#self published zine
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calcifiedred · 2 months ago
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pages from LANDFALL
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artbyleoniejonk · 1 year ago
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Can I tell you a little secret? 👀
When I was working on my piece for this I redid it so many times I almost lost count. Digital, no gouache, back to digital, no watercolour! I just wanted it to be *perfect* so I kept trying. I may still feel like a bit of an imposter that got to hang with the cool kids, I know that I did my very best 🥰
Check out Growth: an artsy zine in @citrus_saplings shop! https://citrussapling.com/products/growth-art-book Mine is the worst one, I promise 😂
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kyotocryptids · 1 year ago
Hi there!
Would you like to support small, independent artists, but you’re on a budget?
Here’s how you can!
Reblog and share their work! This helps maximize exposure
Leave a review! Good reviews help boost the algorithm to more people
Bookmark their work! That way you can come back to it later
If you have a few dollars and the artist you want to support has a Ko-Fi, you can give there to help with the costs of content creation!
If their work is available for pay-what-you-can, you can buy it for any amount you can spare, because every little bit helps! I’m sure they’d appreciate it!
Thanks for reading! If you’d like to read supernatural fiction about the cultural capital of Japan, check out our self published arts and literature zine, Kyoto Cryptids! It’s our best issue, and we’d love as many eyes on it as possible!
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fanzines · 6 months ago
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'Defend The Internet Archive' linocut print by Molly White. Donate to the Internet Archive (using PayPal through their site). [Image description] Black ink linocut print of a person in a dress reaching for a book on a large bookshelf. Above is “Free people read freely”; below is “Defend the Internet Archive”.
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anarchoherbalism · 1 year ago
Here's how I bind very thick zines with a bunch of random crap for tools and almost nothing that costs real money! There's a whole long blog post about it here which I really recommend if this is something you're interested in doing for a big project--I talk a lot more about the tricks and stuff I've learned from doing this for like, three years at this point?
(psssst and if the zine looks cool--you're in luck! it is free! digital / print)
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ari-grace-the-space-case · 8 months ago
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I finished up my Tater Tot Hot Dish Recipe Comic!
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nickmarino · 4 months ago
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new zine
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hillbillyoracle · 11 months ago
So you want to print and distribute a free zine...
I wanted to throw together a short tutorial on how I print zines using this excellent COVID safety zine by @newlevant as an example.
First make sure you are clicking on the printable file. When you open it, it should look slightly jumbled. I always look for seeing the front cover and the back cover on the same page.
Then click "print" (usually a printer icon) and open "more settings".
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The key things people tend to get wrong when they try printing zines is they forget to make sure that it is double sided and flips on the short edge. If you tried printing one and it came out looking wonky, make sure to check this.
Also, it will make your life infinitely easier if you use the collate option should you have it available to you.
Fit to printable area is a helpful setting to have on if you're printing zines who use a different paper standard than you. This zine didn't for me but I leave this on out of habit.
When you've got this all set up - print as many copies as you want to assemble.
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When you get them out of the printer they'll look like this. Just a big old stack. I highly recommend parsing out each individual copy before you try assembling any. I have made that mistake before.
This is how I stack mine.
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I like to leave the cover side up as it makes for a clearer division as I'm assembling.
As you're flipping through these to parse and stack them, check them over for any issues with printing. I ran out of printer toner on the first three so I'm glad I checked.
Imperfections are fine but you're looking for anything that makes critical information unreadable.
To assemble a copy, get them lined up by tapping them on the table along a short and a long edge.
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Both hands is a lot easier but I was trying to take a picture lol
Then fold them hamburger style and smooth down the spine as best you can. If you have a bone folder or similar use that.
Again, let go of perfection. We are looking for good enough here. Minor errors here should not make info unreadable so don't sweat the small stuff.
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I recommend doing all your folding in one go to prevent errors. Or at least it really helps me.
Now it's time to staple. You will see my fancy stapler in the background - you do not require it and I would not recommend it. Unhinging a normal stapler is way easier to use in my opinion and this one gets jammed fairly easy. Use what you've got.
If you don't have staples, but you do have sewing supplies - check out this tutorial for a way to bind it with thread.
If you have no staples and no thread, you don't have to staple every zine. Smaller ones (~5 pages or less) do fine with no staple. They can be a little tougher for some people to use and don't hold up as well being taken in and out of places so I would consider that when thinking of where to leave them. They're still well worth printing and putting out.
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This zine is small enough that one staple in the center should be enough to keep it together.
I opted to staple in two places - one about an inch in from either edge - mostly out of habit. It does add a little stability and will make them a little better for putting in Little Free Libraries and other places where they'll be removed and placed back.
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Here is my partner looking over the zines to make sure my stapling didn't cut off any important information in each copy. It's a little tedious but it's pretty important. A quick flip through can mean the difference between someone getting the info you want them to have or not.
And here's the finished product
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I made 15. I'm pretty privileged and have been making zines for over a decade now so it's almost like knitting or crochet for me. Feel free to make fewer copies or just one for yourself. It still counts.
I will stick some in each car and my bag. I have some medical appointments coming up so I will for sure be leaving some of these in the waiting room.
I'm also going to keep an eye out for Little Free Libraries and other place where people are looking for something to read. I might also toss some on the tables of a coffee shop I pop into sometimes (masked, take out only) and the library to pick up books (also masked).
I tend not to give them to specific people, even people I know, because people are way more open to information they've picked up themself than something it feels like someone is pressuring them to read. But if people bring it up in conversation, I'll be sure to offer a copy to anyone who is interested.
Hope this is helpful!
Go out there and print!
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fuzzpetalz · 6 months ago
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risoprinted, hand-bound mini comic
very happy with this guy :) i’ll have some copies at ocad artist ally if you’re around toronto, and some on my kofi soon if your not and would like one <3
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calcifiedred · 1 month ago
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pages from LANDFALL
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possumcollege · 2 months ago
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Li'l Crittertongue bewks at Uncharted in Andersonville.
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kyotocryptids · 1 year ago
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4th issue teasers are up!
Like what you see? Download here!
Rated PG-13 for whimsical horror and supernatural elements
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erieautumnskies · 7 months ago
Mini-zine in the making! I am currently working on a small, passion-project photography and literary zine titled "Noontime Passenger." The first volume will encompass poetry in varying forms, short prose, words that weave profound emotions to the daily mundane, and so forth!
It'll be free to read through my linktree as it is meant to inspire and ponder. In the meantime– however– before it comes down to publishing, below is the cover to this beautiful, train-ride relaxing zine:
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Keep your eyes peeled for the link, as well as updates on my debut poetry chapbook, "Where Oceans Meet."
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davidmahlercomics · 5 months ago
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Woah this is so cool, my mini comic Food Magik in the G:Zines vending machine at the Geelong Library and Heritage Centre!!
G:Zines is tied for my favourite zine fair, it's a monthly swap sell organised by a group of local legends who are doing so much for small press, zinemakers and emerging artists. I have such a blast every time I attend, and have been missing it so much the past few months while recovering from foot surgery! I'm zine deprived I TELL YA!
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belindaamelia · 5 months ago
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'serendipity' (happy accident) Illustration Zine by Belindaaam Year: 2024 Project type: Self-project
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eicsh-moved · 2 months ago
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A sneak peak from my new zine called “Legend has it…”
The zine is made from spread illustrations in my sketchbook. Monster queer pinups and some prose by me!
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