#nike victoria
nikesinspo · 1 year
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Present. Chapter 4 - Mid June 2021
“If I have to stop, you have to tell me now. Because if you let me continue this, Winged Victory, not even your Kamui could hold me back until I triumphed with you”
(TW: NSFW, smut, OC, CamusxOC, reference to MiloxCamus, HET couple, reference to HOMO couple, D/s, Dom!Camus, Diamond Dust with creative uses)
Nike’s surprise was even bigger when, a few days later, instead of Milo, she found herself in bed with Camus.
He went to pay her a visit, a habit he got after coming back to life, after finishing a new philosophy book. His mother, a professor at Sorbonne, would always recommend him the best ones, and he would always find them in Dégel’s library. Among the Gold Knights, he was by far the most intellectual one, in the western meaning of the term.
Nike, together with Saori, was the only inhabitant of the Sanctuary who had a normal life and education before her Cosmo awakening. She really enjoyed those conversations.
“Can I come in?” he asked on the side door. He always used that entrance when he came to visit her, to avoid having to go through the main Temple. Theoretically, to enter the thirteenth house, all the knights were obliged to wear their armor, in case Athena crossed their path. But Nike had removed that rule when people came to visit her informally. Especially considering Saori was rarely even there.
“Otherwise I would need to keep my Kamui on all the time” was her official justification.
“Hey Cam! Sure, come in! Are you hungry?”
“Comme toujours!” he exclaimed going in and sitting down at his usual place at her table.
“DeathMask just came back from his town in the middle of nowhere Sicily and brought back a ton of amazing things. You choose: sfincione or arancini?”
“Why do you say or?”
They both laughed out loud. One of the few perks of being Knights was that their Cosmo, together with the massive training they underwent for years, would burn everything.
“So what’s new this time? What did you just finish reading?” she asked while they were eating.
“I finally made it to the end of the Symposium”
“Ah yes I remember that. My philosophy teacher had me read it in grade eleven” she exclaimed, immediately regretting her words. Camus and the others had been stolen from their family when they were children to be trained. He couldn’t finish elementary school. Let alone high school.
“I’m sorry...”
“No worries. Anyways, I found it quite interesting when they said straight love can never be pure, because biology always takes over”
“Yeah I remember that part too. It's quite ironic if we think those words were written not far from where we are now, the only place on Earth where even straight love is purpose to itself” she added with a melancholic smile, referring to Athena’s law. More like a curse, really. They served the Goddess, and therefore her highest rank knights, presents included, where physically prevented from having children. Physically prevented from having someone in their life important enough to second guess their loyalty and their obedience. To orders, to tasks, or to wars. Traditionally they were also prevented from falling in love, but that rule was so stupid and inapplicable it had already been removed since Shion’s time. Nike had simply extended it to relationships among the knights.
“Come on, let’s move to the couch”
“But... we’ve always talked at the table” he replied taken by surprise. The couch? Like face to face less than a meter apart? Was he even allowed to be that close to her within those walls? With the risk of touching her by mistake?
“I know” she said sitting down.
“But I really don’t know why. Considering how much Saga must have paid for it, we might as well use it. It's way more comfortable”
Camus made a quick estimate in his mind and decided that deliberately refusing a direct invitation from a goddess would be way less respectful than accidentally touching her.
‘The circumstances have changes, but I've already had the occasion to touched her. Can't be that bad’ and he sat.
What he had not accounted for in his estimate was that in that moment, for the first time, maybe because he was so close to her, Nike’s beauty hit him all at once. Since coming back to Milo he hadn’t had women, but that didn’t mean he was insensitive to the beauty of a female body. And Nike’s, now that he finally was paying that much attention, could not be described with words. She was simply perfect.
‘Idiot, what are you, a teenager? Don't get ideas. You just came back to life, wanna get yourself killed again?’
“You and Milo” she began
“You are the perfect example of what the symposium is talking about”
“You are right, we are quite lucky”
“You had your share of pain and suffering”
“Me not as much. After all, all I did was dying. He's the one who had to live with my memory. Oh and speaking of which, thank you”
“For what?”
“For helping him during those though times”
“He told you?” she asked half panicked, half relieved at the idea of not having to keep the secret with him any longer.
‘That big Greek mouth, what did he spill? If he went around spilling I like to be needled during sex I'm gonna end him’
“Not in detail. He’s proud, and you know it. But he told me after Athena refused to let him go, without you he would have died of despair”
“We both needed it, you know? I missed you a ton too. I missed all of you” Nike said, gently resting her hand on his knee.
Camus realized that very moment it was the first time of his new life he touched her outside of training or some sort of special occasion. And the effect was undeniable. He wasn’t the Ice King he thought he was, considering he was seriously running the risk to lose control for a hand on a knee. But then again, considering who the hand belonged to... he turned around to look at her in the eye. He realized it was another first. Her face could have been sculpted by the gods themselves an any human would have done anything for it. It was the earthly manifestation of Victory itself. He wondered if Helen, the face that launched a thousand ships, could have been a previous incarnation.
‘If she decides to read my Cosmo I’m done. But she’s the one touching me. Can’t be that bad, can it? But my other ideas… better to nip them in the bud. Right?”
With no idea whatsoever of the consequences, Camus followed his impulse, something he had done only a handful of times before, for the very first time in his new life. He decided to cover Nike’s hand still on his knee with his own.
‘She didn’t recoil. And she’s still looking at me. What if, by chance, the feeling was mutual? This new life is a gift. We made a promise with Milo to sink out teeth in it as much as we can and live every minute to the fullest’
“Your skin is so hot” he said, finally breaking that deafening silence.
“It’s the Kamui. My Cosmo has been burning like a furnace since the minute I wore it. You should see me in battle”
“I did see you”
“I meant the other kind of battle, the kind you fight in bed”
“Then show me” he replied, using that very moment to steal a kiss.
She was not expecting it, but she had somehow always dreamt about it. As soon as she realized their lips were touching she let herself go to the moment, wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her mouth. He hugged her waist in return, and made that kiss as French as it could be.
It was so intense and deep it made her want to go further, significantly further. But something held her back. He was the first one to speak when he realized.
“My lady” he apologized leaving the couch to kneel down before her, just like he had done thousands of other times.
“Forgive my forwardness. Since I died, every moment of this new life is a precious gift and I followed my instinct and desire, with the impression you wanted me to. I can’t begin to imagine a suitable punishment”
“Come on get up and look at me. You know I hate this formality. That’s not why I hesitated. It’s Milo”
“Milo and I aren’t monogamous. Like I said, I don’t want to waste any second of this new miracle life” he added.
“And I want no regrets”
“What is it that you don’t wish to regret, beside kissing me?”
‘I’m already on my knees… and already in trouble… might as well’ he thought.
Slowly, without a word, he opened her legs and started kissing the inside of her knees. She didn’t reject him, quite the opposite, judging how she sighed at his touch. So he started slowly heading further up. It was quite evident Nike was wearing nothing under her slip. The access was extremely easy. Slow touches first, and growing intensity. Camus lost himself in a sensual French kiss with her pearl. She stabbed the couch fabric with her nails, overwhelmed by her senses. Gods, how good was he?
“Cam… Camus… if you keep going… you are gonna make me come”
Making the goddess of victory come. Quite the item the check off the list.
‘If touching her is forbidden, giving her a small death is my one way ticket to the big one. My third. But when am I ever gonna get another chance at this?’
He kept going. With the expected outcome.
He lifted his gaze towards Nike. She was staring at him with that expression he knew well in the women he had had.
But it was so not enough. She wanted more.
“Aquarius, take me to bed” she finally ordered.
“I’m at your orders”
They both got up and headed to the bedroom kissing, grabbing, holding, and losing all inhibitions and his shirt, a crazy old PSG jersey.
The back of her knees was already pressed against the bed when she hesitated again. He immediately let go of her body, despite how much he wanted her, and broke the kiss.
“If I have to stop, you have to tell me now. Because if you let me continue this, Winged Victory, not even your Kamui could hold me back until I triumphed with you”
“I have to be sure you want this as much as I do. Despite Milo”
“We have already talked about Milo. We have an agreement. Besides, it would be so different with you”
‘I know about your agreement with Milo even better than you. But…’
“I need to know you really want this”
He grabbed her right hand and put it on his heart. It was pounding out of his chest. He used his other hand to lift her chin to look into her eyes.
“Regarde-moi ! Selon toi ?”
There was no doubt.
“Et tu ? Qu’est-ce que tu veux ?”
She needed to hear nothing more. She finally surrendered, picking up the kiss where it had stopped and sinking her fingers in his blood red hair. He lost the few inhibitions he still was holding on to, mostly due to her rank and her status. He grabbed her ass, lifted her up and dropped her on the bed, finally losing his pants before joining her.
Nike hadn’t lied. The excitation that was leading them to sex had warmed her already boiling skin even further. Camus’s Cosmo was also on high, except his was cold. Very cold. Almost without thinking, he started emanating ice from his hands while he was using them to take off her slip. She shivered and moaned in pleasure.
“You like my ice?” he asked while kissing her neck.
“Seems like…”she replied practically breathless. It was quite the revelation for Camus. The fantasy he didn’t know he had started forming in his mind. He was cryokinetic, he could make ice out of nowhere. And she was so scorchingly, superhumanly hot. She was going to get some of his ice.  His lips and his breath turned as cold as the winds of Siberia where he had trained for so many years while he picked up kissing her neck and lips. Then he moved south to her breasts, adding his hands to the party. Every freezing touch of his was welcomed by a moan of pleasure and relief from the fire that burned her from within. It was like playing with ice cubes on her skin, except he was the ice. And he was never going to melt.
The excitation of that game was going to his head, and Camus decided it was time to move past foreplay. It was time to get real. He grabbed her hands and yanked them over her head.
“Your Cosmo alone won’t be enough to melt my ice. If you want to break free you’ll have to summon the armbands of your Kamui.”
“Break free from what?” she barely asked before he froze her wrist solid to the headboard. Camus paused for a moment to verify he wasn’t going to far, but Nike didn’t protest. Quite the opposite, she was beguilingly smiling. He needed less. He climbed on top of her as hard as he could be and victory was finally his.
He hadn’t had sex with a woman since coming back to life in Asgard. He couldn’t deny he had missed a lot of things. The softness of her skin, her sensual curves, her generous breasts. But truly what he had missed the most was being in full control of what was happening during that moment. He could choose how to move, the rhythm to keep, the intensity of his thrusts, what to touch and what not. Every single moment he could decide whether to make her come or wait.
She liked this torture, this full surrender as much as he did. Camus thought the body of this woman, this goddess, would be any man’s dream. It was not just simply perfect under any point of view, made to be looked at, made to be touched. It was above all made to be fucked. As much as he already knew he was good at the job – he was French after all – he had never seen a woman respond with such intensity. He could see it from her face, her moans, her kisses. But mostly he could feel it from her Cosmo.
When he was finally satiated he decided to gift her the orgasm she was so close to. While climaxing yet again, Nike wrapped her legs around his waist so tight she left bruises on his skin. He was so constrained and she was so unbelievable. He could nothing but let himself go a few moments after, exploding in her like an Aurora Execution.
He freed her from his ice while still inside her, kissed her, and then dropped on his back beside her, exhausted yet ecstatic.
Then he realized.
“My third life is over isn’t it?”
“What? Why?”
“According to official protocol, I’m not even supposed to touch you. And I literally just came inside of you. After basically raping you and tying you to the bed. Not to mention earlier on the couch” he said mostly to himself, staring at the ceiling with empty eyes.
“I never gave a fuck about that stupid official rule. I can’t change it because Saori wants it enforced on herself. To keep Seiya at bay, I think. Besides, raped? You kidding? I consented more than once. And you gave me two mind-blowing orgasms. I didn’t want anything bad to happen to you before, let alone now”
She hugged him and pecked his lips, reassuring him but also hitting the bruises she had left on his sides. He made a face.
“Nike I get it you are a platinum knight, but keep your strength under control”
“What do you mean?” she asked massaging her wrists to restart the blood flow. Camus pointed at his side.
“How the fuck am I supposed to explain these?”
She started genuinely laughing.
“Tell the truth. Say that it was me in training. Just don’t specify what type of training”
She extended her hand healing him instantly.
“I swear, next time I’m freezing your ankles too”
“Next time?”
“Humm… yeah I mean if you want it there to be a next time”
She lied on her side to admire him extending a hand on his sixpack.
“Camus, di you take a look at yourself? Of course I want to. But you put the bar quite high for yourself. From now on, you’ll always have to make me come as hard as you just did”
“Haha. I’ll do my best, I promise. And don’t you worry, we don’t have to use the ice at all in the future”
She gave him one of her resting bitch face stares.
“Cam, in your opinion, do I look like I have trouble getting laid?”
His only reply was checking her out head to toes and back, lingering on her perfect ass and boobs, and finishing back to her eyes. The emerald green was so intense to seem fake. Then he lifted and eyebrow.
“My point exactly. If I’m fucking you I’m expecting, no I’m demanding at least some ice” she said kissing him for the last time of the night.
While heading back to the eleventh house, Camus thought back to what had just happened at the thirteenth. He would have never ever imagined having sex with Nike in his life. Partly for her rank, but mostly because he could never hope for her to look at him that way. But he was even more surprised of that fantasy he had just turned into reality with her. Something he would have given anything he had and done everything he could to repeat over and over again. Playing with his ice, using it to restrain her movements, just the thought of it made him want to turn around for seconds. Why had he never thought of it before, with Milo for example? But no, that was never going to work. It was so different with Milo. Theirs was pure love, it was almost sacred what the had. Vanilla was already too much, especially after losing each other for that long. He would have never even imagined to use his ice on him. This is what their agreement was for. We fuck whomever we want and between us it’s pure love.
He fell asleep wondering if Milo had taken advantage of their agreement just yet. And with whom. Did he go past vanilla? And if yes, how? Actually, he’d rather not know.
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Moodboard for my favorite writer, happy birthday @nimadimio 07.02.23
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illustratus · 6 months
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The Triumphant Entry of Constantine into Rome by Peter Paul Rubens
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phantomrin · 1 year
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Nike / Victoria
(Flowers & herbs: Gladiolus, Peony, Carnation, Camellia, Laurel.)
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michael-svetbird · 4 months
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THE WINGED VICTORY OF BRESCIA: Bronze statue found in 1826 at the Capitolium of Brixia site, Now - one of the symbols of Brescia preserved in the Capitolium museum https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitolium_of_Brixia 1 AD [H=195cm] "The … restoration of the 'Opificio delle Pietre Dure' [Ministry of Culture restoration institute based in Florence] has established that the statue was cast in the 1st c. AD in a local forge and is not an assembly of different statues but was created to be a 'Winged Victory'. The reference model is to be identified in Aphrodite Urania of the 'Cyrene type', i.e. with the goddess conceived in that specific variation of posture found in the statue of the same name from Cyrene. Other details, such as the twisting of the bust and the shape of the arms are also borrowed from Greek works of the 5th-6th c. BC. … the wings were added to transform the work into the goddess Victoria; in Rome and Constantinople there were similar works [Victory engraving a shield] in the Imperial forums." [txt ©BAP]
Brixia Archaeological Park in Brescia | BAP
Web: https://www.bresciamusei.com/en/museums-and-venues/brixia-roman-archaeological-area
IG, X : @ BresciaMusei
FB : https://www.facebook.com/bresciamusei
BAP | Michael Svetbird phs©msp | 04|05|24 6300X4200 600 [I.-III.] The photographed object is collection item of BAP, photos are copyrighted [Non-commercial fair use | No AI | Author rights apply | Sorry for the watermarks]
📸 Part of the "Reliefs-Friezes-Slabs-Sculpture" MSP Online Photo-gallery:
👉 D-ART: https://www.deviantart.com/svetbird1234/gallery/72510770/reliefs-friezes-slabs-sculpture
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chromet · 7 months
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Beverly Peele slips on a pair of Air Max 95s backstage at the first Victoria Secret Fashion Show in the Plaza Hotel, February 1995
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secretlyshadowymoon · 2 months
Random Astro Observation
I remembered someone on this platform talking about how your name asteroid is found in major aspects or signs in your chart. So my name essentially means "Goddess of Victory" and Nike & Victoria are the Greek and Roman Goddesses of Victory and I have Nike in the Aquarius (Conjunct my Sun and Neptune in my Aquarius Stellium) and Victoria in the 1st house lmao
Does anyone else also have this experience?
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barefoot-a-pregnant · 5 months
Todays five cent....(Sigyn)
I feel so drawn to Sigyn at the Moment. Don't ask me why. But this is so hard, because there is so little about here. Even most Blogs about here, formost talk about Loki. Which is okay - because this legend of her survived (as I read, because the christen Scholars liked how it portraited a devoted submissive Wife, what fitted thier narrative). But...one of the Post even draw the line that Sigyn could have been like a "old norse Victoria" (or Nike). A Goddess of Victory.
See. Nike is not only the Goddess of Victory in War - but also in Art and Music. (Or other fields.) Victory in this subtext mean "winning/sucessing" in whatever. So what...if you allow me to speculate for a moment - it was the same with Sigyn? A personification of Sucess in something? Maybe it started out as "Victory in Battle" - but what if it evolved from it? For me this made really really sense. And so maybe I will look out for her in this Way. Looking out for Bragi for Inspiration, Odin for Wisdom or Frigg for foresight is all well - but it's to often the "Motivation" to finish that I miss.
So maybe, there is where the "Victorious Friend" could help me out and rand me a little bit of sucess (or the patient to reach my sucess, because admit it - Patient is something, that Sigyn needs a Ton of.)
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delta-m · 10 months
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I wish they actually cared about forced labor and not just getting political points with thinly veiled xenophobia.
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yourgodlyparent · 4 months
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Nike: Goddess of Victory and Divine Charioteer
Nike kids 🏆Focused 🏆Competitive af 🏆Convinced they would dominate all reality competition and game shows 🏆Ride or die friends
Cabin 17 Roman Aspect: Victoria Link in bio for more Nike info 🏆
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Present. Chapter 2 – End of August 2021 
“Don’t tempt me Winged Victory. You know I can’t” 
“You can’t what?” 
“Touch you. Or anything else...” 
(TW: NSFW, smut, OC, MiloxOC, reference to MiloxCamus, HET couple, reference to HOMO couple, D/s, Dom!Milo, Scarlett Needle/Cuspide Scarlatta with creative uses)
Those Scarlet Needle-powered orgasms always made pass out for a few moments. Milo always took advantage of it to admire her. She was beautiful beyond human comprehension. Not that ethereal, intangible, spiritual beauty of Athena, his goddess, their goddess. Nike was just as divine and still shone of totally human kind of beauty. The kind of beauty for which men and women would do absolutely anything. 
The most ironic part? He would completely forget her beauty when he didn’t pay attention to it. She was fully and completely one of them. Beside the years she had spent away from the Sanctuary during possessed Saga’s domain, taking advantage of the fact he had no authority over her, Nike had always lived at the Sanctuary after she awakened her Cosmo. After fully conquering her armor she had to be transferred to the thirteenth house, the one reserved to the goddesses and the high priest, but she would still spend the majority of her time hanging out with the Goldies, as she loved to call them. With them she would train (or rather train them to get beat up, she was seriously strong!) eat, study, teach the recruits, laugh, suffer, chill, in short she would live. The fact she was a girl, well, it was evident, and yet completely irrelevant. 
For him, the irrelevance ended the night after his first official hearing with Athena, about a year and a half earlier than that very moment in which he was staring at her uncounscious. The death of Camus, the circumstances around it, had upset him enough to make him question everything he had always thought he knew and had chosen. He pleaded Athena to be dismissed, to be allowed leave his armor behind forever and become a normal man. He wanted to leave Greece and those places that contained the pieces of his broken heart. But the goddess said no. They already had too many losses among the Gold Knights. And too many enemies were still alive. 
Nike had stopped him in the lobby of the temple, while he was defeatedly making his way back to the eighth house.  
“I miss him too. Come on over, misery loves company” 
Milo knew it was going to be good for him to spend time with her, so he followed her in her apartments. Nike was really a good friend and an even better listener. With the help of a bottle of vodka that he himself had brought back from Siberia, they spent the evening remembering Camus. Nike hadn’t seen the guy for years. Milo told her how their love bloomed during their teenage years, spent already as Gold Knights. He told her how one day, randomly, during a fight that had turned to fists, they had found themselves kissing for the first time. From that episode onward, all their fist fights had ended up in bed. From that episode onward, they had to resort to their fists more and more often. 
“Have you ever been with a woman since that day?” Nike asked, officially starting the no filter phase of the night. 
“Countless. Don't you remember, I even slept with your friend Livia after your eighteenth birthday party? Camus was my first, last, and only man. Besides, ours is practically platonic love. An excess of friendship, if you want” 
“Oh, right! I think he ended up in bed with one of them too that night. Who was? Clary I think... but was this before or after it had started between the two of you?” 
“After. About two years after. But your friends were not some sort of attempt to piss each other off. Our relationship was always quite unusual. We’ve never been monogamous. I really don’t think either of us was ready to give up women” 
“Is it that different?” 
“Aside from the fact that what I feel for Camus had never even crossed me before. But if we are talking about the pure physical aspect of it... I do miss boobs!” 
They both bursted into a loud laughter.  
“If it helps” she said squeezing hers between her elbows and making them pop from her neckline. 
In that very moment Milo had an epiphany. As impossible as it seemed not having noticed before, Nike was staring at him with her perfect face, copper brown hair and emerald green eyes and she was undoubtedly a woman. Well, actually, she was not just a woman. She was an insanely hot and gorgeous woman with amazingly perfect breasts he was only noticing in that exact moment. In that moment Milo realized he was looking at her with completely different eyes and he was afraid of what was going to happen. 
“What’s up? You look confused” 
“Well I... never mind” 
“You wanna touch them?” she asked half serious. 
Of course he wanted to touch them. But he was never going to stop there. Now that his eyes had opened to the evidence of Nike’s beauty in front of him, wearing close to nothing because she was always running hot, he wanted to do much more than just touch her breasts. And all this was most likely forbidden. He wasn’t sure but the chances were high. She was a Platinum Knight, she wore a Kamui, she was Athena’s right hand and she was a goddess herself. The other Knights were not even allowed to touch the skin of a goddess, in theory. Aldébaran was already taking a lot of liberties hugging her all the time, and she had a very bizarre relationship with Saga, but they had been her teachers. Nike was already making huge exceptions with everyone else, because she really wanted to be part of the pack. But sex with her... it had to be forbidden somewhere. 
“Don’t tempt me Winged Victory. You know I can’t”   
“You can’t what?”   
“Touch you. Or anything else...” 
She took the initiative. Grabbed his hands and guided them on her breasts, naked under the thin slip she was wearing, looking at him in the eyes and caressing his forearms. She did have a major kink for bulging arm veins. 
“Who said you can’t? If anything, you don’t want to. You already turned me down once” 
Milo needed to hear nothing more. 
‘After all, if this is really forbidden, they’ll either kick me out of this place or kill me. I'd be more than happy with either option’ 
“I’m not repeating the same mistake today” 
He finally let go, clenched his hands around her breasts and leaned in towards Nike’s face to kiss her with the passion of desperation. 
He got reminded of still being in his armor from the hearing with Athena because how incredibly uncomfortable it became after the obvious physical reaction he had to that kiss. Nike sensed the situation and began stripping him one piece at the time starting from the top. When the time for belt and boots finally came, she took the opportunity to slide between his legs, down on the floor, stopping only when she was kneeling before him, kissing his six pack and pushing her breasts on his marble cock. Milo couldn’t help but think how ironic the situation was. Every other time he had been the one to kneel before her, and to keep his eyes down. 
She started licking the base to the tip, like a popsicle. She knew he was dying for her to take it all in and she eventually obliged. Milo let go of his head behind while a thrill went down his spine. 
‘It’s obvious you are a goddess.’ he thought ‘but I'm starting to doubt you’re just the goddess of victory’ 
After a while Nike decided it was time to move forward. She pulled away slowly, standing up, and losing her slip on the floor while walking towards her bedroom and hinting Milo to follow her. He still could not believe what was happening. 
“Vicory is yours, Knight. Come claim it” 
Athena, the supreme goddess, would only address them using their constellation name. It was her way to remind everyone who was in charge. Nike, despite having pretty much the same authority, would always use their given names. She really wanted to be part of their group, rather than order them around. The very few times she used their constellation names they knew she was giving official orders. This is why Milo had no doubts when, once they were both in bed and clothless, halfway through a kiss she whispered 
“Make me come, Scorpio” 
The rules of the Sanctuary were very explicit. It was an order. He had to obey. 
He was on top of her, kissing her deeply, while she was slowly opening her knees. He wanted her. He wanted her more than he had ever wanted anyone else in his life. But still... 
‘Am... Am I seriously about to fuck the Goddess of Victory? My goddess? My best friend?’ he thought while adjusting himself between her legs, moving on her body, feeling the softness of her silky skin, slowly climbing up on her. 
That thought made him hesitate for a moment. But then he looked at her. And in that very moment he decided to forget who they were. Their armors, the Sanctuary, the Cosmo, their obligations, their rank, nothing existed any longer. He had already allowed all that to steal too much of his life and he was not going to let anything steal that unexpected, incredible, unthinkable occasion to enjoy the little life he still had. 
He looked at her for the last time before everything would change forever. Nike opened her emerald eyes, just as taken away by Milo’s superhuman beauty. They eyes met, he had finally arrived where he wanted to, and was already pressing against her. 
“Are you sure?” 
She nodded with a smile. 
“Are you?” 
He replied kissing her neck and, finally, pushing inside her. 
Nike held her breath. She was turned on and more than ready for him but it still took her a few seconds to get used to him and the way he was stretching her. When he reached the bottom he stopped for a moment. 
“Are you alright?” he said caressing her cheek. 
“I’m way better than alright” 
“Let me take care of you. I'll make you feel even better” he replied touching her breasts and thrusting the first time. She moaned, he smiled and kept going. 
“I’m gonna come Milo!” she said in a broken voice. What they said about Scorpios, as far as she could tell from that night, was the absolute truth. 
“You gave me an order. I would never disappoint you” he replied thrusting even harder, touching her in all the right spots. He grabbed her left hand with his right, moved it over her head and interlaced their fingers. 
“Come for me Nike. Come on my cock. Make me feel what it’s like to own the Victory” he said taking her to the top that instant. 
There were few things Milo liked more than observing a woman come because of him. This time was not the exception. He watched her let go, call his name and clench around him so hard she almost make him lose control. When she steadied herself and opened her eyes, he kissed her softly and, still on her lips, 
“Good girl. You truly are my good girl” he whispered.
A second after he started moving again inside her. This time it was for himself, his pleasure. He didn’t hold anything back thrusting hard, strong and deep, just how he liked it. 
“Let me come inside you, please Nike, let me come inside you” 
“What are you waiting for?” she whispered in her sexy voice. He couldn’t stop himself anymore at that point. He sank in her one last time, kissing her and tightening his grip around her hand that he had never let go. 
Nike felt him pulse inside her, stiffening just to slowly relax, little by little, until he finally broke their kiss and opened his eyes smiling. 
“Did... did this really just happen?” 
“I can’t believe it either” 
“I just came inside of you” 
“I just came on your cock” 
They both giggled while he pulled out and lay down beside her. 
“What? Can you please stop staring at me?” 
“Yeah sorry it’s just that... you’re beautiful. To die for” 
“Tell me something I don’t know. Besides, you literally just fucked me. You have no reason to flatter me” 
“No I know. But you’re even more beautiful than usual after you come” 
They laughed again, and then silence. It was time for the hard part, figuring out rationally what had happened, and what they’d become. Nike sighed and started to talk but she was abruptly stopped by a knock on the door that connected her rooms to the hearing chamber. 
‘Oh fuck, Athena!’ Milo thought. 
‘Hurry up, get dressed!’ Nike replied in his thoughts. 
“Yes my lady” 
“Can I come in?” 
Nike bolted up looking for her slip. 
‘Where the fuck are my boxers?’ 
“Of course, just a moment” 
‘Forget the boxers, where’s your armor? Put it on, hurry!’ 
Nike went to the door. 
He nodded, adjusting his helmet, and then he knelt down. Just in time because Nike was already opening the door.  
“My lady”  
“Nike I felt Cosmo coming from here and... Scorpio what are you still doing here? I dismissed you hours ago”  
“I invited him. Now, unfortunately, he’s the last defender before our temple and there were a few things to discuss” 
“And you couldn’t wait till tomorrow during an official hearing?” 
“No my lady” Milo said with his eyes still looking down, “it was unfinished business we had going on for a while and couldn’t wait any longer” 
“And are you finished now?” 
“Yes, we both are” Milo said again with the obvious double meaning, while Nike was biting down her lower lip not to laugh.  
“Very well then, you can now return to your house. You know men are forbidden from spending the night here” 
“Of course my lady. I’m on my way out” 
“Good night Scorpio, good night Nike” 
Nike shut the door and leaned against it with a huge sigh of relief. Milo got up laughing. 
“I had never gone commando with my armor”  
“A night of first times. Come one put it away and get back in your clothes” 
“And what are you planning to do? Look at me while I change?” he said holding his dogtag that made his box appear and starting to take off his pieces of gold one by one.  
“What, you are ashamed now?” 
He laughed and kept undressing and dressing back up. Nike admired the show, he was stupid perfect. 
“Listen,” he said once he was fully dressed. 
“Before Saori interrupted us I... we...” 
“I know” she replied looking down. 
“Got any regrets? We can easily pretend like nothing happened if you prefer” 
“Don’t be silly, no regrets. And on pretending, well, outside these walls we kinda have to. Or Alde will obliterate you” 
Milo laughed. He would often forget the Taurus had been Nike’s first Master, and almost a father for her at the Sanctuary.  
“But when we’re alone I have no intention to deny what happened, or to forget it” 
He came closer and lifted her chin with two fingers to look at her in the eyes. 
“Neither do I baby, neither do I. But there is one question still to be answered” 
“I am not that sure. Under different circumstances maybe, but not now. There is way too much to think and to worry about. What we are, we are the same as yesterday, as this morning. With one more orgasm each and a funny story to tell when we are alone and in the mood for laughing” 
Milo smiled, relieved. 
“Shall we dismiss it as an incident and we blame Camus and his vodka?” 
“Incident makes me think of something unpleasant we both wish didn’t happen again...” 
“And this is not the case?” he asked with a smirk. Nike shook her head. 
“No, definitely no. Do you realize what you did to me? I don’t even remember someone else who made me come like that” 
I mean, she did remember, but now was not the time to think of him. 
“But now I think you should go” 
He nodded and lifted his box over his shoulder. At the door, he turned around to say bye. She hugged him tight, like she always would. They had been friends for many years and it was not going to change that night. 
“Thank you for everything, Nike. Really. You don't know how much I needed tonight. I’m a Scorpio after all, my love language is physical touch and intimacy. You have no idea how much I missed... everything” 
“I had missed it too, believe me. And Saori already said she’ll head back to Tokyo soon. As soon as she does, this door is always open for you. Day, night and any dress code” 
He smiled and kissed the top of her head and then tried to let her go. 
“Wait, just one more thing” 
“Anything for you, just tell me” 
“Can I have the goodnight kiss?” 
“I wasn’t hoping to be this lucky” he said with a smile, hugging her hips and landing his lips on hers. She replied much less angelically, opening her mouth. He accepted the invitation, sticking his tongue in her mouth and grabbing her ass. 
The kiss broke after a moment or two. 
“Round two?” 
“Not tonight my friend, not tonight” Nike replied shutting the door. 
Milo realized she was about to wake up and lay down on his back to stare at the mosaics on the ceiling. He knew she was uncomfortable when he looked at her like that.  
“Three stars this time?” Nike observed staring at the open wounds on her chest. 
“Aren’t you exaggerating?” 
“My goal is to take you all the way to Antares, with time” 
“If you like to fuck a dead body...” 
“Oh come on, you like it more than me. Actually, I'm worried one of these days, if I get to hit you in training, I make you come in front of everyone”  
“Don’t you worry about that. Under regular circumstances your neurotoxin is always excruciatingly painful. I really have no clue what happens when you hit me during sex” 
“Mysteries of the human body. Or divine body, I guess” 
“Anyways, I think your venom gives me a fever, it’s crazy hot in here” 
“You have a fever all the time since you started wearing that stupid Kamui. What the fuck, two people I sleep with, neither with decent body temperature. I either freeze or burn” 
“How does Camus handle the venom? How many stars did you bring him to?” she asked, genuinely interested. Milo turned around abruptly. 
“Don’t even think about it. What I do with him has nothing to do with what I do with you. Camus is not the type to be into this kind of things” 
‘If you only knew the kind of things Camus is into...’ she thought, barely holding back a smile. 
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coldladypainter · 6 months
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Cabin 17 Niké
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ashlynnw555 · 1 year
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The Pageant🎀
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pink-lemonade-rose · 1 year
Like time she is travelling at speed, but unlike time, she is not moving regardless of us. She has become conscious of our passage into the future. The arrest of Nike in mid-flight, her halt over the head of the victor folds together the moment of unutterable good fortune when we come to the attention of destiny instead of hurtling on willy-nilly while undifferentiated time streams by. When she comes to a standstill in mid-flight over us she tells us that time now augurs well. And for a moment time's dread fades.
It is interesting that Nike is so often represented as a sculpture, that she was carried around as a fetish by rulers in the form of a statuette. Her essence is that we have caught her and brought her to a stop. […]
Nike appears on vases as a statue; she appears on statues as a statue, standing in the palm of Athena, or of Zeus. Her form stirs us so profoundly and has survived so resonantly because, without myth, without story, she nevertheless tells with unsurpassed eloquence of the greatest of mysteries, humanity's passage through time, and seems to promise us dominance in the area where our wills can have no power. History can be annexed and turn into personal story, a moment of glory, if the angel stays on our side, keeping us in sight.
Under the Romans, Nike/Victoria, as the angel of moment, was sometimes conflated with Fortuna, the goddess of fortune, who enjoyed an early cult in Rome, as the principle of destiny, Fors Fortuna.
Marina Warner, Monuments and Maidens
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annachum · 2 years
How Sigyn is portrayed in some adaptations : * a victim of abuse, a passive woman who goes along whatever Loki says and does, a ' traditionally Feminine ' woman who stood out from the rest of her Asgardian war like peers *
What Sigyn actually is : * a kickass valkyrie and volva ( a term for Norse Witches and Wizards ), powerful magic wielder, CONSCIOUSLY chose to stay with Loki and shield him from poison with her shield in Ragnarok in Norse Myths, offers compassion and aspects of victory in any way to those who pray to her, is ONE OF THE NORSE DEITIES ( aside from several others like Odin, Frigga, Thor and Tyr ) THAT ANCIENT NORDIC PEOPLE PRAY FOR VICTORIES IN BATTLE IN ANY WAY *
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