#selfship roleplay
selfship-rp-finder · 5 months
Submission Rules 💕✨
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PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR AGE IN YOUR SUBMISSION. This requirement is mandatory for all submissions. If you're uncomfortable disclosing your specific age, please specify whether you're an adult (18+) or a minor (18-). SUBMISSIONS THAT DO NOT INCLUDE AGES WILL NOT BE POSTED.
Following up on the rule above, adults are NOT allowed to contact minors to seek roleplay, and viceversa. This is for everyone's safety here. If you're a minor and an adult has contacted you (or viceversa), send me a message ASAP.
Please also include in your post: The fandom(s) you're seeking, the names of the F/O's you're looking for, what kind of relationship you are seeking with your F/O (is it romantic? platonic? familial? other?) along with a basic outline of what are you looking to roleplay, such as potential plot ideas, or basic themes and/or tropes that may fit.
Please also specify if you're willing to double for your RP partner (Write an F/O for them in return) or not. If you do not specify, I will assume that you (the poster) are willing to double.
When naming fandoms, please include the full name of the fandom as opposed to abbreviations (I.E. Instead of JJK or MHA, use Jujutsu Kaisen or My Hero Academia). I am not knowledgeable of every single fandom to exist, so please help me out tag them accordingly! Please also include the full names of the F/O's you're seeking for.
Specify where you wish to roleplay (Discord, e-mail, or otherwise) and how you wish to be contacted in the submission! You can ask people to like/reblog your post if they wish to be contacted, or ask to be contacted directly by leaving the username of your preferred roleplay platform.
Other things to consider including in your post (Not mandatory): Your gender/pronouns, type of ship(s) you're seeking (MxF, FxF, MxM, FxNB, MxNB, NBxNB, etc.), writing style, post length/how much do you write, post frequency, your timezone, the preferred age range of your RP partner if you have any.
Requests for NSFW content are allowed, however, please do not go into explicit detail in your submission. Simply state you're looking for a NSFW-centric roleplay and hash out details with your RP partner once they've contacted you. Minors are NOT ALLOWED to request NSFW content under any circumstances. (The tag for NSFW RP requests is #spicy)
LET ME KNOW IF THE PLOT(S) YOU'RE SEEKING HAVE ANY TRIGGER WARNINGS! Just like the rule above, please don't go deep into detail, just let me know what the TWs are. Please don't censor your TWs either, as I'm asking for this information for tagging purposes.
Requests that involve non-con/dub-con, incest, zoophilia/bestiality, lolicon/shotacon, adult/minor relationships (including submissions made by adults who are requesting F/O's below the age of 18) and RPF (real person fiction) are NOT allowed, and will not be posted. Do not ask. Point and period.
This blog does not have a fandom blacklist. If there's a fandom you dislike posted here, block the corresponding tag to avoid seeing it in your feed. Likewise, I will not entertain fandom discourse in my inbox.
The ask box is used to make submissions by default, but if you need to submit a longer post, I advise using the submission box instead.
Re-submissions are only allowed after 7 days of sending the original post. You are allowed to submit multiple requests, but please do not submit the same one more than once within this time frame.
Last but not least: Have fun, and be kind to your roleplay partners. If you were contacted by someone unpleasant, or you're having problems with your RP partner, send me an ask so I can help you handle the situation accordingly. Submissions including call-out posts of users who've posted here will not be entertained.
The password: If you've gone through all these rules, please include a heart emoji in your submission :^) Thank you very much! ♡
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Rules of Interaction (Read All That Apply)
Interacting with other F/Os
A. I am fine with shipping with other adult male F/Os, so long as there is chemistry between them. I am also fine with completely platonic friendships, rivalries, whatever we find interesting enough to roleplay for all F/Os.
> Shipping with another F/O does not guarantee Daisuke would have any interest in your S/I. Will not participate in "my F/O is better" types rivalries. That is just shipping pettiness.
B. If you do not have a page on your F/O, I may not roleplay with you. Everyone views their F/O differently, and understanding how you view your F/O or any sensitivities you may have concerning them helps. My DMs are also free to discuss these matters privately, as not posting them is completely understandable.
> Feel free to ask me for any clarifications as well. If you have multiple F/Os, please make sure to be clear which F/O I will be roleplaying with, thank you.
C. I will not roleplay with minors or any adult that has a minor as their romantic F/O. Please respect this. Of course, platonic F/Os are a different story all together. That being said I don't have much interest in minor F/Os of any kind, sorry.
> I prefer to roleplay with adults, but this does not mean I am open to smut or any nsfw content. If you want a negligible amount of smut, we would need to have discussed this before hand and I'll need to have roleplayed with you for a while to confirm some things. I only write smut with those I know well, in some shape or form.
D. Roleplaying with me does not mean my friend's associated S/I, @havocfarceur, has any interest in roleplaying with you or your F/O. Please discuss that with him separately or ask me to if you'd like for them to get involved in roleplay.
> Smut and NSFW content is completely off the table for him, so please keep this in mind. So is you shipping your F/O with his S/I, as far as I understand.
E. I'd prefer not to roleplay with the same F/Os as my partners, mainly Daisuke and Alastor (@deerslutsworld). This isn't because the concept of sharing F/Os upsets me, it would just make things very confusing when trying to write an overall narrative between our F/Os and S/Is. In the same vein I may not roleplay with duplicate F/Os unless there is a significance difference, characterization or storywise, between them outside of our verse (see info below).
> That being said, non-roleplaying selfshippers with these F/Os are free to follow me and casually interact with my posts. Alternatives or egos of characters that alter the original character a significant amount, within fandom or self made, will also be allowed. For example, 2P Alastor.
Interacting with other S/Is
A. S/Is can be a very complicated matter, because, while some of them have characteristics of their own, they're ultimately designed to reflect the user and be their gateway into their F/O's world. And I think that's great! However, it also means I am genuinely uncomfortable with roleplaying ship content between them and this F/O, especially female S/I's. So, shipping content, smut, etc. is completely off the table when it comes to this type of roleplay.
> As was said above, I do not mind roleplaying out many kinds of platonic relationships, so long as there is not an NSFW or out of roleplay rival component to them. I will also not roleplay one-sided love, jealous plot lines, as it'd effect my partner's S/I negatively and they're not interested in that.
B. Even though my roleplays of this type are completely platonic, I still have no interest roleplaying with minor S/Is, even if the the mun is an adult. I still will not roleplay with minor muns.
> This also means I am not interested in roleplays based in the F/O or S/I's childhood, plots involving aging down, etc. etc.
C. Again, whether my affiliated partner's S/I, @havocfarceur, wants to roleplay with your S/I as well is completely up to them and not me. However, they love it when their S/I meets, talks, and becomes friends with other S/Is (and definitely will gossip about their F/Os behind my back lol), so give their blog a visit if that seems interesting to you.
> I do not mind this F/O being a bridge between the two characters meeting if that would make things easier.
D. A page on your S/I is preferable, otherwise just give me the basics before roleplay so I can figure out what this F/O's opinions would be of them. Details such as if you imagine your S/I having the same partners in every universe or if you have S/Is for different fandoms or F/Os, the world your S/I is in, or general vibes/genre beats would be handy. Discussing the type of relationship that would work best would also be helpful.
E. You are absolutely allowed to roleplay using both your S/I and F/O. Even if your F/O(s) just make appearances every now and again, I have no qualms against this. Any side characters needed to flesh out the roleplay or F/O you want to include is fine by me.
> On that note, just please don't make it effectively fanfic where Daisuke just happens to be there. I'm fine just being @havocfarceur's F/O in some circumstances. But when roleplay directly with me, please give my character something to actually do.
General Rules Across The Board
A. Roleplays may be short depending on the content. The longest might only be two meaty paragraphs. Why? This is just the way I prefer to roleplay and saves on time, since I am not as active as other blogs (response times may vary). I also prefer it this way, so interactions can feel more like a back and forth rather than being eaten by the lengthy posts.
> Keep in mind this is not only a roleplay blog, and I will be posting other F/O content. However, I love having interactions with others F/Os and S/Is, so feel free to drop in, even if its just a brief interaction or a hello. I'm happy to have you here.
B. Roleplays and other F/O posts will use some images for reference. This includes reaction gifs, images, images of items, food, outfits, rooms or buildings, etc. All of these images will come from anime and will be sourced when I can manage. However, not all of these images will have descriptions. Please block the tag "undescribed" if you wish to avoid these posts. "cw food" if you don't want to see the food posts. For Daisuke's past (and there will be spoilers as I write post anime), cw parent death. Meanwhile, cw cigar and cw blood or cw injury (though I doubt I will use these) will be used for all images that contain this.
> If you need any other cws, just let me know. I am very willing to add some to my collection to make sure the people I roleplay and interact with feel comfortable.
C. No matter the roleplay, Daisuke will always be poly with a relationship with @havocfarceur's S/I. If this bothers you, you may want to consider finding someone else to roleplay with.
> When roleplaying within our verse, Daisuke will also reference other roleplays and other relationships with fellow F/Os and S/Is. So, if this would bother you, consider roleplaying outside of it. Though why the verse may be preferable will be listed down below, and always ask the other roleplayers involved their permission before getting involved in an ongoing roleplay between me and them.
D. Our verse. While it is not required to roleplay inside of this, it is what I will primarily be using to roleplay with friends, their S/Is and F/Os, and will be used to explain any other F/O accounts I make. It also opens up the possibility of having duplicate F/Os within that world, be able to use multiple F/Os, and even S/Is if one wants to alternate between theirs during roleplay. However, I still will not roleplay with another version of Daisuke, as our versions of the characters may be too "sameish" for my interests.
> Our verse may be referenced even in roleplays where Daisuke does not actively go to said verse with your F/O or S/I.
Thanks for reading. If you managed to make it this far, I'm sure we'll be good roleplay partners.
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sebbiesolace · 2 months
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image to accompany earlier response OOC: FRIENDLY REMINDER, THIS BLOG WILL ALWAYS BE A SPACE FOR SELF-SHIPPERS. I WILL DRAW YOU/ YOUR SELF INSERT/YOUR OC WITH SEBBIE IF I THINK ITS CUTE. and i think this one is quite cute :3 Even if I don't find him attractive, and mod thinks they ARE seb, selfshippers are AWESOME AND COOL unless they gatekeep
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love-hub · 2 months
Multi-fandom Prompt! — ⭑.ᐟ You sigh with satisfaction as you can finally take off your shoes, tired after your hellish work hours as you’re finally home, walking inside and hearing someone… else? You live alone, that can’t be anyone you know, can it?
— ⭑.ᐟ You pull out your phone and keep 911 dialled in, slowly walking to your kitchen and taking a kitchen knife; you’re gripping in so tightly in your sweaty palm, you can feel your hand shake from the pure force of your grip. Your breath quickens against your will as you slowly creep up to the source of the sound; your room. You’d press your ear to the door but it’s already slightly ajar, you peek in as you can’t stop a gasp from escaping out of your mouth, the knife still gripped tightly, the sight before you makes your stomach churn with disgust and… something else?
— ⭑.ᐟ Your co-worker, who’s always the worst fucking bully, the one that has made the desicion to make your already miserable life even worse, never leaves you alone, deliberately bumps into you, steals your shit like your used post it notes or some shit to throw you off of your workflow.
— ⭑.ᐟ Now though, they’re here, sniffing your used underwear and fisting their cock, whimpering you name as their hips buckle, you want to say something but your gaze is transfixed as you watch them put the underwear over their cock; moaning your name as they cum all over it…
— ⭑.ᐟ You involuntarily jerk back as the door moves and it makes a noise that catches the attention of them, turning their head in shock to your own shocked face, looking at you and the knife in your hand,
“This… isn’t the way I thought this would go, how irritating little bird, can’t even get off anymore hm?”
What would you like to say/do next? [ask box is open for any character on my pinned~]
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wiickedsources · 3 months
This is a PROSHIP space. Antis & morality policing, DO NOT INTERACT.
I enforce the freedom to write & explore disgusting, abusive, traumatic content, and I enforce the freedom to portray it as realistically, unrealistically, or glamorized as one desires.
I DO NOT acknowledge or welcome the toxic, insane mentality that in order to be "allowed" by chronically online strangers to write / ship problematic things, one MUST have a doctorate-level of understanding in the fields of psychology, or that one MUST have suffered trauma in a similar vein.
It's FICTION, kid.
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rainbowdelicsunshine · 10 months
Hoping this isn't a bother towards anyone but would anyone be willing to take in fanfic requests for Chucky, Tiffany and my Child's Play self insert Piper?
I know not many are willing to write for a self insert oc that doesn't belong to them but I feel it wouldn't hurt to try asking! So I'm also willing to RP as my self insert Piper with Chucky and Tiffany (mostly looking to RP with Chucky but ya know) if writing a fanfic is not suitable!
Please DM me for more details!!
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Hello self-ship community!
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Arlight folks! I'm looking for some pals and peeps to follow who are into self-ship, oc x canon, rp, Ect~!!!
If you write or do art, or simply are just a self shipper/supporter, I'd love to get to know you and maybe even check out some of your stuff if you have any posts! Just reblog or comment on this, and I'll happily check out your page and give a follow! :D 🍒💜
Proship, TERF, any-cest DNI
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arabaka · 1 year
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ reigen takeover !!!
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"Hey, you. What's up? Hm? Yeah, of course. You know I'd always help you out."
" . . . You need me to do what?"
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to celebrate my one and only one's birth month and this blog's one year anniversary... i'm letting him do the talking for a change.
during this month, i will be roleplaying as reigen on this very blog! send him asks, reblog his posts, ask about usssss maybe?
note: this version of reigen is part of my selfship universe where i'm the pretty waitress from the coffee shop upstairs. we wear maid costumes on wednesdays teehee. also my name is jackie :3 (dumbass forgot to include this lol)
NO mention/ask of any other ship will be allowed. this is only for MY selfship. you can flirt with him but keep in mind his responses will not lead to anything and do not try to incorporate your own selfship lore. c'mon, don't be mean :-(
you are more than welcome to insert yourself in my lore/selfship universe !!!! just make it apparent in your asks or replies.
if you're sending in an ask for reigen, please specify! you can also send me ic asks <3 not necessary but you can write "for the event" if you want!
only posts tagged .˚₊ ੈ 🥡 ˎˊ˗ ꒰ reigen takeover! ꒱ will be available for interacting with reigen. all posts for this event will use the same tag as well.
rules + desc. are subject to change! thank you everyone for one year. i can't believe i ever said i regretted making this blog because with the bad, has come the amazing. i've met so many wonderful people and it's just been a blast to engage with everyone and be part of a community. thank you and here's to many more!
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prev. pinned post. // event tag.
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pastel-kaleesh · 4 months
Android 17 headcanon dump!!!
Like I said earlier, he and 18 are Puerto Rican
Lapis loves mofongo, frappe de Nutella con coco, empanadillas, and coquito! He doesn't drink it as much but he loves it on Noche Buena with some cinnamon. He also likes Asian food, including bento boxes, sushi, Korean fried chicken, orange chicken, and Lao noodles!
He loves chocolate and coconut ice cream! He even puts chocolate chips on his ice cream!
17 can cook very well! At first not so much, but once I taught him the basics, he took off quickly! He makes the best pasta and arróz con pollo! His salads are divine!
He loves 90s reggaeton, J-pop, and rock music! He isn't the best at singing, but he tries!
He loves going to the beach a lot, it helps him relax himself and I love it as well! We sometimes go snorkeling together!
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selfship-rp-finder · 5 months
Welcome! 💕✨
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Hi! Hello! 💖
Welcome to the Selfship RP Finder! A RP finder blog made to help other self-shippers find self-ship and OC x Canon-themed roleplays amongst other fellow self-shippers and other ship enthusiasts!
This endeavor was born out of my own personal struggle to find like-minded RP partners who are either also self-shippers themselves, or are either willing to roleplay as my F/O's or comfortable writing against self-inserts or characters outside of Canon - and I know by experience this can be a very hard struggle for us self-shippers who want to bring their fantasies to life, so I hope this blog comes helpful to you too :^)
RP requests can be submitted either through the ask box, or the submission box if you wish to send something longer. Just, please, please, read the rules before submitting anything! I will go through every submission thoroughly and delete any asks that do not follow the guidelines.
Bear in mind that this blog is run only by one admin (Myself). I'll do my best to queue as many posts as I can every day, but I have a busy life, so forgive me if I go through any days without activity.
If you have any questions regarding the blog and how it works, send me an ask! I'll do my best to answer your question accordingly!
That is all - happy roleplaying, and I hope you're able to find what you're looking for! 💕
Yours truly: - Your Matchmaker Admin 💖
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kittycraftt · 10 months
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guys….. how are we feeling about postal dude x my oc Angel…….
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honkula · 24 days
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Poto selfship edition. Yes, that’s a piece of cardboard with a hole cut into it taped to his face.
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true-autistic-tales · 8 months
to any minecraft story mode selfshippers
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mariagreenwoodart · 4 months
Ok I'm proposing to nisha wish me luck
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boxer-boi · 2 months
“…Hello? Are you here for a match, or…?”
“My name is Bailey. I spend a lot of time out here by the ocean… or in the Fortress of Meropide…hehe…”
((OOC below the cut!))
Whew, yet another rp blog… but I hope I can get some good rp done on here as well as character development!
Bailey is my self-insert for Genshin Impact! He is half Fontainian, half Inazuman, but grew up in Fontaine. He ends up in prison a lot, but is like a son to Wriothesley and loves to practice kickboxing in the Fortress’s fighting ring.
He is currently ageless, but I’d prefer no NSFW.
He/Him for both character and mod please!
I will update this and do loreposts as well as rules, DNI and ships in a little bit!
PLEASE interact if you are a Genshin roleplayer, especially Fontaine/House of the Hearth characters.
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REFERENCES: (based on a Picrew made by @/not_darkly)
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With face paint ⬆️ Without face paint⬆️
card ver.! ⬇️
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Without piercings⬆️
Bailey’s Backstory
Fun Facts about Bailey
Bailey’s ship list
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lovesmenot2015 · 5 months
Looking for roleplay
I am looking for a self insert/oc x canon roleplay, I do double ups and can roleplay from pretty much any character from any fandom as long as information about them is provided. (I will list my main F/Os down below just so you can get a sense of what characters I might pick/ask for you to play as). I love roleplaying taboo and problematic subjects and I am open to roleplay mostly anything. I am in an EST timezone. I rp in a semi lit style, anywhere from one to two paragraphs.
My main F/Os right now are: Fergus Mackinnon (Takin' Over the Asylum)
Marina Domek (Fear and Hunger: Termina)
Karin Sauer (Fear and Hunger: Termina)
Samarie (Fear and Hunger: Termina)
Fourth Doctor (Classic Doctor Who)
And many more! Feel free to ask. DM me for further discussions + my discord MINORS DNI
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