#seems like it would be much easier to get these 4 together than team canada which is made out of 3
sentientstump · 1 year
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group of old time acquaintances and unlucky opponents
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The Lucky Australian
~~ 19 Alive ~~
I wanted everything I never had
Like the love that comes with light
I wore envy and I hated that
But I survived
I had a one-way ticket to a place where all the demons go
Where the wind don't change
And nothing in the ground can ever grow
No hope, just lies
And you're taught to cry into your pillow
But I survived
 They remained under the air con waiting for he heat to pass, Aurora turning on her playstation to game with Henry. Henry noticed she much preferred survivalist horror, he watched her play a bit of dying light before Henry took over.
“It would make a great TV show” Aurora remarked, watching Henry try and escape a group of volatiles during a night mission, he had to admit, his heart rate and adrenalin were up, his hairs were standing to attention all over his body, it was unsettling and scary, but so addictive.
“I have to say, I didn’t really get too much time to get into it, but this is incredible, it’s not easy”
Aurora snorted. “That’s coz I play on nightmare mode”
Henry stole a glance at her.
“That’s hardcore”
Aurora beamed at him.
After a while, Henry noticed Aurora had fallen asleep next to him, her hands curled up underneath her face. Something caught his attention, pausing the game he looked at her arms.
There were white scars littered on them, some thin, some large. They were precise. Henry knew what they were.
He put the controller on the coffee table and hung his head. He felt so drawn out, so ripped from his skin, so weary down to his bones, so sad. All this he felt for her.
How unfair could life be to a person that only seemed to be a light in the darkness, how was she supposed to endure so much death and heartache and still consistently wake up in the fucking morning?
Henry felt the wetness of tears on his face. The burden of life seems so heavy for some, so light for others.
The never ending, continuous stream of emotion, was the pain his heart was feeling for her, as if it could simply reach out to her and out her all back together. For everything she endured, she was stronger than anyone he knew, but life shouldn’t have to throw that shit at you to make you strong. It shouldn’t have you drag you to a place where the demons go to build character. It shouldn’t have happened like that for her.
So why did it?
He cried for her. Her pain, her heartache, for everything she had been through. He cried because in the short time he knew her, he knew she deserved so much more than what life had given her. Yet, she was still here, she was still alive, still breathing, still waking in the morning next to him. Aurora had issues with her existence, she had not been fond of life, but henry was glad she was a living being.
Henry felt pickles nudge her furry little face under his hands. She looked up at him with her endless brown eyes. He smiled down sadly at her and gave her a scratch behind the ears.
“Its been a big day fluffy butt!” Slowly, he raised himself up off the couch and walked to the bathroom. Washing his face, he looked at his reflection in the mirror.
The women he had dated had been easier, this was all new territory, but somehow, he wasn’t shying away from her, from this. Henry knew he loved her, he knew she was all he needed and wanted. Still it didn’t take the sting out of the day.
He walked back into the lounge room to find Aurora waking up. She looked at the spot where Henry had been, confusion plastered on her still sleepy features. Hearing his footsteps she peered up at him and smiled. Holding out her arms, Henry all but ran into them.
He held her for a few minutes before she parted from him.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m ok, it’s just an intense game. Went to wash my face”
Aurora stared at him, she knew he was lying but she didn’t push it.
“Well, since its 3pm, most of the out of towners would’ve gone home by now, wanna go for a swim? Then we can get a drink at the beach bar? Maybe dinner out?”
“That’s sounds nice. Although you have promised to make me some Italian food!”
Aurora rolled her eyes, a smirk on her face.
“I did, so let’s go to the beach, then I’ll make dinner!” she bounded off the lounge, going to the bedroom, Henry following her.
October rolled into November, with December fast approaching. Henry had spent the whole month getting to know the area Aurora lived in, while she was at work. She had taken him hiking in the Blue Mountains many times, he was still amazed at the travel Australians undertook all the time. A 4-hour round-trip barely tiring her out as well as hiking, meanwhile Henry would be wiped out from the whole day. His favourite days though, were the ones he got to spend at the beach, or even just wandering around the place she lived, day drinking at a few different pubs, watching the ships roll in past the horizon. Or simply enjoying wherever she took him for lunch and dinner. He particularly enjoyed the day she took him to Sydney to Bennelong. Aurora had waxed lyrical about how amazing it was, and it did not disappoint. He had to admit; he was very rarely surprised by anything, now he understood why she had told him to dress up, the restaurant was in the Sydney opera house, with a view looking out at the harbour bridge. It was fucking spectacular. Henry had tried to pay once he figured out it was a fine dining establishment. Aurora has shut that idea down quite fast, given he had taken her out in Venice; this was the least she could do. It was quite sweet. They spent the night in Sydney, Henry had stayed at a few hotels in his travels, but Aurora had pulled out all the stops when he entered the room. The room overlooked the entire Sydney Harbour. It stopped him in his tracks, rendering him breathless. Henry spent that night making sure Aurora knew how much he loved her.
Henry found himself sitting in Aurora’s office, answering mundane emails and going over scripts he had been sent, he could hear Aurora in the other room singing along to crowded house, a new favourite of his she had introduced him too. There was so much he had learnt about Aurora, her favourite band, her favourite games, her favourite sports teams (of which he now followed by default and she had promised to take him to a game come the start of the season), pet hates, favourite ice cream. He came to really love Australia; it was going to be hard to leave. Everything he loved was here.
Suddenly, a video call came through. Noticing it was Charlie, he picked up.
“Are we getting you back to the northern hemisphere?” Charlie asked.
“Fuck no, not when you look as cold as you do! Canada in the minus yet?”
“Unfortunately. More snow too, so how is the land down under?”
“Fucking glorious, it’s so hot, but I love it! Air conditioning is the most amazing thing ever invented.”
Charlie rolled his eyes “you make it sound like it’s the worlds greatest invention you’ve never heard of. You have that in England, and in Florida. You know the other place you also live?”
“It’s not as good in England. I know, but here it’s just on all the time. I really love it here; I’m only a 5minute walk to the beach. We sat a pub the other day watching ships come in, that has to be my new favourite hobby” Henry smiled
“Wow, and here I thought it was hammertime”
“War hammer Charlie!”
“Same, same. Since I haven’t spoken to you much in a month, did you end up finding out what happened with Aurora’s last relationship? I know you were worried.”
“Charlie, hold on.” Henry got up to close the door. He sat back down and told Charlie everything that had happened.
 Henry lost track of the time he and Charlie had been talking. It was nice to be able to talk to one of his brothers. He hadn’t realised how heavy things had weighed on his heart, Charlie listening to him lessened the burden. Another call came in, from his manager.
“Charlie, I gotta go, Dany is calling”
“As long as you’re ok?”
“I am Charlie, I do really love her.” He watched Charlie smile. Saying their goodbyes, he answered Dany.
“Henry, I have an invitation to the Oscars, can you be stateside in Feb?”
“Sure. Add a plus one for me?”
Dany perked up at that
“So its serious with the girlfriend? I have to say; I’ve only seen a few photos of you in Europe with her, and one of you in Sydney. I didn’t know she was Australian. How have you stayed away from the paps for so long?”
“She lives near the beach, it’s a beautiful little place, nice area, I don’t think they give a shit really, plus its almost 2 hours from Sydney, no paps will travel that far.”
Dany nodded.
“Is she prepared for what’s about to happen?”
“She’s already explained things to me for when that does happen, which I need to talk to you about next time I see you. I will do my best to help her through everything, she might not even agree to the Oscars” Henry sat back and folded his arms.
“Why? Would she be uncomfortable? Does she not have a dress?”
Henry’s eyes snapped to her closet.
“I think she has a dress, ill get back to you.”
“Alright, speak soon”
Henry hung up the call, and stood up, rolling his shoulders and stretching out his body, he walked out of the room.
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leafs-lover · 4 years
Because Two People Got Drunk: 8
Series Masterlist
A/N: Italics indicate flashback. I honestly think there is a better chance of Seattle drafting him, then him signing in Pittsburgh (or any team really). I haven’t followed much of the Kraken and potential draft picks from each team so I went with the option of him going to Pittsburgh so I could add in some of the wags and players from that team.
Summary: When Freddie returns back a few days after he begins training for the next season he seems slightly on edge, but you associate that to him not having a contract. You haven’t had any major conversations about your trip to Denmark and some of the events that transpired. You are nearing the 30 week mark of your pregnancy, beginning to get slightly more uncomfortable and begin to feel really unprepared. You gave your landlord notice thinking that a 1 bedroom wouldn’t work with a baby. Now you have less than 90 days to find somewhere and you are stressed. 
 Warnings: Smut, swearing
Word Count: 2605
August 28, 2021
 Fred shows up with very little notice, alerting you to something. He pulls you in for a brief hug before leading you to the couch.  
“So I’m not re-signing” he starts. “Toronto has traded for a new goalie the news will break soon. I’ve been contacted by some teams since free agency started, but I didn’t give an answer because I was hopeful of staying. Even with a short term deal for now.” 
You sit there processing everything in silence. “Pittsburgh let Murray go; I think I’m signing there.” 
At least it’s an eastern team you think to yourself. Slightly shorter flight, more games against to see him during the season.  
But still your son won’t have much of a relationship with his dad, only seeing him for what 20 days maybe 30 days throughout the entire season. Then you split the off season time? Not ideal, far from it. 
Fred waits for you to respond and begins looking around the apartment noticing the boxes “you moving?” he asks touching your wrist. 
The contact brings you back around. “Uh yeah I thought with a baby I’d need more space so I gave up my lease with thoughts of getting a 2 bedroom. But I didn’t consider I’m pregnant and uncomfortable and only going to get worse so packing will suck. And that I might not find a decent 2 bedroom around this neighborhood. I should have waited until after he was born. Added unnecessary stress to myself.” 
“Why don’t you take my condo? Its 2 bedrooms and I won’t need it since I don’t live here anymore” he offers.
“I can’t afford that.” 
“I would pay for it, I mean it’s not that much an-" 
“Fred, no you can’t. I won’t. I can’t be that girl?” 
“What girl?” he asks confused. 
“The girl that gets pregnant by someone with money and uses him for his money. Like everybody already thinks I’m using you for your money, to get a payday or something.”
“Nobody thinks that.” 
“Your dad does!” you exclaim. 
“My dad does? What do you mean?” 
“Shit I didn’t want to say anything. Just nothing” you try to get up as he grabs your wrist.
“Tell me (y/n). Now”
 After eating dinner the first night, Charlotte is cleaning dishes. Fred and his siblings have wondered off. You sit at the couch as you hear someone sit beside you. It’s Ernst, Frederik’s dad. He is slightly drunk from wine with dinner. He hasn’t really spoken much since you arrived.
“How have you been handling everything? Have there been any media stories or anything?” 
“Uh no, not that I know of. But Fred and I don’t hang out and go to restaurants or anything. The only time we go out together is to doctor’s appointment and they are discreet. I don’t think there are any rumblings of this" you say rubbing your stomach. 
“I see” He takes a sip. “How do you feel about the attention the baby might have once born?” 
“I mean Fred is pretty private to begin with and doesn’t draw much attention which is shocking in Toronto. But even if the media does learn of this I can’t see it becoming a big thing since Fred keeps his life pretty private. But obviously Fred can handle this however he feels is best in the media.” 
Ernst nods “still all this must be nice." 
“All of what?” you question tensing slightly.  
“This, the money the lifestyle. Even if you don’t have the fame and people don’t know or care about you, it must be nice knowing you are set for life." 
“Excuse me" you exclaim. 
“I’m sure your parents would have been happy about this situation” he scoffs.
“First of all I do not care about the money. I told Fred at the beginning I don’t need his money or his help.  I just wanted him to know so he could be involved in this child’s life if he wanted.” 
Ernst begins to talk as you hold a finger up “I’m not done. Second of all if my parents were alive they would have been disappointed at first with me not being in a relationship with the father. But they would have gotten over it, and became supportive, and would help me in any way possible instead of attacking the father of my child.” With that you get up and leave. 
Fred stares at you before saying “just because my dad thinks that doesn’t mean me or anyone else does. He’s an idiot.” 
“But you did think this! You accused me of this exact thing!” you shout. You stand up to leave when Fred gently reaches for you wrist “(Y/N)” he says softly. “You have to know I don’t think that, and I was idiot for ever saying that before. I didn’t handle this best at first. I honestly hope you know I don’t think that, I never did.”
“When we first met up I said I can do this on my own and I meant it. I don’t need you paying for me” you huff. 
“I know you don’t, and you haven’t asked me for anything.” Fred pulls you onto his lap “besides you aren’t asking me to do this, I want to do this. I’m going to ensure this child is taken care of while I’m away. If I wasn’t a professional athlete I would still pay child support because it’s the right thing and I’m not a jackass. For now instead of support let me do this. I will feel better knowing where you guys are living, knowing it’s comfortable, safe and sufficient. Let me do this in lieu of child support, for now at least. Let me do this because it is right and don’t worry about what my dad or anyone else thinks.” 
“Okay fine” you reluctantly agree. 
“And we aren’t done with the child support discussion; I will be paying on top of the apartment.”  
You groan “you are ridiculous.”
“Me, I could say the same about you” he laughs as you smack his arm jokingly.
“So Pittsburgh?” you finally ask.
“Yeah, it’s not too far. Only an hour flight" 
“Yeah but an hour with a baby, and the time to pack get to the airport; get to your place from the airport. Customs, baggage claim. One hour can easily be 3 for one flight. And you’ll be busy for most of the time we’re there, and then a few days later I turn around and do it all again coming back” you say, his expression shifts. “And it’s not like you can come here, you only get a few days off during the season, by the time you fly in and have to leave it could be like 8 hours. It’s a lot of travel time.” 
“You saying it’s not worth it? To make these sacrifices and maybe only having 8 hours isn’t worth it for me to see my son, for my son to know me?” His tone shifts as he speaks louder “to me the length of time isn’t important as long as I get to see him and watch him grow up”
“No Fred. I’m not saying that at all. Any time with you would be amazing, I would kill for 8 hours with my dad. Any time with you will be good for both of you. Just that this would be easier if we were in the same city, you in Toronto or…” you immediately trail off. 
“Or what?” he asks. “If you were in Pittsburgh?” 
“I mean yeah that would be easier obviously but I live here, I work here.” 
“Except you’ll be on maternity leave.” You fall silent. “I’m not saying you stay for the entire thing but you could come for some of it and instead of making weekend trips to Pittsburgh you make weekend trips to Toronto.” 
“Fred mat leave in Canada last between 12-18 months, that’s a long time for me to crash your life” 
“Think of it, I can get a 3 or 4 bedroom in Pittsburgh. I can be there for milestones and not have a virtual relationship with my son until the summer comes around. You can even just come for times I’m at home and I can fly you both back when I have road trips. We can do this together, figure out how to be parents, learn from each other’s mistakes. You don’t need to answer now but promise you’ll think about it please" 
You smile and kiss him on the cheek “promise I’ll think about it. So when do you leave?” 
“Tomorrow" he whispers putting his arm around your waist. 
You shift so your mouth is breathing on his neck as you turn to straddle; he groans “that’s so soon” you whisper leaving light kisses on his neck. 
You lift his shirt off, moving your hand down his chest. He lifts his hips causing you to moan as you feel his hard member brush against you. You slide off him and onto your knees as you pull his shorts and boxers down. His hard cock springs up slapping his stomach.  
You wrap your hands around it and begin to stroke it as his head falls back, precum dripping down him. You moan as you lick his tip tasting him. You lick your lips looking up at him and quickly replace your hand with your mouth.
“Oh fuck babe” you hear him mumble as you begin to bob up and down. You use your hand to cup his balls as you slide all of him in your mouth hitting the back of your throat. Tears begin to pool as you hear “Babe. Fuck you can’t keep doing that" 
You should let up but that only encourages you. You pick up your pace, deep throating him as you continue. He begins to lift his hips pushing further into your throat. You moan around him encouraging him to continue. He keeps lifting his hips as you swirl your tongue and hollow your cheek for him. His hangs grip your hair and pull tight; soon you feel warm spurts spill down your throat.
“You didn’t have to do that” he says pulling you up to your feet.
“I know, I wanted to. Not going to see you for a bit.” You say moving to straddle him. He tangles his fingers in your hair bringing his face to yours. Your tongue slips into his mouth as you fight for dominance. He pulls back sucking on your bottom lip.
“You’re right it could be a bit. Guess I better treat you right tonight so I know you are gonna make it these next 9 or so weeks without me.” He lifts your dress up and slides your underwear to the side, slipping two fingers in. He uses his left hand to brace your hips as you put your hands on his shoulders. He uses his hand to start rocking you on his hand, and you feel him grow hard under you. You pick up the pace, your hands tightening on his shoulders. You continue rocking, as he pushes his fingers in and out, using his thumb to rub circles on your clit.
“Kom nu skat” he whispers. “Kom nu”
You keep riding his hands as your orgasm rips through you; you fall forward leaning your head on his shoulder as his pace slows. He brings his lips into your hair placing light kisses. As you finally come down you tilt your head to look at him as he brings his fingers to his mouth sucking on his fingers.
“You good babe?” he questions “it’s not too much?”
“No, not enough” you say as a smile comes across your face.
He grabs you flipping you over so your hands and knees are on the couch. You feel the couch shift behind you as his hard cock brushes your folds. He pushes in causing you to scream out.
He pulls back and thrusts back in, you feel his balls push against you. He keeps up the pace as you scream under him “Freddd, fuck Fred!”
“Yeah baby, you like that?” he pushes in deep, gripping your hips forcefully. You’re definitely going to have marks and a noise complaint tomorrow. His one hand slips around to your clit as he keeps pounding into you. He rubs your sensitive bud. “Cum for me skat, cum for me.”
He keeps up the pace and you fall apart, he moves his hand from your clit to wrap around you holding you up as you come undone. You come back around as he is still pounding into you, both his hand gripping your hips tightly. One hand leaves to smack your ass causing you to yelp.
His pace continues, his hand stroking your ass. He pulls his hand away to his lips and sucks on it, quickly bringing it down to your ass to put his index finger in. You keep up the pace groaning loudly. “Shitttt.” He briefly stops and flips so he is on his back with you straddling him. He returns his hands to your hips as you place a hand on his chest starting a quick pace.
“You look so good on me,” a hand coming up to rub your nipple. You rock your hips against his as he slaps your ass. You bring your other hand down to your clit as he fucks up into you. You can feel him becoming sloppy “you gonna cum again babe?” he questions.
You nod, unable to speak. He pulls out and thrusts fully into you. He sits up to change the angle, causing you to instantly come undone. You clench around him “fuck” he says as his warmth begins to fill you as you pace slows, “you feel so good.”
“So do you. You have no idea how good. I wouldn’t have survived this pregnancy without you.”
“Yeah you have really needed me, three orgasms eh?”
You look towards him and chuckle “the pregnancy has had me pretty sensitive, they come easily” you start saying.
“Well I remember the night I made this” he says rubbing your stomach “there was 4 then, no hormones then.”
“I mean yeah I wouldn’t have survived my hormones” you laugh “but having you be around has helped to keep me sane. Not being alone.”
He pulls you into his chest as he lies back wrapping an arm around you. “You’ll never be alone, you need to know that. I’m always with you in this.”
“What am I going to do for these next 10 weeks without you?” you whisper. He kisses your hair as you doze off for a nap.
You wake up a few hours later in bed, but you feel Fred’s tongue gently licking your folds. “Mmmm Fred” you moan. “Smuk” he mumbles gently nibbling the inside of your thigh “du er smuk” as he dives back in. The rest of the night was spent with the two of you trading orgasms and cuddles.
You wake in the morning reaching over to feel it’s empty and cold. You get up and find Fred shirtless, his track pants hung very low in your kitchen making you breakfast. His back is to you as he stands at the stove, unaware that you have woken up. You walk up behind him wrapping your arms around him “thought I would have more time to get this done.” You walk over to the island sitting down, “no worries I don’t mind the view.” He laughs turning back to the stove finishing breakfast for you both.
Next Chapter
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patagucci34 · 5 years
I Told You Not To Fall In Love With Me
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So I whipped this up at work, I’m well aware that some of the timeline/storyline isn’t true to real life, but I thought it would make for a good story. Also, the reader is meant to be 22, so closer to Haydn’s age but a little older than Andrei. Enjoy!
Word Count: ~4000  
"I told you not to fall in love with me…"
Those famous words. I had heard them before, I don't know why it's coming as a shock to me now. He was right, I had been warned.
I met Haydn through Andrei. I had known Andrei for years, so when I moved to Raleigh he made a point to introduce me to everyone on the team so I could make some friends. The night I met Haydn was at a small get together at Brock McGinn's place. We didn't talk much that night but I kept sneaking glances at him and every once in a while I noticed he was sneaking one back.
Our interactions stayed like that for a while. Never talking to each other but meeting each other's gazes frequently throughout the night. I remember at one point, he was all over another girl, and mid-make out, he stared me down. I was very uncomfortable but also couldn't break his gaze. He flashed a smile before turning his attention back to the blonde.
About a week later, we finally had a real conversation. It was at brunch the morning after a wild night out. I was highly unwell, and really not even in the mood to be out of my bed, but Andrei dragged me with him.  
"You look chipper this morning." I turned to see who had the audacity to say that to me, thinking it would be Brock, I was surprised to see that it was Haydn approaching me.
I flashed a smile, "I'm always chipper…"
"Even after the night you had?"
I looked at him quizzically, "and how do you know about my night?"
He let out a big laugh, "exactly my point." He said as he kept walking to the table.
I stopped at the sudden realization that he could have been a part of my blackout night. I quickened my pace to catch up to him.
"What do you mean, 'exactly'? What did I do last night?"
"You really don't remember?"
"No, the last thing I remember is taking shots with Andrei and Teuvo, I don't even remember going to the club."
"Oh boy…"
I started to grow really impatient with him especially since that dumb smirk has not left his face and he's clearly enjoying this.
"Tell me right now, Haydn."
He put his hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay, it's not as bad as you're thinking…you walked off at the club. Everyone was busy dancing and talking so no one really noticed, I saw you leave and just thought you were going to the bathroom but kept an eye on you and walked right out the door…"
My eyes widened, not really knowing where this was going, but he continued on.
"…so I obviously followed you, you're pretty quick by the way, by the time I got out the door you were down the street. I ran to catch up to you but you had stopped and started puking on the side of a building."
"Oh my god." My face was the color of a tomato and I put my face in my hands. Haydn started laughing at my embarrassment and put his hand on my back.
"It's okay, Y/N. We've all been there. And you're lucky I'm a good guy, I could have kept the night going and allowed you to embarrass yourself more, but I took you home and put you to bed."
"Wait, I thought that was Andrei…?"
"Nope, it was me."
"Oh, well thank you, I'm sorry I was such a mess."
He chuckled a bit and assured me again that it was fine. We talked a bit more throughout brunch, actually getting to know each other, it was  nice. But I knew I was getting myself into something that I couldn't handle. I was already falling for him and I barely even knew him.
A week later, I found myself at Andrei's pregaming with some of his teammates, one of them being Haydn. I hadn't talked to him since brunch, but much to my surprise I was greeted with a hug when he walked through Andrei's door. I had already decided I was going much easier on the alcohol tonight because of last weekend's events, and the fact that Haydn would be here again.
I had just finished my first drink and went into the kitchen to grab another. Andrei and Haydn were in there talking and when I walked in, it got suspiciously quiet. I eyed them both as I opened the fridge.
"I thought you were taking it easy tonight?" Andrei asked cheekily.
"Ha ha, I am. This is only my second drink." I said glaring back at him.
"I don't know, I wouldn't mind another show tonight," Haydn said reaching past me to grab another beer for himself.
Andrei and Haydn both laughed until they saw me glaring back at them.
"I'm sorry, it's not funny…" Haydn said still trying to stifle a laugh because Andrei just kept on laughing.
I flashed a smile to let them know I was just messing, "it's okay, it's actually pretty funny. But I'm not doing that again tonight!" I exclaimed walking out of the kitchen with my beer.
A little while later, more people had shown and it seemed to be turning more into a party and that we wouldn't be going out. Which was fine with me. I like hanging out and mingling more than going to rage at the clubs. My plans to not go as hard didn't really work out in the end, although I wasn't as worse for wear as I was last weekend, I definitely had too much to drink. Much to my dismay, I have memories of it. I woke up in Andrei's spare bed, which wasn't uncommon. I spent a lot of nights there, however, there was someone next to me that looked a lot like Haydn. I groaned inwardly, and tried to be as quiet as I could to get out of bed. I made my out in the kitchen where Andrei was busy making breakfast.
He gave me a big grin when he saw me walk in which made me think he knows about his sleeping teammate in the other room.
"Please, don't speak yet." I said stopping him as he opened his mouth to say something. He laughed instead and went back to cooking.
I grabbed a mug and poured myself some coffee before sitting at the counter to watch Andrei. A few minutes had gone by before Andrei spoke up, "are you ready to be a human being now?"
I gave him a pointed look, "I guess so, why?"
"Well are you just gonna sit there and watch me or are you going to help?"
I sighed, "I suppose I can help you…" I got up and walked around to help finish. Luckily, he hadn't really said anything about Haydn, just making small talk about plans for the week and stuff like that. Once we were done, he asked me to grab plates, "make it three, so your boy can have some food too," he said winking as he stalked off to go wake him up.
I rolled my eyes, cursing myself for thinking he would let me off that easy. Just a few minutes later, a sleepy Haydn trailed Andrei into the kitchen.
"Good morning," he said to me with a smile.
"Morning," I said back while handing him a plate.
We all made small talk while we ate and we all tag teamed cleaning up. Andrei headed off down the hall leaving the two of us alone for a little.
"So, are you headed out soon?" He asked me.
"Yeah, I've got some work to do, so I'll probably head back to my place in a little bit."
"I can bring you, if you'd like." He said quietly.
"Sure, that would be nice." I said with a small smile.
A little while later we said our goodbyes to Andrei and headed on our way.
"So, how long have you known Andrei for?" Haydn asked breaking the silence in the car.
"Since we were about 5. My family moved to Russia when I was 4 and my dad worked with his dad and our families became close."
"Oh, I didn't realize you lived in Russia. Does your family still live there?"
"No, we moved back to Canada when I was like 16."
"Did you move here because of Andrei?"
"Um, I mean not really. I guess it was part of it, it was definitely a pro, but I probably would have come here anyway."
"Gotcha, you guys are really close."
"Yeah, we kept in touch after I left, but obviously it wasn't the same. We've gotten a lot closer since I came here."
"Yeah, he says you're a really good friend to have with the whole hockey thing."
"Ohh, yeah. I understand how it is, so he vents a lot to me, and I understand that he has a tough schedule."
"How come you understand it so well?"
"Oh, he didn't tell you?"
"No…tell me what?"
"Umm, Matt Martin is my brother…"
Haydn's mouth dropped, "he's your brother???"
"Half-brother, but yeah."
"How come I didn't know this???"
"I'm not sure…I'm surprised Andrei didn't say anything to anyone."
"That's crazy. But you didn't grow up with him?"
"Not really...we have the same mom, but he stayed in Canada with his dad when we moved to Russia. He would come to Russia in the summers or when he had a break or something. Even when we moved back he was playing in the NHL, so I didn't really get to see him much."
"Huh, I can't believe I never knew that."
I laughed at his amazement of the whole situation.
"He's always scared the shit out of me…"
I laughed even harder, "yeah, I mean, I won't lie and say that I've never been scared of him, but most of the time he's actually just a big teddy bear."
He laughed a little, "you've been scared of him?"
"I mean, I wouldn't say scared scared, there was the normal brother/sister fights. But I think the time I was most scared of him I was like 16? My parents were gone for a week over the summer and Matt was staying with me because I didn't have my license yet, so he was carting me around everywhere. Anyway, he told me he was going to be gone all day with some old friends, so I had a guy over…he came back earlier than planned and walked in on us. Needless to say, he was pissed, and I was scared of what he was going to do…"
"What did he do?"
"He kicked the guy out obviously, very aggressively…and then screamed at me on and off for the rest of the day…"
"Yeah, it wasn't fun, haha. But oh well."
"Yeah, so now he definitely scares the shit out of me. Maybe let's not mention last night to him??"
"Believe me, for both of our sakes, he won't know."
Just a few minutes later we pulled up to my building.
"Thank you for the ride." I said smiling at him.
"Anytime, Y/N. I had fun last night." He said flashing a smile.
I rolled my eyes playfully, "see you around."
He waved as I walked into my building, I turned around once I got in the door and saw him pulling away. I shook my head at myself, this was not going to be good.
Haydn started hanging out quite a bit, mostly just to hook up, but we would get dinner together, or get take out, and hang for a bit before or after. We had talked about how we weren't going to put a label on it, and he told me time and time again that I can't fall in love with him. I always hated when he said that to me, at first, I was just annoyed because he didn't want to be exclusive and he just sounded like an asshole. But it wasn't even the not being exclusive part that bothered me so much. I was all for keeping my options open, but it was the way he treated me when we were together. He wasn't an asshole when we were together, and that made it just twice as hard.  He was so sweet and kind, and that made me fall in love with him.
At first, I was able to handle it. I knew I was falling and I knew that I shouldn't be, so I tried to suppress any sort of feelings I had. But it just got harder and harder. At one point, I tried ignoring him because I knew I couldn't keep doing this to myself. However, it just ended up making things worse.
It was a Friday night, I had just gotten home from a late night at work, excited to pour myself a glass of wine and just relax and watch Netflix. I had just sat down on the couch and turned on the TV when my phone started ringing, I picked it up and saw Andrei's face on the screen, I rolled my eyes but answered his FaceTime call.
"Hey, Y/N. You coming over tonight?"
"Nope." I said raising my glass of wine and turning the camera so he could do me settled in on the couch.
"Aw, come on, why not?"
"Andrei, I had such a long day, I'm not in the mood."
"But you need to talk to Haydn…" he whined.
"And why do I need to do that?"
"He hasn't shut up all week about how he hasn't heard from you."
"That sounds like a you problem."
"Well, why haven't you talked to him all week?"
"I don't know, Andrei, I didn't know I had to."
"You have been, so why the sudden change?"
"I've just been busy, I don't see the big deal."
"I don't know, it seems like a big deal to him, maybe you should talk to him."
"Well if he's that upset about it, why doesn't he come talk to me?"
"I don't know, y/n, he's weird. He probably won't reach out, but he's driving the team crazy."
"So why should I have to reach out just because he won't? That's the whole issu---" My rant was interrupted by a knock on the door. Andrei and I looked at each other through the screen with wonder in our eyes. I got up to go see who it was. I sighed when I opened the door and saw who was there.
"Speak of the devil…I gotta go, Andrei. I'll talk to you later." I hung up after he said goodbye and I let Haydn in.
"Devil, huh? You were talking about me?" He asked as we sat down on my couch.
"Yeah, he was telling me how you're driving the team nuts because you won't shut up about how I haven't talked to you all week…"
He blushed a bit and looked in his lap, "yeah…I'm sorry, it's just…I, I guess I didn't realize how much we actually talk every day, and you calm me down after a stressful day, and it's been an awful week not having you there to talk to."
"I'm sorry, I've just been really busy…" I had debated telling him why I was ignoring him, but his sincerity and just how sad he looked made me feel too bad to do it, and just like that, I was sucked back in. We spent the night together cuddling on the couch watching romcoms.
The next morning when I woke up to an empty bed, my stomach sank. I knew he had gotten up for morning skate, but just the thought I was sucked right back in was enough to ruin my mood for the day.
Andrei's family was in town for the game this weekend, so I had been planning on going to the game to see them. I sat with his parents, and it was nice to catch up with them because I hadn't seen them in a few years. I went down to the locker rooms with them after the game. We were meeting Andrei and then going to go to dinner. I wasn't really sure what would happen if I saw Haydn. I hadn't been to many games because of my work schedule, so I wasn't sure what would happen, especially since I had heard that he invites girls to games sometimes. I tried to prepare myself for the worst, and was assuming every girl I didn't recognize was there for Haydn.
I had become distracted when Andrei came out and we were chatting with a few of his teammates. However, I looked over and saw the tail end of Haydn hugging some girl and then kissing her before taking her hand and guiding her out of the arena. My face fell immediately and Andrei noticed, he put his arm around me and squeezed my shoulder. I looked up at him and he gave me a sad smile. I smiled back to try and make it seem like I was fine, but he knew I wasn't. He interrupted the conversation so we could get going. I tried to have a good time at dinner, but just couldn't stop thinking about Haydn and that girl. Andrei took me back to my place and insisted on staying in with me.
"No, it's okay, go out with the team. I'm fine."
"Y/N, I know you're not fine."
"Andrei, it's okay, really."
He looked at me with sad eyes, "I'm not leaving."
I sighed. "fine, but I really don't want to talk about it."
"Okay." He said and led me to the couch where we watched movies all night. I tried not to think of Haydn's whereabouts with that girl or what they were doing but it was really hard not to. Usually I don't see the girls he hangs out with, but now that I've seen a face, I can't get it out of my head.
The next night I got a text from Haydn.
Hey babe, you wanna come over tonight?
I knew that I shouldn't go over. If I had any self-respect, I wouldn't. But I just couldn't help it.
Sure, I'll be over in a little bit.
Our night was pretty normal, although I was definitely a bit detached and I think he could tell. There was a little tension at the beginning but as always, once we made it to the bedroom everything sorted out. I left late in the night after not having been able to sleep. My thoughts were keeping me up and I knew that I couldn't keep doing this.
I decided to try and wean off of him again. I would go a few days without talking to him or seeing him. It seemed to be working, each time I'd go a little longer without reaching out. They had a long road trip coming up and I thought it was the perfect opportunity to really break things off. He had wanted to hang out the night before they left but I made up some excuse. I tried to keep the texting to a minimum throughout the week they were gone and I thought I had been successful when they got back and I hadn't heard from him in a few days.
After the last time I tried ignoring him, I figured he'd put up more of a fight, but maybe he'd found some other girl to replace me with.
It was hard thinking about, and it was hard not talking to him, but I was starting to move on with my life.
I was starting to feel better about everything until one night I heard a knock on my door. It had been a week since they had been back and a week since we had last spoken. I opened the door and Haydn was standing there with Chinese takeout in his hands. He had a sheepish look on his face and asked if he could come in. I stepped to the side so he could get past me, he started walking to the kitchen as I closed the door. I took my time following him and by the time I had gotten the kitchen he had plates out and was almost done setting up the food. We ate in silence, and it was beginning to annoy me. Did he just think he could come and act like everything was fine? We haven't really spoken in almost two weeks, is he really that thick in the head that he thinks nothing is wrong? My actions seemed to have gotten caught up with my thoughts and the wine that I was pouring into my glass started overflowing. I was torn from thoughts by Haydn's voice.
"Y/N, stop!" He said taking the bottle of wine out of my hand and getting up to grab towels.
"Oh, shit. Sorry, I wasn't paying attention."
I got up to help him clean it up but he stopped me, "don't worry about it, I got it." He finished cleaning it up and sat back down.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
I nodded and kept eating.
"You can talk to me you know…"
"Yeah, I know."
"Is there a reason you haven't been talking to me?"
"I don't really want to get into it now."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't want to talk about it right now, Haydn."
"I'm sorry you don't want to talk about it, but I have a right to know."
"Okay, fine. I haven't been talking to you because I can't do this anymore. When we hang out, when we FaceTime, when you call me after a bad game, or call me after a good game, it all just makes me fall in love with you even more. I'm in love with you Haydn. And I know you don't feel the same. You tell me time and time again not to fall in love with you. But I can't help it. So I can't see you anymore, I can't talk to you." I had tears streaming down my face at this point, I was looking down because I didn't want to see his reaction.
"I told you not to fall in love with me."
I rolled my eyes, not surprised at his insincerity, I wiped my tears and started to get up, but he grabbed my hand to pull me back down.
"I told you not to fall in love with me because of who I am. I knew that I couldn't give you the love that you deserve. I was trying to protect you, now I'm realizing that I only hurt you more. It kills me that I'm the source of your hurt, and I'm an idiot. I'm an idiot to think that I was ever protecting your heart. But now, I want to. I want to really protect your heart. I want you to fall in love with me because  I want to fall in love with you…I am in love with you."
My tears started rolling again and  I didn't know what to say. Obviously, this is what I wanted all along but how could I trust he won't break my heart again? I think he could sense my hesitancy…he wiped my tears and we sat in silence for a moment longer.
"I know it might be hard for you to trust me, but we can take it slow, start over. I'll prove to you that I love you and only you. Please, y/n." He took my chin in his hand and I looked into his eyes. He looked sincere, he looked fragile, as if I were to say no he would break into a thousand tiny pieces.
"Okay," I said softly. He smiled and kissed me as passionately as I had ever been kissed before.
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smokinholsters · 5 years
The Consequence of Anger - Part 1
This is an AU One Shot in two parts, it takes place about 2 years past 8:4 when Ty hits Ahmed.
“Ms. Fleming ?” The black suited man said to her as she approached with the skycap and several suitcases.
“I’m sorry I’m late, the flight was delayed.” Amy said apologetically.
“We were informed, I’m Bruce and I haven’t been here that long. Let’s get to the car and get you to Hudson.” He said after glancing down at the paper he held.
Amy was quiet and checked her messages. It had been two years since she’d been home and she watched the miles fade through Calgary and then south. She watched the mountains and the trees roll by and sighed. She had no idea what she would do when she got to Heartland.
She hadn’t ostracized herself from her family, they spoke often, rote stuff, nothing deep. Lou and Peter had divorced, she was building a diner in NY, Lisa was now living in the house, Georgie was show jumping again and Ty had an apartment in town.
Ty, they didn’t really talk much and after the 5th or 6th argument she had with him, she couldn’t take it anymore. The finger pointing, his guilt, it was all too much for her, there was nothing she could do. Amy knew when she made the decision that it wasn’t something Ty would ever be able to deal with, the root of his problem with her, her ability to earn. She was wary of it when he told her that he was uncomfortable buying a place on her money, the whole idea that this is what couples do, support each other as employment or circumstances allowed, not Ty, his abuse and the curse of his youth dug deep into his psyche and his needs.
Charger didn’t surprise her, get rich quick was his way out. He overlooked that they had screwed up and she bailed them out by the skin of her teeth. Neither of them offered her a cut, as the rider 15% would have been normal,  looking back this fell right into place with other things Ty seemed to not bother thinking about. He lived at a ranch she supported for years, he never seemed to get that, Jack was his savior, it was his ranch, it was mostly Amy’s money.
They made it extremely hard for her to visit and so she opted not to. She saw Lisa twice in Antwerp during her visits to Toulon, her grandfather even came along for one. Lou and the girls came once over the summer.
She vividly remembered the RCMP officers showing up to look for him a few hours after he had hit Ahmed. He wasn’t there of course having driven away without even hearing her out.
They stayed for a few minutes and spoke with the family who reluctantly informed the officer questioning them that Ty had indeed hit the Prince but only after words had been spoken. Shortly after they were forced to admit that Ahmed was leaving when Ty ran out, turned him and hit him, twice.
Bail was set high and the charges piled on. Ahmed was a Prince, a diplomat and very high ranked. He was considered a guest in Canada and his people demanded justice, someone had assaulted their Prince.
She could see the looks on her family’s faces when they deemed to speak with her, especially Jack, her grandfather. Apparently Ahmed’s delusions were her fault.
Walking into the house from the barn she stopped as the conversation going on at the table quieted. They had been discussing what Ty’s lawyer had said “jail time for sure”, how long would be a factor decided by how much other forces outside of Hudson pushed. This was a diplomatic incident with a life of it’s own.
“Amy, how’s that new client horse of yours ?”
“Really Grandpa, do you even care ?”
“What’s that supposed to mean ?”
“It means that you were talking about Ty, my fiancé and jail, and when I walk in you stop as if any of this is my fault.”
Jack stared at her.
“Say it dammit, did I come on to him, did we walk naked on the beach, sneak into the stalls, come on what is it you think I did ?”
“Amy, no one thinks that.”
“Then why stop talking ?”
“What Lou have the words you must have done something have a different meaning now or that they all don’t think it ?”
“I didn’t mean …”
“Of course you did.” Amy said seething. “Dad’s abandoned ship altogether and you all sit whispering, how can we help Ty ? Well you can’t, this is on him, I had quit once before Ahmed flew here and twice more while he was here and before that dinner. How is it my fault Ty did what he did ?”
“The truth might have helped.”
“Lou knew the truth Grandpa, just because you and Ty didn’t is that what this is, did you want to hit Ahmed ? How about Dad ? You’ve never even asked me my side or how I am, I can’t imagine how unimportant that is to you compared to Ty.”
“He’s in jail Amy.”
“I know Grandpa, believe me I know and I’ll remember it every second he is, because no one here will ever let me forget it. I won’t be joining you for dinner by the way, you can continue this after I’ve changed.”
“Where are you off to ?”
“To deal with a problem.”
She left in what could only be described as a business suit with a simple “goodbye” as she passed the dining room table.
She got home late intentionally and packed. She was up early, showered before the rush and then kept to her room. She finally came out rolling two suitcases and parked them at the edge of the kitchen in front of the mud room.
She was dressed in working slacks, a jacket and a crisp white blouse. She wore the same boots she had worn home from Europe weeks before. She actually looked almost exactly as she had looked that day, hair, make-up and all.
“I can be reached at this top number, call or text, if that doesn’t work call the other but only in an emergency and they’ll know where I am and be able to reach me.”
“Where are you going ? When will you be back ?”
“I’m going to Belgium, I have a two year contract with Ahmed’s team as a coach and trainer. Ty will be dropped off about an hour after my limo leaves, all charges dropped. It’s important you text me that you have him at that top number.”
“Amy, what did you do ?”
“I did exactly what you most wanted Grandpa, I’m giving you back your son.”
“You can’t put this on me.”
“I’m not putting this on you, this is on Ty, him alone and his damn temper, but it is the end result you wanted isn’t it ?
“Not this way.”
“This is the only way and it’s done.” She said pouring herself a cup of coffee.
“And what do we tell Ty ?”
“Tell him whatever the hell you want Lou. I can almost guarantee someone will mention the contract before he gets here, my employer will make sure Ty knows he’s won.”
“He’s won what ?”
“Certainly not the filth that statement implies Grandpa, trainer and coach and there’s no guarantee that if he touches me I won’t kill him. I’ll deal with Ahmed.”
“I didn’t imply anything !!”
“I’ve seen the look of disappointment on your face before Grandpa, you and Ty can be disappointed together, it’s easier to point your finger in a crowd.”
“What do I tell dad ?”
Amy laughed “Dad ? Tell him I’ll be back before 10 years have gone by. He gets the same goodbye I got, none at all.”
“Amy, don’t leave bitter.” Lisa said softly.
“Sorry Lisa, bitter’s all I’ve got right now. Can I at least get hugs ?” She asked looking around the table.
Georgie and Katie came in dressed for school and looked around.
“What’s going on, why are you dressed like that ?” She asked looking at Amy.
“I’m leaving back to Europe Georgie, come give me a hug ?”
“That’s it, what about Ty, you’re, you’re just going back to him ?”
Amy just shook her head, “you know, just forget the hugs.”
She turned her back then and reached back to wheel her bags through the mud room.
“Take care of Ty.” She said in tears walking through the door.
Amy sat down on the porch wishing the car would just come and sighed when she saw it seconds later and right on time. She walked down the stairs and heard the voices from the kitchen.
Georgie was speaking “that’s it, you’re just going to let her go ?”
“She signed a contract Georgie.” Lisa said.
“So that’s it ?”
“Georgie enough !!” Jack growled “She did it so Ahmed would drop the charges against Ty, he’s coming home.”
It was mercifully the last thing she heard before the driver closed his door and sat down.
“I’m Stan, Ms. Fleming, Calgary Airport, Air France First Class to Antwerp, I got you a cup of coffee, I was told black.”
“Thanks Stan, how’s traffic ?”
“It shouldn’t be that bad, relax.”
She asked Bruce to drive through Hudson on the way to the ranch, it was a large limo with dark glass and people naturally looked up as it stopped at a light. They drove past Maggie’s and Amy noted both the familiar stores and those that had changed. Heartland on the other hand hadn’t changed at all as they rode though the gate. She hadn’t told anyone she was coming home, her contract employed her by yearly season which was technically less than two years. She didn’t want the hoopla nor did she know what she was going to do though several things crossed her thoughts over the past few months as she drew closer to this moment.
Soon after she had arrived in Europe she came to an agreement with Ahmed. Animosity wouldn’t work with the horses and if he wanted to win he needed to move on and stop acting like a love lorn child. She wasn’t now, nor had she ever been interested in him as anything other than her employer, her team captain and a friend. She also informed him that any chance of that continued friendship was gone. It took Ahmed a month or two but it finally stuck. He didn’t know that by then Amy knew that she and Ty were pretty much at an impasse especially since she would not allow him to visit her, she couldn’t risk that.
Since Amy had virtually no expenses and really didn’t avail herself of much in Europe other than occasional clothing splurges she was arriving home with a tidy sum of money. With salary, bonuses and other side work she was able to do in Europe during brief breaks, combined with the other money from the first tour and Zeus it amounted to several hundred thousand dollars, no where near rich but enough she hoped for a nice down payment on a property assuming they’d grant her a loan on reputation.
She saw Lisa’s Porsche and a truck that must be Jack’s “new” one as the limo pulled up and the driver got out. She looked around and didn’t see anyone in the paddocks but some horses. “Hello boys” she whispered as she spied Phoenix and Harley wandering and grazing along with several others. “Spartan will be home in a few days.”
Lisa walked out onto the porch wiping her hands on a towel and shielded her eyes ready to give directions to the lost driver but paused for a second as Amy stood up and looked at her.
“Amy ?” She cried out dropping the towel onto the rail and rushing down the stairs.
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S1E7: I Will Kick No More Forever/The Kid Came Back
It was bound to happen eventually, but these two were...not as good as the others? I don’t know, y’all. I didn’t feel fulfilled or inspired watching this pair of episodes. But I tried...for one of them, anyway.
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I Will Kick No More Forever
Well, okay, there was one inspiring thing. Gretchen and Gus doing commentary for the kickball games made me think they should probably do a podcast together. So here’s a sports podcast that happens to be about the plot of this episode!
(I’m just going to write this all at once and see what happens. I have only ever written TV scripts, so I’m just winging it. Forgive me.)
GRETCHEN: I’m Gretchen Grundler.
GUS: And I’m Gus Griswald.
GRETCHEN: And this is “I am in Sports.”
[theme music]
[theme music fades]
[nat sound: kickball noises]
GRETCHEN: Kickball. Or as it’s known in most of Canada, “soccer baseball.” A sport of humble origins, and today, one of the most popular recess games in the United States.
GUS: You might not know all the names of some of the great kickballers in the storied history of the sport, but today, we’d like to introduce you to one in particular who took the playground by storm.
[nat sound fades]
ANNOUNCER (SOT): “Here comes Vince ‘The Foot’ LaSalle!”
ANNOUNCER 2 (SOT): “Kicks lefty, throws righty...”
ANNOUNCER 3 (SOT): “And that ball’s not coming back! A home run!”
ANNOUNCER 4 (SOT): “The undisputed, single greatest kicker that Third Street School has ever seen.”
GRETCHEN: Vince LaSalle. A fourth-grader in name only, he made everyone from kindergarteners to sixth-graders quiver in their kickball shoes whenever he stepped up to the plate.
GUS: His trajectory was storied. He was the only known kindergartener in Third Street School history to be invited to play with the first-grade kickball team, and by second grade, he was challenging sixth-graders to play.
GRETCHEN: This confidence was impressive. Inspiring, even. But it wasn’t meant to last.
VINCE (SOT): “Okay, everyone! Outfield in!”
GRETCHEN: It was a regular Tuesday, bottom of the ninth inning. Recess would be over in about two minutes. Ashley Q. was at the plate, fresh off a phone call, and Vince made the call to bring the outfield in.
GUS: It would be the last time anyone on the playground would trust him for a long time.
ANNOUNCER 5 (SOT): “That ball is up! And up! And up! Good golly, that ball is gone! It’s out of this world! Ashley Q., ladies and gentlemen!”
- SOT -
VINCE (on phone): “It was...horrible.”
GUS: “Horrible?”
VINCE: “When you make a call like that, bringing the outfield in, bringing everyone in, you don’t...that’s not what’s supposed to happen.”
GUS: “What is supposed to happen?”
VINCE: “Well, the opposite of that.”
GRETCHEN: The next day, Third Street School received a long distance call — very long-distance. This call was from a busy street in Beijing, China.
PRINCIPAL PRICKLY (SOT, on phone): “They said they found our ball. I was like, what? What ball? And the man on the phone explained, you know, your ball. It says your school’s name right here.”
GRETCHEN: Ashley Q. had recorded the longest kick the school had ever seen. And Vince? Well, he didn’t take it so well.
- SOT -
VINCE (on phone): “I just started whiffing.”
GUS: “Whiffing?”
VINCE: “Everything. Just, missing everything. The next game, you know, the ball would be rolled to me just like usual. Kicked it right back into the pitcher’s hands. Kicked it foul. Missed it entirely.”
GUS: “What about after that game?”
VINCE: [sighs] “You know what’s worse than being picked last?”
GUS: “Not really. I’m picked last a lot.”
VINCE: “Have you ever not been picked at all?”
GUS: “Wow, no. How did that make you feel?”
VINCE: [laughs] “Well, after that, I left the sport.”
[brooding music]
VINCE (SOT): “I am announcing my retirement from kickball. I will kick no more, forever.”
[brooding music fades]
GRETCHEN: Vince was distraught. Even though he was sure in his decision to leave the sport he loved, he didn’t take the transition well.
GUS: We visited him after school one day — a day he’d missed, we weren’t sure why — and found him in front of the TV, drinking root beer and eating doughnuts. It wasn’t pretty.
GRETCHEN: He kept repeating something, we didn’t know what at first. We tried to ask him to speak more slowly, articulate, enunciate. And then Gus finally figured it out.
GUS: “I was outkicked by an Ashley.” Over and over again. Just...gut punch.
- SOT -
GRETCHEN: “So we are...in my bedroom right now. Me, Gus, TJ, everyone. And I just showed them [crash in background] — Guys, what was that?”
TJ: “Sorry. Lost control of the Flubber again.”
GRETCHEN: “Glorp. It’s called glorp.”
TJ: “Yeah, whatever it is, it’s awesome. This should do the trick.”
GUS: It was supposed to be a science fair project, right?
GRETCHEN: Yes, it was one of my attempts to invent a substance to replace liquid soap. But what I got instead was a bouncy...well...glorp.
GUS: And remind me what the plan was?
GRETCHEN: The plan was to create a diversion and switch out the kickball with the glorp ball. It’s much easier to kick, and it goes a lot farther. We just wanted to give Vince his confidence back, even if we had to bend the truth a little to do it.
GUS: My job was to switch the ball after Mikey and TJ created the diversion, from the kickball to the glorp ball.
[spy music]
- SOT -
MIKEY: “My foot! My foot!”
TJ: “Mikey! Are you okay? Can you play?”
MIKEY: “No! But if I don’t play, you’ll have to forfeit!”
TJ: “I’m sure there’s someone else we can use.”
[spy music fade]
GRETCHEN: [laughing] Okay, it was a bad plan. It was not the best plan. But it worked.
ANNOUNCER 6 (SOT): “What’s this? Vince LaSalle, disgraced kickballer, appears to be coming out of retirement to replace the injured Mikey!”
TJ (SOT, on phone): “I was just trying to tell him, like, ‘If you don’t kick, we’ll lose the game,’ and he goes, ‘Yeah, well, get used to it.’ And I go, ‘Well, the only thing that makes you a loser is not trying.’ And it did the trick.”
ANNOUNCER 6 (SOT, CONT.): “He’s kicking righty today, maybe a revamped routine to make this try at his career go a little better, and...Oh my! Oh my word! That ball is gone! It’s in the stratosphere! It’s past the stratosphere! Where is that ball! No one knows, but Vince LaSalle has done it! He’s won the game!”
GRETCHEN: Here’s the thing. We all felt incredibly guilty after the fact. Because it was just the glorp ball. It wasn’t Vince. And still, we couldn’t tell him. But then it turned out we didn’t have to tell him.
GUS: I remember this moment so well. I was running back from the bathroom, wondering why the game was over.
GRETCHEN: And we were wondering why you were out of breath. You weren’t the one who had just kicked the ball into parts unknown. But then we learned the reason was...
GUS: I didn’t make the switch. I went to the bathroom, left the glorp ball outside, and when I came back, it was gone.
GRETCHEN: Vince had done it all on his own. His confidence was real.
[SOT - “Vince! Vince! Vince!”]
GRETCHEN: The world’s greatest kickballer was back in business.
[fade SOT]
[theme music]
- SOT -
[phone rings]
HAROLD STEVENS: “Hey, Principal Prickly, this is Harold Stevens at NASA. Look, I just wanted to reach out and say we won’t be charging you for the damage because this seems like a once-in-a-lifetime thing.”
PRICKLY: “Excuse me? Damage? What did those kids get up to this time?”
STEVENS: “Oh, well, the kickball dent on the space shuttle. It won’t be a problem.”
PRICKLY: “What?”
[theme music fades]
Takeaway: I need a Gus and Gretchen podcast YESTERDAY.
The Kid Came Back
Look, everyone. The previous recap was so long, and I don’t want to overshadow it by going too deep into this one. This episode was just...a baby thriller, you know what I mean? All the elements of a creepy story tailor-made for kids, but absolutely no payoff. It was an insult, frankly.
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In short, a kid no one has seen before starts following the gang around, and bad things start happening to them. They decide it’s because of the kid, so they tell him to buzz off, and he starts crying. The gang’s takeaway is that, oops, our bad luck wasn’t caused by this kid! And so they go apologize, and then they learn he has other friends anyway. The lesson is not to tell kids to buzz off...or so we thought, until another mysterious girl shows up at the very end and the gang runs away from her immediately so as to not engage. We never learn what’s causing their bad luck.
Just...skip this one. I hope the next one is better and that we’re not rolling down an infinitely long hill. Who haven’t we checked in with in a while? Have we had a TJ-centered episode yet? I’d be fine with that.
Takeaway: I need to tighten up my scriptwriting so I don’t run out of steam before even getting the chance to make fun of a bad episode, lol.
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randomoranges · 5 years
it’s post holidays but whatever.
also this one is more - vignetty.
also i changed its title like 4 times.
also, let’s play a game called “can we actually link together most of these holiday fics into one universe?” 
the answer is yes.
8 of them can be linked together ha ha ha (if you wish)
Here’s what it would look like: Last Christmas I Gave you My Heart [Please Come Home for Christmas], Auld Lang Syne [And a Happy New Year], Baby It’s Cold Outside [Turn the Lights On], I’ll be Home for Christmas [For the Holidays You Can’t Beat Home Sweet Home], It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year [Kiss me Underneath the Mistletoe], Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time [Ransack the Mall, Shop Until you Lose Your Mind], Merry Christmas Darling [Take a Walk with Your Favourite Girl], I’ll Have a Blue Christmas Without You [Christmas Calling - Bright Lights Falling]
also there is One More Xmas fic left. Finally. 
Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time [ Ransack the Mall, Shop Until You Lose Your Mind ]
 Étienne rolled over in bed and tried to find Edward, in order to curl up around him and take advantage of his body heat, but instead, the spot beside him was empty, if a little warm. He furrowed his face in Edward’s pillow and for a moment, it was sufficient, until even that wasn’t warm enough and he heard movement coming from somewhere else in the room. He knew it was late – or more, like early. He ignored it at first, his brain too sleep-lagged to properly care, or process things, but when he heard the noise again, he stirred, curiosity getting the best of him.
“Ed?” He asked, even if it sounded less like “Ed” and more like a mutated groan.
There was movement again in the room, until the bed dipped and Étienne recognised the familiar scent of Edward. He moved towards the warm body and reached for whatever part of his boyfriend he could find first, which ended up being an elbow.
“Early. Bed.” He said, making Edward chuckle.
“You go back to sleep, Teddy, I have to get ready.”
Étienne frowned, but then relaxed when he felt a gentle hand run through his hair. Still, Edward wasn’t slipping back under the blankets and that only put a slight damper on his current bliss. “Time?”
“Close to four thirty.”
Étienne frowned again, even if he was half-asleep. It’s what got him to sit up and give Edward a puzzled look, even if the look was more of a squint and his eyes were mostly still shut, “Remind me again, why?”
It was a tradition, Edward told him, when poor people lined the mall to get good deals on televisions and bread makers, because limited amount of stock and capitalism. Where every year, on Boxing Day, he and his mother went to the mall to get things they had been eyeing at bargain prices and where poor employees went in late Christmas Day to get ready. Edward had asked Étienne if he wanted to come along, but Étienne had told him, that even though he loved him dearly, and even though he got along well with Edward’s mother, there was absolutely no way in hell that he would go anywhere near a mall, on Boxing Day. Ever. Especially at this God forsaken time.
Edward had called him soft.
Étienne told him he needed at least some sleep.
Edward had told him it was his loss.
Étienne had told him to have fun and had even given him fifty dollars to “get something nice.”
Edward had thrown a pillow at him. (But he’d kept the money. A gift was a gift. And he could do a lot of damage with a fifty.)
“Because, it’s capitalism, baby,” He said with a laugh to his voice and Étienne groaned. “And, also, we really need a new toaster.” He paused as he put on a pair of pants, “Gotta have a hearty breakfast so we have energy for bargains! Also, by getting an early start we can be first in line – all part of the Strategy, Curly, you sure you don’t want in? We could use the extra set of hands.”
Étienne made a face at that – he wasn’t sure he would ever understand the logic behind such suffering, but if it made Edward happy, who was he to stop him? Hell, he didn’t even go Boxing Day shopping back home – and stores opened at 1pm back home! He had nearly fainted when Edward had told him stores here opened at normal times and people lined up even earlier. He had heard all about the Strategy so many times that he still wasn’t entirely sure how it worked out, but Edward and Mrs. Murphy swore by it and he wasn’t about to argue. He valued his spot in the good graces of Mrs. Murphy – he’d heard what happened to those who fell out of the good graces of Mrs. Murphy. (It wasn’t pretty.)
“God speed,” He chose to say instead and plopped back down in bed, pulling the covers over himself.
Edward chuckled softly and tucked him in, before placing a kiss to his forehead, “Be good – we should be back this evening, maybe earlier, depends. Anyways, Dad’s staying home, but he’ll be glued to the TV – World Juniors and Spengler start today. You’re more than welcome to watch with him – and don’t worry, I got you some real beer if you want – it’s in the back of the fridge.”
Étienne made a sound that could have been acknowledgement, but Edward didn’t stay to find out and instead headed out, while Étienne fell back asleep.
When Étienne deigned it was late enough to get up, he padded out of Edward’s old childhood bedroom and made his way to the main floor. He briefly remembered Edward telling him he was off to the mall, what felt like hours before, and true to his boyfriend’s word, he found Mr. Murphy sitting in the living room sofa, sporting his Team Canada sweater, with the TV on.
It was a good thing Étienne had already previously met Edward’s parents, for this would have been a much more daunting morning had he not. It wasn’t that Edward’s parents weren’t nice, but between the two of them, Mrs. Murphy was much easier to read than her husband. Mrs. Murphy was warm and welcoming. She was easy with words, a quick hug and she had a killer sense of humour. Her husband, on the other hand, was a man of few words.
Mr. Murphy was tall, built like a mountain, very strong and very intimidating looking. He had a full head of very dark hair, an intelligent look in his hazel eyes and sharp features. Étienne believed Edward would look like his father in thirty or so years, if he was half a foot taller and worked on the rigs for twenty odd years. Mr. Murphy was a family man who had done what he had needed to do to support a wife and two children. He had made sacrifices and had worked hard to make sure his family never needed for anything. He liked his sports channel, he liked his beer, and he fiercely loved his family.
From what Edward had told him, his father was proud of his province, loved where he was from, loved to take his truck out for a ride, and had strong conservative values. He and Edward had not always seen eye to eye and for a long time, Edward had been convinced his father would disown him the moment he found out he was gay, but as it turned out, Mr. Murphy equally loved his son fiercely. Over the years after Edward’s coming out, they had mended their broken bridges and had actually learnt to get to know one another. Now, at least, Edward knew that even if his father was more of the silent type and didn’t always express his feelings, and even if they didn’t always agree on politics, his father still wanted what was best for him and had his back. Therefore, it had been a relief when Mr. Murphy hadn’t told Étienne to leave and instead had invited him to sit at the table, when Edward had brought him over, a few summers ago. (And if anyone asked, Étienne had not been a nervous mess at the time. At all.)
It was why Étienne felt quite at ease (or, at ease) politely greeting Mr. Murphy, making himself something to eat, and then getting comfortable on the living room loveseat afterwards with his sketchbook and phone, while Mr. Murphy gave him a quiet play by play of what had happened up until now with the games.
Étienne ended up spending most of his morning and early afternoon watching hockey with Mr. Murphy. Even if Team Canada wasn’t playing, Mr. Murphy watched the other games to see what Team Canada could eventually face, if they got to play these teams, or when they would play them. The man certainly knew his hockey and was quite enthused about the sport, if Étienne was to judge by the comments he kept making. He even switched between the World Juniors tournament and the Spengler cup, but only during breaks and intermissions, since the Juniors’ had more at stake than the Spengler – or so Mr. Murphy said. Étienne didn’t mind and kept up with the games as he doodled away in his sketchbook.
“I remember back in 2015 when Connor McDavid came back. There was a lot of hype around that year’s Team Canada – a lot of talent as well. The great thing about this is you have all this up and coming talent, but you also get these surprises. You never know who’ll shine. Anything is possible.” He said and Étienne nodded, not quite sure what to add to that. “Hope Team Canada makes it far this year.” He added.
“I don’t see why they shouldn’t – they have a strong defence and that Dufour has a pretty solid forecheck. But they’re in a tight group and the other teams seem to have a lot of dept as well. Plus, Switzerland can be surprising and both Finland and Russia are juggernauts. They’ll have to be careful.”
Mr. Murphy sat up a little straighter and looked at Étienne, surprised, “Didn’t think you knew your hockey that well, son,” Étienne shrugged, even if his cheeks pinked a little.
“I follow the tournament – my sister volunteered the two years it was in Montreal. It’s an intensive game – more creative than regular hockey.”
Mr. Murphy nodded sagely, “Who would’ve thought the art kid knew so much about hockey?” He laughed and luckily, Étienne had had enough talks with Mr. Murphy (even if they were few) to know that he was only joking and that “art kid” was more of am endearment than an insult.
“I am absolutely full of surprises, Mr. Murphy,” Mr. Murphy laughed even louder and Étienne couldn’t help but grin.
“You know, I think your old man might actually like me,” He wrote to Edward, even if his boyfriend wouldn’t see his message until he got back home – or in his mother’s car.
It was indeed evening when Edward and his mother returned, loaded with bags and Étienne and Mr. Murphy helped them unload the car. (Étienne stayed inside but carried the bags from the door to the kitchen – it was cold outside and he didn’t have polar bear skin, unlike his boyfriend – or his boyfriend’s father, who was going from the car to the door in nothing but his slippers and what he had been wearing earlier.)
“I see this was a productive shopping trip,” Étienne said as a means of greeting once the last of the bags were in.
“It was, but I met my quota of people for the rest of the year. There were so many people, oh my God, but my mom and I still managed to get everything we wanted and then some,” He high-fived his mother as she walked by and Étienne shook his head, amused, “The Strategy, once more, proved to be flawless,” Étienne still wasn’t sure he understood the folly behind this madness, but he supposed there were many things that he did that Edward did not understand either.
“Good thing the year ends soon.” Étienne said, grinning as Edward made a face.
“Why am I not even surprised you said such a thing?”
“I am a gift, Murphy, you need to appreciate it.”
Edward stuck out his tongue, but Étienne only laughed as he helped Edward out of his jacket and hung it in the closet, “Jokes put aside, you look beat, d’you want me to run you a bath after you put everything away?”
“Yes, please, you’re the absolute best; so, how was your day? And what’s this with my father actually liking you?”
Étienne recapped his day as he helped Edward empty out the bags and told him about the games he had watched. He paused every now and again as Edward showed him his purchases of the day and once they were done, Étienne kept his promise and ran Edward a bath with extra bubble bath.
If Edward nearly fell asleep in the tub, Étienne blamed it on the “Strategy.”
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taylorj8771 · 6 years
The retirement fic
Here it is. The next part. Thank you to Visionshadows for all your help with getting this section as best as it’ll likely ever get. It really did a number on me…
Update: I was finally able to add the links! Thanks for bearing with me.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
Part of the process of Sidney being approved as an Adoption Family includes meeting with Synia in her office roughly once every other week. They started having the meetings a week after his initial paperwork was filed, around the time their daily phone-calls ended. So far it's mostly been Synia getting to know Sidney better so she can determine how he may fit with children the agency has ready to be placed.
Much to Sidney's own surprise, he actually has started to think of her as more of a friend that he can share all of his secrets with. It’s an important distinction for him that it's a requirement he does but he’s genuinely enjoyed their conversations. They’ve met three times in the last six weeks, all uneventful talk about how he was raised and how he’d like to raise his own child, before she sits him down for a "serious talk". He's not sure what to expect but he sits somberly in the chair across from her desk and waits patiently for her to begin.
She shuffles a few papers around before clasping her hands together on top of her desk and leaning forward. "We received the results of the background check just the other day and we’ve made a few phone calls to the references on your application."
She looks a little like a teacher who's having to scold a student she likes, torn but clearly obligated.
"Is there something you left off of your paperwork that you would like to tell me about?"
"Uh…" Sidney shifts in his seat, brows furrowed in confusion.
"Sidney,” she pauses, “why don't any of your references know that you're married?"
A rush of breath leaves him like he’s been punched in the gut. He tries to swallow but his mouth is suddenly too dry and his heartbeat is pounding in his ears. The only other sound he can hear is his jaw clicking but it's like his whole voice box bailed and he can't make a sound.
"We couldn't reach your husband by phone, either."
"Geno's in Russia." He spits out the first lie he can think of. "He's been back there for a while, taking care of his family."
Synia levels him with a look that clearly says I was not born yesterday. "Taking care of family for five years, Sidney?"
He winces and shrugs all in one motion and lowers his eyes to stare at the floor in front of her desk.
"Look Sidney, I meant it when I said that I’m your friend in this. I want to help you get the child you want. I’m going to be honest with you, it does not look good that we only found out about this because of the background check. I need you to help me understand this, okay?"
Synia shifts back in her chair and waits patiently while Sidney weighs the very few options he has in front of him. There is only one choice, though, if he ever wants to have a family of his own. He raises his eyes to meet hers and asks, mouth dry and his voice cracking, "This stays between us?”
"Everything you say in this room stays completely between us."
Sidney nods once and clears his throat. He tries to figure out the best place to start their story, so she can understand it all — it’s so long winded, he already knows, but it will only make sense from the beginning and he needs her on his side.
He swallows hard and when he speaks again, his voice is soft. "First, it’s a sham marriage.” Synia opens her mouth and Sidney hurried to speak before she does. “Geno and I got married twenty years ago."
He shifts in his chair, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. He keeps his eyes down, hoping that the lines on the carpet of her office will morph into words for him to read like a script.
"None of my references know because we never told any of them. We never told anyone.”
He takes a deep breath and blows it out slowly.
“Geno is from Russia and you have to know that Russia is nothing like the US. Most of the government is corrupt and capable of doing some of the most depraved things. The KHL, where Geno played his first couple of professional hockey years, is part of that. When he first came to the US to play they made a lot of problems for him. He had a lot of trouble getting his visa and was almost deported until ownership was able to break his contract with his team in Russia. When his entry level contract here was ending, we were all really nervous about what would happen for him.
“Geno had a very real fear of being blackmailed into going back. Even after we won the Cup, he was afraid they’d try to take the NHL away from him. If he had already accomplished everything he could in the NHL, there was nothing new for him to bring back home for them to claim as theirs.”
Sidney rubs his hands together and takes a quick glance up at Synia. She’s watching him with an attentive expression and he soldiers on.
“It was just after we won the Cup in oh-nine. A group of us were talking at one of the parties, completely trashed of course, and someone made a comment about how Geno could get a green card if he married an American. He wouldn’t ever have to worry about his old team doing something to get him back if he was an American citizen. We all laughed about it at the time. It seemed ridiculous. I mean, our twenty-two year old friend who barely spoke English finding an American to marry him?
“But it stayed with me through the summer. How my best friend wouldn’t have to worry about anything other than playing hockey. The fear that had been weighing him down could just be gone -” Sidney snaps his fingers. “- like that.”
“One thing you have to understand is that Geno was one of the best friend I have ever had and I was terrified of losing him.”
Sidney scrubs his hand down over his face. “I tried to find a friend that would marry him. I figured it was only two years out of someone’s life for him to get his green card. Everyone I spoke to thought I was absolutely crazy. One of my friends finally told me that I shouldn’t ask a favor of someone that I wasn’t prepared to do myself.
“And that really got me thinking. Gay marriage was legal in Canada and dual-citizenship there was just as good for Geno as in the US. It wouldn’t have been great if it had gotten out that I’d married a guy but at least it wouldn’t have been a lie for me since I’m bi. So just before training camp started, I asked Geno to marry me.
“He thought I was nuts.” Sidney smiles at the memory, his eyes crinkling. “I mean, I definitely was, but that’s not the point. I told him everything I’d been thinking about and after a couple months of talking it out, he agreed.
“I went home for the All-Star break and applied for the marriage license. A couple of months later when we had a break in the schedule, we flew up to Nova Scotia and went to the courthouse for a civil ceremony.” He laughs sadly. “I don’t even know who the people who signed as our witnesses are.
“We were just kids, you know?” Sidney looks up at Synia, his voice wistful. “I don’t know why we thought a marriage license could stay secret but the citizenship paperwork couldn’t. The marriage was his ‘get out of jail’ free card so we never divorced. Neither of us ever found anyone we wanted to marry for real, either. And honestly, I think we both just forgot over the years.
“I didn’t put his information on the paperwork because I don’t ever think about it. I’ve never thought of myself as actually married.”
Synia clears her throat. “And now?” She asks.
Sidney looks at her, questioning.
“Where is Geno now?”
“Oh, he was injured about five years ago and decided to retire. We still talk but he doesn’t come back to Pittsburgh often."
"I see," She says, pausing to take a long, drawn out breath. She looks overwhelmed, like she didn't expect any of that story to come pouring out and like she's not quite sure she should believe it. Sidney tries to keep eye contact with her but he can feel his face making all sorts of twitching motions that he can't control. Finally, Synia unclasps her hands and shuffles a few papers around again. "Is Geno going to be a part of the adoption?"
“Uh…” is all he says, thrown off by how she jumps right back to the issue at hand.
"Is he going to stay in Russia?"
"I don't–I don't know. We haven't talked."
"In five years?"
Sidney scowls. “No. Just not often since he went back to Russia. We're still close but after twenty years we don’t have to talk every day to stay that way."
"I have some friends like that, too." Synia smiles fondly. She lifts a hand to her face and scrubs it down over her eyes.
“I have to be honest, Sid, this whole 'finding out you're actually married' thing has really thrown me for a loop."
"I'm sorry.”
"It would've been nice to know about before filing your paperwork, is all. It's not something we can't figure out a work-around for but you're going to need to head home and have a serious conversation with Geno."
Sidney nods.
"I'm not sure if this marriage is considered dissolved naturally or if, because of the duration, it's still in tact. We can change your paperwork to say that you're separated or you can apply for a divorce if that's something you're comfortable with. I can’t say if either of those will hurt your reputation as an Adoption Family but they certainly won’t help. Or." Synia pauses.
Sidney feels like his heart stops beating in the silence. She voice lowers and Sidney leans in to listen.
"It's much easier to adopt a newborn as a married couple. Most women who put their unborn child up for adoption want to know that the baby will be going to a loving home with two parents. It would up your odds, if Geno was on board with this and here to help you."
Sidney's chest starts to tingle and warmth flushes his cheeks as he registers her words. "Do you really…?" He trails off, refusing to let his hopes lift.
"Is he still your best friend?" Synia asks.
"I like to think so."
"Then talk to him first, Sidney. And we'll figure out your options from there. Okay?"
He nods, swallowing around the hope he can feel building up in his throat. "Okay." Sidney stands to shake her hand. He’s smiling when he leaves her office.
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bondi-oldgirl · 7 years
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This is a nice interview with Jessica Bergeault, the base runner for Seasons 2 & 3. And yes, she did go to Canada for an extended holiday and now working on other shows in the UK. Poor thing was exhausted.
I’ve posted this before, but I liked it so much, I’m going again. Outlanderfrance on Wordpress is a great site and worth a visit if you can go via google translate on your computer.
A mystery on the set of Outlander, there is a French woman, Jessica Bergeault, working in the production office! Séverine, our permanent correspondent admin in Scotland, met her on location, and Jessica was kind enough to promise us an interview. Promise kept despite a busy schedule, on a beautiful spring afternoon, Jessica appears smiling at the « Train Bleu » Brasserie in Paris.
OutlanderFrance Question: Can you tell us how a French woman ended up in the position of « Base Runner »on Outlander? What is your background?
Jessica Bergeault: I wanted to attend a film school. Most schools are 3 years of study with a lot of theory, but in London I could go through the curriculum in one year, with the advantage of being in an English-speaking country. I worked a little in London, but I chose to go to Scotland, where it is less competitive, and I had heard about Outlander. As I’m a fan of American series, and they generally film in North America …
I arrived in Scotland, while season 1 was still being filmed. A few months later I heard they were hiring for season 2. I immediately sent my resume, I got the job interview and was hired!
OF : Do you think the fact that there were a lot of French actors in S2 gave you an edge?
JB: Yes and no. This is an advantage, they were hiring both base and set runners, the base runners work with actors. Being French, they gave me the role of base runner. It made it easier to work with French actors.
OF : Did you help Guillaume (French tutor on set)?
JB: Not much. I let Guillaume do his job. But it’s true that sometimes it was fun in the morning to speak French or Italian with Cait, sometimes a little French with Sam too.
OF : It must be quite special to have a bilingual set!
JB: French actors speak English on different levels of course. For example Romann (Editor’s Note: Romann Berrux, who plays Fergus) speaks excellent English but for his mother, for example, I was very important and we became very close. Romann is a bit like my little brother. He has really grown and changed between season 2 and season 3.
OF : Can you tell us more about the role of a Base-Runner?
JB: I am part of the assistant directors department. In fact we are like the glue that connects the different departments together: cameras, sound, actors, makeup, costumes, drivers.
There are sets, and the base. The base is where actors’ trailers are, as well as the costumes needed during the week, etc. I’m responsible for the base, and so in the morning I welcome the actors, I serve them coffee, tea and breakfast and I get their lunch. I tell them when they need to go to makeup, or to the set, I answer their questions. If they need something, I’m there for them.
I have to know where each actor is at all time, in order to make sure they are where they need to be at the right time. If there is a button that is coming off, the actor tells me and I call someone in the costumes department.
It takes a lot of organization to knock on doors and get everyone into cars. I organize with Andy, who is head of the drivers. The atmosphere on the set of Outlander is really nice. When I was filming in London, on big productions, there were sometimes ego problems, but on Outlander, actors are all really lovely, like a big family. Of course some days more than others.
I work about 13 hours a day, 5 days a week but sometimes we can only have a location on Sunday. For example at the end of 2016 for 2 months, the week ran from Sunday to Thursday to accommodate this.
OF : What is the most unusual thing that happened to you on set?
JB: I have, several times, helped the makeup artists to remove Sam’s back prosthetics.
OF : You’re going to make people jealous!
JB: Sure, but it’s interesting to learn the techniques, it was not part of my school curriculum. But Sam and his makeup artist Wendy appreciated the help.
OF : What according to you are the most misunderstood aspects of the production of a series like Outlander?
JB: I think it is the very long hours for teams dealing with extras. The assistant directors who manage extras have very very long hours. They must get up very early, they start 2 hours before I do. There aren’t 100 makeup artists for 100 or 200 extras, so you have to send them all, and then in the evening, recover all the wigs and so on. It’s very long. The makeup for women takes about an hour and a half. The wigs are very time consuming.
My working day begins about 2:30 or 2 hours before they start filming.
I begin a new season about a week before we start shooting. I then take care of the actors who come for costume or wig fittings, and I am also present at the beginning of each block for the read-through … When an actor has only one or two lines and is not present, I read in his/her place. Sometimes I read the lines with Sam or Cait. <laughter>
Much of my work is to help the second assistant director. An important part of the second assistant director’s job is to prepare the service sheet for the next day. It is kind of a timetable: what scene we will shoot, which actors will be there, what time should they arrive at, what time they have to go to make up. Also noting the important things like « there will be 8 horses, » note all the extras, where it will be shot, etc. Another aspect of the second assistant director’s job is to call to arrange fittings.
Production visits us every day and I deliver mail and scripts to the actors’ dressing rooms. I also liaise with the office, my colleagues call me if they need something. If an actor has forgotten his cellphone in his bag in his dressing room for example, I’ll get it for him … I liaise with the set to send new actors to shoot a new scene.
It is a very varied job where you move around a lot and I love it!
OF: It’s fascinating, we know nothing about what goes on behind the scenes. It’s strange, the more you learn the more magic it becomes!
JB: After that, there is the post-production and special effects, but that’s not my department.
OF: Guillaume and Amandine have not hired you to record French voices in post-production?
JB: No. I haven’t had the opportunity to meet her.
OF : And it seems that you gave French lessons to Richard (Rankin)?
JB: Yes, he said he was taking some lessons and he was very enthusiastic when he asked me to give him a « sentence of the day ». I would give him an English sentence he’d have to try and translate, then I’d give him the sentence in correct French and he’d learn it.
OF: You know that OutlanderFrance sent Sam a French tongue twister book?
JB: Yes, I saw that!
OF : Maybe you could borrow it and give Richard some tongue twisters to learn?
JB: Yes, we could try!
OF: How is it going with Caesar, the new Fergus?
JB: It’s going great! Obviously it’s weird not to see Romann, but it’s true that whenever the actors are leaving it’s weird.
But we know when we said goodbye they will probably be there again in 2 weeks for « pickups » because often they realize in post production that something is missing or needs to be re-shot. But yes it’s true, it’s sad. Tobias also, yes it was sad …
OF Gary Lewis is known to be the biggest « hugger »of the earth, is he as nice with the team?
JB: Oh Gary, yes he is really super nice!
OF : Would you have travel or restaurant recommendations for fans of Outlander, to put on our travel blog?
JB: The Best Fish & Chips? It’s Anstruther, in Fife!
Otherwise, Glencoe is very pretty, as well as Pitlochry Queen’s view. Culross and Falkland where there were a lot of scenes shot and then Dysart representing Le Havre. The Edinburgh architecture and Doune Castle which is Castle Leoch in the series.
OF : So, have you read the books?
JB: No, I haven’t had time yet, I read summaries on the internet and Romann’s mum told me everything. But I will!
OF : We hope that we will go beyond the 4 seasons. Even up to 9? 10? But it seems that Outlander isn’t an easy production.
JB: It is true that Outlander is a difficult series to shoot, because we never stay in one place. Sets are made and broken down within weeks.
OF : To return to the beginning of the interview, as you manage lunch deliveries, is it not too complicated with all the dietary requirements?
JB: For all the team and the actors, we have chefs, and there is a menu with meat, fish, vegetarian food and the people choose. Sam gets his special sport diet delivered and I oversee that to make sure it arrives and ask if he also wants something from the cafeteria. Cait has a gluten-free diet, it used to be delivered but now she brings her own lunch, it’s easier. Sometimes, people like to go to the restaurant when we are shooting in a city. Romann, for example, is very French in his tastes and sometimes had trouble with the local food so I made sure that what was offered was appropriate, if not I would arrange with the drivers to get food.
OF : It’s not too stressful ?
JB: Oh well no, that’s my job. It’s important, we need to keep the actors happy
OF : Have you read the book The Making of Outlander?
JB: Yes, it made rounds in the studio, Sam and Cait had copies to sign, I had a look, I recognized colleagues!
OF : Are you sometimes starstruck? When you meet some actors? On the set?
JB: Well, when you work at the base you do not see the sets, so when sometimes I have the opportunity to go, and you see the incredible scenery, near a castle with extras everywhere « oh yes !!! I’m on Outlander !!! ». For the actors, it’s different, they are my colleagues, so no.
OF: Do you watch the episodes?
JB: Oh yes. Since most of the time I’m at the base I do not see a lot of filming so I want to watch.
And sometimes I act as light double, particularly for Fergus because we are roughly the same size. For example for the scene where Fergus is raped, I was sprawled on the bed. And in the scene where he fetches wine I sneaked in between the barrels.
In the last episode of season 2, when Claire looks at Brianna in bed, I was the double, it was the last day of shooting on the season and I spent the day in bed <laughs>
Sometimes it’s hard when there are two units. Sometimes people talk to me from two different shooting locations at the same time, and as I am the link between the drivers, makeup artists, everyone, it can be difficult … Once I gave the same answer at the same time on the phone and on the walkie-talkie to two different people who needed the same information.
The actors are super grateful for the little things. With practice, one anticipates their needs. For example, you get to know breakfast orders by heart, and they are really grateful. It is my pleasure to please people.
OF: Will you go back for Season 4 or do you have other projects?
JB: I think not, because, well, work on a show like this is very long, very intense. That’s 10 months of the year, 5 days out of 7, 13 hours per day, without holidays, it’s very tiring mentally. So I’ll maybe take a break to recover and concentrate on other projects, including music: guitar, vocals, piano. I have not done that for many years and I miss it.
I am also interested in personal development, and then I want to travel too. I just returned from 2 weeks in Italy: Venice, Milan, Florence, Bologna, Siena, Perugia, Rome. It was great, I could practice my Italian. I took 3 years of Italian in school and I want to become trilingual. After that I’ll go to Canada …
I think they will probably ask me to work on Season 4. I don’t know if, in the longterm, I want to pursue a career in the film industry, it’s been 5 years now. I’d like to go back to writing, have more of a personal life… Scenarios, novels … I wrote a feature film screenplay. Maybe back to directing?
Thank you so much for your time Jessica!
115 notes · View notes
freshleadprovider · 4 years
Affiliate Website from $267/m to $21,853/m in 19 months (CASE STUDY - Amazon?) [AMA]
Hello Everyone, After getting an amazing response on two case studies posted earlier, I decided to share another one of my projects that grew from $267/m to $21,853/m in 19 months. In this post, will try my best to cover each and everything so that you can replicate the same process on your sites as well. Quick Overview of Site's Valuation When we started: ~ $13,350 Current: ~ $1,092,650 I will explain later in this case study why this multiple is higher (50x) than the industry standard of 30x (which applies mostly Amazon affiliate sites and other kinds of online businesses). Previous Case Studies Amazon Affiliate Website from $0 to $7,786/month in 11 months! Amazon Affiliate Site from $118/m to $3,103/m in 8 MONTHS (SOLD it for $62,000+) In this post, I will take a highly data-driven approach so you know EXACTLY: what, why, how, when of all the steps taken. For example... How the research and planning was done? What was the number of articles and why? Content writing guidelines Uploading, formatting, onsite SEO instructions Outreach, backlinks and PR Conversion rate optimizations (A/B testing) However, if you still have ANY questions, feel free to ask. I would answer EACH one of you. This is an AMA. :) So, let's dive right in... Background of the Website Broad Niche: Technology (software mostly) About: Work from Home (WFH) [We got lucky because of COVID, the search traffic is increasing with time] Type of content: WFH guides, product reviews, success stories of entrepreneurs (viral) etc. Physical products promoted: work stations, chairs, accessories related to WFH etc. Digital products promoted: Virtual team/project management tools, SaaS subs etc. (most money from here) Note: Can't share more information about the site because of the NDA. I am very thankful to the client for giving permission to share this case study. Quick Overview of Stats (the month we made $21,853) DR: 56 Traffic: 499,383/m (Jan. 2021) RPM: $43.76 (earning per thousand visits) - this is combined for affiliate and display ads Countries targeted: United States (primarily), EU, Canada Primary source of traffic: Search Engines but we are working to create proper emailing lists too Summary of what we did to get here... Metric Before After Difference/Increase DR 44 56 12 Articles/Posts 31 1261 +1230 Backlinks (RDs) 323 (content-dofollow) 496 (content-dofollow) +173 Traffic 13,827 499,383 +485,556 (3512% ) RPM (earnings/1000) ~ $19.31 ~ $43.76 +$24.45 (127% ) Revenue/m $267/m $21,853/m +$21,586 (8085% ) A/B Testing No Yes Applied Month July 2019 Jan. 2021 19 months Note that the RPM is combined for affiliate and display revenue. Research and Planning Combined search volume of all keywords: ~ 750,000 Average search volume per keyword: ~ 610 Total keywords: ~ 1230 Total traffic achieved (in 19 months): 485,556 (this represents the increase and ignores the already existing traffic) Success rate of traffic achieved (in 19 months): 64.74%. This basically means that based on our keyword research plan, the combined search volume of all keywords was 750,000 and we hit a success rate of 64.74% in 19 months which is a traffic increase of 485,556 Note: The success rate of traffic will increase a lot and is expected to cross even 100% because the search volume of WFH related keywords has risen significantly due to COVID. Moreover, our rankings are improving due to an increase in DR, aging of content and social shares) Approach: Choose broad keywords based on the brand of the site Use Ahrefs to scrape all the "having similar terms" and "questions" list of words Filter the lists to remove cannibalization, irrelevant keywords, duplicate content and anything that doesn't make sense Group similar words together (Tip: If you have doubt about two similar keywords whether they should be targeted in one article or different articles, you should see if there are 3 or more results on the 1st page of Google that are ranking for both these words. If the answer is yes, then you can also rank for both these words in the same article. However, if you can't find 3 or more same results for two different queries then you should also make unique pages for each one of these keywords) Organize the keywords into proper silos and categories Note: We didn't really pay a lot of attention to the KW difficulty. Our approach was and still is to completely dominate each and every registered query related to a certain topic. We went big on the content part, we knew it would work and we were right. This approach was different from my previous case studies where we just wanted to make money and didn't really care about being the biggest guys out there. However, most of our keywords still have a KD of less than 4 (we produced this content at the earliest phase of content production). Content Articles before: 31 Articles added: 1230 Articles after: 1261 Average words per article: 1349 Total words produced: 1,701,089 Approach: H1, URL, and SEO Title must include: main keyword and other important keywords based on KW research At least one image with proper ALT text Table of content for jump links Proper use of headings How to articles with guides that include images as screenshots with red arrows or circles to indicate steps/process worked really well At least 1 internal link per 250-300 words with proper anchor text (DO NOT OVER OPTIMIZE) to a relevant article Recommended SEO plugin: SEOPress There are a lot other things that we took into consideration and there could be a separate post on onsite SEO alone. But, for the sake of keeping it short, let's just focus on this for now. Outreach, PR and Backlinks Prospects outreached: 7500 Conversion rate: 2.3% Total links got: 173 Links before: 323 Links added: 173 Links after: 496 Change in DR: 12 Final DR: 56 Approach (Outreach) Find highly linked content pieces using Ahrefs (Use content explorer feature and sort from higher to lower KD. High KD indicates that this keyword is being linked a lot) Write amazing pieces of content (better than the competitors) Scrape the list of sites that have linked to your competitors (Ahrefs) Find their contact details (Hunter is a good tool) Manually check to filter out the bad contacts Use Mailshake to outreach (tip: send 2 followups with a gap or 1 week each) Reply fast to increase conversion rate Tue, Wed and Thursday are the best days to send emails and expect responses and conversions Note: We also adopted other methods like guest posts, PR and community engagement to drive traffic and build meaningful links. While building links, we ensured that the site is: Either niche relevant or has high DR (80+) - we got nice DR 11+ links through targeted outreach Has proper search traffic The DR is greater than 20 Niche edits work the best because they don't incur additional costs like content writing in case of guest posts and manual labor like in the case of targeted outreach. It's the best method to build links at scale Conversion rate optimization (A/B Tests) RPM from: $19.31 (this was just affiliate and no display ads were applied then) RPM to: $43.76 (this is affiliate + display) Approach: Relevant content that ranked and converted well AB testing on top 30% of the pages (we have added highly converting call to actions, CTAs in the right places with the right copy which are giving amazing returns) We also added a display advertising network Coordinated with our affiliate manager to increase the payout commission As the traffic increases and we collect more and more data, our RPM and conversion would improve even further. Our goal is to increase the RPM to at least $50/1000 visits. This is considered a very good RPM. Note that, usually the RPM on our sites is from $25 - $40 (affiliate + display combined). So, this definitely an exception. I am referring to other sites in our portfolio (we have currently 16 content based brands). An overview of the important numbers, stats, ROI and more... Metric Before Current Projected (Jun. 2021) Revenue/m $267 $21,853 $30,000 Valuation (50x) $13,350 $1,092,650 $1,500,000 Revenue/y ~ $3,204 ~ $262,236 ~ $360,000 The multiple of 50x is applied because our brand is uniquely positioned to be strategically acquired by 3 major competitors promoting similar products in the home productivity space. They are heavily funded and based on our discussions with them, they seemed more than interested to acquire our media venture. We won't go through a traditional route of selling via online business brokering spaces. However, we would directly sell to one of the major players whose products we are promoting. It is to be noted that, we don't plan to sell the venture till it hits at least 30,000 USD per month. We believe we can hit that without further investment and just optimizing the site for better conversion rate optimization. What's next... In essence, content marketing regardless of how it's done is the backbone to grow all kinds of online businesses. Whether it's writing an amazing copy to promote ads or producing content in bulk to drive relevant, highly targeted and converting traffic. This goes without saying that the times of making money through content websites by writing a handful of pages and building spammy links are gone. Now, you need to plan properly, create content that not only ranks but also helps the user and then deploying the right strategies to promote it is the way to go. But, even with those conditions, the kind of ROI that these kind of online businesses offer is much higher as compared to traditional modes of investment like stocks, index funds, real estate etc. The passive way of making money especially around 30K USD a month through a site definitely requires a lot of resources but it's not impossible. The communities (like this one) where people help each other are becoming more and more common and it's becoming easier to make money. However, it's also increasing the competition and the kind of resources required to reach certain level of passive income and possible exit. Anyway, I wish you luck in all your endeavors. And yes, if you have any questions, please feel free to let me know. I understand that I couldn't cover everything in just one post. That's why I am available to answer your queries. ASK ME ANYTHING AMA! Regards submitted by /u/jamesackerman1234 [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/ll2wjy/affiliate_website_from_267m_to_21853m_in_19/
0 notes
techyblogger · 4 years
Tumblr media
Affiliate Website from $267/m to $21,853/m in 19 months (CASE STUDY - Amazon?) [AMA] https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/ll2wjy/affiliate_website_from_267m_to_21853m_in_19/
Hello Everyone,
After getting an amazing response on two case studies posted earlier, I decided to share another one of my projects that grew from $267/m to $21,853/m in 19 months.
In this post, will try my best to cover each and everything so that you can replicate the same process on your sites as well.
Quick Overview of Site's Valuation
When we started: ~ $13,350
Current: ~ $1,092,650
I will explain later in this case study why this multiple is higher (50x) than the industry standard of 30x (which applies mostly Amazon affiliate sites and other kinds of online businesses).
Previous Case Studies
Amazon Affiliate Website from $0 to $7,786/month in 11 months!
Amazon Affiliate Site from $118/m to $3,103/m in 8 MONTHS (SOLD it for $62,000+)
In this post, I will take a highly data-driven approach so you know EXACTLY: what, why, how, when of all the steps taken.
For example...
How the research and planning was done?
What was the number of articles and why?
Content writing guidelines
Uploading, formatting, onsite SEO instructions
Outreach, backlinks and PR
Conversion rate optimizations (A/B testing)
However, if you still have ANY questions, feel free to ask. I would answer EACH one of you.
This is an AMA. :)
So, let's dive right in...
Background of the Website
Broad Niche: Technology (software mostly)
About: Work from Home (WFH) [We got lucky because of COVID, the search traffic is increasing with time]
Type of content: WFH guides, product reviews, success stories of entrepreneurs (viral) etc.
Physical products promoted: work stations, chairs, accessories related to WFH etc.
Digital products promoted: Virtual team/project management tools, SaaS subs etc. (most money from here)
Note: Can't share more information about the site because of the NDA. I am very thankful to the client for giving permission to share this case study.
Quick Overview of Stats (the month we made $21,853)
DR: 56
Traffic: 499,383/m (Jan. 2021)
RPM: $43.76 (earning per thousand visits) - this is combined for affiliate and display ads
Countries targeted: United States (primarily), EU, Canada
Primary source of traffic: Search Engines but we are working to create proper emailing lists too
Summary of what we did to get here...
Metric Before After Difference/Increase DR 44 56 12 Articles/Posts 31 1261 +1230 Backlinks (RDs) 323 (content-dofollow) 496 (content-dofollow) +173 Traffic 13,827 499,383 +485,556 (3512% ) RPM (earnings/1000) ~ $19.31 ~ $43.76 +$24.45 (127% ) Revenue/m $267/m $21,853/m +$21,586 (8085% ) A/B Testing No Yes Applied Month July 2019 Jan. 2021 19 months
Note that the RPM is combined for affiliate and display revenue.
Research and Planning
Combined search volume of all keywords: ~ 750,000
Average search volume per keyword: ~ 610
Total keywords: ~ 1230
Total traffic achieved (in 19 months): 485,556 (this represents the increase and ignores the already existing traffic)
Success rate of traffic achieved (in 19 months): 64.74%. This basically means that based on our keyword research plan, the combined search volume of all keywords was 750,000 and we hit a success rate of 64.74% in 19 months which is a traffic increase of 485,556
Note: The success rate of traffic will increase a lot and is expected to cross even 100% because the search volume of WFH related keywords has risen significantly due to COVID. Moreover, our rankings are improving due to an increase in DR, aging of content and social shares)
Choose broad keywords based on the brand of the site
Use Ahrefs to scrape all the "having similar terms" and "questions" list of words
Filter the lists to remove cannibalization, irrelevant keywords, duplicate content and anything that doesn't make sense
Group similar words together (Tip: If you have doubt about two similar keywords whether they should be targeted in one article or different articles, you should see if there are 3 or more results on the 1st page of Google that are ranking for both these words. If the answer is yes, then you can also rank for both these words in the same article. However, if you can't find 3 or more same results for two different queries then you should also make unique pages for each one of these keywords)
Organize the keywords into proper silos and categories
Note: We didn't really pay a lot of attention to the KW difficulty. Our approach was and still is to completely dominate each and every registered query related to a certain topic. We went big on the content part, we knew it would work and we were right. This approach was different from my previous case studies where we just wanted to make money and didn't really care about being the biggest guys out there. However, most of our keywords still have a KD of less than 4 (we produced this content at the earliest phase of content production).
Articles before: 31
Articles added: 1230
Articles after: 1261
Average words per article: 1349
Total words produced: 1,701,089
H1, URL, and SEO Title must include: main keyword and other important keywords based on KW research
At least one image with proper ALT text
Table of content for jump links
Proper use of headings
How to articles with guides that include images as screenshots with red arrows or circles to indicate steps/process worked really well
At least 1 internal link per 250-300 words with proper anchor text (DO NOT OVER OPTIMIZE) to a relevant article
Recommended SEO plugin: SEOPress
There are a lot other things that we took into consideration and there could be a separate post on onsite SEO alone. But, for the sake of keeping it short, let's just focus on this for now.
Outreach, PR and Backlinks
Prospects outreached: 7500
Conversion rate: 2.3%
Total links got: 173
Links before: 323
Links added: 173
Links after: 496
Change in DR: 12
Final DR: 56
Approach (Outreach)
Find highly linked content pieces using Ahrefs (Use content explorer feature and sort from higher to lower KD. High KD indicates that this keyword is being linked a lot)
Write amazing pieces of content (better than the competitors)
Scrape the list of sites that have linked to your competitors (Ahrefs)
Find their contact details (Hunter is a good tool)
Manually check to filter out the bad contacts
Use Mailshake to outreach (tip: send 2 followups with a gap or 1 week each)
Reply fast to increase conversion rate
Tue, Wed and Thursday are the best days to send emails and expect responses and conversions
Note: We also adopted other methods like guest posts, PR and community engagement to drive traffic and build meaningful links.
While building links, we ensured that the site is:
Either niche relevant or has high DR (80+) - we got nice DR 11+ links through targeted outreach
Has proper search traffic
The DR is greater than 20
Niche edits work the best because they don't incur additional costs like content writing in case of guest posts and manual labor like in the case of targeted outreach. It's the best method to build links at scale
Conversion rate optimization (A/B Tests)
RPM from: $19.31 (this was just affiliate and no display ads were applied then)
RPM to: $43.76 (this is affiliate + display)
Relevant content that ranked and converted well
AB testing on top 30% of the pages (we have added highly converting call to actions, CTAs in the right places with the right copy which are giving amazing returns)
We also added a display advertising network
Coordinated with our affiliate manager to increase the payout commission
As the traffic increases and we collect more and more data, our RPM and conversion would improve even further. Our goal is to increase the RPM to at least $50/1000 visits. This is considered a very good RPM.
Note that, usually the RPM on our sites is from $25 - $40 (affiliate + display combined). So, this definitely an exception. I am referring to other sites in our portfolio (we have currently 16 content based brands).
An overview of the important numbers, stats, ROI and more...
Metric Before Current Projected (Jun. 2021) Revenue/m $267 $21,853 $30,000 Valuation (50x) $13,350 $1,092,650 $1,500,000 Revenue/y ~ $3,204 ~ $262,236 ~ $360,000
The multiple of 50x is applied because our brand is uniquely positioned to be strategically acquired by 3 major competitors promoting similar products in the home productivity space.
They are heavily funded and based on our discussions with them, they seemed more than interested to acquire our media venture.
We won't go through a traditional route of selling via online business brokering spaces. However, we would directly sell to one of the major players whose products we are promoting.
It is to be noted that, we don't plan to sell the venture till it hits at least 30,000 USD per month. We believe we can hit that without further investment and just optimizing the site for better conversion rate optimization.
What's next...
In essence, content marketing regardless of how it's done is the backbone to grow all kinds of online businesses. Whether it's writing an amazing copy to promote ads or producing content in bulk to drive relevant, highly targeted and converting traffic.
This goes without saying that the times of making money through content websites by writing a handful of pages and building spammy links are gone.
Now, you need to plan properly, create content that not only ranks but also helps the user and then deploying the right strategies to promote it is the way to go.
But, even with those conditions, the kind of ROI that these kind of online businesses offer is much higher as compared to traditional modes of investment like stocks, index funds, real estate etc.
The passive way of making money especially around 30K USD a month through a site definitely requires a lot of resources but it's not impossible.
The communities (like this one) where people help each other are becoming more and more common and it's becoming easier to make money. However, it's also increasing the competition and the kind of resources required to reach certain level of passive income and possible exit.
Anyway, I wish you luck in all your endeavors.
And yes, if you have any questions, please feel free to let me know. I understand that I couldn't cover everything in just one post. That's why I am available to answer your queries.
submitted by /u/jamesackerman1234 [link] [comments] February 16, 2021 at 06:04PM
0 notes
guillemettekaylee · 4 years
Lesson 15, Task 4: What do I believe in?
     Social status for more unfortunate students will no longer be an issue. When all the students wear the same style of clothing, then there will be the same kind of atmosphere across the school campus. This pattern encourages the student to concentrate more on their academic and co-curricular activities since the visual differences in social-economic grading are very less (Wilder, 2007). A uniform means students don’t have to worry about peer pressure when it comes to their clothes. There is no competition about being dressed in the latest fashions trend, which would put a great deal of pressure, financially on students and parents. Potential bullies have one less target for their insults, because it’s quite hard to insult someone who is dressed identically like you. It also prepares students to dress properly for different places. Inappropriate clothing can be distracting to fellow students who are trying to concentrate. Short skirts, skimpy tops, and low pants are fine for after school, but not for the classroom. Students should express themselves through art or creative writing, not clothing. With fewer distractions, students can concentrate on getting a good education which can help them later on. Lastly with all the peer pressure in school, many students worry about fitting in. If a dress code (or even uniforms) were required, there would be less emphasis on how you look, and more emphasis on learning. Proven to increase student achievement by encouraging students to concentrate more on their studies and less on their wardrobe. A de-emphasis on clothing can also save money, as there will be less pressure to keep up with expensive trends and fashions. Many students are forced to wear uniforms, is this restriction really too much for them? 
     The main argument against uniforms is that young people are unable to express their individuality through the clothes they wear, but students with uniforms will be able to express themselves in the same way as students without uniforms do and could still express their individuality while wearing school uniforms. Students with uniforms can wear jewelry, makeup, wear scarves, funky hairstyles, colorful socks, and the trend in 2020, is creative homemade face masks (Sethi, 2016). When students don't wear school uniforms it can be easy to spot kids with the most at least privilege based on what they wear to school. Uniforms erase that issue and eliminate makers between the rich and poor, which has led to more social mixing along economic lines (American Preparatory, 2017). Often parents can’t afford the latest clothes and unfortunately students are at fault, and are bullied because of their attire. With this issue, students will not have the proper frame of mind for learning and studying  (Nicky, 2020). School uniforms means less money spent on expensive jogger suits, designer shirts and pants at school, distinguishing students by their economic class (Nicky, 2020). When students have similar expectations for the way needed to be dressed, unhealthy competitive feelings about looks are significantly reduced. Students can stand out because of their character and not their clothes (American Preparatory, 2017). When uniforms are mandatory, parents and students do not have to worry about choosing an appropriate outfit for the school day. According to a national survey, over 90% of US school leaders believe that school uniforms and dress code policies “eliminate wardrobe battles with kids,” make it “easier to get kids ready in the morning,” and create a “time saving in the morning” (Britannica, 2020). Students do have opportunities to wear what they wish on dress down days, but even then, there remains a strict dress code. The “the students’ behavior is always more energized on dress down days, and they always seem to be a bit more distracted on those days”, said Raineria (Catholic Sentinel, 2004). Behavior plays a huge role in what’s being worn or not worn (Catholic Sentinel, 2004). Students may or may not agree with the use of uniforms because they're not as “cool” as other modern fashions. 
     However the majority of schools and teachers, say school uniforms positively impact their students learning because non- uniform clothing can be a huge distraction. For some students seeing others wearing Nike and Uggs might mean more friends, having a better school experience, and less bullying. Those less fortunate people who can’t afford brand names will have to deal with discrimination for their clothing.  Uniforms provide for less distraction, less drama, and more of a focus on learning. Its purpose is to ensure that students are not distracted from learning and their other responsibilities. (Sethi, 2016). Distraction is more pointed towards females, not saying it's only females causing these distractions, but some apparels can be very eye-catching to others and or teachers (Kumba, 2016).  Males are completely to blame due to the fact that they are unable to focus long enough to pay attention in class for an hour and half at a time without their ravenous masculine urges taking over (Kumba, 2016). Another reason dress codes are accommodated in schools is because of all the shiny, sparking bright designs on some students' clothes. Students' clothes are extremely distracting, causing other students to catch attention (Kumba, 2016). The amazing things printed on clothing are an eye catcher, causing students and or teachers to stare and ask questions about others' sense of fashions. Dress codes can be helpful to keep students from spending hours trying to get ready for school in the morning because they are worried and insecure of what they have on (Kumba, 2016). I know many people may disagree that clothing can be distracting. Yes it depends on if you pay attention to what other people say and their opinions. School does not happen all day, therefore you are free to wear whatever you want after school. Students should understand that school is for learning and you need to use all the time you can get in order to learn something new everyday. 
     Eventually at some point in your life you will have to wear some type of uniform, whether it is for school or work. A 2015 study, across 39 countries, showed that wearing uniforms in school helped students behave (Bilton, 2018). Students in their own clothes performed better academically than students in uniforms, yet behavior and attendance were not affected either way (Bilton, 2018). In order to educate a large number of students it requires a high standard of discipline. A strong uniform policy, successfully adhered to and proved the first opportunity to praise and support students. It ideally sets the standard for successful behavior for learning in a school environment (Bilton, 2018). Most schools which implement uniform or dress codes tend to be very strict about it. In the UK it is common for children to be punished for your uniform because it is incorrect. In extreme cases, students even miss school after facing suspensions for inadequate uniforms. In 2016, a UK secondary school turned down 50 students one morning because they were unable to meet uniform requirements (Bilton, 2018). Students often feel frustrated that the way they present themselves can seem more important than their attendance and willingness to learn. According to school reported statistics and the School Administrator, the mandatory uniform on campuses has reduce skipped classes, suspensions, and discipline referrals among students  (Chen, 2020).  In addition, athletic team uniforms, proponents argue that dressing cohesively increases pride, unity, a sense of belonging and commitment to the school. With uniforms a more professional tone is set in school, encouraging students to take their studies more seriously and it making it their priority (Chen, 2020). 
     School uniforms are a key way of developing a sense of togetherness among students and staff. When students all wear the same clothing every day at school, it levels out the playing field. Any expectations on what to wear are removed and children develop a greater sense of equality. Children of all socioeconomic backgrounds behind from the same starting point. Without uniforms, children from poorer backgrounds could feel isolated and if their parents are unable to afford the latest styles of clothing. This helps promote the idea that we are all the same. If a child feels like they don't fit in, or they have the latest and best clothing, it can be damaging to their confidence. A lack of confidence can be one of the biggest barriers to academic growth and success. Introducing a school uniform removes this possibility, meaning your child has less to worry about and more reasons to be confident and an active participant in class.
 Apa Citations 
Bilton, I. (2018, February 19). How Important Is What You Wear for Learning. Study International. Retrieved from https://www.studyinternational.com/news/important-wear-learning/
Brown, L.M. (2021). Girls Against Dress Codes. Rethinking Schools. Retrieved from https://rethinkingschools.org/articles/girls-against-dress-codes/
Chen, G. (2020, April 21). Uniforms: The Pros and Cons. Public Schools. Retrieved from https://www.publicschoolreview.com/blog/uniforms-the-pros-and-cons#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20National%20Center,this%20trend%20continues%20to%20accelerate.
Jones, S. (2018, August 31). Do School Dress Codes Discriminate Against Girls. Education Week. Retrieved from https://www.edweek.org/leadership/do-school-dress-codes-discruminate-against-girls/2018/08
Kumba, M. (2016, January 8). Clothing Can Be a Distraction. Teen Ink. Retrieved from https://www.teenink.com/opinion/school_college/article/856 519/Clothing-Can-Be-a-Distraction/
Nicky, V.Z. (2020, November 23). Cost of Living in Canada: Your 2021 Guide. Canadavisa. Retrieved from https://canadianvisa.org/blog/life-and-culture/cost-of-living-n-canada-in-2021
Ordway, D.M. (2018, April 28). School Uniforms: Do they really improve student achievement, behavior? Harvard Kennedy School. Retrieved from https://journalistsresource.org/studies/society/education/school-uniforms-research-achievement/
Sethi, B. (2016, December 6). Uniforms in School. Westborough HIgh School Observer Newspaper. Retrieved from https://lobbyobserver.org/14462/opinion/u
Should Students Have to Wear Schools Uniforms. (2020). Britannica. Retrieved from https://school-uniforms.procon.org/
Uniforms help students keep focus on academics, not fashion. (2004, August 19). Catholic Sentinel. Retrieved from https://www.catholicsentinel.org/Content/
What are Good Reasons for Wearing a School Uniform. (2019, February, 26). American Preparatory Schools. Retrieved from https://www.americanprep.org/
Wilder, L., & Key, S. (2007, November 11). Pros and cons of school dress code. Fresco Pacific University. Retrieved from https://news.fresno.edu/article/11/11/20
ROUGH COPY: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xyMKwTz-Jvh4FQUFfk2aX_vrtOK3eyHjTxxtZpizNBQ/edit?usp=sharing
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calzona-ga · 7 years
"I can't believe that this little show that we wrote and thought was a lot of fun in the beginning has turned out to be this thing that has really taught people," creator Rhimes says of her medical drama, which brought Meredith and McDreamy to life (and "vajayjay" into the vernacular), as she and partner Betsy Beers reveal their favorites and frustrations over 14 seasons.
When Grey's Anatomy premiered in March 2005, Shonda Rhimes was a newbie writer, Netflix was a DVD-by-mail delivery service and ABC was in the midst of a reinvention with Desperate Housewives and Lost. Now, 14 seasons later, Rhimes, 47, has built an empire that includes an estimated $100 million deal to create originals for Netflix and a full night of programming — ABC's Thank God It's Thursday — with a second Grey's spinoff (the first, Private Practice, lasted six seasons) coming in 2018. "Shonda and the team have done a fantastic job of keeping the storylines and the characters fresh by replenishing the cast over the years," says ABC Studios president Patrick Moran. The pop culture juggernaut and worldwide phenomenon (it airs in 220 territories) is ABC's No. 2 drama (behind only freshman breakout The Good Doctor), with 11.7 million total viewers and a 3.2 rating among adults 18-to-49 — not too shabby for a show about to see its 300th episode (airing Nov. 9). "Mothers who were pregnant during season one are now watching the show with their daughters," says ABC Entertainment president Channing Dungey of the new audiences discovering Grey's on Netflix. To celebrate their milestone, Rhimes and longtime producing partner Betsy Beers, 59, spoke with THR in their cozy Shondaland offices at Sunset Gower Studios about how far the show has come, the road ahead, characters they'd like to revive (literally) and — why not? — shoes.
If you could go back in time knowing what you know now, what would you each do differently? RHIMES I probably would have had better contracts to start with. The show has made $2 billion or so, and these are not $2 billion shoes. BEERS If we had known this was going to happen, we might have been more aggressive initially in our approach. RHIMES We'd both be laying on a beach in Zanzibar somewhere. No, we'd probably still be working, that's the problem. Every choice we've made, it's why the show works the way it does. Every time the interns were learning, we were learning. BEERS We've both grown up; Shonda has written books about her changes. We really matured into our jobs. RHIMES And have become more confident.
Several actors have come and gone over the years, from Patrick Dempsey to Sara Ramirez. If you could bring someone back, who would you want to have another chance to write for? RHIMES I'm always going to say Sandra Oh [Cristina] because for me, she's the most fun to write for. But if Kyle Chandler [who guest-starred as a bomb squad leader] showed up unexploded, I'd enjoy writing for him. BEERS Denny [a patient who died, played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan].
You get a lot of feedback from fans about how medical storylines have helped them diagnose themselves or a family member. What stands out? RHIMES What is significant is how many there are. I can't believe that this little show that we wrote and thought was a lot of fun in the beginning has turned out to be this thing that has really taught people. And the number of people who have gone to medical school because they want to be like those doctors is also incredible. BEERS Somebody we knew realized they had breast cancer from watching LaTanya Richardson's storyline [as a woman with breast cancer]. The one that sticks out to me was, many years ago a kid in Canada saved his parent by doing CPR because he'd seen it on Grey's.
What's the most interesting note you've received from Standards and Practices over the years? RHIMES Over the course of this many seasons, what you start to understand is that it's not necessarily about what has happened before; it's about what the climate is politically, because things roll forward and roll back and roll forward again, and that's always surprising. As often as we said "vagina" on the show, to suddenly be told, "I don't know if you can say 'vagina' this time" is hilarious, but also frustrating.
Is that where the term "vajayjay" came from? RHIMES Years ago, yes. I used that because it was Bailey [Chandra Wilson] in a personal situation. My standard is always: These are medical people trained to be doctors; they are not going to use some weird name for body parts. It's terrible to teach women that they should use weird names for their body parts. But it was funny and worked in that moment.
Grey's was poised to tackle abortion in season two with Oh's character, who wound up having an ectopic pregnancy instead. Was that network pushback? RHIMES I had been planning for Cristina to have an abortion, and nobody said we couldn't do it. They were like, "It just is not done very often and it sometimes causes a lot of controversy." We hadn't been on the air long, and I wasn't brave enough to just say, "Screw it, we're doing it." I held back. I remember Sandra being like, "Come on!" Years later when we did it [with Oh in season eight], I got more pushback about that than I did when we were going to do it the first time.
Do you regret not going through with that in season two? RHIMES No. We didn't know the characters well enough. What I have come to understand and love about our show is, the more you get to know those characters, the more powerful things are. When Cristina chose to have the abortion, she had a perfectly good guy beside her, a great career and she is a person who was very clear about the fact that she did not want to have children. There is something wrong with our society in that it does not support a woman's choice to not want to have children. On TV, that is never portrayed as: You're watching a woman whom you respect make a choice that feels like a really strong, powerful choice that a lot of women make, and we pretend that nobody does. BEERS And that's an incredibly liberating moment.
Would you ever take on a timely issue, like the debate over universal health care? RHIMES We've done the "people who have no insurance and we're going to give them the surgery anyway" stories. I don't know what the universal health care story would be yet, so it would be about figuring out what that is. I don't ever approach anything from the issue first, so I can't tell you that I've thought about tackling universal health care. I'd have to have some great story I'd want to tell, and then universal health care would become part of the way to tell that story. BEERS Issues have emerged from the stories and the characters and the storylines. RHIMES It's the only way to tell stories.
What's the casting or pilot story that still stands out? RHIMES Isaiah Washington came in for the role of Derek Shepherd, and Patrick Dempsey was there. And then we had Sandra come in for the role of Bailey. I looked at her and thought she could be Cristina, and everyone was like, "What?! That's totally different from what we thought she was going to be like." Chandra Wilson came in, and she was not the Bailey we imagined, but the best Bailey ever. Jim Pickens was the only person who ever read for the Chief. There were a million guys who came in for George, but we just fell in love with T.R. Knight. Picking the actors was simple. BEERS In comparison to the way it is to cast a pilot now, where there are 4 billion TV shows and you're slaughtering people in the road to try to get to somebody … this was, in retrospect, a cakewalk.
How much input does Ellen Pompeo (Meredith Grey) have on the show? RHIMES Her opinion is very important. I have said to her that we're in this together, and that's important because it doesn't feel right that she be some sort of soldier on a field just taking orders. She also has some really beautiful, smart insights and some amazing character choices. When the character was steeped in grief [after the death of her husband Derek, played by Dempsey], we had some amazing conversations about what that would mean and where the character would go and how she would handle it.
Does Grey's Anatomy exist without Ellen? RHIMES Not as far as I'm concerned.
Have there been any talks about how much longer Ellen is interested in doing the show? RHIMES No comment.
As you've gone from intern to chief, what's your biggest change? RHIMES It's about having gone from being two kids in a candy store to being leaders. A lot of people think that they are leaders just because they have been placed in charge of something — and you're not. BEERS The learning process is sort of a baptism by fire, too, because you learn on the way. I hopefully have an easier time figuring out what's really a problem because everything seems to be the same when you start. The great thing about getting to be on a show this long and becoming a leader through it is it helps you prioritize, and that knowledge helps you enjoy the job a lot more. RHIMES You're less afraid to make decisions. It's easier to look at the landscape and pick out the mistakes. Before, everything looked the same and so you were terrified that you were going to step on a land mine before you knew it. I was always terrified that if I stopped working, none of this would work. I only started to think that maybe this would actually last in season seven or eight. You start to enjoy yourself and get comfortable and you're not afraid to make decisions, and if the decision is a bad one, then you're not afraid to take the heat.
Looking ahead, you're launching a firefighter spinoff come midseason on ABC as the flagship's second offshoot. Have you considered others over time? RHIMES We think about it a lot. There's always different spinoff ideas that come up all the time. It's too easy almost. BEERS If something is really interesting then immediately maybe that could be a spinoff.
Do you have a title yet for the firefighter spinoff? RHIMES I like to tell people that it's called Fire Place and say it really seriously and see their faces, because that's the worst title ever! BEERS The Fire Place. (Laughter.) We were saying that on set, and every 10 minutes it was just a different one: "Tonight on Feel the Burn!" (Laughter.)
What are some of the ideas you've discussed in the past? What made firefighters the right idea? RHIMES I'm not going to tell you because maybe one day we'll make them. The firefighter spinoff was interesting because that was an idea that wasn't an idea. The idea that we were going to put Jason George [who plays Dr. Ben Warren on the flagship] in it was not part of the idea. In a weird way, we kind of wrote the [season 13] finale as a firefighter thing — BEERS — without knowing that we were doing it … RHIMES … because we weren't doing a firefighter spinoff. We talked about firefighters being really cool and everybody was obsessed with them, so we were like, "Let's do a big, giant fire!" But it wasn't anything until after, when we were like, "We really have to have a spinoff topic." Then [Grey's writer-EP] Stacy McKee pitched this beautiful thing. BEERS It was super organic. We just reverse engineered something that was already there.
Is the larger goal to build a world similar to what Dick Wolf has done with NBC's Chicago franchise, where all the shows are connected? BEERS The primary determinant continues to be if we really want to watch it and we really want to see it and we really want to work on it, then we do it. RHIMES Because that ends up being what's good. I'm flummoxed by Dick Wolf. While I'll watch Law & Order until the cows come home, when [Grey's] was first on the air, it would never occur to me to go, "Let's franchise this; let's make Grey's Anatomy: Chicago," or whatever those people do. BEERS Very early on, somebody had said we should do that. RHIMES We didn't even know what that meant. It was like, "So there's just another Meredith?" BEERS Should we call her Meredith? She's in another city; she'd be called Meredith Flay? (Laughter.) RHIMES Flay's Anatomy?! That's super weird. So no, I don't think that's ever occurred to us in that way. BEERS We're excited about this because I want to see something that is fun to do, to work in a different space that we've never been in before. We have a stage that you burn stuff on. It's insane. RHIMES It pretty much goes with [the thinking of], wouldn't it be really cool to have an Oval Office? Wouldn't it be cool to have an OR?
Krista Vernoff returned as co-showrunner this season. Why is it important to bring her back? RHIMES The only way I was going to be able to allow myself to step back a bit was to have somebody there whom I knew had this. Krista understands my sense of humor, and she can write. She is just as passionate about the show now as she was in year one. I needed somebody that I knew would care that much, and that is not an easy thing to find, especially when you're saying, "I'm going to hand off my baby to somebody to look after." I have never been able to hand it off before, so I wouldn't be able to hand it off if I didn't have somebody who was going to do a really great job.
Ben Sherwood recently said 2 million people per month watch the Grey's pilot on Netflix. How has new viewers finding the show helped Grey's sustain itself over the years? RHIMES The beauty of Netflix is it continues to make new audiences for us. Our fans can give birth to our fans. Grey's has this universal, global thing to it. It works all over the world. BEERS There is a timeless quality to the show. The stories are emotional, the medicine is always relevant. Nothing is outdated because it's all based in real emotions and caring about people.
How will the Netflix deal impact your involvement with Grey's and the spinoff going forward? RHIMES Pretty much be exactly what it is now since we are in the middle of the Netflix deal right now.
You wrote in your welcome essay on Shondaland.com, your media site, about "too much change" and ending Scandal when you wanted to. Have there been times when you've wanted to end Grey's? RHIMES Yes. Season two, season three, season four, season five … it was an exhausting show until I really got the hang of doing 22 to 24 episodes a season. I learned how to write TV by writing Grey's Anatomy. It was about getting the hang of being a leader, being a boss and then doing two shows at a time [with Private Practice], and then three shows at a time [with Scandal]. But it was more about, "Can I do this?" That's how I discovered the art of reinvention: I'd write a season ending and be like, "That's it, we're done." And then I'd have to come up with something else. That got really fun.
All three shows that you've created (Grey's, Private Practice and Scandal) have run for more than 100 episodes — you're the first female showrunner to accomplish that feat. Given the challenges with cutting through in an era of 500 shows, do you think there will be other showrunners with three 100-episode shows to come? RHIMES I have no idea. Honestly, you can look at network television and say that you can't quite tell what's coming. But I hope so.
Do you have an ultimate goal of what the end of Grey's Anatomy is? Is that something you think about? RHIMES No, not anymore. When we realized that Netflix was reinfusing the show with a whole new audience and that it didn't seem to be going anywhere — and the ratings were going up and not down — that's when I had to get really Zen with myself and say, "What do we want? How do I feel about this?" It's been maddening and amazing to discover that you can reinvent it every year and it still works. I heard [Disney-ABC Television Group president] Ben Sherwood said something about [Grey's running for 40 years like] General Hospital. That's not the plan. But the idea that we are going to go until it feels like we're done is great.
Will that decision ultimately be yours to make? RHIMES Yes. I don't know why the end of Grey's wouldn't be my decision. Who would close the chocolate factory but me?
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wherespacepooh · 7 years
Brian Orser on Yuzuru’s 4Lo and the discussion after Skate Canada (excerpts from Team Brian 2)
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(Picture is of Yuzuru at the medal ceremony in Helsinki. It didn’t come from Team Brian 2, but I always wondered what and how much it took the team to get there.)
There is actually a lot to marvel about, in terms of how Yuzuru's season came together so beautifully in the end. As we look forward to the next season, let’s review how the last season began with three excerpts from Team Brian 2. 
From Brian’s perspective, we can see the concerns and worries over Yuzuru's health, his at-the-time troubling 4T (in contrast to its 3A-toppling status now :o), the immense belief and strength (and stubbornness) it took for Yuzuru to persevere with the 4Lo, as well as the discussion post-Skate Canada that lead to mutual understanding and ultimately, a successful season overcoming those difficult challenges. Cheers and kudos, Team Yuzu! 
(Conclusion: Brian gains 15kg from the last six months of 2016 and loses 1kg in hair.)
Translated by gladi. Feel free to repost in entirety with credits.
Three excerpts from Chapter 5 of Team Brian 2 「チーム・ブライアン:300点伝説」第五章 より
Yuzuru's 4Lo is first and foremost rehabilitation for his injury ユズルの4回転ループはまず怪我のリハビリとして
Yuzuru had been absent from practice for 2 months due to the Lisfranc injury in his left foot after the 2016 World Championship. He didn’t participate in ice shows, and as it was better not to walk, he really took a rest. Instead of returning to Japan, he did muscle training to the extent possible in Toronto. By early spring, he was looking healthy and we looked forward to resuming practice in June. However, although he started at the end of June, his left foot wasn’t yet fit to bear weight. In restarting his training for quads, we decided to take things step by step. 
The 4Lo was the best in terms of not burdening the left foot. The loop takes off on the right foot and lands with the right foot. Although Yuzuru had successfully landed them in practice, no one had landed one in competition. Tackling a difficult jump while injured might have seemed like an illogical approach, but I deemed it the safest option for the current situation. 
Since the quad salchow uses the left foot, although Yuzuru had landed that many times last season, it took a while for the success rate to go up again. Since the 4T, which Yuzuru was very good at, was the jump that caused injuries, he wasn’t able to practice the 4T until just before the Autumn Classic in September. Doing the 4T hurts because he has to hit the ice with his left toe pick on takeoff.
Let's talk about the loop. Scores wise, a 4Lo is one above the 4S and the 4T. 4F and 4Lz have higher base values, but since you take off with both feet, it is easier to get a good height/distance and they were landed in competition before the Loop. Because the Loop takeoff is done with a single foot, getting the timing right is a delicate matter. Depending on the athlete, some may really like it (be good at it), so might hate it (be terrible). 
Actually I was bad at loop jumps. Since I was Mr Triple Axel, I really focused on practicing the axel, and only started practicing the loop late in my competitive career. My first triple was the Salchow, then the toe loop and the lutz, after which I successfully landed the triple axel. I learned the flip and the loop later, but now that I think about it, it was one of the bigger failures in my skating career. Since I started training too late, I only really landed them when I was 25, during the last season of my competitive career. 
There is this saying, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks.” Jumps are things your body can get a feel for when you are still young. Since I became an old dog, although I understood the theory, in practice I wasn’t able to do a loop jump naturally. 
Both Yuzuru and Javier are able to do the loop jump easily. Especially Yuzuru, who has a natural-born quality. Given how beautiful his triple loop is, you know he has the ability to do the quad. And it's no longer what I should teach. The skater must commit his own unique timing to muscle memory and us coaches are there to correct the skater’s form based on theory. 
Once he actually started practicing, Yuzuru became obsessed with the 4Lo. That was natural since he would be the first to land that jump in competition if he succeeded. Because he was too focused on the quad loop, he got into a state where he wasn’t able to concentrate during practice sessions of his programs and in skating class. I began to think, “Hey, that’s not what we said before?” I just thought the quad loop was good for the rehabilitation process. I didn’t suggest to train only the quad loop. As for whether or not there really was a need to put it into competition, we were going to decide after we checked the level of completeness. 
Essentially, during off season, it is important to practice techniques for skating, spins, steps and so forth, and the scores won’t increase without training the program in its entirety. As it is, successfully landing the quad loop alone––the scores won’t go up. I thought this had become a situation like a youngster who didn’t understand how scoring worked, crushingly defeated even though he’d landed quads. As a coach, I felt like I had a lot I wanted to say. On the other hand, when I saw Yuzuru do a really beautiful quad loop, I was unable to negate [his efforts] either. Such speed, and a beautiful curve––a natural jump. It is a truly fantastic thing to behold when he [lands it] cleanly. The success rate has also gone up to around 70%, which was more stable than both the salchow and the toe loop. 
Why was Yuzuru focused on succeeding with the 4Lo 4回転ループ成功にこだわるのはなぜなのか
Yuzuru, having acquired the 4Lo during the summer, naturally suggested to bring the 4Lo into competition beginning with the first competition in September. Based on the success rate and high level of quality, my opinion as a coach was “GO.” But I also felt the possibility that [we might be] losing sight of the direction built up from last season if we were to simply say “Yes, let’s do a 4Lo.” So I pointed out the conditions to Yuzuru. 
It is great to put in the 4Lo, but also do the other jumps properly and pay attention to both the performance and the skating. If [you were to] perfect the program as a total package, then there is meaning in bringing the 4Lo. 
Thereupon, Yuzuru then proposed such a jump layout. For the short program, 4Lo and 4S. For the free skate, 4Lo, two 4S, one 4T––four in total. Compared to the last season, not only adding a new type with the 4Lo, but also increasing the number of quads in the free skate. 
If it were according to my strategy, to accomplish “2 in short, 4 in free,” I would begin with mastering the program [choreography] in its entirety. Skating, transitions, steps…I would perfect the elements outside of jumps first. That way, instead of banking on jumping quad after quad, [we] focus on executing quads that are high in quality and increase the number of quads––2, 3, and 4––throughout the season. This way is actually quicker. 
To explain this training method in greater detail, it’s like this: Jumps vary in timing and the way force is applied, depending on the type. Therefore, when we add a new jump to the program, we are inserting an element that differs from the present rhythm. If we prioritize and only consider the rhythm of the 4Lo, the rhythm of all the rest of the jumps would collapse. In other words, in addition to the technique of the [new] jump itself, the technique of making all these jumps with different rhythms coexist within a single piece of music is necessary in order to achieve the perfect performance. 
Therefore, in order to challenge a new jump within the program, we must work in the newcomer while maintaining the rhythm that was in place. This is a difficult world that is hard to understand without experiencing it. Youngsters who’d abruptly added many quads in 2016 have yet to experience the “difficulty of adjusting the rhythm” when putting in three or four types simultaneously. Successfully landing each one in practice and weaving everything together with the music are completely different techniques. 
Both Yuzuru and Javier had experience from last season in that respect. The body remembers the rhythm combining “three quads.” I wanted Yuzuru to leverage this. To fit in the 4Lo within the balance of the program rather than letting the rhythm of the 4Lo affect everything else. 
However, Yuzuru is the type who always wants to bring the maximum of what he is capable of. A young one who wants to challenge the impossible––that is also Yuzuru. As much as possible, he prioritized acquiring the 4Lo and tried to do that while practicing his program in his spare time. Then, during run-through, when he failed to land the 4Lo, he ended up losing motivation for the rest of the program. On the contrary, when he nailed the 4Lo, he was satisfied and the rest became sloppy. That was the same way as a junior kid. Even when Javier danced through the best program or landed a second half quad in front of him, he didn’t look stimulated at all. 
At times, I had even doubted Yuzuru’s motivation as to why he was so fixated on succeeding with the 4Lo. [I wondered if], instead of “challenging his own limits,” it was because “other skaters are jumping 4F and 4Lz.” If so, he had lost sight of the sense of purpose. But Yuzuru has a very stubborn personality. Until he succeeded with the 4Lo for the first time [in competition], I thought he would probably just turn a deaf ear to whatever I said. The title of “world’s first” was right before his eyes and he also had the physical ability––as an athlete, that was a natural thing [to want]. Although this was a completely different course of action from my strategy, [which was rooted in] my hope for Yuzuru to smile happily at Pyeongchang Olympics, I decided anyway to let Yuzuru do as he wished until [he landed 4Lo for the first time in competition]. 
Discussion and understanding 話し合い、そして理解
This happened sometime after Skate Canada ended. Yuzuru and I had a meeting. Tracy was with us as well. 
“It’s time you listen to the advice of your coach. There is no need to jump the quad loop every day, and you should also practice your programs. Succeeding on the quad loop at Autumn Classic was wonderful, but the performance was sloppy. You didn’t have the stamina to skate the program in its entirety, did you?  Doing it this way, you won’t complete the program with all the quads in it, however long you take." 
It was not just about scoring. I was worried about Yuzuru's injury as well. 
“What dangers do you think arise when you skate your program without enough stamina? Recklessly attempting jumps like the quad salchow and the toe loop in the second half of the performance when you are tired? And when you do that, you land [poorly] and create burden for your foot with a possibility of severely injuring yourself. Rather than focusing solely on the quad loop at the start, this is the time when you should be practicing to bring the whole performance together as a total package, and training for stamina to skate with full energy until the very end." 
Then, Yuzuru who has thus far silently trained the quad loop without speaking a word of his own opinion at all, looking like he’d made up his mind, opened his mouth. 
“Up until Skate Canada, it is true that I’ve been practicing the quad loop a lot. But that was because, to me, the quad loop is an [integral] part of the performance. To me, a program without the jumps landed is not a total package." 
That was unprecedented. This was the first time that Yuzuru had put his opinions clearly into words to such an extent. He wasn’t merely stubbornly focused on the quad loop––indeed, Yuzuru had Yuzuru’s own theory. Upon expressing our opinions to each other, [we realized] the goal we were aiming for was the same. 
“Succeed on all the quads and, on top of that, produce a sublime performance.” 
It was just that Yuzuru gave more weight to the importance of jumps. Because that didn’t align with my opinion, he had kept quiet about his own. But this time, Yuzuru insisted with resolve and an understanding that it might turn into an argument, “Jumps are not a part of technique, but a part of performance.” He told me that, with this train of thought in mind, he’d started from practicing jumps in order to hone his performance. 
By getting down to our real intentions, we made our purpose clear, and I also felt mentally refreshed. It has been the fifth year since we formed a team with Yuzuru. I knew he trusted me and I also saw Yuzuru as the best partner from the bottom of my heart. There are many things in a relationship between the coach and the athlete––misunderstanding each other, disagreeing in opinions, and then going hand in hand once more. In this kind of relationship, we learn from each other. 
As our meeting came to a close, I said this. 
“All right. Aren’t we joining in this quad race too? I am not going to play safe. Instead, we go the strategic route. We will add the quad loop, and three types of quads––to a total number of four––in the free skate. We will be attentive to the performance and skating. Only never lose awareness of the total package." 
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soyunaprofesora · 6 years
Oh Canada!
So I successfully survived my week-long trip to the Great White North. We took 27 9th graders to Canada and returned back to Monterrey with 27. Eventually.
It was a whirlwind adventure. I enjoyed myself far more than I was expecting to.
The group: 3 chaperones (myself, the 7th grade Biology teacher, and the 7th grade Geography teacher-all from my campus), 2 guides from the travel agency that organized our trip (they were AMAZING), and 27 9th grade students (10 from the other campus and 17 from my campus AKA my students, 24 boys and 3 girls-Yeah...).
We got on our first flight from Monterrey to Mexico City. I still don’t understand how the whole fly south to go north thing works, but whatever. We had a couple of hours to kill at that airport there before boarding our flight to Toronto. We arrived in Canada around 10 PM and then boarded a bus to take us and our luggage to a hotel in the city. The chaperones hustled the kids off to bed so we could try and get some sleep too.
Day 1: We woke up pretty early to get breakfast in the hotel before getting on a bus that took us to Niagara Falls. We walked along the Canadian side of the falls taking pictures and experiencing the views. 
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Then we wandered inside the main building to check out some behind the scenes action. First we watched some interactive videos about how the falls were created, and then we got to travel 12 stories down (by elevator) to catch a glimpse of what Niagara Falls looks like from behind.
After our adventures at the falls, we traveled by bus to the nearby town of Niagara-on-the-Lake. It was a cute town that reminded me a lot of Cape Cod and many other quaint American towns. We walked around a little to kill some time before our scheduled tour of Fort George. There we go to learn a little about Canada’s military history in the War of 1812.
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Next we went back on the bus to head to the Clifton Hill area in Niagara and gave students some free time to explore. We met back up for dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. After dinner, we headed back to our hotel in Toronto for a good night’s sleep.
Day 2: After a quick breakfast at our hotel, we headed to Ripley’s Aquarium for a Behind the Scenes tour. We got to see the kitchen and learn about the diets of the fish, the loading dock where they bring in new fish, and even the entrances to the tanks where divers go in to clean. It was a quick tour, but pretty interesting. After the tour, we had time to explore the aquarium. It was pretty amazing. My favorite part was the moving walkway in a tube going through the largest tank in the aquarium. The fish swam right over your head.
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After the aquarium, we walked to the nearby CN Tower. Similar to the Space Needle, we rode an elevator to the top to see breathtaking views of Toronto. We spent about 45 minutes walking around admiring the views before walking across the street to an arcade called The Rec Room. Students had about 2 hours of free time there to eat and play games. 
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I, however, had other plans. My winter items did not arrive in Canada due to a national holiday that closed customs. So I needed some winter gear. I bought gloves in Niagara, and I brought a hat and scarf with me. I rode the metro to get to a different part of the city with many stores. I found a Payless and bought some relatively inexpensive snow boots. I felt the difference the moment I put them on and my feet were much happier and warmer. I met back up with my group at the arcade before leaving for our next activity.
We left the arcade and walked to Scotiabank Arena, home of the Toronto Maple Leafs (Hockey) and Toronto Raptors (Basketball). We were not watching either of those teams play. Instead we watched AHL with a hockey game between the Toronto Marlies and the Syracuse Crush. I had a lot of fun as I understood hockey. Most students did not so they were confused for much of the game, but by the end they got really into it. The home team won 5-3, and we all had fun celebrating with the locals in the stands.
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After the hockey game, we went back to our hotel, got our bags and headed to the airport where we took a late flight to Quebec. We arrived in Quebec around 12:30 AM, climbed on a bus, and drove about 30 minutes outside of the city to a compound that was basically what summer camp looks like in the winter. We hustled into our cabins, got ready for bed and slept.
Day 3: On our first day at the camp, we managed to pack a lot in. After breakfast (where we discovered that everyone at the camp spoke French as their native language), we headed to a building for our first winter sports activity: bobsledding. I did not participate, but I had a blast watching the students try. We had lunch after bobsledding where I was given some snow pants to wear for the remainder of our time at camp. A welcome surprise. Then we geared up to try snowshoeing. It was hard. Getting the contraptions on your feet was one order, but then we had to walk quite a distance to get to the starting point for our Forest GPS activity. I fell down. A LOT. But I survived.
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After removing our snow shoes, we boarded a bus to take us across the street essentially to a dog sledding company. The chaperones were told to get off the bus first to meet with the drivers. I assumed it was to tell us how to organize the students. No, it was to teach us how to drive a dog sled! I got a brief 3 minute demonstration before being put on a sled pulled by 6 dogs with 2 student passengers. We followed an expert driver through their course that took us through the Canadian forest. It was gorgeous. I cannot accurately put into words how amazing the experience was for me.
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I had been looking forward to dog sledding since I learned about it being on our itinerary. I assumed we would all be passengers as an expert drove. Getting to drive the sled was a dream that I never realized I had coming true. I had flashbacks to when I was younger as obsessed with the movie Balto. It was incredible. A once in a lifetime experience I wouldn’t trade for the world.
After sledding, we headed to dinner at a local Sugar Shack. These places are common throughout Canada as a way to showcase maple syrup. We learned about how the syrup is made as well as trying many foods utilizing the local commodity: bread, ham, sausage, baked beans, coleslaw, meat pie, potatoes, and many other things I’m sure I’ve forgotten. We were entertained as we ate by a local traditional musician. The students seemed to get a big kick out of him teaching them songs and dances. For dessert, we had pancakes (of course) before heading outside for some maple toffee. That is when they pour the syrup onto to fresh snow to let it cool creating a weird taffy. It was hard to eat but very delicious. We headed back to our cabins after dinner.
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Day 4: Our next day included some more winter sports and activities. The morning session was all about Winter Survival. Students had to build shelter and start a fire using minimal tools. Our guide told us that most groups are never able to start the fire, but our kiddos proved him wrong. 4 out of our 5 groups were able to start their fires and keep them going for a while. We were all impressed.
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After survival training, we checked out of the cabins and headed to Valcartier, a winter ski resort. The first thing we did there was get a tour of their Ice Hotel. It was absolutely gorgeous. They showed us a chapel where they host many weddings throughout the winter season as well as some of the rooms that people pay to sleep in. I found the entire thing beautiful and interesting, but I do not have a desire to pay to stay there. After our tour, we gave students free time in which they could eat lunch and enjoy the ice tubing provided at the resort. 
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The chaperones relaxed a little at lunch (where I got to try poutine-it was great!) before heading out to the slopes. It was insane. First, we grabbed a tube that came with a leash to make it easier to carry around. Then we rode up a tube lift that had tubes attached to a rope that was dragging people up the slopes. Once at the top, we picked a nearby ramp and got in line. I was not scared at all until my tube actually started sliding down. Then my stomach jumped into my throat and I became terrified that I would flip or crash or get hurt. That lasted until I made it to the bottom when I started laughing hysterically. We all looked at each other and hustled back to the tube lift to go again. When we got to the top, we looked around and realized there was another tube life to other ramps. We rode up and found even steeper slides. All in all, the resort had over 30 ice ramps to slide down. We managed to try about 8 of them in our time on the slopes. Each time was both terrifying and exhilarating. I would definitely go back and do it all again.
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After tubing, we drove back into Quebec City and checked into a new hotel. From there we walked to historical downtown where we met with some ghosts for a haunted tour of the city. It was very interesting and the actors were great. But by that point, most of us were absolutely exhausted and just wanted to go back to the hotel to sleep. We found a late dinner after the tour and went to the hotel for some rest.
Day 5: We woke up bright and early to have breakfast before walking back to historical downtown Quebec for another tour. This time in the daylight with focus on the history of Quebec and Canada. The city was absolutely beautiful in the snow, and the tour guide was awesome. We wandered around before ending up at the Musee de la Civilisation, a museum about the indigenous people of Canada. It was fascinating, especially because many of the tribes are the same ones I learned about when I was in school. The students found it a little boring, but it went by quickly so we survived.
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After the museum, we went back to the historic downtown area to give students free time to find lunch and do some shopping. The chaperones stuck together, bought a few souvenirs, and had a great lunch at a cute little bakery. The group met back up to head to the hotel to get our things and head back to the airport. We flew back to Toronto that night. We arrived around 8 PM, had dinner at some restaurant near the hotel, and went to bed before our last big day in Canada.
Day 6: Our last day in Canada was the longest one. We started the day with breakfast at the hotel before loading onto a bus to take us to Centennial College just outside the city. There we had a discussion facilitated by two professors on Global Citizenship. Most of us were exhausted so it was hard to keep our eyes open, but the topic was very interesting. We had lunch after the discussion and then got back on the bus to go back into Toronto.
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There we visited the Toronto Legislative Building and learned about Canadian government. It was pretty interesting. We even got to go into the General Assembly room which was cool.
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Next we traveled by metro to the river front. There we rented some ice skates and skated on an outdoor rink. Many of the students had never skated before but were excited to try. I was impressed by how resilient they were. Even when they fell, they got right back up and kept trying. We skated for about an hour and a half. There was only one minor injury during that time. A student fell and hurt his knee. Based on the insurance of the rink and the parameters of the tour group, he had to get checked out by a doctor so he rode in an ambulance to the nearest hospital. The rest of the group moved on without him.
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The remaining chaperones and tour guide took the group back on the metro, this time during rush hour. As a result of the many people, our group got separated. After an agonized 10 minutes, we finally found each other and were able to get on the metro that took us to Eaton Center, a giant mall in the middle of the city. It was very close to where I did my boots shopping earlier in the week. Students were given a couple hours of free time to shop or hang out.
I wandered around the mall a couple of times but I only bought a couple souvenir items. Once my feet gave out, I grabbed a pretzel and a tea and rested for about an hour. The students did lots of shopping and came back to the meeting point with multiple bags each in hand. We walked back to the hotel to pack away our things and load the suitcases onto the bus. We said goodbye to Toronto and headed to the airport.
Our flight left Toronto at 1 AM. Unfortunately, I was unable to get comfortable on the plane so I spent the five hour flight dozing with my eyes closed. We arrived in Mexico City around 6 AM and only had an hour before our next flight left at 7 AM. Unfortunately, I had to go into a separate line than the majority of our group. They all got to go in a Mexican passport line while I and another Japanese student had to go into the international passport line. Our line moved slower and was longer so the group breezed through and made it to the flight no problem. 
The student and I made it through customs, ran to security, cut in front of everyone, jumped on a golf cart and raced to our gate. We ran to the woman at the door and asked to get on the plane, but she said no. We had to wait for the next available flight. It wasn’t a huge deal because the next flight was at 8:30, but it was annoying because the flight didn’t take off for another 25 minutes after we left the gate.
We finally boarded our plane and arrived in Monterrey around 10:30 AM. I made sure the student found her parents and then got in the hired car provided by the school. I made it back to my apartment by 11:30 AM. I called my parents to check in, unpacked my suitcase, and then fell into bed. I took a nap from 2-7, woke up to have dinner, and then went right back to sleep. I still don’t feel fully recovered, but I had an amazing trip. I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity and I would definitely be a chaperone on an interims trip again in the future.
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yuzu-yuzuru · 7 years
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There is actually a lot to marvel about, in terms of how Yuzuru’s season came together so beautifully in the end. I thought it’s a good time right now to review even as we look forward to the next season, so here are three excerpts from Chapter 5 of Team Brian 2. ` From Brian’s perspective, we can see the concerns and worries over Yuzuru’s health, his at-the-time troubling 4T (in contrast to its 3A-toppling status now :o), the immense belief and strength (and stubbornness) it took for Yuzuru to persevere with the 4Lo, as well as the discussion post-Skate Canada that lead to mutual understanding and, against all odds, a successful season overcoming those difficult challenges. Cheers and kudos, Team Yuzu! ` (Conclusion: Brian gains 15kg from the last six months of 2016 and loses 1kg in hair.) ` Translated by gladi. Feel free to repost in entirety with credits. ========================================== ` ` Three excerpts from Chapter 5 of Team Brian 2 「チーム・ブライアン:300点伝説」第五章 より ` Yuzuru’s 4Lo is first and foremost rehabilitation for his injury ユズルの4回転ループはまず怪我のリハビリとして ` Yuzuru had been absent from practice for 2 months due to the Lisfranc injury in his left foot after the 2016 World Championship. He didn’t participate in ice shows, and as it was better not to walk, he really took a rest. Instead of returning to Japan, he did muscle training to the extent possible in Toronto. By early spring, he was looking healthy and we looked forward to resuming practice in June. However, although he started at the end of June, his left foot wasn’t yet fit to bear weight. In restarting his training for quads, we decided to take things step by step. ` The 4Lo was the best in terms of not burdening the left foot. The loop takes off on the right foot and lands with the right foot. Although Yuzuru had successfully landed them in practice, no one had landed one in competition. Tackling a difficult jump while injured might have seemed like an illogical approach, but I deemed it the safest option for the current situation. ` Since the quad salchow uses the left foot, although Yuzuru had landed that many times last season, it took a while for the success rate to go up again. Since the 4T, which Yuzuru was very good at, was the jump that caused injuries, he wasn’t able to practice the 4T until just before the Autumn Classic in September. Doing the 4T hurts because he has to hit the ice with his left toe pick on takeoff. ` Let’s talk about the loop. Scores wise, a 4Lo is one above the 4S and the 4T. 4F and 4Lz have higher base values, but since you take off with both feet, it is easier to get a good height/distance and they were landed in competition before the Loop. Because the Loop takeoff is done with a single foot, getting the timing right is a delicate matter. Depending on the athlete, some may really like it (be good at it), so might hate it (be terrible). ` Actually I was bad at loop jumps. Since I was Mr Triple Axel, I really focused on practicing the axel, and only started practicing the loop late in my competitive career. My first triple was the Salchow, then the toe loop and the lutz, after which I successfully landed the triple axel. I learned the flip and the loop later, but now that I think about it, it was one of the bigger failures in my skating career. Since I started training too late, I only really landed them when I was 25, during the last season of my competitive career. ` There is this saying, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” Jumps are things your body can get a feel for when you are still young. Since I became an old dog, although I understood the theory, in practice I wasn’t able to do a loop jump naturally. ` Both Yuzuru and Javier are able to do the loop jump easily. Especially Yuzuru, who has a natural-born quality. Given how beautiful his triple loop is, you know he has the ability to do the quad. And it’s no longer what I should teach. The skater must commit his own unique timing to muscle memory and us coaches are there to correct the skater’s form based on theory. ` Once he actually started practicing, Yuzuru became obsessed with the 4Lo. That was natural since he would be the first to land that jump in competition if he succeeded. Because he was too focused on the quad loop, he got into a state where he wasn’t able to concentrate during practice sessions of his programs and in skating class. I began to think, “Hey, that’s not what we said before?” I just thought the quad loop was good for the rehabilitation process. I didn’t suggest to train only the quad loop. As for whether or not there really was a need to put it into competition, we were going to decide after we checked the level of completeness. ` Essentially, during off season, it is important to practice techniques for skating, spins, steps and so forth, and the scores won’t increase without training the program in its entirety. As it is, successfully landing the quad loop alone––the scores won’t go up. I thought this had become a situation like a youngster who didn’t understand how scoring worked, crushingly defeated even though he’d landed quads. As a coach, I felt like I had a lot I wanted to say. ` On the other hand, when I saw Yuzuru do a really beautiful quad loop, I was unable to negate [his efforts] either. Such speed, and a beautiful curve––a natural jump. It is a truly fantastic thing to behold when he [lands it] cleanly. The success rate has also gone up to around 70%, which was more stable than both the salchow and the toe loop. ` ` Why was Yuzuru focused on succeeding with the 4Lo 4回転ループ成功にこだわるのはなぜなのか ` Yuzuru, having acquired the 4Lo during the summer, naturally suggested to bring the 4Lo into competition beginning with the first competition in September. Based on the success rate and high level of quality, my opinion as a coach was “GO.” But I also felt the possibility that [we might be] losing sight of the direction built up from last season if we were to simply say “Yes, let’s do a 4Lo.” So I pointed out the conditions to Yuzuru. ` It is great to put in the 4Lo, but also do the other jumps properly and pay attention to both the performance and the skating. If [you were to] perfect the program as a total package, then there is meaning in bringing the 4Lo. ` Thereupon, Yuzuru then proposed such a jump layout. For the short program, 4Lo and 4S. For the free skate, 4Lo, two 4S, one 4T––four in total. Compared to the last season, not only adding a new type with the 4Lo, but also increasing the number of quads in the free skate. ` If it were according to my strategy, to accomplish “2 in short, 4 in free,” I would begin with mastering the program [choreography] in its entirety. Skating, transitions, steps…I would perfect the elements outside of jumps first. That way, instead of banking on jumping quad after quad, [we] focus on executing quads that are high in quality and increase the number of quads––2, 3, and 4––throughout the season. This way is actually quicker. ` To explain this training method in greater detail, it’s like this: Jumps vary in timing and the way force is applied, depending on the type. Therefore, when we add a new jump to the program, we are inserting an element that differs from the present rhythm. If we prioritize and only consider the rhythm of the 4Lo, the rhythm of all the rest of the jumps would collapse. In other words, in addition to the technique of the [new] jump itself, the technique of making all these jumps with different rhythms coexist within a single piece of music is necessary in order to achieve the perfect performance. ` Therefore, in order to challenge a new jump within the program, we must work in the newcomer while maintaining the rhythm that was in place. This is a difficult world that is hard to understand without experiencing it. Youngsters who’d abruptly added many quads in 2016 have yet to experience the “difficulty of adjusting the rhythm” when putting in three or four types simultaneously. Successfully landing each one in practice and weaving everything together with the music are completely different techniques. ` Both Yuzuru and Javier had experience from last season in that respect. The body remembers the rhythm combining “three quads.” I wanted Yuzuru to leverage this. To fit in the 4Lo within the balance of the program rather than letting the rhythm of the 4Lo affect everything else. ` However, Yuzuru is the type who always wants to bring the maximum of what he is capable of. A young one who wants to challenge the impossible––that is also Yuzuru. As much as possible, he prioritized acquiring the 4Lo and tried to do that while practicing his program in his spare time. Then, during run-through, when he failed to land the 4Lo, he ended up losing motivation for the rest of the program. On the contrary, when he nailed the 4Lo, he was satisfied and the rest became sloppy. That was the same way as a junior kid. Even when Javier danced through the best program or landed a second half quad in front of him, he didn’t look stimulated at all. ` At times, I had even doubted Yuzuru’s motivation as to why he was so fixated on succeeding with the 4Lo. [I wondered if], instead of “challenging his own limits,” it was because “other skaters are jumping 4F and 4Lz.” If so, he had lost sight of the sense of purpose. But Yuzuru has a very stubborn personality. Until he succeeded with the 4Lo for the first time [in competition], I thought he would probably just turn a deaf ear to whatever I said. The title of “world’s first” was right before his eyes and he also had the physical ability––as an athlete, that was a natural thing [to want]. Although this was a completely different course of action from my strategy, [which was rooted in] my hope for Yuzuru to smile happily at Pyeongchang Olympics, I decided anyway to let Yuzuru do as he wished until [he landed 4Lo for the first time in competition]. ` ` Discussion and understanding 話し合い、そして理解 ` This happened sometime after Skate Canada ended. Yuzuru and I had a meeting. Tracy was with us as well. ` “It’s time you listen to the advice of your coach. There is no need to jump the quad loop every day, and you should also practice your programs. Succeeding on the quad loop at Autumn Classic was wonderful, but the performance was sloppy. You didn’t have the stamina to skate the program in its entirety, did you? Doing it this way, you won’t complete the program with all the quads in it, however long you take.” ` It was not just about scoring. I was worried about Yuzuru’s injury as well. ` “What dangers do you think arise when you skate your program without enough stamina? Recklessly attempting jumps like the quad salchow and the toe loop in the second half of the performance when you are tired? And when you do that, you land [poorly] and create burden for your foot with a possibility of severely injuring yourself. Rather than focusing solely on the quad loop at the start, this is the time when you should be practicing to bring the whole performance together as a total package, and training for stamina to skate with full energy until the very end.“ ` Then, Yuzuru who has thus far silently trained the quad loop without speaking a word of his own opinions at all, looking like he’d made up his mind, opened his mouth. ` “Up until Skate Canada, it is true that I’ve been practicing the quad loop a lot. But that was because, to me, the quad loop is an [integral] part of the performance. To me, a program without the jumps landed is not a total package.” ` That was unprecedented. This was the first time that Yuzuru had put his opinions clearly into words to such an extent. He wasn’t merely stubbornly focused on the quad loop––indeed, Yuzuru had Yuzuru’s own theory. ` Upon expressing our opinions to each other, [we realized] the goal we were aiming for was the same. ` “Succeed on all the quads and, on top of that, produce a sublime performance.” ` It was just that Yuzuru gave more weight to the importance of jumps. Because that didn’t align with my opinion, he had kept quiet about his own. But this time, Yuzuru insisted with resolve and an understanding that it might turn into an argument, “Jumps are not a part of technique, but a part of performance.” He told me that, with this train of thought in mind, he’d started from practicing jumps in order to hone his performance. ` By getting down to our real intentions, we made our purpose clear, and I also felt mentally refreshed. It has been the fifth year since we formed a team with Yuzuru. I knew he trusted me and I also saw Yuzuru as the best partner from the bottom of my heart. There are many things in a relationship between the coach and the athlete––misunderstanding each other, disagreeing in opinions, and then going hand in hand once more. In this kind of relationship, we learn from each other. ` As our meeting came to a close, I said this. ` “All right. Aren’t we joining in this quad race too? I am not going to play safe. Instead, we go the strategic route. We will add the quad loop, and three types of quads––to a total number of four––in the free skate. We will be attentive to the performance and skating. Only never lose awareness of the total package.“
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