#seiya x us
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sorakazeno · 1 year ago
Sailor Moon Cosmos Visual Artbook Part 2
Initial section of the book is basically pictures of the movie.
Galaxia wasted no time turning Mamoru into dust.
And there is Seiya to literally carry her off as he, Taiki, and Yaten run with her out of the airport to avoid screaming fans.
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Concert with the Three Lights and Michiru. It looks likes the Starlights appear as well.
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And now the Three Lights are their classmates and they go to a concert.
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Seiya and Usagi on the rooftop from the trailer. Looking forward to hearing the rest of the dialogue for this scene.
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Ever since I saw the initial trailer and took a look at the zipper clasps on the boy's school uniform, I was super excited. Nice teaser to lead up to the next trailer that features the Three Lights.
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Seiya trying to comfort Usagi
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Usagi character sketch and some scene from the movie.
Nothing to see here, just Seiya kissing Usagi. Waiting for that.... for 20 years.
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Sailor Venus character sketch and scenes from the movie.
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I'm not used to Haruka in a female uniform. I also noticed it does not show any scenes for a transformation... we never saw it in the trailers. Please tell we have animation scenes for the Outers too. Don't pull a Stars season!!!!
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Michiru is the same school uniform of the other senshi, looking forward to seeing that dynamic!
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seiusa-ao3feed · 2 years ago
by rattbutt
After Mamoru leaves for the US, Usagi is left to figure out exactly what she wants in life separate from the memories of Princess Serenity and free from destiny.
Words: 2896, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Anime & Manga), Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Tsukino Usagi, Seiya Kou, Chiba Mamoru
Relationships: Seiya Kou/Tsukino Usagi
Additional Tags: Romance, Sailor Moon Sailor Stars, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Cheating, Angst
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popponn · 1 year ago
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xavier falls asleep easily enough as he is, but whenever he has his head on your lap, your fingers combing through his hair—all he can do is just sigh and give in. closing his eyes, he knows better than to fight the temptation, especially within the comfort of your touch and pleasant weather. though admittedly, he will find any weather pleasant as long there is you, safe and close to his side. as he slowly drifts to sleep, he dully notes with a hum when you praise his hair. he will do his best to make sure he will also praise your features after he is awake. he could think of so many to say—your smile, your voice, your whole being. and maybe, he will also give a kiss on your forehead and lips too—he thinks before finally falling asleep.
zayne loves many parts of you, from the one that often surprises him most to the one that offers him a comforting mundanity. so, when you press your forehead to his and call his eyes beautiful, he knows himself enough to just accept your words in silence with a smile. a burst of adoration and more blossomed warmly, weighing his chest and dizzying his head instantly. he is tongue-tied, certainly, however, he too can't exactly find the words to tell you how much more beautiful yours are to him. or perhaps, he doubts there are any words to describe what he truly feels. though, for now, he will settle with a gentle squeeze from his hands to tell you as he presses back his forehead gently against yours.
rafayel gets flustered pretty easily sometimes. it is both adorable and funny, seeing the way his ears turn red as his usually chatty mouth closes with a pout-like expression. but, even this state he could never take his hands off you. you could keep kissing his face, neck, and chest—right over his beauty mark—while hugging him without a clear rhyme and reason, and like a true lovesick man he will let you. hands resting on your arm, stilled in his brand of rare shyness all while still clinging unto you out of his obvious fondness. of course, even if he does enjoy this, he will come back with a vengeance the moment he gathers himself.
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worldsokayestmagicalgirl · 1 year ago
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I’m back & here to blasphemy ✨
Ugh I had too many couple options for this meme.
But I miss them the most 💕_(:3 」∠)_
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seiya-starsniper · 2 years ago
25.finding comfort in their scent from the prompt list?
Whooooo I finally managed to put together something for this! I kept accidentally veering off into angst territory ahahahaha. I promise this is all straight fluff though 💖
blossoming romance writing prompts
Hob knows the exact moment when Dream enters his flat.
He is sick as a dog, running a fever hovering dangerously close to 39C, and he’s fairly certain the cold medication has given him some sort of hallucination about betta fish swimming around in the air.
Even still, though his eyes are heavy and he cannot smell a damn thing through his congested nose, Hob is somehow able to smell Dream.
Dream smells of ozone and petrichor, of starlights and sunsets, and everything in the world Hob has ever loved or found beautiful. He wonders if the anthropomorphic personification of dreams is just supposed to smell that way, like some sort dream come true.
“Hob Gadling,” Dream’s voice reverberates from within his bedroom. Hob didn’t even hear him pass the threshold. “You are unwell, according to my sister.”
Hob snorts, remembering the time Death had spontaneously shown herself in the middle of their now monthly meetings at the New Inn. Hob had nearly fled out of his own skin once he’d realized who she was, which only made her laugh. She reassured him that Hob’s life was his own, and she’d only ever come for him if he personally asked for her. Then she’d left as cryptically as she came, only saying she had an appointment to get to.
“I’m not going to die from a cold,” Hob snuffles, peeking out from underneath the duvet. “Surely things can’t be that dire unless there’s something you’re not telling me, Dream.”
Dream huffs, and Hob catches the barest hint of a smile. “It is not Death whose realm you were visiting,” the Endless replies. “My youngest sibling, Delirium, sends her regards.”
Delirium. Hob thinks. Well, that would explain the flying betta fish.
Suddenly, there is a coolness on Hob’s forehead, and he realizes belatedly that it is Dream’s hand. He barely bites back a groan of relief. He hadn’t realized just how overheated he’d become.
“You are feverish,” Dream murmurs. “It would be best for you to take your rest in my realm.”
“Unless you can magically cool down my whole body my friend,” Hob replies cheekily, “I don’t think I’m getting to sleep any time soon. Hand feels pretty nice though,” he adds, his thought to mouth filter utterly failing him in this moment. 
“You underestimate me, Hob,” Dream rumbles, and before he even knows what’s happened, Hob drifts off entirely.
He wakes in a field of green. There’s no fever, no congestion, and more importantly, no overwhelming dizziness. It’s peaceful here, and despite never having seen this place before in his life, Hob knows he’s been here before. 
Hob catches a whiff of starlight, and then turns his head to smile up at his oldest friend. 
“Has anyone ever told you how nice you smell?” Hob asks, clearly no longer caring for propriety.
Dream’s lips quirk in amusement before he takes a seat on the grass next to Hob. “And what do I smell like to you, my friend?”
“Hmm,” Hob contemplates for a few moments. “I suppose you smell like the universe.”
“How utterly vague of you,” Dream replies, deadpan. “Clearly the fever has rendered you unable to articulate properly.”
“I’m serious!” Hob exclaims, playfully shoving at Dream’s shoulder. “There’s no words to describe you. How you remind me of stars and moonlight and thunderstorms all at once. How you smell like the night sky before light pollution ruined everything. Or how you smell like my mum’s homemade stew that I’ve long forgotten the taste of. You just…you smell like everything to me.”
Hob watches then as a pink blush crawls up Dream’s neck, before slowly blooming across the Endless’s face. 
“It has been some time,” Dream says, averting his eyes from Hob’s as if suddenly shy. “Since someone found comfort in my presence.”
Has it? Hob wonders. He’s always found Dream comforting.
“I’ve always found you comforting,” Hob hears himself voice aloud at the same time. In for a penny, in for a pound, he guesses. “When everything else faded or died, there was always you. That’s always comforted me, even on my worst days.”
“Then I must apologize once more for depriving you of that comfort 33 years ago,” Dream says replies, sounding morose. 
“But you came back,” Hob answers, smiling. “And that’s a comfort all on its own.”
They fall into silence then, simply content to enjoy each other’s company. Hob doesn’t know what it is, but he knows something has shifted between them, here in his oldest friend’s realm. The dream itself is shifting too. Where there was once only endless fields of green, there are now flowers springing up from the ground, beautiful and yet otherworldly in their appearance. He reaches out to caress the petals of one of the blooms, not hearing the slight gasp it elicits from right next to him.
The last thing Hob smells before he wakes up is roses.
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moonsavior · 3 months ago
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Undying love to buy
I wrote upon
The corners of this eye
All wrongs done.
What payment were enough
For undying love?
I broke my heart in two
So hard I struck.
What matter? for I know
That out of rock,
Out of a desolate source,
Love leaps upon its course.
His Confidence, William Butler Yeats
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romana-colasour · 2 months ago
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I rarely have enough art to do these things but this year I do so, I’m doing it! Yey!
Thanks to @taxkha for making the base, I was looking for one and yours were very nice. I just tweaked it a bit because I like stars and the color blue.
Most of these are very rushed, I think my New Year’s resolution will be to put more time and care into my art. The Lavi one (September) takes the cake this year
Kofi - Commissions page
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terresdebrume · 11 months ago
Update on the next TBU fic:
Deathmask is going off!
Because Aphrodite is right, gods fucking damnit. Because this place was built on the back of thousands, millions of orphans taken from places where no one gave a shit about them so they could come here and suffer and bleed on these steps until they turned into complete freaks and died for a goddess who won’t even have the decency to visit them afterwards. Because all of them—the Gold Dicks, the Popes, the servants, the bronzes and their attending, they’re all lying to themselves. And they’ll never stop lying to themselves, because if they do, they’ll have to admit that all of them had a hand into making Deathmask and Aphrodite and even Crackpot, and they didn’t give a shit about it as long as they could maintain their sense of fucking superiority, like the assholes that they are.
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Present. Chapter 4 - Mid June 2021
“If I have to stop, you have to tell me now. Because if you let me continue this, Winged Victory, not even your Kamui could hold me back until I triumphed with you”
(TW: NSFW, smut, OC, CamusxOC, reference to MiloxCamus, HET couple, reference to HOMO couple, D/s, Dom!Camus, Diamond Dust with creative uses)
Nike’s surprise was even bigger when, a few days later, instead of Milo, she found herself in bed with Camus.
He went to pay her a visit, a habit he got after coming back to life, after finishing a new philosophy book. His mother, a professor at Sorbonne, would always recommend him the best ones, and he would always find them in Dégel’s library. Among the Gold Knights, he was by far the most intellectual one, in the western meaning of the term.
Nike, together with Saori, was the only inhabitant of the Sanctuary who had a normal life and education before her Cosmo awakening. She really enjoyed those conversations.
“Can I come in?” he asked on the side door. He always used that entrance when he came to visit her, to avoid having to go through the main Temple. Theoretically, to enter the thirteenth house, all the knights were obliged to wear their armor, in case Athena crossed their path. But Nike had removed that rule when people came to visit her informally. Especially considering Saori was rarely even there.
“Otherwise I would need to keep my Kamui on all the time” was her official justification.
“Hey Cam! Sure, come in! Are you hungry?”
“Comme toujours!” he exclaimed going in and sitting down at his usual place at her table.
“DeathMask just came back from his town in the middle of nowhere Sicily and brought back a ton of amazing things. You choose: sfincione or arancini?”
“Why do you say or?”
They both laughed out loud. One of the few perks of being Knights was that their Cosmo, together with the massive training they underwent for years, would burn everything.
“So what’s new this time? What did you just finish reading?” she asked while they were eating.
“I finally made it to the end of the Symposium”
“Ah yes I remember that. My philosophy teacher had me read it in grade eleven” she exclaimed, immediately regretting her words. Camus and the others had been stolen from their family when they were children to be trained. He couldn’t finish elementary school. Let alone high school.
“I’m sorry...”
“No worries. Anyways, I found it quite interesting when they said straight love can never be pure, because biology always takes over”
“Yeah I remember that part too. It's quite ironic if we think those words were written not far from where we are now, the only place on Earth where even straight love is purpose to itself” she added with a melancholic smile, referring to Athena’s law. More like a curse, really. They served the Goddess, and therefore her highest rank knights, presents included, where physically prevented from having children. Physically prevented from having someone in their life important enough to second guess their loyalty and their obedience. To orders, to tasks, or to wars. Traditionally they were also prevented from falling in love, but that rule was so stupid and inapplicable it had already been removed since Shion’s time. Nike had simply extended it to relationships among the knights.
“Come on, let’s move to the couch”
“But... we’ve always talked at the table” he replied taken by surprise. The couch? Like face to face less than a meter apart? Was he even allowed to be that close to her within those walls? With the risk of touching her by mistake?
“I know” she said sitting down.
“But I really don’t know why. Considering how much Saga must have paid for it, we might as well use it. It's way more comfortable”
Camus made a quick estimate in his mind and decided that deliberately refusing a direct invitation from a goddess would be way less respectful than accidentally touching her.
‘The circumstances have changes, but I've already had the occasion to touched her. Can't be that bad’ and he sat.
What he had not accounted for in his estimate was that in that moment, for the first time, maybe because he was so close to her, Nike’s beauty hit him all at once. Since coming back to Milo he hadn’t had women, but that didn’t mean he was insensitive to the beauty of a female body. And Nike’s, now that he finally was paying that much attention, could not be described with words. She was simply perfect.
‘Idiot, what are you, a teenager? Don't get ideas. You just came back to life, wanna get yourself killed again?’
“You and Milo” she began
“You are the perfect example of what the symposium is talking about”
“You are right, we are quite lucky”
“You had your share of pain and suffering”
“Me not as much. After all, all I did was dying. He's the one who had to live with my memory. Oh and speaking of which, thank you”
“For what?”
“For helping him during those though times”
“He told you?” she asked half panicked, half relieved at the idea of not having to keep the secret with him any longer.
‘That big Greek mouth, what did he spill? If he went around spilling I like to be needled during sex I'm gonna end him’
“Not in detail. He’s proud, and you know it. But he told me after Athena refused to let him go, without you he would have died of despair”
“We both needed it, you know? I missed you a ton too. I missed all of you” Nike said, gently resting her hand on his knee.
Camus realized that very moment it was the first time of his new life he touched her outside of training or some sort of special occasion. And the effect was undeniable. He wasn’t the Ice King he thought he was, considering he was seriously running the risk to lose control for a hand on a knee. But then again, considering who the hand belonged to... he turned around to look at her in the eye. He realized it was another first. Her face could have been sculpted by the gods themselves an any human would have done anything for it. It was the earthly manifestation of Victory itself. He wondered if Helen, the face that launched a thousand ships, could have been a previous incarnation.
‘If she decides to read my Cosmo I’m done. But she’s the one touching me. Can’t be that bad, can it? But my other ideas… better to nip them in the bud. Right?”
With no idea whatsoever of the consequences, Camus followed his impulse, something he had done only a handful of times before, for the very first time in his new life. He decided to cover Nike’s hand still on his knee with his own.
‘She didn’t recoil. And she’s still looking at me. What if, by chance, the feeling was mutual? This new life is a gift. We made a promise with Milo to sink out teeth in it as much as we can and live every minute to the fullest’
“Your skin is so hot” he said, finally breaking that deafening silence.
“It’s the Kamui. My Cosmo has been burning like a furnace since the minute I wore it. You should see me in battle”
“I did see you”
“I meant the other kind of battle, the kind you fight in bed”
“Then show me” he replied, using that very moment to steal a kiss.
She was not expecting it, but she had somehow always dreamt about it. As soon as she realized their lips were touching she let herself go to the moment, wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her mouth. He hugged her waist in return, and made that kiss as French as it could be.
It was so intense and deep it made her want to go further, significantly further. But something held her back. He was the first one to speak when he realized.
“My lady” he apologized leaving the couch to kneel down before her, just like he had done thousands of other times.
“Forgive my forwardness. Since I died, every moment of this new life is a precious gift and I followed my instinct and desire, with the impression you wanted me to. I can’t begin to imagine a suitable punishment”
“Come on get up and look at me. You know I hate this formality. That’s not why I hesitated. It’s Milo”
“Milo and I aren’t monogamous. Like I said, I don’t want to waste any second of this new miracle life” he added.
“And I want no regrets”
“What is it that you don’t wish to regret, beside kissing me?”
‘I’m already on my knees… and already in trouble… might as well’ he thought.
Slowly, without a word, he opened her legs and started kissing the inside of her knees. She didn’t reject him, quite the opposite, judging how she sighed at his touch. So he started slowly heading further up. It was quite evident Nike was wearing nothing under her slip. The access was extremely easy. Slow touches first, and growing intensity. Camus lost himself in a sensual French kiss with her pearl. She stabbed the couch fabric with her nails, overwhelmed by her senses. Gods, how good was he?
“Cam… Camus… if you keep going… you are gonna make me come”
Making the goddess of victory come. Quite the item the check off the list.
‘If touching her is forbidden, giving her a small death is my one way ticket to the big one. My third. But when am I ever gonna get another chance at this?’
He kept going. With the expected outcome.
He lifted his gaze towards Nike. She was staring at him with that expression he knew well in the women he had had.
But it was so not enough. She wanted more.
“Aquarius, take me to bed” she finally ordered.
“I’m at your orders”
They both got up and headed to the bedroom kissing, grabbing, holding, and losing all inhibitions and his shirt, a crazy old PSG jersey.
The back of her knees was already pressed against the bed when she hesitated again. He immediately let go of her body, despite how much he wanted her, and broke the kiss.
“If I have to stop, you have to tell me now. Because if you let me continue this, Winged Victory, not even your Kamui could hold me back until I triumphed with you”
“I have to be sure you want this as much as I do. Despite Milo”
“We have already talked about Milo. We have an agreement. Besides, it would be so different with you”
‘I know about your agreement with Milo even better than you. But…’
“I need to know you really want this”
He grabbed her right hand and put it on his heart. It was pounding out of his chest. He used his other hand to lift her chin to look into her eyes.
“Regarde-moi ! Selon toi ?”
There was no doubt.
“Et tu ? Qu’est-ce que tu veux ?”
She needed to hear nothing more. She finally surrendered, picking up the kiss where it had stopped and sinking her fingers in his blood red hair. He lost the few inhibitions he still was holding on to, mostly due to her rank and her status. He grabbed her ass, lifted her up and dropped her on the bed, finally losing his pants before joining her.
Nike hadn’t lied. The excitation that was leading them to sex had warmed her already boiling skin even further. Camus’s Cosmo was also on high, except his was cold. Very cold. Almost without thinking, he started emanating ice from his hands while he was using them to take off her slip. She shivered and moaned in pleasure.
“You like my ice?” he asked while kissing her neck.
“Seems like…”she replied practically breathless. It was quite the revelation for Camus. The fantasy he didn’t know he had started forming in his mind. He was cryokinetic, he could make ice out of nowhere. And she was so scorchingly, superhumanly hot. She was going to get some of his ice.  His lips and his breath turned as cold as the winds of Siberia where he had trained for so many years while he picked up kissing her neck and lips. Then he moved south to her breasts, adding his hands to the party. Every freezing touch of his was welcomed by a moan of pleasure and relief from the fire that burned her from within. It was like playing with ice cubes on her skin, except he was the ice. And he was never going to melt.
The excitation of that game was going to his head, and Camus decided it was time to move past foreplay. It was time to get real. He grabbed her hands and yanked them over her head.
“Your Cosmo alone won’t be enough to melt my ice. If you want to break free you’ll have to summon the armbands of your Kamui.”
“Break free from what?” she barely asked before he froze her wrist solid to the headboard. Camus paused for a moment to verify he wasn’t going to far, but Nike didn’t protest. Quite the opposite, she was beguilingly smiling. He needed less. He climbed on top of her as hard as he could be and victory was finally his.
He hadn’t had sex with a woman since coming back to life in Asgard. He couldn’t deny he had missed a lot of things. The softness of her skin, her sensual curves, her generous breasts. But truly what he had missed the most was being in full control of what was happening during that moment. He could choose how to move, the rhythm to keep, the intensity of his thrusts, what to touch and what not. Every single moment he could decide whether to make her come or wait.
She liked this torture, this full surrender as much as he did. Camus thought the body of this woman, this goddess, would be any man’s dream. It was not just simply perfect under any point of view, made to be looked at, made to be touched. It was above all made to be fucked. As much as he already knew he was good at the job – he was French after all – he had never seen a woman respond with such intensity. He could see it from her face, her moans, her kisses. But mostly he could feel it from her Cosmo.
When he was finally satiated he decided to gift her the orgasm she was so close to. While climaxing yet again, Nike wrapped her legs around his waist so tight she left bruises on his skin. He was so constrained and she was so unbelievable. He could nothing but let himself go a few moments after, exploding in her like an Aurora Execution.
He freed her from his ice while still inside her, kissed her, and then dropped on his back beside her, exhausted yet ecstatic.
Then he realized.
“My third life is over isn’t it?”
“What? Why?”
“According to official protocol, I’m not even supposed to touch you. And I literally just came inside of you. After basically raping you and tying you to the bed. Not to mention earlier on the couch” he said mostly to himself, staring at the ceiling with empty eyes.
“I never gave a fuck about that stupid official rule. I can’t change it because Saori wants it enforced on herself. To keep Seiya at bay, I think. Besides, raped? You kidding? I consented more than once. And you gave me two mind-blowing orgasms. I didn’t want anything bad to happen to you before, let alone now”
She hugged him and pecked his lips, reassuring him but also hitting the bruises she had left on his sides. He made a face.
“Nike I get it you are a platinum knight, but keep your strength under control”
“What do you mean?” she asked massaging her wrists to restart the blood flow. Camus pointed at his side.
“How the fuck am I supposed to explain these?”
She started genuinely laughing.
“Tell the truth. Say that it was me in training. Just don’t specify what type of training”
She extended her hand healing him instantly.
“I swear, next time I’m freezing your ankles too”
“Next time?”
“Humm… yeah I mean if you want it there to be a next time”
She lied on her side to admire him extending a hand on his sixpack.
“Camus, di you take a look at yourself? Of course I want to. But you put the bar quite high for yourself. From now on, you’ll always have to make me come as hard as you just did”
“Haha. I’ll do my best, I promise. And don’t you worry, we don’t have to use the ice at all in the future”
She gave him one of her resting bitch face stares.
“Cam, in your opinion, do I look like I have trouble getting laid?”
His only reply was checking her out head to toes and back, lingering on her perfect ass and boobs, and finishing back to her eyes. The emerald green was so intense to seem fake. Then he lifted and eyebrow.
“My point exactly. If I’m fucking you I’m expecting, no I’m demanding at least some ice” she said kissing him for the last time of the night.
While heading back to the eleventh house, Camus thought back to what had just happened at the thirteenth. He would have never ever imagined having sex with Nike in his life. Partly for her rank, but mostly because he could never hope for her to look at him that way. But he was even more surprised of that fantasy he had just turned into reality with her. Something he would have given anything he had and done everything he could to repeat over and over again. Playing with his ice, using it to restrain her movements, just the thought of it made him want to turn around for seconds. Why had he never thought of it before, with Milo for example? But no, that was never going to work. It was so different with Milo. Theirs was pure love, it was almost sacred what the had. Vanilla was already too much, especially after losing each other for that long. He would have never even imagined to use his ice on him. This is what their agreement was for. We fuck whomever we want and between us it’s pure love.
He fell asleep wondering if Milo had taken advantage of their agreement just yet. And with whom. Did he go past vanilla? And if yes, how? Actually, he’d rather not know.
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elodee · 10 months ago
Welsknight x Knights of the Zodiac (Saint Seiya)
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For Wels I chose the original Saint Seiya anime, also known as Knights of the Zodiac!
I watched this show when I was pretty young, so I actually didn't remember much about the plot of this show when I started this piece. What I did remember is that I really enjoyed it. It felt like both a shonen and a magical girl anime (best of both worlds) and everyone had really, really shiny armor. And I mean, obviously I couldn't pass up the opportunity to reimagine Wels as a late 80s space knight in head-to-toe chrome!
To learn more about Knights of the Zodiac, please journey below the cut. (Gamers Outreach fundraiser - keep it going!)
Saint Seiya, or Knights of the Zodiac as I knew it growing up, is an anime from the late 1980s based off a manga series of the same name.
The story follows a young man named Seiya, who is part of a group of mystical warriors that wear magical armor (called Cloths) which pull power from (and are themed after) the constellations. The warriors fight for the goddess Athena to defend earth from evil.
One unique thing about the show is the characters don't usually have weapons - they are supposed to fight with only their Cloths and the power of the cosmos (it's a whole thing in the premise). However, Wels felt incomplete without the sword, so he gets to be an exception. :)
The anime is bright, campy, and action-packed but takes itself fairly seriously - basically exactly what you would expect from a classic shonen. The plot is divided into arcs but isn't too complex, so while it is best to start from the beginning of the show you can pick it up pretty quickly from anywhere if you're familiar with the genre.
Style references:
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The designs for the knights - long fluffy hair is a requirement
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The dramatic shine on all the armor is both iconic and very fun to draw once you get the hand of it
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Knights of the Zodiac/Saint Seiya title logo. This is actually the logo from the ONA, not the original anime, but I think this font is way more fun so this is the one I used
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floaromaxtowns · 3 months ago
StS x Pokemon AU brainstorming stuff
Now I'll have to publicly share some flow of thoughts rambles, I've been accumulating for an year now.
Bless @ectogusher for listening to my rambles, and @doodlingwren for busting my door open to finally share what I got.
Excuse me as I talk in my notes as if these things were like a guide/romhack shit
All under read more bc it gets long c:
Here's the main skeleton of this whole deal-
Sanctuary = Its own region. No new fakemons, but it's a sizeable piece of land that has gathered up a wide variety of various species found across the globe. This worldwide thing also influences the type of trainers and people from all over the world going there. If we were to touch on the subject of game mechanics: There would be most of them (Mega evolutions, terastalise, Dynamax even Paradox pokemon forms) further showing how mysterious and mythical this region is.
PC - Seiya / Shoko Rivals - Seiya -> The other bronze boys / Shoko ->The other saintias
With Ikki being the Silver-esque type of rival, meanwhile Shiryu/Hyoga/Shun all follow the same line of friendly rival archetype. I still haven't thought that far on the Shoko route.
Other prominent NPCs:
Professor Shion: Former gym leader, he was once offered the champion title but refused it. Claiming that his passion was in research and studies, rather than the battlefield. Due to stepping down from battles, his friendship/relationship with Dohko has strained over time. Shion is the one who brought Mu to Sanctuary down the line.
Schoolkid Kiki: Catching Tutorial NPC. He can be usually found at the Pokemon School in Mu's city. He will inherit Mu's mantle down the line. The pokemon he uses in the tutorial is a Noibat;
League Chairwoman Saori Kido - With Julien Solo and Hades coming in as other seemingly "investors" on the project
Gym leaders: Most of these guys' aces aren't fully evolved, bc they chose to keep them like that. Yadda yadda friendship boosting their favorites.
Mu: Sinnoh - Dragon - Dragonair
Aldebaran: Hoenn - Ground - Rhydon
Saga/Kanon: Alola - Water - Gyarados (Saga)/Kingdra (Kanon)
Deathmask: Kalos - Dark - Murkrow
Aiolia: Sanctuary (native) - Electric - Electabuzz
Shaka: Kanto - Psychic - Alakazam
Dohko: Johto - Fighting - Mienshao
Milo: Unova - Bug - Volcarona
Elite fours:
Aiolos: Sanctuary - Fire - Charizard
Shura: Galar - Steel - Metagross
Camus: Sinnoh - Ice - ? (Either Froslass or Glaceon)
Aphrodite: Paldea - Poison - Roserade
Champion - ??? (the plot twist is that: the PC wouldn't fight the 3rd gym leader, bc Saga was pretending to be the champion. When he really wasn't chosen or appointed to that position)
Evil organisations: They definetely do exist, and they are obviously tied to the aforementioned Julien and Hades figures. But I still haven't thought that far.
Worldbuilding notes:
Muvians are similar to draconids (introduced in ORAS), a small tribe that originates from Sinnoh and has some deep connections and bonds to dragon types. Which means, any muvian = dragon type specialist or in the very least owns one. Muvians are also meant to have a foot in aura sensitivity (see characters like Lucario, Riley, etc.);
Sanctuary's League has a rampant corruption problem, as seen by what I mentioned about Saga. The two evil organisations are basically being pitched against one another, as smokescreen for the real problem. Their current champ is this sort of "elusive" figure. There hasn't been a proper champion in a long time. And yet, according to paperwork and the system, it states that the role is currently filled by someone. Anyone that isn't tied to Saga's schemes is left in the shadows, even those that allegedly should be the closest to him (Aiolos for SURE has no clue of what's going on. He's probably hiding or declared missing in action during the events, and only shows up when the time comes to challenge the E4).
There's a small timeline:
ND folks (a good few years into the past) -> Classic folks -> Omega folks (+20 years into the future)
In ND's setting we see how odd and hapharzadly the League was instated in the region. Which sets up the perfect grounds for Saga to exploit down the line;
Shion and Dohko are recently turned gym leader here. Mu comes onto the picture a good few years after ND's events; In a way, since Tenma would be the PC here and Alone his rival. It could be the Red vs Blue type of ordeal.
In Omega we'd see how the League is trying to remedy its reputation & amend for Saga's schemes, with an entirely new set of gym leaders and League members. + Former league members can still be found and fought in the post game, Silver/Gold style.
Individual notes:
Mu - Obligatory pokemon Aldemu food
Mu used to own a Gible and Alde once owned a Trapinch, at some point they traded pokemon. So now, Alde has a Garchomp in his personal team and Mu has a Flygon;
Mu's battle team against young trainers has a Swablu, which is used as a messenger to carry mail exchanges between him and Alde;
Mu LOVES pokemon dolls and has a huge collection of it. In the post-game: PC can find Mu and Alde on a date at the region's big mall, with them looking at a shop's display window. Mu gets mad at PC for ruining his date, but would give out his pokegear number;
Aldebaran -
Aldebaran gym's city is also where the pokemon day-care can be found. He may not run it, but he often helps out the elderly couple currently in charge of it;
In the post-game: After adding Mu's re-match call number. Alde can ba found on the route between his and Mu's towns, he was on his way to take a meal for him, and he also shares with PC that they bought the doll in the end
Saga/Kanon -
PC doesn't really get to fight for the 3rd gym badge. Rather, it's simply handed out by Kanon, who approaches them to talk about how the leader hasn't been seen in so long;
Saga's "fall from grace" comes from a humiliating match against Aiolos, originally fighting for the E4 member promotion which he lost. Despite the clear type advantage;
It's left implied that these two were meant to be gym leaders, the matches would have been double battles.
Deathmask -
DM gym's city houses a Game corner (Casino) and a contest hall. First sighting of an E4 member is Aphrodite, who introduces PC to them;
DM is a sore loser AND has no qualms with cheating against his challengers, if it means he gets to maintain his "streak". In the battle against PC he would use an overleveled Crawdaunt;
In the post-game: PC will get a hint from Shaka's radio talkshow mentioning DM's whereabouts, in the city's underground game corner;
DM's strength is everything philosophy = DM's entire personal team consists of very strong dark types with some form of 4x weakness;
DM is well in kahoots with Saga's schemes;
Aiolia - TBA I haven't thought anything for him c':
Shaka -
Shaka gym's city is meant to be the largest and the most advanced one (Saffron and Goldenrod cities style), it has the region's largest shop for expensive and important items. It also has a radio tower, which broadcasts various programs (professor talk, loterry ticket, poke flute, etc), Shaka hosts a talk show where he commentates on PC's progress, all while actively putting down/poking fun at his defeated colleagues. Under specific time slots, he will have a guest join him, which will be an exchange between the various league's members. But the most important one is where he will be joined by the region's "champion";
Shaka is a fan-favorite across several trainers in the region, with many NPCs commentating how much they love tuning in to hear him talk & so on;
Shaka is also well known for his psychci prowess (Sabrina style);
Shaka is also deeply involved in Saga's schemes;
Dohko -
Dohko gym's city also houses the pokéathlon. With Dohko going undefeated in all the challenges, until PC comes along;
Post-game: to get Dohko's number for rematches. PC has to visit Shion after obtaining a certain number of species then, take a mail key item to Dohko. And THEN they get Dohko's number. it's a love letter, an invitation for some tea at noon
Milo - TBA I haven't thought anything for him c':
And "unfortunately", that's all I got x)
I suppose this is a lot better than trying to find all my notes scattered around all over the place. Hope it makes sense or that in the very least, it's fun to read through.
RN I focused on the classic folks bc it's the one I've been working and thinking of for the longest time.
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sorakazeno · 1 year ago
Sailor Moon Cosmos Movie Part 1 Week 4 Bonus
1st postcard set.
These took a while to find a reasonability priced set. The Usagi and Mamoru card was going for $20. Seiya and Usagi was $35! Waited several weeks for the prices to drop before I bought them.
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Usagi and Chibi Chibi
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Back of the postcard.
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Eternal Sailor Moon.
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Mamoru in his green jacket with Usagi.
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Seiya and Usagi.
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Sailor Starlights first appearance.
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Full set of five postcards.
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seiusa-ao3feed · 2 years ago
by AlEvans26
With Galaxia defeated, the Starlights make preparations to leave Earth. Seiya however, is struggling to let go and leave something important behind. Mixed Manga/Anime Canon. Written for Rare Pair Week 2023.
Words: 504, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Seiya Kou, Chiba Mamoru, Meiou Setsuna, Tsukino Usagi
Relationships: Seiya Kou/Tsukino Usagi, Chiba Mamoru/Meiou Setsuna, seiya kou & Meiou Setsuna, Chiba Mamoru/Tsukino Usagi
Additional Tags: smrarepairweek2023, One Shot, Short One Shot, Short, Short & Sweet, Sailor Moon Sailor Stars, Mixed Media, Unrequited Love, Romance, Moving On, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Rare Pairings
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vanteandgrey · 11 months ago
Xavier (Shen Xinghui-Seiya), Zayne (Li Shen-Rei) and Rafayel (Qi Yu-Homura)
Cc list:
Sims can be downloaded on gallery! Just search my acc and allow cc!
Name: GcfVante
Feel free to use my sims and tag me!
Twitter(X): @vanteandgrey
Tiktok: @imsweetlya
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saintseiya-zone · 4 months ago
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We’re happy to announce the next SSZ Zine!
The theme will be Hades' Specter-focused and you can participate with fanarts, fanfics, photos and cosplays. Stay updated by joining our Discord!
Sign-up timeframe: 02-16/Nov/2024 23:59 UTC -6
Sign-up form: here
Character Confirmation list: here
Reference list: here (to check which characters are available)
Submission period: 26/Dec/2024 to 8/Jan/2025 23:59 UTC -6
Description (in text) and FAQ under the cut
[About the Zine]
Description: Dark, evil, and wicked, Specters are the final boss to face in the Saint Seiya franchise. Abandon hope all ye who enter here!
Participation: You will submit one (1) original, new fanwork (older/already published work is not accepted) to be compiled into a zine. Please do not share your final work until the zine has been properly published by SSZ (you may, however, share WIPs, previews, and/or close-ups as you work on it)
Type: The final compilation of all fanworks will be a free, digital PDF file (no physical versions will be made, no money will be earned or paid)
Character: Submission types have the following limitations:
Fanarts: 1 main character per submission (no duplicates ✪)
Fics: focus on 1-2 main characters per submission
Cosplays: 1 main character per submission
Merch Photos: 1 main character per submission
✪ This means most characters will have 1 fanart only. That said, due to their popularity, the following characters will be allowed a max of 2 fanarts overall: Hades, Wyvern Radamanthys, Griffon Minos, Garuda Aiacos, Pandora Heinstein
The Character Confirmation list will be updated daily at 19:00 UTC -6 until the sign-up period is concluded. We appreciate your patience while this occurs. Once you are added to the list and your character is confirmed, you may start working on your submission. This is on a First Come, First Served basis.
Sign-up form: here
Before filling it out, check the Character Confirmation list. For fanarts, you'll input 5 different options, from your top choice to least. ☆ Please note this zine does not review/approve/reject sign-ups, everyone is welcome to take part in the activity as long as they sign-up. If there are any issues, we'll get back to you.
Submission period: 26/Dec/2024 to 8/Jan/2025 23:59 UTC -6. Fanworks submitted after this will not be included (this is non-negotiable). However, if you are facing challenges with your submission, let the staff know ASAP.
Submission: Send via email to [email protected]. The email subject should be "Underworld Zine, [Creator], [character/fic name]", and the file name should be:
Visuals: [Character name] - [Creator]
Fics: [Creator] - [Fic title]. Writers, please also include a 400x400 px image you want us to use in the credits page
Email Subject: Underworld Zine, El Cadejos, Lycaon Phlegyas
Fic file: Zeuse - “Encallar”
[About the Submissions]
Art/Photography Canvas size: 72 dpi, JPEG 
2480 x 3508 px (portrait orientation) OR
3508 x 4960 px (landscape orientation)
Fics: docx file, prose, English or Spanish only (due to Staff limitations). You must include a title (please keep it short), but it won’t be considered towards final count
4 OR 6 full pages in total as exact as possible, Arial font, 11 pt, single space
Margins: 1 in (each)
Paper size: Letter (8.5 in x 11 in)
There must be spaces between your paragraphs
Age reinterpretation (e.g., an adult character as a child)
Alternative Universes
Other applicable characters (including OC), please check FAQ
Not allowed:
AI-generated content of any kind
Characters that do not belong to the Specter faction
NSFW/Explicit content (contact staff for case-by-case reviews)
Non-official genderbends
Crossovers with non-StS series
[Frequently Asked Questions]
May I draw whichever character I want? The purpose of this zine is to focus on Specters, so only characters that belong to this faction are allowed. There are more applicable characters than you think! Check the Reference List
May I submit more than one work?  If, after the sign-up period is over, you would like to collaborate with a second submission, reach out to us. You may send different submission types if you want (e.g., 1 fanart and 1 fic). Please bear in mind the second character must still be available for you to take.
May I include other characters in my submission? Yes, as long as they belong to the Specter faction and there is a clear hierarchy where your chosen character is the main focus. Original Characters (OCs) may also be included as long as they follow this guideline. There is no problem if those secondary characters are already taken, or if the mix of characters would not make sense in the official material (for example, Shouichirou interacting with Vermeer). Please note that for characters who have worn a Surplice, only those with an Evil Star are considered Specters. Therefore, resurrected Saints, ROP Marina Generals and any applicable others are not allowed. For Hades Shun specifically, he should not be depicted wearing the Saint Cloths.
Orpheus, the Bronze Saints, Saori, Yuzuriha, Rugonis, Cattleya, Soujirou, Sasha, and Tenma can be referred to, but not appear in the fanwork. For example:
✅ Shouichirou looking at a picture of Soujirou / Yoruhime remembering a conversation with Cattleya ❌ Shouichirou and Soujirou during class / Yoruhime talking to Cattleya
Which Original Characters (OCs) are applicable? As long as they are not the main focus of your fanwork, OCs that are Specters (or serve under Hades in general), are welcomed in the zine. However, Saints, God Warriors, Marinas, and members of any other factions in Saint Seiya cannot be included.
The sign-up timeframe already passed. Can I still join? After this timeframe is concluded, no new submissions will be accepted.
May I use spinoff characters? Sure! All characters officially included in the Saint Seiya universe for the Specter faction (refer to list previously provided) are applicable. Please note that even though there are characters with different versions across the franchise (e.g., Minos), they are not counted as different options for the Zine, so if said character is already taken, no other version of them will be available.  
I changed my mind about the character I chose, and the new one is still available. Can I switch? To prevent confusion and misunderstandings, all character selections are final and cannot be changed/traded.
Am I allowed to change certain aspects of a character’s official design? It depends on the aspect, and should be reviewed case-by-case.
Example 1: as a Latin American, Niobe could differ in skin tone to the one seen on the official materials. However, characters like Pharaoh, who has a darker skin tone, should not be given a lighter one.
Example 2: if due to a personal headcanon, you believe a character has a certain scar or marking that is not seen in official materials, it can be included, but once again, please reach out to Staff for a case-by-case review.
What is the difference between an Alternate Universe [AU] and a Crossover? Some AU use popular tropes as a base, while a Crossover uses an already existing material as base. Examples:
Popular tropes for an AU: magic school, space fantasy/sci-fi
Existing material: Twisted Wonderland, Mass Effect [games], Little Witch Academia, Star Trek [series], Heralds of Valdemar, Dune [books]
So making a fanwork of the general "Saint Seiya × Magic School" or “Saint Seiya x space fantasy/sci-fi” concepts is an AU, but "Saint Seiya × Twisted Wonderland" or “Saint Seiya x Star Trek” are considered a crossover. In essence, heavy references to other existing fandoms are not allowed.
Could you please elaborate on what is/isn’t considered Not Safe For Work (NSFW)? If it is not appropriate for a general, non-specialized office work environment, then it is not accepted.
Examples: ✅ Blood depictions/mentions of it ❌ Graphic/detailed gore, mutilation, or body horror  ✅ Sensual themes (e.g., pin up) ❌ Sexual themes (including, but not limited to: genitalia, specifically erotic gestures like blowjob, etc.)
May I switch from one contribution type to another (ex: fanart to fic) after I signed up? To prevent confusion and misunderstandings, all contribution type selections are final.
I’m a writer! What is an acceptable image for the credits page? You can send an official StS work, fanarts (as long as it is made by, gifted to, or commissioned by you), or a picrew-generated image (as long as the picrew allows that use)
May I include a watermark on my submission? Yes, we encourage you to submit already watermarked fanworks to the zine, but it is not mandatory.
Do I have to send something for the check-ins? Nope. Our check-ins act as reminders only so you know exactly how much time you have left to send your submission.
I’m unable to complete my submission and would like to withdraw. Is that okay? Yes, you can withdraw at any time, for any reason (you don’t need to explain). Please just let us know in advance.
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romana-colasour · 1 year ago
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In class drawings of my OTP
I drew these while I was away at school and couldn’t draw this piece. Pretty cute in my opinion
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