#selina: thread
rafaelmoldonado · 1 month
TEXT to -> Selina Vale
RAFAEL: I need your opinion, Selina. RAFAEL: The young person at the store ignored my request for a simple suit but this is what I got instead. RAFAEL: [Image sent] RAFAEL: Is this in fashion these days?
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gullable-fool · 11 months
There is so much happening in Batman comics right now I’m gonna have an aneurism
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theodoranowak · 23 days
[ 📱 text ] Selina (T)
THEO: You're going to think I'm crazy, but I SWEAR I saw someone who looks just like you here in BH the other day THEO: Impossible, right? You would have told me if you were in BH @momentspassd
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siiinfully · 2 months
continued from this with @thehavsofblvck
“Oh it’s far too late for that.” Jason teased, his hand slowly moving along her half naked form while they lay in bed.
Selina rolled her eyes but made no effort to swat his hand away. “And don’t get used to it either.”
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hairpintvrns · 29 days
STARTER FOR: @momentspassd Terry 📲 AAA Sev
TERRY: [Fwd: The Urban Birding Festival @ Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum Chicago, IL] TERRY: [Fwd: Openings @ Visual Arts Department, Blue Harbor University]  TERRY: [Fwd: Photojournalists wanted @ The Blue News] TERRY: Just thought you might be interested in any of these. Let me know.
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grayisblogging · 5 months
the club scene in the batman ft. wargasm uk
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clawsextended · 4 months
y’know the batman is basically horror batman so writing experimental horror dkr actually has an itch i can scratch. huh. who knew.
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caracarnn · 7 months
The restaurant was busy, tables were full everywhere. He was pretty glad that he had gotten a seat at this place. He just wanted to impress her, wanted to make a good first date. She managed to intimidate him a little bit, he couldn't much help it. It hardly mattered that this was a bit above his pay grade, what mattered had been that smile that she had been wearing when they sat at the table. He wanted to know whether or not she really had been impressed but that was something that you didn't ask a girl. Especially not a girl like Selina. Not at all. Things had been going well, and he had tried to lessen his nerves - which is why he was almost glad that she had excused herself to go to the bathroom.
It had been awhile however and he had actually answered his phone when it vibrated in his pocket to give himself something to do other than linger here uncertain what it was that was going through her mind. He just waited now. He didn't need to go in. Another robbery. He would look over the case in the morning and see what could be done. These bloody robberies were making his head spin. But the line of thought trailed off when he noted her coming back to the table. She seemed different suddenly. What was it?
He smiled at her. "Did you want dessert?" - @inabcck
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pv55y · 1 month
          SHE SLIPS INTO THE DIMLY LIT CLUB, THE BEAT OF HEAVY MUSIC VIBRATING THROUGH THE FLOOR BENEATH HER FEET; THE ICEBERG LOUNGE. Some things in her little ventures never quite change, do they? GOTHAM IS ALWAYS, & WILL ALWAYS REMAIN GOTHAM. Tonight, she has business she’d like to tend to; eyes scan the crowd with distaste but laser-focus, attempting not to focus TOO MUCH on the undercurrent of danger that always seem to linger in such places,     [ SHE’S NOT ONE TO PARTY, NEVER HAS BEEN, TRULY ]     & she doesn’t have to look hard / far to spot the one she’s looking for:
          Seems to be engrossed in some sort of conversation with another, busy with one thing or the other; THEY TEND TO ALL LOOK THE SAME, AT SOME POINT, FOR HER ( Gotham never changes; Gotham never changes; Gotham never- ) but with a confident stride, she makes her way over, not at all mindful of bubbles or personal space [ IRONIC, ACTUALLY; CONSIDERING HOW MUCH SHE SNAPS AT THOSE WHO INVADE HERS ]     ❛❛     Well, hello there     ❜❜     she purrs out, undertone complete with a GROWL if one is to listen closely;     ❛❛     Name’s Selena; I’m afraid I seem to be a little… lost,     ❜❜
SHE DOESN’T ACT LIKE SOMEONE WHO’S AS SUCH, but she doesn’t exactly bother to play the part no matter how true it technically is.     < @gothpeng CALLED UPON THE CAT, >     She leans in just ever so, only enough to keep things at a playing field,     ❛❛     But you? You have something I want, Mister; I’m… willing to make it worth your while, of course     ❜❜     not that she means it that way ( SHE NEVER DOES, ACTUALLY ) but doesn’t quite elaborate either,
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vntagetee · 2 months
﹙continued.﹚ selina + harley  for  @soughtserenity
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“how  else  was  i  supposed  to  get  in  the  place  without  having  five-oh  called  on  me?  everyone  thought  i  was  part  of  the  staff. worked like a charm.”  selina  ripped  the  tight  bun  out  of  her  hair,  letting  the braids  fall  around  her  shoulders, and  retrieved  a  velvet  pouch from her pocket.  “what  do  you  think?” 
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saulweissberg · 2 months
availability / @momentspassd / selina! setting / caffélicious; monday, august 5th, around eight am.
so, saul had a type: dark hair, light eyes—many people came to mind, including leon, thalia, and terry, to name a few—were his particular favorite, but saul appreciated beauty in all forms; he went crazy for redheads—dilara came to mind this time, and cassie when they had been married—and he always had an liking for blondes with dark eyes. he didn’t limit his attraction to just one classification, so when he saw the woman in caffélicious, she captured his attention immediately. for one, she was stunningly gorgeous. second, he didn’t recognize her. true, he didn’t know everyone in town, but saul had made himself a prominent citizen of blue harbor shortly after moving to town, and he would’ve noticed her instantly if they had crossed paths before. he couldn’t stop himself. he had to talk to her.
standing in line behind her at the counter, saul watched as she ordered and then stood off to the side to wait for the drink to be ready. he ordered his own coffee and joined her further down the counter. crossing his arms, he gave her a sidelong glance before he chose an opening salvo: “good morning.” saul greeted with a small, unassuming smile. “i’m saul—i’m assuming you’re either new or maybe just a hermit that never leaves your house, because i don’t think we’ve met before.” saul offered his hand for her to shake. “and if you are new, yes, this is the type of town where strangers just randomly introduce themselves.”
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ofmythsandfables · 5 months
@wrldofmyown asked: ( • )( • )ԅ(‾⌣‾ԅ) from baby Xan to Sel (this fits so well for them 😭😭😭)
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Mid afternoon has hit and Selina is done with her classes for the day. She stands with her back toward her office door, honey orbs scanning through some paperwork that needed to be dealt with before she leaves. There's a knock at the door but she doesn't look up, and instead calls for the person to enter.
She doesn't need to turn around to know who it is once the door is shut and lock is set in place. Judging by the thud on the floor from a backpack being tossed down and fast paced footsteps, Selina knew exactly who had visited her.
A gasp seeps passed red tinted lips as large hands grope at her breasts from behind. Already she's melting into their strong frame, but she doesn't look up from the paperwork. Not yet.
"Did my baby boy miss me?" Her voice is like honey, smooth and rich as she coos.
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catlucked · 1 year
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@batisms — bruce’s babies 🥹💜
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siiinfully · 1 year
continued from this with @dalphahale
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“I wouldn’t be running because I don’t steal things,” he responded simply. He was never in fear of the law as he obeyed it very clearly and even upheld it in his current position. His green eyes looked at the necklace she was dangling, feeling like it was some sort of trap. He stayed in his spot watching her as she moved in his bed to get herself more comfortable. “Why would you want my attention when you’re constantly trying to get away from me?” He asked before he moved to his dresser to toss her one of his old shirts. He wasn’t going to arrest her in this moment because he was tired and she had him curious. He wanted to know how she found him and why she wanted to get to know him. “You keep pulling all these stunts around town and have me working so much that I barely have time to lay in that bed you find yourself in.” And it was exhausting trying to find Selina Kyle, the famous thief that could never be caught. “I think you just like playing games and this is another one.”
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She shrugged, easily catching the shirt he’d tossed her way. Once she had it on, she tugged it further down her legs to see just how long it was before standing up and draping the necklace over his bedsheet. “I think you’re interesting. Definitely not like any of the policemen down at your precinct. And…aren’t you paid more overtime if you work more?” Her naivety in that area of policework was showing: she had thought that by being more active and stealing more, she was also helping him earn more money, more than his colleagues, at least. Now, hearing that he was possibly more tired than well-paid, she felt awful. “I’m sorry, then. I just thought they’d compensate you for your time.” But was it surprising if his superiors didn’t? She knew how corrupt the cops were in the city: the previous police chief had even worked for one of the mafia bosses she knew. “And if it meant that I got to see you more, it felt like a win-win situation at the time.” Although she had promised to come quietly, she was already between him and the open window she’d used to get in, a potential exit in case she needed to escape.
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hairpintvrns · 2 months
STARTER FOR: @momentspassd LOCATION: terry's residence / forest lake
The peak of the birding season was over. Smack-dab in the middle of summer, there were very few species of interest to Terry, and their birdwatching had been a means to establish routine more than anything. Certainly there were shorebirds, whose migration patterns arrived a bit later than their songbird and land birds, but the Forest Lake trail leading towards the river was a bit farther than they’d like, and they weren’t sure whether the birds would still be there upon their arrival. 
But there had been one bird of interest. Hearing a familiar birdsong—an unhurried crescendo of buzzes and trills, not quite the yellow warbler’s whistle-like melody, or the black-and-white warbler’s sharp, almost squeaking, chattiness—Terry raised their binoculars to confirm their sighting of a cerulean warbler foraging atop a white oak tree. A male one, by the looks of it, with his uniquely blue-and-white crest and dark gray streaks along the wings and plumage. A patch of sky against the forest canopy. This, though, was a chromatic aberration. There was no blue pigment in feathers; holding its feather up to the light produces, instead, a dark-brown color, for the warbler’s bluish scatter was informed by selective absorption and light scattering.
Blue in nature could only be achieved through tricks, transformations, manipulations of the light. And, light? It had brought color, scale, texture. Weight. It was one of the first things they’d been taught. Per Le Corbusier, light was the fundamental basis of architecture. 
The bird had departed as quickly as they’d noticed it, however. Hearing the faint call of another bird, Terry had darted their binoculars quickly towards the source. It had taken them some time to spot its mate. The female cerulean warbler was decidedly not quite as vibrant, with its leaflike back and breasts, as well as brown streaks across its rump and wingbar, allowing it to camouflage into the branch on which she sat, save for her eyes, dark and striking amid the trees.
Their heart sank as the pair flew away, even as they knew that chasing them would prove difficult—and, amid, the sweltering summer, even impossible. Cerulean warblers, after all, had not earned their moniker sky-blue and sky-high without merit. And so Terry had let the warblers disappear, further into the sky and into greater heights, their binoculars hanging heavily on their neck as they turned back. 
Their walk towards the cabin had been listless, eyes fixed on the patch of naked soil that indicated the trail instead of eye-level; exhausted, perhaps, from looking up. Two months into Blue Harbor, and the journey to and from towards their residence had become familiar: from the underbrush flanking the trail path, the wildflowers blooming under the oak trees, the eventual fork in the path separating their log residence from another series of houses a little ways over, and, turning right, their own path, and—
Terry halted in their steps. The problem with summer, they thought, was everything was clear as day. Here, there were no tricks of the light, no shadows carving human figures out of the trunks of maturing trees, no vision conjured up from the recesses of their memory. There was no mistaking that this figure was Selina, some hundred miles away from New York, on the stoop leading towards their cabin, settling on the patch of earth that for months now they’d begun to call their own, instead of somewhere higher up, like, like—
They could no longer form the words. “Selina.” In the end, there was only their name. 
Their fingers began twitching involuntarily, a tic that they could not quite control. Swallowing, they placed their grip instead on the next solid thing: of the leather buckles of their messenger bag, smooth to the touch. And so reality pulled itself back, to the last time they’d seen each other, to the way they’d retreated further and further into themselves until all that was left was the dark; if architecture was composed with light, then darkness was its antithesis. The words that had left their tongue were absent of an architect’s careful precision. All there was left was the capacity to hurt.
“You’re here,” they added, sparsely, afraid of saying the wrong thing. They settled with the observable, the tangible. “At my cabin.” They moved forward, still wary of the distance, settling on the cobblestone path a foot away. They rubbed their thumb against the cool leather buckle, cold but grounding. Do they dare ask a question? “Why?” Why are you here? Why did you come back? And, perhaps, are you ready to forgive me?
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red-hemlock · 10 months
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(Updated River's blog some more. I moved Headcanons to under the Tags link in the blog side-bar, and I've replaced it with a page called Key Info now. Just be warned, it's quite lengthy!
This page will go a little more in-depth about her suit and weapons load-out, and I also copy-pasted the headcanon I made earlier about her apothecary there too... Figured it'd be best to condense them into one page, instead of them getting lost in the Archive at some point!
The suit and weapons info might change with the release of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League... Not entirely sure how I feel about that game to be honest lol. 8'D;;; BUT NOW, ALLOW ME TO SCREAM IN THE TAGS.)
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