#self-drive boat riding
What are the Most Unique Water Sports Activities Available in Dubai?
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Looking to indulge in some thrilling water sports? Let us tell you that there is no better place on the planet than Dubai to fulfil your desire for water adventure. With a range of unique water activities on offer, you are bound to experience an adrenaline rush like no other. From flying above the water to surfing on the water, Dubai’s watersports scene is simply spectacular.
Here are some of the most unique water sports activities available in Dubai you definitely want to give a try:
Efoil Surf boarding:
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Want to glide effortlessly over the waves? Then, Efoil Surfboarding is what you want to try! Driven by ultra-modern technology, efoil surfing is far ahead than your conventional surfing. Equipped with a hydrofoil, e-foil surf boards lift riders above the water’s surface.
This experience is further enhanced when it is done in the unique backdrop of Dubai’s iconic landmarks such as the Palm Jumeirah or the incredible Dubai Marina.
Self-drive Boat Riding:
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Self-drive boat riding in Dubai is a must-try if you are seeking autonomy on the water. Rent a boat from Sea Life Dubai, follow all the safety instructions explained by their crew, and get ready for an unforgettable aquatic adventure.
The luxury to surf Dubai’s stunning water courses at your own speed, from the dynamic JBR Beach to the serene Dubai Marina, is an experience that you don’t want to miss out.
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Unleash the inner acrobat in you with a flyboarding adventure in Dubai. Perform gravity-defying stunts above the water as a jetpack-style device propels you into the air. Flyboarding against the backdrop of Dubai Marina or Palm Jumeirah’s stunning skyscrapers is simply a dream come true for many watersports enthusiasts.
Water Jet Car Riding:
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Take the concept of amphibious vehicles to a completely new height with a water jet car riding adventure in Dubai. Seamlessly transition from land to water while enjoying a pulsating ride along the coastline of Dubai. As you accelerate through the waves, relish the panoramic sights of Dubai’s iconic skyline from a unique perspective.
Speed Boat Ride:
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Do you have an inclination for high-speed thrills? Then, a speed boat ride in Dubai is tailor-made for you. As you zoom across the azure waters, pass by the Palm Jumeirah or Dubai Marina, you are bound to get feel the thrill you are craving for. An adrenaline-pumping experience is guaranteed, whether you are on a solo adventure or a group outing.
Subwing Adventures:
Looking for an exciting experience that combines the thrill of underwater discovery with the splendid views of the Arabian gulf? If yes, then subwing adventure is truly a beautiful water sport to try.
As you dive deeper, explore the mesmerizing underwater world consisting of colorful coral reefs and vibrant marine life.  The sensation of flying underwater is something you don’t want to miss out at any cost. Dubai’s warm water and favorable weather, make subwing adventure a must try for all skill levels.
Jet Ski Ride:
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If you are keen to try a classic water sport in Dubai, then jet skiing won’t disappoint you. Rent a powerful jet ski from Sea Life Dubai and steer the azure waters with absolute precision.
You will simply enjoy the experience as you glide past lavish yachts, beachfront resorts and architectural marvels. There are many designated jet ski zones in Dubai that assures a safe and exciting ride for enthusiasts of all levels.
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Adventure seekers looking for extraordinary aquatic experience should definitely try out Seabob-jet-diving in Dubai.
Sea Life Dubai provides top-of-the-line Seabob rentals in Dubai, tailored for adventurous individuals seeking the opportunity to dig into the depths of marine life.
With its sleek design & cutting-edge technology, Seabob lets you dive, twist, and turn like a dolphin in the azure waters of the Arabian gulf. This is the watersports you want to give a go to explore the incredible underwater landscape and marine life of Dubai.
Banana Boat Ride:
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If you're looking for group fun and laughter on the water, a banana boat ride is the perfect choice. Climb aboard an inflatable banana-shaped boat, hold on tight, and get ready for a thrilling ride as a speedboat pulls you through the waves. With friends or family by your side, enjoy the adrenaline rush and shared moments of excitement amidst Dubai's stunning coastal scenery.
Water Sports Adventure with Sea Life Dubai:
Board on an unforgettable water sports adventure with Sea Life Dubai, where a customer-centric approach ensures your safety and enjoyment. Our high-end equipment is meticulously maintained to guarantee optimal performance across all water sports activities.
Whether you're into efoil surfing, flyboarding, jet skiing, or parasailing, our professional crew team is always by your side, providing essential details and ensuring your safety at every step.
At Sea Life Dubai, we prioritize education and awareness, offering insights into the marine environment and safety protocols. Our professional crew members are not just guides but experts trained in water exercises, ensuring that you receive top-notch guidance tailored to your skill level and preferences. We believe in empowering our guests with knowledge, making your water sports experience not just thrilling but also enriching.
Water Sports Activities at Dubai’s Best Locations:
Our customer-centric approach extends to our convenient and affordable packages, designed to cater to your specific preferences and budget. Whether you're seeking adventure at Dubai Harbour, Skydive, Atlantis, Burj AI Arab, JBR (Jumeirah Beach Residence), or other exquisite locations in Dubai, Sea Life Dubai promises to create a remarkable vacation picture with your loved ones.
Water Sports Packages That Everyone Can Afford:
Sea Life Dubai offer Water Sports Packages That Everyone Can Afford. We have great deals on unique waters ports activities like Efoil Surf boarding, Self-drive Boat Riding, Water Jet Car Riding, and Flyboarding among others.
This affordability factor makes Sea Life Dubai's water sports packages appealing to a diverse audience, including tourists looking for memorable experiences and locals seeking fun adventures in their city. Whether you're a beginner looking to try out water sports for the first time or an experienced enthusiast seeking new challenges, there is a watersports package to suit every need.
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What are the Most Scenic Locations for Water Sports Activities in Dubai?
Dubai can be a lot more alluring than you think, it offers something for everyone’s perfect idea of a vacation. Whether you want to spend some time soaking in luxury or want to shop until your drop, or you were made to enjoy the rough side through the best water sports activities in Dubai, Dubai can always offer you a place. So are you up to going on a trip to Dubai? Let’s take you on a tour of the most scenic places for water activities in Dubai.
5 Most Scenic Locations For Water Sports Activities In Dubai
Palm Jumeirah
Palm Jumeirah is one of the most famous landmarks as well as architectural marvels in Dubai, not just that it has become a playground for water sports activities. What are the best water sports activities in Dubai that you can enjoy here? You can Jet ski and speed boat along the crescent-shaped island that makes you witness the enticing views of Atlantis, Dubai Marina as well as Palm Resort. The serene waters offer picturesque locations for jet skiing, jet car riding, efoiling and self-drive boat riding, as well as parasailing.
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Dubai Marina
If you are looking for more than just picturesque views then Dubai Marina offers towering skyscrapers, chic cafes, and a vibrant atmosphere. The stunning background gives you a whole new level of excitement for water sports. There are a lot of adrenaline-pumping sports that keep making your day and can be enjoyed at the glittering waters of Marina like wakeboarding, flyboarding, jet skiing, and jet car riding.
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Jumeirah Beach Residence (JBR)
This magical background is stretched along the mesmerizing waters of the Arabian Gulf making it a playground for water activities. The pearly white sand and the clear waters of the beach welcome thrill seekers and sun lovers alike. Going on a Jet Ski tour along the coastline gives you beautiful views of the iconic Burj Al Arab hotel, while if you go on a parasailing tour it gives you a bird eye view of Dubai’s skyline. If you are looking for a leisure experience then jet skiing or banana boat rides can be the best option to enjoy the beauty of the Arabian Gulf.
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Kite Beach
This beauty stretches near the shoreline of Burj Al Arab and was made famous by the kite surfers. The beach has golden sands and turquoise waters that become a perfect background for adventure activities. You can either enjoy kite surfing and harness the wind as well as ride the waves, while jet skiing enthusiasts can zoom along the coast while soaking in the views of a snail-shaped hotel. There are a lot of other water activities that you can enjoy along the coast that consist of kiteboarding and Jet skiing in Dubai which gives you views of Kite Beach, as well as the Dubai skyline. Discover more: Enjoy a Jet Ski ride Rental in Dubai with Beach Riders Dubai
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The World Islands
If you want an exclusive water sports experience along with soaking in some scenery then the World Islands can be the best fit for you. These are artificial islands that are shaped in the form of a world map, it offers pristine beaches and clear waters. The secluded islands offer unique landscapes that can be explored through Jet Skiing or you can explore the underwater beauty through scuba diving. These islands provide you with an unforgettable water sports experience in a secluded as well as remote location.
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Choosing The Best Location For Water Sports Activities
Are you confused about what to choose among the five listed above? Then it depends on your preferences, the amount of thrill, the kind of scenery, and lastly what water activity you are interested in. Plus you can take the help of Beach Riders Dubai to learn about what would fit in your budget as well as go to our blog to explore the best of Dubai beaches an extensive guide to know about more places to enjoy water activities
If you are someone who wants an adrenaline-pumping experience with a view of iconic landmarks then choose Palm Jumeirah.
For a more laid-back and serene adventure, you can choose secluded beaches or coves.
For both water sports and sightseeing, you can explore the world of JBR Beach or Dubai Marina.
Wrapping Up
Dubai is lined with places where you can enjoy adventure activities and we have listed a few of those above. So no matter what you prefer, whether it’s a scenic location or the adrenaline rush, you get a place that offers you just that in Dubai. And if you are stuck with the prices then you can certainly come to us, at Beach Riders Dubai we have tours and water activities that fit right into your budget.
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epitomees · 1 year
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~ Zenkichi Hasegawa’s Tags ~ 
More will be added as needed. 
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starkeyisthelastname · 5 months
I think about riding rafe while he’s driving the boat everyday. Just bouncing in his lap, arms around his neck, pouting and whining. He acts like ur not even there, letting out mere grunts and swerving in the water AHHHHHHH 🤤😵‍💫
One ringed hand would be resting against the steering wheel of the Druthers, the rest of his lanky body leaned back against the leather seat. He glanced down from the view of the North Carolina waters to watch your thick ass bounce on his cock, a breathy groan leaving his lips.
You would cling to him tighter, pout on your face as your pillow princess of a self didn’t like doing all the work. The boat would swerve to your left, your finger tips digging into his tan skin as you came back down onto his massive dick. He filled you up to the brim in this position, never having to worry about being feeling empty with a dick like he had. You had only wanted his attention and despite being close to him, it still felt like you were invisible.
“Rafey…” You whined, slowing down your hips in hopes he would thrust up into you.
You were on his time, meaning if you wanted dick then you got it yourself. Of course he was that much of an asshole to let you work for it. Your whimpers and whines only making him want to torture more.
“I’m enjoying driving the boat. Either ride me or get off me with your clingy ass.” He would snap, causing you to pout more.
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hallietblr · 1 year
So my conrad request is basically the scene in season 1 where they (jeremiah and conrad) go to pick up the girls after they go skinny dipping but reader is there too and drives home with conrad?and smut but it could also just be fluff if you want
i’ve got you, always | c.fisher x reader
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a/n: yay!! another conrad fic :) <3 thank you so much for the request, i loved writing it and i hope you enjoy. i had it super fluffy at first but it kind of took its own turn so i hope it’s ok. also, thank you to everyone for all the support for my writing recently — you guys make my day and i can never thank you enough. i love you all truly!
warnings: slight angst, mentions of anxiety, panic attacks, and swearing.
“are you fucking kidding me?!” taylor screams, putting her forearms onto the dock and searching, “i knew those girls were fucking bitches!”
belly and i swim towards her, “what happened?” belly asks,
“your fucking snake friends took our clothes and ran off, that’s what!” taylor hisses, “all that’s left are our phones.”
“they did what?” belly panics, lifting her high high enough to see the dock, “oh my god.”
i feel my heart drop to the bottom of my stomach and the colour in my face drain away. i didn’t even want to go skinny dipping in hopper’s cove but i did it anyways since taylor and belly along with belly’s friends were going.
“what do we do?” belly asks us, frantically looking around for a possible solution, “there’s a boat cover we could use!”
“are you fucking joking?” taylor scoffs, shaking her head, “absolutely not.”
“i’m calling conrad,” i tell them, grabbing my phone and clicking his name on speed dial.
i hear the girls bicker by me as my hands shake, bringing my phone to my ear, “c- conrad? i need you.”
“where are you?” he asks, concern laced into his voice. i briefly explain the situation as my lip quivers, “please hurry”
“i’ll be there as soon as i can, lovie. hang tight.” he promises before hanging up.
i turn to the girls and tell them that conrad is on his way while belly says that jeremiah is also coming. we patiently wait for what feels like hours in the water. i could feel my hands shaking as i keep myself propped up on the small dock since my legs were exhausted. my eyes were welling up with tears from anxiety — only hoping conrad will get here soon.
after what felt like hours, we heard a car’s engine running and then stop. he’s here.
“bells, n/n, oh my god,” jeremiah pants out, “i came as soon as you hung up.” he tells belly, “conrad is here too.”
on cue, conrad comes up behind jeremiah while holding a plastic bag of clothes, “nicole gave these to me. i hope everything’s in this.”
“thanks guys,” belly says sheepishly, “do you mind turning around?”
their eyes go widen in embarrassment but quickly turn around while taylor, belly, and i climb up onto the dock. we sift through the plastic bag, handing each other our clothes.
i quickly pull on my dry clothes onto my wet, water dripping body. i pull my drenched hair into a messy bun, with water droplets crawling down the back of my neck. the night breeze was freezing on my body. i shiver and close my hands into tight fists in attempt to stop the shaking.
taylor and belly are soon fully dressed again, in somewhat the same state as i was but much more collected than my embarrassed self.
“okay, you can turn around,” taylor tells the two brothers. they face us and motion us to follow them towards the cars.
“i can’t believe that they did that” jeremiah says, his arms crossed over his chest.
taylor scoffs, “i do, i literally called it that they were all bitches.”
conrad lets belly and taylor pass him to follow jeremiah, he gives me a small sympathetic smile and puts a comforting arm around me, “come on.”
we reach the two cars, belly and taylor whispering to each other, “we’ll ride with you, jere.” belly tells him before herself and taylor climb into the jeep. taylor gives me a quick wink before closing her door.
“see you two at home?” jeremiah asks conrad, who nods. the jeep soon pulls away onto the pitch black road and heads towards the fisher summer home.
“you okay?” conrad asks, facing me, “i’m sorry that happened, you didn’t deserve that.”
his hand is on my shoulder, his thumb slowly rubbing circles against the material of my shirt. i couldn’t even focus, and not in the typical sense when i’m around him. it’s usually butterflies, racing heart rate, heat on my cheeks, but this felt nearly the exact opposite.
it felt like my heart was being squeezed, my stomach was churning, and my stupid hands wouldn’t stop shaking. my vision was slightly blurry from the tears that were threatening to fall.
“you’re freezing,” he breathes out, “hold on”
he turns away and rummages around in the backseats of his car. conrad turns back to me and hands me a grey hoodie, his hoodie, “take this.”
i slowly take it from his hands, trying with every ounce of my strength to stop the shakiness of my hands. i didn’t want him to see the anxious state that i was in. it was such a stupid reason to be anxious anyways, taylor and belly were completely fine after getting their clothes. pissed off maybe, but not acting the way i was.
i have his hoodie in my hands but i don’t put it on.
“lets get you home, love.” he says but i can barely hear him with the ringing in my ears.
conrad starts walking towards his side of the car, assuming that i was also getting into the vehicle — but i feel frozen. stuck in one place.
why was it getting harder to breathe?
conrad’s hand is on the small of my back and my heart rate spikes up to an unbelievable high level, but not in that way. something is wrong, and my chest is hurting.
my hand goes to my sternum of my chest, slowing rubbing it as my breathing picks up. my body was trembling and my chest was rising and falling at a concerning pace.
“babe?” he stands up from his seat. my legs felt weak yet everything else felt heavy, why is it heavy? i feel myself collapse towards the gravel, but i don’t fall.
conrad was able to get to my side quick enough to prevent me from falling. his strong arms wrapped around me, “hey… hey, what’s wrong?”
i shake my head repeatedly, “i- i-” i stutter out and it’s hard to speak, my throat feels dry and it hurts.
he cradles me on the side of the road, “sh, it’s okay. nice and slow, what’s going on?”
“i c- can’t breathe” i tell him, his finger interlace with my shaking ones. he brings my hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on them,
“you’re okay, love,” he says softly, “you’re having a panic attack.”
my eyes widen, i’ve never had one of those before. i shut my eyes in fear. my breathing doesn’t slow down for a moment, if anything, it feels like it’s going even faster now.
“look at me,” he whispers, tucking a fallen strand of hair behind my ear, “baby, look at me please.”
i open my eyes to look into his blue ones, “breathe with me, okay? nice and slow.”
i watch as conrad takes a deep breath, i try to but i don’t think it’s even possible to breathe.
“in,” he inhales, i attempt at copying his actions by taking a breath of air in, “and out.”
my breath trembles out of my lips, he slowly nods, “just like that, in…. and out.”
we take a few more deep breaths together, until mine regulates again. conrad smiles at me, “there you go, now do you wanna tell me what’s going on?”
i swallow, “i didn’t even want to go skinny dipping with the girls, i don’t fit in with them. they’re all so pretty and fun and everyone loves them. i’m nothing like them.”
a tear slips from the corner of my eye, conrad is quick to wipe it away, “so, i thought if i did it then maybe i’ll be like them. i thought they liked me too, fuck’s sake i’m so gullible. they all left! with me naked in some stupid cove.” i cry out, burying my face into my hands.
“oh, baby,” conrad coos, “sh…” he places a kiss on my hair.
he pulls me closer, wrapping his arms around my torso and placing his chin on my head, “you don’t deserve that, and you’re perfect the way you are. i don’t want to hear any of that ‘no one likes me’ shit, ok? because i do.”
“wh- what?” i ask, looking at him with watery eyes.
“i think you’re amazing just as you are,” he repeats, “you’re my y/n, i don’t want you to be one of those debutante sheep. i love you as y/n.”
my heart fills with so much love, i reach up to pull him into a kiss. he kisses me back immediately, his hands trailing up from my waist to cup my face.
“lets go home, yeah?” he asks after pulling away, “lets get you showered and into some comfy, warm, and dry clothes. we can cuddle and watch a movie. sounds good?”
“sounds perfect.” i blush, i finally pull on his grey hoodie. it falls to my mid thigh and it smells like him; cologne, cigarettes, and ocean water.
conrad helps me to my feet and opens the car door for me, “oh, and conrad?”
he looks down at me and hums, “thank you for coming to get me.” i say to him.
“i’ve got you baby, always.” conrad responds with a kiss before closing the car door.
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archie-sunshine · 5 months
Okay okay now that I’ve seen rut/heat Drift I have to know who else is the softest/the worst on the lost light when in rut/heat also are they nesting? I need to know all the good little details ~
First of all, I LOVE the idea of nesting for them. Since there arent typically many soft things on cybertron, i feel like its pretty rare to nest with blankets, so I think rather than nest, I think cybertronians would more likely retreat to a safe territory, hiding under berths or in somewhere safe and dark, like a cave or dimmed hab suite to hide.
as for softest/the worst---
Okay so, i can't give my takes on all of them, but i can give you my hcs for best and worst!!
I mean, he's a doctor right? He understands self care is important, he understands that his work can't stop for most things, but he also recognizes that nobody is immune to their instincts when they crop up, so he'd be VERY responsible with his heats. I think he'd be the most likely to have a heat tracker of all of the crew, probably would get the first warnings, book time off, and go into his quarters to handle himself until it rides out.
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I think nautica's heats would make her less feral and more sleepy. I feel like she would be sort of stumbling around, lightheaded, a little loopy, and one of the like thousand amicas/partners she has would notice and bring her home to take care of her. I think in the polar opposite way to first aid, Nautica's strength is in her support system, people willing to notice for her if she's too absorbed in work to notice her own heat drives kick on. I also think she'd be very cuddly during heats, so enter her hab at your own risk if you don't want to be dragged into the cuddle puddle.
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I'm lumping these two together because in my head they are in a polycue with each other, I think that cyclonus has surrounded himself with a perfect storm of absolute sex pests when they go in heat.
For Tailgate- I'm going to give you the facts here. 2 weeks of existance. and then. 6 million years in and out of a coma. THATS. 6 MILLION YEARS. OF POTENTIAL FUCKENERGY TRAPPED IN THE SMALLEST GUY EVER. Add on the fact he is SUPERNATURALLY STRONG. There is no way to contain Tailgate in a rutt, you have to pray he nests himself because if he gets even a little bit loopy from the heat and decides to go looking for his boyfriends, you cANNOT STOP HIM. I also think tailgate is absolutely fucking hung for a minibot, but thats neither here nor there.
For Whirl- a similar boat to Tailgate, to a lesser degree. I think whirl can absolutely get it, and has gotten it, but on the lost light, its a bit harder of a sell. and for a guy who's already a bit crazy and has no hands to jerk himself off? Whirl definitely goes more feral than Tailgate does, I think he'd also be the type to hunt down one of his partners, though he wouldn't feel even a bit of shame about it.
Sometimes, i fear, their heat/rutt cycles overlap. and. well.
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sorry cyclonus, youre in for a long night.
THANK YOU FOR ENABLING MY RAMBLINGS!!! heres a taster of all my takes :D
[Feeling nosy? send me an ask in my inbox!!]
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blackcouplesera · 2 months
50 intimacy building exercises for black couples ❤️‍🔥
1. Take a long walk together for the sole purpose of sharing your thoughts and feelings with each other.
2. Plan a surprise date night in for one another.
3. Cook a meal together and enjoy it by candlelight.
4. Write love letters to each other, bonus points if you exchange and read them.
5. Take a couple’s dance class together.
6. Read an erotic novel together. Reenacting it is up to you!
7. Volunteer together for a cause you both care about.
8. Make time to shower together, let your partner cleanse you.
9. Go on a weekend getaway and spend quality time in bed.
10. Take a bubble bath and enjoy wine.
11. Watch your favorite movies and cuddle.
12. Take a hike and enjoy nature together.
13. Write down your goals and dreams together, affirm each other in the process.
14. Take a cooking class together.
15. Try a new hobby together.
16. Plan a picnic to enjoy each other's company.
17. Schedule a couples' massage or self care day.
18. Create a vision board for your future together.
19. Take a pottery class together.
20. Spend a day exploring your city and discovering new places.
21. Invest in a polaroid or film camera and take spicy photos of each other.
22. Write a poem or song for each other.
23. Plan a surprise weekend getaway.
24. Create a couple’s board game to play together.
25. Go on a road trip to explore new places together.
26. Plan a sip and paint night together. Grab some body paint, and use each other as canvases!
27. Attend a concert or live performance together.
28. Create a language for only you to use together.
29. Go on a bike ride together.
30. Watch the sunset and enjoy each other's company.
31. Play a couples' trivia game.
32. Attend a wine tasting together.
33. Create a recipe together.
34. Plan a date night at home and cook a romantic dinner together.
35. Attend a drive-in movie together.
36. Visit a botanical garden.
37. Go on a cabin trip and disconnect from technology.
38. Take a hot air balloon ride together.
39. Attend a poetry night together.
40. Go on a boat ride and enjoy the water.
41. Take a couples' pole dancing class.
42. Have a game night with other couples.
43. Try meditating together.
44. Attend a book reading or signing together.
45. Go on a couple’s retreat.
46. Bake each other’s favorite sweets.
47. Create a playlist and swap headphones.
48. Take a mixology class together.
49. Plan a scavenger hunt for each other.
50. Go on a day trip to a nearby town.
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rotdistressxox · 2 months
Hiii thank you sm for your kengan works! Just wondering what are some head cannons about agito post KAT gap and his biggest changes. As well as maybe raian post training arc? 💜
Not a problem! I'll include both of em' in this post. Sorry if this seems short!
Kanoh Agito and Raian Kure: Post KAT HC'S
Kanoh Agito
• It was a gigantic humble for him to lose for the first time in his life. He knew he had a lot of self-reflecting to do after.
• Number one thing to do was to help ground himself as a human. All this time he's viewed himself as this god, he's never truly experienced strong emotions. Apart from some sadism and god-complexes.
• He truly did love you, but after this, he feels as if he hadn't really been there for you.
• He needs boat loads of reassurance. You still love him. He's still a strong fighter. He knows that, but then there's doubt.
• Is noticeably less tense or formal. Loosens up, doesn't wear a suit and tie as often when out of his usual fighting outfit.
• Got a motorcycle, duh! Now he can take you out for nice scenic rides.
• Embraces the human side in himself while fighting. He doesn't think too highly of himself anymore. Knows his place in the fighting ring.
• That doesn't mean he stops training, there's always room for improvement
• Spends more time with you, exploring the outer parts of Japan.
Raian Kure
• Still sour about his loss with Ohma. That's what drives him during in training.
• After being gone for a while. He still has the same old cocky personality. Which I guess is to be expected, this is Raian afterall.
• It's different when he fights though, he doesn't toy with his opponent as much like they're food to him. Goes straight for the kill.
• Just because of some training doesn't mean he's not a psychopath still. He still pursues he's other means of work. Being an assassin / hit man are now his main source of income.
• He doesn't go out in public much, prefers to stay in the village and help out. Now that he's tasked with restoring Ohma to his full strength, he finds his patience to be growing. Not his usual short-fused self.
• I guess he learns a thing or two from Ohma. You like to watch them go back and forth with their unbalanced personalities.
• If we're talking his relationship with you, he's matured a bit. He's taken a liking to being vulnerable with you. He can pour his heart out to you about 'shit that pisses him off'
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fromthedragonsdesk · 5 months
On Visual Novels and Catharsis
I never had a high opinion of Visual Novels. In my mind, they always seemed to boil down to the most basic wish fulfillment tripe that we'd collectively assign to the isekai genre these days, I'd wager. To me it was a waste of time or energy trying to interact with them (as an aside, I'm well aware that the Phoenix Wright series is arguably a visual novel, but I missed that boat by not having DS-era device). Even today, with a glance over most of games tagged 'visual novel' on Steam, you'll see what could be generously described as fetish pornography. So, seeing all this, I reinforced my belief that visual novels were for people who wanted some plot with their porn, and never thought much of it.
To my surprise, Steam insisted on recommending visual novels to me. I usually just tossed them aside from the recommendation queue, until I got two recommended almost back-to-back: Mice Tea and Changeling Tale.
Mice Tea had generally positive reviews, and many of them cited that the game's writing and characterization were generally humorous and appealing. So, given that it was on sale during the Steam Winter Sale, I figured it was worth a shot. Then, after basically binging on the game for 20 hours, I walked away thinking that I might have misjudged the genre on some levels.
I wouldn't say I was entirely surprised by Mice Tea - the reviews did it justice in terms of you, as the reader, wanting to root for the main cast to succeed. Most of the conflict didn't necessarily arise from an outside force, but rather internalized conflicts and the struggle to essentially be honest with yourself and those around you, risking vulnerability, essentially. At its core, I still felt like it was wish fulfillment to a significant degree, but the implausibilities were generally smoothed over enough to allow for suspension of disbelief to ride along with the story. And yeah, there... was a fair amount of catering to various fetishes and such worked in, but all in a fairly world-consistent sort-of perspective? At its core, the story was light, cheerful with moments of self-reflection and introspection, and wrapped up in a generally nice bow all in the end.
But what Mice Tea ended up doing for me, personally, was allowing me to lower my defenses during a particularly stressful point in my life, staying present in my mind when I then read over the reviews and such for Changeling Tale. I brushed off the emotion reviews, thinking that they were likely being dramatic.
I could not have been more wrong.
While set in a backdrop of old Scottish fantasy, I continually found myself impressed at how grounded Changeling Tale managed to make itself felt. I believe this is because the main character / player character of Changeling Tale (hereafter referred to as "Malcolm") is primarily reacting to the supernatural events occurring around him, rather than necessarily driving them by his own volition. Malcolm is thrust into a world that he already feels disconnected from due to his service in the military, and it cracks further open as fae magic begins seeping into the world around him.
That said, no one in the backwater town in which Malcolm has returned to handles the public appearance of fae magic particularly well, much less the three parallel storylines available to the reader between Jessie, Marion, and Grace. If anything, the most unreasonable reactions come from the player themselves, in how flippant or otherwise easygoing they handle changes happening to the people around them. That said, many decisions have a snowballing / weighted effect that can change plot directions far later on than one might expect, leading to fallings-out with friends and family, or worse.
But then something strange happened to me, as a reader, while working my way through these split storylines. Core messages seemed to stick out to me, interwoven among the stories. But they cut me straight to the core as a person; after finishing all 3 major storylines I was left shaking and bleary-eyed, wishing events could have turned out differently, desperately trying to reject the messages that had been suggested despite knowing deep-down that they were right.
"Be the best you that you can be."
"Encourage people to chase their dreams, but make sure you're pursuing your dream too."
"Sometimes peoples' dreams are irreconcilable with one another. That doesn't mean the love is gone, it just means that it isn't fair to either person."
"The size of the dream does not diminish its value; the holder of the dream determines its value."
(I intentionally omitted the storyline associations I would make)
When I held all of these thoughts together, an emotional dam burst in my heart. For years I never considered myself as having dreams or goals. For years I felt kind of confused and wondering if what I was doing mattered, or had worth. But somehow, a visual novel about fae shenanigans that dances alongside a transformation kink broadsides me with the realization that I AM where I want to be, doing what I am doing. I have a family who l love and loves me back. I am not pursuing a dream; rather, I am cultivating and maintaining a dream I have already attained. I am doing what is important to me and my family, and even if I'm not changing the world around me and leaving a name in the history books, I know that I am here and directly affecting the lives of those around me, and I'm not sure what more I could want for at this very moment.
And for the first time in quite a while, I feel content and satisfied.
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cod incorrect quotes #4
I did warn you that I have a ton of these :D
the usual jazz, mainly Y/N/reader stuff, platonic and romantic, also some suggestive stuff but I feel like that's a given with these dummies. Also has some Soapghost!
at some point, I feel like a masterlist might be useful.
- Lila
・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.✭・♛ ♛ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ━━✫・*。 ⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーーJ   °。+ *´¨)
Y/N: Made you all playlists! Y/N: Ghost, yours has only heavy metal, and is dark like your soul. Y/N: König, yours has sad songs and blues to pair with your crippling depression. Y/N: And Soap has the ABBA Gold album.
Price: For self-defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely. Ghost, Soap, & Y/N: Okay. Price: If you don't want to die, give me all your money. Soap: Bold of you to assume I have money. Ghost: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die. Y/N: Bold of you to assume I can die.
Y/N: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they're a wide-eyed mess. Ghost: What the fuck kind of Subway are you going to? Soap: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit. Gaz: Guys.
Soap: I just found out from Gaz today that when Sheperd died and the service did the 21-gun salute at his funeral, Y/N said, “They should aim at the coffin to be sure.”
Gaz: What’s up with Ghost? He's been laying on the floor for like….an hour now? Soap: He's just a little overwhelmed. Gaz: Why? Soap: Y/N smiled at him.
Price: sees Ghost and Soap together Price: They're cute. I would put them on a boat. Y/N: You mean… you ship them?
Y/N: I am darkness. I am power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am- Soap: A doll. Gaz: A cinnamon roll. Ghost: A sweetheart. Y/N: Y/N: …stop it.
Price, teaching Y/N to drive: Okay, you're driving and Soap and Graves walk into the road. Quick, what do you hit? Y/N: Oh, definitely Graves. I could never hurt Soap. Price, massaging his temples: The brakes. You hit the brakes.
Y/N: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything? Ghost: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital. Y/N: That wasn't an ambulance, I drove you. Ghost: But I heard a siren. Gaz: That was Soap. Soap: Sorry, I got nervous.
Y/N: That's ridiculous, Ghost doesn't have a crush on me. Price: Yes, he does. Gaz: Yes, he does. Ghost: Yes I do.
Gaz: What is it called when you kill a friend? Ghost: Homicide. Soap: Murder. Y/N: Homiecide.
König: What is love? Alejandro: An emotional minefield. Ghost: A neurochemical reaction. Y/N & Soap: Baby don't hurt me.
・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.✭・♛   ∧_∧ (。・ω・。)つ━☆・*。 ⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨) “Hie thee home, little wanderer.”
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neverinadream · 1 year
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Summary: Your first trip to Jupiter has you and Christian discussing a future you could enjoy together.
Pairing: Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader
Requested: Yes & Yes
Song Inspo: Share Your Address - Ben Platt
Warnings: 18+, minors dni, fluff, boyfriend!christian, archaeologists!reader (self indulgent because HISTORY), dom!christian, sub!reader, dirty talk, pet names (baby, sweetheart, good girl...), praise kink, degradation kink, public sex, boat sex (???), hair pulling, slight choking, teasing, begging, thigh riding, oral (female receiving), fingering, checking in, aftercare, talks of marriage, talks of the future, the reader comes from a big family (that's my own self indulgent right there, sorry), not proofread
Notes: so this essentially could act as like a prequel of sorts to my dad!christian piece (which can be found here). also, the smut was going to be a lot longer but unfortunately i could get it to flow right, so i ultimately gave up on adding more. feedback is always appreciated, like please it let's me know if i'm doing it right. the end is clunky, i know, you don't have to tell me. anyway, enjoy!!
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With one hand left on the wheel, the other creeps around your waist, his fingers hooking around a belt loop to pull you close. A giggle pushes past your lips as you shake your head. "Two hands on the wheel, perhaps?" You suggest, feeling his hand slip inside the back pocket of your denim shorts.
He casts his eyes in your direction, the ghost of a grin printed on his lips and a playful glint in his eyes. "My hands are right where they need to be," he replies, chuckling as he catches you rolling your eyes. You mumble something under your breath about him being cheesy, but he doesn't quite catch it. He's too distracted by his wandering eyes.
"Eh, eyes front and centre, buddy," you jab your finger softly into his side, causing a low 'oof' sound to fall off his lips. He had been taking not-so-subtle glances at your chest since you had changed into the bikini. It was a new piece purposely purchased for your first time staying at his place in Jupiter, so seeing you for the first time in this new cobalt blue set was driving him crazy. He wanted his hands on every single part of you. "I don't want my first time on a boat to end with us capsizing because you've got the hormones of a teenage boy who has just discovered the ancient art of wanking," you joke, shaking your head.
"Oh, I love it when you speak dirty to me," he counters, chuckling once more as you give him a not-so-amused stare.
He sighs happily. This was all he had wanted since the start of your relationship a little over a year ago. You and him, together, in a place that made him happy. He wanted to bring you to Jupiter on his last summer break, but you were hesitant about meeting his parents and the rest of his family so early into your relationship. Amd he respected that. But now his family loved you; you were close with his sister, his brother asked more questions about what you were up to than he cared to ask about Christian, and his parents regarded you as one of the family. He almost didn't like how well you got on with his dad, mainly because he was the target of many, many jokes.
"What's today's 'Fact of the Day'?" Christian asks, pulling you even closer to his side.
"Let's see," you hum, leaning your head against him. 'Fact of the Day' was something Christian had come up with. It was a way for him to learn something new and exciting daily. "Christopher Columbus probably wasn't at fault for introducing syphilis to Europe," you tell him, peering up to see him looking a little bewildered, "you know, the guy who supposedly first discovered the Americas."
"What do you mean supposedly?" He quickly asks, frowning as he quickly glances down at you. "I thought he was the guy who discovered the New World?"
"Well, technically, it is now believed that Vikings had landed on American shores long before Columbus ever did," you explain to him, placing a chaste kiss against the side of his chest, "but back to syphilis, so shortly after 1493, when Columbus and his crew sailed back to Spain, there was an epidemic all across Europe, with many historians and archaeologists buying into the Columbian theory, that Columbus and his crew were to blame for this outbreak. And the evidence for this theory comes from the bone lesions believed to be a result of Treponemal diseases like syphilis found on the skeletons of Native Americans who had died before Columbus's arrival."
Christian tried to follow along as best as he could. He learnt quickly that you tended to get excited talking about all things historical, often speaking at a pace that was sometimes hard to keep up with. One minute you could be rambling about one topic, and whilst he was just getting to grips with that first topic, you could've already moved onto a second topic.
"But they weren't to blame?" He asks, aiding you to stay on topic.
"No," he light-heartedly chuckles as you shake your head enthusiastically, "well, not necessarily. More recent studies on skeletal remains, some that are as early as the 14th Century - so before Columbus - have similar lesions on them, which suggests that there were already strains of syphilis in Europe."
"That's it?" He asks, quickly glancing at you, "that's my 'Fact of the Day'?"
"Yep," you pop the p, "that's your 'Fact of the Day'."
He leans over to you and presses a kiss on your cheek. "You look fucking gorgeous, by the way," he whispers into your ear, slipping his hand out of your pocket to cheekily squeeze your bum. You jump a little, gasping as you do. There must have been something in the air because you had never known him to be so handsy. And you were more than well aware that you weren't far enough away for his neighbours not to see. "I always love seeing you in blue," he continues, all movements of the boat ceasing as he takes his hand off the wheel.
"Christian," you warn, checking over your shoulders, but clearly he doesn't seem to mind displaying his affection for anyone to see.
His hands rest on your bum, gripping your cheeks as he pulls you against him. His mouth has found its way onto your neck, kissing you gently and creating a line of small doses of affection from the top of your neck down to where it meets your shoulders. Pulling away, his face hovers in front of yours, his lips within touching distance of yours, just begging to be kissed. A smirk tugs on his lips when he catches you taking glances at his lips, but he leans forward, omitting the teasing for now, and kisses you.
You pull away, whimpering as he latches his lips back against your neck. He was rougher this time, nipping and sucking at your neck and soothing the sting with his tongue. "Chris, people can see us," you give him a second warning as you feel one of his hands slipping between your shorts and your bikini bottoms.
"And?" He mumbles, kissing along your shoulder.
"Christian!" You gasp, not hiding the giggle that rumbled in your throat. This wasn't like Christian at all. "What has gotten into you today?"
"You weren't complaining about it this morning-"
"And this morning, we weren't at the risk of being reported for public indecency," you interrupt him, wiggling in his grasp as you feel his fingers tugging on the string of your bikini, "or probably something worse."
He whines, scrunching his nose up as he hides his face in your shoulder. "It's this bikini, baby," he mumbles, wrapping the end of the string around his finger, "it's driving me crazy." You bite your bottom lip, suppressing another whimper as he leaves another hickey on the base of your neck. You would have a lot to do a lot of work tomorrow to hide these from his parents. "I just want to take it off," he begs, pulling away to look at you, "please, baby?"
"If you think the top looks great, wait til you see the bottoms," you tease him, wrapping your arms around him, "they're so tiny."
"C'mon," he groans, "don't tease me like that."
"Take us somewhere more private, and maybe I'll let you take a peek." You giggle as the excitement lights up his eyes. He was like a kid on Christmas morning, giddy and ready to unwrap his presents. You being his present, that is. "What are you waiting for?" You raise your eyebrow. "This boat isn't going to move itself."
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His fingers played with the cobalt blue strings of your bikini bottoms, wrapping and unwrapping the ends of the bows around his fingers, as he listened to you talk about the current book you were reading. It was a piece on the most impactful archaeological discoveries to date, which he knew you would know more about than he ever would. That's what you wanted to be - an archaeologist.
When you first met Christian, you had just graduated with a degree in Archaeology and Anthropology. You were like a breath of fresh air to him in a nightclub stuffy with people who only wanted to get close to him because of his profession. He spent most of the night getting you to talk about your degree and never once did he have to talk about football. And now, over a year later, you had a Master's and would be starting an internship in October.
And Christian couldn't be more proud of you.
"Christian?" You find him staring into space as you turn to look back at him, leaving you uncertain if he was listening to you or not. "Christian?" You repeat his name, giggling as you wave your hand in front of his face. He blinks, giving you a half-smile as his eyes catch yours. "Are you even listening to me?"
"Course I am," he replies, dipping to kiss your shoulder, "you were..." He pauses, squinting his eyes and scrunching up his nose as he tried to remember what you were rambling about. "You were talking about old fruit!" He says a little too loudly, with the tips of his ears turning pink.
"Okay, I'll give you that," you giggle, twisting back to kiss him. In essence, you had been talking about old fruit. You had been talking about the discovery of the remains of fruits, nuts, and meats found in the Colosseum. To you, it was exciting; it told you about the types of snacks attendees would've eaten.
You sigh happily, feeling his chin resting on your shoulder. "You're so smart," he affectionately says, wrapping his arm tighter around you, pulling you closer to his chest. His beard tickles as he nuzzles his face into your neck, kissing over the hickies he had left earlier. "I hope our children are as smart as you," he says, but your neck muffles his words.
"Our children?" You hear him curse under his breath like he shouldn't have said that out loud for you to hear. His arm loosens and eventually releases your waist as he pulls away from you, leaning back in the chair. "Christian?" For a brief moment, you're back on your feet, turning yourself around to face him. But he isn't looking at you. He has his eyes pointed to the ground, with his hands running idly through his hair. "Christian," you hook your fingers under his chin, "what do you mean 'our children'?"
He shakes his head, his cheeks flushing red. "Just forget I said anything."
"Forget it? Baby, that's a hard thing to forget," you tell him, sitting yourself down on his lap, your legs straddling either side of his thighs. Looping your hands around his neck, you brush your thumbs soothingly against his jaw. "You think about having kids with me?" You question him, giving him a small smile as he nods. "How many?"
"Three, just like my parents," he answers almost instantaneously, "but the opposite way around: two girls and a boy." He holds onto your hips, dragging you further up his lap until the end of your knees have hit the backrest and your chest is pressed against his. "I know we've only been together for a year, but these are the things I've been thinking about," he confesses, waiting anxiously for you to say something. Anything. "When I think of the future, I can only picture a future that has you in it."
"And what would their names be?" You ask, still inquiring about the imaginative children he had come up with inside his head.
"Whatever you wanted them to be."
Your cheeks burn with cheerful warmth as you crack a bright smile. Suddenly and all at once, you had fallen in love with him like you were falling in love with him for the first time again. Your grip on the back of his neck tightens, pulling him towards you as you leant forwards to crash your lips upon his. He kisses back, letting a hand drift away from your hips and cradle your face. The love you had for him poured its way into the kiss, leaving you both feeling light-headed and needing to take deep breaths as you pull apart.
"Do you have any idea of how much I love you?" You ask, your cheeks beginning to ache from all the smiling.
"I might do," he chuckles, tracing soft circles against your cheek.
"I'm gonna need more than three kids, though," you lean back, letting your hands drift onto his shoulders and down onto his biceps. He gives you a look that says, 'oh yeah?' "Of course," you nod your head, "I'm one of seven, remember?" Of course, he remembered. He almost didn't believe you; the thought of you having four brothers to impress and two sisters to win over frightened him. But luckily, they love him. He surprisingly fitted in with your often hetic family. "I want a house full of little ones."
"You're not joking, right?" He asks, a flicker of doubt plaguing his happiness.
"You said it yourself, Christian; I can only picture a future that has you in it," you reply, kissing both of his cheeks, "it just took for you to say it for me to see the picture clearly."
He hooks his fingers under your chin, beckoning you closer, mumbling, "come here," as he leans in to kiss you. You gave into the kiss, whimpering against him as you felt his tongue gently exploring your mouth. The two of you become glued together, melting into the other's embrace and desperately clinging to the other simultaneously. But he's the first to pull away, with a chest heavy considerably to help him catch his breath.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he says breathlessly, admiring your face and body as he leans back. His arm extends to touch you, tracing his fingers gently between your breasts and down the centre of your stomach, stopping below your belly button. His touch leaves goosebumps to prickle your skin, making your eyes close as you enjoy the tingling sensation. "How did I get so lucky to find someone so beautiful on the inside and out?"
"It's that bank account of yours," you joke, winking at him, "it's just so attractive." He makes you gasp, grabbing your arse with his free hand and lightly slapping it. It was like a little warning to watch what you were saying. "Come on, you thought I was attracted to you because your eyes look like honey under the lights?" You ask, running your fingers down his chest. "Or because the sun brings out a constellation of freckles across your face? Absolutely not." You scrunch up your nose and shake your head. "Nope, that could never be it."
He chuckles, sitting up as he snakes his hand around your neck, using it to pull you closer to him. "Whatever it is," he mumbles, raking his eyes up and down your chest, "it means I get to have you." A shot of pleasure tingles down your spine as you watch him lick his lips, his eyes pulled down towards your chest once more. "All of you," he speaks in a low voice, "fuck, sweetheart, it's just begging to be taken off."
"Then what are you waiting for?" You cock your brow. "Take. It. Off."
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You bury your face into his shoulder, breathing in the scent of his cologne and the traces of the sunscreen you had to fight to put on him this morning as you whimpered against him. He flexes his thigh and pulls you down harder against him, rubbing your throbbing clit against it, aiding you as you roll your hips. "Fuck," you curse, hearing him hiss as you tighten your grip on his biceps, leaving crescent-shaped indents on his skin.
"No, no, sweetheart," his hand wraps around your neck, pushing you away from him, "let me see that pretty face of yours." He smirks, taking in your swollen lips, the hickies on your neck and chest, and eyes darkened by desire. Seeing you like this had his mind racing and his dick twitching. "I didn't tell you to stop, though, did I?" He raises his eyebrow, tapping your hip as an incentive to start moving again. "C'mon, ride my thigh like I know you can," he encourages, aiding you as you resume your previous movements, "keep making a pretty mess on my thigh, baby."
His hand reaches around, grabbing you by your arse, squeezing at your cheeks, and setting a pace he now demands. You whimper his name, but he can barely hear it as it spills from your lips. "Louder, baby," he chuckles, releasing his hand from your neck, "let all of Florida know." His hand drops down to your breasts, his thumb brushing over your nipple whilst dipping his head to pay attention to the other. "Let all of Florida know just who's making you feel this good, baby," he encourages, dragging his teeth across your nipple, soothing the sting with his tongue.
Your hand fists in his hair, tugging his curls and gasping his name as he latches his lips around your nipple. His tongue swirls around the hardened bud, grinning as you arch your back, trying to push as much of your chest as you possibly could. "Fuck, feels so good,' you whimper, grinding yourself faster against his thigh. It was there - your second orgasm. So close that you could almost touch it. "Close," you manage to tell him, pulling him off your chest and bringing him closer to kiss you. You moan into his mouth as his tongue pushes past your lips and moves against yours, ultimately giving up all control.
He nips at your bottom lip, giving it a gentle tug as he pulls away. "Not yet, baby," he denies you the chance to cum, shaking his head and smirking as you whine. Pressing his finger over your lips, he shushes you, stopping your attempt to defy him. "Stand for me," he instructs, shuffling to sit on the edge of the seat, fixing his shorts as he does so. "God, these really are fucking tiny, aren't they?" He finally removes the matching cobalt blue bikini bottoms, tugging forcefully on the strings and snatching them away from your body.
"I did say so," you mumble, lifting your left foot to rest on the edge of the seat.
"You did, didn't you?" He mumbles, hooking his arm under your thigh. You sigh, rolling your head back a bit as he kisses the inside of your thigh; his beard scratching against you feels nicer than it should. "Come here," he beckons you closer, hot breath hitting your core as he tightens his grip on the top of your thigh, pulling you into him. He hums when he finally tastes you, licking from your dripping entrance to your clit. "Beautiful," he looks up at you, groaning as you look back at him.
You tangle your fingers in his hair, pulling on his curls and moaning as he pays close attention to your clit. He switched between licking it and sucking it, listening closely and smirking every time you'd pull on his hair or moan a bit louder for him. "Just...That...Fuck..." Your chest heaves as you struggle to speak. The words were on the tip of your tongue, ready to praise him, but you couldn't do it. He rendered you speechless.
"Got something to say, sweetheart?" He teases, replacing his tongue with his thumb, applying deeper pressure as he rubs your clit in circular motions. He kisses the top of your thigh and kisses both hips. Your hips were a particular favourite feature of his. He always wanted to be touching them. "What were you gonna say?" He asks, rubbing his fingers at your folds, letting you drip over them. "Tell me what you were gonna say," he bargains with you, teasing your entrance with the tips of his fingers, "and I'll let you cum."
"Or, stop me if you think this is too radical, you could just let me cum," you bite back, using your other hand to wipe yourself off his chin.
"I could, couldn't I?"
"Yes, you should."
He shrugs his shoulders, pushing his fingers inside you, chuckling at you shudder and gasp at the sudden intrusion. His tongue returns to your clit, working together with his fingers to play you like you were an instrument and wrangle the music out of you as he curls his fingers, brushing his fingers against the sweetest parts inside you. Gazing up, he finds you with your head hung back, your swollen lips parted to pant and moan his praises, with your eyes squeezed shut. He loved to watch you come undone. To witness your state as you teetered dangerously on the edge, ready to let go and jump.
"Let go for me," he encourages, dragging you back onto his lap, his fingers still pressed inside you. You straddled his lap, grinding your clit into the edge of his palm, and hiding your face in his neck. The coil in your stomach was unbearably tight. If it became any tighter, you were sure you would physically break. "That's it," he groans as you accidentally bite down on him, his neck muffling your moans as you finally come undone on top of him, "be a good girl and just let it all out. Soak these fingers again for me, just like you did for me earlier. Show me who I belong to." He peppers your shoulder with soft kisses, groaning louder against you as you squeeze around his fingers. "Fuck, you might just break them, baby girl; you're squeezing them so tightly."
You lazily cradle his neck, kissing over where you had bitten down, travelling up his neck until you meet his jaw. "Jesus," you giggle, feeling a wave of post-bliss giddiness wash over you. Your body tingled, and your legs were sore, but you craved more. "I want more," you mumble against him, kissing him as you turn his head to face you.
"More?" He raises his eyebrow. "Think you can take another finger?"
"I don't want more of your fingers," shaking your head, "I want you to fill me up, baby, make me feel nice and full."
"And I would love to give you what you wanted," he replies, retrieving his hand from between your legs and running it up the small of your back. You could sense there was a but coming. "But," he chuckles as he catches you rolling your eyes, "I don't have anything on me."
"What? No secret stash of condoms on here?" You tease, planting a quick kiss on the corner of his lips.
"Unfortunately not, princess," he shakes his head, hooking his fingers under your chin and drawing you closer to kiss him. It's slow and sweet, unlike the others you have been sharing. You had the time to savour it. He caresses your bottom lip as he pulls away, gazing at you with warmth in his eyes. "Do you want my shirt?"
"I want us to christen this boat, " you joke, dipping to kiss each of his shoulders, "but since you're so adamant about using protection, I'll guess I'll just have to wait until we get back to the house." You watch his expression change, his features softening as he realises the meaning behind your words. "Oh, there it is," you giggle, tapping the end of his nose, "figured it out yet?"
He clears his throat as his cheeks blush bright red. "But we've never...you know...before."
You rub your thumbs over his blushing cheeks, finding them to be so endearing. "What's the matter?" You tease him, already laughing before you can get your words. "Scared you'll be repeating your prom night all over again?" He leans his head away from you, his eyes slowly closing as he brings his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. "What did you say it felt like again?" You continue to tease him. "Thirty seconds?"
"I'm beginning to wish I had never told you that," he chuckles and groans simultaneously.
"At least you didn't send the poor girl to A&E with a condom stuck in her vagina," you confess, still feeling weak on your feet as you stand up. His eyes snap open, giving you a look that matched the rest of his confused expression. You roll your eyes as he attempts to stifle his laughter. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, Mr Thirty Seconds," you give him one last jab, leaving to search for his shirt.
"And who says I haven't already done that?" He calls after you, adjusting his shorts as he stands.
"Done what?" You call back, hearing him approach from behind.
"Christen the boat?"
You managed to swallow your laughter, but a smile still twitched on the corners of your lips. "Because I know you, Christian," you tell him, pulling his shirt over your head, letting it cover most of your upper half, before spinning around to face him. It was no secret that you were his first girlfriend in a very long time. He was open about it to you - just like he was aware of your past relationships and flings. There were no skeletons in the closet or dark, nasty secrets that had to be kept hidden for the sake of the safety of the other. That just wasn't you. You were two very open books. "The only other women who have been on this boat are your mum and your sister," you deliver the punchline, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"And now you," he mumbles, circling his arms around your waist to pull you closer, "the most important woman in my life."
"I like the sound of that," you whisper, just managing to get the words out before he kisses you again. You fist your fingers into his hair, trying to stay steady on your feet as his arms squeeze around you. In that moment, you were the air he was breathing, his only source of oxygen and a chance at eternal life. It was an intensity you hadn't experienced before, but it made you aware that were his everything.
And you were.
From the first time he kissed you, he was hooked - addicted to the electrical spark he felt every single time he kissed you. He knew no one else would ever make him feel the same as you do. From that day on, he knew he would follow you to the end of the earth.
One hand drifts away from your back and traces the outline of your jaw as he pulls away to look at you. You were a vision of beauty, and it left him with a warm, fuzzy feeling like butterflies fluttering in his stomach. "Can I ask you something?" He asks, almost whisper-like. There was no better time for him to ask.
"Will you marry me?"
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starblightbindery · 2 months
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Binder's Note for Forms by Trebia
How Forms fits in the long tradition of Star Wars fanfic.
My hope is that this project captures a snapshot in time from Star Wars fandom het shippers between December 2015 and December 2017, before the franchise confirmed any emotional intimacy—if you can call it that— between Rey and Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017).
Trebia, then aged 24, wrote and published the first chapter of Forms on Archive of Our Own on December 18th, 2015—the exact release date of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. When posting this first chapter, Trebia noted, “I’m just working off of memory from the one viewing I saw last night.” The entirety of the fanfic was completed and posted an exact month later, making this fic historically significant in Star Wars fandom as one of the earliest published “Reylo” stories.
A serialized novella that was churned out in an astonishingly short time frame, Forms is notable for predicting many elements of The Last Jedi (2017) and The Rise of Skywalker (2019), including the Reylo Force bond, Rey walking away from her training with Luke Skywalker, Kylo Ren pleading with Rey to join him, and Kylo Ren pushing his Force energy into Rey to save her life.
Throughout the story, Trebia mashed new and old Star Wars elements together—characters like the Mandalorians and Admiral Daala, settings like Illum and Kuat⁠—evincing her fondness for the Galaxy Far, Far Away. Forms has classic tropes from this franchise, like stealing a uniform to go undercover in an enemy base and the forced proximity of a “Slow Boat to Bespin.” Present in Forms are scads of fan theories from between the release of The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. These included the theory that—echoing a Legends plot line from Dark Empire (1991) where somehow Palpatine returns and Luke Skywalker joins the dark side to try and take him down from the inside—Kylo Ren had strategic reasons for his apprenticeship to Snoke. Like many Reylo fan-works set in-universe, Trebia lends justification to his many antisocial acts, part of shipper efforts to make the character more self-relevant and sympathetic.
Forms weaves in tantalizing threads that were tossed around by fans and concept artists but ultimately not pursued, including Dark Rey, Stormpilot (Finn/Poe Dameron), and Rey's saberstaff. Trebia even predicted the Kuat Drive Yards plot line started in The Last Jedi (Rose Tico’s contempt for weapon's manufacturers on Canto Bight) and continued in the abandoned Episode IX: Duel of Fates script by Colin Trevorrow. Forms also addresses loose ends that probably should have been covered for a more cohesive nine film saga, like the Chosen One prophecy and direct interaction between Anakin Skywalker and Kylo Ren.
No discussion of Forms can be complete without also placing it in the context of Star Wars fandom in 2016. Reylo was a fringe pairing that made intuitive sense to many Star Wars fans, particularly women; however, prior to The Last Jedi, the ship was dwarfed by the popularity of slash ships like Finn/Poe and Kylo Ren/Hux. At the time, many fans theorized that Rey was Luke Skywalker’s long-lost daughter, making her Ben Solo’s first cousin, making Reylo an incest ship.
As noted on the Fanlore wiki, the tags on this fic changed over time. In addition to “Riding the bus to hell either way” Trebia joked with tags like “Possible incest?” and “Not incest until proven guilty in the court of law.” Following the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Trebia celebrated by replacing those tags with a celebratory “IT AIN’T INCEST.”
The story's strong influence in early Reylo fandom reflected a hunger for more Star Wars romances about the pull between light and dark. After all, the sequel trilogy did not set up Kylo Ren as a horned, alien-appearing monster or a wrinkled geezer. Unblemished by the ravages of the dark side, Kylo Ren was depicted with pillow lips and a fabulous, voluminous coiffure unencumbered by his helm (which really should have flattened it to his scalp.) The groundwork for a lightsider/darksider romance was previously explored in other Expanded Universe stories. At the forefront of these were watered down lightsider/darkside romances like the tepidly written romance between Luke Skywalker and former Palpatine agent Mara Jade. Given Mara Jade was hardly a champion of the dark side, there was no risk of corrupting Skywalker. But the Expanded Universe also boasted stories that played with this dynamic, like the twisted connection between Fable Astin and Jaalib Brandl by Patricia A. Jackson for the Star Wars Adventure Journal (1994), the conflict between Jaina Solo and Zekk in Kevin J. Anderson's Young Jedi Knights (1996),or the passion between Darth Revan and Bastila Shan in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2003). In this respect, Forms and the rest of the Reylo fan fiction oeuvre continues the grand fan tradition of Star Wars villain fucking.
“Darksider and lightsider conflict is one of the most fascinating points of Star Wars,” Trebia said in 2016, when interviewed by Spencer Kornhaber for The Atlantic. “Rey and Kylo represent the fight to find the balance.” Yet, at the time, the fledgling “Reylo” ship was abhorred by affirmational Star Wars fans who despised the emphasis on shipping with a female gaze, as well as scorned by media commentators who found the ship to be “problematic.” In male-dominated, established fan spaces like Reddit and Jedi Council Forums, discussion of Reylo was effectively banned by moderators through the freezing of threads. In other fandom spaces like Twitter and Tumblr, discourse about Reylo mirrored larger purity culture. The ship became a convenient target for alt-right misogynists, and also for anti‑shippers concerned that the ship “romanticized abuse.” Productive and unproductive debate arose around media consumption construed as agreement or approval, whether a sympathetic Kylo Ren lends people to give more latitude to real-life white right-wing men with anger management problems (or if it's the other way around), and if shippers can tell the difference between a fictional antihero and the same dangerous thing in real life. Critiques of Reylo fandom also included the implicit racism inherent in the sidelining of John Boyega’s heroic character Finn in favor of white whiny fascist Kylo Ren. (It did not help that 2016 also saw the election where white American women voters decided to displace a competent Black man with a white whiny fascist.)
In the September 2020 issue of the Journal of Fandom Studies, Andrea Marshall notes that Reylo “fan fiction acts as a locus of resistance to gendered oppression as feminist authors construct selves that critique the source material and the fandom for gendered oppression within tropes and attitudes.” By having Rey actually interact with and befriend a woman other than Leia, Forms already improves on the source material. It's a delight to see Forms depict older women over age fifty who are plot-significant and interact which one another, if only because Star Wars movies are fairly gender regressive. On the other hand, Rey's strategy to convert Kylo back to the light is to uh, suck the badness out of him. It's Padmé Amidala logic—sure, he arranged the wholesale slaughter of an entire village, but he can also deftly finger you to orgasm! Granted, Star Wars is infamously a franchise of excuse making, where really shitty dudes manage to turn it around and do the right thing at the last minute. Forms also doesn't push all that hard to actively resist the neo-fascist allegory in the sequel trilogy, particularly in Trebia's appendix, which dissatisfactorily explains that all of the First Order war criminals in the story ended up as instructors in military academies. (Who would even hire them, Albus Dumbledore?!)
Fics like Forms led to “ship wars” discourse, which led to the publication of ozhawkauthor's “The Three Laws of Fandom” meta essay on January 1st, 2016. “Laws” is a bit of a misnomer since there is no enforcement body; the essay is more of a request for courtesy in fandom spaces. The laws were also meant to apply specifically to shipping, not fandom or media criticism as a whole. “It’s not up to you to decide what other people are allowed to like or not like, to create or not to create,” wrote ozhawkauthor. “That’s censorship. Don’t do it.”
For fans conscious of fandom history and the impact of censorship in spaces like FanFiction.net and Livejournal, ozhawkauthor's guidelines—(1) Don't like; don't read, (2) Your ship is not my ship, (3)Ship and let ship—felt intuitive. This is reflected in spaces like my bookbinding guild, Renegade, which—similar to Archive of Our Own—takes a hands off approach to policing content. This did not prevent widespread handwringing about Reylo content. Star Wars fan ughwhyben reflected on the “gigantic fandom that is suddenly experiencing a renaissance, where an influx of mainstream folk are trickling into (or running into) the fic side for possibly the first time right now and don’t have this training. It’s like we’re flickering back and forth between the modern evolution of fic side fannish culture and what things were like in, for example, 2001 when I first stumbled in.”
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Decades ago, in May 1981, Lucasfilm reacted to the publication of “Slow Boat to Bespin” by Anne Elizabeth Zeek & Barbara Wenk by declaring a ban on smut in fan fiction. I've included in the errata of this binding a letter from 1981 written by the Star Wars fanclub president to circulating fanzines threatening legal action. While slash was also caught in this net—disproportionately targeted given non-explicit gay romance was not okay even though Star Wars has non-explicit het romance—it was this fairly tame (by fic standards) heteronormative fic, featuring Han Solo and Princess Leia, that signaled to Lucasfilm that smutty fanfic was no longer on the fringes and now needed to be addressed to protect the “wholesomeness” of the franchise. Subsequently, fanfic writers had to make a conscious decision to flout Lucasfilm’s policy and go forth with propagating their smut.
And, in 2016, of all the ships in all of fandom, it was the Reylo Star Wars pairing, featuring this specific heteronormative female power fantasy (of being able to leash a villain by the dick to drag him back to the light) that led to a communal reaffirmation of these fandom norms. In her interviews with the The Atlantic, Trebia directly quotes from the Three Laws of Fandom, endorsing “ship and let ship” as a basis for creating Reylo fanworks. “I am fully involved in the garbage compactor that is this pairing, and I love it,” Trebia said. “No matter what way it goes, I will stick with it.”
After studying early romance novels from the late 1600s and early 1700s, Ros Ballaster observed a polarity between didactic love fiction and amatory fiction. Didactic love stories are sweet—aspirational, moral, and idealized—while amatory fiction is spicy—erotic, transgressive, untethered from social sanction. We do see representations of didactic love in Reylo fan fiction, particularly in contemporary romance “Modern AUs” like Ali Hazelwood's The Love Hypothesis (2021)where the Kylo's homicidal Sith rage is sanitized to a more socially-acceptable grumpy academic brooding. One can comfortably bring Adam Carlsen, Ph.D home to meet Mother. But certainly, the majority of Reylo fic written by fans gravitate towards and come with the self awareness of the amatory. For one, Trebia loudly proclaims in her Chapter Two author note: “MORE TRASH FOR THE TRASH GOD.”
Discourse over the “morality” of Reylo fan fiction tends to overlook the distinction between the didactic and the amatory. As compelling as the idea of a “Force dyad” is in fantasy, this relationship is not meant to be aspirational in a literal sense. Yet, readers of Reylo fiction were and continue to have to defend their interest in the archetype with disclaimers—yes, it's trash, yes, I know it's problematic—while men in fandom are not held to the same standards when it comes to “problematic” media they consume or enjoy, whether it's a Michael Bay blockbuster film or male-gaze pornography.
As Deborah Lutz notes, “The Dangerous Lover Romance” is a centuries old, conventional way to represent erotic desire and romantic love. The “sublimely tormented Byronic hero” is hardly groundbreaking, to the extent that Rian Johnson's depiction of Reylo in The Last Jedi subverts the trope—at the end of the film Rey isn't enchanted, she's repulsed. The same way Star Wars replicates Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey monomyth, Reylo stories like Forms reflect the broad appeal of the “how-the-turntables” Dangerous Lover romance—where the woman protagonist, initially subjugated by the debased, restless misanthrope, ends up subjugating him through her strength of will and the power of love. Trebia's Kylo even sports malevolent scars like so many Gothic male romantic leads before him—always on the face. In the Gothic romance, the heroine accesses socially undesirable aspects—power, rage, craving, desire—as expressed by her double, the Dangerous Lover. His presence in the story provides a basis for her disinhibition. The Reylo ship follows a well-trodden cultural script of transgressive female desire.
Forms the fan fiction novella is a notable cultural artefact reflecting a distinct period of time in Star Wars fandom. At the time, Reylo fanfic held all the promise of improved representation for women characters, crossed with the instinctual, regressive insistence that maintains a white male character in the forefront. Reylo fan fiction produced in early 2016 also led to the reification of anti-censorship values in fandom. Seven years later, a fandom that was once derided has gone fully mainstream, as fic writers like Ali Hazelwood, Ashley Poston, and Thea Guanzon top traditional publishing bestseller lists. What Trebia knocked out, hours after her introduction to the characters, is now it's own Star Wars literary tradition.
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floridaboiler · 1 month
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What a Young Man Should Know, 1933. A checklist for becoming a proper man.
This was published in the March 1933 issue of Harper’s Magazine.
The writer, Robert Littell, details the abilities, skills, accomplishments, and extra-curricular proficiencies that every man should have if they are to become a self-sufficient and well-rounded human being, ready for life, and eventually, marriage and raising their own children. The learning starts from a very young age.
Here is the (short) list:
1. He should know how to swim at least a mile, dive creditably, and not feel panicky under water. He should be able also to revive those less skilful than himself by rolling them on a barrel and pumping their helpless arms.
2. He should be able to drive an automobile well. And he should not be altogether helpless when a car breaks down. He must know how to change a tire and offer some sort of diagnosis when the engine sputters and dies.
3. He ought to know how to clean, load, and shoot a revolver or a rifle.
4. As for self-defense, a man should certainly be able to take care of himself in a scrap. He need not learn jujitsu — old-fashioned boxing will be enough.
5. He ought to know the rudiments of camping, how to build a fire, how to chop wood, how to take a cinder out of his eye, how to deal with a severed artery, how to doctor himself for ordinary ailments.
6. He should also be able to take care of other people in emergencies, to apply first aid, set a broken bone, revive a drunk or a victim of gas, deal with a fainting fit, administer the right emetic or antidote for a case of poisoning.
7. And he should be able to feed himself, to cook, not only because some day he may need to, but because cooking is one of the fine arts, and a source of infinite pleasure. He should be able to scramble eggs, brew coffee, broil a steak, dress a salad, carve a chicken, and produce, on occasion, one first-class dish, such as onion soup. The more he can do, in these days of the delicatessen store and the kitchenette, the better. It is not effeminate, it is not beyond him, and the best chefs are all men.
8. He should know how to use paint brushes, a saw, a hammer, and other common tools.
9. He should also have a beautiful and distinguished handwriting. But the bulk of his writing, particularly if he is a professional man who has much of it to do, should be done on a typewriter, capable of turning out three thousand words an hour.
10. He should play one outdoor game well, and have a workable smattering of several more. An American who cannot throw and catch a ball seems pathetic and grotesque.
11. The bicycle has gone, yet every young man should know how to ride one.
12. He should also be able to skate, sail a boat, and handle a canoe passably.
13. Fishing is a specialty, like chess.
14. Walking is a noble but neglected sport. Americans “hike” once in a long while but seldom walk.
15. He should know a great deal about animals and how to take care of them.
16. He should know how to ride a horse.
17. He should learn how to stay in a saddle with pleasure to himself and a minimum of annoyance to his mount.
18. He should learn how to dance.
19. He should know to play at least one card game.
20. He must have knowledge of how to tip naturally, justly, without fear and without reproach.
21. On the matter of alcohol, he should learn his capacity and stick within its limits; he should know something about the different kinds of drink, and which drinks produce chaos within him when mixed.
22. Where s:x is concerned, nature clearly intended us to make many mistakes in her hope that some of them would be productive.
23. He should know the rudiments of gambling. But gambling might be placed on the same plane as drink — the less use one has for it the better.
24. Higher than almost any other accomplishment on the list is knowing music. There is no reason why any young man who is not absolutely tone-deaf should not learn how to play one musical instrument well enough for it to be a self-resource and a tolerable pleasure to others.
25. A civilized man should know how to read. The ability to read, or rather the habit of reading, is very rare even among intelligent people, and has to be taught and kept up if it is not to become rusty.
26. He should have knowledge of at least one foreign language. French or German preferably both. German children learn an amazingly good brand of English without ever crossing their borders. Why can’t we? For one thing, we don’t really want to. Yet we should. An American who knows only English is blind in one eye.
27. He should know to travel well, efficiently, without fuss or complaint.
28. A young man should be able to express himself clearly before a crowd of strangers, without shyness, muddle, or a pathetic resort to “so much has been said and well said” or “I did not expect to be called on.”
29. The British adult can get to his feet, propose a toast, introduce a stranger, voice a civic protest, heckle a windbag politician, and give utterance to an unembarrassed thought.
30. A a man should command the elementary tool of written language, and be able to put simple things on paper in clear words.
31. He should have a good workable understanding of the structure of business, investments, and banks.
32. Let every educated man, as a necessary part of his education, be thrown into the muddy stream of American industry and see what it is like to swim alone on daily wages.
33. He should before reaching twenty-two have done something because he wanted to, whether other people wanted him to do it or not.
34. He should not acquire property unless he needs it. Insensitiveness to his personal property, unless of course it is extraordinarily beautiful, is a desirable skill for any man to have; It must be learned and worked at.
35. Unusual though this young man may be, he should not seem so. Is not a parent’s basic ambition for his child that he be very different from other people, yet manage to seem almost exactly like them?
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theclairvoyage · 2 months
Centrifugation: Chapter 9
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Series Masterlist
The first psych appointment since the incident.
Chapter Warnings: psychological trauma, therapy, mentions of overdose, mentions of medications, mentions of depression and nightmares, allusions to previous traumatic event, fluff, smut, anal play (f receiving), oral (f receiving), face riding, unprotected p in v, a spank or two, more self-doubt.
WC: 3.4k
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Monday, October 25th | 1000
“Call me when you’re done and I’ll come get ya, alright?” Joel requests as you prepare to hop out of his truck and enter the behavioral health facility.  You turn to him, nodding and fake smiling.  He catches on to your façade quickly.
“C’mere, baby,” he says, motioning you to come in for a kiss.  He holds your chin softly with his free hand, other hand glued to the steering wheel.
He’s nervous, too, you can tell—fidgety, white-knuckling nervous.  He spent the entire drive over here raking his hand through his stubble and hair, glancing at you almost every other minute.  It’s odd.  Normally, Joel is the stoic one, remaining ever calm to make you feel safe.
Slowly, you lean in closer to him, propping your elbow up on the middle compartment and tilting your head slightly right.  Your gaze is locked on his—worried amber irises scan your face as he scoots forward to kiss you.  He stops right before your lips meet and exhales audibly, puffing warmth on your face.
“Hey,” you say softly, reaching to stroke his grown-out beard.  He hasn’t trimmed in a while, but he looks good—small patches of gray are popping up near his mandible and chin, much to his dismay.
He closes his eyes at your soft touch, inhaling deeply and slowly.  He cups your hand to his face and reopens his eyes, which are tranquil now.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he replies, half-smile crinkling his cheek.  He kisses you softly and sweetly for a few moments before deepening the kiss.
Most of your kisses escalate like this.  Passion and desire overwhelm both of you, no matter the time or place.  You pull back from the kiss, teeth pulling Joel’s lower lip with you before you let go.  He groans.
“Fuck.  Y’do this to me every time,” he huffs, eyes pointing downward at the erection fighting the zipper of his jeans.  You smirk and peck his lips one more time before opening the door and hopping out.
“Thank you, Joel.  I mean it,” you say earnestly, suddenly feeling shy.  He stares at you for a moment with that look before shaking his head and waving you off.
“S’nothin’, you deserve it.  I’ll see ya in a bit.” You blow him a kiss and shut the door before ambling your way to the entrance.
It’s gloomy in Omaha today.  Overcast sky, little gusts of cold wind ripping through the trees and shaking the streetlights.  Winter is creeping her way into Nebraska, frosty fingertips swiping ice along the ground overnight—much like the Nutcracker fairies in Fantasia.  You don’t mind winter, though—long sleeves and pants, hot coffee, chilly air grazing your bronchioles—it’s a nice contrast from the muggy, excoriating summers here.  And no bugs.
You’re a little late, which is unlike you—Joel was running behind this morning after spending much of it on the phone with Tommy and the high-maintenance Council Bluffs client, whose shrill voice you could hear from across the room.  She’d been complaining about the boat dock needing redone, which wasn’t part of the original agreement she’d made with Miller Contracting.  Tommy was at her house this morning working on the house remodel when she sprang it on him, bickering with him about cost and materials before he decided the older Miller would be a better choice to put her in her place.
You approach the front desk, an older woman with thick-rimmed glasses, crunchy blonde and gray-rooted curls piled on top of her head.  She looks up and smiles at you, red lipstick-stained skin peeling from her chapped lips, before giving you a singsong hello, dear.
“Hi.  Appointment for 10:00,” you say much less enthusiastically, spelling your first and last name as she searches for you on her computer screen.
“Great!  Your doctor sent over all your notes, I just need you to answer some questions and sign a few release forms before we take you back.  Have a seat right here and bring them up when you’re done,” she coos, pointing at a puffy green armchair facing the front entrance.  She hands you a clipboard with several forms, pen attached by chain.
You scribble quickly on the forms, trying not to inconvenience the psychiatrist too much.  The questions regarding recent sexual activity make you blush, fantasizing about your last few days with Joel.  Yesterday, he’d perched himself between your legs and licked you to orgasm for what felt like hours—just the reminiscing makes your core tingle.  Hopefully there’s more of that today—you have a feeling you’ll need it.  You clench your thigh muscles and focus on the rest of the forms before taking them back up to the receptionist.
Shortly thereafter, a skinny nurse calls your name from a door beyond the front desk and takes you back into a hallway.  He takes your blood pressure and weight before introducing you to the psychiatrist, Dr. Mandel.  She’s quite petite, maybe five feet tall, with fiery red hair and freckles dotting her pale skin.  She’s beautiful, almost elven.  She shakes your hand warmly, pale green eyes taking you in as she ushers you into her office.
“Have a seat here.  Do you need any refreshments?” she asks, pointing toward a comfy, orange chair facing the window in her office.  She walks over to her desk to grab a few things before sitting in an identical chair opposite you.  You shake your head.
“Thanks for being here.  I know this is difficult—most patients do what they can to avoid these appointments,” she says matter-of-factly.  You nod.
“I feel like it’s better for me to do this sooner rather than later,” you say, rubbing your arm nervously as you scan the room.  It’s warm, accented with rich orange and red hues and natural light spilling into the space.
“Some doctors would agree with you, like myself.  Most think social support is the best thing for healing after a traumatic event.  Would you say you have that?”  You nod, thinking of Joel, Keri, Trina, and the rest of your work group that would drop anything in a heartbeat for you.
“That’s good.  My professional opinion is that social support and therapy have the best prognosis for healing and returning to a somewhat normal life, though you won’t be the same as before,” she says eloquently.  She’s very animated, hands complementing her words and tone expressive.  You feel comfortable around her, like she’ll tell you the truth no matter what.
“Have you experienced any suicidal thoughts, nightmares, or other troublesome mental episodes?” Your eyes sweep the ceiling as you recollect the nightmare you had the other day about Cedric.  Picking nervously at the calluses on your palms, you nod.
“Just nightmares.  I had a panic attack the day after it happened, but nothing else.”  She jots some notes on a legal pad perched in her lap, nodding as you speak.
“I’ll prescribe you some pills for the nightmares and we can get something for the panic attacks, if you feel it’s necessary,” she informs you, gauging your reaction.
“The nightmares, for sure.  I don’t think the panic attacks will be a problem until I have to go back to work,” you tell her, anxiously imagining walking through the front doors of the plasma center, picturing Cedric’s lifeless body splayed on the cold floor.
“I’ll prescribe something for that just in case—you might think right now you’ll be fine, but seeing the area where something traumatic happened can reopen psychological wounds.” You nod grimly and admit to yourself that you were worried about that when you do eventually have to return to work.
The remainder of the appointment consists of her asking questions for her assessment and teaching you coping strategies.  She diagnoses you with acute stress disorder, though mild.  You’re not surprised—you were stabbed and somewhat witnessed a homicide.  You’re worried how much worse you’d be if you didn’t have Joel taking care of you—would you have even made it here today?
Dr. Mandel prescribes you a benzodiazepine for nightmares and an antidepressant for panic attacks.  She warns you about taking the nightmare medicine with your pain pills. 
“Don’t drive after and make sure you’re in a safe space until you know how your body will react to both,” she warns, tone serious.  “I’ve had one too many patients overdose while taking both—please be careful.”  You nod.  You don’t want to join Cedric anytime soon.  She shakes your hand as she guides you out to the front, where you set up your next appointment with the cheerful receptionist.  Two weeks out, right after you come back from Chadron.  You might need psychiatric help after dealing with your mother for a week.
Perched on a bench outside the clinic, you call Joel.  He answers after the second ring.
“All done, baby?  How’d it go?” he asks.  You can hear the echo of his truck door shutting in the garage.  You stare at the puffy gray clouds traversing the sky, wind pushing them along faster than normal.
“Pretty good, actually.  She gave me some medicine for the nightmares, so we’ll see if that helps,” you say, trying to make your voice more cheerful than you feel.  Blah best describes the way you’re feeling today—much like the weather.
“I’m glad.  Don’t like seein’ ya upset when you should be havin’ happy dreams,” he says, turn signal clicking in the background.
You smirk as you think of a witty response.  “I have happy dreams all the time, like today when I was filling out the forms and remembered what I was doing yesterday around this time,” you murmur coyly.  A deep, devious chuckle escapes his lips.
“We can arrange that again, y’know,” his syrupy Southern voice croons, dipping an octave lower and making your stomach flip in excitement.
“Please,” you say, almost whining.
“Mmm.  Can’t wait.  S’my favorite dessert.  I’ll be there in 5,” he says before hanging up.  Your pussy aches.  You love that he loves tasting you—no man in your life before has ever lapped you up the way he does.
Right on time, Joel pulls up in the circle of the clinic.  He eyes you as you walk up, getting out so he can open the passenger door for you.  You throw your arms around him and pull him into a hug unexpectedly, which makes his heartbeat quicken for a few seconds.
“Miss me already?  Was only an hour or so, baby,” he chuckles, kissing your hair.
“Just my way of saying thank you.”  He pulls back and kisses your nose before swatting your ass.
“Can’t to show you how I say thank you,” he murmurs into your ear before trotting over to the driver’s side door.  You shudder.  You won’t make it home if he keeps this up.
Monday, October 25th | 1235
“Oh my god, fuck, Joel,” you cry, nails scraping his scalp as he sucks on your needy clit.  You’re writhing, squirming in his iron grip as he works you into a fit of ecstasy.  He moans into your core.
“Love hearin’ ya talk, baby.  Tell me how good it feels,” he urges you, shaking his head side to side as his mouth latches onto your folds.  His middle and index finger prod at your entrance teasingly.  You roll your hips toward him, urging them closer, but he moves back ever so slightly.  You groan in frustration.
“Hold on for me, darlin.’ I’ll give ya what ya need.”
Your nerves are in overdrive, his warm tongue and vibrations of his voice creating a steady stream of arousal that leaks from your pussy slowly.  He knows just when to decrease the pressure of his licking and sucking, trying to keep you from coming until the very last second.  Not being able to reach your high is driving you insane, but you know it’s worth it.
Suddenly, he pulls mouth off you and rolls onto his back.  Confused and irritated, you sit up and cock an eyebrow at him.
“C’mere,” he says.  “Want you to sit on my face.”
Your eyes enlarge as you register what he just said to you.  Arousal pools low in your belly, and you don’t hesitate to straddle his shoulders.  He loops his arms around you, one hand gripping your ass as the other spreads your lips apart.
He looks up at you, mystified at seeing you from this angle.  You’re blocking the light, casting a shadow on his face, and allowing him to see everything.  The underswell of your breasts topped by taut nipples, head tipped back in anticipation, hair swept over your shoulder, one hand gripping the curls on his scalp for dear life.  A brambly growl escapes his throat at the sight.
Needing to taste you, he pulls you down onto his warm tongue and feasts.  You cry out loudly, involuntarily grinding your hips onto his face.  This spurs him on even more, soundwaves from his muffled groan vibrating into your pussy.  You lean back with a moan, the pleasure taking away what stability your thighs have left.  Shaky legs encase Joel’s head.  A few more swipes of his tongue send you over the edge.  You come hard and with a hoarse moan on Joel’s face.  He drinks it up like his favorite whiskey, getting drunk off you.
Using the headboard as leverage, you lift your hips off his face and collapse onto your stomach.  Panting, you hear Joel get off the bed and walk over to your side.  He brushes your hair off your back and kisses the back of your neck and moves down further, teeth scraping the skin of your scapulas and midback.
“Ready f’me, baby?” he asks in between kisses.  You hum in approval and get on all fours, sticking your ass out for him.  He growls.
“Fuck.  I love your ass,” he tells you, cracking a hand down on one cheek.  You yelp in surprise, followed by a playful giggle.  He grips your cheeks and lifts them up, squeezing them together as he admires you.
“And this pretty fuckin’ pussy.  God damn.  Can’t believe you’re mine,” he croons.  At some point he ditched his boxers, now sliding the head of his cock up and down your wet folds.  He pauses at your entrance and folds his chest over your back to murmur in your ear.
“Tell me, baby—are you mine?” his gravelly voice trickles into your ear, giving you goosebumps.
“Yes, Joel—fuck, I’m yours,” you whine back.  He pushes himself off your back and prods himself at your wet hole, pushing in slowly.  You squeak, voice unable to respond any other way to the stretch of him.  He bottoms out and waits for your muscles to relax before moving again.  After a few beats, your walls loosen their death grip on his cock ever so slightly.
“Good fuckin’ girl, just relax for me,” he soothes, pulling out of you slowly.  He pushes into you with finesse, wanting to work you into another orgasm slowly and carefully.  He picks up his pace after a bit, gripping your shoulder for leverage as he digs into you.  You almost scream at the depth he’s hitting but find that your voice is still unable to make any sounds—you’re so full, each thrust compressing your lungs and pushing what little air you have out in heavy pants.
Joel removes one of the hands from your back and sucks on his thumb before pressing it lightly near the tight entrance of your ass.  He slows his pace, needing your permission before he continues. 
You crane your neck to look at him, and god damn, he looks fucking good.  Salt and pepper curls bedraggled.  Sweat beading on his tan forehead.  Looking at you like you’re Venus reincarnated.  He lifts an eyebrow at you.  “It’s okay if you don’t wanna, baby.”
“It’s okay,” you promise him, giving him permission.  You’ve never done this before, but this is the right person to try something new with.  You know he wouldn’t push your boundaries without your consent.
“Tell me to stop if it’s too much,” he says, swirling his thumb around your ass.  It feels good—it’s foreign, but it’s pleasurable.  You instinctively tighten around his cock as he prods his thumb further, making him hiss.
“Fuck, darlin’—gonna squeeze me to death,” he moans.  You try and relax, but the anticipation of what’s coming has your muscles in protective overdrive.  He leans over and spits on your asshole, the warm liquid making you jump a bit.
“Alright, baby, you just say the word if it hurts,” he reassures you.  You nod, ready to experience this with him.
Sharp pain shoots through your spine at the first push, and you clench your muscles in response.  A soft cry escapes your lips.  Joel pauses, unable to tell if it’s from pain or pleasure.
“Keep going,” you urge him.  He pushes his thumb just a bit further.  Pain ebbs into achy pleasure as your muscles adjust, then white-hot pleasure as he picks up the rhythm of his thrusts again.
“Oh fuck, that feels good,” you moan.  The tandem of pleasure and pain pull a new kind of orgasm from you, ripping you to pieces from the inside out.  You collapse onto your elbows as you quiver, both holes contracting around Joel.  He curses your name and collapses over you, emptying inside you with a ragged groan.  He’s heavy, but not enough to suffocate you.  His torso is warm, draped over your sweaty back.  With a groan, he pulls himself out of you and stands up, rolling you over and grabbing your hand.
“Shower?” he says, pulling you into his chest.  He doesn’t let you respond before he starts kissing you.
“Yeah, you stink,” you tease, scrunching your nose at him as you lead him into the bathroom.  He chuckles and rolls his eyes as he follows you.
Monday, October 25th | 1421
You’re in Joel’s kitchen, sipping some water as he makes a late lunch for the two of you.  He decided on some chicken fried rice after you told him about a thousand times that he could pick what to eat this time.  You’re staring at him absentmindedly and he catches you.
“Whatcha thinkin’ about, baby?” he quizzes you, pushing the rice and eggs around the sizzling wok as he stares at you.  You let out a big sigh.
“I think I need to go back to my apartment tonight and try to be alone, to see if I can do it,” you say quietly, somewhat worried about his response.  He sets the spatula down and turns to you, expressing concern, but not upset.
“I’m not gonna push ya either way, but what made you think that?” he asks, tilting his head toward his shoulder and leaning against the island as he evaluates you.
“I just… don’t want to be too dependent on you.  I’m so happy when I’m with you, and y-you’ve done so much for me.  I just don’t want to spend all this time with you and then get to a point where I can’t be on my own,” you say, exasperated.  You’re picking at the callouses on your palms again, gauging his response through worried eyes.
“I understand, baby.  This is a weird situation for both of us.  I’d prefer it if you stayed here tonight since you’re tryin’ your new meds, but you’re the boss here,” he reminds you, putting both hands up.  He’s right, it wouldn’t be a bad idea—you just haven’t been at your apartment in what feels like forever and have this sense of dread returning there, like it’ll pull you back into the past.
“That’s smart.  I’m not sure why I feel like this.  Just a lot in my head right now,” you say, looking up at the kitchen light as your throat starts to tighten.  He pulls you in for a warm embrace, rubbing your back lightly through your shirt.
“Told ya, this healing is gonna take a while.  I’m never gonna tell ya to leave—I’ll come stay at your place, ‘f you want me to.  Just want you to be okay, baby,” he murmurs into your hair.  God, he’s too good to you.  You’ve made up your mind.  Pulling back, you kiss him chastely.
“Okay.  I’ll stay here tonight, and then tomorrow I’ll stay at my apartment by myself, just to make sure I can do it.  And then you can stay the night after.  Cool?” You lift a thumbs up and raise your eyebrows at him.  He mirrors you.
“Absolutely, baby.  Good call.  Let’s eat, huh?”
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Taglist: @burntheedges, @syd-djarin, @anoverwhelmingdin, @danaispunk
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myreia · 3 months
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— B A S I C S
Name: Aureia Malathar Nicknames: Aur Age: 28 at the start of ARR, 38 in 6.x. Nameday: 30th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon Race: half-elezen (wildwood), half-hyur (midlander) Gender: female [she/her] Orientation: biromantic asexual Profession: warrior of light, battlemage-for-hire, former spy/operative
— P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: black with red streaks Eyes: red Skin: pale Tattoos/scars: arcane brand burned into her back
— F A M I L Y
Parents: Elgara Theorzen (deceased, killed in Bozja), Ariv Theorzen (deceased, killed in Garlemald) Siblings: Kallias Theorzen (twin brother), currently alive Grandparents: deceased, names unknown In-laws and Other: married Thancred post-5.0. (impulsive decision, definitely happened too soon), considers Ryne her daughter, considers Urianger her brother Pets: Filo (chocobo), Panu (carbuncle), Isa (white whittret), Nutkin (nutkin)
— S K I L L S
Abilities: DRK/GNB | WHM/SGE | RPR/DRG | MCH | BLM/RDM Hobbies: botany (she's not good at it), training & learning new combat techniques, hiking, wandering in busy cities and taking it all in, river boating, collecting weapons, collecting earrings & rings, magical research
— T R A I T S
Most Positive Traits: determined, self-assured, inquisitive, compassionate for those forgotten and those left behind, loves fiercely and deeply Most Negative Traits: reckless, impulsive, selfish, abrasive, doesn't trust easily, prone to keeping secrets
— L I K E S
Colours: black, dark red, dark blue, silver Smells: the woods after rainfall, pine, the smokiness of a good campfire, saffron, a hint of citrus, the spice of street food in a busy market Textures: supple leather, polished wood, soft snowfall Drinks: tea, coffee, lemon water, orange juice
— O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: no Drinks: formerly yes, became an alcoholic in Stormblood, is now in recovery and doesn't drink Drugs: no Mount Issuance: Filo accompanies her almost everywhere; she has an amaro on the First (currently unnamed names are hard); occasionally rides a motorcycle or drives another vehicle; when she wants to show off, she shows up on a firebird Been Arrested: yes (several times) 🙃
Tagged by: @ardberts thank you!!! 🖤✨ Tagging: @birues @ishgard @wind-up-nhaama @roguelioness @tsunael @ahollowgrave
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hotcat37 · 8 months
Käärijä songs personified (pt.2)
Some more Kä songs with made up character traits :3 Maybe I should do the same for JO songs these are fun
Huhhahhei: -a hopeless romantic, pulls out roses from thin air -he always wears the leather coat and a Captain's hat -self proclaimed captain of his love boat (no one knows what boat he is referring to) -his date ideas include fishing, going to amusement parks and having sex -looks intimidating but he's actually very sweet and always in a good mood
Kiertävä Sirkus: -uses self deprecating humor to cope -will not flex about his money because he's broke as hell -there's a lot going on inside but he struggles to put his feelings into words so he'll resort to making monkey noises if he's feeling flustered -has very colorful makeup and clothes on, he'll always stand out -has a love/hate relationship with performing but you can rip that microphone from his cold dead hands
Paidaton Riehuja: -very body positive, he encourages anyone to take off their shirts like the shirtless guru he is -often seen walking around with a yellow plastic guitar, a weapon or an instrument? No one knows -I actually rlly like the idea of Paidaton!Käärijä specifically being trans, so he's transmasc with top surgery scars :3 -has tried taking up going to the gym several times but always ends up giving up -a bit of a himbo but he's got the spirit
Fantastista: -he looks like the Fantastista album cover (yes, he's literally black&white) -he's the youngest of the Kä's, even younger than Mic Mac Käärijä -very stubborn and determined to get his way, ends most demands with "It's a threat👺" -as bratty as he is, he's also quite thoughtful and always makes sure to keep things quiet for the neighbors past 22:00 -quite reckless, constantly has to be dragged out of mosh pits and fights
Menestynyt yksilö: -very bitter about the past, he gets caught up on all the time he's lost -he may be a bit depressing but conversations with him are real as fuck and he gives excellent life advice -has a big soft spot for dogs and would like to get one some day -very pessimistic about the future, especially once he's had a few drinks in him -honestly just needs a hug
Auto Jää: -absolutely insufferable, do not pair him with Urheilujätkä!Käärijä or you have two over energetic men that will cause chaos -always wears the black/pink ski jacket -he's quite childish but also very responsible, will fuck you up if you even consider drunk driving -give this man a bottle of champagne and everything will be flooded within seconds -just happy to be here
Viulunkieli: -one of the few Kä's that isn't completely broke, gets a reasonable paycheck -he's quite sensitive to people's moods and gets nervous when he picks up on tension -very close with Välikuolema!Käärijä, they get along well -his plans to have a fun night out usually don't go so well 😅 -keeps talking about this mysterious figure called Kari, no one has seen the man before
Rock Rock: -very self confident, is always talking abt how much he loves his mom -has some kind of fascination with construction cranes -very bouncy and is often hopping all over the place -he exagarates his own success but, well, as long as he's happy.... -prone to babbling and talking really fast
Online: -is very openly anti social media -however the reason he's so vocal about not being in online spaces is because he can get addicted very easily so he tries to keep himself from falling back into internet addiction by talking smack about it -communicates mostly through written letters and maybe if you're lucky you can have the number to his landline phone -is the least pale of the Käärijä's, actually goes on proper vacations -he uses a Polaroid camera if he wants to take pictures somewhere
Nou Roblem: -bro has sunglasses on at all times to disguise the European gay porn sadness in his eyes -"I don't have a problem haha" (guy who has a lot of problems) -rides a moped around -is often hungry, pls feed the man -consequences always come back to bite him in the ass no matter how much he tries to play it cool
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