#sempre in 2
vita-paranoia9 · 1 year
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tittiesnletitia · 2 years
Early on rough drafts for Namor (+ anatomical breakdowns):
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© Wesley Burt
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creamecafe · 2 years
Hey! Can we get a Shuri x F!Reader fic, where the reader is mildly superpowered and had moved to Wakanda per request of the Queen after T'challa's passing to allow Shuri to have one trusted friend with her and she stays with her throughout Shuri's grieving period and fights alongside her and her people out at sea, earning herself the title of 'Hero' in the eyes of the Wakandan's despite not being one of their own, and of course, she and Shuri fall in love with eachother but they dont confess until before Shuri drinks the contents of her artificial heart, and before she goes she tells the reader she loves her incase the plant sends her into cardiac arrest and she dosent get the chance to tell her? Sorry for the long request.
Your the Only Friend I Need
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*Spoilers for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever if you haven't seen it yet. You have been warned*
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Navigation | Who I Write For | Shuri Udaku Playlist | Also on Wattpad!
Summary: What the request said (Until I can make up a good summary)
Pairing: Shuri Udaku x Fem!Reader with Super-Powers
Warnings: mutual pining, mentions of death, grief, depression, friends to lovers, and eventually fluff at the end. Also not double checked but I'll have to get to that soon.
a/n: @ackroxia this is an absolutely great idea of a request tysm! And DW about it being so long it's perfect!
The king is dead. T'Challa is dead. It was hard for you to accept the news that your close friend is gone. Especially thinking of how the Queen and his sister are feeling due to his death. You have been meaning to reach out to Shuri but didn't know when the right time was.
She was your best friend. Of course, the right thing to do is bring her comfort but didn't know how.
Your thoughts were disturbed as you hear a knock on your door and you go to approach to see who's there.
You look through the peephole and it was none other than the powerful female soldier group known, as the Dora Milaje. You open the door and allowed them in.
"Okoye and Ayo. It's nice to see you both. What brings you here?"
"Hello Y/N it's nice to see you too," Okoye smiled.
"We are here by the Queens' order" Ayo answered.
Oh no. The Queen. It could either mean something good or bad.
"The Queen. What does she need? How can I be a help of assistance?"
"She wants you to come to Wakanda in order of comfort for Shuri due to her state of the Kings death."
"Of course my condolences to the king. And how's Shuri?"
"Not so well. She spends much of her time in the lab. Rarely gets out to socialize or eat."
"I can imagine the death of her brother and how it affects her. They were really close."
"Indeed they were. We need you to come to Wakanda."
"Of course. I don't mind staying a couple of weeks there to comfort Shuri."
"No, I'm not talking about weeks. I mean permanently."
Permanently? Living in Wakanda permanently? It sounds like a dream because you have been to the country before to fight Thanos and how beautiful it is but to live there permanently never crossed your mind.
"Permanently? Like I stay there forever, leaving all my stuff here and my home?"
"I know it sounds like a lot. But Shuri could really use comfort."
You stopped and pondered a moment to think about the choice you would have to make. Shuri is your friend. It feels like a privilege you are chosen as a comfort to be by Shuri's side in an amazing country.
You took a deep breath in and sighed.
"I will go to Wakanda. For Shuri."
"We will help you bring your stuff."
You then started packing your stuff in order to leave your home and enter your new one, Wakanda. After you had everything packed and head off to the ship waiting outside, just practically calling your name, you looked back at your home and how much you will miss it. But then you remember this is for Shuri, a choice you made. You turn your head towards it and never looked back.
Now you were on the ship settled in and waiting for you to arrive at your destination.
-Time Skip-
You had now arrived at Wakanda and were now in the citadel guarded by more of the Dora Milaje. You walked to the meeting room and where the throne is. The doors opened and there stood the most powerful woman known, the Queen of Wakanda, hence her real name Ramonda.
"Queen." You bow down in respect towards her.
"Y/N. You are a friend to Wakanda and part of this family. There's no need to bow."
"I know but my parents always taught me to respect my elders." I smile at her and she does too
She goes to hug me and I reach in. Her hug was firm but also soft. Once you pulled out of the hug, she put her hands on your shoulders and slowly slide to your hands.
"I thank you for coming to Wakanda. I'm sorry for the short notice, but I just want my daughter to be alright."
"No it's ok I understand. My condolences to you and Shuri about the king, your son. First your husband and now your son. I can't imagine the pain you are going through."
"Well here in Wakanda, death is not the end." She smiled sweetly and cupped my face.
"You are a very strong woman Queen, I always admired that about you."
"You are very sweet Y/N, I always loved that about you."
Your heartbeat happily at her kindness.
"Come I'll let you see Shuri."
You nodded and followed her to Shuri's lab. You forgotten how big it was and how much you missed it.
You climb down the steps and see a whole bunch of technology around you and hologram screens. Then you saw her, Shuri.
"Shuri, I have a surprise for you."
"I don't think I'll be interested mama."
"Why you haven't even seen it yet? It's a special someone."
Shuri turns around rolling her eyes until she stops when she sees you. Her eyes widened.
"Hi Shuri," You smiled.
"Y/N, oh my god why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
"Well um.."
"I had her come to my request. To comfort you."
"Wait you requested for her to come?"
"To stay with you permanently."
"What? No mama, no you can't do that to Y/N. She can't be here because you want her to, what about her family, her home?"
"Shuri it's ok. I wanted to come here. I chose to. For you."
"But..." Shuri sighed.
"You need someone by you and I will do that." I interrupted her and held her shoulder. "I don't care if I have to stay in Wakanda for the rest of my life. I just want you to be ok. That's what matters to me""
Shuri looked down. She felt guilty that you're willing to leave your home to stay in Wakanda with her. She never had someone be her first priority before, especially you.
"I appreciate it Y/N. Thank you so much "
"Now you see why I wanted her to come here Shuri" Ramonda smiled at Shuri.
"Yes mama" Shuri laughed and you smiled too.
"I'll let you two be," Ramonda said as she left the lab.
You both look as the Queen leaves the lab and then turn to each other and smile.
"Do you want me to show you your room?"
"Yeah of course."
You both laugh as you leave the lab to see your new room. When you both arrived it was beautiful. The windows were big enough to see over the city of Wakanda and the night sky with many stars. You were able to put your luggage in and soon be able to decorate it the way you want. You and Shuri just spend the rest of the day talking and hearing how she's doing with the passing of T'Challa.
The first night of Wakanda has been comforting and soothing. The guards had given you comfort clothing, clothing of their culture, and sandals. The food was just immaculate with the seasonings put into it.
When you first took a bit of the food, your eyes widened. Shuri taking a sight at this laughed.
"Is it good?"
"Good? Amazing! Why didn't I have some sooner?"
You both laugh and continue eating.
After eating, you went to take a nice steamy hot bath and just sighed at the calm and relaxing experience. After you were done, you put your pajamas on and were heading to bed. You went to Shuri's room and knocked on the door. Shuri went to the door and opened it. She smiled when she saw you.
"Hey Y/N"
"Hey, Shuri I just came to say goodnight."
"Well, goodnight to you. And thank you for choosing to stay in Wakanda. " She went and gave you a hug
"Or course," You embraced the hug. "Anything for you."
"I know you probably miss your home and family."
"I do but I can make this my home and find my new family here." You smile
Shuri smiled as well. She was lucky to have a friend devoted as you, especially moving to a whole new country.
"Thank you really. Have a goodnight."
"You too Shuri."
Shuri closes her bedroom door and you walk back to your room. You close the door behind you and go to the window. You take a look at the city with lights in buildings, majority dimmed and majority turned off. You felt fortunate that you would be seeing this view every night from now on.
You walk to your bed and settle in under the blankets. You look up at the ceiling and sighed with a smile on your face.
Maybe staying Wakanda for a long time wouldn't be so dreadful after all as you thought.
Let me know if you want to be tagged in part 2 and 3!
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fiorellosupremacy · 7 months
Evil Diodato mia cosa prefe di questo Sanremo
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useless-rambling · 9 months
al di là di tutto, felice che simone abbia finalmente inzuppato pucciato intinto ammollato il biscotto in una location più comoda e calda di un cantiere zozzo nel gelo di marzo
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um-poeta-abandonado · 6 months
Se essa for minha última poesia
Alguém diz pra ela que eu me matei...
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affogonellamarmellata · 7 months
reiterazione (shakerando + italodisco)
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opequenoprincipe1 · 5 months
Noite tá clara , meu coração tá escuro
Senti amor , mas dessa vez não me arrependo
Mais uma vez tô caminhando no inferno
Dessa vez erraram eu não tava devendo
Na madrugada acordado como um zumbi
A morte tá sempre andando do meu lado
Ela sabe que eu logo vou desistir
E tá louca pra me transformar em passado
Eu não sei se isso foi benção ou maldição
Vou enfrentar a vida já que eu tô nascido
Mas seria melhor se em noventa e três
Dia dez de julho eu nem tivesse nascido
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omarfor-orchestra · 8 months
a me lui davvero non mi sembra una cattiva persona però mi sembra circondato da cattive influenze. l’importante è che sia più informato ora, anche perché non concorda con le opinioni di quello riguardo l’omosessualità ecc, se no non avrebbe girato e detto certe cose, però non vedo come si possa supportare una persona con idee del genere. magari non sapeva tutto. va beh, poi io sono atea e odio la chiesa e quando ho scoperto che è molto religioso ho storto il naso, lo ammetto. però a me sembra, se non proprio membro della comunità lgbt, un alleato, e quindi non capisco quella vecchia intervista. forse la risposta è proprio qua: era vecchia. la gente sbaglia e cambia. scusa il discorso un po’ privo di senso
Infatti, poi secondo me si vede la qualità di una persona da quello che fa, non solo da quello che dice. E puoi trovarti d'accordo con una persona su un singolo aspetto e non sulle sue altre 300 opinioni, lui è stato chiaro sul motivo per cui voleva ringraziarlo
Poi c'è modo e modo di essere religiosi, c'è chi è fanatico come l'amico suo e chi trova nella religione un tipo di spiritualità, un modo di vivere con gli altri e con se stessi particolare, di fratellanza eccetera, è questo che mi sembra di percepire da come lui si pone
Poi boh io sto studiando una cosa che mi sta facendo cambiare in meglio la concezione del mondo ma onestamente non mi interessa tutto quello che di brutto può aver fatto o detto Meisner nella sua vita, prendo gli insegnamenti che mi servono e il resto è spazzatura (se dovesse esserci). Si chiama intelligenza
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yourqueenofsharks · 2 years
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CCXP 2022, Brasil. WHAT. A. MOMENT. ❤️‍🔥
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passwordispassword · 2 years
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I’m so excited to see the movieI’m gnawing at the bars of my enclosure
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The numbers to play for the lottery.
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cinellejay · 2 years
This is beyond touching, 🥹🥹🥹 let the healing begin 🫶🏾🤎🖤
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useless-rambling · 10 months
Recuperate tutte le puntate della seconda stagione horror di Un Profe, eccomi a dispensare delle considerazioni assolutamente non richieste.
1. Mimmo
Non me ne vogliano le Simuel Truthers ma a me quel ragazzo fa spaccare sin dall'interazione con Lombardi. Promosso a pieni voti.
2. Il padre di Manuel
Mi aspettavo il cliché del belloccio ma dannato e inaffidabile che mette le corna alla compagna e la lascia non appena scopre di essere incinta, ma sono rimasta piacevolmente sorpresa nel constatare che Nicola sia un personaggio del tutto diverso e - apparentemente - un padre che si preoccupa dei propri figli, anche se ha scoperto l'esistenza di uno di essi circa due secondi fa.
1. Tutto il resto
(la recitazione la sceneggiatura scritta col culo "quella gonna è da urlo" non si può sentire le mie orecchie non captavano una frase simile da quando ero piccola e mia cugina mi costringeva a guardare dawson's creek su italia1 e quindi un bel po' di tempo fa fate voi i conti l'aggressione omofoba passata in sordina ma sì sono solo sciocchezze il razzismo all'italiana mascherato da comicità dante che non si fa i cazzi suoi andrebbe denunciato per aver costretto un suo alunno a rivelare i suoi traumi davanti a tutta la classe l'intera seconda stagione come remake della prima gli sceneggiatori vengono pagati due scellini a testa mimmo bruni interpreta manuel ferro nina interpreta alice ché manuel c'ha il kink per le donne con una creatura al seguito e che gli ricordano sua madre luna interpreta monica prequel version simone interpreta se stesso ma poi quanto cazzo è inquietante l'ammiratore di luna speriamo non sia mimmo che questa storia che lei ha una cotta per lui mi dà da pensare boh)
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um-poeta-abandonado · 5 months
Hoje é o dia que o inferno está em festa
Hoje é o dia que o céu está em lágrimas
Hoje é o dia que o Garoto se matou
Exatamente as duas da madrugada
Dia 10 de julho era seu aniversário
Foi sem mensagens sem carta de despedida
Aos 30 anos era apenas um menino
A sua revolta acabou com a sua vida
Vida? Que nada ele apenas existia
Sonhava muito e não realizava nada
Percebeu que nada daria certo
E decidiu dar fim a sua jornada
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