#send money to abroad education
orientexchange · 1 year
How Orient Exchange emerging as Student friendly Remittance agency
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In recent years, Orient Exchange has emerged as a popular choice among students for remittance services. Indian based company has been making waves in the remittance industry for its low fees, attractive exchange rates, and user-friendly platform.
 In this article, we will explore how Orient Exchange is emerging as a student-friendly remittance agency.
User-Friendly Platform
One of the key factors contributing to Orient Exchange's popularity among students is its user-friendly platform. The company offers a hassle free web portal that can be easily accessed and used to Send Money Abroad from India. The portal is easy to navigate, with clear instructions on how to initiate a transfer. Students can easily track their transfers and receive real-time updates on the status of their transactions. The portal also allows users to store their recipient's information for quick and easy future transactions.
Please refer the below image for Remittance Portal of Orient Exchange
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Low Fees
Another reason why Orient Exchange is popular among students is its low fees. The company offers some of the lowest transfer fees in the market, making it an attractive option for students who are often on a tight budget. Students can save significant amounts of money by using Orient Exchange instead of traditional banks or other remittance agencies that charge higher fees. This allows them to have more funds available for their studies, travel, or other expenses.
Attractive Exchange Rates
In addition to low fees, Orient Exchange also offers attractive exchange rates, which is another reason why it is becoming a popular choice among students. The company's rates are competitive, and they are often better than what is offered by traditional banks. This means that students can get more value for their money when they transfer funds through Orient Exchange. This can make a significant difference, particularly for students who need to transfer large amounts of money.
Rate Blocking Facility:
Orient Exchange offers rate blocking facility I.e, Sender can block the exchange rate up-to 48 hours by paying 2% advance amount, which makes users to avoid to pay some extra money because of rate fluctuations.
Send Money to 100+ Countries:
Orient Exchange offers Students to send money to 100+ countries across the world, one can transfer money for various purposes mentioned in the portal.
Some of the below countries where students can transfer money through orient exchange are:
Transfer Money to USA
Transfer Money to Canada
Transfer Money to UK
Transfer Money to Europe
Transfer Money to Australia
Transfer Money to New Zealand
Transfer Money to UAE
Flexible Payment Options
Orient Exchange offers flexible payment options, which is another reason why it is becoming a popular choice among students. The company uses various payment such as Convera, paymytution, flywire, etc. . This makes it easy for students to transfer money regardless of their payment preferences. Additionally, the company allows for partial payments, which means that students can transfer smaller amounts of money over time, rather than having to transfer a lump sum at once.
24/7 Customer Support
Orient Exchange offers 24/7 customer support, which is a valuable feature for students who may need assistance outside of regular business hours. The company's support team is available around the clock to assist with any questions or concerns that students may have. This ensures that students can get help when they need it, rather than having to wait until regular business hours.
Tie ups with major banks
Inorder to help Indian students Orient Exchange has tied up with various foreign banks such as Bank of Montreal(BOM) and CIBC-Simplii in Canada, Fintiba and Expatrio in Germany and other major banks in New Zealand.
Orient Exchange helps students to open Account such as
GIC Account in Canada
Blocked Account in Germany
FTS Account in New Zealand
In conclusion, Orient Exchange is emerging as a popular choice among students for remittance services. The company's user-friendly platform, low fees, attractive exchange rates, flexible payment options, 24/7 customer support, and student-friendly policies make it an attractive option for students who need to transfer money overseas.
 As more and more students choose Orient Exchange, it is likely that the company will continue to grow and expand its services to meet the needs of its customers.
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copperbadge · 4 months
I was watching hockey earlier today and it got me wondering what sports are played in Askazer-Shivadlakia. Football & surfing’s been mentioned, what else is played in the country? Does it snow enough in the highlands for there to be any winter sports enthusiasts? What’s the state of women’s professional sports? Does the country compete in anything internationally? The Olympics are awful, but does the Ask send a delegation of athletes anyway?
It's not something I've thought a lot about outside of football, I admit, though thinking about the football program has clarified some aspects of it. Mainly I just am not entirely sure how a lot of sports...work, so I kind of stay hands-off.
Askazer-Shivadlakia has never been a super wealthy country. Jason was a bit of a traditionalist and Michaelis was concerned with modernizing but he wasn't an innovator per se, unless pushed; by the end of his reign the country was reaching a point where it had the kind of money to sustain a university or expand its public services fairly radically, but only just. Gregory is a big part of that because he trained as an economist, and while he's only been king for about two years, he's been working in the administration for much longer. He's been able to institute changes that have led to a comfortable surplus in the budget.
So for example, Michaelis wouldn't let the government fund a professional sports team of any kind because the money it would take was already being spent on the youth sports program. He felt that giving kids the chance to play sport was more important than sustaining a team, and said that their athletes were a gift they gave the world. And now that elite players are returning from playing abroad with money and the intention to spend it on supporting a team, his investment is actually, unexpectedly, paying off. Michaelis just wanted the kids of his country to learn self-discipline and good sportsmanship but in doing so he also ensured that if you leave the Ask to seek your fortune as an athlete, once you've got a fortune, you come back home to spend it. And Gregory's work means the government can help.
Football and F1 racing are the two big passion sports the Shivadh follow, though F1 is a fandom, not a pastime. There's decent surfing but that's more a tourist thing. Definitely there are regions that get cold enough for winter sports, but like surfing most of the ski/board sites are tourist-focused, places that ranch dairy cattle in the summer and then host tourists in the winter when the cows are in the warmer lowland pastures. Undoubtedly there are Shivadh snow sport enthusiasts and the country supports them if they compete internationally (both in terms of cheering them on and financially) but there's no program or deep tradition of it. If I ever actually write about those areas extensively that might change, though.
Women's sport has equal support to men's generally, whatever level that might be -- Askazer-Shivadlakia has always been relatively progressive but when Michaelis was elected, Miranda made it her business to push legislation that explicitly protected things like equal funding for women's sport and education and access to birth control and abortion. (She's also the reason weed is legal and Gerald can get Adderall in Europe, where it's banned in a lot of places; there's something to be said for the scion of old conservative nobility who is simply ready to wreck shit.)
There is no golf. Michaelis detests it personally and there's no room for it anyway. If they ever build Askazarama Amusement Park, they might get a mini-golf course.
I don't really know how the Olympics and other international competitions work. If there are talented athletes who want to compete and seem capable of qualifying, there's state funding for them, but there's no formal program where like, the MPs sit down every two years and pick out the top athletes they want to send. Likely most people interested in elite sport competition have to leave the country to train, and represent other countries as a result -- like Paolo in the football novel, who left when he was a young teen to attend a junior academy in France and entered professional play from there.
Shivadh still feel ownership of them, mind you. For example, Felix (the love interest in the football novel) played on the Italian national team and kicked a winning goal in a World Cup for Italy, but Askazer-Shivadlakia consider that cup theirs. A Shivadh did it, ergo it is a Shivadh victory. If an athlete were to say, represent France in an Olympic decathlon and take the gold, they would consider that to be a gold medal for Askazer-Shivadlakia.
The country is very excited about finally having a football team of their own. Shivadh Royal Football Club could lose every game it ever plays and still nobody would let a word be said against them. Fons-Askaz on match day is just a sea of hideous orange Shivadh RFC jerseys that say NARAN JUICE on the front. (Their major sponsor is local juice box and sports drink maker Naran Juice Box Co.)
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men feel more sorry for western men being „scammed“ by global south women than the fact most impoverished women with no access to education/viable income in tourist destinations are raised to believe the best thing that can happen to them is a western man falling in love with them and taking them with him. and then they complain that some white guy‘s abroad „girlfriend“ who he sends a monthly allowance to after meeting her on vacation (surely not with the expectation of sex whenever he visits or for her to become his dependent live-in maid and sex doll if he decides to marry her so she gets a visa) has other boyfriends who send her allowances like she isnt just playing the game she was forced into. people describing sex tourism and sex tourist relationships as „mutually beneficial arrangement“ fuck you it could not be more unequal. im actually so embarrassed for white people who go on vacation in countries that are not white dominant and feel flattered by the attention. youre not special people just hope for a better life and know that white tourists tend to have money and/or if youre a white woman they consider you more „valuable“ because they devalue their own women and fetishise whiteness 🙏 trust me that 20 years younger underprivileged person is not in love with you and im sure deep down you know that but carry on because you like that you hold all the power in the relationship. but yeah aww those poor people just looking for love lmao
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w1ngedv01d · 20 days
Hello 👋, I hope you're doing well..
My name is Mahmoud, and I'm a 17-year-old from Gaza. The ongoing war has devastated my city, destroyed my school, and made daily life incredibly challenging.
Despite these hardships, I'm determined to continue my education and build a better future. I've been given a chance to study abroad, but I need help to cover the costs of leaving Gaza, as well as living expenses and other essentials abroad once the crossing opens.. 🙏
If you can, please consider donating or sharing, your kindness can truly make a difference, and thanks for your time. ❤🍉
https://gofund.me/bd3ccf0b 🔗
Hello, Mahmoud! Thank you for sending this message
I cannot do much in terms of donating right now, but I am absolutely willing to share this message in the hopes you can get the money you need. I wish the absolute best for you and your siblings, especially your baby sister.
I cannot imagine the pain, stress, and fear you are all going through right now.
To the people reading this post: I encourage every person who has the means to donate to please do so, and to spread the word even if you cannot participate financially
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ambersweets134 · 1 month
Hello 👋, I hope you're doing well..
My name is Mahmoud, and I'm a 17-year-old from Gaza. The ongoing war has devastated my city, destroyed my school, and made daily life incredibly challenging.
Despite these hardships, I'm determined to continue my education and build a better future. I've been given a chance to study abroad, but I need help to cover the costs of leaving Gaza, as well as living expenses and other essentials abroad once the crossing opens.. 🙏
If you can, please consider donating or sharing, your kindness can truly make a difference, and thanks for your time. ❤🍉
https://gofund.me/bd3ccf0b 🔗
I don't have any money right now, but I send prayers for you all and hope more people can help🩵🩵🙏
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huboi · 1 month
Hello 👋, I hope you're doing well..
My name is Mahmoud, and I'm a 17-year-old from Gaza. The ongoing war has devastated my city, destroyed my school, and made daily life incredibly challenging.
Despite these hardships, I'm determined to continue my education and build a better future. I've been given a chance to study abroad, but I need help to cover the costs of leaving Gaza, as well as living expenses and other essentials abroad once the crossing opens.. 🙏
If you can, please consider donating or sharing, your kindness can truly make a difference, and thanks for your time. ❤🍉
https://gofund.me/bd3ccf0b 🔗
Unfortunately I am unable to send money as I have none to spare
but I will share
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slotumn · 1 month
Prompt for 3H fans:
You're building a cabinet post-canon, and you can assign anyone who's not Byleth, Shez, lords, retainers, or royals with obligations to other nations (so no Petra) to lead the following positions/departments:
Domestic affairs & administration (includes stuff like infrastructure, territory planning, etc)
Military & defense
Science & medicine
Economy & finance
Law & justice
Agriculture & natural resources
Diplomacy & foreign affairs
Who do you pick? (Hopes characters allowed)
Basically it's a build your own house, except it's for an actual post-war government instead of just monthly missions at the academy.
My own picks + reasonings under the cut:
Domestic affairs: Lorenz
Like I said in this post, he's a practical guy. He'd get the roads fixed and the mail system running and he'd be good at negging the local lords into cooperating with the new government.
Military & defense: Holst
He's a good general with real-life experience, and is one of the people who's been trusted to do his own thing militarily in canon and was mostly successful with it (it's what he does offscreen in 3H). Mainly dealt with Almyrans but wasn't a slouch at Gronder against the Empire, either, so I assume he's flexible too.
Science & medicine: Manuela
Look, she might be a hot mess in personal life but I think she's one of the few people who'd be able to do a government job while also having insight and firsthand experience the field she's assigned to. Other possible candidates (Hanneman, Linhardt, etc) for this are better suited as researchers instead of ministers imo.
Education: Seteth
He's overprotective of Flayn, but when it comes to youth who aren't his daughter he's far more reasonable and pretty good at giving advice. Other candidate was Hanneman, but again I think Hanneman is more research professor than a minister in a government.
Economy & finance: Marianne
To be specific, Marianne with Margrave Edmund's tutelage. House Edmund is the money house™. And honestly I don't see many others in the cast who'd be anywhere near suited for this position. Anna doesn't count, merchant mindset and nation-running mindset is different.
Law & justice: Ashe
He wants to follow law/some sort of code and he has a sense of justice, but he also knows from firsthand experience why/how people break the law, so he wouldn't be unreasonably rigid/unyielding in the affairs. Also the token Faerghan of the administration; many others here are Leicesterian (can't help it I have GD bias) but I'd want a unified Fódlan's cabinet to have people from all regions.
Agriculture & natural resources: Leonie
This is probably my most unconventional pick, but my reasoning is that this department would especially require familiarity with on-site/field conditions, and Leonie already has some of that (from a hunter village) + would be willing to go around looking at things herself as needed. Sorry about your dream of leading a mercenary band Leonie but I'm going to stick you in this position until the continent gets back on track. Other possible candidates were Marianne or Lorenz considering their paired ending, but I think they fit the other positions above better. And Bergliez may have the Empire's breadbasket but I am not assigning Caspar or his dad to this position.
Diplomacy & foreign affairs: Ferdinand
He's good at talking, wouldn't mind the tiring schedule of being sent everywhere, and even has an actual ending where he becomes a foreign minister. Other possible candidates were Sylvain or Cyril, but I'd be afraid of Sylvain getting into some sex scandal abroad and Cyril would need more education and training (specifically in Government Official Speak™, if you send him as is he will cause a scandal by calling a foreign official a dumbass to their face).
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beardedmrbean · 20 days
“If the old parties had done their jobs properly then the AfD would not exist,” Ingolf complains, echoing a common sense that the rest of Germany looks down on so-called “Ossis” in the east.
Far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) have already won the most votes in regional elections this month in the eastern state of Thuringia. Now Germany’s bracing for a further political shockwave, as polls suggest the AfD could also take the most votes in Brandenburg state's election in a few weeks time.
Tucked away near the Polish border, in the two tiny villages of Jämlitz and Klein Düben, support for the far right has soared.
A former conservative (CDU) voter, Ingolf is frustrated about how successive governments have handled education, saying standards were better when he was a boy growing up in the communist German Democratic Republic.
He voices anxiety about Germany’s flatlining economy as well as immigration, comparing the far-right riots in England this summer to “civil war-like conditions”.
Disorder that, while nothing like a civil war, has stoked narratives about the potential for violent clashes within multicultural communities.
“That’s not what we want here in Germany,” he says.
In Jämlitz, most notable for a large goose farm, the idea of civil strife couldn’t feel further away.
Nor could the war raging in Ukraine. But the AfD’s call to stop sending weapons to Kyiv is also resonating strongly.
“The money for Ukraine is an issue,” says Yvonne, who sees all war as “senseless” as we chat to her just down the road.
“And this is our tax money that is sent abroad. We have enough things to fix in our own country.”
However, Yvonne is leaning towards another anti-establishment party launched only this year that also opposes supplying arms to Ukraine and which is a surging force in German politics: the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW).
Ms Wagenknecht’s personal brand of “left-wing conservatism” has already propelled her party this month into the potential role of kingmaker in Saxony and Thuringia.
However, for her critics, she has simply fashioned another unwelcome populist, pro-Putin movement that’s actively undermining central pillars of German foreign policy.
I challenge Yvonne about the idea of ending arms supplies to Ukraine, which could help Russia win a war it began, by invading its neighbour.
“I can understand both sides,” she says after a little hesitation.
This is the part of Germany where the older generation, from the GDR years, grew up learning Russian language and culture.
It’s also a country, scarred by two World Wars, that retains a strong pacifist streak fed by fears the existing conflict could escalate.
“Poland is not big,” Yvonne says, as she points out the Polish border is only a few miles away. “And we are then the first ones to go when the tanks come across.”
In these two villages, that have a population of under 500 people, 57.5% of voters backed the far-right party in a recent local council election, the largest proportion in Brandenburg.
Across the wider district, that number was 43.7%, also unusually high.
It comes ahead of a larger, state-parliament level vote on 22 September, where the AfD is leading the polls – after they already won the most votes in Thuringia and came a close second in Saxony on 1 September.
In Thuringia, the AfD attracted 36% of the under-30s vote, say election researchers.
Their relative strength in the east is despite the fact the party is viewed by many – and officially classed in three states – as right-wing extremist, a charge its supporters avidly reject.
Even if the AfD does well in Brandenburg it likely won’t take power because – as elsewhere – other parties refuse to work with it.
Not far away, I visit one of the beautiful lakes that have been transformed from their original purpose as open cast coal mines.
As I wander around asking people if they want to talk about German politics, most, perhaps unsurprisingly, are not all that tempted.
A woman called Katrin does agree to speak, although she doesn’t want her picture taken.
Ushering us away from a small crowd sunbathing on the grass and a little beach, she lights a cigarette and is watchful as we wait to hear what she has to say.
It feels like it’s going to be really controversial.
She doesn’t like the AfD – something that can feel like a rogue opinion around here.
“Half the people here didn’t vote for the AfD,” she reminds us, adding she is “devastated” by local levels of support for a far-right party.
But why are they so popular, I ask?
“That’s a good question,” says Katrin. “That’s what I ask myself all the time.”
“There is an old saying,” she recalls. “If a donkey is too comfortable it goes on black ice.”
Katrin is saying that she believes life, actually, is relatively good for people in the community, leading to a misguided “grass-is-greener” syndrome - whether that’s with an eye on the past or present.
Average wage levels and household wealth are lower in the east when compared to the west, although inequalities have narrowed through the years.
Overall, Katrin doesn’t understand it. “I’m still thinking myself, why, why, why?”
You get the feeling that mainstream parties, including those in Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s coalition government, are similarly unable to quite comprehend, or respond, to the success of either the AfD or BSW, parties polling nationally at about 18% and 8% respectively.
The traditional parties of power are casting a nervous eye to the east and the Germany’s reputation for relatively calm, consensus politics is under strain.
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missmeltycat · 1 year
The Old Taylor Family Lore
It was asked of me to write down the Taylor family lore. This plot has been around for a very long time. TI not being all that popular before last year meant that not much exists, but that has changed recently. I have been giving air to my old OCs and plot. Please enjoy.
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Gregory Taylor began as a simple antiques dealer. Julia met him after he had dealings with the Bridge family, a rich family, in particular her mother Maggie regarding some antique jewellery. The two saw each other in private and they decided to marry.
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Maggie Bridge (Mother of Julia), of course, was absolutely not enthused and recently widowed for the 5th time was the only parental figure Julia had in charge of her at the time. She forbid her from marrying Gregory, threatening to disinherit her. Women did not usually inherit, but Maggie had fought tooth and nail to maintain her fortune and had plans to pass it to Julia. Maggie did not want her daughter making the same mistake as she had back when she was young.
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Julia didn't listen and the two married. Julia was disinherited and Gregory and Julia were poor and took up residence in the small place above Gregory's shop. Julia took up work as a seamstress after putting her sewing skills taught by her governess to good use.
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Soon enough, Anne was born and Anne was raised with the values of nobility, despite being poor. She was not offered the same education, but held the same beliefs and moral standards. She became a seamstress when she reached age.
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Francis was born a year after Anne and he was pestered by his father to be the epitome of manliness. He was instilled with all the values of nobility, with the additional stress of having to live up to his father's expectations. By this point, Gregory had been dealing with shifty people and had begun to go away for long periods of time in search of treasures which he could sell for profit. Long story short, he became a pirate. As such, he used some of his ill gotten gain to hire a private tutor to teach him sword skills to use when he was out and about. He also demanded Francis learn.
Francis did as he was told, but would get criticized severely if he put a single toe out of line making him easily frustrated and yelled at even more. Eventually, this left him unable to express his emotions without fear of consequences.
Soon enough, Gregory was, unbeknownst to his family, plundering on the high seas and leaving the family alone for many months at a time. Francis joined the British army when he was of age and used his skills to his advantage. He rose through the ranks easily and was commissioned in London. Anne continued to work as a seamstress alongside her mother, until one day their father returned rich and the estate land was purchased. The estate was built and the family were now upper class. Little did they know the mansion was bought with blood money.
Anne and Julia no longer needed to work, but Gregory was still off on his trips leaving them alone. The family became powerful in the area, gaining a reputation quickly and Gregory bought more land, more property and the favour of local magistrates to turn blind eyes.
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His brother Alan had been along for the ride early on, but had split off after attaining wealth and investing it in properties abroad in the Caribbean. He also purchased a rum company that was already doing well and saved it from the brink of collapse. He settled and built his own home, as well as purchasing many properties and becoming a landlord, essentially. Gregory, however, continued to send some of his wealth back to England, maintaining the lifestyle of his family as he was out plundering. He would occasionally return, but he was more distant.
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Rae was born 6 years after Francis when they were wealthy. She was closer to Francis than to Anne and as very young children, they often played together. Adventuring outdoors and playing in the gardens of the estate.
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Rae never had to work a day in her life and her siblings came to resent her for it as they grew, though they would not admit to it. Gregory was neglectful of his family, stern with Anne, critical of Francis, but outright ignored Rae as much as he could. Rae was fascinated as she would watch her father train with his tutor with his sword and would often try to plead to join in. The standards still present, Gregory flat out refused because 'females' did not sword fight'. The tutor, however, took pity and would give her very rudimentary and basic lessons whenever Gregory had left.
Rae was given a very extensive schooling program, insisted upon by Maggie, and was raised as a proper lady. Tutored in languages, housekeeping skills, piano, violin, speech, posture, etc. This also included the strict moral standards and etiquette. Something Maggie, who had repaired her relationship with Julia now she was rich of her own means, was insistent on. She deemed Julia marrying Greg as part of her own failure and latched onto Rae as a matriarch of her upbringing, often undermining Julia.
As Rae grew up, while having a very healthy relationship with her mother despite the gender rules imposed on her and her mother's obsession with hosting balls and parties to cope with her boredom, Rae learned to self-soothe by reading. She preferred the company of a book to that of other people and would often hide in the gardens of the estate to pass the time. Something her mother and grandmother would chide her for. She would also walk alone, something women of the time would shock people with due to standards, and would take walks through the moorlands and countryside, sometimes getting muddy or torn dresses.
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Anne soon married a Composor called Martine Fitzwilliam, a French gentleman who had moved over with his family from the continent. The two had a son called Benjamin.
Soon enough, the family was hit with the news that Gregory was missing. He had gone searching for a treasure and had been in touch with his brother Alan in the Caribbean to help him coordinate his mission. Alan had sent a letter to Julia in the hopes that she had heard from him, as he had gone oddly quiet. Alan would have mounted his own search, but he was suffering from his failing health. He had sent out some men, but they had returned with no news.
The Taylor family, Francis off on his commission, was left with only women. Anne was already married to a composer called Martine Fitzwilliam and had a young son and Martine was absolutely unwilling to spend any of his own money to mount a search. Julia, while she had friends, was not able to rouse any assistance. Maggie did not care enough about Gregory to even lift a finger. Rae then decided that it was up to her to try to do something. She went to the local magistrates who were firmly in her father's pocket, but they were unphased believing that he was just off on his latest venture and would return and that they were making a meal out of nothing. So, Rae took it upon herself to find out more about what her father was going after. That was when she heard that he had decided to go after the semi-mythical treasure of Captain Barnaby. The treasure was well-known to children, as it was a tale told to them before their bedtimes all around the country. It had gained an almost legendary status, but hardly anyone believed it existed. Her father, obviously, seemed confident enough to mount a search for it. Rae read up about it as much as she could and then put out feelers for any ships headed for the general area that the clues for the treasure were to be found. It was then, as if by some holy coincidence, she heard of a vessel that had been commissioned in Bristol harbour headed for that very same treasure. The HMS Virtue. Commissioned by one Squire J. Trelawney and Captained by a Captain A. Smollett.
It was going to be risky, but she knew she had no choice. She and her family needed answers and she would get them by hell or high water. She traveled in secret to Bristol by persuading the families carriage driver to take her in the dead of night so no one would find out. When she arrived she bought a set of clothes befitting a deckhand and disguised herself as best as she could. She fashioned a makeshift mustache with the materials she had on hand. Sadly, those happened to be broom bristles and wig hairs she had gathered from people as she walked past them. This disguise was terrible to say the least, but the people she was dealing with seemed non the wiser... She signed onto the roster and went to find her father by working as a deckhand.
Treasure Island © Robert Louis Stevenson RTTI © Yuri Alikov, David Cherkassky, Kievnaukfilm The Taylor Family, lore, characters, designs, art etc © Me 1988-Present Please do not copy. This is an old established plot and established characters.
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funky-sea-cryptid · 2 months
Hello, 👋
My name is Abdul Rahman and I am from Gaza 🇵🇸. The war destroyed my life. I lost my home, my job, my education, and my ability to support my family. My family and I suffered serious injuries.😔
I am desperately asking for your help to protect my family, evacuate them from Gaza, and continue my studies and work abroad.
Your donation of just €10 can make a huge impact on our lives and help ensure the safety of my family. My campaign is verified, and you can ask for any details to confirm my story. I promise I'm a real needy person and not a robot or a scammer.
Please consider donating and sharing our story. "My family is waiting and needs your donations." 🙏🙏
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support.
im always happy to help.
this fundraiser was verified by @/90s-ghost, so if anyone has some money this is a good place to send it
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orientexchange · 1 year
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From Disability Power Ireland, Disabled Women Ireland, Neuro Pride Ireland, Oppose Reform Of Disability Allowance, Access for all Ireland
The text is below. It could be used in some form as part of a response to the consultation on disability reform
- The Irish Government’s Green Paper on Disability Reform, written without disabled people & our DPOs but currently under public consultation, is fundamentally ableist. It suggests that the government can know everything it needs to about the lives and experiences of disabled people in order to categorise us by our ability to work, when a diagnosis worthy of any assistance is often expensive and can often only be acquired through the private system or by going abroad.
- The Green Paper may force as many as half the people currently on disability off their payments and into work, and another third pressured into finding and entering into part time work.
- The Green Paper will waste HSE money. The process to receive disability payments right now is long & difficult. The government assumes the limited things they can know about disabled people through medical assessments are the only things they need to know. Forcing us to prove every aspect of our lives as disabled people in order to be left alone to care for our conditions puts us back through the process of gathering even more diagnoses and documents and scans in order to be categorised by our capacity to work. This is an ableist idea.
- The government’s proposals will not lift most disabled people out of poverty, only endanger the mental and physical health of disabled people by increasing demands on us to go through a job seeker process not intended for us, which international evidence suggests will not work.
- This paper makes false assumptions about access to workplaces. Instead of starting with making workplaces more accessible, they propose threatening the payments of some of our most vulnerable, though the government denies anybody will lose their payments, contrary to the implication of the Green Paper.
- The Green Paper wants to dump 84% of disabled people into the Intreo system with no mention of training for Intreo officers to deal with the special circumstances that come from trying to seek work or education while being disabled.
- The Green Paper seeks to value disabled people only in terms of our ability to earn and forces us to prove in detail our inability to fit into a society which does not make adaptations for us. It is contrary to our UNCRPD human rights.
The government must scrap this Green Paper now.
To learn more about how to help see http://beacons.AI/ScrapTheGreenPaper
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ceojunho · 2 months
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[ NA INWOO, CIS MAN, HE/HIM] — i’m pretty sure that was just JUNHO HWAN of  OLD MONEY that just passed by. the THIRTY year old FORTUNE 500 CEO has been a resident here in the upper east side for SIX YEARS.  they’re known for being DEDICATED & LOYAL, but i overheard someone mention they’re also ALOOF & SECRETIVE…considering they’re a LIBRA i think there might be some truth to it. but maybe that’s just because they’re always worried someone might find out about redacted.  something about them has always reminded me of THE SCENT OF VANILLA COLOGNE, A FURROWED BROW, LATE NIGHT DRIVES THROUGH THE CITY  but maybe that’s just because they like to COOK & WRITE in their free time
name: junho hwan
nickname(s): jun (by those closest to him)
gender: cis man
pronouns: he / him
age: 30
dob: october 13th 19993
pob: seoul, sk
orientation: bi-curious
social group: old money
height: 6'4 "
build: muscular
ethnicity: korean
eye colour: brown
hair colour: dark brown
notable features: big tall man
style: business wear
tattoos: n/a
piercings: n/s
positive traits: dedicated, loyal, level headed, intelligent, resourceful
negative traits: aloof, secretive, distance, workaholic,
likes: reading, cleaning, coffee in any form, cooking, his cat,  changing into something comfortable after work, 
dislikes: traffic, smoking, mushrooms, ketchup on fries, people who don’t like cats, 
current occupation: CEO of Advanced Tech (a subdivision of Hwan Enterprises)
past occupation(s): intern, manger, creative director
degree(s): masters degree in business & finance
tw: cheating, neglect, verbal abuse in the world of generational wealth where money controls everything, it’s easy to believe junho hwan has the world in the palm of his hand. born into one of the richest business families in south korea as the eldest son there was never a question that he was destined for success. but life was never as simple as it seemed on the surface, starting with the fact junho’s birth was the result of his father’s affair with a pretty secretary. not wanting the world to know his son was a bastard, his father and his wife paid for his birth mother’s silence, raising him as though he was their legitimate child, something junho believed he was for most of his life. he never understood his mother’s coldness towards him growing up, and why she seemed to always favour his younger siblings more than him, often ignoring junho, or holding him to higher standards than anyone else. her lack of motherly affection and seeming resentment towards him, always had him pushing himself to be the best he could be to win her praise, yet no matter how hard he tried in her eyes he always fell short. if it wasn’t for the kind nanny who treated him with such love and endearment, he’s not sure what kind of person he would have ended up as. yet there was always that noticeable distance in his family, how his mother insisted he were to study abroad during the school year, sending him away to prestigious private schools under the guise of ‘bettering his education’ while his siblings were kept close to home. what hadn’t been expected was just how much junho would thrive abroad, he was a star student and athlete, his shelves lined with his accolades. he even managed to get into an ivy league university in america without his family needing to pull any strings, simply on his merit alone. yet every summer when he returned home, there was still an undeniable tension in their house. his mother’s lack of interest in his life was obvious, going as far as minimizing his success in favour of boasting of his other siblings, creating a natural rift between them for a reason he could never understand. it wasn’t until he was twenty-four having just graduated from university that he finally had the courage to call her on her behaviour. resulting in an argument that finally revealed he wasn’t her son, but the son of his father’s old secretary, who was the same woman that nannied him as a child just so she could stay in his life. this realization had junho question the very foundations of his life and what he thought he knew. it explained his mother’s constant resentment and verbal abuse, he was the reminder of his father’s infidelity. yet this fact still didn’t excuse the neglect, he was a child who suffered at her hands for something he had no control over. at this time junho had tried to cut all contact with his parents, angry with them for keeping such a secret from him. but his father couldn’t let him go, junho had been raised from birth to be the next chairman one day, he was already moulded into the perfect leader. not wanting that to go to waste he instead offered to let junho live his life abroad, working at their american division as the ceo of advanced tech, a fortune 500 company and one of their most profitable conglomerates. he knows his father hopes that one day junho will forgive him and want to return back to korea to properly take over the hwan empire. but even after six years the wounds still feel to fresh, and he’s content living his life in new york.
Attended Boarding School in France & Switzerland 
Went to an Ivy League University in America 
Has a cat named mango 
He speaks fluent korean, english & french 
used to play volleyball and did taekwondo 
seems cold and aloof but is actually a bit of a dork 
has three younger siblings
boarding school days - he attended a boarding school in France between the ages of 8-13 and a boarding school in Switzerland between 13-17. they could have met during these days and kept contact over the years, or  recently bumped into each other again as adults. 
university friends - he studied at an unspecified ivy league university, they could have shared a class, lived in the same dorm, or attended similar clubs 
first love - someone in he met either in university, or his late years at boarding school. one of the few people he’s ever had genuine feelings for.  it was fleeting, and went too fast. likely ended due to their lives going in different directions at the time. 
business connections - people he’s met schmoozing at events and through work. they’re friendly with each other, though may not know each other too closely. 
family secrets - someone who may know he’s the illegitimate son of the hwan empire back in south Korea. they could be old family friends, or just someone who keeps up with all of the gossip.
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bouquetface · 3 months
Hi, I want to participate in your astro game. I send this ask again because I forgot to mention my favorite song.
My name NDN, she, 5/5/1998, 10:45p.m., Hanoi, Viet Nam.
My favorite song right now: Like that - Baby Monster.
Thank you!😚
Hello, thank you for sending in correctly 🫶
You are likely very intelligent. You have an analytical mind. You pick up on details that others overlook. You see both the small details and the bigger picture. You are likely a reliable and responsible person.
You are likely very resourceful. This can manifest as being frugal. You might not spend money on something you feel you can do on your own. You are EXTREMELY likely to create a lot of financial success.
You are probably very hardworking. You may have been raised to be independent and graceful/poised. Expectations for you may have been high. You likely had a parent that wasn’t afraid to voice their opinions on your flaws. You may received harsh criticism. This may have lead to you becoming an adult who struggles to believe they’ve done good enough. Perfectionist. You can be very critical of yourself.
In love you are consistent, protective and loyal. You are truthful as well. You don’t lie to make others feel better. You are a problem solver. You are the kind of person to identify the problem and create/offer solutions. Sometimes people can perceive this as you being judgemental and rude. You are simply truthful and direct. You don’t like people who are inconsistent and indecisive.
As a kid, you could have been shy and reserved. You may have been more observant. It’s possible you felt you weren’t accepted like everyone else.
I believe it is extremely likely that you will move far from the birth place. Possibly abroad. Your future marriage/long-term partner is likely to be foreign as well.
Your partner is likely a quick learner and well educated. An intellect. They may like to discuss art - film, books, etc. Your relationship would be based on mutual respect for each other’s opinions and ideas. You both see the other as intelligent. You two could work together or be in the same field. Meeting while getting a higher education is likely too. There is a meeting of the minds. Family is likely very important to them. Physically, they may have a youthful appearance and energy. Full cheeks - almost like a baby face & full lips.
Physically, you might have arched eyebrows. Sharp features such broad jaw. You may have thick hair with lots of baby hairs.
For career, you and your future partner may have similar careers. Helping others and teaching is likely important in your careers. You two may work from home at some point. It’s hard to say exact career but you may have interest in being a Doctor, Professor, Lawyer. You could consider being an entrepreneur at some point too.
This year may be very home and family focused. You could be moving. There may be additions to the home like buying new furniture, renovations. Or even someone in your family giving birth. With SR moon conjunct Venus in 4th H, you could be meeting new friends or partners. There may be some tension in the home or family as well since mars and chiron are there in the SR. People may be agressive and/or harsh.
Hope you enjoyed the reading! Please leave feedback 🫶
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Synopsis: It's 1966. Elvis and Frannie are laying in bed and he pours his heart out to her about his mismanaged movie career. She comforts and encourages him. This will be incorporated into a later chapter of my fic, Gambling on Your Love. Enjoy!
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“Wait, you’re serious? Parker takes fifty percent of everything you earn?”
Elvis is silent, but his nod speaks louder than words. 
“Elvis, that’s robbery. Nobody’s manager takes fifty percent. He’s robbing you blind!” Frannie sits up in bed, covering herself with the blanket. “And he’s got you tied to a picture contract four years in advance? And you can’t give final say for scripts or storyline or anything else? If my manager did that to me, I’d kick him right in the ass and send him packing!” She is practically beside herself now, her arms crossed in indignation at the thought of him being exploited. 
Elvis slinks lower into the blankets. “Yes,” he responds faintly as a whisper. “That’s how it is.” He takes a deep breath, “Y’know, there are some things I really wanna do. I want to be in a serious film. I want to make a classic film that people will remember. Sometimes I get violently ill thinking about the things they got me doin’. People don’t think I care, but I do. I care. I care,” he winces.
“So do it.”
The advice couldn’t have been simpler. Just do it.
Deep down, Elvis knows he’s a cash cow for so many that he can hardly think about himself, even to his detriment. As a good Southern boy, he never ever allowed himself to, not even back in 1954 when his star was starting to rise. Elvis has always put the others around him first. 
I’ve got responsibilities, he tells himself. I’ve got people—hell, family—on payroll. Is it any wonder then, that he swallows his pride and lowers himself time and time again for the bottom-of-the-barrel projects Parker scrounges up? The kinds of things that not even a lesser star, let alone Elvis Presley should be doing?
He wishes with every fiber of his being that he could just fire the leech. But Parker, for all his carny faults, was there when Elvis was just a pup. He'd guided him, molded him, made him into the man he is today, including all of his riches and privileges. A man made of far sterner stuff, Parker took care of Elvis when his own blasted father couldn't. Elvis feels loyal to Parker and has given him his word, even though he sees more than anyone else that Parker's choices are tanking his career. This puts Elvis in an untenable position, for being at heart just a poor kid from Mississippi, loyalty is everything. And God, he's afraid. He's terrified that if he doesn't keep working somehow, all of it will disappear. He'll have to go back to driving a truck and everyone in his orbit will be destitute. The stress is unbearable.
"I have obligations and upkeep and maintenance, and everyone turns to me with their goddamn mouths open and hands out and eyes expectant," he growls.
Everybody except Frannie.
Elvis looks at her and his expression immediately softens for a moment. She has her own money and career and she's never asked a single thing of him except his love. And for that, he is eternally grateful.
In her bitingly direct New York way, Francesca Ferrara was the first person ever to give him the permission to be selfish. Now, her stark advice cuts through his fog like a knife and he sits up next to her, practically rumbling as his anger returns. 
“I’ve had enough of these bullshit movies. If it’s got me singing in it, I don’t wanna do it anymore. I’m not who Hollywood thinks I am!” Elvis’ voice grows bolder. And Frannie knows it’s true. Her Elvis is an introspective person… soul-searching, even. A man who is surprisingly deep, thoughtful, and intelligent beyond his high school education. Frannie knows him to be gentle and kind and curious about the world. She smiles at the thought of the man she loves one day showing the world who he really is, testing his mettle with a meaty script or even playing to crowds abroad.  
Elvis’ hands ball into fists of rage. “A-a-and I wanna go back to touring, especially outside the country. I miss going out and seeing the people. I miss making music I care about. I miss being on stage and connecting and moving and doing what I want to do. I’m sick of singing to turtles. Man, that shit is beneath me!”
Frannie can see the excitement building in his eyes, the hope flashing through them. It exhilarates her to see him this way, seeing him take front seat in his career for the first time in years, knowing that she's not the only one who believes in him—that he's finally starting to believe in himself, too.
“It is,” she adds, her voice a calming presence as she gently touches his arm. The thought of the world wearing him down makes her heart ache. She wants to care for him so badly. To just miniaturize him and carry him around with her all day to shield him from all harm and hurt.
“Elvis, you have the talent to do whatever you set your mind to,” she cards her fingers through his tousled hair, “So why don’t you go out and do it?”
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seungchanpark · 1 year
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ciao baby !! i’m april (she/her), i’m 22, i’m in est, and i cannot articulate how EXCITED i am to get this rodeo going. with that being said, si si spaghetti baby let’s talk about this absolute fucking mess of a man. trigger warnings for everything below [and most interactions with chan in general] include: drugs, addiction, and mental health issues.
full app. && pinterest.
(tldr; boy genius has a low tolerance for most other people but a high tolerance for anything that can be snorted, sniffed, or swallowed. can be quite cruel and patronizing and mean around the edges, but is easily pacified if you offer him something sweet and chewy or caffeinated and liquid. heir to a billion-dollar tech company in ole silicon valley, has probably spent many-a dinner party face-to-face with mark zuck’s cold, dead gaze.)
&& basics —
full name: seung-chan park nicknames: chan (primary), park, channy (only by sisters) gender & pronouns: cismale & he/him sexuality: bisexual age & dob: twenty-one & october 22nd hometown: london, england education: double-major in mathematics & computer science favorite proof: big fan of demoivre’s theorem
&& background —
chan’s mom comes from an old money real estate/investment empire in south korea, chan’s dad is just some broke man. but! they fall in love, they move to london, they have two daughters, and then chan’s mom decides to take a gamble and make her own tech company in the us of a (do NOT ask me what this company is but it’s like…. probably software probably pretty famous idk maybe salesforce-esque where it’s useful but not glamorous)
it’s a massive success! chan’s mom becomes a hotshot in silicon valley so she’s rarely around the rest of her family in london, chan’s dad becomes resentful because she’s abandoned their family to go be a big deal with the tech bros (and because he’s got some fragile masculinity going on let’s be real). this is how the park family is supposed to remain until…..
SURPRISE! mrs. park gets pregnant by accident, and it’s a BOY, so chan’s dad insists that they keep it because he’s always wanted a son. enter stage left: SEUNG-CHAN PARK, but you can call him chan. 
he’s smart. like, really really smart. every rich kid with a brain and privat tutors can do alright for themselves, but chan is exceptionally gifted, especially when it comes to numbers and logic
buuuuut his social skills are atrocious! he’s blunt, he’s condescending, he doesn’t know how to play nice with the other kids because he thinks he’s better than them. he becomes a bit of a zoo attraction – marvel at his genius from behind the bars, but don’t get much closer than that or he’ll bite. and that’s fine with him! his best friend is his dad and chan doesn’t need much more than that 
when he’s thirteen, his mom offers him a silicon valley job, and he reluctantly takes it. he spends every summer coding for her company, and as it turns out, being a nepo baby doesn’t save him from the long hours and high demands of the job.
he accepts his first dose of adderall from a fellow coder when he’s sixteen. finally, it starts to feel like his fingers can move as fast as his brain does. next comes ritalin, amphetamines, ecstasy, cocaine. by the time he graduates high school (as valedictorian, predictably), it’s safe to say that he’s got a hefty drug problem. 
the jig is up in his second year at meraviglia, when his dad walks in on his room that looks very much like what you’d expect from a 20 yo drug addict. this fundamentally ruins his relationship with his dad (sad), mama and papa park send him away to rehab for a drug-free summer (sadder), and this is CHAN’S BIG SECRET :O his parents told everyone he was spending a summer traveling abroad, meanwhile he was really in a luxury rehab center in zurich 
since then….. he has relapsed (saddest). he does feel a bit more guilty about doing drugs now than before, especially because he knows how much it would disappoint his dad, and he also feels quite bad about keeping the fact that he went to rehab from his friend(s) (probably just cypress). he drinks and gets high with the rest of praeditus like it’s business as usual, but they’re all unaware that he’s doing it a little more than just recreationally
&& tidbits — (these are copy/pasted directly from my app and are rlly not that important, i just think they’re fun to know for plots/interaction xx)
doesn’t know how to cook (blames it on growing up rich and always managing to live with people who took care of the food), so his diet is more or less a mess now that he lives alone. unless he finds the time to visit a dining hall, he survives off coffee, candy, energy drinks, pastries, the occasional doordash order, and more coffee. it takes him way too long to remember the last time he sought out a vegetable
responds to “seung-chan” and “chan” and “park” pretty interchangeably, but his sisters like to mess with him and call him “channy”. needless to say, he hates it
his mom is certain that after graduating he’ll come back to california and work with her in silicon valley, but chan’s not so sure anymore. coding on his own for his classes is starting to make him wonder if he wants something that’s just his own, something where he can flex his creative muscles a bit more 
when the right opportunity strikes, he can be shockingly funny. not in the way asphodel is, of course – an easy and open humor, the kind that’s meant to be heard by a crowd – but rather in the form of dry sarcasm and biting remarks. it tends to surprise people the first couple of times he can make them laugh, especially because he usually isn’t trying to, he’s just making a blunt statement that happens to double as a joke 
never learned how to sit normally on a surface. an eternity of bending over notebooks and computers has fucked up his body to the point of no return, and so he sits wherever and however is most comfortable to him in that moment – back bent over armchairs, legs crossed on countertops, head hanging off the bed with one thigh crossed over the other. if he didn’t think yoga was for assholes then it would probably change his life
despite his ongoing reliance on a number of vices, he only drinks in social settings, and even then, he never drinks too much. he’s not a fan of how alcohol tends to slow him down and make him disoriented – plus, he tends to find that his actions feel much more unpredictable with a couple drinks than with a couple lines. if he does drink, he’s definitely a fruity and sweet cocktail man, don’t even think about coming close to him with a fucking bud light
his fashion sense is abysmal. he wears sweaters and t-shirts that range anywhere from neutral to ugly, and he pairs them with joggers and birks on a daily basis. he accepts no comments or complaints, insisting that fashion should first and foremost be for comfort
doesn’t take criticism very well? or like, at all? he’s been told he’s brilliant and always right and etc etc so much throughout his life that on the off chance he does get something wrong he simply refuses to believe it and will argue otherwise until proven guilty. he usually requires a full-fledged derivative proof, and even then he’s dubious 
takes his coffee black, but you already knew that. often puts an extra espresso shot in it for good measure
he’s not an easy person to like, and he recognizes that, but he’s also not taking any tangible steps to fix it. even when somebody does like him and he enjoys them too, he has the most bizarre ways of showing affection that half the time it still may feel like chan thinks you’re stupid because he’s bitter and sarcastic and impatient just as the status quo
he speaks four languages fluently (english, korean, italian, and chinese), three conversationally (swahili, japanese, and spanish), and a bunch of others casually. his dad was always really insistent on him learning languages, and on top of that, he went through a linguistics phase in middle school 
owns a cat called copurrnicus in his off-campus apartment, and he would pretty much kill for her. sources say that the only time they’ve seen him giggle is when her little paws get tangled in his sweaters
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