ncrosha · 8 days
؟ :)
Send me a ؟ for a random thought my muse has about yours.
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"... how weird would it be to ask him to join a book club. like, an immortal book club. for immortals. like what if we meet up once every month and read a book and then talk about the book. and then like, do that forever. my mom used to do that. wait, is that a mom thing? no i think david was in book club and i know there was a book club in my old highschool, i beat some of those kids up.
anyway off topic. book club. i think he's lonely and i know i'm lonely but i don't wanna get blown off again if i reach out, and also i need something for stability or i'm gonna go crazy and then he's gonna have to try to stab me and then he's gonna be all, 'sorry to do this bub' and i'm gonna be like ha ha fat chance bub, and then he's gonna be like oh no josh you're awesome terrible powers totally beat my knife hands and i'm gonna be like dude i know they are terrible and snap out of it before i like, kill him or something. hopefully.
... okay i'm gonna ask him if he's read little women because i totally saw laura reading it last week and then i'll be like okay cool i'm trying to diversify my reading and i wanna talk, do you wanna talk, and then double down and say i invited laura using the whole 'hey remember when you watched me die' guilt trip and then we will have a book club.'
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warlockisaslur · 2 months
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@fifthimpact @snkts (yes i made up twitter handles for them i hope those are okay lmaooo)
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emmatriarchy · 3 months
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"I made cake! Happy Father's day!"
for @snkts
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karmasainted · 4 months
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even if she wanted to ignore his presence she couldn't. it was a strange thing , sensing another before you'd even been able to lock eyes on them. feeling the beat of their heart and the rise and fall of their chest , the quiet humm of their thoughts muffled and filtered through emotion and hesitance. but logan had always resonated in waves. subtle and slow at first , gradually thumping against the edges of her psyche like heavy and persistent waves crashing against a rock. it had always been like that , since he'd first danced at the edges of her mind - and it'd always bothered her.
no. bothered wasn't the right feeling. it was more than that. it crept underneath jean's skin like a secret - something that made her feel unlike herself. maybe that was why she liked him so damn much.
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❛   hey stranger ... ❜ had it really been that long ? it felt like it had , her feelings at seeing him against hidden underneath a soft yet hesitant expression as jade eyes peel away from the page of her book and up to the doors of the study she'd co-opted as her own within the school. ❛   you back for the junior cookout or something less interesting ? ❜
starter for @snkts
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hegrudges · 2 months
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❝         i   like   to   think   that   i'm   a   cool   kid      …         but   you   ?         you're   definitely   not.         ❞         / @snkts
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stcrmchaser · 1 month
@snkts asked: 📜 :D
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Logan: I can explain. Ororo: Can you? Logan: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
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mcarter · 1 month
When Peggy had joined the war effort, she -- like so many others -- simply wanted to help. Call it patriotism or propaganda; whatever it was, she'd heard the siren-song and wasn't long before she signed her name on the dotted line. Yet she'd never have guessed she'd end up here -- Captain Carter, parading through the warfront in a uniform with her country's flag dead center. Not exactly stealth, though she knew that wasn't really the point of it all.
She sat upon her shield, which she'd thrown down in the mud to protect her arse, her suit and hair drenched in rain and sweat. Another victory for the Allies, another piece of hope for the Newsreels back home, where at least when the rations ran low, morale could run high.
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"I started this whole thing as a field nurse," she said, peeling her soaked gloves from her hands and wringing them out. Probably useless -- they'd be drenched again in a second -- but she couldn't help herself. She spoke the next words without looking at her companion, simply focused on trying to put gloves back on one finger at a time. Never thought I'd end up here. What about you?"
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psyknife · 2 months
@snkts: x
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Kwannon had no problem helping people out when they needed it, especially when they worked as hard as she did. She knew the man called Logan rarely ever asked for help unless it was necessary, so there was no amusement when he requested a little assistance in the walking department. Down to one knee, the muscles in her back strained a bit with the weight of the adamantium within his body as she stood. But it wasn’t completely unbearable, not with a touch of telekinesis to help. “This is less embarrassing than carrying you bridal style, I’d say.”
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warlockisaslur · 3 months
@snkts ~~ from [ here ]
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There was still a group chat, him and some of the other young heroes who'd answered the call at the tail-end of the whole Mother fiasco, and it was still pretty lively. Everybody from former Avengers Academy students, X-Men and adjacent, even Franklin and Valeria Richards (when they both didn't get kicked for infodumping on one thing or another, but they always got invited back). Mostly it was just a bunch of young adults memeing about the adult adults in their lives, but there was one little ongoing thread of conversation.
You knew you'd made it as a hero if you got a team-up with Wolverine.
Krakoa had called for aid, and the Court Wizard had answered, bringing a small detachment of both Kree and Skrull troops to help safeguard civilians -- not that they needed help, but it was symbolic. That the Alliance would stand when duty called, regardless of how far-flung the world asking happened to be.
Though -- and if anyone asked, Billy would deny it -- it felt good to do some on-the-ground, honest-to-God hero work for a day, and that coming in the form of a solo adventure with Wolverine?
Brother, he'd made it.
Offering a grim smile, the mage nodded, blue radiating from his eyes and his palms as he prepared his magic. "You got it. Take point, I'll make sure they don't box you in."
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merriemarvels · 1 month
“You can barely keep your eyes open, go lie down.” to Clarice :)
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One of the hardest things about her life now was the pace. She wasn't used to rest, to long stretches of time where a whole lot of nothing happened and she could just enjoy some good, old-fashioned boredom. Clarice had been fighting for her life as long as she could remember, fighting for a future that didn't even seem any better than the one she was in -- and then fighting for the futures of everyone, every thing that had ever and would ever exist...
it was a lot of responsibility for a girl barely into her twenties.
Bless her, she tried. She found ways to distract herself. Signed up to help with Danger Room drills, those kids didn't have any idea what hit them when Blink walked in and every last one of them ended up in a neat stack outside the doors. Took a little solo time to test one of Wolverine's exercises -- she'd left her initials scratched into one of the highest points in the room, right next to a set of the man's claw marks just to prove she could. Went out for long walks and fast runs, visited local shops that didn't give her the wall-eyes when she walked in in all her technicolor glory.
Filled the days with as much as she could so she wouldn't feel like she was doing nothing.
She was still in workout clothes, a simple outfit in her trademark shamrock green; a water bottle was precariously perched on the arm of the chair she'd only sat in for a moment to catch her breath... She chuckled softly as she heard Logan needling her about resting, though.
"Beat your high score," she replied, taking a sip from the bottle, and the way her arm moved broadcasted the all-over bone-tiredness of the mutant girl. She'd pushed herself hard this time, but it was a good tired. Besides, she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of being right.
Yes, even if he was.
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hubrisdescent · 2 months
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❝ At the risk of sounding cynical, since when do you pay me social calls? ❞
starter for @snkts
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iobartach · 2 months
@snkts // continued from: here
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Entangled in a scuffle, Miguel steps with caution through a sea of outraged people, leading with a navy-blue shoulder turned towards the riotous crowds that flowed all around him. With eyes kept peeled for signs of trouble, it wasn't long before a particular disturbance caught his attention. Eager to investigate, he leverages the advantages afforded by his incredible height and size to carve out a path, fending off the advances of rioters as he did so, shoving and sweeping a leg underneath a choice few souls when his warnings to stay back fell on deaf ears.
Before he had the chance to pitch another attempt, the sound of a defiant roar sees the Spider quicken his pace, converging on a spot within the writhing crowd that would enable him to catch his first glimpse of the infamous X-Men, bent over a grounded foe, poised to strike. Spying this, feet moved to intercept without haste, separating mutant from his cursing opposition with a harsh shove.
"Something better than... this." Trying his best to prevent each side from tearing out the other's throat, what became frighteningly apparent almost immediately was the fact that the clawed man had barely been staggered by his push, growing nearer rather than further away as he lashed out with complaints.
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"My deal is making sure no one gets hurt around here." Evincing the spirit of his predecessor, Miguel, not content with using just his words alone, rounded on the shorter male with a sharp turn, teeth grinding together as he spat out a new challenge. "So either you take a swipe at me with those pigstickers, or you shut up. I don't care what you choose."
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nerdynanny · 2 months
@snkts is getting sassed
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"Would you cut the crusts of my sandwiches? I can't afford the bougie life but I can fake it." They chuckle, a trademark laugh they put on mostly for his amusement. "Not that you'd have experience with that, eh Logan?"
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enrogued · 3 months
@snkts wanted a lyric starter! (set fire to the third bar, snow patrol)
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" their words? mostly noises. ghosts with...just...voices. "
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warlockisaslur · 2 months
@snkts // liked for a starter, gets a novella
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Okay, so going to Krakoa was something he was extremely hesitant in doing on the best of days -- he had bad memories associated with the place, not just the aftermath of Wanda's death and rebirth but also a sour taste for several of the people in charge of the place -- but this time, it was a necessity. Having Krakoa as an ally would be crucial -- if he could trust that the Sol system had protection, he wouldn't have to worry so much. Living in the Andromeda galaxy was playing hell on his nerves...
Now, normally, his preference for a liaison would have been someone perhaps more sympathetic -- Ororo maybe, or even Hope -- but maybe this challenge was deliberate. Put him at a disadvantage with a man who'd once made it very, very clear that he'd gladly put both himself and Wanda in their graves... but that was years ago. People changed. Hell, the man had been at his wedding (how? who the hell knows) so maybe that old enmity had finally been set aside.
At least, he hoped so.
The place they'd been directed to meet was known as the Carousel, and Billy had to admit, the name was apt; sitting at the edge of a suspended tree-platform, he looked down at the space with elbows on knees, just watching the movements of those below. This place teemed with life -- but not just life, but mutant life, the weave of the Celestial incursion connecting and embracing them. It seemed this space was venue for near-constant festivity of one kind or another; a bonfire on one platform, a group on another dancing in some sort of ritual. It was... amazing, a culture growing all on its own in the way he'd been seeing culture in the Alliance growing.
And God, he hoped it worked this time.
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Indulging himself, he drew in some magic and threw a concentrated ball of light into the air, where it burst in a dazzling display of blue-white lights, raining down on the revelers. If the world was kinder -- if people were kinder -- he could have found a home here. But some didn't even consider him a mutant, much less worthy of such a utopia.
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itsalcngstory · 13 days
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“I don’t mean to push you away.” to laura :)
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Dark brows furrow at the granted comment, head tilting as though determining if he was telling her the truth, or if it was some fabrication to get her more on his good side. There's. . .a truth to his tone it seems, and it's enough to grant him some light understanding, seeming to relax all the more in her own seat. Where back had been facing him does she shift to look over her shoulder, almost expecting to hear further from him.
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