pv55y · 1 month
          SHE SLIPS INTO THE DIMLY LIT CLUB, THE BEAT OF HEAVY MUSIC VIBRATING THROUGH THE FLOOR BENEATH HER FEET; THE ICEBERG LOUNGE. Some things in her little ventures never quite change, do they? GOTHAM IS ALWAYS, & WILL ALWAYS REMAIN GOTHAM. Tonight, she has business she’d like to tend to; eyes scan the crowd with distaste but laser-focus, attempting not to focus TOO MUCH on the undercurrent of danger that always seem to linger in such places,     [ SHE’S NOT ONE TO PARTY, NEVER HAS BEEN, TRULY ]     & she doesn’t have to look hard / far to spot the one she’s looking for:
          Seems to be engrossed in some sort of conversation with another, busy with one thing or the other; THEY TEND TO ALL LOOK THE SAME, AT SOME POINT, FOR HER ( Gotham never changes; Gotham never changes; Gotham never- ) but with a confident stride, she makes her way over, not at all mindful of bubbles or personal space [ IRONIC, ACTUALLY; CONSIDERING HOW MUCH SHE SNAPS AT THOSE WHO INVADE HERS ]     ❛❛     Well, hello there     ❜❜     she purrs out, undertone complete with a GROWL if one is to listen closely;     ❛❛     Name’s Selena; I’m afraid I seem to be a little… lost,     ❜❜
SHE DOESN’T ACT LIKE SOMEONE WHO’S AS SUCH, but she doesn’t exactly bother to play the part no matter how true it technically is.     < @gothpeng CALLED UPON THE CAT, >     She leans in just ever so, only enough to keep things at a playing field,     ❛❛     But you? You have something I want, Mister; I’m… willing to make it worth your while, of course     ❜❜     not that she means it that way ( SHE NEVER DOES, ACTUALLY ) but doesn’t quite elaborate either,
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pv55y · 1 month
           SHADOWS STRETCH ACROSS THE MARBLE FLOORS, cast by the dim emergency lights lining the hallways; the air is thick with tension, as if the museum itself is holding its breath. She, THE CATWOMAN     [ HARBINGER OF DEATH; CORPSE DAMNED TO WALK NO MATTER WHAT… ]     moves through the darkness like a whisper; lithe form barely makes a sound as she navigates the museum’s high-tech security. OUR FELINE-FEMME HAS HER SIGHTS SET ON THE PRIZE:     a priceless artifact rumored to be the key to a long-lost fortune ( —a black cat looking for good luck ?     PRICELESS )
           NOT THE MOST PRACTICAL SCORE, COMPARED TO HER HISTORY; & YET, the thrill of the challenge IS WHAT KEPT HER SANE, SO SHE’D TAKE WHAT SHE COULD, even if that includes worthless scrap in the long run. She approaches the exhibit, smirk present behind her mask, blood-red framing pearly whites; the artifact in question, A JEWEL-ENCRUSTED RELIC, is displayed in a glass case in the center of the room.
With just few more steps, a flick of her wrist to disable the sensors, & it would be hers; IT CALLS HER, DRAWS HER IN, & she’s about to be the cat that caught the cream ( & there go the ‘dirty tingles’ again; tail would be surely wagging in delight, if she had one, )     SHE CAN FEEL HER INCISORS DRIPPING; METAL TALONS POISED ABOVE THE THICK ENCASING,
           BUT SOMETHING SHIFTS IN THE AIR; a sharp pang, like lightning, static creeping upon flesh, her arms & up her back, making her stiffen. INSTINCTS, HONED FROM YEARS OF PROWLING GOTHAM’S ROOFTOPS, TINGLE WITH THE SENSE OF ANOTHER. Catwoman pauses, eyes narrowing as she scans the shadows. A flash of red makes her turn; a figure, a shadow     < @the-mocking-robin CALLED UPON THE CAT , >     moves along with seemingly purpose & stealth
           ❛❛     Well, well,     ❜❜     she purrs, stepping out of the shadows; amusement, a challenge,     ❛❛     I DIDN’T REALIZE THIS WAS A TEAM JOB. But, well,     ❜❜     a subtle click of the tongue as she reluctantly sheathes the claw,     ❛❛     I SUPPOSE Gotham’s big enough for the both of us…     that is, unless you have a problem with sharing ?     ❜❜     a jest / nothing more than poking at the bear     [ PLEASE, CATWOMAN DOESN’T SHARE, ]
A slight tilt of her head, orbs gleaming with interest as she sizes him up, trying to work out his angle. NO FEAR IN HER POSTURE; just curiosity mixed with a hint of…     FRIENDLY, ALBEIT COMPETITIVE SPIRIT. Catwoman waits, gloved fingers casually resting on her hip; HE’S NO BATMAN, SHE CAN GATHER THAT MUCH, AT LEAST.
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pv55y · 1 month
           SELENA LEANS CASUALLY AGAINST THE COUNTER OF THE SMALL COFFEE SHOP, her eyes scanning the room; it’s a far cry from the shadows of Gotham, but it’s a welcome change of pace. She takes a sip of her coffee, savoring the warmth as it spreads through her — it’s not often she gets to simply relax, to simply exist, ( BEST NOT TO LET THE THOUGHTS LINGER TOO MUCH ) Her attention shifts when the door chimes, signaling a new arrival;
           Selena’s seen her before, in pictures and headlines—she’s a known face, a model, an actress, &, if the rumors are true, SOMEONE WITH TIES TO SPIDER-MAN,     [ Her interest? Piqued… Intentions? To be determined, ]     & as if the universe hears her thoughts, their eyes meet; Selena, ever the nicest, offers a subtle smile, a greeting & no more intentions than just that.     < @watsonjackpot CALLED UPON THE CAT , >     SHE TILTS HER HEAD JUST EVER SO, studying the redhead with a curious glint in her eyes,
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pv55y · 1 month
"kitty cat, i'm not here to play." red hood tilts his head from his perch at the apartment's window. "i'm here to ask you if you want a job." he's more than enough for most heists, but building a little rapport with the local players shouldn't hurt, right? at least not the ones he can stomach.
          ❛❛     CAREFUL THERE, KIDDO,     ❜❜     CATWOMAN HOLDS UP A FINGER ( A MOCKING OF TEACHER SCOLDING A STUDENT, OF A MOTHER SHUSHING A CHILD, OF A NUN SILENCING A NON-BELIEVER ) leaning back against the counter, glint of amusement as she regards him; she tuts tuts at the cold air wafting in through the open window ( thanks to him, )     ❛❛     PLAYING GAMES HAPPENS TO BE MY FORTE; if you want me to get serious, well…     ❜❜     intrigue / curiosity colors her words, despite the underlying threat.     ❛❛     YOU MIGHT NOT LIKE ME TOO MUCH; but I guess I shouldn’t expect too much, should I? Not from your kind anyway,     ❜❜     ( well, that’s not very nice, is it? )     ❛❛     ALL WORK & NO PLAY MAKES FOR A RATHER BORING DATE,     ❜❜
Gaze travels all over the figure; SHE NOTICES THE CONFIDENT STANCE, THE DIRECT TONE. Straight to business, THE CATWOMAN WOULD GRANT HIM AS SUCH. She’s accustomed to working alone… but she’s not mad enough     [ just yet, anyway ]     to lie to herself & say that the proposition doesn’t hold some interest to her,
          ( ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES FROM SOMEONE LIKE THE RED HOOD, )     ❛❛     A JOB, HUH? You have to be real damned desperate to come knocking on my window; you have me shivering now, Red.     ❜❜     pushing off the counter fluidly / gracefully in only a way a cat would, despite now seemingly impatient & at the end of her rope, stepping towards him deliberately,     ❛❛     I’M MORE THAN CAPABLE OF HANDLING MYSELF; but I have a feeling you knew that already… So, WHY?     ❜❜     plenty of muscle, skills & other crazies in this city; BUT HE’D COME TO THE CAT. DANGEROUS EYES FLEAM WITH INTEREST, EYEING THE TOY ATTACHED TO THE STRING; READY TO POUNCE,     ❛❛     I mean… I know I have a certain reputation; is there something you’re not telling me? I DON’T PLAY NICE WITH OTHERS,     ❜❜
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pv55y · 1 month
& she is enjoying the rare moment of peace away, mind drifting into along with the music, remembering happier times     [ FLEETING, GONE WITH THE WIND… ]     WHEN SHE HADN’T BEEN SO…     WELL, THIS ,
          SHE LEANS BACK IN HER SEAT AT THE CORNER BOOTH, a glass of bourbon cradled in her gloved hand, like delicate porcelain. The dim light reflects off her hair, a parodical illusion of a halo, humorously contrasting with everything else about her; BLACK LEATHER JACKET, TIGHT JEANS, & BOOTS     —     she observes the room around her with SHARP / PRACTICED EYE, noting the exits, the patrons, & the general atmosphere, attention drawn to the bar WHEN THE DOOR SWUNG OPEN WITH A CREAK, LETTING IN A GUST OF COOL NIGHT AIR,
          AH,     SHE HASN’T SEEN THIS ONE BEFORE     —     RUGGED, an air of weariness & something of a predatory grace that instantly piques her interest ( like a cat eyeing a mouse; target locked ); an air of solitude that matches hers at a glance,     < @snkts CALLED UPON THE CAT , >     SELENA WATCHES & TAKES A SLOW SIP OF HER BOURBON, the ruby of lipstick imprinting on the edge of her glass as she considers her options:
A SMALL, MISCHIEVOUS SMILE PLAYING ON HER LIPS, she decides to make the first move:    in a way only a feline would, she slides out out of her booth, making her way to the bar & takes the empty stool next to him, unprompted but as if she had been solely invited,
          She sets her glass down on the counter, eyes briefly meeting his as she did so,     [ SLOW, KEEP THE EYE CONTACT ]     ❛❛     ROUGH NIGHT, or are you just passing through ?     ❜❜     tone casual but laced with curiosity; THE TIREDNESS / SCRATCHINESS IN HER VOICE IS PALPABLE, LIKE SHE’S BEEN SMOKING HER ENTIRE LIFE & QUIT YESTERDAY, WEAK, BUT NO LESS ANIMATED. She rests her elbow on the bar, posture relaxed yet poised, ready for anything ( —FLIGHT OR FIGHT; WHICH ONE WOULD IT BE TONIGHT ? )
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pv55y · 1 month
The metal clank of his claws tapping together irritates the living hell out of him, but he's grown so used to it, damn how sharp the noise slice through the air. He unsheathes his right hand, snatching a cigar from the ground and dusts it off. The end is momentarily sweet before the settlement of dirt, and unfiltered waste from the dumpster spread along his tongue. It's near revolting if not for the woman before him; the silhouette of her body he's seen thousands of times in plenty. Logan's got a hunch however, and he's almost never wrong. See, between the growling and itch for a light he knows she's gotta have, there's a sense of danger about her that screams for him to turn around and stay away. But he doesn't. "Hey, miss." Logan grunts, "You got a light with all that trash your carryin'?" (wolverine)
          A TILT OF HER HEAD, BEMUSED SMILE GRADUALLY PLAYING ON THE LIPS AS SHE LOOKS TO THE POTENTIAL NEW TOY; GRUFF & MEAN, JUST HOW SHE LIKES THEM — the tension in the air thick enough to cut with those pretty little claws of his,     ❛❛     Trash? Now that’s a little harsh; didn’t your mother teach you how to talk to a lady, old man? Especially after you just picked that off the floor?     ❜❜     she giggles as eyes flicker to the cigar in his hand, then back to his rugged face, the scent of smoke & something earthier clung / mingling along with the unmistakable odor of Gotham’s alleys,
          SELENA LETS OUT A SOFT / TEASING CHUCKLE; it’s not often she runs into fun banter when out of the uniform,     ❛❛     But then again, you don’t exactly strike me as the type o mince words; I’m just poking fun, DON’T TAKE ME TOO SERIOUSLY,     ❜❜     & she’s not kidding either! A rarity for our feline-thief,     [ IN TRUTH, SHE’S JUST NOT IN THE MOOD AT THIS MOMENT; even villains need their rest ]     she reaches into her jacket, pulling out a sleep silver & pink lighter, the polished surface catching faint light from the streetlamp above, flicking it open with practiced ease. The flame dances to life with the soft click; THIS SEEMS TO CATCH HER ATTENTION, JUST LIKE A CAT, before holding it just out of his reach as she steps close,
          Her movements are slow / deliberate; a predator sizing up potential prey ( to pounce or to run? Which will it be tonight? )     ❛❛     THERE’S MORE TO ME WHAT THE NAKED EYES SEE, MY DEAR; but I guess the same could be said about you, huh?     ❜❜     there’s a purr to her words, as she locks eyes with him,     ❛❛     Luck you, you caught me on a good one today; not often I give out nice gestures,     ❜❜     it’s almost intimate, the way she lights the tip of his cigar; suggestive, if not a little crude — BUT IT’S ALL IN OUR FELINE’S EYES, an intensity in them as if ready for anything BUT COLORLESS,
There’s a spark of curiosity, perhaps simply the thrill of being so close to the flame; but she abruptly stomps on the moment, letting reality settling in; whatever trace of mirth or amicability in her expression vanished without a trace,     ❛❛     You’re welcome,     ❜❜     she says pointedly, before rolling her eyes & stepping away,
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pv55y · 1 month
“you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” / from diana
           SHE BLINKS, HEARTBEAT IS BUT A FRACTION FASTER THAN IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN / HAD BEEN ONLY A MOMENT AGO. RUNNING INTO A NEW YET FAMILIAR FACE HAD NOT BEEN ON THE AGENDA — especially not WONDER WOMAN. Irises dilate to slits, usual of the cat; alert, dangerous & feral, meeting the superheroes, but no immediate words come to mind to fill the void. Opting to TRY & RELAX, she takes a slow / steadying breath, LETTING THE COOL AIR OF THE NIGHT FILL HER LUNGS,     ❛❛     Ghosts… ?     ❜❜     more of a question for herself rather than Diana,
           THERE’S A WRYNESS TO HER SMILE, THEN, TUGGING AT HER LIPS LIKE A PUPPETEER’S STRINGS,     [ it doesn’t QUITE REACH the eyes ]     Selena wants to laugh, at the irony of the question,     ❛❛     Ghosts have a… real funny way of showing up when you least expect them, don’t they?     ❜❜
TO PRACTICALLY TALK ABOUT HERSELF; AN INHUMAN THING, AN UGLY THING ( but she’s even worse than a ghost, isn’t she? ) — Unconsciously, she pushes a stray lock of hair behind the ear, the fabric of her glove rubbing against her mask, tightening, constricting; her mind is racing, rushing to replay the very events that led her here & now,
           [ THE SHADOWS SHE HAS SEEN, THE WHISPERS THAT NEVER QUITE LEFT HER HEAD; SKELETONS THAT REFUSED TO STAY IN THE CLOSET ]     —     ❛❛     But then again,     ❜❜     she mumbles, licking her lips as she attempts to keep her voice steady; but it’s a rubber band, ready to snap,     ❛❛     Then again, IN OUR LINE OF WORK, the past doesn’t quite stay buried,     ❜❜     she is purposeful in her use of wording; of course they don’t share the same line of work ( far from it, actually ) but it’s funny to say out loud, regardless,     ❛❛     It just LINGERS THERE, waiting for the right moment to… make itself known.     ❜❜     She leans forward just ever so, crimson curling into a sneer-like crimson,
She’s playing with her food, potential predator; a feline through & through,     ❛❛     You ever feel as such, Wonder Girl ? Like the things you’ve done, choices made, are just waiting on standby; ready to haunt you at your weakest? WHAT WOULD YOU DO THEN ?     ❜❜
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pv55y · 1 month
this guy who is following you, he is very persistent.
          CATWOMAN DOESN’T FLINCH AT THE SOUND OF BOY WONDER’S VOICE; ANIMALISTIC TO THE CORE, SHE HAD SENSED HIS ARRIVAL LONG BEFORE HE SPOKE —     his sheer presence is impossible to miss, downright even to those sunken in the shadows     [ to be forgotten, to rot ]     SHE IS PERCHED ON THE EDGE OF A ROOFTOP; NOTHING NEW, IT BORDERS ON THE CLICHE ( is she really any better than the Bat? ) but it hadn’t been WITHOUT PURPOSE. What kind of victim would she be, if she didn’t PROVIDE HER STALKER SOME SORT OF HEADSTART ?
          Filthy, filthy & even more filthy; teeth sink at the bottom of her lips, SHIVERS WORKING THROUGH HER SPINE as she practically dies to play with her food… But in Superman's words,     SHE ALLOWS A KNOWING SMILE TO TUG AT THE CORNER OF RUBINE LIPS      ( — playful, knowing even; is he teasing? Surely, he isn’t serious? )     ❛❛     Here to help a LOST KITTY find her way, Supes? & persistent, you say? Well, that’s certainly one way to put it,     ❜❜
THE TONE OF HER RESPONSE IS A POISONOUS DELICIOUS CONCOCTION; amusement & anticipation, but also irritation ( like nails to a chalkboard! )     ❛❛     But then again, THEY ALWAYS ARE… ESPECIALLY when they think they have something to prove, or rather, when they think they have a chance in the first place,     ❜❜     her eyes darken into something feral, in this moment, but it’s gone as soon as it’d come,
          SELENA IS NO STRANGER TO THE FUCKED UP MINDS of the unhinged, the feral; takes one to know one, after all, doesn’t it? SHE STRETCHES, ALL LEATHER & LIMBS, A SLEEK FIGURE CUTTING AGAINST THE DARKNESS; turning to face him, the villainess meets his gaze, eyes blank & expression unreadable behind the mask, DESPITE IT NOT DOING THE BEST JOB AT HIDING HER IDENTITY,     ❛❛     But I think you know that as well as I do, don’t you? Those who persist too much, sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong… can lead to some severe consequences,     ❜❜     Especially when it’s towards someone that doesn’t want to be followed…
          Slits flicker back to the street below;     ❛❛     I’M CURIOUS ABOUT SOMETHING, THOUGH,     ❜❜     curiosity killed the cat,     ❛❛     What makes even the boy-scout-wonder Superman take an interest in my little affair of… cat & mouse?     ❜❜     Not everyday she manages to snag the attention of the Man of Steel himself; she leans casually against the ledge, posture relaxed… AT LEAST AT FIRST GLANCE, but truly ready for any answer ( or action, ) he might provide     [ uh oh, there’s that filthy feeling again… ]
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pv55y · 1 month
[ HER, THE CATWOMAN; WALKING DEATH, LIVING BUT NOT ALIVE… ]     But in the next moment, there’s a flash of lighting / rumble of thunder above that kills whatever slight moment of normalcy ( if it can be called that, ) shattering the illusion,
          CATWOMAN LOOKS FOR THE SOURCE OF HER DISTURBANCE; TALL, IMPOSING & HEROIC,     [ TWO OUT THREE ON HER NAUGHTY LIST; LAST ONE WOULDN’T BE TOO BAD IF HE PLAYED HIS CARDS RIGHT, ]     Narrowed slits don’t miss the red cape & hammer in hand; FULL OF CLICHES TONIGHT, AREN’T WE? Our feline, clad in leather, tilts her head just ever so, smirk curling her lips,     ❛❛     MY MY, THIS IS A FIRST; back home, we don’t usually get such... visitors, especially of your caliber, stranger. Nice hair, by the way,     ❜❜     claws playing with yarn, KITTY’S PLAYING NICE FOR NOW, sizing up the prey,     ❛❛     I take it you’re not here to admire the architecture too, handsome?     ❜❜     SHE RAISES A BROW,
          ❛❛     Perhaps you’ve heard that cats are notoriously hard to catch?     < @asgardsprotector CALLED UPON THE CAT , >     I DO LIKE A GOOD CAT & MOUSE CHASE,     ❜❜
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pv55y · 1 month
“You’re not a monster.”
          A PAUSE LINGERS IN THE AIR, SILENCE LOUDER THAN ANY OTHER SOUND IN THE ROOM;     SHE PROCESSES HIS WORDS, TASTING THEM LIKE A BITTER SHOT, TILTING HER HEAD JUST EVER SO. A parody of a smile threatening to break the grim line of her mouth, lips the color of a wilting / dead rose; rotting     [ THE SMILE NEVER QUITE REACHES THE EYES, ]     skepticism & something else beneath, if one were to squint; but the cynicism outweighs everything else,     ❛❛     NOT A MONSTER, YOU SAY? THAT’S AWFULLY CUTE,     ❜❜     saccharine / sickly voice oozing like hot honey as she takes just one step closer; gaze piercing, A CHALLENGE REALLY…
          ❛❛     YOU’RE A SWEET KID; YOU REMIND ME OF SOMEONE; I’m getting grossed out just thinking about it, actually. I’VE BEEN CALLED A LOT OF THINGS IN MY TIME; HARLOT, FREAK, THIEF - THEY TEND TO STICK WITH YOU FOR A WHILE,     ❜❜     like thorns jabbed into the side, skin healing over & form scars, permanent reminders.     ❛❛     But… I appreciate the sentiment; there’s certainly a part of me that wants to believe that maybe-     ❜❜     but no, it’s too much.
          She’s been around long enough to know that things aren’t that simple     [ & FOR HER, THEY WON’T EVER BE; THAT TRAIN DEPARTED LONG AGO, ]     ❛❛     EVENTUALLY, you’ll learn that too…     ❜❜     A rare moment of clarity, becoming lucid in this nightmare; Selena steps back, gives the boy space. Her posture remains guarded, perhaps even hostile, BUT SHE’S NOT CHALLENGING HIM ANYMORE,     ❛❛     TELL ME:     ARE ALL YOU BATMEN THIS SAPPY OR AM I JUST GETTING THE SPECIAL TREATMENT TONIGHT ?     ❜❜
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pv55y · 1 month
“suffering? you haven’t seen anything yet.”
          CATWOMAN NARROWS HER EYES, EXPRESSION DEFIANT & DISDAINFUL     [ SO, WHAT ELSE IS NEW? ]     FACING HER ADVERSARY, LIPS BEGINNING TO QUIRK INTO SOMETHING PLAYFUL ( —CURIOSITY KILLS, BUT SO DOES SHE ) AT HIS WORDS as they hang in the air. But she is no stranger to threats; SHE WANTS TO LAUGH,     ❛❛     SUFFERING ?     ❜❜     a painful echo, from the chest, heavy as it lays thickly between them; a rotting thing, her voice, HER EYES flicker between something dark ( unhinged, even ) & pain.     ❛❛     Suffer-ing, suffer, to suffer; funny how if you use a word enough times, it loses its meaning? Funny how that works, huh?     ❜❜     
          PUPILS SLIT AS THEY NARROW AS SHE GATHERS HERSELF; like a rubberband all but ready to snap, her body stiffens as such, whatever play she’d been previously exuding now gone from her system     [ LIKE IT WAS NEVER THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE ]     THE BUZZING, the sounds around them are driving her bonkers; the hum of the lights, leather sliding harshly across his chest, the breathing…     ❛❛     You think you know what I’ve been through ?     YOU THINK YOU CAN SCARE ME WITH YOUR LITTLE TOXINS & NIGHTMARES ?     It’d be PARADISE compared to what I’ve gone,     ❜❜
The Catwoman deliberately steps closer with as much grace as predatory; lips now curling, deforming into something rabid. THE KITTY WANTS TO BITE !     ❛❛     I’ve clawed my way out of hell more times than you can imagine, Crane. Fear & suffering? We’ve gotten acquainted well,     ❜❜     DANGEROUS PURRING, RUMBLING OF THE CHEST, A LOCKED GAZE ; she doesn’t care what he sees in her, whether he believes her to be genuine or not, REAL OR NOT,
          ❛❛     BUT YOU ? You’re just another man hiding behind a mask, trying to control what you don’t understand. SO GO AHEAD, TRY TO SHOW ME WHAT SUFFERING REALLY LOOKS LIKE. But be careful Doctor; CATS DON’T DO WELL WHEN CORNERED,     ❜❜
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pv55y · 1 month
#⠀💋⠀𝗜𝗡-𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥⠀:⠀𝐈𝐈𝐈.⠀portrait⠀﹚#⠀💋⠀𝗜𝗡-𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥⠀:⠀𝐈𝐈𝐈.⠀likes⠀﹚#⠀💋⠀𝗜𝗡-𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥⠀:⠀𝐈𝐈𝐈.⠀insp⠀﹚#⠀💋⠀𝗜𝗡-𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥⠀:⠀𝐈𝐈𝐈.⠀music⠀﹚#⠀💋⠀𝗜𝗡-𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥⠀:⠀𝐈𝐈𝐈.⠀arts⠀﹚#⠀💋⠀𝗜𝗡-𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥⠀:⠀𝐈𝐈𝐈.⠀aesth⠀﹚#⠀💋⠀𝗜𝗡-𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥⠀:⠀𝐈𝐈𝐈.⠀beauty⠀﹚#⠀💋⠀𝗜𝗡-𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥⠀:⠀𝐈𝐈𝐈.⠀isms⠀﹚#⠀💋⠀𝗜𝗡-𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥⠀:⠀𝐈𝐈𝐈.⠀introspec⠀﹚#⠀💋⠀𝗜𝗡-𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥⠀:⠀𝐈𝐈𝐈.⠀headcanons⠀﹚#⠀💋⠀𝗥𝗢𝗟𝗘𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗬𝗜𝗡𝗚⠀:⠀𝐈𝐈.⠀writings⠀﹚#⠀💋⠀𝗥𝗢𝗟𝗘𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗬𝗜𝗡𝗚⠀:⠀𝐈𝐈.⠀crack⠀﹚#⠀💋⠀𝗥𝗢𝗟𝗘𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗬𝗜𝗡𝗚⠀:⠀𝐈𝐈.⠀answ⠀﹚#⠀💋⠀𝗥𝗢𝗟𝗘𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗬𝗜𝗡𝗚⠀:⠀𝐈𝐈.⠀threads⠀﹚#⠀💋⠀𝗥𝗢𝗟𝗘𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗬𝗜𝗡𝗚⠀:⠀𝐈𝐈.⠀prompts⠀﹚#⠀💋⠀𝗠𝗢𝗗𝗘𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗢𝗥⠀:⠀𝐈.⠀pages⠀﹚#⠀💋⠀𝗠𝗢𝗗𝗘𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗢𝗥⠀:⠀𝐈.⠀saved⠀﹚#⠀💋⠀𝗠𝗢𝗗𝗘𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗢𝗥⠀:⠀𝐈.⠀ad⠀﹚#⠀💋⠀𝗠𝗢𝗗𝗘𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗢𝗥⠀:⠀𝐈.⠀pinned⠀﹚#⠀💋⠀𝗠𝗢𝗗𝗘𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗢𝗥⠀:⠀𝐈.⠀out of⠀﹚
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