needs to be protected.
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foreveratemu · 28 days ago
"I see. So you too wish to live a more... simple life. That's good to hear."
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"The simpler the better if you ask me." He smiled at his other self. "You too? It's just nice to live 'normal' after all we have been through, am I right?"
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mahoushojoumonster · 4 months ago
@sennenpharaoh from x
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She smiled as she summoned a glass for each of them. “You should try some, it’s my last bottle… I’m still not sure how I managed to make it last for this long. I just wanted to save it for you.”
She poured and took a sip from her glass, looking at him with a pensive expression. “All those things you described… I miss them as well. I miss you.” She sighed. “As a friend, even. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ask a loaded question.”
She was silent for a moment before suddenly speaking. “I don’t regret trying with you, I just wish… I wish we talked more. About things that were wrong. That we didn’t rush about so much. You remember our wedding day? We didn’t even wait to let people come. We just ran off and did it when you walked in on me trying on the dress.” She laughed. “So silly…” Another sigh. “Can I ask you something else?”
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theyoungprinceling · 2 months ago
[I've been waiting for that proposal since forever. About time lol]
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kaiblu · 6 months ago
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"Yeah, well I still want to beat you. It doesn't even matter about the crown now."
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millenniumxangel · 8 days ago
Atem had a special present, kind of, for his Beloved Angel. They say the best gift is a life well lived, right?
Still under the Moonlight, Atem shows his left hand, a gold ring shining brightly around his ring finger.
"Beloved..." he smiled, not even bothering to fight the tears that were falling. He's earned the right to cry about this momentous occasion.
"I finally did it."
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A warm smile appeared upon the angel's features as he reached gentle hands out to cup around Atem's own. Soft eyes gazed upon the ring he was displaying for a few long moments before his wings ruffled themselves a little in order to settle more comfortably.
"So you did. I'm so proud of you, Atem...And I'm so happy you've found someone who loves you just as much as I do, if not more." He said, reaching a hand up to gently cup his former fiance's cheek, gently wiping some of the tears away.
"You both have my blessing, I just hope I'll be able to be there when ya walk down that isle one day. If I get to be there, you'll know it."
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flamesignite · 1 month ago
@sennenpharaoh replying to his call
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Roy had been sifting through some emails that evening back at his own apartment. He sometimes made an effort to go back and forth to check on things with Ed and Nina while he was also trying to go through some of the paperwork he needed to take to work with him the next day. He was off since it was a Sunday and he had to make sure everything was ready for work tomorrow.
That was when he got a text from Atem. Immediately seeing what it said before he actually checked it he clicked on it immediately going to dial the number and standing up waiting for Atem to pick up on the other line.
As soon as the line picked up he began to talk to him, worry in his voice.
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"Atem? What's wrong?"
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fullmxtal-elrich · 5 months ago
@sennenpharaoh Came to visit Ed~!
Today was a day that he had been waiting for, but Ed's nerves were starting to get the better of him. He had spent the last two weeks researching different foods from Atem's native homeland and had also put a lot of research into his culture to ensure he was able to respect it properly. It may have seemed excessive, but Edward was always interested in learning about other belief systems and cultures that were different from his own.
He had spent hours ensuring that a well-cooked meal was fully prepared and had carefully set the table to ensure everything was in the proper place for when Atem was to arrive. He'd put a lot of thought and planning into meeting him for the first time and truly didn't want to disappoint anyone by making a bad first impression.
That...And this was someone who was very important to his adoptive father, so he wanted to ensure they would get along well. Dressing in a simple grey button down and his usual black leather pants, his hair up in its usual, short braid, he took a deep breath and set the final few dishes out on the table before standing to wait for the other to arrive.
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flamesignitea · 5 months ago
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Roy had been looking all over town and there was one area he hasn't checked which was the bus stop near his work. He should have checked there first to begin with, but that's when he heard the scream from a familiar voice.
"ATEM!" He shouts running towards the direction of the screams and after a few moments he comes into view of two bodies unconscious. He realized it was both Yami and Atem laying there unconscious.
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"No. No. No. No. Atem! Yami!" He goes to check on Atem first crouching down to his level and picking him up in his arms. He notices all the burn marks down his shoulder, arm, and leg on one side. That's when Roy's worry and dread sets in.
"Atem.. talk to me. Atem!" He shakes him a little bit, trying to get him to stir even a little bit he was still breathing but it sounded shallow.
"Dammit! I should have come out sooner!" He curses to himself as he takes his phone out of his pocket. He needed to get these two to a hospital if Atem was like this then it had to be the same for Yami too.
He dials the ambulances number and tells them the directions to where they are located and clicks the phone with
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"Don't you dare die on me, do you hear me?!" He tells him, he waits on the ambulance to arrive for the two. Roy can feel himself take a shaky breath and let it out slowly. He had to stay composed, but he hopes that he wasn't too late.
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doomstarmagician · 2 months ago
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“Imagine being afraid of me and I’m at home in booty shorts, fish sandals, and a cape.”
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game-weaver · 4 months ago
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"You two just want to see a full rounded number."
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