#seishi answers
maoam · 9 months
"Kishimoto make sasuke and naruto gay intentionally and not on accident" Okay then so why did he go on multiple interviews insisting that naruto and sasuke's relationship is brotherly and is inspired from his twin brother and that people shouldn't interpret their bond as romantic but platonic?? Source : https://twitter* com/uchihassasusaku/status/1419104011265974275?
If a writer writes homoerotic subtext in his material and expects people to read the material as romantic, he doesnt go around calling the characters "siblings" and asking people to not interpret their dynamic as romantic because then people wont read into his queer subtext like he wanted to
Ship what you want to ship. But stop acting like everyone should buy into your delusions. Kishimoto never said or implied that he wanted naruto and sasuke to be seen as gay but he did say many times that their relationship is brotherly
Ah, another shipper who ships a ship where creator implied twice they never kissed. And whose couple never had a meaningful conversation in a 700 chapter manga. And linking me to some SS stan who gave Elon Musk money for bluecheck mark. 🤣 A good ground to stand on. Okay, I will guide you by the hand since you don't seem to understand. It's okay, illiteracy is a common problem these days. I will put this in easy sections for you, with added links.
Also you and your "queer" nonsense... we are talking about gay, homosexuality. Not slurs.
About the interviews:
The Kizuna thing isn't even written by him, it's an article by another person. These books aren't written by the mangakas ever, they do not have the time nor is the article written from Kishi's pov. Shocker, people write a lot of things in anime merchandise that the creator isn't even involved in. [link] If it were written by Kishi, then an interviewer wouldn't have had to ask Kishi years later whether brotherly relationship was what he was going for with Naruto and Sasuke's bond, and Kishi wouldn't have had given such a cryptic answer where he mulls over it. Because he would have given the answers years back already. Also the fact that he's asked to define their relationship shows how weird it is to the readers. He NEVER told people to not interpret their relationship as romantic. And personally, I have seen movies and a comic where two characters referred to each other as brothers, and their creator referred to them as "soul brothers" but later revealed them to also have romantic feelings.
But I don't expect your mind to be able to comprehend things like this, it does require a little bit of 1+1=2 math. The interview about Seishi is about the feeling of empathy, not that they are literally Naruto and Sasuke's characters. It is one aspect. Kishi has joked about how Naruto and Sasuke are him and his editor too, because he will try to impress his editor. So? And he has said Kushina is based on his wife. So Naruto is him and Kushina is his wife? Why aren't you freaking about this freudian stuff? I know why. I also remember someone saying if Kishi REALLY saw his relationship with his brother as the exact same as Naruto and Sasuke, his brother would need a restraining order against him. It was funny and accurate.
I have wrote about the inconsistencies in his interviews and what shows that he definitely didn't write their dynamic as the same as with his brother despite having one aspect of it [link] and here is another post talking about it more deeply (they also linked my post I just mentioned) [link]. This post also explains how Kishimoto wrote Naruto constantly to do what Sakura can't for Sasuke, and she also included many links to my other posts where I talk about how Kishi wrote Sakura and Sasuke's dynamic, which you can also read if you feel like it. Unless you are scared of being proved wrong, you will read those right, or at least the linked post itself?
About how the audience perceives their dynamic:
The thing is, you and SS fandom don't understand how stories are written. Authors don't do stuff randomly. They use narrative and literary devices to tell their story. Kishi himself has remarked on it many times how careful he is about writing characters, how much he does research, how careful he is about angles etc. [link] If Naruto and Sasuke's relationship was written as brotherly in the text, in the manga, it wouldn't make a bunch of people uncomfortable. There wouldn't have been meltdowns after specific chapters nor would we have people saying when the manga was going on that they are annoyed by the "gay stuff". [link] [link] [link] (there are many more, but here's some collections for an example). Here's one more talking about the Japanese fandom. [link]
When Luffy was saving Ace in Impel Town/Marineford arc, no one in the dudebro community was uncomfortable nor saying it was gay. Eventhough it was a touching and dramatic storyline that showed us how much the two cared about each other. When Alibaba and Cassim were having their past and relationship unravelled in Magi, no one was uncomfortable. Eventhough it was tragic and dramatic and touching yet again. Because despite neither of these pairs being blood-brothers, they were WRITTEN to have a brotherly dynamic/development/relationship in the text, in their behavior. Which is why this also translated to the audience successfully.
If Naruto and Sasuke were written to be brotherly, they would refer to each other as such, including in Boruto, and would tell other people such as well. Hell, they would be proud to tell other people that this person they respect and admire the most is like a brother to them. But they don't. Naruto even told Hagoromo they aren't siblings, but friends. Sasuke said he has only one brother and that is Itachi. If they were brotherly, Kishi wouldn't make Naruto kiss Sasuke, even if accidentally, and have that to be their first interaction. He wouldn't say he wants to be the first one to have rivals kiss in shounen. Not a single brotherly relationship in media is written like this. You know, tropes matter. He wouldn't have Sasuke think fondly about the kiss as one of his most precious memories when he is dying, while years later implying more than once Sasuke never kissed Sakura lol. He wouldn't say Sakura had her first kiss stolen by her rival Naruto. He wouldn't make Sakura be jealous of Naruto's importance to Sasuke, while also giving her zero importance in saving Sasuke. He would not constantly make fun of Sakura by having her be thirsty/desperate for Sasuke's attention, any little crumb from him, while Sasuke ignores her and focuses on Naruto. Kishi knows how his writing comes off. Plenty of people, both men and women who weren't shippers, made jokes about Sasuke going "where's Naruto? hey Naruto" whenever Sakura speaks. Because Kishi made it such a constant dynamic with the three of them. People who have the basic amount of media literacy will get it, and thus all those jokes and memes were born. [link] [link] [link]
If they were brotherly, the anime studio wouldn't have them make eyes at each other while lyrics "please kiss me all night" play in the background, aside from all the other gay ops/ends with romantic lyrics to them. And since Kishi watches the anime, he would have probably point out it's weird. That's what I would do if I wrote about my relationship with my brother and people did that. Magi anime didn't have Alibaba and Cassim in romantic endings...
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Kishi wouldn't put this in the movie he made if he wanted them to appear as brothers. Everyone was saying this looked gay/homoerotic when the movie dropped. I saw men on forums say "lol this looks so homoerotic, why did he have to catch Sasuke like that" and even in Chinese theaters people were giggling during this scene. Because it's so in your face fanservice. And Kishi said he cares about angles a lot in his story and that he redraws them if they aren't good enough to drive the message home. So what exactly does that tell you?
People usually aren't sexual about their brother
He wouldn't sexualize and put so much homoeroticism surrounding Sasuke's character, if Sasuke was solely inspired by his brother. You know, unless he had a questionable obsession with his brother. [link]
He wouldn't make Naruto literally get sexually excited when about to fight Sasuke lol [link] [link] that's so obvious Japanese men got amused, uncomfortable and even angry about it, if Sasuke and Naruto were him and his brother.
Romantic tropes/brotherly tropes are not the same
The fact Kishimoto's het couples parallel Naruto and Sasuke's dynamic is very evident. If "brotherly" relationship resembles romantic couples by the same author instead of the other brother dynamics he has written, guess what, it's not written as a brother dynamic lol. Again, proof that he didn't write their dynamic as brotherly. Both Mario/Saori [link] [link] and Minato/Kushina [link] [link] parallel Naruto/Sasuke and have the same tropes as them.
Raikage/Killer B is written as a normal brother relationship. Itachi/Sasuke is written as a complicated brother relationship with a lot of tragedy. Shikamaru/Choji is written as a normal friendship. Kakashi/Obito is written as a complicated friendship with a lot of tragedy. Naruto/Sasuke resembles the romantic relationships Kishimoto wrote, instead of these ones I mentioned. Even in their world, Naruto's actions are seen as irrational and obsession, and the weirdness of it all is constantly pointed out, by Sai, Kabuto, Sakura, Raikage, Itachi. This is a choice Kishi made when he wrote them. [link]
He also made a homage to Devilman and Akira/Ryo relationship that even people in the Japanese fandom noticed. [link] He specifically picked the chapter where Ryo admits having romantic feelings for Akira, and the fight (which parallels Vote2) ending with Ryo realizing how deep his feelings for Akira lie. Kishimoto would not do that if Naruto and Sasuke were based on him and his brother. Why would he pick a character famous for being gay for his best friend/enemy in a chapter where we finally get to see inside Sasuke's head?
Aside from paralleling Hinata's feelings towards Naruto in the Pain arc with Naruto's feelings towards Sasuke in the very next arc, he also foreshadowed a romantic double-suicide with Naruto and Sasuke during said arc. ROMANTIC. [link]
Sasuke on the other hand, was never satisfied with Naruto calling him brother or friend. If their relationship was strictly brotherly, they wouldn't need to ponder about the nature of their relationship, because that's not how any brotherly relationship is written in media. [link]
Kishimoto dislikes SS and talks about Sakura's "love" negatively more than once. [link] Sakura's love is selfish, toxic... yet this doesn't mean anything. Sakura wanted to save Sasuke, yet the one Sasuke said saved him was Naruto.
Now think hard. Use the modest intellect you possess. So aside from Kishimoto having Naruto show sexual attraction towards Sasuke to the point it made Japanese men uncomfortable, he also used romantic tropes (one of them being double-suicide which a writer Kishimoto admires is famous for because he mostly wrote romantic plays ending in that) and romantic parallels to show Naruto's feelings towards Sasuke multiple times, which he did not use for other male friendships in the manga. To the point many Japanese men wondered why Kishimoto "has to push homosexual agenda with Naruto's character", despite the fact he's supposed to be " a normal/good guy". All of these things somehow do not mean anything, nor do the multiple other things I have pointed out on my blog.
I'm not asking you to "buy" into anything, because understanding Naruto is a love story between Naruto and Sasuke and that Kishimoto does not even like Sakura let alone SS would require a little bit of reading comprehension and common sense. Which you and the person you linked sacrificed at the pink altar of Sakura worship, because to you not having anything in common with your partner nor having anything meaningful to talk about nor knowing anything about each other is somehow love. To you having someone else help and understand the person you love because you can't somehow makes an ideal relationship. You mistake Sakura's onesided melodrama for love. She has never said anything meaningful about Sasuke's character, neither has Sasuke said anything meaningful about her. Yet you believe Kishi wrote some deep relationship between them. How am I supposed to reason with someone like that? But your gaslighting doesn't phase me, I have seen all this before many times, it's old news by now. You can call me delusional all you want, but I trust my own understanding thank you very much. It's not like that much is even required, as proven by how many people, even the ones that don't have any need to (casual viewers, straight men, etc.) see it, still see it. Because it is that obvious that only desperate need to not see it blinds someone like you from seeing it.
I'm actually working on another post about Narusasu and Kishi's writing tools regarding it, so stay tuned 🩷
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killerandhealerqueen · 6 months
Catch Up Meme
Rules: answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
Favorite color: Green, mainly jewel tone greens
Last song/album:
Last movie: I haven't seen a movie in a while
Currently reading: Fanfics (need to get back to reading my Seishi Yokozimo mystery series)
Currently watching: Killer and Healer, the Spirealm (I'm up to ep. 70), Kei x Yaku: Abunai Aibou, Will Trent S2, Shogun (I haven't watched the last two eps. so I'm behind)
Currently craving: A good hug from my parents (I'm going home to see them in a few days and I can't WAIT)
Coffee or tea: Tea
@clawbehavior @jianglouyue @friendlynbhddevil @nineninepetals @noraigo
@hyperbolicgrinch @randomingoftherandomness and anyone else who wants to play
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sohya · 2 years
cw. inupi x f!reader x draken. breeding. daddy kink. milk in tits talk.
it's almost comical how delirious you are at this point and even though ken and seishu would never dream of saying or doing anything to make you feel insecure about it, they still look down at you with awestruck and surprised faces. if your doe eyes weren't glossy with unshed tears and if your mind wasn't as hazy as it was right now, you would for sure say something about the incredulous looks on their faces.
but you can't, your mind is off else where. most likely to the point of dumbification you were forced into after your fourth orgasm and the sixth load fucked into you.
ken hovers above you, his cum and slick covered cock resting against your belly as he thumbs at your cheek. "you still with us, baby? give me a word." he briefly glances up at seishu, sitting on the bed beside you with a glass of water ready in his hand.
"b-baby." your voice whimpers softly and the pair look down at you, silent as they wait for you to continue. "i want you to give me a hah- a baby. please, ken." you cry out, your legs trembling as they ascend into the air before wrapping around ken's waist.
a soft chuckle hits your face in the form of a light breath as ken leans down. "that's not the word i'm looking for, baby. i need to know if you're okay to keep going."
your cheeks are flushed and warm, eyelids drooping in a lethargic manner and there's droplets of sweat rising on the tip of your nose and some dripping down your cheek and mixing with your tears.
you're silent for a second before your head tilts and your attention falls on the only other man in the room. you eye the glass of water in his hand before your hand reaches out and a small pout forms on your lips. you're suddenly aware of the dryness in your throat and your solution to that is literally in the hands of your other lover.
"sit up first, sweets. i'll help you drink it." seishu smiles as he shuffles closer. ken is the first to move, a hand cupping the back of your neck as he sits you up. he uses his free hand to manoeuvre the pillows behind you so you can at least be comfortable if you doesn't have the energy to sit straight.
you sniffle softly and wipe the condensation from your eyes before the cool rim of the glass touches your lips. you takes a number of considerable sips as your eyes flick between your two lovers. your cheeks heat up even further at the intensity of their gazes, causing you to drop your eyes down to the water in the glass, decreasing quickly as you gulps it down.
once empty, seishy places it down on the bedside table before shifting to replace pillows behind you, letting you rest against his chest where he can brush away the strays of hair sticking to your face. "all better?"
you hum your affirmative as your lips rise into a loopy smile. "now will you give me a baby?" you blink, hand reaching forward and wrapping around the head of ken's cock, thumb swiping over the head to collect the bead of precum before bringing it to your mouth to lick the goop off.
the sight causes ken to groan, leaning forward to suck your mouth in a deep kiss. "gonna do that. seishu and i are gonna give you so many babies. you're never gonna stop being round with babies. is that what you want, hm?" his words are muffled as he speaks against your mouth and it's all you can do to whine in reply.
the answer barely satisfies the larger man, making him pull back as he grabs your ankles and yanks you on your back against the bed. he presses your knees to your chest and locks it there with his hands planted firmly by your hips and your legs hanging over his shoulders.
the head of his cock quickly finds the entrance to your gaping cunt. the tiniest bit of resistance is met before he's sinking into the deep cavern of your cum filled pussy.
a helpless sob falls from your mouth as he rises his hips and plunges back into you, stilling with his cock knocking on the door to your womb. "how many babies do you want, baby? lemme know and i'll give 'em all to you."
you keen as you scrambles for an answer, trying your absolute hardest to just think but you can't. not when ken's thick cock is throbbing, literally pounding inside your cunt. "k-ken, i caaan't." you drawl out, your voice rising in a sharp hiss as cool hands pinch at your nipples.
"just imagine how big these are gonna get when they're filled up with milk." it's seishu this time. your cunt clenches tightly around ken's cock because seishu's never been the type to say anything so vulgar but when he does, it turns his two lovers on exponentially.
"so we'll never stop giving her babies then, yeah? make those tits carry milk for the rest of her life then." ken groans before he dips down and plants his mouth onto your nipple and seishu's fingers.
you throw your head back at the warm sensation, eyes rolling to the back of your head as ken continues pounding into you. your chest practically vibrates against ken's mouth from the rapid breaths you're inhaling and exhaling and seishu isn't making it any better for you as he looks at you with lust-clouded eyes and his erection bobbing into your sweaty hair.
"love bo- both of you so much." you cry, reaching a new level of neediness as your tears squeeze out through your tightly clenched eyes. "gonna carry both of your babies." you whimper almost like it's a goal she's determined to reach. "gonna make both of you daddies."
something inside both seishu and ken snaps at that. they're gonna be daddies. ken releases your nipple while his hips increases tenfold, willing the tightness of your walls to edge him to his climax sooner. all while seishu begins fisting his cock with a desperate and shaky hand.
you can't even comprehend the change in their demeanour, too busy accepting ken's ruthlessness and the sound of his grunts and your skin slapping each other's and the overall feeling of him messing up your guts, to realise they're on that last boat of determination.
ken's muscles are burning but the need to release his cum overwhelms that and it comes in the form of your climax washing over you in a tidal wave. your already tight walls grows even tighter, squeezing the life out of ken's cock so much so that he has to still himself while he drains the last of his balls into you.
"can't wait, sweets. open your mouth for daddy and lemme feed you my babies." seishu grunts, hand moving to your chin and opening your mouth with his thumb. your lips part obediently and not even a second later, the bitter and warm feeling of his cum covers your tastebuds and you're suddenly aware of the two cocks spreading you apart and leaving the remnants of their owners inside you body and you can't think of anything better in life.
honestly, it really doesn't get any better than this.
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linkspooky · 2 years
Hey congrats on continuing the Inugami Clan, I thought it was dope you used a Twin Peaks quote at the start of the new chapter, really set a unique atmosphere of its own. I know this is a bit out of the way of what you usually write about on here, but do you have any thoughts on Twin Peaks you’d want to share? I really like your takes on things, and Twin Peaks has always been a series I’m both interested in and enjoy, but also find myself repelled by at certain points, perhaps due to not getting what it’s going for
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Thank you for reading the Inugami Clan! I'm glad you got the twin peaks reference I was making. The Inugami Clan has three main inspiration, which is the horror movie Lake Mungo, the mystery novel the Inugami Curse by Seishi Yoko Mizo, and Twin Peaks.
If you want my interpretation of Twin Peaks I am glad to give it, because it is one of my favorite television shows. I think to understand Twin Peaks, you have to understand Laura Palmer. She is the central character of Twin Peaks despite the fact she is dead at the beginning of the story the plot and the story's themes all rest on her. Laura Palmer begins as a plot device, and ends as her own person and one of the most complex characters in fiction especially by the end of the Return.
1. I Killed Laura Palmer
As Bobby Briggs shouts at Laura's funeral, Twin Peaks is essentially the story of how one town with their collective ignorance kills Laura Palmer, not only the murder victim at the central of the plot's driving murder mystery but the central victim of the story.
Bobby Briggs: “You damn hypocrites. You make me sick! Everybody knew she was in trouble but we didn’t do anything. All you good people… You wanna know who killed Laura Palmer? You did! We all did.”
As stated above Laura Palmer starts as a plot device. She is a corpse that washes up on shore. She is the portait of Laura Palmer as the Prom Queen that appears in the Palmer House Living Room, and the end credits. She is the enigmatic video of her and Donna dancing.
The murdery mystery that Dale Cooper is their to solve is not only answer the question of "Who Klled Laura Palmer?" but "Who is Laura Palmer?" The first thing we learn in the first episode is that the Prom Queen is likely dealing cocaine. That she was dating a boy on the football team, and also two timing him.
Laura has a dark side, much like the town of Twin Peaks has a dark side. In fact it is investigating the events that led up to Laura's death that reveals this dark side. Laura worked at One Eyed Jacks, the brothel owned by prominent town businessman Ben Horne. Laura was involved in the cocaine trade ran by Leo, and dragged Bobby into it as well to get cheap Cocaine. The more we learn about Laura, the more we learn about Twin Peaks in turn.
Laura is a character of many different identites, every character basically has their own image of Laura in their mind. Donna despite being her best friend had no idea what Laura was gong through (though this in part Laura's fault for never telling her anything in an effort to protect her).
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James only sees Laura as the love interest to his sweeping love story. Bobby genuinely loved Laura, but also was scared of her more manipulative side as she did use him to procure herself cocaine and laughed at him the first time he told her he loved her.
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Bobby still feels something for her, but he pulls away from her the more she reveals herself to him. No one really knows the whole of Laura. She's many different things to many different people, and this results in the town collectively ignoring Laura's problems happy to believe the image of her instead of the real girl suffering.
However, despite learning some extremely dark things about Laura she remains a victim all throughout. Her sexual promiscuity seems like a negative trait until you remember... she's a high schooler and these are adult men that are taking advantage of her. Laura is basically one of the best written sexual assault victims in fiction and its because even if she dies this is her story, she is the human beings at the center of it and the tragedy of Twin Peaks is how hard she tried to live with her trauma. Sheryl Lee says in an interview, Laura is a character that reflects very real cases of victim sexual abuse and incest that are extremely common but go unspoken about.
It was only upon revisiting the world of Twin Peaks for research prior to The Return that Lee realized her own life experience, and especially her role as a mother, had sharpened her perspective of what Laura went through. “I had so many emotions watching it,” she shares. “I was enraged that the statistics of sexual abuse and incest and violence had gone up significantly. It was almost like there was this deep primal maternal force in me that was like: Okay, this is a movie, right? But this is happening every single day.” Grateful that giving Laura a voice has inspired others to join in the conversation, Lee’s thoughts turn to how we as a society can possibly start to heal and prevent others from becoming another one of those statistics.
“So often there are signs that someone is hurting or that something is happening,” she says, an empowered devotion in her voice. “We don’t pay enough attention to those signs and what if we did? What if one hand reaching out can really help save someone’s life? When I was shooting The Return that was what I was living with, these moments in our lives when someone else has reached out a hand for us or we have been there to reach out a hand. How do we collectively dare to reach out more for each other?”
Doctor Jacoby (one of her rapists, just by the way) says that Laura wanted to die, but Sheryl Lee her own actress makes it clear that Laura is someone who could have been saved by something as easy as someone reaching out a hand to her. Which is where we get to Dale Cooper's role in the story.
My absolute favorite Twin Peaks quote is said by Cooper, shortly after Leland's suicide.
Briggs: An evil that great in this beautiful world. Finally, does it matter what the cause. Cooper: Yes. Because it's our job to stop it. Briggs thingks, agrees, nods. Albert: Maybe that's all "Bob" is. The evil that men do. Maybe it doesn't matter what we call it.
Dale is an extremely likable and personable man, but he's not just the incorruptible good, goodness. His true strength as a character is how he is determined to face the darkness of Twin Peaks, even though it is unpleasant and grueling. Of all characters, it is Dale who learns the most about Laura in the process of solving her murder.
Ironically, it is the detective who solves her murder after Laura is already dead, who cares to know the real Laura. The one who doesn't flinch or look away from the darkness of her situation.
THe relationship between Dale and Laura is the center of the story, and yet they never meet.
Donna Hayward : Do you think that if you were falling in space... that you would slow down after a while, or go faster and faster? Laura Palmer : Faster and faster. And for a long time you wouldn't feel anything. And then you'd burst into fire. Forever... And the angel's wouldn't help you. Because they've all gone away.
Laura is not just a victim of terrible circumstanes, she is convinced that no one in Twin Peaks cares to know her, that no one will ever know what is happening in her life and this eats away at her identity until there is nothing left.
Laura Palmer : Open your eyes, James. You don't even know me. There are things about me - even. Donna doesn't know me. Your Laura disappeared. It's just me now.
Of all people it's a complete stranger who cares enough to get to know her, to learn every dark secret about her and still keep caring because Laura is ultimately a victim and someone who deserved to be saved. Which is why the quote about the angels is so meaningful in Fire Walk With Me, because Dale is her angel when Laura believed there were no angels left.
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Laura and Dale's relationship heavily reminds us of Orpheus and Eurydice, because no matter what Dale does there's nothing he really can do to save Laura she's already dead at the beginning of the story. Yet, even if his quest is futile his actions are not pointless because Dale himself showed that someone cared about Laura. That she didn't die without leaving anything behind in this world. It's a show about how the confrontation of the darkness may seem fruitless but in the end there is a point to it because if we look at that darkness and fight against it we might be able to see someone in that darkness that needs our help.
Laura Palmer: Hello, Agent Cooper. You can go out now. Do you recognize me? Dale Cooper: Are you Laura Palmer? Laura Palmer: I feel like I know her, but sometimes my arms bend back. Dale Cooper: Who are you? Laura Palmer: I am Laura Palmer. Dale Cooper: But Laura Palmer is dead. Laura Palmer: I am dead. Yet I live.
Laura is dead yet she lives. Her life ended yet that is not the end, because Dale was there, because Dale cared. Because, in revealing what happened to Laura Palmer we may still save people suffering under circumstances who we would rather look away from who still can be saved.
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
I knew not to engage that anon who kept insisting Sasuke and Naruto were based on Kishi and Seishi. Yes there is an interview where Kishi said his and Seishi's relationship did inspire Sasuke and Naruto's. But reading that interview, it was obvious that he was talking of feelings of deep empathy and attachment. It's possible to get inspired by a close relationship and borrow some characteristics of it to render your writing believable and impactful. Writers do it all the time. Writing doesn't pop out of isolation and alienating it from real life. But Sasuke and Naruto's relationship is obviously not brotherly. One can say they are everything to each other. Friends, lovers, brothers, companions, partners, kindred souls. Because in principle, that's how intense and deep their relationship is. But antis can only think in proportion to how much their brains allow them. One dimensional, in terms of binaries. Cannot comprehend higher notions. Or narrative. Or visual language. I keep stressing on narrative and visual language because that is the only legit source of gleaning information and not interviews or databooks. Even if the interviews themselves don't really do any damage like antis think they do. Lol. I can understand Kishi's context. But well, I didn't wanna engage them because I didn't wanna waste my time. They don't want an explanation. They just want to get attention. Antis struggle so much understanding anything layered and complex. I would be bound to oversimplify everything, like I have done before. But it's a lot of effort for very little gain. I don't wanna deal with their layers upon thick layers of heteronormativity and homophobia to answer a question that doesn't even need asking if one has really read my content. And if one has common sense.
In any case, I am not saying anything here that I haven't said before. But I am done putting so much effort for someone who doesn't do their homework. It's not fun to repeat yourself n times for fans like that. Not worth it.
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urfavstonr1 · 2 years
Mortician And The Info Broker
Chapter 17
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Series- Durarara
Pairings- Izaya Orihara/Original Female Charater. Kyohei Kadota/Original Female Charater.
Current word count- 2367
Content Warnings- Blood and Gore, Rape, PTSD, Mental Illness, Abuse, Trauma, Violence, Smut
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“It’s nice being the only one that gets to see him that way.” Seishi has a small smile on her face as she thinks about it, knocking at the door echoing through the apartment.
“Speak of the devil~” Izaya smirks. Toshiko attempts to get up and get the door, but Izaya pulls her back down to his lap. “Nope you get to stay right here.” 
“Izaya~” quietly giggling.
“THE DOORS OPEN!” Seishi yells over her shoulder, typing away again at her laptop, but as she hears the door open she quickly shuts the device and places her notebook inside her textbook and closing that as well. She quickly gives Izaya and Toshiko a look, silently telling them not to mention the events of this morning, or their conversation. Izaya rolls his eyes jokingly, but giving a look that he understands and Toshiko unfortunately distracted by Izaya still holding her down.
“Hey guys, what’s up?” Kyohei walks into the apartment, slipping off his shoes and walking closer to the couch, Seishi smiles as he leans down to hand her her coffee and gives her a kiss.
“Just doing some research. I think you should sit down? I gotta tell you something kinda important.” Seishi takes a sip from her coffee and moves her laptop and textbook back to the coffee table to make room for him on the couch. Izaya and Toshiko staying quiet to allow them to talk.
“Should I be concerned? Is that a bite mark on your neck?” He looks her over concerned as he sits down.
“So well. Yes. I’m getting there. Don’t be concerned, I don't think?” She reaches out and takes his hands in hers, “I got a new job.”
“That’s great but that doesn't explain the bite mark.”
“I said I’m getting there.” She squeezes his hands and sighs, “My new job is with Nebula corp. I’m working with Shinra’s dad. And my first appointment was with a succubus.”
“A succubus? Like the demon?” Kyohei looks at her confused.
“Yes, like the demon. Anyway, she seems to have taken a liking to me and I’m kinda being haunted by her?”
“Haunted is an understatement~” Izaya mumbles under his breath in Toshiko’s ear and she lets out a scoff trying to hold back her laugh.
“She came to me last night in my dream and I woke up with these marks on me.” Seishi gives him an awkward smile as he processes the information.
“Is there a way to make her stop doing that?” He asks.
“That’s kinda what I was researching, I don’t have a definite answer yet. But next time I’m at work and see her I’m gonna see if there is something I can do about it.” Seishi smiles at Kyohei with a sigh, “Oh! Also you can’t tell anyone I work for Nebula. I signed an NDA and this is technically illegal to be telling you.”
“You should already know your secrets are safe with me.” He smiles at her before pulling her into a quick kiss, as he pulls back he makes eye contact with Izaya and clears his throat, “Other than you working for Nebula and being haunted by a succubus how is everything else?” His eyes shift back down to Seishi, “Are you liking the new job?”
“Yes! Other than the shit with Meru it's been fun! I’m learning so much, there are so many things in the world that I had no clue of!” She seems to bounce in excitement as she speaks, “Other than Meru I’ve also met vampires and a few fairies! They live all over Japan just like regular humans! The Fairies use magic to appear like humans. I wish I brought my research binder home with me but it’s sitting in my office.”
“Would Shingen let you take that out of the office though?” Toshiko cocks her head to the side curiously. 
“He takes his binders home all the time.” Seishi turns to look back at Toshiko, “I don’t know why I wouldn't be able to.”
“I mean I just figured with it being classified information and all that you guys would be extra careful.” Toshiko shrugs.
“From what I’ve been told we’re allowed to take our research home to analyze further if needed but it needs to stay away from prying eyes.”
“Let’s be honest though, even if there was a rule to not take it out of office, Shingen is a confident fool at times~” Izaya chuckles at the thought.
“Tell me about it! He left me alone in the exam room with a succubus on my first day.” Seishi groans and leans against the couch, “I could punch him for the shit that she did to me in my dream..” she takes another sip of her coffee, letting out a happy sigh.
“What did she do to you in your dream?” Kyohei asks her, his voice just above a whisper as he watches Seishi’s face turn a bright red.
“Are you jealous Dotachin~?” Izaya smirks over at him.
“At Least he lets me orgasm! That was just plain torture!” Seishi blurts out before covering her mouth with her hands, her eyes wide at her blurting of words.
“Sounds familiar..” Glaring at Izaya.
“Hey now I wouldn’t be that cruel~ I only told you can’t moan last night, was it really that torturous for you?” Izaya leaning his head on her back.
“Oh my gods.” Seishi mumbles to herself.
Toshiko turning to face him, “Yes it was cause you said you would stop if I did… all cause I said yes to play your stupid game..” booping his nose. 
“You say that though, but I could tell you were losing your mind over it~ Maaaybe we could try the succubus's idea as well hmm? ” Izaya confidently grins.
Toshiko sighing at his remark, “You do that and I will do it right back~” She lets out an evil and sarcastic chuckle, “You may be a Sadist but I am to, so test it if you dare~”
“You’re going to regret saying that later~” Softly pulling her chin, bringing her face close to his.
“Do you guys have no shame?” Seishi looks at them with a sneer.
“Does Izaya ever have any sense of shame?” Kyohei lets out a chuckle.
Izaya looking over at the two of them, “Cause where is the fun living life censoring ourselves~” 
Toshiko glances over at Seishi, “It seems your mind lacks some shame too with that dream of your’s~”
“Hey! You said it's normal to have these kinds of dreams and urges! I can’t control what a succubus drags from the depths of my mind!” Seishi snaps?
“I mean it is normal, but now you are one of us in a sense~” Toshiko giggles.
“I can tell you one thing..” Izaya thinks out loud, “The world your looking into may not be new to us but I’m positive it's totally new to Dotachin here” 
Seishi looks to Kyohei, who’s face isn’t giving her any answers. She opens her mouth to ask him about it but quickly shuts it as she thinks, looking down to the floor. “There is nothing to be ashamed of.. they are just kinks and honestly from things I’ve seen on the internet it's pretty tame..” Toshiko trying to reassure her.
“Up until this morning I didn’t even know what bondage was! And and I don’t even know how to address it outside of researching the hell out of it.” Seishi whines as she leans against Kyohei with a sigh, he gives her a small smile as a blush creeps up to his face and pets her hair, trying to make her feel better.
“Easiest way to address it is like ripping a bandaid off and just asking or saying it to the one you want to try it with.. Like how you asked us questions since you're new to the whole BDSM thing and by the look on Dotachin’s face with his reaction to the word bondage I’d say he would give it a try~” Izaya scoffs. 
Kyohei clears his throat, his face growing redder. “We don't have to talk about this now, not in front of them. I know this is a lot, I'm sorry.” Seishi mumbles against him, trying to hide her own blushing.
“Hey we won’t bite~” Laughing at his own words, “but why don’t we give them some privacy..” Izaya leading Toshiko to the back porch, “some fresh air does sound nice~” 
“So, uh. In my dream it was kinky?” Seishi looks down to her hands as she sits up to get off of Kyohei, “She had me tied up and was hurting me and it felt so good, but I feel so guilty that it wasn’t you I was experiencing that pleasure with.”
“You can’t control your dreams, especially when it’s being affected by a succubus. It’s ok.” He places a hand on her cheek, making her look up at him, “And if you wanted to try those things with me I am willing to try anything as long as you’re happy, Seishi. And I don’t think any less of you for having these urges.” 
“I do want to try more stuff together, I just want to do more research on it first! Like what I’m into, I’d love to know what you're interested in as well! That's also what I was researching before you came over. There's so much to this and I crave to know more about it and about myself.” Seishi leans to grab her notebook from inside her textbook, presenting her notes to Kyohei.
“I love seeing you light up when you talk about things you're excited about like this.” He smiles at her and leans in for a kiss. 
Seishi smiles and kisses him, placing her hand on his cheek as she deepens the kiss, “And I love seeing you and learning about you.” She pulls back and stretches her back, “I’m gonna go smoke then when I get back I want us to both learn about each other, if you know what I mean.” She snickers and stands up with a wink before walking away towards the balcony, as she walks past him he smirks and smacks her ass, causing her to yelp and blush brightly.
Izaya and Toshiko feeling the fresh air hit their faces, he takes the seat in the back corner and pulling her down with him back onto his lap. “Remember the thing I said earlier you would regret~? Wrapping his arm around her waist, slipping his hand down her pants, but on top of her panties.
Toshiko gripping his shirt, leaning her head against his as a smirk grows on his face while feeling her warm panting breath against his skin. “I-Izaya what if my s-sister walks out..”
“And so what if she does~” Softly nibbling at her ear, slowly rubbing carefully, her underwear growing more damp the more he continues to tease her. 
The balcony door slides open as Seishi steps out with a cigarette between her lips, as she looks to the side she groans, “do you guys ever fucking stop?” She grumbles before slamming the door when she steps back inside and heads towards the front door, still grumbling with the cigarette in her mouth.
“What’s wrong?” Kyohei stands and follows her out the front door.
“They’re being gross on the balcony.” Seishi mumbles and lights her cigarette as she leans against the wall, taking in a deep inhale and blowing it out over the wall.
“Gross?” He looks at her confused and leans against the wall next to her. Seishi gives him a look before looking out at the street.
“Yes. Gross.” She takes another drag of her cigarette and blows it out with a sigh, “It’s like they can't keep their hands off of each other.”
Kyohei chuckles at the thought, “I mean it makes sense, fresh relationships are like that for a lot of people especially people who are already comfortable with having sex..” looking out at the city, “and honestly I’m glad Izaya found someone that he can be this comfortable with.. It’s like a miracle.” a soft smile on his face.
“It’s nice to see Toshiko happy but it’s weird witnessing it as her sister.” Seishi lets out a laugh, “In my head I want to do nothing but touch and be around you but everything still feels so new and awkward.” She looks down at her hands and ashes her cigarette, “You’re my first for so much, Kyohei.”
“We’ll get there when you’re comfortable.” He smiles as he wraps his arm around her and presses a kiss to her temple, causing her to giggle. 
Izaya picking up Toshiko, surprising her, “What!?”
“I mean she already knows~ so let’s just move this to somewhere more comfortable~” Izaya’s smug face beaming while he carries her to the bedroom, shutting the door behind him as he tosses her gently on the bed. “Don’t worry~ we will make this one quick” he smirks.
After finishing off her cigarette Seishi and Kyohei head back inside the apartment, Seishi sitting back on the couch with a sigh, reaching for the remote to turn on the tv while situating her laptop on her lap again to continue her research. As Kyohei sits down he looks over her shoulder at her screen and blushes.
“Is this what you were dreaming about?” He asks while looking from the screen to her.
“Well, yeah. And as alarming as that dream was, I would like to learn more about it.” Seishi continues to do her research, at the moment mostly about bondage and being what she found is called a ‘rope bunny’.
“So you want to be tied up?” Kyohei smirks down at her, this question makes her freeze and begin to blush brightly.
Soft moans accidently leak out of Toshiko’s room through the silent apartment, along with Izaya chuckling. 
Seishi groans and hunches over her laptop, “I just want a little while without having to hear my sister moan.” sighing as she’s sure she’s changed the subject.
“You didn’t answer me.” Kyohei gently grabs Seishi’s jaw as she sits back up, forcing her to look at him as he smirks and raises a brow at her.
The blush returns to her face as she tries to think of how to respond, “Yes?”
“Yes, what?” He presses her for more, the smirk on his lips widening.
“Yes I want to be tied up.” Seishi’s eyes looking away from him as she answers. Kyohei clears his throat for her to look at him again.
“I want you to look at me when you say it.” His voice is low and stern as he talks, the look in his eye made Seishi feel like melting into a puddle.
“P-please tie me up.” Seishi stutters out, her eyes not leaving his. He smirks once again and pulls her into a kiss.
“Good girl.” He smirks at her as he pulls away. He sits back against the couch to let Seishi continue her, now sexually frustrated, research.
As Seishi continues her research she feels a pit form in her stomach, quickly moving her laptop to the coffee table, and running to the bathroom.
Izaya walks out with Toshiko, rejoining Seishi and Kyohei in the living room. He sweeps his hand through his hair, fixing where Toshiko was pulling at his hair from their quick shenanigans in the bedroom and Toshiko readjusting her clothes. Izaya sits down in one of the arm chairs as he pats his lap for her to join him. “You’re insatiable sometimes I swear..” she gives him a blank stare from his frisky behavior earlier and with her sister home no less.
“And so are you~” He gives a wide smirk while she sits on his lap and pouting, laying her head on his shoulder and relaxing trying to ignore the truth in that statement. 
Toshiko glances around the room then at Kyohei, “Where Seishi go? She alright?” 
Kyohei stands from the couch to follow Seishi to the bathroom, as he's about to knock on the door and it opens to reveal Seishi. “Are you ok?”
“I thought I had to throw up? But I didn't and now I want like, chocolate and cheese? Like chocolate covered cheese. Colby jack.” Seishi  contemplates to herself before walking to the kitchen, opening the fridge and rummaging around, “Ohhh and peanut butter.”
Kyohei blinks for a second, confused before following her, “That's probably one of the weirdest combinations I’ve heard.”
“Yeah I know but it sounds so good.” She turns around to look at him with a slice of cheese in her mouth, “I don't think I have any chocolate though.”
Toshiko cringes at the thought of the food combo her sister just listed, “How does that sound good together.. just no..” 
Seishi shrugs her shoulders and returns to the couch with her tiny hoard of snacks, “I don’t know, maybe my period is coming up?”
“I feel like these cravings are a lil crazy for a period..” Toshiko stares confused at Seishi.
Izaya chuckles, “Hormones, what a mysterious thing when it comes to being a human.”
“The human body is so fucking weird, hormones are constantly fluctuating and changing can do so many different things to the body!” Seishi speaks enthusiastically before taking a bite from one of her snacks.
As they talk and Toshiko’s head is still laying on Izaya’s shoulder, the feeling of being super comfy sets in and she accidently drifts asleep. “Looks like I wore someone out~” Izaya laughs at his own joke while gently placing a hand on her head. 
Seishi snickers and leans back on the couch, “I feel like we should do something cause I have today off but I don’t know what to do.” She gasps and perks up, clapping her hands together, “We should go out drinking!”
“The last time you got drunk you blacked out and refused to drink water.” Kyohei groans, leaning back on the couch.
“That won't happen this time!” Seishi looks at him, giving him puppy eyes.
“And I don’t believe you.” Kyohei looks down at her with his brow raised.
“We can even treat this as a celebration to congratulate you on your new job!” Izaya smiles, “It’s not everyday people get a job opportunity like that” Softly pinching Toshiko’s cheek, waking her up.
“Whaaaat I was comfy~” She playfully whines rubbing her eyes awake and stretching, nuzzling back into his shoulder almost falling asleep again when he pinches her cheek again as he lets out a soft laugh.
“As cute as that was, it's time to wake up~!” Toshiko sits up while rubbing her cheeks as Izaya insists her to awaken. 
“Alriiiight.. Are we going somewhere or something?” She looks around groggily at everyone.
“We're gonna celebrate Seishi’s new job by taking her out for a drink!” Izaya says enthusiastically as he stands and helps Toshiko to her feet.
“I mean I’d be a fool to turn down alcohol!” Toshiko perks up at the sound of their plans.
 “Hell yeah!” Seishi jumps off the couch, “Where do we want to go? I’ll go get dressed!” She runs off to her room excitedly.
“There is this all you can drink bar right by Ikebukuro station that will work perfect for this situation~” as he walks towards the door putting his boots on and Toshiko hopping behind him excitedly at the thought of all the liquor she can drink.
Seishi leaves her room in a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and her blue cropped hoodie with an excited smile, “Lets go!” She pulls Kyohei off the couch and walks towards the door to put her shoes on.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Kyohei chuckles as he’s dragged to the door by his excited girlfriend.
After a short walk they make their way in front of the all you can drink bar called the Public Stand, Izaya pulling out his wallet covering the all you can drink fee for everyone and passing out their tickets for the use of the bar to everyone. “It’s on me so let’s all have some fun~”
Toshiko getting them a table and getting them a round of menus and overly enthusiastically ordering some drinks for her to start trying, “I can already feel myself salivating!” 
Izaya wrapping an arm around her waist, “Slow down~” As he lets out a loud laugh, “There is no rush.. We have all night~”
“Ohhh I don’t know what to get..” Seishi mutters as she looks over the drink menu.
“Ah I have an idea! You could always close your eyes and pick at random whatever your finger lands on, you order it!” Toshiko grows a smug grin.
“What if I order something gross?” Seishi grimaces at the thought.
“I’ll drink it for you! No alcohol will go to waste on my watch~” Toshiko says confidently and hits her hand on her chest. 
“I guess.” Seishi closes her eyes and places her finger on a random drink on the menu, opening her eyes to look at it, “Fuzzy Navel, peach schnapps and orange juice, that actually sounds really good.” 
“Lucky roll! I bet it will be bomb!” She says with a big grin on her face.
“Why do I have a feeling I’ll be carrying you home~!” Izaya lets out a loud laugh. 
“I can hold my liquor, you shouldn’t need to do that..” Toshiko puffing out her cheeks and pouting. 
Seishi giggles, about to say something before Kyohei lets out a chuckle, “I know that I’ll need to carry this one home for sure.”
“And having to force water down your throat.” Kyohei playfully glares at Seishi as she pouts.
“And mind you, I drank more than her that night and I didn’t even get drunk.. I kinda just fell asleep.. Kyohei can vouch for that! I wasn’t even slurring my words, I just got tired cause that day a lot happened..” Looking at Izaya with a fire in her eyes, “How bout this.. If I get drunk, which I may not.. but if I fail and get drunk you can do whatever you want with me.. anything you want~” Staring down Izaya, “consider it a challenge!” 
“Oh I bet you’re gonna regret that decision~” a devilish smirk grows on his face.
“Oh gods, where's the waitress, I need this drink.” Seishi looks around them for their server. The waitress arrives gently placing the drink she ordered in front of her and the plethora of drinks Toshiko ordered onto the table.
“I hope you enjoy your drinks, if you need anything just let me know!” As she politely bows and leaves them to their drinks.
Toshiko picks up one of her random drinks and raises the glass in the air, “cheers for Seishi’s new job!” 
Seishi raises her drink as well with a smile, Kyohei following behind with his beer, “To my new job!” She takes a big swig of her drink and licks her lips, “That is really good!”
With their cheers Toshiko chugs one of her drinks down in one go with a loud and satisfying gasp of air, “Man that is delicious!” Izaya just drinking a water, preparing for the worst. 
Seishi shoots back the rest of her drink like a shot, slamming the glass back on the table with a satisfied sigh.
Toshiko already shooting back her third drink, “I bet Seishi is gonna get bombed and fast!” Laughing out loud.
“So are you if you don’t slow down!” Izaya softly chuckles, “And you’re mixing liquor and that is only going to make it faster~” 
“You underestimate me!?” She side eyes him with a smirk.
“Not at all~ I just know everyone has their limits.. We are all human after all~” Izaya wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her in closer. 
After many drinks and lost time later, maybe an hour, and still the dead of night yet almost early morning. “Where did Seishi go?!” Her words a little slurred. 
 Kyohei’s head whips around, “What the fuck?” His voice wavered as he stared in a buzzed confusion, “She snuck away? To where?” He stands from his chair and looks around the bar.
Toshiko sighs, “When she’s drunk, she has a bad habit of wandering off. I keep being tempted to buy her a wrist leash.” She laughs loudly, “I think we should now for sure.”
“Should we be worried?” Izaya questions curiously.
“Hmmmm not sure honestly, she won’t listen to me when drunk but maybe Dotachin can and he is taller so finding her should be easier for him.”
 Before Kyohei could say anything the sound of angry screaming caught his attention.
And there she was, a short, drunk, blue haired girl; beating the shit out of someone. 
“SEISHI!” Kyohei yells as he runs over to the scene and pulls away a still thrashing Seishi, the guy she had been beating on laid on the floor curled in a ball. 
“THAT’S WHAT I FUCKING THOUGHT YOU MOTHERFUCKER, GRAB MY ASS AGAIN, I FUCKING DARE YOU!!!” Her angry yelling sounded more like barking, her eyes glaring daggers into the guy on the floor.
“Seishi calm down!” Kyohei tries to draw her attention to him, but she was so focused on the guy on the floor, if looks could kill this guy would be deep in hell by now.
Toshiko rushes over despite being a little shaky in her feet trying to snap her fingers in front of Seishi’s face and tries to get her back to reality, “Yo hello Seishi? You already kicked his ass, you can relax now.”
“Are we sure he didn’t do more? Cause damn her rage is next level right now~” Izaya chuckles as he walks up to them. 
“I just asked if she wanted to have a good time!” The guy on the floor responds in a wavering voice as he scoots away from the group.
“And I told you I have a boyfriend and you continued to be a fucking creep and grope me!” Seishi growls at him, wanting to continue to beat on the creep. His lip is busted and bleeding and he has the beginning of a black eye.
“You’re fucking crazy!” He yells while shakily trying to push himself up as he gets stopped by a boot to his shoulder and it shoves him back down and Toshiko staring down at him with a pure menacing look.
“Excuse me? What did you call her!?” Stepping on him harder as he grits through his teeth in pain. 
Izaya laughs at the live entertainment, “Now now~ I’m sure you both have terrified the boy enough.” They both look down at him with his face filled with terror, Toshiko taking her foot off him and he runs off as quickly as he can. 
“FUCKING RUN AWAY YOU BUILT FUNNY LOOKING PUSSY AS BITCH!” Seishi stands slightly swaying with a satisfied smirk.
“Oh my god we are going to get kicked out of the bar..” Trying to lead Seishi outside before anyone is tempted to kick them out and get black listed from the bar and Toshiko and Izaya following close behind. 
Seishi happily trots behind Toshiko, “Do you have any cigarettes on you Toshi?” 
“Yeeeaaa~” Her voice still slurring as she sways while she digs her cigs out of her coat pocket and tosses Seishi the pack of cigarettes. The cigarettes smack her in the face before bouncing off her boobs and landing in her hands.
“I think it’s safe to say you’re drunk..” Izaya glances down at her scoffing. 
“Nooooo I’m not.. You can’t prove shit!” Crossing her arms while they walked. 
“Oh really? How many fingers am I holding up~” Izaya smirks.
“Hey you’re cheating though! When did you get a third hand!” Toshiko stumbles into him.
“This proves my point~” He laughs out loud. 
Seishi struggles to flick the lighter to light her cigarette and her attempts soon lead to a tiny temper tantrum, where she turns to Kyohei with a distraught whine. He sighs and takes the lighter from her hands and lights the cigarette, shoving the lighter into his pocket. An excited squeal leaves Seishi as she takes the first hit from her cigarette, blowing out the smoke and leaning against Kyohei, “Thank youuuu. I love you so much Kyohei~!”
Izaya kneels down offering Toshiko a piggy back ride, “Here this will be faster since you seem to be struggling to walk” He chuckles.
“I’m fine I’m not druuunk..” Izaya gives a blank stare to her response.
“Just get on…” He lets out a soft sigh.
“Fiiiine.. but I’m not drunk..” She climbs on his back and wraps her arms around his neck as she lays her head down on his shoulder while they walked. 
“Whatever you say~ but you most definitely are~” Izaya growing a massive smirk on his face.
Kyohei rolls his eyes and places a hand on her head, gently petting her hair, “I love you too Seishi.” He chuckles as she happily smokes her cigarette next to him.
Finally returning to the apartment Izaya could feel Toshiko passed out on his back with her deep steady breaths and waits patiently for Seishi to unlock the door. Seishi fumbles with her keys, eventually getting the door unlocked and opened with a triumphant smile on her face. Izaya pats her on the head, “Good job~” carefully carrying Tosiko inside and towards her room.
Seishi’s eyes light up at the praise and pulls Kyohei inside, easily slipping off her shoes and flopping herself on the living room floor. Kyohei follows behind with a smile, rolling his eyes at Seishi while sitting near her on the couch. 
“Welp looks like someone tuckered herself out, so I better get her to bed.” Nodding to both of them good night as he disappeared behind Toshiko’s bedroom door.
Seishi begins to whine and wiggle on the floor, flipping onto her back with a huff, “Clothing is not a vibe right now.” She begins to move to undress herself.
Kyohei jumps off the couch and pulls her clothes back on, “You can’t strip in the middle of the living room.” Seishi groans in response, puffing her bottom lip out as she pouts. 
Her eyes widen in excitement as she jumps off the floor and points at him, “TRY ME” She yells before running away from him, stripping herself clumsily as she does, an excited giggle leaves her as he chases after her. As she throws her pants across the room Kyohei catches her around the waist even as she laughs and struggles to get away, letting out slurred ‘no’s’ as she tries to get away.
After Izaya laid Toshiko down, he hears a loud commotion coming from the living room. Opening the door out of curiosity, “What’s going on-” His eyes stare in shock at Kyohei and Seishi wrestling each other clothes in hand, “Well I didn’t mean to interrupt the fun time in the living room~”
Seishi whines loudly as Kyohei picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder, “I think it’s time for bed.” Seishi whines again and waves at Izaya with a frown.
“Goodnight Izaya.” She mumbles as Kyohei enters her room and closes the door.
Izaya chuckles at the couple going back into the room, a smug grin growing on his face for his fun little devious plan later.
3 notes · View notes
Zen Katagiri.
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*Everyone returns to the camper. Toko and Komaru have already tucked Akeru into bed.
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Are you ok?
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...No, not really...But I’m doing better than I should be.
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I wanted to meet Seishi Yodogawa for a while now, but I never thought it would be like this.
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*Toko stands up.
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Who...is that guy?
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That bastard we saw in the holograms. Zen Katagiri. Who IS he?
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Hm...Well, he’s bad news. That’s the be-all-end-all of it.
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But...if you want the FULL origin story...Ask your boss.
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I had a feeling...
*Makoto turns around.
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Kyoko. You know who Zen Katagiri is, don’t you? You’ve been dropping hints about him for a short while now.
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...I might...
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That’s not an answer.
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*sigh* Ok, yes, I do. But his files were secret. I signed an NDA with the Samidare Detective Agency after they investigated the case.
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Well, in case you forgot, Samidare’s dead now, so balls to that NDA.
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*Hina bites, but Kuripa bites back twice as hard. She backs down immediately.
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You are right...but you could stand to be a little less insensitive.
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Not my style Bosswife. Normally I wouldn’t be like this, but in case you forgot, I’m PISSED OFF!
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Whoever or whatever Zen Katagiri is, he deserves to HURT. And the sooner we take care of him, the better.
*He looks over at Rantaro.
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Assuming that Agent 404 here upholds his end of the bargain, and helps us track down our BIGGER enemies.
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I fully intend to.
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Oh, that’s right. This was part of the deal.
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Honestly, I’d be down to stomp Katagiri in the dirt even if it wasn’t.
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But we’ll need more information before we do, so SPILL! IT!
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Fine...Although I must warn you, the actual amount of information I have is far more limited than you might think.
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We’ll take whatever we can get.
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Alright. I suppose first things first is that I know of the relationship between Seishi and Zen.
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They were classmates at Precepts Peak Academy. They attended the same year, and I believe they were somewhat close.
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So Katagiri was an Ultimate too?
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Makes sense. It takes a genius mind to come up with something like this. A DISEASED mind, but a genius one nonetheless.
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So let me guess. Katagiri was the Ultimate Programmer, or something along the lines? It would explain why he was so good at tech.
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...No, not by a long shot.
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Then what was he...?
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The Ultimate Hitman.
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I’m sorry...the WHAT!?
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It’s all true. Zen Katagiri...Precepts Peak Academies Ultimate Hitman.
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Famous for using his aptitude with technology to commit his bounties. Automated AI drones and turrets that make killing quickly, security cameras that gather information...He could do it all.
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So right from the early days, he was using his technology to kill. Why am I not surprised.
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How could Yodogawa trust someone like that!?
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Seishi’s faith was indeed misplaced, but...let me turn that question back on you.
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Why did YOU trust Mukuro Ikusaba. She’s a mass serial-killer/terrorist, right?
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Sorry, we were just talking about not being offensive to the dead...I just needed an example, that’s all.
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No, it’s ok. You’ve made your point.
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Mukuro was a valuable classmate to us. Back then, pre-killing game we might not have known her history, but we would have known she was a soldier. And we still got along with her.
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However, we were unknowing that she and Junko were in cahoots at the time, and that she was unknowingly against us.
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I see...Our situation with the Despair Sisters isn’t too dissimilar to Yodogawa’s with Katagiri’s.
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And because Katagiri was skilled, when Yodogawa was suffering, he went to him for protection.
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Protection from what?
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From the people hunting him. Yodogawa did have altercations with the Yozora Clan before Shinitani’s death, in case you forgot.
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So he was under the impression that the Yozora Clan was still hunting him.
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It’s not like he could have known about Shinitani Yozora’s untimely demise.
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It disgusts me though...He sought out his old friend for help, only to be used in such a horrifying way.
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But you see now what I meant? That’s the extent of what I actually know about Zen Katagiri.
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All I know is that he was the Precepts Peak Ultimate Hitman, and he and Seishi knew each other, hence why Seishi would have gone to him for help. 
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Also, according to what information I read, Katagiri vanished and hasn’t been seen in years. This was concerning, but no crimes reported in the years after matched his modus operandi. Everyone was willing to think that he might have given up killing, or that he’d died.
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I see now the truth, but the problem is most of Katagiri’s past isn’t on file. So there’s nothing I can really share aside from that.
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Actually, the information IS on file. You just need to know where to look.
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Allow ME to fill in the blanks for you ma’am. I’ll send you a file complete of all of the information I was able to dig up on Katagiri.
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None of it is really essential to my cause, so it’s not worth mentioning right now. Really, it’s just nitty-bitty parts of his childhood.
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How did you FIND that...!?
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Let’s just say that Agent 404 is a title I deserve.
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The biggest problem, and I mean the BIGGEST problem, is that I’m missing the most crucial piece of the puzzle.
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Katagiri’s location.
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I KNOW he’s here in New York. Given the circumstances, he can’t exactly leave...
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What do you mean, “given the circumstances?”
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Togami. We’re the only people in this country that know Seishi Yodogawa is Zen Katagiri in disguise. Unless Katagiri somehow found a way to steal Yodogawa’s body, he can’t exactly go out in public.
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But if no one recognizes him, what’s the problem?
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Didn’t you hear the part about Katagiri having gone missing for years? I think he’s trying to keep it that way. General public might not recognize him, but he’s gotta be on some sort of government list.
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Fair enough.
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Besides, his company is here, and he kind of needs to hold it down here to run it properly.
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By the way, if I had nickel for every corrupt tech company that I tried to take down in the last few months, I’d have two nickels.
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Which isn’t a lot but...y’know, it’s weird that it happened twice.
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*Akeru suddenly sits up straight.
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I might know where Katagiri is.
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Excuse me!?
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*Akeru reaches into her pocket and takes out her phone. She hands it to Rantaro. Makoto peers at the screen.
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What’s this? A text message?
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It’s from Dad...
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Before I shut him down he...he sent me a thread of text messages. When I tried to reply to them, it didn’t work.
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He...He agreed to send me Katagiri’s location if I deactivated him. I did, and before he vanished, I got sent this.
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*Kuripa snatches the phone. He looks at the text and starts to read it aloud.
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“Akeru. I must apologize that we didn’t have much time to talk after you discovered the mansion...”
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Woah, hey, why are you reading it out loud?
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Should I not? Better than passing the phone around to everyone one by one.
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Besides, isn’t hearing Yodogawa out the entire reason you ditched the FF and came to the USA in the first place? If you don’t want Akeru to hear this, then cover her ears.
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But I think she should listen. This message is for her after all.
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*Toko and Komaru don’t take action. Akeru just sits still and listens.
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“Due to what he did to me, my vocabulary as an AI was very limited. Zen didn’t feel it would be important for me to use words that weren’t relevant to the role as his housekeeper. Hence why I felt the need to send this written text to you before I passed.”
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“Zen had a bad history, but to be betrayed by him like this still stings. But this isn’t about me, or him.”
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“Truth is, I wanted to apologize. I know I haven’t been a good father, and I can make no good excuse. All I will tell you is that I had no idea that my daughter had survived. I left Shinitani and her clan behind shortly after she became pregnant, and knowing her, I thought she would abort the child.”
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“But after seeing how strong and healthy and brave our child became, I’m eternally glad that she didn’t.”
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“No, in fact, I have no right to call you my child anymore. Whether I was running from the Yozora Clan or not, or whether I was suffering from my disease or not, I should never have abandoned you. My unborn girl.”
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“This does not make up for any of my misdeeds, but I must repay you for finally putting an end to my misery. You had no right nor reason to deactivate me like I asked you to, and had you refused I wouldn’t have blamed you. Nevertheless, you did what I asked, so I will return the favor.”
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“I do not know where exactly in the institute he’s hiding, given that it’s an open area, but Zen Katagiri has a secret facility hidden in Central Park. THAT’S where he’s concocting his experiments and the development of AETHER.”
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Central Park...! YES! That’s what I’m talking about!
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A PARK? He’s not using some sort of building or facility...!?
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No, and that’s why it’s so clever! If you’re looking for a lab, you’d naturally look at every famous building in New York. Central Park would be one of the LAST places you’d check, even if you were to do a city-wide scan of the entire Big Apple.
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“I apologize, but this is the last time I’ll be able to speak with you. So before I go, I just want to say one more thing.”
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“If this message ever reaches the ears of Akeru’s new parents, I just want to let you know something.
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“I have nothing but gratitude for the both of you for making my daughter so happy. You did what I could not.”
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“Believe me, you and I both know that despite being the victim, I am hardly the good guy in this situation. So you have no right to answer any of my requests.”
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“Nevertheless, Akeru seems genuinely happy to be with you both. So please...Keep up the good work.”
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That’s it.
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*Toko, Komaru and Akeru don’t know what to do. They just sit and snuggle.
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Right...That’s that then.
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Woah, hey, where are you going?
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Sorry, but I think I’ve overstayed my welcome.
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After hearing all that, you Naegi’s need some time to recover. I wouldn’t want to come in crashing your family time.
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Besides, now that Yodogawa’s given me a place to look, I need to find out how Katagiri was able to mod Central Park.
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AND I need to find a way to access it. Give me some time, and I’ll be back later with my results.
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Alright. Good luck out there.
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And please. Next time you need to contact us, don’t do it through your creepy website.
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Haha...I got it. See you soon.
*Rantaro exaunts.
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*And Makoto just quietly watches his sister and her family as they mourn together...
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It is Often that the Unexpected Happens
Chapter 9
Word Count: 1066
Summary: Ash the BeetleWing has died to what would later be called the Othermind. Unfortunately, by means outside his understanding, he has been brought back in 7426 as, far from his time, and far from the extinction of his tribe. He doesn't belong in this time, he misses his friends, and he knows that the friends he left behind aren't safe. With the help of Darner and Poseidra, Ash goes on a quest to return home.
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"Well, that's all there it to tell," Poseidra said, without much emotion to the line, "are there any questions?"
“So… Queen Karasu is finally dead?” Seishi asked.
“Yep,” Poseidra simply answered.
“Poseidra, I wish you had told us about this sooner,” Olivine said, “we would have helped you.”
“I just… didn’t want to risk anything,” Poseidra said, “although I guess I really fucked that up.”
“Yeah you did, but we can give you a second chance,” Hagane said.
“… Thanks…” Poseidra said.
“Well, now that that’s over, I have a question for Hagane and Seishi,” Rainstorm said, “what kind of dragons are you?”
“I am a Glassling (don’t ask, really long story), and Seishi is a mix between a BásClaw and a BeathiaTail,” Hagane said.
“Wait! BásClaw? BeathiaTail? Poseidra! Didn’t you mention something about those kinds of dragons?” Darner asked, “something about the uh, Death Swamp or Light Forest?”
“What about those places?” Seishi asked.
“Oh, see Ash, somehow got stuck here, so we need to get him back where he belongs,” Poseidra said, “so a dragon named Meishu handed us a book and it mentioned stuff about those places.”
“Could I see the book?” Seishi asked.
“Oh yeah, definitely,” Poseidra said, “Ray, could you hand them the book?”
“Yep,” Ray said, handing it to Seishi, “look for the part that talks about time travel.”
Seishi flipped through the book for a bit trying to locate what Ray was talking about. After a bit they seemed to have found it and they read for a bit. Afterwards they looked up from the book.
“Time travel, huh,” Seishi said, “and you have to go to all of these locations to do it.”
“Yep,” Ash said.
“I’m going to guess you want my help if your friend mentioned this?” Seishi asked.
“Yes, it’s the only way I can think of to get home,” Ash said.
“Alright then, but if I go your friends will have to stay behind,” Seishi said, “I can’t get spotted and if I have a large group, I will absolutely be seen.”
“Actually, I want to go, I helped Queen Washi abit ago and I may be able to get you out of shit if she catches you,” Poseidra said.
“Urg, fine, you can come too,” Seishi said, “although telling me you’ve worked with another Queen who is against me doesn’t help your chances.”
“I know,” Poseidra said, “so let’s just get this over with.”
“Hey, if you three are dealing with two places by yourselves, we could get that sand,” Darner suggested, “that way Ash can get home sooner.”
“Darner could we not, I’ve barely had a break from walking and flying for the past week,” Ray asked, “I get you want Ash to go home, but that’s never going to happen if I die.”
“How much have you guys been flying?” Hagane asked.
“Well Poseidra, Darner, and Ash are from Pantala’s west coast, and I am from a island off Pyrrhia’s east coast, and Dewdrop and Rainstorm are from a town in the sky kingdom,” Ray explained, “so all of us have flown kind of far.”
“Kind of?” Olivine said, squinting, “three of you flew over an ocean and two continents, you flew over one entire continent, and two of you flew over the whole desert. That’s pretty far, you six should stay for the night.”
“No, I’d rather get this over sooner than later,” Ash said, “besides, I was trained for long distance flying.”
“Ok, and what about you Poseidra? Based on when you betrayed us, I can’t imagine you had much of a break between that and meeting Ash,” Olivine said.
“Oh, I’m kind of tired but I’m fine, I’ll be fine,” Poseidra assured, “I just want to finish with this first.”
“Urg, fine, but once all of this is done, you’re taking a break,” Olivine said.
“Alright,” Poseidra said.
“Now that that’s over with, let’s get that wood and water,” Seishi said, holding out their paws.
“Yep,” Ash said. He and Poseidra took the paws, and for the first time, since he had left Pyrrhia, he was pulled into the shadows left by the torchlight.
Ash looked around, the shadows looked much different from what he remembered. In his time shadows were empty. Now, he could make out a city, and what seemed to be the dead recreation of biomes. It was so full and to Ash it seemed wrong. Ash tried to shake it off, but it might as well have been a part of him.
Poseidra and Seishi noticed what he was doing, Poseidra spoke first, “Ash, is something up?”
“It’s nothing, just different from what I remember,” Ash said, dismissing it, “let’s get that water.”
Seishi opened their mouth to speak but then closed it and shook their head, “yeah, come on, let’s get you to that marsh.”
So the three of them walked. The small group size felt weird to him. He occasionally glanced over at Poseidra who had been watching the dark city for some reason. He was broken from any thoughts when he felt marshy soil under his talons.
“Welp, you two, here we are, the dead marshlands,” Seishi said.
“So, what do the Dead Marshlands do?” Poseidra asked, “the name sounds ominous and this is the BásClaw kingdom, so I don’t trust it.”
“You two’ll be fine as long as you two do what I say,” Seishi said, “so don’t drink the water, don’t stay here too long, don’t follow any animals, and please don’t die in any way shape or form.”
“Why, what’ll happen?” Ash asked, concerned for their safety.
“Let’s just say, if you fail at any of those things, you’ll never leave,” Seishi said, “understood?”
“Yep!” Ash said.
“So did either of you bring something to carry water with?” Seishi asked.
Ash and Poseidra looked at each other then back at Seishi who gave a very audible sigh, “I take it neither of you grabbed something?”
“I didn’t bring anything, and I’m pretty sure we didn’t give Ash anything like that,” Poseidra said.
“Urg, how did you two plan on getting water, without something to hold water in?” Seishi asked.
“I could ask the BásClaws,” Poseidra suggested, “I sort of helped them too.”
“You are a dragon of many mysteries, Poseidra, but sure, go ask a BásClaw for a bucket,” Seishi said, sounding tired of their shit (which was fair).
Next >
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bpd-seishi · 3 years
It’s nice to see you back here! The other day i was thinking about rebirth and the fact that i miss it as well!
aaaaa, yay, i'm so happy to hear that!! i'm really glad i'm not the only one, haha, this series has been such a comfort to me and i'm really happy to return to it, even just temporarily ^-^
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maoam · 2 years
how do u explain to anti sns people when they bring up interviews? i'm sns but it's true that in interviews he labelled them as brothers so 😭
I feel sneezemonster15 has talked about this to death (because everyone kept asking her about it lol).
[link] Here's one post from her, I'm too lazy to look for the rest. Except for this bit under:
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"Kishi is giving vague ass answers to interviewer's questions about the nature of their relationship. The interviewer is being so insistent but apparently Kishi finds it hard to put in words. More brothers than blood brothers, nice Kish, real smooth. Heh. Strange, for someone who has been writing these characters for such a long time, he certainly is struggling a lot to explain it.
He wouldn't talk about the nature of their relationship explicitly, for obvious reasons. So he is hedging, being careful about how much information he can relay without sounding suspicious. I wish he was as careful talking about Hinata and Sakura in his interviews, calling Sakura a bad word for 'addicted' and openly saying folks like Hinata for her big breasts. Such respect." - sneezemonster15 (I won't link this post because the rest of the post is discussing an article that wasn't even written by Kishimoto so it's irrelevant)
Also this post talks about how Itachi refers to Sasuke as his one and only brother but Sasuke refers to Naruto as his one and only.... friend. While Naruto omits the word friend and just says your one and only. Also if they were brothers they would be referring to each others as such in Boruto and after their fight in general, and they don't. Even Boruto calls Kawaki brother all the time. Naruto and Sasuke don't.
The Seishi interview is misunderstood. He talked about the feeling of empathy, not that Sasuke was modeled after his brother lol. They had a normal sibling relationship, no terrible angst or separation. It should be obvious Naruto and Sasuke's loaded and longing relationship is nothing like Kishi's with his brother. And as mentioned above, Kishi called Naruto and Sasuke closer than blood brothers. So that goes totally against them being him and his brother, who are blood brothers.
This whole discussion is headache inducing because if SS/NH were sensible they would be able to tell Naruto and Sasuke don't act brotherly, and the fact there are so many memes and threads and posts discussing their gayness even outside of shipping circles should be proof enough. But no. They are too heteronormative and too caught up in their wish fulfillment fantasy.
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dragondraken · 3 years
hi :D my name is keith and im ur best friend and i would like t t to request bf hcs wif seishu ): plez ): i wuv u
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ur welcome for the inupi brainrot and no i’m not sorry HAHAHHAHA also did u notice every single requests u have ever sent has that meme .
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so here’s the thing
you love and hate boyfriend inupi
because boyfriend inupi is incredibly
hes very attentive
he’s quiet which means that rather than talking or being involved he watches and listens
he knows when you’re sad or upset or angry
he isn’t exactly the greatest at helping you deal with those things
but he’s always good at giving you space when you need it
he’s so so considerate
he takes the time to properly understand you and helps you get to the bottom of what you’re feeling
he tries his best to communicate but sometimes he’s bad at it
the irritating part is that
you cannot get SHIT past him
you haven’t done your homework? no games or tv until you get it done
havent eaten today? you don’t get a kiss until you eat
“sweetheart did you shower yet like you said you were going to?”
“uh..... yes”
“... let’s go shower together”
boyfriend inupi does not fuck around
he actively helps you try and be your best self and do your best all the time because he’s just so kind like that
he knows you want to succeed and he does his best to help you because he knows sometimes you lose motivation
his way of taking care of you is to make sure you’re taking care of yourself
he has a habit of kissing your little nose
also loves kissing your hand it makes him feel like a gentleman
he likes to cook for you, and when he does he’ll wear a stupid little apron and he makes you set the table for him and expects you to give him cheesy back hugs
he likes it when you fall asleep on him because it means you trust him and feel safe with him
he doesn’t really say i love you often because it’s not words that he just wants to throw around
be he shows you he loves you through little gestures like how he takes care of you
he also writes you little notes or sends texts that r like
“don’t forget to eat today”
he tries really hard not to question you
he has to remind himself a lot that you love him and accept him for who he is
sometimes it’s a little harder but you always reassure him
if theres something that’s bothering him, he won’t just bring it up to you
but if you ask him about it he’ll tell you because he doesn’t want to worry you
let’s just say
other girls don’t even bother looking at him because the entire world knows how whipped seishu inupi is for you
and honestly, he’s glad
he wouldn’t have it any other way
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marshmellowtea · 5 years
marshy I swear to god if you don't talk about your "nikei in the re birth kg" au asap, I will cry. (from irlyomiurinikei! also hi ily now go talk about what makes you happy)
i probably should do the general seishi+nikei sib headcanons first but screw it we doin’ this out of order lmao 
but honestly i’m,, not really sure what to say? partially because i don’t wanna say too much cuz i,, kind of wanna make a fic of it (but knowing me i’m kind of a disaster when it comes to actually writing so idk hasdfklsjdfl) but also because i haven’t figured everything out yet RIP. i’m more of a broad concept guy, y’know? 
however! i do have some ideas, and i’ll kinda just,, put them here: 
first off, this au is based off miwa’s version and death order because uhhh. yeah lmao 
also my version of seishi is sort of based off voice’s earlier version with a heavy dose of mental health issues and intricacies because what they were planning on doing with his character is absolutely awful and bs okay?? as badly as maki’s character arc was handled, her trauma and recovery (as botched as it was) is infinitely more compelling than just “evil guy does bad things” SO here we go 
i think it’d be interesting if when they run into each other in the school after being apart for a while and their last meeting was uh,, not great. so there’s a lot of emotional baggage there lol 
seishi sees nikei and starts running for him because he’s relieved to see his brother in this weird creepy place and nikei immediately bolts away from him as fast as possible because a b*tch loves avoiding his problems smh 
poor ayumu walks in on them arguing and is immediately exposed to all this family drama can we get an f in the chat 
akira wasn’t planning on having sixteen students in his kg so when he realizes nikei and seishi were siblings he was like “nice let me just put another bed in this room” 
so now they’re back sleeping in the same room again just like when they were kids. send help 
tbh i’m not sure how nikei’s development is gonna go in a killing game without void? obviously he’s not gonna go on like. a murderous revenge planning spree without that stupid wizard there hasdkfjsdlkf. there’ll definitely an arc involving him reconnecting with seishi but other than that nothing’s really planned but i’m working on it okay 
even though there’s still some hard feelings between the two of them i feel like with nikei being the only one knowing seishi’s secret he would have some protectiveness over him, y’know? 
he’s a good brother he just won’t admit it 
he probably has a rivalry with mikoto because how dare she stalk his brother and be “suspicious” of him i mean she has good reasons for it of course but still hdlfkajsdlfkdsf
and seishi is definitely protective over nikei. fight me if you don’t think seishi’s the loyal type okay 
i have like. ideas with seishi being a little trigger happy and self-sacrificing on nikei’s behalf and nikei’s just like “uhhh what did they do to you were you always this messed up??” 
also. something something seiyumu cuz you can pry them from my cold, dead hands (but obviously they don’t get together like. right off the bat or anything that’s not healthy. there’s a process, pfft) 
they’re both gonna have their own story going on but a lot of the focus is on them rekindling their siblingship because i’m. weak 
that’s probably all i should say for now because it’s getting late and i need to get to bed lol. i’ll definitely probably talk about it later and maybe write it but we’ll see haha- BUT tysm for letting me babble about it aaaaAAAAAAA 
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r, rin,, seishi and marin friendship headcanons,, hand them over— (from i bet u can guess who uwu)
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well, since the very mysterious anon said that i must hand them over, let’s get down to business with this right away!
under the cut they gooo~
if you didn’t happen to know this fact already, it’s universal law that marin and seishi are best friends across all timelines!
since it’s a personal headcanon of mine that seishi’s a lil bit of a tsundere, marin would 100% playfully tease him about his crushes
and like a classic tsundere, seishi always becomes a bright red and extremely pouty ;w;
the two absolutely would snack on dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets together.
never leave these two alone with stickers. ever.
the others once made this fatal mistake, and they came back to see marin, seishi, and the whole entire dining hall covered in stickers. 
randomly, marin tends to surprise seishi with gifts that are usually plushies, gel pens, small snack foods, or stuff that she finds interesting at the dollar store >w
these two nerds also tend to nap together while platonically cuddling!
and as one can expect, this is one the cutest things ever.
marin’s kinda like seishi’s personal cheerleader cuz she encourages and cheers him on, even with the smallest of things. 
“c’mon, sei sei! big sis knows you can do it!! >w
“mizuta-san, i’m just sharpening a pencil-”
in a nutshell, these two are absolutely adorable babies and the best of friends and i love them.
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
i sort of get weirded out when u say kishi intended to depict naruto and sasuke as gay. Because theres a whole authentic interview where he says he based the sns bond on the bond he had with his brother seishi. He had an emotional attachment with them and couldnt put the feelings into words because of that immense attachment. What do u think?
Hmm. I think you lack basic comprehension and common sense. I know this sounds rude but I don't even care. I have written many times about the whole thing, IN GREAT DETAIL. If you have really consumed my content, like you say you have, you should know. I am not even going to link you to the relevant content here to answer your ask. You find it on your own. I put enough energy and resources to write this blog and tag it properly. I do my part. You do yours. Happy New Year.
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Maiko: Time sensitive question how flirt boy
Akira: Throw rocks at he
Mitsunari: Hot dogs
Seishi: Kill him
Maiko: Thanks guys
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urfavstonr1 · 2 years
The Mortician And The Info Broker
Chapter 14
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Series- Durarara
Pairings- Izaya Orihara/Original Female Charater. Kyohei Kadota/Original Female Charater.
Current word count- 2367
Content Warnings- Blood and Gore, Rape, PTSD, Mental Illness, Abuse, Trauma, Violence, Smut
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When the door opens Seishi lets out a relieved sigh at the sight of Kyohei standing outside.
“I was scared for a sec, thought you might be some creep.” She smiles up at the taller man before her as he steps inside.
“Let’s hope no more creeps come around anymore.” he chuckles as he removes his shoes and leans down to press a kiss to Seishi’s lips. She smiles and kisses him back while placing a hand on his cheek.
When they pull away she heads back to the table, sitting back in front of her paperwork. “I didn't think we were hanging out till later.” She picks her pen back up and signs off on one of the sheets before setting it to the side.
“I thought I’d come and hang out before we see the gang tonight.” Kyohei sits himself at the table next to her and watches her scan over the papers.
“That's fine, I just have some work stuff to finish up. Paperwork, my favorite hobby.” she giggles and writes down a few notes on the sheet and sets it to the side, moving onto the next paper.
“Sounds like fun.” He rests his chin on his hand as he watches her work, a small smile on his face.
She lets out a groan as she leans her cheek against her hand, looking down and the papers. “It’s not as fun as you think, unfortunately.”
“Which job is this for?” He looks down at the papers then back to Seishi.
“This is for my legally acceptable job. Work has been really slow with the other one.” Seishi perks up and looks at Kyohei, excited to tell him about her new job. She quickly stops herself and settles back into her seat, shifting her eyes back down to her papers.
A smirk crosses Kyohei’s face as he scoots himself closer to Seishi, wrapping an arm around her waist, and pressing a kiss to her cheek. As he presses more kisses down her jaw, leading down her neck Seishi lets out a sigh. Burying his face into her neck, placing his other hand on her thigh, “Why don’t you put those papers down for a minute..” Whispering in Seishi’s ear in a low tone, nuzzling deeper into her neck.
“Kyohei-” As she began to speak a soft moan leaves her mouth as he sucks on her neck, gently nipping at the sensitive skin. Her pen drops to the table as she shifts herself, pulling his face away from her neck and slamming her lips against his. The kiss quickly becomes heated as Seishi moves onto his lap, straddling his hips as his hands move up the back of her shirt before coming back down and squeezing her ass. Another moan erupts from her as her hands bury into his hair, his hat falling to the floor. She presses herself closer, pushing her chest against his own.
Kyohei lifts his hips, grinding himself against her. She smirks and bites his lip before pulling away panting. “Fuck, I need you.” Kyohei mutters as his eyes scan over her face, lustful eyes staring back at him as Seishi bites her lip. His hands move back up her shirt, lifting it over her head and throwing it onto the floor.
She moves off his lap to remove her jeans pushing them to the side as she climbs back onto his lap, connecting their lips again, until her phone begins to ring from the table, causing her to jump and pull away. Seishi reaches across the table to grab her phone answering the call as she sees Erika’s name on the screen.
“Hello? What's up?”
“We’re outside your apartment to hangout!” Erika’s voice comes through the phone loudly as she yells excitedly.
Seishi looks down at Kyohei and lets out a frustrated sigh. “We’ll be down in a minute.”
“See you soon!” Erika hangs up as Seishi sets her phone back down on the table.
Seishi groans and lays her head on Kyohei’s shoulder before moving off his lap and pressing a kiss to his lips. “I guess I need to get dressed.”
Kyohei smirks as he smacks her ass while she walks away. “That sucks cause I like seeing you like this.” She yelps and turns around to glare at him as she walks into her room, him following behind after retrieving his hat from the floor. She digs through her closet before getting herself dressed, pulling on a pair of black leggings and putting a black jean skirt over it. She tucks a black sweater into the hem of the skirt and looks at herself in the mirror as she pulls her hair into two low ponytails. She does a small spin to show off her outfit as she smiles at Kyohei, he returns the smile as they leave her room and head towards the front door, sharing a short kiss before slipping on their shoes and leaving the apartment and heading towards the van.
The van pulls into a parking lot near Animate, everyone climbing out of the van aside from Kyohei and Seishi. Erika turning back to look at them curiously.
“Aren't you coming?”
“Nah, I have a headache so we’re gonna stay back for a bit.” Seishi smiles and waves them off as Erika smiles and turns away, walking away from the van with Saburo and Walker. As soon as they are out of sight Kyohei and Seishi’s lips are quickly connected in a heated kiss. Without breaking the kiss Kyohei climbs into the backseat to join her, his hands quickly gripping her hips. She moves quickly, shimmying out of her leggings, pulling them off, and discarding them to the floor of the van.
Kyohei breaks the kiss just long enough to undo his pants, pulling them down to release his dick from its confines. Seishi pushes him back, straddling his hips and reaching her hand down to pull her panties to the side, and sinking herself down onto his dick with a moan. He pulls in a sharp breath through his teeth as he places his hands on her hips, feeling her fully take him in as she sits on his lap. As they begin to kiss again Seishi grinds her hips against his, causing a moan to erupt from his throat as he bucks up into her. She moans as he hits her gspot, her hands gripping his shoulders. She raises herself and plops back down, riding him steadily as the van is filled with moans and groans. The thought that their friends could be back at any moment was a thought in the back of his mind, picking up the pace rather quickly and roughly. With another buck up from Kyohei, Seishi lets out a loud moan as she orgasms around him. A groan leaves him as he's pushed over the edge, cumming inside her as her walls squeeze around him.
After calming down from her high Seishi lifts herself off of him and pulls her panties back into the right position. Kyohei zips up his pants as she pulls her skirt down, sharing a quick kiss right before the van door opens, startling them both away from each other. Seishi’s face turns a bright red as she’s greeted by a smiling Erika. Kyohei climbs back to the front of the van as Erika and Walker climb into the van.
“What happened to your leggings?” Erika asks as she looks Seishi up and down, a confused look on her face.
“Why does it smell weird in here?” Saburo closes the door as he sits in the driver's seat.
“I’m sure it’s nothing.” Kyohei mumbles as he avoids eye contact with anyone in the van.
It's finally getting late as they aimlessly drive around and hang out together, Kyohei taking a nap in the passenger seat. Walker yelling and complaining about a book he is reading and Erika poking fun of him.
Kyohei waking up to Walker’s screaming, “It’s not often you bag on a book so hard Walker, whatchu reading?” He asks curiously.
“Uuuuhhh well it’s uuuh…” Walker too embarrassed to explain.
“It’s a little something Yumach self wrote and self published.” Erika saying with a cheeky grin. Walker’s face turning a beat red as he clutches his face into his hands as if to hide his shame.
“I was just sleeping so I shouldn’t talk, but one of our own was hit so let's be serious about getting info.” Kyohei explains.
“Yea but unlike the time with Kazutano we don’t even know the guy we are looking for, I mean I know he’s a part of the Dollars but that’s all.” Erika says concerned.
“Try to show some sympathy for other people sometimes.” Kyohei sighs.
“Of course, sympathy and empathy are important when it comes to connecting with others.” Seishi hoping to help rally them together with Kyohei.
“I wanna cry but I buried that emotion.” Walker sounding over dramatic.
“I wanna hate the slasher but I buried that emotion too.” Erika joins in with him.
“Come on! Why did you two even bother joining the Dollars huh? Would you rather have a boring quiet life instead?” Kyohei asking seriously but instead the only answer he got was Walker geeking out wishing and dreaming of a perfect 2D life they he always dreamed of, Kyohei groaning wishing it didn’t always have to lead to anime.
“You know, speaking of the slasher, the last attack was here.” Saburo notices where they were driving was by where the last attack took place.
“Look, that girl is not thinking.. Chicks like her always end up a target.” Kyohei says worriedly, noticing the school girl walking alone and it seemed she was spacing out a little lost in thought.
“Whoa, that’s not good.” Saburo seeing that she is also being followed by a mysterious older man, Kyohei agreeing with him.
Seishi looking out the window at what Kyohei saw, “Is there something we can do!? After what happened to my sister, I don’t think this is something I can ignore!” Her face filled with determination.
“What’s wrong?” Walker asks curiously.
“That guy… he had red eyes.” Kyohei sounding very serious, everyone quickly trying to take a look in shock at Kyohei’s statement. They carefully follow the school girl worried she is going to be attacked by the stranger following her and driving by the alley noticing she was being held at knife point. “Saburo!” Kyohei yells.
“Got it!” Saburo already on the same page as him.
“Gun it..” Kyohei tells Saburo with no hesitation, he slams the gas pedal all the way to the floor as they slam full speed into the creepy stranger brandishing the knife at the defenseless school girl.
“Let’s end this disgusting bastard!” Seishi feeling the adrenaline flow through her body with the high stress situation.
They all get out of the car, hovering over the stranger’s body. “He dead?” Erika asks.
“We didn’t have any other choice, besides it was self defense.” Kyohei defending their actions, but the stranger wasn’t dead as he reached for his knife and staggers back to his feet. Everyone looking shocked that he was able to get back up and just barely missing Kyohei and starts swinging his knife wildly around in all directions while he grunts and laughs manically.
Seishi grabbing onto his arm, “Are you alright!?” She asks startled by the extreme close call of Kyohei possibly getting hurt. He sprints past everyone straight for the school girl as Kyohei screams at her to run, but she was frozen scared, unable to move. He was about to reach her when Celty comes in midair on Shooter out of nowhere, slamming her bike into him, knocking him flat on his back pretty far and was thankfully able to protect the school girl just in time. Everyone looks back in pure shock at Celty and Shizuo’s arrival,
“The Headless Rider and Shizuo!?” Kyohei still trying to process what happened. Seishi awe struck in silence, with all the craziness and confusion happening around them
Erika gasps, “Dottachein! Look!” the stranger getting back to his feet again.
“Why won’t he die!?” Kyohei unable to believe his eyes.
“What the hell is this guy’s body made of!?” Surprised with how much damage his body has taken and can still keep getting up.
“Hello… You're Shizuo Heiwajima… I was looking for you Shizuo~ I wanted to meet you Shizuo~ I love you so so so so so so much Shizuo~!!” The stranger talks in a manic psychopathic tone.
“Fine, you’re dead..” Shizuo says in a dark tone. The madman of a stranger still flinging the blade wildly in every direction, “Kyohei.. I’m borrowing your door.” walking up to Saburo’s van, ripping the sliding van door off its frame. Saburo’s face filled with horror for his poor van, as Shizuo rips the inside plastic off from the inside of the door making it easier to hold onto.
Seishi stares in disbelief at Shizuo, “What type of steroids are you on!? The poor van!!” He holds the door up with both hands like a shield in front of him, as he smiles and growls preparing to charge at the stranger. Quickly Shizuo runs off in a sprint, ramming the stranger with the van door at full force, smashing him right into the stone wall behind him. Everyone shocked at Shizuo’s strength as always.
“So who do I get to buy me a new door?” Saburo sounding sad and hurt that his poor baby van was hurt.
Celty wrapping the knife with her shadowy stuff and attaches it to her bike, so she could show Shinra at home for hopefully some answers on Saika. Saburo looking over his van, hyper fixated on the damages, while the others trying to think of a plan to what the hell just happened.
“So what are we supposed to do with this guy?” Kyohei asking unsure what to do.
“Well, we should call an ambulance I guess..” Walker actually being a voice of reason for once.
“You know what..” Shizuo thinks as he takes a puff of his cigarette, “Something just doesn't feel right to me… why is that?” He turns around and starts walking down the alley, “ I’m off to Shinjuku to kill Izaya.. I’ll be back..”
“Izaya isn’t a part of this? Why can’t you just leave him alone!” Seishi sighing as she sees Shizuo blatantly ignoring her.
“Oh man! This is so cool! Shizu-chan totally has the hots for Izaya!” Erika’s says as her eyes beam with excitement. “Boy on boy love is so much fun! I LOVE IT!” Everyone gasps at her idea and all at the same time shooting her idea down as they all shout, “NOT HAPPENING!”
“Did you forget about my sister and Izaya!?” Seishi disgusted with the idea of Shizuo and Izaya being an item.
“Oooooh yeah! I kinda forgot about that for a second! Sorry~” Erika embarrassingly apologizes.
Seishi lights up a cigarette from the whiplash from everything that has happened and pulls out her phone calling Toshiko.
Toshiko: “Yo.. Seishi is something wrong? Everything is ok right? Hopefully staying safe..
Seisi: “We had a small run in with the Slasher like Izaya thought we would, but nothing we couldn’t handle. The main reason I’m calling you though is to let you know that Shizuo.. like the angry idiot he is, is headed your way to attack Izaya.” Seishi sounding annoyed by the blonde bartender.
Toshiko: “Greeaat… Doesn’t he ever stop!? It’s honestly annoying at this point” she sighs as she knows it's about to get loud and hectic when he shows up.
Seishi: “I know right!? But sadly I got to go, Kyohei is waiting for me… be safe though ok?” sounding endearing and hoping her sister is taking her time to recover like she needs to.
Toshiko: “I will I promise, that bastard won’t get the jump on us!” She laughs with a smug grin Seishi could practically hear over the phone.]
Seishi: “Good! Talk to you later~” as they both hang up, and taking one last puff of her cigarette to flick the butt away in a nearby garbage can, then meeting up with Kyohei and the others.
The sun has now set below the horizon, Toshiko feels her eyes groggily open and Izaya’s face coming into focus. “Toshiko you alright!?”
Toshiko looking around confused and out of it trying to process what happened, “Wait… it’s night time.. I only closed my eyes for a second.. “
Izaya reaches his hand out for her, “I got worried when you didn’t come back up for such a long time, at first i thought you went for a walk but you were gone too long when it was getting dark out.” Toshiko takes his hand as he helps her into the lobby, “let's get you a drink, maybe that will help..” They stop at the vending machines that sat in a corner of the apartment entrance lobby. Her phone going off in her pocket, showing the caller ID was Seishi, answering it right away.
Toshiko: “Yo.. Seishi is something wrong? Everything is ok right? Hopefully staying safe..” as she waits for Izaya to buy the drink from the vending machine.
Seisi: “We had a small run in with the Slasher like Izaya thought we would, but nothing we couldn’t handle. The main reason I’m calling you though is to let you know that Shizuo.. like the angry idiot he is, is headed your way to attack Izaya.” Seishi sounding annoyed by the blonde bartender.
Toshiko: “Greeaat… Doesn’t he ever stop!? It’s honestly annoying at this point” she sighs as she knows it's about to get loud and hectic when he shows up, Izaya listening in curiously.
Seishi: “I know right!? But sadly I got to go, Kyohei is waiting for me… be safe though ok?” sounding endearing and hoping her sister is taking her time to recover like she needs to.
Toshiko: “I will I promise, that bastard won’t get the jump on us!” She laughs with a smug grin Seishi could practically hear over the phone. Izaya definitely now interested what could possibly be about to happen]
Seishi: “Good! Talk to you later~”
After putting her phone back in her pocket, Izaya turned towards Toshiko drink in hand, “Everything alright” Izaya asks intrigued.
“Yea everything is ok, buuuuut guess who is wanting to pay you a visit.. Good ol’ Shizu-chan is paying us a visit tonight..” Toshiko feeling tired just explaining what chaos was about to be on their doorstep.
“Well then, tonight just keeps getting more and more interesting huh~?” Izaya chuckling at the thought of what would that monster want with him at his own home out of Ikebukuro.
Shizuo just now walking past them, “What up Izaya buddy… Why don't you come out and play~!” Shizuo ready to bust down the code locked door.
Izaya smirks as he walks up behind him before he could break the door. He put the drink on his shoulder, causing him to turn quickly facing Izaya with the drink dropping to the floor. “Tell me what do I owe this pleasure Shizu-chan.”
Shizuo angrily gets right up into Izaya’s face, “I’m clearly hear to kick your smarmy little ass”
“And why do I deserve to have my ass kicked.” A smirk growing on his face.
“Because I’m pissed off..” Toshiko sighing at Shizuo’s shitty reason to go out of his way to want to bother Izaya at his own home and not actually in Ikebukuro.
“Now don’t you think you're just a little too old to act the part of the playground bully, Shizu-chan.” talking calmly as usual despite the pure rage coming off of Shizuo.
“Shut the hell up! So how involved in this are you..”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Izaya says with an innocent grin as he walks towards the front entrance doors.
“You're in with the Slasher, but I wanna know how deep.” Toshiko watches in awe as Shizuo spouts this false bullshit, and even shocked that just because Izaya is in front of him she might as well be invisible, like he has blinders on.
“That’s a horrible accusation.” Izaya chuckling and stops right in front of the automatic doors.
“99% of the time, whenever random violent crap happens it seems you’re somehow involved.” Shizuo not backing down with blaming it all on him.
“And you can’t have a little faith in that last 1%” Izaya dropping his flick blade from his sleeve as he opens it with his one hand, “guess that’s a no..” His voice getting deeper and more serious, and Shizuo’s manic face shows just how ready he is for a fight. They both step outside, Izaya staying on guard with his knife while Shizuo walks over to the metal traffic guard rails and rips it out of the sidewalk. “Seriously!?” His eyes widen as the monster called Shizuo and his inhuman strength, seems to keep getting stronger each time they meet. Shizuo screams and raises the guard rail at Izaya, and he raises his knife ready to fight when Celty catches them both off guard and surprised as she rides her bike right in between them, stopping them in their tracks. “Well now..” Izaya even shocked by her sudden arrival.
“Celty why are you here?” Shizuo asking her concerned if something happened, throwing away the guard rail and Izaya putting his knife away into his pocket. Celty shows both of them her phone with Saika constantly scrolling the IM chat she is in. “What the hell is this?” Shizuo looks closely at her phone confused with what he is looking at, then glares at Izaya. “Is this apart of your plan too?”
“Look.. If I knew this is all it would take for Celty to show up on my doorstep, then trust me I would’ve dropped a meteor on your house a long time ago.” Izaya shrugs while answering his ridiculous question. Celty tosses him a helmet made out of her shadows as they ride off back towards Ikebukuro in a massive hurry. “Unbelievable, one moment he is dumb as an ox.. then the next he is sharp as a whip… and it’s because of this very reason.. that I hate him so much.” Izaya’s voice sounding truly spiteful towards Shizuo despite the smug grin across his face.
Toshiko walks up to him, wrapping her arm around his, “I didn’t think it was possible, but I think my head hurts more? Just trying to figure out how the hell his brain even functions..”
Izaya laughs hysterically from her comment, “I wouldn’t attempt that.. not even the most brilliant minds can pull that off without having a stroke~” as they head back inside and gets her a new drink.
“I can see that, I thought I was gonna have an aneurysm. What boggles my mind the most how one track minded he is when you’re around that no one else exists.. like me for example, he had no idea anyone else was here.” Toshiko opens the drink he got for her and sips it as they finally make their way back upstairs.
“Yea it’s like when I’m around nothing is happening in between his eyes~” he shrugs, chuckling at Shizu-chan's lack of brain cells.
They finally make it back up to the apartment, her stomach still in knots from earlier. Her thoughts still going crazy ‘I want him so badly with how long it’s been since we were last intimate, and worried now after what happened why would he want me…’ her body begging for that reassurance that they still have the same chemistry and desires for each other. Her thoughts kept repeating themselves and it felt like she was losing her mind.
Izaya tosses off his jacket and boots after locking the door for the night. Before he could ask her something, Toshiko pins his back to the wall with a desperate kiss. He can feel her chest heaving as she pants not wanting to let their lips part, he completely forgot what he was going to ask her now as Toshiko pulls his attention. He feels her hand begin to slowly drop towards his waist, grabbing her wrist stopping her and feeling Toshiko pull away from their kiss with a frustrated look on her face. Izaya, sighing even upset with himself, “Why.. why…” Toshiko says behind gritted teeth with her eyes locked to the floor, trying her damndest to hold her tears back. “Before you answer.. I know it’s so I can heal and get better.. but my thoughts are fighting so badly against that… they are screaming at me that after what happened why would you want me anymore, and how it’s just out of pity that we are together..” Toshiko biting her lip, hating herself for having these ideas instead of believing his words over her anxiety ridden thoughts.
Izaya takes his hand and lifts her chin to look at him with a serious expression on his face, “Self doubt really eats at you doesn’t it~? But I can assure you I am no liar.. I may mess with people with the things I say or the info I share, but it’s never a lie.” Izaya takes her hand in his and presses it to the front of his pants,Toshiko’s eyes widen feeling how hard he is and realizing it must have been difficult to have to restrain himself and hide it all this time. “And if you question my words, can you at least believe my body.. this has not been easy for me either.. how badly I want to take you and erase the fact that bastard hurt you and he was the last to touch you when you’re mine..” Izaya’s eyes narrow at the thought of him and what he did.
Toshiko’s face filled with guilt from her own selfish desires. “I’m sorry-“
“Don’t be.. we both want it.. these desires are natural to have..” pressing his thumb to her bottom lip.
Toshiko could feel her heart racing as he talked, trying to control her breathing, “We could always take it slow, if there is any pain or discomfort I could let you know..” She blushes bright red, taking the initiative by softly licking his thumb that rests on her lip then softly pushing it into her mouth wrapping her tongue around his thumb.
“You really make it hard to hold back don’t you~” Izaya’s smirk grows across his face, “and I didn’t realize just how dirty minded and a pervert you are~” as he carefully pulls his finger from her mouth replacing it with his, pressing them against hers in an aggressive and deep kiss. Izaya picks her up and carries her over to his desk gently placing her on the edge of the sturdy surface and briefly pulling away from her lips. “You sure you’re feeling up for this still and feeling alright?” Izaya sounding almost out of breath as he wants to double check if she was still feeling ok with all this.
Toshiko nods, “I’m alright.. I promise I’ll tell you if something is wrong..” also fighting the panting in her voice, their lips meet back up in a heavy kiss with both their tongues meeting each other and intertwined as one, both of them letting out muffled moans.
They begrudgingly part each other as they begin to discard their clothes starting with their shirts, Izaya burying his face in the nape of her neck, kissing and sucking deeply hoping to leave a mark as he unclips her bra and tosses it to the floor. He trails his tongue down her collar bone then leading to one of her nipples, teasing it so carefully with his tongue. Toshiko’s breaths and moaning growing more labored and louder with every movement Izaya makes across her body, digging her fingers through his hair.
Izaya unbuttons and helps take Toshiko’s pants off as he begins to lower himself off her breasts and gives a wide grin as he licks his lips, softly moving her drenched panties to the side. “We have barely gotten started, and yet you’re already sopping wet~ Sorry to keep you waiting~” He chuckles while glancing up at Toshiko as he presses his mouth to her clitoris, carefully maneuvering her most sensitive spots. Toshiko unconsciously pulling at his hair as she gasps loudly is ecstasy, moaning his name as his mouth and tongue move so expertly on her pussy.
Izaya groans as she pulls at his hair as she is moaning uncontrollably and practically yelling his name, the sensation approaching her fast, “Izaya I-I’m going to cum!” Her mind going blank, feeling her hips softly thrusting against his mouth. His grin grows as he feels her whole being melting because of him. Toshiko’s legs tighten around him as she feels her whole body locking up, folding over towards him as she feels her walls contracting when she feels the release. Panting so heavily the only thing that could leave her mouth was his name.
Izaya stands up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, his eyes and smirk filled with accomplishment and knowing there is no way he is done yet. He closes any distance between the two of them, pressing his clothed bulge against her twitching opening. “You ok to keep going? Would you like me inside of you~?” Toshiko still catching her breath, nodding and begins to hurriedly undo his belt buckle and pulling his pants and boxer briefs down just enough, springing free his dick.
Toshiko softly stroking it with her hand and begins to grip him tightly, Izaya dropping his head on her shoulder groaning to her touch. “And to think you called me the pervert~” giving a cheeky grin while teasing the tip with her thumb and still firmly holding onto his dick.
Izaya feels himself shutter at her warm touch caressing him, lifting his head up at her remark chuckling. “I’m only a pervert for you and you alone~” before she could remark back he presses his lips back to hers softly biting Toshiko’s bottom lip, grabbing her hand and helping position himself at her entrance. Releasing her lip, leaning into Toshiko’s ear and whispering breathily. “Put me inside of you~”
“Izaya..~” Toshiko moans at his request as she rubs the tip against hers, then grabbing his waist with one hand and the other on his dick. Toshiko pulling his body closer to hers slowly inserting him into her pussy, breathing heavily and moaning as she feels herself stretching to fit him.
Izaya begins to move his hips slowly, feeling Toshiko tightening around him already, still feeling super sensitive. Toshiko puts her hands back through his hair pulling him into a passionate kiss, Izaya picking up his pace as their lips meet and deeply moaning into each other. Izaya and Toshiko gripped each other so tightly, completely lost in each other, from their sounds, from their touch, and to their smell. Izaya now going at a fast and rough pace as he feels her insides clenching tighter and tighter, feeling his mind unraveling.
“Izaya I’m gonna… I’m gonna…” Before she could get the words out her body quivered, tensed, and feeling heavy contractions, burying her face in his shoulder, biting him from the overwhelming sensation and even though she was muffled her loud moan filled Izaya’s empty apartment. Toshiko’s contraction and her teeth against his skin hit him by surprise only allowing him one more thrust and with a breathy grunt he cums into her, holding her hips firmly to his.
Toshiko releases her teeth from his shoulder, as they both are trying to catch their breath. Izaya leans his forehead against hers and brushes hair from her face, “How are you feeling?” Trying to make sure he wasn’t too rough on her.
Toshiko nuzzles into him, answering him still out of breath, “I’m more than ok…I’m actually on cloud nine… promise..” She then notices from the corner of her eye her bite accidentally left a decently noticeable mark, softly tracing it with her hand. “Sorry.. “ feeling embarrassed, but feeling pleased leaving a mark on him for once. ‘He really is mine..’ the thought ringing in her head happily.
Izaya smirks, having a good idea what she is thinking right now as he feels her fingers across her teeth marks on the top of his shoulder. He happens to see Toshiko’s eyes getting heavy, “Good.. shall we get ourselves cleaned up before bed.. since you look like you’re about to fall over~” She nods in agreement as she does feel exhausted, but it was also from the relief finally washing over her of having this feeling of closeness with him again and the safety and comfort of his presence.
Toshiko and Izaya finally separate their embrace, hopping off the desk stumbling a little from her legs still feeling a little wobbly. Izaya goes on ahead to get the bath ready while Toshiko picks up their clothes following him upstairs soon after, dropping their clothes in a hamper in the laundry room then joining him in the bathroom. As she walks in she notices he has already rinsed himself off and checking on the tub, turning off the water. “Would you like any help?”
Toshiko shakes her head, “I’m gonna try on my own and just rinse myself off and hopefully I’ll be ok.. “ Izaya understanding she has been having trouble asking for help, giving her the benefit of the doubt to let her try on her own. Toshiko looks over, just finishing rinsing herself off, taking in the sight of him relaxing in the hot water with his head leaned back resting on the rim of the tub. ‘Do I really deserve all this? This joy.. this love.. this warm feeling in my chest just being around him..’ She lets out a content sigh as she thinks ‘but I’ll be damned if anyone tries to take this from me’
Izaya keeping his head leaned back, glances over hearing her deep breath, “Everything ok over there?”
She gives him a soft smile, “it’s nothing.. I was just thinking” Walking up and joining him in the hot bath, laying back with her back against his chest and leaning her head against his shoulder letting out another deep breath. “this feels nice..” Toshiko can feel her body instantly relaxing, Izaya wrapping an arm around her and lays his head against hers in agreement.
After a little bit of time has passed Izaya looks down at Toshiko and lets out a quiet chuckle, “I swear you can fall asleep anywhere~ it’s almost like you’re a cat~” he softly tries to wake her, as she groans awake rubbing her eyes.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to pass out like that..” groaning as she yawns forcing herself out of the tub to dry herself off.
Izaya pats her head as he follows behind her with a short laugh, “you know you don’t have to apologize for everything~”
Toshiko pokes her fingers together embarrassed.. “yeeeaa it’s a habit that’s hard to break” pouting wishing she could flick habits off like a switch.
He laughs seeing her pout like that, “don’t worry about it~ I’m just picking on you.. I had Namie pick you up something comfortable to sleep in, she brought it up to the apartment when you went out for fresh air.. kinda surprised she saw you outside and didn’t say anything and that’s why I thought you went for a walk, but knowing Namie she thought oh well not my problem~” Izaya and Toshiko making their way to the bedroom, the clothes he got for her laying out on the bed for her.
“That would be like her..” scoffing and annoyed at the idea she just left her like that and not giving a shit, they both get dressed and climb into bed.
Toshiko snuggles up to Izaya trying to put Namie out of her mind, gently placing her head on his chest as she quickly falls into a deep sleep listening to his heartbeat and calm breaths. ‘This is taking some getting used to.. but not gonna lie, I hope it never ends..’ Izaya thinks to himself glancing down at her peaceful sleeping face, “You really are something else~” he says with an endearing and quiet tone as his eyes finally get heavy and he drifts to sleep.
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