#selva company
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chiliger · 1 year ago
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If there’s one thing to fear in any galaxy…
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chiliger · 6 months ago
I am in LOVE with the colors and textures in each one of these! They're all so happy and look at peace 🥹
Thank you for this 🧡
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My part of exchange with @chiliger
Troopers Flores and Peck and padawan Bella
I love to work on this ❤️
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mooshie-blue · 1 month ago
Everyone’s posting their Octonauts OC so I’m gonna reintroduce mine!
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Early to Mid 30’s, Cis, Gay, He/Him
Species: South American Grey Fox
Occupation: Octonaut, Therapist, Meteorologist. Aboard the octopod, he tracks the weather weeks in advance so the Octonauts know what to do in future situations. He also holds therapy sessions, for the crew (something they never know they needed considering how taxing this job is)
Personality: Ferris is generally very friendly and welcoming, he’s a social butterfly, he enjoys talking to everyone on the Octopod. Especially Captain Barnacles and Bibi He’s very passionate about his work and is ready to lend a helping hand at any chance he gets.
However, he has heavy imposter syndrome and can fall into fits of self doubt when he fails at something, and he has little patience under pressure and can snap a bit. But besides that he’s really good at controlling his temper, often smiling even when he’s angry. (Think Shinobu from Demon Slayer.)
Ferris is also very compassionate and patient when need be, as a kid he was always taken care of by his older brother (his parents couldn’t because their jobs kept them busy throughout the day.) And as a result, he wants to help others.
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Late 20’s early 30’s, Non-binary, Bisexual They/Them
Species: Gray Rabbit
Occupation: Octo-Agent, Bibi is a search and rescue specialist stationed in Alaska, they run a station near a bunch of mountains. They help rescue creatures after storms, mudslides, and avalanches.
Personality: Bibi is socially awkward, they like life in the mountains of it means being alone, they tend to self isolate which isn’t good for their mental health, but they don’t really mind it. They aren’t completely isolated from others though, as being an Octoagent meant having to occasionally call on the Octonauts for help, and Bibi really likes them. Especially Barnacles and Ferris.
If Bibi is comfortable enough, they’ll stand or sit closer to someone or even talk a bit with them, but they prefer to be quiet.
Bibi does love very deeply and expresses it through art and letters, they seem completely socially stale but that couldn’t be further from the truth. They’re very emotional but they keep it to themselves out of fear of being too much to deal with.
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Late 30’s Cis, Lesbian, She/Her
Species: Ocelot
Occupation: Octo-Agent. Opal is Silviculturist for the rainforests of South America, she takes care of the upkeep of the area around her tree house station. She makes sure animals and plants are safe, dhe cleans up any mess left behind, protects it from deforestation. Etc.
Personality: Opal is extremely nurturing and gentle. She has loads of love to give, she’s not the most talkative out there but she’s always happy to listen and learn. She especially enjoys the company of Selva, who has been dear to her ever since they were young. (They may or may not be a thing :))
She’s always been quiet but kind as long as she can remember, she never wants anyone to feel alone. She also has a protective side as she never wants anyone to get hurt. She’s a cat of prey but she’s personally vegan. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body, she’s especially fond of kids.
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applepies-and-starlight · 7 months ago
Ok look I barely know shit about both Epic the Musical and the Odyssey but. Hear me out. No Longer You Limbus Animatic, but it's specifically the time Faust tries to recruit Outis for the company (like how she did with Yi Sang)
Visualize this with me now, the line "i see your wife with a man who is haunting" and its Faust walking back in front of the Mephistopheles and turning to face Outis, the headlights of the bus obscuring her features like in her render, then on the next line ("A man with a trail of bodies") the camera pans back to Outis with the maw of the bus looming over her (shoutout to @/just-your-average-supervillain for the idea)
Also the second time the song uses "I see you on the brink of death / I see you draw your final breath" the shot does to Selva Obscura with the first line being when Dante makes the contract and the second when everyone gets obliterated by Lion, Wolf, and Panther
Please I need you guys to understand my vision—
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bridgeportbritt · 2 years ago
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Gianni's Residence | Del Sol Valley, Simerica
Bria: Wow, a beautifully catered lunch by my son in my old home. Never thought I'd see this day.
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Gianni: Thanks, Mom. I told the chefs to "prepare for royalty" so it better be good or someone's losing their job.
Bria: Oh, Gianni. You didn't have to go through any trouble for me.
Gianni: Of course, I would, Mom. I want you to know that... you know, I'm here for you.
Bria: Thank you, Gianni. That's very sweet.
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Ella: D'aww! Who know Gianni had the capacity for sweet?
Bria laughs: Ella don't start picking on your brother.
Ella: I'm sorry! But, this is really nice, Gianni! Seriously.
Gianni: Gee, thanks Elle.
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Bria: So, Gianni, how's work been going?
Gianni: It's alright. Kind of hectic right now. I'm constantly being pulled in a million different directions every day. But, overall, things are fine.
Bria: Have you been involved with your dad's case at all?
Gianni: Luckily, no. Now that the company is not responsible, our legal team is basically just proving the company's innocence. Dad is officially on his own. Even Ariana took my brothers and went back to Selva.
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Bria: Good for her.
Ella: Dang, your dad's side is messy, G.
Gianni: You tellin' me.I'm just glad I'm past it all. Dad is definitely where he belongs.
Bria: I'm biased, but I completely agree.
Ella teasing: Any girls, Gianni??
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Gianni: Can we have one moment where my love life isn't brought up?
Bria: Boo. Wrong answer.
Ella: Come on. There has to be at least one girl who will find you tolerable!
Gianni: Funny. When there is someone to talk about, I'll talk about them. I've said that a million times already.
Bria: Yes, you have. But, we're growing impatient. Me especially! This is a big house to live in all by yourself, Gianni.
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Gianni: I'm not by myself.
Bria gets up: As cute as he is, Spike does not count!
Ella: Aw, he's so cute!!
Bria: I'm going to head to the restroom really quick.
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Gianni: Alright, be honest, Elle. How is mom doing really?
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aurianneor · 3 months ago
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Eficiencia ecológica
Oímos hablar mucho de medidas ecológicas.
Tenemos que comprar productos de limpieza ecológicos, poner un aislante en nuestras casas, cambiar nuestras calderas y tener un pozo canadiense, comprar menos plástico, clasificar nuestra basura, conducir coches ecológicos, limitar nuestra velocidad en las carreteras, limitar nuestro consumo de agua cuando nos duchamos o tiramos de la cadena, limitar el consumo de concreto, tener un montón de compost en el jardín, limitar el consumo de carne, utilizar jabón de Alepo y limitar el consumo de cremas solares, utilizar un horno solar, invertir en energía ecológica (turbinas eólicas, paneles fotovoltaicos, centrales hidroeléctricas), comprar bienes de segunda mano. Los precios de la electricidad, el petróleo y los alimentos se disparan con el pretexto de la ecología.
Minería, extracción de litio, residuos de centrales nucleares, grandes fábricas, construcción, petróleo, agricultura intensiva (contaminación del suelo, consumo exorbitante de agua), etc. Las multinacionales contaminan mucho más que los individuos y no están sujetas a ninguna medida ecológica para limitar esta contaminación. Los más ricos, con las multinacionales en particular, son responsables de los mayores ecocidios del mundo: destruyen los bosques, incluida la selva amazónica, contaminan los ríos, destruyen los fondos marinos, imponen a los agricultores condiciones tales que destruyen la tierra, que corre el riesgo de volverse estéril a causa del uso de productos químicos, y maltratan a los animales. Además, productos químicos como los pesticidas están provocando la extinción de especies enteras de animales. Deberían ser juzgados internacionalmente, no según las leyes que deciden en cada país.
Algunas, como la agricultura y la construcción, están incluso subvencionadas. Otras incluso reciben la Legión de Honor (por ejemplo, Total).
Revealed: the 20 firms behind a third of all carbon emissions – The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/oct/09/revealed-20-firms-third-carbon-emissions
El 90% de la contaminación industrial procede de la fabricación de cosas: una casa, un coche o ropa. La obsolescencia, las normas que cambian y obligan a comprar nuevos equipos y el uso del consumo como símbolo de estatus son muy perjudiciales.
How Buying Stuff Drives Climate Change – Columbia University – Columbia Climate School: https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2020/12/16/buying-stuff-drives-climate-change/
Las medidas mencionadas al principio son muy útiles para preservar el medio ambiente y limitar el consumo, pero son medidas menores comparadas con las que habría que tomar a escala mundial.
How companies blame you for climate change – BBC: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220504-why-the-wrong-people-are-blamed-for-climate-change
Pero la mayor parte de la contaminación está aún por venir. Los países en desarrollo quieren fábricas, energía, coches y carne. Si no les ayudamos, esto se hará con centrales de carbón altamente contaminantes, petróleo y agricultura intensiva (a veces llevada a cabo en desiertos, lo que absorbe toda el agua que necesita la población). Tenemos que considerar la ecología a escala mundial y no tomar medidas sólo en los países desarrollados, de lo contrario la capa de ozono se verá afectada y el aire se volverá irrespirable.
“De no controlarse, los efectos del cambio climático elevarán la temperatura media mundial por encima de los 3 °C y afectarán negativamente a todos los ecosistemas. Ya se puede observar cómo el cambio climático puede intensificar tormentas y catástrofes, así como hacer que amenazas como la escasez de alimentos y agua se conviertan en realidad y desemboquen en conflictos. Quedarnos de brazos cruzados acabará costándonos mucho más que si tomamos acción inmediata.” Objetivo 13: Adoptar medidas urgentes para combatir el cambio climático y sus efectos – ONU: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/es/climate-change-2/
Tenemos que ayudar a los países en desarrollo a desarrollarse de un modo saludable para la humanidad.
Esto es difícil. No se trata de enviar dinero, porque la experiencia demuestra que el dinero se desviaría a gente corrupta. Hace falta gente sobre el terreno para comprobar que se hace el trabajo ecológico. Hay que educar a la gente en ecología y darle los medios para que ponga en vigor medidas ecológicas. Para que los países en desarrollo se conviertan en países con bajas emisiones, como los europeos, harían falta 2.400 billones de dólares al año. En la actualidad, las subvenciones a los combustibles fósiles ascienden a 5 billones de dólares anuales. Cambiar a las energías renovables costaría la mitad que mantener los combustibles fósiles. António Guterres criticó el uso de subvenciones en mayo de 2024: “Lo que estamos haciendo es utilizar el dinero de los contribuyentes -nuestro dinero- para fomentar los huracanes, prolongar las sequías, derretir los glaciares, blanquear los corales. En resumen, para destruir el mundo”. (“What we are doing is using taxpayers’ money – which means our money – to boost hurricanes, to spread droughts, to melt glaciers, to bleach corals. In one word – to destroy the world.”)
Los impuestos subvencionan la destrucción del planeta en lugar de salvarlo. Este es uno de los temas que se debatirán en la COP 29 del 11 al 22 de noviembre de 2024.
Money, money, money: Financing plans for the climate transition – i4ce: https://www.i4ce.org/en/publication/financing-transition-multi-scale-challenge-climate/
After Bonn and towards COP 29: the battle on finance and the role of financing plans for the transition – i4ce: https://www.i4ce.org/en/after-bonn-towards-cop29-battle-finance-role-financing-plans-transition-climate/
How do we rein in the fossil fuel industry? Here are eight ideas – The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/oct/14/how-rein-in-fossil-fuel-industry-eight-ideas
Global Fossil Fuel Subsidies Remain Large: An Update Based on Country-Level Estimates – IMF: https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WP/Issues/2019/05/02/Global-Fossil-Fuel-Subsidies-Remain-Large-An-Update-Based-on-Country-Level-Estimates-46509
China y Rusia invierten en los países en desarrollo sin ninguna conciencia ecológica. Tenemos que hacer diplomacia con estos países para que opten por la ecología.
Ecologie efficace: https://www.aurianneor.org/ecologie-efficace/
Useful Ecology: https://www.aurianneor.org/useful-ecology/
Fund: https://www.aurianneor.org/fund-selon-le-dernier-rapport-du-fonds-monetaire/
Ecoterrorismo: https://www.aurianneor.org/ecoterrorismo/
Consumption: Dream & Reality: https://www.aurianneor.org/consumption-dream-realitymore-love/
Mes hormones veulent de l’admiration: https://www.aurianneor.org/mes-hormones-veulent-de-ladmiration-je-veux/
Idée lumineuse du siècle: https://www.aurianneor.org/idee-lumineuse-du-siecle-the-light-bulb/
El 1% más rico está en guerra con el resto del mundo: https://www.aurianneor.org/el-1-mas-rico-esta-en-guerra-con-el-resto-del-mundo/
You can’t get enough… Enough!: https://www.aurianneor.org/you-cant-get-enough-enough-the-same-companies/
Idée lumineuse du siècle: https://www.aurianneor.org/idee-lumineuse-du-siecle-the-light-bulb/
Perú, biodiversidad en peligro: https://www.aurianneor.org/peru-biodiversidad-en-peligro/
Juste une question de culture; et de politique…: https://www.aurianneor.org/juste-une-question-de-culture-et-de-politique/
Solar Oven: https://www.aurianneor.org/solar-oven/
Stop au tout-béton: https://www.aurianneor.org/stop-au-tout-beton/
Préserver l’eau: https://www.aurianneor.org/preserver-leau/
¿Se puede comer carne y proteger el medio ambiente al mismo tiempo?: https://www.aurianneor.org/se-puede-comer-carne-y-proteger-el-medio-ambiente-al-mismo-tiempo/
Clean Clothes: https://www.aurianneor.org/clean-clothes-shirt-on-your-back/
Demain – Chapitre 1 – L’Agriculture: https://www.aurianneor.org/demain-chapitre-1-lagriculture-demainlefilm/
Nano Confiance: https://www.aurianneor.org/nano-confiance-affaire-des-oeufs-contamines-les/
Comercio justo y ecológico: https://www.aurianneor.org/comercio-justo-y-ecologico/
Le bio de masse est une impasse: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-bio-de-masse-est-une-impasse/
Tomorrow – Chap 2: L’énergie: https://www.aurianneor.org/tomorrow-chap-2-lenergie-demainlefilm/
40 ans, un risque maîtrisé?: https://www.aurianneor.org/40-ans-un-risque-maitrise-votez-pour-defendre/
La imprecisión artística de los coches ecológicos: https://www.aurianneor.org/la-imprecision-artistica-de-los-coches-ecologicos/
Le transport zéro émission: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-transport-zero-emission/
Transportes públicos gratuitos: https://www.aurianneor.org/transportes-publicos-gratuitos/
Aviones propulsados con hidrógeno: https://www.aurianneor.org/aviones-propulsados-con-hidrogeno/
Healthy Road: https://www.aurianneor.org/healthy-road-etre-en-meilleure-sante-etre-plus-a/
Piste scooter / Moto: https://www.aurianneor.org/piste-scooter-moto-healthy/
Le Paon Scooter: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-paon-scooter-econoniques-par-rapport-a-une/
L’écolo confort, un mode de vie: https://www.aurianneor.org/lecolo-confort-un-mode-de-vie-comment-utiliser/
Crèmes solaires: https://www.aurianneor.org/cremes-solaires-differences-entre-ecran-solaire/
Healthy Bronzage: https://www.aurianneor.org/healthy-bronzage-aller-progressivement-au-soleil/
Healthy Skin: https://www.aurianneor.org/healthy-skin-wikipedia-savon-dalep/
Healthy Hair, consejos de un wookie para el pelo: https://www.aurianneor.org/healthy-hair-consejos-de-un-wookie-para-el-pelo-y-la-barba/
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malvenor · 7 months ago
alright, i'll give you benefit of the doubt. i'd like to hear exactly what's wrong with my breakdown if you dont mind! i say this with genuine interest in what you have to say, and curiosity, no malice at all. but i do think that if you're gonna say "everything in this is wrong," you'd do well to explain just what is so wrong, or at least just one example. just saying something is wrong without providing explanation also serves to make one look silly! ...hopefully i dont sound pretentious saying that.
i knooooooow i said i didnt wanna argue. i still don't, honestly. but well, debate is ok.
i do also want to give myself just a little defense and say that my post is a casual person's criticisms, rather than a huge big one meant to be taken seriously. emotions are in there, dyeing my commentary unsightly colors at times. not the biggest defense, but hey, its there.
so yeah, all that wordy preamble to say: yes, i'm probably wrong. in the interest of self-improvement, i'd like to know why!
I expected no response and got a genuinely respectful one! Sorry if I sounded snippy - plenty of things I like get a lot of odd and unfounded criticism, and it's very easy for little things to get under my skin. I can give a bit-by-bit breakdown, for sure! And I get that it's from a casual perspective, but such a lengthy review even from a casual perspective should have a tad more than the first third of the release version of a game completed, y'know?
Ahem, anyways! Preamble out of the way, and with all due respect (which is a fair amount thanks to your stellar attitude!), here are my nits and my picks:
Less a correction and more a tip for anyone who read that post: You can re-access the tutorial at any time by going back to Selva Oscura, the game's prologue chapter, under the same menu where you access the Cantos. I recommend everyone do this anyways because you can collect some Lunacy just for visiting the map.
Next bit, I actually half-agree with. Yes, Limbus Company has a stubborn and poorly-explained learning curve, and it is less immediately intuitive than Library of Ruina. It is, however, also an intrinsically less complicated game than Library of Ruina. Having a base understanding of "when my side's numbers are higher, I win more often" will be learned quickly, and the fight against Ebony Queen's Apple will tell you the rest you need to know (since I believe this to be the game's only halfway decent tutorial). However, I will also point out that the intuitiveness is the only part of the previous two game's learning experiences that were actually good: LC and LoR also had pretty fuckin' bad tutorials.
From a casual perspective, the ins and outs of exactly how clash values are calculated are wholly unnecessary, but the basics are pretty plainly laid out, I find. It gives you a big number that will always be the starting number, a smaller number with a plus sign, and 1~5 little symbols that the game calls coins next to those. I feel like most people pretty easily grasp that when the coins flip heads, signified by the glow, they add their value to the big number. Even if this isn't understood by the player immediately as that, it becomes more obvious once you get to, again, Ebony Queen. I'll admit, this is more subjective, but it still stuck out as something people tend to grasp pretty quickly, especially former Ruina players.
aha okay yeah that's fair. the game does not, in fact, inform you how to upgrade your units.
However! It does not take two cantos to unlock Luxcavations. Now I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you dropped the game before that update, but a few weeks after launch they removed thread and exp from the Mirror Dungeons and added grindable micro-stages for them instead. EXP Lux is unlocked I believe around stage 1-10, an upgraded version around 2-18 (?), and Thread Lux after clearing Canto 2, where you also unlock Mirror Dungeons, which is where you get Lunacy and BP Exp. So, while that may have very briefly been true, this has been cleared up and fixed!
Defense skills are probably the only truly well-explained thing in the Prologue tutorial, so I'm sorry to say that this one was purely a personal issue on your part. While the circumstances of their use are not made immediately clear, that's less an issue of the explanation and more an issue of the game's balance, a discussion to be had that is far outside the scope of this post.
Nitpick among nitpicks, dungeons do not have a different combat system! Normal battles still occur within them, and starting in Canto 4 the Focus Battle system (reminiscent of Ruina's battle system) will also occur on overworld stages on occasion! Just a matter of "not quite as cut and dry as immediately laid out"
Ah, the classic victim of the tutorial and it's vague misrepresentation of the purpose of Resonance. This will have multiple parts, so starting off with the most understandable misunderstanding: Resonance does not, in fact, increase the damage you deal. Weird, right? It increases the Offense Level of skills in the chain, which is a small but extremely important distinction, since Offense Level can also affect Clash Power. Is this ever explained? Fuck no. Not your fault, just a bad tutorialization moment again.
While this is not made immediately obvious to the player, Sin does carry more weight to the battle system than you may think! First and foremost, adding a second layer of resistance really highlights how powerful the game's multiplicative damage scaling can really be, and allows some units to still be useful even if their primary damage type is resisted by the enemies.
It's not just that, though! Even on release, the sins did sort of have their own little niches like you described in your post, but you didn't quite make it far enough or get a large enough roster to really notice the patterns. The most obvious example of this is the difference between Envy (purple) and Gluttony (green). Envy is basically the plain and simple damage color, associated with multiple "nuke" skills, as well as being the primary color for Charge, which is Damage: The Archetype. Gluttony, on the other hand, lacks "nukes" altogether and is often used as a technical, status and self-healing type Sin, and also has a fair bit of Paralyze for some reason? Regardless, there's identity with each Sin, which I think is cool!
There is, because Limbus sort of fails at gacha-ing, still an odd sense of progression in Limbus! Not only are the LCB Sinners automatically upgraded as you finish the initial batch of Cantos, but the feeling of getting bigger, better, stronger options comes from not only expanding your roster, but the feeling of more complex teambuilding and additional gameplay mechanics through gameplay-story integration. Eventually we even get new story-locked toys to play with! There's also the micro-progression in Dungeons (including Mirror Dungeons, arguably especially so) but even on a grander scale, there is a nice sense of it. Less so than Ruina, of course, no denying that, but they go out of their way to make it still feel good to play through.
I will not be touching upon the story comment because you already included that edit. Yes, anon is right, it does give you the tools you need to understand what is present.
Some more subjective things, but I tried to tackle them in as objective a manner as possible. But as we are all experiencing art here, there will inevitably be these subjective matters to discuss! Many of these things weren't your fault either as they were added later in updates to the game, but such things are to be expected in live service titles.
To circle back to the original point, sometimes you just have to sit back and wonder if what you're saying will hold water, and if you happen to know enough to speak at length. I'm sorry you had a negative experience with the game to start, and I am morally obligated to not recommend gachas to people in general if they don't wish to play them, so I'll not be asking for your return. I just like clearing things up!
I hope this was informative, and I thank you for reading!
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bravenew-what · 2 years ago
My Life For One More Day
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Pairing: Andi Deris x OC
Warnings: none
Marie huffed and sat herself down on the front stairs of her family home, wincing at the thought of leaving her mother to deal with her upset grandson alone. When Marie had tried to put Isaac to bed that night, he couldn’t bear to have her leave his side. Between his screams and cries for her and her mother shrugging it off and handling it herself, Marie felt as if she had failed that day. Work was going to be nothing but a headache.
She trudged along the well worn path to the La Selva, the resort bar that she worked in the evenings to support herself, her mother, and Isaac. The mile walk was peaceful and always easy for her to complete, but tonight, she felt like curling up on one of the benches and putting her head down.
As she got to work, she tossed her purse down under the counter and perched herself up on her barstool that she kept behind the counter for herself. Marie scanned the bar, making note of anything that might have been out of place. She folded her arms and crossed her legs tightly, letting the tension build up as much as she could before releasing it all over again. It was just going to be another night.
“Sweet Maria!!”
Marie groaned loudly as Anya strolled into the bar with a sing-song voice.
“I told you to stop calling me that!!”
Anya blew her a kiss and waltzed over to clock in. “How’s the little man today?”
Marie huffed. “He screamed the entire time I tried to put him to bed tonight. I was ready to call off and stay but mom insisted she do it and I go.”
“Just not the night for him?”
Marie shook her head. She leaned her arm against the counter and propped her head on her hand. “No. And I feel so bad because nothing I did worked. Even the things that always do.”
Anya tilted her head to meet her gaze. “Hey. You do everything for them. Mom can take over.”
Marie huffed and leaned her head down on the counter. “She doesn’t have to.”
Anya kicked the stool she was sitting on. “Let your mom help more. Keep her busy too.”
She shrugged. “Mama says she doesn’t mind, but some days I can see she’s just so tired.
“She’d do anything for you.”
“Yeah, and sometimes that scares me.”
Anya hummed in agreement.
“Think we’re in for an interesting night?” Marie changed the topic of discussion.
“Maybe one of us will get laid this week.”
“Maybe it’ll finally be me.” Marie rolled her eyes knowingly.
“You damn whore!”
Anya gasped and snickered, hightailing it away from Marie’s playful slap as the latter stood up to chase after her. “Pendeja!!”
“I love you!!”
Marie shook her head in return. She loved her too, she really did. Even when the cheerfulness was nauseating.
The night started off without a hitch for the both of them. Marie knew how to work smart and quick, and she and Anya had an unspoken language that kept things rolling as smoothly as possible, so long as no patrons were arguing about significant others, or with them.
Marie noticed out of the corner of her eye, a group of five men enter the bar. They clearly were not from there, meaning someone was going to drink the other under the table. She sighed and carried on until Anya rushed back to the table with an “oh shit” look on her face that couldn’t be ignored.
“If you’re ever actually serious about sleeping around again, you’ve got company.”
Marie raised an eyebrow. “Tell me you’re joking.”
“He’s got on pants only a rockstar would wear. You might want to give it a shot.”
Marie turned her head only to be yanked back to Anya’s gaze forcefully.
“Don’t be obvious!”
“I’m not being obvious, I’m doing my job!” Marie snipped back at Anya, who shook her head.
“Darling, it’s already bad.”
Marie cocked her head as Anya shot her a knowing gaze and walked off. She looked up and across the bar to the group that had just come in and laid eyes on the man in question
Anya was right. A blond haired man was staring hard. Marie rolled her shoulders back as she met his gaze, which was frozen in fear. At least she thought it was fear. She felt a little bad for how startled he looked, he was sure to be mocked by his friends, whom she noticed had the large tray of drinks that she had just made. Marie gave her own small smile in return and the man blinked quickly as if he didn’t realize he had been staring. He returned the smile nervously, but with genuine interest before turning back to his group of friends.
Marie tried to listen to the group. They weren’t speaking Spanish or English, the two most common languages to hear in the bar. Not French. Not a Nordic Language. German? Danish? Dutch? She wasn’t sure. The man that had been staring at her had caught a few glimpses of Marie, but didn’t say much as he focused on her and his cigar. Marie admittedly enjoyed the attention.
His blond hair and blue eyes stood out from the rest of his friends, all of which had long hair like he. Marie sensed a good nature from him. Something genuine. If she hadn’t been as busy as she was she would have attempted to strike up a conversation with the group. Maybe he wanted to say something, but couldn’t. Was there a language barrier?
Hours later, and many drinks later, one of the members of the party came up to approach Marie at the bar, not the one she anticipated speaking to, but kind mannered and attractive nonetheless.
“I’ve been here to this island quite a few times, but not to this quite lovely place.”
“I suppose you ran you off places to try?” Marie shrugged the nice comment off.
“Have to explore the whole Canary Islands! And what is your name?”
“I’m Marie.” She planted her arms in a suggestive position in front of him. “And you are?”
“Markus! Pleasure, dear.” He shoved his hand out right in front of her and Marie took it gently with amusement.
“You’re definitely not from here, got it.”
“Now I thought that was obvious!”
Marie giggled. “There’s people from every corner of the world on these islands. It’s quite the jungle.”
Markus nodded and looked around the bar. “I can tell, it’s quite lovely. Been here quite a lot with mates the last couple years. Germany is not exactly an Island Getaway”
Marie snorted and tossed the wash towel down. “I bet that’s the last thing it is. What can I grab for you then, Markus?”
He gestured to the Guinness on tap and Marie nodded, instantly pulling up a pint glass and gesturing to Markus in question.
“Now don’t cheap me out and overdo the top!” He jokingly warned.
She mockingly gasped. “I could never do that to you!” To which Markus erupted in laughter. As she poured his drink, Marie blatantly stared the man that had been gawking at her down, causing him to startle and dart his eyes away as subtly as possible.
“…. Is your friend okay?”
“Oh don’t mind him, it’s quite normal for him, actually.” He waved her off and took the pint from her.
Marie slowly side-eyed Markus as she handed him his beer.
She had seen dumbstruck men walk into the bar before, but he looked genuinely nervous and sincere. He hadn’t spoken much prior to Markus approaching the bar, just chewed on his dwindling cigar.
She quickly turned her back to him and grabbed a nearly empty tequila bottle and sloshed the rest into a tall shotglass, sliding it to him while keeping her eyes on the blond man.
“Then tell him this one is on me.”
Markus laughed aloud before yelling something out in German back to his table. The blond haired man snapped back something much more impolite, causing Marie to stifle a laugh as she continued to dry and return glasses. He looked back to her as Markus nearly tossed the shot down in front of him before sitting down with his own. Marie raised her eyebrows as he reluctantly downed the shot, but with ease. The man raised the empty glass in a brief toast before turning back to Markus and his other friends. Marie smiled sheepishly as she went back to cleaning glasses.
There was no question at all at how attractive he was, the steely shine of his eyes lit up the bar brighter than any of the cheap lighting, and it was the one thing she couldn’t look away from tonight. His bangs were mussed every time he brushed them away or blew them out of his eyes and Marie enjoyed watching him sit back and easily chat with his friends in between his stares. In her years of interpreting the body language of patrons, she had never seen a man so earnest in the way he had been gazing at her. She should have felt uncomfortable, but she secretly hoped he would come to the bar instead.
As the night continued to wind down, some of Markus’s friends had departed the bar, leaving just him and the man she’d been sharing gazes with all night. Surely one of them was going to be paying their tab, the amount of beer Anya brought them could have outweighed the entire group. Maybe it was a German thing to have that much at once. As Marie began to go around the room to turn off the lanterns, she heard the two conversing in their native tonge, one sounding more heated than the other, and Marie knew it was because Markus had been teasing his friend. She heard the front door open and shut while another sound of boots clacking on the wood floors made their way towards her.
“We didn’t keep you late, did we?”
“No, of course not. you-“
Marie turned around and saw that she was face to face with the man staring at her the entire night. His gaze had softened immensely, especially when Marie stiffened up and straightened out when she realized how close they were in height.
“There was plenty of time, I just started early.”
“Oh, well….” He sifted through the money for the tab, making sure he had what he needed before thrusting it into Marie’s grasp.
“That’s for you, then. Keep the rest for yourself.”
Marie was taken aback. That rarely happened, especially from those who were not local.
“What’s your name?” Marie’s voice grew quieter, cocking her head to the side as she focused on his face. She could see the blush creeping up on his neck, and it made her feel slightly better that she was beginning to feel the same way.
“Andreas… er.. Andi. Call me Andi.”
Marie chuckled at him.
“Thank you for the shot, by the way…. Marie? Is that your name?”
“Yeah. Of course. Seemed like you needed to feel looser.” Marie shrugged, folding her arms nervously.
“Well, I appreciate the service tonight, Marie.” Andi began to depart the bar with a short wave, but Marie disapproved of the short goodbye.
“Hey!” She called after him, not satisfied with the end of their interaction.
“Will I see you in here again?”
Andi smiled brightly, making Marie’s heart flutter in a way she had never felt before. “Well, since you’re asking…”
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 2 years ago
Destruction of the Amazon Is Result of Organized Crime, Says Police Chief Saraiva
In the book 'Selva', former Federal Police superintendent Alexandre Saraiva recalls a confrontation with former minister Ricardo Salles after mega-operation against logging companies
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The book "Selva: Madeireiros, Garimpeiros e Corruptos na Amazônia Sem Lei" ("Jungle: Loggers, prospectors and Corruption in the Lawless Amazon") reconstitutes the journey of police chief Alexandre Saraiva in the ten years in which he was superintendent of the Federal Police in Roraima, Maranhão, and Amazonas.
"I have included in the book all the things that I can prove without a doubt. I've avoided any inferences. I left that up to the reader", says Saraiva about the publication, which hits bookstores this week.
The book 'Selva' connects environmental destruction to organized crime, "with tentacles running through state and federal governments and even overseas".
Continue reading.
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chiliger · 1 month ago
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In what was supposed to be a simple diplomatic mission at a fancy party, Bella and Peck find themselves in the middle of a fight.
Close ups of their faces ☺️
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a-shrieking-cloud-of-bats · 2 years ago
debating over limbus company lore is just like when I was debating over LoR lore while I worked through the game
good times
definitely something weird going on with faust and I think yi sang is More Significant Then Most Sinners
charon got shit going on if only because vergillius seems to respect her
admittedly he is apparently just related to her in some way due to stuff we got from leviathan
kinda seemed like those guys in the tutorial were with the purple tear too
though I have no idea what that would be about
unless they’re working with the bough stealers
also why is selva obscura a like forest grove in the notably almost completely barren setting of the city
where is that exactly
I seem to recall lob corp showing a forest when they were talking about the well and all that
Maybe Literal
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drtenebrisxii · 1 year ago
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"Mes Patrio 2023 - Lonche en la Selva"
Algo por las fiestas patrias de mi país :3
Kiwa, la muki, trayendo compañía y comida a la selva peruana para pasar una tarde bonita :3 llegaron ahí mediante un túnel que ella hizo xD las ventajas de ser un ser mágico de las profundidades de la tierra, supongo :p en fin, a todos mis paisanos, felices fiestas patrias uwu
nuevo lore: la magia de sombras de Kiwa brilla bajo la luz del ocaso :v
Something for my country's patriotic month :3
Kiwa the muki girl, brought company and food to the peruvian jungle to have a nice afternoon :3 they arrived here through a tunnel she digged xD the advantages of being a magical being from the depths of the Earth, I guess :p anyway, to all my fellow peruvians out there, have a happy July uwu
also, new lore: Kiwa's shadow magic shines under the light of the twilight :v
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latribune · 1 month ago
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ambientalmercantil · 4 months ago
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elfinaldelcamino · 11 months ago
Projecte I Moliner | 1. Introducció i Mòdul 1: La llavor
Faig una primer lectura del manual amb propostes d’eines i metodologies pràctiques Projecte I, de l’artista i investigadora Montserrat Moliner.
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El mòdul didàctic s’estructura, de manera semblant al Manual d’Intrusions, en 6 parts numerades del 0 al 5:
0. Projecte I
1. La llavor: Preprojecte / avantprojecte
2. El símbol: Context / context social, històric, cultural i lingüístic / context artístic / referents
3. L’encanteri: Procés de formalització de l’obra 
4. El camí: Metodologia / recerca / procés de desenvolupament d’un projecte artístic
5. El mirall: Avaluació / autoavaluació / coavaluació
Faig servir Chat GPT per generar un diàleg entre dos amics, als quals he anomenat Amic i Amat, en homenatge a l'obra de Ventura Pons, que a més són companys d'estudis a la UOC i conversen sobre l'assignatura Projecte I.
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Fotograma d'Amic | Amat de Ventura Pons (1998), amb David Selvas i Josep Maria Pou.
A continuació, els dos primers capítols del Projecte I d'Amic i Amat
0. Projecte I: Introducció
Amic: Oi que tens l'assignatura de Projecte I aquest semestre?
Amat: Sí, i he llegit la introducció sobre els cinc eixos de l'assignatura.
Amic: De què tracta tot això?
Amat: Bàsicament, es tracta d'un procés creatiu per desenvolupar projectes artístics. Utilitzen una metàfora molt poètica, com si fos un somni màgic que guia tot el procés. 
Amic: Quins són aquests eixos?
Amat: La llavor és com el primer brot de la idea, el símbol és com els elements significatius que afloren, l'encanteri és fer visible l'invisible en la creació, el camí és el mètode per desenvolupar el projecte i el mirall és l'autoavaluació del procés.
Amic: Sembla bastant complexe.
Amat: Sí, però es tracta d'entendre com tots aquests aspectes es relacionen i es complementen entre ells durant el procés artístic.
Amic: I com s'apliquen això en la pràctica?
Amat: Bé, hi ha diverses pràctiques recomanades com observar, recordar, llegir, dibuixar, caminar, etc., que ajuden a alimentar tots aquests aspectes creatius.
Amic: Així que no hi ha un únic camí a seguir?
Amat: Exacte, pots començar des de la idea, des de la pràctica, des del símbol, des de l'estudi... El més important és la passió i l'atenció que hi poses.
Amic: Entenc, sembla un viatge artístic molt interessant!
Amat: Sí, segur que serà una experiència enriquidora!
Amic: Després he llegit els objectius de l'assignatura Projecte I. Sembla bastant intens!
Amat: Sí, volen que aprofundim en el procés de creació artística amb una metodologia que ens permeti reflexionar i posar en pràctica tot el que aprenem.
Amic: Quins són els objectius específics?
Amat: Bàsicament, volen que aprenguem a generar idees, que fem una reflexió sobre referents històrics contemporanis, que aprenguem a documentar i planificar el nostre treball, i que siguem capaços de presentar el projecte amb un llenguatge artístic adequat. 
Amic: Uau, això implica molta feina!
Amat: Sí, però crec que serà molt gratificant. Ens ajudarà a créixer com a artistes i a desenvolupar el nostre propi estil i metodologia de treball.
Amic: Doncs espero estar preparat per afrontar aquests reptes!
Amat: Segur que sí, tot és qüestió de posar-hi ganes i treballar dur! Tal com diu la Moliner, “per trobar les respostes s’ha d’incidir a fer la pregunta correcta per a cada moment del procés, i d’aquesta manera trobaràs noves opcions als pensaments”.
1. Mòdul 1: La llavor
Amic: Hola! He llegit la introducció de “La llavor | Preprojecte / avantprojecte”, el primer mòdul de Projecte I de Montserrat Moliné, sobre la creació d'una obra artística, i m'ha semblat molt interessant.
Amat: Sí, diu que és un procés poètic i màgic, on les idees van creixent i sorgeixen en silenci. M’ha agrada quan diu “la llavor d’una idea es desenvolupa gràcies a la suma del treball conscient més l’inconscient i a la tensió que es produeix entre tots dos.” (p. 5)
Amic: Exacte. Parla de la llavor de les idees i com aquestes germinen i es desenvolupen al llarg del procés creatiu tant físic com metafísic.
Amat: I també destaca la importància de mantenir la imaginació viva, sense posar-hi límits racionals.
Amic: Sí, diu que hem de fer-nos preguntes lliures, sense filtrar-les amb la lògica, per trobar noves opcions als nostres pensaments.
Amat: Sembla que ens anima a explorar tots els camins creatius sense por a l'error.
Amic: Exacte. Jo ho veig com una invitació a deixar volar la imaginació i a confiar en el procés creatiu.
Amat: Doncs estic emocionat per començar a crear i veure on ens porten les nostres idees i somnis!
Amic: Jo també! Serà una aventura emocionant explorar tots aquests camins creatius.
Procesos de gestació d’idees
La pluja d’idees
Amic: Hi ha un seguit de tècniques que ens facilitaran el procés de trobar idees, combinar-les i fer-les créixer: la pluja d’idees, els mapes mentals, la sinèctica... En primer lloc, saps què és una pluja d'idees?
Amat: No, mai n'he sentit a parlar. Què és?
Amic: És una tècnica per generar un munt d'idees de manera ràpida i espontània. Va ser inventada per Alex F. Osborn el 1939.
Amat: Interessant. Com funciona?
Amic: Bé, bàsicament reunim un grup de persones i comencem a llençar idees sense cap mena de crítica o judici. L'objectiu és generar tantes idees com sigui possible en un període curt de temps.
Amat: Com ho fas?
Amic: La clau és centrar-se en la quantitat d'idees, no en la qualitat. Suspenem el judici i permetem que les idees flueixin lliurement, fins i tot les més estranyes o salvatges.
Amat: Entenc. I després què feu amb totes aquestes idees?
Amic: Després les analitzem i les agrupem segons la seva utilitat. Hi ha idees que podem utilitzar immediatament, altres que ens porten a explorar noves àrees i altres que ens fan replantejar-nos la pregunta inicial.
Amat: Sembla una manera molt efectiva d'aconseguir un munt d'idees noves.
Amic: Ho és. I el millor és que totes les idees, fins i tot les més estranyes, poden conduir-nos a nous descobriments i solucions creatives.
Amat: Genial. Haurem de provar-ho en alguna ocasió.
El mapa conceptual
Amic: En segon lloc, s’hi parla d'una cosa anomenada "mapa mental". T'imagines què pot ser?
Amat: Sí, jo n'he sentit a parlar. Són una mena de diagrama que utilitzes per organitzar les teves idees i pensaments d'una manera visual i estructurada.
Amic: Ah, interessant. Qui va inventar això?
Amat: Va ser popularitzat per un psicòleg i escriptor anomenat Tony Buzan, però la idea en si no és nova. Ve de fa molt de temps, fins i tot es pot remuntar a l'escriptura egípcia.
Amic: Com funciona exactament?
Amat: Bé, comences amb una paraula o idea central al centre del paper, i després vas afegint idees secundàries i terciàries que s'irradien d'aquesta paraula principal. Utilitzes colors, dibuixos i símbols per fer-ho més visual i fàcil de comprendre.
Amic: Em sembla una manera genial d'organitzar els pensaments. Quan podries utilitzar un mapa mental?
Amat: És molt útil per a l'estudi, per planificar projectes, o fins i tot per brainstorming. Et permet veure les connexions entre les idees i organitzar-les de manera lògica.
Amic: Em sembla que provaré a fer-ne un per al meu proper projecte. Gràcies per explicar-m'ho! 
La sinèctica
Amic: També parla d'una cosa anomenada "sinèctica". Té alguna cosa a veure amb la creació d'idees, oi?
Amat: Sí, és una tècnica de generació d'idees que va ser desenvolupada per William Gordon fa bastant temps. Funciona d'una manera una mica diferent de la pluja d'idees.
Amic: Com és diferent?
Amat: Bé, mentre que la pluja d'idees es centra en generar tantes idees com sigui possible en un temps molt curt, la sinèctica busca anar més enllà del que és habitual i familiar, obrint la ment a noves dimensions de pensament. Escolta, llegiré aquesta frase reveladora de la pàgina 9: “es considera que els elements que han de ser compresos per augmentar les possibilitats en el procés creatiu són els elements emocionals i irracionals”.
Amic: Interessant. Com ho fa?
Amat: Utilitza cinc tècniques diferents per generar analogies i obrir la ment a noves possibilitats. Una d'aquestes tècniques és l'analogia directa, on busques comparacions entre objectes o paraules que s'assemblin d'alguna manera.
Amic: I quines altres tècniques hi ha?
Amat: Hi ha l'analogia personal, on t'intentes identificar personalment amb el tema que estàs tractant, i l'analogia contrària, on busques conceptes o idees que siguin totalment diferents al que estàs considerant.
Amic: I què més?
Amat: També hi ha l'analogia simbòlica, on busques expressar el tema amb enunciats poètics, i l'analogia fantàstica, on deixes anar la teva imaginació i busques opcions més imaginatives i fora del comú.
Amic: Em sembla que la sinètica pot ser una eina interessant per explorar noves idees i perspectives. Ho provaré al meu pròxim projecte!
Pràctiques rituals
Saps què m'agrada d'aquesta lectura? Tot això sobre les pràctiques per fer visible allò invisible. Sembla que ens estiguessin donant les eines per explorar el món de les idees d'una manera molt profunda.
Amat: Sí, totalment! És com si ens estiguessin mostrant com obrir-nos a un univers d'imaginació i creativitat. M'agrada especialment com parlen sobre l'observació i la manera com ens insten a veure les coses amb una nova mirada, sense prejudicis ni expectatives.
Amic: Exacte! Em sembla que a vegades ens acostumem tant a veure les coses d'una manera concreta que oblidem explorar altres possibilitats. Aquesta idea de mirar les coses amb la ingenuïtat de la primera vegada em sembla molt potent.
Amat: I el tema del dibuix també és interessant. Sembla que el dibuix no només és una forma de representar objectes, sinó que també és una eina per explorar noves idees i relacions. Em recorda a quan érem petits i dibuixàvem sense cap mena de limitació.
Amic: Sí, jo també penso que hi ha una gran llibertat en el dibuix. És com si ens permetés expressar les nostres idees de manera intuïtiva i ràpida. La cita d'en Bruce Nauman sobre dibuixar com equivalent a pensar ho resumeix molt bé.
La memòria
Amat: I què em dius de la part sobre la memòria? M'ha semblat molt interessant com parlen de la importància d'ordenar els records i com això pot influir en la nostra creativitat.
Amic: Sí, és veritat. La manera com recordem les experiències passades i com les relacionem amb el present pot tenir un impacte enorme en la nostra manera de crear i imaginar. Em sembla que aquest exercici de pensar en un objecte que ens ha acompanyat i ordenar els records és molt potent.
Escoltar el silenci
Amic: És que hi ha un seguit de coses que es fan per predisposar-te a trobar l'estat adequat per crear. Com ara observar, dibuixar, escoltar el silenci...
Amat: Espera, escoltar el silenci? Com es fa això?
Amic: Sembla ser que es tracta de posar-te en contacte amb el silenci per dins, com si meditessis. Diu que això facilita una mena d'escolta interna, perquè la ment en silenci pot formular noves idees.
Amat: Interessant. I què més diu?
Amic: També parla de caminar, jugar, llegir i portar una llibreta com a pràctiques per estimular la creativitat.
Jugar, llegir, portar una llibreta…
Amat: Caminar, jugar... això sembla més divertit.
Amic: Sí, diu que caminar sense un destí concret pot estimular el pensament i la creativitat. I jugar també és important, perquè ajuda a experimentar i a veure les coses des de punts de vista diferents.
Amat: I llegir?
Amic: Doncs diu que la lectura et permet accedir a altres punts de vista i et fa més empàtic. A més, expandeix la teva perspectiva i et porta a noves idees i històries.
Amat: I el tema de portar una llibreta?
Amic: Bé, aquesta és interessant. Diu que les llibretes serveixen per atrapar les idees i donar-los forma. Pots portar-les de forma física o virtual, però recomanen ügg v lang in v pp versió física perquè afavoreix la memòria i és més còmode per fer dibuixos.
Amat: En resum, sembla que tot aquest conjunt de pràctiques ens ajuda a connectar amb nosaltres mateixos i amb el món que ens envolta d'una manera molt profunda i creativa.
Amic: Exactament! Em fa pensar en com podem aplicar aquestes idees al nostre propi procés creatiu. Potser podríem portar una llibreta i fent alguna passejada per inspirar-nos.
Amat: Em sembla una excel·lent idea! Jo també estic emocionat per començar a explorar aquestes pràctiques i veure com influeixen en la nostra manera de crear i pensar. Molt interessant tot plegat. Potser hauríem de provar alguna d'aquestes pràctiques.
Amic: Sí, què et sembla si comencem amb la pràctica de l'escolta del silenci? Proposo un minut de silenci en memòria del productor de tants moments d'inspiració cinematogràfica, en Ventura Pons, que va morir el passat 3 de gener d'aquest any. Va per tu, Ventura!
Amat: Perfecte, podríem intentar-ho ara mateix
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(Un minut de silenci per en Ventura)
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otiskeene · 1 year ago
Investcorp Europe Acquisition Corp I And OpSec Group Secure Investment From SAKATA INX
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The Investcorp Europe Acquisition Corp I (Nasdaq: IVCB), a special purpose acquisition company, and OpSec Group, a leader in intellectual property management and brand protection, have announced a strategic investment from SAKATA INX Corporation through unsecured convertible loan notes issued by OpSec. After the proposed business combination closes, these loan notes will convert into common shares of OpSec Group, the newly combined company.
OpSec's CEO, Selva Selvaratnam, highlighted their support and investment in OpSec's public offering and expressed excitement for fortifying their partnership with SAKATA INX. He emphasized the teamwork involved in creating market-specific solutions for strong trademark protection.
SAKATA INX President and CEO Yoshiaki Ueno thanked OpSec for the relationship and underlined the company's dedication to offering complete brand protection solutions.
Read More - bit.ly/47cTStQ
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