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meditateplanet · 1 month ago
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Meditation is the art of being intimate with oneself. 🧘‍♀️❤️✨ #SelfIntimacy #InnerJourney #MindfulLiving
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thelotusloveproject · 6 years ago
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Everyday, in your own way undress yourself. Disrobe the burdens of the world and become naked again. Revolt against the harshness, the madness .... #vulnerability is not a weakness, you deserve the right to be soft. #intimacy #selfintimacy #sacredSelf #youAreTheShrine #selfLove #selfCare #selfreflection #mirrorMagic https://www.instagram.com/p/BoomLGvFABe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=urd8l1zkmvs
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rimalyma · 5 years ago
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👁 Hold that breast 👁 • Third submission for #slowdownartcomp2020 by @slowdownstudio • • This artwork is about the things we see or dream and the things we touch under a #blanket. The power of self intimacy and you know nothing is certain. • • #eye #hands #rimalyma #illustration #challenge #illustratorslife #bodyparts #women #touch #creativewomen #independentartist #womenwhodraw #girlpower #selfintimacy https://www.instagram.com/p/CDOahCcplN-/?igshid=frq5if9fplzm
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jeniwan · 7 years ago
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thelotusloveproject · 7 years ago
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Mirror Magic || You have to go through, Beloved! You can’t go under or around, you have to be willing to jump through the portal of YOU! The mirror is you. #MirrorMagicReflections | #ReflectionWork | #SelfReflection | #selfreflection | #LookDeeper | #Visualization | #Introspection | #SelfIntimacy | #InToMeIsee • • • • ✨May We See Ourselves Whole✨ _______________________________________________________ Mirror Magic ™ is.... ••••• Incantations. Hymns. Love Notes. Affirmations. ••••• #love #selfLove #loveWins #empowerment #womenempowerment #selfReflection #MIRRORMAGIC #mirrorMirror #mirrorWork #powertool #transparency #SOUNDvibration #Healing #GoddessSelf #NewMusic #NewBook #lunaLotusLove #instagood #instaquote https://www.instagram.com/p/BnthdyxDTy4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jffz7zwbzmul
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thelotusloveproject · 7 years ago
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Mood!!! Truth is, I'd rather be naked....all day... for myself, by myself ....cuz I've grown to be just a tad bit more comfortable in my own skin. #praiseReport But still...pretty lingerie comes in as a close second!!! I've had lovers to ask me if I wore "such and such" just for them and I'm like, 🙃 "awww..don't be so full of yourself" lol 😜😏😎 Pretty things and dressing up are my #therapy !!!! #MirrorMagic Who wants to sponsor me something pretty from @savagexfenty 💗🌸💅🏾🔮 ...it's for a good cause! (SN: @badgalriri is #Bae) #judgeyourself #prettyThings #iLovePrettyThings #selfLove #selfIntimacy #selfLove #thankfulThursday #delicacies #intimates #adornment #mood
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honor-thy · 4 years ago
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You were right there all along. 🤎 . . . #foodforthought #notetoself #selfintimacy #selfhealers #selflovejourney #empoweredwomen #empowermentcoaching #intimacycoach #quotestagram #selfrelationship #empoweringquotes #honorthy https://www.instagram.com/p/CHQa6asnZNP/?igshid=1mnbq9o3mc7xz
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honor-thy · 4 years ago
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Taking nude self portraits was the best thing I did for my body. Growing up, I never had a great relationship with my body. I always needed to lose more weight, shave my hair—constantly comparing myself to other women I saw in magazines, wishing I looked like them. They were beautiful. But me? I wasn’t sure of it. I didn't consider myself skinny or fit. I played sports and could easily build muscle, but I was never satisfied with how I looked. Frizzy hair, wide hips, round belly, small breasts and no bum. This is what I saw when I looked in the mirror. As naturally creative beings, we are given the gift of telling stories through our own lens. And dusting off my Canon 50D was the best thing I ever could have done for myself. I hopped back into my love of photography, this time, with myself as muse. This is how I began to see my body as art. Every curve, every mark—pure art, captured through MY lens. This was a reclamation of body. I saw cracks threading through vast landscapes. Curved rolling hills viewed from a distance. Textures of sand, rock and plant. Fluid movement like the shores I remember. I saw echoes of nature in each crevice of this body. Nature is imperfect, organic and every inch beautiful. Nothing is exactly the same, neither are you. Join me in capturing your body as art in a safe and transformative space made for creative and curious femmes. Starting Nov 2nd, we'll move together through 11 days of themes, as you document your body through your own lens. The beauty of this private space is sharing and celebrating without censorship, judgement or shame. To be truly held and witnessed by others is one of the most healing experiences you can gift yourself. Join the collective through 🔗 in bio & let the magic begin! 📷 . . . #creativechallenge #selfhealers #selfintimacy #arttherapy #bodyposi #creativetherapy #creativeinspiration #selfportraitureasmedicine #nakedmarketing #nakedmarketingschool #selfportraitphotography #photochallenge #selfportraitseries #selfportrait_society #bodyasart #youareart #bodypositive #sensualbodycoach #freechallenge #honorthybody #mybody_byself #honorthy #honorthycollective https://www.instagram.com/p/CF4-TfDHw3K/?igshid=1h75i2gkkxbnz
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honor-thy · 4 years ago
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Take a minute... Place one hand on your heart One on your lower belly Take a deep breath Ask your body, What do you need today? What do you hear? . . . #selfintimacy #selfhealing #breathe #selfawareness #bodyawareness #embodiedwisdom #bodywisdom #somatichealing #journalprompts #writinginspiration #writingprompt #honorthy https://www.instagram.com/p/CFm4IV-n9JU/?igshid=1hb0nk0jilp5r
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honor-thy · 5 years ago
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And...she's here! She's alive—and she's coming to you in pixel form: My Body, by Self. An 11-day intimate self portrait journey & guide. This 50 page e-book includes self portrait tips, inspiration, self care tools, and 11 days of themes and journal prompts to follow along with. The perfect activity for your at-home creative exploration. Writing is gender neutral, created with everyone in mind. "Self portraiture is my personal favorite self love practice. Through my experience, I’ve found infinite gratitude for my body and a rise in creative expression over the years. This is a loving documentation of your pure beauty. For centuries, artists have explored this medium as a means for coping, healing, and creative growth. Now, it is your turn. With honor, I guide you through this commitment to your body. This e-book not only provides creative guidance and inspiration, it empowers you to claim your sensual and s_xual self, while falling in love with every curve of your body along the way. Nudity is highly encouraged, although not necessary. Remember, this is a personal experience and for your eyes only, if you choose ;) Be curious about what is possible. You are pure art." Now available for $22 for a limited time only - until my bday - Sept 22nd🌹Link in bio Love, Olivia . . . #ebook #productlaunch #nowavailable #selfportraitureasmedicine #selfportraitphotography #selfportraiture #selfhealers #selfintimacy #theartofselfintimacy #intimacycoach #lovecoach #creativeebook #creativeinspiration #girlgaze #photographyguide #selfcare #selflovejourney #quarantineinspiration #creativehealing #mybody_byself #honorthy https://www.instagram.com/p/CEzLqN-n_oN/?igshid=1pehncpzda6hq
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honor-thy · 5 years ago
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Funny thing about this, is once you accept and come into yourself, you'll attract the people who accept you, for YOU. No more masks. . . . #acceptance #beyou #uniquelyyou #quoted #quoteoftheday #selfawareness #selfacceptance #theartofselfintimacy #selfintimacy #intimacycoach #lovecoach #thichnhathanh #honorthyself #honorthy https://www.instagram.com/p/CEwevx7n1yb/?igshid=knxz7glrmc9q
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honor-thy · 5 years ago
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A quote from my newest creation: My Body, by Self. An 11-day self portrait journey and guide. I remember sometime early last year I set the intention to bring together my creativity and passion for self healing, intimacy and sensuality. There have been many layers to shed before I could see this to fruition in reality. I didn't know how to go about this, until I realized, I just need to be myself. HonorThy is a result of this, as well as, my newest e-book launching this Sunday. I put so much heart and soul into this guide and I hope you all connect with it in some way. I'll be talking a bit more about what is included in this guide and how it may evolve in the future in stories feed. The evolution hasn't fully landed... I trust it will come. Stay tuned to this space and subscribe to HonorThy's email list for updates. [🔗 in bio] Love, Olivia . . . #mybody_byself #ebook #selfportrait #selfportraitureasmedicine #selfportraitartist #selfportraitbook #selfhealing #selfhealers #selfintimacy #artofselfportraiture #artofselfintimacy #honorthy #quoteoftheday #quoted #quotestagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CEpMWFGnEZ1/?igshid=3lepjtgwa9d
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honor-thy · 5 years ago
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Keep digging, and notice, what's underneath? Layers upon layers will begin to reveal themselves. Sticky dark layers, like sludge moving across your surface. These murky depths may feel at times like drowning. But I assure you, you are not. Make friends with each layer, greeting them hello. It is a level of comfort that will allow you to keep going. Become curious then. What's underneath? Until one day it hits you. A feeling so true, a stranger you once knew. This is your truth. This is the original nature of YOU. . . . #originalnature #originalessence #essence #quoted #richardrudd #genekeys #selfhealers #selfhealing #selfintimacy #artof_selfintimacy #intimacycoach #lovecoach #honorthy https://www.instagram.com/p/CEcQMsiHll6/?igshid=uzx2rolg6j17
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honor-thy · 5 years ago
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"In the kiva of the heart and mind there are unseen rhythms. Sometimes all is parched upon the land, and one is hard pressed to survive. Sometimes a sweet unanticipated rain falls like grace from the heavenly worlds, and suddenly the desert floor—of the seemingly barren heart—is filled with blossoming flowers and the air is left brimming with the sweetness of new life. But the cycle of death and rebirth is only one small sliver of this kiva’s vast and mysterious rhythm. For those who look deeper Into the mirage of their own inner suffering, there is a place of stillness that is hidden from the world. It sits like a cave in the deepest recesses of the inner heart and reaches out to the edge of the horizon—that mysterious place where the opposing forces of earth and sky meet each other head on. Few people ever notice their own inner heart for one has to be still and quiet in one’s own mind to enter into this hidden space. It is here, at the edge of our mind’s horizon, that our pleasures and despairs arise, fueled by the turbulence of solar storms that pummel the stratosphere along with the whisperings of star dreams that come to this place from the farthest edges of the known and unknown universe." —Tom Kenyon . . . #heartspace #heartcentered ##heartliving #selfhealing #selfhealers #selfintimacy #channeledmessages #artfulwriting #creativewriting #tomkenyon #quotedaily #honorthy https://www.instagram.com/p/CEUojI3nlyo/?igshid=62nik46uu2c0
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honor-thy · 5 years ago
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I sometimes feel like I have my hands in too many places at once. The stress of being in a million places—helping this person, starting this project, completing this task, learning this thing, doing that...it's a lot. It felt urgent. The constant need to please. The constant need to get it right. When will it end? It never does. It's how you handle it that matters. Once I started to loosen the grip on the urgency to answer, the need to say yes, the constant control over every moment—the skies became clear. I don't need to do anything I don't want to. Ever. And neither do you. Where can you say NO in your life, in order to make room for the YES? . . . #sayno #sayyes #stressmanagement #balance #balancedenergy #balancedlife #feminineflow #flowwithit #flowandgrow #mindfulselfcompassion #mindfulliving #selfhealers #selflovespo #selfintimacy #putyourselffirst #honorthy https://www.instagram.com/p/CCmHJlrHkB_/?igshid=13umzilg2vdv3
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thelotusloveproject · 6 years ago
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Swipe Left.. Dear Mamas, GMas, Aunties and nem.. This evening, add a lil bit of #MirrorMagic to your Mother’s Day Festivities. Did mine last night and I’m feeling Divine!! My mirror meditation brought me back to a recent dream..something I didn’t understand immediately, but I’m thankful for new revelations. This day, create a new ritual of simply spending time with yourself. Sending love to you ✨May We See Ourselves Whole✨ • • • • For more, click my stories!! Happy Mother’s Day 💚💚 #MirrorMagic #happtMothersDay #sacredSpace #selfCare #selfIntimacy #selfLove #meditation #ritualSpace https://www.instagram.com/p/BxYT4woBFk2/?igshid=ba0htfi4l7dg
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