mikajunie · 6 months
talked to my christian friend and it's funny how weird it is that he said "people used to get crucified for spreading christianity, and now you get social consequences (ex. ur friends leavin you). that is just the consequences of being a christian"
because genuinely, that is so self-centered of you to say that. guess what? torture does nothing to anyone except you, but losing friendships mean that you left marks on your friends. negative cross marks.
if you are so adamant about spreading the bible without caring how people will perceive YOUR GOD and your negative impact to your lives, are you really christ's child? or are you just reeking of savior complex?
one of the reasons people stop coming to christianity or other religions is how obnoxious most of you are. it would've worked 50 years ago, but now society has learned that objective truth and morality might not exist unless there is real evidence that can be 100% proven (and before yall comment how the bible or other religions have proof, come to me when your god can be proven as easily as my belief of new zealand being a country is real).
my advice as an exvangelical, y'all are dealing with different society - stop harassing people to make them believe god. all they will learn is how annoying, pretentious, and obnoxious y'all are and overtime your religion will be deemed as crazy.
yall are not getting ridiculed for spreading the bible, yall are getting ridiculed for being annoying and self-centered. please stop harassing non-believers, thinking they're gonna thank you later. you're not doing anything good to you, to your christian friends, and especially to jesus.
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"If there's a chance that could happen to his mother too... Will Byers would rather be alone. And so he runs, deeper into the darkness.
Away from his mother's voice. And this time he prays that the monster follows him..."
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andorerso · 2 years
“he’s a very difficult son”
“Maarva’s a very noble person”
oh I’m sorry, I didn’t get the memo.... was that the part where she kidnapped a child and took him from his family, or was it when she abandoned said child to go play at being a rebel? incredibly noble indeed
the actual nerve to call Cassian “a difficult son” and make it seem like HE’S the problem here and it’s poor Maarva who’s just having a hard time here, I’m gonna commit a violence
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killuaisaprincess · 1 year
Glitter Glue
As usual, Gon already knows what’s wrong.
He hums, and Killua pushes himself back, looking at Gon’s face.
He better shave…!
It is a handsome look on Gon…
B-but! It’s itchy when Gon sweeps him off his feet to kiss him…!
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venranae · 3 months
Firecracker with the pedo behaviour even more getting breast milk and calling homelander baby boy imma puke please leave this bitch in the dirt please
Now listen I am the last person to judge someone for a mommy kink but considering WHO SHE IS it really has a questionable side to it like... get away from him rn bitch 😭 especially bc this isn't a pure sexual thing for him its like letting his guard down and being vulnerable..
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batcels · 11 months
thinking about how johnny might feel indebted to kenshi for saving his life, like thanking him and giving him sento was not enough for him. he genuinely would do anything for kenshi because the fact that someone else was willing to risk his life for him like just hit him deeper especially taking into consideration his history/family stuff, having someone be so sefless for him is something he DEFINITELY ISN'T used to... like that's also why he agrees on helping kenshi with the yakuza too (mentioned in one of kenshi's intros) or not idk this is just a brain rotting thought i had.
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tomwambsmilk · 1 year
tomshiv tailgate party fight is my roman empire in that I think about it multiple times a week AT LEAST. anyways new thought today is that I'm obsessed with the choice to have shiv use "you're servile" as an insult because it's one of those writing choices that manages to reveal multitudes in only two words. the idea that serving others is inherently a character flaw, it's a bad thing, it's something to be ashamed of is very telling. and look, I don't think you should be a doormat but I DO think there are times when putting yourself at the service of others is a good thing. seeing that someone in your family or your partner or your friend has a need and filling it without asking - even if it inconveniences you - tends to strengthen relationships. on the other hand, however, if only one person is doing this, if there's no mutual reciprocity, that can eat away at the relationship over time; likewise if no one is doing this, and everyone is only looking out for themselves, it's difficult to ever get to a place of mutual trust.
so for shiv to consider 'you're servile' an unambiguous insult doesn't just tell us about her own unwillingness to look out for the interests of others - it also strongly suggests that in her familial relationships, no one has ever been looking out for her interests. no one in her family has ever been willing to inconvenience themselves to meet her needs, because it would be a weakness to do so. it's another piece of the paradox where logan feels that any man who would be willing to put shiv's interests before her own 'isn't good enough' for her. and so she ends up with tom, who is certainly far from selfless, but still seems to have a natural inclination to 'follow the boss man', to 'walk a couple steps behind', to be 'a humble servant', because those inclinations mean he likely will be looking out for her interests to some extent. and yet at the same time she can't possibly respect him for that - and she also has a hard time believing that there is anything selfless in his actions, because in her experience people are not sefless, so she can't ever bring herself to believe that he ISN'T just 'fucking her for her DNA'. we as an audience can debate whether or not that's true, but on some level it doesn't matter, because there is nothing tom could ever do to prove to her that his love is not self-serving.
and so they end up trapped in an inescapable cycle where if he becomes less servile, she no longer trusts him and her suspicions are confirmed, but if he does put her interests before his, she will never accept that he's motivated by love. shiv can never experience what it's like to be loved selflessly because if someone did love her selflessly she would still suspect their motives. tom's only choices are to try to love shiv selflessly and forever remain the subject of her suspicion and scorn, or to betray her interests for his own and become the target of her pain and grief and anger. and so the poison drips through
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ineffable-5sos · 7 months
Crowley had been staring at the book for 3 hours now. He didn't know what else to do. The ghost of Aziraphale's lips stayed heavy on his, and the image of his face was burned in his mind.
It had been 6000 years. 6000 years of living on Earth with Aziraphale. Crowley had never once been bored in those 6000 years. He had never missed anything... well, nothing other than the one time in 1567 AD when he challenged a pompous and obnoxious knight to a sword fight and won. He often thinks that those times were simpler, but that's besides the point.
Crowley had never missed anyone before. He hadn't missed his fellow Angels when he fell, and he doesn't miss any of the Fallen now. He hadn't missed the obnoxious Sir Radley from the 1567 duel, and he didn't plan on ever missing anyone ever.
But now Aziraphale was gone.
He was bored. He was hurt. And he was alone. Crowley hardly ever got bored, and that was only because Aziraphale was always there. He used to come to the very bookshop he finds himself sitting in now. He would come and sit in another chair, only a short distance from Aziraphale, and sit. It wasn't very entertaining, he'll admit, but it was something that put him in close proximity to his Angel, and, really, that's all he had ever wanted.
But now things were different. Aziraphale had left him. His beautiful, too-good Angel had left him. Somewhere in the back of his mind Crowley had always known this would happen. Aziraphale was too good for even himself. He was always sefless and wanted to do the right thing. He gave up a flaming sword, and now he was giving up Crowley. He was giving up Crowley for the chance to make the world - to make Heaven - better again.
Aziraphale was always going to leave him one way or another, Crowley thinks. But he had thought they might have a chance. Heaven and Hell were to leave them alone. They could be together - and in more ways than just close proximity. Crowley had hope. For the first time in his 6000 years of being on Earth he thought that maybe, just maybe, he might have a future that was something more than eternal damnation.
Crowley was left alone in Aziraphale's bookshop. He had been sitting there, staring at the book across him. He couldn't read the title from where he was sitting, but he knew that it was Pride and Prejudice; Aziraphale had been reading it before this catastrophe happened.
Crowley didn't know what to do with himself anymore. He missed his Angel more than he could have thought. He could feel Aziraphale's lips still pressed to his, and his face refused to leave Crowley's mind.
And for the first time in 6000 years, a single tear slid down Crowley's face.
It was in that moment that he knew; he could let Aziraphale drag him anywhere in the world - even Heaven - if it meant he could hold his hand.
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sankatsuka · 11 months
Tenma Siblings Discussion - How Saki Feels About Tsukasa, A Seflessness that Makes You Feel Undeserving
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"But I'm not getting better at all... I'm ALWAYS troubling them, big brother, mom and everyone else...!"
Discusses JP dialogue from Smile of Dreamer, Hinamatsuri, Dazzling Lights, NSNF
HC territory as usual
HFD Tsukasa delusioner
I'm sorry but I was personally uncomfortable with what happened in Hinamatsuri, so this discussion helps justify Saki's behaviour. You may not like it if you thought Saki was entirely justified, sorry again!
In NSNF JP, I found the choice of wording interesting: first thinking about Tsukasa, then their mother, then delegating their father within the "and others".
From how she mentions him first, she seems to instinctively recognize Tsukasa as being the one most affected that she has to miss out. Moreso than their parents who are the ones logistically impacted, which probably shows their parents did a good job of not making her feel like a burden. This small detail and mention of Tsukasa in NSNF, as well as using the same flashback period as Dazzling Lights, implies Saki has always known how much Tsukasa focuses on her and how her wellbeing strongly affects him.
In NSNF, she's shown to be able to generally recall events, but not the strong emotions she experienced in them. So of course she can easily say 'Tsukasa has always cared for her', but it doesn't mean it is properly nailed in. She seemed to show a lack of awareness of this in Hinamatsuri, with how she never thought her forced smile would affect him to such an extent and how she only mentions Tsukasa's loneliness in passing. She also acts rather strangely in Hinamatsuri - she quickly snaps at her brother despite being very well aware of how he will always act in favour of her happiness. We see in unit story that Saki would never get angry at a loved one even if they hurt her (Honami), yet she doesn't think twice before getting angry at Tsukasa.
This is what leads me to HC that perhaps, her feelings towards the part she plays in Tsukasa's happiness are suppressed too. Because she can't just be "okay" to be happy on her own, she also would never be "okay" enough to not make her brother sad. It makes her happy to feel so valued, but with how she is, there's nothing she can do for him in return, not even just be happy and fine. Perhaps this is why she feels urged to have to smile even when she feels like crying from happiness, so she can give something back to her brother. Or even, maybe she cries because she can't do anything for him in return, yet he gives her so much and makes her feel so loved when she feels worthless. There's inevitably that feeling she doesn't deserve him, that perhaps she may even feel like he's going to leave her someday because she can't give anything to him.
You'd think that after being cared for so much, Saki would want to repay it twice as much now that she's able to. But she doesn't, and instead has him doing favours for her (buying her things). It's just easier and feels better to go about your day as if everything's always been normal that way instead of face all the pain from the past and try to make up for it. Plus, feelings in the past don't change that easily - just like how her self-hatred still stays strong enough for her to compose the powerful song in NSNF, her helplessness towards her brother won't just disappear. It instead manifests in turning a blind eye to it and simply continuing the way her past self has: just being carefree and happy and keeping up with trends, just like how she deals with her own self-hatred.
If Saki stops playing the role of the smiling sister, and instead goes all-out to do more for her brother, to return all the love he's shown her - it means having to face that helplessness and how she feels undeserving of Tsukasa's presence in her life. Not only will it make Saki feel less of a sister, it will further ruin their siblinghood when it was built upon such a one-sided foundation. She knows a normal brother isn't supposed to be this way (Smile of Dreamer side story), that everything Tsukasa has done till today truly makes Tsukasa the 'best brother in the world'. But the 'best' is all it will amount to, because thinking anymore beyond that will destroy their bond.
Before it was with the tattered Hina dolls, and now we see Tsukasa going the extra mile again to buy Saki the new Hina dolls. I don't want to think she's naive: it's obvious from first glance Tsukasa spent money to buy all those dolls for her, and she knows from all these years of growing up with him that her brother is always well-intentioned: he will always act for her happiness, Saki knows. But now she has more she has to return for him.
So Saki could have uncharacteristically lost her temper because Tsukasa's actions had exacerbated her suppressed feelings of helplessness towards him. She doesn't want to lose him if he keeps doing more than she can possibly return to him. Saki isn't the type to lose control over her emotions to the point of saying such hurtful things to someone she cares and loves - NSNF demonstrates this that she will keep things inside if she thinks it will hurt other people, even if it's painful. Such a habit doesn't easily die off. That's why this HC suggests that Tsukasa's actions may have triggered her somehow. In the first place, Tsukasa was throwing away something that Saki cherished as a way of appreciating his strong love for her - Tsukasa was belittling her own efforts to return everything he's done for her. If she already doesn't feel anything is enough, it's bound to be triggering.
Her suppressed helplessness and self-hatred does seem to lead her to act irrationally against her own will. She wants her loved ones to be happy, but she also has her own needs of companionship that she can't meet because of the way she was born. There's that contradiction that forces her to keep smiling and make jokes but also want to control others. She rags on herself for being born different, begs people not to leave her no matter what and expresses a desire for everyone to just disappear so she can finally have everything she wants: a world where she isn't left alone (/because no one is there) and everyone (/no one) is happy.
It may have been a budget issue, but the writers also made the choice not to have Tsukasa appear in NSNF Episode 7, despite how he's the one who gave Saki the belief that 'tomorrow will be fun', which is exactly what served as Saki's light in NSNF. And it's strong enough of a feeling that in Hinamatsuri's side story, Saki feels comforted seeing the light from his door at night, which reminds her she won't be alone in the hospital at this time of the year again, and that she can sleep soundly and safely think tomorrow will indeed be fun and not another day of being isolated. Yet he doesn't appear in NSNF to serve as one of the lights in her darkness.
Personally, it seems right to me that he doesn't appear in NSNF. It just feels out of place and ingenuine. I guess it's because I don't feel like any of Tsukasa's bonds feel real because of how he's lacking his own self so much. Saki's own feelings towards him, as I describe here, explain why it doesn't feel real: being too selfless and self-sacrificial makes it difficult for someone to love you back: instead, you become someone they feel they don't deserve. I honestly find it... sad, when it was something he worked so hard for as a child. It makes sense why Tsukasa believes he always makes Saki sad, when it can be possibly true with how he cares far too much about her that it troubles her.
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little-shiny-sharpies · 6 months
Hey! I was reading through the Dragonflight Codex today and I came across Wrathion’s page. Saw some artwork of him there that I hadn’t seen online before and I thought of you. Sorry I don’t have a scanner, hopefully my cell phone pic is decent enough ^^;
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It’s different from his in-game looks but I think he looks very handsome!
HE DESERVES his dewlap in-game he’s a drake now and i just love the spike mane he has here down his back like a porcupine its adorable and i absolutely just love and i mean LOVE the fact that he’s the most “monstrous” looking black dragon there is bc he is SUCH an outlier as a genetic chimera and world’s most selfless dragon ever period. (I have a draft post from yesterday actually abt that) and i love LOVE!! how he looks like the indoraptor with his teeth all jutting out and his general head shape looking like a dragon skull and he looks evil as shit but he’s so so sweet and sad and always just trying to help even if people hate him and dont trust him hes so damn sefless and never hold it against them and helps anyway and he wanted his visage to be a pretty and handsome human bc he doesnt want people to think of him as a monster deep down source it came to me in a dream and AAGUGHGHGGHHH I LOBE HEEM AND IM SO HONORED YOU THOUGHT ABOUT ME THAT REALLY MEANS SO MUCH
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sarastuss · 24 days
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ᴹᴱᵀᴬ . SARASTUS &. LOVE :
ever since awakening again, &. even before that when she held the seat of Azem, Sarastus has carried a duty : taking on battles after another, giving everything she has to give for protecting the worlds / realms. the duty of the warrior of light, the duty of being hydaelyn's champion. she is a very selfless person, there is little next to nothing she would not do for the sake of others, especially those she cares for. ( there is her self - sacrificing tendency that swirls from her trauma that also plays a part. )
I tell myself I have to build defenses 'Cause once you are in love, you are defenseless Everything was easy when it meant less But once you are in love, you are defenseless to be loved - a.skjell
that being said, if / when falling in love, she views with someone with a duty like hers, her falling in love is selfish of her. for starters, she is a person who feels emotions strongly, she cares immensly for others ... but love, given the power of a feeling like it is very confusing at the start. it takes her a while to even realize what is happening, but her actions / mannerisms reveal signs towards such strong feelings. to be fair, it can be hard to deduce that they come out of romantic feelings, since Sarastus has been known to do acts of service to basically, everyone. of course she knows what love is, &. has felt platonic love towards others, but when someone invokes feelings beyond that, it is something she does not know how she should navigate. she is not one to distance herself as a way to make such feelings go away, she is rather the type to go &. think, " i am happy if i get to even be near them, or settle to be their friend. " indeed, sefless to the core.
But I gotta be careful Gotta watch what I say God, I hope it all goes away 'Cause I can't fall in love with you No matter how bad that I want to bittersuite - b.illie e.ilish
&. the guilt comes with all of it indeed, very strongly at the start. i think it is a phase she won't get over easily, given the fact she knows she is very much a weapon at this point. she questions if someone in her situation can actually even be in love, or should be rather, considering both her duty as the warrior of light, &. that with all its' dangers. but, that doesn't stop her love from showing with her acts, words, &. even the smallest actions. like stated above, she will care for the person unconditionally regardless.
For you, I would cross the line I would waste my time I would lose my mind They say, "She's gone too far this time" don't blame me - t.aylor s.wift
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girl4music · 1 year
The character that doesn’t understand human emotion yet is always asking questions so that she can learn. Ironically and satisfyingly, her constant inquisitiveness always made her seem much more human than any character that always was human.
That was always played for laughs until it wasn’t.
WILLOW: “Because it’s not okay for you to be asking these things!”
ANYA: “But I don’t understand!”
So it’s like, in a way, she understood being human better than anyone else did. And that was so clever!
Because with being human there is no answer book to how to live like one. There is only ever constant questions. And navigating is hard. That’s the point.
And it’s always the “non-human” or “not-always-human” protagonist characters that actually act the most human because they’re not hardwired to.
No, of course they don’t understand being a human. But in the same way a baby doesn’t understand being a baby… yet performs like a baby anyway. It’s wisdom! The thing that comes most naturally never needs to be “understood”. It just is instinctively.
The joke is that non-human beings don’t understand being human. But isn’t THAT exactly what makes them perform as human? As supernatural beings, isn’t the understanding of not understanding humanity fundamentally what makes them be human? If they weren’t aware to it,… sure. Then you have an argument that they aren’t or can’t be human. But what if they’re the most self-aware characters? And not only aware of themselves but others as well?
That’s why both Spike and Anya, and yes, even to some degree, Angel are the most human non-human or not-always-human being characters. Because they carry the intuitive wisdom of “I know that I know nothing”. The very same intuitive wisdom a newborn baby has despite all their years and all their experienced history as human and non-human. They understand nothing, That’s precisely the point because at what point does nature understand itself? It doesn’t. Yet it functions perfectly fine anyway. It’s only humanity that thinks and believes that it MUST understand everything. But if they let go, they’d realize that they already do in the way that they always will. By just simply fucking existing. By being as they are. This is partially why I believe identity to be a hinderance more than it is a help. People get too caught up in it. And suddenly it becomes about performing an identity rather than actually being it.
Nature worries about no such nonsense as that. It doesn’t even identify that it NEEDS to worry about it. And like I said - that’s why it functions perfectly fine anyway. There’s no need to be performative.
Anya is most human because she is most naturally being. And part of naturally being is to ask stupid questions and to do the most absurd. To NOT UNDERSTAND everything. Least of all how to behave human when you’ve all but forgotten you once were and only coming to experience humanity again when you’re no longer human. Anya is never in a place or time where it’s easy or simple to be human. That’s why she’s the best at being human.
Suave Xander put it best in ‘The Replacement’.
XANDER: “You haven't been hurt like this since you became human. Maybe it's finally hitting you what being human means.”
ANYA: “No, that's not it.”
XANDER: “Yes, I think it is. You were gonna live for thousands of years. And now you're gonna age and die. That must be terrifying.”
FAITH VICTORIA: “Exactly! The world has always met Anya with "you don't understand" right from her original human life, and Anya has always responded with "so? Explain it to me." One of the only reasons I'm ok with Hells Bells existing is because it leads to in my opinion the second best Anya character study, and her only central episode, Sefless (her first best one is obviously her speech in The Body). Selfless shows that even when she was a human, before, Anya was naturally curious. She didn't understand a lot of the injustice in the world, but she was ready to try and understand it, only nobody explained it to her "take your furs and your literal interpretations to the other side of the river". I mean the girl figures out what selfless love and sacrifice are all on her own with no one's help - Xander is busy arguing with Buffy and Willow, Buffy is clearly exhausted and just wants to eliminate the problem, and Willow tries to reach out but using only her own experience which may not be applicable to Anya. But still, a vengeance demon understood the importance of selfless love, even after getting her heart broken. Which makes her one of the most deeply human characters of them all.”
Couldn’t have put it better. Absolutely agreed. 👍
I think a philosophical debate about what it means to be human in a TV show is a profound choice to make. But what is equally just as, or maybe even more, profound is to show how it is. Theory is great but it doesn’t work alone.
Showing it alongside saying it is what provides a far harder impact. It really hits! And ‘Selfless’ is one of the best episodes in the show, never mind just Season 7. Sadly, the rest of the season lets it down because it doesn’t follow it up with a satisfying conclusive end. Anya has a revelation that fighting like a human is what makes humanity great and worth it. But we never see how she even gets to this revelation.
It’s a shame. I don’t like tell and don’t show types of storytelling. I almost always prefer show alone or show equally alongside tell.
FAITH VICTORIA: “Instead they give her the worst speech of the entire show in Empty Places and then one of the best ones two episodes later "when it's something that really matters, they fight." Confusing to say the least.”
Please don’t get me started on ‘Empty Places’. I’ll be here all fucking day and I have a game to complete.
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
Right now Sansa, as of TWOW canon, not only hears Petyr admit that he’s gouging food prices to and hoarding food and doesn’t ask about it or reflect on it, she also happily accepts a luxurious and lavish feast in her name (while winter is on the horizon and with it starvation). Talking about how Sansa is some kind of sefless hero or administrative genius when neither is she perceptive enough to pick up on the food wastage nor can she do something as basic as comment on it, let alone dole leftovers to the poor.
Anon is referring to THIS webpage that was archived from the 2015 webpage of George RR Martin's website. It is the same source for the ASoIaF official wiki page HERE.
Yeah, this isn’t looking good for Sansa, guys. Despite what I say HERE about her maybe learning.
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3vocatio · 2 years
oh, if i may ask, what were your thoughts on simeon's bday event? i would very much like to know. i haven't played it myself but i'm thinking of doing so, because lately i haven't been motivated enough to actually log in like alot of fans, sadly.
Apologies for responding to this when there's only a few hours left of his birthday event, but I wanted to mention that I was pleasantly entertained! I don't believe anything in the event upset me, even how the other characters acted. Simeon and MC acted very cute together, and none of the cast were ridden in jealousy (save for the inevitable Mammon Moment, but even he didn't make too much of a fuss compared to Solomon's 2021 birthday...).
There's many things I could comment on regarding this event, but I believe they can be saved for general posts. I do want to mention that I find it curious that in Simeon's first birthday event, he was the one instructing others to do things for him, and everything felt a bit distant. Not that it was bad! In fact, it was an intriguing detail to note, but the contrast between then and now is vibrant to me. This year, everyone has nothing but sefless love and direct it to make sure Simeon has a wonderful time. They even brought him to a cafe owned by someone who's a fan of TSL, so everyone brought Simeon over as a surprise so he could see the cafe decorated in Christopher Peugot's honor.
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Afterwards, they went to another private cafe where they all took pictures together. Simeon reminisced about Celestial Realm tea when Lucifer poured him a special blend of it.
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As mentioned earlier, there fact that there's so much pure love and appreciation for Simeon makes me incredibly happy..! Simeon has always felt distant from most, especially when you consider his role in the story, so reading Raphael say this hits harder. I don't recall other toasts mentioning a year of happiness.
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His locked route was exceptionally lovely to read as well, haha ^^ Sneaky Simeon decided to take advantage of the fact that everyone views him as a sentimental, incoherent drunk in order to steal MC away from the party.
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He and MC took a selfie together and hung it up on the cafe wall; the pictures are imbued with magic, so only the photo-takers can view their respective photos. I would include all of the other adorable bits that occurred throughout the story, but I hope that this summary is enough :] There's still a few hours left if you wanted to go read!
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Duelist (Pathfinder 2nd Edition Archetype)
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(art by tobiasrhein on DeviantArt)
 We’ve had a lot of second edition archetypes this week, but this is the last archetype from the new edition (but not character option) that we will be viewing this week!
Today, we’ve got another example of a prestige class from 1e returning as an archetype with the duelist!
Like other versions of this classic option we’ve covered before, the duelist is a specialist in weaponplay and one on one combat, most often with a rapier or other one-handed blade, though any one-handed weapon will do.
Many duelists may have attended fencing academies to master the stances and style of their weapon, while others may have studied through keen observation of masters and their opponents over the years. Either way, their swordplay and ability to turn every mistake against their foes cannot be denied.
 With their dedication feat, duelists can quickly draw and strike with their weapon in one fluid motion, carving into their foes in an instant.
Parrying incoming attacks is important for any combatant, but especially duelists, and they learn to ready themselves for incoming strikes.
As their name suggests, duelists specialize in one on one combat, and often challenge foes directly to single them out, becoming especially lethal against them.
By changing their stance and adjusting their grip, these warriors become masters of disarming their foes, as well as avoiding being disarmed. Especially useful for getting the upper hand or fighting in a duel that can be ended by disarming foes.
While specialized in facing a foe alone, some duelist also train to defend others nearby, either out of a purely sefless desire to protect them, or demanding that their foe focus on them alone.
Of course, the natural follow-up of parrying is to riposte, and these warriors do so with aplomb.
They can also learn follow-up moves to disarm a foe they have struck, twisting the weapon out of their hand.
True students of the art of dueling are at least aware of all the tricks of the trade, and each day they can practice them to trade out their current techniques, and even enter unfamiliar stances by taking more time to set them up.
Later on they learn a stance that makes them constantly ready to parry.
They also eventually can riposte so fast as to do so repeatedly, or at least have time to react in other ways.
The most powerful duelists can even direct a foe’s movement with their ripostes, leaving them stumbling away in a direction the duelist finds favorable.
This archetype shares some bones with the dual-weapon warrior we covered yesterday, but it otherwise provides a defensive and controlling combatant that specializes in gaining the advantage and punishing every mistake. You can use it easily with most martial classes as well as classes that favor light weapons such as rogues, and since you don’t have to worry about not having a hand free, it also pairs nicely with the magus as well.
However, it would also be remiss for me to not also point out the Duelist’s Challenge feat, which should sound familiar to fans of the cavalier class in 1st edition. That’s right, you could potentially dip into this archetype alongside the cavalier archetype to get that challenge ability and end up with a character that is thematically similar to the 1st edition cavalier class, should you wish to do so. Worth noting, I believe.
 This archetype has many thematic parallels to the swashbuckler class (as discussed in my entry on the 1e prestige class), as well as other 2e archetypes centered around dueling, but I feel this one is general enough to warrant standing on it’s own. In any case, being a duelist assumes a formal training in combat, but while you can use that and set up many classic dynamics such as clashing them against untrained but skilled combatants and allies, but you can also subvert them as well, however you see fit.
  Incredibly skilled but reckless, there is no sport that Lady Felvadra enjoys more than dueling, enjoying the thrill of every strike and near miss. Which is why the party is in the uncomfortable position of facing her in the annual tournament, while also watching out for assassins eager to take advantage of the proceedings.
 Those with closed minds are often shocked by the half-orc duelist Kalvog and his sophisticated style. Any rage or battle-fervor he feels is a tightly-honed edge, unleased in a single moment of shocking, but precise power.
 For the fifth year running, a member of House Berla is about to take the most esteemed prize awarded to graduates of Valgonas College of the Blade. However, a wealthy saboteur plans to arrange an accident against a foe that does not fight fair: a mimic smuggled into their ready room.
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the-crow-binary · 1 year
Multiple ships >:3c
Nice choices... >:3 Welp. Let's start with the OG tragic straight couple (well I guess Mathias x Elisabetha was the OG because they're older and Elisabetha died before Sara but whatever, Sara at least had more than one picture to serve as screentime ;c) <3
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Was very closed to check "i can make it SO fucked up <3" but tbh i like them the way they are <3 All soft and nice and """"""clean"""""" <3 Sara is underrated smh. She did not gave up her soul to complete the whip that will eventually save humans over and over again just to get ignored like that >:l (i also like the tragic idea that the family eventually forgot about her <3 Something about Leon keeping the fact he put his ex betrothed in his whip a family secret so the other people wouldn't... you know... do what they did anyway and shit on them lmao. And eventually, it just faded away) But other than just Sara, the couple they formed with Leon was pretty cute <3 At least we can easily imagine it was. Because we know Leon and we saw enough of Sara to know her too, sefless and sweet. Not that her 3D facial expressions are helping in showing that...
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They're both fucking Mathias. And maybe Leon too. And no i take no criticism. The game might not have given us much about their backstory together. But what we do know is enough to understand that THEY FUCKED. THEY SO FUCKED AND THEY WERE SO TOXIC ABOUT IT. Walter manipulating Joachim <3 Joachim attempting to murder him <3 Joachim being TURNED INTO A SLAVE BY WALTER. AAAAAAAA I WISH WE HAD SEEN MORE OF THEM TOGETHER AND MORE OF JOACHIM ALONE. Also love the idea of "not dating but married nonetheless" dynamic with them... ;3 (do not do this at home kids) Didn't check "compatible brand of freaks" because i couldn't decide if they were compatible or not. I guess yes in a way, but also no ? Consider it is both.
So... Hector/Rosaly, huh...
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They live in my heart rent free <3 ROSALY THANKING HECTOR FOR BEING BORN IS MAKING MY HEART MELT I'M A SCREAMING YES PLEASE GIVE MORE LOVE TO THIS MAN aaaaand then she died. FUCKING DAMNIT ISAAC. Can't believe i didn't check the "oh the devotion" box- my mistake. Consider it checked. Because Hector is SO DEVOTED TO HER IT'S BRINGING ME TO TEARS also this is your fault. I never used to care so much about any of them >:( but then you arrived and BOOM. ANGST. ANGST AND FEELS EVERYWHERE. FUCK YOU BEEVEAN. Mwah <3
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FUCKING. THEM !!! <3 <3 <3 My BB and his twisted fucked up gay mentor <3 (I just realised "inherent eroticim of attempted murder" actually worked for them since Isaac did wanted to kill BB when they met. And then I guess Isaac wasn't exactly gentle when training BB... homoeroticism. Homoeroticism everywhere.) Are they fated ennemies though ?? Benedict IS a Belmont after all. And Isaac IS a general of Dracula. And a simp of his. But he was also supposed to be dead ages ago and the Belmont clan's thing is more about killing Drac than killing his servants (it's just a secondary thing lmao). Idk i let y'all decide. The ending stays the same anyway: they fock <3 They have no one but each other and they fock <3 I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY ARE AT THAT POINT. BUT THEY ARE. AND THAT IS ENOUGH FOR ME.
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