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existencebringsonlypain · 3 months ago
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this is the best thing ive ever drawn btw
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whatever this thing is from bancala walker
source under cut
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yelenasdiary · 6 months ago
Yelena x reader Request
Reader gets kidnapped. When yelena finds out, she's hell-bent on finding her. She goes crazy with worry. The others are surprised at yeleans reaction because she's usually so calm and collected. They didn't know she cared so much for reader.
Finding You
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Avenger! Fem! Reader (Platonic), Mentions of Kate Bishop x Fem! Reader
Summary: When a mission goes south and you’re kidnapped, Natasha asks Yelena for help. 
Angst, Comfort
Warnings: Kidnapping, mentions of torture, guns, blood and people dying | 1.7K
AC: I love this idea, I decided to do this as a platonic story, I hope that’s okay!! Thank you for sending it!! I hope you enjoy! x 
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“I hope this works” Steve commented as he and Natasha walked down the long hall to meet Yelena at reception. “Trust me, I know what I’m doing” Nat replied. Yelena slightly shook her head as her eyes traced the wide-open space of the compounds reception and waiting room. Nat had called her to come for something important, she thought maybe it was just another plan to try and convince her to join the avengers. 
“Nice of you to come collect me” Yelena said sarcastically as she made eye contact with her older sister. Natasha didn’t make a joking remark back but instead jumped straight into it. “We need your help” she said sternly, keeping eye contact with the blonde. Yelena cocked a brow, “what’s Kate done now?” She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“Kate is fine, Peter and Clint are bringing her back now. She may have a concussion, but we’ll keep an eye on her in medical. It’s Y/n we need your help with” Natasha explains, “she’s been taken” she added. 
Like a light switch, Yelena’s behavior changed. “Where do you need me?” She asked, clenching her jaw at the mere thought of you being tortured. Natasha and Steve led Yelena to the conference room where they had eyes on the team and were able to communicate with those in the field. They gave her a run-down of the mission and the events that took place before you were kidnapped. With each detail Yelena’s worries only grew, every possible ‘what if’ thought ran through her mind to add to her worries. 
“How long has it been since your last contact with her?” Yelena asked, her eyes skimming through the key details that were written on a whiteboard. 
“24 hours ago, as of 20 minutes ago” Steve replied. Yelena turned to him, “you guys waited this fucking long?! Do you even know what HYDRA could have done to her within that time?!” She snapped. 
“Yelena!” Natasha scolded, “We have been doing our best! We didn’t plan for this to happen, okay? HYDRA are too focused on what we are doing, they won’t expect you. They are expecting us to be the ones to go after her, that’s what they want. If we keep HYDRA distracted, you should be able to get in and find her” she explains. She was a little surprised by her sister’s reaction, as far as she knew, Yelena didn’t care all that much for you. Yelena was friends with Kate and occasionally hung out with the two of you but she never spoke much about you or ever expressed any opinions. 
“Oh good, I see you filled Yelena in” Clint’s voice entered the room. Yelena side-eyed him, “how’s Kate” she asked with concern. “She’s tough, you should probably go see her before you leave. She’ll be able to help you” he replies. Yelena nodded at his words before she looked back to her sister. 
“I don’t care what you guys do or whatever you guys are trying to steal. Stay out of my way and I’ll bring Y/n back” Yelena replied sternly with a hint of worry in her voice that Natasha picked up on. 
“We work as a team” Steve stepped forward. 
“Shut it, flag boy! I don’t take orders from you, you asked for my help and I’m giving it but I do it my way” Yelena snapped once more, glaring over at Steve. 
“Yelena, enough!” Natasha scolded once more, “all we ask is that you keep contact with us, keep us posted on what’s going on at your end. If you need back up, we will be there. We’ll keep HYDRA on their toes and distracted, that should give you some leeway” 
Yelena sighed lightly, “fine, but I’m not wasting anymore time here. I’ll go see Kate and then I’ll be on my way. Natasha, can you send me the GPS?” She replied. Natasha nodded before she watched her sister leave the room. Steve let out a heavy sigh as he looked over to Nat, “are you sure she doesn’t to join the team?” He asked sarcastically causing Nat to chuckle. 
“Shut it, flag boy” she joked. 
Looking through the scope of her advanced sniper rifle, Yelena could see two HYDRA guards dragging you from one building to another. She couldn’t see the extend of your injuries but from what she could see, half your face was covered in blood along with some cuts and tears on your suit. Yelena knew better than to go in, guns blazing, she had to wait it out a little. Wait for any sign of the Avengers to show up and start the gun fight themselves, this gave the blonde some time to work out a plan to get into the building without being seen. 
She pulled out her binoculars and scoped the area for any other signs of guards and anything that would help her plan to break in. 
“Yelena, what’s your position?” Nat’s voice came through the small earpiece. 
“About 8-9 men surrounding the first building, 12 or more surrounding the second. I’m sending in my small drone to get sights on the inside” Yelena replied. 
“Please tell me this isn’t a noticeable drone” Nat quizzed. 
“Don’t worry, it’s a full-sized loud drone. They won’t even be able to unseen it” Yelena tsked knowing her sister was rolling her eyes. “Steve is getting ready to make a move, let me know if you’re comfort with that” 
“Give me a moment” Yelena replied, sending off her micro sized drone down the cliffside and into the building she had seen the guards take you in. On her right side was her laptop which showed live camera footage from the drone. She controlled the drone into each room until she came to a room that was sealed shut by a large, metal door and from what Yelena would see was heavily locked.
“Give dinosaur the okay” Yelena spoke once more before retracting her small drone to her. “His name is Steve” Natasha corrected. 
“Same thing” Yelena mumbled with a shake of her head. 
Within minutes the HYDRA base was lighting up with the sound of gunfire and flying bullets as Yelena sat back and watched the building you were in for a few short minutes. Once she was sure the building was clear, she made her move. 
You were changed to a cold, metal chair with your wrists and ankles cuffed together. The room was cold, dark and it echoed whenever you yelled out to the guards that they would reject this. They had beaten you and tortured you for information on the Avengers, you were worried about them killing you, if they wanted you dead, you would be already. What worried you the most was the things you knew HYDRA was capable of doing. They had already poked you with a strong anesthesia that was only now just starting to wear off. 
Your vision was slightly blurry, your throat was dryer than you’ve ever felt it to be, your fingertips were numb, you were cold and sure that your open cuts would catch an infection if they weren’t tended too shortly. The room was soundproof, you couldn’t hear anything form the outside, you could only see the shadows of their feet under the door. On top of this, you did your best to ignore the headache that was making your head pound and the grumbling sound of your stomach.  
“Get the girl! Get the girl!” a voice yelled over the HYDRA guard's walkie-talkie, Yelena had snuck her way through the first building, taking down any guard that stood her in her way. She stalked the HYDRA soldier has he ran into the second building, his hand in one of his pockets digging around for the keys to your chamber.
“HEY YOU! STOP!” Yelena heard a voice yell from behind her before more bullets were shot at her. Using her batons, she was able to knock the guard off his feet and kicking his gun away before stabbing her widow’s dagger into his spine. The soldier fell face-first to the ground, creating a pool of blood at his body. 
Through your blurry vision, you saw the rays of day light peak through the door as the guard opened it in a hurry. “What’s a girl gotta do to get a drink around her?” You asked sarcastically. Without a thought, the guard hit you harshly in the face with his gun, knocking you out. 
The sound of Yelena’s gun going off echoed through the room as she shot the guard from behind, he dropped lifelessly at your feet before Yelena rushed to your aid. 
“Y/n” she said in a worry, lifting your face up, “Y/n! Wake up!” She added before she realized you were just knocked out. “Natasha! I need back up, now!” Yelena said before she began to free you from the chained restrains. 
“Hold tight, I’m coming” Natasha replied. 
“Yelena, you don’t wait around” Natasha said softly as she peeped her head into your room at the medical bay. Yelena looked up at her sister and smiled softly, “it’s okay. She’s my friend, I want to wait” she replied. Nat didn’t argue, she closed the door softly and walked away with a little smile on her lips knowing her sister had finally found some good people to keep around her. When you woke, you were surprised to see Yelena sitting by your side. 
“Yelena?” You questioned, your eyes struggling to stay open. 
“You’re okay” Yelena replied softly with a smile, “you had me worried for a moment” she added. 
“You?” You drowsily looked at her, “worried about me? Did you hit your head or something?” 
Yelena chuckled lightly, “no but you did” 
“Oh, so this isn’t actually happening right?” You smirked. 
Little did Yelena know, the rest of your team were watching through the window. “Well, she’s definitely your sister. I swore Yelena didn’t like Y/n” Tony commented. 
“We care, we just have different ways of showing it” Natasha replied. 
“Do you think I can go in there now?” Kate asked, “I just wanted to make sure she’s okay!” She added. 
“Yeah, sure, love bird” Peter teased, causing the team to chuckle lightly.
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greynatomy · 11 months ago
love in silence
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fridolina rolfö x reader
the fluffiest fluff i’ve ever written
Still out because of her injury, Fridolina strolled through the streets of Barcelona. A few minutes into her stroll, she comes across a bakery she hadn’t seen before. Quite hungry, she walks through the inviting open door.
Walking in, she takes some time to look around, seeing how beautifully it was decorated. Stepping up to the counter, she finds someone with her back turned to her, kneading some dough. Clearing her throat, she sees that no one has noticed her presence, but sees a button on the counter.
Press ‘here’ for help.
She presses it and the lights flicker on and off three times. The person who was kneading the dough turned around to face Frido and she swore that she felt her heart skip a bit.
As she stared at you frozen, she didn’t realize that you’ve just been standing in front of her waiting.
“Oh, sorry. Could I please have a, uh…”
You cut her off by waving a hand in her face. She gave you a look, but made sure she knew you were apologetic. Turning your head to the side, you point to your ears, signing how they don’t work and placing a whiteboard and marker in front of her. With an awkward smile, Frido writes down her order and takes a seat at a table by a window.
It was a slow morning so when you weren’t doing any baking, Frido invited you over to sit with her. Communication was difficult, but you’ve both made it work.
Over the course of the week, Frido has kept coming by in the mornings for one of her favorite pastries and definitely not because she wanted to see you. She would sometimes join you in the kitchen, helping— rather trying to craft some of the intricate desserts that you make daily.
Days turned into weeks and in those weeks you could only grow closer to the Swede. You’ve been trying to teach her some signs and she has picked it up fairly quickly. What you didn’t know was that Frido had started taking some lessons on the side, wanting to be able to communicate entirely without the board.
It was three months since the first time Frido had asked you on a date, making a cute little poster board. You’ve been going on dates ever since, most was at each other’s places or your bakery, baking being both of your favorite things to do together.
Today, today Frido was going to take you out on a very special date. Standing in front of your front door, bouquet of flowers in hand, she rings the doorbell.
You were standing in front of your bathroom mirror, touching up your makeup when the lights flickered. Finishing up, you rush to the front door and open it revealing Frido. She hands you the bouquet of flowers which you held up to your face to smell, giving her a big smile.
She leads you to the car, opening the passenger door for you, giving her a kiss on the cheek as a thank you. Blushing, Frido hurriedly walks around to the driver’s side and starting the drive to the destination.
The drive was filled music, the feeling of the bass and the way Frido held your hand kisses it every now and then relaxes you from the mystery of the destination ahead. Completely oblivious to it, Frido is nervous to what’s about to come, hoping it completely goes according to plan.
The car stopping makes you look towards her, sending her a smile that makes her swoon. Taking your hand as you step out of the vehicle, she leads you to a small clearing, a picknick is set up with your favorite little desserts and food.
Looking at Frido in question, she just gives you a reassuring smile in return. You take a seat and she sits on the opposite side of the blanket. You notice her figiting a bit, so you grab her hand to comfort her. Giving it a few squeezes, she lets go, taking a few deep breaths.
“Okay. I have been practicing for a long time so I hope I don’t mess up too bad.” You eyes widen when you see Frido sign to you. “I’ve really enjoyed spending and I cannot stop thinking about you. The past few months of us going on dates made me realize that it’s something I want to keep experiencing with you.” Fridolina’s heart is pounding. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
You soften at her words and the sight of her signing to you melts your heart.
“Frido, I can’t believe this.” You sign back slowly, Frido nodding in understanding. “I’ve enjoyed all of our time together too and would love to be your girlfriend.”
Frido quickly gets up and ‘round to where you sat, bringing you into her arms.
“You’re my girlfriend.”
“I am.”
“Oh my god! You’re my girlfriend!”
She wraps her arms around your waist, yours going over her shoulders as she spins you both in circles.
“You’re mine.” She whispers to herself in shock.
Putting you down on your feet, she places her hands on both side of you face, eyes switching from your lips to you eyes, silently asking for permission. All you do is go up on your toes, lips meeting in a fervent kiss.
Time stood still, heartbeats beating as one as you and Frido express your love through this one kiss.
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jenscx · 7 months ago
[05] tumblr girls — house of memories
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it was cliché; being in love with danielle marsh, the straightest girl on earth. you thought your feelings were hopeless, until you discover her tumblr blog.
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danielle’s dakgangjeong was delicious. you don’t regret proposing to her on the spot. if embarrassing yourself meant that you could eat her food on a daily basis, it was well worth it. the mere thought of her food made you salivate. you slap your cheeks lightly, willing yourself to focus on the lesson. the sound emitted from your slap catches the attention of haerin, who stares at you.
her stare reads, ‘i know what you’re thinking about.’ you arch an eyebrow at her. haerin definitely knows about danielle liking you, danielle’s tumblr post mentioned it. you wonder what danielle has said to haerin.
has she talked about your smile? your hair? your looks? or maybe your personality? well, you weren’t sure what danielle could say about that. even basing it off a couple interactions, you probably came off as weird and awkward.
the seeds of doubt seemed to have grown recently. how could danielle like someone like you? maybe she’s crazy. no, you take that back. she’s perfect. almost too perfect. oh, maybe that was what was wrong with her. no one could be that amazing and gorgeous and perfect. only danielle marsh. only mo jihye.
“are you insane?” you hear haerin ask quietly when you slam your head against the desk. a red, quickly forming, mark appears on your forehead, a reminder of the pain. you wince, both at her harsh tone and the lingering seethe.
massaging the sore spot, you turn behind, facing haerin who’s staring at you with a bored expression.
“do you know what flowers danielle likes?”
the header of her blog was a bouquet of tulips, but you could never be too sure. what if she likes dandelions or sunflowers? she was basically the sun reincarnated. to be honest, if she was the sun, you’d understand why sunflowers all face the sun. who wouldn’t want to look at danielle all day?
“gardenias,” she replies, her face morphing into one of curiosity, “why are you asking?”
well, if danielle didn’t mind you telling her best friend…
“i asked her to go visit this dog cafe with me tomorrow,” you explain, “i mean, like, kind of a date, i guess? just thought it would be nice to get some flowers for her.”
haerin lights up, a smirk plastered on her face, “does she know it’s a date?”
“uh, no?” her smile drops immediately.
you instantly cower, fearing the intense, narrowing gaze that haerin adorned.
“we’re just hanging out. i didn’t really say that it was a date,” your voice comes out strained and quiet. haerin sighs loudly, her disappointment evident. guilt seeps into your every vein, did danielle tell her it was a date? you didn’t know what to say, only staring back at the orbs of exasperation.
a hand slams onto the whiteboard, a look of anger portraying your teacher’s face. you instantly jolt back to look at the front.
“anything to share with the class?” he prods.
haerin speaks out, noting your frozen state, “no sir.” she sends you a glare.
you deflate in your chair, mind only focusing on the blurry image of brown, wavy curls and a blinding smile.
the day had gone by in a blur. with your constant dozing off, you barely noticed the school bell ringing, signifying the end of the day. minji and hanni stand before your desk, a look of concern evident on their faces.
“is she alive?” minji asks, waving a hand in front of your face. you finally regain some of your senses, swatting her waving hand away. hanni rolls her eyes and shoves your belongings into your bag.
“girl hurry up,” she whines, “i wanna go get ice cream.” you groan, heeding to hanni’s words as you hurry out of the classroom with your friends.
maybe you could worry about your fatigue later, you had two whiny best friends to take care of first.
in the midst of licking your vanilla ice cream, (hanni had called you basic but you think she’s just jealous minji ate some of yours instead of hers), your phone beeps. and it beeps continuously until minji huffs, “turn that thing off.”
you roll your eyes and do as told, turning your phone to silent mode while minji fans herself and dabs away the droplets of sweat falling down her neck.
“do y’all remember when sungchan from the other block punched some jock in the face?” hanni suddenly brings up.
“oh yeah!” minji’s eyes widen, the heat long forgotten as you reminisce about the past years.
“what was it again? that guy was making fun of shotaro or something?” you ask.
hanni nods fervently, “yeah. i think sungchan got away with it too since someone had caught the jock pushing taro around.”
“wonder what it’s like to have someone defend my honour like sungchan did,” minji laughs, her uniform drenched with sweat. you watch hanni’s eyes follow her hands, pulling her damp hair into a makeshift ponytail. scoffing at the girl, you continue eating your ice cream.
maybe it would be nice to have someone defend your honour.
your teeth reach the cone.
“where are you bringing danielle tomorrow?”
“dog cafe,” you answer, “i might tell her soon.”
it’s the underlying fact that danielle has unintentionally exposed herself (or you had snooped around) on her tumblr blog that makes you so at ease. the mere statement that she likes her project partner could only be linked back to you. unless she had another project partner…
“oh serious?” minji asks.
you nod.
“congrats bro!”
it’s a little awkward with the way minji’s patting your back like you’re a kid. hanni just stares incredulously at how she’s treating you. sometimes it feels like they’re your parents, even though they fight and bicker incessantly.
“i can’t believe you managed to hide the fact that you liked her for so long from us though,” hanni sighs, “I literally told you about my crush and you didn’t tell me about yours. i’m feeling a little betrayed.”
while hanni’s moaning about your so called betrayal, you notice how minji stiffens up at the mention of hanni having a crush. her eyes slowly shift to the girl.
“you like someone?”
wow. you didn’t realise how easy it was for them to turn into a bunch of awkward losers.
hanni rolls her eyes.
“shut up, anyway, since when did you even like danielle? i mean, you didn’t even know her korean name.”
“the minor details don’t matter!”
“so when did you start liking her? you never told us,” minji asks curiously.
you remember the first time your eyes landed on the girl. sixteen and naive, dreaming of things that were beyond your control. the kid from the other block, you were called. it was strange, adapting to an environment where everyone else knew each other but you. yet, it was good. you met hanni and minji and eventually bumped into danielle in the hallway. you don’t think she remembers, but you do. the strangest thing was, that the moment you locked your sight onto her, everything else fell into place magically.
your extracurriculars, classes, friend groups, everything suddenly made sense and became easygoing. something about danielle made your life brighter, even though you barely knew the girl. it was like the universe knew that she had arrived. and maybe in another life, if everyone were sunflowers, you’d face danielle instead of the sun.
despite knowing close to nothing about the cheerleader, she made life happier. your day would be made even with a glance from her. you would giggle and smile at the memory even though it may be fleeting. and knowing that she shares the same sentiments? well, it just propelled you out of earth. you felt like you were constantly on cloud nine.
“when i moved over from the other block,” your teeth sank into the cone.
minji guffaws.
“dude! you’ve liked her for so long?”
“i guess so,” you’ve never truly realised how fast time passed. maybe liking danielle was such a constant in your life that you didn’t even notice how slowly you grew up.
frowning at the thought, you sigh, “she’s just really easy to like.”
hanni nods, “i get it.”
she doesn’t notice how swiftly minji turns her head.
“she’s just… perfect.”
there’s no other word to describe danielle marsh. she’s just amazingly perfect. it’s a little unnerving. how could someone be so perfect? it was unreal. you feel like you’ve mentioned this before.
“alright romeo,” hanni giggles, “calm down.”
you stare at her blankly before chuckling at your own feelings.
while minji and hanni finish up their ice cream, you check your phone. instantly, a wave of shock and exhilaration runs through your body. your phone lights up with a series of unread messages from danielle.
danielle [4.29pm]:
hii y/n!!
do u think this looks nice?
[image attached]
was thinking of wearing this tmrw
what do u think? :))
no wonder your phone was ringing just now! you sigh softly at your own stupidity. danielle must have been waiting for your reply. what if she was waiting for a long time? your heart constricts at the thought of danielle pouting, eagerly but patiently waiting. your hands fly to respond.
jeon y/n [5.16pm]:
you look gorgeous
please wear that ㅜㅜ
sorry for replying late…
i was with minji and hanni
maybe she would be able to feel your sincerity through your messages.
danielle [5.17pm]:
aw really? :D
thanks y/n!!
ure too sweet <3
that heart again. ugh. you could feel your own heart clenching at her cuteness.
meanwhile, your friends eye you with disgust.
whatever. not like they understand.
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your hair sways in the wind, matching the flutters of your heart. in your hair, a crushed bouquet of gardenias rests. the crinkles in the wrapping weren’t your fault! you were just too nervous waiting for danielle. despite your protests, danielle had forced you to not pick her up, and insisted you to just meet her at a nearby cafe instead.
oh my goodness.
“hi dani,” you greet shyly.
if liking girls, or more specifically danielle, was a sin, you’d gladly go to hell and while there, you would brag about how you’ve captured a glance of heaven.
“for me?”
you were definitely in love. the curl of her lips only caused your heart rate to increase.
handing the bouquet to her, and stealthily wiping your sweaty palms against your jeans, you try to muster a similar smile.
danielle grins widely as she accepts the bouquet before placing it into her ginormous bag that reminds you of doraemon’s pocket.
“how’d you know i like gardenias?”
“i…” you feel like lying, but maybe hiding the fact that you know of danielle’s crush caused enough guilt, “i asked haerin.”
shock appears evidently on danielle’s face.
“you talk to haerin?”
scratching the back of your neck, you shrug, “sometimes? she’s in some of my classes.”
danielle pouts.
the urge to take a photo of her is too strong, but you manage to resist it with sheer willpower and determination.
(you’re lying. you almost fainted.)
“ugh, she better not have told you any embarrassing stories about me!”
you reassure danielle with an awkward pat, “nope, we don’t talk very often. and she doesn’t really bring up anything you’ve said to her, danielle.”
the girl suddenly halts and stiffens up. you raise an eyebrow at her sudden frozen state. maybe you’ve offended her— should you apologise?
“can you call me jihye? it’s not that danielle isn’t okay— you can still call me dani! but y’know, jihye just sounds more…”
intimate is the word.
you send a comforting smile to her, “okay jihye.”
it must sound nice coming from you, if the way danie—no, jihye, blinks and then beams is any indication. it feels good saying her name too. it’s a little hilarious that a few weeks back, you didn’t even know her korean name.
“uh— okay! let’s go!” jihye shrieks. you like the fact that you’re aware of the effect you have on her now. it doesn’t feel like mere delusion anymore.
as you sit down in the cafe, jihye doesn’t say much. after ordering, you decide to take the initiative in starting a conversation. maybe you should start with something common; like your project!
“when are you free to finish our project?” you ask.
jihye turns to you, frowning, “have you asked minji and hanni for their help yet?”
you unintentionally wince at the mention of your friends.
“i don’t think they’ll be willing to do it,” you mutter, just thinking about hanni’s feelings and minji’s obliviousness.
“oh, then that’s okay! we can just do it ourselves, right?”
it’s pretty obvious what her intention is. but for the sake of humouring her (and because you fold everytime she speaks), you nod.
“maybe we can do it?”
the hint of hopefulness in her voice makes you want to nod your head repeatedly until it falls off.
god, maybe you are a little obsessed with her, if your palpitating heart was any indication.
“sure!” your voice comes out a little high-pitched and whinier than expected.
jihye only laughs it off. your cheeks flush red with embarrassment, but if jihye’s laughter was the result of your stupidity, you would gladly do it again to hear her.
“let’s just enjoy today first, we can always do it sometime later,” she says. you agree wholeheartedly (not because you’re whipped!) but today was your so-called date with her.
you smile back at her, with all the sincerity and adoration in the world. whilst jihye drinks her caramel macchiato with an ungodly amount of sugar, you take the opportunity to admire her features. her skin, basking in the sunlight, glimmering like edward cullen from twilight. you internally cringe at your own thoughts.
“is it good?” you ask after she lets out a satisfied sigh.
“mhm! want some?” her hand offers you her drink, the tip of the straw poking out stained with her lipstick. you gulp, thinking about how it would technically be an indirect kiss.
nodding, you take a sip.
“that’s really sweet,” you comment. jihye only laughs.
“i guess i just like sweet things,” she winks playfully and wiggles her eyebrows. it’s so ridiculous that it makes you erupt into laughter. the innuendo doesn’t go over your head either, it just makes you feel hazy, as if everything was a dream.
you quickly finish up your own pastry and offer jihye bites in between conversations. you learn that haerin was her first friend when she transferred from australia to korea, and that she tried out for the cheerleading team because the school mascot was cute. it’s an endearing reason that you can’t fault her with.
“let’s go now?” jihye asks. nodding, you quickly pay for your drinks and food, despite jihye’s protests. once outside, your hand itches to pull hers into a grasp. your fingers flex and adjust uncomfortably as you resist the urge to interlock your fingers. jihye only exclaims gleefully as you approach the dog cafe. a quaint little storefront with a cute wooden sign displaying a paw print.
your hand flies out to open the door for her chivalrously and jihye mumbles a bashful ‘thank you’. the moment you stepped foot inside, a chorus of barks resounded, only heightening jihye’s excitement. you watch as her eyes dart around the room, eagerly searching for the cute puppies. you’re whisked away by the staff, who’s wearing an adorable apron with a dog printed at the front.
“aww! y/n,” jihye tugs at your arm, pointing at the apron, “the uniform’s so cute! i would love to work here!”
your brain immediately imagines jihye, all sunshine and rainbows with the apron adorned on her body. yeah, you would visit the dog cafe every day if she worked here.
“we can come work here during our break,” you suggest.
“oh my gosh— yes!” she squeals. you’re dragged past the gate separating the dogs, and instantly, a tiny pomeranian jumps onto you. jihye just stares in awe at the various tiny dogs running around. and as the staff introduces the puppies, you cuddle up to the cream pomeranian called cookie.
“y/n…!” jihye shrieks, her eyes gleaming with adoration and you kind of notice the tears about to fall, “they’re all so adorable!”
cookie crawls into your lap and paws at your hands for you to rub his stomach. you do so as a maltese waddles up to jihye, its curious eyes staring at her.
jihye immediately falls to her knees and welcomes the maltese with open arms.
“this is the best day of my life,” she proclaims tearfully as another shih tzu pads towards her, sniffling her hand. you laugh at how easily jihye cries.
“you look really cute right now,” you say, using your free hand to take a couple of photos. jihye pouts, “i’m trying my best not to cry! but these puppies are just so cute!”
jihye takes out her own phone and continuously snaps pictures of the puppies pawing at her hand.
“thank you for bringing me here,” she suddenly sighs delightfully, “i’ve always wanted to come to a dog cafe.”
guilt gnaws at you as you’re reminded of why you even brought her out.
“you know me so well!” she exclaims.
oh fuck, you think. the only reason why you knew about her affinity for dogs and animals was because you stalked her tumblr page. it’s a heart wrenching devastation that tugs your heart to the bottom of your stomach. the guilt and shame clenches around your heart in a vice grip.
it doesn’t disappear for the rest of the day when jihye plays with the dogs. everytime your eyes landed on her, you felt mortified at your own actions. you shouldn’t have ever violated her privacy like that. just knowing that she liked you now, only drove the regret further in.
it’s a blaring realisation that jihye won’t want anything to do with you after you tell her.
but you can’t bear to keep it a secret anymore.
you keep your mouth shut for the remainder of the day. just to let jihye enjoy her time before you ultimately ruin it. she’s the happiest you’ve ever seen and it sucks, because you won’t get to see her like this ever again.
“are you walking me home?” jihye asks. you nod, not daring to even glance at her. it’s dark, and the streetlights don’t offer much protection for jihye.
(and it also gives you more time to spend with her.)
maybe she knows that you're nervous and upset, because she doesn’t start any conversation at all, choosing to instead hum various songs, filling in the blank silence. meanwhile, you mull the consequences of your actions. only when jihye reaches her front door, you decide to say something.
“hey…,” your mouth turns dry. the girl whips her head to you, “yeah?”
“i— i’m sorry,” you whisper. jihye tilts her head curiously, “what for? are you okay?”
the way she’s staring at you so concerned, you don’t deserve it at all. you don’t get to indulge in her care and affection after betraying her trust like that.
“i know about your tumblr page.”
jihye’s eyes widen considerably and a gasp escaped her lips.
your own eyes squeeze shut, afraid of her reaction, “and i know that you like me.”
there’s a few seconds of silence. you think she’s just taking it all in.
you use the opportunity of her shock to continue explaining, “i found out the day i stayed back to watch you practise. the tab opened by itself and i… i’m sorry… i just couldn’t help myself.”
jihye— did you even have the right to call her that anymore? one look at the girl had you crumbling into pieces internally, despite it being you who broke her trust.
“it was really shitty of me to do, and i don’t know why i did it,” you whisper, “but i like you. i really really like you, ever since i moved blocks. i know i’ve ruined things between us, and you might not forgive me, but i just couldn’t continue being your friend knowing i violated your privacy like that.”
danielle gapes at you, before her eyebrows furrow.
“tell me you’re joking.”
“i’m not, i’m sorry.”
“jeon y/n, are you serious?” it’s heartbreaking to hear danielle like this, so raw and vulnerable.
her voice comes out, shooting like venom, “don’t call me that.”
you feel the onslaught of tears ready to fall.
“i’m sorry.”
you can’t even form a single coherent thought with danielle glaring at you like you’re worth nothing to her. you think of all the sweet messages she’s sent to you, cheerful encouragement she says throughout the day, the snacks she’s prepared for you. it’s all ruined. because of you.
all you do is ruin things.
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mahboimahboi · 1 year ago
TEACHER'S PET x M!Reader (featuring Actor Mackenyu)
Smut (⚠️)
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"Yo, our P.E Teacher is so fucking capital H-O-T. Do you think he's married?" You nudged your seatmate, eyes lingering towards the instructor who was standing at the front while he wrote some very important notes on the whiteboard. 'Damn, even the marker look so small in his hand', you thought to yourself, too lost in your thought. It was never your intention to especially fall in love with a teacher, let alone someone who's really strict, but it was the way how he looks so above average than the rest of the teachers in the school. He's so out of this world and looked as though he came straight out of a comic book. Oh, and let's not forget the biceps and the strong arms. He's just so ethereal.
"That's what I've heard," You got snapped out of your trance and looked at your classmate confused. She sighs and stops from listening to the lesson for a minute and turns to you, knowing you were once again daydreaming about the instructor who's literally a whole lotta years older than you. "I mean, I've heard that he's a married man and has a child. So, if i were you, I'd stop sending heart eyes to him, unless you want to get fucking obliterated by his wife." She deadpanned.
"Oh, well—"
"Mr. L/N. Yes, I'd really be glad if you'd come visit me in my office after our class." Your instrutor said, fixing the glasses he had on, before he looks towards you and eyes you. "Don't think I haven't caught you not paying any attention to my class. All you did is disturb your classmate. I can't tolerate that." He let out with a deep, authoritative voice. It sent shivers down your spine and you swore you felt yourself go pale at the sight of his tiger eyes eyeing you down with anger.
"Y-Yes, sir Maeda." You stammered, not even daring to look at his eyes. With all the times he taught the class, this is the only time he called your attention out for not listening to the class. You are finally at the last strike. Only for this specific teacher, you wanted to be seen as a good student. One who studies and does well in class to impress your instructor, but all you ever did so far was to irritate the male. So much for a good impression. Embarrassed, you buried your head in your arms, wanting to just vanish.
Later, after your class session with Mr. Maeda ended, the instructor gestures with his eyes for you to follow him to his office. You did as you are told, hanging your head low, ashamed of yourself. Usually, Mr. Maeda would talk to you about important stuff, but now it is rather silent and... awkward. The rest of the walk was quiet, too much that it was deafening.
Once you both arrive at his office, he lets you in first, looking up at him only to see him raise a brow at you. You squeaked in fear and entered the room quickly, scared with what he had in plan for you. "Mr. L/N. Your attitude in class is getting out of hand." Mr. Maeda starts, his voice low as he puts his books on his table before sitting down his swivel chair. "It's quite disrespectful staring at your teacher with so much going on inside your head." Hearing those words, you hesitantly look up to see the adult male with a smirk on his handsome face. He tilts his head to the side, then stands up from his seat and slowly starts striding his way towards you. "Tell me, what goes on in your head during my class... Y/N?" His voice came out like a slither, a spell from a book that entranced you.
You swallowed the huge lump that formed in your throat, looking away from the male. The male scoffs, leaning on the edge of his table, now stood in front of you, crossing his arms. "Look at me when I'm talking to you, Y/N. Haven't I taught you proper respect enough?" You stayed silent, but you could already feel yourself start to get hard. You subtly moved your hands to cover your erection that made an obvious tent on your pants. "Well, look who got excited." He mocked. "Y/N. While I'm asking nicely, answer me."
"I-It's... too absurd." You answered him, but the other male was unfazed.
"Well, I don't care how absurd it is." But then, a bright idea flickers in his head and a soft chuckle moves past his lips. "Alright, if you're afraid to tell me," He trailed off, moving towards you. He sat down beside you, enticingly spreading his legs open and whispering to your ear. "Why don't you show me?" His smirk grows wider, when he notices the red color on your face.
You covered your ears and moved away as far as you can from him. "S-Sir. I mustn't. You have a child and a wife. I can't simply—"
"Who told you that?" He asks you, his voice stern and sounded frustrated. You didn't say a word. "Y/N, I'm starting to get fucking bored." You started to think about it, whether or not you'd take the opportunity, but the fact that he never confirmed whether or not what you heard is true, scares you and it isn't just right.
In the end, it only took one forceful and lust-filled kiss that was initiated by Mackenyu who had one hand behind your neck. At first, shock was the only thing you felt, before the male started to feel you up and down your waist. This wasn't right. It didn't feel right at all, but why did it feel so good at the same time? You, soon melt into the kiss and start kissing him back lavishly, following the same rhythm.
Much to the male's surprise, he didn't know you were that easy of a prey and he was a predator, ready to eat the result of his hunt. Too high in the clouds and your head filled with lust, you made your way to ride on his thighs, being careful not to break the kiss. Mackenyu notices how you still looked a little hesitant. Wanting to help, he pulls away and puts his hands on both sides of your hips. "Listen, Y/N. Don't believe everything you've heard about me. You're getting too stiff for me to handle." You blushed at his words, then nodded your head in reply. "That's a good boy." He commented, before pushing his lips back to yours.
Your bottom felt a slight poke, catching your attention. You pulled away from the other male, watching you start to stroke him. "Whatever you want, doll." He smirks.
You got down to your knees, feeling the warmth he gave off. Hurriedly, you unzip the zipper to his pants only to realize that he wore no under garments underneath, turning you on even more. Due to his tight pants and the girth of his cock, the button pops off, almost hitting you on the forehead. "Oh my, sir. I've always imagined just how big you are." You stated, smirking proudly to yourself now that you've finally made a dream come true.
The male groans and puts his hand on top of your head as you desperately wrap your lips around his cock. Mackenyu lets out a breathy moan, pushing his head back as he lets you do your own thing. It felt good to know a person is very skilled with their mouth. "Fuck, doll. You're making me feel so good." He hums in pure bliss, standing up as he takes a hold of your head and starts fucking your mouth out with his dick, surprising you. Fortunately, you have trained yourself enough to get through a rough mouth-fucking, but the taller male's size is a lot larger than what you've thought. You took it good, though and it was enough for Mackenyu who looked like he was having the time of his life. "Holy shit. Fuck." He grunts, biting on his lip.
This went on for a few minutes, before his thrusts started to get sloppy, indicating that he was near his climax. He doesn't say a word or heads up, only shocking you when he buries his thick cock in your throat and finishes. "FUCK!" He moans out with his mouth left hanging open, convulsing in place.
He gives your mouth a few more thrusts to ride out his high, before pulling out and taking out spare pants from his drawer. "Haven't felt that good for so long, no rather, at all." He told you, yet you are still in a daze with what just happened, smiling to yourself. "I don't think you'd want this to be the first and last, right, Y/N?" He asks you in a sultry voice.
"No, sir." You let out making the teacher smirk in success. You pass out in his office room and the male lifts you into his arms and puts you down on a bench near his desk where you can rest comfortably.
"Good pet." He laughs softly, before he goes out of his office and moves to his next class.
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legal-poppy · 1 month ago
how to study in (and survive) law school, from a 2L who almost failed both 1L semesters
you may be asking, "why would i want study advice from someone who clearly doesn't know how to study?" but that's the point- i'm a first-gen law student. aside from my siblings, nobody in my extended family has even been in grad school since the late 90s. i didn't know how to study last year, and definitely didn't know how to study for law school classes and exams. i ended my 1L year with 3 Cs and was placed in a remedial course last semester for the bottom 25% of students. i worked, changed, and tried different study methods throughout the semester, to figure out what works best for me and the classes i was taking. and it showed--i got an A and 3 Bs and my GPA jumped from a 2.5 to almost 2.8.
#1- do not try to do anything else during class. no social media, no reading, no shopping, no games. seriously. pay attention to your prof, your classmates, and what you did and didn't understand correctly from the reading. make corrections, note additional questions, read and re-read the book and your notes to make sure you can follow along with any questions or hypos.
#2- nothing is optional. do all of the extra readings, practice problems, and hypos. go to your prof for feedback on what you did well, what you didn't understand or apply correctly, and what you can do to write a better answer next time.
#3- go to your prof's office hours or ask questions after class. in high school and college i was told to never bug a teacher outside of class and never, ever go to their office hours. but law profs love when students ask questions and seek help. it doesn't have to be some profound theoretical question- my business law prof learned my name just from asking her about stories and problems my family had with businesses/services recently. my evidence prof learned my name because i kept asking her evidentiary questions about crime shows i was watching. in addition to the typical questions about a subject i was confused on or misunderstood, those fun questions helped me better understand and apply both the law and practical effect of the law to questions on the exam.
#4- start your outlines early and ask your prof for feedback. this was my biggest problem last year because i was paralyzed just figuring out how to format and organize my outlines. instead of going for pretty or aesthetic or perfectly detailed, just start writing. make a mess, write everywhere, scribble and erase and tape things together if you have to. it will still help you relearn and cement your understanding of those subjects. ask your prof if they would prefer to email your outline to look over ahead of time or just pop in for their office hours, and ask them if you got anything wrong, if you're too focused on the wrong details, or if there's anything you won't need to know for the exam. they won't judge if your outline is a mess, it just shows that you're trying and really want to get better.
when i studied for my evidence exam (my A last semester), i had so much trouble with my word doc that a week before the exam i just took my reading notes, my class notes, and my casebook, and spent days filling out an entire whiteboard with every bit of info on a rule. i ended up with 14 photos of that whiteboard completely covered with rules, advisory opinions, cases, and hypos. rather than wasting more time to type all of that up and send it to my prof, i sent her those photos. she knew i was struggling to stay organized on my traditional outline and saw how much better i was able to conceptualize the whole class without touching microsoft. i apologized for my horrible handwriting but all she did was send back notes on every single photo- what i had wrong, what i didn't need to know, and what i needed more detail/clarity on. no judgment for the incorrect parts or my handwriting or that i used a whiteboard, because it worked!
#5- revise your notes after every class. i didn't literally have time right after class, but every day when i went home i tried to revise my notes before i forgot what happened in class. i wasn't successful every single day and often spent a few hours on the weekend rewatching lectures and trying to remember details, but it was more effective than waiting until november to even start revising and outlining.
#6- don't follow the crowd. a lot of "gunners" and people with superiority complexes will tell you to follow their perfect notetaking format, study method, class structure, or reading style. and it might work great for them (or they're probably lying about how amazingly smart they are to look better than everyone else and make you feel worse about yourself), but they're very clearly a different person than you are because i hope you aren't trying to subtly wage psychological warfare on your stressed classmates. if you need a place to start, try to utilize those resources, but you can and should make adjustments if it isn't working for you. take a different class, join a different study group, use a different study supplement, do whatever is most helpful for you, and ignore anyone who suggests you're going to fail if you don't follow their instructions.
#7- don't listen to the noise. there's always someone with their superiority complex and intro-level psychology class and jedi mind tricks or whatever. they want to brag about how smart they are, what amazing grades they got, how easy the exam was that everyone else cried during, and that they got the best internship opportunity because of all of that. odds are, they're (1) lying and (2) exaggerating. they're probably struggling and stressing and crying just as much as you. or they're just not self-aware. you're never going to escape them too, unfortunately. but don't fall for their trap. don't study with them, don't sit by them, don't ask them for help unless you have exhausted every other person and resource in the building, take everything they say with a grain of salt and throw it over your shoulder to keep the demons away.
the other noise to avoid is the worriers who want to vent to everyone about how stressed, stupid, worried they are about the class or exam. and this isn't to say that you can't vent to your friends about it--that's your safety blanket people who will feel your stress and try to help you manage it. but if you see that person that you barely know and don't really talk to and they want to randomly start venting like that, take a step back. leave if you can, and if not, try to keep your head. don't stress because they're stressing, don't start second-guessing yourself, and don't share your own feelings of stress with them because they just want to see how miserable other people are so they can feel like they're doing better than you. if you're one of those people that everyone wants to vent to, do not do that for every person or repeat offenders who only seem to talk to you about their stress. take them to the dean, academic support staff, or on-campus counseling staff if they really need someone to talk to and help them. it's not your job to mother-duck your classmates so don't let them distract you from what you're there to do.
i had a classmate who caused drama with anyone who so much as looked at him the wrong way. accused people of cheating, violating the honor code, sleeping around for study help and good grades, or just being generally stupid. he wanted to seem so much smarter and better than those people (out of the 2 people i know who suffered his bullying, one was because she took too long to respond to his text and the other asked him too many questions about materials from a class). he just wouldn't shut up about how he was going to do way better than them and they were going to fail and drop out because they have no other career opportunities (pretty accurate paraphrase too). but to nobody's surprise, he ended that semester with a D, C and 2 Bs. no judgment to him for his grades because clearly i'm not much better, but very much judging for his attitude. people like him caused me to lose 20 lbs and half of my hair between April-September 2024 because i was so stressed about what he would think if he knew my grades or saw me in our remedial course, which he took in an earlier semester but also referred to as "the stupid class" full of students who couldn't care less about their futures. don't be like me, don't listen to anybody's judgment--focus on yourself and doing the best you can.
#8-the moment you start to feel anxious or panicked or spiraling down the drain, shut it down. talk to your professor, advisor, academic support center, dean of students, school counseling center, or even a friend--anyone that you know has your best interest at heart and will do what they can to help you. tell them that you're overwhelmed and stuck on something. law school staff, especially professors, do not judge students who reach this point. i almost cried in a prof's office because i was so worried about our mock court debate with actual lawyers and judges serving as our judges. my prof didn't judge or scold me for being so emotional at law school, she asked me why i was so worried and told me something she hadn't told the whole class: none of our mock judges actually knew anything about our assignment or the case law. they had no idea if we were misstating something or even found the right cases, they were only judging our presentation and advocacy. another professor, took me off of the cold-call list for an entire unit when i told her i was having a hard time reading the cases and didn't think i would be able to answer questions in class about them because of the personal experience i had with that topic. if you don't think a prof will listen to you or it's something more serious like accommodations or certain behaviors, you can talk to higher-ups like the dean/student services office/accommodations office for better help. those resources exist to help, so use them and don't feel bad for doing so.
#9- seek opportunities even if you don't meet the requirements. i got an interview with a federal office as a 1L, with my mediocre grades, because i applied. i didn't think they would be interested in me because i have no lawyer family members and am not the smartest candidate at our school, but i was one of 10 (TEN!!) 1L interviewees and ultimately got that (paid) internship last summer. they never even asked about my grades, but i did use it during my interview to show how hard i was working to do better and actually put in the work to do that. ignore the firms that say they only want the top 50% or 30% and apply if that's what you're interested in. if they don't want you because you don't have the grades they want, it's a sign that they're also not going to be accommodating when the bar exam comes, and you maybe didn't pass the first time, and they decide to fire you rather than hire you as a first-year associate after 6 more months of studying for the next bar date.
#10- take breaks every day and every week. personally, i take 30 minutes after back-to-back classes before i start studying, i stop studying at 6pm on the weekends unless i have a serious deadline, and i try to go out at least once a month with a non-lawyer friend to touch grass with the regular world and bring myself back into perspective. having law-school goggles on all the time throws everything out of whack. mountains and molehills and all of that. talk to regular people, let them slap you back into shape to see the whole puzzle of what lies beyond law school. and don't forget that you are more than your brain. go outside, take a walk, do some yoga, meditate, pet your goldfish. cry if you feel it and stress if it's stressful, but it's not the end of the world--no matter what happens.
good luck on the new semester, whether you've already been back for a while or are starting soon. be proud of yourself no matter what your grades look like when you get them. pause, evaluate, and set a plan to do better this semester.
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lilylovestowrite · 8 months ago
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PAIRING: (Dr Ratio x Professor! Reader)
WARNINGS: Suggestive
SYNOPSIS: For people who get into each other's pants a lot, you sure do know how to piss each other off...
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Divider by @/cafekitsune
Entropy: The measure of the degree of disorder within a substance
“Will you stop your incessant whining?” Dr. Veritas Ratio groans, “I’d have thought spending more time with me would have caused your IQ to surpass at least a vegetable.” You roll your eyes and slam your new research paper down on your colleague's desk. 
“If you didn’t want to be surrounded by idiots, you shouldn’t have decided to teach at a university. Even if Stellaron University is prestigious, you’re still teaching barely adults.” You sigh with faux pity. “But I guess you didn’t think that far, poor Dr. Ratio.” Mockingly, you pet his head, the silky locks of violet slipping through your fingers as he grabs your wrist and forces it back on the desk. 
“I’m not reading your paper.” He shakes his head, brows furrowed and a scoff leaves his lips. Even though he looks up at you from his desk, the way he reclines on his chair so casually makes you feel small. It has always been like this. Veritas and his obnoxious attitude driving you up the walls. A prodigy yourself, the pursuit of knowledge has never been a struggle to you. Yes, it was challenging, but that was part of the fun. The thrill of tearing apart a formula and sinking your teeth in until it churns out a set of numbers that you like.  This allowed you to be the top professor at Stellaron for almost three years straight, until Veritas. Veritas, who opposes almost everything that you do, from the way you prefer to use a whiteboard and pen and him a blackboard and chalk. The way your coffee is dark and his is sweetened with milk and sugar to the point it doesn’t even look like coffee anymore. You didn’t have a problem with this until he published a scientific paper which had quoted your own paper published a month prior, and pointed out how it was not mathematically viable. You still remember the smirk he wore on his face when he emailed you the manuscript for peer review, the audacity of this man to ask you to proofread the very paper he dedicated hours to just to prove your own wrong! 
Naturally, your response is to ask him to do the same. But not with one email, but with twenty scheduled emails every other day. Sometimes, you like to add little emojis to the subject of your emails, and other times you embed links into the email that isn’t your paper, but wikihow articles. This pettiness has caused many encounters with him, some ending rather… intimately. 
Of course, Veritas has not proofread your paper, and you don’t expect him to, so he has no idea how much you’ve referenced his paper and disproved it. But you know how much it ticks him off regardless, the urge to tear through each of your arguments, even if logically speaking, arguing with you is  a waste of time. This degree of disorder is what drives him crazy. You sew chaos into his life as he does to yours, and as the entropy of a heating substance increases the entropy of its surroundings, so too does the tension-filled competitiveness from one of you, causes the other to maniacally lust to overpower the other. 
“Come on, read it. I know you want to.” You slide the paper closer to him, your hands sliding across the epoxy finish of the oak desk. “Unless… You’re scared I’m right.” He stares up at you with eyes the same hue of gold as the award trophies that line the shelves of his classroom, and cocks a brow. He stands up, leaning over the desk and moving his face closer to yours. His cologne almost overpowers your perfume, the musky scent of pinewood and berries he reserves for winter mixing with your vanilla scented perfume, and it sends you into overdrive.
“Oh? I think someone is too overconfident.” He remarks. You’ve noticed that there’s always something up his sleeve, something that he uses at the last minute to defeat you, but you’re getting better at recognising his patterns. And the way his deep voice becomes breathier, softer, akin to a snake’s sinister hiss, you understand that you’ve gotten under his skin. 
“You don’t think enough, Veritas, that’s your writing skills are bare bones and your papers hard to understand.” 
“Shut that mouth of yours.” He grits his teeth further, finally sitting on the edge of his desk and flipping over your paper. You let out a small laugh and sit at his chair. He looks down at you disapprovingly as you do so, but you pay no mind to the fact you’ve sat yourself down on his throne, because your paper will definitely take him down a peg or two. 
“In your bibliography, you spelt ‘accessed’ on your third source wrong.” He points out, taking a red pen from his desk and removing the cap with his teeth, circling the typo as you burn with humiliation. “Oh my, your spacing for the first page and last page are different. How irritating it must be for your readers to be accustomed to one layout and then switch to another.”
“It is just spacing, Veritas.”
“It’s more than that, dear, people like some organisation in their scientific papers. And your way of writing is chaotic! I should have known just by your handwriting and layout in sums.” He tuts, petting your head in faux pity just as you did to him seconds ago.  
“Read the damn paper, Dr. Ratio.” You grit your teeth, now irritated that you’ve dedicated hours and hours bashing him in the footnotes, researching just so he can get a taste of his own medicine, for you to be corrected on your formatting. 
“Patience.” There is something downright Dionysean about his voice, if it were a colour, it would be the seductive shade of red wine, and just as addictive. Addictive like the many times where you two have come too close for comfort, like the one time you two were locked in the storage closet together, and you felt his strong arms encase your body as he helped you push the door open from behind. Or this one time at a work event where he made fun of your table manners and swiped ice cream off of your lips to prove his point. It made you feel red hot, just like the colour of his voice, and the way he acts too hot around you, too excitable. And you wanted more. To make a man who is cold and reserved morph into a competitive beast  raring to go and one up you at every turn is no small feat. The dichotomy makes your head spin, and this side of him only you know wants to make you explore him more. And you know just from the way he cocks his head and slides off the desk, that he’s switching from sub-zero aloofness to scorching hot opposition. 
He grabs the arms of the chair you sit in to push it so far it hits the wall so you are cornered against the blackboard. 
“Actually.” He muses, tilting your head up and sliding your hair to one side. “I want you to read it.” He whispers, breath hot against your ear. “Read it, and I’ll give you,” he encircles your waist with one hand, “appropriate feedback.” 
He hands you the manuscript, and kisses your neck softly. His other hand, now free, unzips your skirt and you gasp as his fingers venture between your legs. 
“Start reading. You’re good at running your mouth, aren’t you? Let’s see how long that attitude lasts…”
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lesbianslvt666 · 2 years ago
ellie has a huge crush on a flirty classmate who always wears very short skirts and one day they get together for a physics assignment and ellie asks the reader into her room and things get heated between them, something like ellie fucking the nonstop reader for hours straight omg 😮‍💨
Thinking thots rn
Not proofread
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This was hard for Ellie, eight am classes were proven to be quiet the difficult task lately.
As soon as you entered the classroom your pretty scent illuminated and clouded all her senses.
Today your skirt was even shorter than the last one. You gave her a pretty smile and sat down to your now official seat.
To right next to her.
For the past two years Ellie had been hiding this little crush she had on you, at first it was easy, having only one class with you a week and with you seating to the opposite corner of the classroom, always paying attention and sometimes talking to your friends.
Ellie was in trance as soon as she saw you, pretty face, beautiful hair that seemed to change almost every month. And those skirts, good Lorde give her straight.
Ellie wasn’t the only one who notice how every semester your skirts got shorter and shorter, however she was always trying not to be a creep, keeping her eyes from wondering too long and trying to pay attention in class.
Just like today. Physics was one of Ellies favourite subjects, and DR. Lasky was her favourite professor, still, she hadn't heard a thing until now, the whole classroom booing at him.
"boohoo! Is your fault, none of you are paying attention to my class, therefore, I'll be the one to pick each other's partners!" his mischievous smile while saying that made Ellie and you chuckle at the same time, both looking at each other in surprise and when you caught her eyes, both turn back to look at the Lasky.
Warm cheeks and fast beating hearts connected.
This always happens at class, somehow both of you speak at the same time or laugh at the same small details. It made Ellies mind go wild and as Dina once told her "bitch you delulu" while rolling her eyes when Ellie told her you had said the same answer as her at the same time.
"okay, I'll do this with closed eyes" he picked two random people from the list of students and wrote them in the whiteboard.
One pair, two pairs.
Your name.
Followed by hers.
"fuck" she said under her breath, not looking at you.
"so I need this finished by Friday, today is… Tuesday second, so…" he said writing in big bold red letters "Friday 5th" I won't receive any, and I mean it! Homework after this date…" his voice steady while picking up his things, the assignment written beneath the date.
"hey, umm… Ellie right?" you pretty voice fogged every outside noise. She looked to where you were sitting, and to her surprise you were closer to her, leaning on her chair thinking she could hear you better this way.
Her blood flush from her neck to her ears, you were so close to her…
"yeah, that’s… um, that’s me!" she said with an awkward smile that melted our heart… and your panties…
"look, I was thinking if maybe we could start today? I have to finish another assignment for the week, so, it would be a relive if we could finish this first" your rant was followed by a sigh that ended your sentence and Ellie could picture you in other ways only with that
"yeah, um sure, like right now its fine? This was my last class of the day so…" her eyes fell to your legs again, she couldn’t stop herself, she wanted to squeeze them hard…
"umm, sure, I just… I do have another class, 'tsa short one, but if you send me your location I get to your place as soon as I am out, you have my number right?" you told her hurriedly, trying to get to your next class as soon as possible.
"yeah, yeah I have it, I texted you some study material the other week so…" she was a bit disappointed you even asked…
"perfect, fuck.. Umm, see ya' Ells. And um… text me your location!" your words hurry and your demeanour apologetic. You were sorry you had to leave her like that, but you'll make it up to her…
When Ellie arrived to her place she sent you her location and left her phone on her bed, she was kind of disappointed at how awkward she was around you.
She put some music and cleaned a bit, she wanted to give you a good impression, but her cleaning session was cut short when she heard the doorbell.
She opened the door to a smiling dripping you, clothes so wet they were sticking to your skin, your white shirt letting her know you weren't wearing a bra.
"hey… can I come in? is cold out here…" you said apologetically, soft smile clouding your features.
And she let you in, taking your bag and dragging you to her bathroom.
"let me get you a towel, and some clothes" she tossed you a towel a bit harder than she intended, the cloth falling in your head which only made you laugh hard, her cheeks went bright red, you looked spectacular…
"what, why? What happened to you?" her voice muffled by rooming around her closed trying to get you something comfortable to wear.
"one of your shirts is fine, I mean, it's only you and I right" you told her when you saw her compare her clothes, trying to find something that would fit you, due to her being taller than you.
She looked back at you, you were taking your clothes off without a second thought, fuck…
"so basically I went to my class and as soon as entered the classroom the teacher called on sick, I thought of getting something nice for us to eat but it's raining in the city right now so before I could get to the restaurant I like to order take out, the rain washed me over, so yeah…" you took Ellies shirt from her hand, she was looking at you and you didn’t mind.
As on queue the heavy droplets of water started to poor down, the sound relaxing to you.
You seamed clueless to Ellies crush on you but you truly did noticed, how she always looked at your legs, or at your breast, that’s why you always sat beside her, how you waved your hair a bit when you sit down, how you cross your legs in a way she could easily see you, how you always gave her something to think about… and now, how she was eating you all…
So you didn’t mind giving her a show…
Sitting on her bed while looking at her, she travelled to your eyes and shied, oh not right now…
"look at me Ellie…" you didn’t expecting your voice to come out so needy, and Ellie followed your command. You opened your legs for her, her shirt covering your nipples riding up until your panties were at her focal point, she almost fell to her knees.
"can I taste?" her voice somehow seemed more demanding than yours, as if both papers were inverse.
She was making it hard for you, hard for you to resist. Your hand travelled to your covered tit, toying with your nipple. "yes Ellie, fuck…" her hand now touching your lips on top of your underwear, she was going to go insane, the fabric so soaked with your sticky essence, tight on your cunt.
The hand that was on your boob made its way to her face, grabbing her by her chin and pushing her down to her knees, her face in direct contact with your heating pussy.
"don’t be shy now angel…" she took the words out of your mouth because she latched on to your clothed cunt, sucking on it through the cottony material.
You were squirming, moaning her name shamelessly, you knew she lived alone so you didn’t hid from her, how good she was making you feel.
She took your panties off and without wasting another second she went back to her place, the place where she belongs.
In between your thighs.
And she sucked and pull and massage your pussy for what it felt like hours to no end, the pleasure was getting too unbearable, a glowing feeling at the pit of your stomach signalling you that you were about to cum. To Ellie, the signal came from your twitching cunt, how you were closing on nothing, clenching empty.
So she gave you what you needed, one finger in, your pussy sucked it all the way, your moans filling the room and the squelching sounds mixing with it. Ellie felt high, the way you said her name while harshly pulling on your tits, face relaxed, eyes shut and mouth wide open.
While fingering with her tatted hand she took your face with her free one, veiny fingers guiding you to where she wanted you.
right beneath her.
"open your eyes angel" and so you did, you mouth still wide from the pleasure, and she took it as an opportunity, a glob of spit falling form her pretty lips to your hot tongue.
Your eyes rolled back on your head, how fucking dare she be this hot…
One orgasm, two orgasm, one water brake.
"so, I was thinking, maybe we could continue this until the rain is over…" you said sitting on her lap, both completely naked, glistening thighs from both of your wetness…
She smiled at you, her arm hugging you at your waist making you giggle. She unlocked her phone and opened the weather app. "here says that the rain will be over till tomorrow eight am" she said, smirk spreading all over her face.
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this was shorter than expected... sorryyyyyyy
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red-ropes-of-avalon · 1 year ago
Sukuna is the kinda guy who demands you get the proper amount of respect and will fight for you if it's not given. Absolutely nobody gets away with taking anything that's yours and claiming it as their own- because what's yours is also his.
Modern AU Blurb:
You were always rather unfortunate with lab partners when it was up to luck of the draw. Being a woman in STEM was never labeled as easy, and while your beloved boyfriend was as helpful as possible he couldn't take that burden away. Being a business major meant he knew all the excel tips and tricks, so he helped when he could. While you had never foreseen dating your roommate's older brother, it was an interesting dynamic. Anything you accomplished brought him pride, for your achievements were his too.
Finals week in your room was hectic- your direct roommate Nobara had her interior design papers everywhere. Some pinned on the wall, others strewed all over the floor. Your own Biochem notes sprawled all over a calendar whiteboard. Megumi and Yuji's room was a mess on only one side- Megumi's sources for an English paper written neatly on the whiteboard with checks next to the ones he has cited from, while Yuji's side generally always looked like a bomb had been dropped but now with added notes sprawled around. You were sprawled on the floor writing out an assignment for your Biochem lecture while Nobara sat at her desk above you.
Your email pinged- an email from your lab partner. You inwardly groaned not wanting Nobara to pick up on your distress. He had been emailing you all day for the final project that you'd be presenting tomorrow. The problem though was you had found out he had been using your excel file for the whole semester. All of the hours trying to bullshit excel into working, and all of Sukuna's help had been being used by him. Normally this wouldn't bother you but he was using it and claiming it to be his own work- taking all of the credit for your hard work. You flipped your phone down and turned your notifications off trying to focus on the paper you had to read.
You didn't even realize how many hours you had been working on this paper until Yuji was standing in the doorway. "Yo Y/N are you ok?" Looking up at Yuji you tilted your head slightly, confused why he was asking. "Sukuna's been texting you and you haven't responded. He's calling me and yelling at me." Your eyes widened, how long had you been laying here struggling to read this paper on PEPCK. "He's already on his way over here now. Just I guess be ready to explain why you weren't answering." You nodded quietly and began racking your brain for an excuse. You could say you were doing work, but that usually never warranted you turning on Do Not Disturb. If you told him about the actual problem he could blow it into something more than it's worth. You didn't even notice Yuji had disappeared from the door and Nobara stepped out.
Before your mind could stop running in frantic circles, Sukuna was now hulking in your doorframe. "Hey twerp, why weren't you answering me? Almost gave me a goddamned heart attack."
"Aw you missed talking to me did you?" You teased hoping to distract him.
"No dodging the question brat. You never turn your notifications off, so spill." Sukuna's eyes felt like they were piercing into your soul. You couldn't hide anything from him. His perception rivaled his intelligence even.
"I have a final presentation tomorrow for my Biochem lab. I have to do it with my lab partner and he's just been overwhelming me with emails. And...and I just found out he's been taking all the calculations I've been doing in the excel. Y'know the ones I need your help with sometimes because they take hours trying to get excel to work..." you trailed off eyes down.
"What are you going to do about it then twerp? Because if I don't get a good answer I'm taking that laptop and I'm sending an email to the professor for you."
"I was going to talk to her in person before we have to present. I'm just...y'know nervous." Sukuna sighed lowering himself to sit beside you on the floor, pulling you into him.
"If the professor doesn't handle it, I'll make sure someone else does. Now let me see this presentation. I'm assuming you made it since your one of the few competent individuals I know so this better be good." You smiled softly, switching tabs to the presentation you had formatted. The other group members had all their data in, and your heart dropped to your stomach when you found screenshots of your excel sheet placed in. Sukuna just ruffled your hair distracting you from the panic filling your heart. "At least you know the data is right, don't work yourself up over this or else you'll mess up your part. Don't forget what's yours is mine so you gotta make me proud."
I wrote this while upset because I found out my lab partner has been using my excel sheet all semester and taking credit for all my work hahah. Love being a woman in STEM.
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luvtonique · 4 months ago
I wanna tell a little story. Just a little one. [Edit after typing: Yeah I ranted for a while. Oh well.]
I grew up with a dad who was extremely racist, extremely homophobic, and extremely abusive. Used to beat me and my brothers for 20+ years of my life, left us all with mental disorders and trust issues, you name it.
One such story of his homophobia and beatings is that my brother had a boyfriend at one point, and my dad hit him with a belt and screamed at him until he agreed to break up with said boyfriend, which he did.
Now cut ahead 20 years, my dad met an openly gay celebrity online and became friends with him. All the sudden, my dad was Mr. LGBT Pride. He was a writer, and suddenly started writing a book about a gay cowboy called Buck Justice. He would rent movies with gay actors in it, or gay themes, and was suddenly super pro gay.
It just left all of us disgusted, my brothers and my mom. We knew this man, but people on Facebook didn't. He had this huge friend group all the sudden of people calling him "Dad" and "Big Bob" and shit (When in reality, my dad called himself N*gger Bob and even had that written on the whiteboard next to his phone number), and he kept telling us all these stories and laughing and having a good time about how "Cool gay people are."
You see, it left a poor fucking taste in our mouth.
Because we had personally seen how horrible this man was. He beat us. He beat my bisexual brother. He was a fucking monster, but now that he was in some clique with a big popular movie star friend, he was suddenly this shining beacon of gay pride.
That's what bothers me when I see people on the internet acting the same way. I see the disingenuous nature of their actions. I see the popular people they're brown-nosing, I see the big popular bloggers and streamers they're trying to be friends with who are spouting the same bullshit.
And the reason it bothers me is because I know who these people are. I go back in their blogs like 1 month and find death threats, calls for violence, mental instability, extreme rage.
I go to their YouTube channels and find videos of them watching rats die on glue traps.
I get invited into their Discord servers and scroll back through the history of them talking with their friends and see just mountains of hate posting, calling for violence, wishing people would be killed, celebrating the death of people they hate.
That's why I don't do that shit. And why I don't tend to hang out with people who do. Because I know those people aren't really respectful people. I know they don't truly want equality.
I know the truth. From 20 years of belt marks on my back.
I know y'all are fucking disgusting people who are just pretending to be respectful advocates for equality and peace because the big celebrities and vloggers and streamers you wanna be friends with are saying the same shit.
You people aren't real. You are NPCs spouting NPC dialogue in hopes of getting some pseudo social credit score with big e-celebs while all it takes is 10 seconds of scrolling through your blog to find out you are the most disgusting, violent and unhinged person on the internet.
Case in point, y'ever seen a cat owner before?
Tell a cat owner you don't like cats.
Watch what happens.
It's been 9 years since I made a post saying I don't like cats and I still get those fucking psycho pieces of shit sending me extremely descriptive anon asks about how they want my throat to be ripped out by a dog in my sleep. That's who these people really are.
All it takes is one thing that sets them off and they go from your 11-year-running best friend of all time to a person who sends you multiple paragraphs of descriptive ways they hope you die.
I've learned from experience with my dad.
Y'all want equality? Just treat people with respect no matter what. Don't act like there's versions of people or groups of people who deserve more or less respect, because guess what, THAT'S CALLED PREJUDICE YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT.
If you have to say "I am LGBT friendly"
You clearly have something to hide (which I guarantee is like 10 posts down in your blog and is horrifically violent and descriptive) and you are the last person I would expect to actually be LGBT friendly, or any kind of friendly.
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cisthoughtcrime · 7 days ago
I’m interested in learning Latin, where would you suggest I start?
So exciting! I'll try to keep this short:
I recommend starting with this very short informal intro, especially if you don't have a strong grasp on technical terms about grammar (most textbooks take that for granted). Latin grammar follows a rigid organisational system and the earlier you understand how it works, the easier it will be to learn the rest of the language. The 18-page PDF in the link uses English examples and practice questions to go through basic Latin grammar concepts and tables. It doesn't go through less basic things like participles or conditional clauses, but it does explain everything you need to know in order to learn those more easily. It also includes a hyperlinked list of good online resources for self-taught Latin and Greek students.
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If you want to work through a textbook, Wheelock's Latin is probably the most widely used and comes with a lot of accompanying resources and guides (even though the official website looks older than Rome). Ecce Romani may be a bit more approachable and there are plenty of unofficial online lessons and guides made to go along with it. Those are my top two personally; I know some people like Latin Via Ovid because the practice texts are adapted from an actual ancient text about different myths, but imho I don't think it's as good a starting point if you're teaching yourself from scratch. Keep in mind that they'll all follow different formats for conjugation/declension tables, which can make it a bit confusing to switch between them; the short intro in that first link is a good way to understand how these charts work well enough to use them no matter the format.
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There are tons of free resources online, even including full recordings of lessons, live study groups to join, communities with forum posting, and written-out explanations. For any individual concept that's troubling you, there are almost definitely multiple youtube videos of someone in front of a whiteboard saying it differently from the textbooks. Again, there's a good list included in that first document.
For practice in reading and understanding without deliberately translating, it's fun to try reading Latin translations of books you already know well in English, like Harrius Potter, Hobbitus Ille, Winnie Ille Pu, Alicia In Terra Mirabili, and many, many more, most of which are free on Archive and/or can be bought as physical copies.
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However, this will be much more rewarding once you've built up some vocabulary and grammar, and might be frustrating or discouraging if you try the long ones too early, especially since they sometimes use words irregularly to convey modern meanings.
There are also a handful of recently-written stories in Latin targeted at students who like this kind of practice more. The German Netflix series Barbarians has all the Roman characters speaking in real Latin, and listening to it with subtitles can help build your ear for what sounds right.
Those are my recs for where to start! If you're stuck on something and can't find a good explanation, you can also send me an ask about it and I'm always happy to lay out how I think about it (even if my response times are irregular).
Good luck and enjoy!
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ronearoundblindly · 1 month ago
I have another question for who would Wednesday (sorry if I'm sending too much): who would have new years resolutions? Who would help with yours?
Took me until Lunar New Year, but we got there!
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No warnings except mentions of true-to-character background (family alcoholism, jerk behavior, cursing) so keep that in mind.
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James Mace
Yes! If it's important to you, it's important to him. Mace only picks practical goals or changes to make, realistic stuff that's doable and improves his life and happiness. You know, the actual epitome of the tradition.
Curtis Everett
No. He'll honor your resolutions but doesn't make his own. It's half not caring and half because when he used to make them, he always crapped out on them by March...
Jimmy Dobyne
No. Jimmy believes if you have a goal, why wait for a holiday to start? Go ahead and do it! He hates the placating of over-indulging during the holidays, guilting yourself, and then miserably push to change huge things suddenly. (He's adamant about NO DRY JANUARY, too. Own up to it. If you want/need to quit drinking, then fucking stop. He gets prickly about this because of his father.)
Johnny Storm
Nope. Johnny just...keeps being Johnny. Isn't very open to helping you keep them. Seems...sorta personal and like a you-problem.
Jake Jensen
Yes!!!! He's totally supportive and enjoys making a big deal about declaring his and yours after a sweet, midnight kiss. Will buy a whiteboard for the hallway to have them visible. Jake does, however, always picks silly or easy stuff for himself in order to feel accomplished. He will NOT stand for you making resolutions which are designed to be judgmental: don't write down "get skinny" or "save for a nose job." Jake makes you think specifically about you, none of this for-others shit.
Lloyd Hansen
Yes? His resolutions are silly and self-serving--also they are almost always indulgences that Lloyd never stopped himself for doing in the first place--so it's a useless exercise. He is supportive of yours as long as it's convenient for him to do so, which he takes on a second-to-second basis.
Ari Levinson
Yes, but only as a couple or being supportive of yours. On his own, Ari doesn't see the point.
Ransom Drysdale
Yes, but he doesn't admit it or tell anyone what they are, so no one knows if he failed to keep them. Ran won't necessarily provide positive support of yours--i.e. if you cheat on a diet or something, he openly points out you shouldn't be eating that--but! he holds you accountable if/when you've clearly said you're trying to change a habit.
Andy Barber
Yes. The only problem is they're vague and recurring. Every year he tries to say you'll have a regular date night or go on trips, but Andy never quite manages to put fun things first. He's a workaholic who gets distracted and forgets to focus on less tangible progress. You have to remind him or take over making those resolutions happen.
Steve Rogers
Yes and no. Some years Steve has strong impulses to make changes. Some years he's just getting by or keeping the status quo. Turns out, you often make resolutions that impact the both of you or are specifically geared toward him. If you're vocal about wanting something, he's all over it and supportive. Steve has never been great at doing things for himself.
Bucky Barnes
Again, yes and no. Bucky is still not great at tracking time. He gets confused from year to year if there were just arbitrary goals he set, so now he keeps them progressive. You guys want to do renovations on your home? Pick a starting room and then pick a direction to work (out, up, or down). He wants to turn his wardrobe into something more personal? Begin with the shoes, then the socks, then the slacks, etc. Mundane choices can overwhelm him easily since he's from a simpler era and he didn't make his own choices for a long stretch. Bucky keeps his resolutions simple and the pressure to stick to them low.
Thank you for asking!
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[Main Masterlist; Who Would... Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
A/N: Now back to my hidey hole...
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marvell-world · 2 years ago
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Raphael Collection
Two toned wood office set with 19 new objects!
Included are: Single Folder, 3 Folders, 5 Folders, 10 Folders in 4 Variations, Bin with Paper Rolls, Desk, Drafting Table, Drafting Table Top, Drawers in 3 versions, Model House, Paper Rolls, Picture, Stool and Whiteboard
Base Game Compatible
15 matching wood colors & 5 accent colors
Shadow, Specular and Bump Map
All LOD’s
Terms of Use:
Do not re-upload any of my content.
Don’t claim my work as your own.
If you want to use any of my meshes please send an ask!
Recoloring is fine. Please credit and link to the original when you share. Tag me because I would love to see it! 😊
Let’s connect:
Follow my Instagram.
Follow my Twitter.
Download: Early Access - Public Access July 29th!
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goth-mami-writer · 10 months ago
~(Au)Leon Kennedy × f!Reader drabble
~[Continued by request]
~{Find part 1 here} @exquisitelion
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(Taking requests for new drabbles. Send me your ideas, and I'll tag you in the upload! 💙)
《~ A week later.
It was early that morning when Leon received a call regarding a bust in progress for a crime ring across town. Some of the individuals involved were suspects in your case. He couldn't leave you at the house alone safely, so every time he left for a call, you played a ride-along in the backseat.
Unfortunately, every time this happened, you had no good warning, and had to come with no preparation.
Leon approached the horde of police cruisers that were circled around an open freighter in the dockyard. Agents for the bureau were confiscating the contents endlessly in large bags and totes, and there were men knelt to the gravel being questioned in handcuffs. But they were silent, unwilling to offer any information regarding their business or identities.
The chief of police approached Leon's side, asking him quietly if you were with him.
“Yeah, she's asleep in the cruiser.” Leon replied.
“Bring her.” His boss said with his head tilted to the people being detained in front of them,
“She might recognize someone here. That'll help us with info since they wanna clam up.”
Leon sighed, turning to head back to the car where he had you locked inside. Or so he thought. He cocked his head over to see that outside of his back passenger window hung your clear platform heels still strapped on your feet as you undoubtedly slept. Your ankles were crossed as they fell over the side of the car, and he sighed, watching other officers on their walkies give the sight a curious glance.
You'd just gotten off work, so he knew you were exhausted but leaving you to sleep alone at the house didn't sit well with him. He wanted to scold you for opening the window when he wanted the doors locked but he popped his head inside to rouse you awake softly,
“Can I ask a favor?”
You smiled in your sleep hearing that and murmured sleepily in a tease to encourage him to choose his words better,
“In front of everyone?...Hot.”
You reached your ankle up to rest atop his shoulder lewdly since he was leaned over into the cab, and the thought of your legs around him made him jump with a jitter of excitement. It was also embarrassment since there were others close by. But your long legs were one of the features he found the sexiest about you.
He chuckled and carefully put your legs back inside before opening the door. His palm meeting your thigh even momentarily made your skin crawl and your eyes opened. He leaned in the car to help you up from the backseat and you grumbled tiredly when he became face to face with you,
“You owe me breakfast for this.”
“You'll get whatever you want.” He assured you in a grunt as he pulled you forward.
Leon held the small of your back when you came to your feet. He walked you across the gravel lot and it felt endearing to be so protected beside him. You chuckled somewhat evilly as you followed close by behind him and replied before meeting the chief,
“Don't tell me that.”
That night, you heard Leon come home and he went straight to his bedroom that doubled as his office. You hated that he kept his work in his bedroom because it made him prone to not sleeping well. He'd get up all hours of the night to write something on his whiteboard or find a case note within one of his files.
He was working himself to death.
You made a meal downstairs, knowing the noise and the smell of food wouldn't even bother him. You made a small plate and brought it upstairs when it became almost midnight. You knocked on his door, letting him know you were coming in, but he stayed silent.
He sat with his MacBook in his lap at the foot of his bed, crouched on the floor in front of his rolling whiteboard. You sighed seeing all the case documents pinned to the dry-erase board, tiny scribbles of probably late night epiphanies surrounding each thumbtack and photograph.
This was insanity. He was working twenty four hours a day at this point and there was no way even a salary could be this rewarding.
“You've not eaten.” You told him, trying to entice him to at least come downstairs but he shook his head as it rested in his fingertips, telling you he was fine.
After setting down his plate, you came to lay in his bed for the first time. You had only been in this room a few times in the week past but never for this long. He turned his head slightly, only letting his eyes move to see you now spread on his duvets. Your red silk night slip trailed up your thigh as your knee stayed propped up and he softly bit the inside of his cheek to the sight. He wondered now if you wanted to keep him company, but right now, he just couldn't afford it.
“Le-” You said softly from atop his bed, calling him by his affectionate nickname,
“-you've been staring at the same thing for hours.”
“I'm missing something.” He muttered exhaustedly with his eyes glued to the board,
“I feel like it's right in front of me.”
He stood up, wincing to the pain in his back from sitting on hardwood and he continued to stare at that board that you wanted to roll into the hall and let fall down the stairs. Nothing would get solved with him running himself into the ground and you wished he knew it too.
“Killing yourself in exchange for a breakthrough isn't going to make the mayor lick your boots any harder, yanno?” You mentioned, turning your eyes in his direction as you faced his ceiling.
“It's not….just the mayor-” Leon groaned, rubbing his shoulder as it ached from sitting so long.
You were surprised by that comment. He always mentioned making the mayor of the city happy as being his number one goal. It seemed different now and your interest was piqued. But you remained at ease on his mattress, feeling as he sat beside you with a huff.
You rolled onto your stomach, growing closer to him on the bed as you asked from your curiosity that had grown,
“Then what else are you looking for? Because you've got quite the monkey on your back for a cop not even close to retiring, not yet at the peak of his career and not graced with a woman at home to warm his bed at night.”
Leon looked over, wondering if you'd made your punchline yet and you finished with a sigh as he gave that look when he was becoming unenthused.
“You're on the brink of a burnout, Leon. Take a break- I don't care if we just eat ice cream in our pajamas and talk shit. You need it.”
Leon half smiled, not quite ready to give in, then lied on the bed opposite to you. You watched as he covered his tired eyes with the heels of his palms most likely from his exhaustion. Quietly, you rose from the mattress and turned off his overhead light. Your steps were quiet as you traveled back to the bed with an idea in easing his frustration.
He felt you crawl back into the bed, but suddenly and careful, you sat now on top of him in the dark. He called out your name but all too late as you were determined now to do something about the world of stress he carried.
“Tell me how I can help you. Since you won't tell me why you're so strung out on working to death.” You whispered from above him and he squirmed feeling your warmth and weight on top of him once again. Something he missed after he'd had it once.
You planted your palms down on either side of his torso, leaning towards him in a way that ignited his many feelings of finally indulging in what it might feel like to touch you. Something he still wasn't committed to doing before this work was done. But he couldn't ignore this anymore. The want for you now gnawed at him more than this workload.
He rose slightly, propping up on his elbows as he looked up to you in the dark. Your hand gently petted his chest and he felt the fire in his belly that had been burning since the moment he first saw you. He sat up straight, keeping his eyes up as finally he let his hands touch you more intentional and slow when he wrapped your legs around him.
Your ankles locked behind him, and your face softened realizing that he wasn't holding back now. He was letting go slowly. He wet his lips as he held your waist against him, making you wrap your arms around him too when your heart raced in the thought of actually kissing him.
He held your chin, taking the last breath he needed to convince himself to do something this crazy. Your lips met almost unsurely, he stopped only for another second before he finally let himself close his eyes. You kissed him gently at first until his hands shook as they cupped around your curves from behind, gripping the roundness of your ass when he felt it under your slip.
Softly, you moaned as he poured more of himself into the embrace and your fingers tangled into his bedhead. His mouth was soft like petals on the inside of a flower and your heart felt soft too at their touch. You breathed heavily and felt as his mouth moved low, kissing under your jaw then lower to your neck.
He rested his forehead in the center of your chest, not willing to move forward because he knew he'd have you all night…. and into the morning. The desire was too strong. His breath was panting from the labor his heart was performing to beat so quickly. You held him against you to steady him, feeling yourself begin to shake now in a sense of amazement.
“I'm doing this for you-” He said in the quiet between you and the silence only met with both of your racing pulses,
“Fuck the city. Fuck the mayor- I just don't wanna sleep…. knowing there's someone out there waiting to put you next on their list. And I'm not gonna stop until they're cuffed or dead. Whichever's fastest.”
Your brow furrowed from the sincerity he had and you tried not to let your lip quiver. In your line of work, you were always thrown away after use. One face to the next and here you sat in the lap of someone wanting to save you again and again. You half smiled, nodding in understanding that if in fact you were falling in love with him before this, you had in fact fallen face first now.
He thought you must've been stuck on what to say before you brought your hands up to his face. Your thumbs brushed his cheek as you said murmured and soft,
“You're gonna have a lot more to worry about if you keep talking to me like that. Like how you're ever gonna peel me offa you after you nab this guy.”
“I think I could convince you.” Leon mentioned with a growing smile to finally participate in the back and forth of your playful banter as he looked to your lips again, growing needful for another kiss.
“Yeah?-” You asked before obliging him with a flirtatious wink as you leaned in to kiss him,
“You'll need a warrant, pig.”
He chuckled amidst your hurried kiss now, making you hum happily in the enjoyment of feeling his smile against your lips. He felt calmer already. Your kiss and your heat to warm him was like a heal-all. As you felt him level back to reality, you knew you wanted this always and it felt burned into you like a brand now.
You wondered in that moment, unbeknownst to him, if maybe you had the chance to be the woman warming his bed, awaiting his retirement - riding through the peak of his career. Because tonight felt like a taste. And there was no amount of money that could buy it. Even if you worked in that club as hard as he did in this room. 》
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lil-dragon-rawr · 1 month ago
FNaF x DC: the Aftons...in Space!
(or: if the Aftons got aboard the Watchtower)
Part One, Part Two
Red Hood, babysitting Gregory while Glamrock Freddy is off doing things, ranting about which members of the Justice League he hates: -and they just sit there on their space base, leaving the rest of us to-
Gregory: they have a space base???
Red Hood: yeah it's called the Watchtower, anyways let me tell you about the absolute hypocrisy of Superman-
Gregory: *is no longer listening because space base*
Gregory, when Glamrock Freddy picks him up: hey Freddy, remember that game where you went to space?
Glamrock Freddy: do you mean FNaF 57: Freddy in Space? Of course I remember that game, it was incredibly popular for a time.
Gregory: do you want to help me go to space?
Glamrock Freddy, [Gremlin_Senses] activated, triggering his [Defuse_the_Gremlin.exe] protocol: there are many space-themed rides at the Pizzaplex. Let's have a space adventure there.
Gregory: ...never mind.
Glamrock Freddy, believing he successfully defused the situation: :)
Gregory, Definitely Not Defused: I'm going to call Cassie
Gregory, standing in a room with Cassie, Scrap Baby, Golden Freddy, and Michael: I hereby call the first meeting of Operation: Space Base to order. Our objectives are as follows
Gregory, drawing on a whiteboard so everyone can see: step one, figure out how the Justice League gets to their space base
Scrap Baby: I'll ask Auntie Harley!
Scrap Baby: she might want to come along though
Gregory: fine by me. Step two, commandeer said method of transport
Cassie: think V.A.N.N.I. will work outside the Pizzaplex?
Michael, patting her on the shoulder: there's only one way to find out
Gregory, nodding: which brings us to step three: profit
Scrap Baby, at her weekly tea-spilling session with Harley and Ivy: Auntie Harley, do you know how the Justice League gets to their space base by any chance?
Harley, Proud Wine Aunt™: do I!
(members of O:SB scoping out Wayne Manor so they can sneak into the cave)
Gregory, with binoculars: we'll have to deactivate their defenses somehow
Cassie: I could try V.A.N.N.Ι.?
Red Hood, sneaking up behind them: hey guys! Whatcha doin?
Everyone: *collective screeching, minus Michael who is unfazed*
Michael: trying to sneak onto the Justice League's space base! :D
Red Hood, crouching down beside them: nice
Cassie, using V.A.N.N.I to interact with the Zeta tube in the Batcave: hey it's working!
(meanwhile, somewhere across Gotham)
Oracle: why the [$&@¥] is there a rabbit shutting me out of the Clocktower?
Cassie, explaining why a security node appeared on the Batcomputer: Helpi says we can break through the encryption, but he had to send M.Χ.Ε.S. to lock out other users so they can't find us :/
Michael, very attached to the true Helpy: that's great, but tell that faker he's a false prophet
Red Hood: what's a Helpi?
Harley: and who's M.X.E.S.??
Cassie, pointing to empty space: M.X.E.S is that guy.
Scrap Baby, who can also see Μ.Χ.Ε.S.: *nodding*
Harley: kay sweetie I think you might need a therapy session soon
(O:SB successfully hacks the Zeta tube)
Hal Jordan, standing at the Zeta tube, about to leave the Watchtower: uhhhhh
Red Hood, without hesitation: it's take your kid to work day
Hal: ...so where's Batman?
Hal, peering around Red Hood to see the bizarre group behind him: and who are they?
Gregory, annoyed: I'm the kid he's taking to work, obviously!
Hal: *squinting* ...uh-huh
Gregory, gesturing to Michael, Scrap Baby, and Golden Freddy: and these are my siblings!
Gregory: plus my good friend Cassie!
Cassie, still wearing the V.A.N.N.I. mask: *peace sign*
Hal: ...right. And what's Harley Quinn doing here?
Scrap Baby: she's my emotional support clown
Harley: don't worry, I'm a licensed practitioner!
Hal, muttering under his breath as he passes them to get to the Zeta tube: not my circus, not my monkeys
Red Hood, giving a tour: this is the break room, they've got the good snacks so I always steal some-
Scrap Baby: *sees Cyborg and Gar playing video games in the break room*
Scrap Baby, mimicking Batman's voice: what do you think you're doing?
Cyborg and Gar: *collective screeching, start scrambling to turn off the game*
Red Hood, who was not informed of Scrap Baby's abilities: what the [@€∆|π¥$] was that??
Cyborg and Gar, looking around wildly: ...that wasn't Batman?
Cyborg, squinting at Scrap Baby: and who are you?
Scrap Baby, still using Batman's voice: I'm Batman.
(O:SB gang starts sprinting through the halls, as one does)
Harley, running past Martian Manhunter: smell ya later, Martian Manhater!
Manhunter: *processing*
Manhunter: hold on a minute-
Manhunter, staring disappointedly at the group he (finally) apprehended using his psychic powers: Red Hood, care to explain?
Red Hood, protesting: it's take your kid to work day!
Gregory, raising his hand: I'm the kid
Manhunter: *deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose*
Manhunter, pointing to Golden Freddy and Scrap Baby: what are those?
Manhunter, pointing to Gregory: why doesn't he have a brain?
Manhunter, pointing to V.A.N.N.I. mask Cassie: why is her brain glitching?
Manhunter, pointing to Michael: why is his brain on fire?
Manhunter, pointing to Harley: and what is a criminal doing on the Watchtower?
Michael: oh! Well my brain probably got a little melted from all the fires I was in, I'm all good though!
Michael, putting his arm around Gregory: and this is the robot version of my dead brother, so his brain is all wires and stuff!
Scrap Baby, nodding to Michael: I'm his dead sister-
Michael, loudly: -who speaks nothing but LIES-
Scrap Baby, ignoring him: -Auntie Harley is my emotional support clown,
Scrap Baby, gesturing to Golden Freddy: and that's our dead brother-
Golden Freddy: ITSME
Scrap Baby, glaring at Michael: -who SOMEONE shoved into Fredbear's mouth.
Manhunter, speaking to Cassie: are you okay?
Cassie: yeah I'm just in AR right now so that's probably why my brain is glitching!
Manhunter, trying to understand the correlation between "using AR" and "having a glitchy brain": how...never mind.
Gregory, as soon as he lays eyes on Superman: yOU!
Superman, already exasperated with Batman's kids: you're not very happy to see me, are you?
Gregory, grabbing his FazerBlaster: you were a jerk to Superboy! You know, your clone and, therefore, your family!
Superman, trying to de-escalate the situation: hold on, I know I was rude at first, but-
Gregory, aiming his FazerBlaster directly into Superman's eyes: I won't hesitate, 01000010 01110111 01101111 01110010 01100100!
Michael, gasping like an old lady from the 50s: who taught you to swear in binary?
Red Hood, pretending to wipe a tear as Gregory blasts Superman point blank: I'm so proud
Wonder Woman, eyeing the group warily: ...Red Hood.
Red Hood: hi Wonder Woman!
Wonder Woman: does Batman know you're here?
Red Hood: with luck, not yet!
Wonder Woman, disapprovingly: ...and who did you bring with you?
Michael, coming up for a handshake: hi I'm Michael, resident corpse/scooper victim. Lovely to meet you, I'm a big fan!
Golden Freddy: 00100001 00100001 00100001
Michael, dragging Golden Freddy over: and so's my brother!
Wonder Woman, wildly confused: ...hi.
John Constantine, rounding the corner, seeing the O:SB group, and immediately rounding right back: nope. Whatever that is, I don't want any part of it.
Red Hood, dragging Constantine back by his collar: hey guys, check this out!
Scrap Baby, attempting a face of disgust: ew, his soul's all nasty!
Scrap Baby, side eyeing Michael: like someone else I know
Michael: oh that's rich coming from you-
Constantine, muttering: Hood. Put me down while they're distracted.
Red Hood, hauling him over to Golden Freddy: nope!
Golden Freddy:
Constantine: ...
Golden Freddy:
Constantine: why are there two of you?
Golden Freddy: 01110000 01110010 01100101 01110000 01100001 01110010 01100101 01100110 01101111 01110010 01110100 01110010 01101111 01110101 01100010 01101100 01100101 01100001 01101110 01100100 01101101 01100001 01101011 01100101 01101001 01110100 01100100 01101111 01110101 01100010 01101100 01100101
Michael: haha, classic Cassidy!
Michael, still smiling as he pats Constantine on the back: but you should absolutely prepare for trouble.
(O:SB reaches the main control room)
Green Arrow, on watch duty: what the-
Red Hood, waving him off: relax, it's just a tour for the kids
Green Arrow: that doesn't make me feel any better. How'd you even get up here?
Cassie, running up to the controls: hey, V.A.N.N.I. can interact with this!
Green Arrow: wait, kid, what are you-
Cassie: *starts messing with things in AR and an alarm starts blaring*
Green Arrow, baffled: you made-
Green Arrow, trying to process but is ultimately still baffled: -you made our state-of-the-art system think there's a nonexistent missile inbound?
Green Arrow: somehow?
Cassie: ...whoops
Green Arrow: how...?
Cassie: *shrugs*
Green Arrow: ...you know what, at this point I'm just impressed
(Cassie, messing with the controls with Gregory when a security node pops up on screen)
Cassie: *sudden screech* get out of my face, M.X.E.S.!
Green Arrow: do I want to know?
Red Hood, shaking his head: I don't even know.
M.X.E.S., typing on screen:
come back, glamrock freddy is worried
Gregory, rolling his eyes: well he's the one who didn't want to come with us!
reinforcements inbound
Green Arrow, alarmed: what did it mean by reinforcements?
Everyone: *ignoring him*
Green Arrow, anxiety skyrocketing: what did it mean? Answer quickly
(five seconds later)
Lolbit, appearing on screen and shutting the entire Watchtower down:
Michael, marching to the controls: Lolbit, you killjoy - move, Gregory -
Green Arrow, realizing these "kids" and their "friends" can hack and/or disable a quadruple-encrypted satellite in a few seconds: (°-°)
Green Arrow, to Red Hood: are we worried about that? I feel like we should be worried about that
Red Hood, busy playing chopsticks with Cassie: not my spaceship, not my problem
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sabbathbloodysabbeth · 9 months ago
(also also no pressure) hoh + mute Steve!! 👀👀👀 in season 4!!! 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Ah! This is one I’ve been wanting to write for a long time. This one I think may be more of a one shot than a longer story but I’m excited to share Steve who is mostly mute in the “zombie” apocalypse and hard of hearing. And if I’m honest I’m very tempted to make Eddie Daryl Dixon coded in this.
The man gestures his hands to his throat before placing a hand over his mouth. If they were playing Charades, Eddie was confident that this partnership would end with a loss.
Eddie scrunches his eyebrows up, confused as he tries to decipher what the other is trying to say. A faint annoyed whine leaves the other man before he is gesturing at his bag that was on the ground. He slowly moves over to reach for it but Eddie is quick to make a noise at him and the man is quick to freeze.
“No, how do I know you aren’t going to pull a knife out on me?” Eddie says wearily. The other wipes his face as he looks around for something else. When he can’t seem to find something he gives up and crouches down to the dirt, his eyes are still on Eddie, who is slowly growing more agitated as time passes.
The man gestures his hands awkwardly down at the dirt and Eddie watches. He moves a couple of inches closer so he could inspect what the other is doing better but his shoulders stay tensed up just in case the other tries jumping him again.
Eddie watches as the other begins to write sloppy letters into the dirt. He squints trying to read upside down for a moment before he reads, “Can’t speak.”
“Oh fuck, you can’t talk?” Eddie asks carefully, making eye contact with the other man again who nods his head before looking back down at the dirt to write more.
“Have-” Eddie says out loud, “A White-” he furrows his eyebrow unable to read the last word. He tilts his head a bit and the realization hits him like a bag of bricks. “You have a whiteboard in your bag?” He asks carefully. His eyes squint at the other, trying to figure out if the other was lying to get to his bag.
The man gestures again at his bag with a raised eyebrow. Eddie hesitates before nodding his head. “Yeah, go grab it, but no fast movements.” he rambles.
If people want to make me write more for this they should totally send in an ask for WIP weekend 😉
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