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feveredbcnes · 3 months ago
Closed Starter II @coastercrushed
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"Not exactly the Hilton, but it'll do..." Reynardine spoke to himself with a snorted laugh, wiggling his backpack off and surveying his surroundings by wandering around. Crazy Fun Park; more like Creepy Fun Park. The neon sign was barely holding on - obsolete and rundown - much like the rest of the place, but somebody without a home was the least to complain. It had plenty of covered areas, perfect for protection against the elements and, most importantly, being hidden from those who viewed him as a nuisance. He'd lost count of how many times he was told to move along by authority or disgruntled shop owners, convinced that he was there to steal or bother the public. Reynardine had done neither; he was the last person to cause a fuss. All he wanted was somewhere safe to sleep. And tonight, that luxury came in the form of an abandoned amusement park.
"If any ghosties are here, I promise tha' I'll leave in the mornin', a'right?" The silence of empty places always unnerved him, and he found that he slept better after speaking aloud to the void. With that, Reynardine pushed himself into the far corner of a games' stall after jumping the counter, dragging his backpack closer and settling it between his legs. Everything he owned was in it. With one last cautionary glance towards the counter, he yanked his hood over his face and closed his eyes, folding his arms across his chest in a bid to reserve warmth. He could certainly tick off this place on his ever-growing list of weirdest places to sleep.
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bullet-prooflove · 8 months ago
Summer School: Daniel LaRusso x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @kiwiwatermelonsuger @sadgenderfluidmaniac @junghwansy2k 
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Daniel meets you because of a summer arts program. Him and Amanda have been divorced over a year and they’ve been trying to figure out a way to prise Anthony away from his screen. It’s gotten worse since the split, his son has retreated entirely into the world of video games.  
Daniel can’t help but feel responsible for that. He was the one that told Amanda he was unhappy, the one that made her realise that she was unhappy too. In the beginning he thought maybe if he’d kept his mouth shut they could have persevered but time has given him clarity, they were friends more than lovers and Daniel, he wants passion, he wants romance. He deserves that and so does Amanda.
It's Amanda that finds the program, it allows students to try out different art forms over a six week period. Painting, pottery, metal work. Anthony protests at first but they present a united front, if he doesn’t attend he spends the entire summer without any screen time at all.
The first week Anthony complains relentlessly. Painting is very much not his thing and Daniel happens to agree, he’s all for self-expression but Anthony’s work, it’s beyond terrible.
The same goes for pottery, he comes home with a bowl that’s slanted to one side with weird, wonky edges. Daniel takes it into work and uses it to hold his paperclips.
By the time week three rolls around Daniel expects more of the same, he’s used to Anthony’s sullen moods, he’s been sulking ever since summer school started. Today however when he gets into Daniel’s car, it’s the most animated he’s seen him in years. His eyes are bright, he’s excited. He shows Daniel the motorcycle he’s made out of nuts bolts and wrenches and he’s completely blown away.
“Jak’s been giving me tips on making my own designs.” He tells his father proudly. “We need to hit the art supply store so I can get a sketch book and some pencils.”
That night Daniel calls Amanda after dinner.
“It’s like he’s a completely different kid. I don’t know who this Jak guy is but he’s worked wonders on him. He hasn’t looked at a screen all night.” He tells her as he watches Anthony sketching out design ideas on the kitchen table. “I feel like we should be gifting him a car.”
“Maybe we go smaller.” She says thoughtfully. “Start with some beers from that microbrewery you like. We don’t wanna scare him off by coming on a little too strong.”
“Yea I think I have a six pack somewhere, I’ll drop it off tomorrow morning.” Daniel murmurs, his palm rubbing over the back of his neck. “I’ll ask if he does classes outside of the summer school. I’d like to keep the momentum going.”
He drops Anthony off a little early the next morning so he can pop in and meet the man who has managed to engage his son. He has the six pack of mixed microbrews tucked under his arm when he raps his knuckles on the door and pokes his head inside.
“Hey, I’m looking for Jak.” He says to the woman sorting through the cardboard box of random metal bits and pieces.
“You’ve found her.” You say looking up from your task.
“You’re Jak?” He asks, his dark eyebrows raising as he drinks you in.
You are the furthest thing from metalwork artist that he ever expected. You’re breathtaking for starters, he means that literally, the oxygen catches in his throat when he looks at you.
“You were expecting a man.” You say in an amused tone before gesturing towards the box of beers. “Starting a little early.”
“Ah no.” Daniel says his cheeks colouring just a little as he sets them on the desk beside him. “They’re for you, a thank you for the work you’re doing with Anthony. It’s the first time I’ve seen him engaged with anything other than a video game since the divorce.”
He watches as you approach, his mouth going dry. There’s a sensuality to your movements, a gracefulness and it sends heat flushing through Daniel as he watches your fingertips caress the glass of each of the bottles as you study the flavours.
“A nice variation.” You say before slotting them back in the cardboard. “You’ve picked some of my favourites Mr LaRusso.”
“Danny.” He asserts and the edges of your mouth tip up into a smile.
Something blossoms in his chest and it feels like he’s seeing the sun rise for the very first time. This is what he was missing with Amanda, this passion, this fire.
“Ok Danny.” You say and he loves the way his name rolls off his lips. “What can I help you with?”
“I wanted to know if you do sessions like this after the summer? Anthony, he’s really excited about working with you. My ex-wife and I would really like to keep the momentum going if we can, make sure he has a creative outlet.” Danny tells you as you lean back against the desk.
“I run sessions out of my studio in Santa Monica. Each student works on their own project, they start with their own concept and then develop it, I’m there to show them the techniques, help them make it a reality and they take those skills into the next project.” You inform Danny as he settles beside you. Your perfume floods his senses, something floral with citrus notes, it reminds him of the first days of spring. “The stuff we’re learning in class this week is very basic and Anthony has taken to it really well. I think his interest in mechanics and the way things work definitely helps.”
“Mechanics?” Daniel repeats, crossing his arms over his chest. This is the first time he’s hearing anything about Anthony taking after him in that respect.
“Not the traditional concept like cars and engines, I mean more like cause and effect." You explain as you tuck your hands into the pockets of the cobalt blue blazer you’re wearing. “It’s why he’s so interested in games like Minecraft, he likes to see the effect that one thing has on another, kinda like Mousetrap. He’s trying to figure out how to make things move in his sculpture work.”
“I honestly had no idea he was into any of this stuff.” Daniel says rubbing his palm over the back of his neck.
“Kids don’t really share a lot with their parents at this age.” You reassure him before picking up a post it note and scribbling on it. “Why don’t you come by my studio, get a feel for what I do?”
You hand him the post it note and he studies the address, this thumb tracing lightly over the writing.
“I’ll do that.” He tells you as the bell rings, signalling the start of class. "I’ll try to stop by tonight.”
Love Danny? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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kamaluhkhan · 9 months ago
🍉 fics for gaza
while @ficsforgaza is focused on animanga and video games fandoms, it's inspired me to do something similar to help raise funds for palestine ! click here to learn more about this amazing initiative (how to participate, creator masterlist, etc.)
other ways to support palestine:
boycott companies complicit in israeli apartheid
click this website daily; generated ad revenue is donated to palestinian causes
follow palestinian journalists like bisan owda, plestia alaqad, and hind khoudary; al jazeera is a news outlet that reports on what's happening, without an western bias
learn more about the history of palestine (some resources are the palestine academy and decolonize palestine)
check out this post (updated regularly) for donation links and petitions to sign
how does it work?
🍉 send me a message/ask with your request ! if i accept, then please send a screenshot as a proof of donation; remember to cover any personal information.
🍉 make a donation !
@/ficsforgaza has a list of fundraisers and charities to choose from;
gaza funds picks a random vetted gofundme each time you click the page;
other charities like palestinian children's relief fund or medical aid for palestine
🍉 once i get donation confirmation, i will try and have the request written within 3-5 days !
🍉 you will be mentioned as a sponsor of the fic when i'll post it; if you wish to remain anonymous, please let me know beforehand !
🍉 my blog is 18+....minors DNI !
request a fic - $10 per request (recommended)
🍉 in exchange for your donation, i'll write you a short one shot !
note: while i recommend $10 per request, i also recognize that everyone has different financial situations. if your donation is less (or more) than the recommended amount, i might still accept your request depending on if it is within my scope as a write. any donation helps!
🍉 i can write for these fandoms/characters:
percy jackson and the olympians: luke castellan, book!percy jackson (18+)
marvel: shuri udaku, michelle jones, peter parker (mcu or tasm), kate bishop, gwen stacy
miscellaneous: conrad fisher (the summer i turned pretty), any zendaya or ayo edebiri character (but no rpf!!)
🍉 i write pretty much any genre (fluff, angst, smut, etc.) and i'm open to any trope (friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, found family, secret relationship, college au, etc.), but please contact me with your idea before to make sure i can write it; you can send me a message or an ask !
🍉 if you aren't sure what to request, @nightprompts has this list of general dialogue starters i'm open to writing; remember to also lmk which character you are making the request for !
last updated: 08/06/24
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Law & Order: Sah Edition
“She looks sad. She looks angry. She looks different from everyone else I know—she cannot put on that happy face others wear when they know they are being watched. She doesn’t put on a face for me, which makes me trust her somehow.”
Updated rules for writing with this RP blog! Please like it when you've read them!
Rule 1: Multi-Fandom, Multi-Verse, Multi-Ship, and OC Friendly.
Please note that I am open to a wide range of fandoms, universes, ships, and original characters (OCs). However, for a smooth and engaging interaction, I need to feel that our muses are compatible. If it seems unlikely that our characters will connect meaningfully, I may not follow back. This isn't personal—sometimes muses just don't align. Additionally, if you are using a side-blog, kindly inform me so I can make sure to follow your RP blog directly. Thank you!
Rule 2: Post Formatting and Reply Ettiquite.
I strive to respond to threads in a timely manner, but please understand that muse can be unpredictable at times. If it's been about a week or so without a reply or update on a particular thread, feel free to reach out to me here or on Discord— I'm more than happy to hear from you! Regarding writing format, I tend to write longer replies, but please don’t feel pressured to match that length. As long as you provide a paragraph or two in return, that’s more than enough. When I post from my laptop or desktop, I might include banners, GIFs, and occasionally style the text, though I keep it simple overall. I don't mind how you choose to format your replies—whether using icons or not, or with or without formatting. I’m here to write with you, and I’m sure you have great aesthetics! Let’s just enjoy the process together.
Rule 3: I do not forget people on purpose.
I understand that it may appear as though I’m consistently replying to certain individuals, but I want to clarify that this is often due to personal connections or close affiliations with those writers. Sometimes, I may simply have more creative energy for one thread at a given time, while others are on pause. Please know that I do not intentionally ignore anyone. If you ever notice me engaging with a specific person and want to check in or ask how I’m doing, feel free to reach out! I’m always happy to chat. Thank you for your understanding. :)
Rule 4: Type of RP blog I run and who are welcome to intereact and how!
This is a mutually exclusive, multimuse, multiverse, multiship and crossover-friendly RP blog. And for the safety and comfort of all involved, I kindly request that all interactions be with individuals who are 21 or older. The mun behind this blog is 25+, so this is a necessary guideline for both the mun and muses. While anonymous asks are welcome for lighthearted scenarios and skits, I do require knowing who I’m writing with before engaging in any threads, whether through asks or posts. Please feel free to introduce yourself in whichever manner you feel most comfortable. Thank you for understanding!
Rule 5: Ask Memes.
Feel free to send as many asks as you'd like—I truly enjoy them! However, please keep in mind that it may take me some time to respond. I appreciate your patience! I do reserve the right to delete any asks that I deem inappropriate or if I simply feel I lack the inspiration to respond to them. For Ask Memes, they will be posted in their own separate threads and considered as thread starters for those specific characters. I view these memes as a great way to break the ice and make it easier to continue interactions! If you’re running a multimuse blog, please be sure to specify which muse you are writing as when sending asks or starter calls. It helps me to respond more accurately! If you're unsure, feel free to provide a couple of options, and I’ll do my best to choose or reply accordingly. If this isn’t specified, I may either disregard the ask or respond with a random muse. Thank you so much for your understanding, and I look forward to interacting with you! <3
Rule 6: Plotting and Thread Content.
I enjoy pre-plotting threads, so don’t be surprised if, when we first start discussing potential interactions, I suggest talking things through in detail. While I’m open to winging things as well, I do want to note that I’m not the best at writing starters, so I tend to ask my partner to initiate the first post! Please be mindful that I prefer not to be pressured about specific ships, plots, or ideas. If I express that I don’t feel something would work well, I kindly ask that you respect my decision and refrain from bringing it up repeatedly. Your understanding and cooperation are greatly appreciated!
Rule 7: Shipping Muses and Thread Content.
I’m a big fan of shipping and exploring different dynamics, but I believe that chemistry between characters is key. Please don’t take it personally if things don’t develop as we initially expected—sometimes, muses just don’t align the way we hope. I truly appreciate your understanding! I'm not just looking for romantic relationships but familial ones as well as friendships and platonic ones. However, I do not very often change a muse's sexual orientation, so if they identify as "Straight," then that's how I'm writing them, and so on and on.
Rule 8: Approaching different verser or crossovers.
I recently came across a plot idea that I thought was really creative and wanted to share. "An AU where our muses discover the ability to jump into any book they choose. They can explore different worlds, until one day, they land in a fandom where they get stuck. Now, they must navigate the story, avoid being noticed, and figure out how to fix things without meeting a grim fate." This concept is how I approach crossovers, so if you're ever interested in exploring something similar, that's the kind of framework I enjoy! It's a fun way to blend fandoms and create unique scenarios where our characters have to adapt to unfamiliar settings.
Rule 9: Sah's State of Mind.
I want to be transparent about my mental health, as it can sometimes affect my interactions here. I have been diagnosed with PTSD, anxiety, insomnia, bipolar disorder type 2, severe depression, schizoaffective disorder, and borderline personality disorder. Despite my best efforts, these conditions can influence my actions, and at times, I may need to take a step back or become quieter for a few days. I never anticipated needing to outline this as a rule, but it's important for you to understand that these health challenges are part of who I am. If you're unfamiliar with borderline personality disorder or any of my other conditions, I encourage you to learn more about them to better understand my experience. I tend to become anxious and worried that I may have unknowingly offended someone, particularly if there’s a delay in communication, like not receiving a reply OOC (out of character), or feeling like I’ve been ignored or ghosted. If you’re someone who struggles with directly telling me if you're no longer interested in talking or writing with me, I kindly ask that you reconsider approaching me. I deeply value the OOC relationships I build with the wonderful muns behind the muses, and I invest a lot into those connections. Please know that I won’t apologize for caring about our interactions.
Rule 10: The Trigger Tagging Situation Here on this RP Blog.
If someone specifically requests that I tag something, I will make every effort to ensure it’s properly tagged. However, I do want to be transparent and say that, more often than not, I can be a bit forgetful when it comes to tagging. I apologize in advance for any oversight. I do my best to keep everyone’s rules in mind, but with the number of people I interact with and my own memory limitations, it’s not always feasible to remember every detail. Because of this, I offer flexibility with my own rules and would greatly appreciate it if the same understanding is extended to me. Please know that I never intend to violate anyone’s rules or cause discomfort, and I’m always open to communication if something needs to be addressed. Your understanding and patience mean a lot!
Rule 11: The content and warnings that come with this RP Blog.
I don’t have many specific triggers to list, but I’m generally open to exploring a wide range of themes. I make an effort to tag all darker threads accordingly, so if you’re interested in exploring content of that nature, please feel free to add me on Discord or DM me directly to discuss. However, please be aware that there may be taboo ships featured on this blog, such as those from Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon, and these themes may extend to other fandoms as well. Some content I may engage with includes, but is not limited to: gore, horror, smut, incest, assault, violence, blood, mental and physical disorders, pain, drugs, and alcohol. This list may expand over time as new ideas emerge. If any of these themes make you uncomfortable, I completely understand if you choose not to engage. Your comfort and boundaries are respected, and I won’t take offense if you decide to step away.
Rule 12: When FOLLOWING me or UNFOLLOWING me | When to Soft Block vs Hard Block.
We all know that Tumblr can be glitchy, and things like being unfollowed and refollowed can happen unexpectedly. If you've soft blocked me and I unknowingly re-follow you, I realize that may cause some discomfort for both of us. While I understand that there may be reasons behind this, I’m not entitled to an explanation, but I would prefer it if, in cases where you feel the need to soft block me, you simply hard block my RP blog instead. This way, we can avoid any confusion or awkwardness. Additionally, I regularly clean up my followers list, so if you notice I’ve unfollowed you and it seems random, it could be because I mistakenly thought we were no longer mutuals. If this happens, especially if you’re following me from a side blog (which I have no problem with at all!), please feel free to let me know. I’d really appreciate it, and it will help clear up any misunderstandings. Thank you!
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coralinnii · 1 year ago
congratulations on the 2.7k followers 🎉🎉 you really deserve it^^ you're writing is just so good and amazing i'm so happy more people recognise your talent <3 (also i really like the fact that you opened your requests for 27h it's really a fun way to remember that you got 2.7k followers hhhh)
So i'd like to request, if it's alright with you, yuu staying at crewel's or train's place during the holidays and the messages they exchange with (riddle, ruggie, vil, epel) , just yuu having a long distance relationship with the boys if it makes sense!! you can make it platonic or romantic, I don't mind either as long as you have fun writing it ^-^
thank you in advance and again congratulations, i'm really happy for you! have a nice day <3
❋ It Doesn’t Matter Where I Am, I’m Yours ❋
↳ long-distance relationship with him over the holidays
feat: Riddle ⭑ Ruggie ⭑ Vil ⭑ Epel
genre: fluffy romance
note: no pronouns used with the reader, established relationships, reader is implied to be Yuu since Grim comes with them, reader is staying with Crewel in Riddle and Ruggie’s ver. and with Trein in Vil and Epel’s ver., nicknames are used as terms of endearment (rose and my love in Riddle’s ver., sweet lil thing in Ruggie’s ver., sweet potato in Vil’s ver.,)
How did I choose who reader stays with? With a coin flip and it somehow worked out this way :p Hope you enjoy it!
2.7K Followers Writing Event
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Riddle’s mother insisted he returned home and Professor Crewel offered demanded that you stay with him over the holidays after finding out that the cafeteria ghosts would be gone throughout the break.
If you two were still new into the relationship, Riddle was anxious over this separation, he's gotten used to the routine of seeing you every day and he can't imagine a day without you, let alone a month. The sweet redhead insisted you keep in contact with him every day, no matter what.
He knew that his mother would set him a schedule filled to the minute with studies and magic practice but he managed to convince her to give him 30 minutes with his phone, in the guise of keeping updated with his dormmates as the Housewarden. He may even try to wake up a little earlier just to text you good morning
teenage rebellion?
But Riddle is not the most familiar with texting slang and lingo, being the type to write out every message with proper grammar, spelling, and explanation points.
At first, he sounded like, albeit sweet, a daily weather update. Riddle once read in a book that a good conversation starter is “Nice weather we have” and just went with it.
As the days went by, Riddle has gotten more comfortable and soon the 30 minutes doesn’t seem enough for him. He wants to tell you more about his hometown (even if he couldn’t leave his home), mention how Trey and Chenya would occasionally sneak a visit, even little tidbits of something he learned from his studies you might find interesting, anything to spend time with you.
If you send him random videos you found online, Riddle would be so confused and won’t understand the humour of it but will text you it was funny just to make you happy (this precious confused child).
Whenever Riddle unintentionally texts you something sweet, Crewel gives you an exasperated look your way as your joyous gushing would startle the puppies.
But Crewel sighs with a little smile on his lips and let you be, better Riddle than those trouble-making Heartslabyul duo. At least with Grim, his trained dogs can keep him in check while the two of you are here.
Riddle is incredibly happy to be able to speak with you everyday but secretly he’s mentally counting the days when he could see you again at school.
His messages
“Good morning, Rose. Today is forecasted to be windy where you are. Be sure to stay warm”
“The cat is adorable. However, I do not understand what is a “blep”.”
“Grim was reprimanded by Crewel and his dogs for trying to steal extra snacks? Perhaps Heartslabyul should adopt a few as well”
“It’s already 2 minutes before I must get ready for sleep? It’s unfortunate but I must go for today. Good night, my love. I will greet you first thing in the morning”
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Ruggie was surprised that you were going to stay with Professor Crewel this holiday break but he was going to be busy with seasonal part-time jobs anyway so he wasn’t planning on visiting you (Crewel would’ve sent his dogs on him if he did, anyway).
Due to his irregular work schedules, you couldn’t predict when Ruggie would text you. Different part-time jobs would give him different break times so you and Grim could be helping Crewel to feed his puppies and suddenly you had to hide the cute text your boyfriend sent you from a suspicious Crewel.
“Pup, who was that?”
“Just Ruggie…don’t look, it’s embarrassing!”
Ruggie may even write over-the-top lovey-dovey messages to you, partly to annoy Crewel, but mostly because he does mean them
But sometimes Ruggie would get too tuckered out to text you and would apologize for not replying as soon as he could the next day.
It’s understandable, though. Which is why you tried to text more to lift his spirits, so that everytime he opens up his messages, he reads your little motivational messages.
“Don’t forget to eat lots, my hardworking hyena! I’m so proud of you <3”
Ruggie’s coworkers won’t get a single explanation to Ruggie’s sudden burst of energy in the second half of the day, nor his wagging tail. But they can guess that is something to do with you, judging by the goofy smile the hyena beastman has on throughout his shift.
His grandmother is very aware of your presence in Ruggie’s life, not that he’s very subtle. She sees the way Ruggie gets a toothy grin so early in the morning just by looking at his phone, or the way his ears perk up when his phone vibrates.
His messages
“Mornin’, sweet lil thing. How’s life with Mr. Tall, Dark, and Grumpy? Shyehehe, wouldn’t be surprised if he gave ya some homework while ya there”
“Grandma made some of her famous donuts. When we come back, I’ll make some for ya so look forward it”
“The kids are badgering me to show ‘em the pic of ya. Even Grandma is curious! She wanna know who’s been making me so happy so…do ya mind?”
“It’s weird. Even with my work and the kids, I still feel kinda bored. I wanna see ya soon. I can’t believe that I might want school to actually open sooner”
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Holidays would be a busy time for Vil. Even if he specified that he’s prioritizing his studies, he would occasionally agree to a gig or two, just to ensure he stays relevant in the business.
Funnily enough, Professor Trein offered to house you during the holidays since his wife heard that you were spending the holidays all alone in your depreciated dorm (what’s the difference with any other day, though?) and wouldn’t let that be. Both Trein and Vil live in the Shaftlands but it was still miles away from each other and with Vil’s busy life, you couldn’t really see each other over the break.
Cautious of his situation, Vil is careful with when and where he is when he’s messaging. It’s not that his agency would ever let anybody with ill intentions come close to him, but he doesn’t want to drag into this world where social vultures could harm you.
Vil’s texts are professional but always sweet and filled with concern for you. Asking you how was your day, if you have eaten yet, and if you remembered to take care of yourself (then reprimand you if you did forget).
In the comfort of his home, Vil would video call you as he does his skincare routine, content with listening to you as you tell him about your day and talking about the most random things, because you look so beautiful to him when you do.
If you gush about how amazing the Shaftlands was as Trein and his wife showed you and Grim around, Vil would entertain the thought of showing you around his hometown with you. Just the two of you.
One day, Vil’s father was passing by as the two of you were on your video calls which is when Vil finally introduces you to his father. The older man is pleased to finally meet the one who’s making his son so happy and even excited to return to school. Vil chose not to comment on this.
His messages
“It may not be as cold there as it is here, but be sure to put on your moisturizer. Just because I’m not there to take care of you doesn’t mean you have a day off, sweet potato”
“Oh, you saw my interview this afternoon? Well of course, I was nothing short of pure elegance. But thank you, my dear. I truly appreciate your kind words. Hmm? Of course, I will tell you my next appearance”
“Sweet potato, your eyes seem tired today. Are you alright? You stayed up watching movies? Good grief, I told you how bad that was…you were watching my early works? …That is no excuse, we can watch them together when we return to college”
“Professor Trein told you and Grim that you could visit my town sometime next week? Hmm, I will discuss with my agent and I will show you around myself. Hmm? No, it’s no trouble. What inconsiderate man would think a date with his beloved would be trouble. I will see you soon”
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Epel was surprised that you were actually going to be closer than he realized when you told him that you were staying with Professor Trein and his family over the break.
However, Trein’s town still isn’t exactly close and Epel was going to help out his family on the farm throughout the break anyway so the two of you couldn’t meet up as much as you really wanted to.
Texting while he was working outside wasn’t easy with the gloves Epel had to deal with so he opted with taking pictures, voice messages, and video calls whenever he could. He sends you pictures of some of the newly harvested apples and raves over the great harvest this year, which you found absolutely adorable (but you kept that to yourself).
He tried his very best to be sneaky about his calls to you though, because the townspeople would tease him and gush about young love whenever they catch him sending messages on the job.
“Look at my lil’ apple. All grown up an’ smitten”
It wasn’t any less embarrassing on your end as Trein’s daughters were also staying during the holidays and quickly caught you on your phone leaving cute messages for Epel. They’ve taken up the older sister role and lovingly grill you over your relationship.
“Does he give you flowers or chocolates? No? Hmph, how disappointing”
“He may be a hard worker, but if he isn’t a gentleman, he’s not husband material!”
The sisters were only a little bit impressed when after you jokingly told Epel about that embarrassing conversation, there was a crate of genuine Harveston apple juice. Atop of the crate, there was a note formally wishing the Trein family well and thanking them for taking care of you.
Epel may have wanted to prove to you he can be a man, but now he also wants to prove he’s a gentleman…and also husband material.
His messages
“Is it cold where ya are? Be sure to get real cozy and warm. Huh, Grim’s been complaining? Haha, Shaftlands chills ain’t no joke”
“The town’s real happy about the harvest this season. Gonna be another year of delicious foods this time around. I really wanna share with ya when we get back to school”
“Do you like the apple juice I sent ya? It’s made with the apples I picked myself, you know. Gotta only be the best for ya afterall”
“Grandma has been naggin’ to bring ya over to visit. To be honest…I want that too. I miss ya a lot”
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ancientforgcd · 4 months ago
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By liking (or commenting for side blogs) this post means that you are giving me permission to do the following, which includes but isn’t limited to:
Tag You In Random Starters
Send You Ask memes
Come at you with AU’s for our muses (granted sometimes they’ll be half assed)
Plot With You
Tag You In Stuff
Invade Your Ask box
Send You Headcanons About Our Muses
Tag you in shit that I come across that makes me take pause and think ‘Yup. This is them. This is them to a T. This is our idiots.
The right to tag you in wishlist stuff;
The above call extends to all forms of ships, including but not restricted to: friendships, romantic ships, companionships, enemy combatant ships, apprenticeships, and really any ship(s) you can think of.
This is also my way of telling you that all of the above can be reciprocal
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oh-nostalgiaa · 1 year ago
Writing Prompt Masterlist, Part Five
Masterlist of Writing Prompt Masterlists
The Prompts
28 Days of Smut Prompts
50 Dialogue Prompts, Part Two
50 Vague Angsty + Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts
50 Ways to Say I Hate You Prompts
79 Dialogue Prompts
After the Kiss Response Prompts
And They Were Roommates Prompts
Angst Prompts for All Your Heartbreak Needs
Angsty Dialogue Prompts
Angsty Sentence Starter Prompts
Arranged Matrimony for Royalty Prompts
Baby, It's Cold Outside Prompts
Best Friends to Lovers Prompts
Bubbly + Reserved Romance Dialogue Prompts
Childhood Exes to Lovers Prompts
Childhood Friends to Lovers (Reuniting & Reigniting) Prompts
Chilly Winter Prompts
Christmas Pick-Up Lines Sentence Starter Prompts
Comforting Sentence Starter Prompts
Confrontation Prompts
Dancing in the Rain Prompts
Death Prompts That Tore My Heart Apart
December Prompts
Defending the Right to Not Say Prompts
Dire Situations Prompts
Emotional Hurt / Comfort Prompts
Emotional Starters to Kick You in the Feelings Prompts
Extremely Self-Indulgent Prompts
Fan x Celebrity Prompts
Fluffy Moments Prompts
Gestures to Get You on Your Knees Prompts
Hand Touching Prompts
Heartbreak Sentence Starter Prompts
Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts
Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts, Part II
Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts, Part III
Hurt and Comfort Dialogue Prompts
I Love You Prompts
Injured & Healers Prompts
January Prompts
Kiss Sentence Starter Prompts
Love Languages - Quality Time Prompts
Magic Fatigue / Exhaustion / Overuse Prompts
Meaningful Gestures Prompts
Modern Royalty AU Prompts
More Break-Up Dialogue Prompts
More Sick Prompts
More Teasing Dialogue Prompts
Mostly Angsty Drabble Prompts
Non-verbal Starter Prompts
Noticing / Being Noticed Prompts
One True Pairing Moments Prompts
Other Ways to Say I Love You Starter Prompts
Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body Prompts
Physical Contact Starter Prompts
Pillow Thoughts Prompts
Post-Breakup AU Prompts
Prompt List #1
Prompt List #2
Prompt List #3
Prompt Set 2
Prompt Set 3
Prompt Set 7
Prompt Set 8
Prompt Set 10
Prompt Set 18
Prompt Set 25
Prompts for Angsty Conversations
Prompts for Characters Who Are Slowly Falling in Love
Question Sentence Starter Prompts
Random Angsty Sentence Starter Prompts
Reunion After Physical Trauma Prompts
Romantic Date Dialogue Prompts
Roommates to Lovers (Who Are Scared to Confess) Prompts
Royal Arranged Marriage Dialogue Prompts
Royalty Dialogue Prompts
Royalty Forced Marriage to Actual Lovers Prompts
Scenarios with Undertones of Tension Prompts
Seduction Starter Prompts
Send a Number to Do X With Prompts
Set the Scene Prompts
Sexy / Suggestive Dialogue Prompts
Sinful Sentence Prompts
Six Word Sentence Starter Prompts
Softer Shippy Prompts
Spending Time Together Prompts
Super Soft Intimacy Prompts
Symbol Meme Starter Prompts
Tearful Goodbye Prompts
Teasing Prompts
Tired / Exhausted / Feeling Very Weak Starter Prompts
Tol & Smol Prompts
Valentine Interactions Prompts
Valentine's Day Prompts
Where to Land Prompts
Whump Dialogue Prompts
Words of Love Prompts
Worried Sentence Starter Prompts
Year of the OTP 2023 Prompts
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incandescentia · 3 months ago
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this is the official permanent interaction & general interest call! by being my mutuals in this blog and interacting with this post ( just give it like or comment OK, no reblog except if it's just me please ), it means I'm given a permission to:
tag you in random starters ( doesn't have to be prompted by a starter call ) with whichever muse we both see fit for interactions
send you in-character prompts & interactions through your inbox, prompted via memes or not
continuing asks into threads
making specific tags, playlist, aesthetic, collaboration edits ( i will study more p.hotoshop for this ), and whatnot between our muses. commissioning fanarts? that is also one possibility, yes...
plotting in general, which may extend into shipping if there's a chemistry between our characters. you can read more about my POV regarding shipping here just fyi.
hop over to your discord or IM ( discord preferrable, as tumblr IM is not the best communication channel ) to discuss about plots or just chat in general!
as communication goes both ways, these points above apply to you as well!
***this post will be directly linked to my pinned post and may be reblogged from time to time ; interactions are OK at any time.
cred. psd(s) by somresouces & iconsdeluxe @ dA, art by 鷭名ソカナ @ sk.eb
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createwithintent · 3 months ago
Journaling ideas for beginners
From a person who's been doing it for over 5 years 🤍
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What you hope Your day will look like , and then an eventual reflection on what went well/or could improve
Lists: wishlists, desires, hopes, whatever you can think off
You could keep random trinkets, wrappers, tickets in a separate pouch
You can't really go wrong with stickers and pressed flowers
tiny comics about funny encounters you had
Specific songs and what they mean to you
Write in your target language! (Mine is French)
You could practice calligraphy if you're wanting to improve your handwriting
Scripting: write your future as if it's the present to manifest it into your reality
Swatches of your fave makeup (might do this with my lipstick collection sometime 🎀)
Countdowns, progress checkers, calendars to track certain things (maybe like a sober counter?)
Research fun essays about whatever (e.g. philosophy, crocheting, psychologyplsnts, crystals, etc.)
Nice quotes and/or compliments you heard or received throughout the day
Things you're grateful for
Bad poetry you wrote
Conversation starters
Love letters
Ur current interests
Write haikus
Acrylic paintings on random pages
Tarot readings
Tea tabs
Make up your own aesthetic
Plan out your dream home!
Beauty tips you wanna pass on one day
Study tips (on another note: I'll make another post with my tips for exam prep)
Make a map with your favorite locations in your area
I'd be a fool if i didn't add Shadow work to this list, it's a way to access your deepest and confront yourself with your past. I totally recommend this for anyone (fair warning: it'll get intense)
Collages with random stuff or pics (or with a specific intention)
Lyrics that you hold dear
Cute notes for yourself to rediscover again
Dreams you've had
Signs from the universe (numerology, animals, angel numbers...)
Letters you won't ever send
Extensive book reviews (or fanfics, i wont judge)
Money (seriously, it always improves my mood to find a random bill of 20 in my old journals but just be careful!!!)
Write your own stories! (Make an oc that lives your dream life or something 🩷)
Mantras, affirmations, etc..
Your daily routines
Pictures: magazine cutouts or Polaroids
Happy journaling!
Also my asks are open!
So feel free to submit a question 🤍🤍🤍🫶🏾
With love,
Elle 🤍
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dozing-marshmallow · 3 months ago
Hey heyy!
I know this request is random
but can I have an The Real Frankie Oneshot where the reader has a panic attack and he comforts the reader?
Also, you can include Fluff if you want :D
If Panic Attacks are allowed
HELLO!! Don’t worry, panic attacks are allowed! I am very fortunate to have you as my first request in a long while, I hope you enjoy reading and thank you for sending this in!!💖💖
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“But if you were on a plane, you would either have to eat the food they give you or the food you bring yourself.” you explained to Frankie, teaching him about planes and the average experience.
“And how does airplane food taste?” the charismatic rabbit inquired.
You shrugged,“I haven’t been on a plane in a while, and probably won’t be on one again, but from what I remember, it tastes okay. Like, it’s not the kind of thing I would go out of my way to buy, but if it’s there and I have to eat it, I’ll take it.” 
“What are the options?”
“Uh well, for lunch and dinner, personally, they did, uh, soups and you could pick chicken or vegetable.” your answer weaving from personal experience,“For breakfast, normally they’d give you two bits of toast, butter and jam if you asked.”
“No cereal?”
You snorted. Of course he would ask that,“Frankie, you’re in the sky, it’d be kinda impossible to have a bowl of cereal if the plane is constantly turning.”
“Then stop the plane.”
“What, in midair?” you chortled,“You can’t do that!”
“Why not? I see no issue. If you enjoy cereal, especially my brand, then it’s a procedure worth implementing!” he insisted, gesticulating proudly. 
“No, it’s not!” you counter argued, shifting passionately in your seat to face him,“For starters, it would delay the entire flight. You don’t know people like how I know people, Frankie, and we’re already an impatient bunch when the flight is going smoothly. So no one, even serious cereal enjoyers, would want to have cereal if it means-” your body was beginning to bathe in a rapid warmth, but you dismissed it to be the changes in the room temperature,“If it means…the entire plane has to stop midair.”
“Uh huh?” He responded with an impish glint in his smile, daring you to go on.
“Then, like I said, uh…” For some reason, your confidence was crumbling away. Where was the pride? The anticipation? You tried to regain it by thought. However, it unexpectedly did the opposite- it wasn’t the delightfully laughable plane scenario that painted your mind anymore, but the motion sickness. Motion sickness? Yeah, the sickness you get. When the plane’s moving.
You look down at your chair. Your chair wasn’t moving, but you felt like vomiting. Your stomach was squirming uncomfortably. Where was this feeling coming from?
“Uh, yeah-” Where were you again? You started blinking rapidly,“Sorry… I-I think I got uh…som…some…”
Now your speech. You lowered your head and tried to bring your hand up to your eye, but you were trembling. Trembling…? What…? You’ve gone so lightheaded. Your chest tightened, as though your diaphragm suddenly yanked every bit of it. It’s…getting hard to breathe. At this point, it was too late to realise that the source of warmness was just you.
What was going on with you? Why were you acting like this? Everything was fine! You were having a great conversation!
Frankie was getting concerned, his mischief long gone,“Contestant? Is everything alright?”
You wanted to say yes. But you couldn’t.
You don’t know what answer you gave because you simply couldn’t hear anything, apart from the aggressive banging of your heart against your eardrums. Your hand was still trembling.
What the hell? Why…were you reacting this way? You don’t understand. The danger is over. You’re not in danger anymore.
So...why... Why...
Why is your body reacting like this?
Stop it...
Stop it.
Stop it!
“Stop it... Stop it...” you shuddered, gritting sweatily through your teeth, though it was no use. Your heartbeat wasn’t resting, your hand was still trembling, your chest hurts, your chest hurts!
Was Frankie talking? You don’t know, but you vaguely felt his large hand patting your back. The weight of it forced the fabric of your clothes down, sticking onto your frightened body as a result of sweat.
“Help me… Help me… I-I can’t stop this!” you mumbled desperately.
This was the worst. You could barely move and yet, so much was going on in you. Every inhale felt tortuous with the heavy agony caging your chest. Your mouth was opened and the warmth was suffocating, until you could make out what Frankie was saying again. 
“Stay with me, contestant! Can you try naming five colours? Any colour you can think of.”
“Colours…” you murmured, the line between your eyelids and the room still clashing with each other. You gulped, praying you wouldn’t vomit while providing your answer,“Uh… Um… Red… Grey… Brown… Pink… Purple.”
You didn’t vomit. In fact, that small exercise was enough to lift some nausea in exchange for some control in moving your head and abandoning the excessive blinking.
“Very good, lucky contestant, you are doing an incredible job!” Frankie cheered, his towering build almost resetting it all,“Now that you can move your head again, can you name five things you see, besides me?”
Five things… Your chest was slowly allowing you to inhale longer, re-energising your voice,“Um…” you hastily looked around, the hotness on your forehead condensing into droplets,“C-Cereal boxes… Whiteboard… Posters… Um… M-Monitors! And this desk…?”
“Bravo!” he cheered once more, gazing down at you,“How are you feeling? Any better?”
Yes…you did. Your body was still again and you didn't think you were gonna die! What a relief, a relief! Yet you gulped, the last lingering need to vomit faded,“I-I’m here…” you could speak now.
“Yes, you are.” Frankie affirmed, still patting your back.
“The… The game is over, right..? I-I won, right?” you asked, meek like a skylark.
“Yes you did!” he affirmed once more,“Good grief, lucky contestant! What happened to you?”
Guilt immediately displaced your dizziness: not only had you interrupted the flow of the conversation, but you couldn’t even offer a good explanation for it,“I…don’t know myself. This kinda thing has never happened to me before.” Disorientation fogged your senses. How could something happen and just go away like it didn’t? If Frankie wasn’t there, you would have believed so.
On the return of your rationality, it clicked.
You weren’t a doctor, but you were grown enough to connect the dots. In the game, you were so focused on keeping yourself alive, that you couldn’t focus on the emotionally taxing effects. It appeared that your brain had literally locked your anxiety away from your consciousness to pour more focus into sustaining your fight or flight, doing everything it possibly could to take you out of death’s claws.
Yes… You remember how you were barely hanging over your anxiety and how narrowed your focus was on just surviving.
Now that you had, it all oozed out.
You still don’t understand, the game- the game had ended a while ago. Why didn’t this weird experience happen right after?
You take a few more breaths, trying to restore your pulse back to normal and remove the stiffness from your chest. You could speak normally now.
“Thank you…” your gratitude left your composed lips gently. The rabbit robot could have dismissed or mocked you, yet he helped you,“I’m sorry about that.”
He patted your head, unbothered,“Don’t apologise! I can’t have my contestant doing the next season in such a frightened state!” he chirped,“So, what was that all about anyway? Did you choke?”
You pause. This was tricky. Do you tell him what happened or do you lie?
There wasn’t time to weigh the pros and cons, you had to answer. Then again, your silence would affirm that it wasn’t something spontaneous.
“Uh… Well, I think it’s more of a psychological…” you didn’t know how you were going to phrase it, since your starting words already had Frankie tilting his head.
“Psychological? But I saw it!”
“No no, I know, that’s not what I meant. I mean…” you gave yourself time to word it by taking another breath,“This, I think, happened because in the gameshow, when my life was on the line, I…couldn’t acknowledge how stressful it was, so now that I’m safe, it, well, I guess my body feels comfortable with coming to terms with it?” you didn’t know if that made sense; it appeared to.
“Ah!” The sound to mark the lightbulb switching on in his black beady eyes,“Right, I see! I knew that there’s a response system contestants act on, but never thought it would be possible for a contestant to unintentionally delay whatever should have been felt ages ago!” he confessed,“Apologies, contestant! As I’ve said before, you’re the first to have made it this far, so you’ll have to excuse me if I’m ignorant to these things.”
That was both heartwarming and cruel. On one hand, Frankie was worried and clearly was willing to learn more about how people functioned, but on the other hand…
Whatever. You can’t really complain or point out the paradox of the situation when he did choose to give you the support you needed.
That’s why you nodded and beamed,“It’s fine… I appreciate how you’re being polite about it.”
“It’s a given!” he claimed, taking his hand off your head,“So uh, you want to go back to testing your persuasion skills on why stopping the plane to eat cereal is a bad idea?”
The proposal was so ridiculous, you just had to accept.
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heartpunished · 2 months ago
permanent interactions call !
               You’ve all been around long enough to know how these work: If we’re mutuals, hit the heart ( or reply with a little ❤️ if that’s more you’re thing ) and I’ll
tag you in random starters
spam you with memes
send you headcanons
make you stuff for what we’ve developed
just be a general in and out of character annoyance to you ( jk ily 😘 )
But before liking this, I do have to put down a few ground rules to ensure my comfort and that everything’s organised the way I like it.
We have to be mutuals, obviously.
You have to be 18+ as this blog has some dark themes that I don’t want to expose minors to.
You have to have read my guidelines.
You have to read the biography ( or at least headcanons ) bc we know I'm trash with bios.
You have to be okay to handle said dark themes present: as the main themes here are body horror and psychological horror, plus the blood, guts and gore that generally come with the supernatural and dark fantasy themes. This ones more for you guys knowing where your boundaries are.
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protectxthem · 4 months ago
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By liking and commenting which muse(s) of mine you want (or commenting for side blogs) on this post means that you are giving me permission to do the following, which includes but isn’t limited to:
Tag You In Random Starters
Send You Ask memes
Come at you with AU’s for our muses (granted sometimes they’ll be half assed)
Plot With You
Tag You In Stuff
Invade Your Ask box
Send You Headcanons About Our Muses
Tag you in shit that I come across that makes me take pause and think ‘Yup. This is them. This is them to a T. This is our idiots.
The right to tag you in wishlist stuff.
The above call extends to all forms of ships, including but not restricted to: friendships, romantic ships, companionships, enemy combatant ships, apprenticeships, and really any ship(s) you can think of.
This is also my way of telling you that all of the above can be reciprocal
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makinggifsolson · 10 months ago
a quick guide on how to plot in a rp group
Hello friends. As I journeyed through different groups I noticed a trend in interactions with writers and trying to plot with them for their characters. It seemed like there was a disconnect on what plotting means and that was making answering plot calls really difficult and frustrating. I wanted to whip together a quick guide with actionable items to help with plotting! However, I think it's important to also note that plotting doesn't have to be deep — they can something simple that leaves a lot up to chemistry. Even "random" interactions can be used for plotting purposes for people that really work well off of chem. Everyone is different, and both plots and chem are great ways to write together!
plots vs connections
One of the biggest mistakes that I've seen with plotting is that people mistake plots for connections and vice versa. A Plot is an actionable item that you can use to write the characters doing something. It can be a broad character arc, or several points of conflict or interaction that generates threads. True plots make it easy to generate a thread from some context to what we think will start the interaction between the two characters.
examples: one character took another character's coffee order. one character caught another character from falling. one character likes art and the other doesn't and they went to a museum.
A Connection is how the characters know each other. This can be familial relationships, platonic relationships, romantic relationships, and so on.
examples: they met at a coffee shop. they went to the same festival. they are exes. they're cousins.
Often, connections are a great place to start, as the plot can be built off from the connection. However, if it's left at just the connection (such as, they're cousins!) it can be hard to create a thread or interaction from the connection. If the characters are cousins, or they did meet at a coffee shop, what's their relationship like? How did that first coffee interaction go? Or do you want to write that coffee interaction based off chemistry? Either way, those questions help you plot!
tips on ways to maximize plotting
Read the other character's bio or about. If you don't have one for your character, make one so that people can use these content pieces as a way to start to think about their character in context to yours. Most people are pretty good at figuring out a connection, but have an issue taking it to the actionable idea. Think about general interactions you have had with people in your life, or something you've witnessed, one of those could be starting point for a thread!
Create a wanted plots page that has some simple interactions you'd like to explore. People might not read it, but then you've at least got ideas for people who might be struggling as well to think of how to plot with your character.
Check out the wanted plots tags, there's tons of great ideas for unique plots that you could use and adapt for other plots.
Think about what parts of your character that excites you. What quirks or strengths do they have that make for interesting interactions with people? I find that starting here often helps to build threads I am excited for — chemistry based ones!
Use the yes, and or the no, but methods to build in conversations with other writers. Meaning that if someone comes up with something you think could work, agree with it and then build off of it. If the idea doesn't work, however, come up with something else that is more in character that could work.
Don't be afraid to send something off the wall, and don't be afraid to turn something down that doesn't work, just be willing to build off those ideas!
If you're into chemistry over plotting, think of places a starter or thread could be at and what the two characters could be doing. This could be in addition to a connection you've selected.
I hope these tips have helped, and I wish you the very best on your rp plotting adventures!
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m4uga · 3 months ago
❝ i'm going to let you in on a little secret. i wasn't always the friendly, carefree guy you see before you today. i used to take things very seriously. i never had time for fun. one day i realised ... something had to change. i needed to work on me. now i've got a whole new outlook on life. i realised that it's okay to put myself first. found out that i have a knack for bringing people together and i learnt how to let loose with friends. i work hard and i play hard. so, i only have one question for ya ... ready to have some fun? ❞
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#𝐌𝟒𝐔𝐆𝐀: an independent, selective and mutuals only roleplay account dedicated to maugaloa malosi / mauga from overwatch 2. portrayal is based on overwatch's canon lore. slow activity will occur. read rules in my carrd before interacting. treasured by venus ♡
pinterest ┇ playlist ┇ headcanons ┇ memes ┇ interest tracker ┇ starters ┇ notes
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this is a highly triggering blog covering dark topics such as murder, torture, substance abuse, terrorism and war. i only interact with muns over 21+ for my own comfort. DNI if your content includes racism, sexism, cheating in a romantic relationship, homophobia, AI art/writing and t.rump. my triggers are trypophobia and NSFW threads. i insert triggers in my tags like this: ___ tw.
i'm a multishipper that only accepts healthy relationships with solid chemistry. mauga flirts with almost everyone he meets, so please don't think i'm force shipping on you. that's just how he is. i don’t write NSFW threads but i do make suggestive content if he's in a established relationship. it will be tagged accordingly. i only ship mauga with men.
i come and go on this account. this just means i'm unmotivated to write and busy with life. i only ask for you to be extremely patient with my replies since i’ll be doing the same thing for you.
i only follow if i’m interested in mauga interacting with your muse and have read your rules prior. i’m very OC, crossover and OC x canon friendly. please have your age stated somewhere or i will not be following back.
05. MUN
hi, i’m venus and i’m over 21+ years old. my pronouns are she/they. just keep in mind i suffer from social anxiety so it makes it hard to interact with new people but thanks for taking the time to read my rules! i'm also known as @frostise.
only mutuals can like and reblog from my account but please don't spam my content and always reblog a meme/prompt from the source! mutuals who are new are welcome to send in anything in my inbox or tag me in random starters or posts. i’ll be doing the same thing. expanding an inbox reply as a thread is accepted as well, but you and i are not obliged to reply to it if we don’t want to.
personals are not welcomed here unless you run a RP sideblog. i don't mind anons asking me or mauga questions. it's highly encouraged! any anon hate will be ignored.
plotting will be optional. my interest tracker is also optional. if you wish to speed up the process and establish a dynamic or plot, then you can fill out the sheet.
i prefer to go iconless on a reply. this doesn't mean you have to do the same. i only care about chemistry, writing and prefer our threads to be trimmed.
my portrayal of mauga will heavily rely on his canon interpretation. he's still evolving as i write him and because of this, it'll take some considerable time to learn overwatch's lore and comics.
this is a drama free blog. it will remain that way unless it's a very serious issue affecting the RPC. please do not involve me in any drama and always tag negative OOC posts.
final note: to anyone who wishes to write with me, please like this post before following me!!
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harvies · 2 months ago
THIS IS A PERMANENT STARTER CALL. hello all! this is a permanent starter call, please give this post a like if it’s alright for me to either write you a random (or plotted!) starter, or send memes your way. bonus points if you like doing multiple threads!
if you’re seeing this post a long time after it’s been posted, feel free to interact with it either way! <3
₊˚⊹ ᰔ rules . muses . open starters . memes .
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fea-resources · 25 days ago
Managing Your Drafts/Ask Count: A Roleplayer Guide
"I have so many drafts / asks right now. I'm feeling overwhelmed!"
Does this sound familiar? If it's not you personally, you probably know at least a good dozen roleplayers on your dash who have said some variation of this.
Overload and draft/ask stress is a pretty common problem in the RPC. I've seen some accounts that go well over 1,000 drafts! More than on one occasion. Yikes. That's super stressful!
So how do you manage that? And manage it in a way that keeps your followers / mutuals happy? Here's a few easy tips! From someone who has never let their draft count go over 50.
Set A Draft / Ask Limit For Yourself
The first and easiest step is to impose limits on how many drafts and asks you accumulate in the first place!
If you start feeling overwhelmed with answering things once you hit 30 drafts/asks, don't just keep pressing for more interactions until you start hitting double or even triple digits! Figure out where your comfort zone is and stick to that.
If you go a tiny bit past that (you set your limit to 30 drafts, but you have 31), that's okay! Just be careful about not using leniency as an excuse to move your own goal posts. If your limit is 30, allow yourself to go to 31, but don't start moving to 40 drafts, then 50, then 100. This is how you get yourself dug into a hole you can't get out of!
Set A Time Limit On Everything Before It Gets Deleted / Dropped
Yes, it sucks not having Asks answered and threads dropped, but it happens. Sometimes the muse just isn't musing for something, and that's totally fine!
If its an actual dedicated thread or a very special tailored custom Ask or Starter, I would recommend communicating it with your partners before yeeting it into the void, but if its just a random ask from a meme list, especially if you've already got 20 other things going with the person who sent it, you're probably safe to throw it away without much fuss. Chances are your partners won't even remember half the Asks they sent, especially if they're repeat customers who send you a lot of things.
The fact of the matter is, if something is clearly never going to be answered, there's no problem just dropping it. Otherwise its just going to be another number in an ever-increasing pile of things you're never going to answer stressing you out!
Set general time limits, like if it hasn't been answered in 2 months, it gets thrown away (unless its just one particular super ultra special ask/thread you DEFINITELY want to answer, you just haven't been able to yet ; everything else goes in the trash).
Set A Thread / Ask Limit Per Partner
Maybe you have that one person that has 50 unfinished threads with you, but lo and behold, they want to start another one! While you're still struggling to keep up with the 50 that you have with them.
If you want to give more people an equal chance, a simple solution is to divide up that everyone gets X amount of time and effort from you.
Feel free to set limits with your partners, such as "I will only do 2 threads with each person at a time". If that person wants another thread, they will have to either complete the ones you already have, or drop some.
Likewise, you might have a rule that someone can send you 10 Asks, but you will only answer up to 2 of them that you receive. The rest get deleted.
The same goes in reverse. If you already have whatever number of interactions you want with a particular person, you don't have to send them more interactions yourself until activity has dropped off enough that you want to create extra engagement to fill the void of whatever other interactions you had that used to be there.
If you're really determined to give all your partners an equal chance at interaction, this is a good route to consider going with.
Curate Your Mutuals List / How Many People You Follow And Interact With
Another one of the easy ways to deal with Draft / Ask stress: Don't follow too many people to begin with!
If someone follows you, you don't have to automatically follow them back, especially if they have a muse or universe you're unfamiliar with or not particularly interested in.
Setting yourself up to interact with muses or universes which barely hold your attention or that you struggle to figure out how to interact with is just setting yourself up to have a lot of unanswered stuff that never goes anywhere.
This is as frustrating for you as its going to become for the other person.
Likewise, only follow back and interact with the people you actually have the time and energy for. Mind you, there are ways to still effectively manage your blog if you're low energy, but that should come after you've found a comfortable number of people to keep up with, not after you're already overwhelmed!
Otherwise, you're bound to frustrate yourself with too many people you can't possibly interact with, and frustrate the people who follow you who aren't getting the engagement they're looking for.
Be Upfront About Playing Favorites (If You Do)
Nothing is more frustrating for both people in a writing partnership when two people who clearly aren't each others' mutual favorites try to interact.
What I mean specifically is that you have one person who tries really hard to engage, and another who barely puts in any effort unless its only for specific people.
Truth of the matter is, everyone has favorites. Some play favorites harder than others. Don't lie to people and say you treat everyone in your mutuals list equally if you don't. Lying to people about it is bound to create problems and resentments, and justifiably so! No one likes to be strung along.
What ends up happening is that you have one person putting in all kinds of effort to get nothing in return, and another person who keeps getting flooded with attempts at interaction they don't really want, adding to their pile of Things That Will Never Be Answered, adding to your stress with a high draft count.
The simple solution is be honest so your partners know what to expect. If there's only three people you ever care to answer and everyone else is a Once In A Blue Moon interaction, just tell people! They're bound to be far more forgiving about it if you set their expectations of you realistically. At worst, the person will quietly move along to interact with other people who actually put in the effort.
Delete Things That Just Don't Work For You
It happens. Sometimes we get an ask that no matter how we think about it, we can't think of how we want to answer it or a good situation we can turn it into.
Or sometimes we just get a bad ask.
You reblog that meme that has 100 options, and that one person you haven't agreed to Ship with sends the only 2 that involve something Shippy, like kissing.
Or they send the one Ask that would be completely out of character for anything your character would be involved with, like you've got a mustache-twirling villain who likes to kick kittens, and someone sent you a meme insinuating your character is catsitting out of the goodness of their heart.
If something just plain doesn't work no matter how you try to turn it around, delete it!
Alternatively, you can reach out to your partners and discuss how to turn the Ask into something. Maybe your partner had something specific in mind when they sent that particular ask, and its just not coming to you, but once you find out the vision of the sender, it'll be much easier to reply to!
Likewise, feel free to delete a few things that don't work for you if someone sends you a lot of Asks. Maybe someone sends you 10 different Asks. You don't have to answer every single one. Pick the ones that are easy to work with and delete the rest. If you answered 3 out of 10, you still answered 3, and that's good!
Stop Reblogging / Asking For More Memes
I'm not saying everyone should do this. Memes are great! They're good, easy interaction starters! Especially when you don't have a lot of interactions going already or you're stuck waiting in limbo for other people to reply back to you!
But if you're just using memes to run away from your ever-growing pile of unanswered things, stop yourself.
Chances are, at least half of your problem with being overwhelmed is that you're chronically reblogging memes when you don't actually need to be, further compounding your problem of having too many drafts and being even more overwhelmed as a result.
I get it. The instant gratification of getting something in your inbox is nice. Its a real dopamine rush that makes you feel good! At first. But its going to come back to bite you later.
Its also a good, quick way to ruin your relationship with people who want to interact with you. If someone is already waiting on you to answer a bunch of things they sent in, and you post "Wow, I'm feeling so overwhelmed right now because I have too many things I still need to answer! But send me more things!", that's bound to put a sour taste in peoples' mouths.
That tells your partners that you have an impulse problem and that they're bound to keep sending you things that will never be answered, which defeats the purpose of following another RP blog.
At worst, people will get tired of it and unfollow, ending all chance of interaction from ever happening at all.
Some people think the answer to solving this problem is to simply purge their inbox of everything or remake blogs "fresh". While these steps can help in some cases, if you never solve the underlying problem of actually managing your draft count moving forward, eventually you will just find yourself back to square one.
I've seen this happen plenty of times, where people purge or remake a good two, five, ten different times to make a fresh slate, only to go back to the same problem given a little bit of time, because they never took any other steps to stop from ending up in the same situation. They got rid of their draft pile, but never addressed the habits that got them there in the first place.
A good, easy first step in that is to stop endlessly reblogging memes when you already have a pile of them just sitting unanswered.
Instead of letting everything pile up to unmanageable levels and keep asking for more, prioritize going through what you already have first. Answer whatever you're able to, talk to your partners about Asks or threads you're unsure of, delete anything that you know for a fact won't go anywhere.
Then, once you've dealt with the things you already have, then you can reward yourself by reblogging more Memes and Starters and whatever else you want!
Don't Lie To Your Mutuals (Or Yourself) About Guarantees To Answer EVERYTHING
I've seen this a few times before. Someone talks about how they have over a thousand drafts, but they swear up and down to their dashboard that they answer EVERYTHING they receive, so keep sending in more!
Don't do this.
The moment I see someone saying something like this is usually the moment they instantly earn an unfollow / soft block from me, because I know they're completely full of it.
These are the people who chronically never answer anything and end up blog-hopping because they let it get so out of control that the only way forward was to purge or completely remake their blog fresh, often multiple times.
This kind of rhetoric will also establish you as a liar in the eyes of your mutuals, especially your mutuals who never get any engagement while they watch you reply only to the same five people and everyone else is just a number to brag about collecting.
There's nothing wrong with acknowledging the fact that you simply cannot and won't answer every tiny thing you receive. That kind of unrealistic expectation placed upon yourself is just going to end up creating problems for both you and your mutuals.
Learn to let some interactions and Asks go unanswered, and be honest with people that that is the case! You're a human being with finite time, not a writing machine, and your partners are more than just a number for you to collect and ignore.
Yes, announcing you're going to be dropping or deleting things may lose you followers, especially the ones who keep going unanswered, but it shouldn't really bother you if you weren't going to be giving those people proper engagement anyway.
Plot With People If Interactions Aren't Happening Organically
Everyone has their own style of RP and how heavily they want to plot things. Some people need things heavily plotted, others just like to wing it. Sometimes the heavy plotter ends up with the wing-it roleplayer.
Regardless, sometimes an answer to an Ask or Thread just won't come to you. Maybe your partner had something in mind already or a direction they want to take things, while you're just scratching your head with nothing.
Sometimes, getting to answering things is as simple as reaching out to discuss it with your partners!
Of course, there are times where this goes nowhere. Maybe both of you are stumped or didn't really think very far ahead. Maybe its just not vibing with either of you. Maybe you or your partner suck at communication and brainstorming. That's fine! But at least if you reach out, you can say you tried before dropping something!
And it gives you a chance to discuss doing something else that does work instead of such is the case!
Create Side-Blogs For Organization and Bookmark Purposes
The great thing about tumblr is you can basically create however many blogs and side-blogs you want to!
Let's say you're scrolling the dash and you see some neat stuff you want to save, but not reblog. Maybe its a PSA post. Maybe its a gifset. Maybe its a funny canon information/fanon post you saw and want to look back on.
Don't save "other" things in the same place as your Drafts and Asks go!
When you start mixing in "other" posts with your Drafts, your drafts are going to look even bigger and more daunting than they already are! Chances are you're not keeping a mental count all the time about those 50 other "drafts" you have mixed in with your real drafts.
Make a side-blog (or a Personal) for saving all those other completely unrelated things on! This will help keep your actual draft and Ask count in perspective, otherwise you might be stressing about having so many drafts when you actually have a lot less of them than you thought!
Use The Queue
If you find a lot of your problem comes down to having too many things at once, or your partners reply to your threads too fast so you can never make a dent in them, then you can always Queue up your posts to spread them out!
You can even customize how often and at what time frames your Queue posts things to the dash, which will slow down how fast you receive replies and allow you to get through things at a more comfortable pace.
You can always alternate using it as much as you want, such as using the Queue when you have a high volume of things to answer or return activity, and then publish things in real time or push things through the Queue faster as you like when things are going slow!
Prioritize Easiest / Favorite Drafts First (But Don't Do Them Exclusively)
This one is fairly easy, and I think most people already do this intuitively. The problem is, a lot of people do this, and then that's where they stop. They end up doing their favorites exclusively, instead of only doing them first, while letting everything else just rot in their drafts, never actually touching them.
But there's a good reason to prioritize easy and favorite threads first, especially when paired with the queue or other partners who are slower to reply. It's the easiest and fastest way to reduce your draft count and make it less daunting to deal with, without deleting and dropping things entirely.
Then you can focus on the other unanswered things that aren't speaking as easily to you, and get through those.
This step works, but only if you actually commit to answering the other stuff that you have to actually think about next. If you just answer your favorite things, and then do something like, say... immediately run to tell people to send you more memes and starters instead, you are falling back into the trap of overwhelming yourself with things you're never actually going to answer.
Instead, try to knuckle down and work on what you already have, whenever possible.
Prioritize Oldest Drafts First
Okay, so you've already gone through and answered the easiest stuff first! (Or maybe you didn't). Great!
Now what?
While this one isn't strictly an issue having to do with Draft Count, I find some people have insecurity about answering things simply because they're old.
While this inevitably happens to everyone at some point, as some threads or Asks may not be speaking to you until much later, I find that one thing that helps with this is to prioritize the oldest replies / first come first serve as much as possible!
Go to the oldest things you have, sit on them for a few minutes. Try to think of something, and work on that reply. If you try to work on it and its still not coming to you, then go on to the next second-oldest thing you have. Rinse and repeat.
Personally, I rarely have things sitting super old unless I just end up in a straight up writer's slump/block, because I prioritize oldest things first whenever possible, which helps to never have super old stuff just sitting there forever, taunting me.
This way, you're avoiding thoughts like "oh god, but they sent that thing 5 months ago. Should I really answer it at this point? Do they even want it anymore??".
Instead, you're replacing it with "Oh, they only sent that 3 days ago. That's not too bad."
Doing it like this means that my turn-around time is seldom ever so slow that I stress about how long its been.
Don't Be Afraid To Sit On Something For A While
Yes, we've talked a lot about deleting things if you just can't think of anything. And sometimes that is the correct and obvious answer! Likewise, sometimes we get something we need to set aside (but not forget about).
The more you manage the rest of your draft count, the easier this is to do without getting overwhelmed about it!
You don't have to just delete everything that doesn't immediately spring out at you. You can set some things aside however long you want to, just be careful not to use "I'll answer it later" to feed your bad habit of Draft Collection.
If you managed to answer 25 other threads and Asks, but those last 5 are just giving you a lot of trouble, that's totally fine! Even the best of us get hit with that sometimes. It doesn't always mean its time to delete them. Sometimes you sit scratching your head for a month, and then one day, the answer to that thread just comes to you!
But be honest with yourself about it. Are you really going to answer that thread, after you have some time to think on it? Are you really really going to answer it? Or are you lying to yourself and your partners? If not, there's no shame in dropping it.
Close Your Inbox
So let's say you're personally taking all the right steps you need to to manage your workload, but people are still trying to send you more things than you can handle to your Ask box.
You always have the option to simply close your inbox from receiving any new activity! Whether you just turn off Anon (not because of receiving hate, that's another topic altogether, just regular activity) or the entire Ask box, you can limit or entirely halt inbox activity from receiving anything new for a while until you have what you currently already owe into a comfortable and easy to manage state!
Yes, this means people won't be able to send you more, new things, and if they want to message you, they will have to do so through a different avenue (such as IMs or discord), but if you're already too overwhelmed with what you have, you don't need more activity.
Don't Keep People Around Who Make Your Dash Uncomfortable
And finally, though a bit of a sad truth, some people just make the tumblr dash a very uncomfortable place to be.
Maybe they stir up drama. Maybe they don't tag triggers (or they use stupid fancy tags that can't be filtered). Maybe they write too much of a topic or fandom you don't like to see. Maybe they write nothing but OOC and treat their RP blog as their personal blog. Maybe you're not even following that person, but they interact with someone you DO interact with and don't want to see them around.
Whatever the case, chances are good that if someone's presence makes your dash uncomfortable, its going to affect how well you're able to write.
Luckily, there are options available.
You can unfollow / block people.
You can filter tags and key words through tumblr.
You can use the mute function from the xKit extension.
Whether you make it public or private, you can have a DNI (Do Not Interact) saying who is and is not allowed to interact with you based on whatever criteria you set.
If people are sending you unsolicited Anons that you don't like, you can turn Anon off.
If people send you things you don't like with real or burner accounts, you can block those accounts or turn your Ask box and IMs off.
Ultimately, your tumblr blog is your space to curate, and you shouldn't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Having boundaries and expectations for how people act on your blog is your right and their privilege, not the other way around.
If other people aren't going to behave appropriately within and/or invade your yard space, you always have a right to lock people out of it by any means necessary until they either behave or leave.
Don't be afraid to do so, no matter who its coming from, even from so-called "friends" or "good people", because the only people who have a problem with you exercising your right to making your blog a good place to be for you are unsafe people who feel entitled to crossing your boundaries.
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