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damnnyoou · 2 years ago
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damnnyoou · 2 years ago
I did. She's gone 💔
everyone deserves to know someone who makes them go “!!!!!!!!!!!!” inside
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damnnyoou · 2 years ago
Rest in peace to my closest friend in life.
Heather Tiffany (Rose) Fluehr 7/16/87-5/14/23
25 years of friendship wasn't long enough. I will miss you forever. I hope you're ok wherever you are and that you are happy and safe.
I love you ❤ until we meet again my love
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damnnyoou · 4 years ago
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damnnyoou · 4 years ago
Dreamt I was in a massive hotel (as large as 4 hotels put together) was with my mom and dad on a day tour. I find myself in a small red theater with a stage and dark red curtain backdrop, filled with people I don't know, my parents aren't there. I'm scared as these people want me to go on stage and give a speech about how we are going to join together and escape this room....find our way back to the lobby. I'm hesitant to step on stage because in my mind I know Satan is going to come out from behind the curtain and hurt us. I get myself on stage looking around not knowing what the hell to say. I then find myself in a long beige hallway connected to the theater by automatic double doors, full of many doors and a connecting hallway in the middle and another at the other end. As I'm walking down the hallway, all the doors are locked. The middle connecting hallway is the wrong way, as I just remember thinking "I don't want to go to the kitchen thats a dead end no elevator" The hallway at the other end seemed like a small hospital hallway with the automatic double doors at the other end of that hallway. Other people are wandering the halls too and at this point 2 young girls 20sish in age walk past me giggling and lost, all the way through the auto doors and head to the right. I remember thinking "they're gone". Right then it dawned on me that this is exactly like the movie Insidious. I turned to look down the original Hall and then looked back at the auto doors, they both were closing then the left door flew open and slammed shut. Nobody had walked through after the 2 girls. I knew it was a spirit but it felt dangerous and I got a little intimidated. I walk back by the hall to the kitchen and again think "no it's not that way!" I'm getting frustrated at this point. I walk back over to the theater room and I see none other than Tyrion Lannister (🤣) and he says to me "I can't find the way" And I tell him that idk how were gonna get out. At that point I had given up and I sat on the floor in the theater against the wall next to the auto doors with Tyrion and just accepted that I was lost. Immediately after I gave up, (as if to say no you're not giving up) the auto doors fly open and I see a talllllllll man walk through with a bright white light shining from behind him. The light made his face dark but I knew it was my grandfather. He comes into focus and he's clean, like an angel is just pure, he had jeans and a red flannel shirt just like he always used to wear and his giant boots. For whatever reason, Tyrion is on the phone with my mom trying to figure out where the hell each other are. As my grandfather knelt down to me, I started crying and yelling "mom it's papa! Papa's here!" over and over again but somehow I knew she couldn't hear me. I stood up and hugged him as he was still kneeling. I heard my dad's voice in my head say "he told me that when you were born his life changed" (❤) my grandfather stood up and told me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and tucked me closer to him "I saw this going 2 ways and I didn't like either way so I had to come get you" And we started walking. I then appeared in the backseat of a school bus with my parents up front driving.
I truly believe I was in a bad place and my grandfather saved my life. ❤✌
Thank you for making me feel loved when lately I've been feeling like nothing I do will really matter. I miss you ❤
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damnnyoou · 7 years ago
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damnnyoou · 7 years ago
Last year for Christmas (2016), I bought my bf Fallout 4 and I havent stopped playing since 😂
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damnnyoou · 7 years ago
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I feel like I'm pushing myself to look past things I've not accepted before. Then again it hasn't been 4 1/2 yrs before. They say you don't give up you fix it. And i love you but. Love is scary and when is it ok to give up.
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damnnyoou · 7 years ago
Fairuza Balk 😍
If i could have kids I'd name my daughter after you
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damnnyoou · 7 years ago
Whenever I see a couple that looks like they are related BUT ARENT it always creeps me out.
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damnnyoou · 7 years ago
What was life before love
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damnnyoou · 7 years ago
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damnnyoou · 7 years ago
1 person can make you feel like youre in a room full of people in the same way they can make everyone else in the room disappear.
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damnnyoou · 8 years ago
I realized it was less than ideal when I started doing things so you'd shut up instead of so you'd be happy
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damnnyoou · 8 years ago
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Bumble Butt! (Source: http://ift.tt/2qPb7hI)
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damnnyoou · 8 years ago
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damnnyoou · 8 years ago
Watching the 90th Macy's day Parade on the spanish channel cus we don't have cable. Reminds me of watching with my grandparents.
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