#seeing a very specific production of a show and it being your favourite thing ever
anewbrainjughead · 7 months
they should make an Oklahoma! 2019 that lasts forever and ever and is in my living room
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russellsppttemplates · 9 months
Hey, plus size girlie anon here👋🏼 I totally get where you come from with not wanting to be too specific about yn description-wise, and how it can get messy. Whatever and how much you're comfortable doing I'm 100% sure I'll enjoy writing! Like i said, it was a self indulgent ask, being a curvier girlie myself, so I'm glad you're considering doing it in any form you decide to😊
Note: it's self indulgent for me too, so I think I'll endulge on it now too 😏 thank you for the vote of confidence, too ✨️
"Are you sure you don't want to go anywhere else? I could take you shopping or something, I'll find the energy", Lando tried as you shook your head.
"Lando, baby", you called, "when have I ever said no to spending time at the beach with you? I'm totally fine with that, I'm very happy to feel the sun on my skin and have you next to me, no shirt and looking handsome as ever", you kissed his cheek, grabbing the beach bag and storing your towell in it.
"I just thought you'd like to do more things. I know I'm tired from the season, but I don't want you to feel like you have to be with me at all times if what I do make should bored a-", you interrupted him, "Lando, me in a bikini you in shorts, sun, a book, sand and salty water. The plan sounds great to me", you shut him up with a long kiss on his lips.
The hotel you were staying in had a private beach for their clients, and since it was winter break, not many people were around as you arrived, seeing another couple on the front row of sunloungers and no one else.
"We could have one of these for a change today", Lando suggested, patting the cushioned mattress of the double sunlounger that resembled an outdoor bed. The curtains around it were open, even though the thin material wouldn't do much to hide if they had been shut, and the pillows looked perfect for you to lay against them and read your book.
Setting the beach bag down, you grabbed your sandals and stored them in the wooden step, taking what your toiletries bag and book out so you had all you needed.
"Here, let me do it", Lando said as he grabbed the sunscreen bottle while you removed your beach dress, leaving him to admire your body in all of its glory. He began applying it to your legs, his fingers squeezing your thighs lovingly as he kissed them every now and then, coming up to rub the white cream on your back and shoulders, kissing your moles and fiddling with your straps, "don't worry, I'm not going to let anyone else see what's for my eyes only", he smirked, rubbing his nose on the nape of your neck. Moving to your front, he rubbed your arms and chest since you had already done your face, moving to rub it on your tummy, "all done now, love. No lobster impersonation", he joked, handing you the bottle so you could rub the product on his skin.
Sitting down afterwards, you grabbed your kindle as Lando laid his head on your thighs, facing your tummy, one of your hands holding the device where you found the book you had been reading and the other finding your boyfriend's curls, playing with them and slightly scratching his scalp.
"This is my favourite place to be", Lando whispered, afraid he'd disturb you but ultimately wanting you to hear what he had to say, "it's a shame we don't have these beaches back home then", you chuckled placing your kindle next to you as you took a good look at him. The curtains were enough to shield his eyes from the sun rays, so the beautiful orbs looking back at you showed honesty and appreciation, "I don't care if were in snow or rain, and you know what I mean. I love laying on your thighs, they're so comfy. I can look up at you, I can kiss your skin any time I want, I can trace these", he motioned, tracing the stretch marks on your hips, "it let's me love all of you, even though I'm far from these", he groped your boobs quickly before you swatted his hands, "what?! You can't blame me that my girlfriend is the most gorgeous, sexiest woman ever", he said, kissing just above your bellybutton, "I love you, Y/N, and I'll tell it to everyone who wants to hear it".
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
Hi there! ^^ Can I request Zhongli/Kaeya/Dainsleif (separately) x artist reader headcanons? I’m not sure if it was once requested, if so just ignore it
Also if it’s too much characters just pick two
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Zhongli is appreciative of basically anything. He loves to learn, and also loves to give his knowledge to people. One thing he hasn't done for a while is draw or paint. He's just never really had the time to explore the field, but he does love watching people paint or trying to figure out what the image is trying to convey.
He happened to come into your studio one day, planning to drop something off for you. You'd never really invited him in as you never found a reason to and he never pried into this part of your life. He felt that you'd let him in when you were ready.
When he knocks on the door you quickly run over to let him in, smiling brightly despite the paint that stained your face. He comes inside, trailing after you as he drops off the supplies he noticed you forgot in the morning. You thank him with a kiss on the cheek and get yourself set up again with the supplies you were missing.
He finds a seat you leave for models when you require one, curiously glancing around at your works. When you ask him what he's looking at he starts to point at specific ones and ask you questions about your process and inspiration. You find yourself talking incredibly animatedly about your process, not even noticing the enamoured look in his eyes as you talk at him. He's making mental notes to see if it'll help him plan out future gifts to buy you.
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Dainsleif travels a lot, so he definitely sees very many scenic landscapes. With the creation of Kameras he was able to record them and bring them back to you to see, something you really appreciated. You don't think you'll ever be able to see the sights he does, so being given the photos whenever he returns is something you always look forward to.
He's known that you create for a living, almost wishing that he could settle down and do something so human. Spending his days creating might be something he could find himself enjoying, but he's got a responsibility to maintain.
One day, you take out a sketchbook that looks a little bigger than he would expect it to. It was almost the size of you and before he can ask you what's in it you start flipping through the pages, showing him some of drawings you did of the photos he gave you. Each of them has something he distinctly doesn't remember photographing, focusing more on them as each drawing continues to host them.
Finally, he realises that it's the two of you. Every iteration he's holding you, and the two of you are just enjoying each other's company. He gets a slight pang in his chest at the thought that you miss him so much you resort to drawing him, but he also can't help admiring the way you draw him. The way you see him is so sweet, Dainsleif melting a little.
He loves your works a lot, and asked if he could have some smaller prints to carry around. They help remind him that there's someone waiting for him to come home, folding the sheets of canvas carefully to avoid their ruin during fights or perilous conditions.
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Kaeya is a little annoying but in the most endearing way. He loves seeing you draw, or looking at the finished products if you don't like having someone watch your creation process. He does get a little antsy if he can't watch, but he's very good at giving you your space and being ready to wait for the final product.
He's your biggest fan, proudly displaying your drawings around his office. Whenever people ask him who made them he always directs them to you, recommending that if they've ever wanted to get some artwork done you're genuinely one of the best people to consult.
Your confidence is really bolstered thanks to his constant praise and support, feeling better to experiment or create things you normally wouldn't. It leads to your portfolio diversifying wildly and you loved it all. Of course you still had your favourite way to paint but that doesn't mean you didn't like the experimentation part of it.
Sometimes, you like to ask Kaeya to model for you. He's great at doing so, totally working his angles and giving you looks that make your heart melt. It can be a little distracting at times but it's all worth it whenever you see the soft look he gets in his eyes when you show him the finished product.
He loves seeing himself through your eyes. You always draw him in such an ethereal manner, almost unrecognisable to him at times but he knows that it's him because whenever you draw him your pieces always take on a different quality. He can feel the love you have for him, and he won't admit it but he keeps every single rough draft you give him of him. They all remind him that you love him, and when he's having a really bad day just a glance at them can make it all better.
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raayllum · 8 months
how long would you say you've actively shipped any of your favorite ships? - im curious specifically about sorvus, sorpeli, and claudiez
I wouldn't say Sorvus is one of my faves even if I do 1) love Soren and Corvus individually, 2) Corvus is one of my favourite side characters in the whole show (like top 5) and 3) I do really like them! That being said:
For the bulk of TDP ships, canon-wise, I shipped them as their relationships were revealed (aka Harrow/Sarai with the info we got in S1, Claudia/Terry with the info we get in S4, Runaan/Ethari back when he was known as 'Tinker' thanks to the S1 credit sketch, etc).
For Janaya, I shipped them from the first time they met in S2, since "rival intellectually and physically matched generals on the battlefield" along with both being very pretty is a decently long-ish homoerotic trend in literature (aka a production I saw of "Coriolanus" really leaned in on it, although I think I saw that pre-S2's release. Applies though)
For Rayllum, I shipped them pre-show even if I was also down to brotp them. They'd be travelling together, thus having plenty of time to develop an interesting dynamic / were around the same age, and the screencap released before the premiere of them sitting under the tree (Callum, distracted but eager, and Rayla, exasperated and fond) really drew me in since that's a ship type - dynamic and gender wise (I don't tend to love ships where the guy is the more grumpy/guarded one, I think, since women are so often forced to do More of the emotional labour in relationships Anyway) - I'm already Very susceptible to. I tried to hold off a little bit in early S1 cause I didn't want to ship them too hard, but then 1x05 came along with the boat scene and it was Over for me. They've had my heart ever since (5 years going on forever)
Requested Rarepairs
So I didn't really ship Sorvus (although I was never opposed to them) for the majority of the time post-S3. I didn't really ship Soren with anyone and preferred Gren/Corvus at that time (due to their personalities / closer dynamic to Amaya and therefore each other) as well as enjoying Corvus/Opeli. However I was also really hoping that Corvus would stay on the council/with Ezran, and figured that if Soren was going to end up with anyone, Corvus was probably the most realistic choice (shared goals, decent development, timeskip to help things, similar ages).
That said I still didn't actively ship them (like I didn't mind them but was completely impassive/neutral y'know?) until I wrote an interaction between them in "if heaven and hell decide" (a canon divergent S2 where Claudia and Soren decide to delay their betrayal of the trio, and therefore travel with them for much longer) and the fact that Corvus would see Soren at his worst in canon (S2) but also see and appreciate who Soren was becoming... I started to turn a corner and grew to ship them a lot more. I'm really excited for them to eventually be canon, it seems, even if they're not My Endgame for either character In My Head for years-post war, at least for now.
For aged up Claudia/Ezran, I think this post (dated July 2021) was when I started to ship these two. There was something about the interplay of Claudia telling Callum about Harrow's death, but he only seeks out comfort from Rayla, and Ezran rejecting Rayla's offered comfort about Harrow and instead accepting it from Claudia, that felt very apt to me? And then a couple weeks later I wrote my formal "I actually do ship Claudiez and here's why" meta so it's been a few years now!
Both the younger sibling uniquely given their father's mantle to carry in ways their older brother just doesn't have to; Ezran being connected to all nature while Claudia continually perverts it, thus Ezran having the relationship to nature that she needs to learn/acquire for her own healing additionally; they both see the throne as a tool to help and breaking their fathers' cycles with each other; the childhood friends to enemies to friends to lovers of an according slow burn because of said age gap; ending up as Queen of Katolis but not the way her father imagined and ending up with one of the brothers, just not the one everyone previously expected; Ezran getting to grow up and into his own and assert his independence and choices (no matter what his brother thinks about it), etc. I also think personality wise they suit each other - Terry's parallels to Ezran in personality are some of the reasons I think Clauderry works at least as a short term pairing.
It's also kinda perfect bc, since they'd only get together like 10-15 years post the end of the show Anyway, so like. they're Endgame to me no matter what and there's nothing canon can really do about it, #improvise adapt overcome.
This probably started out as the truest crack ship because it started as a joke of like, Soren flirting with her at 20 and easy to dismiss and then again when he's 30 and Opeli is like "I deserve a little fun," so they start having a physical fling, and then catch feelings (Soren falls first, she falls harder). The earliest post I have for them is from May 6th 2023 but I know realistically I'd probably shipped them for a lot longer (what can I say, younger men not being put off my older women aging bc society is bullshit, and contrasting personalities + devoted man & woman who feels undeserving will always get me) before I ever had mind to say anything. Then I dragged @jelzorz into it and the rest, they say, is history. So like 1.5 years at least now?
I'd probably be even more into Sorpeli than I already am but I'm not unconvinced that Opeli won't die (I really hope she doesn't, but I do understand how it could benefit Ezran's narrative in particular) but like if all seasons pass by and she's alive? Canon crack quartet with Endgame Rayllum, Claudiez, Sorpeli, and CorTerry is a go <3
Rayllum before the show started, Janaya in S2, everything else when the ships got introduced, then next we have Claudiez (July 2021), Sorvus (casually since Oct 2021), and Sorpeli (late 2022/early 2023).
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cherryberg · 1 year
Your top 3 musicals ever gogogo gogo ogo go
HEEEEELPPPPP HEEEEEEEEEEEEELPPPPPPP aough .... ardate please you have to understand that i Have to understand that my taste in musicals are very limited now. when you were a musical girlie in 2016, you leave that shit behind for a few hundred years and now have to rebuild all of that again from scratch with a new appreciation so...
this went longer than expected so the list goes Marvin Trilogy, Fun Home, School of Rock. more under the cut smiles
Marvin Trilogy
In Trousers, Falsettos [March of the Falsettos, Falsettoland]
Fav Songs, excluding obvious fan-favourites: Can't Sleep, How Marvin Eats His Breakfast, My Father's a Homo/Everyone Tells Jason to See a Psychiatrist, Round Tables Square Tables, etc
i don't know many, but man. i like a good sung-through musical. means i can listen to the whole soundtrack from start to finish and have cohesively consumed a whole narrative. and tbh? falsettos, but even in trousers too, don't really have Bad songs. i've listened to the falsettos 2016 revival and in trousers 1979 original cast soundtracks dozens of times (both separately and together). which, i mean. compared to the other musicals i have here, i haven't even listened to their whole soundtracks (which. to be fair i did see those live). and yeah you have the really good songs that Everyone likes. the Thrill of First Loves and the Whizzer Going Downs and what have you, but you listen to the tracks a second time, or maybe watch the proshot again, and you get the smaller less-appreciated songs in your head. not included in the fav songs list because that thing's long, but i love A Breakfast Over Sugar. i get Set Those Sails and A Marriage Proposal and Miracle of Judaism stuck in my head. and its great! not to mention just how good and how important the story is .. i could go on but aough ..... long
Fun Home
Fav Songs: Edges of the World, Welcome to Our House on Maple Avenue, Telephone Wire, currently being annoying about Raincoat of Love
yeah man. saw this one for school. still have the ticket actually. but Because i did it for school, i have so much analysis and thoughts up here, it's maybe too long and specific. and also for like. a specific production that no one on tumblr would've watched. i would give anything to see that production again though. it wouldn't be the same as seeing it live, Especially during certain moments, but goodness gracious, man. the set design, the lighting, and that revolving stage? absolutely everything to me... so well integrated. just... mwah
School of Rock
Fav Songs: Stick It to the Man, Act 2 Scene 8: Dewey's Bedroom. You're in the Band .. mehbeh
Um... I don't really.. have a third that I can think of that's on par. But, it's School of Rock. It's awesome. my sibling had a track record of not liking musicals when they had to come and see it with me (when i still went out to watch musicals aough ...), but I think this was the first one they really liked - enough for me to get them a key ring of the show! (they cried during If Only You Would Listen too :]) It was a wonderful performance, and the kids were so good and coordinated too! They let us take pictures of the ending song ... which i just took a video of, so i still have that. I watched School of Rock during my ... hardcore theatre kid era though so.. i've got a few cringe worthy memories of it .. but yeah is good :]
I did see Moulin Rouge once as well, despite never having seen the movie, and that was very good as well. Though I'm not much for jukebox musicals (can't deny that Moulin Rouge tracks can be freakin' awesome though) and I think I was too busy ogling heehee
but yeah .. that's all :]
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kiichu · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
not tagged by anyone, i just found it and wanted to do it :3
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
According to Ao3: Zero Escape, Legend of Korra, Gotham, Dangan Ronpa, Daredevil, Skyrim, FNaF, Frozen, Hazbin Hotel, Life is Strange, Logan, MCU, Nope, Saw, Spider-Man, Squid Game, The 100, FATWS, The Jungle Book, The Walking Dead Game, The Wolf Among Us, Uncharted, Animal Crossing, Zom 100, Ace Attorney
Top five fics by kudos:
Out on a Limb
Smoke and Mirrors
Electric Sheep
Do you respond to comments?
For the most part! Sometimes I don't really know what to say in response, but I appreciate every single comment I get. Like, I adore them all.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
(spoilers lmao) It's a tie I think, between Out on a Limb (in which Troy does die, but he saves Clementine and repays his debt, being remembered for the good choice he made in the end) and Electric Sheep (Dio and Luna's fates are left ambiguous, it's unclear if they're alive but at least they're together wherever they are)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Any of the fluffier fics tbh, but a special mention for Taken by Storm. It's the last fic of the Nope series, and it shows that the gang is recovering from their ordeal and have hope for the future.
Do you get hate on fics?
I mean, I've seen offhand comments on Twitter, but honestly I haven't gotten any hate on Ao3 at least. :)
Do you write smut?
A tiny tiny bit. It's very rare. But we have Stay Classy for a direct smut thing, with like two other fics having references to sex. It's not really something I like to read or write, and have to be in a ver specific mood to write.
Craziest crossover:
I don't write crossovers haha.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Oh god I hope not. Or maybe I do, maybe I want my old deleted (see also: gone forever) fanfiction.net fics to resurface somewhere.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!!! Electric Sheep is being translated into Polish. Here's the link: Elektryczne Owce :]
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Nah. Not my thing.
All time favourite ship?
Dio/Luna. Always always always <33
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I... dunno. I have a few that probably won't ever see the light of day, but I'd rather make that decision and leave it at "everything might one day get posted, but I don't know".
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at descriptions, and putting out my best work possible. The latter is a result of my OCD not letting me post something without passing a very strict self-imposed "quality filter," but still. It does show in the final product, stressful as it is to get there.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Sticking with something. Sitting down and writing. Also making more happen in scenes, with more dialogue.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I've tried to pepper in some Russian in both Out on a Limb and it's just blood under the bridge for the Russian characters, and also some Spanish in Vencido, but it's all Google translated haha.
First fandom you wrote in?
Yu Yu Hakusho :]
Favourite fic you've written?
It'll probably always be Out on a Limb. I worked so hard on it and I reedited it all and made it into a book through a website (I own the only copy so it's not illegal or anything).
I'm tagging anyone who wants to do this!! :]
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crestfallercanyon · 8 months
Thank you Evie!! These are always delightful to do (even if I am usually late/forget — oops) @energievie ❤️❤️
name: crest
age: mid-to-late-20s
star sign: Pisces
your first language: English
second language: I used to be conversational in Spanish, now I get by.
favourite lip product: medicated chapstick and a mauve lipstick I’ve had for forever
the best food dish you can make without a recipe:Jambalaya, probably. Or chicken and green bean casserole.
If you drink tea, what kind? Tea both iced and hot are my drinks of choice, I drink black tea, and I mainly stick to earl greys, bergamots, kind of floral ish (I do not like fruit flavored for hot teas at all).
If you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get? Medium roast. I put half and half in my coffee and I like the richness — if I get light it tastes too much like milk.
favourite thing to watch on youtube right now: I’ve been watching Fantasy High Dimension 20 and I’m dying over it (you’ve probably been seeing me reblog fandom stuff from it if you follow me lmao) — and I’d be remiss not to talk about the video I watch probably once a week, which is a very specific games done quick of a nostalgic Nintendo game. It’s my cozy comfort video.
favourite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: oh god — I was a nerd-fighter for sure (vlogbrothers), I also watched Meekakitty (Tessa Violet) and Charlieissocoollike (that may have even pre-dated 2012, that might have been like 08 lmao) and likely many more.
favourite item of clothing right now: a brown and gray plaid short coat.
favourite item of clothing in 2012: i had a pair of corduroy rocket dog sneakers that I still own because I do love them, they’ve just been stitched back together so many times lol
three movies you recommend: Steel Magnolias, Life as a House, The Birdcage
your favourite concert: oh so many good ones, but watching Kevin Garrett respond to a fan who asked “do you have any happy songs?” with, “you walked into the wrong concert, brother, but I’ll try — this one’s kind of happy” and proceed to play a song about desperate heartache and heartbreak and fragility of youth was the funniest thing I’d ever seen and was also beautiful.
have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Not really — I’ve only really unfollowed people for a) being rude to other people’s fandom preferences and b) being endlessly and needlessly negative.
have you ever left a fandom because of the fans? No, but I do kind of stick to smaller fandoms.
the best tv show you watched last year: The Bear. It was phenomenal and I’m scared and excited for S3.
do you have a fancasting you just can’t let go of? Not really the same but I want Will Poulter to take over Armie Hammer’s role in The Man From UNCLE because that movie was great and I wish it had a sequel but it never will because AH is a fucking creep, but, unlike Armie Hammer, Will Poulter seems like a great guy and he’d do the role so fucking well, I just want it.
a ship you’ve abandoned: I’m sure I have one? But I can’t think of it.
on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history? Maybe a 5? I don’t actually read much these days, I’ve been kind of busy. If you ask me what I’ve liked though I’m not shy about telling you.
do you have a fandom tattoo? (do you want one?) no and the only one I would consider getting is from a book I know I will always love, like Piranesi or This is How You Lose the Time War, and I have no idea what I’d get from those.
what fandom do you wish was bigger? I actually kind of like my fandoms small, the video game Transistor by Supergiant Games is beautiful and I want to talk about it with people dammit.
has a finale ever ruined a show for you? Yes. Game of Thrones for sure. Dexter (though I don’t think I could rewatch it anyway). I agree with you Evie, That 70s Show’s ending was horrid! How I Met Your Mother, as well.
have you…
swam in an ocean? Yes, got absolutely wrecked once.
ever been vegan/vegetarian? no
gone skinny dipping? Nope.
gone skiing? Yes! Both water and snow.
been to a convention? Yes, in high school I was vice president of my library’s teen reading club (I was also in band and a theater kid so nice to meetcha I am a super nerd) and because of this our club got to go with my librarians to the fanciest hotel I’ve ever stayed in which hosted the most amazing convention ever of Indie Booksellers and I met Maggie Stiefvater and got Rainbow Rowell’s advanced reader’s copy of Eleanor and Park (think I’m dating myself here lol) and a couple of other amazing authors and talked poets and librarians and publishers and booksellers and I don’t think any convention will EVER surpass that experience.
Tagging: @mybrainismelted , @callivich , @gallawitchxx , @michellemisfit , @whatthebodygraspsnot , @sam-loves-seb , and ANYONE else who’d like to play!!!
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ifidiedinadream · 1 year
What are your favourite things about Aleksi? 👀
uuuuhh dear get ready for an essay
it's most definitely a product of idealization but in my head it makes sense. it's gonna be kinda deep and personal and not just a list of features i deem attractive, more why he's attractive to me specifically. it's gonna be super cringe and maybe i'm simply too desperate and lonely and should download tinder again idk
to me aleksi seems sweet, kind and patient. i'm a pain in the ass to deal with when you get close but i think he'd be able to. i think he's self aware and sensitive, at least to some degree, or else he wouldn't be able to calm people down from anxiety/panic attacks. its extremely attractive to me because emotionally speaking i'm all over the place, whereas aleksi appears to be somewhat stable and emotionally mature. i like that he seems a pretty balanced person in a way, reserved just how i like, but not boring at all - in fact i like that despite all of this, even in his (at least apparent) calmness, he still takes risks (joins a band and we all know the circumstances, isn't afraid to play with his appearance and not fit in a box). i love how passionate ("nerdy") he is, he's witty and smart, yet he doesn't try to be the center of attention. i feel like his charm is very subtle, i didn't even notice him for the first two weeks i was into bc, too blinded by joel's inhumane beauty, but once i noticed him there was never a turning back. he's simply magnetic. ive never seen eyes like his before. his lips look incredible. his jawline is very sexy.
basically i think we'd be a good match. we're both on the introverted, private side - our character somehow matches, i think we're both the responsible, reliable ones, but also i think he'd be that "rock" (stability) i so desperately need in my life (listen, i'm 27, i've done many things in my life, most of them stupid, i have bpd and i'm tired. i really need calmness and serenity and that quiet happiness that only a healthy relationship could offer?? not that i've ever had anything like a healthy relationship idk). and the fact that i see an unknown intensity under that seraphic facade?? it keeps me obsessed because i feel that there's something underneath, yet aleksi never shows that side of himself to us (rightfully so, i appreciate it), so we can only imagine what it's like. i think it's what makes him so alluring to me. i wonder how intense he can be. how deep he can love. he never truly shows himself to us fully and what's more intriguing than that??
so i think it's a matter of contrasts. calm yet intense, self aware yet self conscious (HIS FUCKING POSTURE), handsome yet not loudly so (unlike, say, joel), passionate yet quiet, funny yet introverted, a rockstar yet very low-profile. soft and gentle but who knows what lies beneath??
i like joeleksi so much because i'm totally joel, literally like him only quieter on the outside, and i love writing aleksi being the only one able to make the sky in joel's mind clear up, halt the storm. i feel like he'd do that to me.
aleksi and joel are both my favorite but aleksi is a full blown crush and joel isn't, not really anymore at least. i'm attracted to joel for projection reasons mostly, im very interested in him from a psychological point of view, in him as a person and human being. i would never date him. i think we'd hurt each other a lot and as i said i crave serenity. aleksi on the other hand... in my head he's a perfect match for me. exactly what i want and need in a man and more
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eviltothecore13 · 2 years
New Wednesday fans--welcome to the Addams Family fandom!
I think this fandom has at least doubled in size over the past few months and it’s great to see so much appreciation for the Addams Family and for Wednesday as a character! (I feel like she’s been written off as someone who’s just cruel for no reason in popular culture for far too long--even though the 90s films already demonstrated that she has a strong awareness of injustice and cares a lot about her family--so seeing people truly appreciate her as a character and realise that she’s not actually a terrible person is honestly such a relief.)
I really enjoyed the new Wednesday show (it has its faults--but I also think SOME of the criticisms of it I’ve seen from some people in the Addams Family fandom are...not actually accurate or fair and are just based in nostalgia/distorted memories of previous versions) and I love several of the new characters it’s introduced, and I also love the show’s takes on the Addamses (I was particularly pleasantly surprised by Fester, who I all too often find annoying but was genuinely very funny in this).
I was somewhat caught off-guard by Wednesday/Enid having (last time I checked) twice as many fics as Gomez/Morticia (in the Addams Family category as a whole, not just when specifically looking at fics for the Netflix show), because I hadn’t realised how many people would start writing Addams fic who hadn’t written any before the new show--but at the same time, Wednesday/Enid is a great ship and I love their dynamic, so I’m not exactly complaining even though Gomez/Morticia will always be my favourite relationship in the series.
I also realise that when a lot of people enter an old and established fandom, especially when the new people outnumber the old fans, there’s a risk of the fandom becoming divided or the two groups being hostile to each other, and I REALLY don’t want that to happen.
Sometimes when this happens it’s caused by old fans being judgemental and unwelcoming. So, to my fellow Addams Family fans: please don’t do that. This includes if you see a headcanon or fic that’s clearly written by someone who’s only watched Wednesday and that you think gets things wrong about the Addamses...there’s A LOT of Addams media out there and it’s not fair to expect anyone to be an expert on all of it before writing their fic, especially if they’re hyperfixated on a new character like Enid. If you want to talk about misconceptions etc you can feel free but please can everyone be polite about it and not start yelling YOU’RE WRONG and FAKE FAN etc at people?
That being said, I do have a couple of pointers for new fans as well...
1) This fandom has historically not really been big on ship wars and “your ship vs my ship” teams, mostly because the canon tends not to be focussed on any romance other than Gomez/Morticia. Many of us enjoy having a fandom where people don’t constantly yell at each other over ships, so we’d...really appreciate it if Wednesday/Enid vs Wednesday/Tyler vs Wednesday/Xavier vs Wednesday/Bianca...didn’t turn into angry arguments and personal enmity and insults. Also, while I have nothing against people headcanoning Wednesday as a lesbian...please don’t tell people who see her as bi that they’re wrong, homophobic, OOC, etc. A bi character is not somehow a “lesser” form of representation than a lesbian character, they’re not “half-straight”, they’re still fully LGBTQA+. Wednesday has had relationships with guys in previous versions of canon, including the musical version of her marrying one--though since there was one production of the musical that portrayed that character as a woman instead, you could argue that she’s canonically bi in that she’s been depicted in relationships with guys and with women? either way saying “the idea that Wednesday would ever be interested in a guy is wrong and OOC and unthinkable and you’re homophobic if you even suggest it”...honestly just feels biphobic imo. Personally, I think Wednesday had more chemistry with Enid than with Tyler or Xavier, I don’t see Wednesday as into Xavier at all, and I don’t SHIP Wednesday/Tyler or think she was deeply in love with him--but she was into him enough to want to kiss him and I have a hard time seeing that as just comphet because I’m not sure anyone raised by the Addamses would really have comphet. Other people are always welcome to interpret things differently but just let’s not get hostile over it?
2) I’ve seen a MINORITY of Wednesday fans making some...really odd assumptions about Gomez. Assumptions that don’t really come from anything in the show--such as people portraying him as a bad husband and/or father even though he was literally willing to go to prison to protect Morticia, and Wednesday (not known for being easy to get compliments from) makes it very clear that she sees him as a good father. Or suggesting that Morticia doesn’t actually love him, which imo is pretty unfair on BOTH of them. The show’s version of Gomez doesn’t get a huge amount of screentime, but from what we’ve seen he really doesn’t seem that different to previous Gomezes to me (the main difference seems to be that he met Morticia as a teenager instead of in his 20s, and so generally had a better time at that age--he talks about Nevermore as “the best days of your life” etc when I can’t imagine previous Gomezes seeing school that way and most of them were to varying degrees an angsty mess before meeting Morticia--but that’s not THAT drastic a change in the grand scheme of things), but I’ve seen some people assuming things about him that were very rarely assumed about any previous version. I can’t help but feel like people are being unfair and harsh in their assumptions/headcanons about a character of colour in a way that they weren’t about versions of the character who are played by lighter-skinned actors, and some of the headcanons I’ve seen (I am not going to name names or call out anything specific here especially as some were clearly only intended as jokes/memes, especially the alignment chart ones and similar) felt like they played into stereotypes. (Also, Gomez and Morticia were the protagonists of many previous versions and so older fans will generally love them. If you go out of your way to portray them as horrible people...don’t be surprised if some people do get a bit defensive, especially as the show really doesn’t give you any reason to think that of them.)
Finally--I realise that some people might want to know more about previous versions and not know where to start, or might be overwhelmed by the amount of different stuff there is out there. I can’t promise to always be 100% objective because I do have versions I prefer over others, and I also can’t claim to be an expert on all versions (I haven’t really watched any animated TV shows, though I watched a few episodes of one of them once and had mixed feelings on it, and I haven’t finished watching the 90s live-action reboot TV show either), but...I do really love infodumping so...if people DO have questions about previous versions I would actually be really happy to try and answer them? And while I can’t make the time commitment to being a full beta for SPaG, writing style, etc...I am very happy to volunteer to do a quick characterisation check or general “person who knows lots of random facts about previous versions” check on fics if anyone wants that. Of course sometimes the answer to a question might be “it’s varied wildly between versions so it’s down to your personal preference” (and I would never try and force anyone towards my headcanons or even my own favourite versions--even if I MENTION them in my answers you’re obviously free to completely ignore anything I say), but other things ARE actually pretty consistent between versions--and since Wednesday has a lot of subtle callbacks to previous versions (especially the 60s show and the 90s films), I feel like there’s a lot of fun potential to include more stuff from previous versions in fics and headcanons.
This isn’t me trying to set myself up as some sort of Dictator Of The Canon because there’s so many versions that canon can only ever be loosely defined--I just feel like there’s a lot of fun stuff from older Addams media that I think people would enjoy knowing about but that can be easy to miss because of HOW MUCH stuff there is and how hard it can be to know where to start.
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moremusic · 1 year
This weeks guest is a force on the Brisbane Music scene. Their music has influences of the great music of era’s past. The Beatles, Zeppelin etc. here is guitarist Jack to tell us about all things Ten12
Tell us a little bit about Ten12? Members, how did you get together etc?
-We’re a 4 piece alternative rock band that started in 2018 out of Aspley state highschool in north brisbane. Our school talent show was approaching at the time and our school music teacher suggested to a few members to put a band together. We got along almost instantly and found that we all shared a love for a similar music which for me personally meant a lot. Much to our neighbours delight, we managed to organise a few rehearsals at Luke (drums) house, and eventually played at the talent show. We’ve never looked back since.
What are your short and long terms goals?
-We’ve always had goals. In the beginning we wrote down a list of goals and although for a group of naive and stary eyed teenagers some things listed may have been “play a stadium tour”, there were still more shorter term realistic goals like “sell out 50 person capacity venue” we still strived to learn and develop ourselves to complete the goals. A current Short term goal is to sell out a venue ideally equal or larger than 120 people capacity, another is to gain radio play on triple J/ unearthed. And a long term goal is to have to opportunity to be on a festival line up. playing to as many people as possible along side the bands we look up to
How was it dealing with the Covid Pandemic? Is everything back to normal?
-being a band during covid was kind of like when a sporting team travels away to focus on training. The world was in lock down and there were no gigs. It gave us the opportunity to write music with no distractions or having to rehearse specifically for gigs. We tried our best to use that time productively and would write and demo as many songs as we felt made the cut. Gigs slowly made their way back in and we were able to snatch up good slot times and days (a Friday or Saturday) without much drama. Although our audience were forced to wear masks and sit still in seats during a rock show, we made the most of it! Fast forward to today and gigs are back to normal crowds and require to be booked 3-4 months in advance!
What is your career highlight so far?
-This one’s hard to pick but I think it would have to be placing number #50 in the 4zzz Hottest one hundred last year (2022) for the single “Burden”. This song’s currently proving to be our most streamed song and we’re proud of it!
Your new song “Whiskey in a Smokey room ” is my favourite of all your music releases. I can’t stop listening to it. What is it about and how did you come up with?
-For this particular song I remember having the title down before the song! We liked the picture that “whiskey in a smoky room” painted by simply saying that line. The song came later. From memory We had the music written for a while before the lyrics or melody. I came up with the riff and the chords to the song and presented it to the band. From there we arranged it together and awaited lyrics. While we waited we jammed it for a while as an instrumental where we found a jam based direction to end the song. Luke (drums) worked with Liam (vocals) and eventually wrote the lyrics to the song to complete what would become our favourite single.
I asked liam to describe what the song means to him. Liam - “Whiskey in a Smoky room pushes the essence of mortality, deity’s and nights out playing music where the day break never comes nor it ever leave. When writing for the song I wanted to take a different direction than I usually would and took a lot of inspiration and had a large focus on where the instrumentation took me instead of what it made me feel”
Have you got any new music coming out? Or are you still recording?
We have new music coming out very soon!
1st of July will see the release of our 2nd EP “the singularity”, which you can now pre-save! The pre-save link is in our bio on our Instagram! As for new recordings, we are always working on new music and aren’t shy to throw down some tracks..
Who are the greatest influences on you? Individually and as a band?
-Individually we have a a range of different influences. Ethan (bass) is a huge beetles fan, Liam (vocals) loves grunge, predominantly pearl jam. Luke (drums) draws influence largely from Led Zeppelin, and I (Jack, guitar) look up to mostly David Gilmore, and Angus Young for guitar techniques.
As a whole we’ve gone through stages of bonding over similar or the bands. This greatly influences our songwriting. These bands include the likes of AC/DC, Oasis, Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, and then on to more local bands like Ball Park Music.
If you could invite 4 musicians to dinner dead or alive) who would you invite?
I feel like with an opportunity like this I’d want the dinner to have some outgoing souls to keep it exciting mixed with some unmatched talent and knowledge for learning purposes. Straight away the people that come to mind would be:
Paul McCartney
Freddy Mercury
Jimmy Page
Bob Dylan
Any gigs coming up you want to promote?
-We actually have a huge show coming up on the 9th of July for our EP release at Black Bear a lodge in fortitude Valley, Brisbane. Joining us on the night will be our friends New Living, and Lazy Guns. We’re really looking forward to this one! It’s gearing up to be some kinda night!
Gibson or Fender? What gear do you play?
-This one’s a bit tricky. This is a good time to give a shout out to my dad (Jack’s Dad, Graham) who took up the art of being a luthier as a pass time. He’s made mostly of my guitars as well as Amps. He likes to keep nothing but a wooden finish on all of his gear.
My favourite and most used guitar is the body and headstock of a Gibson SG, with a fender Strat bridge, and fender scale length for the neck. I’ve never felt anything like it so I use it as much as I can. For amps, he’s made 2, along with several different size cabs. The best way I can describe the first and most used amp is simply referring it to a Vox AC15. However, everything he makes has its own unique sound and is hard to compare to professionally made gear. I’m a big believer in this unique sound is a big part of the TEN12 sound.
If you were given the chance to support one artist in the world, who would you pick?
-There are so many options here! However I feel like if I didn’t choose this band I’d regret it forever. It would have to be Paul McCartney’s Wings. But I’d like to give an honourable mention to Bruce Springsteen and the E street Band.
If you were stuck on a deserted island with only one record, what would it be?
-That's a tough one. I think we’d all have a different answer to this question, but if I had to pick one it would have to be Dark side of the moon by Pink Floyd. I think the variation in the album is enough to keep you going for a bit. And the music is just whacky enough to match the state of your mind which would eventually probably go insane.
Where can people find out more about you?
-you can find us on all platforms! But make sure to check out our official website which I’ll attach below! From there you can sign up to our emailing list and receive monthly updates on what’s to come!
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remythologise · 3 years
I don't have twitter and I'm seeing posts but a lot of them involve knowing what I'm looking at...can you pls explain the latest spn/Jensen news, pretty please?
Sure! Explanation of the events of the past week (some of these dates might be relative to my timezone, apologies for any errors):
JUNE 24: News breaks that Jensen Ackles and Danneel Ackles’ production company has a prequel in the works focusing on John and Mary Winchester; entire fandom displeased
Fandom ire at the prequel focusing on John and Mary momentarily overshadows the fact that it seems like Jensen Ackles has the rights to Supernatural (!!!) and has ‘five shows in the works’ of which this is only the first
Showrunner is Destiel fan-favourite Robbie Thompson, responsible for such Absolute Banger Episodes as ‘Meta Fiction’ (see more here)
A lot of blowback from absolutely all sides of the fandom - BiBros et al mad that it focuses on Not The Brothers, Destiel fans mad it focuses on Not Resolving Destiel, everyone largely mad it focuses on John Winchester (widely regarded as abusive) and the ‘epic love story’ of John/Mary (canonically forced by cupid magic)
Various cast members including Misha Collins, Jim Beaver, Jake Abel, Ruth Connell and Julie McNiven reply to the article with comments indicating they’d like to be involved
Eric Kripke tweets that Jensen and Danneel are ‘the perfect people’ to take control of this story and Jared is ‘too busy Texas Rangering’ to be involved
JUNE 25: Jared Padalecki tweets about being left out of the loop on the prequel; absolute chaos ensues
See this ask reply for a list of tweets, events and reactions
I’ll also add that this gets large enough to get coverage on Vulture, Variety and other news sources
Robbie Thompson retweets his tweet from 2019 saying ‘I ❤️ you #SPNFamily’ in response to… everything
JUNE 26: A scramble for Jensen, Jared and Eric Kripke to do PR damage control on the Jared issue. Meanwhile, Misha Collins does his best impression of this scene from the Lion King to promote GISH
Eric later deletes all tweets about the issue, which is VERY funny. Man can’t handle the heat!
Very funny contrast between Jared’s ‘have a talk, as we often do’ and Jensen’s ‘miss these talks'
Jensen later changes his twitter header and bio from Supernatural/Dean Winchester to The Boys/Soldier Boys which IS somewhat unfortunate and perhaps deliberate break-up related timing
Jared tweets that he ‘doesn’t want anyone to receive hate or threats’ which is like… Jared YOU started this, YOU tweeted this to your millions of followers
JUNE 26: Jensen Ackles does further damage control by tweeting ‘Canon? we got you’ and linking to this article about what the show might hold, which points out the Problems of John Winchester
See article for further details but this implies Jensen actually does care a lot about doing right by the fans and the narrative canon
This, combined with the fact Robbie Thompson is running it, convinces most Destiel-side fans that the show Might Be Better Than Expected and one CW-approved stepping stone to greater things
BiBros are furious because article is written by ‘known Heller’ Natalie Fisher, who is friends with writers such as Meredith Glynn and Robert Berens
Meanwhile, Steve Yockey references the ‘Steve Yockey is dead?!?’ tumblr meme on twitter in a reply to Ruth Connell
JUNE 27: Gen Padalecki posts an instagram story which may or may not be shady commentary on Jensen Ackles
However, yesterday Danneel Ackles also promotes the Padalecki MLM product on HER instagram - can I just say I simply love the use of a) product promotion and b) instagram stories as tools of warfare and diplomacy
JUNE 28: Various scripts drop thanks to the team at tumblr’s spnscripthunt (go support and fund their efforts if you can!)
Notable changed content includes Castiel telling Dean to ‘parent’ Jack in 14.16 and Castiel texting emojis to Claire in 12.16 (possibly an in-script joke about Dean being attracted to a poodle?)
JUNE 29: News breaks that Chaos Machine Productions was started as ‘Free Will Entertainment LLC’
The name was apparently changed in October 2020 - was that as a result of the 15.19-15.20 filming? Or something else?
The idea that Jensen set up a company called ‘Free Will Entertainment’ to continue telling the story of Supernatural is honestly BONKERS. A lot to unpack here to do with the textual and metatextual narrative of Supernatural that I don’t have time to get into, since there’s about twenty wild implications that could be speculated from that name alone
Stock price on ‘Jackles’ Sexy Silence’, conspiracy that Jensen didn’t like the ending of Supernatural and was quietly plotting to take the narrative under his own control, to bring Dean back to life and possibly to canonise Destiel, reaches historic high
The fact does not go unnoticed that, through coincidence or not, Jensen and Danneel registered the company on a Thursday very close to September 18, the Lazarus Rising/Castiel Anniversary Date when Dean was saved from Hell
JUNE 30: Misha Collins makes a social media post with Castiel art for the last day of Pride Month
Twitter post liked by Robbie Thompson
On his instagram, Misha also puts music on the story of ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love With You’ a song made famous by Elvis and then subsequently Destiel AU Fanfic Twist and Shout
“The song was initially written from the perspective of a woman as “Can’t Help Falling in Love with Him”, which explains the first and third line ending on “in” and “sin” rather than words rhyming with “you” - Wikipedia knowledge obtained via @jurisffiction
Falling… sin… But we don’t have time to unpack all of that-
JUNE 30: 8.17 Goodbye Stranger script excerpt surfaces with Dean’s ‘I love you’ to Castiel
Fandom has long known that the ‘I need you’ was formerly an ‘I love you’ because Jensen believed Dean saying it in that moment to Castiel was out of character - but we did not have the script to prove specific changes
Additional ‘I forgive you’ not included in the episode - the original scene reads as very romantic, since this was Dean absolving Castiel for past crimes and telling him he loves him in the moments before death, as well as ‘I love you’ of course being what ‘broke the connection’ of Naomi’s control
Notably this episode written by Robbie Thompson, the very man Jensen and Danneel chose to helm their next project
JUNE 30: Misha Collins misses his blanky text
To cap all this off, Misha Collins texts fans a selfie of himself at ‘the spare room at Jensen’s apt in Vancouver’, saying he ‘misses his blanky’, implying he has spent many nights there
It has been an open secret that Misha basically shared Jensen’s apartment in Vancouver since around 2018 due to [redacted dubiously obtained information] but it’s never been publicly stated (to be clear, this does not imply anything other than friendship, as actors in Vancouver often share accommodation and Misha had previously couch-surfed at Jared and Jensen’s places)
Cockles shippers go wild. Does the ‘blanky’ refer to Jensen? Was there a reason to send this on the last day of pride month? Will this man ever shut up?
Hope that helps! May this wild carousel of News About A Show That Ended Eight Months Ago never end!
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outlustings · 2 years
I n e e d a post-engine Rick NSFW Alphabet, please ?
(hiatus? being gone for months? i don't know what you're talking about.
this post contains nc themes and gore and all things nasty. reader discretion advised and all that.)
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Aftercare | If one manages to get proper aftercare from Rick after he's been exposed to the engine, they deserve an award. Rick doesn't give a fuck. For most of the time. His game is to use and abuse his lover, and then maybe afterwards letting them stay around with their limbs intact. Oh, he won't kill that kind of a useful little thing, what would he do with a broken toy? But he might have to convince his lover to stay for a little while longer. Maybe binding them to a gurney and wheeling them around while whistling labouriously through his split lip. Just to show that while he's not gentle, he's at the very least merciful, right? Although, he's very fond of the idea of making his partner so dumb with orgasms that they can't really function after sex from the soreness, so that he has more control over them. Surface-level affection, almost mocking, cold baths and pushing his partner around on wheels since they're so weak. He gets a kick out of absolute control.
Body part | Fingers. No, sorry, but he has a hand fetish, and goes crazy watching his partner finger themselves and using their hands on themselves, specifically. On himself, he likes his ass. That's why it's always out. Easy, breezy, good to slap and grab at while he thrusts in. He laughs, feigning mild amusement but has to bite his tongue to not let out a needy moan when his ass is played with.
Cum | Dr. Trager has to make sure to give his favourite patient their daily injections, oh yes. He just needs to cum deep, deep inside, whatever hole he's thrusting into. He loves shoving his hips flush against his lover's face, forcing them to take his cum down their throat and seeing the tears and ugly gags as he chuckles and praises them; "Say ah - good, good job, sweets. That's it, take it all. Every last drop. Fuck, that's tight... Breathe through your nose. There we go. There we go."
Dirty secret | Nothing like being covered in blood and viscera and fucking animalistically on the floor, sweaty from running, skin bruised and lip split from the struggle. That's what Rick really likes.
Experience | Rick might be a little bit lost inside his own head and detached from reality, but he's still got it, so to speak. All that experience from beforehand is in his muscle memory. He knows what he's doing.
Favorite position | Any position where he can exercise control by being able to see his partner's face. He needs to see it all, see how the way he angles his hips makes his lover's eyes roll back, how their brows furrow as he's about to make them cum, how they grimace ever so slightly when he bends their body into an impossible angle, pushing his cock inside while gripping onto their thighs. So, anything with eye contact. Very important.
Goofy | Snarky but sexy, that's how he likes his fucking. He just doesn't shut up. It's like he has a fucked up porn parody script inside his head that never stops. He loves to hear his own voice if his mouth isn't occupied.
Hair | Little to no pubic hair left due to the state of his skin. He quips a lot about saving money on shaving products these days.
Intimacy | Like mentioned above, Rick is not very concerned about intimacy after being exposed to the horrors of Mt. Massive, however, he can't help but get a little lovey-dovey just as he's about to cum. A little bit of his former self slips out as his thrusts turn erratic and he bites back his whines and tries not to say "I love you, I fucking love you so much, fuck," as his fucktoy looks up at him adoringly. When his partner responds to his touch well, he can't help but soften up a little bit. Also, as he's desperate to cum and in a good mood, he's bound to say some teeth-rottingly sweet stuff.
Jack off | He doesn't really need to masturbate since he has his little assistant wherever he goes, except as a punishment. He'd definitely strap his misbehaving partner into a wheelchair or another contraption where they couldn't touch him, and just to tease them, he'd stand a few feet from them and give them a show. Stroking his cock languidly with a feral grin, just giggling and grunting, talking filthy as he watches his partner wriggle against their restraints. The struggle only turns him on more. Maybe he'll cum on their face, not bothering to clean it up and leave them all tied up, check up on them later, leaving his partner to grind their teeth in frustration. Jacking off is one of his tools of power, not a relieving of his urges.
Kink | Medical and surgery play, but times a hundred. Bondage, bloodplay, humiliation, exhibitionism - oh, he's going to make the other variants watch. Just to show them what they're missing.
Location | Honestly, any place in the asylum where he can wrestle his partner against a piece of rickety furniture is good enough for him - however, he prefers a more... medical setting, if it's available. Stirrups, hospital beds, wheelchairs, autopsy tables, any vertical surface in the male ward. The more bloodstained the better. His "consultation office" is one of his favourite places to fuck in, but he's not opposed to sneaking around to other places in the asylum. He just wants it to be dirty and forbidden.
Motivation | Torture. There, it's out there. Nothing like a good, adrenalizing chase or surgery to get the blood pumping. If his partner is an autassassinophiliac or just enjoys a good chase - even better, he might not even have to cut them up, the enthusiasm will certainly make up for the blood.
No | He doesn't like submitting to his lover. Just because he needs the control, needs the power, after he lost so much of his power and influence, his ego demands that his partners submit to him in all aspects. Even if they're on top, he's the one who's in control.
Oral | After being exposed to the engine, Rick gives oral like a starved man. It's like he's sensitive to and even somewhat addicted to his partner's pheromones. While he also loves to bury his cock into his partner's throat as a little stress reliever, he loves to hear his partner moan as he dives between their legs. That tongue can do wonders, and he can exercise control over his partner's pleasure while getting a proper taste of them. He always gets achingly hard when he gives oral, and loves when his lover pulls on his hair and digs their nails into his scalp. Loves it. Might even cum hands-free.
Pace | Fast and rough. When he's inside his lover, he can't be bothered to be all slow and sensual - that's what torture foreplay is for.
Quickie | Rick likes quickies. Just the thought of a free-use fucktoy he can use before going off to do his work gets him going. Quickies are definitely convenient when he has to attend to his patients. An office quickie with an assistant - what's not to like?
Risk | Sex with Rick after he's been through the engine is in and of itself a huge risk. Not to be gross, but he doesn't really think of the consequences of anything, he's just here to satisfy his own sadistic urges. He's willing to experiment with all kinds of things.
Stamina | Rick is nearly insatiable, and can go for several rounds without feeling exhausted or spent. Most of his motivation for rounds two, three and four come from overstimulating his partner without him solely chasing his own pleasure, and he's good at what he does, and takes his sweet time doing it, making sure his partner can't stand up straight after their treatment.
Toys | "What do you mean 'did you wash that speculum'? Do I look like I don't know what I'm doing? I'm the professional here, sweetheart."
Unfair | Rick is extremely sadistic, and any chance he gets to tease his partner, he takes it since it fuels his sadism to see tears of frustration run down his pretty toy's flushed face. So, lots of teasing, edging, all that, if he's in the mood to savour his prey.
Volume | His volume depends on his mood. When he's mad or in another kind of negative mood, he'll be pretty quiet, but most of the time, he's pretty loud and talkative. Lots of teasing, filthy words, groans and cursing. He doesn't have a filter.
Wild card | He's going to press those bone shears, blade against tender skin, on his lover's neck, grinning as he fucks them in rough, deep thrusts while their eyes dart from his undulating hips to the rusted tool in his hands, its hinge creaking dangerously as he presses it further against their throat. He loves the little red pearl necklace that forms on his lover's skin. Just a little bit of pressure, a desperate gasp, but not a slice, not the sound of gushing blood, just the sound of his prey struggling - and he cums. Deep, hard, with a feral growl.
X-ray | His cock is more responsive to stimuli than ever, getting painfully hard with even a little bit of action. It's sensitive, shapely, with bulging veins and a throbbing, prominent underside. Not to be disgusting (yet here we are) but the texture of his skin is different from before. Massages one's insides in a most lovely way.
Yearning | His sex drive is through the roof. Being so pumped full of hormones and having so much destructive energy, he needs to release all of it. He's very spontaneous and will get aroused from pretty much anything. The primal need to empty himself into his lover as roughly as possible is always there.
Zzz | Rick rarely sleeps. He can't stomach the nightmares anymore. Even though they excite him, sleep is not rest anymore, so he'll go without sleeping for as long as he can. Grumpy and groggy before a total shutdown. If this happens after fucking, he might let his lover curl up beside him, too tired to protest the cuddles. But he secretly likes it. He feels safe, in an almost animalistic, instinctual way.
(ok i'm sorry for the hiatus here's some porn to make up for it lol)
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ryosmne · 3 years
You're gonna fry your brain.
Hello everyone, since it's finals season and we're all probably really dead inside, I decided to self indulge in some tattoo artist! Sukuna writing, so here's this brainrot that won't let me focus on studying. You can read more of this au in the au masterlist.
I've been trying so hard to finish up a bartender! Dabi fic I have in the works for too long, hopefully I can get around to it too. After finals are done I'll be writing a lot more that's for sure.
Tattoo artist! Sukuna x f!reader
Warnings: language, suggestive tones, that's it.
Finals are by far the worst thing about college, y/n knows that the hard way. She's been stressing herself out for the past few days, maybe weeks, going over the same material again and again. She'd constantly argue that she really needs to pass with an high grade that's why she's so obsessive over it.
Sukuna had tried multiple times to help her ease her nerves, he's been there, although he was the type who never really stuck his nose in a book for too long, regardless, his best girl needed a break, no matter how hard she denied it.
Y/n had declined his invitations of going out, she dropped by the shop a few times, bringing Sukuna some food, but he could tell she was slowly burning herself up.
Today was no different, y/n had been writing everything down all day to help memorize it better. So many hours has passed since she started her study session but she didn't even notice that her clock read 8 pm already.
Sukuna did notice, y/n had been barely responding back to his texts and it was time he took matters into his own hands.
The earpiercing doorbell pulled y/n out of her trance like state, she quickly got up from her desk to go and get rid of whoever just rung it.
"Dollface, I was beginning to think you had died in there."
There was Sukuna, leaning in her doorframe, looking as good as he always did, in a plan white t shirt and a gray pair of sweatpants, holding a few bags and a huge basket.
"not quite, what's all this?"
Y/n motioned to the bags he had.
"Nothing much, just some things I picked up for you, will you let me in? this basket is fucking heavy."
No, the basket wasn't that heavy, Sukuna could carry it just fine, he just wanted to make sure that y/n didn't have a chance to deny him.
Y/n stepped aside to let Sukuna in, and he went straight to her kitchen, dropping his bags on the table.
"Thanks for dropping by babe, but I really need to finish the last three chapters I have left."
"Y/n, you're going to fry your brain at this rate, no more studying for today."
"No buts, you won't read another sentence today. We're destressing together."
Turns out, Sukuna had brought over many different things. He's not the type of guy to shy away from anything, so the first thing he did was to grab y/n and drag her into her bathroom.
Sukuna had taken mental notes the first time he looked through y/n's skincare products, he was able to determine her skin type and he went a bit crazy, buying her different things to try out.
"You are insane, that's drunk elephant, why did you get this many things?"
"Because you have the really terrible cheap stuff, now shut up you're going to eat the soap if you keep talking with cleanser all over your face."
Now, y/n's skincare wasn't bad, Sukuna had expensive taste and he's a bit of a brand snob
Sukuna gently poked her cheek with a smile as y/n's face distorted because she had in fact tasted the cleanser and Sukuna could only laugh at her before she flicked some into his mouth too.
"Don't kiss me with a face mask on you brat"
Y/n let out a soft laugh, Sukuna was doing his best to concentrate at the task at hand. Matching y/n's nail polish to his. Y/n had just finished painting his, matte black like he requested but y/n gave him some white polish on his ring finger. Sukuna had argued for a bit, saying it didn't look good and that he didn't like it, but gave in after y/n gave him a puppy face, can you blame him?
"But you look so cute like that."
Y/n complained, knowing that this little comment was going to feed Sukuna's ego more.
"I know doll, but artificial orange doesn't taste as good as it smells."
Y/n once again wasn't wrong, his cocky attitude always creeped in at times, not that she minded.
Time passed fast with watching trash reality shows on y/n's couch, after their very own self care day, Sukuna made sure to fix something they could both eat. Now they were engolved in each others arms, y/n's sleepy eyes staring up at him.
"How are you feeling, doll?"
Sukuna's hand found her hair, gently resting on top of her head.
"Much better, you're the best you know that?"
"I've heard it once or twice, I'll give you reasons to say it more often"
He gave her a gentle smile, leaning closer to steal a kiss, a little more intimate than the ones they shared earlier.
" 'Kuna, I'm sorry I was so stressed and distant this week, I probably worried you-"
"Don't be stupid, it's ok, I just want you to know I'm here for you, and it's just finals. You're a smart cookie, I'm sure you'll do great."
Y/n found his words reassuring and nuzzled closer to him, letting her lungs burn with his scent that never got less intoxicating.
"Thank you 'kuna, what would I do without you?"
The last few words came out slurred, but Sukuna understood everything, y/n's breathing got steadier against him.
"I don't know doll I'm just glad to have you here, I promised to take good care of you."
And just like that, y/n was fast asleep next to him, he didn't mind her uncomfortable couch one bit all he cared about was how at peace she looked. Maybe he would move her to her bed later, he couldn't bring himself to do it now.
The next morning, y/n found herself on her bed, Sukuna had almost woken her up getting ready before he left to go to work, but he managed to put her right back to sleep with a kiss on the forehead and a light "don't wake up yet doll".
Y/n made her way to the kitchen, Sukuna usually left a little letter for her on the nightstand by the bed, he must've been in a rush today.
Not quite the case.
Sukuna not only made her, her favourite breakfast, he also left post it notes in some places.
You suck at food shopping, thank me later.
Was written on her fridge.
So that's what all the bags were for, y/n didn't find out last night because of how tired she was, and how much fun she had being around sukuna.
He had filled up her fridge with everything she ever needed to make a meal for herself or have a snack. Let's be honest Sukuna just wanted to cook for her again.
Another post it was found in her bathroom cabinet.
You're probably gonna get mad at me for this but I'm not sorry, you deserve it.
The poor cabinet was stuffed to the brim with brand name skincare that made anyone's wallet scream in anguish and a lot of bathbombs. Upon closer look y/n almost cried at how attentive Sukuna was, he took extra care to look out for her skins needs.
Y/n found the last post it on her desk while she did her revision.
Don't overwork yourself doll, you've got me for that.
Y/n brought Sukuna cupcakes from seven different bakeries to try that day.
Bonus Domain shenanigans: "Sukuna left early again?"
Megumi asked, the day had been going pretty slow he wasn't surprised his friend dipped.
"Yeah, he left this behind though."
Geto held up a very nice looking white shop bag, a slight glimmer in his eye let the rest of his friends know he planned something.
"So? What's in it anyways?"
Gojo was resting his chin on his hand, blank expression on his face, completely unamused by Geto's discovery.
"Give me that"
Nanami swiftly snatched the bag, curious to see what was inside of it. He reached in and retrieved several wrapped round objects.
He questioned puzzled, but then his lips tugged upward.
Megumi, Nanami, Gojo and Geto, each got two bathbombs, and even though they would outright say it, they were pretty damn exited to drop them in their bathtubs. That's what Sukuna gets for avoiding clean up.
Sukuna entered the shop barely greeting anyone and begun looking around. Fuck he was looking for something, everyone tried to keep their composure.
"Have you seen a white bag?"
He finally looked at the group of men before him.
"like a backpack? No "
Megumi spoke, Sukuna begun thinking he was remembering everything wrong, that's untill he saw something sticking out of Geto's pocket. That's for sure a bathbomb he bought for y/n
"You motherfuckers, how low can you stoop to steal my girls bathbombs?"
Hey it's me again, though I'd add that here, if you have specific skin demands I tried to cover that in here so everyone can enjoy it, I have lots of allergies and skin concerns so I'm kinda sensitive to that stuff. Hope you had fun reading, remember to take it easy, untill next time :>
Tag list: (comment or message me and I’ll gladly add you)
@artist4theworld @skatercashew
@jjk-is-my-shit @ilovemarvel99
@thegaymadafakkasworld @readinghassavedmylife @ruler-of-the-skies
@jackysenpaii @rebenok-zimnayaya
@aam1na @sore-eyes@ryan249057 @goobygoobster @charlie-xo @kamisamaundercover
@stupid-simp33 @ciphersighs
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dolliedarlin · 2 years
I hope there aren’t any significant typos!!
Omg awwww 🥺 imagine when Mina and Y/n are on their cycles they get bad menstrual cramps so, whenever they need it Katsuki will drop what he’s doing to cuddles both of them in opposite arms while using his hands as heating pads. Sinces he’s been training his power for a long time he’s able to control the level of heat that radiates before he makes an explosion. Eeeeeeee he’s so soft for ‘his girls’
The whole thing about Mina and Y/n being the only girls is adorable to me, they are definitely treated like princess and i just know that their boyfriends (soulmates) are very protective of them, not because you and Mina aren’t capable but because you two are their surprised jewels!!! Thanks to good communication and self confidence everyone trust each-other so the protectiveness is very healthy;)))!
Like some weirdos randomly flirting with their gfs (Y/n and Mina), they think of it more as a flex because in all actuality their the ones taking them home every night!! 👀 Now this protectiveness kicks in when creepos start to cross a fine line, either getting more “adventurous” with their word use (disrespectful) or a BIGGG NONO touching Mina or Y/n in any way!
I also feel as if a little bit of instinctive jealousy kicks in for all of them when certain Pro-hero will try to “get at” Y/n at events.
I could go on and on about this topic, I’ll stop here for now :)!
regardless, my darling, i always love your lengthy scenario asks -^7^- i'm sorry it took me so long to reply
i can honestly Bakugou being the biggest softie for his girls, and when the others like to tease him about it, he doesn't even shrug it off, he admits it proudly that: "(Y/N) and Mina are my women and I'm going to take care of them when they need me! Now shut up and leave if you aren't going to be helpful!" - what a cutiepie - after that Mina and (Y/N) will give him a kiss each and he'd be hot at the cheeks too rather than just at his hands haha!
yes yes! there's protectiveness on both sides and for different things, the boys, take care of the girls' needs, since there's more of them they like to be in tune with their girls' wants and habits and cycles so that they can protect and provide where they can
- sero likes to be in tune with their music choice so he can blast them in the car and join in their karaoke, they'll even go on cute karaoke dates or play just dance on the Wii or their nintendo switch
- kaminari likes to be in tune with their favourite shows and movies so they can have movie/show marathons together whilst doing selfcare facemasks and stuff with their favourite snacks at hand - always at the ready - also i can see sero joining in for the occasional telenovela XD
- kirishima would be the one to be in tune with their little habits/hygiene habits and little necessities they need for each so that he can keep stock of their skincare products, hair care, shower care things and this all stemed from Mina and (Y/n) teaching him all about self pampering, ever since their selfcare night together, kiri's been almost as enthusiastic about it as they are!
- bakugou like you said would be in tune with their body's cycle and their eating habits, from the eating habits alone he helps keep track of their cycles and can cater their diets to be most beneficial for their period of the month - he's the one who has to be strict and give them tough love on reducing their takeout tendencies but he compensates by spoiling them with homemade cooking - anything for his girls <3
about their protectiveness, each guy definitely has a specific role XD : kaminari and sero are the first to intervene and try to settle things nicely so as not to cause a scene but if the creeps persist that's when our big beefy intimidating boys (kirishima and bakugou) step in, usually, just one downward glare from the two is enough to make the creeps leave but if things go too too far - the boys aren't above a beat down XD
in return Mina and (Y/N) protect their favourite boys from rumours and gossip, i imagine them being able to shut down anyone who start speaking anything ill about their favourite boys and they make sure that person stays down and unable to speak by being elegant and badass bishes! Mina and Yn they have a way of speak that makes the other person so embarrassed their the ones that have to leave and apologise for everything they've done - we love our dangerous and lethal girlboss duo <3
if you ever feel like going on about this topic ever, you know where to find me ;)
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gavin-plz-call-me · 3 years
i saw you did an nsfw alphabet for wannabe challenge so i was wondering if you could do one for tears of themis? i'd love to see one for artem
Hell yeah, alphabets are the only nsfw stuff I'm good at writing
Artem NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
-Stills inside/beside you for a moment while you both catch your breath, then he’s combing through your hair, peppering your body with loving kisses.
-Has wet wipes/tissues to help clean you up at arm's length, so if let’s be honest, when you whine about not wanting to leave his side just yet, he can help you clean up.
-If you’re still clingy after a while, this man will carry you to the bathroom to get the rest of the way cleaned up.
-If you find yourself in a more dominant role in the bedroom sub Artem? It’s more likely than you think be prepared to pepper that man with so much love and care.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
-His favorite body part of himself is his eyes. They’re a nice color, but I don’t think he thinks about his appearance too much.
-As for you, would it be cliche to say your brain?
-While your beauty was what attracted him first, your mind is what really sealed the deal.
-Your mouth is a close second, because it helps you voice your thoughts in that beautiful voice of yours and, I mean, if you wanted to give him a blow job too he wouldn’t be complaining…
-Is an ass man.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
-Is hesitant on deciding where to cum.
-He thinks cumming anywhere in/on you would not be a very pleasant experience for you.
-But in the heat of the moment, he’ll probably end up cumming inside you if he’s wearing protection, or on your thighs/ass if he’s not.
-When he cums, whether it be in you or on you, he’s grabbing you a tissue when he comes down from his high to clean you up.
-If you swallow his cum he’ll be a little disgusted, but a lot turned on.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
-Has masturbated in his office after you’ve left on multiple occasions.
-Sometimes the perfume you were wearing was extra enticing, sometimes what you were wearing made you look extra hot, and sometimes your presence alone is enough to get him hot and excited.
-Is mostly ashamed about the times he did it before you two were dating because it felt like an intrusion of your privacy.
-Once Celestine came to his office right after he finished and he was so mortified that she’d somehow be able to tell that he did something. She knew something was up because of how much he was blushing, but she didn’t know what exactly
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
-Big old virgin
-I’m not even saying that to be mean plus being a virgin isn’t bad it’s just true.
-Sure, his lack of experience may be a bit of a hindrance at first, but he’s a clean slate.
-He’s not gonna be doing some weird thing with your clit because a girl he was with before liked that.
-Train him to perfectly pleasure you, and, trust me, he’s a fast learner.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
-Your first few times together he only did missionary, because, while he knew there were other options, he didn’t know how to initiate them.
-As he got more experience, however, he grew to absolutely love doggy style.
-Loves your ass, so it’s an obvious choice. Plus, if he’s extra flustered, he can easily hide it.
-Grips your ass extra hard while kissing your neck and back. If he’s feeling extra brave, expect a few whispers about how good you feel.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
-He has his goofy moments, but most of the time he’s 100% serious.
-Whether it be because he’s concentrating on learning how to pleasure you correctly, or, when he’s gained a bit of experience, just concentrating on both of your pleasure.
-I feel like as you guys get closer, however, an awkward moment may turn into a brief bout of giggles shared between the two of you before continuing.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
-Shaved himself completely when you two started dating.
-Was convinced you’d be disgusted by any hair down there. My poor insecure baby
-When he gets more comfortable around you, he’ll let it grow out, but he still trims it to keep it neat.
-Carpets match the drapes.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
-Is a whore for a sexy, romantic atmosphere.
-I’m talking rose petals, candles, and a couple of glasses of non-alcoholic wine.
-Wanna have the most romantic love-making session imaginable? Set all of that up for him instead of the other way around.
-He’ll be so in love with you at that moment he’ll have no choice but to give you the best orgasms you’ve ever had.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
-Before meeting you, he jacked off maybe once or twice a week, and it was more of something he had to do than something he wanted to do.
-When he met you, he thought you were the most attractive person he’d ever seen, so his sex drive and, naturally, his masturbation sessions increased.
-Increased to every other day, maybe every day. He tried to not think of you during these times as he felt it was an invasion of privacy emphasis on tried.
-After finally getting together with you, his sessions have decreased back down to once or twice a week.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
-Likes having sex in his office, but that’s the most public space he’ll do it in.
-Also loves it when you’re slightly dominant on him.
-Doesn’t want to do any of the more kinky stuff, tying him or you, depending on his mood with a tie is about as far as he’ll go.
-But just take charge, he loves it.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
-Can’t go wrong with the good old fucking in bed. It’s easy, comfortable, and you guys can take as long as you want.
-Get him riled up at work by wearing something that beautifully shows of your ass, or make sure he knows you’re wearing that pair of panties you know he loves or, fuck it, no panties at all he’ll polietly ask you into his office so he can fuck your brains out.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
-Loves when you assert yourself, especially at work.
-Get all confident during a trial because you know you’re going to win? That’s all the motivation he needs.
-Does not help his productivity at all, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
-Expect to fuck after a trial, extra hard if you won.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
-No threesomes/group sex.
-It’s not even because he’ll get jealous okay maybe a bit of that but you were his first and only. Everything he’s learned about sex has been about specifically pleasuring you, he wouldn’t know where to begin when having sex with other people.
-He’s more than content with you being his one and only.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
-Not skilled at the beginning like all things sexual, but he’s a fast learner.
-Good communication is key here, as it is in all aspects of sex with Artem. Guide him to where you want to be pleasured, praise him when you really like what he’s doing, and give him some delicious moans and he’ll be a pro at fucking you with his tounge alone in no time.
-Is too shy to ask for you to go down on him, and will insist you don’t have to when you try to initiate it.
-Ignore him and do it, the noises you draw from him are absolutely worth it.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
-Starts off at a weird middle ground sort of pace, not fast and not slow.
-Is fond of slow and sensual when he grows more experienced, but will occasionally get rough with you.
-That usually happens when he gets a bit too jealous of a guy who got a bit too close to you for your liking.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
- doesn’t really have a choice in the matter at the beginning, mr. 30 seconds (sorry Artem)
-For real, he prefers longer love-making sessions, but if you’re teasing him in the office a quickie will ensue.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
-Grows more confident the more the two of you have sex.
-He does like fucking in his office, so he likes a bit of risk, but there being too many people in the office, or the chance of Celestine walking in at anytime, Artem would much rather feign working on a case and take you home.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
-At first, like most virgin boys, his stamina is basically nonexistent.
-Let him take his time, he’ll get to fucking you until the sun rises in no time at all.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
-Has never thought about getting one for himself when his hand does the job well enough.
-Is very open to using toys on you in the bedroom, especially when he’s feeling insecure about his ability to please you which happens often, scream his name and make him forget those insecurities.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
-Not a teaser in the slightest.
-You want something specific in the bedroom? He’s already doing it, you barely have to ask.
-On the flip side, sort of loves it when you’re unfair to him.
-Just barely touch him and stop at the brink of his orgasm, he gets a sick sort of pleasure from that.
-It also helps him gain more control over himself in the bedroom, so it’s a win-win.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
-May try to stay quiet, after all, in all the porn he’s watched which isn’t a lot because I feel like watching it makes him feel uncomfortable the man is always basically silent.
-That does not work out for him, though. He gets so overwhelmed with pleasure that he can’t control what his vocal cords are doing.
-Gains a bit more control over it over time, but he realizes you like his moans, so he stops trying to keep them at bay.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
-Is a total switch.
-Can be pretty dominant at some times see his atmospheric card
-But I can totally see him wanting you to dom him sometimes. Loves seeing you dominate the court, if you bring that energy to bed, oh boy is he like putty in your hands.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
-He’s of average girth and slightly above average length. Has a nice, thick vein that runs the length of his penis.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
-Has a very active imagination how else would he become such a great lawyer?
-And while that helps him out in his work, anything about you can really set him off.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
-Is out like a light
-Especially the first few times, his body doesn’t know what hit him.
-But even after a while, he works so hard that the moment he has the chance to fall asleep, his body is taking that chance.
-Make sures to stay up long enough to get cleaned off and help you clean yourself up.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Heyyy, I hope you’re doing ok! I love ur blog and I know we’re strangers who will possibly never meet but Recently, the little things have pushed me over the edge and close to an anxiety attack I presume but I’ve been using knitting and crochet to cope. It sounds weird Ik, but may u do the brothers and Undateables with an MC who does that and MC just ends up making so much stuff in one day that she gives it away to them. I’m so sorry if it’s weird, pls feel free to choose whether to do it or not but this blog has made me a little happier than before, thank you for reading and being here!
I actually use to do knitting, never finished anything and lost interest but it was really calming and fun. Couldn't keep my attention for long as it was very repetitive and got boring quickly but I always just genuinely enjoyed it despite that?
Stress knitting seems like the most wholesome way to handle anxiety and stress, it helps you focus on something else, you're being productive and having fun aswell as being safe! Though do be careful with the needles
And thank you for being here and supporting me, I'm glad I could make you feel even a little bit happier, a small amount of happiness is better than none! So thank you for making my night with how kind you are! Your habit and anxiety relief isn't weird at all, I don't see how it could be weird tbh
Sorry this took so long, I feel stupid now but I got really stumped on some of them on what to make but now I'm laughing at myself due to how obvious they were
You made him mug holders and now it's all he uses
"It's very useful, I'll take extra care of it - no need to worry."
He can handle the heat but he must use what you've made
You even made a massive sweater and socks for Cerberus
How you got his dogs measurements is beyond him but it was the most prominent things he uses from your biggest pile
But he was no fool, he knew you
He knew your habits and how you've grown more anxious
He isn't always the most available person with his emotions and with his schedule
But he was always willing to listen to your issues
You made him a money pouch - how could he not be happy??!!
He loves jingling it to hear all his latest 'finds'
What was even better you made him a sweater he got to wear for his modeling job and show off to Everyone
That article was an interesting find
"CHECK IT! everyone loved your sweater! I say we can make a bussiness with this."
But when you come handing him a large bag full of your latest projects he can't help but raise a brow
He's greedy, he loves being showered in gifts
But he knew you, he took note on your emotional
He got pouty but he hugged your shoulders
Reminding you that you can always come to him and he'll make you feel better
You made him knitted wrist support, for his long gaming sessions
He wears them pretty much everyday at this point
Not only are they comfortable and helpful
But you made them! Specifically for him! For him to use! YOU MADE IT!
Has bragged to his gaming friends about it one too many times
"My player 2 is obviously better than yours, does yours knit cute things for you? I thought so."
Also you made him a crotchet plush of his favourite animal crossing chatacter, he prefers the Devildom version of the game but he's a sucker for bright cute things
Anything he could he'd either put in on his desk or on his figure cupboards
But when you come in with a massive pile, strained smile he felt himself panic
You both have anxiety, you were comrades in it! So of course he knew how knitting was part of your coping mechanism
He felt annoyed and worried on why you weren't coming to him but quickly calmed himself down, when he saw he patted your head
Explaining you can always come to him because you're in this together
He definitely stole a line or two from his latest favourite media
Crotchet chair cat paw socks was his favourite out of the pile
"They're little paws..... I need these for all my furniture!"
His second favourite is the baggy sweater you knitted for him
He's going to cherish these gifts until he dies
Which could be never
Though even in death he'd be keeping what you've made him
Worried about the massive increase as he knows it's coping for your anxiety
He's read books about anxiety so he has a fair amount of knowledge on it
Insists you can always come to him when you're worried
He adored everything you made!
The sweater had little holes in them? He doesn't care and even smirks at the holes
"wanting to expose my beautiful skin~? I don't blame you."
Made a scarf? He'll wear that instead of his usual black one
Just knitted squares or unwearable things? Proudly shows off your work
Is concerned you've been so ridden with anxiety
He wants to help as much as he can, he has teas and bath scents for these kind of things
Just say the word and he'll bring all of it out
A crotchet layered burger he can take apart because it's velcro-ed together??!
It's like a real burger!
He tries not to bite or chew on it but it has happened before
Would feel awful if he accidentally ripped it
"I love it, are you going to make more?"
Didn't expect for you to actually make more
As time went on he learned that it helps you calm down from anxiety
So he especially didn't expect you to come in with a massive bag full of your latest creation's
He immediately got worried
You wanted to show them off to distract your mind but he just grabbed your head
Gently moving it so you looked at him
He told you he wants to help and he'll be there for you, no matter what and no matter when
You made him w blanket - you know how young children are normally seen with baby blankets? Just always carrying them around
Yeah that's him
"You can't make me take it off Lucifer-! This is MY gift from (Y/N) and I'm going to make sure everyone sees it!"
Always showing off the blanket you made him by carrying it around or having it wrapped around him
He loves it! He also loves the pillow covers you made! It helps spice up his pillow collection
But you can't hide your anxiety from him, he goes out of his way to give people it
And soon he found out how kitting was a coping mechanism
He felt a little special you were making him things because it calmed you down but also worried about your mental health
The concern RISED when you were in the attic, placing and organising the big pile you had
He hugged you and flopped onto the bed
Telling you that he'll look after you and you can tell him what's wrong, stress naps are always welcomed with him
Didn't expect to find such a huge pile of new stuff in his room
He saw mug holders and mits
Horn warmers
And his favourite- a shawl with tassels, he immediately wrapped it around him and refused to take it off
He's going to wear this everywhere no matter his outfit
"Barbatos can be strict but I'll wear this no matter what, if I even see a spec of dirty on it I'll make sure to get it cleaned with delicate care."
But then it hit him, you become more active with your hobby when you become anxious
He immediately got to you, asking you if you're okay
He's ready to charge your whole class schedule if he has to
You crocheted desserts and he never felt so much warmth and love in his heart
Almost collapsed from sweetness when he found a knitted pair of gloves in the big pile of your creation's
Appreciates the gifts alot
"these are marvelous, I look forward to see what else you make."
Brings you calming teas as a thank you, understanding your anxiety must be high
Offers a shoulder to cry on and happy to take time out of his schedule to listen to your worries
He asks you to teach him so he can make things like you
He wants to repay you for all the things you've given him
Has a whole room dedicated to everything you've ever made and given him
Whenever he has guests he likes to take them to check out your creations
"Come and admire my collection, My apprentice made these, aren't they neat?"
The potion sacks you've made are extremely useful
Aswell as the coldrain mat
Can sense your anxious energy in the newest creation's and gets concerned
He'll invite you over to talk about what's wrong
Let's you to take your time incase you're comfortable to talk
His favourite amongst the massive pile was a cute crotchet octopus
It was nicely stuffed and felt so nice to rest his head on
Others that peaked his fancy were the long wrist warmers you made, the way you made it made it look like lace
Aswell as a shawl and the very well made bag to store his books in
"You're so thoughtful, I'll treasure them all."
But he noticed just how worked up you've been and knew your anxious habits
Sat you down for tea to ask what how you're feeling and if could help
Also offers to be a guardian angel and make sure you don't get so anxious
If he can he'll wear an entire outfit made out of your knitting
Is in awe how much you gave him
Almost died with Happiest when you knitted him a new hat
The crotchet wings you made just made him bounce with joy
He loves everything!!!
"I'm going to wear everything you've made and carry the little crochet puppy with me everywhere! I promise I'll take good care of him!"
Though will always check in on you
Once he's learned you do it more or only when you're really anxious he'll want to do everything he can to help
Has looked up guides on how to help people with their anxiety and panic attacks
He's going to be your guardian angel!
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