#sending cuddles and huggies and snuggles
mcwentfandomtraveling · 10 months
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A/n : Woke up feeling like there is absolutely no greater treasure in this world then women! So I wanted to write a lil' thing about my fictional wife Rika <3 Also I have my period so ouch, why not two birds with one stone this? :D anyways thank you! Please no constructive criticism, I'm not in a place mentally to handle it since I have a lot going on...anyways enjoy :3 sending love and warm huggies to everyone! This is my first time publishing this kind of thing, so obviously it's not that good as I'm embarrassed with every word I write but I'm trying anyways, gotta start somewhere! But hey, at least I tried! Apologies if Rika is a little ooc, I don't think we had a lot to go off for her character so I did my best...
Pls minors dni with this post, I'll write a fluffier fun thing for you guys later ;-;
Warnings : Period stuff, vaginal fingering, slight body worship, Y/n is still a little shy and new to showing off her body.
My Whole World
Rika x Fem! Reader
Y/n just couldn't do it anymore.
She'd done everything so that everyone would be comfortable, she took on some of the Chairwoman's tasks, she helped the gym leaders with new strategies and techniques, she filed the progress reports for the Star training centers, she'd volunteered at the academy, and it all just became so exhausting.
Then finally it came-
Her break day! Y/n was so excited! She'd been waiting forever to finally unwind!
However seems that her wish just wasn't meant to be, that fine morning she'd discovered the bedsheets underneath her were stained with her blood.
"Oh come on! I just wanted one day" she mumbled, her shoulders slumping in her loose pyjamas. Y/n didn't pay attention to her surroundings when a sudden voice interrupted her thoughts, "One day to do what sweetheart?"
Y/n quickly snapped out of her thoughts to see her lover, Rika standing in the doorway of the bedroom.
"Nothing! Don't worry about it- Hey! I thought you had Elite four stuff to do today!" Y/n chided, "you'll be late if you don't hurry up! Come here! how about you ride one of my pokemon to work?" She added.
Rika simply laughed and hugged her cute girlfriend. "Today is basically just paperwork I brought home! I'm done anyways" She said bringing an end to her lover's worries.
Y/n looked up at Rika wanting to ask another question when Rika suddenly lifted her into her arms. "Y/n my sweetheart, today is your day off, so please let me take care of you" she said.
Y/n looked up at Rika, blushing and stuttering and feeling like a mess "But-But-"
Rika only smiled and said "today is about you, my darling" as she sat her lover down on a sofa in the study "Now don't worry about the sheets, cleaning, housework or anything! The Woopers will help with that, just focus on me" She added.
Y/n looked up at her, speechless as a million thoughts raced through her head at once.
Rika gently held her close, arms wrapped snuggly around her beloved woman.
She gently fell into a kiss, an electrifying silence filled the room exept for a soft panting when they stopped for air.
Electricity of the moment shifting as a ground shaking love and desire filled thier eyes.
Rika gently traced Y/n's curves feeling the warmth that radiated through her lover's clothes.
"Rika, you know I can't today" Y/n mumbled.
"Can't what?" Rika asked.
Y/n blushed again, "Can't have sex, I have my period" she answered softly as she awkwardly looked away.
"And why not?" Rika asked again.
"I don't want to get you dirty with my blood" Y/n said shifting awkwardly to look away again.
Rika gently held her lover's face still as she spoke her mind to her dearest love, "There's nothing dirty about blood, it's life, it's nature! Everything about you is desirable, you're more the just a treasure Y/n, you're my world."
Y/n blushed hearing Rika's words "Are you sure Rika?" she asked as Rika gently slid off Y/n clothes, feeling her warmth directly.
"I've never been more sure sweetheart"
Rika gently massaged Y/n's breasts, gently rubbing her thumbs over Y/n's nipples.
Y/n hummed in delight as Rika gently pushed her down onto the sofa hungrily kissing her again and again, then moving to pepper kisses all over her her body.
Rika got down to Y/n's thighs.
"Ready Y/n?" Rika asked.
"Yeah" Y/n replied breathlessly.
Rika gently moved Y/n's legs apart looking at what she desired.
"You're my beautiful princess today, so focus on your own pleasure ok?" Rika asked.
Y/n blushed, not knowing just what to say.
It felt nice being cared for.
Rika gently moved her fingers along her folds not bothered by any blood and instead admiring every detail of her lover's body, she traced her fingers up and down her lover's labia before stopping as she went up one last time and focusing on Y/n's clit.
Y/n whimpered softly, attempting to stop any noise from coming out.
"No no sweetheart, I love the noises you make, keep going" Y/n whimpered softly called out Rika's name again and again.
Rika smiled "Awww, you're so cute sweetheart, there's kind of an innocence to your moans" She commented.
"I, don't usually do this kind of thing" Y/n admitted.
Rika gently moved her fingers inside Y/n earning a little yelp of surprise at first which then started turning into moans of pleasure as Rika knows just where to massage.
"What kind of thing my sweet? Period sex?" She asked.
"Sex or even masterbation in general" Y/n responded, awkwardly looking away.
Rika giggled slightly at the sight.
"Don't worry my sweet Y/n, you'll get more experience! For now I'll treasure your cute shyness! It's a lovely sight" she replied.
Rika gently kept massaging Y/n's g-spot earning sweet whimpers from her shy lover.
Rika melted at the sight of her lover blushing and gripping the fabric underneath her, she just looked so cute! "I'd give you the world you know" she said.
Y/n hummed at her lover's words, feeling the delight and the pleasure filling up her thoughts with nothing but Rika. "You've already given me something far beyond ultra space or even time travel" Y/n responded.
Rika giggled "Oh, shush you! I'm glad you're feeling better" she said.
Y/n nodded, "yeah a lot."
Rika smiled, "great! Did you want to keep going or should I clean you up?" She asked.
Y/n blushed and nodded at the second half of the sentence.
"Awww! Alright" Rika replied.
"She gently lifted Y/n in her arms and brought her to the bathroom where she gently cleaned her off with warm water and bubbly soap.
Rika's heart wouldn't stop melting at the cute sight of her lover covered in soap.
She gently took the shower head and rinsed her off.
Once she turned off the shower head she saw the absolute cutest sight, Y/n gently shook the water off and smiled leaning back.
"Awwww you're cuter then a puppy pokemon" Rika cooed as she cuddled her still slightly wet lover.
"Love you" Y/n said softly.
Rika kept cuddling her closer.
"You're such a treasure! you know that?" Rika said.
"You mean more then any treasure ever will" Y/n said back.
Rika fell in love all over again.
"Aww, you're such a sweetheart love! Let's get you dressed" Said Rika as she gently carried her lover to the bedroom.
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celticsorcerer1 · 10 months
Aisling McKeen Vs the Question
Roxanne “Roxie” Richter looked out her bedroom window one morning. Snow was falling, blanketing the neighborhood in white. It looked pretty, like one of her paintings, but Roxie knew that winter was brutal in Canada. Especially for her. She didn't like the cold.
Roxie shivered. “Nothing can get me out in that weather. Nothing short of a galley opening, anyway.”
Just then, her phone blasted the chorus of S Club’s hit song “Reach.”
Roxie smiled. Her awesome girlfriend Aisling McKeen was calling. She answered the call quickly. “Hey, babe. What’s up?”
A light giggle. “Oh, nothing much. I was just wondering if you wanted to come over. I have something to ask you.”
“And it can't be asked over the phone?” Roxie asked.
“It’s something I want to ask you face-to-face. It’s important.” Aisling implored.
Roxie looked out the window again, frowning. “But, baby, it’s cold outside.”
“I know, I know, but I promise, you’ll want to hear what I have to say. Besides, I want to see you. I miss my half-ninja cuddle bug.”Aisling countered.
Roxie blushed. “Well… I can’t say no to that, now, can I?”
“Oh, you can if you want. I know you don't care much for the cold.” Aisling replied gently.
Roxie shook her head. “No, I’m on my way. I want to see you. I’ll be over as quick as I can.”
“Well, be safe all the same, Honey. I love you.” Aisling said.
Roxie smiled. She hoped that she would never tire of those three words. “Love you more, Ash. See you soon.”
As soon as she hung up, Roxie dashed to her closet and put on her thickest black winter coat, pulled on some mesh leggings (they wouldn't do much against the cold, but she liked wearing them), and tugged on her winter boots. “Hold on, Ash. Roxie’s comin’,” she whispered.
*ding dong*
Aisling walked up to her front door and pressed her ear against it. “Who is it?”
“A humble half-ninja seeking shelter from December in Toronto,” Roxanne replied.
Smiling, Aisling opened the door. “Then, come right in. “I’m brewing tea as we speak and I’ll grab the fluffiest blanket I have.”
Roxie smiled as she shut the door and shed her boots. “Huggies first.”
Aisling hugged her girlfriend, shivering. “Roxie, you’re frozen solid!” she squeezed Roxie’s middle tight and kissed her cheeks repeatedly. “Gotta warm you up!”
Roxie laughed. “And to think, three months ago, you thought you weren’t into girls. Now you can’t get enough of me!”
Aisling giggled. “I guess you’re just good for me.”
When the tea kettle whistled and the girls had steaming mugs in their hands, Aisling draped a white Sherpa blanket over them.
Roxie smiled as a familiar scent tickled her nostrils. “I see someone’s been using the mint tea I gave you.”
“Well, it’s delicious,” Aisling replied. “Where did you get it?”
“One of my ninja cousins makes it herself. She sends me some for my birthday every year,” Roxie nudged Aisling’s shoulder. “Which reminds me, I still don't know when yours is. I haven't missed it, have I?”
Aisling shook her head. “I don't make a big deal about it or anything. But, to answer your question, it’s the 14th of December.”
“Hey, that’s right around the corner,” Roxie huddled against her. “So, not that you need a reason to invite me over, because I love spending time with you, but why the invite? No way it was just for tea and snuggles.”
“Well, no,” Aisling admitted. “I wanted to ask you something and I thought it would be best done snuggled up together.”
Roxie gently blew on her tea. “I’m all ears, Ash. Lay it on me.”
“Well. I’m planning on visiting the family for Christmas. I'm going back home for two weeks.” Aisling began.
Roxie winced. “Two weeks? How the hell will I manage?”
Aisling blushed. “I was thinking the same thing… so, I was wondering if you would…like to come with me?”
Roxie let out a small gasp. “R-really? I mean…you don’t think that’s moving too fast? We’ve only been dating for a month.”
“Well, maybe… but, if I’m being completely honest…” Aisling looked at Roxie and shyly smiled. “I can’t imagine going without you.”
“Aw, Ash…” Roxie kissed Aisling’s cheek. “I’d be honored. When are we leaving?”
“The night of the 13th. Is that okay?” Aisling asked.
Roxie smirked. “As long as you don't mind if I fall asleep against you on the plane.”
Aisling giggled. “I wouldn't mind. I’ll probably fall asleep on you too.”
“And I get to wake you up with birthday kisses. It’s a win-win.” Roxie smiled.
Aisling raised an eyebrow. “What exactly separates birthday kisses from regular kisses?”
“I don't kiss you 23 times in a row every other day,” Roxie replied.
“Alright, fair,” Aisling smiled and rested her head on Roxie’s shoulder. “Want me to put on a movie?”
“Nah, I’m good just sipping tea with my favorite person by my side.” Roxie kissed the top of Aisling’s head.
“You’re my favorite person too, Roxie Rose,” Aisling smiled. “I can't wait to show you where I grew up.”
“It’ll be nice visiting somewhere that isn't a big city,” Roxie admitted. “And I hear the seafood there is something special.”
“Oh, you have no idea. There’s this amazing restaurant in Sydney that you’ll love.” Aisling beamed.
“I can’t wait,” Roxie playfully booped Aisling’s nose. “Of course, by awesome girlfriend law, if you take me to that restaurant the night of your birthday, I’ll be treating you.”
“Then I guess I have something to look forward to,” Aisling replied.
“And I’ll make it worth the wait,” Roxie pulled Aisling close. “Cuz you deserve to be treated like the amazing girlfriend you are.” she locked her lips with Aisling’s. Asking kissed back, her eyes closing as she surrendered to it. Outside, Winter was unleashing her frozen wrath. But inside, both young ladies were toasty warm, their love like an extra blanket
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yehet-about-it · 4 years
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I Like Me Better | 23 - Bear Hugs
~ A Wayv Social Media AU Series ~
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Synopsis: You’ve just moved into a new apartment with your best friend Yangyang, but you’re immediately faced with a problem: your incredibly noisy upstairs neighbour Xiao Dejun, or to friends, Xiaojun. You spend the first few weeks of your acquaintance hating his guts, but after a sincere apology and a fascinating revelation about his passions and motivations you slowly begin to see past his cold exterior to discover the real him. What will happen as you get closer to this troubled boy and how will those closest to you react?
Pairing: Reader x Xiao Jun
Themes and Warnings: Explicit language, mild sexual content, mild violence and references to drinking/alcohol. Deals with themes of toxic masculinity, insecurity, gaslighting (sort of), and jealousy…
~ Updates now every Monday, Wednesday & Friday @ 9pm GMT/3pm CST
Word Count: 2.4k
Chapter Warnings: A whole lot of fluff and a lil bit of smut towards the end... Sorry if you were expecting more smut but I legit cannot bring myself to write it for our smol boy 👀😅
Your shoulders ached as you shuffled into your living room having showered and made yourself just about presentable, compared to the sweaty state you were in earlier. You and some of your colleagues had been recruited for a stage at the Asia Song Festival this year and were now spending at least 8 hours a day in the studio practicing, hence why you felt like all the energy had been sucked from your body. Not that you could complain because it was a great opporunity, but 8 plus hours certainly took it out of you. What you really needed was cuddles, but since Yangyang wasn’t the huggy type and was out walking bella, and Kun was most likely still at work, for now you’d have to suffice with your oversized teddy.
You sigh as you waddle through the empty room, flopping down onto your imaginitively named Mr. Gom in the corner, wondering when Xiaojun would be here with your coffee, and just like magic, as soon as the thought pops into your head, the front door clicks and the man himself emerges from your hallway calling out to you.
“Y/n?” he calls, making his way into your living room, not having seen you tucked away in the corner, squished beneath your teddy bear’s oversized paw. “Here!” you call out, struggling to even lift your head, let alone stand up to greet him. Xiaojun’s face breaks out into a grin as he realises where the voice is coming from, his internal dialogue squealing over how incredibly endearing you look clinging onto the teddy in the corner.
“You okay down there?” he says with a tone of amusement, striding up to you, two cups of coffee in hand. You whine in response, indicating you are very much not okay and still laughing, Xiaojun sets the two coffees down on the table, taking his phone out and clicking a photo of you as you cuddle into your bear.
Hearing his phone camera click, you whip your head around, looking up at him with a pout. “Hey!” you whine, scowling at him with contempt, but seeing you curled up looking tiny next to the huge teddy bear Xiaojun can’t find it in him to put on a straight face and shrugs. “Heh, sorry, you looked kind of cute though.” Xiaojun chuckles, slipping his phone back into his pocket. “Here.”
Xiaojun picks one of the coffees up off of the table and hands it to you. “You, xiaojun, are a life saver,” you utter, perking up a little as you graciously accept the warm creamy beverage from him, inhaling deeply as the rich scent of fresh coffee wafts up from your cup. Thank god you only live a five minute walk from Starbucks. “Oh you know, some do say I’m a bit of a hero,” he jokes, shrugging before picking up his own coffee from the table to sip on.
Crossing your legs, you rock yourself forward so you can stand up, being careful not to spill any of your coffee and wander over to sit on the couch. “So you were at Hendery’s?” You ask casually, taking a sip of your coffee. “Yeah, we were working out this evening, which is why I’m all sweaty, so I’m gonna go take a shower, but we can hang out after if you like?” Xiaojun asks, downing the remnants of his coffee which he’d of course drank the majority of on his walk back. “Sure, thanks for the coffee!” You reply, smiling despite being a little disappointed that he wasn’t staying. “No problem, see you in a bit”.
Xiaojun turns, seeing himself out of your apartment, leaving you to sip on your latte alone. You weren’t usually that desparate for company, quite happy by yourself unlike Yangyang, but you’d had a long day and you were growing to realise that Xiaojun was someone you wanted to be around at times like this, so as the door clicks behind him, you can’t help but feel a little sad, half wishing he would just come back and sit in a cuddle pile with you and Mr. Gom.
You sit alone with your thoughts for a while, wondering when the hell Yangyang would be back from walking Bella until your phone lights up with an instagram notification. Opening it, you look in dismay as you realise that Xiaojun has posted the picture of you slumped against Mr.Gom. After scowling at it for a while though, you decide that in fact it’ really sort of cute. After all, there he was, a stubborn and supposed ‘tough guy’ posting a picture of you looking all tiny, slumped against a giant ass bear, which by definition was pretty damn adorable.
You giggle as the comments roll in from Xiaojun’s friends, mentally facepalming when Yangyang decides to bring up your morning routine of flopping down on the bear and refusing to move for ten minutes. A blush rises across your cheeks though as you receive a message from Xiaojun. You hadn’t quite been expecting that, but right now you’d give your right arm to be curled up next to him. Despite your best efforts, you smile as you read Xiaojun’s invitation for you to go upstairs, leaping to your feet as quickly as possible given your aching muscles and go to grab your sliders to flip flop up the stairs in.
As soon as you get upstairs you knock tentatively on the door before pushing it open and calling out to Xiaojun. You’d been in his apartment a couple times before now, so instead of waiting for him to answer you find your way into the aparment and straight to the living room where Xiaojun is sat waiting on his sofa, scrolling through netflix on the tv. His soft dark brown locks unstyled and messy, still a little damp from the shower and you have a struggle to control your thirst as he turns to peer at you, highlighting his surprisingly elegant side profile. “Hey,” he regards, as you shuffle towards him. “Come sit.” Xiaojun pats the space next to him continuing to scroll through what netflix has to offer and you go to join him, opting to sit close to him but not so close that you’re touching. You don’t want to come off too needy.
“Still tired?” he aks as you settle into the cushions. “Mhm.” You hum in response, showing a weary smile, but trying your best not too seem like you’re too tired to be there. Despite your apparent need for sleep, you’d rather cuddle up in front of a film with him than sit in your empty apartment scrolling through the same old crap on your phone until you passed out. “You want to just put a film on and chill then? I have a blanket” Xiaojun says, nodding towards a fuzzy grey throw draped across the end of the couch. “That sounds perfect right now” you sigh, your fingers nervously pulling at the hem of your top. “What do you want to watch?”
After a minute or so of debating what to watch, you settle on one of the marvel films, and whilst Xiaojun fiddles with the remote, adjusting the volume, you set about getting the blanket off the end so you can snuggle up for the film. As you throw the blanket over you, Xiaojun shifts back a little to put his arm around you and you snuggle against his chest as though it were the most natural thing in the world, which comes as a bit of a surprise, considering you’d never really done this with Xiaojun before. However, happiness bubbles up in your chest as you sink into his warmth and begin to relax, curling up comfily in Xiaojun’s arms. “Mm you smell nice” you hum, noticing the fresh citrussy scent, on him, presumably from his shower. Nestling your cheek into Xiaojun’s collar he chuckles, the vibrations reverberating through his chest. “A lot better than earlier for sure”.
The film is one you’ve both seen before, so although you were quiet to start with, eventually you begin talking and by now you’re no longer really paying much attention to the screen.
Whilst you babble on about this or that, you begin to feel Xiaojun’s thumb absent-mindedly stroking up and down your waist where your top had ridden up, the sensation of it delicately brushing against your cool skin sending a pleasant tingle up your spine. The action, whilst it slowly began to set your body alight also seemed to have the effect of relieving a good part of the tension that had built up in your muscles over the course of the day and you start melting even further into Xiaojun, feeling a sense of bliss wash over you. Xiaojun picks up on this, and his ministrations become more deliberate, now using his whole hand to caress your waist, the tips of his fingers dipping ever so slightly into your waistband, but not invasively.
At this point you’d finished whatever you’d had to say and were now just revelling in the warm feeling of being curled up against Xiaojun, the only sound to be heard the voices of captain america and presumably some other S.H.I.E.L.D agent in the background.
Shifting your head to look up at Xiaojun, you find him looking not at the screen but straight back down at you, your faces just mere inches apart and whatever you had been thinking of saying completely vanished from your mid as Xiaojun’s head bobs down, pressing a light kiss to your lips. You smile against him as he pulls away, just barely leaving an inch between you. He seems to be hesitating for a moment, not entirely sure whether it’s okay to continue, but you can’t help but want more, so you angle yourself round a little, placing your free hand at the bottom of his neck, squeezing encouragingly and bring your lips back to his. Xiaojun, all too happy to return the kiss, quickly finds a rhythm, not fast, but slow and sensual, the exact kind of kiss you need in your tired hazy state.
As the kiss deepens, Xiaojun pushes you back slightly so you’re tucked into the corner of the couch beneath him, your legs draped over his and his hand, that until now had been resting innocently just above your knee, starts to softly knead at your flesh through your leggings, moving ever so slightly higher sending small jolts through your nerves to your core. “This is okay right?” He whispers, drawing away momentarily, and looking down at you with concern, his big chocolatey eyes baring into yours. You nod quickly, surrendering yourself to Xiaojun’s touch and letting out a small whine when he resumes, planting small, sensuous kisses up your jawline.
Soon the fingers that had been gently brushing across the skin of your waist begin to venture slowly down over your panties, getting further until they reach between your legs and you moan lightly, involuntarily arching your back into Xiaojun’s touch. This really hadn’t been where you were envisioning this night going, expecting just a wholesome evening of cuddles, since you and Xiaojun’s relationship wasn’t really at that stage yet, but honestly, you didn’t mind all that much.
You let out a gasp, gripping at the nape of his neck as Xiaojun suddenly pushes your panties aside, drawing one of his fingers through your slick testing to see if you might be ready for more. Finding that you’re plenty wet enough, the same finger swirls around your bud a few times before it’s removed completely. “Can I take these off?” He says huskily, fingering the waistband of your leggings and panties.
You almost nod, wanting to give into the desire bubbling up in your core, but you hesitate, wondering that perhaps you weren’t ready to take things that far just yet. Sure, you were getting a lot closer with Xiaojun by now, but you’d still only been on the one date and you were still trying to figure out exactly what you really wanted from this relationship. You weren't sure you wanted to cross that threshold until you were absolutely certain about it.
Sensing your hesitation, Xiaojun draws away slightly, respectfully allowing you space to breathe as you make up your mind. “It’s okay if you don’t want to, I don’t want to rush you.” He whispers, continuing to rub soothing circles into your skin just above your pants. “I’m sorry,” you murmur back, having come to a conclusion. “Can we maybe just make out?”
Your bashful request makes Xiaojun giggle as you wear a sheepish expression, a teeny bit embarrassed you’d let it go so far only to cop out on him right when things were starting to get a bit steamy. But Xiaojun smiles back at you, running a hand through his hair as he sits up, taking his weight off you. “If that’s what you want, sorry if I got a bit ahead of myself” he admits.
Gently taking your hand, Xiaojun helps you sit up, before sliding you to sit on his lap facing him. Perhaps not the best position for seeing the tv screen, but by now the film was all but forgotten about, and it was the best position for making out in. “Sorry,” you reiterate, settling on his lap with your hands placed against his chest, taking note of the apparent abs that seemed to lie under his shirt. “It’s not you or anything, I’m just not sure I’m ready yet.”
You speak softly wanting to reassure him he didn’t do anything wrong, looking down at him with adoring eyes, the lust you had felt momentarily starting to dissipate into affection. “That’s okay,” he replies, giving you a playful peck on the lips.
You respond in kind, flashing him a happy smile before choosing that moment to resume making out, your lips gently moving against his as his arms wrap around your waist in a bear-like hug holding you safely against him.
Your eyes flutter closed, your body taking over as you relish in Xiaojun’s sweet embrace, feeling all your uneasiness and soreness from the day dissolving away, and xiaojun hums against your lips, apparently feeling the same.
“Hmm, perfect.”
Taglist: @strayteezjinnie @yukine-smx @crybabybomin @lolibaaae @nizhonimoon @mysticore-replies @08skrr @sunny-nyu @jangstarrr @smileyyuta @sunflower-euphro @stopitvpls @just-howaboutyou @ch3nj1 @amymoonl @junglewoos @ramblingsofawolfgirl @m4rshm4llow @lizkim
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yanderemommabean · 5 years
Hey, I was reading some of your stories and I have become obsessed with the Yandere Bees, and was wondering if you could write some more about them. How do they treat the reader during different seasons, or just some random image. I know your probably busy, so you don't have to.
-HOH boy do they start to gather pollen for you and your food. The more pollen the more praise! That’s what the Guards tell them anyway
-Really huggy and more in the mood for cuddles than reproduction and fornication
-A bit more lax on what you are able to do freely but they still keep an eye on you (sometimes without your knowledge)
-a bit more aggressive towards others. Moths? They better stay away. Wasps? Shot on sight no questions asked. Butterflies? Ok they can visit but they can’t touch.
-More about protecting you and the offspring, but also about making more eggs and sending them off to other planets to make more hives in the like
-No rules can be broken by any Bee or consequences are brutal to say the least. Brainwashing, Beatings, Systematic Starvation, anything they can do to make them repent for the wrong doings of the beloved ruler
-Calming down, back into more of a spring mode, kissy and huggy all over you
-They’re getting cold, so they stay inside a lot more, and try their best to warm you up and keep you safe from any illness that the fall season breeds
-Warm bodies against you in bed as they go into a bit of a hyber-sleep. Not for long, just every few days they take shifts on who gets to rest and who gets to care for you
-Little privacy but it’s not like you had much to begin with anyway
-Who could forget the kisses and snuggles?
Honestly though, as sweet as I make these guys I can guarantee they’d make your life a living nightmare if they wanted too
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keelywolfe · 6 years
FIC: Cuddlier Than a Cactus
Summary: Stretch likes it when Edge takes a detour off the daily routine beaten path. He really likes it. 
Notes: I’m pretty sure once a story gets to this point of sap, I can no longer call it fluff and I am required by law to call it schmoopy. It’s honestly too long to be called a drabble but I was hoping to do a series of Holiday-related stories and this is going with ‘em. Call them stocking stuffers. If anyone has a holiday idea they might like to see, let me know. I can’t make promises, but I can try!
Read this on AO3
Read more from this series in the Masterlist
Stretch wasn’t sure what had gotten into Edge today but he sort of hoped they dosed the water with it regularly, because he liked it.
He really really liked it.
When he’d gone downstairs that morning, still yawning and bleary, Edge had still been in the kitchen.
“what are you doing here?” Stretch had asked blankly, which, thinking back on it seemed a little unfriendly, but hell, he’d been surprised, nay, shocked, to see Edge there when he was three hours past the point of being at work.
Edge was taking a bowl out of the refrigerator and he carried it to the stove where a hot griddle was waiting, pouring three perfect rounds of batter on it. “I stayed home.”
“you stayed home?” Stretch parroted, like an idiot, but eh, he hadn’t had coffee yet. Something that Edge quickly rectified, handing him a warm mug of gorgeous liquid love that was swimming with cream and sugar. He gave Edge a quick, grateful kiss and drank half of it with one gulp.
“I stayed home,” Edge agreed, giving the pancake a quick flip. “I called and told them I was taking a mental health day.”
“you…you’re playing hooky!” Stretch said gleefully. He set his coffee cup aside carelessly enough to send warm liquid sloshing over his fingers, and wrapped both arms around Edge from behind, ignoring his impatient huff.
“What I am doing is cooking.”
“cooking while you’re playing hooky,” Stretch corrected, and nuzzled a kiss against his cervical vertebrae before relenting and letting him go. “why are you playing hooky, what’s going on, what are we doing? i get to play too, right?”
“Sit down,” Edge told him, and he did, snagging up his cup again as Edge set a plate of pancakes in front of him. There was the brush of teeth against his skull as he dug in. “And of course you do. I stayed home to spend the day with you.”
Stretch paused in the middle of chewing. He’d get a smack if he talked with a mouthful and so he settled for giving Edge wide, happy eye sockets that he hoped stated clearly, who, me?
With a small, secretive smile Edge sat across from him with his own plate, “Eat up.”
Oh, that was cruel, his baby had a hell of a mean streak. Stretch ate quickly, mentally considering and discarding ideas of what Edge might have in mind. He never could have guessed the reality of it. But he liked it.
Spending the entire day lazing together on the sofa, making out like teenagers, was not something they’d ever done before, and Stretch would be perfectly happy to do it any and every time Edge wanted.
Edge being the exhaustive sort of planner that he was even his spontaneity had a strategy. The coffee table was loaded with snacks and drinks, and he’d set up a playlist of holiday movies and cartoons that would last most of the day.  Those kinds of shows were sort of fascinating to Stretch; he remembered seeing some of these in Underswap only they’d been different, a little, here and there.
For one, he was never going to get over the fact that in this universe it was Charlie Brown
They watched movie after cartoon, sharing kisses and snuggles under the blanket, but never so much as delving beneath each other’s shirts. It was like when they were first dating, not the unholy catastrophe that was their first kiss, oh no, that was better left to dusty memories, but after that. It had taken months for them to make their way past kisses and petting. Never in his life before had Stretch spent so long sharing nothing but kisses with another person, working their way up to sex.
Then again before Edge, he hadn’t really dated that much, either.
Back then, once kisses were on the table it was as if Edge couldn’t get enough of them. Kisses and touching and cuddling, he soaked it in like a dry sponge and Stretch had damn well basked in it. Once Edge had started, he’d never really stopped, probably making up for years of being starved for a touch.
When they slept, Edge liked him pressed up against him, limbs tangled. Watching television, Stretch’s head was often in his lap or on the very best days, Edge liked to be the little spoon and have Stretch wrapped around him like a blanket. He loved those days; Edge had high HP and he was always so warm, like snuggling with his own miniature sun.
Mister Grabby Hands liked Stretch within reach in case there were any hug related emergencies and Stretch was more than happy to stay within arms-length. It was all fine with Stretch. He was perfectly content to be Edge’s cuddle bear. Like it was a hardship to endure sweet kisses and snuggles every morning and night?
The tragedy was he doubted Edge had ever had that before and Stretch was a selfish enough bitch to be glad he was the one to give him that.
He and Blue had always been the huggy kind of brothers, from childhood when he’d started taking care of Blue until the point Blue had pretty much started taking care of him. Hugs of greeting, his knuckles scrubbed roughly over his brother’s skull, nights spent leaning against each other watching Napstaton, or days of gathering his brother close to shortcut around Underswap. Stretch was used to casual touches despite his low HP.
If he honestly thought about it, Stretch didn’t think he’d ever seen Red and Edge so much as shake hands. So…yeah.
His biggest source of frustration was that Edge would never ask for what he wanted. He was a giving kinda guy but he never coughed up a wish list of his own.
Made Gyftmas shopping a bitch, too.
When the credits to ‘White Christmas’ started to crawl up the screen, Edge shifted from where he was curled up in Stretch’s arms, looking over his shoulder at him. “What do you want to watch next?”
Instead of answering, Stretch pressed their mouths together, kissing softly until the music finally faded. Only then did he draw back and whisper, “can we watch the grinch?”
“Of course.” Edge reached out and pressed a button on the remote and music swelled again, the screen filling with animation and fond memories.  Stretch rested his chin on top of Edge’s skull, settling in with a contented sigh, one that was mirrored by the warm, wonderful person in his arms.
There were more movies and kisses shared, each one softer and sweeter than the last, and Stretch secreted the memory of this day into his soul.
He never wanted to forget a moment of this.
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deathofamemer · 5 years
OH SHIT I CAN SEND YOU SHIPS. Okay first off, Cami and Carrie, Ash and the wives, and Anders/Ward/Kai/Perry
you CAN and i love you
who wakes up first in the morning: probably carrie? cami is simply kitty
who’s the first to fall asleep at night: carrie is, cami’s sleep schedule is a nightmare and a half
what they playfully tease each other over: carrie teases cami for being kity, cami teases carrie for their more fae habits
what they do when the other’s having a bad day: soothe... snuggle... kiss
how they say ‘i’m sorry’ after arguments: they don’t argue much, they’re pretty sappy
which one’s more ticklish: cami has the nerve endings, so her
their favourite rainy day activities: snuggle. they’re so fucking SAPPY
how they surprise each other: cami does magic stuff for carrie and carrie likes to take cami cool places
their most sickening shows of public affection: they’re sickeningly sweet in general and their kids groan
who wakes up first in the morning: i feel like eva? she’s tree
who’s the first to fall asleep at night: who knows! probably addy
what they playfully tease each other over: addy gets teased for being seal, eva gets teased for being tree, ash gets teased for being bunny
what they do when the other’s having a bad day: soft soothing, ash likes to joke to distract
how they say ‘i’m sorry’ after arguments: they don’t argue much! they make up with cuddles
which one’s more ticklish: addy’s horribly ticklish
their favourite rainy day activities: watchin movies and bein gay and maybe banging
how they surprise each other: ash is surprising in general (wildcard, bitches), but eva likes making stuff for her spouses and addy tends to Tackle
their most sickening shows of public affection: all of it, in fact
the dad quartet:
who wakes up first in the morning: anders. that stupid motherfucker couldnt sleep in if he tried
who’s the first to fall asleep at night: kai, because he is a REASONABLE person in comparison. he doesnt need to sleep but he likes to
what they playfully tease each other over: cute habits, mostly, but also their stupidly long shared history
what they do when the other’s having a bad day: kai’s quiet with his comforts, ward gets huggy, anders is a wild card trying his best, and perry is sweet and warm
how they say ‘i’m sorry’ after arguments: anders is bad at apologies, kai is quiet with it but does Psychic Love, ward feels like shit and just gives all of his feelings, perry is ???
which one’s more ticklish: ward
their favourite rainy day activities: these four have so many fucking interests that i cant even put all of it here
how they surprise each other: displays of affection and gifts
their most sickening shows of public affection: we just dont fucking know
1 note · View note
gryffvndors · 7 years
uncommon alliances: part three
summary: you take advantage of the fact that pansy literally doesn’t care about house security, and decide to sleep in the slytherin common room with daphne and draco. also, the hogsmeade four has a lengthy discussion about dicks.
word count: ~3900
a/n: hi guys im back from the dead w another part of this series that has, essentially, no plot bc don’t we all love pwp! (; potter without plot!! what did u think i meant??? anyway there’s a discussion about dicks in here so if u dont wanna read that, it’s near the end, just ctrl+f “upside-down” and u’ll skip it, it’s just for a laughhhh
part zero  part one  part two
“It is far too early for this,” you mumble, eyelids fluttering. The option of settling back into the black leather sofa you’re sinking into and shutting your eyes to drift off is far too appealing - next to you, Daphne pokes you in the ribs, snorting when you let out a hysterical giggle. She pulls her knees up to her chest and rests her forehead on them, body shaking with laughter. Your eyes are too heavy, world too incoherent to join in and make fun of yourself, so instead, you just sigh and lean forward to grab your mug of tea.
“Stop laughing at me, Daph, ‘m tired ‘nd I didn’t mean to,” you whine softly, hands wrapped around the mug. You bring it up to your lips and sip at it. The hot liquid - scalding liquid, Merlin’s fucking pants, that is burning your tongue right off- “Fuck, tha’ ih ho’-!”
Daphne raises her head and takes in the image of you coughing and letting the tea dribble back into the mug, then bursts into even louder, more violent laughter. “Y-you look s-so-” she chokes out in between gulps of air a minute later, “that is g-gross, oh my goodness-”
Scowling at the tea, you set the mug back on the table and huff. “Well, I’m awake now,” you mutter, scowling. Your friend wraps her delicate arms around your body and squeezes, her blonde ponytail hanging in your face. You relax, hugging Daphne back. When she pulls away, her pretty face is split in half by a huge grin; Daphne rests her head on your shoulder and stretches her legs out so her socked feet are crossed at the ankles on the table, right next to your tea. Behind you, you hear the distant sound of feet thumping on stairs. A familiar scoff greets you in lieu of a hello, and you have to fight not to break out in a smile. It’s crazy how you know who it is just by the sound of his annoyed exhales, but you decide not to think about it, or else, in your half-asleep state, you might become too sappy and scare him away. You’ve never seen sleepy Draco - that would be too vulnerable of him, and Draco doesn’t do vulnerable - but you can imagine that he wouldn’t be sappy or clingy. You, on the contrary, are very huggy when you’re sleepy, hence the fact that you and Daphne are practically cuddling in the Slytherin common room.
Draco shuffles around to stand in front of you, arms crossed and lips puckered in a confused sort of pout. “What… are you doing here,” he asks. “This is the Slytherin common room. Stop cuddling with Daphne and go back to the trash you call living quarters.”
The corners of your mouth spread into a slow, lazy smirk. “Oh, but Draco-” you pat the seat next to you, the one connected to the arm of the couch. “Come cuddle with us. It’s so cold in here, and we’re so lonely. We’re all alone.”
Daphne nods in agreement. She pats the back of your hand and murmurs, “Come on, Draco, we’re lonely.”
“You have each other. You aren’t lonely,” Draco says, but inches forward a little. He glances at the seat, then to you and Daphne, then back to the seat again.
“Why did you even come down here if you didn’t want to cuddle with us?”
He rolls his eyes and retorts, “I was going back to my dorm from the bathroom and I thought I heard your annoying laugh. The one you do when somebody pokes you in your side. I wanted to see if you were actually here so I could tell you to go away. Why are you here, anyway?”
Your smirks grows wider as you say, “Come join us and I’ll fill you in.”
After a staring contest between you two (which is filled with Daphne’s quiet giggles), Draco huffs out a, “…Fine. But only because I’m curious, and not because I want to cuddle with you.”
“Mmm. Sure. Come on…” You untangle one arm from Daphne and hold it out to him. Draco tentatively takes a seat, sighing when you snuggle into his side without restraint. He begrudgingly wraps an arm around you. Daphne doesn’t unattach herself, so it soon becomes a train of cuddling. The prospect makes you giggle into Draco’s chest. He tucks his legs underneath him and glances down at you, blushing and looking away when he sees you already staring at him.
“So,” he clears his throat, gaze trained on the floor, “why is a Gryffindor like you in the Slytherin common room at… five in the morning on a Saturday?”
“Couldn’t sleep,” you slur. You slide down so your head is resting in his lap. Draco stiffens and, for a second, you think he’s going to push you off. Instead, he runs his fingers through your hair. Surprised (and a bit overjoyed), you shut your eyes and relish in the feeling of the boy you like playing with your hair, joined by the presence of one of your best friends. For a few minutes, the three of you engage in tired, slurred conversation that has much to do with nothing. Daphne murmurs something about wanting a necklace from a jewelry store at Hogsmeade. At the mention of the town, you announce that you’ve been searching for a book on Quidditch Beaters that they don’t have stocked in the library, and you hope it’s at one of the bookstores there. Draco mutters his wish for firewhiskey. You only get to hear half of his sentence, because by the end of it, your mind has drifted off to a warm, comfortable sleep.
“Malfoy, Greengrass - why is Weasley here?”
You open one eye. Before you stands one of the Slytherin Prefects, Zoey Cross, a seventh year, with one eyebrow raised and an unimpressed expression on her face. You remember a couple years ago, when the older twins went to school, Fred dated her for a couple months. They were pretty serious, too. Something happened between her and another guy and they broke it off, but after, you’d noticed them pining from afar. When you told Fred, he said he didn’t want to talk about it.
“She couldn’t sleep,” Draco responds softly. “Don’t wake her up, she hasn’t been sleeping well.”
You quickly shut your eye so Zoey doesn’t see you. From the tinge of amusement in her voice when she replies, she’s already noticed your consciousness. “Right…” Zoey muses. “Well, there’s no use in kicking her out if she just comes back inside. Her Weasley genes make her prone to that sort of behavior. Stop telling her the password.”
You snort, chomping on your lip to restrain the smirk that threatens to spill past your lips. “But you told Fred the password,” you crumble and finally mumble, snickering. “And you knew the Gryffindor password.” You open both of your eyes, then, automatically meeting Zoey’s cinnamon brown eyes. She narrows them, sending you A Look. You respond by sending you one of her own. “Checkmate, Cross.”
“Fred and I were in a committed, monogamous, public relationship,” Zoey purses her lips. “And you? Who are you currently in a committed, monogamous, public relationship with in Slytherin? Certainly not Greengrass, what with her relationship with Hemmings-”
“I am not dating Kit Hemmings, Cross-”
“Daphne,” groans Draco. “Hemmings, of all the people? He’s such as ass-”
“Oh, rich, coming from you, Daddy’s Boy-”
“Can it, sister, I caught you two snogging in the boys’ dormitory the other night. And shut up, Malfoy, you’re the biggest prick of the entire Slytherin house. And don’t pull that He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named bullshit, you know I’m talking about modern years. Anyway, we’re waiting, Weasley.”
Your leer melts into a frown. You sit up; Daphne scoots aside so you can fit in between her and a tense, pouting Draco. From Zoey’s triumphant power stance, she knows she hit a nerve. ‘Stupid Slytherins,’ you think, huffing. It’s like they can read minds, or something. It’s like they can sniff your insecurities and manipulate them.
Before you can spit out a, “Nobody,” through clenched teeth, Draco takes a deep breath and mumbles, “Me.”
You, Daphne, and Zoey, in unison, say, “What.” and gape at him.
Daphne recovers first, snapping her fingers and pointing at the Prefect. “See! She has permission from her boyfriend!” The word makes you and Draco flinch. Daphne rages on excitedly. “So she can be in here! Because you let her brother in here when you dated him! I remember, you know, you two would always snog in that armchair over there and I’d have to stop Astoria from staring. She stares a lot-”
“Okay, okay,” Zoey holds her hands up in surrender. “I’ll back off. But, since Ethan’ll hound me if I don’t, I’m taking one point from Gryffindor every time I catch you in here after today.”
You snap out of your shock enough to nod and force out a, “Gryffindor loses so many points a week, it’ll hardly matter.”
She laughs, “I guess you’re right… I’ll leave you to it, then. Oh, and Weasley-” you raise an eyebrow. “If you’re wanting breakfast, I’d suggest you go down there now, before your brother eats all of it. Last I saw, he was on his third plate.”
Rolling your eyes and mumbling something under your breath, you slide off the couch. Draco snorts, getting up and helping Daphne to her feet. “She’s not much better,” he mumbles, making you turn around and slap his arm. “Don’t slap me, you imbecile, you know it’s true!”
“Doesn’t mean you have to say it, Draco!”
Zoey glances between you two and rolls her eyes. “I’m going upstairs. Weasley, remember what I said.”
As she ascends up the stairs, you call, “You should owl Fred sometime. He misses you.”
“I’ll… take that into consideration.” She turns and flashes you a small smile. “…Thanks.”
The three of you watch her vanish into the girls’ dormitory. As soon as she’s gone, you point an accusing finger to your friend. “You didn’t tell me about Hemmings!”
Daphne groans and covers her face with her hands. She shakes her head, blonde hair whipping around to hit Draco in the face. You try to suppress a laugh; instead, it comes out as a rather strangled noise deep in your throat like you’re being throttled. “I’ll tell you later with the rest of the girls, okay? At Hogsmeade. I promise!” She leans forward to grab your crossed arms, dark green eyes boring intensely into yours. Sighing, you shrug. “Thank you for not being upset with me! I wanted to say something to everyone at once! Okay, well, I’m going to leave you two alone and go down to the Great Hall.” As she skips to the exit, she spins and does a weird backwards skip/jog thing that nearly makes her trip. After she recovers, she points at you with both hands. “Noon! Bye, Draco!”
Daphne leaves the common room in her pajamas, which you let her go in just because you’re too lazy to say anything about it. And then there were two. You stand about a foot away from him, too aware of the awkward silence between you two. The tension is so thick, you could cut it with a knife. You purse your lips and raise your gaze to meet Draco’s.
“So…” you begin, shifting weight between your feet. You should just go on and say it. Neither of you are getting any younger here, and you’re not one for unnecessary tension; quite on the contrary, you prefer to just get everything out in the open. “Boyfriend?”
He takes a sudden interest in the fireplace. Clearing his throat, Draco shoves his hands in the pockets of his pajama pants and shrugs. “Is that okay?”
“Uh - yeah! Yeah, it’s fine with me. Just a little… surprising, is all. Um, public? We’re public now?”
“Well, Daphne seemed to already know about it. If she knows, then Pansy and Millicent do, as well. It was just a matter of time,” Draco pauses. “How do you think Weasel will react?” If you didn’t think the idea so insane, you’d reckon Draco actually looks nervous. Or something of the sort.
“Badly,” you admit, shrugging. “But I don’t care. It isn’t his relationship, it’s mine. He has no business in my relationships. He tried it with Ginny and Dean earlier in the year - we both put an end to that.” Smirking, you remember the Dean Era. You can’t recall whether or not Michael was before or after - Harry’s definitely here to stay for a while, which is something you couldn’t be happier about.
Draco is saying something when you snap out of your thoughts. You see him stroll to the staircase to the boys’ dormitory - you call after him, throwing your hands in the air. “Where are you going?” Draco raises a brow. “I’m getting dressed. Were you not listening to me while I was speaking?”
“Uh, no.”
He rolls his eyes, then turns back to the stairs. “That is your loss, not mine. You should get changed, too. I’ll see you later in Hogsmeade, okay?”
You mumble, “Yeah, fine, whatever,” and head for the common room entrance. On your way, you pass Crabbe and Goyle - instead of sending them a huge grin, like you do Blaise and Theo, you merely nod to them. You’re not quite there with them yet.
“Where have you been?” Questions Ron immediately as you step through the Fat Lady’s portrait. He rises from the armchair that faces the Gryffindor common room exit; you pass him, nudging his shoulder with your hand on your way to the girls’ dormitory. “You’re wearing the same clothes you were yesterday! Is my little sister doing the Walk of Shame?!”
“Twins,” you remind him with a smile. “We’re twins. One minute doesn’t count. And I just crashed with a few friends, nothing to worry about. I’m fine. I didn’t sleep with anyone, not that it is any of your business even if I did.”
“What? You don’t have any friends. You have - you have us! Me, ‘Mione, Harry, and Ginny!” A moments hesitation, then, “Were you with Luna?”
“Ron! I said it’s none of your business. I’m fine. Don’t go all overprotective of me. Trust me, I can hold my own. I’m going to get changed for Hogsmeade, maybe see if Ginny has any snacks. I’ll see you later-”
“Ah, right, wait-” Ron grabs something off the table next to the armchair and jogs over to the bottom of the case; he eyes it warily. You snort, planting your hands on your hips and descending the necessary amount of steps to become eye-to-eye with him. “I noticed you weren’t at breakfast, thought you were ill. I brought you some food. It’s probably a little cold, but I don’t trust myself to do a Warming spell and not torch the thing.” Ron offers you the thing. It’s a plate of assorted breakfast food. You take it gingerly, a flood of familial affection washing through your body. It’s such a sweet, thoughtful gesture, you feel bad about being so adamant with him about your whereabouts. Of course, if you were him, you’d be worried, too.
You pull your brother in for a one-armed hug. He accepts it for a second and pulls away the next, ears red. “Thank you, Ron!” You beam into his blue eyes. You decide to add, “You’re the best twin older-brother-by-one-minute ever!”
“It’s nothing, I just thought you’d be hungry,” he mumbles, shuffling backwards. You let him inch away from the conversation. Instead of forcing him into more sibling bonding, you just go up to your dorms to get ready. Before eating the breakfast, you take out your wand and cast a light Warming spell. Then you proceed to burn your tongue on a forkful of eggs.
“Is his dick big, though?” Pansy sips at her butterbeer, nonchalant about the question she just imposed. “Like, Daph, I know you’re all, ‘size doesn’t matter’, but let’s be honest, ladies - it does. Size does matter.”
Daphne chokes on her treacle tart. When she stops dying, she grabs the nearest thing to her and chucks it across the table. It just so happens to be the bag of owl treats Millie bought for her owl - Daphne just nearly misses, Pansy ducking out of the way just in time. The bag sails over her head and lands behind your table. It bursts open and all the treats scatter amongst the floor. “Oh, shit-” Daphne jumps up, shouting an apology to Madame Rosmerta, who just rolls her eyes, a small smile on her face. “I’ve got it, Madame, really-”
Madame Rosmerta waves her off and takes out her wand. You turn back to the table, snickering as Millie scolds Daphne for wasting her owl treats. Madame Rosmerta hands the newly-mended bag back to Millie, nodding at Daphne’s gushing of ‘thank you, Madame, thank you - I’m so sorry-’. She, along with the entirety of the Three Broomsticks, ignores her shrieking when Millie attempts to hit Daphne over the head with the bag. You and Pansy step in. Pansy wrestles the bag away from an angry Millie while you protect a screeching Daphne.
“Give me back my owl treats, Parkinson-”
Pansy raises a perfect, dark eyebrow. “Uh, Bulstrode, you can get them back when we return to the common room. I won’t have you trying to kill Daph on my watch.” She flips her hair and smiles. “Anyway. What was I talking about?”
“Size does matter,” you offer, much to Daphne’s chagrin.
“Oh, right - yeah, size fucking matters, Daph.”
“No - Pansy, it’s all about personality. It doesn’t matter if he has a large penis, because if he has a large personality, then I am satisfied,” Daphne sits back in her seat, pleased with herself.
You lean over and stage-whisper to Pansy, “I think Hemmings has a small dick.”
“I’d wager he does, too,” Pansy stage-whispers back, maintaining solid eye contact with Daphne.
“No! Stop it, guys, it isn’t your dick, I don’t see why you care-”
“You’re not denying it, Daphne,” Millie cuts in. Her temper has calmed, and she’s back to first-name basis again. Good; having Millie angry is like… having Hermione angry with you. She’s sullen, stubborn, and a pain in the ass to be around. “If you’re not going to entertain us with Hemming’s dick, let’s talk about Draco’s.” Fuck. Nevermind, you want her to be sulky again. “How big is Draco’s dick?”
Pansy leans in, a laugh at the tip of her tongue. “Yeah, tell us. Give us the details.” After a moment, Pansy shakes her head. “Actually, I have to look at him in the eye. Don’t give us the details, but make a broad accusation, y’know?”
Shooting a wink at your blonde friend, you rest your chin on your fist and say, “Well, let me tell you girls, I think size does matter, and I am more than satisfied.” Grinning at Pansy’s shrieking laughs, you take a small sip from your mug and watch her and Millie viciously tease Daphne.
“See? Daph, even Draco has a big dick - and we all thought he was compensating! Sucks that Hemming’s is too small - maybe you should try someone else, like Po-”
Daphne, fuming, slams her fist on the table. Some butterbeer sloshes over the side of your mug, but you barely notice it in your violent giggling fit. “You know what?” She snaps. “I wasn’t going to tell you, because privacy, but I’ll have you know Kit does have a big dick. In fact, Kit has a huge cock. It’s the biggest I’ve ever seen. Nine inches,” she says the last bit proudly.
You, Pansy, and Millie all shout in unison, “Nine?!”
“Nine. Kit’s dick is nine inches long. So, yes, I am very satisfied. I get nine inch cock-”
“That’s very interesting, Daphne, but I’d rather not know the size of Kit Hemming’s dick. Or first-hand accounts of how he uses it. Or, quite honestly, his name gives me a migraine, so I’d prefer to not speak of him, at all, for the rest of my life,” Draco’s voice sounds above you. You crane your neck to look up. He’s smirking in Daphne’s direction. Draco leans down to give you a weird upside-down kiss that’s actually quite cute and endearing, and leaves even Pansy awwing. Pansy never aws. Pansy is a cold, emotionless snake who takes pleasure only in seeing other people’s discomfort. And, sometimes cute things, when she’s in the mood. It’s not often; the mood comes once in a blue moon.
You love Pansy.
Draco drops a book onto the table as he falls into the seat in between you and Pansy. You pick up the book. Scanning the title, your heart rate quickens with each letter until you’ve finished the cover page and your excitement is through the roof. “Draco!” You shriek, setting the book down and tackling him in a hug. “Merlin’s tits-”
“Nice one,” he says, sarcastic.
“-Thank you so much, holy shit! I’ve been looking for this forever! How did you find it?!”
Draco picks up your mug and drinks from it. He leans against the back of the chair and shrugs. “I’m a Malfoy. I can get whatever I want.”
“I thought you were, like, half-asleep when I talked about this?”
“I was listening to you. I don’t tune you out,” he scoffs.
It’s then that you remember that your friends are still here, and staring at you expectantly, waiting to be included. “Oh, right - Daph, you might remember this. It’s the book on Beaters and tips and biographies and tricks of world-famous Beaters that I’ve been looking for for ages.”
Millie wiggles her eyebrows at you and Draco. “And what is he getting in return for your book?”
Draco answers before you can, saying, “Peace and quiet, hopefully. I’m leaning towards not being mindlessly bothered by her every second of the day.”
The three girls change the subject after laughing, leaving you and Draco pretty much alone. You look up at him, smiling. He’s smiling, too; the corners of his mouth are slightly upturned. You can tell he’s trying to hold one back. “You keep getting things for me, and I don’t know what to give you.”
“I don’t need anything,” he says quickly. Draco takes the book from your hands and sets it back on the table. He twists in his chair so his entire body is facing you. You do the same until you’re knee-to-knee. “Honestly. Don’t get me anything. Please. I… have everything materialistic I need.”
“Kiss me?”
Draco goes to glance around, then seems to think better of it. He meets you in the middle and kisses you long and hard, fingers making their way to clutch the front of your shirt. After you pull away, he mumbles, “How do you always get your way? Manipulation?”
“No, that’s you,” you retort, setting the book on your lap and opening it to the first page. Before you start reading, you grin at him and wink. “I use scare tactics to get my way.”
Draco snorts. “Right. That’s it. You’re so scary, I get it now.”
Humming in response, you lace his fingers with yours and begin the book, relishing in the feeling of his thumb sweeping over the back of your hand, light as a feather.
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officialhexrpg · 7 years
Arts & Graphics April Writing Challenge 2nd Place: dragon_rider2637
The song of a hundred bells ringing in perfect unison pierced slowly through the haze of sleep over Sophie's mind. Though this same phenomenon had occurred several times with increasing frequency over the past weeks and months, there was something different about this time. Sophie listened to their mournful peels, shivering slightly as a strange feeling of melancholy pervaded the tiny room. He was more than just a father to me… She cut her thoughts off sharply before they could send her spiraling any further into the abyss of depression. No, Sophie, you must not think of that now. Not now and maybe not ever again. A sudden jangling sound from somewhere below her tower room sent Sophie rising to her knees, gingerly avoiding the low ceiling. Scurrying to her miniscule window, she peered out into the world that seemed to lay miles away. From her vantage point, she could see a carriage waiting patiently before the thick iron gate to the tower. No ordinary carriage, mind you, but a prison carriage, a one way ride to the blade of the executioner. Acidic bile rose in Sophie's throat, choking out her breath. Her heart pounded hard in her chest, through her vision, on her temples. Footsteps thumped up the long set of circular stairs, each one clanging solidly against the stone of the tower. The owner of the heavy steps seemed to be ascending up, up, up toward her for an eternity. A breathless eternity of waiting and wondering. At long last, a stout man appeared at the top of the stairs, red-faced and out of breath. Sophie regarded him solemnly with a blue-eyed gaze, twirling a strand of tawny hair between her fingers. He stared back at her, a touch of something akin to compassion in the creases of his mouth. They stayed that like for only a few moments, but those seconds dragged on and on. His voice broke the silence. "It's time," he whispered softly. "It's time." A somber mood descended over them as she nodded slowly. "It is time," she murmured in agreeance. With a wry smile, she allowed him to lead her away to see her father. The journey passed quickly and before Sophie knew it, they rumbled into a square packed full of Seconds who were jostling back and forth to get a good view. The hubbub of chaos and commotion, however, turned to entire still as Sophie emerged from the carriage. The now-still crowd parted in unison as she looked up to the podium where her father stood. They watched her in dread silence as her hating footsteps carried her to face one of her worst fears. The executioner pushed back his hood, a shadow of limitless rage crossing his face. Sophie recognized him, but the changes that were apparent in his sunken cheeks and maniacal smile stunned her. She watched, astonished, as he raised the heavy ax high above his head. "I told you that it was all about Time," he whispered, his voice hoarse and scratchy. "No one else matters. Bow to Time and your life will be spared." Despite the warning in his words that left little to the imagination, not a single knee bent in a bow. The executioner noticed, roaring out in annoyance, "I said BOW TO ME!!" The sharp blade of the ax quavered with the force of his angry exclamation. Sophie sighed, looking up at him with a sad remembrance of how he different he used to be. So this is how it ends, after all this time. This is what he does when his wits finally leave him. A small smirk slipping across her now peaceful visage, she muttered, "Goodbye, father." With her final farewell paid, she squinched her blue eyes shut. Images, forgotten reminders of her past, leapt unbidden through her mind. And for the first time in forever, she remembered who she had been. * * * * * A young girl, no more than two or three years old, stood by the edge of a dusty road. The girl's mother sat several paces back in the shade of an oak tree, trying to work a particularly ornery chunk of cotton into her spinning wheel. She glanced up to her daughter with a worried expression. "Love, why don't you come back here? I don't want to lose you." The tiny girl smiled at her mother's attention and took another wobbling step forward. "Sweetheart!" The mother jumped to her feet and swept the child up in her arms. Carrying her back away from the road, she snuggled the adorable girl to her chest. "Stay here by Momma, darling." Then more to herself than to her daughter, she added, "I worry, what with the incessant ticking and tocking. He could pass us by at any time, and she would be such an easy target." Satisfied now that her daughter was far enough from the road to be safe, the woman went back to her spinning. As her nimble fingers skipped over the wheel, long-lashed eyelids began to get heavier. Her beautiful eyes drooped shut, plunging her into an uneasy sleep haunted by wristwatches and grasping hands. Playing with a rag doll, the small girl listened to the sound of a thousand clocks ticking in perfect harmony. It suddenly came to a deafening crescendo, a violent syncopation of clashing ticks and tocks. Surprised by the abrupt cacophony, she glanced up to see an endless train of Seconds. The sight startled her even more than she already was and she inserted one itsy-bitsy thumb into her mouth. Upon meeting her gaze, the creature in the front of the group bent down and spread his arms wide to her. She knew exactly what this motion meant, as her mother had gone it to her more than once. Huggie! After carefully scrutinizing her mother's reaction to the newcomers, the girl raced to the Second to claim her proffered cuddle. She paused briefly at the side of the road, letting her brilliant blue eyes slide to the slumbering figure of her mamma before launching herself at the mechanical figure with a high pitched shriek. "Huggies!" He smiled at her enthusiasm. "Hello there, dear. Do you want to come with me? We could have so much fun!" Enticed by his offer, the girl nodded happily and let him carry her away. She didn't look back to her adoring mother even once. Scarcely an hour passed before the troop arrived at the palace of the Lord of Time. Stunned, the girl watched the massive building unfold before them. So big… she thought with a shudder. The massive, dark exterior wasn't particularly inviting, and she wasn't overly fond of the idea of entering. The strange creature who was carrying her, however, had other ideas. Yanking open the imposing doors, he marched right in. The hallway was practically silent. The only sound was the eerie echo of a gargantuan clock nestled somewhere deep inside the fortress. Even the shuffling steps of the Seconds were so quiet that they were difficult to make out. Whimpering softly, the girl glanced nervously around her surroundings. Even though she was quite young, she could tell that something wasn't right in this place. The whole feeling of wrongness culminated with her tiny shriek as she was deposited at the feet of a tall man. He wore a villainous grin that stretched all the way from one pale cheek to the other and held an glowing golden globe of gears in one of his hands. With his other hand, he reached down to lift her trembling chin. "Why, it's a little human," he exclaimed in surprise as he examined her. "She would make an excellent addition to my collections!" He lifted her up, up, up to his eye level and stroked her silky blond curls in wonder. "And what a precious little girl you are! I'd like to be your new daddy!" Miles away, a weary mother awoke to find herself alone. Frantically searching for her young daughter, she called out in desperation, "Sophie? Love? Please come back to me!" A sob tore free from her lips. "Please tell me that he hasn't taken you away!" * * * * * In time, the girl grew to forget her mother and her past life. She came to know only Time as her father. She changed, and though she knew she wasn't the same as the Seconds, she because one of them. Nothing but a minion in the service of Father Time. Until she did the unthinkable. "Sophie, come on! We're going to be late and you know that it irks Father so very much when we're late!" One of the Seconds tugged gently on Sophie's sleeve. "You won't get away with this again!" Smiling absentmindedly, Sophie nodded slowly. "That's nice…" Clearly not paying attention, she waved at one of the small human children who bashfully ducked behind its mother's skirt. The persistent Second tapped Sophie's arm again. "We really must be going! He threatened to throw you in the dungeons last time, and heaven knows he's taken a turn for the worse since then!" Sophie sighed and turned away from the happy sight of the frolicking villagers. "Of course, you're right. They're just so…" She paused, trying to find the right word. "Alive." A worried pang of fear passed through the Second's metallic eyes. "Um… yes, right. They are alive. And so are you! We all are, in fact." When Sophie didn't responded, the panicked second finished lamely, "And we're all happy, too! Now come along; I've got to get you home before he notices how long you've been away." They returned to the castle, entering with some amount of trepidation in their steps. They tiptoed cautiously through the empty halls, their hearts pounding and breaths coming rapidly. Only after sneaking past the room where he spent nearly all his time did they finally feel safe. "I think we're good now," Sophie whispered to the Second. "What do you think?" A booming voice came from behind them, causing them both to jump with fright. "I think that you're both extremely late. Do you have anything to say for yourselves?" The Second stared down at her feet. "I'm sorry, sir. We lost track of time and…" Sophie butted in, whirled around to face her father. Her eyes blazed with pent-up anger and her fists clenched at her sides. "Do I have anything to say for myself? Of course I do! How couldn't I, after you've kept me locked up in this monstrosity of a building for fourteen years?" Father Time rose to his full height, an irritated tick pulsing up his sculpted jaw. "I kept you here for your own good. The world out there didn't appreciate you, but I did. Nobody out there was willing to love you, but I was. You see, dear? This was for you! All of it!" Normally, this was the point where Sophie would shut up and take his words. But not today. Today, she fought back with all of the gumption she had kept hidden her whole life. "This was for my good? Have you seen the people out there? Real people - people like me! - and they're all happy! They're all full of joy! Their children play and have fun, smiling and laughing! Why would you take that from me? Why couldn't you love me enough to let me grow up like that? I mean, I don't even know who I am anymore!" He shook his head with a low growl deep in his throat. "It's all about Time, Sophie. That's all there is to it." Advancing on her, he shoved her against the wall. "It's all about Time! ALL ABOUT TIME!!" Panting, he sneered at her. "I thought you had learned your lesson last time. Clearly, I was wrong. I hereby sentence you to execution, unless you bow to me and acknowledge me as the holder of supreme wisdom." A tear slid gently from the corner of her eye. "No," she muttered. "I won't bow to you. You don't deserve it!" An awful calm entered his harsh eyes. "Very well. You'll only have one more chance, no more. You've disappointed me, darling." Turning from her, he motioned to a group of Seconds. "Guards, take her from my sight!"
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thclcstgirl · 8 years
Foxtavia ( FRIENDS au cause let's be real cuddles )
Send me a ship and I will tell you: (Sleeping!)
Who is a night owl: Octavia by faaaaar lol Though she tries to keep Fox up and once Fox joins her at Trikru she tends to stay up later just because shifts are later than she’s used to, but she crashes hard when she gets home, especially the first couple shifts while she’s still getting used to being oogled for a living.
Who is a morning person: FOXIE. She’s such a morning person, you can use her as your alarm clock, she’ll wake you with coffee and bakery goods from The Dropship and cuddle you awake.
Are they cuddlers: Omg YESSSSS. Foxie’s so affection starved she lives for cuddles and like, do I even need to talk about Octavia??
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon: Octavia’s the big spoon definitely. Don’t ask why, that’s just how I see them naturally falling.
What is their favourite sleeping position: In their blanket fort curled up like sleepy puppies.
Who steals all the blankets: Octavia definitely
What they wear to bed: Octavia probably lingerie type nightwear or underwear, Fox is still t-shirt and undies.
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: Octavia probably enjoys dressing Fox up a little more boldly than foxie usually dresses. I just see Fox being O2’s little dress up doll tbh hahah
Who falls asleep mid-conversation: Octavia and it’s probably because she’s stoned lol
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: Possibly Fox, possibly neither. She’s got some leftover damage from her past and tbh Trikru probably leaves an uncomfortable edge to her dreams at first, if not a little longer. She might wake, but it’s probably not very loud, and if Octavia’s fallen asleep with her, she’s probably too drained to wake up with Fox, so Fox just gets it together and either wanders the apartment until she calms down or just snuggles back down and waits for sleep or morning.
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: I don’t know why but my mind immediately went OCTAVIA so ???
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: Both? They’re super affectionate but Octavia probably more so like, in a bolder sort of way. Like, Fox is huggy and likes to lean against people and sit close to people, but Octavia’s a lot more bold in her affection and that probably shows between the girls.
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xlittlegalaxyx · 7 years
Little Tag~
1. How old are you? I am seventeen years old. 2. How old are you in Little Space? In Little Space, I am about four-and-a-half years old. 3. Do you have a Daddy, Mommy, or CareGiver? If not, please answer the following questions with your imagination and your desires. At the moment, I do not have a Daddy, Mommy, or CareGiver. 4. Do you have stuffies? How many? I have a few stuffies, and I love them all to bits. I have about four or five. 5. Which is your favorite stuffie? Oh, goodness! I can't possibly choose! Is "all of them" a good answer? 6. Does your Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver give you kissus and huggies? Oh, oh! I love kissus and huggies! If I had a Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver, I would cover them in kissus and give them tons of huggies! 7. Has Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver ever punished you? Sometimes I like punishments! Especially if there's spankies involved. But most of the time, I'm a good little girl so I don't get punished. 8. What are your favorite rules that Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver gives you? I really like the one that says no touchies without permission. I also like the ones that say not to belittle myself because I have a hard time with that and I make a conscious effort not to do it if there are rules in place. 9. What are your least favorite? Well, I usually forget to send a daily selfie and I have gotten punished a lot for it in the past. 10. Does your Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver cuddle with you? I looove cuddling, but most of my DD/LG relationships have been long-distance, and that's a big problem since I like cuddling so much! 11. Does your Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver cheer you up when you're sad? To be honest, a lot of the time, no one can cheer me up when I'm sad because depression is a meanieface. But if I'm in Little Space, it's pretty easy to cheer me up! Stuffies and Winnie The Pooh are my weaknesses. 12. Does your Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver tuck you in and read you stories? I would looove for my Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver to do that for me! I love to read in my spare time, even when I'm not Little, so I think bedtime stories are really nice! They help me fall asleep. 13. Do you have pacis or sippy cups? I do have one paci! It says "Princess" on it, because that's what I am~ But I sadly do not have any sippy cups yet, though I do think they are adorable! 14. Are you a brat to your Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver? Most of the time, I'm a good little girl to avoid punishments! I like to please my Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver as much as possible, and sometimes, being a brat isn't the best way to do that! I am pretty spoiled, so I can be a brat, but I don't think it's the best way to get what you want. 15. Do you have other Little friends? Sadly, I do not. I think a lot of other Littles aren't really looking for friends, but I would really like to make some friends! Playdates are fun, and I think it would be cool for our Daddies/Mommies/CareGivers to get to know each other and be friends, just like us! 16. What are your favorite snacks when you're in Little Space? Well, I really like fruits! When I'm in Little Space, I get really hungry, and I like to eat while I watch Winnie The Pooh. I like fruits because I can eat what I want and not have to worry about getting any pudgier than I already am! But, I will admit, dino chicken nuggets and mac and cheese is really yummy, too! 17. How often do you go into Little Space on an average day? On an average day, I am almost always in Little Space! It's an almost constant thing. 18. Do you think your Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver is strict? I love a strict Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver. I think that a lot of Littles take "strict" as overbearing, but I think it's a way that your Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver cares about you, and wants you to be the best Little you can be! I personally love a lot of rules! 19. Does your Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver give you treats when you're good? I love getting treats for being good! It lets me know that my Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver is satisfied with my behavior. When I get treats, I know I'm being a good girl! 20. When is your bedtime? Since I don't have a Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver, I gave myself a bedtime! My bedtime is usually nine o'clock, but it doesn't mean I always follow that rule! (I'm really bad about bedtimes!) 21. Are you sexual or non-sexual in Little Space? This question is a bit hard to answer, since I know my opinion will offend someone. However, I'm going to answer this question, because I think honesty is best. I am non-sexual in Little Space. My reason? Because when I'm in Little Space, I'm in the mindset of a child. I think that when a Little is non-sexual in Little Space, she is promoting pedophilia. Personally, I think that Little Space is a time where someone should be innocent and free. If someone were to try and be sexual with me while I was in Little Space, it would ruin Little Space for me, forever. Because of my past, I think that being sexual with a Little while they're in Little Space is like having sex with a child, since they are in the mindset of a child. However, that does not mean that I bash people if they're sexual in Little Space; it's a waste of energy and time, and both sides of the argument get absolutely nowhere. I know that I can't change the way people think and act, so I would rather spend my time doing something that I actually enjoy! 22. Do you talk back to your Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver? Only sometimes~ 23. Are you in a long-distance relationship with your Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver? If not, how often do you see each other? I've always had long-distance relationships with my Daddies/Mommies/CareGivers. I don't think it's a bad thing, since there's always the possibility of meeting up someday. 24. How did you know you were a Little? Funny story, actually! I've always acted very Little, but never knew about the lifestyle until I found it on Tumblr! I realized that the role fit me perfectly and I was instantly hooked! 25. Do you like the CG/L community? Yes and no. I do know that there are a lot of fake Daddies/Mommies/CareGivers that only want a Little for sex. I have not met very nice Littles as of yet and I'm pretty upset about that. But overall, I think a lot of the people in the community are extremely nice and very welcomng. 26. What are your favorite movies? Well, I'm pretty sure you can tell from reading most of this tag that I absolutely adore Winnie The Pooh! I love every single movie having to do with Pooh Bear and he's very, very dear to my heart. I also love anything creepy, and I've been obsessed with Coraline lately. 27. Do you like nappies with your Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver? Nappies with a Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver are the best nappies! 28. Do you have nicknames for your Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver? I've only had Daddies before, but I love nicknames for every type of CareGiver! Here are a few of my favorites... For a Daddy, I like the nicknames "Daddy", "Dada", and "Handsome". For a Mommy, I like the nicknames "Mommy", "Mama", and "Miss". For a CareGiver, I like the nicknames "Owner", "Love", and "Puddin'". 29. Do you have nicknames for things when you're in Little Space? Yes, yes, yes! There are too many to list, but I like to say "kissus" or "kissies" when I want a kiss, "huggle-wuggles" or "snuggle-wuggles" when I want to be cuddled or held, and "seepies" when I want nappies. (By the way, I don't know if those are considered nicknames for things, but that gives you an idea of how I talk in Little Space.) 30. Do you think you would ever be in Pet Play or other BDSM lifestyles? Oh, of course! I am definitely open to trying new things! 31. Do you wear diapers? Honestly, I've only tried it once and was too embarrassed to actually go potty... But I would be willing to try again if my Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver was into it. I think I would like it if I tried it, but I get really shy. 32. Does your Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver spank you? I really love spankies. It's rare that I ever dislike them. I think they're a lot of fun, and they make me blush! 33. Do you ever enjoy punishments? Sometimes I enjoy the hardcore ones, because sometimes I think I deserve them. 34. What are you scared of in Little Space? Oh, goodness! I'm scared of everything in Little Space. When I'm Little, I am very timid. 35. Do you have a blankie? Yes, actually, I do! It's a really purple Hello Kitty blankie, and it's so soft! I love cuddling with it while I'm in Little Space, no matter what I'm doing. 36. How long have you and your Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver been in the community together? To be honest, I don't think I've ever introduced someone to the DD/LG community, mostly because I'm scared of being judged. But I've personally been in the community for a year and a half now, I think. 37. What is your favorite thing to do with your Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver? I don't think I can choose! I think the best thing is just to spend time together, in every way possible. 38. Would you ever tell anyone that you're a Little? I've told a one person that didn't know about the community, and I think he was a little freaked out. I don't tell anyone because I'm scared of being judged, even though it's something that makes me extremely happy. 39. What's your favorite color? I really like pastel pink. I think it's such a feminine color and it makes me feel very Little. 40. Can you imagine a future with your Daddy/Mommy/CareGiver? Oh, absolutely! I don't think I can see a future with someone without the DD/LG lifestyle/relationship. DD/LG is such a big part of my life, and I don't think I would hide that from someone who I'm in a serious relationship with.
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