#send serotonin
throatgina-sausage · 3 months
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Solidarity, fellow comradettes 🥲
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Can we make fanart based on your designs? I'm OBSESSED with your Michael Afton design and need to draw the silly guy
Yall don’t even have to ask! Anyone can make fanart of my designs, just remember to tag me so I can see it and share it 💜💜
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charlioak · 15 days
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portraits for my favorite rdr1 characters, bonnie macfarlane and jack marston!
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triona-tribblescore · 10 months
*gives you a baby Mikey*
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I gave him a pillow and fluffy lil baby jumper cause he looked a lil cold :')
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kyleecarrigan · 6 months
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straycatwhisperer · 4 months
shipping anthropomorphic dogs this year was not on my bucket list
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3amsnek · 1 year
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we will always be here.
happy pride <3
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poppy-purpura · 1 year
You need to stop I am going to be killed by cuteness...
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I'm a serial killer then... Should I to stop?
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youchangedmedestiel · 23 days
The detail that I noticed was that he was very close to Jared but he refusal to do this pose with Misha https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fqxbc2IWwAIEOZn?format=jpg&name=large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fqxbc2JWwAEh_5z?format=jpg&name=large
Yay!!!! Another occasion to watch Cockles' gifs, please enjoy:
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Also anon, talking about a detail, you see Jared and Jensen standing close while I see Jensen and Misha with wide smiles. We're just not the same and that's okay.
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pokemonranch · 11 months
The best part of having a Rotomblr blog is that people will send you cute 'mon pics just so you can BEHOLD them and let me tell ya. I'm beholding them so much.
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not-another-robin · 5 months
Please send me headcanons or pictures of alfred. For morale. Original JL is also acceptable. I'm begging on my knees btw
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elliespuns · 2 months
may i offer the playlist for baby ellie i made, in these trying times?
Hey!! Why is this playlist so 'Ellie enjoying her summer' coded? I can see her chilling in the grass by the lake, barefoot with a book she loves, listening to all these songs.
I LOVE THIS. Not only is this exactly what I listen to, but this is also so fitting. I might start loving you, girl. 
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spirk-trek · 5 months
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elfsyellowflowerzart · 2 months
oooh if you would like, maybe you could do my tundra Moraine!
Her ID is 26930335! She is fat, has horns that curve downward, extra fluffy ears, and her hat pushes her mane down! Feel free to take any liberties with her outfit too, she likes cozy sweaters and stuff (we don't have nearly enough sweaters on flight rising tbh)
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thank you!
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shes so cute i had fun drawing her!! you said cozy sweaters and no sweater is cozier than a turtleneck hehe
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caputvulpinum · 2 years
lmao the obesity article from huffpo you reblogged is so insanely incorrect
First off, the whole "Your body is just doing what it's supposed to do, you're fat because you're MEANT to be fat!" while also saying "about 40 years ago, Americans started getting much larger" hmm... Why only Americans? Why only 40 years ago?
That seems odd, that Americans, specifically, would suddenly change to being naturally fat. Even today America has a much higher rate of obesity than other places like Japan. How is that? Wonder what would be discovered if we looked at when things like beet sugar, corn syrup, etc. started to be commonly added to foods 🤔
And then the "diets don't work!" spiel, along with emotionally charged reports of people starving themselves until they passed out.
What diets specifically doesn't work? Were the people getting enough calories? Did they stop the diet, and then the weight came back? Did they start with small, gradual changes or completely overhaul their entire meal plan right away?
They say "95% to 98% of research shows diets fail" what research? What studies? What was the sample size? What were people eating? Were they given any help to maintain their diet or encourage any other healthy habits, or were they just given a list of foods to eat and sent on their way?
It sounds like ALL the diets they talk about in the article are shitty. People starving themselves, people doing useless fad diets, etc. and presenting it as if weight loss is IMPOSSIBLE. Which is crazy, considering all the people I've seen who lose weight, maintain the loss, and feel insanely better than they did when they were obese.
Maybe it's not that "diets" don't work, but that the diet industry doesn't work? After all, what would happen if they encouraged people to change their relationship with food completely, starting with small, gradual changes, and work on fixing their gut microbiome and cutting out unnecessary things from their diet like processed sugars, corn syrup, etc? Then people would lose weight. Then they wouldn't need expensive diet plans anymore.
And then the industry has no more customers. Just like if Apple makes phones that actually work and aren't pieces of trash, then they wouldn't be making money from people buying new iPhones every other year. Same with the clothing industry, and the pharmaceutical industry, and every other industry.
For someone who always talks about people researching things and checking out the sources on information before automatically believing it ya'll don't seem very good at it lmao
I'd like to start off with saying that I definitely agree with you in that the way the diet industry is structured exists to predate upon invented insecurities, just like nearly any cosmetics aimed at body alteration to some degree (makeup included). We also agree that it is fundamentally built to ensure failure and ongoing failure as a norm, in the same way that we're never going to get a proper cure for cancer when the cancer industry is so insanely prevalent and profitable.
That said, I understand your...frustration, let's call it, sure, about the fact that no, I did not do any further digging into this and took it at its word. You have my apologies for that.
However. I'd like to use this as a tool for transparency and assuming best intent. Your tone and treatment of me in this is rather hostile and I don't see the purpose that it serves. If I'm someone who claims to find accuracy in reporting important, then yes, accuracy needs to be had. And it was as simple as just Googling "95% diets fail". First result is an article from the NYT debunking it and explaining why it's a myth and bad statistics.
But that same article gets me to the heart of why I'm writing things out this way: you brought it up yourself, in fact, though in deciding to get petty you probably missed the subtext. For over forty years now these numbers have been used and spread around to the point where countless literal professional doctors don't have any idea that it's false. After all, we live in a society where diet industries have for pretty much ever been able to operate with nearly no regulation, fat people aren't actually given a shit about from medical professionals and are just told to get GPS, etc...you could even say this is a systemic issue which started long before I and likely you (and most reading this) were born.
Nobody learns these things on accident. You're absolutely right that if I looked it up and researched the claims I could easily have found out their validity to be nonexistent. But why would I? This isn't new research. This isn't anything that goes against anything I was ever taught. It's just a fact of life, just the way things are. People thought the universe was geocentric.
So with that said, I have to admit that while I've done my best to not vent my irritation at you or anyone else, it is deeply frustating, sure, we'll call it, to have you walk up to me and act in this way. It would be one thing if this wasn't a case of unlearning systemic bias and normativity. That'd be on me, absolutely.
But instead of thinking things through like an emotionally mature individual and going "Hm, this dude who says it finds research/accuracy important posted some stuff which was wrong, which I'm aware has a history going back multiple decades and is still going strong. Maybe the reason they didn't do any followup research was because they've lived their entire life hearing this same statistic over and over again and therefore thought that their systemic biases were accurate and saw nothing wrong because they couldn't,"
you decided to be a cunt for no fucking reason and you knew it because you had to go on Anonymous to hide any possible consequences coming your way for your actions. So thanks for informing me about this, I'm genuinely grateful and we, again, completely fucking agree ideologically, but/so fuck you for thinking that acting like a fucking 10th grader with a gotcha was a better use of anyone's time than just typing out "Hey that diet thing you reblogged is actually completely false if you look it up" to which I would have gone "Oh shit you're right, here's some followup research I did about this thing and how it's a systemic bias that needs to be unlearned".
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markantonys · 2 years
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SAS ROGUE HEROES | eoin + smiling
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