whywolfprincess · 2 years
The Stiphodon are developing more colour.
They still dislike being filmed and it's hard to get them in good light.
They enjoy resting and nibbling on the snail shells.
So far I only found two types of feed they really eat.
Because of our move I have delayed getting some Repashy, but I hope they do enjoy eating it.
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cobitoidea · 5 years
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Current state of the hillstream tank with my crappy phone. Not too many sewellia babies this year but who knows in this “mess.” I’m kind of sad how long these fish were with me because I lost the oldest stiphodon atropurpureus (I got him 7 or 8 years ago). Most of the adult sewellia in this tank, have been with me from almost the beginning of my serious fish keeping hobby (11 years). I can’t even fathom how they lived this long with me as their owner.
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lux-vitae · 2 years
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The Semoni I, for the Sowing by Duilio Cambellotti (1950), from the series Roman Legends
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venetianeli · 3 years
UN "HALLOWEEN" PADANO (e italiano!)
Quante volte abbiamo sentito veri o presunti "tradizionalisti" prendersela con la classica "zucca di Halloween"!? Persino chi ammette, ormai, una origine pan-europea, arcaica, perpetuata durante tutto il Medioevo cattolico, di questo insieme di Feste, tende a ricondurre la zucca svuotata in foggia di volto o teschio ad un mondo di film americani o tradizioni comunque straniere.
A questo proposito, vogliamo citare una ricerca di oltre vent'annni fa, che dimostrò quanto, nonostante una semi-dimenticanza nei primi decenni del Dopoguerra, la tradizione della zucca svuotata appartenga assolutamente al mondo dell'Italia settentrionale gallo-romanica. Oggi, potremmo aggiungere, alla luce di tradizioni simili praticate anche in Sardegna, Puglia e ampie aree dell'Italia peninsulare, che la persistenza di simili tradizioni, più che segno inequivocabile di un "italo-celtismo padano" innegabile, è piuttosto riconducibile a radici IMMEMORIALI, comuni alla quasi totalità degli Europei, quantomeno dal Neolitico.
La zucca, piena di Semi, risveglia in noi le battaglie dei Semoni contro i démoni della ruggine e della rovina, per far rinascere il grano e il farro, mietuti dalla falce. Nella nebbia, nel freddo della neve e della morte, avviene la Rinascita.
«La preparazione delle lümere segue linee estremamente omogenee. Si tratta innanzitutto di una incombenza sempre affidata ai bambini e sotto la direzione degli anziani. La zucca viene svuotata, vengono incisi i buchi degli occhi, del naso e della bocca e vi viene introdotta una candela. [...] Alcune testimonianze indicano che qualche volta venivano realizzate anche delle orecchie, fatte con semi di granoturco, penne di galline, pezzi di formaggio o scampoli di stoffa. Le zucche sono spesso utilizzate per fare scherzi, per spaventare i bambini, le donne che si recano al lavatoio, le vecchiette che vanno al cimitero, lungo i sentieri e negli angoli più bui. Altre volte sono tenute in mano e portate in processione da giovani e meno giovani, portate in giro dai ragazzi infilate su bastoni, condotte bussando casa per casa per spaventare la gente o tenute in mano e portate per strada da ragazzi coperti da teli bianchi a mo’ di mantello.
Oltre che per spaventare la gente e organizzare burle, le lümere vengono anche collocate lungo le strade, vicino alle chiese e ai cimiteri per “illuminare la strada alle anime” e far loro ritrovare il cammino da un mondo all’altro».
Da: G. Oneto, Le lümere, antico segno di celtismo padano, in QQPP, n°21, 1999.
Pubblicato su fb da SocietasHesperiana
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boudhabar · 4 years
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Phyllodiscus semoni holotype
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akhylsthebat · 4 years
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🦇Bat Fact! Do you know of Semon’s Leaf-nosed Bat (Hipposideros semoni)? First described in 1903 by German zoologist Paul Matschie, this bat is a microbat and can grow to be 14g. These bats usually roost alone in dark places such as caves, old mines, and in rock cracks. They are also known to roost in strange places such as in dumped closets, under car handles, and in disused house bathrooms! This bat is insectivorous, and will feed in small groups close to the ground. This bat is listed as “Least Concern” by the IUCN and is vulnerable to visitors to cave roosts, mine destruction, and agricultural activities🦇
📸Photo by G.B. Baker/Australian Museum📸
#batfacts #bats #bat #akhyls #education
⬇️Follow Bat Facts⬇️ https://akhylsthebat.tumblr.com/ https://www.minds.com/akhylsthebat/ https://twitter.com/AkhylsBatFacts https://t.me/AkhylsBatFacts https://www.facebook.com/groups/137858924078846/ Disclaimer: All images used here are for educational purposes and are not used in any way for profit or to promote any products or services. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing
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aquadraco20 · 6 years
A Collection of Coldwater fish (Part 2)
More coldwater fish. I’ll include some familiar faces here too.
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Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, or the Buenos Aires Tetra. 2.4 inches maximum length, 61 – 83 °F.
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Stigmatogobius sadanundio, or Knight Goby. 3.6 inches maximum length, 68-78°F.
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Stiphodon semoni, or Cobalt Blue Goby. Just under 2 inches maximum length,  72 – 83 °F.
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Xiphophorus hellerii, or Green Swordtail (comes in many colors). 6.2 inches maximum length,  61 – 83 °F.
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Tanichthys albonubes, or White Cloud Mountain Minnow. 1.6 inches maximum length, 58 – 72 °F.
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Brachydanio rerio, or Zebra/Leopard Danio. With a subtle blue shimmer, there ain’t nothing wrong with these commonly seen fish. 2 inches maximum length,  65 – 77 °F.
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Austrolebias nigripinnis, or Blackfin Killifish. 2.3 inches maximum length,  60 - 71°F.
 And my all time, favorite coldwater fish is....
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Notropis chrosomus, or the beautiful Rainbow Shiner. Native to the United States, this fish maxes out at around 3.1 inches, and prefers a temperature range of 59-68°F.
Remember, always do your research before bringing any pet home. Thank you for reading!
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acecombatmutual · 4 years
semony’s codename being gravel is so funny what a dumbass codename. so stupid. love her pink hair though
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reefscom · 6 years
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The Severe Health Risk Posed By The Caribbean Condylactis Anemone - https://reefs.com/2018/04/14/the-severe-health-risk-posed-by-the-caribbean-condylactis-anemone/
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whywolfprincess · 2 years
Using a feeding dish leads to infinite animal stacks.
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triste-le-roy · 6 years
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Illustration of the Temple of the Sun at Nineveh—from Chas T McClenachan’s The Book of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, with accompanying text excerpt: “Sancta Sanctis / The holy things for the holy! SANCTO. SANCO. SEMONI. DEO. FIDIO. SACKUM. In the Veda there are only three deities: Dyaus in heaven, Indra in the sky, and Agni on the earth. Dyaus, Indra, Agni, however, are but manifestations in the Sun, the bright Sky, and the Fire derived from the solar light. In the Vedic hymns, we find perpetual allusion to the sun with his life-bestowing rays.The Persians, the Assyrians, the Chaldeans, all worship the sun. Sun worship was introduced into the mysteries not as a material idolatry, but as the means of expressing an idea of restoration to life from death, drawn from the daily reappearance in the east of the solar orb after its nightly disappearance in the west. The Sun is the symbol of sovereignty, the hieroglyphic of royalty; it doth signify absolute authority. Sol is the fire of heaven which lights the generative fires of earth, the genial parent who renews in its season all nature, and gives fertility to both animal and vegetable creation.” (unknown artist, 1885 CE).
(via Wikimedia Commons)
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beeshrimp · 7 years
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Picked up a couple of Stiphodon semoni for the future hillstream tank, too! They were only $4 each.
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cobitoidea · 7 years
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Stiphodon semoni male. Lost his female a year ago and my LFS stopped carrying them so I never had the chance to get another female for him. Purchasing online, I may end up getting another species female. I'll see if my LFS gets in any soon (usually around winter time). For now, he likes the female orantus.
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boudhabar · 4 years
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Phyllodiscus semoni 
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muatyland · 6 years
Recensione "Lasciati portare via" di Lilian McRieve
Recensione: Lasciati portare via di #LilianMcRieve
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Titolo: Lasciati portare via
Autore: Lilian McRieve
Editore: Le Mezzelane Casa Editrice
Genere: Romance
Data pubblicazione: 16 Agosto 2018
Voto: 5/5
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Cassandra Semoni è su un volo per Parigi, con l’incarico di vendere un manufatto unico al cliente più difficile con cui abbia avuto a che fare: Ryou Ichirou Naruta. Non ha alcuna conoscenza del prodotto, della lingua né di…
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