#send money to Bangladesh
fancyfunnerd · 1 year
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submalevolentgrace · 1 year
(yesterday i received an ask, which prompted me to write the following response. the asker has apologised for sending it and i took it down to prevent anyone from laying into them, but present is anonymously below because i like my response and want you to see it)
"Based on the fun new revelation that the world is ending before I graduate, is it even worth it to try prepping or should we all just get ready to jump into traffic come 2025?"
okay, there is, A LOT to unpack here. i'm gonna do my best to respond to this helpfully, the way i am facing it: confronting it, emotionally processing it, pragmatically preparing, and holding on to a sort of grim, dark hope.
we're talking about climate collapse and the latest IPCC report here right? first off, it's not a new revelation. maybe it is for you personally, but for humanity as a whole, we've known about the inevitable outcomes of emissions damaging the climate since like the 70's. i found out about it myself in primary school in the mid 90's, when it was still called the greenhouse effect, and i then spent 20 years on and off in various roles of support for climate activism, when i had the spoons. if you're young and just finding out about it now i know it's probably overwhelming, and especially sucks the later you've been born into this mess… but i'm pointing out that it's not new, to underline the point that it's also not sudden. yeah it's getting worse, but it's been getting worse for generations, and will keep getting worse for generations.
it's not a meteor, or a volcano. it's a creeping steady decline of habitability with sputters and bursts of natural disaster; there is no timeline or event or threshold at which the world ends here.
that 2025 "deadline" from this year's IPCC synthesis report, for instance; it's not a date that the world ends. honestly, in some ways, it's kinda meaningless. what it is, as i understand it, is that all the data says that if we want to limit global average temperature rises to 1.5C by end of century - which we do, because even 2C would be catastrophic - we need emissions to peak by 2025 and then rapidly decline. it's a vastly oversimplified agregate of incredibly complex data reduced down to the point of absurdity in a desperate attempt by scientists to get corporations to allow governments to take action to limit corporations. it's a deadline for government action to limit effects by 2100. the year will come, and pass, and the world will go on. probably with emissions still going up, probably with targets shifted again and 2C accepted as the next half hearted goal that will also be missed, but life will go on.
no end of the world. life will go on. into the 2030's, into the 2040's, into the 2100's, life will go on. it'll be hotter and colder, wetter and drier, more storms and bushfires, less food and fertile land, but life will go on. populations will starve, land will become uninhabitable, life will go on. when you hear about "the end of the world" from climate collapse, it's not a hard apocalypse that kills us all off or whatever. it's the slow creep of nature getting more harsh, and the way we do things much harder.
if you look at the serious reports from scientists and militaries, the language you see isn't "end of the world", it's "end of modern societies". that's what's really at risk: the fragile infrastructure that holds up the ruling classes of rich nations and has us all scurrying around to make it work. mass scale power grids, international supply chains and just in time logistics, silicon wafer production, year-round plastic wrapped preserved passionfruit chunks grown in thailand, packed in argentina, sold in france, profits to america, money stored on a computer in the cayman islands. i can't sugarcoat it and say that's all that's at stake; people are definitely going to starve and drown and die of exposure; but that already happens every day in most of the world, right now. there are a million rohingya at the border of bangladesh, locals fleeing khartoum as the west airlifts out is nationals, people whose civilisations were crushed under the boots of empires and land destroyed to create the farmland and factories that are killing the planet. life for them goes on.
i mean, i get it. seeing the impending collapse of your society, everything you've known for your whole life being willfully destroyed, it's fucking devastating. we want to keep sitting here on comfortable couches with our gold and cobalt plated supercomputers sharing cat gifs on the hellsite. we don't want to have our civilisation taken away from us and be forced into brutal struggle to survive. it's going to fucking suck, it will be awful, and it will be (and already is) most destructive to the people who are already the worst off, which just sucks even more… and maybe your life is already bad enough that you don't think you can handle it getting worse. i mean, i've been suicidal since i was 14 and i've been through trauma and medical torture you wouldn't believe since then. i get it. you're scared, terrified even. existentially threatened. you don't know what you can handle and maybe you donn't wanna find out.
but here's the thing: the ONLY sensible thing you can do, now and going forwards, is prepare for it.
you wanna kill yourself when it gets hard? let's say sure, i agree with that. what's the threshold then, what's the limit? when will you kill yourself? the power grid going down? sewerage backing up? supply chains failing and being unable to buy food? from the comfort of the developed world, those all feel like exit points i can imagine many people taking as their out… but how long does it have to last before you know it's carbon-monoxide-party time? a month of no power, no flush, no food? a week, a few months, or a year? because it won't start that way.
it's not a meteor or volcano, it's a slow slide. some powerlines sagged so there's rolling blackouts every now and then, a few hours or a day at a time. pipes backed up a bit so pressure is reduced for a week until repairs are done. fires and plague have closed roads so shelves are bare and stores are limiting purchases on essentials this month. there will be bumps along the road before there will be any sort of definitive cliff where you can say "this is it, now is the time to kill myself". these bumps are already happening.
i really hope you can agree, it'd be absurd to be such a fatalistic doomer that you kill yourself instantly at the first blackout, dry tap, or closed grocery store; when you can't know if it'll be back up in a few hours or tomorrow or next week. these small disruptions are already happening right now, directly as a result of climate collapse, but we're still here, still living. if we're going to talk about suicide as a pragmatic option, you need a threshold, and wherever you set it, you'll have to get through what comes before. "i'll kill myself after a month with no grid" still means you gotta be ready for a week without it. you gotta prepare, even if you plan to not survive.
and i know it's overwhelming, i know. to look around and think about what is essential to keep you going, what you can sacrifice, how you can make it through. but you're not going to be doing it alone, everyone around you is going to be doing it with you. we're all going to be struggling through it, and based on how communities have responded in the last few years to a string of once-in-a-lifetime disasters here in my home of climate-fucked australia, i am certain that when the climate collapses around a group of people, they will form a community and help each other, no matter how selfish and mean of a country bogan (translation: redneck) they are. people will help each other; people already are helping each other.
because yeah, climate collapse will probably destroy modern civilisation… but so what? it's a neoliberal capitalist hellscape quickly plunging us into technologically enforced eternal authoritarianism… and like, not to be an accelerationist or anything, but here's that dark hope i mentioned: i'm kinda relieved by the thought that the infrastructure that enables it won't last this century. that climate collapse will force us out of these horrors, and back into real, interdependent community.
so do what you can to prepare, how you can, to make the little disruptions more bearable and comfortable. there's plenty of resources still available for off grid life, camping, home agriculture, and general self sufficiency out there on the still-existant internet, and more people are getting into it all the time - not just what you imagine when you hear "prepper". any skill you can develop, anything you can do to prepare, even if it's as simple as keeping extra shelf stable food and a jug of clean water around, anything you can do will help you materially and more importantly, mentally.
having some jerry cans of water and a small solar setup has been amazing for my mental health and anxiety! and as much as i'm putting material and energy into preperations, i'm also putting them into comfort, maybe even hedonism. collecting some cool lego, got some fancy synths i didn't need, making fucked up noise music with them. enjoying the sound of the neighbours' chickens, looking forward to the day "the world ends" and i can free-range my own on the council's nature strip and share the eggs with the pottery lady down the street. once you're prepared to survive a week of grid down, maybe you'll realise a month, a year, isn't so unbearable. maybe it starts to feel nice?
because i've been there, the suicidal grief. 2018 was absolutely the worst year of my life and i was sure i'd die being tortured in hospital, and coming out of that, in 2019, both the IPCC and ADF released incredibly bleak reports on climate collapse outcomes, and it all sank in. all the spare spoons i'd sunk into helping when i could, all the decades of scientists desperately warning, it all failed. the final warnings have been coming for years, with no change in course, it's happening. and i faced the realisation that my decades were limited, my time of comfort short, and i started despairing and grieving. i turned to what support systems i had, and they failed me. when my psych asked what i was so anxious about and i started explaining the climate reports, he tensed up and started asking diagnostic questions for dilusional psychosis. i went home and cried, i was sleeping on the couch in the junk storage room of my sharehouse because i'd let my own room fill up with so much trash that there was a distinctly organic smell of growth choking the whole place out. i was fucking done, my heart and body broken, there didn't seem to be any point in anything, not without a future. it's the closest i've been to killing myself since leaving home…
so i said, fuck it. i've got a tiny pool of cash from welfare backpay, and i bought a synth i wanted. it fucking rocked, and brought me so much joy, so i bought another, and another. no future to save for, anyway. i made some cool music, i never saw that psych again, i gave up on my drive for revenge on doctors and finding answers about my fucked up nervous system, why bother when the world is ending? and i made music. i can kill myself later maybe. i started loving myself more, because what's the point starving to death hating myself? i made music and got confident and cleaned my fucking room, bought a new mattress. i met a girl and took a chance and we fucked real good and i fell in love again. i moved out somewhere new and quieter and left a home of over a decade behind me, left parts of my identity behind me, moving forward and growing for the better. i have a family now, the first family that has ever loved me without expecting anything in return, and i love them with all my heart. i listen to the chickens, and watch leaves float down the storm water drain, and make cool music. yesterday i listened to a 14 minute track i made 6 months ago and almost cried, because nobody can make music that is so perfect for my tastes except me, and i brought it into existence. on the weekend i'm gonna set up the solar panel to keep the backup battery topped up, i use it to charge my phone and laptop, which the kids would call solarpunk and i'd call cool as fuck to have a solar powered laptop.
in 2019 i stared into the void and realised there is no real future for me, for human civilisation as we know it, and i grieved and processed… i almost killed myself, but i didn't, and the years since have been the best of my life, no question.
so, no. don't kill yourself, now or in 2025 or at any point until you can't handle the torture anymore. "graduation" sounds young, real young, even if it's tertiary. i'm creeping towards 40, and the age that "graduation" conjures makes me think that you've got a hell of a lot of potential left in you, for fun and stupidity, and growing up, and finding love and heartbreak, and your version of wierd-arse synth music.
so go out there, prepare, and enjoy.
…..and for the love of all the false goddesses of the void, never, NEVER EVER again contact a random fucking blog on tumblr and ask if you should kill yourself. holy fuck buddy. the amount of pressure you put me under to deliver an emmaculately worded response that somehow talks you down from the ledge without lying, is way, way too much fucking pressure. i really hope you were being stupidly hyperbolic, but even then, Eris Fucking Kallisti Herself In Absurdist Pagan Blasphemy, so incredibly unacceptable to say to a stranger. i think you need a therapist, even if they do think you're catastrophising, because like. shit dude. this is abso-fucking-lutely not okay!
now go. prepare and enjoy.
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feministfang · 1 month
The lack of basic education in Pakistan automatically becomes apparent by merely giving a glance at the views on trans community held by Pakistani liberal feminists.
A few years ago, when I used to be a libfem, i was a big ally of trans community in this country. And it wasn’t because i supported these people with mental illness mutilating their body parts and transitioning into someone they are not, in fact, i didn’t even know something like this happen in many parts of the world. I was an ally like many others because i confused intersex people as trans people.
Now thankfully i have escaped that illusionary world, but more than 70% of the Pakistani feminists are still stuck there. They tend to conflate intersex and transgender identities due to a lack of awareness and understanding.
I have discussed and debated with many libfem activists here; a common belief they share is that intersex individuals belong to a diverse community known as 'khwaja sira community' which is equivalent to the transgender community. This community is recognised as a third gender category in Pakistan, with their own unique cultural practices, traditions and social structures.
It encompasses; Eunuchs, Transgender individuals, intersex individuals and gender non-conforming individuals. However, many Pakistanis conflate transgender individuals within this community as intersex.
Literally, in all their responses in defence of the trans people, they have provided me with the same biological information about intersex people as an evidence for the "natural" existence of transgenders. Anytime i tell them that males can never turn into females or vice versa, they send me a link to some site or recommend a biology book that talks about people born in variations in sex characteristics.
I have never seen someone being this confidently foolish, and this is why they get hyper-defensive over transphobic remarks or terfy opinions.
The issue doesn’t just end here; many Pakistani intersex individuals refer to themselves as 'trans people' as well. They are as much uneducated about their own identities as these paki libfems are.
Not once in my entire life there has been a trans person in my vicinity in this country, because those "transgenders" outside my car begging for money, dancing on streets, supporting women in women rights’ marches or sending their blessings to my family were all actually intersex people. However, they are commonly referred to as transgenders.
Also, this isn’t a problem in Pakistan, but the entire South Asia. A majority of the feminists in India and Bangladesh have swallowed this belief without chewing on one google research about basic differences between transgenders and intersex people. The so called desi "progressives" have accepted themselves as the most literate people in their backward societies that the thought of scratching the surface is not deemed necessary.
If you are a radical feminist from south asia, please know this and spread more awareness about what’s actually a trans cult in your community, society, social groups etc. I have been doing this since the day i woke up to the truth and i can see some changes in the feminist perspectives of those around me.
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unichrome · 1 year
The biggest heist that almost was
Let me tell you about the most insane bank heist that is going to sound like I'm just leaking the script for the next American hacking movie. The goal? Steal one billion USD. And it all began with an email and a printer, which as we all know is where problems usually start. Another weapon in this heist was... Weekends and time zones.
As usual, no prior computer science education needed.
What happened?
On the morning of February 5th 2016, a printer had stopped working in the central bank of Bangladesh (Bangladesh Bank). But it wasn't just any printer, it was the printer responsible for printing all the records of the multimillion transfers going in and out of the bank. When the poor employees finally won the printer battle and had it resume normal operation, they saw a very concerning account transfer in the records that was coming out. The bank had an USD account in the USA, at Federal Reserve Bank, with approximately 1 billlion Dollars in it, and the Federal Reserve Bank had received instructions to drain almost the entire amount. In the records that came out in the printer, the American bank had attempted to urgently message the Bangladesh bank regarding this transfer, but couldn't get through to them. This was because the hack had actually started the day before, Thursday 4th, at around 20:00 Bangladesh time, when the bank was closed. However, USA had just started their day, giving the American bank plenty of time to follow through with the instructions from the Bangladesh bank to drain their entire account while they were closed. And that wasn't the end of it, as weekends are from Friday to Saturday in Bangladesh, meaning that the Bangladesh bank headquarters in Dhaka wouldn't discover this withdrawal until Sunday morning. That's when they immediately tried to reach the American bank, which of course didn't work as over there it was Saturday evening, and the American weekend is from Saturday to Sunday, meaning that they wouldn't be reachable until Monday.
You see what I mean by the hackers using time zones and weekends, finding the perfect time for the American bank to execute their orders while Bangladesh discovers the withdrawal several days too late, and again several days too late for Americans to be reachable. But it didn't stop there with their timehacking.
The money had to go somewhere from the American bank, and it would be stupid to send it directly to the hackers own account without laundering the money first. So they had set up four different bank accounts in the Philippines, using fake names and credentials. Why the Philippines? Because the Lunar new year was on Monday the 8th, which is a holiday and holiday means no bank activities in either Bangladesh or the Philippines, buying the hackers even more time. As a final act, they messed with the printer responsible for printing transaction records, adding another few hours to their schedule. Moon and stars really aligned perfectly for this plan.
But how did they do it?
It all began one year prior, in January 2015, with an email sent to several employees at the Bangladesh Bank. The email seemingly contained a job application from a person who didn't actually exist, but who was very polite in his request for a position at the bank, with a link to his CV and cover letter. Naturally this link led to a document with a little surprise gift - malware. Since the heist happened, at least one of the recipients must have clicked the link, and successfully deployed a RAT - Remote Access Trojan, malware that lets you control a computer from the comfort of your own home, as well as a toolkit with various malware to move from computer to computer, avoiding discovery, and covering their tracks.
From there, the hackers slowly made their way through the bank offices network, one step at a time to avoid setting off alarms, looking for any computer that had control of the banks SWIFT setup. SWIFT lets banks transfer large amounts of money between themselves and other banks connected to SWIFT. And as soon as they found one of those computers, they stopped. They didn't need to hack SWIFT in the traditional sense of the word - since they operated in a bank computer, the SWIFT-software assumed they naturally had to be bank employees. However, one of the parts of the malware used in the heist was for manipulating the SWIFT system, as the hackers weren't physically there to press anything. Additionally, since they were laying dormant for the time to strike, they needed to keep an eye out for SWIFT updates that could detect any tampering with the system, and adapt accordingly.
Then they waited many months for the stars to align on February 4th, 2016.
There were 35 transfers made by the hackers from the American bank account, totaling almost 1 billion USD, but there were two of these tiny little seemingly insignificant details that prevented this from becoming the worlds largest bank heist in history. The hackers biggest enemy became this concept known as “words”.
The Philippine bank accounts were all located in the same RCBC Bank office on Jupiter Street in Manila. And this would be the hackers downfall, as USA had sanctions put on an Iranian cargo ship called Jupiter. Since the transactions went to a recipient that contained the word “Jupiter”, it created a security alert in the Federal Reserve Bank that the employees needed to investigate. When they saw what was going on, they managed to stop all but five of the initial 35 transactions, thus “only” roughly 100 million USD made it to the Philippines. The Bangladesh bank requested to reverse the transactions, but since the money was in the Philippines, they would need bureaucracy in form of a court order to reclaim the money, and we all know that's not a 5 minute project. It was when Bangladesh filed the court order in late February that the case became public (since court orders are public documents) and the news broke to the country.
Once in the RCBC bank accounts, the money arrived on Friday the 5th and was immediately moved again. First the 100 million was converted to local currency, and some of it was withdrawn in cash, while the rest was sent off to other hacker-controlled locations. And this is where the second tiny little detail cut off even more of the hackers precious payday. 20 million USD had been sent to Shalika Foundation, a charity organisation in Sri Lanka. But,  once again the hackers worst enemy - words - decided to strike again. A typo was made in their transaction, sending the money to “Shalika Fundation”, and a bank employee who must have had their morning coffee spotted this typo and rejected the transfer and kept the funds frozen. This left the hackers with 80 million USD.
✨Now comes the money laundering!✨
There was a second reason for choosing the Philippines as deposit zone; gambling is legal and the casinos had no money laundering regulations imposed. The accomplices of the heist booked private rooms in two casinos located in Manila - Solaire and Midas - and proceeded to purchase tokens to gamble for with the stolen money. Since they played with a room consisting of their fellow accomplices, winning was not really much of a challenge. Then the tokens could be exchanged back to money that would now be clean. To avoid suspicion, they didn't gamble all of the money at once, but over the course of several weeks gambled away the dirty money to clean money.
Who was behind it?
It's normally difficult to pinpoint where the more sophisticated hacking groups come from. Oftentimes, they will leave false clues behind that points to another group so they will face more trouble instead of the group that did it. They may even place clues from several different groups, just to mess with the analysts. It's also quite common to simply “steal” a way of working from another group, or use a leaked/stolen tool from another group (criminals aren't safe from other criminals, especially not in this business) - there are new malware coming out all the time with code that is just a slight modification of a well-known malware actor that had their source code leaked or simply had hired the same programmer. Or they may leave no clues as to who was behind it. Attribution to the guilty part is usually the single most difficult mission in IT-security - often it's just pure guesswork with little to no solid evidence to back it up, if you're lucky there's circumstantial evidence.
This case was no different. The first clue came from the IP the bad guys used to connect to the Bangladesh bank from. It was located in Pyongyang, North Korea. But, as I mentioned, this is not a conclusive verdict, as the IP may simply be planted false evidence to throw the analysts off their track. After the heist, the hackers used a data-wiper to scrub as much of their malware off the bank systems, but they didn't succeed in deleting all of it, some of the tools were still present, including the wiper.
Due to the scale of this operation, it caught the attention of every single IT-security person and IT-security company worldwide, who all of course wanted to know who and how they did it. With the remaining malware, a joint effort was made, comparing malware code to other malware code for similarities. Some was found in Poland, after an analyst noted the similarities from another suspected North Korean hack. Some was found in another infamous North Korean hack targeting Sony Pictures. More and more signs pointed towards the same actor. Some were false leads, the hackers seemed to be wanting to implicate the Russians did it, but failed quite miserably at that, just sprinkling random Russian words into the malware and making it way too obvious it was a ruse.
You may not believe this, but the North Korean government has one of the most notorious hacking groups in the world, known as the Lazarus Group. Some of its more well-known adventures include an extremely data-destructive hack of Sony Pictures (as punishment for releasing “The Interview”), creation of the ransomware WannaCry which was used against many targets worldwide (including hospitals), and various attempts at gathering information from governments and government-affiliated corporations all over the world. And, of course, this heist.
Eventually, after months of collaboration all over the world, the final verdict fell on North Korea, and specifically one of their programmers. His name is Park Jin Hyok, and worked for Chosun Expo - a front company for the North Korean government, located in Dalian (China) who used the funds of the fake corporation gained from legitimate programming jobs from customers worldwide to create the malware and plan the heist with all of its expenses. Of course he wasn't the sole person involved in this project, but it's the only person we know was in it.
This particular heist had been meticulously planned for several years, and Park Jin Hyok had moved to Dalian, set up fake IDs and built a network of contacts there to avoid suspicion. However, he didn't manage to delete all of his online footprints, and became the number one suspect when his internet activities suddenly came from Pyongyang, North Korea.
Additionally, several Chinese business men - many associated with the casino industry in China's Macau territory - were also charged and arrested for assisting with setting up the gambling rooms and coordinating the money laundering process. One unknown Chinese business man managed to get away with 31 million USD of the 80 million that remained after the heist, and as you would expect, he was never to be seen again.
With the middlemen from China paid off, not much remained of the original 1 billion to North Korea. But the heist has fascinated the whole IT-security world nonetheless.
I remember when the news of this case dropped to the IT-security world, who all wanted to take part in the hunt. It was a very fun time, we were all sitting at the edge of our seats waiting for the next update. I hope it was at least somewhat exciting for you too to read about, and thank you for reading this long post! If you liked it, please consider reblogging as it motivates me to write more. You may also like malware stuff I've written about before, such as Stuxnet or just plain evil malware that is a threat to our daily lives.
As always my inbox is open if you have any questions.
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serein-koo7 · 1 month
Bangladesh relief work for flood affected people
More than 16 people are reported to be death in this current flood in Bangladesh.😔After all the bad news we have good news that people of all walks of life are coming to send help to the flood affected people. In one day, more than 1 crore 26 lakh taka has been received as donation in Dhaka which is only from one place of the country. People are donating money, clothes, food and every other necessary things from different side of the country and these are being sent to the flood affected places directly. Even a small boy who was saving money for performing Umrah donated his entire savings. We have come a long way. One after one danger is coming in our loving country Bangladesh. And these give us more hopes for better days. The more danger comes, the more united we are. The people of this country have now learned to work together, so no matter how worse the danger gets we all know how to face it all together. They can no longer be held captive. I have no more worries about this country. Alhamdulillah. Our future is on the safe hands, our Gen-Z is on the right track.🫂 Keep us in your prayers.🤲
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gh0s1y · 7 months
im so angry at the state of the world that i can barely even breath. im doing some reviews on what the rohingya refugees in bangladesh need and just. i cant fucking breathe. these ppl are here to escape a genocide and they're being treated hardly any better here and there's not enough money not enough space not enough food not enough anything and its so horrible amd and some ppl want to send the rohingya back and its just un fucking berable. is this what the world has always been like? i dont want to live in a world like this
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kmp78 · 4 months
“Mars fans enjoy being used and taken advantage of. 🤷🏼‍♀️”
How do mars use their fans?🤔
Oh let me count the ways! 😂🙄
How about when JL summoned us to come chat with him on Vyrt at 12 noon but then he only "showed up" an hour late and didn't even bother chatting cos the only reason he wanted a huge crowd on his platform so he could show it off to his potential investors and we just sat around wasting out time? 🙄
How about them charging 50-100€ for rags that in reality cos them a fraction to manufacture in Bangladesh? 🙄
How about them charging 1000+ € for tent accommodation at Mars Island? 🙄
How about JL summoning all Mars Island customers to show up in all white so he could stage Messianic photoshoots for HIS OWN ego reasons? 🙄
How about when they said "Send your questions and JL will answer them on Vyrt!" but then only picked questions from the eches who spent the most money? 🙄
How about eches spending 100€ on a concert seat in the bleachers while Tiktokkers who didn't even know JL had a band get free VIP tickets? 🙄
How about them being so desperate to have a fuller arena that they hand out free tickets to anyone who's hungry for a taco and then move those freebie people to VIP seats while the fans who actually paid for their tickets get stuuuuck in the back? 🙄
How about JL blatantly using his "bachelor status" to sell shit to hysterical SFGs who wouldn't open their wallet strings if it turned out he was actually in a relationship with a skinny young supermodel? 🙄
How about these? 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️
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indiatimes-news · 1 year
Modus operandi unraveled: How over Rs 600 crore were siphoned out of country
The outward remittances were done illegally in the garb of third party payments against import of garments from Bangladesh.
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Delhi Police's Special Cell registered an FIR in October 2021 regarding a syndicate that channeled money obtained through various criminal activities out of the country. This included Proceeds of Crime ( POC) obtained through illegal Chinese loan apps, illegal online gamings and also illegal bettings.
The wide network of this syndicate can be gauged from the fact that the case was first taken over by Delhi Police in October 2021. It was later transferred to the Enforcement Directorate ( ED) that is probing the matter and recently made an arrest on July 13.
From the documents that have been accessed by Republic Digital, it is mentioned categorically how accused persons, the fraudulent companies created by them on the pretext of forged documents were involved in opening of bank accounts both within and outside country and have taken out funds to the tune of Rs 338 crore.
To begin with, fake identities like Aadhaar, PAN cards and Voter ID cards were used for creating shell firms and opening multiple bank accounts.
In continuation to this, shell firms were also opened in Hong Kong, China, UAE, Singapore and Malaysia. The money that was deposited in Indian bank accounts was then successfully routed through RTGS/ NEFT.
The probe in this case by the agencies led them to get hold of Ashish Kumar Verma. It was found that Ashish along with the accomplices were able to create 18 shell firms and multiple accounts not only in private but also public banks.
Investigations have also revealed that Ashish is one among many in this huge syndicate that was successfully taking out hundreds of crores from the country.
As per law enforcement officials the other major characters involved in this crime of money laundering included Praveen Kumar based in Dubai who was involved in creating fake firms abroad, and Vipin Batra who used to be in touch with Ashish and gave him directions on how the modus operandi had to be implemented. Vipin Batra was recently arrested by the ED on July 13. He is being interrogated.
The mastermind of this syndicate is said to be Pawan Thakur, a Dubai-based bookie and an international Hawala operator. As per law enforcement officials, he is the mastermind in incorporating entities within India as well in foreign countries for remitting funds from India and receiving such funds in foreign bank accounts.
Thakur used to provide forged documents to Vipin Batra who in turn used to send these documents to Ashish Kumar Verma for executing outward remittances. Thakur used to incorporate entities in foreign countries on the backing of passports of several Indian individuals.
The modus operandi proved to be so successful that the syndicate acquired foreign exchange to the tune of Rs 271 crore and successfully sent this amount to the foreign bank account of shell companies abroad in the garb of purported imports of services giving false declarations in turn to banks.
In this, 90 percent of the amount was sent to Dubai while 10 percent was sent to Singapore.
It did not just end here. During the investigations, it was further found that Pawan Thakur was working on a similar modus operandi and in connivance with people that have been identified as Rohit Sharma, Jatin Chopra, Anmol Srivastava, Deepak Kaushal and others for illegal outward remittances.
The outward remittances were done illegally in the garb of third party payments against import of garments from Bangladesh.
From this, funds to the tune of Rs 338 crore were channeled out to Hong Kong and Singapore. Some of the fake firms that were created are Perfect Solutions, Omega Technologies, RP investment and consultancy, Flappose Trade PVT ltd, Uniwide innovations.
Fake directors of these firms were created. Bank accounts of office boys were created by giving them Rs 15,000. On their names, SIM cards used to be bought from where banking transactions used to be done.
With some arrests made in this case so far, investigations are still on to get hold of major masterminds in this Hawala racket that has resulted in more than Rs 608 crore being siphoned off the country.
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unicorn-currencies · 30 days
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We at Unicorn Currencies provide customised foreign exchange rates for businesses or individuals. We understand that every business or individual has unique currency needs and we work closely with our clients to provide tailored solutions that meet their specific requirements. Whether you need to send or receive payments in multiple currencies or need to manage currency risk, our team of experts will work with you to find the most cost-effective and efficient solution for you. With our competitive rates and personalised service, you can trust us to handle all of your foreign exchange needs.
Send money to Bangladesh with ease and security. We offer competitive foreign exchange rates and low transfer fees, making it the ideal choice for both business and personal transfers to Bangladesh.
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marinamitu-blog · 5 months
Covid-19: Cause of Critical Concern to Workers
In this corona crisis, the whole country is under lockdown and a general holiday has been declared. Most people are staying at home to prevent the infection from spreading. While a lot are fine staying at home and some are enjoying their time spent with their family, for some this is not the case of just staying home to relax with their family. For some it is a life and death struggle to stay at home without proper work and an empty stomach.
Kuddus is working as a security guard in Dhaka and has to stay at the workplace for the convenience of the people living in the building he is guarding. Thus he is staying alone here without his family. As he is living here alone, he has to go out for buying groceries for himself. He is worried about his health, but more than that he is worried about his family in the village as they are solely dependent on him. “It is harder to send money at home as there are less Bikas agents around. It takes few days to find an agent, I am very worried about my family”, says Kuddus.
Kuddus isn’t the only one. Many workers are facing such problems during this covid-19 pandemic. Due to the Corona crisis, many factories and businesses are closed. Some of them are unsure if they will be able to continue further even if the lockdown has withdrawn. Some workers are having financial crisis because of not getting payment properly as their employers are unable to pay properly. Abdul Baten who is working in a garments factory as a cutting master, is having trouble with his finances as he didn’t get his full wage. He received only half of his payment. This is causing trouble for him to provide for his family properly. He is worried about daily needs, especially when Eid is nearing. He is not even sure when he will get the rest of the salary let alone the Eid bonus. He is still required to pay the house rent. As the factories are open and operating, he and the other RMG workers are needed to go to work. He claims, “In the factory there isn’t any special precautions for corona and it is not possible to maintain social distance at the time of work”. In a research on Bangladesh apparel workers it is claimed that, “The factories can’t pay the workers’ salaries in this critical situation. Therefore, millions of workers have been sent home without their wages.”
This is not the case of only garments workers. Another joint survey of the Power and Participation Research Centre and BRAC Institute of Governance and Development reveals that, per capita daily income of urban slum and rural poor drops by 80% due to present countrywide shutdown enforced by the government to halt the spread of Covid-19. It also shows that 40%-50% of these people took loans to meet the daily expenses.
Sumon is working in a gold workshop as a gold smith. In normal times he makes a decent income and during the Eid season they have a lot of work. But due to the Covid-19 crisis and the lockdown all the gold shops are closed and there is no sell. Sumon says that in the time when they were supposed to get more money and bonus incomes, they are facing the threats of keeping their jobs. After all if there is no work there is no income for them as they earn on the base of their work. Al-Amin who is working as a driver and like Kuddus he is staying at home alone as his family is at the village. But unlike Kuddus he is not staying in Dhaka for the sake of work rather he couldn’t go home to his family because of the lockdown as moving from one place to another is not possible. Even though he is still in the city, his employers are not giving him any duty and are telling him to stay at home. When asked about what he was doing to stay safe from corona virus, he said that he is staying home unless it is necessary like shopping from groceries. He added that he is even praying at home instead of going to the mosque except for ‘Jumma’. He also said that he is maintaining cleanliness as well. When asked if his employers helped him to stay safe in this crisis time, he said that they gave him mask, gloves and sanitizers. They are also calling him regularly to check on him.
Like the employees the employers are also very concerned regarding the covid-19 virus and the lockdown. A lot of them are unable to run their businesses and only a few are able to run it in a limited range. A lot of them are unable to pay their employees salary; in fact some of them are unable to keep the workers and have to cut off some employees. Sahidullah, owner of Kazi Builders, a construction business, has sent his entire workers home as all the construction sites are closed due to the pandemic. He said, “All the construction sites are closed and the workers are off duty. I have paid their wage but I am unable to pay any bonus for the Eid. I can barely manage myself, but the payments will not come unless the constructions are finished. The more delayed the constructions are the costlier it will get. So in the future I might not be able to higher same amount of workers as before”. Babul, a construction worker under Sahidullah said that they are very worried, as this lockdown has taken away their income source as all the construction projects have closed down for the time being. “If we cannot work, we will not have the money to support our families. Our employer is helping us now but if the construction is closed for longer than he won’t be able to help either. This is scarier than the virus. The virus can kill us but starving to death is worse than corona for us”, said Babul.
Not just factories and businesses but those who entirely depend on house rent for their income are also facing problems. Nasrin Ara has few houses of her own and is solely dependent on the rent for her income. But due to this Corona crisis, many of her tenants are unable to pay the rent properly. Among the 48 of her tenants, only eight of them paid the rent fully. Some of them paid the half. Even some of the tenants have left because of losing her job. She said, “This is a criticaltime where we cannot pressure the people to give the rents. But we have to go on too. This is our only income source. I have already reduced the rent of this month. I am even not sure how I will pay the security guard, cleaner and the other employees next month. I have already cut off their bonus for Eid but if this continues I might not be able to keep them in their post.” A lot of her tenants are RMG workers and most of them have their factories open. They have to go for work every day. As a result, she is also concerned about the spreading of the infection.
Not only just Kuddus or Baten, there are people many workers like them who are suffering mentally and financially in this pandemic of Covid-19. There are also many people like Nasrin and Sahidullah who are also helpless and are unable to keep the workers working under them to their jobs. If a solution to this situation is not found soon many more are going to end up worse than them.
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legaladvicebd · 5 months
VAT Registration: Requirements and Documentation
Suppose you are a business operator in Bangladesh with a substantial profit margin. In that case, you will need to do VAT registration. The process of registering for VAT in Bangladesh isn’t complex or long-winded if you have the support of lawyers who are experts in this topic.
We will review the essential topics related to VAT registration in Bangladesh, such as requirements and procedures. We will review them step-by-step to ensure your registration goes smoothly and hassle-free. We will also discuss why getting support from the best VAT lawyers in Bangladesh is necessary for something we call a simple process.
Required Documents for VAT Registration in Bangladesh 
Before filling out the application form, businesses must gather various documents to support their application. These documents include:
Enterprise Trade License
Bank Solvency Certificate
Owners’ 02 photographs
National ID or Passport copies of owners
Import Registration Certificate (IRC) and Export Registration Certificate (ERC) if the enterprise is involved in import and export business
Article and Memorandum of Association if the enterprise is a Limited Company
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Certificate
Location map of the enterprise premises
Copy of Board of Investment (BOI) Registration
Deed of Agreement
Who Are Required to Be Registered for VAT in Bangladesh
Businesses in Bangladesh have to sign up for VAT if they make more money in a year than a certain limit. Some types of businesses, like those bringing in or sending out goods, making things, or giving services, have to pay VAT, no matter how much money they make.
The limit for joining VAT can change depending on what kind of business it is and what stuff it sells or provides. If a small business makes less than 30 lakhs a year, they don’t have to pay VAT. But if they make between 30 and 80 lakh a year, they must pay 3% of their earnings as VAT. If they make over 80 lakh a year, they must pay 15% of their earnings as VAT.
Even if small businesses don’t need to join VAT, they might want to anyway. That’s because joining can give them some benefits, like getting back some of the taxes they pay on things they buy for their business. It’s like getting a discount on things they need for their work.
Bangladesh VAT Registration Process
Registering for VAT in Bangladesh involves ensuring businesses comply with tax regulations. Here’s a detailed explanation of each step:
Collect Application Forms from the NBR Office
To begin the VAT registration process, the first step is to collect the application form from the nearest National Board of Revenue (NBR) office. This form will serve as the official document for applying for VAT registration.
Website: http://www.nbr-bd.org/
Phone: +88-02-9358223
Address: National Board of Revenue (NBR) Segun Bagicha, Dhaka-1000
Gather Required Documents
Once all the aforementioned required documents are gathered, the next step is to fill in the application form accurately and completely. The application form will need details about the business, its owners, the nature of its activities, and other relevant information.
Submit Application Form
After filling out the application form, it needs to be submitted to the designated NBR office. Businesses can submit the form either in person or through authorized representatives.
Verification from The NBR Divisional Office
Upon receiving the application form, the NBR divisional office will verify the information provided and conduct necessary checks to ensure compliance with VAT regulations. This may include validating the authenticity of documents submitted and assessing the business’s eligibility for VAT registration.
Inspection By NBR Divisional Office
Sometimes, the NBR divisional office may inspect the business premises to verify its existence and compliance with VAT requirements. This inspection helps ensure businesses operate legitimately and adhere to tax regulations.
Receive the VAT Registration
Once the NBR divisional office verifies and approves the application, the business will receive its VAT registration certificate. The certificate acts as an official confirmation of the business’s VAT registration status. It enables it to conduct taxable activities legally.
By following these steps and providing the necessary documents, businesses can successfully register for VAT in Bangladesh and fulfill their tax obligations. Ensuring compliance with VAT regulations is essential to avoid penalties and legal consequences.
Read about how to get VAT certifications in Bangladesh with our help next. It’s the next step in the process.
Why Should You Get Tax Consultant Assistance?
Getting assistance from a tax consultant can benefit businesses in various ways. Here are five major reasons why you should consider hiring a tax consultant:
Expert Guidance
Tax consultants are experts in tax laws and regulations. They have in-depth knowledge and experience in navigating the complexities of the tax system. By hiring a tax consultant, businesses can receive expert guidance on tax planning, compliance, and optimization strategies tailored to their needs.
Minimize Errors and Risks
Tax laws are constantly changing, and compliance requirements can be complex. Making mistakes in tax filings or misinterpreting regulations can have costly penalties and legal issues for businesses. A tax consultant can help minimize errors and risks by ensuring accurate tax reporting and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
Save Time and Resources
Managing tax-related tasks can be time-consuming and resource-intensive for businesses, likely small and medium-sized enterprises with limited staff and expertise. By outsourcing tax-related responsibilities to a consultant, businesses can save time and resources, letting them focus on core operations or strategic growth initiatives.
Maximize Tax Savings
Tax consultants are skilled at identifying opportunities for tax savings and optimization. They can analyze business operations, expenses, and investments to identify eligible deductions, credits, and incentives that can reduce tax liabilities. Businesses can better their bottom line and enhance their financial performance by maximizing tax savings.
Audit Support and Representation
In the event of a tax audit or investigation by tax authorities, having a tax consultant by your side can provide invaluable support and representation. Tax consultants can liaise with tax authorities on behalf of the business, respond to inquiries, and provide documentation to support tax filings. Their expertise and experience can help navigate the audit process smoothly and minimize potential disruptions to the business.
And this is how you do VAT registration in Bangladesh for your business. If your business has a turnover of less than 30 lakhs, you don’t need to pay any VAT, but those below and over 80 lakhs need to pay 3% and 15%, respectively.
Registering for VAT isn’t complicated; the steps we discussed should be enough for you. However, we still recommend you consult expert VAT lawyers in Bangladesh like Legal Advice BD to make the process smoother and hassle-free. 
Additionally, working with VAT lawyers with experience will let you enjoy even more benefits, so that’s always a plus.
Q. Is VAT registration required for all businesses in Bangladesh?
No, VAT registration is mandatory for businesses meeting certain criteria, such as exceeding the annual turnover threshold or engaging in specific taxable activities.
Q. Can small businesses with low turnover opt for voluntary VAT registration?
Yes, small businesses with turnover below the threshold may opt for voluntary VAT registration to avail themselves of certain benefits, such as input tax credit.
Q. What documents are required for VAT registration in Bangladesh?
Required documents may include personal identification, business licenses, incorporation certificates, and financial statements.
Q. How long does it take to obtain VAT registration approval?
The processing time for VAT registration applications varies but may take several weeks to months, depending on various factors such as documentation completeness and verification procedures.
Q. What are some consequences of non-compliance with VAT regulations?
Non-compliance with VAT regulations in Bangladesh can lead to penalties, fines, or legal action by the tax authorities, affecting the business’s reputation and financial stability.
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ippnoida · 6 months
This could be the Asian drupa
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As I write this with less than 55 days to drupa, the German and European visa process and the allied agencies in India seem to be much better organized than in the previous decades. There could be many reasons for this. Maybe the Europeans have realized that printers and converters are not desperate to migrate or merely interested in their machines and technology or talking about the future but are serious business people. Additionally, as both exhibitors and visitors, they may actually have something to show and say.
We have talked to Indian exhibitors who are taking several team members to the show because they are keen to show their structured organizations with technically sound response teams. These are companies built by multiple engineer partnerships with industry experience working for global companies. They are keen to listen to the drupa visitors who have niche and unique requirements. Apart from showing their machines and products, they want to project their capacity to provide a flexible range of solutions to drupa visitors from around the world.
Indian and Asian exhibitors want to highlight their development capacities in newer technologies – their abilities in software and mechatronic automation. Asian exhibitors understand that their strength in the global marketplace of the future will come from their agility and quicker implementation of new technology in smaller and more unique machines and solutions than their global counterparts.
The Asian visitors’ antennae
Indians at drupa represent a large and visible contingent partly because once they get there, they spend several days in their comprehensive search for the useful and the new. However, right from Australia to Iran, including Japan, Korea, China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar to Singapore, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, the most discerning technical visitors with money in their pockets will come from Asia.
The Asians are the future. Like their Asian colleagues, the Indian printers and converters have several sharp antennae that send clear signals of what they see and hear to their experienced processing systems in terms of competitive business advantage. There is an antenna for recognizing which new technologies work in terms of required and not just ‘good enough’ quality. This antenna is linked to the processor for appropriate applications.
The third antenna is price and currency-sensitive for processing the actual cost of a new machine or technology. Since our financial systems and economics are stringent, money for capex and consumables, including customs duties do not allow high leverage. This is where the global manufacturers could benefit from listening to the prudent Indians and Asians who show up in Düsseldorf. The past two decades have shown that when the suppliers from the developed economies didn’t listen or adapt to what we tried to tell them, they were forced into insolvency, divestments and consolidation.
The Super Content Group – let’s make a video for you at drupa24
The Super Content Group consisting of 20 media platforms, including several of ours, will provide professional video making and distribution at drupa 2024 and beyond. The group members led by the Inkish team are offering to make quality videos at the show that will be quickly edited and subtitled in the numerous languages of the Supergroup partners and broadcast on their websites. Three Indian exhibitors have signed up and we (Packaging South Asia and Indian Printer and Publisher) expect a few more to sign up before 21st April for the special rates for a 15-minute video-making slot at your stand. You can contact Mohit Tyagi at [email protected] or me if you would like to talk about this opportunity to improve your participation at drupa 2024. Also, contact us if you would like to join our traditional TeamIndia@drupa WhatsApp group.
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psatalk · 6 months
This could be the Asian drupa
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As I write this less than 55 days to drupa, the German and European visa process and the allied agencies in India seem to be much better organized than in the previous decades. There could be many reasons for this. Maybe the Europeans have realized that printers and converters are not desperate to migrate or merely interested in their machines and technology or talking about the future but are serious business people. Additionally, as both exhibitors and visitors, they may actually have something to show and say.
We have talked to Indian exhibitors who are taking several team members to the show because they are keen to show their structured organizations with technically sound response teams. These are companies built by multiple engineer partnerships with industry experience working for global companies. They are keen to listen to the drupa visitors who have niche and unique requirements. Apart from showing their machines and products, they want to project their capacity to provide a flexible range of solutions to drupa visitors from around the world.
Indian and Asian exhibitors want to highlight their development capacities in newer technologies – their abilities in software and mechatronic automation. Asian exhibitors understand that their strength in the global marketplace of the future will come from their agility and quicker implementation of new technology in smaller and more unique machines and solutions than their global counterparts.
The Asian visitors’ antennae
Indians at drupa represent a large and visible contingent partly because once they get there, they spend several days in their comprehensive search for the useful and the new. However, right from Australia to Iran, including Japan, Korea, China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar to Singapore, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, the most discerning technical visitors with money in their pockets will come from Asia.
The Asians are the future. Like their Asian colleagues, the Indian printers and converters have several sharp antennae that send clear signals of what they see and hear to their experienced processing systems in terms of competitive business advantage. There is an antenna for recognizing which new technologies work in terms of required and not just ‘good enough’ quality. This antenna is linked to the processor for appropriate applications.
The third antenna is price and currency-sensitive for processing the actual cost of a new machine or technology. Since our financial systems and economics are stringent, money for capex and consumables, including customs duties do not allow high leverage. This is where the global manufacturers could benefit from listening to the prudent Indians and Asians who show up in Düsseldorf. The past two decades have shown that when the suppliers from the developed economies didn’t listen or adapt to what we tried to tell them, they were forced into insolvency, divestments and consolidation.
The Super Content Group – let’s make a video for you at drupa24
The Super Content Group consisting of 20 media platforms, including several of ours, will provide professional video making and distribution at drupa 2024 and beyond. The group members led by the Inkish team are offering to make quality videos at the show that will be quickly edited and subtitled in the numerous languages of the Supergroup partners and broadcast on their websites. Three Indian exhibitors have signed up and we (Packaging South Asia and Indian Printer and Publisher) expect a few more to sign up before 21st April for the special rates for a 15-minute video-making slot at your stand. You can contact Mohit Tyagi at [email protected] or me if you would like to talk about this opportunity to improve your participation at drupa 2024. Also, contact us if you would like to join our traditional TeamIndia@drupa WhatsApp group.
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aniks-world · 7 months
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Things that people need to know before the age of 22!
18-24 years old is the real age to do something. It is at this age that a person is so strong that if 50 percent of the youth of Bangladesh can develop themselves overnight the development of Bangladesh is inevitable. But the sad thing is that as soon as we cross the border of education life, the most important time of life goes away chatting, on social media, sleeping in class, memorizing like a donkey, girls going back and forth like this.
If you want to be 100% honest in a country of corruption, you have to be in jail.
Don't waste time on those who don't understand your worth.
Don't argue with anyone on social media.
When you send someone a message or email, send it with understanding. Because it can strike in terrifying forms that you never imagined.
Never try to convince people of your feelings. The one who understands will understand by himself, and the one who does not understand cannot be explained even by a thousand words.
Mental health is needed before physical health.
Your colleagues are just colleagues. Unless very rarely, colleagues are never friends.
Online relationships - nothing but a waste of time. Want to check it out? Post a post saying you need money, and no one will reply. There are exceptions to this but exceptions are never examples.
When you are very happy or sad it is very important to control yourself about what you say to whom. It may cause harm to you.
Give yourself time to develop yourself. Learn, earn money, stay healthy etc.
love yourself Because this is the one you will spend the rest of your life with.
If you like my writings, please support me
thank you
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networkbds · 7 months
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